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To What Extent Does our Health
Depend on Technology?
Produced bEnrico
To What Extent Does our Health Depend
on Technology?
Analysis: ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Identify the problem:..................................................................................................................................... 3
Design Brief.................................................................................................................................................... 3
Making first decision: .................................................................................................................................... 5
How to make a high quality, superior video: ................................................................................................ 5
What is the technology, when was it discovered, positive and negative effects: ........................................ 7

Identify the problem:
In the following weeks I will have to investigate and research around the question: “To What
Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology?” This will have me searching different modern
technologies that affect the life of many in a positive way and have changed or saved the lives on
people in the world.Throughout the course of the next few months the entire year group (grade
11) will produce an informative video based upon, the usefulness, importance and modernity of a
certain technology and how this can be used in order to save or improve our lives under the health
aspect. This will be done during the I.T. class and it will involve the area of interaction known as
Health and Social Education.

Design Brief
The final outcome of this project, a video based upon a very useful technology for the positive
maintenance of our health, will not only be showed to members of my class, but It may also help
and inform people from all around the world about this specific technology. The unit question for
this important assignment is: To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology? The
dilemma, informing people about the importance of a specific technology through the creation of
a video , relates to the A.O.I, which is health and social, for various reasons. First of all this project
will enable me to let me explore in multiple ways the importance of technology in our lives, hence
I will discuss in a way how I can look after myself and the others.
Furthermore the assessment will allow me to focus on the evolution, process and products of
human creativity and their impact on life and society. It will also give me the opportunity to
appreciate and develop a sense of responsibility for my own well-being and for the physical and
social environment. This is amongst the most important points when talking about health and
Another key aspect, which relates to the A.O.I. is that the project emphasizes both the importance
of researching the developments of the chosen technology and will let me examine aspects of
health such as:


All of the above mentioned aspects are clearly linked to the A.O.I known as health and social.
Lastly I believe that this A.O.I is directly linked with the unit question of this project as I will
necessitate to develop, research and learn knowledge, about the technology, skill, how this can
and has been used in order to improve our health, attitude and values, which are important when
discussing this particular area of interaction.
Due to the creation of a video and the researched information on a technology that contribute to
our health will relate to my life for two main reasons. First of all the research on this type of
technology and the actual creation of a video which talks about this will help the society by giving
them more knowledge on how, if they have a disease, they could be cured or worsen their
situation but it could also positively affect my life as, in case of disease, I would be aware of a
technology which could potentially help me to rejuvenate or do the opposite, so I will be able to
avoid it. Because of this learning which type of technology can improve the health of us, the
human race, will be very important, as I will know, even in the near future, how the specific
technology I chose could cure me or the others. For example there might be someone which has a
tumour and he or she might not know that thanks to x-rays this can be, to a certain extent, cured
and, thanks to my video, the patient will be informed . Secondly I will learn how to create
professional and informative video. This will be very useful in future as my goal is to work in the
film industry. Knowing how to produce a video will definitely appeal to the businesses in which I’m
demanding to be hired.
This project isn’t only relating to my life but it could also positively affect the world society. Let me
explain. First of all, videos can be seen by everyone everywhere, hence the global population will
be able to be informed by my video, which will be uploaded on YouTube, from all the parts of the
world. The general public will view my film, hence hear and understand all the useful content, so
learn from it. People will manage to understand whetherhow our health largely depend on
technology. They will understand that certain technologies are positively or negatively affecting
their health. By knowing the actions that are harmful or that can help them, people will stop or
start using a specific technology in this way to help their lives. For instance, let’s take in
consideration gamma rays. This technology can be used for various factors. For instance, amongst
its properties, it can be used in order to completely take away and kill the cells which could
potentially cause a malicious cancer or, if used in too large quantity, it could actually be the cause
of a tumour. If people know this, they will thanks to my video, they will be more aware on how, in
this case, gamma rays affect, both positively and negatively, their health.
As you may see technologies involve everyone and everyone has to understand whether what
their using is harming or improving their health condition, people just need a hand, and I am here
to give it to them.
There are many key aspects that have to be taken in consideration in order to create an
outstanding piece of work. These are:
What makes a high quality, superior video?
2. What is the technology?

Who is the video aimed at?
What important information do I have to mention/include?
What software’s should be used?
What format should the video be?
What is the technology I chose, how has it affected people’s health?
What is the best software to use and what tools and skills will I be using and need to learn
How is my technology related to health?
How does my technology work?

Making first decision:
The first decision that I will have to make regards what the technology that I research is. In fact I
will have to create a product, video or animation, based on the technology that I have chosen. To
decide better what technology to do I will have to list them and then decide.
X-ray machine
Electronic cigarettes
Sterile Room
Of all these I think that the best choice to do will be electronic cigarettes as I think that it is the
best and that has had an impact on the society that has done the most things as is not pointed to a
specific group broad range of people.

How to make a high quality, superior video:
It is essential, In order to achieve high marks during this assessment, to create a high quality,
professional visually appealing video. In order to do so, not being an expert in this field, I will have
to research what it actually takes to produce a respectable short movie. let us begin by saying that
the secret is not in using super expensive equipment but actually the lighting technique. I will have
to take time, when creating my video, in order to take the time to light whom I am filming or
myself very carefully. By doing so a 100 euro worth camera will look like a 10000 euro professional
camera, this is especially the case when the video has to go on both YouTube or Facebook, as
these have particular settings which will enhance even more the video produced.
When researching I found this amazing video which explains and shows in detail the basic
techniques for lighting someone during an interview. This can be pulled off without using
expensive equipment, you can just use your ordinary lights. In order to achieve this you should
position the lights facing towards whom you are filming. These should be xenon or LED, this due to
the fact that a white bright light will show better the lineaments once the video has been edited.
Then these should have a height of approximately 20 cm over the head of whom you are filming.
This will give a better angle and light portray to whom your filming.1
Moving on there are also seven steps which will yet again be very useful once you are creating the
video. First of all I will have to write out a script. This will help and increase the quality of the video
for various reasons. First of all by writing a script people will not talk on and on and they will seem
more natural. In addition to this the actors who are performing will now what to say, will not get
confused, and say random stuff which is not essential. So we can fundamentally say that a script
will give a more direct message to the audience and this will not get bored. 2
Secondly I will also have to find an appropriate location and wardrobe. Let us focus first on the
location. Depending on what I want to show to the audience or what atmosphere I want to create
I will have to choose a particular location which will resemble what I want to show. By doing so I
will create credibility and I will make my video even better. Now, regarding the wardrobe, thanks
to these I will set the mood of the movie by resembling the characters clothes. This is very
important as, due to the fact that I want to transmit an important message in a short video, by
using a specific wardrobe the characters In my short movie will be presented immediately. 3
Thirdly I will need to obviously grab my camera and find a place it can sit on. People hate videos in
which the director continues to move the camera due to the fact that it is not standing still. It
creates dizziness and it makes a poor video. Due to this finding a standing spot for the camera will
greatly increase the quality of the video.
Now it is time to start recording. The movie is in my hands and I should have fun, experiment, and,
when I see that things are working, properly record and shoot an actual scene which could be
implemented in my final movie. only by doing so I will understand what works and what doesn’t.
Hence this is a very important part when trying to create a professional, unique and interesting
After you finish the movie return inside. If you recorded the video with your camera, just plug it
into the computer and open up any type of video editing software. Here I will need to choose and
re-watch every take that I had taken and decided which is best. After this is done I will have to
properly edit it, using a specific software, such as Sony Vegas pro, and see if I am pleased with it.
If I will follow all of these procedures I will surely make a professional, unique and interesting
video which will could be used in order to portray whether technology is helpful for the people’s

What is the technology, when was it discovered, positive and negative effects:

