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How Did Islamic Spain Affect The Civilization Of Muslim Spain
In 711, groups from Eastern and Northern Africa (Arab, Syrian and Berber), of Muslim religion,
under the command of Tarik, defeated the Visigoth king Don Rodrigo in the battle of Guadalete.
Thus began the Arab domination of the Iberian Peninsula which lasted for eight centuries, until
1492, when the last Nasrid king surrendered Granada to the Catholic Monarchs.
With the conquerors came, among other things, a language of a very different nature from the
Romanesque: Arabic, with its different written and oral manifestations, imposed itself as an official
language and culture, Muslim Spain produced a culture, and Muslims Are attributed the founding of
a library of hundreds of thousands of volumes (more than 400,000) that was unthinkable
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A Vanished World Chris Lowney Summary
A Vanished World by Chris Lowney Book Report A vanished World written by Chris Lowney
chronicles the daily life of the Jews, Muslims and Christians, living in the Muslim kingdoms in
Medieval Spain. He covers different spectrum of this world that was torn by religious antagonism.
In Medieval Spain, in the medieval Spanish villages Muslims, Christians, and Jews rubbed
shoulders on a daily basis. They shared irrigation system, bathhouses, municipal ovens, and
marketplaces. But they created a system that made everything work efficiently. Medieval Spaniards
introduced Europeans to paper manufacture, Hindu–Arabic numerals, philosophical classics,
algebra, citrus fruits, cotton, and new medical techniques. More astonishing than Spain 's wide–
ranging accomplishments, however, was the simple fact that until the destruction of the last Muslim
Kingdom by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1492, Spain 's Muslims, Christians, and Jews
often managed to bestow tolerance and freedom of worship on the minorities in their midst. A
Vanished World chronicles this panoramic sweep of human history and achievement, encompassing
both the agony of Jihad, Crusades, and Inquisition, and the glory of a multi–religious, multi–cultural
civilization that forever changed the West. Chris Lowney in his writing showed how these three
controversial religious groups once lived and worked together in Spain, creating commerce, culture,
art, and architecture. He reveals how these three faith groups eventually
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Spain Research Paper
Spain is an important country located in Europe. Its capital is Madrid located in the center of the
country. Spain has a population of 46 million. The official language is Castilian, but there are also 3
other languages represented in Spain (Catalan, Galician, and Basque). The localization of Spain is
an advantage for different reason. However, it is important to understand where Spain is located.
Spain is in Southwestern Europe. The Bay of Biscay, the Northern Atlantic Ocean, and the
Mediterranean Sea are the coastlines of Spain. Spain is also touching two countries, France on the
northern part and Portugal on the western part. Spain also includes the Canary Islands in the Atlantic
Ocean, and the Balearic Islands present in the Mediterranean ... Show more content on ...
The first important political issue Spain is facing since a long time is the independence of Catalonia.
There is a strong movement in Catalonia about being independent. The main symbol is the Estelada
flag, which is blue and red. Catalonian people consider themselves different from other Spaniards
for many reasons. Historically, since 1150, Catalonia was independent until the reign of King Philip
V because Catalonia lost the war of the Spanish Succession in 1714 ensuing in the birth of the
modern Spain. Spain government tried to oppress the Catalan culture until 1931. Moreover, after the
victory of the General Franco, he took the control of Spain, and he had the goal to destroy Catalan
separatism. He banned the language Catalan. People of Catalonia showing opposition to his regime
were killed or exiled. Culturally, speaking the same language regroup people together, but they have
a reputation for being hard–working people. The economic reason is the most important reason why
Catalonia wants to be independent. Catalonia was powerful thanks to its port and its trade in goods.
Now, the region adapted to the modern needs, and the region became powerful financially with its
services and hi–tech companies. The government of Spain taxed the region of Catalonia for around
8% of its GDP. Because Catalonia is the most prolific region in Spain, in 2010 the amount of taxes
paid equaled €16,000,000,000. Instead of reinvesting these taxes in Catalonia, the government
reinvests it in poorer regions of Spain. Catalonia is suffering about its schools, roads, health
services, and infrastructures. This amount of taxes makes the region of Catalonia the highest taxed
region in Europe. This issue creates a lot of frictions in the country. People from Catalonia feel so
much different from Spanish people that it created an atmosphere of hate between
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Spain And Spanish Culture
When examining any culture, pieces of other ideologies and cultural normalities different than the
foremost culture prevail, intertwining different cultures together. Spain, historically, has been known
to be a passing point for a wide variety of religious groups. During the ancient world, Christian,
Muslim, and Jewish peoples coexisted, each ultimately contributing to Spanish culture. Starting
around 701 C.E., Muslim forces began to expand into areas around the Middle East, gradually
broadening this land mass to reach Spain. Initially, Arab invaders were met with vigorous resistance;
however, as time went on, invaders experienced little opposition, allowing them to reap city after
city. Within the newly Arab–conquered cities, other religious groups faced little discrimination.
Additionally, this conquest established the ever–present influence of Islam on Spanish culture. In
this case, Spain adopted Islamic cultural innovations such as: forms of writing, religious aspects,
architectural styles, and materials supplied for said architectural innovations. Trailing into the
modern world, traces of Islamic culture are evidently intertwined into Spanish culture. Due to
Spain's rich history in interweaving cultures, it can be said that Spanish culture is intensely
influenced by Islamic culture through the invasion of Arab military in medieval time, visually
retaining influence through culture, religion, and architecture.
At the beginning of the early 700s, Muslims from the Arabian Peninsula began their conquest by
convincing nearby Germanic tribes to surrender; though it was not until they travelled across the
Straits of Gibraltar and attacked around 711 that their expansion truly began. As stated earlier, other
religious groups within Muslim Spain faced little discrimination. This impartial society could be
explained by the Treaty of Tudmir. This treaty promised that "[Christians] will not be coerced in
matters of religion, their churches will not be burned, nor will sacred objects be taken from the
realm" (Treaty of Tudmir). Islamic forces continued their invasion and took control of Zaragoza,
Spain by 714 C.E. In an opportunity to encourage his men, Tarik, a leader in the conquest of Spain
wrote: "attack this
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The Iberian Peninsula Under Islamic Rule
Abd Allah B. Buluggin memoir the Tibyan gives an account of history in the Iberian Peninsula
under Islamic rule. During this era the text produced about the land and history was destroyed or
lost. Therefore making the Tibyan the best account of history for that era, it covers the history
following the Ibn Hayyan's era, events and developments from the 5th/11th century, in addition it
gives perspectives of a Taifa prince and a Berber prince. Nonetheless, the Tibyan is a memoir of
Abd Allah B. Buluggin therefore making it opinionated and making Buluggin look virtues in the
beholder eye. When the Tibyan was being written by Abd Allah, he was sent to exile in Morocco.
Once a dynasty ends people begin to look at the negative aspects of the dynasty and say the reason
for its fall. Abd Allah took the opportunity of writing the Tibyan so people may view his family rule
in the manner that he wants people to perceive his dynasty. He had accomplished this through
multiple decisions he had made throughout his memoir. Abd Allah the last Zirid Amir of Granada
wrote the Tybian originally in Arabic and later translated to other languages. Arabic was the main
spoken language among people that lived under the Islamic rule. Abd Allah decision to incorporate
lines from the Quran, the Muslim holy book was strategic. Abd Allah writes " And if thou ask them
who created them, they will surely say: God (Tibi 36)" By incorporating verses from the Quran it
made the Tibyan look more appealing to
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How The Influences In The History Of The Iberian Peninsula
The history of the Iberian Peninsula has lead to influence from many different cultures throughout
history. These influences are especially visible in architecture. Looking specifically at medieval
Spain and the buildings that were constructed in this time frame, one can see the influence different
cultures had throughout the region. Some of the best examples for this come in the form of Gothic
Cathedrals. Greatly inspired by the French structures that started the movement, many Spanish
cathedrals exhibit not elements of French influence, but also Islamic influence as well. While most
study of Spanish cathedrals has focused on southern Spain and narrowed in on identifying the
Islamic influence within their design, northern Spain also provides some wonderful examples of the
influence from both French and Islamic culture, particularly in Leon and Burgos respectively. In my
comparison of these two cathedrals, I hope to grasp a better understanding of how different cultures
interact and influence architecture to form the Spanish Gothic style. ... Show more content on ...
In this study, I will examine Spanish Gothic architecture and the different influences on it through a
comparison of the French inspire Leon and the Islamic Influenced Burgos. In my research, I will
focus on their similarities and differences, both in history and design. Because there is limited
research on these two cathedrals in particular, I will investigate scholarship on similar cathedrals to
find scholarly approaches I may be able to apply to these case
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My Experience With My Heritage
I was born and raised in America. However, my experiences here would be extremely limited if I
denied my Spanish heritage. I live in America, but my heart and mind are often with my heritage. As
a young, narrow minded child, I grew up like most children. The main difference was that I spent
my summers visiting Europe and learning my language and culture, which has since become
sacrosanct to my identity. Through these activities, I felt myself becoming more different from my
classmates and the kids in my neighborhood. After some years of feeling like a pariah, my family
moved to a more diverse town, where I learned that every culture is different –– from the music to
the mannerisms, and that I wasn't the only one who was more than just 'American'. Though I felt
marginalized at times, I am grateful to have been raised in America. One of the beautiful things
about this country is that one can be raised here, while still incorporating and being a part of their
original culture. I have gained an appreciation for all the activities and interactions I have
experienced, and I see them as parts of a well–rounded education. I have become more accepting of
others, grown with a passion for connecting with and learning from others, and developed a unique,
global perspective.
Growing up, one of the places I felt most at home was at the Spanish Club in Newark, Club España.
Here, I participated in a traditional dance group that met weekly. In the Galician region of Spain,
where I am from,
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Incas And Aztecs : Maize And Impacts Of The New World
1. Maize and Impact: a. The cultivation of maize, introduced heavily by sophisticated civilizations
such as the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs, helped to feed large population sizes, thus facilitating the
spread of its cultivation across North America. By 2000 BCE, Pueblo peoples, due to the new
cultivation of maize, developed irrigation systems. By 1000 CE, maize reached to modern–day SE
America, which influenced Creek, Choctaw, and Cherokee peoples by growing and feeding their
populations. 2. Columbian Exchange a. The Columbian Exchange is a term used to describe the
trade of raw materials and goods, animals, and diseases between the Old World (Europe) and the
New World (the "discovered" world by Columbus, hence the title of the ... Show more content on ...
These people set out from Spain and diminished the empires of the Aztecs and the Incas with help
from their advanced firepower. Motives for such conquering were mixed, including: pride and
recognition from royalty, spreading Christianity to please God, Gold, and a general spirit of
adventure that was so famously portrayed in ancient heroes (which could be due to new ideas of
humanism). These goals were scarcely achieved, but since many of these Latin conquistadores
married Indian women, a new race called the "mestizos" was formed. 5. Encomienda System a. The
Encomienda System was devised in the West Indies (the islands of the Carribean) to undermine the
advancing civilizations in Mexico and Peru. Essentially, this was slavery, as it allowed the
government to give Indians to colonists in turn for their Christianization. This sheds light on the
assimilation of European culture with the New World because Roman Catholicism was the most
popular religion in Europe (and certainly Spain) In the late 15th and early 16th century. Therefore,
the Encomienda system not only demonstrated a euphemized form of slavery, but detailed the
underlying intentions of Spanish voyagers and Conquistadores. 6. Cahokia a. Cahokia was a
Mississippian settlement located in modern–day Illinois, which was home to around 25,000 people
at its peak
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Research Paper On Spanish Culture
Spanish Culture: People and Origin
Spain to most it remains a mystery. Puzzled they ask, "Where did they come from? What are they
like? Why do they have such a diverse culture?" these questions could only be answered by a true
Spaniard, and seeing whereas I am not, I was at a genuine a loss. I decided to look it up this report is
a compilation of my findings. In order to fully understand Spain and her people, one must first
understand their origin, where they came from.
Two groups entered the Iberian Peninsula; the Celts and the Iberians. The Celts, who came via the
Pyrenees, one of Iberia's northern mountain ranges, and spread across the Atlantic coastline. They
supported themselves by herding and by working iron. The Iberians, so deemed by the Greeks, came
up from North Africa, and ... Show more content on ...
The Gallegan is of a dreamy disposition, poetical, and imaginative, superstisous, apt to believe in
apparitions and to feel the presence of the super–natural world.
The Austrian is less reserved and more consciously intelligent, less cautious, and more vivacious.
He is still deeply poetical, but the faith at times naïve, of the Gallegan, is where undermined by a
quite yet keen since of humor. A sturias has given Spain several of her enlightened statesmen.
The Basque are forest–men, fishermen, and peasants. They are strong, healthy and simple. In recent
years their inherent spirit of enterprise has blossomed to such an extent that now the Basque has
become the chief capitalist of modern Spain. The Basque is apt to hold fast to his opinions, as
people who have not many opinions to spare want to do. He is stern, loyal uncompromising and
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Spain Research Paper
Spain is a very diverse country, from culture to climate. The two main climate zones that occur in
Spain happen to be almost exactly opposite, however, most of the same vegetation is common in the
country. There are many natural features and characteristics in Spain, such as the beautiful mountain
ranges or the vast amounts of iron ore, however, man made features are also developed, such as
railroads. The culture is very unique, and many languages are spoken in Spain, not just Spanish, and
religious beliefs are quite diverse.
Spain has a sub–tropical climate throughout the year, however, the Cantabrian Mountain range acts
as a divider of two totally different climates. In the north of the Cantabrian Mountains, there is lots
of rain, this ... Show more content on ...
