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The Front Burner

Your Restaurant’s Revenue

Marketing Strategies

 Taking the plunge into business takes courage and a
 belief in yourself and your ideas. Not everyone has the
 self-confidence required to run a successful restau-
 rant. The fact that you believe in your business sense
 enough to work at it as hard as you do says you have
 something special. Otherwise you wouldn’t be putting
 this much time and effort into your operation.
 Unfortunately, the talent and vision that form the core
 of your restaurant are often lost in the sea of compe-
 tition your customers choose from every day. If they
 only knew what you already know about the great-
 est attributes of your restaurant then you would never
 have to worry about finding customers.
 This edition of The Front Burner features many ways
 to communicate effectively with existing customers
 and plots strategies for finding new ones. A marketing
 strategy is certainly important to the success of your
 restaurant, but far too often the foundation of an ef-
 fective campaign is overlooked.
 Before you commit to a marketing strategy, identify
 the two or three things you do really well. Those couple
 things should be easy to find – they’re the reasons you
                                                             “Taking the
                                                             plunge into
 get out of bed every morning and get to work. The
 key is to weave those bedrock ideas into the narrative
 that makes up your marketing campaigns. Whatever
 channel you decide to use for marketing your restau-
 rant, communicating your vision will ensure success
                                                            business takes
 and help you connect with customers.

 Michael Lewis
 Tundra Founder
10 Easy Marketing Tips That Will
Crank Up Your Restaurant’s Revenue.
Good food, great service, and a unique concept are the fundamentals of a successful restaurant. If you don’t
impress your customers with these three things, they won’t be coming back any time soon. Sending happy
customers out the door to tell their friends about their experience in your restaurant is the most effective way to
get the word out.
Unfortunately, word-of-mouth marketing can only get you so far. Eventually you’re going to need to cast a
wider net in search of customers. On the other hand, any marketing that’s more involved than your regulars tell-
ing their friends about you is going to cost money – a prospect that will surely give any restaurant owner pause.
Fortunately, there are ways to market yourself without busting your budget or taking away from the time you
need to run your restaurant. That’s why we decided to compile 10 easy marketing tips that will help you crank
up your revenue. These strategies are designed to deliver maximum punch per dollar without taking up a lot of
your time.

Look for these Top 10 tips throughout
this edition of The Front Burner…

                             1. Social Media Marketing

                             2. Manage Your Online Reputation

                             3. ROCK Your Marketing Efforts

                             4. Completely Change Your Menu

                             5. Nothing Sells Like A Good Secret

                             6. Serve “Fast Food” For Lunch

                             7. Turn Your Restaurant Into A Hot Spot

                             8. Harness Email & Ride The Gravy Train

                             9. Recharge Your Happy Hour

                             10. Take Your Restaurant Marketing Underground

                                       unique marketing
                                       efforts by

 Is Your Kitchen FDA Compliant With New Changes To The Food Code?
 Controlling Insects & Pests
Tip# Social Media Marketing
     In Three Steps
Social media. It’s the thing everyone is talking about in the marketing industry. The
best part about restaurant social media marketing (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is that
getting your message out there costs you nothing but time – a precious commod-
ity to be sure, but a heck of a lot cheaper than a local newspaper ad or radio
spot. Already many restaurants have employed clever strategies to engage cus-
tomers and generate business for their restaurant online.
A social media marketing campaign, if done right, can become an effective cus-
tomer making machine. It’s not easy, and will require some work. But if the right
strategies are employed, your restaurant stands to benefit.

                            STEP 1: FACEBOOK
                      Facebook is probably the most popular so-
                      cial media platform for anyone in marketing
                      today. Does that mean sales are going to go
                      up the minute you hit “publish” on your Face-        Some Facebook Strategies:
book page? Well, maybe not, but the bottom line is that having a           Build a great fan page.
fan page definitely can’t hurt you, and may very well help. If you         As a business you’ll want to create a Facebook fan page
don’t start bringing in loads of new customers, you’ll at least im-        rather than a profile. The bad thing about a fan page is that
prove retention among existing ones.                                       you can’t communicate with others the same way you’re
More importantly, a Facebook fan page can be a great way to                used to. A fan page is much more reliant on people finding
collect information about your customers and get feedback about            you and engaging you.
your restaurant. You can leverage this information to connect with         The good part about a fan page is that you can do a lot of
customers in new ways and expand your email marketing cam-                 customization. Create custom tabs, set up a couple RSS feeds,
paigns. You’ll also have a direct line to customers, revealing what        and you’ll be well on your way to making your fan page stand
they don’t like about your establishment as well as what’s working         out for your customers. There are countless step-by-step guides
well.                                                                      to building Facebook fan pages on the web. A quick Google
So how exactly do you create a great Facebook page? And how                search will return you more articles on the subject than you
do you start gaining fans and generating interest in your restaurant?      know what to do with.

   STEP 2: TWITTER                              In the food service industry, restaurants
                                                and chefs have used Twitter to engage
                                                                                                 Here are some best practices
                                                                                                 that will help you succeed
                                                customers with content that gives them
      Twitter is a “micro blog” tool that al-   a behind-the-scenes view of what’s hap-          and get the most out of your
      lows users to send short 140 character    pening and unique promotions that bring          restaurant marketing efforts:
      messages to a list of subscribers. The    in extra business.
      original goal of the site was to give                                                      Post regularly. Some Twitter users send
                                                Chefs are using the site to engage cus-          out several tweets every day. You prob-
      friends a way to update each other
                                                tomers by giving out recipes and asking for      ably don’t want to annoy your customers
      on what they’re doing in real time.
                                                feedback on new dishes and ingredients.          with a lot of updates, especially at first.
      Of course, as we all know now, Twit-
                                                O t h e r restaurants are advertising meal       But you should definitely choose a sched-
      ter has quickly become much more
                                                            specials and events to draw in       ule and stick with it. That way your follow-
      than that. Chief among the
                                                              loyal customers on specific        ers know when to expect an update and
      things Twitter has become,
                                                                    days. Some restaurants       (hopefully) they look forward to your next
      besides a news distributor, a
                                                                     have even started           one.
      social media site, and a busi-
                                                                     tweeting months be-
      ness communications tool is a
                                                                    fore the doors open for      Be creative.        140 characters doesn’t
      popular vehicle for marketing                                                              give you a lot of space. It also doesn’t give
                                                                the first time, resulting in a
      and branding.                                                                              you a lot of time to catch someone’s at-
                                                               packed opening night.

