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 Introduction
 Epidemiology of hernia
 Anatomy of the inguinal region
 Hernia classification and risk factors
 Management
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 Hernia is defined as an area of weakness or
complete disruption of the fibro muscular tissues
of the body wall
 Structures arising from the cavity contained by the
body wall can pass through, or herniate, through
such a defect
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 75% of abdominal wall hernia are found in the
 95% of all groin hernia are inguinal hernias the
remaining being femoral hernia
 Inguinal hernia ..9 times common in males
than women
 Femoral hernias are common in female, still the
most common hernia in women is inguinal hernia
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 Common age ..infants <1yr and
 800,000 operation for inguinal hernia annually
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 Congenital Vs
 Indirect Vs
 Femoral hernia
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 Direct
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 Congenital or Acquired diseases
 Risk factors are likely multi-factorial, the common
denominator being a weakness in the abdominal wall
 Repeated increases in intraabdominal
 Pregnancy
 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
 Ascites
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 Smoking
 Birth weight <1500 g
 Family history of a hernia
 Upright position
 Congenital connective tissue disorders
 Defective collagen synthesis
 Previous right lower quadrant incision
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 Heavy lifting
 Physical exertion (?)
 presence of a PPV
 prolonged standing
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 Older age
 Male sex
 Caucasian race
 History of abdominal aortic aneurysm
 Abdominal wall injury
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— congenital defect or is acquired.
 Congenital hernia — due to failure
of the processus vaginalis to close
Acquired hernia — due to a
weakening or disruption of the
fibromuscular tissues of the body wall.
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Anatomic location
— simplest and most useful system
1) inguinal hernias
indirect inguinal
direct inguinal hernias
2)femoral hernias.
Indirect inguinal hernia — most common in
males and females. protrude at the internal
inguinal ring.
Most indirect inguinal hernias in adults are
Direct inguinal hernia — protrude medial to
the inferior epigastric vessels within
Hesselbach's triangle
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Inguinal hernia
Herniation of intra abdominal contents through
inguinal canal in the groin .
 Groin Hernias= 75% of abdominal wall hernias .
◦ Indirect IH= 2/3 > Direct IH=1/3
 Occurring at any age
 M>F 20:1
◦ Incidence of inguinal hernias in males has a bimodal
distribution with peaks
 before 1 year of age and
 then again after age 40.
 The lifetime risk of developing an inguinal hernia
 Unilateral inguinal hernia RT>LT
gkg 14
 Inguinal hernias may be considered
◦ congenital or
◦ acquired diseases.
 the risk factors are likely multi
factorial, the common denominator
being a weakness in the abdominal
wall musculature
gkg 15
 Congenital hernias, which make up the
majority of pediatric hernias,
◦ Failure of the peritoneum to close results in
a patent processus vaginalis (PPV)
 high incidence of indirect inguinal hernias in
preterm babies.
 It should be noted that the processus vaginalis
continues to close as the child ages, with most
closing within the first few months of life.
 Children with congenital indirect inguinal hernias
will present with a PPV;
 however, its presence does not necessarily
indicate an inguinal hernia
gkg 16
Causes of Groin Herniation
Smoking – results in acquired
collagen deficiency
 Obesity - Fat acts to separate muscle
bundles & layers, weakens aponeurosis
gkg 17
Multiparous - owing to stretching
of the pelvic ligaments
Previous right lower quadrant incision
 ilio ing n inj in appendectomy
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Anatomy of inguinal canal
inguinal canal is an opening in the
lower abdomen through which scrotal
contents pass.
it is 3.75 cm(4-6) long
Shaped like a cone (baseapex)
directed downwards and medially from
the deep to the superficial inguinal
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 deep inguinal ring
◦ =U-shaped opening by condensation of
the transversalis fascia 1.25 cm above
the mid point of the inguinal ligament
 superficial inguinal ring
 a triangular opening in the external
oblique aponeurosis 1.25 cm above the
pubic tubercle.
bound: med & lat=crura of eoa
inf= pubic crest
gkg 20
*Boundaries of the inguinal canal
  anteriorly = external oblique aponeurosis
with the conjoined muscle (internal oblique
and transversus abdominus muscles) laterally.
  posteriorly the floor of the inguinal canal =
fascia transversalis and the conjoined
tendon (internal oblique and transversus
abdominus) medially.
 superiorly = arched fibers of conjoined
 inferiorly = inguinal ligament
gkg 21
gkg 22
Linea alba
Rectus abdominis mus
Internal oblique muscle
Anterior superior iliac spine
Aponeurotic portion of
internal oblique
Aponeurotic portion
of external oblique
(cut edge)
Inguinal ligament
gkg 23
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the
Femoral and genital branch
of genitofemoral nerve
Lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve of the thigh
Transversus abdominis
Internal oblique mus
External oblique mus
Transversalis fascia
Inferior epigastric vessels
Conjoined tendon
Cremasteric muscle
Femoral vessels
* contents of inguinal canal
In male= spermatic cord, the ilio-
inguinal nerve & the genital branch of the
genitofemoral nerve. Reminants of
process vaginalis
 The spermatic cord consists of 3 aa,3vv,2nn,
pampiniform venous plexus anteriorly and the
vas deferens posteriorly, with connective tissue
and remnant of the processus vaginalis between.
 The cord is then enveloped in layers of spermatic
In female= the round ligament
replaces the spermatic cord
gkg 25
Defense mechanism=factors protecting
inguinal hernia
1.obliquity of inguinal canal
2.during straining & cough ,conjoined tendon
3.Increased intra abdominal pressure produce
plugging effect on ext ring ,deep ring is pulled
up & laterally by transversalis m(ball valve
gkg 26
1. Indirect (oblique) inguinal
An indirect hernia
most common in the
young, whereas a
direct hernia is most
common in the old.
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gkg 28
 It may be due to persistent pv (CONG)
or acquired.
