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Homeless Families Essay
Homeless families compose a fraction of the homeless population as they "represent roughly a third
of the homeless population in the United States (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 2010), and approximately 1.5 million children–1 in 50 youngsters–are homeless each
year in the United States" (p. 389). These homeless families often struggle to find permanent
residency as a collective unit. There are several types of housing situations available for homeless
families such as temporary housing, transitional housing settings, and shelters, yet the housing
situation for homeless families often causes stress for families as stability and a secure home is
always in question. "The lack of stable, consistent housing is the central, defining characteristic of
families experiencing homelessness, distinguishing them and their experience(s) from those with
stable housing who experience other correlated conditions (e.g., poverty)" (Kilmer, Cook, Crusto,
Strater, and Haber, 2012, p. 394). Homeless families often seek different types of housing usually by
first reaching out to temporary shelters in emergency situations like domestic violence that often
lead to homelessness, which provide services for children and families. There are many challenges
families encounter in the process of seeking permanent housing.
These homeless families face many adversities and issues when seeking permanent housing like
possible separation from their family members due to many
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Homelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness
Homelessness Awareness
At some point in their life, a person has seen or heard of an individual who lives on the streets. The
individual who lives on the streets and holds a sign that says they need money for food is consider
homeless. Sadly, these individuals are everywhere and the amount of people under this title is
slowly increasing. However, in this nation we have the ability to begin decreasing that number. By
providing the necessary amount of assistance required to place these individuals in permanent
housing, the number of homeless individuals will begin to decrease.
To solve the problem of homelessness, people must understand why individuals become homeless.
Some individuals struggle to find a job that will help pay for their ... Show more content on ...
The issue of physical problems can also have an effect on the homeless individual. Endhomeless
says that because the homeless are not able to afford medical care, they can suffer from a number of
health issues. Those issues can be colds and flu, skin diseases from not being able to bathe properly,
nutritional deficiencies, and sleep deprivation. In addition, "diabetes and heart diseases are also
found at high rates among the homeless" (endhomeless).
Homelessness can also affect the individual spiritually. These individuals suddenly may lack hope
and their purpose for life. Finding purpose while they struggle to meet their daily needs can leave
them feeling hopeless and deprived from their abilities.
Somerville also points out that homeless individuals have been deprived territorially because of their
"lack of privacy" from living on the streets. This could leave the individual feeling vulnerable to
anyone who sees them in their state and walks away. Consequently, they may feel that the world has
abandoned them because there is no one helping or reaching out to them.
Lastly, homelessness can affect an individual emotionally. Somerville describes this as lacking the
emotion of "love or joy". At one point of their lives the person might have been employed or had a
place of residence and a feeling of self–worth. However, homeless can cause so many difficult
emotions that can lead the individual to abusing substances, believing they do not
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Prioritizing Hawaii Born Homeless Before Those From The...
Brandt Ben
English 100
Norman Thompson
December 14, 2015
Prioritizing Hawaii–born Homeless before Those from the Mainland
Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches, tropical climate, and (former) pineapple exports. This
state is also number one in a lot of areas: worst traffic, highest cost of living, and highest homeless
population. These are all important issues that most people outside of the islands do not think about
when imagining a tropical paradise. The homeless population is a critical issue that will be discussed
in this essay. Homelessness is a result of many factors: job loss, family disputes, foreclosure, and
even drug addiction. In Hawaii, the main cause of homelessness is the rising cost of living. As
housing costs ... Show more content on ...
This is their home, yet they do not have a home. Meanwhile others from out of state are flown down
here because it is easier to live in. Being homeless in your own home state is tough. Many possible
solutions to solve homelessness in Hawaii exist, but it is important to give priority to the local–born
homeless population before helping the ones that arrived here from out of state. Having a large
homeless population affects everything about Hawaii– the economy, the government, the
environment, and the people. These things stack up on each other which creates a snowball effect.
Local residents may complain to the government to do something about the homeless issue. The
government decides to create laws limiting where the homeless may stay. The homeless move to
other places, such as popular tourist beaches. The tourists are turned off by the growing homeless
population "dirtying" the beaches, which in turn causes a decrease in tourism. The island's economy
suffers. Homelessness affects everything, especially in a small island like Hawaii. The economy
takes the biggest toll, however because Hawaii relies on the tourism industry, it is important to keep
visitors happy and satisfied. It is an eyesore looking at the homeless littering the beaches and streets
with tarps and shopping carts. This drives the tourists away, and without them, our economy
declines. The homeless also affect the environment in which we live. With nowhere to go, they
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Homeless Child Education : Homeless Children
Homeless Children Education Several factors severely compromise the ability of homeless children
to succeed in school, as I discovered in interviews with 277 homeless families in New York City in
1988. Barriers to the success of these children include health problems, hunger, transportation
obstacles, and difficulty obtaining school clothes and suppliesâ€"all of which are linked to low
attendance rates (Rafferty and Rollins 1989). Other factors are associated with the nature of the
emergency shelter system, the mobility that follows the loss of the home, and barriers that inhibit
access to schools and to various school services. Sadly, there is no right to shelter in the United
States. Even when families successfully obtain emergency shelter, other obstacles prevail.
Placements are often made without regard to community ties or educational continuity. For example,
the 1989 study by Rafferty and Rollins showed that 71 percent of homeless families with school–
age children were sheltered in areas far removed from their original homes. Many had been
frequently bounced between facilities. In many cases, each transfer to a different shelter requires a
transfer to a new school, and each transfer means the loss of valuable school days. In addition, the
noisy environment and constant flow of traffic typical of many shelters make it difficult for children
to do their homework or get enough sleep. Project SAFE does not stop there. Family assistants
continue to monitor children 's
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The Common Profile Of A Homeless Family
It is estimated that 3.5 million people will experience homelessness during a given year. The fastest
growing population experiencing homelessness is families, mostly made up of single mothers and
her children. Families headed by women comprise more than half of the homeless population and
42% of this population is under the age of 5. Across the country about 2.5 million children are
homeless, which is equivalent to 1 in every 30 children. The legal definition of homeless "refers to
those who spend 7 consecutive nights in a car, abandoned building, public park, emergency shelter,
nonresidential building, or other unconventional residence.
The common profile of a homeless family is headed by a single mother, in her 20's with an average
of two children, of which one or both are under the age of six. Homeless mothers tend to be poorly
educated, unemployed, and lacking the skills necessary to become employed. There is an equal
representation of Caucasian (47%) and African American (47%) homeless mothers. These women
commonly described their lives as ""... a remarkably constant stream of distressing and spirit–
breaking encounters, beginning in early childhood ..." including experiencing physical and/or sexual
abuse, constant crisis, stress from persistent poverty, violence in the family and community, and
isolation. Most of these women grew up homeless and spent their childhood in foster care making
them distrustful of the system.
Due to limited access to health care and insurance
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Homelessness And Its Effects On Society
"It's time to declare a war on homelessness, which is evolving into a crisis," proclaimed Mayor Kirk
Caldwell in The Honolulu Star Advertiser. (Katel, 841–864) Homelessness has become a widely
known issue in the United States. Many people today are living in the streets without a source of
food, water, or a place to sleep at night. Some who are among the homeless include the elderly,
children, and those who are mentally ill. This is a cause for concern for citizens who are living their
daily lives. Some people express their fear of homeless persons, believing that they are just beggars
for money and take up space on the streets. Although the description homeless people is not always
true, homelessness does affect society and puts the future generation at risk of becoming homeless
as well. People need to bring attention to the homeless problem across the United States so action
can be taken and change will take place.
Homelessness can be divided into two groups: people who are homeless, and those who are
chronically homeless. According to The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD), homelessness includes those who are "living in dwellings unfit for human habitation, in
emergency shelters or temporary housing, and/or leaving such a place." (Katel, 841–864) On the
other hand, those who are considered "chronically homeless" are usually homeless for one or more
years and have a disability or some kind of addiction. Today, homelessness is not a new issue
America is
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The Negative Effects Of Family And Family Homelessness
Family and child homelessness has been a major social problem within the United states since the
1980s (Bassuk). According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, it is a
problem that affected 79,446 family households in January 2010, and over 1.5 million children
between the years of 2005 and 2006. Family and child homelessness is a genuine issue that although
has increased to 37% of the overall homeless, and is said to have reached an "historic high"
(Bassuk), it has not been discussed or addressed. Homelessness affects every one in 30 children in
the U.S, which is a major increase in recent years. 2.4 million children were affected by
homelessness in 2013, which was an increase from the 1.6 million that were affected in ... Show
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In fact, Ashley De Marcus of the Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange stated that homeless
students opposed to students who are not homeless are twice as likely to repeat a grade. Homeless
high school students also show a similar trend of lowered skills in math and reading. According to
Carolyn Shields and Erica Mohan, only 11.4% proficient in math and 14.6% of homeless high
school students are proficient in reading. This is a 20.8% and 16.3% difference in students who have
homes who are 32.2% proficient in math and 30.9% proficient in reading. As you can see, the skills
level of math and reading for homeless students continues to get worse. Stronger even confirmed
this in his 1992 study of homeless students. Stronger found that homeless students were scoring a
year under their grade level and the deficit had increase up to three years as they got older. As we
can see, this is still a true statement as the skill levels from elementary and high school has
decreased significantly.
The problem of mental disorders is a major one among homeless families. However, the mental
health of homeless children has been less systematically researched, and almost all the available
data is based on research studies of children in homeless shelters in the USA (Bushra 1996). Various
terms, such as behavioral problems/difficulties, psychosocial maladjustment or mental health
disorders, are often used to describe the degree
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Homeless Population After A Two Week Program
"Homelessness, once viewed as transient and situational, has become a growing public health
problem that has escaped ready solutions" (Bassuk et al., 2014). Homeless population has been
increasing in the United States drastically, and with the increase in the homeless population it is also
important to provide a comforting environment for the homeless population. Many of the homeless
population come from various backgrounds and they don't choose to be homeless but the
circumstances lead them to be homeless. Consequently, the at risk population that is facing harsh
circumstances needs to have an environment in which they can feel comfortable in and have an
access to the basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shower facilities. Therefore, the volunteers
at the facilities that helps the homeless population need to have a knowledge in which ways they
should react with the homeless population. In a study conducted by Buchanan (2004) it focused
on exploring the attitudes of primary care residents regarding the homeless population after a two–
week program. The program had 4 sections that included lectures, clinical sessions, and tours of
community programs serving the homeless people, case discussion, and hearing personal narratives
of homeless population. Along with these sections the residents learned about the demographics and
origins of the homelessness, common medical conditions, and emphasis on teaching about everyday
life of the homelessness. The attitudes were
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What Are The Major Challenges Facing Homeless Families
While many consider homelessness to vary in meaning, I consider homelessness to be when one
lives out in the elements of mother nature, no shelter at all. For this reason, no Beth and her children
were not homeless, they had protection from the elements. Major challenges that confront
professionals working with homeless families are: keeping in contact with the family and getting the
best resources for them. The first objective to working with a homeless family would be to get them
stable living conditions, a permanent address. With this, a professional would have an easier time at
getting the necessary resources this family needs. Such as, the necessities of life, food and shelter.
Resources which might help the homeless are: The HUD exchange,
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The Homeless Family In The Glass Castle
"Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family" – Chris Diaz. The Glass Castle is a book
about a homeless family. The family faced many troubles throughout their lives. The book is about
memories of Jeannette and her family. The Walls family faced many struggles and those struggles
brought the family together. They all learned to work together and support each other no matter the
circumstances. *When a family faces a difficult situation it brings them together not tear them
The Walls children had a good connection, although Maureen was mostly the one out of the four
children to be selfish and would look out for only herself, not her siblings. There was one scene in
The Glass Castle where Jeannette was in bed sleeping and a man was touching her inappropriately.
She got her younger brother Brian to help her chase down the man as Jeannette says, "Dad was out
that night, and when Mom slept she was dead to the world, so Brian and I ran after the man
ourselves" (Walls 103). Since she didn't have anyone else to help her chase down the man she asked
Brian. This shows that they stood together because nobody else was going to help catch the man.
Although, further in the book her father Rex does help her younger brother Brian go "pervert
hunting" but they do not find the man. Instead of sleeping with the ... Show more content on ...
Erma wasn't an ideal grandmother, she was always in a grumpy mood. She would tend to yell at The
Walls children for the most simplest reasons. One day, Jeannette notices that Erma is touching Brian
inappropriately. Jeannette runs to Brian and Erma and tells her to leave him alone. Erma gets
aggressive with Jeannette, "Erma reached over to slap me but Lori caught her hand. 'Let's all simmer
down,' Lori said" (Walls 147). Jeannette could have not done anything about the situation and let
Erma continue, but Jeannette defended Brian just as Brian would defend
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The Problem Of Homeless Families
Homeless Families
Before I began the research I had already known that single parent homelessness is a n extremely
emotional and heart breaking problem. In seventh grade my family and I went on vacation to New
York City and I remember seeing a good of homeless people on street corners, but what surprised
me the most was seeing younger people who appeared homeless. It's a obvious answer, I'm against
homelessness and family homelessness even more. It truly is heartbreaking to see little children who
are forced to grow up because their parents cannot provide for the family. It's like animal shelter
commercials, only the heartless can't feel for them. That's what makes it interesting, how they do it
and live their lives without a home. ... Show more content on ...
