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       Malcolm Gabriel
       Cell: 734-730-2405
The following is a summary of various presentations that I
   designed and delivered across different companies to
implement a performance calibration system to sustain high

               Embedded images were purchased from Fotosearch

The stock market evaluates a company’s
 performance relative to its competitors

Company Performance is Relative
 •  Even if Company B exceeded its EBIT targets, there is still
    an overall industry ranking as to which companies have
    outperformed others.
 •  Once ranked, the market rewards top performing
    companies through share price appreciation.
 •  Relativity induces action to exceed market expectations

      Company A
      Company B

Evidence of High Performance Cultures
What is a High Performance Culture?                        Why strive to be a high performance
A system of beliefs and values centered on                 culture?
  continuously creating break-through                      We need transformational change, not just
  performance.                                             incremental improvement.
                                                           Leverage the energy and benchmark of the top
                                                           performers to drive up the performance of the rest
                                                           of the organization.
What does it look like?
§  High performance cultures distinguishably              Create the environment for employees to be and
                                                           achieve more than they can imagine.
    identify, recognize and reward top performers
§  Expectations of performance and leadership
  are continuously raised for everyone
§  Lower performers are identified and proactively
§  New “talent” replaces low performers
§  High sense of accountability for outcome
§  Rate of learning is exponential

High Performance Cultures sets the benchmark
“relative” to others and distinguishably rewards the
                    top performers

The relative standard becomes the benchmark

                                         New system           Revisit Objectives:
Objective: Produce 10                    introduced              Produce 12                              Downsizing
                                                                                                                          Average Team Production:
widgets by December                                            by December.                                                      14 widgets

    January                                                    June                                                   December

                        Capital budget                                              Someone found a way to      The relative standard becomes
                        cuts                                                        improve their process
                                                                                                                the benchmark even if
                                                                                                                performance exceeded the
                                                                                                                original target.

High Performance distributions distinguishably reward their Top


                                                                          Distinguishably rewarding top
                                                                          performers in a fixed envelope
    30%                                   20%
              15%                                                         requires a very aggressive
                                                           5%             distribution

          Below Meets     Meets        Exceeds          Top

          % Bonus         % Bonus        % Bonus      % Bonus
           Payout          Payout         Payout       Payout

                                                                         #% of Combined Annual Base

                        Otherwise, why                                          Fixed bonus

Motivation = Reward > Effort relative to other’s rewards for their efforts.

Some challenges

•  Distribution level
•  The size of the evaluation pool
•  Including exits throughout the year
•  New promotes
•  Stigma attached to “fit”
•  Downsizing and the bottom ratings
•  Exit and renewal
•  Timing of evaluations

Evolving expectations in an ever evolving performance year

      Don’t become a pinball!

In an ever changing environment,
       continuously clarify the
  deliverable and the expectation
          of performance.

                                                                      Expectations of
                                                                 EP   Performance
 Performance Rating = D > EofP                                   D    Deliverables

 “show me how you measure me and I’ll tell you how I’ll behave?” – Eli Goldratt

Performance rating calibration meetings are
necessary to identify the relative benchmark in an
    ever evolving performance environment

Calibrating on the relative performance benchmark is necessary

•  Employees generally:
  •  have visibility to each others’ contributions and overall effectiveness
  •  share their performance ratings
  •  are very aware of which environments are more difficult than others to achieve
  •  are aware of windfall environments that could have affected results
  •  are acutely aware of which are “favorites”

•  Assigning performance ratings that are incongruent with real
   achievement has a profoundly negative effect on employee morale
   and aligning their energy to the desired behaviors
•  Getting to a common understanding of “real achievement” is the
   toughest and most necessary part of the performance evaluation
   calibration discussions

        Profile: / Blog:
Performance rating calibrations

                                                                                                                          r     o
                                                                                                                       Toni May
         Performance                                                                                           Experience
   What is:
   • Exceeds Expectation?
   • Meets Expectation?
   • Partially Meets?

