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   “A page of history is worth a pound of logic.”

--Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
1916: After heavy WWI casualties,
the British Army led by Churchill
begins experimenting with tracked
tanks in combat to break the
deadlock of the trenches. Wheeled
armored cars get stuck in mud.
The U.S. Army is disinterested.
Only private companies experiment
with tracked tanks in the U.S.

                             November, 1917: British tanks
                             go into action as part of a
                             combined arms infantry, tanks,
                             artillery, aircraft team at the
                             battle of Cambrai. The tank is
                             proven effective at break-
 Tanks: note no gun turrets! throughs and 2D mechanized
                             mobile warfare is born.
The U.S. is soon woefully
behind in tank technology.
Belatedly, the U.S. shows
interest. Patton is ordered to
establish an U.S. Army tank
school at Langres, France
in late 1917.

                         The first U.S. tank units
                         go into combat on-board foreign
                         FT17 Renault light tanks. U.S.
                         produced tanks are not available
                         until 1919 and are only copies of
                         European armor.
The “War to End All Wars”
ends in 1918. A short sighted
and budget conscious Army staff
disbands the U.S. Tank Corps
 in 1920.
                             1922: The Tank Board is
                             established to define the future
                             role of tanks in the U.S. Army.
                             The primary considerations in
                             the decision-making process are
                             cost and the ability to move
                             the vehicles rapidly. Armor and
                             armament are sacrificed for
                             cost and weight. Tanks are
                             largely considered “infantry
                             support” weapons as they were
                             used in WWI.
British Reformers Like B.H. Liddell-Hart,
JFC Fuller and Percy Hobart create tank
units linked by radios to infiltrate through
enemy lines and collapse enemies with
2D mechanized infiltration tactics to win
battles without costly trench warfare. The
Allies thinking war has been abolished ignore
them and party in the “Roaring” 1920s. The
“party” is over in the ‘30s with the great
economic depression.
                            Unlike the victorious Allies, the Germans
                            listen and act on their reform ideas as
                            Hitler takes power and builds powerful
                            panzer divisions. They add a 3D
                            maneuver element with parachute and
                            glider Airborne troops
1939: The Germans act on the
pre-war reformers and achieve
dramatic successes with massed
light tank led combined-arms
teams in Poland and France to
infiltrate then collapse enemy
armies by encirclements. Called
“Blitzkrieg” or lightning war,
their light tanks are fast,
cross-country mobile, well armored
and have effective main gun systems.
                              Behind again, the U.S. begins
                              to research better tank
                              designs and massed armor
                              tactics. As a result of poor
                              planning and limited vision,
                              the U.S. enters WWII with
                              inferior tank designs.
The Americans without a battlefield function
focused branch to oversee armored vehicle
development creates “mechanized cavalry”
in wheeled scout cars to avoid enemy
contact and report back enemy positions to
“cherry pick” where tanks will be used.
Tank destroyers with light armor protection
and open-tops would then destroy enemy
tanks. In North Africa, the German enemy
doesn’t co-operate and drops mortars and
artillery on the rubber-tired scout cars and
open-topped tank destroyers leaving burning
hulks and dead Soldiers all over the Kasserine
Pass. After many defeats in North Africa,
mechanized cavalry units are given tracked light
tanks and Armor branch is born to work around
Cavalry branch. Cavalry branch which is a
legitimate battlefield function is disbanded in
1944. U.S. Army tank development drifts into
tank vs. tank platform centricity under an
ill-defined “Armor” branch.
U.S. light/medium tanks perform
superbly in the Pacific against
dug-in enemy infantry, WWI-style.
However in Europe, they are
woefully outmatched when fighting
enemy tanks. German tanks are in .. Too late to save crews
their 2d and 3rd generations of     of hundreds of medium
development and now on the          Grants, Shermans and
defensive have switched to          light Chaffees from faster,
heavy designs to compensate for more heavily gunned and
being out-numbered by Allied        armored German tanks.
mass-produced light/medium tanks.
The U.S. will not have a heavy tank
comparable to the enemy until
late 1944….with the M26 Pershing
with 90mm main gun
By 1944, both the Axis and the
Allies have developed hand held
shaped-charge anti-tank weapons
for infantry. Most armored vehicles
fall easy prey to the new weapons.
Pundits herald the end of tanks
due to the advent of cheap,                2.36” Bazooka
effective anti-tank weapons.
                               Heavy armor on new heavy
                               tanks can defeat hand held
                               AT weapons. Thin-skinned
                               vehicles are still easy targets
                               for AT weapons so tanks get
                               progressively heavier and
                               heavier to lead 2D maneuvers
                               in the Cold War period after
      Tiger 1 heavy tank
Just like after WWI, after       M4E8 “Easy Eight” Medium tank
WWII, the U.S. neglects
tank design. The U.S. fails
to build large numbers of
improved design tanks thinking
aircraft bombing with nuclear
weapons have made
conventional ground
wars obsolete.