                                                                                                     Foursquare is part of a newer subset
                                                                                                     of the social media phenomenon
                                                                                                          that has been dubbed “hyper-
                                                                                                              local social media.” It works
                                                                                                               like this: as you patronize
                                                                                                               your favorite local haunts,
                                                                                                               you “check-in” with Four-
                                                                                                               square, which allows you to
                                                                                                               see if friends are nearby and
                                                                                                               post information about the
                                                                                                               venue you’re currently in.
                                                                                                               The more you check-in, the
                                                                                                               more “badges,” or awards,
                                                                                                               you get. For instance, you
                                                                                                               can become the mayor of
                                                                                                               a certain bar or club if you
                                                                                                               check-in the most times from
                                                                                                             that location in 60 days.
                                                                                                     Tech-savvy restaurants and bars
                                                                                                     caught wind of the mayor and other
Tell everyone about your page.                                                                       Foursquare badges and started ad-
With a fan page you can’t just go around Facebook friending as many people                           vertising to this ready-made customer
as you can find like you can with a regular profile. Therefore you must drive traffic                base, offering free drinks and other
to your fan page in order to get some fans. The most obvious places to do this                       comps to the Foursquare mayors of
are on your website and in email marketing campaigns, but it would definitely                        their establishment. Most people had
benefit you to explore some other options, like business cards or even your                          no idea what the heck a mayor was,
menus.                                                                                               but those who did quickly spread the
                                                                                                     word to their friends, and it turned out
Offer your fans something unique.
                                                                                                     to be a hot way for restaurants and
Once you’ve started to build a fan base, reward them with some sort of promo-
                                                                                                     bars to market themselves effectively
tion – a free appetizer, 2-for-1 drinks, anything to get your fans to actually come
                                                                                                     to their hippest customers.
into the restaurant and spend money. The added benefit for you is that you’ll
be able to gauge exactly how successful your fan page is based on how many                           In general the hyperlocal movement
people use the promo you only released through Facebook.                                             is beneficial to the food service in-
                                                                                                     dustry because it provides a real time
                                                                                                     medium through which restaurants
                                                                                                     can advertise to their customers. For
tention. Boring tweets will get deleted,            is paying off? Offer a special meal deal to      now, Foursquare and the inevitable
guaranteed. Straight-up sales pitches will          your Twitter subscribers only. Give out a        copycats that are forthcoming will be
also be ignored. Instead, use colorful, cre-        special code that allows them to redeem          largely limited to big urban centers
ative language to engage your subscrib-             the deal. Every time a customer uses the         like New York, Chicago, and L.A., but
ers and draw them in.                               code, you know they are there because            it’s not that farfetched to imagine a
                                                    of your Twitter efforts. This strategy has the
Do more than just sell. Yes, the ulti-                                                               hyperlocal medium of one kind or an-
                                                    added benefit of making your followers           other servicing communities of all sizes.
mate goal here is to get people through
                                                    feel special because they are the only
the door of your business. But if all you do is
                                                    ones getting the deal.
sell, sell, sell, you’ll start seeing unsubscribe
notices pouring in. Throw your customers a
few juicy bones before you set the hook.
Give out a few recipes. Tell a story about
the behind-the-scenes action. Ask for                   Engage customers with
opinions on a new dish. Get them looking               content that gives them a
forward to your next tweet. Then hit ‘em
                                                        behind-the-scenes view.                        Tip#
with a dinner special.
Customize offers.                                                                                          Managing Your Online
Want to know how much all your hard work                                                                   Reputation

“we’re a healthy alternative
        to other fast casual chains.”
You’d think finding a place to eat lunch in a health nut haven like
Boulder, Colorado that featured simple, all-natural ingredients
made from scratch for a good price would be pretty easy. Boul-
der residents Anthony Pigliacampo and Rob McColgan realized
a couple years ago that finding good, affordable, healthy food
prepared fresh and fast was much harder than it should be. The
two friends then set out to fix this problem.
Their solution is Modmarket, a fast casual restaurant located in
the heart of Boulder’s 29th Street Mall. The menu and the food
follow a simple set of principles laid out by Anthony and Rob
when they started.                                                    Even more impressive than Modmarket’s fresh and tasty menu
                                                                      is their extremely savvy marketing campaign. The restaurant is
              SERVE FOOD THAT…                                        a great example of how a great concept can expand quickly
                         Tastes great                                 with the help of some well executed strategies.
                                                                      Modmarket’s founders are skillful practitioners of many of the
                   Is made from scratch
                                                                      marketing strategies you’ll find in this edition of The Front Burn-
             Features simple ingredients that                         er, but one of their most successful campaigns comes from an
                 anyone can recognize                                 innovation all their own: using receipts as advertising space.
                                                                      “We view the receipt as an asset,” says co-founder Anthony
                      Is served quickly
                                                                      Pigliacampo, “We’ve taken what was going into the trash
                    Is affordable, and…                               and turned it into a marketing tool.” All Modmarket receipts
                                                                      list nutritional information for each item the customer ordered,
          Wouldn’t turn you into the guy from                         not only placing the restaurant ahead of the curve on menu
        “Super Size Me” if you ate it every day.                      labeling but also reinforcing Modmarket’s message: we’re a
                                                                      healthy alternative to other fast casual chains.
The crazy thing is how revolutionary this simple credo has turned
out to be. Modmarket’s daily offering of fresh salads, brick oven     “People like the fact that it’s transparent. We’ve had peo-
pizza, gourmet sandwiches, and made-from-scratch soups has            ple come in just because they’ve heard about it,” Anthony
been an instant hit with the Boulder locals, and founders Antho-      says of the nutrition information on receipts. But Modmarket’s
ny and Rob are hard at work on a second location in Denver            use of all that white space on customer receipts doesn’t end
that opened at the start of the year.                                 there. At the bottom of each receipt is a bold black arrow
                                                                      pointing to the right that reads “Turn Me Over.” On the back
                                                                      is a limited-time promo giving the customer 10% off their next
                                                                      order, provided it happens in the next two days.

                                                                      Read more about ModMarket’s unique marketing
                                                                      efforts at

                                                                              BOULDER                         DENVER
                                                                           1600 28th Street             1000 S Colorado Blvd
                                                                          Boulder, Colorado              Denver, Colorado
Managing Your
Tip#                Online Reputation
Everyone’s got an opinion!
 And in the internet age, everyone can and
does voice their opinion online. So do you
have any idea what people
are saying online about your        84% of American
restaurant? This is not to say consumers say online
that the opinion machine driv-     reviews affect their
en by the internet is all bad. It decisions on products
is, however, a decidedly dou-         and brands.
ble-edged sword. On the one
hand, positive reviews and feedback com-
ing from your happy customers can bring
new customers in droves. On the other, one
jerk who may or may not have actually had a bad experience
can pick up the megaphone and start screaming nasty things
about your restaurant.

something if you don’t know what you’re dealing with. So tune
in to the internet and start listening. Some places to start: Yelp,
OpenTable, and UrbanSpoon are just a few of the myriad web-
sites that post restaurant reviews. Don’t forget about the social
media behemoths either: you should be on Twitter and Face-
book anyway, talking about your restaurant, but if you’re not, go
there today and get started!
internet is all about conversation. You’ve listened. Now it’s time
to answer. No matter how you respond, do it with a healthy dose
of common sense. All the things that annoy you about people at
a dinner party are the same things that are going to annoy your
customers online. So avoid them.
3.   TAKE THE INITIATIVE. Don’t let the naysayers define your
restaurant’s reputation online. If you’re not offering an alternate
narrative, then people will start to think everything they read
about you is true. Here’s where Twitter and Facebook come in.
These services are free. These services are popular. These services
are also considered culturally important. Take the time to learn
how to use them and then start talking about how great your
restaurant is. You’ll be amazed how many people want to listen.
All this costs you is your time, and the potential for new customer
development is virtually unlimited.
4. GATHER INTELLIGENCE. This goes hand in hand with Step 1,
but you can’t really gather effectively until you’ve started the
conversation that follows from Steps 2 and 3. Once you’ve es-
tablished your own presence online, you can start to really learn
exactly who your customers are and what they want. This is the
revered Holy Grail of marketing: knowing customers better than
they know themselves. You can achieve this through effective
online reputation management.
How To ROCK Your
Tip        #
                     Marketing Efforts
    Denver based Smashburger, an emerging fast casual chain, has shown just how effective tapping into
    the local music scene can be for a new restaurant. The company’s Rock Your City program encourages
    local bands to submit their videos via YouTube prior to the grand opening of a new location. Smash-
    burger then selects the best applicants and posts their videos to the company website so that fans can
    vote on the best one. The winners get to play at the new location on opening day in exchange for free
    burgers plus a local radio broadcast.