These families live together in any shelter they can find. They try to get a spot in shelters but there is
not enough shelter space to fit every homeless family so they have to resort to living on the streets.
The reason I say that it is socially underrated is because the money dedicated is falling, how can a
problem be fixed if the needed resources begin to disappear? In the words of the National Coalition
for the Homeless, "the federal support for low–income housing has fallen forty–nine percent from
1980 to 2003 (National Low Income Housing Coalition, 2005)." Even if family homelessness is a
subtopic of the extremely broad topic of homeless does not mean that it isn't important, however it
still sits in the shadow of general homelessness. In the first source, "Homeless Families with
Children", published by the National Coalition for the homeless in July of 2009, I found many
statistics related the dimensions, causes, consequences, and policy issues about family
homelessness. This article mainly consisted of logical appeals with very little emotion added into the
article. One of the most eye–opening logical appeals used in the article is the ratio of homeless
children to kids with homes. The National Center on Family Homelessness estimates, "that one in
50 children in the United States are homeless." (1) This really shows that family homeless really is a
rising problem in the United States. So wouldn't more job openings fix the
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Homelessness in Long Island, New York Essay
The problem I am going to discuss is homelessness in Long Island. What is homelessness and who
defines it? Homelessness is a person lacking adequate shelter or otherwise residing below the
minimal standard of what is considered a safe dwelling. The federal definition of homeless is an
individual who lacks a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence (HUD, 2011). Homelessness
is not just a problem in big cities like New York or Los Angeles, but rather it is a global epidemic
affecting small towns and suburbs such as Long Island.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a United States federal department that
administers programs dealing with better housing and urban renewal since 1965. HUD issued a draft
to change the ... Show more content on ...
According to the Suffolk County Department of Social Services, the number of homeless families
that reside in emergency housing are 282. There are about 1062 men, women and children. In
homeless shelters for singles, about 130 people stay for night stays only and 80 reside in long–term
shelters, while Emergency Services place another 50 on a nightly basis. There are about 38
congregate facilities, one tier II shelter and 36 scattered sites to accommodate larger families. As far
as singles shelters, there are seven for adults: five for men and two for women. Emergency Services
uses two emergency shelters to meet the housing needs of the single adult who calls after regular
business hours. 40 to 60 singles go through Emergency Services every night (S.C.DSS, 2008). 50%
of the homeless families living in shelters are there for the first time; most work and will leave as
soon as they find affordable housing. In shelters, 30% of the homeless population has been homeless
before. This group is not able to earn a wage high enough to maintain economic independence and
the average length of stay is 4 to 6 months. In addition, 20% of those living in emergency shelters
are chronically homeless and are not capable of achieving self–sufficiency without supportive
services. This population relies on Social Services to meet their basic needs. Most have a physical or
mental disability or substance abuse problem (S.C.DSS, 2008).
The history of homelessness is
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Schell'S Zero Homeless Family Strategy
Background Homelessness is a societal issues caused from deinstitutionalization, mental illness,
changes in the family structure, economics, violence, and personal crisis. Homelessness is not a
local problem; it is a national (and international) public health crisis. Most statistics show, in fact,
that there are about 8–10,000 individuals living in Seattle (King County) without shelter each and
every night. This may, in fact, be a low estimate, since it is based on one night only, and does not
county every area of the County (Heim, 2009). Within the Greater Seattle Area, many homeless
have chronic health issues. Diabetes is common, often based on alcohol or substance abuse, and
over half have some form of cardiovascular disease, 25% mental health issues. Many have
developmental disabilities, and at least 10% HIV. In 2008, the records reported show that there were
over 100 attacks on the homeless, almost 30 fatal, based on race, religion, or sexual orientation,
causing the Seattle City Council to pass a measure indicating that harassing a homeless person is a
hate crime (Ten Year Plan, 2011).
Part 1 – Policy Choices Seattle Mayor Paul Schell had a variety of options that were possible
mitigating factors in addressing homelessness in Seattle. The King County Community
Homelessness Advisory Council had already developed strategies that Scholl could use to combat
the problem. For example, the City could improve maintenance, but not increase the existing shelter
build–out or
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Homeless Minors
In the past couple of years, the number of homeless individuals have been on the rise in Nevada. In
this mass increase, the population mostly consists of homeless individuals under the age of eighteen.
These minors are mostly unaccompanied, with no adults to teach them right or wrong. Being
homeless and on the streets, it gives the minors less chances in life and it also influences them to act
out negatively in society. The number of homeless teens have been skyrocketing and the problem is
that with the amount we have now it might be hard to control in the future. In Clark County, there
has been a vast increase in the number of homeless individuals. The number of homeless people has
increased from 7,443 to 7,509 in the past year. (Amaro). ... Show more content on ...
The homeless minors have no one to look up to as a role model and have limited amounts of
resources. This can result in the minors doing deviant actions such as stealing. In the past month,
there has been many cases of young adults and minors breaking into neighborhood houses and
robbing families. Around a month ago, there was a situation that I witnessed where this young teen
was going around a neighborhood stealing items from various houses. During that time, I was also
notified that these types of situations have been occurring a lot recently. Aside from this incident, a
couple months back a teen went into my aunt's shop and attempted to steal some of her belongings.
This problem not only affects society, but mainly the minors who are committing these crimes.
Whether or not these homeless individuals do the right thing or the wrong they still get punished for
being homeless. "All they want to do is pass you along, so they can get on to their next problem. A
lot of the time if you are homeless they would arrest you for basically being homeless" (Elko Daily
Free Press). This can result in the teens having negative influences throughout their most
impressionable times in their life. Being exposed to such environments at a young age will affect
their ways as they grow older. The minors who are homeless usually do not have efficient amounts
of resources for them to use. Even though, there
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Housing Crisis Center ( Hcc )
Housing Crisis Center (HCC) was established over 37 years of pioneering programs and services
assisting homeless families and individuals in our community. HCC saw a need to opening the
homeless shelter in Dallas, Texas, in 1978. Since that beginning, has added additional programs and
services, always in response to needs in the community. The HCC has three target populations to
help in the community. One target population is All Citizens Empowered (ACE). To qualify for
assistance in the ACE housing program the head–of–households has to have a disabling, mental
condition such as schizophrenia, and also have an addiction to substances. Individuals must also be
continually homeless. Half of the population that the Housing Crisis ... Show more content on ...
HCC constantly assesses its programs and services to see were growth is need for the future. HCC
has been involved in joint efforts across Dallas striving to end and avoid homelessness. The HCC is
in progress to have new approaches developed with the emphasis on prevention, and housing
criteria. This outlined will guide the agency over the next three to five year period. The strategy plan
will expands the effort toward homeless teen, short the time that an individuals or families need to
be homeless before receiving some help, and have a rapid re–housing for family who become
homeless without fault of their own doing. Planning and Development
HCC Housing will developed and implement approaches to expands the effort toward homeless
teen, short the time that an individuals or families need to be homeless before receiving some help
and have a rapid re–housing for family who become homeless without fault of their own doing.
HCC lack the availability housing for teens serves to be able to attain permanent housing. Offer
programs need is more stable supportive housing for teens. Stable supportive housing that is a
specific model of housing designed to serve teens with no family support. HCC will provide
ongoing supportive services, such as case management, assistance with daily living skills, and help
in accessing services in the community. HCC policy requires
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Why Children Alone Or With Their Families Become Homeless?
Imagine feeling hopeless, lost, and alone. Feeling like all doors have closed, and knowing surviving
day by day is your daily task. Surprisingly, "[a] staggering 2.5 million children are now homeless
each year,"countless innocent children and their families are impacted by a destitute life style
("National Center"). Fortunately, efforts are being made to address homelessness constructively.
Statewide organizations such as Covenant House and local organizations like The Maslow Project
are hoping that through their support service they can make a difference by providing help with
shelter, food, education, mentoring, and overall major support to those in need.
Many studies have shown that there are multiple reasons why children alone or with ... Show more
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For example, it is easier for a homeless child to fall into depression and lack of educational
motivation because figuring out when their next meal will be or where they will sleep for the night
become priority to them, something no child on earth should have to be doing. In fact, "fifty–seven
percent of homeless kids spend at least one day every month without food" (Statistics of). Imagine
being hungry all day but not being able to go home to a fridge full of food, because home doesn 't
exist. Children shouldn 't be worrying about their next meal, they should be doing what they do best
just being a child. A lot of the time children are overlooked and not always seen as a huge problem
in the U.S agenda that is only because, the majority of time, "[T]the focus is on the homeless adults
because [one] can see them, and they [are a] nuisance" ("1 in 50"). Children are not easily seen,
which provokes many to not even think they are there. Too many times children are assumed that
they stick with their parents until adulthood. But many of those times it is untrue. In the year of
2013, "fully 10 percent of homeless children who spend time on shelters were under the age of one,
39 percent between one and five, and 33 percent between thirteen and seventeen" ("Child Trends").
Basically, there are homeless children that still haven 't even started fifth grade than there is from
grade school to high school. At that age most children are barely learning how to dress for
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Why The Homeless Rates Are Going Up And The Loss Of...
"Many (e.g,Gultai, 1990: McChesney, 1990) argue that changes in federal social policies have
played a significant role in the rise in homelessness and particularly in the increase in the number of
homeless families"(Family Relations. 1995,44.13–18.) Homelessness is defined as a condition
where people cannot live or afford regular, safe and secure homes, warm meals or to be fully
clothed. It's also defined differently in many countries or regions. It also includes that some
homeless people shelter is a cardboard box, shelters that may or may not have room, the sides of the
interstate as well as living in a junk yard car. My purpose is to study the reasons why the homeless
rates are going up and the loss of assistance for homeless person or families. Its many reasons on
why we see someone loved ones living on the streets or living in different shelters day by day. Some
that are homeless due to their actions some are homeless because of something they could not
control. Living on the streets or shelters are unsafe and very unsanitary, when a homeless person
lives outside, they are living under bridges, old worn down houses, even junk yard cars to find some
warmth for the night. Then the next day they are looking for another area to sleep. Then they hunt
for spare change and food. One of the top reasons for why someone is homeless is because of the
recession we are living in today. The world we are living in today is slowly going back to decades
ago, with bringing back hate
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Homeless in America Essay
The problem of homelessness in America is growing dramatically. It's a problem that can strike
anyone when you least expect it. Therefore you should address this as a major crisis that affects our
society. I feel as Americans we should come together to create solutions to end a growing epidemic
of homeless people.
Statistics show people living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless. Economically they
are at a higher risk of losing what little they already have.
The number of homeless families with children has increased significannot ly over the past decade.
They are among the fastest growing segments of the homeless population. They are approximently
40% of people who are homeless. In rural areas the largest group of ... Show more content on ...
The elimination and cut backs of public mental hospitals resulted in the building of Community
Mental Health Centers. The serious mentally ill who were supposed to benefit by these
developments were replaced by people who were well off and thought they were sick. Making the
problem worse the serious mentally ill were unable to re–enter hospitals because of tighter
admissions standards ( Contemporary World Issues 1990). Without hospitalization or the ability to
support themselves they were forced to the streets.
Declining wages have put housing out of reach for many workers. In every state, more than
minimum wage is needed to afford a one– or two–bedroom apartment. A minimum–wage worker
would have to work 87 hours a week to afford a two–bedroom apartment (U.S Conference of
Mayors 1998). Thus insufficient income leaves many people homeless.
For families and individuals struggling to pay rent, a serious illness or disability can push them over
the edge into homelessness. This might begin with a lost job, reduction of savings to pay for care,
and eventual eviction.
I feel in writing this essay we should all help the homeless to get back on their feet. They are in
desperate need of a helping hand, to get through this. Other reasons for helping the homeless are,
they are human beings as well as you and I, it reduces our taxes if there were no homeless, and some
crime will be eliminated on the streets.
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Research Paper On Homeless
Homeless. Who are they? Adults, males, minority groups, elderly, and the disabled are the most
reported and common people to be homeless. Nearly 78 percent of all sheltered homeless persons
are adults. Nearly, 62 percent are males and/or a minority group. No matter what the characteristics,
any person can be homeless. Homelessness is becoming less of an issue in the United States and has
decreased 2.3 percent in general, but still has a tight grip on the United States. To keep decreasing
homelessness and improve the living situation of current homeless people, larger shelters for
families can be built, local business can provide jobs to help get the homeless on their feet,
volunteers and donations can be used to provide essential materials ... Show more content on ...