The first gamma ray was discovered thanks to the radioactive process
called gamma decay; this fundamentally consists in the deterioration of
an excited nucleus Paul Villard, a brilliant French chemist and physicist,
discovered gamma radiation around 1900, while he was analysing the
radiation emitted by an element named radium. He shortly after
discovered that the radiation released by this decaying element was
amongst the most powerful rays ever produced, but did not consider naming them. In 1903,
Ernest Rutherford recognized that the waves produced by Villard’s discovery were significantly
different from previous ones, so he decided to name them “gamma rays”. 6,7
1910 a British physics called William Henry Bragg managed to demonstrate that the ray discovered
by Villard were part of the electromagnetic radiation. He was able to determine this as had shown
that gamma rays could not be deflected by any magnetic field, which is a characteristic expected
by electromagnetic radiation. In 1914, Rutherford and his co-worker Edward Andrade measured
the wavelengths of gamma rays from radium, and found that they were similar to X-rays but with
shorter wavelengths and hence with a higher frequency. He then discovered that Gamma rays can
be produced by a wide range of phenomena, both nuclear and non-nuclear.8,9
Gamma rays are the most energetic known form of electromagnetic radiation, with frequencies of
1020 Hz or higher and wavelengths of 10-12 meters. 10,11
Gamma rays can penetrate nearly all materials and are therefore difficult
to perceive. Gamma rays have mostly been detected in the activities in
space such as the Crab Nebula and the Vela Pulsar. The highest
frequency of gamma rays that have been detected is 1030Hz measured
from diffuse gamma ray emissions.12,13
Gamma radiation cause the same health risks that other high energy radiation, like X-rays, give.
Negativee health effects from gamma radiation include damage to your DNA that can eventually
bring to cancer and mutations. However, gamma rays do have a beneficial use for
medical equipment irradiation.
Unfortunately even very low dosages of gamma radiation, such as those absorbed by
people who regularly use X-ray machines in the medical field, will damage their DNA
and affect their genes, making them mutate. Many studies have proved that even amounts low as
5 centi-Grays (“a standard measurement for the amount of energy one kilogram of matter
absorbs”) will definitely damage one’s genetic material. In most cases the damage in the DNA will
lead to Cancer and chromosomes mutations. 14
Gamma rays are usually the main cause when people to suffer from traditional sickness. Precisely
known as “acute radiation syndrome”, the radiation sickness symptoms develop from 2 to 31 days,
according to the amount of rays absorbed . The main symptoms include nausea, vomiting and
general fatigue due to the body's weakened immune system.15
Even though gamma rays absorbed by your skin can provoke damage to you, the medical field
often uses gamma radiation to kill bacteria and sterilize equipment. This type of ray is very
effecting in the killing of germs. In fact the DNA damaging effect that gamma ray incite will destroy
germs, as these have much less chromosomes than human beings and animals.16
Even though the exposure to gamma rays can cause cancer, this
electromagnetic wave is used to treat certain types of tumour, as the ray kill
cancer cells too. This procedure is called gamma-knife surgery, and it
involves the usage of multiple focused beams of gamma rays on the growth,
in order to kill the cancerous cells. These beams are always aimed at
different angles, as doing so will not only concentrate the radiation on the
growth but it will also diminish the damage of the surrounding tissue.
Gamma rays are also useful in the medical field as
they can be used for diagnostic reasons in nuclear
medicine. For instance, when trying to discover the
positioning of the cancer in an animal a “radiolabeled
sugar called fludeoxyglucose emits positrons” are converted into sets of gamma rays, and will
localize the tumour. The most used gamma ray in the medical field is called “nuclear isomer
technetium-99m” which emits gamma rays in the same energy range as diagnostic X-rays.17
Food irradiation consist in a technology which helps the control in food
spoilage and the elimination of food-borne pathogens, for example
salmonella. Irradiation kills bacteria and other pathogens, that would else
make the food poisonous or spoilt. There is one fundamental difference
between pasteurization (the second method to kill bacteria on food) and
food irradiation. Normal sterilization consisted on killing pathogens with
heat, whilst irradiation relies on the energy of ionizing radiation.18

This type of nourishment disinfection works in a very simple but effective way. Packaged food
passes through a radiation chamber; this will not get in contact with radioactive metals, but will
actually pass through a radiation beam, this will make the sustenance deprive of germs.
The food irradiation process uses three types of ionizing radiation sources:
1. cobalt-60 gamma sources (this consist of gamma rays)
2. electron beam generators
3. x-ray accelerators
Cobalt-60 has several advantages:
1. up to 95% of its emitted energy is available for use
2. penetrates deeply
3. yields substantial uniformity of the dose in the food product
4. decays to non-radioactive nickel
5. considered to pose low risk to the environment.19

Maria Boncompagni’s interview

Interviewed person name:_Maria_Bonconpagni______________________
What do you find persuasive in a video?_Clear audio__________________
What important information should I mention?_Whether the technology Is harmful_____________
Do you think costumes should be used?_Yes_____________________
If I include special effects do you think they’ll be useful?_Notnecesseraly_____________________
What quality should it have?_1080p_______
Should I record it outside or inside?_Does not matter_________
Should I include a large amount of information?_No, just write what is essential______________

Given that I include all of the above specification and more in my video how would you rate the created
product based on professionalism













done a
bit more






Lorenzo Bergamaschi’sinterview

What do you find persuasive in a video?_Hih quality images__________________
What important information should I mention?_If I support or not the technology_____________
Do you think costumes should be used?_Yes_____________________
If I include special effects do you think they’ll be useful?_Maybe_____________________
What quality should it have?_1080p_______
Should I record it outside or inside?_It is the same_________
Should I include a large amount of information?_No______________

Given that I include all of the above specification and more in my video how would you rate the created
product based on professionalism













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bit more






Gianluca Ventura’s interview

Interviewed person name:_Gianluca_Ventura______________________
What do you find persuasive in a video?_Good acting_________________
What important information should I mention?_Is this helpful opr harmful_____________
Do you think costumes should be used?_Yes_____________________
If I include special effects do you think they’ll be useful?_Yes, but do not exaggerate_________________
What quality should it have?_1080p_______
Should I record it outside or inside?_Same_________
Should I include a large amount of information?_Quality over quantity______________

Given that I include all of the above specification and more in my video how would you rate the created
product based on professionalism













done a
bit more






Anna Robbiani’s interview

Interviewed person name:_Anna_Robbiani______________________
What do you find persuasive in a video?_Informative__________________
What important information should I mention?_Why does it help or harm (the technology)____________
Do you think costumes should be used?_Yes_____________________
If I include special effects do you think they’ll be useful?_I do not like them_____________________
What quality should it have?_1080p_______
Should I record it outside or inside?_Identical for me_________
Should I include a large amount of information?_Of course not, you will make it boring______________

Given that I include all of the above specification and more in my video how would you rate the created
product based on professionalism













done a
bit more







Thanks to the above questionnaire I have understood in a more detailed way what should be
included in my video. In fact I have interviewed a variety of different people, starting from 15 and
moving up until 60 years old. I decided to do this, as I wanted to gain information from the
possible viewers of my video, so that a short-film, which could please each single individual, would
have been created. For instance I understood that every single person wants a 1080p HD video
with also a high quality audio. In addition the possible spectators of my informative video also
request the use of costumes and that not a lot of information is used. This questionnaire can be
considered to be an investigation a test plan as I have asked people different aspects that make a
video outstanding.
What Software could be used:
In my opinion there are two software’s which can be used in order to edit the small film which will
depict whether technology helps our health or no. these are Sony Vegas Pro 12 and Ulead Video
Let us start talking about Sony’s program first. First of all it is important to understand that this,
amongst its main characteristics, has flexibility, rapidity and feature rich. It was projected and
designed to create mainly digital video productions. Some features of this include “Expanded edit
mode” which, only by double clicking you will see the timeline in a detailed way. It also includes
user interface enhancements, such as toolbars for splitting, yellow border which highlights the
most recent clip, large blue handles on timelines which make it way easier to grab the various
interactive event modifiers and much more. Unfortunately there are two major downsides with
this program. These are its price which is of 479.95 euros plus 151.95 euros for the upgraded
version and that it is particularly difficult to use. Though once you learn how to use it, it is one of
the if not the best editing software available now.20
The second editing software, as I have previously mentioned, is Ulead Video Studio. This is a semiprofessional software clearly designed for editing, montages and production of videos. This
program is more advanced than Windows Movie Maker though less powerful than Adobe
Premiere. It is ideal for those who have to create videos but not in a super professional ay. This
program is divided into three tabs: Capture, Edit and Sharing. In the first one you get all the clips
and import them into the file very easily. In the second you obviously edit. Whilst in the last one,
thanks to special features of the program, you can directly share it to social networks, send it via
email and much more. The positive aspects of this is that:

Has many instruments and options
Nice and easy interface
Creates stop-motion and time-lapse
Supports multiple formats
Makes it easy to share video on social networks.