                            The “backwards” Soviets
                            “don’t get the memo” on
                            ground wars and continue to
                            mass-produce tanks and
                            develop further improvements
                            in tank technology.
As a result, the U.S. enters the
war in Korea without any tanks!
In desperation, WWII M4 Sherman
medium tanks on static display are
pressed into service. Our lighter
M24 Chaffee tanks are inferior to the
T34/85 medium tanks of the enemy.
For the third time in the century,
the U.S. Army sends Soldiers to
die in a foreign land with inferior
equipment because of the false
view that tracked armored vehicles
had out-lived their usefulness
and were “too expensive”.
After WWII, the French decided
they needed a new light,
air-transportable tank for their
colonial wars after getting good
results from M24 Chaffees as
                                    AMX-13s are successful
infantry fire support vehicles in
                                    in the Arab-Israeli wars of
Vietnam. The AMX-13 would use
                                    the ‘50s and ‘60s used by
speed, mobility and firepower to
                                    the allies and the Israelis.
compensate for lighter armor.
                                    The design is a success
The AMX-13 is well-engineered,
                                    and is in use still today
mass produced and exported
                                    with 105mm guns.
around the world.
                                    However, the U.S. Army
                                    Airborne neglects to
                                    buy AMX-13s and use
                                    M113 Gavin APCs to
                                    create a 3D maneuver
                                    force like the Russians
The Soviets and NATO develop
wire guided anti-missiles
(ATGMs) and rocket propelled
grenades (RPGs) for use by
infantry. Pundits again herald
the end of tanks. It is widely and
erroneously reported that            Oops…..
missiles out performed tanks in      The Russian Airborne with light
                                     tanks is ready to fly in to save the
the 1973 Yom- Kippur War.            Egyptian Army, but the American
Despite early tank losses, the       82nd Airborne with only a few M551
IDF reorganizes into infantry-led    Sheridan light tanks would be foot-
combined-arms teams to clear         mobile in the searing desert if they
out enemy ATGMs/RPGs.                parachute in to save Israel.
                                     Fortunately, Israeli losses are
                                     comparatively light and most
                                     missile damaged tanks return to
                                     action. Journalists ignore the
                                     impressive tank kill ratio Israel
                                     enjoyed over the Arabs, almost
                                     exclusively by main gun fire.
The Soviet Union with a long history of light tank designs develops light
weight, versatile, amphibious, air-mobile light tanks like the PT-76, ASU-
57, ASU-85, the BMD and BMP family of vehicles which are successful in
Vietnam, Chechloslavakia, Pakistan, Somalia and Afghanistan. In the ‘60s,
‘70s and early ‘80s it looks like the entire world will be over-run by the

The Russians continue to improve their light tanks so that today’s BMD-
3s and BMP-3s have powerful 100mm guns with 30mm autocannon and
medium machine gun armaments while able to carry an infantry squad
under armor. Others have 125mm guns. With waterjets they can swim
from ship-to-shore in the ocean. Meanwhile, the U.S. Army fails to add
turret weapons to its M113 Gavins, retires its M551 Sheridans and stops
training to swim across lakes/rivers to effect rapid 2D maneuvers like it
did in Vietnam, obsessed with heavy tank vs. tank combat, the U.S.
adopts medium M2 Bradley and M1 Abrams heavy tanks that cannot swim
and are difficult to fly into action and ignores 3D warfare needs
Russian Air-Mechanized Operations with light tanks
   ASU-57                                             BMD

