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TRAINING p o                              ms

Module 1                                                           Module 5
Beco ing a eader                                                    he or ula for Strategic lanning
The more of a leader you become on the inside, the more            In business you can’t plan enough before you start
effective you become in all your leadership activities on the      planning. The mark of a good leader and business person
outside. In this module, you will learn the seven essential        is someone who understands how to do this the right
qualities of effective leaders in every area of endeavour.         way. In this module, you are going to learn a method that
With these qualities you will accomplish more and faster           resembles the combination to a lock. Once you have the
than ever before. Capitalize on the potential you have             numbers in the right order, you can open the lock. Once
inside, become a leader and see your company soar!                 you have the right keys in the right sequence to strategic
                                                                   planning, you can apply them to any product, service or
Module 2                                                           situation in your organization.
Strategie for ffective eader hip
Successful businesses require outstanding leadership.              Module 6
There are specific ways of thinking and acting that are             ow xcellent eader                       ead
common to successful leaders in every type of business             Learn how to inspire your people to perform at high levels
organization. By asking provocative and uncomfortable              of productivity all the time. Being a great leader is more
questions, you begin to think deeper and more accurately           than just telling people what to do. The very best leaders
than the people around you. This module will teach you             are those who can elicit extraordinary performance from
how to bank on your strengths to think and strategize just         ordinary people. Your ability to get the very most out of
like the best leaders in every situation.                          the people who report to you is a key measure of your
                                                                   effectiveness as an executive. In this Module, you will learn
Module 3                                                           how to manage your personal style in such a way that you
 ntrepreneurial hinking                                            get the very best out of each person who reports to you.
Learn some of the best methods for thinking and acting
practiced by the most creative and entrepreneurial                 Module 7
managers and leaders in every business. These skills will           ey unction of Manager
give you the direction, clarity and focus you need to take         Being an exceptional manager is a difficult and demanding
your business to the next level! In this module, you learn         position. However, there are a few key areas that, once
some of the key skills of thinking and acting practiced            mastered, can make the job a lot easier. In this module,
by the most creative and entrepreneurial managers and              you learn the key result areas of every manager and how
leaders in every business. By applying these skills, you           you can begin increasing your effectiveness in every area
can revitalize your entire organization.                           of your management activities. To be a better manager
                                                                   doesn’t mean you have to alter your whole approach and
Module 4                                                           style, instead you’ll learn how to make little adjustments
Military rinciple of Strategy                                      that will yield big results.
Knowing how to strategize often isn’t enough. As a great
leader, you must also know how and when to apply your              Module 8
strategies. The art of military strategy is taught to leaders       ielding a        inning ea
in every military academy to prepare them for the most             Winning teams are better than the rest because they have
critical of all leadership responsibilities. These principles      the best coaches who know how to showcase their star
apply to your products and services, your business and             performers. The same can be said for managers with
your competition, every single day. In this module, you will       successful teams. Learn what you can do to highlight the
learn how to apply some of the most important principles           star qualities of your team members and how to motivate
of strategy to everything you do.                                  them to perform, get results, and achieve victory in the
                                                                   workplace and marketplace.

P: 07 3888 5010 - -                          © 2010. Brian Tracy Australia New Zealand Pty Ltd

Module 9                                                           Module 13
Building eak erfor ance ea                                             reat lace to           ork
All work is done by teams. Your ability to assemble and            Top managers are those who create an environment where
manage a high performance team of motivated individuals            peak performance takes place. As a manager, you’re able
is the key to your value and effectiveness as an executive         to double the productivity of your people by adjusting their
at every stage of your career. Just as you use a recipe to         working climate. This module teaches you how your office
prepare a dish in the kitchen, there is a specific recipe that     can also be a “great place to work” and your employees
has been proven to work in assembling a self-directed              will feel valued and great about the work they do. You’ll be
work team. Learn how to identify personality types and             amazed how the quality and quantity of work will improve
build teams where everyone compliments each other.                 after you implement these simple strategies. You will
In this module, you will learn how to get the very most out        learn the most important ideas ever discovered to help
of your team and out of each person on that team.                  you to create a high trust environment of your own where
                                                                   peak performance takes place every single day.

