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How To Manifest Anything You Want In Life
With The Power Of The Spoken Word
©2013 – All Rights Reserved
LEGAL INFORMATION: This A2I Mindset Mojo is free to distribute to anyone you'd like to share “The Power”
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Minsdset Mojo with others, create your free account today at
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Common sense dictates that this system is not guaranteed to produce results for
everyone. To get results with Mindset Mojo requires that you follow the system, precisely, everyday for 90 days.
Individual results WILL vary.
“Love everyone, forgive everything...
“Here's what I can tell you based on experience... we ARE
NOT alone. Call it God, call it The Universe, call it whatever
you want to call it...
… the bottom line is that there is someone or something there
that will give us whatever we want when we ask and believe
we have received it and give thanks for it.”
Rex Harris
“When TWO OF YOU ASK anything
in agreement, IT WILL BE DONE for
you...” Matthew 15:18
My name is Rex Harris. On behalf of my friend and business partner
Rodney Coleman we'd like to welcome you to Mindset Mojo!
For a long time, life was a struggle... especially from a financial standpoint. It didn't
matter what I did I couldn't seem to get ahead. It didn't matter what I tried, how many
jobs I worked or how many opportunities I put money and time into.
Life was a series of ups and downs, highs and lows. It was
depressing, discouraging and frightening at times.
One day I watched a webinar that shed a whole new light on how the top Internet
marketers get to where they are. At first I was so mad that I could hardly stand it. I
was shocked to hear one of them finally admit that it was 90% mindset and 10%
Initially I went into following this “plan of action” to prove them wrong. What I quickly
realized is that the person who shared this information with us was right...
You can actually speak and think the life of your dreams into
existence, and rather quickly I might add, if you will just make the
decision to follow the right plan of action!
Today, by God's grace and the patience of my amazing wife, I operate a successful
and very profitable home based business.
What Rodney and I are giving you in Mindset Mojo works when you follow it to the
letter. Conceptually it's simple... but I will forewarn you, it's not going to be easy.
What we are sharing with you is going to change
your life in the past, present and future!
WARNING: Read through all 12 steps before you decide whether
or not this is right for you. Do not start Mindset Mojo if you are
not ready to follow through with it, whatever it takes!
That being said, don't let certain steps throw you off if you want to be completely free
in 90 days. Do not let the Ego plant seeds of doubt in your mind.
There's nothing in the 12 steps you can't do, or can't have, if you want it bad enough.
You CAN do it, we BELIEVE in you and we LOVE marketers and home business
All that's required is the commitment to start. Everything else will fall into place.
You're a Winner and we are
going to prove it!
What Is Mindset Mojo?
Mindset Mojo is a 90 day plan of action for complete life transformation. This is “the
ELUSIVE Secret” to success as an Internet marketer, network marketer and home
business owner.
Follow it daily for 90 days and you're life will transform!
This is a personal development system that is going to challenge your beliefs and
cause you to question the truth about who you really are. Not everything we learned,
or was imposed upon us, as children was true. You'll be amazed, as you start your
transformation, how much of what we've heard, touched and even tasted is just an
Mindset Mojo CAN assist in connecting you with your purpose
and manifest your greatest desires, including riches!
• Some will laugh, some will cry, some will transform.
• Some will feel and change nothing.
• Some will turn their backs on drugs and alcohol forever!
• Some will grace the stage and share their “rags to riches”, weight
loss or other story of amazing transformation in theaters and arenas
around the world!
• Some will share their stories in the social media and on TV!
• Some will do nothing at all.
• Some will wonder what if I would had taken action... ?
How bad do you really want what you really want?
What are you willing to do, right now, to step into your
Power and receive what's yours by Divine right?
Don't make excuses, make time and find a way:
One of the things I hear from people constantly is “Rex, I don't have time for all of this.”
My reply to them is “Make time if you want it bad enough.”
“When you want it as bad as a drowning man wants
air, then you will have it!” - Bill Britt
• Excuse: “But Rex, I have to mow the lawn.” Solution: “Download the Master
Key System on mp3, that we give away for free, and listen to it while you mow
the lawn, work in the garden, wash the dishes, etc.” Listening is just as effective
as reading, sometimes more so for many people.
• Excuse: “But Rodneyl, I have to take care of my kids.” Solution: “Great! Get
your kids into the Game Of Life by doing “I Am” proclamations with them.”
• Excuse: “But Rex, I don't want people to think I'm crazy.” Solution: “Who
cares what other people think?” We need more crazy happy people in the
• Excuse: “But Rodneyl, I don't want to lose my friends.” Solution: “If they are
true friends they are going to support you. If they doubt, ridicule, condemn or
judge you then disconnect from them... they aren't your friend.”