                               Fixed-wing airdrop                  il-76

                                              Fixed-wing airland

                                     Rotary-wing airland
               World’s First Helicopter 3D Air-Mech
                         Operation, 1978

      Combat: Czechoslovakia, East Africa, Afghanistan, Chechnya
By the ‘70s, as the Cold War
simmers, the West has no tanks
that can match the latest
Soviet light, medium and heavy
tanks. And the tanks it does have
are fewer in quantity.
                            NATO bickers and wastes
                            money on the abortive MBT-70
                            heavy tank with kneeling track
                            suspension. The Russians
                            already field BMDs with kneeling
                            suspensions for parachute air
                            delivery. Not until the early ‘80s
                            with the deployment of the M1
                            Abrams does the West
                            somewhat match Soviet tank
U.S. Air-Mechanized Operations
The Good...                        Panama, 1989
                      First combat airdrop in history!

                           M551 Sheridan light tanks

M113 Gavin Mech-Infantry

          U.S. Army Air-Mechanized 3D Operations
British Air-Mechanized 3D Operations


                   BV-206                   C-130

British beat U.S.
Army into Kosovo in
1999 by using
helicopters to
fly in light tracked          Scimitar light tank
AFVs; though U.S. has
both 7-ton Bv206s and         Land Rover 4x4
10.5 ton M113 Gavins
that can fly by helicopter!
Iraq 1, 1990-91: After victory in
Panama, the U.S. leads coalition
forces against Iraq. The M113
Gavins, M2/M3 Bradleys and M1
Abrams are the masters of the 2D
battlefield. M1s destroy Iraqi armor
on-the-move with laser aiming before
the Russian made Iraqi stop-to-shoot
optics can even acquire the U.S.
tanks. Large tank battles are
successful. Though the 82d Airborne
has 56 M551 Sheridans and a few
                                           The Bad...
                                     Yet, less than three years later, for
M113 Gavins, this is not considered the 4th time in the century, Army
a large enough 3D air-mech           Soldiers are sent into battle with
maneuver element to cut the enemy inferior equipment. Light forces go to
off; large parts of the Iraqi        Somalia in wheeled trucks without
Republican Guard escape.             any armor support. A group of
                                     Rangers and Delta Force Soldiers are
                                     cut off and have to be rescued by
                                     Pakistanis with U.S. made M48
                                     medium tanks and M113 Gavin light
                                     tracked armored fighting vehicles.
In 1999, GEN. Eric Shinseki, Chief of
Staff of the U.S. Army, describes his “vision”
of the future. This homogenized, medium-
sized units-only, future requires ONLY a
lightly armored, infantry force in vulnerable
wheeled vehicles. Tracked tanks would be
replaced by wheeled LAV type armored cars
with computers to mentally avoid trouble to
hopefully compensate for reduced armor
protection by ”cherry-picking” when and
where the dismounted infantry fights.
Superior levels of physical protection,
firepower and go-anywhere mobility are not
needed. The Army declares that the 2D/3D
maneuver wars that tracked the AFVs were

                                                 The Ugly...
designed to fight will “never occur” again.
General, we have made this mistake before…

            “History informs us of past mistakes from which we can
                         learn without repeating them. “

                      --Judge William Hastie (1904 - 1976)
In 2003, the U.S. Army has to invade Iraq again and the
tracked force that was allegedly “legacy” saves the day
and reaches Baghdad to collapse the enemy center of
gravity when marines-in-trucks get stopped by enemy
RPGs and land mines despite “shock and awe” airstrikes
with “precision” computer guided bombs.

