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Hinduism Essay examples
Hinduism is the religion followed by the people of South Asia, mainly in India though. The term HInduism actually means "what the Indians do" and
was applied to these people by Islamic Invaders. Hinduism is actually a mix of several differents ideals from different religions. Parts of it draw on the
Vedic religion of the Aryan tribes from the north, some from the Dravidian civilization to the south, along with ideas from Buddhism. From the
Dravidians came the beilief of intense devotion to the gods and the rituals for fertility and other such things. It is not known yet how the Vedic religion
manifested into Hinduism. As in all civilizations of the time, the priests held high power and stature in society, but... Show more content on ...
This deity would then bring violence and destruction to the world. This ideal of women and of fertility is almostly directly to the beiliefs of the
Dravidians. There are also many, many other gods besides these three main ones. That's one of the distinguishing factors of Hinduism, the amount
and the variety of gods that were used to explain events in life and life itself. Even with all of these gods out there, worshipers were to devote most
of their worship at one specific deity. This did not mean that the other gods would strike back for not being worshipped, for each was worshipped by
at least one person. This sense of unity amongst the gods and the people is brought out buy certain texts, such as the Bhagad–Gita. The purpose in life
was to praise your deity to the best of your ability so as to get the god's favor. Religious duties were not only based on class, but also on gender and
on age. The center of worship for these gods was the temple, some being simple and others being extremely elegant. Many of these temples had a
beautiful statue of their deity. This statue was there for the diety to possess so that they could be worshipped by the people even more. To worship
their deity, some would take part in puja, which was a service to the deity that involved bathing, clothing, or feeding the statue. Some people were even
blessed enought to see their god, even if just for an instance. They called
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Hinduism : The Generic Six Types Of Hinduism
Hinduism is a religion with many different styles of worship . The generic six types of worship are Folk Hinduism which is based on local traditions
and cults of local deities; Vedic Hinduism which is practised by traditional brahmins (a class of Hindu consisting of teachers, priests and protectors);
VedanticHinduism which is based on the philosophical approach of the Upanishads (a collection of ancient Sanskrit texts); Yogic Hinduism; Dharmic
Hinduism which is based on karma and Bhakti Hinduism or devotionalist practices[1]. Each of these has a different style of worship based around
different gods and practices e.g. Vedantic Hinduism is based around the Upanishad whereas Vedic Hinduism is based around the Universal Spiritual
Truths which can be applied to anyone at anytime[2]. For this reason, I think that it will be hard to say what each of these types of Hinduism are and
instead focus on arguments for and against the types of theism e.g. monotheism, henotheism and polytheism. Monotheism is the belief in one god and is
very common in European religions such as Christianity. If Hinduism were to be monotheistic, I think that the God/Goddess that they would worship
would be Brahma (the creator); Vishnu (the preserver) or Shiva (the destroyer).
Of these three, Brahma is the least commonly worshipped. This first reason for this comes from the Shiva Purana and is an argument between Brahma
and Vishnu about who was the most powerful of the Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva).
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Compare And Contrast Hinduism And Christianity
In the world of billions of people how many of us are going to be the same? People will perceive the world in their own way. One person may see
the world perfect, while others see nothing but the end. Is everyone going to be different? Not necessarily, many others will share the same beliefs
but that could mean more varieties will be created. Once one person believes a certain path they may choose to believe in that belief or even believe
living is the path to happiness. However, one chooses to perceive their own world, they may or may not be right. Just like in religion people follow their
belief but what they choose may not be the honest path. Some have common similarities but many differences as well. Hinduism and Christianity have
many resemblances between one another and how their Gods are, even with the view that they are extremely different, especially in the way that
Hinduism has many Gods compared to Christianity and how they both reach salvation. There's much talking about religions and faith in the world
today. Everywhere people will find others that are indifferent about God and faith, one will find people that are obsessed with anti–religion propaganda
and others will find people that live their lives according to what they believe and what they declare.
Religion is defined as "a system of human thought which usually includes a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices that give meaning to the
practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a
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An Introduction To The Sanaetana Dharm Hinduism And Hinduism
Background Information
Hinduism is often referred to as SanДЃtana Dharma which means eternal religion. For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of
beliefs. It's more what you do, than what you believe. It is the world's third most popular religion with around 750 million followers. Hinduism is
practiced by more than 80% of India's population. There are an estimated 1 billion Hindus worldwide, making Hinduism the third largest religion after
Christianity and Islam. About 80 percent of India's population regard themselves as Hindus and 30 million more Hindus live outside of India.
An Introduction to the Hindu religion
How and where it started.
Hinduism is older than any other living religion. It began so long ago that no one really knows how old it is, but it is believe to be at least 5,000 years
India is the country in which Hinduism began. India is a country located in Asia, the capital city there is New Delhi. There are some very high
mountains (Mount Everest) on the northern border of India called the Himalayas. India has a mixed climates . Some parts of the country become
extremely hot and others are cold. In India, the River Ganges is a scared river. People will often travel hundreds of miles to bathe in the Ganges
because they believe the water will make them pure.
Hinduism was not begun by a single person, it developed gradually as different groups of people met and shared their ideas and ways of practising
their beliefs. The name Hindu
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Shiva's Weapon Research Paper
Shiva is the Supreme god who safeguards, alters and creates the Universe. At the zenith level, Shiva is considered as infinite, inspiring, unchanging and
shapeless. Shiva has many compassionate and formidable depictions. Shiva is the benefactor of yoga, meditation and arts. When Shiva is in his fierce
aspect, he can be found slaughtering demons. The most important traits of Shiva are the snake across his shoulders, wearing a crescent moon, and in
the location of his third eye in middle of his forehead. The sacred river Ganga flows from Shiva's entwined hair. Shiva's weapon is the Trishula, which
translated, is three–headed spear. The three points of the spear have significant meaning. They are purported to represent various trinities.
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Differences Of Mukti And Moksu
Another reply is "Hindu is one who believes eternity of universe and eternity of laws and who believes Mukti and Moksha as the ultimate goal of life
and can be achieved by, 1.Karma Yoga, 2.Gjana Yoga., 3.Bhakti yoga ,and 4.Raja Yoga."
This can be a perfect answer of the question in one sentence if the reply is Hindu is, "One who believes eternity of universe and eternity laws of OM".
The methods of attaining this truth also make the answer good.
The eternal means "without beginning or end of existence, everlasting, unchangeable, ceaseless and occurring again and again". And eternity means,
"eternal duration; including the state of time after death also".
A Hindu must believe that he is eternal ... Show more content on ...
So he believes in this full blaze, the Paramathma, the Lord and the God and the eternity of the universe.
In Swamiji's words, "He is the Oneness, the unity of all, the reality of all life and existence"(Volume– III – page – 306) Hindu believes that if he sees
through the other he will attain eternal glory.
This glorious conclusion Hindu calls is Moksha. This belief is not the outcome of a built theology propagated by one man of one sect and blind
adherence. It is the outcome of long and continuous researches done systematically by the learned men of this land for centuries. It is revived
systematically from the altered forms, for ages after ages by the new researches of the learned men of this land and purified and filtered of the
superstition, sectarianism and monotony prevalent in the social consciousness of those ages. These researches are done with the consideration of the
whole, the external and the internal or the material and the spiritual worlds devoid of any dogmas. They started their study from man and his inner–
self and then proceeded to the
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Differences Between Religions And Religions
Sects are commonplace in many forms of faith, no matter the religion there are still beliefs that differ from sect to sect. As with monotheistic
religions such as Christianity, polytheistic religions like Hinduism also consist of sects. First off, sects are sub groups of a religion that differ in
beliefs and these differing principles can be anything, such as the varying belief of who is considered the primary deity or creator. In Hinduism alone
there are four primary sects: Shivaism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, and Smartism. The difference between each sect is as previously mentioned, each
variation believes in differing principle "supreme beings" or deities. These four denominations are in complete contrast to Christianity, in which there
are a great deal more in number and with varying differences. As the third largest religion in the world, after Christianity and Islam, the populations of
the denominations would be assumed to be evenly spread amongst the four, but that is not the case. Vaishnavites occupy a large portion of followers
with an astounding 70%, followed by Shivaites with 26%, and the other two (Shaktites and Smartites) combining to form the remaining 4%. This
highly skewed information is in complete opposition to Christianity, of which has multiple sects which are further sorts into sub–sects and are move
evenly spread. The reasoning behind the skewed numbers of believers can be primarily attributed to the fact that Christianity sects differ so much more
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Mandala Religion Essay
The beliefs and symbols illustrated in my mandala are positioned in a way that they connect to each other. The first Hindu belief is Brahman. I put
the symbol of Brahman on the bottom of the mandala to show that it "controls" and "connects" to the other four beliefs. Next, the belief of multiple
gods will be placed on the right side of Brahman because he is one of the many gods that the Hindus believe in. On the other side of Brahman will be
Dharma because they both have to do with balancing society and the universe. On top of Dharma will be Karma. I will put it in this position because
Dharma affects your Karma. If you follow rules then your Karma will be good, and if you don't follow the rules then your Karma won't be as
good. Lastly, Samsara will be placed next to Karma and Dharma. Samsara would be placed next to these beliefs because your Karma is what you
will receive or be like in your next life. Dharma connects to Samsara because the release called Moksha will be achieved if you follow certain
spiritual and ritual practices to have a good relation and personal experience with Gods. There are many other ways that all these beliefs connect to
each other, but the ways I just talked about relate to the illustrations I have drawn on the mandala.
I illustrated the belief of Brahman by using the Earth, Sun, and water droplets as symbols. I choose to ... Show more content on ...
I thought these two symbols represent dharma straight–forward and they were easy to identify what they were. The social class triangle represents each
of the levels of social class that the Hindus are recognized as. If you follow your dharma which is performing and following duties and rules of your
social class, then you will contribute to a better world and a stronger social class. I drew the rocks balancing to represent that they believed that as you
follow your dharma, they contribute to both the harmony and balance of society and the
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Christianity Reflection Paper
Christianity is a very developed religion and it resides mainly in the Western Culture. Followers up to 2 billion with a continuous rise as the world
population grows. "Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Protestant Churches are the largest groups" (Stefon et al) known to
Christianity. The life of Jesus and his teachings is the base of thisreligion. Jesus taught the way of God, whom is the creator of all and the father of
Jesus. He taught the people that living their lives in a certain manner, would end with eternal life after you have died. Jesus and his guidance was
becoming notorious; however, The Roman Government and Jewish leaders showed vast disapproval. Thus, leading to the crucifixion of Jesus where
he was executed upon the cross. Christians believe that 3 days after Jesus died he rose from the dead; therefore, giving the chance to his believers to
live eternal life after death. "Christianity is more than just a religious belief. It also has generated a culture, a set of ideas and ways if life, practices,
and artifacts that have been handed down from generation to generation since Jesus became the object of faith" (Stefon et al). Christianity is
appealing to me for the fact of knowing one man sacrificed himself for the good and eternal life of all the people is one hell of a sacrifice and I admire
that. I admire most that you will always be given the chance to have you sins forgiven.
Hinduism originated in India around 1500 BCE when the Aryans left
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The Core Values Of Hindu Religion
I was curious to know if the Hindu people, who have drastically different beliefs from one another, are able to come together at a designated location
and worship as one congregation. The core values the Hindu people share allow practitioners of all varying beliefs to accept their religious differences
and come together as one congregation to worship. An example of this is illustrated through the failures of the worship communities and the success of
pluralism over time.
To begin, it's important to know that almost nothing is entirely agreed upon in within the Hindu community ("Hinduism" 1). The few things all Hindus
can agree on are the defining factors of the religion; meaning, if you don't subscribe to these beliefs, you don't technically identify as Hindu. The
principles all Hindus can agree upon are: the Vedas are a very important scripture, karma is real, reincarnation is real, and all perspectives are
welcome and ultimately better the religion (Darity, Jr. 477; "Hinduism" 4). Of the few core values that all Hindus share, tolerance is among the most
important. You cannot discredit one's religious preference or beliefs and still be considered Hindu. Almost every other principle and belief is
ambiguous and not wholly agreed upon. This means that even people with conflicting beliefs are accepted as Hindus as long as they believe in karma,
reincarnation and the Vedas, and their differences strengthen the religion.
Pluralism is a defining trademark of Hinduism. Pluralism
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Christianity And Hinduism Similarities
Christianity and Hinduism are two of the largest religions in the world and have been around for thousands of years. Christianity originated in
Jerusalem, whereas Hinduism traces back to India, where most of its followers still live. These religions have created an enormous impact on several
people across the globe. Due to the establishment of a variety of philosophies from different important figures, many similarities and differences of the
two religions have arose. Despite the fact that the religions of Christianity and Hinduism share some similarities, the differences between the two are
extremely powerful and overweighing. Some key factors that are very contrasting are the two religions' idea of God, classification of human beings, and
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Factors that reinforce the dissimilarity between the two religions are their idea of God, classification of human beings, and path to salvation.
