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Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower:
nothing about me without me
Tom Delbanco MD1, Donald M. Berwick MD2, Jo Ivey Boufford MD3,
S. Edgman-Levitan PA4, Gunter Ollenschlager MD5, Diane Plamping PhD6
                         È             È
and Richard G. Rockefeller MD
 Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, USA, 2Institute for Healthcare Improvement,
Boston, USA, 3Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, New York University, New York, USA, 4The Picker Institute,
Boston, USA, 5Agency for Quality in Medicine, Cologne, Germany, 6Tower Hamlets Community Healthcare NHS Trust,
Mile End Hospital, London, UK, 7Health Commons Institute, Falmouth, ME, US

Correspondence                           In a 5-day retreat at a Salzburg Seminar attended by 64 individuals
Tom Delbanco
                                         from 29 countries, teams of health professionals, patient advocates,
Harvard Medical School
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center     artists, reporters and social scientists adopted the guiding principle
330 Brookline Avenue, LY 310             of `nothing about me without me' and created the country of
Boston                                   PeoplePower. Designed to shift health care from `biomedicine' to
MA 02215
USA                                      `infomedicine', patients and health workers throughout People-
E-mail: tdelbanc@caregroup.              Power join in informed, shared decision-making and govern-                              ance. Drawing, where possible, on computer-based guidance and
Accepted for publication                 communication technologies, patients and clinicians contribute
29 September 2000                        actively to the patient record, transcripts of clinical encounters are
Keywords: electronic medical records,    shared, and patient education occurs primarily in the home, school
employee satisfaction, patient
                                         and community-based organizations. Patients and clinicians jointly
satisfaction, shared decision-making,
volunteerism                             develop individual `quality contracts', serving as building blocks for
                                         quality measurement and improvement systems that aggregate data,
                                         while re¯ecting unique attributes of individual patients and clini-
                                         cians. Patients donate process and outcome data to national data
                                         banks that fuel epidemiological research and evidence-based
                                         improvement systems. In PeoplePower hospitals, constant patient
                                         and employee feedback informs quality improvement work teams of
                                         patients and health professionals. Volunteers work actively in all
                                         units, patient rooms are information centres that transform their
                                         shape and decor as needs and individual preferences dictate, and arts
                                         and humanities programmes nourish the spirit. In the community,
                                         from the earliest school days the citizenry works with health
                                         professionals to adopt responsible health behaviours. Communities
                                         join in selecting and educating health professionals and barter
                                         systems improve access to care. Finally, lay individuals partner with
                                         professionals on all local, regional and national governmental and
                                         private health agencies.

144                                                       Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al.   145

                                                              and creativity, the faculty charged the Fellows
                                                              with incorporating this principle into a new
World-wide, health professionals scramble to                  health care system for a mythical republic called
improve the quality of health care, focusing on               PeoplePower. There, the new prime minister
everything from changing roles for a wide range               swept into oce promising to design an entirely
of health workers, to new technologies, physical              new health system through a joint e€ort by her
plants, education for patients and professionals,             lay and professional citizenry. She commissioned
and the allocation of resources. These days,                  the Seminar participants to develop a `personal
virtually every health organization is knee-deep              health care system for PeoplePower' and, in
in `redesign'. Few, however, invite patients to               order to stimulate creativity, she announced that
join in such e€orts. Consensus reached at a 1998              any discussion of `feasibility' would be left for
Salzburg Seminar entitled `Through the Patient's              another occasion.
Eyes', suggests that e€orts to improve care might               Working in small teams late into the night, the
take strikingly di€erent shape if patients worked             Fellows elaborated initiatives involving indi-
as full partners with health professionals to                 vidual patients and clinicians, hospitals,
design and implement change. To illustrate this               communities and the government, both federal
point, we summarize recommendations that                      and local. For each initiative, we describe the
emerged from intense debate and discussion                    principal recommendations that won consensus
among 64 individuals from 29 countries over the               for the foundation of the new system. Re¯ecting
course of 5 days.                                             our shared aspirations, we describe PeoplePower
   Founded in 1947 in the spirit of post-war                  as if it exists. Indeed, what follows is consciously
reconciliation, the Salzburg Seminar o€ers a                  `Utopian', re¯ecting hopes and aspirations
neutral forum in Salzburg, Austria, where indi-               unleavened by the multitude of con¯icts and
viduals from around the world express, challenge              pressures that competitive, materialistic societies
and examine their beliefs and those of others on a            engender.
wide range of topics.1 The seven faculty for our
Seminar, active in clinical care, medical
                                                              The clinician±patient relationship
education, health policy, community develop-
ment, quality improvement, consumer advocacy                  Where technologically and ®nancially feasible
and shared decision-making, facilitated the                   within the widely varying regions of People-
work of 57 Fellows nominated and sponsored                    Power, computer-based guidance and commu-
by national and local agencies, practices or                  nication systems are central to the new health
communities. The faculty and Fellows (whose                   care system. They serve not as a replacement for
median age was 40) represented nations as                     the clinician±patient relationship, but to enhance
diverse as Australia, Argentina, China,                       it at every turn, while dramatically reducing
Romania, Russia, Sweden, South Africa, Malta,                 human error. Electronic patient records provide
Israel, the United States and the United                      the backbone for decision support systems, as
Kingdom. They included physician assistants,                  well as a focal point for the clinician±patient
practitioners of alternative medicine, patient                interaction. Patients and clinicians depend
advocates, health educators, doctors, healthcare              heavily on secure electronic mail for communi-
administrators, social scientists, nurses, philan-            cation2 and a growing number of technologies
thropists, medical reporters, a storyteller and a             help patients monitor symptoms and signs in the
theatre artist.                                               home. Patients and their families use these tech-
   In the introductory group meeting the Fellows              nologies also to monitor adherence to medical
developed a guiding principle for patient/citizen             regimens,3 pro®ting from reminders such as
involvement: `Nothing about me without me', an                electronic alerts and diaries.4 Higher level guid-
emphatic statement that posed dicult chal-                   ance, including patient-speci®c disease manage-
lenges for the week's work. To foster imagination             ment, preliminary diagnosis and triage for

Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
146 Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al.

     patients at home, and even higher-level diag-               Community-based teams of lay persons and
     nostic assistance for patients and doctors toge-            health professionals monitor and recommend
     ther, are increasingly employed and continuously            interactive material from selected Internet sites,
     improved.                                                   which complements and ampli®es the clinical
                                                                 issue at hand.
                                                                    Citizens from areas in PeoplePower lacking
     Medical records and patient education
                                                                 resources for such technologies subscribe
     In PeoplePower, the Internet-based patient                  enthusiastically to the same underlying princi-
     record exists as a single version that resides              ples7 but rely on paper and pencil and, when
     nowhere but is available everywhere. Oversight              possible, the telephone to communicate. In these
     by many users has greatly improved its reliab-              parts of the nation, family members, volunteers
     ility. Not only do patients have nearly complete            or small audio or video recorders document
     access to their medical record (although they               interactions in the clinician's oce. For educa-
     don't have to review their record if they don't             tional material, patients and clinicians draw
     want to), but they also write in it ± elaborating,          regularly on libraries of books, articles and tapes
     tracking and explicating problems, correcting               focused on health promotion and the manage-
     mistakes, prioritizing needs, and at times sug-             ment of illness.8 Peer counselling for those who
     gesting both diagnoses and treatment plans.                 are not literate plays an important role in elab-
     Controlled layering of access provides far                  orating informed, shared decision-making,
     greater con®dentiality than was previously                  which represents PeoplePower's national stan-
     possible. Some parts of the record are for                  dard for clinical interaction.9
     patients' eyes only. Others, such as clinicians'
     reminders to themselves, are o€ limits to anyone
                                                                 Clinicians and patients measuring
     else, while employers, payers, etc., are privy only
                                                                 and improving quality
     to information authorized for their speci®c
     purposes.                                                   Whichever technology they use, after patients
         In clinicians' oces throughout PeoplePower,            and their families re¯ect on and, when possible,
     computerized voice recognition systems record               review transcripts of the visit, health providers
     encounters in real time, allowing patients to go            expect to receive anecdotal feedback, sent
     home with a hard copy of the visit to review at             through secure e-mail systems when feasible. In
     leisure thereafter. Others leave the clinician's            addition, whether through face-to-face interview,
     oce with a transcript recorded on a `smart                 paper and pencil, telephone, or with computer-
     card', a machine-readable computerized storage              assisted technologies, virtually all patients
     system that holds also their medical histories,             complete structured surveys that assess quality
     prior visit transcripts, medication lists and               `through the patient's eyes', providing data that
     results of health maintenance and diagnostic                guide clinicians in `real time' towards improved
     testing.5 Bene®ting from PeoplePower's national             care.10,11
     obsession with secure and private communica-                   In PeoplePower, each citizen also owns an
     tion lines6 still other patients access and shape           individual `quality contract', agreed to and
     their medical records via the World Wide Web,               monitored by both the patient and clinician. As
     o€ering their clinicians access to information              an example, consider a middle-aged obese,
     that the patients, and sometimes their families,            hypertensive and diabetic man. He and his
     elaborate and update regularly.                             doctor jointly design a programme to manage his
         In PeoplePower, most patient education does             care and together establish explicit, measurable
     not take place during the actual patient±clinician          goals for the year. The patient decides to lose
     encounter. Rather, much occurs before and after             10 kg of weight, decrease his elevated glycoso-
     visits to clinicians, with patient-speci®c materials        lated haemoglobin level by 2%, and bring down
     ¯owing by e-mail from the clinician to patient.             his mean diastolic pressure by 15 mm. To do this

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Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al.   147

he works to change his eating habits, increase his            unique to each individual's personal circum-
exercise, and adjust and adhere to his medical                stance forces PeoplePower to consider actively
regimen. For her part, his doctor agrees to                   the issues of privacy, con®dentiality and consent
choose and send the patient relevant teaching                 for clinical research. PeoplePower is urging its
materials available on the Internet, to review and            citizens to `donate' their own Individual Health
respond at least quarterly to the patient's elec-             Data Account voluntarily and anonymously to
tronic diary, and to meet with him three times                the PeoplePower Data Banks. The Data Banks
annually to monitor progress and address new                  store data that generate and track the various
issues.                                                       scores outlined above. They also a€ord the
   Both the patient and clinician measure and                 country unique opportunities to aggregate data,
score performance and outcome, with the                       establishing a `virtual' national laboratory that
relative value of their speci®c goals enumerated              houses standardized, core measures of the
in advance. Incomplete achievements ± only                    processes and outcomes of care. Investigators
2 kg of weight loss, or tardy responses by the                draw on this invaluable source of data to conduct
clinician to a patient's e-mail and telephone                 evidence-based, epidemiological research that
queries ± yield lower scores. The goals the                   informs and improves care throughout the nation
patient and clinician establish include quanti-               and beyond.
®able measures that document change in                           Patients in PeoplePower may choose clinicians
functional status and quality of life. In addi-               well-matched to their individual preferences by
tion, errors and potentially preventable adverse              reviewing taped statements o€ered by individual
outcomes a€ect the scores, as does the                        clinicians and some of their patients. The videos
patient's evaluation of speci®c elements of the               describe attributes such as the clinician's back-
clinician's behaviour, with particular emphasis               ground, training, experience, practice style and
on the recognition of individual dignity, pref-               personal preferences. For each clinician, the
erences and needs. If all goes perfectly during               videos also display anecdotal and aggregate
the year, the patient and clinician each earn                 feedback from patients, along with scores
100 points.                                                   outlining and analysing clinical performance.
   When viewed in the aggregate, the People-                     Finally, PeoplePower rewards all citizens for
Power Quality Measurement and Improvement                     their contributions to the public's health by
System addresses both the process and outcome                 providing rapid access not only to their medical
of care and re¯ects both patients' and clinicians'            records, but also to summaries of their data
performance. For example, in one 10 000-patient               accounts, presented in ways that consider an
practice in PeoplePower, patients achieved last               individual's literacy, education and cultural
year a mean Patient Quality Score of 63 out of a              needs.
`perfect' 100. The practice and its patients have
jointly established a target score of 70 for the
                                                              Hospitals in PeoplePower
current year and together are elaborating strat-
egies to achieve their goal. Similarly, for the 15            PeoplePower is experimenting with a system of
clinicians in the practice, last year's mean Clini-           accountability for patient advocates that mirrors
cian Quality Score was 68. This year, helped by a             one in place in several newspapers in the United
team of patients, the clinicians are working hard             States. As an example, the Boston Globe
to improve care and have targeted a score of 80               ombudsman who critiques articles appearing in
as their collective goal.                                     that newspaper reports to the owner, not the
                                                              editor. Similarly, ombudspeople in PeoplePower
                                                              report to the ultimate hospital authority, beyond
Research, data management, and con®dentiality
                                                              the chief executive or his or her delegates. From
Placing the medical record front and centre and               that prominent and protected vantage point, the
developing metrics to judge quality that are                  ombudspeople spearhead e€orts to improve care

Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
148 Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al.

     by scrutinizing untoward patient experiences                (NGOs) representing the categorical interests of
     and advocating timely remedies.                             both healthy and ill individuals. Further promo-
        Collaborating with social scientists, the                ting a mix of professional and lay skills, the
     ombudspeople also join teams of hospital                    hospitals house associations focusing on
     workers who generate from patients and their                diabetes, cancer, care at the end of life, parent
     families a constant stream of feedback, both                counselling or addiction. Hospital-based learning
     through surveys designed to provide aggregate               centres and libraries, similar to those pioneered
     data and by inviting individual anecdotes.                  by Planetree in the United States,12 take a
     Guided by the principle that an ecient, ener-              central role in convening and networking patients
     gized and satis®ed workforce provides the best              and their families and friends. The centres work
     care, the ombudspeople and social scientists                closely with storytellers who both perform for
     gather similar information from the hospital                patients and elicit patients' stories, artists and
     workforce, including professionals and those                performers from a wide range of disciplines,
     in supporting roles, using surveys that measure             spiritual leaders from the community, and healers
     workers' experiences in carrying out their                  from a broad spectrum of disciplines that
     responsibilities and also evaluate job satisfaction.        complement allopathic medicine.
        On PeoplePower hospital ¯oors, families help
     not only their loved ones, but also volunteer to
                                                                 Community-based initiatives
     aid many patients in the hospital. Similarly,
     patients join in a wide variety of hospital e€orts,         In communities throughout PeoplePower,
     ranging from ad hoc work teams developing new               primary care clinicians serve as `gateopeners', in
     initiatives, to the array of committees overseeing          striking contrast to their former role as `gate-
     di€erent hospital functions. Such patient parti-            keepers'. Community leaders work closely with
     cipation provides further substance to People-              health professionals and their students to
     Power's `nothing about me without me' guiding               encourage `community-oriented primary care'13
     principle.                                                  that actively engages primary and secondary
        With respect to hospitals and their physical             schools, religious institutions, local businesses,
     design, PeoplePower recognizes that individual              the police force and prisons. In the elementary
     preferences concerning privacy vs. group living             schools in PeoplePower, health professionals
     vary widely. Much like the stage in a theatre, the          join teachers in preparing students from their
     nation is building hospitals that house rooms of            very ®rst days to take steps to maximize their
     changeable shapes and sizes, thereby helping                own health and to learn to deal with illness in a
     sta€ and patients adapt to shifting usage and               way that promotes informed, shared decisions
     preferences. Where resources permit, each room              between themselves and those who care for
     holds an information centre, including the                  them.
     patient's electronic medical record, a computer                Lay citizens and clinicians join in educational
     providing Internet access, CD ROMs o€ering                  initiatives designed to improve clinical, spiritual
     education about disease and the processes of                and managerial skills among health professionals
     care, and recording and playback devices that               and lay individuals involved in health care.
     allow patients and families to review important             Acknowledging PeoplePower's national interest
     discussions with caregivers. Volunteers help `low           in developing health professionals with cultural
     tech' patients work with these technologies.                and ethnic backgrounds similar to those they will
        Wherever feasible, hospitals in PeoplePower              serve, community representatives help identify
     bring natural light to the patients and workforce,          candidates suitable for careers in health care and
     gardens are abundant, pet animals are welcomed,             join in the selection process for new health
     and there is a sense of campus, rather than prison.         professionals. Holding formal teaching appoint-
     Hospitals support patients further by alloca-               ments in health profession schools, both
     ting space to non-governmental organizations                healthy and ill lay persons teach young health