However, DoD and the Army thinks the war is over because
                                                               M113 Gavin
the Iraqi nation-state army is defeated by their WWII-style
blitzkrieg. This is actually 3rd generation warfare, but wars
are caused by PEOPLE and machines are just tools, we
forget that people can fight without belonging to a nation-
state army if our political end-state hasn’t taken over; this
is 4th generation warfare. Because the U.S. Army Airborne
hasn’t fully developed air-mech 3D maneuver with
upgraded M113 Gavin APCs and M8 Buford AGS light
tanks to quickly parachute in and capture/kill enemy          M8 Buford AGS
leaders in conjunction with 2D maneuvers, we slowly
airland in M1s, M2s and M113s into North Iraq. Saddam
Hussein and others escape Baghdad and start a guerrilla
war. 500
dead and 10,000 wounded Americans later, we finally
Moreover, the costly $1 billion 300-Stryker armored car brigades
Shinseki wants are not ready or will ever be in quantity for the
large-scale occupations of countries like Iraq. Without the 100 divisions of
WWII, the enemy is all around and can attack in any direction at any time;
a Non-Linear Battlefield (NLB) where no place is safe for wheeled vehicles
to operate. The Army has to move its Soldiers around in vulnerable
HMMWV and other wheeled trucks to try to maintain nation-state order
on the 4th generation warfare battlefield where the center of gravity is the
loyalty of the people not just defeating an enemy nation-state army.
Casualties mount as enemy road-side bombs easily explode the vulnerable
wheeled vehicles despite computer “situational awareness”.
The enemy does not let us “cherry pick”
                                               BBQ HMMWV
when and where battle will occur. It’s the
WWII scout car debacle all over again.
And the 5th war where U.S. troops have
been sent into battle with inferior gear.

 M113                           LAV3
 Gavin                          Stryker
The U.S. Army without a Cavalry Branch to develop
light tracked AFVs does not have an effective 3D
air-mech maneuver force to compliment its 2D
maneuver forces. The 19-24 ton Stryker armored car
is too heavy to fly by helicopters or fixed wing C-130
aircraft let alone parachute airdrop. Army leadership
in love with the idea of using computers to cherry
pick where and when it fights over mythical linear
battlefields that do not exist, think they can skimp on
physical armor protection by using rubber-tired wheeled vehicles and save money.

Meanwhile, as their Soldiers are getting killed and maimed by enemy road-side
bombs and RPGs on the NLB, the enemy resistance grows as the people see
that America cannot maintain order and protect them. Army officials full of techno
hubris that blinds them to the tracked armored vehicles that work ignore the
thousands of M113 Gavin light tracked AFVs sitting in storage that could be
quickly and inexpensively upgraded to be fully bomb and RPG resistant to move
EVERY Soldier in the Army under superior armor protection and mobility on the
lethal NLB. We could have had a fully light tracked, under full armor protection
U.S. Army ready for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 had we upgraded the
thousands of M113 Gavins we have instead of buying handfuls of inferior,
expensive Canadian-made Stryker armored cars. We can and still should do this,
but judging from Army past history, the only thing that makes the unprofessionally
organized and led U.S. Army change is obvious failures and lots of preventable
deaths that compels the civilian Congress to act.

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The History of Bad Armor, All Over Again...And Again!