Module 10
 o      unicate with ower                                          Module 14
Your success in business and in the world of work is               Motivating eople for Maxi u                             e ult
largely determined by your ability to communicate                  Your ability to motivate your people to higher levels of
effectively with other people. This module will show you           performance and effectiveness can multiply your capability
how eliciting extraordinary performance from ordinary              as an executive. By motivating people continuously and
people is the key to success in leadership. You will learn         correctly you can dramatically improve performance and
the most important interpersonal skills ever discovered            results. Learn the most popular, powerful and effective
for motivating and inspiring people to perform at their very       motivational methods and tools, and how you can apply
best as individuals and as members of an effective team.           them to every person who ever reports to you, as well as
                                                                   to yourself in the achievement of your own personal and
                                                                   business goals.
Module 11
 he u to er i              lway         ight
No matter what industry you’re in, without customers               Module 15
you’re dead in the water.
                                                                    etting the Be t ut of ther
                                                                   As a manager, your job is to get the highest return on
In this module, you will learn the central role of the
                                                                   human capital invested in your enterprise. Of all assets,
customer and how you can structure and organize all your
                                                                   only people can be made to appreciate and to perform at
business activities to achieve the very highest levels of
                                                                   ever higher levels for the organization. In this module,
customer satisfaction imaginable. When you know how to
                                                                   you will learn how to immediately improve employee
give exceptional service, your clients will continue to buy
                                                                   performance and to keep your people working at high
from you and ignore the competition.
                                                                   levels of motivation, performance and productivity over
Module 12
Meeting Manage ent Magic
                                                                   Module 16
Every meeting you have requires an investment of
                                                                    he Manager, oach and onfidant
managerial time and energy. Your ability to use the tool
                                                                   Being a manager means more than just telling your
of management meetings effectively can do more to
                                                                   employees what to do. The best managers know how to
multiply and leverage your results and effectiveness than
                                                                   coach their people when they’re struggling and be there
perhaps any other skill. The meeting is the essential tool
                                                                   for them through tough times. People cannot grow without
of management. Virtually everything you accomplish you
                                                                   honest, objective feedback and instruction from someone
achieve in interactions with one or more people, either
                                                                   who can look at their performance and tell them exactly
in large formal meetings or in one-on-one meetings in
                                                                   how they are doing. In this module you will learn how to
                                                                   give timely and accurate coaching and counselling to each
In this module, you will learn how to be far more effective        of your staff members on a regular basis. Your people are
in every meeting you hold. You will learn how to get to the        your most precious resource. Learn how to take care of
point faster, get more accomplished and assure greater             them, and they’ll do the same for you!
results after the meeting than ever before.

P: 07 3888 5010 - -                         © 2010. Brian Tracy Australia New Zealand Pty Ltd

Module 17                                                          Module 20
Boo ting           ployee erfor ance                                et the Mo t out of our elf
Motivating your employees is one of the most important             You have amazing potential and abilities that you could
parts of being a manager. The best employees today                 never use if you worked full blast on yourself for the rest
are more demanding and more in demand than ever                    of your life. Your goal must be to get the very most and the
before. But, they are indispensable to your success and            very best out of yourself - for yourself, your company and
to the success of your company. So how do you keep them            your family. This module will teach you how to discover all
happy? This is the answer: Learning how to create a peak           of the untouched potential energy you have inside and turn
performance environment for them will earn their loyalty           it into usable energy to fuel your life and business. You
and commitment to you and your company more than                   will learn proven ideas that you can apply immediately to
any other factor. After this module, you’ll know how to            become a more valuable and effective person in everything
communicate with your employees in a way that will get             you do. Be the best person you can be everyday and your
the results you’re looking for.                                    business will perform at it’s best, too!