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Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al.   149

professionals how to understand and draw upon                 service that delights and surprises both the
the patient's perspective.14 Apprenticeship pro-              `caregiver' and `caregetter' with unanticipated
grammes deploy healthcare leaders as mentors to               levels of excellence.16
those demonstrating particular promise as future                 Led by the national government, PeoplePower
leaders.                                                      is establishing a `patient bill of rights', developed
   Peer counsellor programmes match patients in               collaboratively by professionals and patients. It
need with individuals with similar clinical                   moves beyond current e€orts, as the nation
conditions and health needs. Individuals in local             works to build consensus on complex issues such
healthcare volunteer corps serve as `navigators',             as priorities for organ transplantation, mental
assisting patients with the services of NGOs,                 health care, entitlements for the poor, genetic
hospitals and practices providing ambulatory                  engineering and therapies, and care at the
care. Those helped by such e€orts are expected,               beginning and end of life.
when possible, to reciprocate by volunteering                    In an e€ort to hold the media accountable, a
their services for other community needs. Thus,               national programme to inform and educate the
for those capable of participating, a service                 media has established guidelines for fairness and
credit `barter system', similar to the `time-dollar'          accuracy. National and local agencies assist and
initiatives emerging in some communities in the               support the media in recruiting and retaining
United States, encourages people from all walks               experts skilled in interpreting research studies
of life to contribute to the PeoplePower health               who teach reporters to evaluate new ®ndings
system.15                                                     critically. PeoplePower has also established
   While much of the foregoing draws on                       incentives, including national and local `health-
voluntarism and reciprocity, such a system                    care media award programmes', that encourage
requires a robust infrastructure. Helped by the               the media to join in e€orts to improve the health
federal government and private philanthropies,                of the nation.
communities throughout PeoplePower take the                      Finally, accountability for health and illness
lead in providing ®nancial support that builds                in the nation sits at multiple levels, such that
voluntary e€orts into the fabric of the nation.               every citizen is growing con®dent that `nothing
                                                              about me without me' is embedded in all levels
                                                              of the delivery system. Accountability is
National and local governmental agencies
                                                              becoming transparent, functioning upward,
In PeoplePower, those who legislate, regulate                 downward and horizontally, with quality meas-
and pay for health care work closely with patient             ured at every juncture. Indeed, as `infomedicine'
advocacy councils and include lay representa-                 becomes an equal partner with `biomedicine', all
tives on their principal committees, working                  citizens of PeoplePower share accountability for
groups, review boards and consensus panels.                   the quality of the new health system.
Similarly, the ministries of health and corres-
ponding local agencies have established high
level positions for individuals charged with
articulating and monitoring the patient's                     We paint the components of PeoplePower's
perspective.                                                  mythical health system with a broad, utopian
   National and local quality task forces contain             brush, and the landscape that emerges di€ers
a mix of health professionals and lay individuals.            strikingly from the strategies, shape and philo-
They establish and monitor quality standards                  sophy of care deployed today in health systems
that amplify and aggregate the individual quality             around the world. It is a scenario divorced
contracts and improvement initiatives outlined                entirely from ®nancial, human, societal and
above. They work aggressively to identify                     historical constraints, and as such is suspect, can
`benchmarks' and `best practices' that stimulate              never be realized in its entirety, and indeed runs
e€orts to improve care. The goal is a level of                the risk of appearing cloying, simplistic and

Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
150 Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al.

     beyond any possibility of approaching realiza-                 3 Slack WV. Cybermedicine. How Computing Empowers
     tion. Yet, examples of many of the components                    Doctors and Patients for Better Health Care, 1st edn.
                                                                      San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997.
     the Seminar envisioned exist, or are being
                                                                    4 Rind DM, Davis R, Safran C. Designing studies
     developed somewhere today. The underlying                        of computer-based alerts and reminders. MD
     principles ± that of production, governance and                  Computing, 1995; 12: 122±126.
     accountability shared and created by patients                  5 Neame R. Smart cards ± the key to trustworthy health
     working closely with health professionals ±                      information systems. British Medical Journal, 1997;
     engendered visions among the faculty and                         314: 573.
                                                                    6 Rind DM, Kohane IS, Szolovits P et al. Maintaining
     fellows that provoked animated debate well into
                                                                      the con®dentiality of medical records shared over the
     the night. At a time of frightening instability and              Internet and the World Wide Web. Annals of Internal
     change in health systems world-wide, our hope is                 Medicine, 1997; 127: 138±141.
     that the readers of Health Expectations will be                7 Mandl KD, Katz SB, Kohane IS. Social equity and
     similarly stimulated to work towards health                      access to the World Wide Web and e-mail: implica-
                                                                      tions for design and implementation of medical
     programmes that draw closer together patients
                                                                      applications. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Fall
     and those who care for them.                                3    Symposium, 1998: 215±219.
                                                                    8 Barzda L. A voluminous library for what ails you.
                                                                      New York Times, Connecticut Section, 1999; 4 July.
     Acknowledgements                                               9 Rockefeller R. Informed shared decision-making: is
     The authors thank the session Fellows and                        this the future of health care? Healthcare Forum
                                                                      Journal, 1999; 42: 54±56.
     observers for the insights and creativity that
                                                                   10 Cleary PD, Edgman-Levitan S. Health care quality.
     engendered the body of this paper. Thanks also                   Incorporating consumer perspectives. Journal of the
     to Patty Russell BA for her assistance throughout                American Medical Association, 1997; 278:
     the Seminar and thereafter in the preparation of                 1608±1612.
     this manuscript, and to Erin Hartman MS for                   11 Gerteis M, Edgman-Levitan E, Daley J, Delbanco
                                                                      TL. Through the Patient's Eyes: Understanding and
     editorial assistance.
                                                                      Promoting Patient-Centered Care, 1st edn. San
        The Seminar was supported by contributions                    Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993.
     from the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, the                      12 Werdal L. Through the patient's eyes. The Planetree
     Branta Foundation, Bure Health Care, The                         experience at Grif®n Hospital. Healthcare Forum
     Commonwealth Fund, Fairview Medical and                          Journal, 1995; 38: 35±38.
     the Fetzer Institute.                                         13 Mullan F. Sounding board. Community-oriented
                                                                      primary care: an agenda for the '80s. New England
                                                                      Journal of Medicine, 1982; 307: 1076±1078.
    1 References                                                   14 Delbanco TL. Enriching the doctor±patient relation-
                                                                      ship by inviting the patient's perspective. Annals of
      1 Ryback TW, Fox S, Ryback ML. The Salzburg                     Internal Medicine, 1992; 116: 414±418.
        Seminar: the First Fifty Years, 1st edn. Salzburg,         15 Cahn E, Rowe J. Time Dollars: The New Currency
    2   Austria: The Salzburg Seminar in American Studies,            That Enables Americans to Turn Their Hidden
        1997.                                                         Resource ± Time ± Into Personal Security and
      2 Kane B, Sands DZ. Guidelines for the clinical use of          Community Renewal, 1st edn. Emmaus, Pennsylvania:
        electronic mail with patients. The AMIA Internet              Rodale Press, 1992.
        Working Group, Task Force on Guidelines for the            16 Berwick DM. The total customer relationship in
        Use of Clinic-Patient Electronic Mail. Journal of the    4    health care: broadening the bandwidth. Jt Comm
        American Medical Information Association, 1998; 5:            Journal of Quality Improvement, 1997; 23: 245±250.