Christianity and Hinduism are very old religions that have been around for thousands of years. Throughout these years, these factors have had an
enormous impact on Christianity and Hinduism to this day. In the end, by looking into the origins of the religions, it is clear that their differences stand
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Christianity and Hinduism
Religion is a collection of different cultures and words view that relate humanity to spirituality. Religion is one of the most important efforts to answer
the most profound questions of human existence. Where do we come from? What should we do while we are here? All the people on this universe
have different religion like Hinduism, Sikhism, Muslims, Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism. As I belong to Hindu Religion and as individual
religion plays an important role in the life of people which help them how to serve the humanity and how to get god by doing good things. If we talk
about Hinduism and Christianity both have its own and different principles like believes, caste system.
Hinduism Christianity
Hinduism has begun over four thousand years ago in an ancient, civilization. In Hinduism they believe in many gods like Vishnu is the lord
protection (creature of world), Brahma was born by the navel of lord Vishnu. He sits on a lotus and his vahana (thing used to travel from one place
to another) is the swan. He provide of all knowledge and wisdom, Goddess durga which obtain many powerful weapons. When the demonic forces
create imbalance she become one divine force called Shakti or drug and destroy the evil. Shiva a destroyer of the world. Shiva is responsible for death
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Why Hinduism Should Be Considered A World Religion
Cole Cramer
Professor Schadler
RELS 105
Why Hinduism Should Be Considered a World Religion
Religion in the world today mostly depend on the number of adherents and the rate of at which they increase in the world. While considering the
statistics, studies indicate that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and with a projection that by the year 2050, its popularity shall have
increased more than any other religion in the world. Alongside Islam is the Hinduism, religion which is also projected to have a faster growth rate and
according to research in 2011(Gerald 20), it had grown in various countries mainly due to migration from India. The growth rate of Hinduism is
projected at two percent annually when ... Show more content on ...
Unlike other religions across the world, Hinduism does not have a specific way of worship, or a god and scriptures to be used. The religion that is
considered to be the oldest has an array of beliefs and practices within it, and therefore many have always referred to it as a family religion or a way
of life. In the recent years, it has been established that there is a way in conformation to an almost similarity among the Hindus, and a larger
population now consider a sacred text known as Veda and have a shared system of values known as dharma.
Religion can be characterized by the existence of belief and faith that something is acceptable and should be practiced without questioning or
confirmation. In the Hindu religion, it can be confirmed that the way many things are characterized and the belief in the consequences of a person's
conduct can be categorically defined as faith. For instance, in Hindu, there is a belief that the individual soul is not created, but it has been in
existence and will continue to exist. Just like in other religions whereby the actions of a person reaps the consequences in the next phase of life,
Hindus, however, believe that the souls will one–day comeback to life in a different form, which utterly depends on the consequences of its actions
before the rebirth. The kind of body that the soul will inhabit after that is determined by Karma, which is a term used to refer to actions
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Hinduism, Buddhism, And Classical Hinduism
Hinduism is a very broad term that encompasses a multitude of different backgrounds, traditions, beliefs, and practices. Hinduism, as we know it
today, has gone through many changes. To fully understand how Hinduism became as it is currently, knowledge of its development over the course of
history is essential. This paper will demonstrate the primary shifts of its central beliefs, practices, and goals between periods of Early Vedic, Late
Vedic, and ClassicalHinduism.
Many of the core beliefs of Hinduism have evolved over time, with some becoming increasingly clearer, and others going from merely an idea into
full–fledged beliefs. Karma, Dharma, and the theory of Samsara and moksha are the core beliefs that almost all who define themselves as a practicer
of Hinduism would accept. The belief of karma started out in the Early Vedic periodmerely as "ritualistic action or labor". It transformed into a
"moral law" that incorporated the idea that all actions have fruits, whether good or bad. "Action, which springs from the mind, from speech, and
from the body, produces either good or evil results". This concept of a "law of karma" where good actions yield good results, and bad in bad, extends
from the Vedic idea of consequential action from the confines of the ritual to everyday life.
Dharma has been, and continues to be, closely related to karma and samsara. In early Vedic religion, dharma was considered to be the performance, or
obligation of Vedic ritual action. Dharma was
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Hinduism Essay examples
Hinduism is the religion followed by the people of South Asia, mainly in India though. The term HInduism actually means "what the Indians do" and
was applied to these people by Islamic Invaders. Hinduism is actually a mix of several differents ideals from different religions. Parts of it draw on the
Vedic religion of the Aryan tribes from the north, some from the Dravidian civilization to the south, along with ideas from Buddhism. From the
Dravidians came the beilief of intense devotion to the gods and the rituals for fertility and other such things. It is not known yet how the Vedic religion
manifested into Hinduism. As in all civilizations of the time, the priests held high power and stature in society, but... Show more content on ...
This deity would then bring violence and destruction to the world. This ideal of women and of fertility is almostly directly to the beiliefs of the
Dravidians. There are also many, many other gods besides these three main ones. That's one of the distinguishing factors of Hinduism, the amount
and the variety of gods that were used to explain events in life and life itself. Even with all of these gods out there, worshipers were to devote most
of their worship at one specific deity. This did not mean that the other gods would strike back for not being worshipped, for each was worshipped by
at least one person. This sense of unity amongst the gods and the people is brought out buy certain texts, such as the Bhagad–Gita. The purpose in life
was to praise your deity to the best of your ability so as to get the god's favor. Religious duties were not only based on class, but also on gender and
on age. The center of worship for these gods was the temple, some being simple and others being extremely elegant. Many of these temples had a
beautiful statue of their deity. This statue was there for the diety to possess so that they could be worshipped by the people even more. To worship
their deity, some would take part in puja, which was a service to the deity that involved bathing, clothing, or feeding the statue. Some people were even
blessed enought to see their god, even if just for an instance. They called
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Hinduism and Christianity: Monotheistic Paths to One God....
Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva and the Christian Trinity of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. In comparing Trinity and
Trimurti, religious scholar, Anuradha Veeravali (Indian Philosophies, Encyclopedia of Religion) draws parallels between Brahma and God, Vishnu and
the Holy Spirit, and Shiva and Jesus, but persists in the common idea that Christianity is a monotheistic faith while Hinduism is polytheistic. However,
Bede Griffiths, a Christian priest living in India, has dared to challenge this firm notion of polytheism, offering comparisons between the Christian
Trinity and a different Hindu Triad– Brahman /Atman/Purusha – to conclude that both faiths ultimately share a belief in the One Supreme power.
Scrutinizing ... Show more content on ...
Since Brahma is not the 'God of Gods', Veeravali's attempts to draw similarities between the Christian God and Brahma stand nullified.
There are some differences in the way the congregation of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva has been addressed. Like Veeravali, Geoffrey Parrinder, author
of Triads, refers to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as a collective unit. However, differing from Veeravali's usage of the term Trinity, Parrinder uses the term
Trimurti ('having three forms'). Explaining the origin of the term Trimurti, Parrinder states that this term was coined in the Early Common Era to create
a triad of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. According to Parrinder, these three Gods– Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva–are the manifestations of the three qualities
of the Absolute Brahman– creation, preservation and destruction. Interestingly, the epic Mahabharata mentions these three Gods separately and not as a
collective entity. Although there are differences in the terms used to address this triad, authors and thinkers of differing opinions have agreed that the
triad indeed does refer to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Comparative religion texts like the Triads by Geoffrey Parrinder and The Great
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Essay Hindu Belief of Samsara
Hindu Belief of Samsara
(6)The Hindu belief in samsara, the cycle of life, death, and rebirth includes reincarnation into forms other than human. It is believed that someone
could live many lifetimes before they become a man. Each species is in this process of samsara until one achieves moksha, union with god Brahma. The
Hindu religious goal of moksha is not salvation, and does not need forgiveness, but detachment from the material world. Though some people might
argue that such a goal with these aspects rejects the natural world as having value, the Hindu goal is to liberate 'one' from the self, from the illusion of
the material world as being separate and individual.
2. Explain why the ... Show more content on ...
Karma is an important thing when trying to achieve Moksha, it will tell you what you have done as bad things you do in your life will lead to bad
Karma, and so you may be something lower than you are now, e.g. A human could have a bad life and get Bad karma, and therefore cannot move
up to achieve Moksha, yet moves down to become a Dog for instance. And so if you live a bad life from childhood some Hindus may think that
Moksha is just a worthless goal as they may never be able to achieve. Yet Hindus who may lead life's as Holmen are very likely to have good karma
and are therefore more likely to interpret Moksha in a different way, as they have good karma they will have a more positive outlook on obtaining
5."No one can believe in Reincarnation"
(8)Write down arguments for and against this statement, then explain why you agree or disagree with this statement–
I can understand why people would disagree with this statement, It is sometimes very hard to believe that people believe you can be reborn the idea
really is difficult to understand, how is there, by any chance that people can be reborn into other things or beings, who/what makes this happen? To
think about it really is an in depth thought, it is also very hard to believe that
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The God's Script Short Story
"The God's Script," by Jorge Luis Borges, is representing the structure of knowledge through a dream of TzinacГЎn, the central character, and the
narrative presence of the jaguar. Borges wrote the short story to describe TzinacГЎn's dream of the "god's script," a language that would help him
fulfill his destiny while he is imprisoned: his destiny is to be able to die in peace. TzinacГЎn is a magician of the pyramid of Qaholom. He can survive
torture in silence; he will never lose hope. In this short story, Borges is trying to say the dreams reveal knowledge of things that can come to reality.
TzinacГЎn, the central character, is a magician. A magician has powers and can do many tricks with those powers. The magician of Qaholom goes
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He knows he will not see daylight again besides the split second of light through the openings. However, TzinacГЎn's gods also give him hope for his
destiny in prison. One of his gods is represented as the pyramid of Qaholom, that is burned and demolished. As he said, "They struck down the idol of
the god before my very eyes, but he did not abandon me and I endured the torments in silence" (169). When he talks about the pyramid, he seems like
he is more pleased that his gods are here with him instead of completely disappearing. He clearly stated that they are not abandoning him; even though
he is being tortured, they do not leave his side. The impressions of the things that are happening to him are like the things that happen to his gods.
TzinacГЎn senses that the things he thinks about represent furthering his knowledge, getting him closer to knowing his god's script. He knows of the
script, but wants more structured knowledge of and the whereabouts of the script. As he stated, "The fact that a prison confined me did not forbid my
hope; perhaps I had seen the script of Qaholom a thousand times and needed only to fathom it" (170). He reflects that it is only right that the gods are
leaving access to the script to him to have as part his destiny. From the tone of the story, the knowledge he has of his gods
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Hinduism's Influences On Hinduism
Hinduism is one of the oldest major religions still believed in today. There has been many disputes on the origin, but most agree that the origin came
about during the 2nd millennium B.C. in what is now India. Living in India at the time was the Aryans, which are believed to have had an influence on
Hinduism. One of the first scriptures that the Hindus learn about is called the "Vedas" which was originally written in Aryan making people some people
believe it had an Aryan origin. The Aryans believed, much like the current Hindus, in practices that involve bathing at certain times and long bursts of
meditation. Hindus would disagree with that accusation saying that the origin of their religion came from a certain time or place because they believe
that their religion is timeless. They believe that the origin of their religion is beyond that of human written history (Hay 30–31).
Hinduism is called a religion, but it is actually more like a group of religions. Hinduism, unlike most religions, is not based on a book or single
author, but is a gathering of many authors writings which all come from many different times periods (Garcia). This has caused Hinduism to be
shaped by the many cultures it has been introduced too over the millennia. One of the earliest influences on Hinduism comes from the people called
Dravidians which were located in the Indus River Valley, where is now present day Pakistan (Religious Studies Center). Here, evidence was found of
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Comparison of Hinduism to Christianity
Hinduism is one of the earliest religons that is still practiced around the world. It seeks to answer the same questions that Christianity does, but
arrives at different answers. It seeks truth, but fails to find it. Hinduism seeks to ask the question of where do we come from? This question is not
easily answerable. Because of the nature of Hinduism, everything is in a cycle. There is no beginning and there is no end. Hinduism also does not
have a set of defined rules because of it's views on multiple views and believes. Because of this, we see a few different origins for human kind, but
Hinduism fails to give a definite definition.
Hinduism would next ask the question of Identity. What does it mean to be human? Ultimately Hinduism has a rather selfish view of this, even if it
believes in peace and harmony. It looks at people as all part of the same "god essence". Humanities purpose is to be brought back to nirvana. It is me
centric. You try over and over to live the "perfect" life. There is no grace for the things you do. Ultimately you are responsible for living the perfect life
and reaching Nirvana, a place where you are one with the "god essence".
So what is the meaning of all of this? Humanity must get to Moksha, which is known as the release. It is a release from wanting and desiring. It is
where you are basically liberated from your humanity. It is the Hindu kind of salvation.
So what about Morality? How do we know what is right or wrong? Hinduism does not really
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A Polytheistic Religion
Being a polytheistic religion, Hindus worship multiple Gods. Although a lot of the different gods are said to be different avatars of the trimurti,
in a sense, each God represents an ideal quality or role one must follow to in order to follow their Dharma. As shown in a lot of the readings each
God has a different quality and these qualities in a sense serve as model behaviors a true believer must follow in order to follow the path of Dharma.