                                                                            Performance for a “Meets”
                                               Individual Expectations of                               11.5   Nikita Slobodkin
  Developing a “Shared
Understanding” of “Meets”                                                                                11    Toni Mayor
  for a specific position
e.g. 10 widgets by December                                                                              10    Michael Coulson
                                                                                                         9     Jack Nicholson

Performance rating calibrations – differentiating performance
Before the roundtable:
•  Complete individual evaluations of performance and leadership.
•  Evaluate performance against objectives, expectations of performance and peers.
•  Prepare documents with concrete examples, citing the context, environment,
   experience and impact of the performance.

At the roundtable:
•  Discuss process and ground rules for giving input into each others ratings
   distributions and employee appraisals
•  Establish a common understanding of the reasons for the emerging benchmark
•  Balance performance ratings to target distribution

After the roundtable:
•  Rollup and consolidation of performance ratings across different departments or
   business units in the organization
•  Communicate performance rating after approval of distribution
•  Initiate development plans or performance improvement plans for the bottom
•  Begin objective setting planning for the following year

At the performance rating calibration, be ready for
                                                                                    9-­‐B loc k	
  G rid
                                                            P erformanc e	
  R ating	
  L eaders hip	
  C ompetenc y	
  R ating

                                                                 7                                                    8                           9
                                                                                                                                                           Key Questions

                                                                                                                                                           •  Will the rating be a surprise to

                                                                                                                                                              peers and other managers?

                                                                                                                                                           •  Will the “exceeds” rating on an
                                                                                                                                                              objective be a surprise to
Performance Rating (Y)

                                                                  4                                                   5                           6
                                                                                                                                                              customers and internal clients?
                                                                                                                                                           •  Is the “exceeds” rating on an

                                                                                                                                                              objective affected by a “windfall”?
                                 2.5                                                                                                                       •  Was the result really a result of
                                                                  1                                                   2                           3           their individual effort?
                                                                      2.5                                                 4                           5
                                         DEVELOPMENT NEET                                PROFICIENT                                    STRENGTH

                                                                            Leadership Competency Rating (X)

                                  A 9-block grid is common across many companies and                                                                      In some companies the x-axis may denote “potential” or
                                  industries and reflects the triangulation of an individual’s                                                            “runway” and involves an assessment of an individual’s
                                  achievement of results and demonstration of certain                                                                     potential to develop and grow into high levels in the
                                  leadership traits. The leadership competencies will vary by                                                             organization.
                                  company based on the cultural emphasis.
Performance rating calibrations
                                     Did Not Meets                       Meets                                Exceeds

                                    Is Richard Nixon’s
                                   performance better    1. Elvis Presley (MG)                1. Anne-Marie Slobodkin (QR)

                                  than Charles Bronson
                                                         2. Richard Nixon (FA)                2. James T. Sullivan (QR)
                                                                                              3. Michael Wazalski (FA)

                            1. Mary-Jane Lewis (MG)      1. Charles Bronson (MG)              1. Bruce Nick (MG)
                            2. James T. Kirk (FA)        2. Maryln Munroe (FA)                2. Catherine Callaway (QR)


                            3. Roger B. Ellis (QR)       3. Jean-Luck Picard (FA)
                                                         4. Richard Snider (QR)
                                                         5. Chris Lee (QR)           Is Christine Tucker’s
                                                                                    performance better than
                                                         6. Christine Tucker (MG)   Michael Jackson (MG)?

                            Jackie Welchen (QR)          1. Michael Jackson (MG)

                                                         2. John Doe

                                                         3. Jane Smith

                                                                                     * Names are fictitious
Performance rating calibration
                               Deparment A                                                                                              Department B
 80%                                                                                        60%
 60%                                                                                        40%
               9%                                 13%                                       20%                                                                      3%
 20%                                                                4%                                    0%
 0%                                                                                               Needs Improvement   Solid Performer     Strong Performer     Top Performer
       Needs Improvement Solid Performer    Strong Performer   Top Performer

                                Department C                                                                                    Department D

80%                                                                                        80%                               62%
60%                                                                                        60%
40%          21%                                                                           40%
                                                   7%                                                     6%
                                                                      0%                   20%                                                                          0%
0%                                                                                          0%
            Needs         Solid Performer   Strong Performer    Top Performer
         Improvement                                                                              Needs Improvement    Solid Performer      Strong Performer      Top Performer

                         How do the distributions compare between departments?