There is just one negative side with this program and this is that the installation takes a lot of time,
depending on how powerful your computer and internet connection are even up to a full day.21

Interview to Giovanni Androcchia, short-film creation expert22
This is an interview done to Giovanni Androcchia, an expert in the field of short-film creation. This
has helped me even more towards the creation of the video. The source is very reliable as the
Video creation expert, Giovanni Androcchia
interviewed person is an expert in the field of film creation, as he has done these for over 15
years, as it is his job and passions.
Me: What makes a good video in your opinion?
It needs to have:
• Good lightning
• Script
• Decent actor
• Interesting information
Not too much information
Me: Have you got any recommendations to give me on the creation?
• Use a proper recording camera and not a phone
• Use a professional editing software, such as Sony Vegas pro
• Use, if possible, costumes
• Do various shots of each scene and choose the best one
Me: How long should this particular video be, taking into consideration all of the factors?
• In my honest opinion a video longer that 3 to 4 minutes will bore people and start to get
tedious. Remember quality over quantity.

Reliability of sources
Throughout the course of this investigation I have used a variety of resources. These include, video creation
pert thoughts, Client requests and opinions, Possible spectator points of views, YouTube videos and
Magazines. The reliability of Giovanni Androcchia, the film producer expert, can’t be questioned. He has
worked in this field for many years, hence his words are trustworthy. Regarding the clients, our she can’t be
wrong as she the one for which we are creating our video for. The possible spectators of the play also can’t
be wrong as they’re giving their opinion based on what they like and dislike. Now that we have discussed all
of the trustworthy resources let’s talk about those which aren’t as much reliable. For instance internet.
When researching on the world wide web you have to be conscious that not everything that is written on it
is true. Though there are some sites which can and are considered to be legit and unfailing. These sites are
what I have used. In addition to check if what I had found on a page was true I compared it with other
websites. This may seem a waste of time but it actually helped me towards the finding of false information.
For example I had initially wrote information found on Wikipedia, a site in which every single member of
earth can write on, but then, by matching info found on another place I discovered that it was fake. So I had
to re-write that particular section. What I have just wrote also counts for YouTube videos. The last type of
source used were Magazines. These are truthful as what is written in them is being checked before the
magazine is published.

Design specification
It must be at least 2 minutes long
It must enhance the positive effects of gamma ray
It must be contain a lot of information
It must be continues, never stop
It must contain just text on a slide
It must explain how gamma ray work
It must contain at least 2 actors/characters
It must be direct
Text can’t be too small
It should be understandable
It must be an unexpected idea
It must have 10 seconds information slide
It must run fluently, no editing error
It must contain some music

It can’t be offensive
It can’t contain bad language
It can’t become a comedy show
It can’t be too colourful
It can’t violate copyright laws
It can’t lose the point and start talking about something else
It can’t contain sexual content
It can’t have more than 20 information slides
It can be very entertaining
It can be eye-catching
It can be pleasant for the eye
It can include various actors
It can be a structured story
It can develop very deeply the problem
It can contain very good actors, from drama classes

Test Plan
Test name
Is the video at least 2
minutes long?
Does is enhance the
positive effects of Xray?
Is it informative?
Is it interesting?
Does it annoy people?
Does it explain how xray work?
Does it contain at
Is it direct?
Is it offensive?
Does it contain bad
Does it contain too
much humor?
Is it too colorful?
copyright laws?
Does it continuously
talk about x-rays?

Expected outcome

Actual outcome



Is the text too small?


Information slides last
no longer than 10
Does it run fluently?
Does it contain sexual
Does it contain a good


Does it contain more
than 20 information

Testing is one of the most important steps for the achievement of an outstanding video. A well-made test
plan will let you understand, hence make you improve, the short-film, created. In fact, just by looking at
what you should have included and what not you will immediately understand what you have made wrong
and right. Besides the test plan is also very useful as you can test you product against the design
specification, which basically is what you need to include in you design. On the other hand there are way
more effective ways to understand if the product created has accomplished an outstanding level.
Another way for which you can test your documentary is by doing a survey. This will give you the opinion, in
our case, of the gamma ray possible viewers. if they don’t like it they will probably not watch the entire
video and will hence not learn about the utility of Gamma rays, so we have to ask them their opinion. In
addition you can see what you have done wrong in the design specification as you may have written
something that doesn’t please any viewer. Down below is a questionnaire which I will use once the video
will be created.
Video response interview:
Interviewed person name:_______________________
Did you like the video? __________________
Have I included the information needed?____________
Was the scenography outstanding ?_ _____________________
The special effects and camera angles were good?______________________
Was the video quality high?________
Do you like the environment chosen? _________
Was the correct amount of information used? ______________

Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10?













done a
bit more







Bibliography :



Video creation expert:
Video creation expert, Giovanni Androcchia
Youtube video:
The amazing world of video production, Lawrence Smith
Wired, published 1st November 2013
Design Number 1



Is the video at least 2
minutes long?
Does is enhance the
positive effects of Xray?
Is it informative?
Is it interesting?
Does it annoy people?
Does it explain how xray work?
Does it contain at least
2 actors/characters?
Is it direct?
Is it offensive?
Does it contain bad
Does it contain too
much humor?
Is it too colorful?
copyright laws?
Does it continuously
talk about x-rays?
Is it very entertaining?
Is the text too small?



Information slides last
no longer than 10
Design Number 2:


Is the video at least 2
minutes long?
Does is enhance the
positive effects of Xray?
Is it informative?
Is it interesting?
Does it annoy people?
Does it explain how xray work?
Does it contain at least
2 actors/characters?
Is it direct?
Is it offensive?
Does it contain bad
Does it contain too
much humor?
Is it too colorful?
copyright laws?
Does it continuously
talk about x-rays?
Is it very entertaining?
Is the text too small?


Information slides last
no longer than 10


Design Number 3:


Is the video at least 2
minutes long?
Does is enhance the
positive effects of Xray?
Is it informative?
Is it interesting?
Does it annoy people?
Does it explain how xray work?
Does it contain at
Is it direct?
Is it offensive?
Does it contain bad
Does it contain too
much humor?
Is it too colorful?
copyright laws?
Does it continuously
talk about x-rays?
Is it very entertaining?
Is the text too small?


Information slides last


no longer than 10
Design Number 4:


Is the video at least 2
minutes long?
Does is enhance the
positive effects of Xray?
Is it informative?
Is it interesting?
Does it annoy people?
Does it explain how xray work?
Does it contain at least
2 actors/characters?
Is it direct?
Is it offensive?
Does it contain bad
Does it contain too
much humor?
Is it too colorful?
copyright laws?
Does it continuously
talk about x-rays?
Is it very entertaining?
Is the text too small?


Information slides last
no longer than 10


Evaluation of Designs:

Design Number One:
After critically evaluating this particular design against the test plan I have discovered that,
differently that what I had initially thought of, I was not as good as I thought it would have been.
When I first designed this storyboard I believed it to be both very entertaining and appealing to
watch and that It could thus had been definitely used as a starting point for the creation of the
actual informative video. Now that I have critically analysed it against the design specification I
have drawn to the conclusion that it contains many mistakes and aspects which make it not as
good as I thought; due to this if this was followed I would not be able to produce a high quality
video. The first problem and mainly the most significant one is that it is definitely not instructive
enough. In fact, taking into consideration all of the included aspects, I can clearly state that the
story of the movie does not focus on what it should be made for, which is to inform people about,
in our case, x-rays and gamma rays. In fact there is little or near to none explanation of these two
technologies and, due to this, if produced the video would not inform the audience who is
watching it about the two different technologies. In addition to this, due to the fact that the video
does not explain any of the two technologies there are no slides in which the viewer can read
about the technology and, due to this, the video would last too little and would not meet another
specification. Taking all of the just above explained reasons I can draw to the conclusion that by
choosing this design I would not accomplish what the project is about, due to this there are very
low chances in me choosing this as my final storyboard.