Module 18                                                          Module 21
Beco ing a Ma ter of hange                                         Setting your rioritie
In business and life, everything changes quickly. To be            All of the most productive and highest achieving men
successful, you must be able to react quickly when things          and women are described by others as being “very well
don’t go exactly as planned. It’s a fact, the more change you      organized.” The key to your success in management is
can handle, the more successful you will be. Top producers         your ability to analyze your work, select your highest-value
have to deal with plans being altered, products modified
                                                                   tasks, concentrate single-mindedly on doing the one most
and rescheduled meetings constantly-but what makes
                                                                   important thing, and stay with it until it’s complete. When
them successful is their ability to roll with the punches.
                                                                   you’re proficient at setting priorities and executing them
In this module you will learn a series of proven methods,
                                                                   there is little you can’t do. In this module, you will learn the
techniques and strategies used by highly effective men
and women in every area of life to manage the forces of            simplest and most powerful techniques ever discovered to
change. You will learn how to get control of every aspect          help you set clear priorities on your work, every hour of
of your life and turn change to your advantage sooner than         every day, and then focus on your most valuable task. This
you ever thought possible!                                         will enable you to get more done in a shorter period of
                                                                   time, and make a greater contribution than ever before.
Module 19
Seven Secret of Managerial Succe                                   Module 22
Learn how to be a highly effective manager using these              he ur uit of er onal xcellence
seven secrets. Motivate your employees, keep them                  Are you happy with your life? Does your job bring you
happy and increase their productivity and profitability! By        satisfaction and fulfilment? Are you on a path towards
investing time and energy into learning how to be a better         achieving your goals? If you’re not, it’s okay. In fact, most
manager, your team and fellow employees will also benefit          people don’t realize their true potential to attain their goals
and grow. Everything you do to enhance your ability to do          and dreams. In this module, you will learn some of the key
your job in an excellent fashion improves your life and
                                                                   thinking tools and strategies practiced by the happiest and
work in some way. In this module you will learn how to
                                                                   most successful people in every area of life. By practicing
take time to analyse, decide and take effective action in
                                                                   some of these ideas, you can dramatically improve the
every area of your work life to achieve more and better
results than the average person. By learning the seven             quality and quantity of what you do and accomplish.
secrets to managerial success you’ll get more done faster
and easier than ever before!                                       Module 23
                                                                     egotiating Strategie and actic
                                                                   Your ability to negotiate well on your own behalf can have
                                                                   a major impact on improving the quality of your life and
                                                                   work. Luckily, the ability to negotiate is a learned skill,
                                                                   like riding a bicycle or typing. In this module you will be
                                                                   given the tools you need to feel confident in negotiations
                                                                   and consistently close deals the way you want them. With
                                                                   excellent negotiating skills, you can save or gain hundreds,
                                                                   or even thousands, of dollars for yourself, your company
                                                                   and your family in the weeks, months and years ahead.

P: 07 3888 5010 - -                           © 2010. Brian Tracy Australia New Zealand Pty Ltd

Module 24                                                          Module 28
Balancing our otal ife                                             n pecting         hat ou xpect
Top performers lead balanced lifestyles. Achieving balance         No one is born with management skills, these skills are
between your life and work is one of the most important            all learned. Your ability to supervise others can be greatly
measures of how well you are doing as a person and as              improved by learning what other excellent managers have
an executive. The fact is that you have far too much to do,        discovered over the years and by applying these principles
                                                                   and ideas to your interactions with your subordinates.
every single day, and too little time in which to do it. In this
                                                                   Learn how the most successful managers lead their staff
module, you are going to learn a series of proven principles
                                                                   and motivate them to perform at their best all the time.
and techniques that you can use, starting immediately, to
                                                                   This module will show you how to be flexible and utilise
get your life in balance.                                          different mental tools and skills to get the most and the
                                                                   best out of your people. You’ll get an insight into the most
Module 25                                                          effective way to get the most out of your employees than
Superior Selection Skill                                           ever before.
Almost all of your successes as an executive will be as a
result of your having chosen the right people for the right        Module 29
jobs - people with the right talents, personality, skills and       ow to Solve very ro le
ability. Choosing the right people for your team is crucial        Life is a continuous succession of problems. Everything
to your success. Learn how to weed through the applicants          you do, all day long, revolves around your ability to solve
to find the best possible candidates for the job every time.       problems effectively. Your entire success as a manager is
The better you become at finding and deploying the right           determined by your ability to solve problems effectively and
people, the more effective you will be as an executive and         well. Learn how to look upon problems as the essential,
the greater will be your contribution to your company.             defining skill area of your work. Build upon your natural
                                                                   business instincts and learn how to identify potential
                                                                   problems and their solutions.
Module 26
 oping with ifficult eople
                                                                   Module 30
Firing members of your staff who aren’t producing results
                                                                   Making the Be t eci ion
is a difficult and stressful time for everyone. However, your
                                                                   Consider the different outcomes after you’ve made a
ability to “deselect” those who are not capable of doing the
                                                                   good decision and a bad one. Do you notice that almost
job in a competent and timely fashion is equally essential         every time you’ve made a bad decision, something bad
to your success as a manager. In this module, you will             comes out of it-and vice versa? Poor decisions lie at the
learn some simple ideas you can use to deselect people             root of virtually every failure. Excellent decisions are the
who are not capable of making a contribution that exceeds          foundation of virtually every great success. In this module,
their cost. This is an absolutely essential management             you will learn how to make better decisions, faster than
skill that you can then use competently for the rest of your       perhaps ever before. Making the right choices for your
business career.                                                   business is the best way to ensure it’s quick and lasting

Module 27
 elegation- he ey to everage
Nowadays, all phenomenal business people are proficient
at delegation. Delegation is an art and science. It is a skill
that you can learn through practice. And like any skill,
you become better and better at delegation the more you
do it. Learn how to think about the process of delegating
effectively to others. As you become an excellent delegator,
you will become more and more valuable to yourself and
your organization.