 Type
1. complete/scrotal =up to root of
2.funnicular =pv patent up to roof of
3.bubonocele =pv patent in inguinal
region/canal only
gkg 29
Contents can be:
◦ Omentum = omentocele (synonym:
◦ Intestine = enterocele; more commonly small
bowel but may be large intestine or appendix;
◦ a portion of the circumference of the intestine
= Richter’s hernia;
◦ a portion of the bladder (or a diverticulum) may
constitute part of or be the sole content of a
direct inguinal, a sliding inguinal or a femoral
◦ ovary with or without the corresponding
fallopian tube;
◦ a Meckel’s diverticulum = Littre’s hernia;
gkg 30
2. Direct inguinal hernia (DIH)
In adult males, 35% of inguinal hernias are
A direct hernia comes out directly forwards
through the posterior wall of the inguinal
canal, it is due to weakness of posterior
Through hesselbachs triangle
=weakness in post wall of ing canal bord of rectus
abdominis epigast a
gkg 31
gkg 32
Inguinal ligament
Iliopubic tract
Inferior epigastric vessels
Cremasteric muscle
Deep inguinal ring
Anterior superior iliac spine
Inguinal triangle, si
of direct hernia
 In contrast to an indirect inguinal
hernia, a direct inguinal hernia lies
behind the spermatic cord.
 The sac is often smaller than the
hernial mass would indicate, the
protruding mass mainly consisting of
extraperitoneal fat.
 Direct hernias do not often attain a
large size or descend into the scrotum
 As the neck of the sac is wide, direct
inguinal hernias do not often
gkg 33
Is always acquired
Often the patient has poor lower
abdominal musculature, as shown
by the presence of elongated
bulgings (Malgaigne’s bulges).
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Different types of DIH
◦ Oglive h, Funicular direct inguinal hernia
(synonym: prevesical hernia)
 This is a narrow-necked hernia with prevesical fat
and a portion of the bladder that occurs through a
small oval defect in the medial part of the
conjoined tendon just above the pubic tubercle.
 elderly men and occasionally becomes
 operation should always be advised.
◦ Dual (synonym: saddle-bag, pantaloon)
 two sacs that straddle the inferi- or epigastric
gkg 36
c/f of inguinal hernia
Asymptomatic :diagnosed incidentally
Patients who present with a symptomatic
frequently present with
Swelling * swelling on the groin, gradually
increasing, usually reducible
groin pain.= pressure onto nerves , leading
to a range of symptoms:
• Pressure or heaviness , dragging sensation ,
Sharp pains (indicate an impinged nerve),
neurogenic pains may be referred to the scrotum,
testicle, or inner thigh.
 Less commonly, extrainguinal symptoms
such as change in bowel habits or urinary
gkg 37
Examn of inguino scrotal mass
 Inspection
1. bulge in the groin = seen during standing/
 Ask to stand look for bulging, hernia pops out
 if no bulge- ask to cough or bear down
(i.e.,Valsalva's maneuver) to protrude the
hernia contents.
2. If already visible swelling
 visible cough impulsatile test
  check if it comes from above ing lig
3. MASS= shape location, uni/bilat
4. Skin= redness, edema, scar, discoloration
5. Visible peristalisis
gkg 38
 palpation
1. Characterise the mass:
measure size
 Soft & elastic= enterocele:
 Firm & doughy= omentocele
 Tense & tender= strangulated h:
 Bag of worms =varicocele
2. Expansile Cough impulse test
3. Palpate cord structures
if hernia cord cant be palpated with out
the mass
if scrotal mass cord can be palpated
separately/going above the mass
4. Check reducibility- ask to reduce
5. Internal ring oclusion test
6. Finger invagination test
7. relation with pubic tubercle
8. 3 finger test
gkg 39
To diff scrotal or
To diff DIH/IIH/FH
 Auscultate
 Examine opposite side
gkg 40
 Intra operatively differentiating
A direct hernia comes out directly
forwards through the posterior wall of the
inguinal canal, IIH comes through internal
the neck of the indirect hernia is lateral to
the inferior epigastric vessels, the direct
hernia usually emerges medial to this
except in the saddle-bag or pantaloon type,
which has both a lateral and a medial
gkg 41
An indirect hernia sac will generally be found
on the anterolateral surface of the spermatic
Direct hernias sac will behind the spermatic
the relation of the neck of the sac to the medial
end of the inguinal ligament and the pubic
i.e. in the case of an inguinal hernia the
neck is above and medial,
whereas that of a femoral hernia is below
and lateral 9/6/2022 42
gkg 43
 The diagnosis is ambiguous;
radiologic investigation may provide
the answer.
gkg 44
DDx of inguinal hernias
in the male
1. hydrocele
2. spermatocele
 Spermatoceles are cystic masses that arise from the caput
of the epididymis;
thus, they are always located superior to the testis and
are palpated distinct from the testis, thereby differentiating
them from hydroceles
 The distinction between a spermatocele and an epididymal
cyst is mainly one of size; epididymal cystic masses that are
larger than 2 cm are usually called spermatoceles.
3. femoral hernia
4. incompletely descended testis in the
inguinal canal
5. lipoma of the cord
6. varicocele
gkg 45
DDx of inguinal hernias
in the female
1. hydrocele of the canal of Nuck
2. femoral hernia
3.funiculitis, lymphadenitis
gkg 46
 Malignancy
◦ Retroperitoneal sarcoma
◦ Metastasis
Testicular tumor
 Primary testicular
◦ Epididymitis
◦ Testicular torsion
◦ Hydrocele
◦ Ectopic testicle
◦ Undescended testicle
 Femoral artery
aneurysm or
 Lymph node
 Sebaceous cyst
 Hidradenitis Cyst of the
canal of Nuck (female)
 Saphenous varix
Disappear on lying
 Psoas abscess is
 Hematoma
 Ascites
gkg 47
Treatment of inguinal
2.Laparoscopic repairs
gkg 48
Treatment of inguinal
1= herniotomy
excision of the hernial sac
By itself it is sufficient for the treatment of
hernia in
infants, adolescents and young adults- 14-16yrs/children
gkg 49
2= Herniorrhaphy=
Herniotomy and repair (herniorrhaphy)
consists of:
(1) excision of the hernial sac; plus [ I.e
 (2) repair of the stretched internal inguinal ring
and the transversalis fascia; and
(3) further reinforcement of the posterior wall of
the inguinal canal.