Avoiding pitfalls in evaluating high

Avoiding pitfalls in evaluating high performance

Evaluating the role; not   Rating employees favorably because they are in critical roles rather than
the employee               rating their performance or leadership attributes within the critical role

Ranking for downsizing     Ranking employees for downsizing rather than ranking employees for their
                           overall end of year performance rating

Not clearly                Not rating at employee Needs Development on leadership or performance
distinguishing b/w         relative to peers because the employee received an Exceeds rating on
performance and            performance or leadership relative to peers

Defaulting a rating        Automatically ranking a new hire or promotion as a Needs Development
based on time in role

Ranking based on           Focus on the most recent examples of behaviour or performance rather
recent incident            than the entire performance management cycle

Ranking based on one       Base the evaluation on one incident, good or bad

Surface examples in the performance rating calibration
meeting that distinguishes top, solid and lower performers

Examples of behaviors that resulted in a “Meets” rating



                                                                30%                     20%

                                                                      PME    Meets    Exceeds   Exceptional

•    Self-induced journey outside of “comfort” zone.
•    Initiating ideas and driving them through to completion.
•    Complete a job even if it is not within their accountability.
•    Meet all their objectives within an acceptable range of the performance metrics, and is exceeding some
     of their stated objectives and relative to their peers
•    Embrace change, speaking positively, and presents mitigation strategies along with risks.
•    Entrepreneurial and have or work with for-profit and / or not-for-profit organizations on a part-time
     basis, and show this entrepreneurial flair inside Bell through their ideas and execution.
•    New promotes also shined as solid contributors often inspiring confidence from others who normally
     react with surprise that the employee is a new promote
•    Contribute ideas across functional expertise, but they also make cross-link connections for others.
•    Eloquently connect technical and global view and make cross-domain link connections
•    Ensured that there were “no surprises” on budget items.
•    Good management practices, and above average employee engagement scores

                To some managers this was described as “meets” while to others
                this was described as “exceeds” or “exceptional”.

Examples of behaviors that resulted in Exceed Expectations



                                                                 30%                      20%

                                                                       PME     Meets    Exceeds      Exceptional

•  Excel at cross-functional linkages, often gaining commitment from other business partners to propose
     items previously not supported
•    “end-to-end” accountability and ensure mutual understanding
•    Winning mindset, collaborating, showing linkages,
•    Inspiring commitment, in new and ambiguous situations with no predetermined procedures
•    “win over” critics by collaborating “behind the scenes” to iron-out assumptions
•    Demonstrate interpersonal tact and charming influence in high politically sensitive projects
•    Perceived by peers as “business-focused”, yet perceived by clients as the “technical-expert”.
•    Always (not only often) seeing new ways to run the business, seeing the long-term picture
•    Special projects and balances workload through appropriate delegation
•    Demonstrate confidence in self and builds confidence in others.
•    Showing tact in apportioning accountability

              To some managers, the individual’s placement on their compensation
              range was a key factor in evaluating whether this type of action and
              behavior culminated in a meets or exceeds rating.

Examples of behaviors that resulted in Below Meets Expectation



                                                         30%                    20%

                                                               PME    Meets   Exceeds   Exceptional

•  Shows consistent negative behaviour to new ideas without exploring the merits
     or assumptions
•    Communicates in a “silo” mentality
•    Negative attitude
•    Did not induce or initiate an improvement change in the absence of a top-down
     change project
•    Doesn’t carry the load that peer groups have done or achieved.
•    70% of the scope and responsibility is comparable to a lower level position.
     Specifically, the employee hasn’t elevated the role significantly to be comparable
     to the expected outcomes of the position.
•    Comments like: “it’s not part of my task” / “not in my job scope”

Once leaders discuss how they arrived at a Solid rating or
  an Exceeds rating, they started adjusting their own
     calibration points on a performance standard.