There is a vast amount of natural resources that can be found in Spain. These resources include,
coal, lignite, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, uranium, and more. While the number of natural resources
found in Spain are numerous, the man made urban development of the country relatively good as
well. The most major improvement in Spain's infrastructure is its train system, consisting of 9,588
miles of track. The trains run through many major cities in Spain such as, Seville, Barcelona,
Madrid, and Bilbao. As for roads, there are 424,505 miles of paved roads in Spain, 10,069 of them
being unpaved, and ninety nine airports that are being used.
Spain is composed of many ethnic groups. About seventy four percent are Castilian Spanish,
seventeen percent are Catalan, six percent of Galician, around two percent are Basque, and less than
one percent of the population in Spain is composed of other ethnicities. Some languages spoken in
Spain are, evidently, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, and Basque. Religious affiliations include, sixty
seven percent of the population being Roman Catholic, twenty eight percent are non–religious
bearing, around one percent is Muslim, less than one percent is Protestant, and about three percent
believe in other
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Imperialism In Spain
Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula, It shares it's western Border with Portugal. On its north
coast lies the Atlantic Ocean, the outskirts of Spain are vast and mountainous. It's position near the
Gibraltar Strait, gives it control of territories in northern Morocco including the enclaves of Ceuta
and de Alhucemas, and Islas Chafarinas.
Celts, Iberians, and Basques originally lived in Spain. In 206 B.C. Spain was conquered by Scipio
Africanus, and subsequently became a part of the Roman Empire. Until 711 B.C. when they were
overthrown by the Muslims under Tariq.
Throughout the 14th Century the Spanish government made it their mission to uproot Jews or
Muslims who refused to convert to Catholicism. In 1492, Granada, the last Muslim stronghold was
conquered, shortly after Roman Catholicism was established as the national religion. ... Show more
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Throughout World War I, Spain took the position of neutrality. Spain was ruled under a dictatorship
from 1923 until 1930 when King Alfonso XII negated it. King Alfonso left Spain in 1931 due to
social unrest, shortly after a new Constitution was established. Consequently separating church and
state and making Spain a more worker friendly country. Manuel Azaña won the 1936 elections,
making him the first president of Spain.
On July 18, 1936, Francisco Franco Bahamonde, a conservative army officer began a revolt against
the government. Resulting in a civil war that lasted 3 years, and killed roughly a million people.
Soviet Russia and the Abraham Lincoln Brigade aided the patriots, and the revolt was assisted by
Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy. On March 28, 1939, Franco captured Madrid eliciting the end of
the war. Thereafter, Franco became the Prime Minister, Head of State, & National Chief of the
Governing Party.
In 1947, the Spanish people ratified a succession law
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Roman Conquest Of Spain Research Paper
Given my Spanish roots, I felt compelled to write about the Roman conquest of Spain, and how
Romans were later forced out of Spain by the Visigoths. Spain has been the center of attention many
times throughout history, and Roman times were no exception. Spain's riches convinced the
Carthaginians to settle in and trade from Carthago Nova to Saguntum and, inevitably, caught the eye
of Rome. It is because of its riches that Spain has been conquered many times, although, in the end,
Spaniards have always prevailed. Romans, Moors, French; they all found Spanish delights
irresistible, however, it was the Romans who impacted us the most.
The period known as the Conquest of Hispania took place from the moment Romans landed in
Ampurias in 218 BCE and ... Show more content on ...
Part of the success of Rome was due to its network of alliances. Therefore, when Saguntum asked
for help, Romans were compelled to come to their aid as part of their "Amicitia" (although possibly
it was just to contest Carthaginian power in the Mediterranean). This was the beginning of the
Second Punic War (218 – 201 BCE). Hannibal, who commanded an impressive army, decided to
cross the Alps and invade Italy. Meanwhile, the Romans took advantage of an abandoned Hispania
to take the cities of Cartago Nova in 209 and Gadir in 206. With this last victory, Romans had
expulsed Carthage from Hispania, and later, in 201, they finished Carthage off.
As I mentioned before, the complete conquest of Hispania took the Romans more than 200 years. It
was a slow and arduous process in which some of the northern areas were never even dominated.
The Romanization of Hispania took place alongside the Conquest, this was the integration of the
Spanish provinces into Roman politics, society, economics, culture and ideology. This did not affect
all parts of the peninsula the same way. Romanization was more intense and rapid in Iberian areas,
which were usually more cultured than their neighboring areas, populated by the Celts. But, what
did Romanization in Hispania
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Movie: The Mission Essay
Movie: The Mission
The movie, "The Mission," is about how the Spanish in cooperation with
Pourtugal try to get the Jesuits off land negotiated by the two countries. The
Spanish Church sends people into Asuncion, Paraguay to persuade the Jesuits to get off the land.
The film includes spiritual and political activities the are reflected through the church, natives, and
the Jesuits.
What the movie mainly tried to show was that the Church wanted to maintain control over the
Jesuits. To show that control, they went to Paraguay and tried to persuade the Jesuits to leave. The
Spanish allowed them to take care of the matter to prove that. Spain and Portugal had ... Show more
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A young native boy picks up the cross and assumes the role of father proving that killing the head
leader does not kill the faith.
One aspect of the movie was the technology. The Indians were attacked by a powerful weapon, and
that was the weapon of being inferior to a race that had a different way of life. The Indians were
introduced to guns, complex musical instruments, and simplicities such as clothing. These new
things changed their life. In the battle scene, the Indians steal gun powder from the Spanish. The
gun powder is then used by the Indians to their advantage. By using home made cannons, they are
not totally helpless to the cannons and bullets of the opposing side. One of the most memorable
scenes of the movie shows the small native girl picking up a destroyed violin and taking it with her
with many more children on a canoe. The only reason I can see for that scene is to represent that
even though the children are leaving the area to get away from the bad people, they will never fully
forget what happened to them as they encountered the white men. The sequences where the same
girl sees her own people dying shows that even though these people were bad, they had made an
impact that would not be forgotten.
This movie, "The Mission," shows many of the negative effects of
European expansion. It reflects the many political and
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Patterns Of Spanish Exploration And Conquest
Patterns of Spanish Exploration and conquest, in 1527 a group of Spaniards set sail out of Cádiz,
Spain in the control of Pánfilo de Narváez to discover a mysterious land called La Florida. Pánfilo
de Narváez had around 500 Spaniard men in his control, little did he know only four men would
make it out of this strenuous journey. Those four men were Cabeza de Vaca, Andrés de Dorantes de
Carranza, Alonso Castillo Maldonado, and an African slave, Esteban. Although these men were
expecting to come as conquerors, they instead where held as captives and forced to complete tasks,
for example, grubbing roots in coastal waters and in cane beds. Cabeza documented his labors in La
Relación in 1542 and in Naufragios in 1555, where he described how much he was worked by his
capturers, he said that his figures were worked so hard that if anything touched them they would
After two years of captivity, he and his people escaped and they began to travel on foot through
present–day Texas, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Chihuahua, and Sonora. Cabeza de Vaca went into the
exploration thinking he was going to find "savages" but instead he discovered that these people were
kind and very open minded. In 1543 Cabeza and his fellow men started to locate Spanish land in
New Spain. Many people guided them and helped them on their way. The four men were latter
known as great healers amongst people, and began to teach the Natives about The Lord Jesus Christ.
Although Vaca never came to what we know now
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Spain Research Paper
The country Marcus and I are doing is the Kingdom of Spain. Spain is located in the Iberian
Peninsula in Europe. It has seventeen different regions in the country. They have a population of just
under 47 million, with Madrid being its capital. Spain is a great place for tourism, but one of the
most popular places in Spain is the island of Ibiza with more than 2 million tourists visiting there a
year. Other popular cities are Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, and Tenerife. Tenerife is the most
populated and largest island of Spain's seven Canary islands. The Canary Islands are a Spanish
archipelago off the coast of Africa. Now, let's go back in time to when Queen Isabel and King
Ferdinand were the rulers of Spain. These are ... Show more content on ...
Futbol is the Spanish word for football. The sport of football started in England around the mid
1800s. Football came the sport called rugby. It came over to Spain in the late 1800s from Spanish
students studing in England. As well as, immigrants and sailors bringing the knowledge to the
Spanish people. Spain's first official game was in 1890 although most of the players were British.
Most of the teams formed in the early 1900s, such as, Seville FC, FC Barcelona, and New Foot–Ball
de Madrid. Regional teams started playing each other around 1915, and the national team played in
its first Olympics Games in 1920 and won the silver medal. In 1928, ten Spainsh teams formed the
Primera Division. The ten teams were Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, Athletic Madrid,
Real Sociedad, Racing Santander, RCD Espanol, Arenas Club de Getxo, CE Europa, and Real
Union. Spain now has nine levels or divisions of football. The first is called LaLiga, and its home
right to the best teams in world and the best players. LaLiga has 20 teams in it, such as, FC
Barcelona, Real Madrid, Seville, and Athletico Madrid. Although, LaLiga is arguably the best
league in the world, it isn't the most watched. Spain is host to the most historic and anticipated
rivalry in all of world football, El Clasico. It is between FC Barcelona and Real
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Explain Why the Arab Invasions of 710 and 711 Were so...
Explain why the Arab invasions of 710 and 711 were so successful. In answering this question we
must first appreciate the difficulty historians face in discovering the real truth of the early Arab
invasions, a fact well demonstrated in the varying estimates of Arab invasion forces (ranging from
1,700–9000 in current publications). Scant contemporary evidence exists beyond a short narrative
present in a Spanish chronicle of 754, a vital surviving Islamic administrative document of the time,
and some archaeological remains. Our knowledge of the invasions is largely founded on the works
of later Islamic historians, the Ajbar Machmua text for example and the works of Ibn Idhari and al
Maqqari. Unfortunately there are fewer Christian ... Show more content on ...
The existence of a rival claimant caused dangerous divisions throughout the kingdom and in
Akhila's demesne land of Tarragona and Narbonne coins were minted without the king's image, a
clear measure of defiance. It is also reported in some sources that during the invasion Akhila
conspired with the Arabs to depose Roderic. Some go as far as to say that during the final battle a
wing of Roderic's army loyal to Akhila turned on him in the midst of the fighting. Whether this is
true can hardly be proven but something catastrophic must have happened for the King's army
supposedly far larger than Tarik's (Estimates 24,000–30,000 ) to suffer such a devastating defeat.
Many historians support the idea that elements within the Visigothic nobility gave assistance to the
invaders probably as a means of removing Roderic. It is unlikely however that they foresaw the long
term implications of the invasion and the extension of Muslim presence in Iberia. It is argued that as
well as the problems the succession dispute posed, the very fabric of Visigothic society itself was
weak. It is suggested that the Visgothic nobility of the time, who had placed themselves above the
native Hispano–Roman population in terms of rights and privileges, were suffering a backlash from
the lower sections of society. Incidents of rebellion had increased as had the number of slaves
deserting their Lords. Many runaways turned to outlawry and as a consequence
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Giger And Davidhizar Transcultural Model In Health Care
Giger and DavidHizar Transcultural Assessment Model: Hispanic Cultural Awareness in Healthcare
Boise State University Giger and DavidHizar Transcultural Assessment Model: Hispanic Cultural
Awareness in Healthcare In every profession, there are underlying key aspects as to how that
profession functions. Moreover, in the nursing profession there are processes used to facilitate
quality care, as well as models to show the aspects of how we address this care. Likewise, Cultural
aspects are deemed a high priority in establishing greater quality care, and are considered within
each aspect of the Giger and DavidHizar Transcultural Model. The Giger and DavidHizar
Transcultural Model, is a model used in healthcare to establish how care is provided and what to
consider when implementing care. It is devised of communication, space, social organization, time,
environmental control, and biological variations. Each aspect is discussed in depth, giving relevance
in a specific culture; Hispanics. Within the culture title of Hispanics, we expand further to
specifically discuss family and children in relation to this model. Furthermore, how providers
intervene in cultural implications that arise in the healthcare setting, reflects how they interpret the
model and make use of the nursing processes. Using two aspects of the model, two implications
have been used for example purposes, using Hispanic culture as reference. This shows a great way
to effectively make
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World War Between England And France
Throughout the course of human history there are countless manifestations of conflicts that
prolonged decades, let alone centuries. When one first hears of drawn out European conflicts the
foremost one that comes to mind is the Hundred Years War between England and France. However,
the Reconquista, or the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula (modern day Spain) fought between
Christians and Muslims, was considerably lengthier, spanning 770 years from 722 at the battle of
Covadonga and ultimately ending in 1492 with the expulsion of Muslim forces from Granada. The
Reconquista began in response to an invasion of the peninsula in April of 711 by the Moors.
Generally the Reconquista is thought to be a 700–year of ideology, "but it would be ... Show more
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These kingdoms of Castile, Navarre, León, Aragon, and Catalan were ruled independently and often
warred against one another, resulting in further fragmentation. This fragmentation affected the
economy of each kingdom also. For example the economy of Castile was based off of the concept of
the Maesta, which were large collectives ruled by noble families who controlled large herds of
sheep in favor of agriculture due to the harsh environment of the plateaus that Castile was situated.