       If you’ve got the space and an inclination for live music, keep
      these tips in mind before you rock out your own establishment:
    MARKETING EFFORTS. Any band even remotely                 MARKETING EFFORTS. Include links to YouTube
    serious about their prospects will have at least a        clips of the bands that are going to perform in
    preliminary marketing effort online. And since both       your establishment on your website. Post live
    you and the band want people to show up for their         music schedules throughout your restaurant
    gig in your restaurant, this is a great opportunity for   and email your customers when their favorite
    you to advertise to the band’s fans through their         bands have a gig.
    existing online presence.                                 Live music is a great way to connect with
    LET YOUR CUSTOMERS TELL YOU WHO THEY                      your customers and turn them into reg-
    WANT TO HEAR. Smashburger’s strategy of taking            ulars. It doesn’t take nearly as much
    submissions and then allowing fans to vote for the        work as you might think, and the payoff
    winning gig is the perfect way to get the most mile-      in new business can make it more than
    age out of a live music gig before the band ever          a worthwhile endeavor.
    steps foot on the stage.

Tip#                Completely Change Your Menu
In recent years smart restaurateurs have turned the psychology      Place the items that fall into best seller and high margin groups
of perusing a menu into a science designed to get customers         in the prime locations at the top and bottom of your app, entrée
ordering your best menu items on a consistent basis.                                                          and dessert lists. Place
                                                                                                              high margin items in the
                                                                                                              top right of the menu
DROP DOLLAR SIGNS.                 Anyone who has sat in a res-                                               and lower margin items
taurant trying to decide what to order is a liar if they tell you                                             in the lower left as well.
                 they don’t look at the price for help in making                                              The customer’s eye will
                 a decision. So if every customer is going to be                                              track to the upper right
                 looking at that number beside menu items, you                                                first, giving items placed
                 might as well make it as appealing as possible.                                              there a much higher
                                                                                                              viewing percentage.
                A study by the Culinary Institute of America
                showed that menus without the symbol “$”
                                                                    MASTER THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY.
or the word “dollars” saw an increase in sales of over 8% per
person. That’s enough to make anyone scrambling to get the          When someone looks at a menu, they will inevitably compare
white out!                                                          prices. That’s where the Theory comes in. More often than not,
                                                                    customers will choose a middle-of-the-road option. The trick is to
STRATEGICALLY PLACE BEST SELLERS AND                                define “middle-of-the-road” for your customer.
MONEY MAKERS. Customers scan lists of appetizers, en-               That’s why a smart restaurateur will create one entrée that is ri-
trees, and desserts in a predictable way. Naturally, they look
                                                                    diculously expensive – absolutely and shamelessly high end. You
at the top item first. Maybe not so logically, they check out the
                                                                    may never sell a single one, but it doesn’t matter. That unafford-
very last item second. Then a customer will usually go to the
                                                                    able entrée will give your customers a compass by which they
second item from the top, then second from bottom, until they
                                                                    will judge the rest of the menu.
get to the middle.
Tip#                Nothing Sells Like A Good Secret
                                     It all started as an attempt to perk   There are some complications for independent restaurants.
                                         up January sales. If you’re in     Every state has rules for sweepstakes promotions, and it’s
                                           the restaurant business, you     probably not very cost effective to give away a Caribbe-
                                             know how quiet January         an vacation. Additionally it can get complicated decid-
                                               is. To combat that trend     ing how to value different prize levels and how to distribute
                                                Houlihan’s, a well-known    them evenly.
                                                casual dining concept       That doesn’t mean your restaurant can’t implement a se-
                                                based in Kansas City, MO,   cret envelope type campaign, especially if you make it a
                                                decided to play Secret      raffle. Instead of a sweepstakes, hand out raffle numbers to
                                                Santa during the holiday    customers and then collect their numbers when they come
                                              season by giving customers    back a second time. Drop those numbers into a hat and
                                            a “secret envelope.”            hold a drawing on a set day. There’s a good chance you’ll
                                     In every envelope was a prize          collect a lot of numbers the day you hold drawing.
                                   – and some envelopes had
Make sure you have sweepstakes-worthy prizes, like                          No matter how you decide to implement a secret envelope
                                                                            campaign, make sure it gets picked up on the internet and
some prizes with real a Caribbean vacation. Others                          the local media. The best part about a campaign that has
     value to them.                contained Houlihan’s gift cards          an air of mystery to it is its potential to go viral. Make sure you
                                   for different amounts. The catch         take advantage of this tendency to the fullest.
was that to redeem the prize, the customer had to return for a meal
in January.                                                                 Also make sure you have some prizes with real value to
                                                                            them. Naturally you can’t afford to give away a Caribbean
The response caught everyone at Houlihan’s by surprise. The secret          vacation, but you should focus on variety and include some
envelope promo added an element of adventure for the customer               big prizes with a lot of value. Nobody will care if all you give
that really drove excitement. Sales soared, a lot of buzz was gener-        away are $10 gift cards to eat at your restaurant.
ated, and soon Houlihan’s decided to make the secret envelope
promo a regular twice-a-year event.

 Tip#                 Serve Fast Food For Lunch
                   “Fast food” is a successful promotion more than one
                     national chain has used to grab new customers:
                        QUICK LUNCHES FOR PEOPLE ON THE GO.

                                                     It works like this:
         Step 1 Guarantee your customers they’ll get their lunch in 15 minutes or less
         after they order from a limited lunch special menu or it’s FREE.
         Step 2 Make sure lunch is served in 15 minutes.
 Weekday lunches can be a hard shift to          watching the clock tick while you scram-        If you get busy enough to be forced into
 nail down for any restaurant. Sometimes         ble to get their food out. That’s why you’ve    giving away a couple meals here and
 it’s busy, sometimes it’s completely dead.      got to make sure this baby doesn’t back-        there, then consider your speed lunch
 One thing is certain, however. Most peo-        fire on you. To start, stick to high margin,    promotion a success. That’s why you keep
 ple are at work and are busy. They want         easy-to-prepare favorites. That way you         the menu to a limited number of high mar-
 to know they can get in and out of a res-       can price them aggressively and know            gin specials. No one will be disappointed
 taurant quickly without having to worry         that your line can whip them up quickly         when their food arrives two minutes too
 about being late for whatever it is they        even if it gets hectic out there.               late.
 need to do next. Guaranteeing a quick
 lunch is a great way to let your customers
                                                                                                                Turn Your Restaurant
 know you understand their busy schedule
 and are ready to meet their needs.                                                                             Into A Hot Spot
 Customers love the idea of getting any-
 thing for free, and rest assured - they’ll be
Tip#               Turn Your Restaurant Into A Hot Spot
Turning your restaurant into a hotspot is     Make electrical outlets scarce.                      Boost Lunch Sales
relatively easy and has proven to help        When WiFi hotspots were first brought                    Up To 8%
boost lunch sales by as much as 8%. It also   in to restaurants, many owners wor-
encourages customers to come in during        ried that patrons would turn into
that extremely slow period between lunch      serial “table campers,” hanging
and dinner, and helps facilitate business     out for hours on end without or-
meetings, which can translate into some       dering anything more than a
good sales for your establishment.            cup of coffee and surfing the
                                              net. The reality has been that the
If you are considering setting up
                                              vast majority of customers do not
a WiFi hotspot in your restaurant,
                                              overstay the standard table turn-
keep a few key things in mind:                over time, however, the best way
Give away internet service for                to ensure this is to make sure they
free. First of all, that’s what most other    can’t plug in their laptops.
hotspots do, and so your customer al-         Create separate networks for
ready expects to get service for free. Sec-                                                Carefully consider who you want to tar-
                                              customers and internal use. Just
ondly, you’ll be increasing sales and cus-                                                 get with your WiFi service and what kind
                                              because you already have an internet
tomer loyalty by giving away free internet.                                                of customer is likely to use it. Obviously, a
                                              network set up for your business’ comput-
                                                                                           fine dining atmosphere targeted towards
Password protect the network.                 ers doesn’t mean you should make that
                                                                                           couples out on dates doesn’t jibe well with
Have servers give out the password to         same network available to customers.
                                                                                           a WiFi service. On the other hand, if that’s
patrons when they are seated. This helps      The last thing you want is some creative
                                                                                           your dinner crowd but you want to jump
prevent people from neighboring build-        patron getting in to your POS system or
                                                                                           into the business lunch market, advertising
ings from pirating your connection and        other important information through your
                                                                                           a WiFi network could make a lot of sense.
slowing it down, and you can at least limit   network.
access to paying customers at the same        WiFi isn’t for every restaurant concept.