The Mindset Mojo 12 Step Daily Plan Of Action
Here are the 12 daily steps to incorporate into your life starting right
now, the moment your feet hit the floor tomorrow morning and every
other morning for the rest of your life... We believe in you !!!
Step 1: Get Your “Gratitude” On - Start giving thanks, out loud, for everything in
your line of sight right now. Give thanks for the device you are reading this PDF on,
right now. Give thanks for Mindset Mojo. Give thanks for Internet as a way to connect
with people. Give thanks for anything you have not given thanks for already today.
Give thanks for your family and friends.
This is the key that opens the gates to Abundance!
You will probably feel a noticeable difference in your physiology... something like
the sensation that there is an energy radiating from your body as you continue
to give thanks for the things you've already been blessed with!
Continue in gratitude and thanksgiving until you feel a sense of peace begin to fill the
space within the core of the body. If you feel tears come on, let them flow.
Put all of your emotion into giving thanks for the blessings you already have in your
life. Demonstrate to God and the Universe that you are truly grateful.
The Master Key System teaches “That much gathers
more is true on all planes of existence.”
When we get into gratitude it demonstrates that we are living with the awareness of
the abundance we already have, so more will be added.
Step 2: Forgiveness & Surrender – (failure to forgive blocks abundance) No
matter how great the offense against you, forgive it now. No matter how badly you
may have been hurt, forgive the offender and let it go forever. Say this out loud...
“I now freely forgive and release __________________ for
(whatever they did to you). As I forgive, I am forgiven.”
Repeat that for any offense held against any person in your life. If you are struggling
with this (and many will as some offenses hurt deeply), ask God to show you how to
surrender with this prayer...
“Please show me how to surrender. Thank you, thank you, thank
you for showing me how to surrender.”
Any time you ask God (The Universe, Your Creator) for something, it is given.
Whether or not you believe and receive is your choice.
Believe you have received anything you have asked for with
thanksgiving because when you ask it IS done for you.
The reason most people don't manifest from Spirit to form is because they give up.
Whatever you are holding against another, let it go! It's only hurting you more by not
releasing it. Remember, everything exposed to light becomes light!
Step 3: Proclamations – No matter how it may feel or despite any fear or doubt you
may have regarding proclamations, say the following out loud with feeling.
Mean it because YOU ARE IT! You are sensational! You
have a purpose inside of you that, once you access it, is
going to transform the lives of others when you share it.
I Am Powerful
I Am Strong
I Am A Leader
I Am Rich
I Am Free
I Am Loved
I Am Love
I Am Forgiving
I Am Forgiven
I Am Wealthy
Feel free to add to this list based on your wants and desires!
Recommended Reading: Proclamations from Florence Scovel Shinn
Recommended Video 1: Joel Osteen – The Power Of I Am
Recommended Video 2: Tony Robbins – The Difference Between A Winner And A Loser
Step 4: Read – Leaders are readers!
Choose a personal development resource and begin to
study it for 15 to 30 minutes daily.
We recommend you start with the following book, especially if your desire is to
manifest money quickly.
The Game Of Life And How To Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn
Full Audio Book Free | Full PDF Free
You can read it for free online or buy all of her work for Kinde, via Amazon, for less
than $7 by searching “The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn”.
The Bible, The Master Key System, A Course In Miracles and The Game Of Life And
How To Play It are all outstanding choices. You will also benefit from...
• Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
• The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
• The Fifth Agreement by don Jose and don Miguel Ruiz
• How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
• Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
• Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
• Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
• The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
• Living and Inspired, Empowered and Joy-filled Life by The Possibility Coaches
• The Alchemy of True Success by Jaden Sterling
Get the Kindle app for your phone and buy the books for Kindle through Amazon. If
you don't read well then buy books on audio.
Make personal study part of everyday, starting today. Whatever any of these
books show you to do, do it. If they tell you to write something down, write it down. If
they tell you to say something out loud, do it.
Action shows true faith and causes the
Universe to take action on your behalf!
Click here for PsiTek free personal development archive.
Step 5: Ask - “Ask and it is given. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be
Get clear on what you want, what you want to do
and where you want to go in life!
Think back to that one thing you wanted to BE when you were a child. If you don't
believe that's possible anymore then think of the one thing you will do, everyday, when
you transform and can do whatever you want whenever you want with whomever you
want to do it with.
• Fishing (Ask for and visualize becoming a tournament fisherman or charter boat
captain if that's what you like. Perhaps envision becoming a philanthropist who
takes underprivileged kids charter fishing or who has set up a charity to
reconnect families through fishing.)