For example, Goddess Durga, is considered to be a very good role model of Feminist movements in India. It is said that she represents the the violent
and destructive qualities of the Mother Goddess (Shakti). She is known to protect mankind from the evil by destroying evil forces such as selfishness,
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Religion: Hinduism and Islam Essay
Hinduism and Islam are two largely practiced religions, specifically in India and the subcontinents. Both Hinduism and Islam have unique practices
and traditions, which can vary depending on the town, region or people. They share a common belief in a supreme god, that being either Brahma or
Allah respectively. The traditions differ on the central texts used, as well as differences in the process of reaching the afterlife and basic beliefs.
Although, Hinduism might be regarded by some as a polytheistic religion in its most basic form Hinduism is based around one deity. The Brahma is the
god that all of the other gods are derived from and each god is a manifestation of the one being. There are four other main deities, aside from Brahma,
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Allah is the creator of everything and is held in the highest regard for Islamic people. Although there is one god, there are a multitude of prophets
who bring the word of God to the Muslim people much like the multiple deities who come from Brahma. It is believed that God sent multiple
prophets to tell of the last and most significant prophet, Muhammad. These prophets also preached the Oneness of God and would tell followers to
avoid sin. Muhammad, who is believed to be a prophet of God, is considered the last prophet sent by god to the Muslim people. Muhammad is
believed to have brought the word of God through the Qur'an. The Prophets' life started in Mecca where he grew up orphaned. During his life,
specifically in the month of Ramadan, he would spend time in a cave outside Mecca where he originally received revelations about the sacred text.
Originally Muhammad found little success preaching God's word but eventually gained a following of Muslim people, which would turn into the
tradition it is today. Although their belief in a supreme god aligns in bothIslam and Hinduism, the traditions differ on the texts used centrally in each
practice. The Veda, written between 1750 BCE and 600 BCE are ancient scriptures, which are the sacred texts of Hinduism. One of the forms the
Veda is the Shruti, which is "that which was heard" and the other form is the Vedir seers or Rishis which means "saw". The Veda is split into four
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Hindu Mythology
Hindu mythology has interesting theories on how the Earth was created and the reincarnation of people, Hinduism is very different to many other
mythologies and has some unique key features that make it stand out from the rest. History tells that there are over 330 million gods in Hindu
mythology. There are six main gods inHinduism. Hindu's have an interesting belief of what happens to them after death, the afterlife Hindus believe
in must be met by accomplishing a goal. Hinduism is a unique belief in many gods, the life cycle and reincarnation of its people. Hindu mythology
has been around for ages; it is the world's oldest surviving religion. Hinduism was formed through diverse traditions in the year 2,000 B.C.E. There ...
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One day the husband remembered he left his loincloth on a bush so he ordered horseman to get it, when they got there there was no castle. The
husband went to the girl and talked, she said she's sorry, she wanted to impress him but really she had no parents. The husband said that its all ok. This
story shows how its not good to lie about something, also it shows the love they still have
Wisniewski 3 for each other after the husband was lied to (Parameswaran,1). Myths are made to tell to children and usually there is a lesson or story
the myth teaches. Another Myth is called Shiva and the Sacrifice. Shiva's father–in–law held a sacrifice for the gods, all of the gods were inited but
only Shiva was not invited. Shiva got very angry being left out from the sacrifice that he and some servants of his world attack the ceremony. They
ate all the priests and threw blood on the priests. While doing this, a drop a sweat fell onto earth and formed disease. Brahma then promised Shiva
could take part in all future sacrifices, in return Shiva made disease into many ailments, this would trouble the humans and animals
(,1). This myth was created to show how Hindus believe disease came into this world and how something you do can
negatively affect other people. The afterlife Hindus believe in is much different but unique from other beliefs. Hindu's believe life is cyclical. This
means that they do not just die once but are reborn
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Essay on hinduism vs. jainism
Many people believe Hinduism to be a polytheistic religion. This is due to the fact that there is so many gods that they can worship in. But in all
actuality it is really a monotheistic religion that spawns off of one god to form many different gods or ideas to worship. The entire religion of
Hinduism is based off of Brahman. Brahman is the idea that all reality is a unity. I will explain the concept of Brahman and four others and hopefully
make Hinduism easier to comprehend.
Some have viewed Hinduism as a monotheistic religion, because it recognizes only one supreme God: "the pantheistic principle of Brahman, that all
reality is a unity. The entire universe is seen as one divine... Show more content on ...
Karma, you hear Karma mentioned all over, don't hate her, its bad karma. Karma is the entire sum of ones good and bad deeds. Karma determines
how you will live your next life. Through pure acts, thoughts and devotion, one can be reborn at a higher level. Eventually, a follower of Hinduism
can escape samsara and achieve enlightenment. Bad deeds can cause a person to be reborn at a lower level, or even as an animal. The unequal
distribution of wealth, prestige, and suffering are thus seen as natural consequences for one's previous acts, both in this life and in previous lives.
Samsara and moksha are the terms used in dealing with the Hinduism concept of afterlife. Samsara is the birth, death, and rebirth cycle. That's why
Hindu's want to have good Karma so they can escape this cycle and eventually achieve moksha. Moksha is the escape of samsara and once Hindus
achieve moksha they are set free from space, time, and matter. Moksha is what all Hindus want to achieve.
When I saw that we were going to learn about Jainism, I asked myself, "What is that?" To answer my question I found some information at http:/
/ Jainism is nature in the purest and truest form. Jainism is as old as nature, which has no beginning or any
end. The idea of Jainism is the mission of nature, which is to work for the good of one and all. The idea of Jainism is to rise from the
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Hindu Authority
single source of authority. The word Hindu is not a Sanskrit word or nor mentioned in any of the ancient major texts of India. The word Hindu is to
believe to originate from the ancient Persians. The Persians who shared some of the culture with the Indian sub– continent used to call the Indus River
as Sindhu. Due to some in linguistic problems, they could not pronounce the letter S in their language and started pronouncing the Sindhu as Hindu.
The Ancient Greeks and the rest of the world followed the same word pattern calling the Indus River Valley people as Hindus. The Hindu worship is
centered on the worship of different gods. The different gods that are worship names are as follows: Shiva, Ganesha, Krishna, Nataraja, and Vishnu. But
the ... Show more content on ...
Thus Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are not without connection. They are the same being that have three different aspects, but the Supreme Being of the
gods is Brahma. There are also other names that are recognized and worshipped in the Hindu religion. For instance the name Lord Ganesha is called
upon and is represented as the head of an elephant, which represents the power of the Supreme Being who removes obstacles and ensures success
in human work. Hindus worship Lord Ganesha before doing any activity. The World Encyclopedia of Eastern religions records and states that
"Lord Ganesha is the first son of Shiva and Parvati." The portrayal of Lord Ganesha is as a blend of humans and animal parts, which symbolizes
the ideas of perfection as formed by Hindu sages. The goddess Durga represents the power of the Supreme Being, who preserves moral order. The
Sanskrit word for Durga actually means a fort or a place that is protected and thus is difficult to reach. Durga is known as the Divine mother, who
protects humans from evil by destroying evil forces. Durga also has many other names like Parvati, Ambika, and Kali. She has eighteen arms and in
each arm she carries weapons to destroy
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Divine Reality In Hinduism
Hinduism is a religion practiced all over the world and has gained a large following. Hinduism got its start in the Indus Valley civilization and
since then has evolved into a open and tolerant religion upon which every and anybody from all walks of life are welcome. In Hinduism there is a
divine reality which can best be described as all reality is ultimately one for monistic Hindus or that there is no distinction between the divine reality
and the rest of reality for dualistic Hindus. Either way it is put Hindus try to understand divine reality through their different gods, images, nature,
and avatars. Dualistic Hindus try and understand divine reality through their many different gods. With that there is a focus put onto the one god
Brahman which Brood describes as, "supreme, unitary reality, the ground of all Being." (Brood et al., 2016). The monistic viewpoint of Brahman
can best be described as the belief that all reality is ultimately one. Brahman is, "treated as a basic cosmic principle." (Hopkins, 1971). According to
Hopkins in the, "Atharva Veda, brahman is said to have the lowest and highest forms and to be 'the womb of both the existent and the nonexistent.' In
10.2 it is said that 'by brahman the earth was disposed, as brahman the sky was set above, as brahman this atmosphere, the wide expanse, was set aloft
and crosswise.'" (Hopkins, 1971). Brahman can most easily relate to the Christian, Islam, and Judaism God.Both Brahman and the God of Christianity,
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3. Research and explain these gods or goddesses: Durga,...
3. Research and explain these gods or goddesses: Durga, Kali, Sarasvati, Ganeshe. The goddess Durga is the protector, vanquishing the demons that
threaten Dharma. (Fisher, 2003). She is represented as a beautiful woman with multiple arms that rides a lion, wielding weapons to use to defend
the good. The reason she yields so many weapons is to show that one weapon cannot kill different kinds of enemies. (Goddess Durga). Since Durga
is the protector of good, she is invoked by the seeker to destroy all his desires and unveil his supreme Self (Morris, 2014).
The goddess Kali is compassionate and loving, yet fierce and terrifying. Kali is the destroyer of evil. She is represented as a blue woman, dripping with
blood, carrying a severed head ... Show more content on ...
He is believed to have the head of an elephant because his father, Siva, removed it when he forbid him access to his mother, Parvati. When Parvati
demanded he be restored, an elephants head was the first found (Fisher, 2003).
6. What are the 5 yoga paths? Describe each in detail.
Hatha yoga focuses on the body and creating a healthy physical vehicle for spiritual development. This is done through diet, deep breathing, and
stretching exercises (Morris, 2014). Ha means "sun" and tha means "moon," signifying that hatha yoga brings the unions of pairs of opposites, in
this case the mind and the body. It helps activate the chakras, the centers of energy, and remove blockages in the mind and body. It is also translated
as "forceful yoga," because it requires a lot of physical effort (Marchand, Hagatha, n.d.). The idea behind hatha yoga is that if you can control and
master your breathing, then controlling the mind is within reach. Karma yoga is entirely selfless service. This is done through actions and choices
(Marchand, Karma, n.d.). Karma yoga follows the law of dharma, uniting everything and giving back through action. Helping and healing, doing
positive actions in order to promote spiritual growth. Bhakti yoga focuses on the love and devotion the bhakta (devotee) bestows by worshipping a
god (Morris, 2014). This does not mean that they just worship and love
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The Hindu Varahi And Opening Mouth Ceremony
The Hindu deity Varahi and Opening Mouth Ceremony from the Book of the Dead are figurative, using human bodies with the head of an animal to
represent the deity and god, respectively. Varahi is a female body in a relaxed position with the face of a bull. Although bulls can be seen as
aggressive, a viewer does not get this sense when looking at the statue. Instead, there is peace represented by the held up hand and leg positioning. The
content of this figure could be that females have the potential to be as frightening as a bull, but also serene when she is not threatened. This may have
to do with fertility as well, a mother can be protective over its baby (the bull) and loving and nurturing (the human body). Contrastingly, in the painting,
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Deities In Hinduism
Deities in Hinduism
The Supreme Being or God is brought about by Hindus as having "different angles." Hindus view Brahman in three titles: creation, preservation, and
destroying. Hindus connect these three titles with the three faces: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. These three gods
together frame the 'Hindu Trinity.' Though these are the three faces, they are of one being, which is Brahma. The ""Supreme Being" is called Brahma,
Vishnu, or Shiva, but most commonly Brahma, or Brahman.
Hindu religion is regularly marked as a religion of 330 million "divine beings." This misconception emerges when people neglect to get a handle on
the imagery of the Hindu religion. By Hindu sacred writings, living creatures ... Show more content on ...
Akshobya is the second of the Transcendental Buddhas. Amitaba is the fourth of the five Transcendental Buddhas. He manages the Buddha domain
Sukavati, a pure land. Amitaba is the Lord of the Padma or Lotus family, and is the clean articulation of the shrewdness of mindfulness. He and
alternate Lotus relatives support the slow developing. Amitaba is red and sits in the full–lotus stance with his hands laying on his lap.
Hindu beliefs:
Hindus put stock in a one, all–pervasive Supreme Being who is both inborn and otherworldly, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality. Hindus put stock
in the godlikeness of the four Vedas and revere the Agamas. Hindus trust that the universe experiences unlimited cycles of creation, protection and
disintegration. Hindus believe in Karma, the law of circumstances and end results by which every individual makes his own fate by his musings,
words, and deeds. Hindus believe that spirits resurrect, advancing through numerous births and moksha, freedom from the cycle of resurrection, is
achieved (called Samsara). Hindus believe that all life is hallowed, to be cherished and adored. Hinduism is a nontheism; some may or may not believe
in a god (or goddess),but all believe that no god (or goddess, for that matter) shapes the person's beliefs or actions. The god or goddess is simply a
figure to pray
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The Process of the Advancement of the Human Soul Towards...
The Process of the Advancement of the Human Soul Towards its Perfection in Ramayana and the Mahabharata
The whole of the Ramayana is an Epic of humanity. Humanity does not mean mankind but that which particularly human nature. It is in this sense, Sri
Rama is oftentimes called the paragon of humanity, an example of the perfection of human nature. This perfection is not inclusive of the foibles of man
in his lower endowments. That majestic feature of bodily personality, the ideal perfection of physiological structure, the beauty of understanding,
dignity of behavior, exemplary nature of conduct––to put it in one word 'perfection' as conceived or as conceivable by the human understanding––this
is what comes forth as an answer from the ... Show more content on ...