Design Number Two:
After critically evaluating the second storyboard against the previously produced design
specification I can happily state that this has proven to be the best one out of the ones that I have
evaluated until now. In fact, by analysing the results obtained, I can clearly state that nearly all of
the design specification have been met, demonstrating thus this to be perfectly in line with all of
my specification basing on aesthetic, information, durability, entertainment and format. Due to
this I am pleased to say that it clearly demonstrated to be the design with the most positive
feedback and the only one which has fundamentally no negative aspects relating it to the design
specification. The only problem that can be seen and might have to be changed if I end up using
this design as my final story board is that it does not have music in the section where there are
the scenes going. As I have seen with my research music is very significant for the success of a
video and I believe that not having this it would make the video definitely less entertaining and
will make the audience not want to focus or watch the entire short movie. Due to this I believe
that this storyboard would be perfect if only music would have been incorporated. This will have
to be taken into consideration if I end up using this design as a starting point for the actual
creation of my product.
Design Number Three:
I am happy to say that, after evaluating this particular storyboard against the design specifications,
it appeared to be a spectacular design under various aspects. I must though unfortunately say that
this particular design has certain specification that, if not adjusted, would lead the video into a
wrong direction which could thus make the product not very successful. First of I am proud to say
that the video itself can be considered to be very interesting due to the fact that it contains the
correct amount of information, I follows the right format and clearly portrays many aspects about
the technology that I want to inform people about, which are x-rays and gamma rays. Though, as I
have previously mentioned, there are some issues which make it doubtful. First of all I have
decided to incorporate music throughout the whole course of the video and this could make it
quite annoying to watch. This due to the fact that a wrong choice of music could bore and even
annoy people during the whole duration of the video. The second problem that I will encounter if I
end up choosing this storyboard for the creation of the video is that it would not last ling enough
and this would be a serious issue as, in the time frame that the video will be shooter, there will not
be enough time for the audience to fully understand the technologies I want to teach and to enjoy
the video at the same time. Taking into consideration all of these factors I believe this design to be
mediocre and that the second storyboard is more successful than this. due to this I am
fundamentally sure that I will not end up using this design as a starting point for the actual
creation of my informative short movie.

Design Number Four:
I have arrived at the analysis of my last storyboard and I can clearly state that this one is the worst
out of the four. In fact, by looking at the specification and comparing them against the produced
design I can state that the most important specification have not been met and this would
definitely compromise the success of my video. The first and possibly the most significant mistake
with this storyboard is that it contains too much information and, as my research has proven to
show, in order to grab people attentions there has to be concise and well written information and
not just a big chunk of it. Due to the large quantity of information I believe that the audience
would find it very difficult to remember much of what I would include in the video and would,
after a short period of time, become very boring to watch. It also lacks images, good acting and
there is no music. Taking all of the aspects into consideration this storyboard will definitely not be
chosen for the starting point of my video
Justify The Choice:

After critically evaluation all of the designs I have drawn to the conclusion that the one which was
done in the most correct way was definitely storyboard number 2 and I will end up using this as a
starting point for the creation of my video. I have decided to choose this over the other three due
to the fact that it was the one which has managed to follow the most specification and the ones
not followed were minor aspects which can be easily adjusted. In fact, for instance, design number
three was also a very good design, with very few specification not met. Though, unfortunately,
amongst those not met specifications there was a very big one, which regarded the amount and
type of information which had to be included in the video. Due to this storyboard number two
clearly demonstrated to be the most viable and feasible design out of the four and I am sure that,
if I manage to follow all of the stated specifications, I will be able to create a fantastic video.
The only problem that this design had was that it was not clearly readable and the information
displayed was not in bullet points. The main issue with this was not the fact that the information
written was not clear but the fact that it was not in bullet points, which would have made the
displayed information even clearer. At first I felt that this was quite a serious issue, due to the fact
that my main goal in this assessment is to inform people about the technology though, after
critically evaluating the situation and making some more research, I discovered that in most videos
information is represented not in bullet points as this would make the video seem less
professional and organized. Due to this I am happy to now say that the specification that I had
previously created is not necessary and, I can display information even if it is not in bullet points.
The only thing that I have to keep in mind is that, when I put the information, this has not to be a
big chunk of information. In fact it has to be concise and easy to read. If I manage to achieve this
not putting the information in bullet points will not be a serious issue.
After having critically evaluated the storyboard against the specification I also noticed that there
was another issue which might negatively affect the final outcome of the product. this related to
the specification regarding the implementation of sound effects and music in the video itself. In
fact, in the previously drawn design, I have annotated the fact that there will be some sounds
during the course of the video, such as when the actors are running from the football pitch to the
doctor’s room. The problem that I have encountered is the fact that, when there are the transition
slides of information, there is neither sound or music. Due to this I will have to take into
consideration this and, when creating the actual video, decide to incorporate music when the
information is displayed. By doing so I will make it possible for the audience not to get bored, to
enjoy the video but at the same time learn more efficiently the displayed information.
Now that I have finished mentioning the negative aspects of the just drawn storyboard I can
continue to explain the positive side of this design, which definitely exceed the negative sides of
the storyboard. In fact, as one can see by looking at the test table design evaluation done before,
all of the aspects that had to be followed have been included and the aspects which I will have to
avoid have been avoided. In addition to this the main aspects of the video have been included. For
instance the whole purpose of the video is to teach the possible audience of the video the positive
and negative effects of a technology and how this has and can help human kind. In addition to
this, due to the numerous not childish elements included it appeared to be professional and
Taking into consideration all of the just mentioned aspects and the design evaluation I believe this
design to be very successful and, if followed correctly, will definitely help me towards the creation
of a professional and organized short informative movie. it has proven to be a positive storyboard
with just a few issues which, as I have previously mentioned, can be easily resolved. I believe that
by following this design I will create a professional video which will inform people about the
chosen technology.
Evaluation of my performance:
Following on we have the create section. This refers to the actual creation of the product, in my
case a website, which can inform people about a specific technology, in this case x rays and
gamma rays. The creation of the product was relatively difficult, though I had planned out
everything that I had to do. Unfortunately though there were some issues, which I have already
talked about. First of all It was really challenging to come up with the idea of the video. In fact, not
being creative, I had really small idea of what I could have done in order to create a visually
appealing and entertaining piece of video without being boring but at the same time inform
people about the technology. Secondly, the problem that I encountered was the fact that I had to
create a script. Due to the fact that for my video I would have not hired professional actors but
just students from my school forcing them into learning a script would have been quite
challenging. Due to this I decided to create a canovaccio. This fundamentally consists in just
writing briefly what the actors should say generally in each scene and then just letting them
improvise. So if I could do this stage again, I would try to find some proper actors which would
follow the script I have written. By doing so the whole project would be more professional.
After working many hours on the Investigate and Design section I have finally managed to arrive at
the plan section of this project. The first task that I had to do was to schedule what I would have
done in the near future for this project, in addition to this I also had to clarify the amount of time
that it might have taken me to do each single task. This is the reason for which we were forced to
produce a Gantt chart. Type of bar-chart that shows both the scheduled and completed work over
a period. A time-scale is given on the chart's horizontal axis and each activity is shown as a
separate horizontal rectangle (bar) whose length is proportional to the time required (or taken) for
the activity's completion. In project planning, these charts show start and finish dates, critical and
non-critical activities, slack time, and predecessor-successor relationships. Because of this it is very
useful for planning. In my opinion my chart can be considered to be respectable. I think this as I
have included each single little detail of what I’ll have to do. Besides this I have also divided my
Gantt chart in two sections, one refers to the task itself (it is depicted by a green line) and the
other bar refers to all the jobs that have to be done within the main task (red line). All things
considered this graph was ultimately done to help me manage my time, and I think that I have
been capable of doing this.