This led to an increased dependency of trade with, "the finest example of these busy plateaus,
however, is in the centre of the Spanish peninsula, the plateau of the two Castiles, Old and New
chequered with roads or rather tracks which were none the less inundated with people on the move,
swarming with caravans of arrieros...They transported anything that could be sold along the way,
wheat and salt, wool and wood, earthenware and pottery from Talavera... to maintain the links
between the peripheral regions of the peninsula which surround it and in places separate it from the
sea. It was this, and not Castile unaided, as has been said which made Spain. This traffic determined
and, it could be said, revealed the basic economy" . Due to the lack of natural resources found in the
plateau regions of the Iberian Peninsula it comes as no surprise that the Reconquista took
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The Spanish Reconquista
Spain has always been a melting pot of ethnicity and culture. From the Celts and Visigoths that
came from the north to the Africans and Arabs from the south to the Romans from the East, empires,
kingdoms, and tribes all over the world have recognized and tried to take advantage of the benefits
of Spain. War, conquest, and reconquest are frequent throughout the entire history of Spain, and the
history of Moors in Spain is no exception. It began in the year 711 when the Moors first crossed
over to the Iberian Peninsula, until their expulsion from Granada in 1492 which marks the end of the
Reconquista, they influenced the native Iberians in many ways including culture and religion. The
Moors were people of Berber, Black African, and Arab ... Show more content on ...
Christians and Jews were heavily taxed for the right to practice their own religions. Those who
converted to Islam, however, paid lesser taxes and had more privileges. Around 718, Pelagius, a
Visigoth nobleman, established an independent Christian state in opposition to the Moorish
dominance in Spain. Due to his opposition of Muslim control, Pelagius and a group of 30–some
men were exiled and lived in a cave, refusing to pay taxes and harassing the Moors. Between 718
and 722, Pelagius and his small band of warriors fought and triumphed against the Moors at the
Battle of Covodonga. This is considered the beginning of the Spanish Reconquista. The Reconquista
was a period of around 774 years where the Christian kings reclaimed the Iberian Peninsula from
the Islamic Moors. The Reconquista was not carried out by the Spanish alone, however. King
Charlemagne of France reclaimed the western Pyrenees and formed the Marca Hispanica to defend
the border between the Frankish Kingdom and the Muslims. Christians from all over Europe
traveled to the Iberian Peninsula to participate in the reclaiming of Spain in the name of God. The
Reconquista was not all war and conquest, but also the re–population of Christians on the peninsula.
As the Berbers abandoned towns and fortresses, the Christian kings took their people and re–
inhabited those areas. In some places, Christian peasants, monks, and nobles were granted lands by
their king or lord to
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Spain Research Paper
Spain is located in southwestern Europe. The capital of the country is Madrid. The major language
spoken is Spanish, however many other languages are spoken including Catalan, Galician, Euskera,
and Valencian. Spain came into existence around 200 BC. It was under Roman rule until 1512 at
which time it became a unified country it was known as Hispania. A major event in the country's
history was the Spanish Civil War. The war was fought from July 17, 1936 to April 1, 1939 and it
was fought between the Republicans and the Nationalists. The Republicans were loyal to the
government of Spain and the Nationalists were a rebel group. The leader of the Nationalists was
General Francisco Franco. The war was won by the Nationalists causing the end of ... Show more
content on ...
There are many ways to get around Spain. The country is filled with roads, air routes, railways,
ports, and rapid transits. The flag of Spain is two red stripes with a yellow stripe in the middle that
contains the coat of arms. The two red stripes on the flag are a symbol of bravery and strength, and
the yellow stripe is a symbol of generosity. The country does have some strange laws. In Barcelona,
anyone seen wearing swimming attire at places other than the beach will be fined. Most of Spain's
native animals are very small. Deer, tortoises, snakes, and bats are just a few of Spain's native
animals. Some tips on traveling to Spain are to travel during the spring or the fall because that is
when Spain experiences it's best weather. Travelers should also learn about the climate of Spain so
that they know what clothes to pack. Learning about the geography of Spain is also very important.
Another thing that tourists should know is that some hotels and restaurants may be closed for part of
the year, so if you plan to stay at a hotel, make sure they will be open when you travel
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A Very Brief Look at Spain
Spain also know as kingdom of spain is a soverign state, and is a part of the rest of the European
countries. Spain is designated in the southwestern Europe on the Iberia peninsula, and also boarders
the mederterranina sea. Spains capital is Madrid. Spain has had its ups and downs throught out their
time period , but one thing you will notice is it always seems to flourish n the end. Does spains
background really make it what it is today? Spain went through so many trial times that it might
seem as if they would never succeed, but low and behold they did persevere. Does spains global
issues really make a difference in its success? There are so many aspects of spain, but only the
background, government, and success of spain matter. So, where does spain stand as of today? We
will explore, and express all of these subject in spain just to find the conclusion and figure out
spains postion in the world.
Spains background goes on for a very long time starting with Celtics, Iberians, and Basques. They
then became under the rule of Rome, but did not succed to stay there. Smaller Christian kingdoms
gradually started to take control of the peninsula. Wars had began to start and it eventually led to no
one leading the country suceessfully. Once napoleon invaded spain this led to people wanting their
indepednce. This movement left the country politically in shambles because everyone was trying to
fight against their own country. Oce that settled spain had a civil war that
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Spain Research Paper
General Overview: Spain is a European country, located in the southwestern peninsula of Europe.
The official language of Spain is, uncoincidentally, Spanish. Spain's capital is the city of Madrid,
and it has been the capital since the 17th century. The population of Spain 47.27 million with a .87%
growth rate. Directly to the west of Spain is Portugal. North of Spain is France. There is no country
touching the southern part of Spain, just ocean water leading into the Mediterranean sea on the right.
If you go south of Spain, past the water, you will reach Morocco, in north Africa. Spain's currency is
the Euro. Spain has a democratic form of government. Spain's motto is "Plus Ultra", Latin for
"Further Beyond".
History of Spain (Cartoon): Celts and Iberians were the first settlers in the peninsula know today as
Spain, contributing to the name "Iberian Peninsula". Greeks and Phoenicians influenced the growing
populations of the peninsula. The Romans were the next main conquerors of that land, and called
the land Hispania. During the rule of the Romans, most of the borders of Spain and Europe were
loosely established. In the 5th century, the Visigoths pushed out the Romans and settled in Spain.
Muslims invaded during the 8th century. The country was founded as Spain in the 15th century.
Spain was and is ruled as a monarchy. Spain was neutral in both world wars, usually due to a ...
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Croquettes, small pieces of ham covered in bread, are a favorite food in Spain as an appetizer or late
snack. If you are a vegetarian, pisto may be a good dish for you, or it can be eaten as a side dish.
Pisto is a Spanish ratatouille, made from tomatoes, olive oil, onions, peppers, garlic, and zucchini.
Bean stew is also popular in Spain. The ingredients of the stew will vary depending on where you
are in Spain, but it will always have beans and will usually have some meat in
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The Spanish Inquisition Caused Pain for the Citizens of...
The Spanish Inquisition is known for the pain it caused the citizens of the Iberian Peninsula.
Whereas, the inquisition started to clarify the land from heretics, it came to have more greedy, and
political motives. The start of the inquisition is usually accepted to the reign of Ferdinand V. and
Isabella. The Spanish inquisition started in the year of 1478 and lasted until the year of 1834 when
Ferdinand and Isabella passed away. The Jewish people are usually associated with riches and with
being outbreak to the society to which they belong. Spain was no different. In the city of Seville,
there was an archdeacon named Martinez who constantly tried to set off the people to purge
themselves of the dirty Jewish people. After, many reproach the Spanish cardinal and the pope.
Martinez finally succeeded. On March 15, 1391, Martinez motivated the crowd to riot. The crowd
moved towards the Jewish quarter. Police captured some of the people and flogged or beaten, even
that wasn't enough to stop the mob. While they didn't succeed that day to destroy the Jews, the
feeling that Martinez had grew strong until June 6 when the mob sacked the Juderia of Seville. It is
believed that the victims numbered in the hundreds maybe even thousand. Jews thought themselves
to be free of these problems, but this was not the case. When Ferdinand V. and Isabella were married
Aragon and Castile joined together the two most powerful states known in the Spain region. Spain
was on the edge of becoming one
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Catalonia And Secession : The Corruption Of The Iberian...
Catalonia and Secession
The Iberian Peninsula on the European continent has experienced its fair share of political turmoil
throughout history. This region of the planet has experienced the reign of kingdoms, conquest, civil
war, and world wars. During the 15th century, various explorers, among those, Christopher
Columbus, voyaged from the peninsula to discover new routes around the world. In present day,
Iberia consists of two nations, Spain and Portugal, and his home to historical cities such as Madrid,
Lisbon, Granada, and Barcelona. The latter is an extremely popular cite for tourists and business;
however, it is also the capital of the rising state of Catalonia, a region in the northeast of Spain
trying to secede from the Spanish government and become a sovereign state. Catalonia, over the
course of history, has not shared an equal nor identifiable history with Spain, and has always been
dominated by the European Union member. Currently, there is high tension among the governments
of Catalonia and Spain, as Spain has declared the acts of secession as unconstitutional. Such acts
include the referendum which was scheduled for 1 October 2017, which was met with violence by
Spanish police and officials in Catalonia. Just recently, the Catalonian government has declared
independence, prompting the Spanish government to implement an aspect of the constitution,
Article 155, allowing them to disband the autonomy of Catalonia. This is unprecedented in the
history of Spain under
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Book Report: The Moors In Spain
The Moors were Muslims who invaded and ruled Spain for about 700 years. The Moors overtook
Spain from the Goths, and in the action of the Moors taking over Spain, they brought along not only
their Islamic religion, but also their culture. Stanley Lane–Poole writes about the rise and fall of
Moorish Spain from the 8th to the 15th century in his book, The Moors in Spain (1896). The Moors
in Spain was published around the time that British occupied Egypt. In his book, Lane–Poole uses
the known term "Moor," but before reading this book, I had no idea what a Moor was. It turns out
Lane–Poole uses the term Moor as a way of representing the Muslims. This was interesting to me,
because it turns out the word Moor refers to Muslim, but a Muslim also refers to many other names.
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Terms, such as Muslim, Saracens, Mussulmans, and Mohammedans, were used to define what a
Moor was. What is interesting is that all those names are similar, but also somewhat offensive, and
they are all essentially derived from the same region, race and religion (Hassan). The region of the
Moors was Northwest Africa, and since the 7th century, Northwest Africa has been primarily
Muslim. Since the Muslims are of Islamic descent, and Lane–Poole uses the word "Moor" to refer to
Muslims, Moor's are therefore associated with Islam. As far as race goes, there is no clear racial
identity for the Moors. Moors can be of any skin color, but it is a given that all Moors are
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The Accounting Of Territorial Formation
The accountant of the conquest, and the making of what is today Latin America is a debatable
subject in the field of humanities, especially in the field history. The most widespread approaches of
this history are that of violence, war, oppression, possession of territories, and foundation of new
colonies. In Frontier of Possessions, Tamar Herzog, a historian, professor of Latin American
presents an account of the conquest from a different perspective, one that proposes that the
acquisition of the territory of the New World by Spain and Portugal was a result of "interactions of
many actors that caused territorial division in both Iberia and the Americas" (Herzog, 6). Hence, I
conquer that one of the reasons of the conquest was the desire ... Show more content on ...
Under those premises, Herzog steps away from comparative history. And focus at history that look
at the information, in a thematically agreement with specific actors, and arguments, rather that in
sequence, and progression in particular place. From the above mentioned, when analyzing the
territorial division in the Americas is necessary to ponder why the treaties failed? Was not the
Tordecillas treaty, which gave the right to conquest and posses the New World, enough? This
question is very important, and Herzog explores it: the treaty of Tordecillas did not specify a
geographical division; European couldn 't agree, and trust their science or modernization. This
contradictory approach is important in the narrative of Frontiers of Possessions; Herzog presents an
opposed view to narrative about the modernity of the Europeans conquerors. It is ironic to think
about modernization, conquest, and possessions of lands when European couldn't trust their own
modernity, and yet used it as a justifiable reason to posses. This comes to show that these groups of
people were common people that possibly did not understood or even care about modernity, but
rather possession through different means. As an illustration, Herzog points out that Spaniard and
Portuguese did not bother about " linear or zonal classification of the land.
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Roman Ruins Spain
Spain is home of the running of bulls,flamenco,dancers,museums and so much more.Spain is not all
about the bulls but it can be about the ancient times such as the buildings aqueducts.Spain is a
wonderful country to visit in order to see the Roman ruins because the created works,history and the
amazing features.Spain has much to offer such as the what life has been in the ancient time.The
Roman ruins are one of the best parts of the country of Spain. First, Spain is a wonderful country to
visit in order to see the Roman ruins because of it created works.One of their created works was the
the sewer system and aqueducts.Based on article one, "They created sewer systems and aqueducts
that allowed people in the cities to access fresh water.To elaborate,
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Spanish Inquisition Research Paper
Beig, "Al–Andalus is referred to the territory occupied by the Muslim empire in Southern Spain,
which refer to the cities of Almeria, Malaga, Cadiz, Huelva, Seville, Cordoba, Jaen and Granada"
(p.1). The moors gradually claimed control over the whole of the peninsula but this in turn sparked
the Christian Reconquest Covadonga in 722AD. For the next four hundred years the Christians and
Muslims fought against each other trying to capture then conquer different areas within the
Peninsula. Then finally in 1230 the Christian armies of Castilla, Aragón and Navarra joined forces
to banish the Muslims for good.
The next stage of Spanish history explains how Fernando of Aragón married Isabel of Castile 1469
uniting their kingdoms under the joint rule of a Catholic monarchy. During their reign the monarchs
implemented "The Spanish Inquisition". Research by Pérez (2005) shows that the Spanish
Inquisition was established to eliminate racial differences, "Ferdinand and Isabella wanted a modern
state" (p. 35). The inquisition was meant to force the Jews to convert to Christianity otherwise they
would be tortured or banished.
In 1492, the monarchs subsided Christopher Columbus's voyage to discover the Americas.