                      Harness Email & Ride the Gravy Train
   Tip         #
            Email marketing is usually something most people associate with retail,
              but it can be a very effective marketing tool for restaurants as well.
  Email is a great way to reach your customers because it’s          version rate. Does a 10% off coupon on any meal work better
  cheaper to send than print advertisements and much easier to       than a buy one, get one free drink during happy hour deal?
  manage as well. If done right, email can quickly become one        The only way to know for sure is to get customers who heard
  of the most effective ways for you to                                                           about the deal through your email
  connect with your customers.               Don’t send emails       unless it’s requested        campaign to use a code when re-
                                                                                                  deeming their discount.
  However, there are definitely some Offer something every time you send an email
  do’s and don’ts when it comes to email                                                          Use a proper email marketing sys-
  marketing:                                                  Track conversions                   tem. Don’t try to send emails out
                                                Use a proper email marketing system               from your Hotmail account. For
  Don’t send emails unless it’s requested.
                                                                                                  one thing, it looks unprofessional.
  Sending unsolicited email is also known
                                                                                                  For another, you will get labeled as
  as SPAM, and we all know how annoying that is. That’s why the
                                                                      spam sooner or later. There are a variety of options out there.
  best way to collect email addresses is to offer a little something
  in return and get your customer to volunteer their email address. Make sure you do your research first.
                                                                      The most important thing to remember when it comes to email
  Offer something every time you send an email. The hard truth is
                                                                      marketing is to experiment. Best practices only take you so far.
  that your customer really doesn’t want to be bothered reading
                                                                      Try different types of offers and presentations until you find the
  an email about a restaurant. What they do want know is when
                                                                      one that gets the most customers in the door. This is also why
  your happy hour is and what days you offer specials. Don’t send
                                                                      tracking is so important. If you can’t tell if you’re having a busy
  an email unless you have something to offer. Otherwise you’re
                                                                      Tuesday night by chance or because of last week’s email, then
  just clogging up an already busy email inbox.
                                                                      you can’t improve and refine your campaigns.
  Track conversions. Use coupon codes or some other system to
  track the success of your email marketing campaign. Try differ-
  ent types of offers and see which ones have the highest con-
Tip#                 Recharge Your Happy Hour
These aren’t the happy hours you might remember from five                                         Once you’ve got ‘em
years ago. It isn’t just a couple domestic beers on tap for $2 any-
more. Many restaurants are taking their happy hour all out, with                                 in the door, keep ‘em!
special tapas style menus at bargain-basement prices and pre-
mium cocktails for $5. Happy hour has also gotten much longer,
from 2-3 hours to 4-5 hours of deals.
If you’re considering adding a happy hour or spicing up
   the one you’ve got, keep a few key factors in mind:
Happy hours should make the customer happy. These days, your
customers aren’t looking for a dollar off a domestic beer. They
want more, and they’re getting it as restaurateurs continue to
fight for business. Make your happy hour a smokin’ deal if you
really want to ratchet up the buzz and the traffic.
Create a special menu. There’s no need to lose your butt on your
dinner apps just to stay competitive. Take your highest margin
apps and entrees and turn them into smart, fun, finger-style dish-
es that can be prepared fast and efficiently, preferably with a
margin you can’t lose on.
Spend some money advertising. If you’re changing up the menu
                                                                      Once you’ve got ‘em in the door, keep ‘em! Customers are
and slashing drink prices, you need volume. You’re not going to
                                                                      there because you’ve gotten their attention with some good
get volume if you don’t get the word out. Start with your regu-
                                                                      deals. There’s never been a better opportunity to get them
lar customers and then hit the rest of the market with whatever
                                                                      to stay. Use happy hour menus to advertise dinner specials
you’ve got (and whatever you can afford): email marketing, lo-
                                                                      and train your staff to drop some great deals on happy hour
cal ads, flyers, etc.
                                                                      patrons before they leave. At the very least, they may come
                                                                      back for dinner another time after learning your deals don’t
                                                                      end at 7 pm.
Take Your Restaurant Marketing
Tip     #
“Underground fine dining” is a trend that is spreading
throughout the U.S. like a fire in 60 MPH winds.
It started in
San Francisco,
where a chef     What is underground dining? It can take
                 many forms, from sumptuous seven
known only as    course meals served in an abandoned
The Dissident    warehouse to super-secret, invite-only
Chef launched    seats in a chef’s home kitchen. The
a series of      common threads binding this move-
                 ment together is five star cuisine served
events known     in a novel environment, prix fixe, and a
as Sub Culture   limited number of lucky invitees.
Dining.          Social media has also played a huge
                 role in the success of the movement,
                 with many underground chefs posting
                 coded messages on Twitter, Facebook,
                 and even Craigslist informing members
                 where the next event will take place.
                 The combination of superb food and a
                 sense of exclusivity and adventure has
                 fueled the success of underground din-
                 ing. For traditional restaurants, the phe-
                 nomenon has raised the bar of diner ex-
                 pectations. On the other hand, there is
                 incredible opportunity here to do some-
                 thing exciting and fun that will market
                 your restaurant well and help you ex-
                 pand your culinary horizons.
                 Some ideas for taking your
                 restaurant underground:
                 Theme nights. No, don’t put up a
                 couple plastic palm trees and call it Gil-
                 ligan’s Island. Transform your restaurant
                 into something completely different.
                 Dress your staff differently. Serve some
                 unique specials and really take things to
                 the next level. Make your regulars feel
                 like they’ve never been in your restau-
                                                               The ultimate take-out. Abandoned warehouses? Defunct
                                                               wine cellars? Just because those underground chefs have start-
                 rant before.
                                                               ed making weird places cool places for eating doesn’t mean
                 Interactive dining. Your best cus-            you have to be stuck in your restaurant for all time.
                 tomers probably have a little chef envy
                                                               Take what you do, sign up 50 or 100 of your best customers, and
                 hidden somewhere deep inside, and
                                                               put on a prix fixe meal extravaganza in some cool, quirky place
                 it’s just dying to get out. Help them con-
                                                               outside your restaurant. If it can work for a rebel chef it can work
                 nect with their inner chef by putting on
                                                               for you, and your customers will love the unique experience.
                 an event in which your customers par-
                 ticipate in the preparation of a prix fixe    The underground dining movement has spread across the coun-
                 dining event put on by your restaurant.       try so rapidly that it has quickly become mainstream. Incorporat-
                 This is the latest and hottest trend in un-   ing a few exclusive underground events of your own into your
                 derground fine dining, and foodies ab-        repertoire is the perfect way to build solid relationships with your
                 solutely love the opportunity to live like    very best customers while also creating buzz about your restau-
                 a chef for an evening.                        rant in the local community.
Effective restaurant
                                          marketing doesn’t
                                          have to be expensive
                                          In fact, the best kind of marketing you’ll do for your restau-
                                          rant is the kind that doesn’t require a big check up front. In
                                          the competitive environment restaurants find themselves
                                          these days, big spending on marketing is almost surely out
                                          of reach for all but the very largest chains.
                                          For the rest of us, strategies like customer engagement
                                          through social media marketing (p. 8), creative promotions
                                          like secret envelopes (p. 26) and hot happy hours (p. 46 )
                                          are a much more effective (and affordable!) way to reach
                                          customers and keep the dining room full.
                                          Focusing on affordable marketing solutions doesn’t mean
                                          you can’t harness the power of technology. Using Wi-Fi to
                                          pump up slow afternoon business (p. 32) and email mar-
                                          keting to reach your customers directly (p. 39 ) when they
                                          aren’t dining in your restaurant are two great examples of
                                          ways technology can be put to work.
                                          Whatever tactics you incorporate into a marketing strat-
                                          egy for your restaurant, make sure you track the results as
                                          accurately as possible. Only by testing strategies, measur-
                                          ing results, and then continuing with those that work and
                                          discarding ones that don’t will you be able to settle upon
                                          the most effective marketing tactics for your restaurant.