Step-by-Step Plan:
Step-by-step plan evaluation and modification of prototype design
After concluding the Gantt chart we had to produce a step-by-step plan. This type of planning
enables whom will create something, in my case a video which will inform people about a
technology, to be more organized and know exactly what to do when being in the create section.
In addition to this in a step-by-step plan you also have to include the resources, such as designs,
and tools, for instance Microsoft publisher, needed for the actual creation of your product. In my
opinion I have created an excellent plan. I do believe this as I have specified many aspects which
will enable even someone else to follow, hence create what I have thought about. To do this I had
specify each single detail, such as text boxes needed, where images and writing had to be
positioned, what to be included and where it had to be. Besides all of this I have included in what
font, size and colour text should have been done. I also specified how to find the text needed for
the creation of my short movie. I have also wrote all the resources and tools needed; fortunately
there wasn’t much stuff that had to be mentioned.
As I was doing this step-by-step plan I realized that there were some mistakes with what the
design previously created. This is the reason for which I decided to improve them, hence I had to
make some modification which can be considered to be necessary at this stage to my original
design. these changes include: changing the font of the information regarding the technology
known as gamma rays. I decided to alter my original project as I saw that there were some big
mistakes. For instance one of the fonts had to be changed. The font instead of being times new
roman was changed to Calibri. This was done as it was more visually appealing than the other font.
I also decided to add a scene in my video. In fact, when doing the storyboard, I had forgotten
about the fact that there had to be a scene in which I introduced the technology. Due to this I
added a scene in which actors were in the football pitch and one of the actors had to be kicked.
This would have then asked for a doctor to visit him and, by using x-rays, the doctor would have
seen that the patient’s leg was broken. All of this was done to make the final outcome of my short
video really visually appealing, so that even more possible viewers could have been attracted to
watch the film and read the useful information found inside about the technology.

Plan evaluation
Next on we have the planning sector. Although this was the only part which I didn’t enjoy doing I
must admit that it was essential. Here we had to complete a Gantt chart; in addition to this we had
to include resources needed for the creation of my video. The final outcome of my table was
appealing and informative. It can be considered to be an outstanding chart as I was very
meticulous with what I wrote inside it. In fact each single small detail was incorporated and the
realistic time needed for the fulfilment of each task was appropriately used. In addition to this I
also had to produce a step-by-step plan. This consisted in creating a chart with written inside how I
would have created my site. Yet again detailed information was incorporated, in fact my short
informative video could have been created by someone else thanks to this plan. I must admit that
there were no actual difficulties in doing this stage, it all consisted in being scrupulous with what
you had to write. That’s it!
Process Journal:
14/11/13 I started creating the canovaccio in class like I have planned out in my step by step plan.
In this I also thought and annotated down on paper all of the scenes and brief information that the
actors in my plan would have had to follow during the shooting of the video in addition to this I
went around my classroom asking for students to help me, and be actors in my video. I have found
all of the actors needed for the completion of the video. I am following the step-by-step plan and
meticulously, as I had previously planned.
15/11/13Due to the fact that I had collected all of the material needed for the completion of the
video I started shooting the film today. I was able to complete the first scene, in which Alessandro,
one of the actors in my cast, falls down the school stairs and injures himself to the knee. In order
to film these scenes, not having a professional camera, I had to use my phone, though, as it shot
videos in full HD, I was very pleased with the outcome of the video . In order to fully complete this
act I had to film altogether seven scenes. I am very pleased with how the actors have acted and
the scenography seemed professional and interesting.
17/11/13In this lesson I was able to complete the successive section of the video, regarding
Gamma rays, this will be then mounted, using a specific software, with the first act. Yet again my
phone was used in order to film in 1080p the entire video. In this lesson we also film the whole of
the act which was done in the football pitch of the school. This act consisted in fundamentally
Chandan, a football player, being kicked by Michelangelo, the opponent. Due to the Kick Chandan
would have become injured and he would have asked for a doctor to visit him. The doctor, Pietro,
would have then said that he would have had to check his leg using gamma rays. All of this was
done in less than an hour and I am very pleased with the outcome.
18/11/13During the entire course of this lesson me and my group were able to finish filming act
one of the gamma ray scene. It took us two whole lessons due to the fact that there were many
different scenes incorporated in the act and, for every scene many different camera angles and to
be used. In addition to this there were some misunderstanding between the actors which,
unfortunately, did not know what to say in certain occasions. Due to this we had to redo many
times the same exact scene, for instance, when the doctor runs onto the pitch and has to diagnose
Chandan’s leg. Though I am very happy with the content produced and I believe that the video is
coming out really well.
20/11/13For the entire duration of this I.C.T lesson me and Pietro, fundamentally the directors of
the entire video, sat down and though of a way which would have made it possible to attach the
two acts together so that they would have seemed professional and well organized. In addition to
this me and my companion though of all of the specification that we had to follow in order to
achieve a high quality video and changed them in order to make the adapt with our video. In fact,
instead of just informing people about one technology we would have taught them two, these
would have been obviously gamma rays and x-rays. This lessons was useful for the starting point
of the next lessons.
21/11/13Today act two of our video was shot and I must say that the scenes filmed were just
absolutely incredible. In this act we decided that we would have had to incorporate a scene in
which the two injured actors, Alessandro and Chandan, would have had to be brought to the
hospital. In addition to this me and Pietro sat down and started selecting the good and bad scenes
filmed and decided which ones should have been used. These were then imported to Pietro’s
MacBook and onto an editing program named iMovie.
27/11/13Today, as our actors also had to do their own video, we decided to help them out as they
had been kind with us. Due to this me and Pietro have been falling behind schedule of an hour but
we believed that we made the right choice as we had to helped those who came to use when we
needed them. Here I played the role of an actor who, unfortunately, due to an accident had
become paralysed. Fortunately Mr.Mariani, expert in the field of computer technology, noticed
that he and given us to little time in order to complete the video, so he extended the deadline.
Due to this we noticed that we were right back on track and were not behind schedule.
28/11/13During the course of this lesson me, Pietro and our cast of actors nearly finished the
whole of act three in our video. This act fundamentally consists of two people talking about what
has happened to them, and then stating advantages and disadvantages about the technologies
that have cured them. For filming we used a phone. This is the last section of the video to be
filmed and we should finish it for sure next lesson.
4/12/13The most cheerful lesson had finally come. In this hour me and my entire fantastic group
managed to finish filming the entire video. In order to complete the filming of the video it took us
approximately half of the lesson, thirty minutes. Here yet again Pietro’s phone was used in order
to film the video in 1080p, full HD. This first part of the lesson was extremely difficult due to the
fact that we had to shoot an incredible amount of videos with different angles and in different
scenarios. Though, thanks to our hard work and dedication we managed to create a fantastic piece
of work. For the remaining thirty minutes of the lesson we imported the remaining videos from
Pietro’s phone to his MacBook. These were then yet again transferred from a folder to the famous
and useful editing program called iMovie. Here we started inserting the title page but then the
lesson was over. I was very thrilled due to the fact that we just needed to edit the video in order to
have my first short-movie completed.
5/12/13Today me and Pietro managed to complete nearly the editing of the video. In fact we were
dedicated to work as hard as possible in order to complete the video. During the course of this
lesson we managed to complete the initial title, authors and topic slides and edit the three
quarters of the videos. We just needed to edit Act three and we would have then been completed
with the editing of the video.
12/12/13Today we finally finished editing the entire video and I was speechless with the result.
We placed the sound effects where they were needed, we added music in specific section and
added transition slide in sections where the actors did not talk. Lastly we incorporate at the end of
the video, when the actors had finished acting, approximately sixteen slides, eight were dedicated
to gamma rays and the remaining to x-rays. Here we explained the positive and negative effects of
these technologies in the health industry. The video was now complete and I could not be more
Testing my Product:
Fiammetta Bernardino’s Interview:

Interviewed person name:_Fiammetta Bernardino______________________
Did you like the video? ______Yes____________
Have I included the information needed?______Indeed you have______
Was the scenography outstanding ?_ _______I really liked it______________
The special effects and camera angles were good?______They were really enjoyable_______________
Was the video quality high?__1080p so yes super high quality______
Do you like the environment chosen? ___Yes______
Was the correct amount of information used? ___Yes___________

Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10?













done a
bit more






Gianluca Ospedaliero’s Interview:
Interviewed person name:____GianlucaOspedaliero_________________
Did you like the video? _______A lot, it was really enjoyable to watch___________
Have I included the information needed?___Yes_________
Was the scenography outstanding ?_ ______The scenography was interesting_______________
The special effects and camera angles were good?____You have included nice special effect and cameras
Was the video quality high?___FullHd, you can’t get better than that_____
Do you like the environment chosen? __yes_______
Was the correct amount of information used? ____The correct amount of type of information was

Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10?