Columbus's discoveries lead to the beginning of the Spanish Empire overseas. The influx of new
wealth enabled them to finance a huge army ... Show more content on ...
This demonstrates the freedom that Spaniards have to believe in their own religious idealism.
Although, religion is not enforced, Spain still flourishes with the traditions that the Catholic Church
used to define their nation. For instance, Holy week is celebrated all over the country to
commemorate the life of Christ. The celebration happens during the last week of lent with street
processions and festivals performed all over the nation, attracting tourists from all over the
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Spain Research Paper
Madrid is the capital of Spain. It is located in the middle of the country and is home to millions.
Barcelona is located on the Mediterranean Sea at the northeast coast of Spain has over 4 kilometers
of beach belonging to it. It is a city with a lot of history but known at the same time for being a very
modern European city. Valencia is one of the biggest cities in Spain, located on the southeast coast
of spain on the Mediterranean Sea. Valencia is known for its festivals and fireworks displays. Seville
is in the southeast part of Spain. Over hundreds of thousands come and visit Seville probably
because of its warm climate and many things to do that will give you the true feeling of Spain.
Foods Some of the favorite food and drink in Spain is sangria, paella and croquettes. Sangria is
made up of wine with some fresh fruit and brandy. It is an alcoholic drink so don't drink this and
drive home! Paella's is a rice dish with many different recipes to it. The "Traditional" Valencia
Paella has rabbit, chicken and snails, as well as beans and artichokes in it. There's also a Seafood
Paella that is made with fish and seafood caught right ... Show more content on ...
In America the term football is way different that Spain's football. In Spain, football is soccer. In
2010, Spain's team won the FIFA World Cup. In the mountainous areas of Spain, skiing is very
popular. It is one of the favorite sports of the royal family. There is competitive alpine skiing in
Spain and Spanish skiers have won in the alpine skiing world cup. A form of recreation in Spain,
very popular with tourists, is Bullfighting. Many in Spain don't like bullfighting because they think
it is cruel, but there are still a lot of bullfights going on especially in Madrid. There is also a festival
in Pamplona, Spain called the Running of the Bulls. It is held in July and a lot of crazy people try to
run down a small alley without being gored by a runaway
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Spain Research Paper
Spain is the famous tourist spot in Europe. It is popular for its food, art, culture and architecture.
Spanish language is spoken in all parts of the country. Spain is known for some celebrations
however La Tomatina is the most prominent and fun celebrations of Spain. Spain is also known for
its popular wines , it is third biggest maker of wines in the world. Football is the most prominent
game, spain has many football clubs but top clubs are Barcelona and Real Madrid. Andalusia is a
area in the south of Spain. Andalusia has beautiful beaches, nice weather, valleys and mountains.
Andalusia is the Autonomous Community of spain. Andalusia has many different restaurents which
are famous for its foods. The world–well known Spanish dance is Flamenco, ... Show more content
on ...
The last Moor lord Boabdil hands over the city of Granada to the Catholic Monarchs Isabel and
Fernando in January 1492.
Unveiling the New World by Christopher Columbus starts the brilliant period of Andalusia, spain.
Seville (the territories of Andalusia) turns into the principle place for every single exchanging
activitie with the West Indies and the social focus of Spain. Since 1503 Ships stacked with gold and
silver from the New World dock in the port of Seville. Which raised the andalusia trading.
The eighteenth Century starts with the Spanish War of progression. The nineteenth Century of
Andalusa is included in the Napoleonic Wars, which affects the whole mainland. In the meantime
the Spanish provincial realm decreases and the contentions about the progression of the Spanish
throne was violent also. In the mid of the Century Spain experience a period of social strains and
forthcoming liberal progressive thoughts. The main republic is restored following two years by the
government. Toward the end of the nineteenth Century Andalusia endures again a few rebellions.
The war against the USA marks the end of the pioneer realm. The Spanish crown loses Cuba, Puerto
Rico and the
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The Islamic Storming Of Spain
The Islamic storming of Spain was a tempestuous and conflicted time in history. Today it is often
portrayed by historians as a battle of good versus evil; a forfeiting of an ebullient culture that
diminished at the hand of Abd Al–Raḥmān 's Muslim–led army that began infiltrating Spain from
North Africa in AD 711. However, what ensued thereafter was a convergence of great knowledge,
trade innovation, and hydraulic technology that had not existed in the region before Islamic arrival.
The idealistic "garden of paradise" came closer to reality with the rich climatic environment of
Spain and the fabric of knowledge handed down from the Islamic world of the Moors. Upon the
arrival of the Moors, who were essentially Muslims from North Africa, ... Show more content on ...
Most of Europe, especially that of which was under Christian rule, was very skeptical of pagan texts
of the ancient Greeks and Romans and never came to study these writings due to discrimination.
Muslims, however, did not ignore these valuable teachings and strove to find new knowledge within
other cultures and societies. Much of Greek knowledge stems from the ancient Egyptians, the bulk
of it being preserved at the Library of Alexandria. During the Muslim occupation of Alexandria,
they had direct access to this elusive bank of knowledge and translated large amounts of books into
Arabic, including the bible. From this, Islamic society tapped into a great understanding of the
world around them and eventually brought this rich knowledge with them to the al–Andalus. Among
theses teachings, Muslims had a great understanding of irrigation and hydraulic systems passed on
from the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, which would become a great asset to their
success in agriculture, landscaping, and gardening in Spain ("Al–Andalus History"). Virtually
barren lands of the Iberian Peninsula became flourishing centers of agriculture through the
implementation of hydraulic and irrigation technology of the Muslims, thus bringing great wealth
and power to the region through trade. Plants including palm trees, citrus, avocado, and
pomegranate, none of which had been seen in Europe before, became bountiful in al–Andalus
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The Theory Of ' Convivencia ' Between Christians And Muslims
Is the theory of 'convivencia ' between Christians, Jews and Muslims in Iberia convincing in the first
four centuries after 711?
Word Count: 1904
The theory of 'convivencia' between Christians, Jews and Muslims is considered to be the period in
Medieval Spain in which the three Abrahamic religions were able to coexist and live together
peacefully. The notion of convivencia not only refers to the overall tolerance of Christians and Jews
to be able to practice their religion in Al–Andalus, it also incorporates the idea of members of these
three faiths sharing a common culture, a language and working towards advancing civilisation
through poetry, literature and science. Historians who have studied this issue are largely divided on
whether this time period really was as harmonious as it is commonly described. Historians such as
Bat Ye'or highlight the lack of convivencia by placing emphasis on how leaders of Al–Andalus
would enforce rules such as granting non–Muslims with the status of dhimmi, essentially making
them second–class citizens which by today's standards would undoubtedly lead to the theory of
convivencia being somewhat unpersuasive. However, relative to this era, Islamic Iberia was the
apex of religious tolerance, immensely surpassing the level of tolerance in surrounding nations and
empires. Montgomery Watt goes as far to say that under Muslim rule, Jews and Christians were
considered as "People of the Book" who were to be a
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Diego Velázquez's Impact On The Painting Industry
Over the years, Spain has produced many significant figures. From sports, to politics, many
renowned people have had their meager beginnings in this eastern European country. Some of the
greatest, however, were the artists. Not only did Spaniards create beautiful paintings, but they also
birthed entirely new sects in the art culture. Although innumerable world famous painters have been
Spanish, Diego de Velázquez, Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali have made some of
the greatest impacts on the painting industry. The first of these great painters was Diego Velázquez.
Born in Seville, Spain, in 1599, Velázquez possessed great talent in the realm of art. His parents
recognized this, and at the young age of eleven, he was apprenticed ... Show more content on ...
He was asked by Anton Raphael Mengs to paint tapestry cartoons for Santa Barbara's Royal
Tapestry Factory, which gained Goya attention from Spanish royalty. He was given a position as a
court painter, where he was introduced to Velazquez's works, and he was encouraged to study them.
He learned to paint in a similar style as Velazquez did, in order to please the royal court. While
working for the Spanish court, Goya primarily painted works which had been commissioned to him.
Although he accepted these, as it was his job to do, he constantly longed to be able to express his
creativity freely, without the limits of another's expectations. So, on the side he continued to paint
tapestry cartoons, which featured satiric content, something painters had not
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Navidad En Spain Research Paper
Carsin Spurlock
Spanish Mid–Term Essay
Navidad en Spain The country of Spain is located in the Iberian Peninsula in southwest Europe; it
occupies eighty percent of the land. Spain borders France and Andorra with the Pyrenees as a
natural frontier, in the North. It is one of the world's oldest cultures and has a heritage that has
influenced many continents. Also, Spain is where the Spanish language originated. When you meet
somebody in Spain, it is traditional to give a kiss on each cheek. Another fun fact about Spain is that
it is the number one country for organ donation in the world. Christmas is a very religious holiday in
Spain. December eighth is the official starting of Christmas for them. This is because it is the
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The Battle Of Covadong The Final Push
Battle of Covadonga was the final push of numerous attempts of uprisings and rebellions that began
in 718. During this time, King Pelayo resisted attempts by the Moors to gain control of Asturias.
However, in 720, after sending out a force to Asturias, Pelayo and his forces of about 500 men were
forced to retreat. The Moorish leader offered terms to surrender, but Pelayo refused. Al Kama,
Moorish leader, ordered an attack. However, the Asturians and Pelayo inflicted major causalities and
pushed back the Moors. The Moors soon began to retreat, but were attacked by larger Asturians
forces who had gained support by villagers. This success ensured that part of Iberia remained in
control of the Christians. For Pelayo, this ensured his ... Show more content on ...
By 1492, 100,000 had died or been enslaved, 200,000 had emigrated, and 200,000 remained in
Castille (Kamen, N.D).
A primary goal of the Reconquista was to repopulate the Iberian Peninsula with Christians. As areas
that used to be occupied by Muslims became vacant, kings brought in their own people to secure the
borders. In Spain, the main areas of repopulation were places like the central Catalonia. During the
Reconquista, the Christians, mainly from the northern kingdoms, used their power to create legal
and political institutions. Many of these institutions still survive in Spain today ("Reconquista,"
The religious war and conquest for land made a significant impact on Spain, many of which you can
see today. A significant impact the Reconquista had can be seen in Spain's population and
demographics. Today, Catholic Christianity is the largest religion in Spain. Although it is no longer
the official state religion after the Spanish Constitution of 1978 abolished it, it is still prominent in
Spain. According to the World Atlas, 76.7% of the population consider themselves Catholic, 20%
are atheist and 3–5% are other religions like Islam. These numbers today are in result of the
Reconquista that dramatically decreased the population of many areas and cities that was mainly
populated by the Muslims before the war. Three main cities being; Granada, Cordoba, and Seville.
These permanent effects impacted population growth as well. During the
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Conquistadors Summary
The reshaping of the New World began the moment Spaniards set foot on the continent. Those first
"conquistadors" documented their encounters with native peoples, emphasizing their desire to
convert these peoples to Christianity and away from their heathenistic rituals. The documents
presented by Stuart B. Schwartz portray accounts from the perspectives of both the conquerors and
the conquered. His work does not provide much in the way of personal interpretation but rather
"displays" the documents so the reader can compare better both sides of the New World inhabitants.
These documents present an opportunity to consider moments of heroism, greed, and despair born
during the clashing of Spanish and Nahua cultures and challenge the way historians view such
cultures and the interpretation of primary texts. Schwartz's goal, it would seem, is not to persuade
readers of the accuracy of one source over another but rather to call attention to how personal
interests, class and ethnic biases, and politics influence the interpretation of the conquering of the
Aztec empire. Irene Silverblatt examines the new Spanish lands after Spaniards have established
themselves in and amongst the native peoples. She describes the development of a modern world
through the views of Spanish imperialism and argues that the Inquisition provides such evidence.
Using church records, sermons, and missionary guides, Silverblatt examines how the modern world
was build, experienced, and understood by the
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La Sombra Research Paper
La Sombra (Spanish for "The Shadow"; born November 3, 1989 in Gómez Palacio, Durango,
Mexico) is the ring name of a Mexican luchador enmascarado, or masked professional wrestler. La
Sombra's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in
Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. In the case of La Sombra
it is known that his paternal last name is Andrade, from his father Jose Andrade Salasa, who
wrestles as Brillante. La Sombra made his professional wrestling debut a month before his 14th
birthday and worked initially as Brillante Jr. (Spanish for "Diamond Jr.") after his father who
wrestled under the name "Brillante" for part of his career. In 2007 he began working
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Spain Research Paper
Spain Spain resides in the Iberian Peninsula at the southwestern verge of the continent and is
Europe's third largest nation. This once great Spanish Empire held sway in every corner of the
globe. Many modern countries all over the world can trace their culinary traditions back to those
early settlers. Spain also enjoys a rich and assorted cuisine influenced by its own series of settlers,
invaders and of course the locally available resources.
The body of Spain is composed of a large peninsula surrounded by a ring of protective mountains.
The central plateau of continental Spain is called Meseta, which is bordered by the Baetic,
Andalusian, and Iberian Mountains on it's the south and southeast sides, the Pyrenees on the north,
and the Catabrian ... Show more content on ...