You can do or be whatever you want to be and it's NEVER to
late if you are willing to accept the fact that what you
“perceive” with the eyes is NOT reality. Reality comes from
within and flows from within into “the without”.
What do you want out of life more than anything? Ask God for that and it's yours.
Believe you have received and you shall have.
Do you want to travel the world and speak on stage? Visualize it! Do you want to go
an exotic vacations and meet new and exciting people? Visualize it!
As the Master Key System teaches...
“Live the Spirit of these things until they
become yours by right. It will then become
impossible to keep them from you.”
Step 6: Visualize 10 To 15 Minutes 2 Times Per Day – Go to a quiet place in your
house, office, etc. and begin to visualize receiving what you have asked for.
You are a Spirit being in a physical body, not the other way
around. When you ask and give thanks, follow with
visualization that you have received. Believe you have
received what you have asked for now, because you have.
There is no time in Divine Mind so don't allow the illusion of time to cause you to
believe you have not received, because you have. Continue to visualize the
reception of what you have asked for and it will appear on the physical plane.
If you have issues with racing thoughts, all of that noise can be shut off. Section 11 on
Prayer and Meditation will point you to the resources that will guide you through the
The second key that unlocks unlimited abundance...
Visualizing in Unison with One Another
Jesus Christ said (recorded in the book of Matthew, Chapter 18)...
18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven:
and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any
thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the
midst of them.
Florence Scovel Shinn wrote in..
“The Game Of Life And How To Play It”
“ this instance the man could never have demonstrated alone. He needed someone to
help him hold to the vision. This is what one man can do for another.
Jesus Christ knew the truth of this when he said: "If two of you shall agree on Earth as
touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in
One gets too close to his own affairs and becomes doubtful and fearful. The friend or
"healer" sees clearly the success, health, or prosperity, and never wavers, because he is not
close to the situation.
It is much easier to "demonstrate" for someone else than for one's self, so a person should
not hesitate to ask for help, if he feels himself wavering.”
Recommended Movie: The Secret – Click Here To Watch
Step 7: Exercise And Eat Right – We don't need to go into detail here. Most
everyone on planet Earth knows what they should and shouldn't be doing with diet and
Anyone can make better food choices and most can
walk, at the very least, to get the body moving.
“There isn't ANY perceived “medical condition” that cannot be overcome through
asking for health, believing you have received it, giving thanks for it and demonstrating
you have received through visualization and taking action”
“My problem wasn't ADD or ADHD when I was a kid... my problem
was BTD, Boring Teacher Disorder, that's what I had.” - David Wood
Step 8: Create A Video Per Day For 90 Days – Document the entire journey and put
in on YouTube. Videos need only be two to three minutes in length. It doesn't matter
what you look like, what you sound like or how you feel, just do it.
• Video 1: Introduce yourself and what you are doing to transform your life
for the next 90 days. Do not mention System 90 in your first video. The object
of this video is to brand your presence on the Internet with your name, your face
and your transformation.
The transformation process inspires followers
and attracts leaders to you!
• Video 2: Share what you are learning. If you are reading the Bible, find a
verse of scripture that speaks to you and teach it to others. Learn, do and teach
• Video 3: Repeat the process daily. As new ideas and inspirations come, put
them into the video.
If you don't have a video camera, sit down in from of your computer and use the
webcam on your laptop. If you don't have a webcam use your mobile phone. If you
don't have a video camera in your mobile phone call a friend who has one and ask
them to borrow a video camera.
You can also buy simple hand held video cameras on Amazon for Less than $90.
Step 9: Blog About It – Set up a blog, embed the video from YouTube (or other
hosting source) into the blog post.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all blogging platforms are created the same and some of them
have been black listed on Google. If you don't already have a blog, click here, to get the
same mobile, viral blogging platform we use to create blogs posts in just minutes,
Include your passion in your blog! If you like to fish, play
golf, cook, camp, hike, work out, create things, fix cars or
work in the garden... whatever you like to do, incorporate
that into your videos and blog as well.
Ads To Infinity will teach you everything you need to know about generating
quality, niche targeted traffic through the search engines and social media.
We provide live training every week. We already have a large archive of simple to
follow videos that will walk you through the process of blogging, even if you've never
blogged before.
Step 10: Share It In The Social Media – Once you have published your blog post
begin sharing it in the social media. Social media resources to use include...
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Friend Feed
• YouTube
• Linked In
• Stumble Upon
• Digg
• Pinterest
• MySpace (yes, start using MySpace again. We'll show you why in an upcoming
team training)
• Reddit
• Google Plus
… and any other social media resource you may be using. We discuss these
resources regularly on our live team trainings. We show our team how to use them for
business regularly.
A good blogging system will have social sharing
buttons built in to make it easy for your readers to
share your content and videos with others.