                                TIPS OVERVIEW
1. Social Media Marketing             6. Serve “Fast Food” For Lunch
2. Manage Your Online Reputation      7. Turn Your Restaurant Into A Hot Spot
3. ROCK Your Marketing Efforts        8. Harness Email & Ride The Gravy Train
4. Completely Change Your Menu        9. Recharge Your Happy Hour
5. Nothing Sells Like A Good Secret   10. Take Your Restaurant Marketing

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The Back Burner
         A restaurant blog
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How To Crank Up Your Restaurant's Revenue

  • 1. The Front Burner CRANK UP Your Restaurant’s Revenue 888.594.4183
  • 2. Marketing Strategies Taking the plunge into business takes courage and a belief in yourself and your ideas. Not everyone has the self-confidence required to run a successful restau- rant. The fact that you believe in your business sense enough to work at it as hard as you do says you have something special. Otherwise you wouldn’t be putting this much time and effort into your operation. Unfortunately, the talent and vision that form the core of your restaurant are often lost in the sea of compe- tition your customers choose from every day. If they only knew what you already know about the great- est attributes of your restaurant then you would never have to worry about finding customers. This edition of The Front Burner features many ways to communicate effectively with existing customers and plots strategies for finding new ones. A marketing strategy is certainly important to the success of your restaurant, but far too often the foundation of an ef- fective campaign is overlooked. Before you commit to a marketing strategy, identify the two or three things you do really well. Those couple things should be easy to find – they’re the reasons you “Taking the plunge into get out of bed every morning and get to work. The key is to weave those bedrock ideas into the narrative that makes up your marketing campaigns. Whatever channel you decide to use for marketing your restau- rant, communicating your vision will ensure success business takes courage…” and help you connect with customers. Michael Lewis Tundra Founder
  • 3. 10 Easy Marketing Tips That Will Crank Up Your Restaurant’s Revenue. Good food, great service, and a unique concept are the fundamentals of a successful restaurant. If you don’t impress your customers with these three things, they won’t be coming back any time soon. Sending happy customers out the door to tell their friends about their experience in your restaurant is the most effective way to get the word out. Unfortunately, word-of-mouth marketing can only get you so far. Eventually you’re going to need to cast a wider net in search of customers. On the other hand, any marketing that’s more involved than your regulars tell- ing their friends about you is going to cost money – a prospect that will surely give any restaurant owner pause. Fortunately, there are ways to market yourself without busting your budget or taking away from the time you need to run your restaurant. That’s why we decided to compile 10 easy marketing tips that will help you crank up your revenue. These strategies are designed to deliver maximum punch per dollar without taking up a lot of your time. Look for these Top 10 tips throughout this edition of The Front Burner… 1. Social Media Marketing 2. Manage Your Online Reputation 3. ROCK Your Marketing Efforts 4. Completely Change Your Menu 5. Nothing Sells Like A Good Secret 6. Serve “Fast Food” For Lunch 7. Turn Your Restaurant Into A Hot Spot 8. Harness Email & Ride The Gravy Train 9. Recharge Your Happy Hour 10. Take Your Restaurant Marketing Underground unique marketing efforts by PLUS… Is Your Kitchen FDA Compliant With New Changes To The Food Code? Controlling Insects & Pests
  • 4. Tip# Social Media Marketing In Three Steps Social media. It’s the thing everyone is talking about in the marketing industry. The best part about restaurant social media marketing (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is that getting your message out there costs you nothing but time – a precious commod- ity to be sure, but a heck of a lot cheaper than a local newspaper ad or radio spot. Already many restaurants have employed clever strategies to engage cus- tomers and generate business for their restaurant online. A social media marketing campaign, if done right, can become an effective cus- tomer making machine. It’s not easy, and will require some work. But if the right strategies are employed, your restaurant stands to benefit. STEP 1: FACEBOOK Facebook is probably the most popular so- cial media platform for anyone in marketing today. Does that mean sales are going to go up the minute you hit “publish” on your Face- Some Facebook Strategies: book page? Well, maybe not, but the bottom line is that having a Build a great fan page. fan page definitely can’t hurt you, and may very well help. If you As a business you’ll want to create a Facebook fan page don’t start bringing in loads of new customers, you’ll at least im- rather than a profile. The bad thing about a fan page is that prove retention among existing ones. you can’t communicate with others the same way you’re More importantly, a Facebook fan page can be a great way to used to. A fan page is much more reliant on people finding collect information about your customers and get feedback about you and engaging you. your restaurant. You can leverage this information to connect with The good part about a fan page is that you can do a lot of customers in new ways and expand your email marketing cam- customization. Create custom tabs, set up a couple RSS feeds, paigns. You’ll also have a direct line to customers, revealing what and you’ll be well on your way to making your fan page stand they don’t like about your establishment as well as what’s working out for your customers. There are countless step-by-step guides well. to building Facebook fan pages on the web. A quick Google So how exactly do you create a great Facebook page? And how search will return you more articles on the subject than you do you start gaining fans and generating interest in your restaurant? know what to do with. STEP 2: TWITTER In the food service industry, restaurants and chefs have used Twitter to engage Here are some best practices that will help you succeed customers with content that gives them Twitter is a “micro blog” tool that al- a behind-the-scenes view of what’s hap- and get the most out of your lows users to send short 140 character pening and unique promotions that bring restaurant marketing efforts: messages to a list of subscribers. The in extra business. original goal of the site was to give Post regularly. Some Twitter users send Chefs are using the site to engage cus- out several tweets every day. You prob- friends a way to update each other tomers by giving out recipes and asking for ably don’t want to annoy your customers on what they’re doing in real time. feedback on new dishes and ingredients. with a lot of updates, especially at first. Of course, as we all know now, Twit- O t h e r restaurants are advertising meal But you should definitely choose a sched- ter has quickly become much more specials and events to draw in ule and stick with it. That way your follow- than that. Chief among the loyal customers on specific ers know when to expect an update and things Twitter has become, days. Some restaurants (hopefully) they look forward to your next besides a news distributor, a have even started one. social media site, and a busi- tweeting months be- ness communications tool is a fore the doors open for Be creative. 140 characters doesn’t popular vehicle for marketing give you a lot of space. It also doesn’t give the first time, resulting in a and branding. you a lot of time to catch someone’s at- packed opening night. 4