The Phoenicians with their sauces, the Greeks with their olives, Romans and Jews with their own
cuisine all made an impact on Spanish cuisine. The lands conquered by Spain while it was a world
superpower provided additional resources and expanded the Spanish palate. Above and beyond all
of them, however, the most important influence of Spanish cuisine would be the Moors. The
Moorish invaders ruled the majority of the Spanish plateau for nearly 750 years and introduced the
cultivation of rice; spices such as saffron, cumin, and anise; nuts (especially almonds); and fruit
such as figs, citrus, and bananas. They improved the native irrigation systems, which multiplied the
productivity of the Spanish agriculture and allowed greater access to rice and other produce all over
the peninsula. The Arab Moors even the technique of combining both sweet and spicy foods to the
Spanish palate. These contributions became the core staples of Spanish cuisine, which have evolved
into the unique dishes recognized around the world today as distinctly
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Business Communication in Spain
Business communication is essential in the business world; it may be the key to success. These
skills and tools should be learned and taken into practice in the business field. Due to the expanding
businesses in today's world, whether it's to reduce their cost, or for expansion, many companies
have taken their business abroad. Although many or all of us are familiar with America's way of
handling any business issues, it is also necessary that we are aware of other countries' business
communication and etiquettes. Spain is a country that has many important facts and business
etiquettes that need to be considered when doing business in Spain. The main fact that should be
known is that the predominant language spoken in Spain which is ... Show more content on ...
Spaniards usually don't follow times or schedules. In one of the books the author writes "Although
you should be punctual yourself, keep in mind that "el tiempo is como el espacio" in Spain– or,
"time is space"". (Sabath 217) Spaniards are not extremely concerned with punctuality. It's expected
to wait for some of the meeting members to arrive around 15 to 30 minutes late. Decisions are not
usually made in the business meetings; it is mainly for discussions and exchange of ideas. Dinners
are usually more sociable and there is not much business talk; if there is any business talk it should
only be done if the Spanish host initiates it. The business conversations usually take place during
lunch meetings around two in the afternoon. Meetings that are held during dinner are usually held
after nine. This is due to the fact that most places have siestas (break period in which restaurants and
stores close for a few hours) and they reopen late in the afternoon. Therefore, it's a good idea to take
advantage of the siesta and be ready for the late night meetings. If you are the one hosting a meeting
dinner and would like to bring your spouse, you should expand the invitations to the Spaniard's
contact's spouse. Besides being able to communicate verbally with the Spaniards, it is also
important to understand their non verbal communications. Body
... Get more on ...

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  • 3. Spain Research Paper Spain is an important country located in Europe. Its capital is Madrid located in the center of the country. Spain has a population of 46 million. The official language is Castilian, but there are also 3 other languages represented in Spain (Catalan, Galician, and Basque). The localization of Spain is an advantage for different reason. However, it is important to understand where Spain is located. Spain is in Southwestern Europe. The Bay of Biscay, the Northern Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea are the coastlines of Spain. Spain is also touching two countries, France on the northern part and Portugal on the western part. Spain also includes the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Balearic Islands present in the Mediterranean ... Show more content on ... The first important political issue Spain is facing since a long time is the independence of Catalonia. There is a strong movement in Catalonia about being independent. The main symbol is the Estelada flag, which is blue and red. Catalonian people consider themselves different from other Spaniards for many reasons. Historically, since 1150, Catalonia was independent until the reign of King Philip V because Catalonia lost the war of the Spanish Succession in 1714 ensuing in the birth of the modern Spain. Spain government tried to oppress the Catalan culture until 1931. Moreover, after the victory of the General Franco, he took the control of Spain, and he had the goal to destroy Catalan separatism. He banned the language Catalan. People of Catalonia showing opposition to his regime were killed or exiled. Culturally, speaking the same language regroup people together, but they have a reputation for being hard–working people. The economic reason is the most important reason why Catalonia wants to be independent. Catalonia was powerful thanks to its port and its trade in goods. Now, the region adapted to the modern needs, and the region became powerful financially with its services and hi–tech companies. The government of Spain taxed the region of Catalonia for around 8% of its GDP. Because Catalonia is the most prolific region in Spain, in 2010 the amount of taxes paid equaled €16,000,000,000. Instead of reinvesting these taxes in Catalonia, the government reinvests it in poorer regions of Spain. Catalonia is suffering about its schools, roads, health services, and infrastructures. This amount of taxes makes the region of Catalonia the highest taxed region in Europe. This issue creates a lot of frictions in the country. People from Catalonia feel so much different from Spanish people that it created an atmosphere of hate between ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Spain And Spanish Culture When examining any culture, pieces of other ideologies and cultural normalities different than the foremost culture prevail, intertwining different cultures together. Spain, historically, has been known to be a passing point for a wide variety of religious groups. During the ancient world, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish peoples coexisted, each ultimately contributing to Spanish culture. Starting around 701 C.E., Muslim forces began to expand into areas around the Middle East, gradually broadening this land mass to reach Spain. Initially, Arab invaders were met with vigorous resistance; however, as time went on, invaders experienced little opposition, allowing them to reap city after city. Within the newly Arab–conquered cities, other religious groups faced little discrimination. Additionally, this conquest established the ever–present influence of Islam on Spanish culture. In this case, Spain adopted Islamic cultural innovations such as: forms of writing, religious aspects, architectural styles, and materials supplied for said architectural innovations. Trailing into the modern world, traces of Islamic culture are evidently intertwined into Spanish culture. Due to Spain's rich history in interweaving cultures, it can be said that Spanish culture is intensely influenced by Islamic culture through the invasion of Arab military in medieval time, visually retaining influence through culture, religion, and architecture. At the beginning of the early 700s, Muslims from the Arabian Peninsula began their conquest by convincing nearby Germanic tribes to surrender; though it was not until they travelled across the Straits of Gibraltar and attacked around 711 that their expansion truly began. As stated earlier, other religious groups within Muslim Spain faced little discrimination. This impartial society could be explained by the Treaty of Tudmir. This treaty promised that "[Christians] will not be coerced in matters of religion, their churches will not be burned, nor will sacred objects be taken from the realm" (Treaty of Tudmir). Islamic forces continued their invasion and took control of Zaragoza, Spain by 714 C.E. In an opportunity to encourage his men, Tarik, a leader in the conquest of Spain wrote: "attack this ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Iberian Peninsula Under Islamic Rule Abd Allah B. Buluggin memoir the Tibyan gives an account of history in the Iberian Peninsula under Islamic rule. During this era the text produced about the land and history was destroyed or lost. Therefore making the Tibyan the best account of history for that era, it covers the history following the Ibn Hayyan's era, events and developments from the 5th/11th century, in addition it gives perspectives of a Taifa prince and a Berber prince. Nonetheless, the Tibyan is a memoir of Abd Allah B. Buluggin therefore making it opinionated and making Buluggin look virtues in the beholder eye. When the Tibyan was being written by Abd Allah, he was sent to exile in Morocco. Once a dynasty ends people begin to look at the negative aspects of the dynasty and say the reason for its fall. Abd Allah took the opportunity of writing the Tibyan so people may view his family rule in the manner that he wants people to perceive his dynasty. He had accomplished this through multiple decisions he had made throughout his memoir. Abd Allah the last Zirid Amir of Granada wrote the Tybian originally in Arabic and later translated to other languages. Arabic was the main spoken language among people that lived under the Islamic rule. Abd Allah decision to incorporate lines from the Quran, the Muslim holy book was strategic. Abd Allah writes " And if thou ask them who created them, they will surely say: God (Tibi 36)" By incorporating verses from the Quran it made the Tibyan look more appealing to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. How The Influences In The History Of The Iberian Peninsula The history of the Iberian Peninsula has lead to influence from many different cultures throughout history. These influences are especially visible in architecture. Looking specifically at medieval Spain and the buildings that were constructed in this time frame, one can see the influence different cultures had throughout the region. Some of the best examples for this come in the form of Gothic Cathedrals. Greatly inspired by the French structures that started the movement, many Spanish cathedrals exhibit not elements of French influence, but also Islamic influence as well. While most study of Spanish cathedrals has focused on southern Spain and narrowed in on identifying the Islamic influence within their design, northern Spain also provides some wonderful examples of the influence from both French and Islamic culture, particularly in Leon and Burgos respectively. In my comparison of these two cathedrals, I hope to grasp a better understanding of how different cultures interact and influence architecture to form the Spanish Gothic style. ... Show more content on ... In this study, I will examine Spanish Gothic architecture and the different influences on it through a comparison of the French inspire Leon and the Islamic Influenced Burgos. In my research, I will focus on their similarities and differences, both in history and design. Because there is limited research on these two cathedrals in particular, I will investigate scholarship on similar cathedrals to find scholarly approaches I may be able to apply to these case ... Get more on ...
  • 7. My Experience With My Heritage I was born and raised in America. However, my experiences here would be extremely limited if I denied my Spanish heritage. I live in America, but my heart and mind are often with my heritage. As a young, narrow minded child, I grew up like most children. The main difference was that I spent my summers visiting Europe and learning my language and culture, which has since become sacrosanct to my identity. Through these activities, I felt myself becoming more different from my classmates and the kids in my neighborhood. After some years of feeling like a pariah, my family moved to a more diverse town, where I learned that every culture is different –– from the music to the mannerisms, and that I wasn't the only one who was more than just 'American'. Though I felt marginalized at times, I am grateful to have been raised in America. One of the beautiful things about this country is that one can be raised here, while still incorporating and being a part of their original culture. I have gained an appreciation for all the activities and interactions I have experienced, and I see them as parts of a well–rounded education. I have become more accepting of others, grown with a passion for connecting with and learning from others, and developed a unique, global perspective. Growing up, one of the places I felt most at home was at the Spanish Club in Newark, Club España. Here, I participated in a traditional dance group that met weekly. In the Galician region of Spain, where I am from, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Incas And Aztecs : Maize And Impacts Of The New World 1. Maize and Impact: a. The cultivation of maize, introduced heavily by sophisticated civilizations such as the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs, helped to feed large population sizes, thus facilitating the spread of its cultivation across North America. By 2000 BCE, Pueblo peoples, due to the new cultivation of maize, developed irrigation systems. By 1000 CE, maize reached to modern–day SE America, which influenced Creek, Choctaw, and Cherokee peoples by growing and feeding their populations. 2. Columbian Exchange a. The Columbian Exchange is a term used to describe the trade of raw materials and goods, animals, and diseases between the Old World (Europe) and the New World (the "discovered" world by Columbus, hence the title of the ... Show more content on ... These people set out from Spain and diminished the empires of the Aztecs and the Incas with help from their advanced firepower. Motives for such conquering were mixed, including: pride and recognition from royalty, spreading Christianity to please God, Gold, and a general spirit of adventure that was so famously portrayed in ancient heroes (which could be due to new ideas of humanism). These goals were scarcely achieved, but since many of these Latin conquistadores married Indian women, a new race called the "mestizos" was formed. 5. Encomienda System a. The Encomienda System was devised in the West Indies (the islands of the Carribean) to undermine the advancing civilizations in Mexico and Peru. Essentially, this was slavery, as it allowed the government to give Indians to colonists in turn for their Christianization. This sheds light on the assimilation of European culture with the New World because Roman Catholicism was the most popular religion in Europe (and certainly Spain) In the late 15th and early 16th century. Therefore, the Encomienda system not only demonstrated a euphemized form of slavery, but detailed the underlying intentions of Spanish voyagers and Conquistadores. 6. Cahokia a. Cahokia was a Mississippian settlement located in modern–day Illinois, which was home to around 25,000 people at its peak ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Research Paper On Spanish Culture Spanish Culture: People and Origin Spain to most it remains a mystery. Puzzled they ask, "Where did they come from? What are they like? Why do they have such a diverse culture?" these questions could only be answered by a true Spaniard, and seeing whereas I am not, I was at a genuine a loss. I decided to look it up this report is a compilation of my findings. In order to fully understand Spain and her people, one must first understand their origin, where they came from. Two groups entered the Iberian Peninsula; the Celts and the Iberians. The Celts, who came via the Pyrenees, one of Iberia's northern mountain ranges, and spread across the Atlantic coastline. They supported themselves by herding and by working iron. The Iberians, so deemed by the Greeks, came up from North Africa, and ... Show more content on ... The Gallegan is of a dreamy disposition, poetical, and imaginative, superstisous, apt to believe in apparitions and to feel the presence of the super–natural world. The Austrian is less reserved and more consciously intelligent, less cautious, and more vivacious. He is still deeply poetical, but the faith at times naïve, of the Gallegan, is where undermined by a quite yet keen since of humor. A sturias has given Spain several of her enlightened statesmen. The Basque are forest–men, fishermen, and peasants. They are strong, healthy and simple. In recent years their inherent spirit of enterprise has blossomed to such an extent that now the Basque has become the chief capitalist of modern Spain. The Basque is apt to hold fast to his opinions, as people who have not many opinions to spare want to do. He is stern, loyal uncompromising and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Spain Research Paper Spain is a very diverse country, from culture to climate. The two main climate zones that occur in Spain happen to be almost exactly opposite, however, most of the same vegetation is common in the country. There are many natural features and characteristics in Spain, such as the beautiful mountain ranges or the vast amounts of iron ore, however, man made features are also developed, such as railroads. The culture is very unique, and many languages are spoken in Spain, not just Spanish, and religious beliefs are quite diverse. Spain has a sub–tropical climate throughout the year, however, the Cantabrian Mountain range acts as a divider of two totally different climates. In the north of the Cantabrian Mountains, there is lots of rain, this ... Show more content on ... There is a vast amount of natural resources that can be found in Spain. These resources include, coal, lignite, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, uranium, and more. While the number of natural resources found in Spain are numerous, the man made urban development of the country relatively good as well. The most major improvement in Spain's infrastructure is its train system, consisting of 9,588 miles of track. The trains run through many major cities in Spain such as, Seville, Barcelona, Madrid, and Bilbao. As for roads, there are 424,505 miles of paved roads in Spain, 10,069 of them being unpaved, and ninety nine airports that are being used. Spain is composed of many ethnic groups. About seventy four percent are Castilian Spanish, seventeen percent are Catalan, six percent of Galician, around two percent are Basque, and less than one percent of the population in Spain is composed of other ethnicities. Some languages spoken in Spain are, evidently, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, and Basque. Religious affiliations include, sixty seven percent of the population being Roman Catholic, twenty eight percent are non–religious bearing, around one percent is Muslim, less than one percent is Protestant, and about three percent believe in other ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Imperialism In Spain Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula, It shares it's western Border with Portugal. On its north coast lies the Atlantic Ocean, the outskirts of Spain are vast and mountainous. It's position near the Gibraltar Strait, gives it control of territories in northern Morocco including the enclaves of Ceuta and de Alhucemas, and Islas Chafarinas. Celts, Iberians, and Basques originally lived in Spain. In 206 B.C. Spain was conquered by Scipio Africanus, and subsequently became a part of the Roman Empire. Until 