For more details about any of our development programs contact:

XSellerate Performance Solutions
Level 18, 333 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000
P: 07 3888 5010 Mob: 0447 777 011
W: E:
                                                                                      © 2010. Brian Tracy Australia New Zealand Pty Ltd

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High Perfromance Leadership

  • 1. BRIAN TRACY TRAINING p o ms HIGH ERF R ANCE LEADER HI Module 1 Module 5 Beco ing a eader he or ula for Strategic lanning The more of a leader you become on the inside, the more In business you can’t plan enough before you start effective you become in all your leadership activities on the planning. The mark of a good leader and business person outside. In this module, you will learn the seven essential is someone who understands how to do this the right qualities of effective leaders in every area of endeavour. way. In this module, you are going to learn a method that With these qualities you will accomplish more and faster resembles the combination to a lock. Once you have the than ever before. Capitalize on the potential you have numbers in the right order, you can open the lock. Once inside, become a leader and see your company soar! you have the right keys in the right sequence to strategic planning, you can apply them to any product, service or Module 2 situation in your organization. Strategie for ffective eader hip Successful businesses require outstanding leadership. Module 6 There are specific ways of thinking and acting that are ow xcellent eader ead common to successful leaders in every type of business Learn how to inspire your people to perform at high levels organization. By asking provocative and uncomfortable of productivity all the time. Being a great leader is more questions, you begin to think deeper and more accurately than just telling people what to do. The very best leaders than the people around you. This module will teach you are those who can elicit extraordinary performance from how to bank on your strengths to think and strategize just ordinary people. Your ability to get the very most out of like the best leaders in every situation. the people who report to you is a key measure of your effectiveness as an executive. In this Module, you will learn Module 3 how to manage your personal style in such a way that you ntrepreneurial hinking get the very best out of each person who reports to you. Learn some of the best methods for thinking and acting practiced by the most creative and entrepreneurial Module 7 managers and leaders in every business. These skills will ey unction of Manager give you the direction, clarity and focus you need to take Being an exceptional manager is a difficult and demanding your business to the next level! In this module, you learn position. However, there are a few key areas that, once some of the key skills of thinking and acting practiced mastered, can make the job a lot easier. In this module, by the most creative and entrepreneurial managers and you learn the key result areas of every manager and how leaders in every business. By applying these skills, you you can begin increasing your effectiveness in every area can revitalize your entire organization. of your management activities. To be a better manager doesn’t mean you have to alter your whole approach and Module 4 style, instead you’ll learn how to make little adjustments Military rinciple of Strategy that will yield big results. Knowing how to strategize often isn’t enough. As a great leader, you must also know how and when to apply your Module 8 strategies. The art of military strategy is taught to leaders ielding a inning ea in every military academy to prepare them for the most Winning teams are better than the rest because they have critical of all leadership responsibilities. These principles the best coaches who know how to showcase their star apply to your products and services, your business and performers. The same can be said for managers with your competition, every single day. In this module, you will successful teams. Learn what you can do to highlight the learn how to apply some of the most important principles star qualities of your team members and how to motivate of strategy to everything you do. them to perform, get results, and achieve victory in the workplace and marketplace. P: 07 3888 5010 - - © 2010. Brian Tracy Australia New Zealand Pty Ltd
  • 2. HIGH ERF R ANCE LEADER HI Module 9 Module 13 Building eak erfor ance ea reat lace to ork All work is done by teams. Your ability to assemble and Top managers are those who create an environment where manage a high performance team of motivated individuals peak performance takes place. As a manager, you’re able is the key to your value and effectiveness as an executive to double the productivity of your people by adjusting their at every stage of your career. Just as you use a recipe to working climate. This module teaches you how your office prepare a dish in the kitchen, there is a specific recipe that can also be a “great place to work” and your employees has been proven to work in assembling a self-directed will feel valued and great about the work they do. You’ll be work team. Learn how to identify personality types and amazed how the quality and quantity of work will improve build teams where everyone compliments each other. after you implement these simple strategies. You will In this module, you will learn how to get the very most out learn the most important ideas ever discovered to help of your team and out of each person on that team. you to create a high trust environment of your own where peak performance takes place every single day. Module 10 o unicate with ower Module 14 Your success in business and in the world of work is Motivating eople for Maxi u e ult largely determined by your ability to communicate Your ability to motivate