  • 1. A CORRECTED HISTORY OF ARMOR “A page of history is worth a pound of logic.” --Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
  • 2. 1916: After heavy WWI casualties, the British Army led by Churchill begins experimenting with tracked tanks in combat to break the deadlock of the trenches. Wheeled armored cars get stuck in mud. The U.S. Army is disinterested. Only private companies experiment with tracked tanks in the U.S. November, 1917: British tanks go into action as part of a combined arms infantry, tanks, artillery, aircraft team at the battle of Cambrai. The tank is proven effective at break- Tanks: note no gun turrets! throughs and 2D mechanized mobile warfare is born.
  • 3. Oops….. The U.S. is soon woefully behind in tank technology. Belatedly, the U.S. shows interest. Patton is ordered to establish an U.S. Army tank school at Langres, France in late 1917. The first U.S. tank units go into combat on-board foreign FT17 Renault light tanks. U.S. produced tanks are not available until 1919 and are only copies of European armor.
  • 4. The “War to End All Wars” ends in 1918. A short sighted and budget conscious Army staff disbands the U.S. Tank Corps in 1920. 1922: The Tank Board is established to define the future role of tanks in the U.S. Army. The primary considerations in the decision-making process are cost and the ability to move the vehicles rapidly. Armor and armament are sacrificed for cost and weight. Tanks are largely considered “infantry support” weapons as they were used in WWI.
  • 5. British Reformers Like B.H. Liddell-Hart, JFC Fuller and Percy Hobart create tank units linked by radios to infiltrate through enemy lines and collapse enemies with 2D mechanized infiltration tactics to win battles without costly trench warfare. The Allies thinking war has been abolished ignore them and party in the “Roaring” 1920s. The “party” is over in the ‘30s with the great economic depression. Unlike the victorious Allies, the Germans listen and act on their reform ideas as Hitler takes power and builds powerful panzer divisions. They add a 3D maneuver element with parachute and glider Airborne troops
  • 6. 1939: The Germans act on the pre-war reformers and achieve dramatic successes with massed light tank led combined-arms teams in Poland and France to infiltrate then collapse enemy armies by encirclements. Called “Blitzkrieg” or lightning war, their light tanks are fast, cross-country mobile, well armored and have effective main gun systems. Oops….. Behind again, the U.S. begins to research better tank designs and massed armor tactics. As a result of poor planning and limited vision, the U.S. enters WWII with inferior tank designs.
  • 7. The Americans without a battlefield function focused branch to oversee armored vehicle development creates “mechanized cavalry” in wheeled scout cars to avoid enemy contact and report back enemy positions to “cherry pick” where tanks will be used. Tank destroyers with light armor protection and open-tops would then destroy enemy tanks. In North Africa, the German enemy doesn’t co-operate and drops mortars and artillery on the rubber-tired scout cars and open-topped tank destroyers leaving burning hulks and dead Soldiers all over the Kasserine Pass. After many defeats in North Africa, mechanized cavalry units are given tracked light tanks and Armor branch is born to work around Cavalry branch. Cavalry branch which is a legitimate battlefield function is disbanded in 1944. U.S. Army tank development drifts into tank vs. tank platform centricity under an ill-defined “Armor” branch.
  • 8. Oops….. U.S. light/medium tanks perform superbly in the Pacific against dug-in enemy infantry, WWI-style. However in Europe, they are woefully outmatched when fighting enemy tanks. German tanks are in .. Too late to save crews their 2d and 3rd generations of of hundreds of medium development and now on the Grants, Shermans and defensive have switched to light Chaffees from faster, heavy designs to compensate for more heavily gunned and being out-numbered by Allied armored German tanks. mass-produced light/medium tanks. The U.S. will not have a heavy tank comparable to the enemy until late 1944….with the M26 Pershing with 90mm main gun
  • 9. By 1944, both the Axis and the Allies have developed hand held shaped-charge anti-tank weapons for infantry. Most armored vehicles fall easy prey to the new weapons. Pundits herald the end of tanks due to the advent of cheap, 2.36” Bazooka effective anti-tank weapons. Heavy armor on new heavy tanks can defeat hand held AT weapons. Thin-skinned vehicles are still easy targets for AT weapons so tanks get progressively heavier and heavier to lead 2D maneuvers in the Cold War period after Tiger 1 heavy tank WWII.
  • 10. Just like after WWI, after M4E8 “Easy Eight” Medium tank WWII, the U.S. neglects tank design. The U.S. fails to build large numbers of improved design tanks thinking aircraft bombing with nuclear weapons have made conventional ground wars obsolete. Uh-oh….. The “backwards” Soviets “don’t get the memo” on ground wars and continue to mass-produce tanks and develop further improvements in tank technology.