711 B.C. when they were overthrown by the Muslims under Tariq. Throughout the 14th Century the Spanish government made it their mission to uproot Jews or Muslims who refused to convert to Catholicism. In 1492, Granada, the last Muslim stronghold was conquered, shortly after Roman Catholicism was established as the national religion. ... Show more content on ... Throughout World War I, Spain took the position of neutrality. Spain was ruled under a dictatorship from 1923 until 1930 when King Alfonso XII negated it. King Alfonso left Spain in 1931 due to social unrest, shortly after a new Constitution was established. Consequently separating church and state and making Spain a more worker friendly country. Manuel Azaña won the 1936 elections, making him the first president of Spain. On July 18, 1936, Francisco Franco Bahamonde, a conservative army officer began a revolt against the government. Resulting in a civil war that lasted 3 years, and killed roughly a million people. Soviet Russia and the Abraham Lincoln Brigade aided the patriots, and the revolt was assisted by Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy. On March 28, 1939, Franco captured Madrid eliciting the end of the war. Thereafter, Franco became the Prime Minister, Head of State, & National Chief of the Governing Party. In 1947, the Spanish people ratified a succession law ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Roman Conquest Of Spain Research Paper Given my Spanish roots, I felt compelled to write about the Roman conquest of Spain, and how Romans were later forced out of Spain by the Visigoths. Spain has been the center of attention many times throughout history, and Roman times were no exception. Spain's riches convinced the Carthaginians to settle in and trade from Carthago Nova to Saguntum and, inevitably, caught the eye of Rome. It is because of its riches that Spain has been conquered many times, although, in the end, Spaniards have always prevailed. Romans, Moors, French; they all found Spanish delights irresistible, however, it was the Romans who impacted us the most. The period known as the Conquest of Hispania took place from the moment Romans landed in Ampurias in 218 BCE and ... Show more content on ... Part of the success of Rome was due to its network of alliances. Therefore, when Saguntum asked for help, Romans were compelled to come to their aid as part of their "Amicitia" (although possibly it was just to contest Carthaginian power in the Mediterranean). This was the beginning of the Second Punic War (218 – 201 BCE). Hannibal, who commanded an impressive army, decided to cross the Alps and invade Italy. Meanwhile, the Romans took advantage of an abandoned Hispania to take the cities of Cartago Nova in 209 and Gadir in 206. With this last victory, Romans had expulsed Carthage from Hispania, and later, in 201, they finished Carthage off. As I mentioned before, the complete conquest of Hispania took the Romans more than 200 years. It was a slow and arduous process in which some of the northern areas were never even dominated. The Romanization of Hispania took place alongside the Conquest, this was the integration of the Spanish provinces into Roman politics, society, economics, culture and ideology. This did not affect all parts of the peninsula the same way. Romanization was more intense and rapid in Iberian areas, which were usually more cultured than their neighboring areas, populated by the Celts. But, what did Romanization in Hispania ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Movie: The Mission Essay Movie: The Mission The movie, "The Mission," is about how the Spanish in cooperation with Pourtugal try to get the Jesuits off land negotiated by the two countries. The Spanish Church sends people into Asuncion, Paraguay to persuade the Jesuits to get off the land. The film includes spiritual and political activities the are reflected through the church, natives, and the Jesuits. What the movie mainly tried to show was that the Church wanted to maintain control over the Jesuits. To show that control, they went to Paraguay and tried to persuade the Jesuits to leave. The Spanish allowed them to take care of the matter to prove that. Spain and Portugal had ... Show more content on ... A young native boy picks up the cross and assumes the role of father proving that killing the head leader does not kill the faith. One aspect of the movie was the technology. The Indians were attacked by a powerful weapon, and that was the weapon of being inferior to a race that had a different way of life. The Indians were introduced to guns, complex musical instruments, and simplicities such as clothing. These new things changed their life. In the battle scene, the Indians steal gun powder from the Spanish. The gun powder is then used by the Indians to their advantage. By using home made cannons, they are not totally helpless to the cannons and bullets of the opposing side. One of the most memorable scenes of the movie shows the small native girl picking up a destroyed violin and taking it with her with many more children on a canoe. The only reason I can see for that scene is to represent that even though the children are leaving the area to get away from the bad people, they will never fully forget what happened to them as they encountered the white men. The sequences where the same girl sees her own people dying shows that even though these people were bad, they had made an impact that would not be forgotten. This movie, "The Mission," shows many of the negative effects of European expansion. It reflects the many political and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Patterns Of Spanish Exploration And Conquest Patterns of Spanish Exploration and conquest, in 1527 a group of Spaniards set sail out of Cádiz, Spain in the control of Pánfilo de Narváez to discover a mysterious land called La Florida. Pánfilo de Narváez had around 500 Spaniard men in his control, little did he know only four men would make it out of this strenuous journey. Those four men were Cabeza de Vaca, Andrés de Dorantes de Carranza, Alonso Castillo Maldonado, and an African slave, Esteban. Although these men were expecting to come as conquerors, they instead where held as captives and forced to complete tasks, for example, grubbing roots in coastal waters and in cane beds. Cabeza documented his labors in La Relación in 1542 and in Naufragios in 1555, where he described how much he was worked by his capturers, he said that his figures were worked so hard that if anything touched them they would bleed. After two years of captivity, he and his people escaped and they began to travel on foot through present–day Texas, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Chihuahua, and Sonora. Cabeza de Vaca went into the exploration thinking he was going to find "savages" but instead he discovered that these people were kind and very open minded. In 1543 Cabeza and his fellow men started to locate Spanish land in New Spain. Many people guided them and helped them on their way. The four men were latter known as great healers amongst people, and began to teach the Natives about The Lord Jesus Christ. Although Vaca never came to what we know now ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Spain Research Paper The country Marcus and I are doing is the Kingdom of Spain. Spain is located in the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. It has seventeen different regions in the country. They have a population of just under 47 million, with Madrid being its capital. Spain is a great place for tourism, but one of the most popular places in Spain is the island of Ibiza with more than 2 million tourists visiting there a year. Other popular cities are Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, and Tenerife. Tenerife is the most populated and largest island of Spain's seven Canary islands. The Canary Islands are a Spanish archipelago off the coast of Africa. Now, let's go back in time to when Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand were the rulers of Spain. These are ... Show more content on ... Futbol is the Spanish word for football. The sport of football started in England around the mid 1800s. Football came the sport called rugby. It came over to Spain in the late 1800s from Spanish students studing in England. As well as, immigrants and sailors bringing the knowledge to the Spanish people. Spain's first official game was in 1890 although most of the players were British. Most of the teams formed in the early 1900s, such as, Seville FC, FC Barcelona, and New Foot–Ball de Madrid. Regional teams started playing each other around 1915, and the national team played in its first Olympics Games in 1920 and won the silver medal. In 1928, ten Spainsh teams formed the Primera Division. The ten teams were Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, Athletic Madrid, Real Sociedad, Racing Santander, RCD Espanol, Arenas Club de Getxo, CE Europa, and Real Union. Spain now has nine levels or divisions of football. The first is called LaLiga, and its home right to the best teams in world and the best players. LaLiga has 20 teams in it, such as, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Seville, and Athletico Madrid. Although, LaLiga is arguably the best league in the world, it isn't the most watched. Spain is host to the most historic and anticipated rivalry in all of world football, El Clasico. It is between FC Barcelona and Real ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Explain Why the Arab Invasions of 710 and 711 Were so... Explain why the Arab invasions of 710 and 711 were so successful. In answering this question we must first appreciate the difficulty historians face in discovering the real truth of the early Arab invasions, a fact well demonstrated in the varying estimates of Arab invasion forces (ranging from 1,700–9000 in current publications). Scant contemporary evidence exists beyond a short narrative present in a Spanish chronicle of 754, a vital surviving Islamic administrative document of the time, and some archaeological remains. Our knowledge of the invasions is largely founded on the works of later Islamic historians, the Ajbar Machmua text for example and the works of Ibn Idhari and al Maqqari. Unfortunately there are fewer Christian ... Show more content on ... The existence of a rival claimant caused dangerous divisions throughout the kingdom and in Akhila's demesne land of Tarragona and Narbonne coins were minted without the king's image, a clear measure of defiance. It is also reported in some sources that during the invasion Akhila conspired with the Arabs to depose Roderic. Some go as far as to say that during the final battle a wing of Roderic's army loyal to Akhila turned on him in the midst of the fighting. Whether this is true can hardly be proven but something catastrophic must have happened for the King's army supposedly far larger than Tarik's (Estimates 24,000–30,000 ) to suffer such a devastating defeat. Many historians support the idea that elements within the Visigothic nobility gave assistance to the invaders probably as a means of removing Roderic. It is unlikely however that they foresaw the long term implications of the invasion and the extension of Muslim presence in Iberia. It is argued that as well as the problems the succession dispute posed, the very fabric of Visigothic society itself was weak. It is suggested that the Visgothic nobility of the time, who had placed themselves above the native Hispano–Roman population in terms of rights and privileges, were suffering a backlash from the lower sections of society. Incidents of rebellion had increased as had the number of slaves deserting their Lords. Many runaways turned to outlawry and as a consequence ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Giger And Davidhizar Transcultural Model In Health Care Giger and DavidHizar Transcultural Assessment Model: Hispanic Cultural Awareness in Healthcare 112149135 Boise State University Giger and DavidHizar Transcultural Assessment Model: Hispanic Cultural Awareness in Healthcare In every profession, there are underlying key aspects as to how that profession functions. Moreover, in the nursing profession there are processes used to facilitate quality care, as well as models to show the aspects of how we address this care. Likewise, Cultural aspects are deemed a high priority in establishing greater quality care, and are considered within each aspect of the Giger and DavidHizar Transcultural Model. The Giger and DavidHizar Transcultural Model, is a model used in healthcare to establish how care is provided and what to consider when implementing care. It is devised of communication, space, social organization, time, environmental control, and biological variations. Each aspect is discussed in depth, giving relevance in a specific culture; Hispanics. Within the culture title of Hispanics, we expand further to specifically discuss family and children in relation to this model. Furthermore, how providers intervene in cultural implications that arise in the healthcare setting, reflects how they interpret the model and make use of the nursing processes. Using two aspects of the model, two implications have been used for example purposes, using Hispanic culture as reference. This shows a great way to effectively make ... Get more on ...
  • 18. World War Between England And France Throughout the course of human history there are countless manifestations of conflicts that prolonged decades, let alone centuries. When one first hears of drawn out European conflicts the foremost one that comes to mind is the Hundred Years War between England and France. However, the Reconquista, or the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula (modern day Spain) fought between Christians and Muslims, was considerably lengthier, spanning 770 years from 722 at the battle of Covadonga and ultimately ending in 1492 with the expulsion of Muslim forces from Granada. The Reconquista began in response to an invasion of the peninsula in April of 711 by the Moors. Generally the Reconquista is thought to be a 700–year of ideology, "but it would be ... Show more content on ... These kingdoms of Castile, Navarre, León, Aragon, and Catalan were ruled independently and often warred against one another, resulting in further fragmentation. This fragmentation affected the economy of each kingdom also. For example the economy of Castile was based off of the concept of the Maesta, which were large collectives ruled by noble families who controlled large herds of sheep in favor of agriculture due to the harsh environment of the plateaus that Castile was situated. This led to an increased dependency of trade with, "the finest example of these busy plateaus, however, is in the centre of the Spanish peninsula, the plateau of the two Castiles, Old and New chequered with roads or rather tracks which were none the less inundated with people on the move, swarming with caravans of arrieros...They transported anything that could be sold along the way, wheat and salt, wool and wood, earthenware and pottery from Talavera... to maintain the links between the peripheral regions of the peninsula which surround it and in places separate it from the sea. It was this, and not Castile unaided, as has been said which made Spain. This traffic determined and, it could be said, revealed the basic economy" . Due to the lack of natural resources found in the plateau regions of the Iberian Peninsula it comes as no surprise that the Reconquista took ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Spanish Reconquista Spain has always been a melting pot of ethnicity and culture. From the Celts and Visigoths that came from the north to the Africans and Arabs from the south to the Romans from the East, empires, kingdoms, and tribes all over the world have recognized and tried to take advantage of the benefits of Spain. War, conquest, and reconquest are frequent throughout the entire history of Spain, and the history of Moors in Spain is no exception. It began in the year 711 when the Moors first crossed over to the Iberian Peninsula, until their expulsion from Granada in 1492 which marks the end of the Reconquista, they influenced the native Iberians in many ways including culture and religion. The Moors were people of Berber, Black African, and Arab ... Show more content on ... Christians and Jews were heavily taxed for the right to practice their own religions. Those who converted to Islam, however, paid lesser taxes and had more privileges. Around 718, Pelagius, a Visigoth nobleman, established an independent Christian state in opposition to the Moorish dominance in Spain. Due to his opposition of Muslim control, Pelagius and a group of 30–some men were exiled and lived in a cave, refusing to pay taxes and harassing the Moors. Between 718 and 722, Pelagius and his small band of warriors fought and triumphed against the Moors at the Battle of Covodonga. This is considered the beginning of the Spanish Reconquista. The Reconquista was a period of around 774 years where the Christian kings reclaimed the Iberian Peninsula from the Islamic Moors. The Reconquista was not carried out by the Spanish alone, however. King Charlemagne of France reclaimed the western Pyrenees and formed the Marca Hispanica to defend the border between the Frankish Kingdom and the Muslims. Christians from all over Europe traveled to the Iberian Peninsula to participate in the reclaiming of Spain in the name of God. The Reconquista was not all war and conquest, but also the re–population of Christians on the peninsula. As the Berbers abandoned towns and fortresses, the Christian kings took their people and re– inhabited those areas. In some places, Christian peasants, monks, and nobles were granted lands by their king or lord to ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Spain Research Paper Spain is located in southwestern Europe. The capital of the country is Madrid. The major language spoken is Spanish, however many other languages are spoken including Catalan, Galician, Euskera, and Valencian. Spain came into existence around 200 BC. It was under Roman rule until 1512 at which time it became a unified country it was known as Hispania. A major event in the country's history was the Spanish Civil War. The war was fought from July 17, 1936 to April 1, 1939 and it was fought between the Republicans and the Nationalists. The Republicans were loyal to the government of Spain and the Nationalists were a rebel group. The leader of the Nationalists was General Francisco Franco. The war was won by the Nationalists causing the end of ... Show more content on ... There are many ways to get around Spain. The country is filled with roads, air routes, railways, ports, and rapid transits. The flag of Spain is two red stripes with a yellow stripe in the middle that contains the coat of arms. The two red stripes on the flag are a symbol of bravery and strength, and the yellow stripe is a symbol of generosity. The country does have some strange laws. In Barcelona, anyone seen wearing swimming attire at places other than the beach will be fined. Most of Spain's native animals are very small. Deer, tortoises, snakes, and bats are just a few of Spain's native animals. Some tips on traveling to Spain are to travel during the spring or the fall because that is when Spain experiences it's best weather. Travelers should also learn about the climate of Spain so that they know what clothes to pack. Learning about the geography of Spain is also very important. Another thing that tourists should know is that some hotels and restaurants may be closed for part of the year, so if you plan to stay at a hotel, make sure they will be open when you travel ... Get more on ...