Step 11: Prayer And Meditation – God/Your Creator/The Universe are your Source
and Supply.
You were wonderfully made by Our Creator for a specific purpose and
mission so it's important to communicate with Our Creator all the time.
This is accomplished through prayer and meditation.
Learning to quiet the mind and listen to the voice of All That Is will get you connected
with Source and clear in regard to your purpose.
Many people think that you have to go to a room by yourself, get quiet, sit upright or sit
one the floor with your legs crossed. All of these techniques are useful, but you can
actually put yourself into a meditative, trance-like state easily once you learn how.
Here's an introduction to meditation and exercise for the elimination or racing
1.) Find a comfortable chair, turn off all distractions and sit down with your arms
resting on the arm rest or comfortably in your lap.
2.) Sitting upright so your spine is aligned straight, keeping your eyes open, shift
your focus to your breathing.
3.) Take three to five long, deep breaths and exhale slowly... you will feel your body
begin to relax.
4.) Now find a point in the room, where you are sitting, and focus your attention on
that spot.
5.) Take another three to five short long breaths, relaxing the muscles behind your
eyes. As your eyes get heavier, and you can no longer keep them open, allow
them to close.
6.) With each breath, imagine you are relaxing five times more than you are right
now through a count of five breaths.
7.) On a scale of 1 to 10, now rate your level of relaxation. If you are a 1 through 5,
start over at step one. If you are a 6 or 7, take another three to five shorter
breaths and re-evaluate.
8.) Once your at 8 take a moment to see what's going on in your mind. Are there
any thoughts there now? Whether there are or there aren't thoughts there, right
now, imagine you are standing at a large chalk board with an eraser in your
hand. On that chalk board, from one end to another, are all of your thoughts
represented in what's written.
9.) From right to left begin erasing what's on the chalk board until it's completely
Once the board is completely clean... slowly open your eyes.
Feel how relaxed you are right now?
Repeat this as often as needed.
Recommended Training: The Master Key System by Charles Haanel
Recommended Audio: Practicing The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Step 12: Conversational Marketing/Networking – Conversational Networking
online is one of the most effective ways to build brand recognition fast. The key, as
Dale Carnegie teaches it in “How to Win Friends and Influence People” to focus on the
needs and wants of others...
“Network marketing is the art and science of empowering,
communicating and building a relationship with another human being
based on their wants and needs, not mine or yours.” - Val Smyth
It's also a great way to generate sign ups and sales as you build contact lists in social
networks like Facebook, Linked In, IBO Toolbox, etc.
Click here to watch our free video series To Conversational Marketing
Mindset Mojo Daily Plan
Condensed Version: Print this section and hang it on the
wall, post in on the refrigerator as a constant reminder to
say on the path you have chosen!
1.) Wake up and give thanks for everything you've been blessed with
2.) Forgive everyone, including yourself, and surrender the day to God (daily incantation is
“love everyone, forgive everything, fear nothing!” Start using that all day everyday and the
abundance of life just starts to show up when you ask!
3.) Begin proclamations and continue them throughout the day, out loud as much as
possible (a great time to do proclamations is while showering, exercising or driving in the car)
4.) Reading and Studies (listen to an audio, watch a video, read in a book. Make use of all
time gaps like driving or riding in a car, riding the bus, the subway, on an airplane, boat or
however you get from point a to point b)
5.) Ask God for anything you desire (Note: If you've already asked for something specific,
you have received it. Don't ask again, this demonstrates you don't believe you have received.)
6.) Visualize (visualizing is living what you've asked for now. If want to be a millionaire then
visualize, act, think, breath, eat and live like a millionaire. If you don't know how to do that,
learn how by reading books and studying)
7.) Exercise and Eat Right (make eating a Spiritual ritual. Take your time, enjoy your food.
Give thanks before and after eating every meal or snack. Drink plenty of water, spring water is
8.) Video (follow the steps outlined above for creating a new video daily for 90 days)
9.) Blog (Blog daily about your journey and transformation. Blog about things you have
learned, experiences that have come through creative thoughts and speaking your reality into
existence. Blog about body transformation if you are working to reduce body weight, etc.)
10.)Share Your Content in the social media using the resources outlined above
11.)Pray and Meditate everyday (This is a great way to generate Spiritual energy that will carry
you throughout the day. Also useful if you feel yourself running low on energy in the afternoon
and great to go to sleep doing)
12.)Conversational Networking (follow the instructions in the video from above for best
conversational networking practices)
Join Us On Facebook
Click here to join us on Facebook and get plugged into our support team today!
Also watch your email for more videos and training coming soon!
Want to learn more now?