  • 11. Oops….. As a result, the U.S. enters the war in Korea without any tanks! In desperation, WWII M4 Sherman medium tanks on static display are pressed into service. Our lighter M24 Chaffee tanks are inferior to the M24 T34/85 medium tanks of the enemy. For the third time in the century, the U.S. Army sends Soldiers to die in a foreign land with inferior equipment because of the false view that tracked armored vehicles had out-lived their usefulness T34/85 and were “too expensive”.
  • 12. After WWII, the French decided they needed a new light, air-transportable tank for their colonial wars after getting good Oops….. results from M24 Chaffees as AMX-13s are successful infantry fire support vehicles in in the Arab-Israeli wars of Vietnam. The AMX-13 would use the ‘50s and ‘60s used by speed, mobility and firepower to the allies and the Israelis. compensate for lighter armor. The design is a success The AMX-13 is well-engineered, and is in use still today mass produced and exported with 105mm guns. around the world. However, the U.S. Army Airborne neglects to buy AMX-13s and use M113 Gavin APCs to create a 3D maneuver force like the Russians do.
  • 13. The Soviets and NATO develop wire guided anti-missiles (ATGMs) and rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) for use by infantry. Pundits again herald the end of tanks. It is widely and erroneously reported that Oops….. missiles out performed tanks in The Russian Airborne with light tanks is ready to fly in to save the the 1973 Yom- Kippur War. Egyptian Army, but the American Despite early tank losses, the 82nd Airborne with only a few M551 IDF reorganizes into infantry-led Sheridan light tanks would be foot- combined-arms teams to clear mobile in the searing desert if they out enemy ATGMs/RPGs. parachute in to save Israel. Fortunately, Israeli losses are comparatively light and most missile damaged tanks return to action. Journalists ignore the impressive tank kill ratio Israel enjoyed over the Arabs, almost exclusively by main gun fire.
  • 14. The Soviet Union with a long history of light tank designs develops light weight, versatile, amphibious, air-mobile light tanks like the PT-76, ASU- 57, ASU-85, the BMD and BMP family of vehicles which are successful in Vietnam, Chechloslavakia, Pakistan, Somalia and Afghanistan. In the ‘60s, ‘70s and early ‘80s it looks like the entire world will be over-run by the communists. Oops….. The Russians continue to improve their light tanks so that today’s BMD- 3s and BMP-3s have powerful 100mm guns with 30mm autocannon and medium machine gun armaments while able to carry an infantry squad under armor. Others have 125mm guns. With waterjets they can swim from ship-to-shore in the ocean. Meanwhile, the U.S. Army fails to add turret weapons to its M113 Gavins, retires its M551 Sheridans and stops training to swim across lakes/rivers to effect rapid 2D maneuvers like it did in Vietnam, obsessed with heavy tank vs. tank combat, the U.S. adopts medium M2 Bradley and M1 Abrams heavy tanks that cannot swim and are difficult to fly into action and ignores 3D warfare needs
  • 15. Russian Air-Mechanized Operations with light tanks ASU-57 BMD ASU-85 Fixed-wing airdrop il-76 Fixed-wing airland Mi-26 Rotary-wing airland World’s First Helicopter 3D Air-Mech Operation, 1978 Combat: Czechoslovakia, East Africa, Afghanistan, Chechnya
  • 16. Oops….. By the ‘70s, as the Cold War simmers, the West has no tanks that can match the latest Soviet light, medium and heavy tanks. And the tanks it does have are fewer in quantity. NATO bickers and wastes money on the abortive MBT-70 heavy tank with kneeling track suspension. The Russians already field BMDs with kneeling suspensions for parachute air delivery. Not until the early ‘80s with the deployment of the M1 Abrams does the West somewhat match Soviet tank technology.
  • 17. U.S. Air-Mechanized Operations The Good... Panama, 1989 First combat airdrop in history! M551 Sheridan light tanks M113 Gavin Mech-Infantry U.S. Army Air-Mechanized 3D Operations
  • 18. British Air-Mechanized 3D Operations CH-47 BV-206 C-130 British beat U.S. Army into Kosovo in 1999 by using helicopters to fly in light tracked Scimitar light tank AFVs; though U.S. has both 7-ton Bv206s and Land Rover 4x4 10.5 ton M113 Gavins that can fly by helicopter!
  • 19. Iraq 1, 1990-91: After victory in Panama, the U.S. leads coalition forces against Iraq. The M113 Gavins, M2/M3 Bradleys and M1 Abrams are the masters of the 2D battlefield. M1s destroy Iraqi armor on-the-move with laser aiming before the Russian made Iraqi stop-to-shoot optics can even acquire the U.S. tanks. Large tank battles are successful. Though the 82d Airborne has 56 M551 Sheridans and a few The Bad... Yet, less than three years later, for M113 Gavins, this is not considered the 4th time in the century, Army a large enough 3D air-mech Soldiers are sent into battle with maneuver element to cut the enemy inferior equipment. Light forces go to off; large parts of the Iraqi Somalia in wheeled trucks without Republican Guard escape. any armor support. A group of Rangers and Delta Force Soldiers are cut off and have to be rescued by Pakistanis with U.S. made M48 medium tanks and M113 Gavin light tracked armored fighting vehicles.