There, for the first time, is a proclamation divinity of Rama, where Mandodari in deep sorrow over the death of Ravana, her husband, exclaims that it is
Narayana that has come as Nara which in fact is unknown to Ravana and due to his ignorance, he has mistaken Rama for a human being. The
contradiction that Valmikibrings out is that while he puts these words in the mouth of Mandodari, he puts a different type of statement in the mouth
of Rama himself. When the whole theme is over, the drama has been played, Brahma comes and speaks to Rama, "Thou art Lord Narayana, Thy
play in this world is over, and we seek Thy entry back into Vaikuntha." And Rama says in reply: "What are you speaking? I do not know anything. Am
I Narayana! I think I am only a man––Atmanam Manusham Manye. Whatever you may think or speak about me, I think I am a man, I am a human
being." These are the words of Rama himself. While Rama himself is thinking that he is only a man, Brahma speaks of Him as Narayana and wants
Him to go back to His Abode, as His drama in this world is over. These interesting dramatic contradictions are brought into play by the genius of
Valmiki, deliberately to fulfill the purpose of the Epic. Otherwise, there would be no meaning in the play itself.
It was not at all given to Rama to proclaim himself as Narayana. That was not the purpose of the Avatara at all. Sometimes, we are told that the ten
Avataras, incarnations of Visnu beginning from the
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Taking a Look at Hinduism
Many religions offer an exact path to the afterlife; illuminated by various rules and regulations that one must follow to reach enlightenment. Hinduism,
on the other hand, is much more complex, offering multiple ways to achieve moksha and providing many answers to the ancient question of "what
happens after we die?" Many people think that Hindus believe in many deities, but the Hindu concept of God is much broader than that. In fact,
Hinduism itself encompasses much more than just one specific set of religious beliefs. While some Hindus believe that God is a divine being with
certain identifiable attributes, others believe that God cannot be defined and is an all–pervading being that extends beyond everything. Although some
beliefs differ, the majority of Hindus see the concept of God in multiple ways. Among these are the concepts of God as one and many, God and the
soul, God as sound, God as image, God in nature, cows, and avatara. One of Hinduism's most distinguishing features is the concept of multiple gods.
These multiple gods are manifestations of the various powers of the divine. Hindus believe that the all–pervasive God is both one and many. Because
this concept carries the idea of God as an omnipresent being, everything can be seen as being God's form. Hindus worship many Gods, but they also
believe that the divine is singular or one. These Gods are representations of different aspects of the overall God. Although their worship of multiple
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Bases And Bases Of Hinduism
The word Hindu according to Kumar came from the combination of the first letter of the Himalayan mountain and Bindu Sarov ara and the last
compound letter of the word Bindu.
Hinduism is considered as the world's third largest religion, it contains thousands of different sects and groups evolving in India since 1500 BCE
because of their Indian traditions, beliefs, tolerant philosophies and weird point views. By Cristian Violatti: "the Hindu insight claims that the Oneness
expresses itself in many different forms". Hinduism is the dominant religion in India and nearby countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka...It's not a religion
as the word it seems but a socio–religious body shape of Indian society with its specific meanings and reflects.
Why it's a heterogeneous religion? Because of the vast variety of languages, lifestyles, dialects and especially rich geography.
Its manifestations collaborate in exercises such as natural childlike, stories, legends and Yoga that we know today. Hinduism is the most spreader
religion, but not the only in India so there are different ones among regions and villages and individuals.
Bases of Hinduism:
Foundations and establishments of Hinduism can be found in the teachings of ancient sages or rishis, it is also associated with other Indian Religions
Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.
Throughout history, Hinduism has been many key teachings and figures by different philosophies and written holy books.
As previously, Hinduism is not a word we
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Puja, Alyssia Menezes: An Act Of Worship
Alyssia Menezes Puja is an act of worship. Puja can only be performed by Hindu people, because it is unique to their religion. It can be performed in
many ways, like songs rituals, prayers, invocations, and more. Hindus often use a picture of an object in their puja. It is their way of showing
reference to a god. Puja is found wherever Hindu people are. The most concentrated areas of Hinduism are in Nepal, followed by India. Although, the
religion of Hinduism is found around the world. A time when puja is mentioned in Homeless Bird, by Gloria Whelan is on page 42, when it says,
"They faced the morning sun and began their pujas, reciting their prayers and making their offerings of flowers or grain." Puja is an act of worshiping
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Comparing Hinduism And Hinduism
Post–Jesus's death Paul created a mission preaching the teaching of Christianity. The acts of Paul spread the belief of Jesus to Jerusalem and Israel.
After three years of studying Jesus's life, he realized that his life was all a deific plan. Paul also realized that, "Jesus was a cosmic figure who entered
the world in order to renew it" (Molloy, 344). Paul arranged his focus to be more of the meaning of Jesus and what he calls the cosmic Christ. Dissimilar
to Christianity, Hinduism is portrayed as a family of beliefs. "Hinduism unites the worship of many gods with a belief in a single divine reality"
(Molloy, 75). Hinduism can be compared to that of the Ganga Ma, a significant river in the Indian culture. Comparing it with the river saying that it
flows and gains momentum. The Hindus have four very important life goals; kama or pleasure, artha or economic security, dharma or social and
religious duty, and moksha or complete freedom. While Hinduism consist of more than one god, individuals tend to focus on a particular god. Three
gods are particularly central in the life of Hinduism. The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, represent creation, preservation, and destruction.
(Molloy, 75). Brahma is the god of creation. In today's world, he is the least worshipped god in India. There are only two temples in all of India
dedicated to him (Brahma). Brahma has a unique look, with four heads and four arms. The second god, Vishnu, is the god of preservation. Thus far in
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Hinduism As A Family Of Beliefs
Dissimilar to Christianity, Hinduism is portrayed as a family of beliefs. "Hinduism unites the worship of many gods with a belief in a single divine
reality" (Molloy, 75). Hinduism can be compared to that of the Ganga Ma, a significant river in the Indian culture. Comparing it with the river saying
that it flows and gains momentum. The Hindus have four very important life goals; kama or pleasure, artha or economic security, dharma or social and
religious duty, and moksha or complete freedom. WhileHinduism consist of more than one god, individuals tend to focus on a particular god. Three
gods are particularly central in the life of Hinduism. The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, represent creation, preservation, and destruction.
(Molloy, 75). Brahma is the god of creation. In today's world, he is the least worshipped god in India. There are only two temples in all of India
dedicated to him (Brahma). Brahma has a unique look, with four heads and four arms. The second god, Vishnu, is the god of preservation. Thus far in
creation, he has been said to be incarnated nine times. Worshippers believe that he will incarnate one last time near the end of the world. Similarly, to
what Paul thought of Jesus, "Like any major god, Vishnu is involved in a number of colorful stories which illustrate his virtues as the protector of
cosmic order" (Vishnu). Vishnu is uniquely depicted by having blue skin, and four arms. In his four hands, he holds objects representing what he is
dependable for. Shiva, the last god, is the god of destruction. In Hinduism, destruction is considered necessary for new life forms to appear. Shiva is
portrayed by his blue face and white body, three eyes, and four arms. Christianity and Hinduism each have their own form of practices and rituals.
Christians have rituals that are called sacraments. There are seven sacraments throughout life that a Christian can devote themselves to. Baptism is the
ritual cleansing with water, which is an ancient form of purification, which traditionally happens shortly after birth. Eucharist is the next sacrament
which represents Lord's Supper. The Eucharist represents the body and blood of Jesus. Confirmation is the blessing of believers after baptism in the
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Bhakti And Sufi Movement In Hinduism
Bhakti and Sufi movements came into existence to propagate their own religions in a certain area. These movements took religion to people in the
form of poetry which was more understandable and relatable to them. The Sufi movement was spreading in Islam; however, Bhakti movements was
spreading Hinduism. In this essay, it will discuss the distinct way in which the Bhakti movement revived Hinduism between the 5th and 9th century in
Tamil Nadu where Tamil language was a powerful instrument. This period of diversifying Hinduism belonged to the Alwars and Nayanamars. It will
be further delved into by specifically looking at the Alwars and in particular, Nammalvar and Andal in terms of their lives, poetry, similarities and
differences, and ... Show more content on ...
Alwar is defined as the one is who is immersed in the divine experience with God. There were 12 Alwars, among them were 11 men and 1 woman who
lived during the 5th to the 9th century in the Tamil–speaking sector of South India. They wrote devotional songs and poetry on Vishnu and travelling
from place to place, temple to temple and propagated their devotion to God. Furthermore, it is important to note that these Alwars all came from
different socioeconomic backgrounds. The 12 Alwars, also known as the Vaishnavite saints brought prominence in the Bhakti movement with the
poetry being the Nalayira Divya Prabandham (4000 songs). The names of the Alwars are: Poigai, Bhutam, Peyalwar, Tirumazhisai, Nammalvar,
Periyalvar, Andal, Kulasekaran, Madhurakavi, Tondaradipodi, Tiruppaan, and ends with Tirumangai. The first three Alwars (Poigai, Bhutam, and
Peyalwar) sang 100 hymns each which were called the Thiruvandadi and is considered to be the beginning of the Divya Prabandham. Tirumazhisai
Alwar was very cognicient of other schools of thought like Buddhism, Jainism, and Saivism, however he established songs only on Lord Narayana in
his Nanmukan Tiruvandadi which consisted of 96 hymns and the Tirucandaviruttam comprising of 120 hymns and these works of his showed the
supremacy of Lord Vishnu against Brahma or Shiva. Kulasekara Alwar was a Chera King and an intense devotee of
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The Importance Of Folk And Popular Culture
For one of my cultural visits I went to a Mexican restaurant, El Molcajete, in Geneva, IL. In this restaurant I observed elements of folk and popular
culture which included the music that was playing there, which was mariachi band music which made the place feel more authentic to Mexico. The
music from the mariachi band was a piece of their folk culture they had, because they used violins, trumpets, guitarron a spanish guitar used in most
Spanish music, and a vihuela a five stringed guitar with a high pitch. Some of the popular culture that was there was the outfits the servers were
wearing which was a plain old t–shirt and some black pants, and it was more popular culture because nowadays servers wear a shirt and pants that
match what the theme or idea of the restaurant is. I categorized the mariachi band as part of the folk culture because the instruments that they were
using were traditional instruments used in Mexico to produce the Spanish sound. The servers' outfits I categorized as popular culture because of the
fact that servers in many restaurants nowadays wear the same clothing that is casual, making it an element of popular culture. In my opinion I think
that the folk elements are seen around but not practiced in everything that is in the restaurant, due to the exposure to the popular culture of our world.
In the restaurant, some tools or utensils used in the restaurant include a basket that holds tortillas warm, but does not make them soggy or cold because
of a
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My First Visit at the Hindu Temple Essay
I decided to visit a Hindu temple because the Hindu religion was the religion that I knew the least about and was interested in. This assignment
gave me an opportunity to learn more about this religion and what their worship services and rituals were like. The temple that I went to was called
BAPS Shri Swaminaryan Mandir and it was located in Lilburn. As soon as I walked in, I was amazed by the beautiful architectural design of this
Temple. It seemed like it took a lot of hard work and dedication to make the place what it is now. While I was at the temple, I watched the Hindus
perform an ancient Vedic ritual called the Abhishek, a ritual bathing to honor the murti of their God.
Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, ... Show more content on ...
The Mandir (temple) was constructed with Italian marble, Indian pink sandstone, and Turkish limestone. The walls were all carved with delicate
carvings of Gods that were carefully shipped all the way from India. The Hindus had very strict rules that had to be followed, such as: no smoking,
drinking or eating inside, cell phones had to be turned off, and we had to be silent. We also had to take our shoes off before entering the temple out of
respect for the deities and to keep the floors clean.
When I first entered the main worship room, I saw three women walking around the gods in clockwise motion. This clockwise motion is called
Pradakshina, a form of worship that represents the fact that god is the center of everything and everyone else surrounds him. There were several
gods in the room, each stored in their own window. Many people ranging from old to young kept going up to each god and doing their own prayers.
I observed that the prayers were performed in a special way. You had to put your two hands together, close your eyes and pray to that specific God. I
couldn't understand the prayers they were reciting because they were saying it in language.
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir offers many traditional rituals and services. However, I decided to observe Abhishek, an ancient Vedic ritual of
bathing the murti, which is the divine spirit of God. This ritual is dedicated to the murti Nilkanth Varni, which represents Bhagwan Swaminarayan
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Hinduism: Hinduism And The Symbols Of Hinduism
Hinduism may be looked down upon because of the belief that cows are sacred, but the reason they should think of them as so is because in their
eyes it is the reborn version of a highly ranked person in their world, it is part of their deep culture to stand by with it, and it could possibly be part of
their family tree, there are three things people do not know about the hindu religion and most of those are symbols, how their custom work, and what
their holy days are,
Symbols, The first unknown transcendental problem with Hinduism is the Symbols, many people believe there are only a couple of symbols to know
for Hinduism one being the cow and the other the dot on the center of the forehead. There are seventeen Hindu gods in total one being ... Show more
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One of the gods known as Lakshmi is the God of wealth and prosperity and is the main reason for the spoiled or foolish and needy people to be
tricked into a bad choice leading their fate to a reincarnation that allows them to try over again in the life they were just given.That happens to be only
one of the gods that helps the god of destruction.