                                                            Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150

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  • 1. Viewpoint Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower: nothing about me without me Tom Delbanco MD1, Donald M. Berwick MD2, Jo Ivey Boufford MD3, S. Edgman-Levitan PA4, Gunter Ollenschlager MD5, Diane Plamping PhD6 È È 7 and Richard G. Rockefeller MD 1 Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, USA, 2Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Boston, USA, 3Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, New York University, New York, USA, 4The Picker Institute, Boston, USA, 5Agency for Quality in Medicine, Cologne, Germany, 6Tower Hamlets Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Mile End Hospital, London, UK, 7Health Commons Institute, Falmouth, ME, US Abstract Correspondence In a 5-day retreat at a Salzburg Seminar attended by 64 individuals Tom Delbanco from 29 countries, teams of health professionals, patient advocates, Harvard Medical School Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center artists, reporters and social scientists adopted the guiding principle 330 Brookline Avenue, LY 310 of `nothing about me without me' and created the country of Boston PeoplePower. Designed to shift health care from `biomedicine' to MA 02215 USA `infomedicine', patients and health workers throughout People- E-mail: tdelbanc@caregroup. Power join in informed, shared decision-making and govern- ance. Drawing, where possible, on computer-based guidance and Accepted for publication communication technologies, patients and clinicians contribute 29 September 2000 actively to the patient record, transcripts of clinical encounters are Keywords: electronic medical records, shared, and patient education occurs primarily in the home, school employee satisfaction, patient and community-based organizations. Patients and clinicians jointly satisfaction, shared decision-making, volunteerism develop individual `quality contracts', serving as building blocks for quality measurement and improvement systems that aggregate data, while re¯ecting unique attributes of individual patients and clini- cians. Patients donate process and outcome data to national data banks that fuel epidemiological research and evidence-based improvement systems. In PeoplePower hospitals, constant patient and employee feedback informs quality improvement work teams of patients and health professionals. Volunteers work actively in all units, patient rooms are information centres that transform their shape and decor as needs and individual preferences dictate, and arts and humanities programmes nourish the spirit. In the community, from the earliest school days the citizenry works with health professionals to adopt responsible health behaviours. Communities join in selecting and educating health professionals and barter systems improve access to care. Finally, lay individuals partner with professionals on all local, regional and national governmental and private health agencies. 144 Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
  • 2. Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al. 145 and creativity, the faculty charged the Fellows Introduction with incorporating this principle into a new World-wide, health professionals scramble to health care system for a mythical republic called improve the quality of health care, focusing on PeoplePower. There, the new prime minister everything from changing roles for a wide range swept into oce promising to design an entirely of health workers, to new technologies, physical new health system through a joint e€ort by her plants, education for patients and professionals, lay and professional citizenry. She commissioned and the allocation of resources. These days, the Seminar participants to develop a `personal virtually every health organization is knee-deep health care system for PeoplePower' and, in in `redesign'. Few, however, invite patients to order to stimulate creativity, she announced that join in such e€orts. Consensus reached at a 1998 any discussion of `feasibility' would be left for Salzburg Seminar entitled `Through the Patient's another occasion. Eyes', suggests that e€orts to improve care might Working in small teams late into the night, the take strikingly di€erent shape if patients worked Fellows elaborated initiatives involving indi- as full partners with health professionals to vidual patients and clinicians, hospitals, design and implement change. To illustrate this communities and the government, both federal point, we summarize recommendations that and local. For each initiative, we describe the emerged from intense debate and discussion principal recommendations that won consensus among 64 individuals from 29 countries over the for the foundation of the new system. Re¯ecting course of 5 days. our shared aspirations, we describe PeoplePower Founded in 1947 in the spirit of post-war as if it exists. Indeed, what follows is consciously reconciliation, the Salzburg Seminar o€ers a `Utopian', re¯ecting hopes and aspirations neutral forum in Salzburg, Austria, where indi- unleavened by the multitude of con¯icts and viduals from around the world express, challenge pressures that competitive, materialistic societies and examine their beliefs and those of others on a engender. wide range of topics.1 The seven faculty for our Seminar, active in clinical care, medical The clinician±patient relationship education, health policy, community develop- ment, quality improvement, consumer advocacy Where technologically and ®nancially feasible and shared decision-making, facilitated the within the widely varying regions of People- work of 57 Fellows nominated and sponsored Power, computer-based guidance and commu- by national and local agencies, practices or nication systems are central to the new health communities. The faculty and Fellows (whose care system. They serve not as a replacement for median age was 40) represented nations as the clinician±patient relationship, but to enhance diverse as Australia, Argentina, China, it at every turn, while dramatically reducing Romania, Russia, Sweden, South Africa, Malta, human error. Electronic patient records provide Israel, the United States and the United the backbone for decision support systems, as Kingdom. They included physician assistants, well as a focal point for the clinician±patient practitioners of alternative medicine, patient interaction. Patients and clinicians depend advocates, health educators, doctors, healthcare heavily on secure electronic mail for communi- administrators, social scientists, nurses, philan- cation2 and a growing number of technologies thropists, medical reporters, a storyteller and a help patients monitor symptoms and signs in the theatre artist. home. Patients and their families use these tech- In the introductory group meeting the Fellows nologies also to monitor adherence to medical developed a guiding principle for patient/citizen regimens,3 pro®ting from reminders such as involvement: `Nothing about me without me', an electronic alerts and diaries.4 Higher level guid- emphatic statement that posed dicult chal- ance, including patient-speci®c disease manage- lenges for the week's work. To foster imagination ment, preliminary diagnosis and triage for Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