Click here for a live, free, no sales pitch, no hassle
“planning session” and let us show you how to build
YOUR online business in 15 minutes or less!
To your new life and unlimited success!
Rodney Coleman and Rex Harris

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Mindset Mojo

  • 1. Ads To Infinity presents... MINDSET Mojo How To Manifest Anything You Want In Life With The Power Of The Spoken Word ©2013 – All Rights Reserved LEGAL INFORMATION: This A2I Mindset Mojo is free to distribute to anyone you'd like to share “The Power” with but it may never be sold for individual resale. For more information on how to make money by sharing Minsdset Mojo with others, create your free account today at EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Common sense dictates that this system is not guaranteed to produce results for everyone. To get results with Mindset Mojo requires that you follow the system, precisely, everyday for 90 days. Individual results WILL vary.
  • 2. “Love everyone, forgive everything... FEAR NOTHING!” “Here's what I can tell you based on experience... we ARE NOT alone. Call it God, call it The Universe, call it whatever you want to call it... … the bottom line is that there is someone or something there that will give us whatever we want when we ask and believe we have received it and give thanks for it.” Rex Harris “When TWO OF YOU ASK anything in agreement, IT WILL BE DONE for you...” Matthew 15:18
  • 3. Introduction... My name is Rex Harris. On behalf of my friend and business partner Rodney Coleman we'd like to welcome you to Mindset Mojo! For a long time, life was a struggle... especially from a financial standpoint. It didn't matter what I did I couldn't seem to get ahead. It didn't matter what I tried, how many jobs I worked or how many opportunities I put money and time into. Life was a series of ups and downs, highs and lows. It was depressing, discouraging and frightening at times. One day I watched a webinar that shed a whole new light on how the top Internet marketers get to where they are. At first I was so mad that I could hardly stand it. I was shocked to hear one of them finally admit that it was 90% mindset and 10% mechanics. Initially I went into following this “plan of action” to prove them wrong. What I quickly realized is that the person who shared this information with us was right... You can actually speak and think the life of your dreams into existence, and rather quickly I might add, if you will just make the decision to follow the right plan of action! . Today, by God's grace and the patience of my amazing wife, I operate a successful and very profitable home based business. What Rodney and I are giving you in Mindset Mojo works when you follow it to the letter. Conceptually it's simple... but I will forewarn you, it's not going to be easy. What we are sharing with you is going to change your life in the past, present and future! WARNING: Read through all 12 steps before you decide whether or not this is right for you. Do not start Mindset Mojo if you are not ready to follow through with it, whatever it takes!
  • 4. That being said, don't let certain steps throw you off if you want to be completely free in 90 days. Do not let the Ego plant seeds of doubt in your mind. There's nothing in the 12 steps you can't do, or can't have, if you want it bad enough. You CAN do it, we BELIEVE in you and we LOVE marketers and home business owners. All that's required is the commitment to start. Everything else will fall into place. You're a Winner and we are going to prove it! What Is Mindset Mojo? Mindset Mojo is a 90 day plan of action for complete life transformation. This is “the ELUSIVE Secret” to success as an Internet marketer, network marketer and home business owner. Follow it daily for 90 days and you're life will transform! This is a personal development system that is going to challenge your beliefs and cause you to question the truth about who you really are. Not everything we learned, or was imposed upon us, as children was true. You'll be amazed, as you start your transformation, how much of what we've heard, touched and even tasted is just an illusion. Mindset Mojo CAN assist in connecting you with your purpose and manifest your greatest desires, including riches! • Some will laugh, some will cry, some will transform. • Some will feel and change nothing.