done a
bit more






Anna Grimaldello’s Interview:
Interviewed person name:___AnnaGrimaldello____________________
Did you like the video? ____Yes______________
Have I included the information needed?______Yes______
Was the scenography outstanding ?_ _______Beautiful______________
The special effects and camera angles were good?_________They were Amazing_____________
Was the video quality high?__Super high quality______
Do you like the environment chosen? ___Incredible______
Was the correct amount of information used? _____Yes_________

Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10?













done a
bit more






Francesco Longosento’s Interview:
Interviewed person name:___FrancescoLongosento____________________
Did you like the video? ___A lot_______________
Have I included the information needed?____Everything was very clear________
Was the scenography outstanding ?_ ____I really liked it_________________
The special effects and camera angles were good?________They were perfect______________
Was the video quality high?___Full HD, it was ideal_____
Do you like the environment chosen? ___Really interesting to watch so yes______
Was the correct amount of information used? ____Yes__________

Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10?













done a
bit more






Testing is one of the most important steps for the achievement of an outstanding video. A wellmade test plan will let you understand, hence make you improve, the short-film, created. In fact,
just by looking at what you should have included and what not you will immediately understand
what you have made wrong and right. Thanks to the done survey I have clearly demonstrated the
fact that my video is really positive and successful and have thus clearly met my specifications and
goals. In addition to this it helped me understand what aspects I could have definitely improved.
As one of interviewed person stated he said that the video could have been a little more
professional. I believe that what this person said is right but that for us, fifteen years old students
who have never had any experience in the world of video creation and editing, what we have
accomplished is very respectable. I seriously would not know what I could have done in order to
make it more professional. In order to understand this another survey would have to be made but,
due to the fact that for the level of knowledge that we have the video produced is still beautiful
and still quite professional. I have though found out that my product, thanks to the test, was still
very successful. In fact we have managed to describe not one but two different technologies in
depth, and different acts have been thought of in order to include professional both of these
together. I addition I learnt thanks to the survey that people like the sound effects and camera
angels that we incorporated. Generally I am very pleased with the results of the test and I believe
that me, Pietro and the entire acting crew have been extremely successful.

Investigate Evaluation:
In my opinion this segment of the assessment was done in the very correct way. I managed to
answer in a detailed way to all of the questions, without even missing one part. The report
produced seemed professional and organized. The bibliography needed was put on the bottom of
the page thanks to a special command. In addition a broad range of sources were used. The use of
correct language and punctuation was incorporated. In addition to this detailed researches have
been made, and more than the required questions have been answered. On the other hand I must
admit that there were some issues. Unfortunately incorporating the quantity of information
needed in order to achieve a high mark required a lot of time. Besides creating a questionnaire
and actually finding people which were willing to do them also was a big challenge to me. At the
end I managed to overcome these problems and I can consider this section to have come out just
perfect. In my opinion this stage, in order to be improved, should contain less questions which
could, without any doubt, not be considered, and make the student focus on the more important
sections which could enable him to create a more decent short movie.
Design Evaluation:
Following on we have the create section. This refers to the actual creation of the product, in my
case a website, which can inform people about a specific technology, in this case x rays and
gamma rays. The creation of the product was relatively difficult, though I had planned out
everything that I had to do. Unfortunately though there were some issues, which I have already
talked about. First of all It was really challenging to come up with the idea of the video. In fact, not
being creative, I had really small idea of what I could have done in order to create a visually
appealing and entertaining piece of video without being boring but at the same time inform
people about the technology. Secondly, the problem that I encountered was the fact that I had to
create a script. Due to the fact that for my video I would have not hired professional actors but
just students from my school forcing them into learning a script would have been quite
challenging. Due to this I decided to create a canovaccio. This fundamentally consists in just
writing briefly what the actors should say generally in each scene and then just letting them
improvise. So if I could do this stage again, I would try to find some proper actors which would
follow the script I have written. By doing so the whole project would be more professional.

Plan Evaluation:
Next on we have the planning sector. Although this was the only part which I didn’t enjoy doing I
must admit that it was essential. Here we had to complete a Gantt chart; in addition to this we had
to include resources needed for the creation of my video. The final outcome of my table was
appealing and informative. It can be considered to be an outstanding chart as I was very
meticulous with what I wrote inside it. In fact each single small detail was incorporated and the
realistic time needed for the fulfilment of each task was appropriately used. In addition to this I
also had to produce a step-by-step plan. This consisted in creating a chart with written inside how I
would have created my site. Yet again detailed information was incorporated, in fact my short
informative video could have been created by someone else thanks to this plan. I must admit that
there were no actual difficulties in doing this stage, it all consisted in being scrupulous with what
you had to write. That’s it!

Following on we have the create section. This refers to the actual creation of the product, in my
case a short movie, which can inform people about a technology, in my case gamma rays and x
rays. The creation of the product was relatively difficult, though I had planned out everything that I
had to do. Unfortunately though there were some issues, which I have already talked about.First
of all, the problem that I encountered was the fact that I could not create a script. Due to the fact
that for my video I had not hired professional actors but just students from my school forcing
them into learning a script would have been quite challenging. Due to this I had to use a
canovaccio. This fundamentally consisted in just writing briefly what the actors should say
generally in each scene and then just letting them improvise. Due to the fact that the actors did
not know exactly what they would have had to say most of the scenes had to be done over and
over again as in most occasion actors forgot to say one or more significant elements which could
have not been missed out. The last part which can considered to be difficult was the actual
montage of the video. I had always thought that the difficult part in creating a film was filming the
scenes but after this assessment I have completely changed my mind. In fact, not knowing exactly
how to use a montage software it was really difficult for me to create the actual video. If I could do
this again I would love to be able to use a more professional software for the mounting of the
video; this, of course, should be given to us by the school.

Impact of my product on me, my society and the world:
This assessment was fundamentally focused on the creation of video which would have then be
used in order to teach to the human kind to what extent technology helps our health, so it is
significant to my institute society and the wider world as I will try raising the awareness of, in my
case gamma rays and x rays, and tell them in which cases they are useful and also how they can be
harmful to use. As I have created a good short movie the amount of people actually wanting to
stay and view my video will radically increaser. Due to an intensification of viewers more
awareness will be raised on this technology and people will understand what they have to do and
not to do in order to not negatively affect their health when using these dangerous yet
fundamental technologies, so it will help families and individuals around the world not to die. This
project is also related to my life for another aspect: my religion. In fact, as being Christian, I need
to help my community in every possible way, thus helping people around the world to understand
the positive and negative effects of the technology relates with this.

Area of Interaction Analysis:
The video produced be me, Pietro and the entire acting crew has definitely proven to show the
importance and significance of the chosen AOI. During the entire course of the project we had to
keep in mind that the unit area of interaction was Health and Social Education. I believe that this
huge assignment is linked to this specific area of interaction and that I have managed to achieve to
complete it due to the fact that I have tried and achieved to show to my whole community, and
possible members of other nations, the advanced technologies In our health service today. Thanks
to the professional video produced I have managed to make people reflect on how technology, in
our case gamma and x rays, is of vital importance for the human health and how these, if misused,
can cause serious damage to your body thus health. Taking into consideration all of the just
mentioned factors I believe to have followed and shown why Health and Social Education perfectly
links with this project.