your people to higher levels of effectively with other people. This module will show you performance and effectiveness can multiply your capability how eliciting extraordinary performance from ordinary as an executive. By motivating people continuously and people is the key to success in leadership. You will learn correctly you can dramatically improve performance and the most important interpersonal skills ever discovered results. Learn the most popular, powerful and effective for motivating and inspiring people to perform at their very motivational methods and tools, and how you can apply best as individuals and as members of an effective team. them to every person who ever reports to you, as well as to yourself in the achievement of your own personal and business goals. Module 11 he u to er i lway ight No matter what industry you’re in, without customers Module 15 you’re dead in the water. etting the Be t ut of ther As a manager, your job is to get the highest return on In this module, you will learn the central role of the human capital invested in your enterprise. Of all assets, customer and how you can structure and organize all your only people can be made to appreciate and to perform at business activities to achieve the very highest levels of ever higher levels for the organization. In this module, customer satisfaction imaginable. When you know how to you will learn how to immediately improve employee give exceptional service, your clients will continue to buy performance and to keep your people working at high from you and ignore the competition. levels of motivation, performance and productivity over time. Module 12 Meeting Manage ent Magic Module 16 Every meeting you have requires an investment of he Manager, oach and onfidant managerial time and energy. Your ability to use the tool Being a manager means more than just telling your of management meetings effectively can do more to employees what to do. The best managers know how to multiply and leverage your results and effectiveness than coach their people when they’re struggling and be there perhaps any other skill. The meeting is the essential tool for them through tough times. People cannot grow without of management. Virtually everything you accomplish you honest, objective feedback and instruction from someone achieve in interactions with one or more people, either who can look at their performance and tell them exactly in large formal meetings or in one-on-one meetings in how they are doing. In this module you will learn how to passing. give timely and accurate coaching and counselling to each In this module, you will learn how to be far more effective of your staff members on a regular basis. Your people are in every meeting you hold. You will learn how to get to the your most precious resource. Learn how to take care of point faster, get more accomplished and assure greater them, and they’ll do the same for you! results after the meeting than ever before. P: 07 3888 5010 - - © 2010. Brian Tracy Australia New Zealand Pty Ltd
  • 3. HIGH ERF R ANCE LEADER HI Module 17 Module 20 Boo ting ployee erfor ance et the Mo t out of our elf Motivating your employees is one of the most important You have amazing potential and abilities that you could parts of being a manager. The best employees today never use if you worked full blast on yourself for the rest are more demanding and more in demand than ever of your life. Your goal must be to get the very most and the before. But, they are indispensable to your success and very best out of yourself - for yourself, your company and to the success of your company. So how do you keep them your family. This module will teach you how to discover all happy? This is the answer: Learning how to create a peak of the untouched potential energy you have inside and turn performance environment for them will earn their loyalty it into usable energy to fuel your life and business. You and commitment to you and your company more than will learn proven ideas that you can apply immediately to any other factor. After this module, you’ll know how to become a more valuable and effective person in everything communicate with your employees in a way that will get you do. Be the best person you can be everyday and your the results you’re looking for. business will perform at it’s best, too! Module 18 Module 21 Beco ing a Ma ter of hange Setting your rioritie In business and life, everything changes quickly. To be All of the most productive and highest achieving men successful, you must be able to react quickly when things and women are described by others as being “very well don’t go exactly as planned. It’s a fact, the more change you organized.” The key to your success in management is can handle, the more successful you will be. Top producers your ability to analyze your work, select your highest-value have to deal with plans being altered, products modified tasks, concentrate single-mindedly on doing the one most and rescheduled meetings constantly-but what makes important thing, and stay with it until it’s complete. When them successful is their ability to roll with the punches. you’re proficient at setting priorities and executing them In this module you will learn a series of proven methods, there is little you can’t do. In this module, you will learn the techniques and strategies used by highly effective men and women in every area of life to manage the forces of simplest and most powerful techniques ever discovered to change. You will learn how to get control of every aspect help you set clear priorities on your work, every hour of of your life and turn change to your advantage sooner than every day, and then focus on your most valuable task. This you ever thought possible! will enable you to get more done in a shorter period of time, and make a greater contribution than ever before. Module 19 Seven Secret of Managerial Succe Module 22 Learn how to be a