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How	to	Design	a	Great	API
(using	Flask)
Devon	Bernard
VP	of	Engineering	@	Enlitic
Developers Users
Intuitive Durable Flexible
Code	That	Makes	Developers	Happy
Standardization	Makes	Debugging	Easier
Very	Unique Standardized
Time	Spent	Debugging
Uniqueness	of	Environment
Are	Hard	Coded	Variables	Bad?
Yes,	here’s	why:
1. When	runtime	variables	aren’t	centralized,	they’re	harder	to	find,	
making	your	code	less	readable
2. If	the	variable	is	related	to	environment,	you’ll	likely	need	to	juggle	git
3. If	the	variable	is	supposed	to	be	private	or	secret	(e.g.	passwords)
database = 'production_url' (production)
~~ database = ’localhost_url'
++ def ban_user(email):
++ ... (local	machine)
Leaking	Passwords
Configurations	/	Environment
database: postgresql://localhost:5432/my_app
test_database: postgresql://localhost:5432/testing
import yaml
yaml_config = yaml.load(
print yaml_config[’database’]
Configurations	/	Environment	(2)
class Config(object):
DEBUG = False
SECRET = yaml_config['flask_login_secret']
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = yaml_config['database']
class DevelopmentConfig(Config):
DEBUG = True
class TestingConfig(Config):
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = yaml_config['test_database’]
DEBUG = True
class ProductionConfig(Config):
DEBUG = False
app_config = {
'development': DevelopmentConfig,
'testing': TestingConfig,
'production': ProductionConfig
app = create_app('development')
def mock_app():
mock = create_app(’testing')
cxt = mock.app_context()
yield mock
Object	Relational	Mappers
Object Object
ORM Relational
Object	Relational	Mappers	(2)
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(Text, nullable=False)
email = Column(Text, index=True,
unique=True, nullable=False)
password = Column(Text, nullable=False)
Object	Relational	Mappers	(3)
With	ORM Without	ORM
def get_user_email(id):
return conn.query(
def get_user_email(id):
query = text(”””
SELECT email FROM users
WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1;”””%(id))
rows = conn.execute(query)
if rows is not None:
return rows[0][’email’]
return None
^^	Much	simpler
^^	Might	have	to	worry	about	SQL	Injection
How	to	Standardize	Database	Schemas?	
GIT	History
Database	Schema
Database	Migrations
def upgrade():
sa.Column(author', sa.Text())
def downgrade():
op.drop_column('reports', author’) alembic/version/
class Report(Base):
__tablename__ = 'reports’
++ author = Column(Text)
^^	automatically	generated	for	you	by	Alembic
Default	Alembic	Behavior
$ alembic revision –-autogenerate -m “myrev”
# file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s
Default	Alembic	Behavior	(2)
$ alembic history
69c35d0ef5bb -> 000fd728c260 (head)
b4b0fbdebf42 -> 69c35d0ef5bb
9dcf0d65e983 -> b4b0fbdebf42
ac39eb5890f4 -> 9dcf0d65e983
7054e7fae54a -> ac39eb5890f4
6a9eb6b43d7d -> 7054e7fae54a
56a1b15216da -> 6a9eb6b43d7d
dbe9911f4c0b -> 56a1b15216da
2d5f5c762653 -> dbe9911f4c0b
24f34e82e6c1 -> 2d5f5c762653
Ideal	Alembic	Behavior
# file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s
file_template =
How	to	Standardize	Database	Data?
Revision	tools	typically	only	
manage	schemas,	not	data,	you’ll	
need	to	create	a	database	seed
• Go	from	0	to	standard	instantly
• Developers	are	free	to	mess	with	
their	local	database
• It’s	easy	to	test	your	back	end	
with	a	known	database	setup
• Dump	database	data	to	a	sql file
• Create	a	script	(.py,	.sh,	etc)	to	
reset	your	database	schema	and	
insert	the	seed	file
pg_dump --dbname=“my_app”
--data-only	--inserts
Where	Are	My	Packages?
$ python
ImportError: No module named flask_sqlalchemy
$ pip install flask_sqlalchemy
$ python
ImportError: No module named smtplib
$ pip install smtplib
$ python
ImportError: No module named passlib
$ ... #FacePalm
$ python
ImportError: No module named flask_sqlalchemy
$ pip install –r requirements.txt
Collecting flask_sqlalchemy
Collecting smtplib
Collecting passlib
$ python
* Running on
Flask	==	0.12
Flask-SQLAlchemy ==	
psycopg2	==	2.6.1
PyYAML ==	3.11
requests	==	2.10.0
SQLAlchemy ==	1.0.14
Requirements.txt (2)
Install	packages	from	github
Install	packages	from	local	file	system
Why	use	these	methods?
• Ability	to	quickly	test	whether	changes	to	another	python	project	
worked	without	having	to	push	to	github
• This	flow	is	fully	local	and	keeps	your	git history	cleaner
• WARNING:	When	using	the	local	file	system	method,	your	changes	
must	be	locally	committed	otherwise	pip	will	not	notice	the	changes.