indn=d/I h with good m tone
gkg 50
* bassinis herniorrhaphy
Herniotomy with approximation of post
wall(suturing congoind tendon with inguinal
*shouldice herniorrhaphy
3 step
1st lower & upper flaps of transversalis
fascia sutured 2nd conjoined tendon sutured
with inguinal lig
3rd upper flap of external oblique
sutured with inguinal ligament
gkg 51
 3. hernioplasty=
◦ strengthening post wall of ing canal
◦ Indn=i/d h with good m tone/weak m
=recurrent h
◦ *Lichenstine repair =strengthening post wall
by proline meesh
◦ *Prolene daring =sutuiring ing lig w cong
tend in criss cross manner
gkg 52
Femoral hernia
Definition: Protrusion of abdominal
contents through femoral canal
 F>M: It accounts for about 20% of hernias in
women and 5 % in men.
◦ NB: The most common type of groin hernia in
females is the indirect inguinal hernia.
of all hernias it is the most liable to
become strangulated because of the
narrowness of the neck of the sac and
the rigidity of the femoral ring.
gkg 53
Anatomy of femoral canal
◦ *femoral canal occupies the medial
compartment of the femoral sheath
◦ ant continuation of facia transversalis
post=of facia lata
◦ The canal is shaped like a cone pointed
◦ it extends from the femoral ring above to the
saphenous opening below (the fossa ovalis;
the opening of the fascia latte for the great
saphenous vein.)
◦ It is 1.25 cm long and 1.25 cm wide at its
◦ *contents of femoral canal= fat, lymphatic
gkg 54
 *The femoral ring is bounded:
anteriorly by the inguinal ligament;
posteriorly by Astley Cooper’s
(iliopectineal) ligament, the pubic bone
and the fascia over the pectineus muscle;
medially by the concave knife-like edge
of Gimbernat’s (lacunar) ligament, which
is also prolonged along the iliopectineal
line, as Astley Cooper’s ligament;
laterally by a thin septum separating it
from the femoral vein-silver fascia
gkg 55
 Femoral sheath contents
1.Femoral Canal
gkg 56
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the
Femoral and genital branch
of genitofemoral nerve
Lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve of the thigh
fig. Femoral sheath with femoral hernia
through the femoral canal
gkg 57
gkg 58
◦ never congenital
◦–wide femoral canal
gkg 59
Clinical features of femoral
*F/M 2:1
female patients are frequently elderly, male
patients are usually between 30 and 45 years
of age.
* rt side >lt
The right side is affected twice as often as the
left and in 20% of cases the condition is
* more prevalent in multiparous women
* less pronounced symptoms: may have
dragging pain
gkg 60
DDX of femoral hernia
 1. inguinal hernia
◦ The neck of the sac lies above and medial to the medial
end of the inguinal ligament at its attachment to the
pubic tubercle. The neck of the sac of a femoral hernia
lies below this
 2. saphena varix=
saccular enlargement of the termination of the long
saphenous vein , usually accompanied by other signs of
varicose veins.
The swelling disappears completely when the patient
lies flat whereas a femoral hernia sac is usually still
In both, there is an impulse on coughing.
A saphena varix will, however, impart a fluid thrill to the
examining fingers when the patient coughs or when the
saphenous vein below the varix is tapped with the
fingers of the other hand.
Sometimes a venous hum can be heard when a
stethoscope is applied over a saphena varix.
gkg 61
3.enlarged femoral lymph node
4. Lipoma.
5. femoral artery aneurysm
6. psoas abscess = fluctuating swelling
◦ There is often a fluctuating swelling – an iliac
abscess – which communicates with the
swelling in question. If suspected, an
examination of the spine and a radiograph will
confirm the diagnosis.
7. distended psoas bursa.
◦ The swelling diminishes when the hip is flexed
and osteoarthritis of the hip is present.
8. Rupture of the adductor longus with
haematoma formation. Suspected on
clinical history gkg 62
Different types of fh
 Hydrocele of a femoral hernial sac
◦ The neck of the sac becomes plugged with omentum
or by adhesions and a hydrocele of the sac results.
 Laugier’s femoral hernia
◦ This is a hernia through a gap in the lacunar
(Gimbernat’s) ligament. The diagnosis is based on the
unusual medial position of a small femoral hernia sac.
The hernia has nearly always strangulated
 Narath’s femoral hernia
◦ This occurs only in patients with congenital dislocation
of the hip and is the result of lateral displacement of
the psoas muscle. The hernia lies hidden behind the
femoral vessels.
 Cloquet’s hernia
◦ Cloquet’s hernia is one in which the sac lies under the
fascia covering the pectineus muscle. Strangulation is
likely. The sac may coexist with the usual type of
femoral hernia sac.
gkg 63
The constant risk of strangulation is
sufficient reason to recommend
Operative treatment
◦ the low operation (Lockwood)
◦ the high operation (McEvedy)
◦ the inguinal operation (Lotheissen)
gkg 64
Reducible – contents can be returned to
Irreducible – contents cannot be returned but
there are no
Irreducible hernias – there is a risk of
strangulation at any time
when bowel inside the hernia gets
obstructed. bowel in the hernia has good
blood supply
Obstructed hernias – usually go on to
gkg 65
 Incarcerated hernia
is often used loosely as an alternative
to obstruction or strangulation but is
correctly employed only when it is
considered that the lumen of that
portion of the colon occupying a
hernial sac is blocked with faeces.
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when blood supply to the hernial content
gets obstructed/decreased.
4.Involvement of the hernia sac in
disease process
Inflamed – contents of sac have
become inflamed
a) inflammation ,peritonitis, acute
b) Cancer
5.Rupture of the hernia
6.Testicular strangulation
gkg 67
Strangulated inguinal hernia
◦ blood supply of its contents is seriously
impaired, rendering the contents ischaemic.
Gangrene may occur as early as 5–6 hours
after the onset of the first symptoms.