  • 3. 146 Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al. patients at home, and even higher-level diag- Community-based teams of lay persons and nostic assistance for patients and doctors toge- health professionals monitor and recommend ther, are increasingly employed and continuously interactive material from selected Internet sites, improved. which complements and ampli®es the clinical issue at hand. Citizens from areas in PeoplePower lacking Medical records and patient education resources for such technologies subscribe In PeoplePower, the Internet-based patient enthusiastically to the same underlying princi- record exists as a single version that resides ples7 but rely on paper and pencil and, when nowhere but is available everywhere. Oversight possible, the telephone to communicate. In these by many users has greatly improved its reliab- parts of the nation, family members, volunteers ility. Not only do patients have nearly complete or small audio or video recorders document access to their medical record (although they interactions in the clinician's oce. For educa- don't have to review their record if they don't tional material, patients and clinicians draw want to), but they also write in it ± elaborating, regularly on libraries of books, articles and tapes tracking and explicating problems, correcting focused on health promotion and the manage- mistakes, prioritizing needs, and at times sug- ment of illness.8 Peer counselling for those who gesting both diagnoses and treatment plans. are not literate plays an important role in elab- Controlled layering of access provides far orating informed, shared decision-making, greater con®dentiality than was previously which represents PeoplePower's national stan- possible. Some parts of the record are for dard for clinical interaction.9 patients' eyes only. Others, such as clinicians' reminders to themselves, are o€ limits to anyone Clinicians and patients measuring else, while employers, payers, etc., are privy only and improving quality to information authorized for their speci®c purposes. Whichever technology they use, after patients In clinicians' oces throughout PeoplePower, and their families re¯ect on and, when possible, computerized voice recognition systems record review transcripts of the visit, health providers encounters in real time, allowing patients to go expect to receive anecdotal feedback, sent home with a hard copy of the visit to review at through secure e-mail systems when feasible. In leisure thereafter. Others leave the clinician's addition, whether through face-to-face interview, oce with a transcript recorded on a `smart paper and pencil, telephone, or with computer- card', a machine-readable computerized storage assisted technologies, virtually all patients system that holds also their medical histories, complete structured surveys that assess quality prior visit transcripts, medication lists and `through the patient's eyes', providing data that results of health maintenance and diagnostic guide clinicians in `real time' towards improved testing.5 Bene®ting from PeoplePower's national care.10,11 obsession with secure and private communica- In PeoplePower, each citizen also owns an tion lines6 still other patients access and shape individual `quality contract', agreed to and their medical records via the World Wide Web, monitored by both the patient and clinician. As o€ering their clinicians access to information an example, consider a middle-aged obese, that the patients, and sometimes their families, hypertensive and diabetic man. He and his elaborate and update regularly. doctor jointly design a programme to manage his In PeoplePower, most patient education does care and together establish explicit, measurable not take place during the actual patient±clinician goals for the year. The patient decides to lose encounter. Rather, much occurs before and after 10 kg of weight, decrease his elevated glycoso- visits to clinicians, with patient-speci®c materials lated haemoglobin level by 2%, and bring down ¯owing by e-mail from the clinician to patient. his mean diastolic pressure by 15 mm. To do this Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
  • 4. Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al. 147 he works to change his eating habits, increase his unique to each individual's personal circum- exercise, and adjust and adhere to his medical stance forces PeoplePower to consider actively regimen. For her part, his doctor agrees to the issues of privacy, con®dentiality and consent choose and send the patient relevant teaching for clinical research. PeoplePower is urging its materials available on the Internet, to review and citizens to `donate' their own Individual Health respond at least quarterly to the patient's elec- Data Account voluntarily and anonymously to tronic diary, and to meet with him three times the PeoplePower Data Banks. The Data Banks annually to monitor progress and address new store data that generate and track the various issues. scores outlined above. They also a€ord the Both the patient and clinician measure and country unique opportunities to aggregate data, score performance and outcome, with the establishing a `virtual' national laboratory that relative value of their speci®c goals enumerated houses standardized, core measures of the in advance. Incomplete achievements ± only processes and outcomes of care. Investigators 2 kg of weight loss, or tardy responses by the draw on this invaluable source of data to conduct clinician to a patient's e-mail and telephone evidence-based, epidemiological research that queries ± yield lower scores. The goals the informs and improves care throughout the nation patient and clinician establish include quanti- and beyond. ®able measures that document change in Patients in PeoplePower may choose clinicians functional status and quality of life. In addi- well-matched to their individual preferences by tion, errors and potentially preventable adverse reviewing taped statements o€ered by individual outcomes a€ect the scores, as does the clinicians and some of their patients. The videos patient's evaluation of speci®c elements of the describe attributes such as the clinician's back- clinician's behaviour, with particular emphasis ground, training, experience, practice style and on the recognition of individual dignity, pref- personal preferences. For each clinician, the erences and needs. If all goes perfectly during videos also display anecdotal and aggregate the year, the patient and clinician each earn feedback from patients, along with scores 100 points. outlining and analysing clinical performance. When viewed in the aggregate, the People- Finally, PeoplePower rewards all citizens for Power Quality Measurement