Why	aren’t	my	files	updating?
$ find . -name '*.pyc' -delete
Your	project	may	be	running	pre-compiled	.pyc files	and	not	overriding	the	old	files
Common	.pyc conflict	scenarios:
• Moved	or	renamed	python	directories
• Moved	or	renamed	python	files
• Added	or	removed files
• Created	a	variable	with	the	same	name	as	a	module
To	clear	out	all	.pyc files	and	start	fresh,	run	the	following:
Why	Isn’t	the	Setup	README	Working?
$ cd MyApp
$ cp config/app.yaml.example config/app.yaml
cp: No such file or directory
$ #Confused #WhatDo
Setup	Scripts
def install(dirs, args):
env = make_virtualenv(dirs['venv_dir'])
path = install_node_and_npm(dirs, env['PATH'])
env['PATH'] = path
install_bower(dirs, env)
check_call(['bower', 'install', '--force-latest'],
cwd=dirs['root_dir'], env=env)
check_call(['pip', 'install', '-q', '--upgrade', 'pip'],
cwd=dirs['root_dir'], env=env)
check_call(['pip', 'install', '-q', '-r', 'requirements.txt'],
cwd=dirs['root_dir'], env=env)
return env
Should	We	UnitTest?
Common	Concerns
• Writing	tests	takes	time	away	from	building	features
• Slows	down	development
• Writing	tests	is	boring
Short	Answer
• Absolutely!!!
• Don’t	just	test	the	golden-path,	also	test	failure	
scenarios	like	3xx,	4xx,	or	5xx	errors
Why	UnitTests are	Awesome
Resolution	of	Time	Concern
• Requirement:	You	must	verify	
your	code	works	before	
• Would	you	prefer	to	do	that	
manually	every	time	or	
automate	that	process?
• Test	coverage	is	an	upfront	
investment	saving	time	later	on	
extra	debugging
Time	Spent	Testing
Application	Complexity
Automated Manual
Why	UnitTests are	Awesome	(2)
Resolution	of	Boring	Concern
• Writing real code (tests)
vs	being	a	click	farm
Writing	Features Writing	Tests Clicking	Thru	App
How	Boring
Global	PIP	Cache
Using	the	Wrong	Dependencies?
Project	X
Project	Y
Common	Package	Management	
• Need	to	use	different	versions	of	
the	same	package	on	another	
project	or	branch
• Project	broke	because	it	was	
using	existing	package	versions	of	
other	projects
• Requirements.txt is	missing	an	
entry	because	previous	developer	
already	had	the	package	installed
Virtual	Environments
Project	X
Project	Y
Virtual	Environments	(2)
Just	delete	your	venv and	create	a	fresh	one
$ virtualenv ~/.venvs/X
$ source ~/.venvs/X/bin/activate
(X)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ rm –rf ~/.venvs/X
Clean	&	easy	dependency	
management;	especially	when	
working	on	multiple	projects
• Package	version	conflicts
• v5.0.1	!=	v5.3.0
• Dependency	contamination	
across	multiple	projects
• Testing	dependency	upgrades
Flush	vs	Commit
Reserves	a	placeholder	spot	in	database
Saves	records	into	database
• Use	flush	when	you	need	to	get	an	auto-
increment	id	back
• Use	commit	ONLY	when	you	are	100%	sure	
you	want	to	save	rows
• Every	time	you	use	`flush`	or	`commit`,	you	
are	adding	another	round-trip	request
Problem	with	always	committing
def save_test(student, answers):
for answer in answers:
conn.commit() # SLOW!
grade = calcGrade(answers)
<< ERROR >>
conn.add(Test(student, grade))
Test	will	not	get	saved,	but	every	
answer	will	still	be	in	the	database!
Flush	vs	Commit	(2)
Only	commit	once
def save_test(student, answers):
for answer in answers:
grade = calcGrade(answers)
<< ? ERROR ? >>
conn.add(Test(student, grade))
If	error,	nothing	gets	saved
If	no	error,	everything	gets	saved
Flush	(if	auto-increment	needed)
def save_test(student, answers):
for answer in answers:
### use answers[0].id
grade = calcGrade(answers)
<< ? ERROR ? >>
conn.add(Test(student, grade))
Errors	&	Rollbacks
On	app	error,	rollback	session
def handle_error_response(error):
return jsonify(error)
After	requests,	close	sessions
def shutdown_session(exception=None):
Project	Directory	Structure
/app	- Contains	all	business	logic	for	run-time	usage
/config - Contains	yaml and	other	configuration	files
/setup	- Contain	scripts	and	seed	files	for	resetting	
database	and	project	dependencies
/tests	- Contains	all	unit-test,	ideally	similar	in	directory	
structure	to	/app
App	Factories
db = SQLAlchemy()
def create_app(config_name):
app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True)
app.secret_key = app.config['SECRET']
cors = CORS(app, supports_credentials=True)
return app
App	Factories	(2)
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
import api
import db
from app import app, db
import endpoint_group1
import endpoint_group2
from app.utils.config import config
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
conn = scoped_session(config...)