  • 5. STEP 3: FOURSQUARE Foursquare is part of a newer subset of the social media phenomenon that has been dubbed “hyper- local social media.” It works like this: as you patronize your favorite local haunts, you “check-in” with Four- square, which allows you to see if friends are nearby and post information about the venue you’re currently in. The more you check-in, the more “badges,” or awards, you get. For instance, you can become the mayor of a certain bar or club if you check-in the most times from that location in 60 days. Tech-savvy restaurants and bars caught wind of the mayor and other Tell everyone about your page. Foursquare badges and started ad- With a fan page you can’t just go around Facebook friending as many people vertising to this ready-made customer as you can find like you can with a regular profile. Therefore you must drive traffic base, offering free drinks and other to your fan page in order to get some fans. The most obvious places to do this comps to the Foursquare mayors of are on your website and in email marketing campaigns, but it would definitely their establishment. Most people had benefit you to explore some other options, like business cards or even your no idea what the heck a mayor was, menus. but those who did quickly spread the word to their friends, and it turned out Offer your fans something unique. to be a hot way for restaurants and Once you’ve started to build a fan base, reward them with some sort of promo- bars to market themselves effectively tion – a free appetizer, 2-for-1 drinks, anything to get your fans to actually come to their hippest customers. into the restaurant and spend money. The added benefit for you is that you’ll be able to gauge exactly how successful your fan page is based on how many In general the hyperlocal movement people use the promo you only released through Facebook. is beneficial to the food service in- dustry because it provides a real time medium through which restaurants can advertise to their customers. For tention. Boring tweets will get deleted, is paying off? Offer a special meal deal to now, Foursquare and the inevitable guaranteed. Straight-up sales pitches will your Twitter subscribers only. Give out a copycats that are forthcoming will be also be ignored. Instead, use colorful, cre- special code that allows them to redeem largely limited to big urban centers ative language to engage your subscrib- the deal. Every time a customer uses the like New York, Chicago, and L.A., but ers and draw them in. code, you know they are there because it’s not that farfetched to imagine a of your Twitter efforts. This strategy has the Do more than just sell. Yes, the ulti- hyperlocal medium of one kind or an- added benefit of making your followers other servicing communities of all sizes. mate goal here is to get people through feel special because they are the only the door of your business. But if all you do is ones getting the deal. sell, sell, sell, you’ll start seeing unsubscribe notices pouring in. Throw your customers a few juicy bones before you set the hook. Give out a few recipes. Tell a story about the behind-the-scenes action. Ask for Engage customers with opinions on a new dish. Get them looking content that gives them a forward to your next tweet. Then hit ‘em behind-the-scenes view. Tip# with a dinner special. Customize offers. Managing Your Online Want to know how much all your hard work Reputation 5
  • 6. “we’re a healthy alternative to other fast casual chains.” You’d think finding a place to eat lunch in a health nut haven like Boulder, Colorado that featured simple, all-natural ingredients made from scratch for a good price would be pretty easy. Boul- der residents Anthony Pigliacampo and Rob McColgan realized a couple years ago that finding good, affordable, healthy food prepared fresh and fast was much harder than it should be. The two friends then set out to fix this problem. Their solution is Modmarket, a fast casual restaurant located in the heart of Boulder’s 29th Street Mall. The menu and the food follow a simple set of principles laid out by Anthony and Rob when they started. Even more impressive than Modmarket’s fresh and tasty menu is their extremely savvy marketing campaign. The restaurant is SERVE FOOD THAT… a great example of how a great concept can expand quickly Tastes great with the help of some well executed strategies. Modmarket’s founders are skillful practitioners of many of the Is made from scratch marketing strategies you’ll find in this edition of The Front Burn- Features simple ingredients that er, but one of their most successful campaigns comes from an anyone can recognize innovation all their own: using receipts as advertising space. “We view the receipt as an asset,” says co-founder Anthony Is served quickly Pigliacampo, “We’ve taken what was going into the trash Is affordable, and… and turned it into a marketing tool.” All Modmarket receipts list nutritional information for each item the customer ordered, Wouldn’t turn you into the guy from not only placing the restaurant ahead of the curve on menu “Super Size Me” if you ate it every day. labeling but also reinforcing Modmarket’s message: we’re a healthy alternative to other fast casual chains. The crazy thing is how revolutionary this simple credo has turned out to be. Modmarket’s daily offering of fresh salads, brick oven “People like the fact that it’s transparent. We’ve had peo- pizza, gourmet sandwiches, and made-from-scratch soups has ple come in just because they’ve heard about it,” Anthony been an instant hit with the Boulder locals, and founders Antho- says of the nutrition information on receipts. But Modmarket’s ny and Rob are hard at work on a second location in Denver use of all that white space on customer receipts doesn’t end that opened at the start of the year. there. At the bottom of each receipt is a bold black arrow pointing to the right that reads “Turn Me Over.” On the back is a limited-time promo giving the customer 10% off their next order, provided it happens in the next two days. Read more about ModMarket’s unique marketing efforts at 303.440.0476 BOULDER DENVER 1600 28th Street 1000 S Colorado Blvd Boulder, Colorado Denver, Colorado
  • 7. Managing Your Tip# Online Reputation Everyone’s got an opinion! And in the internet age, everyone can and does voice their opinion online. So do you have any idea what people are saying online about your 84% of American restaurant? This is not to say consumers say online that the opinion machine driv- reviews affect their en by the internet is all bad. It decisions on products is, however, a decidedly dou- and brands. ble-edged sword. On the one hand, positive reviews and feedback com- ing from your happy customers can bring new customers in droves. On the other, one jerk who may or may not have actually had a bad experience can pick up the megaphone and start screaming nasty things about your restaurant. HERE ARE 4 WAYS TO MANAGE YOUR REPUTATION: 1. LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING. You can’t manage something if you don’t know what you’re dealing with. So tune in to the internet and start listening. Some places to start: Yelp, OpenTable, and UrbanSpoon are just a few of the myriad web- sites that post restaurant reviews. Don’t forget about the social media behemoths either: you should be on Twitter and Face- book anyway, talking about your restaurant, but if you’re not, go there today and get started! 2. RESPOND TO YOUR CRITICS AND THANK YOUR FANS. The internet is all about conversation. You’ve listened. Now it’s time to answer. No matter how you respond, do it with a healthy dose of common sense. All the things that annoy you about people at a dinner party are the same things that are going to annoy your customers online. So avoid them. 3. TAKE THE INITIATIVE. Don’t let the naysayers define your restaurant’s reputation online. If you’re not offering an alternate narrative, then people will start to think everything they read about you is true. Here’s where Twitter and Facebook come in. These services are free. These services are popular. These services are also considered culturally important. Take the time to learn how to use them and then start talking about how great your restaurant is. You’ll be amazed how many people want to listen. All this costs you is your time, and the potential for new customer development is virtually unlimited. 4. GATHER INTELLIGENCE. This goes hand in hand with Step 1, but you can’t really gather effectively until you’ve started the conversation that follows from Steps 2 and 3. Once you’ve es- tablished your own presence online, you can start to really learn exactly who your customers are and what they want. This is the revered Holy Grail of marketing: knowing customers better than they know themselves. You can achieve this through effective online reputation management.