Now is a god that helps the god of Creation its name is Rama the god of righteousness and good, this god helps the god of creation by leading people
in trouble or looking for help towards a path that if they choose to take would leave their things behind and help them to get a spot within the god of
creation itself after their death.
As people read the points that have just been proven they can see the connection between Hinduism and Christianity and how there is a lot more to the
religion than many people know to be
... Get more on ...

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Hinduism Essay Examples

  • 1. Hinduism Essay examples Hinduism Hinduism is the religion followed by the people of South Asia, mainly in India though. The term HInduism actually means "what the Indians do" and was applied to these people by Islamic Invaders. Hinduism is actually a mix of several differents ideals from different religions. Parts of it draw on the Vedic religion of the Aryan tribes from the north, some from the Dravidian civilization to the south, along with ideas from Buddhism. From the Dravidians came the beilief of intense devotion to the gods and the rituals for fertility and other such things. It is not known yet how the Vedic religion manifested into Hinduism. As in all civilizations of the time, the priests held high power and stature in society, but... Show more content on ... This deity would then bring violence and destruction to the world. This ideal of women and of fertility is almostly directly to the beiliefs of the Dravidians. There are also many, many other gods besides these three main ones. That's one of the distinguishing factors of Hinduism, the amount and the variety of gods that were used to explain events in life and life itself. Even with all of these gods out there, worshipers were to devote most of their worship at one specific deity. This did not mean that the other gods would strike back for not being worshipped, for each was worshipped by at least one person. This sense of unity amongst the gods and the people is brought out buy certain texts, such as the Bhagad–Gita. The purpose in life was to praise your deity to the best of your ability so as to get the god's favor. Religious duties were not only based on class, but also on gender and on age. The center of worship for these gods was the temple, some being simple and others being extremely elegant. Many of these temples had a beautiful statue of their deity. This statue was there for the diety to possess so that they could be worshipped by the people even more. To worship their deity, some would take part in puja, which was a service to the deity that involved bathing, clothing, or feeding the statue. Some people were even blessed enought to see their god, even if just for an instance. They called ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Hinduism : The Generic Six Types Of Hinduism Hinduism is a religion with many different styles of worship . The generic six types of worship are Folk Hinduism which is based on local traditions and cults of local deities; Vedic Hinduism which is practised by traditional brahmins (a class of Hindu consisting of teachers, priests and protectors); VedanticHinduism which is based on the philosophical approach of the Upanishads (a collection of ancient Sanskrit texts); Yogic Hinduism; Dharmic Hinduism which is based on karma and Bhakti Hinduism or devotionalist practices[1]. Each of these has a different style of worship based around different gods and practices e.g. Vedantic Hinduism is based around the Upanishad whereas Vedic Hinduism is based around the Universal Spiritual Truths which can be applied to anyone at anytime[2]. For this reason, I think that it will be hard to say what each of these types of Hinduism are and instead focus on arguments for and against the types of theism e.g. monotheism, henotheism and polytheism. Monotheism is the belief in one god and is very common in European religions such as Christianity. If Hinduism were to be monotheistic, I think that the God/Goddess that they would worship would be Brahma (the creator); Vishnu (the preserver) or Shiva (the destroyer). Of these three, Brahma is the least commonly worshipped. This first reason for this comes from the Shiva Purana and is an argument between Brahma and Vishnu about who was the most powerful of the Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Compare And Contrast Hinduism And Christianity In the world of billions of people how many of us are going to be the same? People will perceive the world in their own way. One person may see the world perfect, while others see nothing but the end. Is everyone going to be different? Not necessarily, many others will share the same beliefs but that could mean more varieties will be created. Once one person believes a certain path they may choose to believe in that belief or even believe living is the path to happiness. However, one chooses to perceive their own world, they may or may not be right. Just like in religion people follow their belief but what they choose may not be the honest path. Some have common similarities but many differences as well. Hinduism and Christianity have many resemblances between one another and how their Gods are, even with the view that they are extremely different, especially in the way that Hinduism has many Gods compared to Christianity and how they both reach salvation. There's much talking about religions and faith in the world today. Everywhere people will find others that are indifferent about God and faith, one will find people that are obsessed with anti–religion propaganda and others will find people that live their lives according to what they believe and what they declare. Religion is defined as "a system of human thought which usually includes a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. An Introduction To The Sanaetana Dharm Hinduism And Hinduism Background Information Hinduism is often referred to as SanДЃtana Dharma which means eternal religion. For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of beliefs. It's more what you do, than what you believe. It is the world's third most popular religion with around 750 million followers. Hinduism is practiced by more than 80% of India's population. There are an estimated 1 billion Hindus worldwide, making Hinduism the third largest religion after Christianity and Islam. About 80 percent of India's population regard themselves as Hindus and 30 million more Hindus live outside of India. An Introduction to the Hindu religion How and where it started. Hinduism is older than any other living religion. It began so long ago that no one really knows how old it is, but it is believe to be at least 5,000 years old. India is the country in which Hinduism began. India is a country located in Asia, the capital city there is New Delhi. There are some very high mountains (Mount Everest) on the northern border of India called the Himalayas. India has a mixed climates . Some parts of the country become extremely hot and others are cold. In India, the River Ganges is a scared river. People will often travel hundreds of miles to bathe in the Ganges because they believe the water will make them pure. Hinduism was not begun by a single person, it developed gradually as different groups of people met and shared their ideas and ways of practising their beliefs. The name Hindu ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Shiva's Weapon Research Paper Shiva is the Supreme god who safeguards, alters and creates the Universe. At the zenith level, Shiva is considered as infinite, inspiring, unchanging and shapeless. Shiva has many compassionate and formidable depictions. Shiva is the benefactor of yoga, meditation and arts. When Shiva is in his fierce aspect, he can be found slaughtering demons. The most important traits of Shiva are the snake across his shoulders, wearing a crescent moon, and in the location of his third eye in middle of his forehead. The sacred river Ganga flows from Shiva's entwined hair. Shiva's weapon is the Trishula, which translated, is three–headed spear. The three points of the spear have significant meaning. They are purported to represent various trinities. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Differences Of Mukti And Moksu Another reply is "Hindu is one who believes eternity of universe and eternity of laws and who believes Mukti and Moksha as the ultimate goal of life and can be achieved by, 1.Karma Yoga, 2.Gjana Yoga., 3.Bhakti yoga ,and 4.Raja Yoga." This can be a perfect answer of the question in one sentence if the reply is Hindu is, "One who believes eternity of universe and eternity laws of OM". The methods of attaining this truth also make the answer good. The eternal means "without beginning or end of existence, everlasting, unchangeable, ceaseless and occurring again and again". And eternity means, "eternal duration; including the state of time after death also". A Hindu must believe that he is eternal ... Show more content on ... So he believes in this full blaze, the Paramathma, the Lord and the God and the eternity of the universe. In Swamiji's words, "He is the Oneness, the unity of all, the reality of all life and existence"(Volume– III – page – 306) Hindu believes that if he sees through the other he will attain eternal glory. This glorious conclusion Hindu calls is Moksha. This belief is not the outcome of a built theology propagated by one man of one sect and blind adherence. It is the outcome of long and continuous researches done systematically by the learned men of this land for centuries. It is revived systematically from the altered forms, for ages after ages by the new researches of the learned men of this land and purified and filtered of the superstition, sectarianism and monotony prevalent in the social consciousness of those ages. These researches are done with the consideration of the whole, the external and the internal or the material and the spiritual worlds devoid of any dogmas. They started their study from man and his inner– self and then proceeded to the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Differences Between Religions And Religions Sects are commonplace in many forms of faith, no matter the religion there are still beliefs that differ from sect to sect. As with monotheistic religions such as Christianity, polytheistic religions like Hinduism also consist of sects. First off, sects are sub groups of a religion that differ in beliefs and these differing principles can be anything, such as the varying belief of who is considered the primary deity or creator. In Hinduism alone there are four primary sects: Shivaism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, and Smartism. The difference between each sect is as previously mentioned, each variation believes in differing principle "supreme beings" or deities. These four denominations are in complete contrast to Christianity, in which there are a great deal more in number and with varying differences. As the third largest religion in the world, after Christianity and Islam, the populations of the denominations would be assumed to be evenly spread amongst the four, but that is not the case. Vaishnavites occupy a large portion of followers with an astounding 70%, followed by Shivaites with 26%, and the other two (Shaktites and Smartites) combining to form the remaining 4%. This highly skewed information is in complete opposition to Christianity, of which has multiple sects which are further sorts into sub–sects and are move evenly spread. The reasoning behind the skewed numbers of believers can be primarily attributed to the fact that Christianity sects differ so much more ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Mandala Religion Essay The beliefs and symbols illustrated in my mandala are positioned in a way that they connect to each other. The first Hindu belief is Brahman. I put the symbol of Brahman on the bottom of the mandala to show that it "controls" and "connects" to the other four beliefs. Next, the belief of multiple gods will be placed on the right side of Brahman because he is one of the many gods that the Hindus believe in. On the other side of Brahman will be Dharma because they both have to do with balancing society and the universe. On top of Dharma will be Karma. I will put it in this position because Dharma affects your Karma. If you follow rules then your Karma will be good, and if you don't follow the rules then your Karma won't be as good. Lastly, Samsara will be placed next to Karma and Dharma. Samsara would be placed next to these beliefs because your Karma is what you will receive or be like in your next life. Dharma connects to Samsara because the release called Moksha will be achieved if you follow certain spiritual and ritual practices to have a good relation and personal experience with Gods. There are many other ways that all these beliefs connect to each other, but the ways I just talked about relate to the illustrations I have drawn on the mandala. I illustrated the belief of Brahman by using the Earth, Sun, and water droplets as symbols. I choose to ... Show more content on ... I thought these two symbols represent dharma straight–forward and they were easy to identify what they were. The social class triangle represents each of the levels of social class that the Hindus are recognized as. If you follow your dharma which is performing and following duties and rules of your social class, then you will contribute to a better world and a stronger social class. I drew the rocks balancing to represent that they believed that as you follow your dharma, they contribute to both the harmony and balance of society and the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Christianity Reflection Paper Christianity is a very developed religion and it resides mainly in the Western Culture. Followers up to 2 billion with a continuous rise as the world population grows. "Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Protestant Churches are the largest groups" (Stefon et al) known to Christianity. The life of Jesus and his teachings is the base of thisreligion. Jesus taught the way of God, whom is the creator of all and the father of Jesus. He taught the people that living their lives in a certain manner, would end with eternal life after you have died. Jesus and his guidance was becoming notorious; however, The Roman Government and Jewish leaders showed vast disapproval. Thus, leading to the crucifixion of Jesus where he was executed upon the cross. Christians believe that 3 days after Jesus died he rose from the dead; therefore, giving the chance to his believers to live eternal life after death. "Christianity is more than just a religious belief. It also has generated a culture, a set of ideas and ways if life, practices, and artifacts that have been handed down from generation to generation since Jesus became the object of faith" (Stefon et al). Christianity is appealing to me for the fact of knowing one man sacrificed himself for the good and eternal life of all the people is one hell of a sacrifice and I admire that. I admire most that you will always be given the chance to have you sins forgiven. Hinduism originated in India around 1500 BCE when the Aryans left ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Core Values Of Hindu Religion I was curious to know if the Hindu people, who have drastically different beliefs from one another, are able to come together at a designated location and worship as one congregation. The core values the Hindu people share allow practitioners of all varying beliefs to accept their religious differences and come together as one congregation to worship. An example of this is illustrated through the failures of the worship communities and the success of pluralism over time. To begin, it's important to know that almost nothing is entirely agreed upon in within the Hindu community ("Hinduism" 1). The few things all Hindus can agree on are the defining factors of the religion; meaning, if you don't subscribe to these beliefs, you don't technically identify as Hindu. The principles all Hindus can agree upon are: the Vedas are a very important scripture, karma is real, reincarnation is real, and all perspectives are welcome and ultimately better the religion (Darity, Jr. 477; "Hinduism" 4). Of the few core values that all Hindus share, tolerance is among the most important. You cannot discredit one's religious preference or beliefs and still be considered Hindu. Almost every other principle and belief is ambiguous and not wholly agreed upon. This means that even people with conflicting beliefs are accepted as Hindus as long as they believe in karma, reincarnation and the Vedas, and their differences strengthen the religion. Pluralism is a defining trademark of Hinduism. Pluralism ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Christianity And Hinduism Similarities Christianity and Hinduism are two of the largest religions in the world and have been around for thousands of years. Christianity originated in Jerusalem, whereas Hinduism traces back to India, where most of its followers still live. These religions have created an enormous impact on several people across the globe. Due to the establishment of a variety of philosophies from different important figures, many similarities and differences of the two religions have arose. Despite the fact that the religions of Christianity and Hinduism share some similarities, the differences between the two are extremely powerful and overweighing. Some key factors that are very contrasting are the two religions' idea of