Inevitably, ratings then get adjusted upwards or downwards

     Profile: / Blog:
Reactions and Approaches to the those with lower performance ratings
Potential reactions       Description                                          Recommended Response

Disbelief                 “I don’t believe it.” ; “This can’t be happening.”   Confirm that it is happening.

Heightened Anxiety        Concerned about stigma and their future              Don’t rescue; Acknowledge feeling
                                                                               Don’t debate the “whys”; Regular feedback
Anger / Mistrust in the   “Why me?”                                            Don’t rescue; Don’t debate the “whys”; Acknowledge
System                    “Shouldn’t that person be there before me?”          feeling

Reduced Self-             Experience a “knock” in their self-esteem after      Acknowledge feeling; Don’t rescue; Build confidence
Confidence                hearing their rating
Depression                A more sever form of reduced self-confidence         Do NOT avoid the employee in hallway interactions or
                          Solemn silence and / or noticeable stressful non-    meetings,
                          verbal behaviour                                     Engage the employee in all possible situations to make
                                                                               them an important part of a decision or outcome.
                                                                               Recommend the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Sick and Disability       In more severe cases, it can be expected that        Respect the disability management guidelines,
                          employees could “call in sick” as a result of the    Schedule many face-to-face time
                          anxiety associated with the rating
                                                                               Re-build their confidence
Relief                    Most people suspect something is “in the wind”.      Respond with empathy and follow up with strong
                                                                               support to make things better.
                                                                               Always close off with “I’m here in case you need to talk”.
Acceptance                How do I fix this and change the situation?          Coach / develop

What’s Next?              Help me get through this quickly                     Coach / develop

Here is what to do if you find yourself at the BOTTOM of the
                                                    performance ratings

•  Perception is reality.
•  Partner with your leader to change Your situation.
•  Acknowledgement gets collaboration.
•  Get to know how you are being perceived.
•  Surface assumptions about actions and perceptions.
•  Get to know what others are doing relatively well.
•  Is the role and / or environment right for you?
•  Plan for a “come back”.
•  Build an action plan to over deliver.

Here is what to do if you find yourself at the TOP of the performance

•  Show humility
•  Share your learning and experiences with others
•  Build confidence in others
•  Set higher standards for yourself
•  Mentor / coach those at entry level positions
•  Consistently re-invent yourself

•  Begin the process for cascading corporate and business
   unit objectives, targets and metrics
•  Conduct goal setting calibration discussions just like you
   did with performance ratings
•  Establish what a “meets” and “exceeds” looks like for
   each goal for every employee relative to their experience
   and position within their compensation range
•  Communicate these to employees with a disclaimer that
   these will be influenced by the relative contribution of
   each employee as well as the changing circumstances
   within the performance year

      Profile: / Blog:

            Malcolm Gabriel
            Cell: 734-730-2405

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Calibrating Performance Ratings