You lose control of the smallest things, such as where you will sleep. Reports have concluded that
the majority of people with family or children on the streets with them, state not having control and
the power to determine whether their child will have a warm/dry place to sleep and food in their
bellies, as one of the hardest parts of being homeless. Adults with children who have gone the route
of a system called PATH, the city's homeless families intake center, the persons have to be "eligible"
for the shelter. "And they keep telling you, 'You're not eligible, you're not eligible, there's nothing
you can do," he says. "I have a disabled child, how are you gonna deny shelter? It kind of breaks
you down ... because it's like they want to break you down so you give up and not push to be housed
if you're homeless, even though you have no choice but to push" (Ganeva, 2015). Knowing that
some shelters do not allow any person that is homeless to occupy the shelter unless eligible, is
outrageous, especially when you have a child(ren). However, most shelters have a maximum
capacity limit, so families are more so not
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The Negative Effects Of Homelessness
Homelessness, what is homelessness? Well, there is no official definition of the word homelessness.
According to Health centers funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
use the following:" A homeless person is an individual without permanent housing who may live on
the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or
vehicle; or in any other unstable or non–permanent situation." – Section 330 of the Public Health
Service Act.
Across America, many people tend to believe that homelessness is not a big deal. What they do not
realize is that it is a growing controversy, and can be shown through statically numbers and how
they are being punished for it. In the US more than ... Show more content on ...
Eviction accounted for 13 percent of responses.
The face of homelessness has shifted over the past 35 years. Homelessness started to increase
around the 1980s. Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked – over 50 million people live in
poverty – 35% are children. For most, the encounter of becoming homeless is rooted in financial
difficulty. Once a person ends up becoming homeless, poverty and the social issues that coalesce in
circumstances of poverty increase the probability of encountering repeat occurrence of homeless,
especially among female–headed single–parent families. Data from the 1996 National Survey of
Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients demonstrate that homeless people are more likely be
African American than white or Hispanic. Historically, minorities are overrepresented in the
homeless population. Single men hold a vast extent of the homeless population across the nation.
Recent years, family homelessness has turned out to be progressively more common, and almost
43% of the homeless population is now composed of families with youngsters.
So, I went out and asked people what their opinion on homelessness. Some think such way, "When I
think homelessness I remember the individuals who are starving, need pharmaceutical help, and our
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Homeless End Of The Day Analysis
I would consider my self to be some where in between a liberal and a conservative in this issue of
the homeless. I think that although some of the homeless decisions contribute to the reasons of why
they are homeless, they deserve the help and support. No one is perfect, and I think these people
should not be judged by mistakes they made or by their living situation. The homeless at the end of
the day are also human beings that should be treated equally as others. The article is very sad to read
since it is the reality of what some people actually go through and are still going through at the
moment. Its also amusing how they were all willing to open up to complete strangers about their
personal lives. Like what drove these homeless people
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The Problem Of Homelessness And Homelessness
At some point in one's life, a person has seen or heard of an individual who lives on the streets. An
individual who lives on the streets and holds a sign that says they need money for food is considered
homeless. Sadly, these individuals are everywhere and the amount of people currently homeless in
the United States is 564,708 according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness. However, in
this nation, everyone has the ability to decrease this massive number. Necessary assistance from
agencies, local funding, churches, and volunteers will place these homeless individuals in permanent
housing. With this assistance, the number of homeless individuals will begin to decrease.
To solve the problem of homelessness, people must understand ... Show more content on ...
It is not just the sudden change of environment, but also the sudden change of lifestyle they now
have to adjust to. Even if these individuals find a homeless shelter to stay in, they would still have to
adjust to the conditions of the shelter.
The issue of physical health can also have an effect on the homeless individual. The National
Alliance to End Homelessness says that because the homeless are not able to afford medical care,
they can suffer from a number of health issues. Those issues can be colds and flu, skin diseases from
not being able to bathe properly, nutritional deficiencies, and sleep deprivation. In addition,
"diabetes and heart diseases are also found at high rates among the homeless" (National Alliance to
End Homelessness). Although physical health issues can be serious in homeless individuals, most
conditions can be resolved or treated.
On top of health issues, homeless individuals also experience spiritual and emotional
discontentment. Somerville also points out that homeless individuals have been deprived territorially
because of their "lack of privacy" from living on the streets (384). This could leave the individual
feeling vulnerable to anyone who sees them in their state and walks away. Consequently, they may
feel that the world has abandoned them because there is no one helping or reaching out to them.
After several experiences of feeling abandoned, homelessness can affect an individual emotionally
because the person had been
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The Homeless: Discarded Like Garbage
Homelessness affects millions each year within the United States with poverty–stricken children
roaming the streets, prostitutes on every street corner, and Vietnam veterans sick with mental
illnesses. With today's failing economy, homelessness is a common thing to see in massive cities
such as Los Angeles where Central City East, more commonly known as Skid Row, contains the
largest amount of homeless persons within our country. Inside this area, camping tents are
frequently seen on the streets and cardboard boxes litter the sidewalk for use as makeshift beds for
those without a roof. With this problem progressively getting worse, the homeless who reside at
Skid Row will eventually overpopulate the district with a multitude not receiving ... Show more
content on ...
They lack proper facilities such as toilets and showers and necessities such as food and clothing. In
Steve Lopez's novel The Soloist, he goes into detail on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's trip to Skid
Row where individuals have crowded outside of a building because they were unable to get a cot
inside (131). Lopez describes another eerie scene with a young prostitute on the trashed streets
where drunks roam about while a ministry pulls up in a van with food lined up where the homeless
come to gobble down food (63). As you can see, the populace of Skid Row are deprived of basic
necessities in order to get back on track with their lives. The problem will emerge as a crisis if the
public does not open their eyes to the predicament of the displaced. To fix that, the Hope Gardens
Family Center would render basic needs and facilities to the underprivileged individuals at Central
City East. Moreover, the homeless cannot afford basic housing and are unemployed due to their
social status; plus disabilities and illnesses get in the way. This will eventually lead to a scarcity of
permanent housing leaving them hopeless without a job. Hope Gardens aims to resolve this issue by
accommodating temporary housing while the mothers of the children work to find jobs
(Covarrubias). I would imagine a setting similar to this would be Lamp, located in the vicinity of
Skid Row, where "[Lamp] tries to help its clients make
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Borui: Homeless And Low Income Family
After 19 years of living in China, Borui immigrated to Fremont, California with his family. He
continued his studies at Ohlone college, and his major was computer science. During this time, he
was a volunteer at Tri–city Free Breakfast Program to prepare and serve breakfast for homeless and
low income family. And Borui was also a volunteer at DOXA Mexico Home Building Group, he
went to Tijuana, Mexico to build home for the needy family. At 2014 summer, he worked as junior
data analysis in Cisco. After completing his studies at Ohlone college in 2015, borui transferred to
the University of Davis in Davis, California to continue his studies. As a computer science student,
borui has knowledge of Java, C++, and all Microsoft Applications
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Argumentative Essay On Homeless Children
In addition to school mobility, many of New York City's homeless children there is also some
difficulty actually getting to school. Harris 2016, suggest that one of the biggest problems is the
location of where homeless families are placed. Homeless children are protected under the Stewart
B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act which gives them the right to continue at their original
school even if they move outside of their neighborhood. Although the City makes an effort to place
homeless children nearby their original neighborhood so that they can remain in their original school
but this rarely happens. More and more families are being placed further away from the
neighborhood. As a results families are faced with the difficult choice of leaving their children in the
existing school, committing to travelling for hours or enrolling them into a new school. The reality
is families are already dealing with the trauma of losing their home, the added burden of trying to
navigate the education system can be a lot to undertake. Nathanson (2017), shares the story of first–
grader Adamaris, who lives in a homeless shelter in the Bronx. Adamaris and her mother Lorena
commutes for two hours so that Adamaris can attend Public School 188 , which is located in her old
neighborhood. Her mother explains that sometimes she misses school because of the commute or
the school bus fails to pick her up. Many of the other students in Adamaris's school share the same
story. Public School 188
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Is Homelessness a Big Problem In America? Essay
Ever drove or walked pass a homeless shelter and wondered how so many people got there?
According to the American Aid Foundation, "Seven out of 10 Americans are one paycheck away
from being homeless." Getting a paycheck every two weeks does not mean a person cannot become
homeless. Many would think only drug abuse and being poor are the reasons for homeless. There
are many other ways to become homeless and for some people it becomes permanent. Many people
that are homeless are single with kind, had/have welfare and do not have much work experience.
The children are so youth that they develop emotional and mental problems. Drug and alcohol abuse
become greater once people become homeless. With the proper assistance, all of that could be ...
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Finally they are 23% of those that are US Veterans that are also homeless. Veterans become
homeless because of substance abuse, disabilities, post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or lack of
benefits. There are many different characteristics of people that are homeless.
Not everyone go through the same endeavors to become homeless. There is three main reasons
people become homeless: poverty, unemployment and lack of affordable houses. Poverty is when
there is not enough money for support. If people do not have enough money for their needs, they
will need to do cutbacks. Once they start cutting back, they get behind on bills and either get evicted
or have to foreclose. They are plenty of homeless individuals that are still employed. Yet they are
homeless because they do not make enough to be financially stable. Even though some people may
be unemployment, they should still have government programs to be stable. For example, they
programs like Welfare reform, food stamps, unemployment checks, and housing assistance. These
are programs made in order to support those with no jobs. With the many cutbacks on the budget
that the government has, people cannot be stable enough on their own. With rents continuing to rise,
there will be a greater deficit on affordable housing. According to Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids,
"Two years ago the National Low Income Housing Coalition calculated that the hourly income
necessary to afford the average
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Homelessness And Poverty
participants of this study. His study highlights some of the possible causes of homelessness where
63% of responders stated substance abuse as main reason of homelessness followed by 32%
unemployment, 23% low–paying job, and 5% as relationship/marriage breakup as the one of the
reasons for homelessness. Also, from this study we can see that 52% of homeless individuals find
social support by local churches and 41% from family members. As challenges and difficulties
responders of this research identified inadequate sleep/fear of being arrested, police harassment and
cruelty, dehumanization/lack of dignity/social embarrassment, and hunger as four main ones. Lack
of sleep, dehumanization/ social embarrassment, and relationship/marriage break up can be the
social factors leading to high rate of suicide among homeless population. The similar social
conditions of prior becoming homeless are described in the study of Mabhala, Yohannes, & Griffith,
(2017) but in this study showed that becoming homeless is "a process characterized by a progressive
waning of resilience created by a series of adverse incidents in one's life" (p. 8). Based on their
study the final stage of the becoming homeless is collapse of relationships with people with whom
they live and reflected in behaviors such as AoD usage and legal troubles. Also, this study confirmed
that being in abusive environment is one of the causes of the homelessness. Which is opening
another perspective of homelessness and high
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Domestic Violence In Homeless Families
Past and current research indicate that many families do become homeless as a result of domestic
violence. According to the Senate Judiciary committee, citing a report prepared by the Ford
Foundation, 50 percent of all homeless women and children in this country are fleeing domestic
violence. (Zorza p. 421). Families in homelessness and victims of domestic violence struggle with
adhering to financial pressures and as a result struggle with financial hardships. Families that are
victims of domestic violence are challenged with paying their basic bills such as rent, electricity,
water, etc. Many victims of domestic violence have been fully dependent on the abuser making it
difficult for them to leave their home. Many victims of domestic violence never escape their
situation because they don't have the means too. Some women choose to stay and manage the
violence. "They regard this as a safer option than to lose everything, propelling themselves and their
children into homelessness and more poverty." (Slabbert p. 4). Research conducted show that
poverty and financial struggles is what keeps victims in abusive ... Show more content on ...
(Williams 152) Many domestic violence victims lack family support because either they have passed
away or they have really bad relationships with them so they instead are forced to to rely on battered
shelters and homeless shelters for protection. Research conducted on homeless and domestic
shelters find that shelters are temporary and they rarely provide help for more than 3 months.
Research on on homeless and domestic shelters also suggest that shelters do not provide individuals
with the ability to become economically dependent; therefore, it is to no surprise that women make
up a large portion of the familial homeless population. (Roschelle
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The Rise of Homelessness and What Can Be Done
"Homelessness is a symptom of systemic poverty" ( ). As one of our
country's major social problems, homelessness is often in the news ( ).
Many seek shelters for the first time. The Homeless Coalition of Greater Kansas City reports that on
any given night as many as 3,000 adults are homeless and more than 7,500 children are homeless on
these Kansas City streets. Since 2011 more than 7% people who live in the state of Kansas City has
become homeless. We are not actually sure why this rate has risen over the last 2 years. Maybe
because of a bad economy and loses of jobs. The most common people who are counted as being
homeless are: Victims of Domestic Violence, after deciding to leave an ... Show more content on ...
"That's often an indication of a turning point," he said. "Some people turn earlier, some people turn
later. It looks like there might be more people who are still really hurting than are doing better.