  • 21. A Very Brief Look at Spain Spain Spain also know as kingdom of spain is a soverign state, and is a part of the rest of the European countries. Spain is designated in the southwestern Europe on the Iberia peninsula, and also boarders the mederterranina sea. Spains capital is Madrid. Spain has had its ups and downs throught out their time period , but one thing you will notice is it always seems to flourish n the end. Does spains background really make it what it is today? Spain went through so many trial times that it might seem as if they would never succeed, but low and behold they did persevere. Does spains global issues really make a difference in its success? There are so many aspects of spain, but only the background, government, and success of spain matter. So, where does spain stand as of today? We will explore, and express all of these subject in spain just to find the conclusion and figure out spains postion in the world. Spains background goes on for a very long time starting with Celtics, Iberians, and Basques. They then became under the rule of Rome, but did not succed to stay there. Smaller Christian kingdoms gradually started to take control of the peninsula. Wars had began to start and it eventually led to no one leading the country suceessfully. Once napoleon invaded spain this led to people wanting their indepednce. This movement left the country politically in shambles because everyone was trying to fight against their own country. Oce that settled spain had a civil war that ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Spain Research Paper SCRIPT: General Overview: Spain is a European country, located in the southwestern peninsula of Europe. The official language of Spain is, uncoincidentally, Spanish. Spain's capital is the city of Madrid, and it has been the capital since the 17th century. The population of Spain 47.27 million with a .87% growth rate. Directly to the west of Spain is Portugal. North of Spain is France. There is no country touching the southern part of Spain, just ocean water leading into the Mediterranean sea on the right. If you go south of Spain, past the water, you will reach Morocco, in north Africa. Spain's currency is the Euro. Spain has a democratic form of government. Spain's motto is "Plus Ultra", Latin for "Further Beyond". History of Spain (Cartoon): Celts and Iberians were the first settlers in the peninsula know today as Spain, contributing to the name "Iberian Peninsula". Greeks and Phoenicians influenced the growing populations of the peninsula. The Romans were the next main conquerors of that land, and called the land Hispania. During the rule of the Romans, most of the borders of Spain and Europe were loosely established. In the 5th century, the Visigoths pushed out the Romans and settled in Spain. Muslims invaded during the 8th century. The country was founded as Spain in the 15th century. Spain was and is ruled as a monarchy. Spain was neutral in both world wars, usually due to a ... Show more content on ... Croquettes, small pieces of ham covered in bread, are a favorite food in Spain as an appetizer or late snack. If you are a vegetarian, pisto may be a good dish for you, or it can be eaten as a side dish. Pisto is a Spanish ratatouille, made from tomatoes, olive oil, onions, peppers, garlic, and zucchini. Bean stew is also popular in Spain. The ingredients of the stew will vary depending on where you are in Spain, but it will always have beans and will usually have some meat in ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Spanish Inquisition Caused Pain for the Citizens of... The Spanish Inquisition is known for the pain it caused the citizens of the Iberian Peninsula. Whereas, the inquisition started to clarify the land from heretics, it came to have more greedy, and political motives. The start of the inquisition is usually accepted to the reign of Ferdinand V. and Isabella. The Spanish inquisition started in the year of 1478 and lasted until the year of 1834 when Ferdinand and Isabella passed away. The Jewish people are usually associated with riches and with being outbreak to the society to which they belong. Spain was no different. In the city of Seville, there was an archdeacon named Martinez who constantly tried to set off the people to purge themselves of the dirty Jewish people. After, many reproach the Spanish cardinal and the pope. Martinez finally succeeded. On March 15, 1391, Martinez motivated the crowd to riot. The crowd moved towards the Jewish quarter. Police captured some of the people and flogged or beaten, even that wasn't enough to stop the mob. While they didn't succeed that day to destroy the Jews, the feeling that Martinez had grew strong until June 6 when the mob sacked the Juderia of Seville. It is believed that the victims numbered in the hundreds maybe even thousand. Jews thought themselves to be free of these problems, but this was not the case. When Ferdinand V. and Isabella were married Aragon and Castile joined together the two most powerful states known in the Spain region. Spain was on the edge of becoming one ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Catalonia And Secession : The Corruption Of The Iberian... Catalonia and Secession The Iberian Peninsula on the European continent has experienced its fair share of political turmoil throughout history. This region of the planet has experienced the reign of kingdoms, conquest, civil war, and world wars. During the 15th century, various explorers, among those, Christopher Columbus, voyaged from the peninsula to discover new routes around the world. In present day, Iberia consists of two nations, Spain and Portugal, and his home to historical cities such as Madrid, Lisbon, Granada, and Barcelona. The latter is an extremely popular cite for tourists and business; however, it is also the capital of the rising state of Catalonia, a region in the northeast of Spain trying to secede from the Spanish government and become a sovereign state. Catalonia, over the course of history, has not shared an equal nor identifiable history with Spain, and has always been dominated by the European Union member. Currently, there is high tension among the governments of Catalonia and Spain, as Spain has declared the acts of secession as unconstitutional. Such acts include the referendum which was scheduled for 1 October 2017, which was met with violence by Spanish police and officials in Catalonia. Just recently, the Catalonian government has declared independence, prompting the Spanish government to implement an aspect of the constitution, Article 155, allowing them to disband the autonomy of Catalonia. This is unprecedented in the history of Spain under ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Book Report: The Moors In Spain The Moors were Muslims who invaded and ruled Spain for about 700 years. The Moors overtook Spain from the Goths, and in the action of the Moors taking over Spain, they brought along not only their Islamic religion, but also their culture. Stanley Lane–Poole writes about the rise and fall of Moorish Spain from the 8th to the 15th century in his book, The Moors in Spain (1896). The Moors in Spain was published around the time that British occupied Egypt. In his book, Lane–Poole uses the known term "Moor," but before reading this book, I had no idea what a Moor was. It turns out Lane–Poole uses the term Moor as a way of representing the Muslims. This was interesting to me, because it turns out the word Moor refers to Muslim, but a Muslim also refers to many other names. ... Show more content on ... Terms, such as Muslim, Saracens, Mussulmans, and Mohammedans, were used to define what a Moor was. What is interesting is that all those names are similar, but also somewhat offensive, and they are all essentially derived from the same region, race and religion (Hassan). The region of the Moors was Northwest Africa, and since the 7th century, Northwest Africa has been primarily Muslim. Since the Muslims are of Islamic descent, and Lane–Poole uses the word "Moor" to refer to Muslims, Moor's are therefore associated with Islam. As far as race goes, there is no clear racial identity for the Moors. Moors can be of any skin color, but it is a given that all Moors are ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Accounting Of Territorial Formation The accountant of the conquest, and the making of what is today Latin America is a debatable subject in the field of humanities, especially in the field history. The most widespread approaches of this history are that of violence, war, oppression, possession of territories, and foundation of new colonies. In Frontier of Possessions, Tamar Herzog, a historian, professor of Latin American presents an account of the conquest from a different perspective, one that proposes that the acquisition of the territory of the New World by Spain and Portugal was a result of "interactions of many actors that caused territorial division in both Iberia and the Americas" (Herzog, 6). Hence, I conquer that one of the reasons of the conquest was the desire ... Show more content on ... Under those premises, Herzog steps away from comparative history. And focus at history that look at the information, in a thematically agreement with specific actors, and arguments, rather that in sequence, and progression in particular place. From the above mentioned, when analyzing the territorial division in the Americas is necessary to ponder why the treaties failed? Was not the Tordecillas treaty, which gave the right to conquest and posses the New World, enough? This question is very important, and Herzog explores it: the treaty of Tordecillas did not specify a geographical division; European couldn 't agree, and trust their science or modernization. This contradictory approach is important in the narrative of Frontiers of Possessions; Herzog presents an opposed view to narrative about the modernity of the Europeans conquerors. It is ironic to think about modernization, conquest, and possessions of lands when European couldn't trust their own modernity, and yet used it as a justifiable reason to posses. This comes to show that these groups of people were common people that possibly did not understood or even care about modernity, but rather possession through different means. As an illustration, Herzog points out that Spaniard and Portuguese did not bother about " linear or zonal classification of the land. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Roman Ruins Spain Spain is home of the running of bulls,flamenco,dancers,museums and so much more.Spain is not all about the bulls but it can be about the ancient times such as the buildings aqueducts.Spain is a wonderful country to visit in order to see the Roman ruins because the created works,history and the amazing features.Spain has much to offer such as the what life has been in the ancient time.The Roman ruins are one of the best parts of the country of Spain. First, Spain is a wonderful country to visit in order to see the Roman ruins because of it created works.One of their created works was the the sewer system and aqueducts.Based on article one, "They created sewer systems and aqueducts that allowed people in the cities to access fresh water.To elaborate, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Spanish Inquisition Research Paper Beig, "Al–Andalus is referred to the territory occupied by the Muslim empire in Southern Spain, which refer to the cities of Almeria, Malaga, Cadiz, Huelva, Seville, Cordoba, Jaen and Granada" (p.1). The moors gradually claimed control over the whole of the peninsula but this in turn sparked the Christian Reconquest Covadonga in 722AD. For the next four hundred years the Christians and Muslims fought against each other trying to capture then conquer different areas within the Peninsula. Then finally in 1230 the Christian armies of Castilla, Aragón and Navarra joined forces to banish the Muslims for good. The next stage of Spanish history explains how Fernando of Aragón married Isabel of Castile 1469 uniting their kingdoms under the joint rule of a Catholic monarchy. During their reign the monarchs implemented "The Spanish Inquisition". Research by Pérez (2005) shows that the Spanish Inquisition was established to eliminate racial differences, "Ferdinand and Isabella wanted a modern state" (p. 35). The inquisition was meant to force the Jews to convert to Christianity otherwise they would be tortured or banished. In 1492, the monarchs subsided Christopher Columbus's voyage to discover the Americas. Columbus's discoveries lead to the beginning of the Spanish Empire overseas. The influx of new wealth enabled them to finance a huge army ... Show more content on ... This demonstrates the freedom that Spaniards have to believe in their own religious idealism. Although, religion is not enforced, Spain still flourishes with the traditions that the Catholic Church used to define their nation. For instance, Holy week is celebrated all over the country to commemorate the life of Christ. The celebration happens during the last week of lent with street processions and festivals performed all over the nation, attracting tourists from all over the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Spain Research Paper Madrid is the capital of Spain. It is located in the middle of the country and is home to millions. Barcelona is located on the Mediterranean Sea at the northeast coast of Spain has over 4 kilometers of beach belonging to it. It is a city with a lot of history but known at the same time for being a very modern European city. Valencia is one of the biggest cities in Spain, located on the southeast coast of spain on the Mediterranean Sea. Valencia is known for its festivals and fireworks displays. Seville is in the southeast part of Spain. Over hundreds of thousands come and visit Seville probably because of its warm climate and many things to do that will give you the true feeling of Spain. Foods Some of the favorite food and drink in Spain is sangria, paella and croquettes. Sangria is made up of wine with some fresh fruit and brandy. It is an alcoholic drink so don't drink this and drive home! Paella's is a rice dish with many different recipes to it. The "Traditional" Valencia Paella has rabbit, chicken and snails, as well as beans and artichokes in it. There's also a Seafood Paella that is made with fish and seafood caught right ... Show more content on ... In America the term football is way different that Spain's football. In Spain, football is soccer. In 2010, Spain's team won the FIFA World Cup. In the mountainous areas of Spain, skiing is very popular. It is one of the favorite sports of the royal family. There is competitive alpine skiing in Spain and Spanish skiers have won in the alpine skiing world cup. A form of recreation in Spain, very popular with tourists, is Bullfighting. Many in Spain don't like bullfighting because they think it is cruel, but there are still a lot of bullfights going on especially in Madrid. There is also a festival in Pamplona, Spain called the Running of the Bulls. It is held in July and a lot of crazy people try to run down a small alley without being gored by a runaway ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Spain Research Paper Spain is the famous tourist spot in Europe. It is popular for its food, art, culture and architecture. Spanish language is spoken in all parts of the country. Spain is known for some celebrations however La Tomatina is the most prominent and fun celebrations of Spain. Spain is also known for its popular wines , it is third biggest maker of wines in the world. Football is the most prominent game, spain has many football clubs but top clubs are Barcelona and Real Madrid. Andalusia is a area in the south of Spain. Andalusia has beautiful beaches, nice weather, valleys and mountains. Andalusia is the Autonomous Community of spain. Andalusia has many different restaurents which are famous for its foods. The world–well known Spanish dance is Flamenco, ... Show more content on ... The last Moor lord Boabdil hands over the city of Granada to the