  • 8. How To ROCK Your Tip # Marketing Efforts Denver based Smashburger, an emerging fast casual chain, has shown just how effective tapping into the local music scene can be for a new restaurant. The company’s Rock Your City program encourages local bands to submit their videos via YouTube prior to the grand opening of a new location. Smash- burger then selects the best applicants and posts their videos to the company website so that fans can vote on the best one. The winners get to play at the new location on opening day in exchange for free burgers plus a local radio broadcast. If you’ve got the space and an inclination for live music, keep these tips in mind before you rock out your own establishment: TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BAND’S EXISTING INCORPORATE LIVE MUSIC INTO YOUR OWN MARKETING EFFORTS. Any band even remotely MARKETING EFFORTS. Include links to YouTube serious about their prospects will have at least a clips of the bands that are going to perform in preliminary marketing effort online. And since both your establishment on your website. Post live you and the band want people to show up for their music schedules throughout your restaurant gig in your restaurant, this is a great opportunity for and email your customers when their favorite you to advertise to the band’s fans through their bands have a gig. existing online presence. Live music is a great way to connect with LET YOUR CUSTOMERS TELL YOU WHO THEY your customers and turn them into reg- WANT TO HEAR. Smashburger’s strategy of taking ulars. It doesn’t take nearly as much submissions and then allowing fans to vote for the work as you might think, and the payoff winning gig is the perfect way to get the most mile- in new business can make it more than age out of a live music gig before the band ever a worthwhile endeavor. steps foot on the stage. Tip# Completely Change Your Menu In recent years smart restaurateurs have turned the psychology Place the items that fall into best seller and high margin groups of perusing a menu into a science designed to get customers in the prime locations at the top and bottom of your app, entrée ordering your best menu items on a consistent basis. and dessert lists. Place high margin items in the HERE’S HOW TO GET STARTED OPTIMIZING YOUR MENU: top right of the menu DROP DOLLAR SIGNS. Anyone who has sat in a res- and lower margin items taurant trying to decide what to order is a liar if they tell you in the lower left as well. they don’t look at the price for help in making The customer’s eye will a decision. So if every customer is going to be track to the upper right looking at that number beside menu items, you first, giving items placed might as well make it as appealing as possible. there a much higher viewing percentage. A study by the Culinary Institute of America showed that menus without the symbol “$” MASTER THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY. or the word “dollars” saw an increase in sales of over 8% per person. That’s enough to make anyone scrambling to get the When someone looks at a menu, they will inevitably compare white out! prices. That’s where the Theory comes in. More often than not, customers will choose a middle-of-the-road option. The trick is to STRATEGICALLY PLACE BEST SELLERS AND define “middle-of-the-road” for your customer. MONEY MAKERS. Customers scan lists of appetizers, en- That’s why a smart restaurateur will create one entrée that is ri- trees, and desserts in a predictable way. Naturally, they look diculously expensive – absolutely and shamelessly high end. You at the top item first. Maybe not so logically, they check out the may never sell a single one, but it doesn’t matter. That unafford- very last item second. Then a customer will usually go to the able entrée will give your customers a compass by which they second item from the top, then second from bottom, until they will judge the rest of the menu. get to the middle. NOW THAT YOU KNOW THIS, TAKE THE MENU ITEMS OF EACH CATEGORY AND SPLIT THEM UP INTO GROUPS:
  • 9. Tip# Nothing Sells Like A Good Secret It all started as an attempt to perk There are some complications for independent restaurants. up January sales. If you’re in Every state has rules for sweepstakes promotions, and it’s the restaurant business, you probably not very cost effective to give away a Caribbe- know how quiet January an vacation. Additionally it can get complicated decid- is. To combat that trend ing how to value different prize levels and how to distribute Houlihan’s, a well-known them evenly. casual dining concept That doesn’t mean your restaurant can’t implement a se- based in Kansas City, MO, cret envelope type campaign, especially if you make it a decided to play Secret raffle. Instead of a sweepstakes, hand out raffle numbers to Santa during the holiday customers and then collect their numbers when they come season by giving customers back a second time. Drop those numbers into a hat and a “secret envelope.” hold a drawing on a set day. There’s a good chance you’ll In every envelope was a prize collect a lot of numbers the day you hold drawing. – and some envelopes had Make sure you have sweepstakes-worthy prizes, like No matter how you decide to implement a secret envelope campaign, make sure it gets picked up on the internet and some prizes with real a Caribbean vacation. Others the local media. The best part about a campaign that has value to them. contained Houlihan’s gift cards an air of mystery to it is its potential to go viral. Make sure you for different amounts. The catch take advantage of this tendency to the fullest. was that to redeem the prize, the customer had to return for a meal in January. Also make sure you have some prizes with real value to them. Naturally you can’t afford to give away a Caribbean The response caught everyone at Houlihan’s by surprise. The secret vacation, but you should focus on variety and include some envelope promo added an element of adventure for the customer big prizes with a lot of value. Nobody will care if all you give that really drove excitement. Sales soared, a lot of buzz was gener- away are $10 gift cards to eat at your restaurant. ated, and soon Houlihan’s decided to make the secret envelope promo a regular twice-a-year event. Tip# Serve Fast Food For Lunch “Fast food” is a successful promotion more than one national chain has used to grab new customers: QUICK LUNCHES FOR PEOPLE ON THE GO. It works like this: Step 1 Guarantee your customers they’ll get their lunch in 15 minutes or less after they order from a limited lunch special menu or it’s FREE. Step 2 Make sure lunch is served in 15 minutes. Weekday lunches can be a hard shift to watching the clock tick while you scram- If you get busy enough to be forced into nail down for any restaurant. Sometimes ble to get their food out. That’s why you’ve giving away a couple meals here and it’s busy, sometimes it’s completely dead. got to make sure this baby doesn’t back- there, then consider your speed lunch One thing is certain, however. Most peo- fire on you. To start, stick to high margin, promotion a success. That’s why you keep ple are at work and are busy. They want easy-to-prepare favorites. That way you the menu to a limited number of high mar- to know they can get in and out of a res- can price them aggressively and know gin specials. No one will be disappointed taurant quickly without having to worry that your line can whip them up quickly when their food arrives two minutes too about being late for whatever it is they even if it gets hectic out there. late. need to do next. Guaranteeing a quick lunch is a great way to let your customers Turn Your Restaurant Tip# know you understand their busy schedule and are ready to meet their needs. Into A Hot Spot Customers love the idea of getting any- thing for free, and rest assured - they’ll be
  • 10. Tip# Turn Your Restaurant Into A Hot Spot Turning your restaurant into a hotspot is Make electrical outlets scarce. Boost Lunch Sales relatively easy and has proven to help When WiFi hotspots were first brought Up To 8% boost lunch sales by as much as 8%. It also in to restaurants, many owners wor- encourages customers to come in during ried that patrons would turn into that extremely slow period between lunch serial “table campers,” hanging and dinner, and helps facilitate business out for hours on end without or- meetings, which can translate into some dering anything more than a good sales for your establishment. cup of coffee and surfing the net. The reality has been that the If you are considering setting up vast majority of customers do not a WiFi hotspot in your restaurant, overstay the standard table turn- keep a few key things in mind: over time, however, the best way Give away internet service for to ensure this is to make sure they free. First of all, that’s what most other can’t plug in their laptops. hotspots do, and so your customer al- Create separate networks for ready expects to get service for free. Sec- Carefully consider who you want to tar- customers and internal use. Just ondly, you’ll be increasing sales and cus- get with your WiFi service and what kind because you already have an internet tomer loyalty by giving away free internet. of customer is likely to use it. Obviously, a network set up for your business’ comput- fine dining atmosphere targeted towards Password protect the network. ers doesn’t mean you should make that couples out on dates doesn’t jibe well with Have servers give out the password to same network available to customers. a WiFi service. On the other hand, if that’s patrons when they are seated. This helps The last thing you want is some creative your dinner crowd but you want to jump prevent people from neighboring build- patron getting in to your POS system or into the business lunch market, advertising ings from pirating your connection and other important information through your a WiFi network could make a lot of sense. slowing it down, and you can at least limit network. access to paying customers at the same WiFi isn’t for every restaurant concept. time. Harness Email & Ride the Gravy Train Tip # Email marketing