highly effective manager using these he ur uit of er onal xcellence seven secrets. Motivate your employees, keep them Are you happy with your life? Does your job bring you happy and increase their productivity and profitability! By satisfaction and fulfilment? Are you on a path towards investing time and energy into learning how to be a better achieving your goals? If you’re not, it’s okay. In fact, most manager, your team and fellow employees will also benefit people don’t realize their true potential to attain their goals and grow. Everything you do to enhance your ability to do and dreams. In this module, you will learn some of the key your job in an excellent fashion improves your life and thinking tools and strategies practiced by the happiest and work in some way. In this module you will learn how to most successful people in every area of life. By practicing take time to analyse, decide and take effective action in some of these ideas, you can dramatically improve the every area of your work life to achieve more and better results than the average person. By learning the seven quality and quantity of what you do and accomplish. secrets to managerial success you’ll get more done faster and easier than ever before! Module 23 egotiating Strategie and actic Your ability to negotiate well on your own behalf can have a major impact on improving the quality of your life and work. Luckily, the ability to negotiate is a learned skill, like riding a bicycle or typing. In this module you will be given the tools you need to feel confident in negotiations and consistently close deals the way you want them. With excellent negotiating skills, you can save or gain hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars for yourself, your company and your family in the weeks, months and years ahead. P: 07 3888 5010 - - © 2010. Brian Tracy Australia New Zealand Pty Ltd
  • 4. HIGH ERF R ANCE LEADER HI Module 24 Module 28 Balancing our otal ife n pecting hat ou xpect Top performers lead balanced lifestyles. Achieving balance No one is born with management skills, these skills are between your life and work is one of the most important all learned. Your ability to supervise others can be greatly measures of how well you are doing as a person and as improved by learning what other excellent managers have an executive. The fact is that you have far too much to do, discovered over the years and by applying these principles and ideas to your interactions with your subordinates. every single day, and too little time in which to do it. In this Learn how the most successful managers lead their staff module, you are going to learn a series of proven principles and motivate them to perform at their best all the time. and techniques that you can use, starting immediately, to This module will show you how to be flexible and utilise get your life in balance. different mental tools and skills to get the most and the best out of your people. You’ll get an insight into the most Module 25 effective way to get the most out of your employees than Superior Selection Skill ever before. Almost all of your successes as an executive will be as a result of your having chosen the right people for the right Module 29 jobs - people with the right talents, personality, skills and ow to Solve very ro le ability. Choosing the right people for your team is crucial Life is a continuous succession of problems. Everything to your success. Learn how to weed through the applicants you do, all day long, revolves around your ability to solve to find the best possible candidates for the job every time. problems effectively. Your entire success as a manager is The better you become at finding and deploying the right determined by your ability to solve problems effectively and people, the more effective you will be as an executive and well. Learn how to look upon problems as the essential, the greater will be your contribution to your company. defining skill area of your work. Build upon your natural business instincts and learn how to identify potential problems and their solutions. Module 26 oping with ifficult eople Module 30 Firing members of your staff who aren’t producing results Making the Be t eci ion is a difficult and stressful time for everyone. However, your Consider the different outcomes after you’ve made a ability to “deselect” those who are not capable of doing the good decision and a bad one. Do you notice that almost job in a competent and timely fashion is equally essential every time you’ve made a bad decision, something bad to your success as a manager. In this module, you will comes out of it-and vice versa? Poor decisions lie at the learn some simple ideas you can use to deselect people root of virtually every failure. Excellent decisions are the who are not capable of making a contribution that exceeds foundation of virtually every great success. In this module, their cost. This is an absolutely essential management you will learn how to make better decisions, faster than skill that you can then use competently for the rest of your perhaps ever before. Making the right choices for your business career. business is the best way to ensure it’s quick and lasting success! Module 27 elegation- he ey to everage Nowadays, all phenomenal business people are proficient at delegation. Delegation is an art and science. It is a skill that you can learn through practice. And like any skill, you become better and better at delegation the more you do it. Learn how to think about the process of delegating effectively to others. As you become an excellent delegator, you will become more and more valuable to yourself and your organization. For more details about any of our development programs contact: XSellerate Performance Solutions Level 18, 333 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000 P: 07 3888 5010 Mob: 0447 777 011 W: E: © 2010. Brian Tracy Australia New Zealand Pty Ltd