God, classification of human beings, and ... Show more content on ... Factors that reinforce the dissimilarity between the two religions are their idea of God, classification of human beings, and path to salvation. Christianity and Hinduism are very old religions that have been around for thousands of years. Throughout these years, these factors have had an enormous impact on Christianity and Hinduism to this day. In the end, by looking into the origins of the religions, it is clear that their differences stand ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Christianity and Hinduism CHRISTANITY AND HINDUISM INTRODUCTION Religion is a collection of different cultures and words view that relate humanity to spirituality. Religion is one of the most important efforts to answer the most profound questions of human existence. Where do we come from? What should we do while we are here? All the people on this universe have different religion like Hinduism, Sikhism, Muslims, Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism. As I belong to Hindu Religion and as individual religion plays an important role in the life of people which help them how to serve the humanity and how to get god by doing good things. If we talk about Hinduism and Christianity both have its own and different principles like believes, caste system. Hinduism Christianity HINDUISM Hinduism has begun over four thousand years ago in an ancient, civilization. In Hinduism they believe in many gods like Vishnu is the lord protection (creature of world), Brahma was born by the navel of lord Vishnu. He sits on a lotus and his vahana (thing used to travel from one place to another) is the swan. He provide of all knowledge and wisdom, Goddess durga which obtain many powerful weapons. When the demonic forces create imbalance she become one divine force called Shakti or drug and destroy the evil. Shiva a destroyer of the world. Shiva is responsible for death and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Why Hinduism Should Be Considered A World Religion Cole Cramer Professor Schadler RELS 105 07/16/16 Why Hinduism Should Be Considered a World Religion Introduction Religion in the world today mostly depend on the number of adherents and the rate of at which they increase in the world. While considering the statistics, studies indicate that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and with a projection that by the year 2050, its popularity shall have increased more than any other religion in the world. Alongside Islam is the Hinduism, religion which is also projected to have a faster growth rate and according to research in 2011(Gerald 20), it had grown in various countries mainly due to migration from India. The growth rate of Hinduism is projected at two percent annually when ... Show more content on ... Unlike other religions across the world, Hinduism does not have a specific way of worship, or a god and scriptures to be used. The religion that is considered to be the oldest has an array of beliefs and practices within it, and therefore many have always referred to it as a family religion or a way of life. In the recent years, it has been established that there is a way in conformation to an almost similarity among the Hindus, and a larger population now consider a sacred text known as Veda and have a shared system of values known as dharma. Religion can be characterized by the existence of belief and faith that something is acceptable and should be practiced without questioning or confirmation. In the Hindu religion, it can be confirmed that the way many things are characterized and the belief in the consequences of a person's conduct can be categorically defined as faith. For instance, in Hindu, there is a belief that the individual soul is not created, but it has been in existence and will continue to exist. Just like in other religions whereby the actions of a person reaps the consequences in the next phase of life, Hindus, however, believe that the souls will one–day comeback to life in a different form, which utterly depends on the consequences of its actions before the rebirth. The kind of body that the soul will inhabit after that is determined by Karma, which is a term used to refer to actions ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Hinduism, Buddhism, And Classical Hinduism Hinduism is a very broad term that encompasses a multitude of different backgrounds, traditions, beliefs, and practices. Hinduism, as we know it today, has gone through many changes. To fully understand how Hinduism became as it is currently, knowledge of its development over the course of history is essential. This paper will demonstrate the primary shifts of its central beliefs, practices, and goals between periods of Early Vedic, Late Vedic, and ClassicalHinduism. Many of the core beliefs of Hinduism have evolved over time, with some becoming increasingly clearer, and others going from merely an idea into full–fledged beliefs. Karma, Dharma, and the theory of Samsara and moksha are the core beliefs that almost all who define themselves as a practicer of Hinduism would accept. The belief of karma started out in the Early Vedic periodmerely as "ritualistic action or labor". It transformed into a "moral law" that incorporated the idea that all actions have fruits, whether good or bad. "Action, which springs from the mind, from speech, and from the body, produces either good or evil results". This concept of a "law of karma" where good actions yield good results, and bad in bad, extends from the Vedic idea of consequential action from the confines of the ritual to everyday life. Dharma has been, and continues to be, closely related to karma and samsara. In early Vedic religion, dharma was considered to be the performance, or obligation of Vedic ritual action. Dharma was ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Hinduism Essay examples Hinduism Hinduism is the religion followed by the people of South Asia, mainly in India though. The term HInduism actually means "what the Indians do" and was applied to these people by Islamic Invaders. Hinduism is actually a mix of several differents ideals from different religions. Parts of it draw on the Vedic religion of the Aryan tribes from the north, some from the Dravidian civilization to the south, along with ideas from Buddhism. From the Dravidians came the beilief of intense devotion to the gods and the rituals for fertility and other such things. It is not known yet how the Vedic religion manifested into Hinduism. As in all civilizations of the time, the priests held high power and stature in society, but... Show more content on ... This deity would then bring violence and destruction to the world. This ideal of women and of fertility is almostly directly to the beiliefs of the Dravidians. There are also many, many other gods besides these three main ones. That's one of the distinguishing factors of Hinduism, the amount and the variety of gods that were used to explain events in life and life itself. Even with all of these gods out there, worshipers were to devote most of their worship at one specific deity. This did not mean that the other gods would strike back for not being worshipped, for each was worshipped by at least one person. This sense of unity amongst the gods and the people is brought out buy certain texts, such as the Bhagad–Gita. The purpose in life was to praise your deity to the best of your ability so as to get the god's favor. Religious duties were not only based on class, but also on gender and on age. The center of worship for these gods was the temple, some being simple and others being extremely elegant. Many of these temples had a beautiful statue of their deity. This statue was there for the diety to possess so that they could be worshipped by the people even more. To worship their deity, some would take part in puja, which was a service to the deity that involved bathing, clothing, or feeding the statue. Some people were even blessed enought to see their god, even if just for an instance. They called ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Hinduism and Christianity: Monotheistic Paths to One God.... Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva and the Christian Trinity of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. In comparing Trinity and Trimurti, religious scholar, Anuradha Veeravali (Indian Philosophies, Encyclopedia of Religion) draws parallels between Brahma and God, Vishnu and the Holy Spirit, and Shiva and Jesus, but persists in the common idea that Christianity is a monotheistic faith while Hinduism is polytheistic. However, Bede Griffiths, a Christian priest living in India, has dared to challenge this firm notion of polytheism, offering comparisons between the Christian Trinity and a different Hindu Triad– Brahman /Atman/Purusha – to conclude that both faiths ultimately share a belief in the One Supreme power. Scrutinizing ... Show more content on ... Since Brahma is not the 'God of Gods', Veeravali's attempts to draw similarities between the Christian God and Brahma stand nullified. There are some differences in the way the congregation of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva has been addressed. Like Veeravali, Geoffrey Parrinder, author of Triads, refers to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as a collective unit. However, differing from Veeravali's usage of the term Trinity, Parrinder uses the term Trimurti ('having three forms'). Explaining the origin of the term Trimurti, Parrinder states that this term was coined in the Early Common Era to create a triad of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. According to Parrinder, these three Gods– Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva–are the manifestations of the three qualities of the Absolute Brahman– creation, preservation and destruction. Interestingly, the epic Mahabharata mentions these three Gods separately and not as a collective entity. Although there are differences in the terms used to address this triad, authors and thinkers of differing opinions have agreed that the triad indeed does refer to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Comparative religion texts like the Triads by Geoffrey Parrinder and The Great ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay Hindu Belief of Samsara Hindu Belief of Samsara (6)The Hindu belief in samsara, the cycle of life, death, and rebirth includes reincarnation into forms other than human. It is believed that someone could live many lifetimes before they become a man. Each species is in this process of samsara until one achieves moksha, union with god Brahma. The Hindu religious goal of moksha is not salvation, and does not need forgiveness, but detachment from the material world. Though some people might argue that such a goal with these aspects rejects the natural world as having value, the Hindu goal is to liberate 'one' from the self, from the illusion of the material world as being separate and individual. 2. Explain why the ... Show more content on ... Karma is an important thing when trying to achieve Moksha, it will tell you what you have done as bad things you do in your life will lead to bad Karma, and so you may be something lower than you are now, e.g. A human could have a bad life and get Bad karma, and therefore cannot move up to achieve Moksha, yet moves down to become a Dog for instance. And so if you live a bad life from childhood some Hindus may think that Moksha is just a worthless goal as they may never be able to achieve. Yet Hindus who may lead life's as Holmen are very likely to have good karma and are therefore more likely to interpret Moksha in a different way, as they have good karma they will have a more positive outlook on obtaining Moksha. 5."No one can believe in Reincarnation" (8)Write down arguments for and against this statement, then explain why you agree or disagree with this statement– Against– I can understand why people would disagree with this statement, It is sometimes very hard to believe that people believe you can be reborn the idea really is difficult to understand, how is there, by any chance that people can be reborn into other things or beings, who/what makes this happen? To think about it really is an in depth thought, it is also very hard to believe that
  • 18. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The God's Script Short Story "The God's Script," by Jorge Luis Borges, is representing the structure of knowledge through a dream of TzinacГЎn, the central character, and the narrative presence of the jaguar. Borges wrote the short story to describe TzinacГЎn's dream of the "god's script," a language that would help him fulfill his destiny while he is imprisoned: his destiny is to be able to die in peace. TzinacГЎn is a magician of the pyramid of Qaholom. He can survive torture in silence; he will never lose hope. In this short story, Borges is trying to say the dreams reveal knowledge of things that can come to reality. TzinacГЎn, the central character, is a magician. A magician has powers and can do many tricks with those powers. The magician of Qaholom goes through... Show more content on ... He knows he will not see daylight again besides the split second of light through the openings. However, TzinacГЎn's gods also give him hope for his destiny in prison. One of his gods is represented as the pyramid of Qaholom, that is burned and demolished. As he said, "They struck down the idol of the god before my very eyes, but he did not abandon me and I endured the torments in silence" (169). When he talks about the pyramid, he seems like he is more pleased that his gods are here with him instead of completely disappearing. He clearly stated that they are not abandoning him; even though he is being tortured, they do not leave his side. The impressions of the things that are happening to him are like the things that happen to his gods. TzinacГЎn senses that the things he thinks about represent furthering his knowledge, getting him closer to knowing his god's script. He knows of the script, but wants more structured knowledge of and the whereabouts of the script. As he stated, "The fact that a prison confined me did not forbid my hope; perhaps I had seen the script of Qaholom a thousand times and needed only to fathom it" (170). He reflects that it is only right that the gods are leaving access to the script to him to have as part his destiny. From the tone of the story, the knowledge he has of his gods ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Hinduism's Influences On Hinduism Hinduism is one of the oldest major religions still believed in today. There has been many disputes on the origin, but most agree that the origin came about during the 2nd millennium B.C. in what is now India. Living in India at the time was the Aryans, which are believed to have had an influence on Hinduism. One of the first scriptures that the Hindus learn about is called the "Vedas" which was originally written in Aryan making people some people believe it had an Aryan origin. The Aryans believed, much like the current Hindus, in practices that involve bathing at certain times and long bursts of meditation. Hindus would disagree with that accusation saying that the origin of their religion came from a certain time or place because they believe that their religion is timeless. They believe that the origin of their religion is beyond that of human written history (Hay 30–31). Hinduism is called a religion, but it is actually more like a group of religions. Hinduism, unlike most religions, is not based on a book or single author, but is a gathering of many authors writings which all come from many different times periods (Garcia). This has caused Hinduism to be shaped by the many cultures it has been introduced too over the millennia. One of the earliest influences on Hinduism comes from the people called Dravidians which were located in the Indus River Valley, where is now present day Pakistan (Religious Studies Center). Here, evidence was found of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Comparison of Hinduism to Christianity Hinduism is one of the earliest religons that is still practiced around the world. It seeks to answer the same questions that Christianity does, but arrives at different answers. It seeks truth, but fails to find it. Hinduism seeks to ask the question of where do we come from? This question is not easily answerable. Because of the nature of Hinduism, everything is in a cycle. There is no beginning and there is no end. Hinduism also does not have a set of defined rules because of it's views on multiple views and believes. Because of this, we see a few different origins for human kind, but Hinduism fails to give a definite definition. Hinduism would next ask the question of Identity. What does it mean to be human? Ultimately Hinduism has a rather selfish view of this, even if it believes in peace and harmony. It looks at people as all part of the same "god essence". Humanities purpose is to be brought back to nirvana. It is me centric. You try over and over to live the "perfect" life. There is no grace for the things you do. Ultimately you are responsible for living the perfect life and reaching Nirvana, a place where you are one with the "god essence". So what is the meaning of all of this? Humanity must get to Moksha, which is known as the release. It is a release from wanting and desiring. It is where you are basically liberated from your humanity. It is the Hindu kind of salvation. So what about Morality? How do we know what is right or wrong? Hinduism does not really ... Get more on ...