  • 20. In 1999, GEN. Eric Shinseki, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, describes his “vision” of the future. This homogenized, medium- sized units-only, future requires ONLY a lightly armored, infantry force in vulnerable wheeled vehicles. Tracked tanks would be replaced by wheeled LAV type armored cars with computers to mentally avoid trouble to hopefully compensate for reduced armor protection by ”cherry-picking” when and where the dismounted infantry fights. Superior levels of physical protection, firepower and go-anywhere mobility are not needed. The Army declares that the 2D/3D maneuver wars that tracked the AFVs were The Ugly... designed to fight will “never occur” again. General, we have made this mistake before… “History informs us of past mistakes from which we can learn without repeating them. “ --Judge William Hastie (1904 - 1976)
  • 21. In 2003, the U.S. Army has to invade Iraq again and the tracked force that was allegedly “legacy” saves the day and reaches Baghdad to collapse the enemy center of gravity when marines-in-trucks get stopped by enemy RPGs and land mines despite “shock and awe” airstrikes with “precision” computer guided bombs. However, DoD and the Army thinks the war is over because M113 Gavin the Iraqi nation-state army is defeated by their WWII-style blitzkrieg. This is actually 3rd generation warfare, but wars are caused by PEOPLE and machines are just tools, we forget that people can fight without belonging to a nation- state army if our political end-state hasn’t taken over; this is 4th generation warfare. Because the U.S. Army Airborne hasn’t fully developed air-mech 3D maneuver with upgraded M113 Gavin APCs and M8 Buford AGS light tanks to quickly parachute in and capture/kill enemy M8 Buford AGS leaders in conjunction with 2D maneuvers, we slowly airland in M1s, M2s and M113s into North Iraq. Saddam Hussein and others escape Baghdad and start a guerrilla war. 500 dead and 10,000 wounded Americans later, we finally
  • 22. Oops….. Moreover, the costly $1 billion 300-Stryker armored car brigades Shinseki wants are not ready or will ever be in quantity for the large-scale occupations of countries like Iraq. Without the 100 divisions of WWII, the enemy is all around and can attack in any direction at any time; a Non-Linear Battlefield (NLB) where no place is safe for wheeled vehicles to operate. The Army has to move its Soldiers around in vulnerable HMMWV and other wheeled trucks to try to maintain nation-state order on the 4th generation warfare battlefield where the center of gravity is the loyalty of the people not just defeating an enemy nation-state army. Casualties mount as enemy road-side bombs easily explode the vulnerable wheeled vehicles despite computer “situational awareness”. The enemy does not let us “cherry pick” BBQ HMMWV when and where battle will occur. It’s the WWII scout car debacle all over again. And the 5th war where U.S. troops have been sent into battle with inferior gear. M113 LAV3 Gavin Stryker
  • 23. The U.S. Army without a Cavalry Branch to develop light tracked AFVs does not have an effective 3D air-mech maneuver force to compliment its 2D maneuver forces. The 19-24 ton Stryker armored car is too heavy to fly by helicopters or fixed wing C-130 aircraft let alone parachute airdrop. Army leadership in love with the idea of using computers to cherry pick where and when it fights over mythical linear battlefields that do not exist, think they can skimp on physical armor protection by using rubber-tired wheeled vehicles and save money. Meanwhile, as their Soldiers are getting killed and maimed by enemy road-side bombs and RPGs on the NLB, the enemy resistance grows as the people see that America cannot maintain order and protect them. Army officials full of techno hubris that blinds them to the tracked armored vehicles that work ignore the thousands of M113 Gavin light tracked AFVs sitting in storage that could be quickly and inexpensively upgraded to be fully bomb and RPG resistant to move EVERY Soldier in the Army under superior armor protection and mobility on the lethal NLB. We could have had a fully light tracked, under full armor protection U.S. Army ready for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 had we upgraded the thousands of M113 Gavins we have instead of buying handfuls of inferior, expensive Canadian-made Stryker armored cars. We can and still should do this, but judging from Army past history, the only thing that makes the unprofessionally organized and led U.S. Army change is obvious failures and lots of preventable deaths that compels the civilian Congress to act.