Hopefully, as the economy continues to improve, more people will do better."
( Also, because of local and government programs funded to help and
provide assistance to the poor or homeless in Kansas City, MO .Community LINC is a non–profit
organization that provides eligible homeless families transitional housing. They have been helping
the Kansas City families metro become stronger, self–sufficient, and hopeful for more than 20 years
( Community LINC served over 420 individuals and 134 families
by providing transitional shelters and outreach programming to stabilize the children and their
parents. LINC has helped more than 202 families in need. About 72 adults, 131 children. They
provide individuals and families with a average of 27,104 bed day and nights. Also an average
length of stay at their transitional were 7 months before a person or family exits. This program has
many different outcomes from Employment Services, helping people place over 4,022 applications,
getting 212 of those interviews and 42 actually getting hired with the help of Community LINC.
They also provide Emotional Wellness, giving life styles classes to over 45 people and
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Persuasive Essay Homelessness
As someone who lived on $8,000 for 2 years, Veronica Harnish says, "Blaming personal failures for
their circumstances merely provides an excuse for not responding to the real causes of
homelessness." The issue at hand is that there is as many as 3.5 million homeless people in America
as of 2017. A quarter of these people are children and we need to find a way to help this generation
and the next from not having a safe place to sleep, or a job to make money, or even just a place to
have fun without any worries. By developing shelters, giving young children a place to feel safe and
have fun, or helping the homeless find jobs that they couldn't get before, we can help our generation
and future generations fix homelessness. All of these solutions are ways that we can help the
The first and foremost solution deals with jobs and finding a source of income. Many people don't
have a chance to get an income, or they just had a bad experience that left them dry. This should not
make them homeless. These are reasons why it is important to help homeless people find jobs. One
example is a program sponsored by the US Department of Labor, called HVRP(Homeless Veterans
Reintegration Program). It helps war veterans who come home from war get education, training and
even counseling services to help find a job. So far, this program has helped over 8,000 members
veterans find jobs. According to Frederico Juarbe, Jr, "Through last year's HVRP grant, St. Patrick
helped 160 homeless
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Homeless Population And The Homeless Families
This paper will talk about the homeless population and the homeless families. It will explore the
multiple causes of family homelessness and the struggle has on homeless family life. The three main
reasons for homeless families within America are the following: 1) the lack of affordable housing, 2)
low income 3) Inadequate federal subsidy. This paper will also give possible solutions to family
homelessness and improvement plans for the future.
Home is where the heart is. –Pliny the Elder
We have come dangerously close to accepting the homeless situation as a problem that we just can 't
solve.––Linda Lingle
The McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 defined a homeless person as "an individual who
lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night–time residence or a person who resides in a shelter,
welfare hotel, transitional program or place not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping
accommodation, such as streets, cars, movie theaters, abandoned buildings, etc." Resent surveys
conducted in the U.S. have confirmed that the homeless population in America is extremely diverse
and includes representatives from all segments of society, including: the different gander, social
class,color and age. The diversity among people that are homeless reflects how difficult it is to
generalize the causes of homelessness and the needs of homeless people. Robert Rosenheck M.D.,
the author of Special Populations of Homeless Americans, explains the importance of studying
homelessness based on
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Homeless Today : Young Adults, Adolescents And Their Families
Homeless in America: Young Adults, Adolescents and Their Families
Sophie Homic
California University of Pennsylvania
SOW 405 Research Methods
Marianne Dimatteo
October 17, 2014
Walking through a major city or metropolitan area there are a countless number of people who are
wearing old and ripped clothing, carrying bags or pushing grocery carts full of junk, looking like
they have not bathed in weeks and most of them holding signs begging for change just so they can
eat something that day. Over the past eight years the amount of homeless individuals has
continuously decreased throughout the country. Homelessness in America is a serious problem,
especially with higher rates in unemployment happening. Americans ... Show more content on ...
There is one federally funded program in which we will talk about later that helps homeless
individuals get the care they need. There is a dire need for more programs that assist the homeless
because the number one reason they are homeless is because they cannot afford housing. If they
cannot afford this they probably will not be able to afford the necessities to live a healthy lifestyle.
When youths and adolescents succumb to homelessness they are at a greater risk, because they do
not have the resources an adult would. They have a disadvantage of employment opportunities and
are a greater risk of not completing high school. Youths will lack the ability to receive health care,
which will create problems in their overall health because they will not be able to receive the care
they need in the instance of sickness, injury or access to medicines. There are countless reasons that
adults succumb to being homeless. Some are that a job was lost, mental health is prevalent among
them, substance abuse and spouse abuse. Adults who are experiencing homelessness have some of
the same problems that youths do as well. An adult not being able to receive health care is very
serious especially for older homeless adults. Sickness and serious health problems are more
prevalent in older adults resulting in untimely death and the spreading of sicknesses and diseases. I
have some establishments offering free haircuts to the homeless if they are preparing for an
interview. I have also
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Somewhere For Everyone By John Grisham Essay
John Grisham "Somewhere for Everyone": The Homeless issue in America Homelessness is referred
to a person or a group of people without a permanent residence. They cannot meet or maintain
adequate housing due to various reasons. According to Project Home; "Nearly one–quarter (23
percent or 127,787) of all homeless people were children, under the age of 18. Ten percent (or
52,973) were between the ages of 18 and 24, and 66 percent (or 383,948) were 25 years or older."
(2016) with many of these people experiencing homelessness for episodes of months at a time, this
is a growing issue that faces Americans who are below the poverty line. John Grisham's essay
"Somewhere for Everyone" reveals the way the public feels and views homeless people. He points
out this crisis of homelessness and how it is growing but even more so is the public's unconcerned
approach to the problem. Alana Samuels "How Can the U.S End Homelessness" is an essay more
focused on the crisis rather than the public's view. Both incredibly different essays yet both focused
on the issue of Homelessness. The main concentration on both essays includes important subjects
about homelessness: the concern for growing numbers in homelessness, the issues homeless people
face, and involvement from the public/Governemnt. John Grisham showed concern for the growing
number of the homeless in his essay. It starts off by John Grisham reflecting on his life in
Mississippi and how the word "Homeless" was never used to refer
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Homeless Families In America
Homeless Families in America
We generally think of the homeless as people who made bad choices and are doing nothing to help
themselves. We rarely think of the parents who have to decide on either feeding their children or
paying rent. On how one event leads to a series of events that change the course of history for these
families. A family with only one provider who dies unexpectedly, leaving the family with no means
of providing for itself. A mother who has to choose the safety of her children over the comfort her
abuser provides. Against popular belief that most homeless are mentally ill or lazy people who do
not want to work, there are many causes of homelessness (Top Causes of Homelessness in America,
The Typical Homeless Family ... Show more content on ...
Transitional means that the family has instability when it comes to having a residence. An example
of a transitional living situation is homelessness, which is obvious when families are living in
shelters. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, out of the 1.56
million people the used homeless shelters and emergency homeless centers between October 1, 2008
and September 30, 2009, five hundred twenty thousand of them were families. Homeless families
are constantly on the move, trying to find a safe place for their family to sleep. One day they may
stay with friends, the next day at a shelter, and the day after that they may be living under a bridge,
in a car, or in an abandoned building. Some families who have no home, choose to stay with family
or friends (Zlotnick, 2014).
Families overcoming Homelessness One of the biggest challenges that families face when
overcoming homelessness is finding a stable residence. Every family faces its own set of unique
challenges. Finding gainful employment after either being underemployed or unemployed. Being
able to find affordable child
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Homelessness : Extreme Poverty And The Urban Housing Crisis
Homelessness has affected many individuals throughout the United States and the world. On, 2014
the National Alliance to End Homelessness collected that "578,424 people experiencing
homelessness on any given night in the United States ("Snapshot of Homelessness"). Most
individuals believe that more individuals are single, but "216,197 are people in families," and
"362,163 are individuals," ("Snapshot of Homelessness"). Homelessness affects everyone, from
families to individuals and veterans. In the veterans homeless population there is "currently over 2.2
million women Veterans in the United States, comprising approximately 10 percent of the Veteran
population" (Hamilton).
Anthropologist studying homelessness on a macro and micro level. An important ethnography, Paths
to Homelessness: Extreme Poverty and the Urban Housing Crisis, by Doug Timmer, use the
'"extended case method" approach to the macro–level causes of homelessness in order to combine a
"structural approach to homelessness"' to study homeless individuals (Deejarlais). The ethnographic
study the economic and historical causes of homelessness. Individuals and families from Chicago,
Denver, and Tampa tell the human side of the story. Even with great studies, limitations can be
found. They occur with the fact that the information is obtained through interviews which are open–
ended and makes generalizing hard. Other problems in studies in general are not finding a way to
compare individuals before they are homeless.
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Mayor Schell's Zero Homeless Family Pledge
Contents Abstract: 2 Introduction: 2 Policy Choices: 2 Pre Implementation and Design Strategies 4
Steps Taken to Reengineer the Program 4 Importance of Conducting Assessments Prior to
Implementation 5 References: 6 Abstract: The paper discusses Mayor's Schell's zero homeless
family pledge. Mayor Schell was determined to eliminate the homelessness in Seattle when he
became the mayor in 1998, to achieve his mission he and his team came up with some strategies and
restructuring which are discussed in the paper. Introduction: Mayor Paul Schell was committed to
end the homelessness problems in Seattle. He requested the city council to provide him adequate
support in his pursuit to end the homelessness of children, women and families. In 1998 in his press
conference he mentioned his desire to satisfy the needs of the homeless children, women and
families. He knew that he required emergency assistance. K. Oldham mentioned in his paper
"Homeless in Seattle", that the mayor took a firm pledge that the homelessness will end by
Christmas and to assist him Alan Painter, the director of the service of the community division, held
a key role in the planning and strategy formulation. (K. Oldham, 1999) He collaborated with the
Mayor to address this issue however he was deeply concerned that the complete focus on homeless
people by the Mayor would affect the other issues which would be neglected as a result. Policy
Choices: Making policy in such a dynamic
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Community Analysis for Homeless Families Essay
Listening to the evening news, it takes little imagination to figure out many families are in trouble.
The National Coalition for the Homeless estimate that on any given night in the United States of
America, there are seven hundred thousand people on the streets and without shelter (National
Coalition for the Homeless, 2010). Within this analysis for the homeless, let us consider families,
residing in Independence,
Missouri. The problem outlined, in an article by James Evertt, in the Independence Examiner, quotes
Larry Blick, a former Independence City Manager, putting the number of homeless students in the
district at five hundred sixteen. Evertt goes on to share a comment by, Cathy Asher, shelter director
of Salvation ... Show more content on ...
Many cities have outlawed begging and loitering in public areas. She quoted the New York Times as
stating that the concern over tourism, sanitation, and business as the force behind criminalization of
homelessness. Having a large homeless population gives the impression that the area is unsafe and
negatively affects the quality of life (More, 2010). Independence needs to be proactive and do more
to insure that there are no homeless families within our city, not by making homelessness illegal but
by providing safe affordable homes and programs to help families regain their status as tax paying
citizens. The Mills Family Transitional Living Centers The Mills Family Transitional Living Centers
would place homeless people in foreclosed homes. To be eligible for a home, the applicant, a family
or single person, would need to submit a homeless letter and a history of homelessness. The history
would be important as chronic homelessness may indicate counseling or evidence that a mental
evaluation may be in order. Applicants that are able to benefit from job training would receive
reduced rent and utilities during the training. The same reductions would apply for college classes.
Work on their home or on another home in the program would earn points. Training classes on home
maintenance and upkeep could earn points. Attending budgeting classes or providing childcare for
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Homeless Families With Children By Megan Krueger Essay
Homeless Families with Children
Homelessness continues to be a widespread issue in the United States. Homeless families with
children, in particular, undergo their own unique experiences compared to the rest of the homeless
population. In order to thoroughly understand homeless families, it is important to analyze the
causes of homelessness, the families' lived experiences while homeless, the policies that perpetuate
their homelessness, and the effects of homelessness on all family members. For this paper, I will
analyze the following three pieces of literature: a website article, Homeless Families with Children,
with no identified author; a magazine article, Homeless Families in Southeast Michigan, written by
Megan Krueger; and a scholarly journal article, Exploring the Lived Experiences of Homeless
Families with Young Children, written by Stephanie Hinton and Darlinda Cassel. I expect that this
evaluation process will help me identify accurate and reliable sources of information and allow me
to learn more about homeless families with children.
Website Critique
Content & Coverage The website article, Homeless Families with Children, is written for a general
audience. The article does not contain complicated sentence structure or unfamiliar jargon that
would make it difficult for the average person to read (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009).