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Health assessment

  • 1. Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerfullopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklma rksenricotyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw To What Extent Does our Health ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio Depend on Technology? pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmwil ltyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwillyuiopa sdfghjklzxcvbnmgettyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmf ulltyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbmarksrtyuiopasdfghj klfullbnmqwefulliopasdfghjklzxcvbnm arksiopasdfghjklzxcmarkswertyuiopa sdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjkl zmarksmwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm Produced bEnrico
  • 2. To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology? Sommario Analysis: ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Identify the problem:..................................................................................................................................... 3 Design Brief.................................................................................................................................................... 3 Making first decision: .................................................................................................................................... 5 How to make a high quality, superior video: ................................................................................................ 5 What is the technology, when was it discovered, positive and negative effects: ........................................ 7
  • 3. Analysis: Identify the problem: In the following weeks I will have to investigate and research around the question: “To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology?” This will have me searching different modern technologies that affect the life of many in a positive way and have changed or saved the lives on people in the world.Throughout the course of the next few months the entire year group (grade 11) will produce an informative video based upon, the usefulness, importance and modernity of a certain technology and how this can be used in order to save or improve our lives under the health aspect. This will be done during the I.T. class and it will involve the area of interaction known as Health and Social Education. Design Brief The final outcome of this project, a video based upon a very useful technology for the positive maintenance of our health, will not only be showed to members of my class, but It may also help and inform people from all around the world about this specific technology. The unit question for this important assignment is: To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology? The dilemma, informing people about the importance of a specific technology through the creation of a video , relates to the A.O.I, which is health and social, for various reasons. First of all this project will enable me to let me explore in multiple ways the importance of technology in our lives, hence I will discuss in a way how I can look after myself and the others. Furthermore the assessment will allow me to focus on the evolution, process and products of human creativity and their impact on life and society. It will also give me the opportunity to appreciate and develop a sense of responsibility for my own well-being and for the physical and social environment. This is amongst the most important points when talking about health and social. Another key aspect, which relates to the A.O.I. is that the project emphasizes both the importance of researching the developments of the chosen technology and will let me examine aspects of health such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Physical Psychological Sociological Economic legal All of the above mentioned aspects are clearly linked to the A.O.I known as health and social.
  • 4. Lastly I believe that this A.O.I is directly linked with the unit question of this project as I will necessitate to develop, research and learn knowledge, about the technology, skill, how this can and has been used in order to improve our health, attitude and values, which are important when discussing this particular area of interaction. Due to the creation of a video and the researched information on a technology that contribute to our health will relate to my life for two main reasons. First of all the research on this type of technology and the actual creation of a video which talks about this will help the society by giving them more knowledge on how, if they have a disease, they could be cured or worsen their situation but it could also positively affect my life as, in case of disease, I would be aware of a technology which could potentially help me to rejuvenate or do the opposite, so I will be able to avoid it. Because of this learning which type of technology can improve the health of us, the human race, will be very important, as I will know, even in the near future, how the specific technology I chose could cure me or the others. For example there might be someone which has a tumour and he or she might not know that thanks to x-rays this can be, to a certain extent, cured and, thanks to my video, the patient will be informed . Secondly I will learn how to create professional and informative video. This will be very useful in future as my goal is to work in the film industry. Knowing how to produce a video will definitely appeal to the businesses in which I’m demanding to be hired. This project isn’t only relating to my life but it could also positively affect the world society. Let me explain. First of all, videos can be seen by everyone everywhere, hence the global population will be able to be informed by my video, which will be uploaded on YouTube, from all the parts of the world. The general public will view my film, hence hear and understand all the useful content, so learn from it. People will manage to understand whetherhow our health largely depend on technology. They will understand that certain technologies are positively or negatively affecting their health. By knowing the actions that are harmful or that can help them, people will stop or start using a specific technology in this way to help their lives. For instance, let’s take in consideration gamma rays. This technology can be used for various factors. For instance, amongst its properties, it can be used in order to completely take away and kill the cells which could potentially cause a malicious cancer or, if used in too large quantity, it could actually be the cause of a tumour. If people know this, they will thanks to my video, they will be more aware on how, in this case, gamma rays affect, both positively and negatively, their health. As you may see technologies involve everyone and everyone has to understand whether what their using is harming or improving their health condition, people just need a hand, and I am here to give it to them. There are many key aspects that have to be taken in consideration in order to create an outstanding piece of work. These are: What makes a high quality, superior video? 2. What is the technology? 1.
  • 5. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Who is the video aimed at? What important information do I have to mention/include? What software’s should be used? What format should the video be? What is the technology I chose, how has it affected people’s health? What is the best software to use and what tools and skills will I be using and need to learn about? How is my technology related to health? How does my technology work? Making first decision: The first decision that I will have to make regards what the technology that I research is. In fact I will have to create a product, video or animation, based on the technology that I have chosen. To decide better what technology to do I will have to list them and then decide. X-ray machine Pacemaker Electronic cigarettes Sterile Room Of all these I think that the best choice to do will be electronic cigarettes as I think that it is the best and that has had an impact on the society that has done the most things as is not pointed to a specific group broad range of people. How to make a high quality, superior video: It is essential, In order to achieve high marks during this assessment, to create a high quality, professional visually appealing video. In order to do so, not being an expert in this field, I will have to research what it actually takes to produce a respectable short movie. let us begin by saying that the secret is not in using super expensive equipment but actually the lighting technique. I will have to take time, when creating my video, in order to take the time to light whom I am filming or myself very carefully. By doing so a 100 euro worth camera will look like a 10000 euro professional camera, this is especially the case when the video has to go on both YouTube or Facebook, as these have particular settings which will enhance even more the video produced. When researching I found this amazing video which explains and shows in detail the basic techniques for lighting someone during an interview. This can be pulled off without using expensive equipment, you can just use your ordinary lights. In order to achieve this you should position the lights facing towards whom you are filming. These should be xenon or LED, this due to
  • 6. the fact that a white bright light will show better the lineaments once the video has been edited. Then these should have a height of approximately 20 cm over the head of whom you are filming. This will give a better angle and light portray to whom your filming.1 Moving on there are also seven steps which will yet again be very useful once you are creating the video. First of all I will have to write out a script. This will help and increase the quality of the video for various reasons. First of all by writing a script people will not talk on and on and they will seem more natural. In addition to this the actors who are performing will now what to say, will not get confused, and say random stuff which is not essential. So we can fundamentally say that a script will give a more direct message to the audience and this will not get bored. 2 Secondly I will also have to find an appropriate location and wardrobe. Let us focus first on the location. Depending on what I want to show to the audience or what atmosphere I want to create I will have to choose a particular location which will resemble what I want to show. By doing so I will create credibility and I will make my video even better. Now, regarding the wardrobe, thanks to these I will set the mood of the movie by resembling the characters clothes. This is very important as, due to the fact that I want to transmit an important message in a short video, by using a specific wardrobe the characters In my short movie will be presented immediately. 3 Thirdly I will need to obviously grab my camera and find a place it can sit on. People hate videos in which the director continues to move the camera due to the fact that it is not standing still. It creates dizziness and it makes a poor video. Due to this finding a standing spot for the camera will greatly increase the quality of the video. Now it is time to start recording. The movie is in my hands and I should have fun, experiment, and, when I see that things are working, properly record and shoot an actual scene which could be implemented in my final movie. only by doing so I will understand what works and what doesn’t. Hence this is a very important part when trying to create a professional, unique and interesting video.4 After you finish the movie return inside. If you recorded the video with your camera, just plug it into the computer and open up any type of video editing software. Here I will need to choose and re-watch every take that I had taken and decided which is best. After this is done I will have to properly edit it, using a specific software, such as Sony Vegas pro, and see if I am pleased with it. If I will follow all of these procedures I will surely make a professional, unique and interesting video which will could be used in order to portray whether technology is helpful for the people’s health.5 1 3 4 5 2