◦ Although inguinal hernia may be 10 times
more common than femoral hernia, a femoral
hernia is more likely to strangulate because of
the narrowness of the neck and its rigid
gkg 68
◦ Indirect inguinal hernias strangulate more
commonly, the direct variety not so often
because of the wide neck of the sac.
◦ In order of frequency, the constricting agent
 (1) the neck of the sac; (2) the external inguinal
ring in children; and (3) adhesions within the
sac (rarely).
◦ Usually the small intestine is involved in the
strangulation, with the next most frequent
being the omentum; sometimes both are
involved. It is rare for the large intestine to
become strangulated in an inguinal hernia,
even when the hernia is of the sliding variety
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 Clinical features
◦ Sudden pain, at first situated over the hernia, is
followed by generalised abdominal pain, colicky in
character and often located mainly at the umbilicus.
◦ Nausea and subsequently vomiting ensue.
◦ The patient may complain of an increase in hernia
 On examination
◦ the hernia is tense,
◦ extremely tender and
◦ irreducible, and
◦ there is no expansile cough impulse.
 Unless the strangulation is relieved by
operation, the spasms of pain continue until
peristaltic contractions cease with the onset of
ischaemia, when paralytic ileus (often the result
of peritonitis) and septicaemia develop.
◦ Spontaneous cessation of pain must be viewed
with caution, as this may be a sign of perforation
gkg 70
 Preoperative treatment of strangulated
inguinal hernias
◦ ■ Resuscitate with adequate fluids
◦ ■ Empty stomach with nasogastric tube
◦ ■ Give antibiotics to contain infection
◦ ■ Catheterise to monitor haemodynamic
 Do herrniorrhaphy
gkg 71
Femoral hernia — located
inferior to the inguinal ligament
and protrude through the femoral
ring, which is medial to the
femoral sheath which contains
femoral nerve, femoral artery, and
femoral vein.
least common type of hernia, 40
percent present as emergencies
with incarceration or strangulation
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 Most are asymptomatic
 Common presenting symptom
 dull feeling of discomfort or heaviness in the groin
region that is exacerbated by straining the
abdominal musculature
 Pain…incarceration, strangulation
 Bowel obstruction, urinary compliant
 Duration, progress, reducibility
 Underlying risk factor
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 Ideally in standing position
 Incarcerated hernia
 Mild tenderness
 Strangulated
◦ Tender , warm, may have surrounding skin
◦ Fever, hypotention, leukocytosis
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Abdominal Ultrasound
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 In males the DDx includes:
• vaginal hydrocele
• encysted hydrocele of the cord
• spermatocele
• femoral hernia
• incompletely descended testis
• lipoma of the cord
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 Reducible – contents can be returned to abdomen
 Irreducible – contents cannot be returned but there
are no other complications
 Obstructed – bowel in the hernia has good blood
supply but bowel is obstructed
 Strangulated – blood supply of bowel is obstructed
 Inflamed – contents of sac have become inflamed
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 The treatment of all hernias, regardless of their
location or type, is surgical repair
 Goal
◦ Alleviate symptoms to prevent complication
 Risk of incarceration of a hernia is greatest soon
after the hernia manifests itself
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 Surgery can be delayed or avoided in situations
where the patient's medical status prohibits
operative treatment
 It is aimed at alleviating symptoms
 recumbent position
 Truss(relief in up to 65% of patients)
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 The indications for emergent inguinal hernia
repair are:
 Incarcerated
 Strangulated inguinal hernias,
 Sliding hernias
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 Definition
◦ Abdominal hernia is the protrusion of
peritoneum with its contents through an
abnormal opening in the abdominal wall.
◦ Tissue or organs may protrude through this
◦ Also called ventral hernias
gkg 81
 Types of abdominal hernias depending on
their site
1.groin hernias (75%)
2.Umblical hernia
 3.Para-umblical hernia
4.Epigastric hernia
5.Incisional hernia
gkg 82
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 common finding is a mass or bulge on the anterior
abdominal wall, which may increase in size with a
Valsalva maneuver
 Physical examination
 bulge on the anterior abdominal wall that may
reduce spontaneously, with recumbency, or
with manual pressure
 Incarceration
 strangulated, and perforation
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 Occur at the umbilical ring and may either be
present at birth or develop gradually
 10 percent of all newborns
 Are more common in premature infants
 Most congenital umbilical hernias close
spontaneously by age 5 years
 Greater in African-American children
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 Occurs in the midline between the xiphoid process
and the umbilicus
 Contents – preperitoneal fat, omentum ,portion of
falciform ligament
 Commonly small, multiple
 complain of vague abdominal pain above the
umbilicus that is exacerbated with standing or
coughing and relieved in the supine position
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 Incisional hernia and can be regarded as a wound
healing failure
 primary wound healing defects
 Obesity
 multiple prior procedures
 prior incisional hernias
 technical errors during repair
 Surgical management:
◦ primary vs mesh
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  • 2. OUTLINE  Introduction  Epidemiology of hernia  Anatomy of the inguinal region  Hernia classification and risk factors  Management 9/6/2022 2 gkg
  • 3. INTRODUCTION  Hernia is defined as an area of weakness or complete disruption of the fibro muscular tissues of the body wall  Structures arising from the cavity contained by the body wall can pass through, or herniate, through such a defect 9/6/2022 3 gkg