This article is a secondary source, because the article's discussion is supported by statistics and
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Analysis of the Homeless Family in America
High Risk Families: Statistical and Theoretical Analysis of the Homeless Family in America
Introduction While homelessness may be an issue that is so far from the minds of the average
American family, the truth remains that the current homelessness statistics in America suggest that
the issue of homelessness is far more average than one could ever imagine. As of January 2012, The
National Alliance to End Homelessness published a series of reports that listed the number of
homeless Americans at 636,017 with a rate of homelessness at 21 homeless people per 10,000
individuals in the general population (NAEH, 2012, pp.1). While 636,017 may seem small in
comparison to the country's 311,291,917 citizens, homelessness remains an issue that stems through
the ages, through families, through neighborhoods, through ethnicity and the like. Homelessness
detrimentally effects families in their health, mortality rate, and ability to seek out employment and
basic education. In further viewing the statistics at hand regarding the homeless, their health and
behavior, as well as understanding how these people and this issue can be remedied within our
country, an overarching assessment of family life and the causes and relief measures of
homelessness must be taken into account. Health Profile and Behavioral Patterns Homelessness has
long been associated with health risks and poor behavioral patterns based solely on the inability to
purchase sufficient care. Research notes that
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Homeless Families Essay

  • 1. Homeless Families Essay Homeless families compose a fraction of the homeless population as they "represent roughly a third of the homeless population in the United States (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2010), and approximately 1.5 million children–1 in 50 youngsters–are homeless each year in the United States" (p. 389). These homeless families often struggle to find permanent residency as a collective unit. There are several types of housing situations available for homeless families such as temporary housing, transitional housing settings, and shelters, yet the housing situation for homeless families often causes stress for families as stability and a secure home is always in question. "The lack of stable, consistent housing is the central, defining characteristic of families experiencing homelessness, distinguishing them and their experience(s) from those with stable housing who experience other correlated conditions (e.g., poverty)" (Kilmer, Cook, Crusto, Strater, and Haber, 2012, p. 394). Homeless families often seek different types of housing usually by first reaching out to temporary shelters in emergency situations like domestic violence that often lead to homelessness, which provide services for children and families. There are many challenges families encounter in the process of seeking permanent housing. These homeless families face many adversities and issues when seeking permanent housing like possible separation from their family members due to many ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Homelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness Homelessness Awareness At some point in their life, a person has seen or heard of an individual who lives on the streets. The individual who lives on the streets and holds a sign that says they need money for food is consider homeless. Sadly, these individuals are everywhere and the amount of people under this title is slowly increasing. However, in this nation we have the ability to begin decreasing that number. By providing the necessary amount of assistance required to place these individuals in permanent housing, the number of homeless individuals will begin to decrease. To solve the problem of homelessness, people must understand why individuals become homeless. Some individuals struggle to find a job that will help pay for their ... Show more content on ... The issue of physical problems can also have an effect on the homeless individual. Endhomeless says that because the homeless are not able to afford medical care, they can suffer from a number of health issues. Those issues can be colds and flu, skin diseases from not being able to bathe properly, nutritional deficiencies, and sleep deprivation. In addition, "diabetes and heart diseases are also found at high rates among the homeless" (endhomeless). Homelessness can also affect the individual spiritually. These individuals suddenly may lack hope and their purpose for life. Finding purpose while they struggle to meet their daily needs can leave them feeling hopeless and deprived from their abilities. Somerville also points out that homeless individuals have been deprived territorially because of their "lack of privacy" from living on the streets. This could leave the individual feeling vulnerable to anyone who sees them in their state and walks away. Consequently, they may feel that the world has abandoned them because there is no one helping or reaching out to them. Lastly, homelessness can affect an individual emotionally. Somerville describes this as lacking the emotion of "love or joy". At one point of their lives the person might have been employed or had a place of residence and a feeling of self–worth. However, homeless can cause so many difficult emotions that can lead the individual to abusing substances, believing they do not ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Prioritizing Hawaii Born Homeless Before Those From The... Brandt Ben English 100 Norman Thompson December 14, 2015 Prioritizing Hawaii–born Homeless before Those from the Mainland Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches, tropical climate, and (former) pineapple exports. This state is also number one in a lot of areas: worst traffic, highest cost of living, and highest homeless population. These are all important issues that most people outside of the islands do not think about when imagining a tropical paradise. The homeless population is a critical issue that will be discussed in this essay. Homelessness is a result of many factors: job loss, family disputes, foreclosure, and even drug addiction. In Hawaii, the main cause of homelessness is the rising cost of living. As housing costs ... Show more content on ... This is their home, yet they do not have a home. Meanwhile others from out of state are flown down here because it is easier to live in. Being homeless in your own home state is tough. Many possible solutions to solve homelessness in Hawaii exist, but it is important to give priority to the local–born homeless population before helping the ones that arrived here from out of state. Having a large homeless population affects everything about Hawaii– the economy, the government, the environment, and the people. These things stack up on each other which creates a snowball effect. Local residents may complain to the government to do something about the homeless issue. The government decides to create laws limiting where the homeless may stay. The homeless move to other places, such as popular tourist beaches. The tourists are turned off by the growing homeless population "dirtying" the beaches, which in turn causes a decrease in tourism. The island's economy suffers. Homelessness affects everything, especially in a small island like Hawaii. The economy takes the biggest toll, however because Hawaii relies on the tourism industry, it is important to keep visitors happy and satisfied. It is an eyesore looking at the homeless littering the beaches and streets with tarps and shopping carts. This drives the tourists away, and without them, our economy declines. The homeless also affect the environment in which we live. With nowhere to go, they ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Homeless Child Education : Homeless Children Homeless Children Education Several factors severely compromise the ability of homeless children to succeed in school, as I discovered in interviews with 277 homeless families in New York City in 1988. Barriers to the success of these children include health problems, hunger, transportation obstacles, and difficulty obtaining school clothes and suppliesâ€"all of which are linked to low attendance rates (Rafferty and Rollins 1989). Other factors are associated with the nature of the emergency shelter system, the mobility that follows the loss of the home, and barriers that inhibit access to schools and to various school services. Sadly, there is no right to shelter in the United States. Even when families successfully obtain emergency shelter, other obstacles prevail. Placements are often made without regard to community ties or educational continuity. For example, the 1989 study by Rafferty and Rollins showed that 71 percent of homeless families with school– age children were sheltered in areas far removed from their original homes. Many had been frequently bounced between facilities. In many cases, each transfer to a different shelter requires a transfer to a new school, and each transfer means the loss of valuable school days. In addition, the noisy environment and constant flow of traffic typical of many shelters make it difficult for children to do their homework or get enough sleep. Project SAFE does not stop there. Family assistants continue to monitor children 's ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Common Profile Of A Homeless Family It is estimated that 3.5 million people will experience homelessness during a given year. The fastest growing population experiencing homelessness is families, mostly made up of single mothers and her children. Families headed by women comprise more than half of the homeless population and 42% of this population is under the age of 5. Across the country about 2.5 million children are homeless, which is equivalent to 1 in every 30 children. The legal definition of homeless "refers to those who spend 7 consecutive nights in a car, abandoned building, public park, emergency shelter, nonresidential building, or other unconventional residence. The common profile of a homeless family is headed by a single mother, in her 20's with an average of two children, of which one or both are under the age of six. Homeless mothers tend to be poorly educated, unemployed, and lacking the skills necessary to become employed. There is an equal representation of Caucasian (47%) and African American (47%) homeless mothers. These women commonly described their lives as ""... a remarkably constant stream of distressing and spirit– breaking encounters, beginning in early childhood ..." including experiencing physical and/or sexual abuse, constant crisis, stress from persistent poverty, violence in the family and community, and isolation. Most of these women grew up homeless and spent their childhood in foster care making them distrustful of the system. Due to limited access to health care and insurance ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Homelessness And Its Effects On Society "It's time to declare a war on homelessness, which is evolving into a crisis," proclaimed Mayor Kirk Caldwell in The Honolulu Star Advertiser. (Katel, 841–864) Homelessness has become a widely known issue in the United States. Many people today are living in the streets without a source of food, water, or a place to sleep at night. Some who are among the homeless include the elderly, children, and those who are mentally ill. This is a cause for concern for citizens who are living their daily lives. Some people express their fear of homeless persons, believing that they are just beggars for money and take up space on the streets. Although the description homeless people is not always true, homelessness does affect society and puts the future generation at risk of becoming homeless as well. People need to bring attention to the homeless problem across the United States so action can be taken and change will take place. Homelessness can be divided into two groups: people who are homeless, and those who are chronically homeless. According to The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), homelessness includes those who are "living in dwellings unfit for human habitation, in emergency shelters or temporary housing, and/or leaving such a place." (Katel, 841–864) On the other hand, those who are considered "chronically homeless" are usually homeless for one or more years and have a disability or some kind of addiction. Today, homelessness is not a new issue America is ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Negative Effects Of Family And Family Homelessness Family and child homelessness has been a major social problem within the United states since the 1980s (Bassuk). According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, it is a problem that affected 79,446 family households in January 2010, and over 1.5 million children between the years of 2005 and 2006. Family and child homelessness is a genuine issue that although has increased to 37% of the overall homeless, and is said to have reached an "historic high" (Bassuk), it has not been discussed or addressed. Homelessness affects every one in 30 children in the U.S, which is a major increase in recent years. 2.4 million children were affected by homelessness in 2013, which was an increase from the 1.6 million that were affected in ... Show more content on ... In fact, Ashley De Marcus of the Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange stated that homeless students opposed to students who are not homeless are twice as likely to repeat a grade. Homeless high school students also show a similar trend of lowered skills in math and reading. According to Carolyn Shields and Erica Mohan, only 11.4% proficient in math and 14.6% of homeless high school students are proficient in reading. This is a 20.8% and 16.3% difference in students who have homes who are 32.2% proficient in math and 30.9% proficient in reading. As you can see, the skills level of math and reading for homeless students continues to get worse. Stronger even confirmed this in his 1992 study of homeless students. Stronger found that homeless students were scoring a year under their grade level and the deficit had increase up to three years as they got older. As we can see, this is still a true statement as the skill levels from elementary and high school has decreased significantly. The problem of mental disorders is a major one among homeless families. However, the mental health of homeless children has been less systematically researched, and almost all the available data is based on research studies of children in homeless shelters in the USA (Bushra 1996). Various terms, such as behavioral problems/difficulties, psychosocial maladjustment or mental health disorders, are often used to describe the degree ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Homeless Population After A Two Week Program "Homelessness, once viewed as transient and situational, has become a growing public health problem that has escaped ready solutions" (Bassuk et al., 2014). Homeless population has been increasing in the United States drastically, and with the increase in the homeless population it is also important to provide a comforting environment for the homeless population. Many of the homeless population come from various backgrounds and they don't choose to be homeless but the circumstances lead them to be homeless. Consequently, the at risk population that is facing harsh circumstances needs to have an environment in which they can feel comfortable in and have an access to the basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shower facilities. Therefore, the volunteers at the facilities that helps the homeless population need to have a knowledge in which ways they should react with the homeless population. In a study conducted by Buchanan (2004) it focused on exploring the attitudes of primary care residents regarding the homeless population after a two– week program. The program had 4 sections that included lectures, clinical sessions, and tours of community programs serving the homeless people, case discussion, and hearing personal narratives of homeless population. Along with these sections the residents learned about the demographics and origins of the homelessness, common medical conditions, and emphasis on teaching about everyday life of the homelessness. The attitudes were ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. What Are The Major Challenges Facing Homeless Families While many consider homelessness to vary in meaning, I consider homelessness to be when one lives out in the elements of mother nature, no shelter at all. For this reason, no Beth and her children were not homeless, they had protection from the elements. Major challenges that confront professionals working with homeless families are: keeping in contact with the family and getting the best resources for them. The first objective to working with a homeless family would be to get them stable living conditions, a permanent address. With this, a professional would have an easier time at getting the necessary resources this family needs. Such as, the necessities of life, food and shelter. Resources which might help the homeless are: The HUD exchange, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Homeless Family In The Glass Castle "Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family" – Chris Diaz. The Glass Castle is a book about a homeless family. The family faced many troubles throughout their lives. The book is about memories of Jeannette and her family. The Walls family faced many struggles and those struggles brought the family together. They all learned to work together and support each other no matter the circumstances. *When a family faces a difficult situation it brings them together not tear them apart.