  • 22. A Polytheistic Religion Being a polytheistic religion, Hindus worship multiple Gods. Although a lot of the different gods are said to be different avatars of the trimurti, in a sense, each God represents an ideal quality or role one must follow to in order to follow their Dharma. As shown in a lot of the readings each God has a different quality and these qualities in a sense serve as model behaviors a true believer must follow in order to follow the path of Dharma. For example, Goddess Durga, is considered to be a very good role model of Feminist movements in India. It is said that she represents the the violent and destructive qualities of the Mother Goddess (Shakti). She is known to protect mankind from the evil by destroying evil forces such as selfishness, anger, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Religion: Hinduism and Islam Essay Hinduism and Islam are two largely practiced religions, specifically in India and the subcontinents. Both Hinduism and Islam have unique practices and traditions, which can vary depending on the town, region or people. They share a common belief in a supreme god, that being either Brahma or Allah respectively. The traditions differ on the central texts used, as well as differences in the process of reaching the afterlife and basic beliefs. Although, Hinduism might be regarded by some as a polytheistic religion in its most basic form Hinduism is based around one deity. The Brahma is the god that all of the other gods are derived from and each god is a manifestation of the one being. There are four other main deities, aside from Brahma, ... Show more content on ... Allah is the creator of everything and is held in the highest regard for Islamic people. Although there is one god, there are a multitude of prophets who bring the word of God to the Muslim people much like the multiple deities who come from Brahma. It is believed that God sent multiple prophets to tell of the last and most significant prophet, Muhammad. These prophets also preached the Oneness of God and would tell followers to avoid sin. Muhammad, who is believed to be a prophet of God, is considered the last prophet sent by god to the Muslim people. Muhammad is believed to have brought the word of God through the Qur'an. The Prophets' life started in Mecca where he grew up orphaned. During his life, specifically in the month of Ramadan, he would spend time in a cave outside Mecca where he originally received revelations about the sacred text. Originally Muhammad found little success preaching God's word but eventually gained a following of Muslim people, which would turn into the tradition it is today. Although their belief in a supreme god aligns in bothIslam and Hinduism, the traditions differ on the texts used centrally in each practice. The Veda, written between 1750 BCE and 600 BCE are ancient scriptures, which are the sacred texts of Hinduism. One of the forms the Veda is the Shruti, which is "that which was heard" and the other form is the Vedir seers or Rishis which means "saw". The Veda is split into four ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Hindu Mythology Hindu mythology has interesting theories on how the Earth was created and the reincarnation of people, Hinduism is very different to many other mythologies and has some unique key features that make it stand out from the rest. History tells that there are over 330 million gods in Hindu mythology. There are six main gods inHinduism. Hindu's have an interesting belief of what happens to them after death, the afterlife Hindus believe in must be met by accomplishing a goal. Hinduism is a unique belief in many gods, the life cycle and reincarnation of its people. Hindu mythology has been around for ages; it is the world's oldest surviving religion. Hinduism was formed through diverse traditions in the year 2,000 B.C.E. There ... Show more content on ... One day the husband remembered he left his loincloth on a bush so he ordered horseman to get it, when they got there there was no castle. The husband went to the girl and talked, she said she's sorry, she wanted to impress him but really she had no parents. The husband said that its all ok. This story shows how its not good to lie about something, also it shows the love they still have Wisniewski 3 for each other after the husband was lied to (Parameswaran,1). Myths are made to tell to children and usually there is a lesson or story the myth teaches. Another Myth is called Shiva and the Sacrifice. Shiva's father–in–law held a sacrifice for the gods, all of the gods were inited but only Shiva was not invited. Shiva got very angry being left out from the sacrifice that he and some servants of his world attack the ceremony. They ate all the priests and threw blood on the priests. While doing this, a drop a sweat fell onto earth and formed disease. Brahma then promised Shiva could take part in all future sacrifices, in return Shiva made disease into many ailments, this would trouble the humans and animals (,1). This myth was created to show how Hindus believe disease came into this world and how something you do can negatively affect other people. The afterlife Hindus believe in is much different but unique from other beliefs. Hindu's believe life is cyclical. This means that they do not just die once but are reborn ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Essay on hinduism vs. jainism Many people believe Hinduism to be a polytheistic religion. This is due to the fact that there is so many gods that they can worship in. But in all actuality it is really a monotheistic religion that spawns off of one god to form many different gods or ideas to worship. The entire religion of Hinduism is based off of Brahman. Brahman is the idea that all reality is a unity. I will explain the concept of Brahman and four others and hopefully make Hinduism easier to comprehend. Some have viewed Hinduism as a monotheistic religion, because it recognizes only one supreme God: "the pantheistic principle of Brahman, that all reality is a unity. The entire universe is seen as one divine... Show more content on ... Karma, you hear Karma mentioned all over, don't hate her, its bad karma. Karma is the entire sum of ones good and bad deeds. Karma determines how you will live your next life. Through pure acts, thoughts and devotion, one can be reborn at a higher level. Eventually, a follower of Hinduism can escape samsara and achieve enlightenment. Bad deeds can cause a person to be reborn at a lower level, or even as an animal. The unequal distribution of wealth, prestige, and suffering are thus seen as natural consequences for one's previous acts, both in this life and in previous lives. Samsara and moksha are the terms used in dealing with the Hinduism concept of afterlife. Samsara is the birth, death, and rebirth cycle. That's why Hindu's want to have good Karma so they can escape this cycle and eventually achieve moksha. Moksha is the escape of samsara and once Hindus achieve moksha they are set free from space, time, and matter. Moksha is what all Hindus want to achieve. Jainism When I saw that we were going to learn about Jainism, I asked myself, "What is that?" To answer my question I found some information at http:/ / Jainism is nature in the purest and truest form. Jainism is as old as nature, which has no beginning or any end. The idea of Jainism is the mission of nature, which is to work for the good of one and all. The idea of Jainism is to rise from the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Hindu Authority single source of authority. The word Hindu is not a Sanskrit word or nor mentioned in any of the ancient major texts of India. The word Hindu is to believe to originate from the ancient Persians. The Persians who shared some of the culture with the Indian sub– continent used to call the Indus River as Sindhu. Due to some in linguistic problems, they could not pronounce the letter S in their language and started pronouncing the Sindhu as Hindu. The Ancient Greeks and the rest of the world followed the same word pattern calling the Indus River Valley people as Hindus. The Hindu worship is centered on the worship of different gods. The different gods that are worship names are as follows: Shiva, Ganesha, Krishna, Nataraja, and Vishnu. But the ... Show more content on ... Thus Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are not without connection. They are the same being that have three different aspects, but the Supreme Being of the gods is Brahma. There are also other names that are recognized and worshipped in the Hindu religion. For instance the name Lord Ganesha is called upon and is represented as the head of an elephant, which represents the power of the Supreme Being who removes obstacles and ensures success in human work. Hindus worship Lord Ganesha before doing any activity. The World Encyclopedia of Eastern religions records and states that "Lord Ganesha is the first son of Shiva and Parvati." The portrayal of Lord Ganesha is as a blend of humans and animal parts, which symbolizes the ideas of perfection as formed by Hindu sages. The goddess Durga represents the power of the Supreme Being, who preserves moral order. The Sanskrit word for Durga actually means a fort or a place that is protected and thus is difficult to reach. Durga is known as the Divine mother, who protects humans from evil by destroying evil forces. Durga also has many other names like Parvati, Ambika, and Kali. She has eighteen arms and in each arm she carries weapons to destroy ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Divine Reality In Hinduism Hinduism is a religion practiced all over the world and has gained a large following. Hinduism got its start in the Indus Valley civilization and since then has evolved into a open and tolerant religion upon which every and anybody from all walks of life are welcome. In Hinduism there is a divine reality which can best be described as all reality is ultimately one for monistic Hindus or that there is no distinction between the divine reality and the rest of reality for dualistic Hindus. Either way it is put Hindus try to understand divine reality through their different gods, images, nature, and avatars. Dualistic Hindus try and understand divine reality through their many different gods. With that there is a focus put onto the one god Brahman which Brood describes as, "supreme, unitary reality, the ground of all Being." (Brood et al., 2016). The monistic viewpoint of Brahman can best be described as the belief that all reality is ultimately one. Brahman is, "treated as a basic cosmic principle." (Hopkins, 1971). According to Hopkins in the, "Atharva Veda, brahman is said to have the lowest and highest forms and to be 'the womb of both the existent and the nonexistent.' In 10.2 it is said that 'by brahman the earth was disposed, as brahman the sky was set above, as brahman this atmosphere, the wide expanse, was set aloft and crosswise.'" (Hopkins, 1971). Brahman can most easily relate to the Christian, Islam, and Judaism God.Both Brahman and the God of Christianity, Islam, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. 3. Research and explain these gods or goddesses: Durga,... 3. Research and explain these gods or goddesses: Durga, Kali, Sarasvati, Ganeshe. The goddess Durga is the protector, vanquishing the demons that threaten Dharma. (Fisher, 2003). She is represented as a beautiful woman with multiple arms that rides a lion, wielding weapons to use to defend the good. The reason she yields so many weapons is to show that one weapon cannot kill different kinds of enemies. (Goddess Durga). Since Durga is the protector of good, she is invoked by the seeker to destroy all his desires and unveil his supreme Self (Morris, 2014). The goddess Kali is compassionate and loving, yet fierce and terrifying. Kali is the destroyer of evil. She is represented as a blue woman, dripping with blood, carrying a severed head ... Show more content on ... He is believed to have the head of an elephant because his father, Siva, removed it when he forbid him access to his mother, Parvati. When Parvati demanded he be restored, an elephants head was the first found (Fisher, 2003). 6. What are the 5 yoga paths? Describe each in detail. Hatha yoga focuses on the body and creating a healthy physical vehicle for spiritual development. This is done through diet, deep breathing, and stretching exercises (Morris, 2014). Ha means "sun" and tha means "moon," signifying that hatha yoga brings the unions of pairs of opposites, in this case the mind and the body. It helps activate the chakras, the centers of energy, and remove blockages in the mind and body. It is also translated as "forceful yoga," because it requires a lot of physical effort (Marchand, Hagatha, n.d.). The idea behind hatha yoga is that if you can control and master your breathing, then controlling the mind is within reach. Karma yoga is entirely selfless service. This is done through actions and choices (Marchand, Karma, n.d.). Karma yoga follows the law of dharma, uniting everything and giving back through action. Helping and healing, doing positive actions in order to promote spiritual growth. Bhakti yoga focuses on the love and devotion the bhakta (devotee) bestows by worshipping a god (Morris, 2014). This does not mean that they just worship and love ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Hindu Varahi And Opening Mouth Ceremony The Hindu deity Varahi and Opening Mouth Ceremony from the Book of the Dead are figurative, using human bodies with the head of an animal to represent the deity and god, respectively. Varahi is a female body in a relaxed position with the face of a bull. Although bulls can be seen as aggressive, a viewer does not get this sense when looking at the statue. Instead, there is peace represented by the held up hand and leg positioning. The content of this figure could be that females have the potential to be as frightening as a bull, but also serene when she is not threatened. This may have to do with fertility as well, a mother can be protective over its baby (the bull) and loving and nurturing (the human body). Contrastingly, in the painting, ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Deities In Hinduism Deities in Hinduism The Supreme Being or God is brought about by Hindus as having "different angles." Hindus view Brahman in three titles: creation, preservation, and destroying. Hindus connect these three titles with the three faces: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. These three gods together frame the 'Hindu Trinity.' Though these are the three faces, they are of one being, which is Brahma. The ""Supreme Being" is called Brahma, Vishnu, or Shiva, but most commonly Brahma, or Brahman. Hindu religion is regularly marked as a religion of 330 million "divine beings." This misconception emerges when people neglect to get a handle on the imagery of the Hindu religion. By Hindu sacred writings, living creatures ... Show more content on ... Akshobya is the second of the Transcendental Buddhas. Amitaba is the fourth of the five Transcendental Buddhas. He manages the Buddha domain Sukavati, a pure land. Amitaba is the Lord of the Padma or Lotus family, and is the clean articulation of the shrewdness of mindfulness. He and alternate Lotus relatives support the slow developing. Amitaba is red and sits in the full–lotus stance with his hands laying on his lap. Hindu beliefs: Hindus put stock in a one, all–pervasive Supreme Being who is both inborn and otherworldly, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality. Hindus put stock in the godlikeness of the four Vedas and revere the Agamas. Hindus trust that the universe experiences unlimited cycles of creation, protection and disintegration. Hindus believe in Karma, the law of circumstances and end results by which every individual makes his own fate by his musings, words, and deeds. Hindus believe that spirits resurrect, advancing through numerous births and moksha, freedom from the cycle of resurrection, is achieved (called Samsara). Hindus believe that all life is hallowed, to be cherished and adored. Hinduism is a nontheism; some may or may not believe in a god (or goddess),but all believe that no god (or goddess, for that matter) shapes the person's beliefs or actions. The god or goddess is simply a figure to pray ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Process of the Advancement of the Human Soul Towards... The Process of the Advancement of the Human Soul Towards its Perfection in Ramayana and the Mahabharata The whole of the Ramayana is an Epic of humanity. Humanity does not mean mankind but that which particularly human nature. It is in this sense, Sri Rama is oftentimes called the paragon of humanity, an example of the perfection of human nature. This perfection is not inclusive of the foibles of man in his lower endowments. That majestic feature of bodily personality, the ideal perfection of physiological structure, the beauty of understanding, dignity of behavior, exemplary nature of conduct––to put it in one word 'perfection' as conceived or as conceivable by the human understanding––this is what comes forth as an answer from the ... Show more content