and Improvement their contributions to the public's health by System addresses both the process and outcome providing rapid access not only to their medical of care and re¯ects both patients' and clinicians' records, but also to summaries of their data performance. For example, in one 10 000-patient accounts, presented in ways that consider an practice in PeoplePower, patients achieved last individual's literacy, education and cultural year a mean Patient Quality Score of 63 out of a needs. `perfect' 100. The practice and its patients have jointly established a target score of 70 for the Hospitals in PeoplePower current year and together are elaborating strat- egies to achieve their goal. Similarly, for the 15 PeoplePower is experimenting with a system of clinicians in the practice, last year's mean Clini- accountability for patient advocates that mirrors cian Quality Score was 68. This year, helped by a one in place in several newspapers in the United team of patients, the clinicians are working hard States. As an example, the Boston Globe to improve care and have targeted a score of 80 ombudsman who critiques articles appearing in as their collective goal. that newspaper reports to the owner, not the editor. Similarly, ombudspeople in PeoplePower report to the ultimate hospital authority, beyond Research, data management, and con®dentiality the chief executive or his or her delegates. From Placing the medical record front and centre and that prominent and protected vantage point, the developing metrics to judge quality that are ombudspeople spearhead e€orts to improve care Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
  • 5. 148 Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al. by scrutinizing untoward patient experiences (NGOs) representing the categorical interests of and advocating timely remedies. both healthy and ill individuals. Further promo- Collaborating with social scientists, the ting a mix of professional and lay skills, the ombudspeople also join teams of hospital hospitals house associations focusing on workers who generate from patients and their diabetes, cancer, care at the end of life, parent families a constant stream of feedback, both counselling or addiction. Hospital-based learning through surveys designed to provide aggregate centres and libraries, similar to those pioneered data and by inviting individual anecdotes. by Planetree in the United States,12 take a Guided by the principle that an ecient, ener- central role in convening and networking patients gized and satis®ed workforce provides the best and their families and friends. The centres work care, the ombudspeople and social scientists closely with storytellers who both perform for gather similar information from the hospital patients and elicit patients' stories, artists and workforce, including professionals and those performers from a wide range of disciplines, in supporting roles, using surveys that measure spiritual leaders from the community, and healers workers' experiences in carrying out their from a broad spectrum of disciplines that responsibilities and also evaluate job satisfaction. complement allopathic medicine. On PeoplePower hospital ¯oors, families help not only their loved ones, but also volunteer to Community-based initiatives aid many patients in the hospital. Similarly, patients join in a wide variety of hospital e€orts, In communities throughout PeoplePower, ranging from ad hoc work teams developing new primary care clinicians serve as `gateopeners', in initiatives, to the array of committees overseeing striking contrast to their former role as `gate- di€erent hospital functions. Such patient parti- keepers'. Community leaders work closely with cipation provides further substance to People- health professionals and their students to Power's `nothing about me without me' guiding encourage `community-oriented primary care'13 principle. that actively engages primary and secondary With respect to hospitals and their physical schools, religious institutions, local businesses, design, PeoplePower recognizes that individual the police force and prisons. In the elementary preferences concerning privacy vs. group living schools in PeoplePower, health professionals vary widely. Much like the stage in a theatre, the join teachers in preparing students from their nation is building hospitals that house rooms of very ®rst days to take steps to maximize their changeable shapes and sizes, thereby helping own health and to learn to deal with illness in a sta€ and patients adapt to shifting usage and way that promotes informed, shared decisions preferences. Where resources permit, each room between themselves and those who care for holds an information centre, including the them. patient's electronic medical record, a computer Lay citizens and clinicians join in educational providing Internet access, CD ROMs o€ering initiatives designed to improve clinical, spiritual education about disease and the processes of and managerial skills among health professionals care, and recording and playback devices that and lay individuals involved in health care. allow patients and families to review important Acknowledging PeoplePower's national interest discussions with caregivers. Volunteers help `low in developing health professionals with cultural tech' patients work with these technologies. and ethnic backgrounds similar to those they will Wherever feasible, hospitals in PeoplePower serve, community representatives help identify bring natural light to the patients and workforce, candidates suitable for careers in health care and gardens are abundant, pet animals are welcomed, join in the selection process for new health and there is a sense of campus, rather than prison. professionals. Holding formal teaching appoint- Hospitals support patients further by alloca- ments in health profession schools, both ting space to non-governmental organizations healthy and ill lay persons teach young health Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
  • 6. Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al. 149 professionals how to understand and draw upon service that delights and surprises both the the patient's perspective.14 Apprenticeship pro- `caregiver' and `caregetter' with unanticipated grammes deploy healthcare leaders as mentors to levels of excellence.16 those demonstrating particular promise as future Led by the national government, PeoplePower leaders. is establishing a `patient bill of rights', developed Peer counsellor programmes match patients in collaboratively by professionals and patients. It need with individuals with similar clinical moves beyond current e€orts, as the nation conditions and health needs. Individuals in local works to build consensus on complex issues such healthcare volunteer corps serve as `navigators', as priorities for organ transplantation, mental assisting patients with the services of NGOs, health care, entitlements for the poor, genetic hospitals and practices providing ambulatory engineering and therapies, and care at the care. Those helped by such e€orts