is usually something most people associate with retail, but it can be a very effective marketing tool for restaurants as well. Email is a great way to reach your customers because it’s version rate. Does a 10% off coupon on any meal work better cheaper to send than print advertisements and much easier to than a buy one, get one free drink during happy hour deal? manage as well. If done right, email can quickly become one The only way to know for sure is to get customers who heard of the most effective ways for you to about the deal through your email connect with your customers. Don’t send emails unless it’s requested campaign to use a code when re- deeming their discount. However, there are definitely some Offer something every time you send an email do’s and don’ts when it comes to email Use a proper email marketing sys- marketing: Track conversions tem. Don’t try to send emails out Use a proper email marketing system from your Hotmail account. For Don’t send emails unless it’s requested. one thing, it looks unprofessional. Sending unsolicited email is also known For another, you will get labeled as as SPAM, and we all know how annoying that is. That’s why the spam sooner or later. There are a variety of options out there. best way to collect email addresses is to offer a little something in return and get your customer to volunteer their email address. Make sure you do your research first. The most important thing to remember when it comes to email Offer something every time you send an email. The hard truth is marketing is to experiment. Best practices only take you so far. that your customer really doesn’t want to be bothered reading Try different types of offers and presentations until you find the an email about a restaurant. What they do want know is when one that gets the most customers in the door. This is also why your happy hour is and what days you offer specials. Don’t send tracking is so important. If you can’t tell if you’re having a busy an email unless you have something to offer. Otherwise you’re Tuesday night by chance or because of last week’s email, then just clogging up an already busy email inbox. you can’t improve and refine your campaigns. Track conversions. Use coupon codes or some other system to track the success of your email marketing campaign. Try differ- ent types of offers and see which ones have the highest con-
  • 11. Tip# Recharge Your Happy Hour These aren’t the happy hours you might remember from five Once you’ve got ‘em years ago. It isn’t just a couple domestic beers on tap for $2 any- more. Many restaurants are taking their happy hour all out, with in the door, keep ‘em! special tapas style menus at bargain-basement prices and pre- mium cocktails for $5. Happy hour has also gotten much longer, from 2-3 hours to 4-5 hours of deals. If you’re considering adding a happy hour or spicing up the one you’ve got, keep a few key factors in mind: Happy hours should make the customer happy. These days, your customers aren’t looking for a dollar off a domestic beer. They want more, and they’re getting it as restaurateurs continue to fight for business. Make your happy hour a smokin’ deal if you really want to ratchet up the buzz and the traffic. Create a special menu. There’s no need to lose your butt on your dinner apps just to stay competitive. Take your highest margin apps and entrees and turn them into smart, fun, finger-style dish- es that can be prepared fast and efficiently, preferably with a margin you can’t lose on. Spend some money advertising. If you’re changing up the menu Once you’ve got ‘em in the door, keep ‘em! Customers are and slashing drink prices, you need volume. You’re not going to there because you’ve gotten their attention with some good get volume if you don’t get the word out. Start with your regu- deals. There’s never been a better opportunity to get them lar customers and then hit the rest of the market with whatever to stay. Use happy hour menus to advertise dinner specials you’ve got (and whatever you can afford): email marketing, lo- and train your staff to drop some great deals on happy hour cal ads, flyers, etc. patrons before they leave. At the very least, they may come back for dinner another time after learning your deals don’t end at 7 pm.
  • 12. Take Your Restaurant Marketing Tip # Underground “Underground fine dining” is a trend that is spreading throughout the U.S. like a fire in 60 MPH winds. It started in San Francisco, where a chef What is underground dining? It can take many forms, from sumptuous seven known only as course meals served in an abandoned The Dissident warehouse to super-secret, invite-only Chef launched seats in a chef’s home kitchen. The a series of common threads binding this move- ment together is five star cuisine served events known in a novel environment, prix fixe, and a as Sub Culture limited number of lucky invitees. Dining. Social media has also played a huge role in the success of the movement, with many underground chefs posting coded messages on Twitter, Facebook, and even Craigslist informing members where the next event will take place. The combination of superb food and a sense of exclusivity and adventure has fueled the success of underground din- ing. For traditional restaurants, the phe- nomenon has raised the bar of diner ex- pectations. On the other hand, there is incredible opportunity here to do some- thing exciting and fun that will market your restaurant well and help you ex- pand your culinary horizons. Some ideas for taking your restaurant underground: Theme nights. No, don’t put up a couple plastic palm trees and call it Gil- ligan’s Island. Transform your restaurant into something completely different. Dress your staff differently. Serve some unique specials and really take things to the next level. Make your regulars feel like they’ve never been in your restau- The ultimate take-out. Abandoned warehouses? Defunct wine cellars? Just because those underground chefs have start- rant before. ed making weird places cool places for eating doesn’t mean Interactive dining. Your best cus- you have to be stuck in your restaurant for all time. tomers probably have a little chef envy Take what you do, sign up 50 or 100 of your best customers, and hidden somewhere deep inside, and put on a prix fixe meal extravaganza in some cool, quirky place it’s just dying to get out. Help them con- outside your restaurant. If it can work for a rebel chef it can work nect with their inner chef by putting on for you, and your customers will love the unique experience. an event in which your customers par- ticipate in the preparation of a prix fixe The underground dining movement has spread across the coun- dining event put on by your restaurant. try so rapidly that it has quickly become mainstream. Incorporat- This is the latest and hottest trend in un- ing a few exclusive underground events of your own into your derground fine dining, and foodies ab- repertoire is the perfect way to build solid relationships with your solutely love the opportunity to live like very best customers while also creating buzz about your restau- a chef for an evening. rant in the local community.
  • 13. Effective restaurant marketing doesn’t have to be expensive marketing. In fact, the best kind of marketing you’ll do for your restau- rant is the kind that doesn’t require a big check up front. In the competitive environment restaurants find themselves these days, big spending on marketing is almost surely out of reach for all but the very largest chains. For the rest of us, strategies like customer engagement through social media marketing (p. 8), creative promotions like secret envelopes (p. 26) and hot happy hours (p. 46 ) are a much more effective (and affordable!) way to reach customers and keep the dining room full. Focusing on affordable marketing solutions doesn’t mean you can’t harness the power of technology. Using Wi-Fi to pump up slow afternoon business (p. 32) and email mar- keting to reach your customers directly (p. 39 ) when they aren’t dining in your restaurant are two great examples of ways technology can be put to work. Whatever tactics you incorporate into a marketing strat- egy for your restaurant, make sure you track the results as accurately as possible. Only by testing strategies, measur- ing results, and then continuing with those that work and discarding ones that don’t will you be able to settle upon the most effective marketing tactics for your restaurant. TIPS OVERVIEW 1. Social Media Marketing 6. Serve “Fast Food” For Lunch 2. Manage Your Online Reputation 7. Turn Your Restaurant Into A Hot Spot 3. ROCK Your Marketing Efforts 8. Harness Email & Ride The Gravy Train 4. Completely Change Your Menu 9. Recharge Your Happy Hour 5. Nothing Sells Like A Good Secret 10. Take Your Restaurant Marketing Underground LIKE WHAT YOU LEARNED HERE? FOLLOW US! KNOWLEDGE IS {FREE} The Back Burner A restaurant blog Learn Renew Manage Market Protect Follow Go to Go to