  • 2. The following is a summary of various presentations that I designed and delivered across different companies to implement a performance calibration system to sustain high performance. Embedded images were purchased from Fotosearch
  • 3. The stock market evaluates a company’s performance relative to its competitors
  • 4. Company Performance is Relative •  Even if Company B exceeded its EBIT targets, there is still an overall industry ranking as to which companies have outperformed others. •  Once ranked, the market rewards top performing companies through share price appreciation. •  Relativity induces action to exceed market expectations Company A Company B
  • 5. Evidence of High Performance Cultures What is a High Performance Culture? Why strive to be a high performance A system of beliefs and values centered on culture? continuously creating break-through We need transformational change, not just performance. incremental improvement. Leverage the energy and benchmark of the top performers to drive up the performance of the rest of the organization. What does it look like? §  High performance cultures distinguishably Create the environment for employees to be and achieve more than they can imagine. identify, recognize and reward top performers §  Expectations of performance and leadership are continuously raised for everyone §  Lower performers are identified and proactively managed §  New “talent” replaces low performers §  High sense of accountability for outcome §  Rate of learning is exponential
  • 6. High Performance Cultures sets the benchmark “relative” to others and distinguishably rewards the top performers
  • 7. The relative standard becomes the benchmark New system Revisit Objectives: Objective: Produce 10 introduced Produce 12 Downsizing Average Team Production: widgets by December by December. 14 widgets January June December Capital budget Someone found a way to The relative standard becomes cuts improve their process the benchmark even if performance exceeded the original target. .
  • 8. High Performance distributions distinguishably reward their Top Performers 60% 60% 50% Distinguishably rewarding top 40% performers in a fixed envelope 30% 20% 15% requires a very aggressive 20% 5% distribution 10% 0% Below Meets Meets Exceeds Top % Bonus % Bonus % Bonus % Bonus Payout Payout Payout Payout #% of Combined Annual Base Salary Otherwise, why Fixed bonus envelope bother? Motivation = Reward > Effort relative to other’s rewards for their efforts.
  • 9. Some challenges •  Distribution level •  The size of the evaluation pool •  Including exits throughout the year •  New promotes •  Stigma attached to “fit” •  Downsizing and the bottom ratings •  Exit and renewal •  Timing of evaluations
  • 10. Evolving expectations in an ever evolving performance year Don’t become a pinball! In an ever changing environment, continuously clarify the deliverable and the expectation of performance. Expectations of EP Performance Performance Rating = D > EofP D Deliverables “show me how you measure me and I’ll tell you how I’ll behave?” – Eli Goldratt
  • 11. Performance rating calibration meetings are necessary to identify the relative benchmark in an ever evolving performance environment
  • 12. Calibrating on the relative performance benchmark is necessary because: •  Employees generally: •  have visibility to each others’ contributions and overall effectiveness •  share their performance ratings •  are very aware of which environments are more difficult than others to achieve results •  are aware of windfall environments that could have affected results •  are acutely aware of which are “favorites” •  Assigning performance ratings that are incongruent with real achievement has a profoundly negative effect on employee morale and aligning their energy to the desired behaviors •  Getting to a common understanding of “real achievement” is the toughest and most necessary part of the performance evaluation calibration discussions Profile: / Blog:
  • 13. Performance rating calibrations r o Toni May Calibrating Performance Experience expectations Environment Impact Role What is: • Exceeds Expectation? • Meets Expectation? • Partially Meets? Performance for a “Meets” Individual Expectations of 11.5 Nikita Slobodkin Developing a “Shared Understanding” of “Meets” 11 Toni Mayor for a specific position e.g. 10 widgets by December 10 Michael Coulson 9 Jack Nicholson
  • 14. Performance rating calibrations – differentiating performance Before the roundtable: •  Complete individual evaluations of performance and leadership. •  Evaluate performance against objectives, expectations of performance and peers. •  Prepare documents with concrete examples, citing the context, environment, experience and impact of the performance. At the roundtable: •  Discuss process and ground rules for giving input into each others ratings distributions and employee appraisals •  Establish a common understanding of the reasons for the emerging benchmark •  Balance performance ratings to target distribution After the roundtable: •  Rollup and consolidation of performance ratings across different departments or business units in the organization •  Communicate performance rating after approval of distribution •  Initiate development plans or performance improvement plans for the bottom performers •  Begin objective setting planning for the following year