  • 4. EPIDEMOLOGY  75% of abdominal wall hernia are found in the groin  95% of all groin hernia are inguinal hernias the remaining being femoral hernia  Inguinal hernia ..9 times common in males than women  Femoral hernias are common in female, still the most common hernia in women is inguinal hernia 9/6/2022 4 gkg
  • 5. CONT…  Common age ..infants <1yr and >40yr  800,000 operation for inguinal hernia annually 9/6/2022 5 gkg
  • 6. ANATOMIC CLASSIFICATION  Congenital Vs acquired  Indirect Vs direct  Femoral hernia 9/6/2022 6 gkg
  • 8. ETIOLOGY  Congenital or Acquired diseases  Risk factors are likely multi-factorial, the common denominator being a weakness in the abdominal wall musculature  Repeated increases in intraabdominal pressure  Pregnancy  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,  Ascites 9/6/2022 8 gkg
  • 9. CONT…  Smoking  Birth weight <1500 g  Family history of a hernia  Upright position  Congenital connective tissue disorders  Defective collagen synthesis  Previous right lower quadrant incision 9/6/2022 9 gkg
  • 10. CONT…  Heavy lifting  Physical exertion (?)  presence of a PPV  prolonged standing 9/6/2022 10 gkg
  • 11.  Older age  Male sex  Caucasian race  History of abdominal aortic aneurysm  Abdominal wall injury 9/6/2022 11 gkg
  • 12. CLASSIFICATION AND PATHOGENESIS Etiologically — congenital defect or is acquired.  Congenital hernia — due to failure of the processus vaginalis to close Acquired hernia — due to a weakening or disruption of the fibromuscular tissues of the body wall. 9/6/2022 12 gkg
  • 13. Anatomic location — simplest and most useful system 1) inguinal hernias indirect inguinal direct inguinal hernias 2)femoral hernias. Indirect inguinal hernia — most common in males and females. protrude at the internal inguinal ring. Most indirect inguinal hernias in adults are congenital Direct inguinal hernia — protrude medial to the inferior epigastric vessels within Hesselbach's triangle 9/6/2022 13 gkg
  • 14. Inguinal hernia Herniation of intra abdominal contents through inguinal canal in the groin . INCIDENCE  Groin Hernias= 75% of abdominal wall hernias . ◦ Indirect IH= 2/3 > Direct IH=1/3  Occurring at any age  M>F 20:1 ◦ Incidence of inguinal hernias in males has a bimodal distribution with peaks  before 1 year of age and  then again after age 40.  The lifetime risk of developing an inguinal hernia 24%.  Unilateral inguinal hernia RT>LT gkg 14 9/6/2022
  • 15. Etiology  Inguinal hernias may be considered ◦ congenital or ◦ acquired diseases.  the risk factors are likely multi factorial, the common denominator being a weakness in the abdominal wall musculature gkg 15 9/6/2022
  • 16.  Congenital hernias, which make up the majority of pediatric hernias, ◦ Failure of the peritoneum to close results in a patent processus vaginalis (PPV)  high incidence of indirect inguinal hernias in preterm babies.  It should be noted that the processus vaginalis continues to close as the child ages, with most closing within the first few months of life.  Children with congenital indirect inguinal hernias will present with a PPV;  however, its presence does not necessarily indicate an inguinal hernia gkg 16 9/6/2022
  • 17. Causes of Groin Herniation Smoking – results in acquired collagen deficiency  Obesity - Fat acts to separate muscle bundles & layers, weakens aponeurosis gkg 17 9/6/2022
  • 18. Multiparous - owing to stretching of the pelvic ligaments Previous right lower quadrant incision  ilio ing n inj in appendectomy 9/6/2022 18 gkg
  • 19. Anatomy of inguinal canal inguinal canal is an opening in the lower abdomen through which scrotal contents pass. it is 3.75 cm(4-6) long Shaped like a cone (baseapex) directed downwards and medially from the deep to the superficial inguinal ring. 19 9/6/2022 gkg
  • 20.  deep inguinal ring ◦ =U-shaped opening by condensation of the transversalis fascia 1.25 cm above the mid point of the inguinal ligament  superficial inguinal ring  a triangular opening in the external oblique aponeurosis 1.25 cm above the pubic tubercle. bound: med & lat=crura of eoa inf= pubic crest gkg 20 9/6/2022
  • 21. *Boundaries of the inguinal canal   anteriorly = external oblique aponeurosis with the conjoined muscle (internal oblique and transversus abdominus muscles) laterally.   posteriorly the floor of the inguinal canal = fascia transversalis and the conjoined tendon (internal oblique and transversus abdominus) medially.  superiorly = arched fibers of conjoined muscles.  inferiorly = inguinal ligament gkg 21 9/6/2022
  • 22. gkg 22 Linea alba Rectus abdominis mus Internal oblique muscle Anterior superior iliac spine Aponeurotic portion of internal oblique Aponeurotic portion of external oblique (cut edge) Inguinal ligament 9/6/2022
  • 23. gkg 23 Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh Femoral and genital branch of genitofemoral nerve Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh 9/6/2022
  • 24. gkg 24 Transversus abdominis Internal oblique mus External oblique mus Transversalis fascia Inferior epigastric vessels Conjoined tendon Cremasteric muscle Femoral vessels 9/6/2022
  • 25. * contents of inguinal canal In male= spermatic cord, the ilio- inguinal nerve & the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve. Reminants of process vaginalis  The spermatic cord consists of 3 aa,3vv,2nn, pampiniform venous plexus anteriorly and the vas deferens posteriorly, with connective tissue and remnant of the processus vaginalis between.  The cord is then enveloped in layers of spermatic fascia. In female= the round ligament replaces the spermatic cord gkg 25 9/6/2022
  • 26. Defense mechanism=factors protecting inguinal hernia 1.obliquity of inguinal canal 2.during straining & cough ,conjoined tendon contracts 3.Increased intra abdominal pressure produce plugging effect on ext ring ,deep ring is pulled up & laterally by transversalis m(ball valve effect) gkg 26 9/6/2022
  • 27. 1. Indirect (oblique) inguinal hernia An indirect hernia most common in the young, whereas a direct hernia is most common in the old. gkg 27 9/6/2022
  • 29.  It may be due to persistent pv (CONG) or acquired.  Type 1. complete/scrotal =up to root of scrotum 2.funnicular =pv patent up to roof of scrotum 3.bubonocele =pv patent in inguinal region/canal only gkg 29 9/6/2022