Catholic Monarchs Isabel and Fernando in January 1492. Unveiling the New World by Christopher Columbus starts the brilliant period of Andalusia, spain. Seville (the territories of Andalusia) turns into the principle place for every single exchanging activitie with the West Indies and the social focus of Spain. Since 1503 Ships stacked with gold and silver from the New World dock in the port of Seville. Which raised the andalusia trading. The eighteenth Century starts with the Spanish War of progression. The nineteenth Century of Andalusa is included in the Napoleonic Wars, which affects the whole mainland. In the meantime the Spanish provincial realm decreases and the contentions about the progression of the Spanish throne was violent also. In the mid of the Century Spain experience a period of social strains and forthcoming liberal progressive thoughts. The main republic is restored following two years by the government. Toward the end of the nineteenth Century Andalusia endures again a few rebellions. The war against the USA marks the end of the pioneer realm. The Spanish crown loses Cuba, Puerto Rico and the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Islamic Storming Of Spain The Islamic storming of Spain was a tempestuous and conflicted time in history. Today it is often portrayed by historians as a battle of good versus evil; a forfeiting of an ebullient culture that diminished at the hand of Abd Al–Raḥmān 's Muslim–led army that began infiltrating Spain from North Africa in AD 711. However, what ensued thereafter was a convergence of great knowledge, trade innovation, and hydraulic technology that had not existed in the region before Islamic arrival. The idealistic "garden of paradise" came closer to reality with the rich climatic environment of Spain and the fabric of knowledge handed down from the Islamic world of the Moors. Upon the arrival of the Moors, who were essentially Muslims from North Africa, ... Show more content on ... Most of Europe, especially that of which was under Christian rule, was very skeptical of pagan texts of the ancient Greeks and Romans and never came to study these writings due to discrimination. Muslims, however, did not ignore these valuable teachings and strove to find new knowledge within other cultures and societies. Much of Greek knowledge stems from the ancient Egyptians, the bulk of it being preserved at the Library of Alexandria. During the Muslim occupation of Alexandria, they had direct access to this elusive bank of knowledge and translated large amounts of books into Arabic, including the bible. From this, Islamic society tapped into a great understanding of the world around them and eventually brought this rich knowledge with them to the al–Andalus. Among theses teachings, Muslims had a great understanding of irrigation and hydraulic systems passed on from the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, which would become a great asset to their success in agriculture, landscaping, and gardening in Spain ("Al–Andalus History"). Virtually barren lands of the Iberian Peninsula became flourishing centers of agriculture through the implementation of hydraulic and irrigation technology of the Muslims, thus bringing great wealth and power to the region through trade. Plants including palm trees, citrus, avocado, and pomegranate, none of which had been seen in Europe before, became bountiful in al–Andalus ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Theory Of ' Convivencia ' Between Christians And Muslims Is the theory of 'convivencia ' between Christians, Jews and Muslims in Iberia convincing in the first four centuries after 711? 4243296 Word Count: 1904 The theory of 'convivencia' between Christians, Jews and Muslims is considered to be the period in Medieval Spain in which the three Abrahamic religions were able to coexist and live together peacefully. The notion of convivencia not only refers to the overall tolerance of Christians and Jews to be able to practice their religion in Al–Andalus, it also incorporates the idea of members of these three faiths sharing a common culture, a language and working towards advancing civilisation through poetry, literature and science. Historians who have studied this issue are largely divided on whether this time period really was as harmonious as it is commonly described. Historians such as Bat Ye'or highlight the lack of convivencia by placing emphasis on how leaders of Al–Andalus would enforce rules such as granting non–Muslims with the status of dhimmi, essentially making them second–class citizens which by today's standards would undoubtedly lead to the theory of convivencia being somewhat unpersuasive. However, relative to this era, Islamic Iberia was the apex of religious tolerance, immensely surpassing the level of tolerance in surrounding nations and empires. Montgomery Watt goes as far to say that under Muslim rule, Jews and Christians were considered as "People of the Book" who were to be a ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Diego Velázquez's Impact On The Painting Industry Over the years, Spain has produced many significant figures. From sports, to politics, many renowned people have had their meager beginnings in this eastern European country. Some of the greatest, however, were the artists. Not only did Spaniards create beautiful paintings, but they also birthed entirely new sects in the art culture. Although innumerable world famous painters have been Spanish, Diego de Velázquez, Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali have made some of the greatest impacts on the painting industry. The first of these great painters was Diego Velázquez. Born in Seville, Spain, in 1599, Velázquez possessed great talent in the realm of art. His parents recognized this, and at the young age of eleven, he was apprenticed ... Show more content on ... He was asked by Anton Raphael Mengs to paint tapestry cartoons for Santa Barbara's Royal Tapestry Factory, which gained Goya attention from Spanish royalty. He was given a position as a court painter, where he was introduced to Velazquez's works, and he was encouraged to study them. He learned to paint in a similar style as Velazquez did, in order to please the royal court. While working for the Spanish court, Goya primarily painted works which had been commissioned to him. Although he accepted these, as it was his job to do, he constantly longed to be able to express his creativity freely, without the limits of another's expectations. So, on the side he continued to paint tapestry cartoons, which featured satiric content, something painters had not ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Navidad En Spain Research Paper Carsin Spurlock Spanish Mid–Term Essay 12–15–14 Navidad en Spain The country of Spain is located in the Iberian Peninsula in southwest Europe; it occupies eighty percent of the land. Spain borders France and Andorra with the Pyrenees as a natural frontier, in the North. It is one of the world's oldest cultures and has a heritage that has influenced many continents. Also, Spain is where the Spanish language originated. When you meet somebody in Spain, it is traditional to give a kiss on each cheek. Another fun fact about Spain is that it is the number one country for organ donation in the world. Christmas is a very religious holiday in Spain. December eighth is the official starting of Christmas for them. This is because it is the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Battle Of Covadong The Final Push Battle of Covadonga was the final push of numerous attempts of uprisings and rebellions that began in 718. During this time, King Pelayo resisted attempts by the Moors to gain control of Asturias. However, in 720, after sending out a force to Asturias, Pelayo and his forces of about 500 men were forced to retreat. The Moorish leader offered terms to surrender, but Pelayo refused. Al Kama, Moorish leader, ordered an attack. However, the Asturians and Pelayo inflicted major causalities and pushed back the Moors. The Moors soon began to retreat, but were attacked by larger Asturians forces who had gained support by villagers. This success ensured that part of Iberia remained in control of the Christians. For Pelayo, this ensured his ... Show more content on ... By 1492, 100,000 had died or been enslaved, 200,000 had emigrated, and 200,000 remained in Castille (Kamen, N.D). A primary goal of the Reconquista was to repopulate the Iberian Peninsula with Christians. As areas that used to be occupied by Muslims became vacant, kings brought in their own people to secure the borders. In Spain, the main areas of repopulation were places like the central Catalonia. During the Reconquista, the Christians, mainly from the northern kingdoms, used their power to create legal and political institutions. Many of these institutions still survive in Spain today ("Reconquista," 2016). The religious war and conquest for land made a significant impact on Spain, many of which you can see today. A significant impact the Reconquista had can be seen in Spain's population and demographics. Today, Catholic Christianity is the largest religion in Spain. Although it is no longer the official state religion after the Spanish Constitution of 1978 abolished it, it is still prominent in Spain. According to the World Atlas, 76.7% of the population consider themselves Catholic, 20% are atheist and 3–5% are other religions like Islam. These numbers today are in result of the Reconquista that dramatically decreased the population of many areas and cities that was mainly populated by the Muslims before the war. Three main cities being; Granada, Cordoba, and Seville. These permanent effects impacted population growth as well. During the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Conquistadors Summary The reshaping of the New World began the moment Spaniards set foot on the continent. Those first "conquistadors" documented their encounters with native peoples, emphasizing their desire to convert these peoples to Christianity and away from their heathenistic rituals. The documents presented by Stuart B. Schwartz portray accounts from the perspectives of both the conquerors and the conquered. His work does not provide much in the way of personal interpretation but rather "displays" the documents so the reader can compare better both sides of the New World inhabitants. These documents present an opportunity to consider moments of heroism, greed, and despair born during the clashing of Spanish and Nahua cultures and challenge the way historians view such cultures and the interpretation of primary texts. Schwartz's goal, it would seem, is not to persuade readers of the accuracy of one source over another but rather to call attention to how personal interests, class and ethnic biases, and politics influence the interpretation of the conquering of the Aztec empire. Irene Silverblatt examines the new Spanish lands after Spaniards have established themselves in and amongst the native peoples. She describes the development of a modern world through the views of Spanish imperialism and argues that the Inquisition provides such evidence. Using church records, sermons, and missionary guides, Silverblatt examines how the modern world was build, experienced, and understood by the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. La Sombra Research Paper La Sombra (Spanish for "The Shadow"; born November 3, 1989 in Gómez Palacio, Durango, Mexico) is the ring name of a Mexican luchador enmascarado, or masked professional wrestler. La Sombra's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. In the case of La Sombra it is known that his paternal last name is Andrade, from his father Jose Andrade Salasa, who wrestles as Brillante. La Sombra made his professional wrestling debut a month before his 14th birthday and worked initially as Brillante Jr. (Spanish for "Diamond Jr.") after his father who wrestled under the name "Brillante" for part of his career. In 2007 he began working ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Spain Research Paper Spain Spain resides in the Iberian Peninsula at the southwestern verge of the continent and is Europe's third largest nation. This once great Spanish Empire held sway in every corner of the globe. Many modern countries all over the world can trace their culinary traditions back to those early settlers. Spain also enjoys a rich and assorted cuisine influenced by its own series of settlers, invaders and of course the locally available resources. The body of Spain is composed of a large peninsula surrounded by a ring of protective mountains. The central plateau of continental Spain is called Meseta, which is bordered by the Baetic, Andalusian, and Iberian Mountains on it's the south and southeast sides, the Pyrenees on the north, and the Catabrian ... Show more content on ... The Phoenicians with their sauces, the Greeks with their olives, Romans and Jews with their own cuisine all made an impact on Spanish cuisine. The lands conquered by Spain while it was a world superpower provided additional resources and expanded the Spanish palate. Above and beyond all of them, however, the most important influence of Spanish cuisine would be the Moors. The Moorish invaders ruled the majority of the Spanish plateau for nearly 750 years and introduced the cultivation of rice; spices such as saffron, cumin, and anise; nuts (especially almonds); and fruit such as figs, citrus, and bananas. They improved the native irrigation systems, which multiplied the productivity of the Spanish agriculture and allowed greater access to rice and other produce all over the peninsula. The Arab Moors even the technique of combining both sweet and spicy foods to the Spanish palate. These contributions became the core staples of Spanish cuisine, which have evolved into the unique dishes recognized around the world today as distinctly ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Business Communication in Spain Business communication is essential in the business world; it may be the key to success. These skills and tools should be learned and taken into practice in the business field. Due to the expanding businesses in today's world, whether it's to reduce their cost, or for expansion, many companies have taken their business abroad. Although many or all of us are familiar with America's way of handling any business issues, it is also necessary that we are aware of other countries' business communication and etiquettes. Spain is a country that has many important facts and business etiquettes that need to be considered when doing business in Spain. The main fact that should be known is that the predominant language spoken in Spain which is ... Show more content on ... Spaniards usually don't follow times or schedules. In one of the books the author writes "Although you should be punctual yourself, keep in mind that "el tiempo is como el espacio" in Spain– or, "time is space"". (Sabath 217) Spaniards are not extremely concerned with punctuality. It's expected to wait for some of the meeting members to arrive around 15 to 30 minutes late. Decisions are not usually made in the business meetings; it is mainly for discussions and exchange of ideas. Dinners are usually more sociable and there is not much business talk; if there is any business talk it should only be done if the Spanish host initiates it. The business conversations usually take place during lunch meetings around two in the afternoon. Meetings that are held during dinner are usually held after nine. This is due to the fact that most places have siestas (break period in which restaurants and stores close for a few hours) and they reopen late in the afternoon. Therefore, it's a good idea to take advantage of the siesta and be ready for the late night meetings. If you are the one hosting a meeting dinner and would like to bring your spouse, you should expand the invitations to the Spaniard's contact's spouse. Besides being able to communicate verbally with the Spaniards, it is also important to understand their non verbal communications. Body ... Get more on ...