  • 15. At the performance rating calibration, be ready for “Why?”: 9-­‐B loc k  G rid P erformanc e  R ating  &  L eaders hip  C ompetenc y  R ating 5 7 8 9 Key Questions E X C •  Will the rating be a surprise to E E D peers and other managers? S •  Will the “exceeds” rating on an objective be a surprise to 4 Performance Rating (Y) 4 5 6 M customers and internal clients? •  Is the “exceeds” rating on an E E T objective affected by a “windfall”? 2.5 •  Was the result really a result of E X 1 2 3 their individual effort? P N E O C T T A M T E I T I O N 1 2.5 4 5 DEVELOPMENT NEET PROFICIENT STRENGTH Leadership Competency Rating (X) A 9-block grid is common across many companies and In some companies the x-axis may denote “potential” or industries and reflects the triangulation of an individual’s “runway” and involves an assessment of an individual’s achievement of results and demonstration of certain potential to develop and grow into high levels in the leadership traits. The leadership competencies will vary by organization. company based on the cultural emphasis.
  • 16. Performance rating calibrations Performance Did Not Meets Meets Exceeds Is Richard Nixon’s performance better 1. Elvis Presley (MG) 1. Anne-Marie Slobodkin (QR) Strong than Charles Bronson N/A (MG)? 2. Richard Nixon (FA) 2. James T. Sullivan (QR) 3. Michael Wazalski (FA) 1. Mary-Jane Lewis (MG) 1. Charles Bronson (MG) 1. Bruce Nick (MG) 2. James T. Kirk (FA) 2. Maryln Munroe (FA) 2. Catherine Callaway (QR) Leadership Proficient 3. Roger B. Ellis (QR) 3. Jean-Luck Picard (FA) 4. Richard Snider (QR) 5. Chris Lee (QR) Is Christine Tucker’s performance better than 6. Christine Tucker (MG) Michael Jackson (MG)? Jackie Welchen (QR) 1. Michael Jackson (MG) Development 2. John Doe Needs 3. Jane Smith * Names are fictitious
  • 17. Performance rating calibration Deparment A Department B 58% 74% 80% 60% 39% 60% 40% 40% 9% 13% 20% 3% 20% 4% 0% 0% 0% Needs Improvement Solid Performer Strong Performer Top Performer Needs Improvement Solid Performer Strong Performer Top Performer Department C Department D 71% 80% 80% 62% 60% 60% 32% 40% 21% 40% 20% 7% 6% 0% 20% 0% 0% 0% Needs Solid Performer Strong Performer Top Performer Improvement Needs Improvement Solid Performer Strong Performer Top Performer How do the distributions compare between departments?
  • 18. Avoiding pitfalls in evaluating high performance
  • 19. Avoiding pitfalls in evaluating high performance Evaluating the role; not Rating employees favorably because they are in critical roles rather than the employee rating their performance or leadership attributes within the critical role Ranking for downsizing Ranking employees for downsizing rather than ranking employees for their overall end of year performance rating Not clearly Not rating at employee Needs Development on leadership or performance distinguishing b/w relative to peers because the employee received an Exceeds rating on performance and performance or leadership relative to peers leadership Defaulting a rating Automatically ranking a new hire or promotion as a Needs Development based on time in role Ranking based on Focus on the most recent examples of behaviour or performance rather recent incident than the entire performance management cycle Ranking based on one Base the evaluation on one incident, good or bad incident
  • 20. Surface examples in the performance rating calibration meeting that distinguishes top, solid and lower performers
  • 21. Examples of behaviors that resulted in a “Meets” rating 60% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 15% 20% 5% 10% 0% PME Meets Exceeds Exceptional •  Self-induced journey outside of “comfort” zone. •  Initiating ideas and driving them through to completion. •  Complete a job even if it is not within their accountability. •  Meet all their objectives within an acceptable range of the performance metrics, and is exceeding some of their stated objectives and relative to their peers •  Embrace change, speaking positively, and presents mitigation strategies along with risks. •  Entrepreneurial and have or work with for-profit and / or not-for-profit organizations on a part-time basis, and show this entrepreneurial flair inside Bell through their ideas and execution. •  New promotes also shined as solid contributors often inspiring confidence from others who normally react with surprise that the employee is a new promote •  Contribute ideas across functional expertise, but they also make cross-link connections for others. •  Eloquently connect technical and global view and make cross-domain link connections •  Ensured that there were “no surprises” on budget items. •  Good management practices, and above average employee engagement scores To some managers this was described as “meets” while to others this was described as “exceeds” or “exceptional”.