* The Walls children had a good connection, although Maureen was mostly the one out of the four children to be selfish and would look out for only herself, not her siblings. There was one scene in The Glass Castle where Jeannette was in bed sleeping and a man was touching her inappropriately. She got her younger brother Brian to help her chase down the man as Jeannette says, "Dad was out that night, and when Mom slept she was dead to the world, so Brian and I ran after the man ourselves" (Walls 103). Since she didn't have anyone else to help her chase down the man she asked Brian. This shows that they stood together because nobody else was going to help catch the man. Although, further in the book her father Rex does help her younger brother Brian go "pervert hunting" but they do not find the man. Instead of sleeping with the ... Show more content on ... Erma wasn't an ideal grandmother, she was always in a grumpy mood. She would tend to yell at The Walls children for the most simplest reasons. One day, Jeannette notices that Erma is touching Brian inappropriately. Jeannette runs to Brian and Erma and tells her to leave him alone. Erma gets aggressive with Jeannette, "Erma reached over to slap me but Lori caught her hand. 'Let's all simmer down,' Lori said" (Walls 147). Jeannette could have not done anything about the situation and let Erma continue, but Jeannette defended Brian just as Brian would defend ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Problem Of Homeless Families Homeless Families Before I began the research I had already known that single parent homelessness is a n extremely emotional and heart breaking problem. In seventh grade my family and I went on vacation to New York City and I remember seeing a good of homeless people on street corners, but what surprised me the most was seeing younger people who appeared homeless. It's a obvious answer, I'm against homelessness and family homelessness even more. It truly is heartbreaking to see little children who are forced to grow up because their parents cannot provide for the family. It's like animal shelter commercials, only the heartless can't feel for them. That's what makes it interesting, how they do it and live their lives without a home. ... Show more content on ... These families live together in any shelter they can find. They try to get a spot in shelters but there is not enough shelter space to fit every homeless family so they have to resort to living on the streets. The reason I say that it is socially underrated is because the money dedicated is falling, how can a problem be fixed if the needed resources begin to disappear? In the words of the National Coalition for the Homeless, "the federal support for low–income housing has fallen forty–nine percent from 1980 to 2003 (National Low Income Housing Coalition, 2005)." Even if family homelessness is a subtopic of the extremely broad topic of homeless does not mean that it isn't important, however it still sits in the shadow of general homelessness. In the first source, "Homeless Families with Children", published by the National Coalition for the homeless in July of 2009, I found many statistics related the dimensions, causes, consequences, and policy issues about family homelessness. This article mainly consisted of logical appeals with very little emotion added into the article. One of the most eye–opening logical appeals used in the article is the ratio of homeless children to kids with homes. The National Center on Family Homelessness estimates, "that one in 50 children in the United States are homeless." (1) This really shows that family homeless really is a rising problem in the United States. So wouldn't more job openings fix the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Homelessness in Long Island, New York Essay The problem I am going to discuss is homelessness in Long Island. What is homelessness and who defines it? Homelessness is a person lacking adequate shelter or otherwise residing below the minimal standard of what is considered a safe dwelling. The federal definition of homeless is an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence (HUD, 2011). Homelessness is not just a problem in big cities like New York or Los Angeles, but rather it is a global epidemic affecting small towns and suburbs such as Long Island. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a United States federal department that administers programs dealing with better housing and urban renewal since 1965. HUD issued a draft to change the ... Show more content on ... According to the Suffolk County Department of Social Services, the number of homeless families that reside in emergency housing are 282. There are about 1062 men, women and children. In homeless shelters for singles, about 130 people stay for night stays only and 80 reside in long–term shelters, while Emergency Services place another 50 on a nightly basis. There are about 38 congregate facilities, one tier II shelter and 36 scattered sites to accommodate larger families. As far as singles shelters, there are seven for adults: five for men and two for women. Emergency Services uses two emergency shelters to meet the housing needs of the single adult who calls after regular business hours. 40 to 60 singles go through Emergency Services every night (S.C.DSS, 2008). 50% of the homeless families living in shelters are there for the first time; most work and will leave as soon as they find affordable housing. In shelters, 30% of the homeless population has been homeless before. This group is not able to earn a wage high enough to maintain economic independence and the average length of stay is 4 to 6 months. In addition, 20% of those living in emergency shelters are chronically homeless and are not capable of achieving self–sufficiency without supportive services. This population relies on Social Services to meet their basic needs. Most have a physical or mental disability or substance abuse problem (S.C.DSS, 2008). The history of homelessness is ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Schell'S Zero Homeless Family Strategy Background Homelessness is a societal issues caused from deinstitutionalization, mental illness, changes in the family structure, economics, violence, and personal crisis. Homelessness is not a local problem; it is a national (and international) public health crisis. Most statistics show, in fact, that there are about 8–10,000 individuals living in Seattle (King County) without shelter each and every night. This may, in fact, be a low estimate, since it is based on one night only, and does not county every area of the County (Heim, 2009). Within the Greater Seattle Area, many homeless have chronic health issues. Diabetes is common, often based on alcohol or substance abuse, and over half have some form of cardiovascular disease, 25% mental health issues. Many have developmental disabilities, and at least 10% HIV. In 2008, the records reported show that there were over 100 attacks on the homeless, almost 30 fatal, based on race, religion, or sexual orientation, causing the Seattle City Council to pass a measure indicating that harassing a homeless person is a hate crime (Ten Year Plan, 2011). Part 1 – Policy Choices Seattle Mayor Paul Schell had a variety of options that were possible mitigating factors in addressing homelessness in Seattle. The King County Community Homelessness Advisory Council had already developed strategies that Scholl could use to combat the problem. For example, the City could improve maintenance, but not increase the existing shelter build–out or ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Homeless Minors In the past couple of years, the number of homeless individuals have been on the rise in Nevada. In this mass increase, the population mostly consists of homeless individuals under the age of eighteen. These minors are mostly unaccompanied, with no adults to teach them right or wrong. Being homeless and on the streets, it gives the minors less chances in life and it also influences them to act out negatively in society. The number of homeless teens have been skyrocketing and the problem is that with the amount we have now it might be hard to control in the future. In Clark County, there has been a vast increase in the number of homeless individuals. The number of homeless people has increased from 7,443 to 7,509 in the past year. (Amaro). ... Show more content on ... The homeless minors have no one to look up to as a role model and have limited amounts of resources. This can result in the minors doing deviant actions such as stealing. In the past month, there has been many cases of young adults and minors breaking into neighborhood houses and robbing families. Around a month ago, there was a situation that I witnessed where this young teen was going around a neighborhood stealing items from various houses. During that time, I was also notified that these types of situations have been occurring a lot recently. Aside from this incident, a couple months back a teen went into my aunt's shop and attempted to steal some of her belongings. This problem not only affects society, but mainly the minors who are committing these crimes. Whether or not these homeless individuals do the right thing or the wrong they still get punished for being homeless. "All they want to do is pass you along, so they can get on to their next problem. A lot of the time if you are homeless they would arrest you for basically being homeless" (Elko Daily Free Press). This can result in the teens having negative influences throughout their most impressionable times in their life. Being exposed to such environments at a young age will affect their ways as they grow older. The minors who are homeless usually do not have efficient amounts of resources for them to use. Even though, there ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Housing Crisis Center ( Hcc ) Assessment Housing Crisis Center (HCC) was established over 37 years of pioneering programs and services assisting homeless families and individuals in our community. HCC saw a need to opening the homeless shelter in Dallas, Texas, in 1978. Since that beginning, has added additional programs and services, always in response to needs in the community. The HCC has three target populations to help in the community. One target population is All Citizens Empowered (ACE). To qualify for assistance in the ACE housing program the head–of–households has to have a disabling, mental condition such as schizophrenia, and also have an addiction to substances. Individuals must also be continually homeless. Half of the population that the Housing Crisis ... Show more content on ... HCC constantly assesses its programs and services to see were growth is need for the future. HCC has been involved in joint efforts across Dallas striving to end and avoid homelessness. The HCC is in progress to have new approaches developed with the emphasis on prevention, and housing criteria. This outlined will guide the agency over the next three to five year period. The strategy plan will expands the effort toward homeless teen, short the time that an individuals or families need to be homeless before receiving some help, and have a rapid re–housing for family who become homeless without fault of their own doing. Planning and Development HCC Housing will developed and implement approaches to expands the effort toward homeless teen, short the time that an individuals or families need to be homeless before receiving some help and have a rapid re–housing for family who become homeless without fault of their own doing. HCC lack the availability housing for teens serves to be able to attain permanent housing. Offer programs need is more stable supportive housing for teens. Stable supportive housing that is a specific model of housing designed to serve teens with no family support. HCC will provide ongoing supportive services, such as case management, assistance with daily living skills, and help in accessing services in the community. HCC policy requires ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Why Children Alone Or With Their Families Become Homeless? Imagine feeling hopeless, lost, and alone. Feeling like all doors have closed, and knowing surviving day by day is your daily task. Surprisingly, "[a] staggering 2.5 million children are now homeless each year,"countless innocent children and their families are impacted by a destitute life style ("National Center"). Fortunately, efforts are being made to address homelessness constructively. Statewide organizations such as Covenant House and local organizations like The Maslow Project are hoping that through their support service they can make a difference by providing help with shelter, food, education, mentoring, and overall major support to those in need. Many studies have shown that there are multiple reasons why children alone or with ... Show more content on ... For example, it is easier for a homeless child to fall into depression and lack of educational motivation because figuring out when their next meal will be or where they will sleep for the night become priority to them, something no child on earth should have to be doing. In fact, "fifty–seven percent of homeless kids spend at least one day every month without food" (Statistics of). Imagine being hungry all day but not being able to go home to a fridge full of food, because home doesn 't exist. Children shouldn 't be worrying about their next meal, they should be doing what they do best just being a child. A lot of the time children are overlooked and not always seen as a huge problem in the U.S agenda that is only because, the majority of time, "[T]the focus is on the homeless adults because [one] can see them, and they [are a] nuisance" ("1 in 50"). Children are not easily seen, which provokes many to not even think they are there. Too many times children are assumed that they stick with their parents until adulthood. But many of those times it is untrue. In the year of 2013, "fully 10 percent of homeless children who spend time on shelters were under the age of one, 39 percent between one and five, and 33 percent between thirteen and seventeen" ("Child Trends"). Basically, there are homeless children that still haven 't even started fifth grade than there is from grade school to high school. At that age most children are barely learning how to dress for ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Why The Homeless Rates Are Going Up And The Loss Of... "Many (e.g,Gultai, 1990: McChesney, 1990) argue that changes in federal social policies have played a significant role in the rise in homelessness and particularly in the increase in the number of homeless families"(Family Relations. 1995,44.13–18.) Homelessness is defined as a condition where people cannot live or afford regular, safe and secure homes, warm meals or to be fully clothed. It's also defined differently in many countries or regions. It also includes that some homeless people shelter is a cardboard box, shelters that may or may not have room, the sides of the interstate as well as living in a junk yard car. My purpose is to study the reasons why the homeless rates are going up and the loss of assistance for homeless person or families. Its many reasons on why we see someone loved ones living on the streets or living in different shelters day by day. Some that are homeless due to their actions some are homeless because of something they could not control. Living on the streets or shelters are unsafe and very unsanitary, when a homeless person lives outside, they are living under bridges, old worn down houses, even junk yard cars to find some warmth for the night. Then the next day they are looking for another area to sleep. Then they hunt for spare change and food. One of the top reasons for why someone is homeless is because of the recession we are living in today. The world we are living in today is slowly going back to decades ago, with bringing back hate ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Homeless in America Essay The problem of homelessness in America is growing dramatically. It's a problem that can strike anyone when you least expect it. Therefore you should address this as a major crisis that affects our society. I feel as Americans we should come together to create solutions to end a growing epidemic of homeless people. Statistics show people living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless. Economically they are at a higher risk of losing what little they already have. The number of homeless families with children has increased significannot ly over the past decade. They are among the fastest growing segments of the homeless population. They are approximently 40% of people who are homeless. In rural areas the largest group of ... Show more content on ... The elimination and cut backs of public mental hospitals resulted in the building of Community Mental Health Centers. The serious mentally ill who were supposed to benefit by these developments were replaced by people who were well off and thought they were sick. Making the problem worse the serious mentally ill were unable to re–enter hospitals because of tighter admissions standards ( Contemporary World Issues 1990). Without hospitalization or the ability to support themselves they were forced to the streets. Declining wages have put housing out of reach for many workers. In every state, more than minimum wage is needed to afford a one– or two–bedroom apartment. A minimum–wage worker would have to work 87 hours a week to afford a two–bedroom apartment (U.S Conference of Mayors 1998). Thus insufficient income leaves many people homeless. For families and individuals struggling to pay rent, a serious illness or disability can push them over the edge into homelessness. This might begin with a lost job, reduction of savings to pay for care, and eventual eviction. I feel in writing this essay we should all help the homeless to get back on their feet. They are in desperate need of a helping hand, to get through this. Other reasons for helping the homeless are, they are human beings as well as you and I, it reduces our taxes if there were no homeless, and some crime will be eliminated on the streets. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Research Paper On Homeless Homeless. Who are they? Adults, males, minority groups, elderly, and the disabled are the most reported and common people to be homeless. Nearly 78 percent of all sheltered homeless persons are adults. Nearly, 62 percent are males and/or a minority group. No matter what the characteristics, any person can be homeless. Homelessness is becoming less of an issue in the United States and has decreased 2.3 percent in general, but still has a tight grip on the United States. To keep decreasing homelessness and improve the living situation of current homeless people, larger shelters for families can be built, local business can provide jobs to help get the homeless on their feet, volunteers and donations can be used to provide essential materials ... Show more content on ... You lose control of the smallest things, such as where you will sleep. Reports have concluded that the majority of people with family or children on the streets with them, state not having control and the power to determine whether their child will have a warm/dry place to sleep and food in their bellies, as one of the hardest parts of being homeless. Adults with children who have gone the route of a system called PATH, the city's homeless families intake center, the persons have to be "eligible" for the shelter. "And they keep telling you, 'You're not eligible, you're not eligible, there's nothing you can do," he says. "I have a disabled child, how are you gonna deny shelter? It kind of breaks you down ... because it's like they want to break you down so you give up and not push to be housed if you're homeless, even though you have no choice but to push" (Ganeva, 2015). Knowing that some shelters do not allow any person that is homeless to occupy the shelter unless eligible, is outrageous, especially when you have a child(ren). However, most shelters have a maximum capacity limit, so families are more so not ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Negative Effects Of Homelessness Homelessness, what is homelessness? Well, there is no official definition of the word homelessness. According to Health centers funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) use the following:" A homeless person is an individual without permanent housing who may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any other unstable or non–permanent situation." – Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act. Across America, many people tend to believe that homelessness is not a big deal. What they do not realize is that it is a growing controversy, and can be shown through statically numbers and how they are being punished for it. In the US more than ... Show more content on ... Eviction accounted for 13 percent of responses. The face of homelessness has shifted over the past 35 years. Homelessness started to increase around the 1980s. Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked – over 50 million people live in poverty – 35% are children. For most, the encounter of becoming homeless is rooted in financial difficulty. Once a person ends up becoming homeless, poverty and the social issues that coalesce in circumstances of poverty increase the probability of encountering repeat occurrence of homeless, especially among female–headed single–parent families. Data from the 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients demonstrate that homeless people are more likely be African American than white or Hispanic. Historically, minorities are overrepresented in the homeless population. Single men hold a vast extent of the homeless population across the nation. Recent years, family homelessness has turned out to be progressively more common, and almost 43% of the homeless population is now composed of families with youngsters. So, I went out and asked people what their opinion on homelessness. Some think such way, "When I think homelessness I remember the individuals who are starving, need pharmaceutical help, and our ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Homeless End Of The Day Analysis I would consider my self to be some where in between a liberal and a conservative in this issue of the homeless. I think that although some of the homeless decisions contribute to the reasons of why they are homeless, they deserve the help and support. No one is perfect, and I think these people should not be judged by mistakes they made or by their living situation. The homeless at the end of the day are also human beings that should be treated equally as others. The article is very sad to read since it is the reality of what some people actually go through and are still going through at the moment. Its also amusing how they were all willing to open up to complete strangers about their personal lives. Like what drove these homeless people ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Problem Of Homelessness And Homelessness At some point in one's life, a person has seen or heard of an individual who lives on the streets. An individual who lives on the streets and holds a sign that says they need money for food is considered homeless. Sadly, these individuals are everywhere and the amount of people currently homeless in the United States is 564,708 according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness. However, in this nation, everyone has the ability to decrease this massive number. Necessary assistance from agencies, local funding, churches, and volunteers will place these homeless individuals in permanent housing. With this assistance, the number of homeless individuals will begin to decrease. To solve the problem of homelessness, people must understand ... Show more content on ... It is not just the sudden change of environment, but also the sudden change of lifestyle they now have to adjust to. Even if these individuals find a homeless shelter to stay in, they would still have to adjust to the conditions of the shelter. The issue of physical health can also have an effect on the homeless individual. The National Alliance to End Homelessness says that because the homeless are not able to afford medical care, they can suffer from a number of health issues. Those issues can be colds and flu, skin diseases from not being able to bathe properly, nutritional deficiencies, and sleep deprivation. In addition, "diabetes and heart diseases are also found at high rates among the homeless" (National Alliance to End Homelessness). Although physical health issues can be serious in homeless individuals, most conditions can be resolved or treated. On top of health issues, homeless individuals also experience spiritual and emotional discontentment. Somerville also points out that homeless individuals have been deprived territorially because of their "lack of privacy" from living on the streets (384). This could leave the individual feeling vulnerable to anyone who sees them in their state and walks away. Consequently, they may feel that the world has abandoned them because there is no one helping or reaching out to them. After several experiences of feeling abandoned, homelessness can affect an individual emotionally because the person had been ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Homeless: Discarded Like Garbage Homelessness affects millions each year within the United States with poverty–stricken children roaming the streets, prostitutes on every street corner, and Vietnam veterans sick with mental illnesses. With today's failing economy, homelessness is a common thing to see in massive cities such as Los Angeles where Central City East, more commonly known as Skid Row, contains the largest amount of homeless persons within our country. Inside this area, camping tents are frequently seen on the streets and cardboard boxes litter the sidewalk for use as makeshift beds for those without a roof. With this problem progressively getting worse, the homeless who reside at Skid Row will eventually overpopulate the district with a multitude not receiving ... Show more content on ... They lack proper facilities such as toilets and showers and necessities such as food and clothing. In Steve Lopez's novel The Soloist, he goes into detail on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's trip to Skid Row where individuals have crowded outside of a building because they were unable to get a cot inside (131). Lopez describes another eerie scene with a young prostitute on the trashed streets where drunks roam about while a ministry pulls up in a van with food lined up where the homeless come to gobble down food (63). As you can see, the populace of Skid Row are deprived of basic necessities in order to get back on track with their lives. The problem will emerge as a crisis if the public does not open their eyes to the predicament of the displaced. To fix that, the Hope Gardens Family Center would render basic needs and facilities to the underprivileged individuals at Central City East. Moreover, the homeless cannot afford basic housing and are unemployed due to their social status; plus disabilities and illnesses get in the way. This will eventually lead to a scarcity of permanent housing leaving them hopeless without a job. Hope Gardens aims to resolve this issue by accommodating temporary housing while the mothers of the children work to find jobs (Covarrubias). I would imagine a setting similar to this would be Lamp, located in the vicinity of Skid Row, where "[Lamp] tries to help its clients make ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Borui: Homeless And Low Income Family After 19 years of living in China, Borui immigrated to Fremont, California with his family. He continued his studies at Ohlone college, and his major was computer science. During this time, he was a volunteer at Tri–city Free Breakfast Program to prepare and serve breakfast for homeless and low income family. And Borui was also a volunteer at DOXA Mexico Home Building Group, he went to Tijuana, Mexico to build home for the needy family. At 2014 summer, he worked as junior data analysis in Cisco. After completing his studies at Ohlone college in 2015, borui transferred to the University of Davis in Davis, California to continue his studies. As a computer science student, borui has knowledge of Java, C++, and all Microsoft Applications ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Argumentative Essay On Homeless Children In addition to school mobility, many of New York City's homeless children there is also some difficulty actually getting to school. Harris 2016, suggest that one of the biggest problems is the location of where homeless families are placed. Homeless children are protected under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act which gives them the right to continue at their original school even if they move outside of their neighborhood. Although the City makes an effort to place homeless children nearby their original neighborhood so that they can remain in their original school but this rarely happens. More and more families are being placed further away from the neighborhood. As a results families are faced with the difficult choice of leaving their children in the existing school, committing to travelling for hours or enrolling them into a new school. The reality is families are already dealing with the trauma of losing their home, the added burden of trying to navigate the education system can be a lot to undertake. Nathanson (2017), shares the story of first– grader Adamaris, who lives in a homeless shelter in the Bronx. Adamaris and her mother Lorena commutes for two hours so that Adamaris can attend Public School 188 , which is located in her old neighborhood. Her mother explains that sometimes she misses school because of the commute or the school bus fails to pick her up. Many of the other students in Adamaris's school share the same story. Public School 188 ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Is Homelessness a Big Problem In America? Essay Ever drove or walked pass a homeless shelter and wondered how so many people got there? According to the American Aid Foundation, "Seven out of 10 Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless." Getting a paycheck every two weeks does not mean a person cannot become homeless. Many would think only drug abuse and being poor are the reasons for homeless. There are many other ways to become homeless and for some people it becomes permanent. Many people that are homeless are single with kind, had/have welfare and do not have much work experience. The children are so youth that they develop emotional and mental problems. Drug and alcohol abuse become greater once people become homeless. With the proper assistance, all of that could be ... Show more content on ... Finally they are 23% of those that are US Veterans that are also homeless. Veterans become homeless because of substance abuse, disabilities, post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or lack of benefits. There are many different characteristics of people that are homeless. Not everyone go through the same endeavors to become homeless. There is three main reasons people become homeless: poverty, unemployment and lack of affordable houses. Poverty is when there is not enough money for support. If people do not have enough money for their needs, they will need to do cutbacks. Once they start cutting back, they get behind on bills and either get evicted or have to foreclose. They are plenty of homeless individuals that are still employed. Yet they are homeless because they do not make enough to be financially stable. Even though some people may be unemployment, they should still have government programs to be stable. For example, they programs like Welfare reform, food stamps, unemployment checks, and housing assistance. These are programs made in order to support those with no jobs. With the many cutbacks on the budget that the government has, people cannot be stable enough on their own. With rents continuing to rise, there will be a greater deficit on affordable housing. According to Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids, "Two years ago the National Low Income Housing Coalition calculated that the hourly income necessary to afford the average ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Homelessness And Poverty participants of this study. His study highlights some of the possible causes of homelessness where 63% of responders stated substance abuse as main reason of homelessness followed by 32% unemployment, 23% low–paying job, and 5% as relationship/marriage breakup as the one of the reasons for homelessness. Also, from this study we can see that 52% of homeless individuals find social support by local churches and 41% from family members. As challenges and difficulties responders of this research identified inadequate sleep/fear of being arrested, police harassment and cruelty, dehumanization/lack of dignity/social embarrassment, and hunger as four main ones. Lack of sleep, dehumanization/ social embarrassment, and relationship/marriage break up can be the social factors leading to high rate of suicide among homeless population. The similar social conditions of prior becoming homeless are described in the study of Mabhala, Yohannes, & Griffith, (2017) but in this study showed that becoming homeless is "a process characterized by a progressive waning of resilience created by a series of adverse incidents in one's life" (p. 8). Based on their study the final stage of the becoming homeless is collapse of relationships with people with whom they live and reflected in behaviors such as AoD usage and legal troubles. Also, this study confirmed that being in abusive environment is one of the causes of the homelessness. Which is opening another perspective of homelessness and high ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Domestic Violence In Homeless Families Past and current research indicate that many families do become homeless as a result of domestic violence. According to the Senate Judiciary committee, citing a report prepared by the Ford Foundation, 50 percent of all homeless women and children in this country are fleeing domestic violence. (Zorza p. 421). Families in homelessness and victims of domestic violence struggle with adhering to financial pressures and as a result struggle with financial hardships. Families that are victims of domestic violence are challenged with paying their basic bills such as rent, electricity, water, etc. Many victims of domestic violence have been fully dependent on the abuser making it difficult for them to leave their home. Many victims of domestic violence never escape their situation because they don't have the means too. Some women choose to stay and manage the violence. "They regard this as a safer option than to lose everything, propelling themselves and their children into homelessness and more poverty." (Slabbert p. 4). Research conducted show that poverty and financial struggles is what keeps victims in abusive ... Show more content on ... (Williams 152) Many domestic violence victims lack family support because either they have passed away or they have really bad relationships with them so they instead are forced to to rely on battered shelters and homeless shelters for protection. Research conducted on homeless and domestic shelters find that shelters are temporary and they rarely provide help for more than 3 months. Research on on homeless and domestic shelters also suggest that shelters do not provide individuals with the ability to become economically dependent; therefore, it is to no surprise that women make up a large portion of the familial homeless population. (Roschelle ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Rise of Homelessness and What Can Be Done "Homelessness is a symptom of systemic poverty" ( ). As one of our country's major social problems, homelessness is often in the news ( ). Many seek shelters for the first time. The Homeless Coalition of Greater Kansas City reports that on any given night as many as 3,000 adults are homeless and more than 7,500 children are homeless on these Kansas City streets. Since 2011 more than 7% people who live in the state of Kansas City has become homeless. We are not actually sure why this rate has risen over the last 2 years. Maybe because of a bad economy and loses of jobs. The most common people who are counted as being homeless are: Victims of Domestic Violence, after deciding to leave an ... Show more content on ... "That's often an indication of a turning point," he said. "Some people turn earlier, some people turn later. It looks like there might be more people who are still really hurting than are doing better. Hopefully, as the economy continues to improve, more people will do better." ( Also, because of local and government programs funded to help and provide assistance to the poor or homeless in Kansas City, MO .Community LINC is a non–profit organization that provides eligible homeless families transitional housing. They have been helping the Kansas City families