  • 5. • Some will turn their backs on drugs and alcohol forever! • Some will grace the stage and share their “rags to riches”, weight loss or other story of amazing transformation in theaters and arenas around the world! • Some will share their stories in the social media and on TV! • Some will do nothing at all. • Some will wonder what if I would had taken action... ? How bad do you really want what you really want? What are you willing to do, right now, to step into your Power and receive what's yours by Divine right? Don't make excuses, make time and find a way: One of the things I hear from people constantly is “Rex, I don't have time for all of this.” My reply to them is “Make time if you want it bad enough.” “When you want it as bad as a drowning man wants air, then you will have it!” - Bill Britt • Excuse: “But Rex, I have to mow the lawn.” Solution: “Download the Master Key System on mp3, that we give away for free, and listen to it while you mow the lawn, work in the garden, wash the dishes, etc.” Listening is just as effective as reading, sometimes more so for many people. • Excuse: “But Rodneyl, I have to take care of my kids.” Solution: “Great! Get your kids into the Game Of Life by doing “I Am” proclamations with them.” • Excuse: “But Rex, I don't want people to think I'm crazy.” Solution: “Who cares what other people think?” We need more crazy happy people in the
  • 6. world! • Excuse: “But Rodneyl, I don't want to lose my friends.” Solution: “If they are true friends they are going to support you. If they doubt, ridicule, condemn or judge you then disconnect from them... they aren't your friend.” The Mindset Mojo 12 Step Daily Plan Of Action Here are the 12 daily steps to incorporate into your life starting right now, the moment your feet hit the floor tomorrow morning and every other morning for the rest of your life... We believe in you !!! Step 1: Get Your “Gratitude” On - Start giving thanks, out loud, for everything in your line of sight right now. Give thanks for the device you are reading this PDF on, right now. Give thanks for Mindset Mojo. Give thanks for Internet as a way to connect with people. Give thanks for anything you have not given thanks for already today. Give thanks for your family and friends. This is the key that opens the gates to Abundance! You will probably feel a noticeable difference in your physiology... something like the sensation that there is an energy radiating from your body as you continue to give thanks for the things you've already been blessed with! Continue in gratitude and thanksgiving until you feel a sense of peace begin to fill the space within the core of the body. If you feel tears come on, let them flow. Put all of your emotion into giving thanks for the blessings you already have in your life. Demonstrate to God and the Universe that you are truly grateful. The Master Key System teaches “That much gathers more is true on all planes of existence.”
  • 7. When we get into gratitude it demonstrates that we are living with the awareness of the abundance we already have, so more will be added. Step 2: Forgiveness & Surrender – (failure to forgive blocks abundance) No matter how great the offense against you, forgive it now. No matter how badly you may have been hurt, forgive the offender and let it go forever. Say this out loud... “I now freely forgive and release __________________ for (whatever they did to you). As I forgive, I am forgiven.” Repeat that for any offense held against any person in your life. If you are struggling with this (and many will as some offenses hurt deeply), ask God to show you how to surrender with this prayer... “Please show me how to surrender. Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing me how to surrender.” Any time you ask God (The Universe, Your Creator) for something, it is given. Whether or not you believe and receive is your choice. Believe you have received anything you have asked for with thanksgiving because when you ask it IS done for you. The reason most people don't manifest from Spirit to form is because they give up. Whatever you are holding against another, let it go! It's only hurting you more by not releasing it. Remember, everything exposed to light becomes light! Step 3: Proclamations – No matter how it may feel or despite any fear or doubt you may have regarding proclamations, say the following out loud with feeling. Mean it because YOU ARE IT! You are sensational! You have a purpose inside of you that, once you access it, is going to transform the lives of others when you share it.
  • 8. I Am Powerful I Am Strong I Am A Leader I Am Rich I Am Free I Am Loved I Am Love I Am Forgiving I Am Forgiven I Am Wealthy Feel free to add to this list based on your wants and desires! Recommended Reading: Proclamations from Florence Scovel Shinn Recommended Video 1: Joel Osteen – The Power Of I Am Recommended Video 2: Tony Robbins – The Difference Between A Winner And A Loser Step 4: Read – Leaders are readers! Choose a personal development resource and begin to study it for 15 to 30 minutes daily. We recommend you start with the following book, especially if your desire is to manifest money quickly.
  • 9. The Game Of Life And How To Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn Full Audio Book Free | Full PDF Free You can read it for free online or buy all of her work for Kinde, via Amazon, for less than $7 by searching “The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn”. The Bible, The Master Key System, A Course In Miracles and The Game Of Life And How To Play It are all outstanding choices. You will also benefit from... • Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill • The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz • The Fifth Agreement by don Jose and don Miguel Ruiz • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie • Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman • Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle • Living and Inspired, Empowered and Joy-filled Life by The Possibility Coaches • The Alchemy of True Success by Jaden Sterling Get the Kindle app for your phone and buy the books for Kindle through Amazon. If you don't read well then buy books on audio. Make personal study part of everyday, starting today. Whatever any of these books show you to do, do it. If they tell you to write something down, write it down. If they tell you to say something out loud, do it. Action shows true faith and causes the Universe to take action on your behalf! Click here for PsiTek free personal development archive. Step 5: Ask - “Ask and it is given. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened.” Get clear on what you want, what you want to do and where you want to go in life!