are expected, beginning and end of life. when possible, to reciprocate by volunteering In an e€ort to hold the media accountable, a their services for other community needs. Thus, national programme to inform and educate the for those capable of participating, a service media has established guidelines for fairness and credit `barter system', similar to the `time-dollar' accuracy. National and local agencies assist and initiatives emerging in some communities in the support the media in recruiting and retaining United States, encourages people from all walks experts skilled in interpreting research studies of life to contribute to the PeoplePower health who teach reporters to evaluate new ®ndings system.15 critically. PeoplePower has also established While much of the foregoing draws on incentives, including national and local `health- voluntarism and reciprocity, such a system care media award programmes', that encourage requires a robust infrastructure. Helped by the the media to join in e€orts to improve the health federal government and private philanthropies, of the nation. communities throughout PeoplePower take the Finally, accountability for health and illness lead in providing ®nancial support that builds in the nation sits at multiple levels, such that voluntary e€orts into the fabric of the nation. every citizen is growing con®dent that `nothing about me without me' is embedded in all levels of the delivery system. Accountability is National and local governmental agencies becoming transparent, functioning upward, In PeoplePower, those who legislate, regulate downward and horizontally, with quality meas- and pay for health care work closely with patient ured at every juncture. Indeed, as `infomedicine' advocacy councils and include lay representa- becomes an equal partner with `biomedicine', all tives on their principal committees, working citizens of PeoplePower share accountability for groups, review boards and consensus panels. the quality of the new health system. Similarly, the ministries of health and corres- ponding local agencies have established high Summary level positions for individuals charged with articulating and monitoring the patient's We paint the components of PeoplePower's perspective. mythical health system with a broad, utopian National and local quality task forces contain brush, and the landscape that emerges di€ers a mix of health professionals and lay individuals. strikingly from the strategies, shape and philo- They establish and monitor quality standards sophy of care deployed today in health systems that amplify and aggregate the individual quality around the world. It is a scenario divorced contracts and improvement initiatives outlined entirely from ®nancial, human, societal and above. They work aggressively to identify historical constraints, and as such is suspect, can `benchmarks' and `best practices' that stimulate never be realized in its entirety, and indeed runs e€orts to improve care. The goal is a level of the risk of appearing cloying, simplistic and Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150
  • 7. 150 Healthcare in a land called PeoplePower, T Delbanco et al. beyond any possibility of approaching realiza- 3 Slack WV. Cybermedicine. How Computing Empowers tion. Yet, examples of many of the components Doctors and Patients for Better Health Care, 1st edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997. the Seminar envisioned exist, or are being 4 Rind DM, Davis R, Safran C. Designing studies developed somewhere today. The underlying of computer-based alerts and reminders. MD principles ± that of production, governance and Computing, 1995; 12: 122±126. accountability shared and created by patients 5 Neame R. Smart cards ± the key to trustworthy health working closely with health professionals ± information systems. British Medical Journal, 1997; engendered visions among the faculty and 314: 573. 6 Rind DM, Kohane IS, Szolovits P et al. Maintaining fellows that provoked animated debate well into the con®dentiality of medical records shared over the the night. At a time of frightening instability and Internet and the World Wide Web. Annals of Internal change in health systems world-wide, our hope is Medicine, 1997; 127: 138±141. that the readers of Health Expectations will be 7 Mandl KD, Katz SB, Kohane IS. Social equity and similarly stimulated to work towards health access to the World Wide Web and e-mail: implica- tions for design and implementation of medical programmes that draw closer together patients applications. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Fall and those who care for them. 3 Symposium, 1998: 215±219. 8 Barzda L. A voluminous library for what ails you. New York Times, Connecticut Section, 1999; 4 July. Acknowledgements 9 Rockefeller R. Informed shared decision-making: is The authors thank the session Fellows and this the future of health care? Healthcare Forum Journal, 1999; 42: 54±56. observers for the insights and creativity that 10 Cleary PD, Edgman-Levitan S. Health care quality. engendered the body of this paper. Thanks also Incorporating consumer perspectives. Journal of the to Patty Russell BA for her assistance throughout American Medical Association, 1997; 278: the Seminar and thereafter in the preparation of 1608±1612. this manuscript, and to Erin Hartman MS for 11 Gerteis M, Edgman-Levitan E, Daley J, Delbanco TL. Through the Patient's Eyes: Understanding and editorial assistance. Promoting Patient-Centered Care, 1st edn. San The Seminar was supported by contributions Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993. from the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, the 12 Werdal L. Through the patient's eyes. The Planetree Branta Foundation, Bure Health Care, The experience at Grif®n Hospital. Healthcare Forum Commonwealth Fund, Fairview Medical and Journal, 1995; 38: 35±38. the Fetzer Institute. 13 Mullan F. Sounding board. Community-oriented primary care: an agenda for the '80s. New England Journal of Medicine, 1982; 307: 1076±1078. 1 References 14 Delbanco TL. Enriching the doctor±patient relation- ship by inviting the patient's perspective. Annals of 1 Ryback TW, Fox S, Ryback ML. The Salzburg Internal Medicine, 1992; 116: 414±418. Seminar: the First Fifty Years, 1st edn. Salzburg, 15 Cahn E, Rowe J. Time Dollars: The New Currency 2 Austria: The Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, That Enables Americans to Turn Their Hidden 1997. Resource ± Time ± Into Personal Security and 2 Kane B, Sands DZ. Guidelines for the clinical use of Community Renewal, 1st edn. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: electronic mail with patients. The AMIA Internet Rodale Press, 1992. Working Group, Task Force on Guidelines for the 16 Berwick DM. The total customer relationship in Use of Clinic-Patient Electronic Mail. Journal of the 4 health care: broadening the bandwidth. Jt Comm American Medical Information Association, 1998; 5: Journal of Quality Improvement, 1997; 23: 245±250. 104±111. Ó Blackwell Science Ltd 2001 Health Expectations, 4, pp.144±150