metro become stronger, self–sufficient, and hopeful for more than 20 years ( Community LINC served over 420 individuals and 134 families by providing transitional shelters and outreach programming to stabilize the children and their parents. LINC has helped more than 202 families in need. About 72 adults, 131 children. They provide individuals and families with a average of 27,104 bed day and nights. Also an average length of stay at their transitional were 7 months before a person or family exits. This program has many different outcomes from Employment Services, helping people place over 4,022 applications, getting 212 of those interviews and 42 actually getting hired with the help of Community LINC. They also provide Emotional Wellness, giving life styles classes to over 45 people and ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Persuasive Essay Homelessness As someone who lived on $8,000 for 2 years, Veronica Harnish says, "Blaming personal failures for their circumstances merely provides an excuse for not responding to the real causes of homelessness." The issue at hand is that there is as many as 3.5 million homeless people in America as of 2017. A quarter of these people are children and we need to find a way to help this generation and the next from not having a safe place to sleep, or a job to make money, or even just a place to have fun without any worries. By developing shelters, giving young children a place to feel safe and have fun, or helping the homeless find jobs that they couldn't get before, we can help our generation and future generations fix homelessness. All of these solutions are ways that we can help the homeless. The first and foremost solution deals with jobs and finding a source of income. Many people don't have a chance to get an income, or they just had a bad experience that left them dry. This should not make them homeless. These are reasons why it is important to help homeless people find jobs. One example is a program sponsored by the US Department of Labor, called HVRP(Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program). It helps war veterans who come home from war get education, training and even counseling services to help find a job. So far, this program has helped over 8,000 members veterans find jobs. According to Frederico Juarbe, Jr, "Through last year's HVRP grant, St. Patrick helped 160 homeless ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Homeless Population And The Homeless Families This paper will talk about the homeless population and the homeless families. It will explore the multiple causes of family homelessness and the struggle has on homeless family life. The three main reasons for homeless families within America are the following: 1) the lack of affordable housing, 2) low income 3) Inadequate federal subsidy. This paper will also give possible solutions to family homelessness and improvement plans for the future. Home is where the heart is. –Pliny the Elder We have come dangerously close to accepting the homeless situation as a problem that we just can 't solve.––Linda Lingle The McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 defined a homeless person as "an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night–time residence or a person who resides in a shelter, welfare hotel, transitional program or place not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation, such as streets, cars, movie theaters, abandoned buildings, etc." Resent surveys conducted in the U.S. have confirmed that the homeless population in America is extremely diverse and includes representatives from all segments of society, including: the different gander, social class,color and age. The diversity among people that are homeless reflects how difficult it is to generalize the causes of homelessness and the needs of homeless people. Robert Rosenheck M.D., the author of Special Populations of Homeless Americans, explains the importance of studying homelessness based on ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Homeless Today : Young Adults, Adolescents And Their Families Homeless in America: Young Adults, Adolescents and Their Families Sophie Homic California University of Pennsylvania SOW 405 Research Methods Marianne Dimatteo October 17, 2014 Introduction Walking through a major city or metropolitan area there are a countless number of people who are wearing old and ripped clothing, carrying bags or pushing grocery carts full of junk, looking like they have not bathed in weeks and most of them holding signs begging for change just so they can eat something that day. Over the past eight years the amount of homeless individuals has continuously decreased throughout the country. Homelessness in America is a serious problem, especially with higher rates in unemployment happening. Americans ... Show more content on ... There is one federally funded program in which we will talk about later that helps homeless individuals get the care they need. There is a dire need for more programs that assist the homeless because the number one reason they are homeless is because they cannot afford housing. If they cannot afford this they probably will not be able to afford the necessities to live a healthy lifestyle. When youths and adolescents succumb to homelessness they are at a greater risk, because they do not have the resources an adult would. They have a disadvantage of employment opportunities and are a greater risk of not completing high school. Youths will lack the ability to receive health care, which will create problems in their overall health because they will not be able to receive the care they need in the instance of sickness, injury or access to medicines. There are countless reasons that adults succumb to being homeless. Some are that a job was lost, mental health is prevalent among them, substance abuse and spouse abuse. Adults who are experiencing homelessness have some of the same problems that youths do as well. An adult not being able to receive health care is very serious especially for older homeless adults. Sickness and serious health problems are more prevalent in older adults resulting in untimely death and the spreading of sicknesses and diseases. I have some establishments offering free haircuts to the homeless if they are preparing for an interview. I have also ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Somewhere For Everyone By John Grisham Essay John Grisham "Somewhere for Everyone": The Homeless issue in America Homelessness is referred to a person or a group of people without a permanent residence. They cannot meet or maintain adequate housing due to various reasons. According to Project Home; "Nearly one–quarter (23 percent or 127,787) of all homeless people were children, under the age of 18. Ten percent (or 52,973) were between the ages of 18 and 24, and 66 percent (or 383,948) were 25 years or older." (2016) with many of these people experiencing homelessness for episodes of months at a time, this is a growing issue that faces Americans who are below the poverty line. John Grisham's essay "Somewhere for Everyone" reveals the way the public feels and views homeless people. He points out this crisis of homelessness and how it is growing but even more so is the public's unconcerned approach to the problem. Alana Samuels "How Can the U.S End Homelessness" is an essay more focused on the crisis rather than the public's view. Both incredibly different essays yet both focused on the issue of Homelessness. The main concentration on both essays includes important subjects about homelessness: the concern for growing numbers in homelessness, the issues homeless people face, and involvement from the public/Governemnt. John Grisham showed concern for the growing number of the homeless in his essay. It starts off by John Grisham reflecting on his life in Mississippi and how the word "Homeless" was never used to refer ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Homeless Families In America Homeless Families in America We generally think of the homeless as people who made bad choices and are doing nothing to help themselves. We rarely think of the parents who have to decide on either feeding their children or paying rent. On how one event leads to a series of events that change the course of history for these families. A family with only one provider who dies unexpectedly, leaving the family with no means of providing for itself. A mother who has to choose the safety of her children over the comfort her abuser provides. Against popular belief that most homeless are mentally ill or lazy people who do not want to work, there are many causes of homelessness (Top Causes of Homelessness in America, 2015). The Typical Homeless Family ... Show more content on ... Transitional means that the family has instability when it comes to having a residence. An example of a transitional living situation is homelessness, which is obvious when families are living in shelters. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, out of the 1.56 million people the used homeless shelters and emergency homeless centers between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009, five hundred twenty thousand of them were families. Homeless families are constantly on the move, trying to find a safe place for their family to sleep. One day they may stay with friends, the next day at a shelter, and the day after that they may be living under a bridge, in a car, or in an abandoned building. Some families who have no home, choose to stay with family or friends (Zlotnick, 2014). Families overcoming Homelessness One of the biggest challenges that families face when overcoming homelessness is finding a stable residence. Every family faces its own set of unique challenges. Finding gainful employment after either being underemployed or unemployed. Being able to find affordable child ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Homelessness : Extreme Poverty And The Urban Housing Crisis Homelessness has affected many individuals throughout the United States and the world. On, 2014 the National Alliance to End Homelessness collected that "578,424 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States ("Snapshot of Homelessness"). Most individuals believe that more individuals are single, but "216,197 are people in families," and "362,163 are individuals," ("Snapshot of Homelessness"). Homelessness affects everyone, from families to individuals and veterans. In the veterans homeless population there is "currently over 2.2 million women Veterans in the United States, comprising approximately 10 percent of the Veteran population" (Hamilton). Anthropologist studying homelessness on a macro and micro level. An important ethnography, Paths to Homelessness: Extreme Poverty and the Urban Housing Crisis, by Doug Timmer, use the '"extended case method" approach to the macro–level causes of homelessness in order to combine a "structural approach to homelessness"' to study homeless individuals (Deejarlais). The ethnographic study the economic and historical causes of homelessness. Individuals and families from Chicago, Denver, and Tampa tell the human side of the story. Even with great studies, limitations can be found. They occur with the fact that the information is obtained through interviews which are open– ended and makes generalizing hard. Other problems in studies in general are not finding a way to compare individuals before they are homeless. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Mayor Schell's Zero Homeless Family Pledge Contents Abstract: 2 Introduction: 2 Policy Choices: 2 Pre Implementation and Design Strategies 4 Steps Taken to Reengineer the Program 4 Importance of Conducting Assessments Prior to Implementation 5 References: 6 Abstract: The paper discusses Mayor's Schell's zero homeless family pledge. Mayor Schell was determined to eliminate the homelessness in Seattle when he became the mayor in 1998, to achieve his mission he and his team came up with some strategies and restructuring which are discussed in the paper. Introduction: Mayor Paul Schell was committed to end the homelessness problems in Seattle. He requested the city council to provide him adequate support in his pursuit to end the homelessness of children, women and families. In 1998 in his press conference he mentioned his desire to satisfy the needs of the homeless children, women and families. He knew that he required emergency assistance. K. Oldham mentioned in his paper "Homeless in Seattle", that the mayor took a firm pledge that the homelessness will end by Christmas and to assist him Alan Painter, the director of the service of the community division, held a key role in the planning and strategy formulation. (K. Oldham, 1999) He collaborated with the Mayor to address this issue however he was deeply concerned that the complete focus on homeless people by the Mayor would affect the other issues which would be neglected as a result. Policy Choices: Making policy in such a dynamic ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Community Analysis for Homeless Families Essay Listening to the evening news, it takes little imagination to figure out many families are in trouble. The National Coalition for the Homeless estimate that on any given night in the United States of America, there are seven hundred thousand people on the streets and without shelter (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2010). Within this analysis for the homeless, let us consider families, residing in Independence, Missouri. The problem outlined, in an article by James Evertt, in the Independence Examiner, quotes Larry Blick, a former Independence City Manager, putting the number of homeless students in the district at five hundred sixteen. Evertt goes on to share a comment by, Cathy Asher, shelter director of Salvation ... Show more content on ... Many cities have outlawed begging and loitering in public areas. She quoted the New York Times as stating that the concern over tourism, sanitation, and business as the force behind criminalization of homelessness. Having a large homeless population gives the impression that the area is unsafe and negatively affects the quality of life (More, 2010). Independence needs to be proactive and do more to insure that there are no homeless families within our city, not by making homelessness illegal but by providing safe affordable homes and programs to help families regain their status as tax paying citizens. The Mills Family Transitional Living Centers The Mills Family Transitional Living Centers would place homeless people in foreclosed homes. To be eligible for a home, the applicant, a family or single person, would need to submit a homeless letter and a history of homelessness. The history would be important as chronic homelessness may indicate counseling or evidence that a mental evaluation may be in order. Applicants that are able to benefit from job training would receive reduced rent and utilities during the training. The same reductions would apply for college classes. Work on their home or on another home in the program would earn points. Training classes on home maintenance and upkeep could earn points. Attending budgeting classes or providing childcare for ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Homeless Families With Children By Megan Krueger Essay Homeless Families with Children Introduction Homelessness continues to be a widespread issue in the United States. Homeless families with children, in particular, undergo their own unique experiences compared to the rest of the homeless population. In order to thoroughly understand homeless families, it is important to analyze the causes of homelessness, the families' lived experiences while homeless, the policies that perpetuate their homelessness, and the effects of homelessness on all family members. For this paper, I will analyze the following three pieces of literature: a website article, Homeless Families with Children, with no identified author; a magazine article, Homeless Families in Southeast Michigan, written by Megan Krueger; and a scholarly journal article, Exploring the Lived Experiences of Homeless Families with Young Children, written by Stephanie Hinton and Darlinda Cassel. I expect that this evaluation process will help me identify accurate and reliable sources of information and allow me to learn more about homeless families with children. Website Critique Content & Coverage The website article, Homeless Families with Children, is written for a general audience. The article does not contain complicated sentence structure or unfamiliar jargon that would make it difficult for the average person to read (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009). This article is a secondary source, because the article's discussion is supported by statistics and research ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Analysis of the Homeless Family in America High Risk Families: Statistical and Theoretical Analysis of the Homeless Family in America Introduction While homelessness may be an issue that is so far from the minds of the average American family, the truth remains that the current homelessness statistics in America suggest that the issue of homelessness is far more average than one could ever imagine. As of January 2012, The National Alliance to End Homelessness published a series of reports that listed the number of homeless Americans at 636,017 with a rate of homelessness at 21 homeless people per 10,000 individuals in the general population (NAEH, 2012, pp.1). While 636,017 may seem small in comparison to the country's 311,291,917 citizens, homelessness remains an issue that stems through the ages, through families, through neighborhoods, through ethnicity and the like. Homelessness detrimentally effects families in their health, mortality rate, and ability to seek out employment and basic education. In further viewing the statistics at hand regarding the homeless, their health and behavior, as well as understanding how these people and this issue can be remedied within our country, an overarching assessment of family life and the causes and relief measures of homelessness must be taken into account. Health Profile and Behavioral Patterns Homelessness has long been associated with health risks and poor behavioral patterns based solely on the inability to purchase sufficient care. Research notes that ... Get more on ...