on ... There, for the first time, is a proclamation divinity of Rama, where Mandodari in deep sorrow over the death of Ravana, her husband, exclaims that it is Narayana that has come as Nara which in fact is unknown to Ravana and due to his ignorance, he has mistaken Rama for a human being. The contradiction that Valmikibrings out is that while he puts these words in the mouth of Mandodari, he puts a different type of statement in the mouth of Rama himself. When the whole theme is over, the drama has been played, Brahma comes and speaks to Rama, "Thou art Lord Narayana, Thy play in this world is over, and we seek Thy entry back into Vaikuntha." And Rama says in reply: "What are you speaking? I do not know anything. Am I Narayana! I think I am only a man––Atmanam Manusham Manye. Whatever you may think or speak about me, I think I am a man, I am a human being." These are the words of Rama himself. While Rama himself is thinking that he is only a man, Brahma speaks of Him as Narayana and wants Him to go back to His Abode, as His drama in this world is over. These interesting dramatic contradictions are brought into play by the genius of Valmiki, deliberately to fulfill the purpose of the Epic. Otherwise, there would be no meaning in the play itself. It was not at all given to Rama to proclaim himself as Narayana. That was not the purpose of the Avatara at all. Sometimes, we are told that the ten Avataras, incarnations of Visnu beginning from the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Taking a Look at Hinduism Many religions offer an exact path to the afterlife; illuminated by various rules and regulations that one must follow to reach enlightenment. Hinduism, on the other hand, is much more complex, offering multiple ways to achieve moksha and providing many answers to the ancient question of "what happens after we die?" Many people think that Hindus believe in many deities, but the Hindu concept of God is much broader than that. In fact, Hinduism itself encompasses much more than just one specific set of religious beliefs. While some Hindus believe that God is a divine being with certain identifiable attributes, others believe that God cannot be defined and is an all–pervading being that extends beyond everything. Although some beliefs differ, the majority of Hindus see the concept of God in multiple ways. Among these are the concepts of God as one and many, God and the soul, God as sound, God as image, God in nature, cows, and avatara. One of Hinduism's most distinguishing features is the concept of multiple gods. These multiple gods are manifestations of the various powers of the divine. Hindus believe that the all–pervasive God is both one and many. Because this concept carries the idea of God as an omnipresent being, everything can be seen as being God's form. Hindus worship many Gods, but they also believe that the divine is singular or one. These Gods are representations of different aspects of the overall God. Although their worship of multiple ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Bases And Bases Of Hinduism The word Hindu according to Kumar came from the combination of the first letter of the Himalayan mountain and Bindu Sarov ara and the last compound letter of the word Bindu. Overview: Hinduism is considered as the world's third largest religion, it contains thousands of different sects and groups evolving in India since 1500 BCE because of their Indian traditions, beliefs, tolerant philosophies and weird point views. By Cristian Violatti: "the Hindu insight claims that the Oneness expresses itself in many different forms". Hinduism is the dominant religion in India and nearby countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka...It's not a religion as the word it seems but a socio–religious body shape of Indian society with its specific meanings and reflects. Why it's a heterogeneous religion? Because of the vast variety of languages, lifestyles, dialects and especially rich geography. Its manifestations collaborate in exercises such as natural childlike, stories, legends and Yoga that we know today. Hinduism is the most spreader religion, but not the only in India so there are different ones among regions and villages and individuals. Bases of Hinduism: Foundations and establishments of Hinduism can be found in the teachings of ancient sages or rishis, it is also associated with other Indian Religions Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. Throughout history, Hinduism has been many key teachings and figures by different philosophies and written holy books. As previously, Hinduism is not a word we ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Puja, Alyssia Menezes: An Act Of Worship Puja Alyssia Menezes Puja is an act of worship. Puja can only be performed by Hindu people, because it is unique to their religion. It can be performed in many ways, like songs rituals, prayers, invocations, and more. Hindus often use a picture of an object in their puja. It is their way of showing reference to a god. Puja is found wherever Hindu people are. The most concentrated areas of Hinduism are in Nepal, followed by India. Although, the religion of Hinduism is found around the world. A time when puja is mentioned in Homeless Bird, by Gloria Whelan is on page 42, when it says, "They faced the morning sun and began their pujas, reciting their prayers and making their offerings of flowers or grain." Puja is an act of worshiping ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Comparing Hinduism And Hinduism Post–Jesus's death Paul created a mission preaching the teaching of Christianity. The acts of Paul spread the belief of Jesus to Jerusalem and Israel. After three years of studying Jesus's life, he realized that his life was all a deific plan. Paul also realized that, "Jesus was a cosmic figure who entered the world in order to renew it" (Molloy, 344). Paul arranged his focus to be more of the meaning of Jesus and what he calls the cosmic Christ. Dissimilar to Christianity, Hinduism is portrayed as a family of beliefs. "Hinduism unites the worship of many gods with a belief in a single divine reality" (Molloy, 75). Hinduism can be compared to that of the Ganga Ma, a significant river in the Indian culture. Comparing it with the river saying that it flows and gains momentum. The Hindus have four very important life goals; kama or pleasure, artha or economic security, dharma or social and religious duty, and moksha or complete freedom. While Hinduism consist of more than one god, individuals tend to focus on a particular god. Three gods are particularly central in the life of Hinduism. The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, represent creation, preservation, and destruction. (Molloy, 75). Brahma is the god of creation. In today's world, he is the least worshipped god in India. There are only two temples in all of India dedicated to him (Brahma). Brahma has a unique look, with four heads and four arms. The second god, Vishnu, is the god of preservation. Thus far in ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Hinduism As A Family Of Beliefs Dissimilar to Christianity, Hinduism is portrayed as a family of beliefs. "Hinduism unites the worship of many gods with a belief in a single divine reality" (Molloy, 75). Hinduism can be compared to that of the Ganga Ma, a significant river in the Indian culture. Comparing it with the river saying that it flows and gains momentum. The Hindus have four very important life goals; kama or pleasure, artha or economic security, dharma or social and religious duty, and moksha or complete freedom. WhileHinduism consist of more than one god, individuals tend to focus on a particular god. Three gods are particularly central in the life of Hinduism. The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, represent creation, preservation, and destruction. (Molloy, 75). Brahma is the god of creation. In today's world, he is the least worshipped god in India. There are only two temples in all of India dedicated to him (Brahma). Brahma has a unique look, with four heads and four arms. The second god, Vishnu, is the god of preservation. Thus far in creation, he has been said to be incarnated nine times. Worshippers believe that he will incarnate one last time near the end of the world. Similarly, to what Paul thought of Jesus, "Like any major god, Vishnu is involved in a number of colorful stories which illustrate his virtues as the protector of cosmic order" (Vishnu). Vishnu is uniquely depicted by having blue skin, and four arms. In his four hands, he holds objects representing what he is dependable for. Shiva, the last god, is the god of destruction. In Hinduism, destruction is considered necessary for new life forms to appear. Shiva is portrayed by his blue face and white body, three eyes, and four arms. Christianity and Hinduism each have their own form of practices and rituals. Christians have rituals that are called sacraments. There are seven sacraments throughout life that a Christian can devote themselves to. Baptism is the ritual cleansing with water, which is an ancient form of purification, which traditionally happens shortly after birth. Eucharist is the next sacrament which represents Lord's Supper. The Eucharist represents the body and blood of Jesus. Confirmation is the blessing of believers after baptism in the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Bhakti And Sufi Movement In Hinduism Bhakti and Sufi movements came into existence to propagate their own religions in a certain area. These movements took religion to people in the form of poetry which was more understandable and relatable to them. The Sufi movement was spreading in Islam; however, Bhakti movements was spreading Hinduism. In this essay, it will discuss the distinct way in which the Bhakti movement revived Hinduism between the 5th and 9th century in Tamil Nadu where Tamil language was a powerful instrument. This period of diversifying Hinduism belonged to the Alwars and Nayanamars. It will be further delved into by specifically looking at the Alwars and in particular, Nammalvar and Andal in terms of their lives, poetry, similarities and differences, and ... Show more content on ... Alwar is defined as the one is who is immersed in the divine experience with God. There were 12 Alwars, among them were 11 men and 1 woman who lived during the 5th to the 9th century in the Tamil–speaking sector of South India. They wrote devotional songs and poetry on Vishnu and travelling from place to place, temple to temple and propagated their devotion to God. Furthermore, it is important to note that these Alwars all came from different socioeconomic backgrounds. The 12 Alwars, also known as the Vaishnavite saints brought prominence in the Bhakti movement with the poetry being the Nalayira Divya Prabandham (4000 songs). The names of the Alwars are: Poigai, Bhutam, Peyalwar, Tirumazhisai, Nammalvar, Periyalvar, Andal, Kulasekaran, Madhurakavi, Tondaradipodi, Tiruppaan, and ends with Tirumangai. The first three Alwars (Poigai, Bhutam, and Peyalwar) sang 100 hymns each which were called the Thiruvandadi and is considered to be the beginning of the Divya Prabandham. Tirumazhisai Alwar was very cognicient of other schools of thought like Buddhism, Jainism, and Saivism, however he established songs only on Lord Narayana in his Nanmukan Tiruvandadi which consisted of 96 hymns and the Tirucandaviruttam comprising of 120 hymns and these works of his showed the supremacy of Lord Vishnu against Brahma or Shiva. Kulasekara Alwar was a Chera King and an intense devotee of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Importance Of Folk And Popular Culture For one of my cultural visits I went to a Mexican restaurant, El Molcajete, in Geneva, IL. In this restaurant I observed elements of folk and popular culture which included the music that was playing there, which was mariachi band music which made the place feel more authentic to Mexico. The music from the mariachi band was a piece of their folk culture they had, because they used violins, trumpets, guitarron a spanish guitar used in most Spanish music, and a vihuela a five stringed guitar with a high pitch. Some of the popular culture that was there was the outfits the servers were wearing which was a plain old t–shirt and some black pants, and it was more popular culture because nowadays servers wear a shirt and pants that match what the theme or idea of the restaurant is. I categorized the mariachi band as part of the folk culture because the instruments that they were using were traditional instruments used in Mexico to produce the Spanish sound. The servers' outfits I categorized as popular culture because of the fact that servers in many restaurants nowadays wear the same clothing that is casual, making it an element of popular culture. In my opinion I think that the folk elements are seen around but not practiced in everything that is in the restaurant, due to the exposure to the popular culture of our world. In the restaurant, some tools or utensils used in the restaurant include a basket that holds tortillas warm, but does not make them soggy or cold because of a ... Get more on ...
  • 39. My First Visit at the Hindu Temple Essay I decided to visit a Hindu temple because the Hindu religion was the religion that I knew the least about and was interested in. This assignment gave me an opportunity to learn more about this religion and what their worship services and rituals were like. The temple that I went to was called BAPS Shri Swaminaryan Mandir and it was located in Lilburn. As soon as I walked in, I was amazed by the beautiful architectural design of this Temple. It seemed like it took a lot of hard work and dedication to make the place what it is now. While I was at the temple, I watched the Hindus perform an ancient Vedic ritual called the Abhishek, a ritual bathing to honor the murti of their God. Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, ... Show more content on ... The Mandir (temple) was constructed with Italian marble, Indian pink sandstone, and Turkish limestone. The walls were all carved with delicate carvings of Gods that were carefully shipped all the way from India. The Hindus had very strict rules that had to be followed, such as: no smoking, drinking or eating inside, cell phones had to be turned off, and we had to be silent. We also had to take our shoes off before entering the temple out of respect for the deities and to keep the floors clean. When I first entered the main worship room, I saw three women walking around the gods in clockwise motion. This clockwise motion is called Pradakshina, a form of worship that represents the fact that god is the center of everything and everyone else surrounds him. There were several gods in the room, each stored in their own window. Many people ranging from old to young kept going up to each god and doing their own prayers. I observed that the prayers were performed in a special way. You had to put your two hands together, close your eyes and pray to that specific God. I couldn't understand the prayers they were reciting because they were saying it in language. BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir offers many traditional rituals and services. However, I decided to observe Abhishek, an ancient Vedic ritual of bathing the murti, which is the divine spirit of God. This ritual is dedicated to the murti Nilkanth Varni, which represents Bhagwan Swaminarayan ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Hinduism: Hinduism And The Symbols Of Hinduism Hinduism may be looked down upon because of the belief that cows are sacred, but the reason they should think of them as so is because in their eyes it is the reborn version of a highly ranked person in their world, it is part of their deep culture to stand by with it, and it could possibly be part of their family tree, there are three things people do not know about the hindu religion and most of those are symbols, how their custom work, and what their holy days are, Symbols, The first unknown transcendental problem with Hinduism is the Symbols, many people believe there are only a couple of symbols to know for Hinduism one being the cow and the other the dot on the center of the forehead. There are seventeen Hindu gods in total one being ... Show more content on ... One of the gods known as Lakshmi is the God of wealth and prosperity and is the main reason for the spoiled or foolish and needy people to be tricked into a bad choice leading their fate to a reincarnation that allows them to try over again in the life they were just given.That happens to be only one of the gods that helps the god of destruction. Now is a god that helps the god of Creation its name is Rama the god of righteousness and good, this god helps the god of creation by leading people in trouble or looking for help towards a path that if they choose to take would leave their things behind and help them to get a spot within the god of creation itself after their death. As people read the points that have just been proven they can see the connection between Hinduism and Christianity and how there is a lot more to the religion than many people know to be ... Get more on ...