  • 30. Contents can be: ◦ Omentum = omentocele (synonym: epiplocele); ◦ Intestine = enterocele; more commonly small bowel but may be large intestine or appendix; ◦ a portion of the circumference of the intestine = Richter’s hernia; ◦ a portion of the bladder (or a diverticulum) may constitute part of or be the sole content of a direct inguinal, a sliding inguinal or a femoral hernia; ◦ ovary with or without the corresponding fallopian tube; ◦ a Meckel’s diverticulum = Littre’s hernia; gkg 30 9/6/2022
  • 31. 2. Direct inguinal hernia (DIH) In adult males, 35% of inguinal hernias are direct. A direct hernia comes out directly forwards through the posterior wall of the inguinal canal, it is due to weakness of posterior wall Through hesselbachs triangle =weakness in post wall of ing canal bord of rectus abdominis epigast a gkg 31 9/6/2022
  • 32. gkg 32 Inguinal ligament Iliopubic tract Inferior epigastric vessels Cremasteric muscle Deep inguinal ring Anterior superior iliac spine Conjoined tendon Inguinal triangle, si of direct hernia 9/6/2022
  • 33.  In contrast to an indirect inguinal hernia, a direct inguinal hernia lies behind the spermatic cord.  The sac is often smaller than the hernial mass would indicate, the protruding mass mainly consisting of extraperitoneal fat.  Direct hernias do not often attain a large size or descend into the scrotum  As the neck of the sac is wide, direct inguinal hernias do not often strangulate. gkg 33 9/6/2022
  • 34. Is always acquired Often the patient has poor lower abdominal musculature, as shown by the presence of elongated bulgings (Malgaigne’s bulges). gkg 34 9/6/2022
  • 36. Different types of DIH ◦ Oglive h, Funicular direct inguinal hernia (synonym: prevesical hernia)  This is a narrow-necked hernia with prevesical fat and a portion of the bladder that occurs through a small oval defect in the medial part of the conjoined tendon just above the pubic tubercle.  elderly men and occasionally becomes strangulated.  operation should always be advised. ◦ Dual (synonym: saddle-bag, pantaloon) hernia  two sacs that straddle the inferi- or epigastric artery gkg 36 9/6/2022
  • 37. c/f of inguinal hernia Asymptomatic :diagnosed incidentally Patients who present with a symptomatic frequently present with Swelling * swelling on the groin, gradually increasing, usually reducible groin pain.= pressure onto nerves , leading to a range of symptoms: • Pressure or heaviness , dragging sensation , Sharp pains (indicate an impinged nerve), neurogenic pains may be referred to the scrotum, testicle, or inner thigh.  Less commonly, extrainguinal symptoms such as change in bowel habits or urinary symptoms. gkg 37 9/6/2022
  • 38. Examn of inguino scrotal mass  Inspection 1. bulge in the groin = seen during standing/ coughing  Ask to stand look for bulging, hernia pops out  if no bulge- ask to cough or bear down (i.e.,Valsalva's maneuver) to protrude the hernia contents. 2. If already visible swelling  visible cough impulsatile test   check if it comes from above ing lig 3. MASS= shape location, uni/bilat 4. Skin= redness, edema, scar, discoloration 5. Visible peristalisis gkg 38 9/6/2022
  • 39.  palpation 1. Characterise the mass: Temp,consistency,,tenderness, measure size  Soft & elastic= enterocele:  Firm & doughy= omentocele  Tense & tender= strangulated h:  Bag of worms =varicocele 2. Expansile Cough impulse test 3. Palpate cord structures if hernia cord cant be palpated with out the mass if scrotal mass cord can be palpated separately/going above the mass 4. Check reducibility- ask to reduce 5. Internal ring oclusion test 6. Finger invagination test 7. relation with pubic tubercle 8. 3 finger test gkg 39 To diff scrotal or abdominoscrotal To diff DIH/IIH/FH 9/6/2022
  • 40.  Auscultate  Examine opposite side gkg 40 9/6/2022
  • 41.  Intra operatively differentiating  DIH/IIH SITE OF DEFECT A direct hernia comes out directly forwards through the posterior wall of the inguinal canal, IIH comes through internal ring RELATION TO INFERIOR EPIGASTRIC VESSELS the neck of the indirect hernia is lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels, the direct hernia usually emerges medial to this except in the saddle-bag or pantaloon type, which has both a lateral and a medial component. gkg 41 9/6/2022
  • 42. RELATION TO SPERMATIC CORD An indirect hernia sac will generally be found on the anterolateral surface of the spermatic cord. Direct hernias sac will behind the spermatic cord IH/FH the relation of the neck of the sac to the medial end of the inguinal ligament and the pubic tubercle; i.e. in the case of an inguinal hernia the neck is above and medial, whereas that of a femoral hernia is below and lateral 9/6/2022 42 gkg
  • 44. Ix  The diagnosis is ambiguous; radiologic investigation may provide the answer. ◦u/s ◦CT ◦MRI gkg 44 9/6/2022
  • 45. DDx of inguinal hernias in the male 1. hydrocele 2. spermatocele  Spermatoceles are cystic masses that arise from the caput of the epididymis; thus, they are always located superior to the testis and are palpated distinct from the testis, thereby differentiating them from hydroceles  The distinction between a spermatocele and an epididymal cyst is mainly one of size; epididymal cystic masses that are larger than 2 cm are usually called spermatoceles. 3. femoral hernia 4. incompletely descended testis in the inguinal canal 5. lipoma of the cord 6. varicocele gkg 45 9/6/2022
  • 46. DDx of inguinal hernias in the female 1. hydrocele of the canal of Nuck 2. femoral hernia 3.funiculitis, lymphadenitis gkg 46 9/6/2022
  • 47.  Malignancy Lymphoma ◦ Retroperitoneal sarcoma ◦ Metastasis Testicular tumor  Primary testicular Varicocele ◦ Epididymitis ◦ Testicular torsion ◦ Hydrocele ◦ Ectopic testicle ◦ Undescended testicle  Femoral artery aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm  Lymph node  Sebaceous cyst  Hidradenitis Cyst of the canal of Nuck (female)  Saphenous varix Disappear on lying  Psoas abscess is fluctuant  Hematoma  Ascites gkg 47 9/6/2022
  • 49. Treatment of inguinal hernia 1= herniotomy excision of the hernial sac By itself it is sufficient for the treatment of hernia in infants, adolescents and young adults- 14-16yrs/children gkg 49 9/6/2022
  • 50. 2= Herniorrhaphy= Herniotomy and repair (herniorrhaphy) consists of: (1) excision of the hernial sac; plus [ I.e herniotomy]  (2) repair of the stretched internal inguinal ring and the transversalis fascia; and (3) further reinforcement of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal. indn=d/I h with good m tone gkg 50 9/6/2022
  • 51. * bassinis herniorrhaphy Herniotomy with approximation of post wall(suturing congoind tendon with inguinal ligament) *shouldice herniorrhaphy 3 step 1st lower & upper flaps of transversalis fascia sutured 2nd conjoined tendon sutured with inguinal lig 3rd upper flap of external oblique aponeurosis sutured with inguinal ligament *McVay gkg 51 9/6/2022
  • 52.  3. hernioplasty= ◦ strengthening post wall of ing canal ◦ Indn=i/d h with good m tone/weak m =recurrent h ◦ *Lichenstine repair =strengthening post wall by proline meesh ◦ *Prolene daring =sutuiring ing lig w cong tend in criss cross manner gkg 52 9/6/2022
  • 53. Femoral hernia Definition: Protrusion of abdominal contents through femoral canal  F>M: It accounts for about 20% of hernias in women and 5 % in men. ◦ NB: The most common type of groin hernia in females is the indirect inguinal hernia. of all hernias it is the most liable to become strangulated because of the narrowness of the neck of the sac and the rigidity of the femoral ring. gkg 53 9/6/2022
  • 54. Anatomy of femoral canal ◦ *femoral canal occupies the medial compartment of the femoral sheath ◦ ant continuation of facia transversalis post=of facia lata ◦ The canal is shaped like a cone pointed inferiorly, ◦ it extends from the femoral ring above to the saphenous opening below (the fossa ovalis; the opening of the fascia latte for the great saphenous vein.) ◦ It is 1.25 cm long and 1.25 cm wide at its base ◦ *contents of femoral canal= fat, lymphatic gkg 54 9/6/2022
  • 55.  *The femoral ring is bounded: anteriorly by the inguinal ligament; posteriorly by Astley Cooper’s (iliopectineal) ligament, the pubic bone and the fascia over the pectineus muscle; medially by the concave knife-like edge of Gimbernat’s (lacunar) ligament, which is also prolonged along the iliopectineal line, as Astley Cooper’s ligament; laterally by a thin septum separating it from the femoral vein-silver fascia gkg 55 9/6/2022
  • 56.  Femoral sheath contents 1.Femoral Canal 2.Vein,3.Artery,4.Nerve gkg 56 Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh Femoral and genital branch of genitofemoral nerve Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh 9/6/2022
  • 57. fig. Femoral sheath with femoral hernia through the femoral canal gkg 57 9/6/2022
  • 60. Clinical features of femoral hernia *F/M 2:1 female patients are frequently elderly, male patients are usually between 30 and 45 years of age. * rt side >lt The right side is affected twice as often as the left and in 20% of cases the condition is bilateral. * more prevalent in multiparous women * less pronounced symptoms: may have dragging pain gkg 60 9/6/2022
  • 61. DDX of femoral hernia  1. inguinal hernia ◦ The neck of the sac lies above and medial to the medial end of the inguinal ligament at its attachment to the pubic tubercle. The neck of the sac of a femoral hernia lies below this  2. saphena varix= saccular enlargement of the termination of the long saphenous vein , usually accompanied by other signs of varicose veins. The swelling disappears completely when the patient lies flat whereas a femoral hernia sac is usually still palpable. In both, there is an impulse on coughing. A saphena varix will, however, impart a fluid thrill to the examining fingers when the patient coughs or when the saphenous vein below the varix is tapped with the fingers of the other hand. Sometimes a venous hum can be heard when a stethoscope is applied over a saphena varix. gkg 61 9/6/2022
  • 62. 3.enlarged femoral lymph node 4. Lipoma. 5. femoral artery aneurysm 6. psoas abscess = fluctuating swelling ◦ There is often a fluctuating swelling – an iliac abscess – which communicates with the swelling in question. If suspected, an examination of the spine and a radiograph will confirm the diagnosis. 7. distended psoas bursa. ◦ The swelling diminishes when the hip is flexed and osteoarthritis of the hip is present. 8. Rupture of the adductor longus with haematoma formation. Suspected on clinical history gkg 62 9/6/2022
  • 63. Different types of fh  Hydrocele of a femoral hernial sac ◦ The neck of the sac becomes plugged with omentum or by adhesions and a hydrocele of the sac results.  Laugier’s femoral hernia ◦ This is a hernia through a gap in the lacunar (Gimbernat’s) ligament. The diagnosis is based on the unusual medial position of a small femoral hernia sac. The hernia has nearly always strangulated  Narath’s femoral hernia ◦ This occurs only in patients with congenital dislocation of the hip and is the result of lateral displacement of the psoas muscle. The hernia lies hidden behind the femoral vessels.  Cloquet’s hernia ◦ Cloquet’s hernia is one in which the sac lies under the fascia covering the pectineus muscle. Strangulation is likely. The sac may coexist with the usual type of femoral hernia sac. gkg 63 9/6/2022
  • 64. Treatment The constant risk of strangulation is sufficient reason to recommend operation. Operative treatment ◦ the low operation (Lockwood) ◦ the high operation (McEvedy) ◦ the inguinal operation (Lotheissen) gkg 64 9/6/2022
  • 65. COMPLICATION OF groin HERNIA 1.Irreducible Reducible – contents can be returned to abdomen Irreducible – contents cannot be returned but there are no Irreducible hernias – there is a risk of strangulation at any time 2.obstructed when bowel inside the hernia gets obstructed. bowel in the hernia has good blood supply Obstructed hernias – usually go on to gkg 65 9/6/2022
  • 66.  Incarcerated hernia is often used loosely as an alternative to obstruction or strangulation but is correctly employed only when it is considered that the lumen of that portion of the colon occupying a hernial sac is blocked with faeces. 9/6/2022 66 gkg
  • 67. 3.strangulated when blood supply to the hernial content gets obstructed/decreased. 4.Involvement of the hernia sac in disease process Inflamed – contents of sac have become inflamed a) inflammation ,peritonitis, acute appendicitis b) Cancer 5.Rupture of the hernia 6.Testicular strangulation gkg 67 9/6/2022
  • 68. Strangulated inguinal hernia ◦ blood supply of its contents is seriously impaired, rendering the contents ischaemic. Gangrene may occur as early as 5–6 hours after the onset of the first symptoms. ◦ Although inguinal hernia may be 10 times more common than femoral hernia, a femoral hernia is more likely to strangulate because of the narrowness of the neck and its rigid surrounds gkg 68 9/6/2022
  • 69. ◦ Indirect inguinal hernias strangulate more commonly, the direct variety not so often because of the wide neck of the sac. ◦ In order of frequency, the constricting agent is:  (1) the neck of the sac; (2) the external inguinal ring in children; and (3) adhesions within the sac (rarely). ◦ Usually the small intestine is involved in the strangulation, with the next most frequent being the omentum; sometimes both are involved. It is rare for the large intestine to become strangulated in an inguinal hernia, even when the hernia is of the sliding variety 9/6/2022 69 gkg
  • 70.  Clinical features ◦ Sudden pain, at first situated over the hernia, is followed by generalised abdominal pain, colicky in character and often located mainly at the umbilicus. ◦ Nausea and subsequently vomiting ensue. ◦ The patient may complain of an increase in hernia size.  On examination ◦ the hernia is tense, ◦ extremely tender and ◦ irreducible, and ◦ there is no expansile cough impulse.  Unless the strangulation is relieved by operation, the spasms of pain continue until peristaltic contractions cease with the onset of ischaemia, when paralytic ileus (often the result of peritonitis) and septicaemia develop. ◦ Spontaneous cessation of pain must be viewed with caution, as this may be a sign of perforation gkg 70 9/6/2022
  • 71.  Preoperative treatment of strangulated inguinal hernias ◦ ■ Resuscitate with adequate fluids ◦ ■ Empty stomach with nasogastric tube ◦ ■ Give antibiotics to contain infection ◦ ■ Catheterise to monitor haemodynamic state  Do herrniorrhaphy gkg 71 9/6/2022 Treatment
  • 72. Femoral hernia — located inferior to the inguinal ligament and protrude through the femoral ring, which is medial to the femoral sheath which contains femoral nerve, femoral artery, and femoral vein. least common type of hernia, 40 percent present as emergencies with incarceration or strangulation 9/6/2022 72 gkg
  • 73. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION  Most are asymptomatic  Common presenting symptom  dull feeling of discomfort or heaviness in the groin region that is exacerbated by straining the abdominal musculature  Pain…incarceration, strangulation  Bowel obstruction, urinary compliant  Duration, progress, reducibility  Underlying risk factor 9/6/2022 73 gkg
  • 74. PHYSICAL FINDINGS  Ideally in standing position  Incarcerated hernia  Mild tenderness  Strangulated ◦ Tender , warm, may have surrounding skin erythema ◦ Fever, hypotention, leukocytosis 9/6/2022 74 gkg
  • 76. DDX IN THE MALE  In males the DDx includes: • vaginal hydrocele • encysted hydrocele of the cord • spermatocele • femoral hernia • incompletely descended testis • lipoma of the cord 9/6/2022 76 gkg
  • 77. TYPES AND COMPLICATIONS OF HERNIA  Reducible – contents can be returned to abdomen  Irreducible – contents cannot be returned but there are no other complications  Obstructed – bowel in the hernia has good blood supply but bowel is obstructed  Strangulated – blood supply of bowel is obstructed  Inflamed – contents of sac have become inflamed 9/6/2022 77 gkg
  • 78. TREATMENT  The treatment of all hernias, regardless of their location or type, is surgical repair  Goal ◦ Alleviate symptoms to prevent complication  Risk of incarceration of a hernia is greatest soon after the hernia manifests itself 9/6/2022 78 gkg
  • 79. CONSERVATIVE MANAGMENT  Surgery can be delayed or avoided in situations where the patient's medical status prohibits operative treatment  It is aimed at alleviating symptoms  recumbent position  Truss(relief in up to 65% of patients) 9/6/2022 79 gkg
  • 80. EMERGENT  The indications for emergent inguinal hernia repair are:  Incarcerated  Strangulated inguinal hernias,  Sliding hernias 9/6/2022 80 gkg
  • 81. ABDOMINAL HERNIAS  Definition ◦ Abdominal hernia is the protrusion of peritoneum with its contents through an abnormal opening in the abdominal wall. ◦ Tissue or organs may protrude through this defect. ◦ Also called ventral hernias gkg 81 9/6/2022
  • 82.  Types of abdominal hernias depending on their site 1.groin hernias (75%) 2.Umblical hernia  3.Para-umblical hernia 4.Epigastric hernia 5.Incisional hernia gkg 82 9/6/2022
  • 84. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION  common finding is a mass or bulge on the anterior abdominal wall, which may increase in size with a Valsalva maneuver  Physical examination  bulge on the anterior abdominal wall that may reduce spontaneously, with recumbency, or with manual pressure  Incarceration  strangulated, and perforation 9/6/2022 84 gkg
  • 85. UMBLICAL HERNIA  Occur at the umbilical ring and may either be present at birth or develop gradually  10 percent of all newborns  Are more common in premature infants  Most congenital umbilical hernias close spontaneously by age 5 years  Greater in African-American children 9/6/2022 85 gkg
  • 87. EPIGASTRIC HERNIA REPAIR  Occurs in the midline between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus  Contents – preperitoneal fat, omentum ,portion of falciform ligament  Commonly small, multiple  complain of vague abdominal pain above the umbilicus that is exacerbated with standing or coughing and relieved in the supine position 9/6/2022 87 gkg
  • 89. INCISIONAL HERNIA  Incisional hernia and can be regarded as a wound healing failure  primary wound healing defects  Obesity  multiple prior procedures  prior incisional hernias  technical errors during repair  Surgical management: ◦ primary vs mesh 9/6/2022 89 gkg

Editor's Notes

  1. Meckel’s diverticulum = congenital formation of a diverticulum in the ileum