import query_group1
import query_group2
• Circular	imports	(prevents	testing)
• Lack	of	separation	of	concerns	
between	app	module	and	app	object
admins = Blueprint(
’admins', __name__)
def before_admin_req():
def admin_secret():
return jsonify({})
public = Blueprint(
’public', __name__)
def before_public_req():
def public_not_secret():
return jsonify({})
Blueprints	can	be	used	to:
• Logically	group	routes
• Selectively	apply/add	request	lifecycle	events	to	a	subset	of	routes
Extend	and	Expire	Sessions
Every	time	a	user	makes	a	request,	extend	their	session	for	30	minutes
def extend_session():
session.permanent = True
app.config['PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME'] = timedelta(minutes=30)
session.modified = True
Flexible	Testing	(pdb)
Typical	Python	Debugging
def my_func(objects):
print "MY_FUNC", objects
if len(objects) > 0:
print "NOT EMPTY"
new_objects = some_func(objects)
<< ERROR >>
print new_objects
print "EMTPY"
new_objects = []
return new_objects
• Lots	of	print	statements
• Only	renders	prints	run	before	the	app	crashes
• Can’t	update	values
Python	Debugger
import pdb
def my_func(objects):
if len(objects) > 0:
new_objects = some_func(objects)
<< ERROR >>
new_objects = []
return new_objects
• Sets	a	break-point	at	`.set_trace()`
• Functions	like	JS	browser	debugging	break-points
• Can	step	line-by-line	or	continue	until	next	break-point
• At	each	line,	there	is	an	interactive	terminal
• Not	only	can	print,	but	update	values
Reliable User	Friendly Fast
APIs	That	Make	Users	Happy
How	to	maximize	up-time?
Preventative	(Before	break)
• Don’t	ship	bugs
• Unit	Tests
• Staging	servers	with	user	testing
• A/B	rollouts
• Stable	deployment	server
Quick	Detection
• System	logging	(Splunk)
• Slack	hooks
• Scheduled	health	check	pings
• E.g.	cron jobs
Quick	Diagnosis
• Failure/Exception	tracking	+	
• API	playground
• Postman
• New	rollouts	won’t	break	people’s	
existing	builds
• Backwards	compatibility
• Ability	to	plan	obsolescence
Host	a	deployment	for	each	version
• Track	version	#	in	config files
• Prepend	version	to	routes
Host	one	big	deployment	for	all	
• Duplicate	files
• Create	route	version	mapper
Analytics	on	API	Usage
• Shows	what	endpoints	are	most	
frequently	used	(most	critical)
• Optimize	popular	endpoints
• Shows	what	users	are	still	using	
deprecated	endpoints
• Notify	users	to	upgrade
• Could	be	as	simple	as	an	
incrementing	counter	in	a	
database	table
• Could	use	deployment	tools	to	
wrap	your	API	that	provide	
analytics (DevOps	level)
User	Friendly
101	in	Endpoint	Design
Things	to	be	aware	of
• #1	rule	is	being	consistent
• No	matter	what	you	pick,	some	group	is	going	to	be	annoyed
• Their	complaints	are	likely	valid,	but	only	for	a	small	
component,	not	how	it	affects	the	whole	picture
• Common	patterns:	REST,	CRUD
• Use	more	then	just	GET	and	POST
• Use	relevant	status	codes
• 1xx info, 2xx success, 3xx redirection,
4xx	client	errors,	5xx	server	errors
• Figure	out	if	users	are	often	instantly	re-forming	the	data	
you	send	them
101	in	Endpoint	Documentation
If	it’s	not	documented,	it’s	as	if	it	doesn’t	exist
Over	document,	biggest	complaint	is	”lack	of	
You	only	have	to	write	it	once,	but	it	can	be	read	
millions	of	times
Interactive	docs	&	test	environments	are	great
A	great	tool	for
• Sharing	endpoints	with	your	
team	and	users	in	an	
interactive	way
• Quickly	debugging	API	issues
Use	environment	and	global	
variables	to	generalize	endpoint	
usage	across	localhost,	staging,	
and	production	servers
Python	Profiling
What	lines	of	code	are	costing	you	the	most	time?
Bulk	SQL	Inserts
Three	useful	methods
• bulk_save_objects
• bulk_insert_mappings
• Mogrify
ORMs	were	not	primarily	
intended	for	bulk	usage
Using	bulk	commands	
gives	a	5-10x	speed	boost
# Without bulk
for i in range(100000):
conn.add(Employee(name="EMP #" + str(i)))
# With bulk
Employee(name="EMP #" + str(i))
for i in range(100000)
Store	common	responses	in-memory	for	quick	retrieval
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.cache import Cache
app = Flask(__name__)
config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'})
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
Devon	Bernard
VP	of	Engineering	@	Enlitic
# @devonwbernard
Thank	you!
Any	questions?

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