  • 10. Think back to that one thing you wanted to BE when you were a child. If you don't believe that's possible anymore then think of the one thing you will do, everyday, when you transform and can do whatever you want whenever you want with whomever you want to do it with. • Fishing (Ask for and visualize becoming a tournament fisherman or charter boat captain if that's what you like. Perhaps envision becoming a philanthropist who takes underprivileged kids charter fishing or who has set up a charity to reconnect families through fishing.) You can do or be whatever you want to be and it's NEVER to late if you are willing to accept the fact that what you “perceive” with the eyes is NOT reality. Reality comes from within and flows from within into “the without”. What do you want out of life more than anything? Ask God for that and it's yours. Believe you have received and you shall have. Do you want to travel the world and speak on stage? Visualize it! Do you want to go an exotic vacations and meet new and exciting people? Visualize it! As the Master Key System teaches... “Live the Spirit of these things until they become yours by right. It will then become impossible to keep them from you.” Step 6: Visualize 10 To 15 Minutes 2 Times Per Day – Go to a quiet place in your house, office, etc. and begin to visualize receiving what you have asked for. You are a Spirit being in a physical body, not the other way around. When you ask and give thanks, follow with visualization that you have received. Believe you have received what you have asked for now, because you have.
  • 11. There is no time in Divine Mind so don't allow the illusion of time to cause you to believe you have not received, because you have. Continue to visualize the reception of what you have asked for and it will appear on the physical plane. If you have issues with racing thoughts, all of that noise can be shut off. Section 11 on Prayer and Meditation will point you to the resources that will guide you through the process. The second key that unlocks unlimited abundance... Visualizing in Unison with One Another Jesus Christ said (recorded in the book of Matthew, Chapter 18)... 18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Florence Scovel Shinn wrote in.. “The Game Of Life And How To Play It” “ this instance the man could never have demonstrated alone. He needed someone to help him hold to the vision. This is what one man can do for another. Jesus Christ knew the truth of this when he said: "If two of you shall agree on Earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." One gets too close to his own affairs and becomes doubtful and fearful. The friend or "healer" sees clearly the success, health, or prosperity, and never wavers, because he is not close to the situation. It is much easier to "demonstrate" for someone else than for one's self, so a person should not hesitate to ask for help, if he feels himself wavering.”
  • 12. Recommended Movie: The Secret – Click Here To Watch Step 7: Exercise And Eat Right – We don't need to go into detail here. Most everyone on planet Earth knows what they should and shouldn't be doing with diet and exercise. Anyone can make better food choices and most can walk, at the very least, to get the body moving. “There isn't ANY perceived “medical condition” that cannot be overcome through asking for health, believing you have received it, giving thanks for it and demonstrating you have received through visualization and taking action” “My problem wasn't ADD or ADHD when I was a kid... my problem was BTD, Boring Teacher Disorder, that's what I had.” - David Wood Step 8: Create A Video Per Day For 90 Days – Document the entire journey and put in on YouTube. Videos need only be two to three minutes in length. It doesn't matter what you look like, what you sound like or how you feel, just do it. • Video 1: Introduce yourself and what you are doing to transform your life for the next 90 days. Do not mention System 90 in your first video. The object of this video is to brand your presence on the Internet with your name, your face and your transformation. The transformation process inspires followers and attracts leaders to you! • Video 2: Share what you are learning. If you are reading the Bible, find a verse of scripture that speaks to you and teach it to others. Learn, do and teach simultaneously. • Video 3: Repeat the process daily. As new ideas and inspirations come, put them into the video. If you don't have a video camera, sit down in from of your computer and use the webcam on your laptop. If you don't have a webcam use your mobile phone. If you don't have a video camera in your mobile phone call a friend who has one and ask them to borrow a video camera.
  • 13. You can also buy simple hand held video cameras on Amazon for Less than $90. Step 9: Blog About It – Set up a blog, embed the video from YouTube (or other hosting source) into the blog post. IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all blogging platforms are created the same and some of them have been black listed on Google. If you don't already have a blog, click here, to get the same mobile, viral blogging platform we use to create blogs posts in just minutes, everyday! Include your passion in your blog! If you like to fish, play golf, cook, camp, hike, work out, create things, fix cars or work in the garden... whatever you like to do, incorporate that into your videos and blog as well. Ads To Infinity will teach you everything you need to know about generating quality, niche targeted traffic through the search engines and social media. We provide live training every week. We already have a large archive of simple to follow videos that will walk you through the process of blogging, even if you've never blogged before. Step 10: Share It In The Social Media – Once you have published your blog post begin sharing it in the social media. Social media resources to use include... • Facebook • Twitter • Friend Feed • YouTube • Linked In • Stumble Upon • Digg • Pinterest • MySpace (yes, start using MySpace again. We'll show you why in an upcoming team training) • Reddit • Google Plus
  • 14. … and any other social media resource you may be using. We discuss these resources regularly on our live team trainings. We show our team how to use them for business regularly. A good blogging system will have social sharing buttons built in to make it easy for your readers to share your content and videos with others. Step 11: Prayer And Meditation – God/Your Creator/The Universe are your Source and Supply. You were wonderfully made by Our Creator for a specific purpose and mission so it's important to communicate with Our Creator all the time. This is accomplished through prayer and meditation. Learning to quiet the mind and listen to the voice of All That Is will get you connected with Source and clear in regard to your purpose. Many people think that you have to go to a room by yourself, get quiet, sit upright or sit one the floor with your legs crossed. All of these techniques are useful, but you can actually put yourself into a meditative, trance-like state easily once you learn how. Here's an introduction to meditation and exercise for the elimination or racing thoughts... 1.) Find a comfortable chair, turn off all distractions and sit down with your arms resting on the arm rest or comfortably in your lap. 2.) Sitting upright so your spine is aligned straight, keeping your eyes open, shift your focus to your breathing. 3.) Take three to five long, deep breaths and exhale slowly... you will feel your body begin to relax. 4.) Now find a point in the room, where you are sitting, and focus your attention on that spot. 5.) Take another three to five short long breaths, relaxing the muscles behind your eyes. As your eyes get heavier, and you can no longer keep them open, allow them to close.