  • 22. Examples of behaviors that resulted in Exceed Expectations 60% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 15% 20% 5% 10% 0% PME Meets Exceeds Exceptional •  Excel at cross-functional linkages, often gaining commitment from other business partners to propose items previously not supported •  “end-to-end” accountability and ensure mutual understanding •  Winning mindset, collaborating, showing linkages, •  Inspiring commitment, in new and ambiguous situations with no predetermined procedures •  “win over” critics by collaborating “behind the scenes” to iron-out assumptions •  Demonstrate interpersonal tact and charming influence in high politically sensitive projects •  Perceived by peers as “business-focused”, yet perceived by clients as the “technical-expert”. •  Always (not only often) seeing new ways to run the business, seeing the long-term picture •  Special projects and balances workload through appropriate delegation •  Demonstrate confidence in self and builds confidence in others. •  Showing tact in apportioning accountability To some managers, the individual’s placement on their compensation range was a key factor in evaluating whether this type of action and behavior culminated in a meets or exceeds rating.
  • 23. Examples of behaviors that resulted in Below Meets Expectation 60% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 15% 20% 5% 10% 0% PME Meets Exceeds Exceptional •  Shows consistent negative behaviour to new ideas without exploring the merits or assumptions •  Communicates in a “silo” mentality •  Negative attitude •  Did not induce or initiate an improvement change in the absence of a top-down change project •  Doesn’t carry the load that peer groups have done or achieved. •  70% of the scope and responsibility is comparable to a lower level position. Specifically, the employee hasn’t elevated the role significantly to be comparable to the expected outcomes of the position. •  Comments like: “it’s not part of my task” / “not in my job scope”
  • 24. Once leaders discuss how they arrived at a Solid rating or an Exceeds rating, they started adjusting their own calibration points on a performance standard. Inevitably, ratings then get adjusted upwards or downwards Profile: / Blog:
  • 25. Reactions and Approaches to the those with lower performance ratings Potential reactions Description Recommended Response Disbelief “I don’t believe it.” ; “This can’t be happening.” Confirm that it is happening. Heightened Anxiety Concerned about stigma and their future Don’t rescue; Acknowledge feeling Don’t debate the “whys”; Regular feedback Anger / Mistrust in the “Why me?” Don’t rescue; Don’t debate the “whys”; Acknowledge System “Shouldn’t that person be there before me?” feeling Reduced Self- Experience a “knock” in their self-esteem after Acknowledge feeling; Don’t rescue; Build confidence Confidence hearing their rating Depression A more sever form of reduced self-confidence Do NOT avoid the employee in hallway interactions or Solemn silence and / or noticeable stressful non- meetings, verbal behaviour Engage the employee in all possible situations to make them an important part of a decision or outcome. Recommend the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Sick and Disability In more severe cases, it can be expected that Respect the disability management guidelines, employees could “call in sick” as a result of the Schedule many face-to-face time anxiety associated with the rating Re-build their confidence Relief Most people suspect something is “in the wind”. Respond with empathy and follow up with strong support to make things better. Always close off with “I’m here in case you need to talk”. Acceptance How do I fix this and change the situation? Coach / develop What’s Next? Help me get through this quickly Coach / develop
  • 26. Here is what to do if you find yourself at the BOTTOM of the performance ratings •  Perception is reality. •  Partner with your leader to change Your situation. •  Acknowledgement gets collaboration. •  Get to know how you are being perceived. •  Surface assumptions about actions and perceptions. •  Get to know what others are doing relatively well. •  Is the role and / or environment right for you? •  Plan for a “come back”. •  Build an action plan to over deliver.
  • 27. Here is what to do if you find yourself at the TOP of the performance ratings •  Show humility •  Share your learning and experiences with others •  Build confidence in others •  Set higher standards for yourself •  Mentor / coach those at entry level positions •  Consistently re-invent yourself
  • 28. Next…. •  Begin the process for cascading corporate and business unit objectives, targets and metrics •  Conduct goal setting calibration discussions just like you did with performance ratings •  Establish what a “meets” and “exceeds” looks like for each goal for every employee relative to their experience and position within their compensation range •  Communicate these to employees with a disclaimer that these will be influenced by the relative contribution of each employee as well as the changing circumstances within the performance year Profile: / Blog: