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Heart Thread Yoga
Owner: Rachel VerValin
Kendall Blizzard
Taryn Briskin
Colleen DiPofi
Rachel Fishman
Rose Lee
Amanda Ling
Caroline Matos
Frances Mooney
Contact Information:
Table Of Contents
4. About the agency
5. Executive summary
6. Situational analysis
7. Industry trends
8. Competitor analysis
9. SWOT analysis
10. Research
11. Objectives
12. Primary audience
13. Secondary audience
14. Target market
15. Strategies
16. Tactics introduction
17. Print tactics
20. Outreach tactics
21. Social media tactics
23. Event Tactics
24. Apperal Tactics
25. Website Tactics
26. Media Tactics
27. Evaluation
28. Timetable
29. Budget
30. Bios
About The Agency
Meraki Public Relations
A small public relations agency based out of Ithaca New York. We are
comprised of 8 hard working enthusiastic women, each skilled in var-
ious components essential to developing and executing a successful
campaign. We pride ourselves in a history of delivering effective
public relations campaigns to our clients. Here at Meraki Public
Relations, we believe the clients needs always come first. No matter
what the obstacle our team is prepared to work together and closely
with our clients to meet your needs. We are passionate about
developing innovative public relations strategies using
creativity and collaboration.
Owned by Rachel VerValin, Heart Thread Yoga offers relaxing and fun yoga class experiences with-
in the Ithaca, New York community. Rachel VerValin feels passionate about focuses on giving
women an active life while being pregnant. From the first step in and the last step out of Rachel’s
class, students are her number one priority. Heart Thread Yoga is creates a nurturing environment
where students can learn yoga all while being comfortable.
Heart Thread Yoga classes are filled with laughter, hard work, and a great learning experience.
Meraki’s public relations goal is to emphasize the importance of women’s health during and right
after they go through pregnancy. We also plan on increasing student’s attendance and retaining
clients. By enhancing student awareness through social media and flyers, we hope to reach each
of our goals.
Meraki is grateful for this opportunity to collaborate with Heart Thread Yoga and
excited to present our public relations plan.Thank you Rachel VerValin for meeting
with Meraki agency and giving us helpful input about your impressive
business. We would also like to thank Rachel for taking the time to attend
our public relations proposal presentation.
Executive Summary
Situation Analysis
Heart Thread Yoga offers yoga classes and retreats to many people of different
backgrounds and yoga levels. Located in Ithaca, New York, Heart Thread Yoga was
established by Rachel VerValin in May of 2014 and has since created a welcoming
and nurturing environment where students learn and practice yoga with ease and
appreciation. Heart Thread Yoga is highlighted for prenatal yoga classes to empow-
er expectant mothers and help give them strength and support during their preg-
nancy and delivery.
Currently, Meraki PR sees the potential that Heart Thread Yoga has in tackling its
current obstacles of increasing students, reaching its target market, and retaining
clients. The objectives and tactics we have created will find solution to establish
brand identity and increase awareness.
Industry Trends
Today’s expectant mothers are actively seeking ways to ensure exceptional health
for both their baby and themselves. Uniquely designed for pregnancy, prenatal yoga
has been the increasing trend for expectant mothers and their partners for emotional
and physical benefit and preparation during pregnancy and labor by doctors, family,
friends, and other mothers on the internet.
The mindful poses of prenatal yoga help the mother become physically stronger, while
also bringing awareness to the body as it undergoes changes. Mothers learn breathing
and relaxation techniques, which are used to slow the heart rate, clear the mind, and re-
lax the body, all of which is practiced for labor. The benefits of prenatal yoga that make
the practice so recommended include improved mood, sleep, and posture, increased
energy, muscle tone, strength and endurance, as well as subdued backaches, consti-
pation, bloating and swelling. Prenatal yoga classes also create a safe and supportive
space for expectant mothers and their partners, sharing their excitement and fear of
becoming parents. It is also reported that many mothers stay in touch with other wom-
en they attended prenatal yoga classes beyond their pregnancy, sharing their experi-
ences as they go through the succeeding phases of their child’s life.
Competitor Analysis
Competitors that are most of threat to Heart Thread Yoga are other yoga instructors that offer pre-
natal yoga classes. With an increasing trend of prenatal yoga, it is important for Heart Thread Yoga
to claim its identity in the Ithaca area more effectively than other instructors.
-Offers beginner/intermediate yoga classes
-Offers private yoga classes
-Offers Prenatal yoga
-Offers instructional products (CD’s & videos)
-Established history in Ithaca NY
-Offers prenatal yoga class
-Offers postnatal yoga (6 weeks)
-Outside classes
-Free classes with suggested donations
-Increasing trend of prenatal yoga
-Physical and mental health benefits
-Welcomong community of mothers
-Costa Rica retreat
-Connventions for expectant mothers
-Popularity of mommy bloggers
-National interest in parenting and parental care
-Collaborations with prenatal yoga instructors,
such as Diane Fine, to build a larger client base.
-Yoga retreats
Overall low awareness of prenatal yoga
Low website traffic
No permanent location
Different color schemes on website,
business cards, etc.
-Multiple yoga sudios in
Ithaca area
Swot Analysis
To learn more about the thoughts of our target au-
dience, Meraki PR conducted an online survey about
prenatal yoga. From our research, we discovered key
insights about the women in our target market and
their attitudes on prenatal yoga.
The majority of our respondents reported that they
have heard of prenatal yoga from friends, online and
print advertisements, doctors, and general news.
However, despite awareness and having a positive
impression of prenatal yoga’s existence, many of our
respondents could not give any information on what
prenatal is about and its benefits.
After evaluating the responses
from our online survey, Merkai
PR aims to inform our target
audience more about the bene-
fits of prenatal yoga, in addition
to bringing more awareness to
Raise awareness
about the benefits
of prenatal yoga
Inform women 25-40 years old, pregnant women, or
women who are thinking of becoming pregnant of the
benefits of the Prenatal Yoga that is offered at Heart
Thread Yoga.
Increase the signups
for Prenatal Yoga
Reach our target audience and increase the number of
people who are attending Prenatal Yoga Classes by 15%
Raise awareness of
Heart Thread Yoga
Get heart thread yoga’s name out there and associate it
with their Prenatal Program. Raise total target audience
awareness by 10%.
Improve social media
presence and website
Become more active on social media sites posting more
often, as well as make the website more user friendly
and interactive
Inform our target
audience of Rachel’s
Demonstrate Rachel’s background with
Prenatal Yoga to show her knowledge to our
target audience. 11
Primary Audience
The primary target audience for Heart Thread Yoga is
women who are between the ages of 25 and 40 who
are pregnant, expecting to become pregnant, or post-
natal within the Ithaca, New York region. Although it
is difficult to stay active while pregnant, many women
still need ways to stay fit. Our goal is to provide a ser-
vice in which women can stay healthy without over
exerting themselves and potentially harming their
children. We believe maternal health is important
to the growth and development of a child and have
therefore created a customized program for pregnant/
expecting mothers or postnatal mothers.
Secondary Audience
The secondary audience for Heart Thread
Yoga is pregnant/expecting or postnatal
women’s partners also between the ages
of 25 and 50. We feel as though it is im-
portant for the partners to learn Rachel
VerValin’s techniques in order to provide
similar relaxation and exercise for their
pregnant/post pregnancy partners at
We will focus on reaching these audiences through Rachel VerValin’s
website (, putting ads up in Ob-Gyn doctor’s
offices, Cayuga Birth Center, gynecologist offices, various medical
centers, several types of public transpiration, and spreading flyers
around in Ithaca. We also expect to reach these audiences through
various types of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,
and Powhow (a website for live webcam classes).
Target Market
This is Taylor Wrede.
She is a working wife and now mother
in Ithaca, New York. Taylor is 27 years
old and lives an active lifestyle.
She plans on staying in shape
while she is pregnant and
wants to become active
again as soon as her
pregnancy is over.
This is Kevin and Tara Cohen. They live in Itha-
ca, NY. Kevin is 35 years old and is a loyal hus-
band. He is excited for his new son and knows
that his wife wants to stay active while being
pregnant. He is willing to do to anything to
help her stay healthy during this time. In or-
der to help, he has been attending yoga class-
es with Tara. Doing yoga with her husband
has been helping Tara stay comfortable and fit
through her pregnancy.
Raise awareness about Heart Thread Yoga Studio
One of the most important strategies that we think needs to be implemented is gaining
more awareness about the company. We want to do this by not only having a stronger
presence on social media accounts, but also by advertising through print ads in local
newspaper outlets such as The Ithaca Journal.
Increase social media presence
In order to make more people aware of Heart Thread and to increase the cus-
tomer base, increasing the presence on social media is essential. Having ac-
counts such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest can draw attention
to the company and get more people interested in taking classes.
Educate about prenatal yoga
Many people are not aware of what prenatal yoga is and all of the benefits that come
from practicing. If we are able to educate prenant women and thier partners through
advertising more people may want to take classes.
Protray Rachel as an opinion leader
We want to show clients how Rachel has dedicated her life to yoga, and that she firmly
believes in the positive physiological and spiritual strengthening that practicing yoga
can generate. Through building-up the image of Vervalin, we hope that clients will feel
safe, fully trust, and engage in our programs at Heart Thread Yoga.
By posting advertisements and informational pam-
phlets at Cayuga Medical Center, Ithaca Health
Alliance, Ithaca OBGYN, and in local stores we are
able to expose our target audience to the materials
at a very low cost. By using the medical center and
doctor’s offices we can really pin point our target
audience because of the
services they provide to pregnant women.
We would also recommend Rachel to reach out to
the doctors at these offices and see if they would
consider recommending prenatal yoga if it fits their
clients needs. This way the doctors know it is a
trusted and professional resource for their patients.
Utilizing local advertising spots like Ithaca
Journal and the Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit
(TCAT) we raise awareness throughout the entire
community as well as within out
primary and secondary target audiences. This will
help get Rachel’s company and voice out there and
drive further curiosity to the website and social me-
dia pages.
The client had expressed interest in a small card
that she could hand out to prospective clients
upon meeting them. We designed this simple
4”x 5”card that serves as a
reminder to head to the website, social media,
call or send an email.
The card serves multiple purposes as it is not
formatted just for expectant mothers and
shows the diversity of her classes.
Rachel can have several of the tri-fold 8.5”x
11”pamphlets created for media kits, doc-
tor’s offices and stores on hand for a similar
purpose as the cards that provide more
information about heart thread yoga.
The pamphlet includes:
Benefits of prenatal yoga
Rachel’s background
Contact information
A coupon for a free class
Inside flap Back Front
By sending Mommy Bloggers media kits they will be
informed around Rachel and Heart Thread Yoga, they
will be encourage to share the media kit on their blog
and social media accounts. This will generate word of
mouth from a trusted source in the mothering world.
These media kits will include informational pamphlets
about the benefits of prenatal yoga, HeartThreat Yoga
apparel, and an open invitation to come to classes and
retreats for free or at a discount.
By providing a free or discounted retreat invitation
they bloggers will feel encouraged to come and cover
it on their blogs. This way their followers will be able
to see what it is like to take classes and be on a retreat
with Rachel.
We will also send local midwives and medulas press
kits. This will give them the tools to knowledge about
prenatal and Heart Thread yoga. They will also be sent
informational packets and business cards that they
can give clients who are interested in prenatal yoga.
This way they have the information that they need
from a trusted source.
“Not Your Average Mom”
“Mom, Actually!”
BirthRoot Midwifery
GentlyBorne Midwifery
Having specific accounts for pre-na-
tal classes will mean that women
who are solely interested in the topic
can follow. This makes it easier to re-
ally speak to these women and their
By building a“moms-to-be”
environment on social media you can
build rapport and a relationship with
them before they step into the studio
for the first time. Keeping these posts
short, informative and light will
encourage followers and interaction.
Using the hashtags #BYOB,
#Mamaste, #PrenatalYoga,
#HeartThreadYoga and #Yoga,
will help increase interaction by giv-
ing form to the consumers tweets
and will
automatically link them to heart
thread yoga.
Similar postings will also be made on
Twitter and FaceBook. Utalizing Hoot-
Suite will be a helpful tool to aide with
time management and postings.
“Prenatal pose
of the day”
Social media
By having giveaways, contests and hastags for events during the week on social media
followers will be encouraged to participate and share it with their friends. Their postings will
also encourage their followers and friends to check out Heart Thread yoga on social media
and possibly take a class. Also by using hashtags like #Giveaway we will bring in new
followers and traffic to social media.
“Tag us in your best #WarriorPoseWednes-
day to enter into a chance to win a free
class at Rachel VerValin #Giveaway #Ithaca”
“Come to 10 #HeartThreadYoga classes
in a row and get a free tank top #apperal-
giveaway #giveaway”
“Post a picture of you in your #Heart-
ThreadYoga apperal for #ThreadThursday
don’t forget to tag us @HeartThreadYoga!”
Social media
By attending conferences Rachel will be able
to build a network with other yoga instructors
and yoga consumers. This way she can spread
her knowledge about prenatal yoga, her
classes and her retreats.
Although these conferences are not local, they
will spark interest in her retreats and online
classes through PowHow. This could also spark
new collaborations with other yoga instructors
and future business opportunities.
New York Conferences:
New York Baby Show
Mommy To Bee Expo
Expecting Parents & Baby Expo
The Mamas Expo
By incorporating the idea of a BabyMoon into Heart Thread’s re-
treats parents-to-be will not only see it as relaxing and
helpful with the pregnancy but will further their connection before
the baby comes. This is their last“hurrah”before
sleepless nights and 2AM feedings.
By designing apparel with the Heart Thread
yoga logo and the“Mamaste”campaign slo-
gan, we are giving customers a tool to
express their values about themselves to the
public. They will be able to show that they are
active and care about their bodies as well as
their babies.
This will also serve as a free advertising space
for Heart Thread yoga, potential customers
will see the interesting yoga or witty hashtag
#BYOB (bring your own baby) and ask
questions about the company and the classes.
By revamping the Heart Thread Yoga website, we
will give consumers the right tools they need to
find out all the information that they need about
the company and Rachel. We will take the present
website which is full of rich content and simplify
the design. By minimizing clicks we will make con-
tent readily available. By doing this we hope to
raise traffic to the website which will in turn raise
awareness and class signups.
Site Features:
On-site sign ups
Clearer schedule
Social media connection
Professional and extensice
background on Rachel
High quality pictures and content
The Heart Thread Yoga app will have information
similar to the website, with there Rachel is
teaching at what times and a way to sign up for
classes. The app will also include yoga and health
tips about standard and prenatal yoga as well as
short videos posted as teasers to bring traffic to
the PowHow site. The App will also feature a
discussion board for customers to communicate
feedback, tips, and questions with each other and
Using YouTube for short videos and PowHow for
classes mothers-to-be can stay healthy, in shape,
and up to date on their prenatal yoga classes. Due
to the transient community that Ithaca is these
videos will help to further engage
customers once they have move away.
This will also help make time for mothers who
might already have a child to take care of or a
busy work schedule, this way they can still attend
a cyber class.
For sales, you’ll want to monitor the amount of people who sign up for classes before and
after implementation of the campaign. Also, if you choose to create merchandise for the
company you will want to keep an eye on the sale of those items.
If attempting to get coverage in the media, it will be good to monitor the qualitative and
quantitative parts of those
articles or news releases.
Lastly, see if you gain views on the website. The more traffic to the site, the better.
For all social media accounts alike, you will want to monitor the number of followers, likes,
comments and shares of all posts. Be sure to check the uses of your hashtags, #BYOB,
#HeartThreadYoga, etc while also encouraging your
customers to use those hashtags.
Taryn Briskin is a Junior Integrated Marketing and
Communications major at Ithaca College. She is from
New York City and has experience in event production
and brand promotion. Taryn spent the summer work-
ing as a social media intern and event correspondent
for Caravan Stylist Studio in Manhattan. Working in
collaboration with DKC Public Relations, she helped
raise money in a charity fundraiser for the non Profit,
Eli Kulp Foundation. Taryn is passionate in all things
health, beauty, and exercise and is thrilled to be work-
ing with Heart Thread Yoga! Her favorite yoga pose is
tree position because it focuses on core muscles and
Frances Mooney is a Junior Integrated Market-
ing and Communications major and a minor
in Web Programming at Ithaca College. She
is from the Greater Boston Area and is really
passionate about brand strategy and design.
After graduation she hopes to work at an
advertising agency in Boston. Her favorite
yoga position is Child’s Pose because it helps
stretch her back.
Taryn Briskin Frances Mooney
Amanda Ling
Amanda Ling is a sophomore Integrated Marketing
Communications major, with a Sports Studies Minor
from Lake George, New York. She is currently on the
social media team for ICTV’s“Sports Final”and was
previously a PR intern for a licensing company for
high profile brands and celebrities in NYC. Amanda
aspires to work in public relations for a company or
celebrity. Amanda enjoys hiking, going on adven-
tures with friends and playing on the club tennis
team. Amanda’s favorite yoga pose is warrior pose.
Rose Lee is a Sophomore Integrated Marketing
Communications major with a minor in Psy-
chology at Ithaca College. She is from Portland,
Oregon originally, and likes dogs, tea, and cook-
ing shows. Rose is interested in working in the
television industry as a part of a network’s mar-
keting or brand-strategy team. Her favorite yoga
pose is“warrior one”because it is both strength-
ening and empowering.
Rose Lee
Colleen DiPofi is senior Cinema and Photography ma-
jor with a concentration in photography and a minor
in Integrated Marketing Communications at Ithaca
College. Originally from Niagara Falls New York,
Colleen is interested in the photography and design
aspect of marketing. She enjoys traveling to new
places and being outdoors (especially when going
on hikes with her dog!) Her favoroite yoga position is
Downward Facing Dog because it helps with her
flexibility and strength.
Kendall Blizzard is a sophomore Communication,
Management and Design major with a concentra-
tion in Communication Design. Originally, from
Westwood, Massachusetts, Kendall has interned
at a non-profit, providing services like web design
and event planning. She is currently an art editor
and writer for the HiFashion Studios Magazine at
Ithaca College. She enjoys playing barefoot pick-
up soccer with her friends, painting and being
outside. Her favorite yoga pose is the pigeon!
Colleen DiPofi Kendall Blizzard
Caroline Matos is a sophomore at Ithaca College
from Randolph, New Jersey. She is an Integrated
Marketing Communications major and is a mem-
ber of the women’s Varsity Soccer team. Caro-
line was in charge of directing and creating the
commercial for“Elite Divers”in Randolph, New
Jersey. She hopes to work in the public relations
field for a corporation while having the oppor-
tunity to travel. Caroline likes to spend her free
time playing soccer, surfing, snowboarding, and
being around her friends and family. Her favorite
yoga pose is the side-reclining leg lift!
Caroline Matos Rachel Fishman
Rachel Fishman is a Junior Communication
Management Design major with a concentra-
tion in Corporate Communication at Ithaca
College. She is from West Hartford, Connecticut
and interested in Event Planning. She had an
internship this summer at small non-profit or-
ganization where she worked in the marketing
departement. She plays club lacrosse at Ithaca
College and loves exercising and staying active.
Her favorite yoga pose is cobra because it is a
nice stretch. 33
Heart Thread Yoga "Mamaste" PR Campaign
Heart Thread Yoga "Mamaste" PR Campaign

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Heart Thread Yoga "Mamaste" PR Campaign

  • 1.
  • 2. Heart Thread Yoga Owner: Rachel VerValin 607-222-1726 Kendall Blizzard Taryn Briskin Colleen DiPofi Rachel Fishman Rose Lee Amanda Ling Caroline Matos Frances Mooney Contact Information:
  • 3. Table Of Contents 4. About the agency 5. Executive summary 6. Situational analysis 7. Industry trends 8. Competitor analysis 9. SWOT analysis 10. Research 11. Objectives 12. Primary audience 13. Secondary audience 14. Target market 15. Strategies 16. Tactics introduction 17. Print tactics 20. Outreach tactics 21. Social media tactics 23. Event Tactics 24. Apperal Tactics 25. Website Tactics 26. Media Tactics 27. Evaluation 28. Timetable 29. Budget 30. Bios
  • 4. About The Agency Meraki Public Relations A small public relations agency based out of Ithaca New York. We are comprised of 8 hard working enthusiastic women, each skilled in var- ious components essential to developing and executing a successful campaign. We pride ourselves in a history of delivering effective public relations campaigns to our clients. Here at Meraki Public Relations, we believe the clients needs always come first. No matter what the obstacle our team is prepared to work together and closely with our clients to meet your needs. We are passionate about developing innovative public relations strategies using creativity and collaboration. 4
  • 5. Owned by Rachel VerValin, Heart Thread Yoga offers relaxing and fun yoga class experiences with- in the Ithaca, New York community. Rachel VerValin feels passionate about focuses on giving women an active life while being pregnant. From the first step in and the last step out of Rachel’s class, students are her number one priority. Heart Thread Yoga is creates a nurturing environment where students can learn yoga all while being comfortable. Heart Thread Yoga classes are filled with laughter, hard work, and a great learning experience. Meraki’s public relations goal is to emphasize the importance of women’s health during and right after they go through pregnancy. We also plan on increasing student’s attendance and retaining clients. By enhancing student awareness through social media and flyers, we hope to reach each of our goals. Meraki is grateful for this opportunity to collaborate with Heart Thread Yoga and excited to present our public relations plan.Thank you Rachel VerValin for meeting with Meraki agency and giving us helpful input about your impressive business. We would also like to thank Rachel for taking the time to attend our public relations proposal presentation. Executive Summary 5
  • 6. Situation Analysis Heart Thread Yoga offers yoga classes and retreats to many people of different backgrounds and yoga levels. Located in Ithaca, New York, Heart Thread Yoga was established by Rachel VerValin in May of 2014 and has since created a welcoming and nurturing environment where students learn and practice yoga with ease and appreciation. Heart Thread Yoga is highlighted for prenatal yoga classes to empow- er expectant mothers and help give them strength and support during their preg- nancy and delivery. Currently, Meraki PR sees the potential that Heart Thread Yoga has in tackling its current obstacles of increasing students, reaching its target market, and retaining clients. The objectives and tactics we have created will find solution to establish brand identity and increase awareness. 6
  • 7. Industry Trends Today’s expectant mothers are actively seeking ways to ensure exceptional health for both their baby and themselves. Uniquely designed for pregnancy, prenatal yoga has been the increasing trend for expectant mothers and their partners for emotional and physical benefit and preparation during pregnancy and labor by doctors, family, friends, and other mothers on the internet. The mindful poses of prenatal yoga help the mother become physically stronger, while also bringing awareness to the body as it undergoes changes. Mothers learn breathing and relaxation techniques, which are used to slow the heart rate, clear the mind, and re- lax the body, all of which is practiced for labor. The benefits of prenatal yoga that make the practice so recommended include improved mood, sleep, and posture, increased energy, muscle tone, strength and endurance, as well as subdued backaches, consti- pation, bloating and swelling. Prenatal yoga classes also create a safe and supportive space for expectant mothers and their partners, sharing their excitement and fear of becoming parents. It is also reported that many mothers stay in touch with other wom- en they attended prenatal yoga classes beyond their pregnancy, sharing their experi- ences as they go through the succeeding phases of their child’s life. 7
  • 8. Competitor Analysis Competitors that are most of threat to Heart Thread Yoga are other yoga instructors that offer pre- natal yoga classes. With an increasing trend of prenatal yoga, it is important for Heart Thread Yoga to claim its identity in the Ithaca area more effectively than other instructors. Simularities -Offers beginner/intermediate yoga classes -Offers private yoga classes -Offers Prenatal yoga Differences -Offers instructional products (CD’s & videos) -Established history in Ithaca NY Simularities -Offers prenatal yoga class Differences -Offers postnatal yoga (6 weeks) -Outside classes -Free classes with suggested donations 8
  • 9. 5 Strengths -Increasing trend of prenatal yoga -Physical and mental health benefits -Welcomong community of mothers -Costa Rica retreat Opportunites -Connventions for expectant mothers -Popularity of mommy bloggers -National interest in parenting and parental care -Collaborations with prenatal yoga instructors, such as Diane Fine, to build a larger client base. -Yoga retreats Weaknesses Overall low awareness of prenatal yoga Low website traffic No permanent location Different color schemes on website, business cards, etc. Threats -Multiple yoga sudios in Ithaca area -Costs Swot Analysis 9
  • 10. Research To learn more about the thoughts of our target au- dience, Meraki PR conducted an online survey about prenatal yoga. From our research, we discovered key insights about the women in our target market and their attitudes on prenatal yoga. The majority of our respondents reported that they have heard of prenatal yoga from friends, online and print advertisements, doctors, and general news. However, despite awareness and having a positive impression of prenatal yoga’s existence, many of our respondents could not give any information on what prenatal is about and its benefits. Conclusion After evaluating the responses from our online survey, Merkai PR aims to inform our target audience more about the bene- fits of prenatal yoga, in addition to bringing more awareness to them. 10
  • 11. Objectives Raise awareness about the benefits of prenatal yoga Inform women 25-40 years old, pregnant women, or women who are thinking of becoming pregnant of the benefits of the Prenatal Yoga that is offered at Heart Thread Yoga. Increase the signups for Prenatal Yoga Reach our target audience and increase the number of people who are attending Prenatal Yoga Classes by 15% Raise awareness of Heart Thread Yoga Get heart thread yoga’s name out there and associate it with their Prenatal Program. Raise total target audience awareness by 10%. Improve social media presence and website Become more active on social media sites posting more often, as well as make the website more user friendly and interactive Inform our target audience of Rachel’s expertise Demonstrate Rachel’s background with Prenatal Yoga to show her knowledge to our target audience. 11
  • 12. Primary Audience The primary target audience for Heart Thread Yoga is women who are between the ages of 25 and 40 who are pregnant, expecting to become pregnant, or post- natal within the Ithaca, New York region. Although it is difficult to stay active while pregnant, many women still need ways to stay fit. Our goal is to provide a ser- vice in which women can stay healthy without over exerting themselves and potentially harming their children. We believe maternal health is important to the growth and development of a child and have therefore created a customized program for pregnant/ expecting mothers or postnatal mothers. 12
  • 13. Secondary Audience The secondary audience for Heart Thread Yoga is pregnant/expecting or postnatal women’s partners also between the ages of 25 and 50. We feel as though it is im- portant for the partners to learn Rachel VerValin’s techniques in order to provide similar relaxation and exercise for their pregnant/post pregnancy partners at home. We will focus on reaching these audiences through Rachel VerValin’s website (, putting ads up in Ob-Gyn doctor’s offices, Cayuga Birth Center, gynecologist offices, various medical centers, several types of public transpiration, and spreading flyers around in Ithaca. We also expect to reach these audiences through various types of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Powhow (a website for live webcam classes). 13
  • 14. Target Market This is Taylor Wrede. She is a working wife and now mother in Ithaca, New York. Taylor is 27 years old and lives an active lifestyle. She plans on staying in shape while she is pregnant and wants to become active again as soon as her pregnancy is over. This is Kevin and Tara Cohen. They live in Itha- ca, NY. Kevin is 35 years old and is a loyal hus- band. He is excited for his new son and knows that his wife wants to stay active while being pregnant. He is willing to do to anything to help her stay healthy during this time. In or- der to help, he has been attending yoga class- es with Tara. Doing yoga with her husband has been helping Tara stay comfortable and fit through her pregnancy. 14
  • 15. Strategies Raise awareness about Heart Thread Yoga Studio One of the most important strategies that we think needs to be implemented is gaining more awareness about the company. We want to do this by not only having a stronger presence on social media accounts, but also by advertising through print ads in local newspaper outlets such as The Ithaca Journal. Increase social media presence In order to make more people aware of Heart Thread and to increase the cus- tomer base, increasing the presence on social media is essential. Having ac- counts such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest can draw attention to the company and get more people interested in taking classes. Educate about prenatal yoga Many people are not aware of what prenatal yoga is and all of the benefits that come from practicing. If we are able to educate prenant women and thier partners through advertising more people may want to take classes. Protray Rachel as an opinion leader We want to show clients how Rachel has dedicated her life to yoga, and that she firmly believes in the positive physiological and spiritual strengthening that practicing yoga can generate. Through building-up the image of Vervalin, we hope that clients will feel safe, fully trust, and engage in our programs at Heart Thread Yoga. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Tactics By posting advertisements and informational pam- phlets at Cayuga Medical Center, Ithaca Health Alliance, Ithaca OBGYN, and in local stores we are able to expose our target audience to the materials at a very low cost. By using the medical center and doctor’s offices we can really pin point our target audience because of the services they provide to pregnant women. We would also recommend Rachel to reach out to the doctors at these offices and see if they would consider recommending prenatal yoga if it fits their clients needs. This way the doctors know it is a trusted and professional resource for their patients. Utilizing local advertising spots like Ithaca Journal and the Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) we raise awareness throughout the entire community as well as within out primary and secondary target audiences. This will help get Rachel’s company and voice out there and drive further curiosity to the website and social me- dia pages. 17
  • 18. Tactics The client had expressed interest in a small card that she could hand out to prospective clients upon meeting them. We designed this simple 4”x 5”card that serves as a reminder to head to the website, social media, call or send an email. The card serves multiple purposes as it is not formatted just for expectant mothers and shows the diversity of her classes. 18
  • 19. Tactics Rachel can have several of the tri-fold 8.5”x 11”pamphlets created for media kits, doc- tor’s offices and stores on hand for a similar purpose as the cards that provide more information about heart thread yoga. The pamphlet includes: Benefits of prenatal yoga Rachel’s background Contact information A coupon for a free class Inside Inside flap Back Front 19
  • 20. Tactics By sending Mommy Bloggers media kits they will be informed around Rachel and Heart Thread Yoga, they will be encourage to share the media kit on their blog and social media accounts. This will generate word of mouth from a trusted source in the mothering world. These media kits will include informational pamphlets about the benefits of prenatal yoga, HeartThreat Yoga apparel, and an open invitation to come to classes and retreats for free or at a discount. By providing a free or discounted retreat invitation they bloggers will feel encouraged to come and cover it on their blogs. This way their followers will be able to see what it is like to take classes and be on a retreat with Rachel. We will also send local midwives and medulas press kits. This will give them the tools to knowledge about prenatal and Heart Thread yoga. They will also be sent informational packets and business cards that they can give clients who are interested in prenatal yoga. This way they have the information that they need from a trusted source. “Not Your Average Mom” “Mom, Actually!” BirthRoot Midwifery GentlyBorne Midwifery Outreach 20
  • 21. Tactics Having specific accounts for pre-na- tal classes will mean that women who are solely interested in the topic can follow. This makes it easier to re- ally speak to these women and their needs. By building a“moms-to-be” environment on social media you can build rapport and a relationship with them before they step into the studio for the first time. Keeping these posts short, informative and light will encourage followers and interaction. Using the hashtags #BYOB, #Mamaste, #PrenatalYoga, #HeartThreadYoga and #Yoga, will help increase interaction by giv- ing form to the consumers tweets and will automatically link them to heart thread yoga. Similar postings will also be made on Twitter and FaceBook. Utalizing Hoot- Suite will be a helpful tool to aide with time management and postings. “#WarriorWednesday” @heartthreadyoga “Prenatal pose of the day” @prenatalheartthread Social media 21
  • 22. Tactics By having giveaways, contests and hastags for events during the week on social media followers will be encouraged to participate and share it with their friends. Their postings will also encourage their followers and friends to check out Heart Thread yoga on social media and possibly take a class. Also by using hashtags like #Giveaway we will bring in new followers and traffic to social media. “Tag us in your best #WarriorPoseWednes- day to enter into a chance to win a free class at Rachel VerValin #Giveaway #Ithaca” “Come to 10 #HeartThreadYoga classes in a row and get a free tank top #apperal- giveaway #giveaway” “Post a picture of you in your #Heart- ThreadYoga apperal for #ThreadThursday don’t forget to tag us @HeartThreadYoga!” 22 Social media
  • 23. Tactics Event By attending conferences Rachel will be able to build a network with other yoga instructors and yoga consumers. This way she can spread her knowledge about prenatal yoga, her classes and her retreats. Although these conferences are not local, they will spark interest in her retreats and online classes through PowHow. This could also spark new collaborations with other yoga instructors and future business opportunities. New York Conferences: New York Baby Show Mommy To Bee Expo Expecting Parents & Baby Expo The Mamas Expo By incorporating the idea of a BabyMoon into Heart Thread’s re- treats parents-to-be will not only see it as relaxing and helpful with the pregnancy but will further their connection before the baby comes. This is their last“hurrah”before sleepless nights and 2AM feedings. 23
  • 24. Tactics Apparel By designing apparel with the Heart Thread yoga logo and the“Mamaste”campaign slo- gan, we are giving customers a tool to express their values about themselves to the public. They will be able to show that they are active and care about their bodies as well as their babies. This will also serve as a free advertising space for Heart Thread yoga, potential customers will see the interesting yoga or witty hashtag #BYOB (bring your own baby) and ask questions about the company and the classes. 24
  • 25. Tactics Website By revamping the Heart Thread Yoga website, we will give consumers the right tools they need to find out all the information that they need about the company and Rachel. We will take the present website which is full of rich content and simplify the design. By minimizing clicks we will make con- tent readily available. By doing this we hope to raise traffic to the website which will in turn raise awareness and class signups. Site Features: On-site sign ups Clearer schedule Social media connection Professional and extensice background on Rachel High quality pictures and content 25
  • 26. Tactics The Heart Thread Yoga app will have information similar to the website, with there Rachel is teaching at what times and a way to sign up for classes. The app will also include yoga and health tips about standard and prenatal yoga as well as short videos posted as teasers to bring traffic to the PowHow site. The App will also feature a discussion board for customers to communicate feedback, tips, and questions with each other and Rachel. Using YouTube for short videos and PowHow for classes mothers-to-be can stay healthy, in shape, and up to date on their prenatal yoga classes. Due to the transient community that Ithaca is these videos will help to further engage customers once they have move away. This will also help make time for mothers who might already have a child to take care of or a busy work schedule, this way they can still attend a cyber class. Media 26
  • 27. Evaluation For sales, you’ll want to monitor the amount of people who sign up for classes before and after implementation of the campaign. Also, if you choose to create merchandise for the company you will want to keep an eye on the sale of those items. If attempting to get coverage in the media, it will be good to monitor the qualitative and quantitative parts of those articles or news releases. Lastly, see if you gain views on the website. The more traffic to the site, the better. For all social media accounts alike, you will want to monitor the number of followers, likes, comments and shares of all posts. Be sure to check the uses of your hashtags, #BYOB, #HeartThreadYoga, etc while also encouraging your customers to use those hashtags. 24
  • 30. Bios Taryn Briskin is a Junior Integrated Marketing and Communications major at Ithaca College. She is from New York City and has experience in event production and brand promotion. Taryn spent the summer work- ing as a social media intern and event correspondent for Caravan Stylist Studio in Manhattan. Working in collaboration with DKC Public Relations, she helped raise money in a charity fundraiser for the non Profit, Eli Kulp Foundation. Taryn is passionate in all things health, beauty, and exercise and is thrilled to be work- ing with Heart Thread Yoga! Her favorite yoga pose is tree position because it focuses on core muscles and balance. Frances Mooney is a Junior Integrated Market- ing and Communications major and a minor in Web Programming at Ithaca College. She is from the Greater Boston Area and is really passionate about brand strategy and design. After graduation she hopes to work at an advertising agency in Boston. Her favorite yoga position is Child’s Pose because it helps stretch her back. Taryn Briskin Frances Mooney 30
  • 31. Amanda Ling Amanda Ling is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major, with a Sports Studies Minor from Lake George, New York. She is currently on the social media team for ICTV’s“Sports Final”and was previously a PR intern for a licensing company for high profile brands and celebrities in NYC. Amanda aspires to work in public relations for a company or celebrity. Amanda enjoys hiking, going on adven- tures with friends and playing on the club tennis team. Amanda’s favorite yoga pose is warrior pose. Rose Lee is a Sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major with a minor in Psy- chology at Ithaca College. She is from Portland, Oregon originally, and likes dogs, tea, and cook- ing shows. Rose is interested in working in the television industry as a part of a network’s mar- keting or brand-strategy team. Her favorite yoga pose is“warrior one”because it is both strength- ening and empowering. Rose Lee 31
  • 32. Bios Colleen DiPofi is senior Cinema and Photography ma- jor with a concentration in photography and a minor in Integrated Marketing Communications at Ithaca College. Originally from Niagara Falls New York, Colleen is interested in the photography and design aspect of marketing. She enjoys traveling to new places and being outdoors (especially when going on hikes with her dog!) Her favoroite yoga position is Downward Facing Dog because it helps with her flexibility and strength. Kendall Blizzard is a sophomore Communication, Management and Design major with a concentra- tion in Communication Design. Originally, from Westwood, Massachusetts, Kendall has interned at a non-profit, providing services like web design and event planning. She is currently an art editor and writer for the HiFashion Studios Magazine at Ithaca College. She enjoys playing barefoot pick- up soccer with her friends, painting and being outside. Her favorite yoga pose is the pigeon! Colleen DiPofi Kendall Blizzard 32
  • 33. Caroline Matos is a sophomore at Ithaca College from Randolph, New Jersey. She is an Integrated Marketing Communications major and is a mem- ber of the women’s Varsity Soccer team. Caro- line was in charge of directing and creating the commercial for“Elite Divers”in Randolph, New Jersey. She hopes to work in the public relations field for a corporation while having the oppor- tunity to travel. Caroline likes to spend her free time playing soccer, surfing, snowboarding, and being around her friends and family. Her favorite yoga pose is the side-reclining leg lift! Caroline Matos Rachel Fishman Rachel Fishman is a Junior Communication Management Design major with a concentra- tion in Corporate Communication at Ithaca College. She is from West Hartford, Connecticut and interested in Event Planning. She had an internship this summer at small non-profit or- ganization where she worked in the marketing departement. She plays club lacrosse at Ithaca College and loves exercising and staying active. Her favorite yoga pose is cobra because it is a nice stretch. 33