  • 15. 6.) With each breath, imagine you are relaxing five times more than you are right now through a count of five breaths. 7.) On a scale of 1 to 10, now rate your level of relaxation. If you are a 1 through 5, start over at step one. If you are a 6 or 7, take another three to five shorter breaths and re-evaluate. 8.) Once your at 8 take a moment to see what's going on in your mind. Are there any thoughts there now? Whether there are or there aren't thoughts there, right now, imagine you are standing at a large chalk board with an eraser in your hand. On that chalk board, from one end to another, are all of your thoughts represented in what's written. 9.) From right to left begin erasing what's on the chalk board until it's completely clean. Once the board is completely clean... slowly open your eyes. Feel how relaxed you are right now? Repeat this as often as needed. Recommended Training: The Master Key System by Charles Haanel Recommended Audio: Practicing The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle Step 12: Conversational Marketing/Networking – Conversational Networking online is one of the most effective ways to build brand recognition fast. The key, as Dale Carnegie teaches it in “How to Win Friends and Influence People” to focus on the needs and wants of others... “Network marketing is the art and science of empowering, communicating and building a relationship with another human being based on their wants and needs, not mine or yours.” - Val Smyth It's also a great way to generate sign ups and sales as you build contact lists in social networks like Facebook, Linked In, IBO Toolbox, etc. Click here to watch our free video series To Conversational Marketing
  • 16. Mindset Mojo Daily Plan Condensed Version: Print this section and hang it on the wall, post in on the refrigerator as a constant reminder to say on the path you have chosen! 1.) Wake up and give thanks for everything you've been blessed with 2.) Forgive everyone, including yourself, and surrender the day to God (daily incantation is “love everyone, forgive everything, fear nothing!” Start using that all day everyday and the abundance of life just starts to show up when you ask! 3.) Begin proclamations and continue them throughout the day, out loud as much as possible (a great time to do proclamations is while showering, exercising or driving in the car) 4.) Reading and Studies (listen to an audio, watch a video, read in a book. Make use of all time gaps like driving or riding in a car, riding the bus, the subway, on an airplane, boat or however you get from point a to point b) 5.) Ask God for anything you desire (Note: If you've already asked for something specific, you have received it. Don't ask again, this demonstrates you don't believe you have received.) 6.) Visualize (visualizing is living what you've asked for now. If want to be a millionaire then visualize, act, think, breath, eat and live like a millionaire. If you don't know how to do that, learn how by reading books and studying) 7.) Exercise and Eat Right (make eating a Spiritual ritual. Take your time, enjoy your food. Give thanks before and after eating every meal or snack. Drink plenty of water, spring water is best) 8.) Video (follow the steps outlined above for creating a new video daily for 90 days) 9.) Blog (Blog daily about your journey and transformation. Blog about things you have learned, experiences that have come through creative thoughts and speaking your reality into existence. Blog about body transformation if you are working to reduce body weight, etc.) 10.)Share Your Content in the social media using the resources outlined above 11.)Pray and Meditate everyday (This is a great way to generate Spiritual energy that will carry you throughout the day. Also useful if you feel yourself running low on energy in the afternoon and great to go to sleep doing) 12.)Conversational Networking (follow the instructions in the video from above for best conversational networking practices)
  • 17. Join Us On Facebook Click here to join us on Facebook and get plugged into our support team today! Also watch your email for more videos and training coming soon! Want to learn more now? Click here for a live, free, no sales pitch, no hassle “planning session” and let us show you how to build YOUR online business in 15 minutes or less! To your new life and unlimited success! Rodney Coleman and Rex Harris