  • 7. What is the technology, when was it discovered, positive and negative effects: The first gamma ray was discovered thanks to the radioactive process called gamma decay; this fundamentally consists in the deterioration of an excited nucleus Paul Villard, a brilliant French chemist and physicist, discovered gamma radiation around 1900, while he was analysing the radiation emitted by an element named radium. He shortly after discovered that the radiation released by this decaying element was amongst the most powerful rays ever produced, but did not consider naming them. In 1903, Ernest Rutherford recognized that the waves produced by Villard’s discovery were significantly different from previous ones, so he decided to name them “gamma rays”. 6,7 1910 a British physics called William Henry Bragg managed to demonstrate that the ray discovered by Villard were part of the electromagnetic radiation. He was able to determine this as had shown that gamma rays could not be deflected by any magnetic field, which is a characteristic expected by electromagnetic radiation. In 1914, Rutherford and his co-worker Edward Andrade measured the wavelengths of gamma rays from radium, and found that they were similar to X-rays but with shorter wavelengths and hence with a higher frequency. He then discovered that Gamma rays can be produced by a wide range of phenomena, both nuclear and non-nuclear.8,9 Gamma rays are the most energetic known form of electromagnetic radiation, with frequencies of 1020 Hz or higher and wavelengths of 10-12 meters. 10,11 Gamma rays can penetrate nearly all materials and are therefore difficult to perceive. Gamma rays have mostly been detected in the activities in space such as the Crab Nebula and the Vela Pulsar. The highest frequency of gamma rays that have been detected is 1030Hz measured from diffuse gamma ray emissions.12,13 Gamma radiation cause the same health risks that other high energy radiation, like X-rays, give. Negativee health effects from gamma radiation include damage to your DNA that can eventually bring to cancer and mutations. However, gamma rays do have a beneficial use for medical equipment irradiation. Unfortunately even very low dosages of gamma radiation, such as those absorbed by people who regularly use X-ray machines in the medical field, will damage their DNA 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 7
  • 8. and affect their genes, making them mutate. Many studies have proved that even amounts low as 5 centi-Grays (“a standard measurement for the amount of energy one kilogram of matter absorbs”) will definitely damage one’s genetic material. In most cases the damage in the DNA will lead to Cancer and chromosomes mutations. 14 Gamma rays are usually the main cause when people to suffer from traditional sickness. Precisely known as “acute radiation syndrome”, the radiation sickness symptoms develop from 2 to 31 days, according to the amount of rays absorbed . The main symptoms include nausea, vomiting and general fatigue due to the body's weakened immune system.15 Even though gamma rays absorbed by your skin can provoke damage to you, the medical field often uses gamma radiation to kill bacteria and sterilize equipment. This type of ray is very effecting in the killing of germs. In fact the DNA damaging effect that gamma ray incite will destroy germs, as these have much less chromosomes than human beings and animals.16 Even though the exposure to gamma rays can cause cancer, this electromagnetic wave is used to treat certain types of tumour, as the ray kill cancer cells too. This procedure is called gamma-knife surgery, and it involves the usage of multiple focused beams of gamma rays on the growth, in order to kill the cancerous cells. These beams are always aimed at different angles, as doing so will not only concentrate the radiation on the growth but it will also diminish the damage of the surrounding tissue. Gamma rays are also useful in the medical field as they can be used for diagnostic reasons in nuclear medicine. For instance, when trying to discover the positioning of the cancer in an animal a “radiolabeled sugar called fludeoxyglucose emits positrons” are converted into sets of gamma rays, and will localize the tumour. The most used gamma ray in the medical field is called “nuclear isomer technetium-99m” which emits gamma rays in the same energy range as diagnostic X-rays.17 Food irradiation consist in a technology which helps the control in food spoilage and the elimination of food-borne pathogens, for example salmonella. Irradiation kills bacteria and other pathogens, that would else make the food poisonous or spoilt. There is one fundamental difference between pasteurization (the second method to kill bacteria on food) and food irradiation. Normal sterilization consisted on killing pathogens with heat, whilst irradiation relies on the energy of ionizing radiation.18 14 16 17 18 15
  • 9. This type of nourishment disinfection works in a very simple but effective way. Packaged food passes through a radiation chamber; this will not get in contact with radioactive metals, but will actually pass through a radiation beam, this will make the sustenance deprive of germs. The food irradiation process uses three types of ionizing radiation sources: 1. cobalt-60 gamma sources (this consist of gamma rays) 2. electron beam generators 3. x-ray accelerators Cobalt-60 has several advantages: 1. up to 95% of its emitted energy is available for use 2. penetrates deeply 3. yields substantial uniformity of the dose in the food product 4. decays to non-radioactive nickel 5. considered to pose low risk to the environment.19 19
  • 10. Questionnaire Maria Boncompagni’s interview Interviewed person name:_Maria_Bonconpagni______________________ Age:_15____________________ What do you find persuasive in a video?_Clear audio__________________ What important information should I mention?_Whether the technology Is harmful_____________ Do you think costumes should be used?_Yes_____________________ If I include special effects do you think they’ll be useful?_Notnecesseraly_____________________ What quality should it have?_1080p_______ Should I record it outside or inside?_Does not matter_________ Should I include a large amount of information?_No, just write what is essential______________ Given that I include all of the above specification and more in my video how would you rate the created product based on professionalism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect
  • 11. Lorenzo Bergamaschi’sinterview Interviewedpersonname:_Lorenzo_Bergamaschi______________________ Age:_15____________________ What do you find persuasive in a video?_Hih quality images__________________ What important information should I mention?_If I support or not the technology_____________ Do you think costumes should be used?_Yes_____________________ If I include special effects do you think they’ll be useful?_Maybe_____________________ What quality should it have?_1080p_______ Should I record it outside or inside?_It is the same_________ Should I include a large amount of information?_No______________ Given that I include all of the above specification and more in my video how would you rate the created product based on professionalism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect
  • 12. Gianluca Ventura’s interview Interviewed person name:_Gianluca_Ventura______________________ Age:_45____________________ What do you find persuasive in a video?_Good acting_________________ What important information should I mention?_Is this helpful opr harmful_____________ Do you think costumes should be used?_Yes_____________________ If I include special effects do you think they’ll be useful?_Yes, but do not exaggerate_________________ What quality should it have?_1080p_______ Should I record it outside or inside?_Same_________ Should I include a large amount of information?_Quality over quantity______________ Given that I include all of the above specification and more in my video how would you rate the created product based on professionalism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect
  • 13. Anna Robbiani’s interview Interviewed person name:_Anna_Robbiani______________________ Age:_60____________________ What do you find persuasive in a video?_Informative__________________ What important information should I mention?_Why does it help or harm (the technology)____________ Do you think costumes should be used?_Yes_____________________ If I include special effects do you think they’ll be useful?_I do not like them_____________________ What quality should it have?_1080p_______ Should I record it outside or inside?_Identical for me_________ Should I include a large amount of information?_Of course not, you will make it boring______________ Given that I include all of the above specification and more in my video how would you rate the created product based on professionalism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect Thanks to the above questionnaire I have understood in a more detailed way what should be included in my video. In fact I have interviewed a variety of different people, starting from 15 and moving up until 60 years old. I decided to do this, as I wanted to gain information from the possible viewers of my video, so that a short-film, which could please each single individual, would have been created. For instance I understood that every single person wants a 1080p HD video with also a high quality audio. In addition the possible spectators of my informative video also request the use of costumes and that not a lot of information is used. This questionnaire can be considered to be an investigation a test plan as I have asked people different aspects that make a video outstanding.
  • 14. What Software could be used: In my opinion there are two software’s which can be used in order to edit the small film which will depict whether technology helps our health or no. these are Sony Vegas Pro 12 and Ulead Video Studio. Let us start talking about Sony’s program first. First of all it is important to understand that this, amongst its main characteristics, has flexibility, rapidity and feature rich. It was projected and designed to create mainly digital video productions. Some features of this include “Expanded edit mode” which, only by double clicking you will see the timeline in a detailed way. It also includes user interface enhancements, such as toolbars for splitting, yellow border which highlights the most recent clip, large blue handles on timelines which make it way easier to grab the various interactive event modifiers and much more. Unfortunately there are two major downsides with this program. These are its price which is of 479.95 euros plus 151.95 euros for the upgraded version and that it is particularly difficult to use. Though once you learn how to use it, it is one of the if not the best editing software available now.20 The second editing software, as I have previously mentioned, is Ulead Video Studio. This is a semiprofessional software clearly designed for editing, montages and production of videos. This program is more advanced than Windows Movie Maker though less powerful than Adobe Premiere. It is ideal for those who have to create videos but not in a super professional ay. This program is divided into three tabs: Capture, Edit and Sharing. In the first one you get all the clips and import them into the file very easily. In the second you obviously edit. Whilst in the last one, thanks to special features of the program, you can directly share it to social networks, send it via email and much more. The positive aspects of this is that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Has many instruments and options Nice and easy interface Creates stop-motion and time-lapse Supports multiple formats Makes it easy to share video on social networks. Cheap There is just one negative side with this program and this is that the installation takes a lot of time, depending on how powerful your computer and internet connection are even up to a full day.21 Interview to Giovanni Androcchia, short-film creation expert22 This is an interview done to Giovanni Androcchia, an expert in the field of short-film creation. This has helped me even more towards the creation of the video. The source is very reliable as the 20 22 Video creation expert, Giovanni Androcchia 21
  • 15. interviewed person is an expert in the field of film creation, as he has done these for over 15 years, as it is his job and passions. Me: What makes a good video in your opinion? It needs to have: • Good lightning • Script • Decent actor • Interesting information Not too much information Me: Have you got any recommendations to give me on the creation? • Use a proper recording camera and not a phone • Use a professional editing software, such as Sony Vegas pro • Use, if possible, costumes • Do various shots of each scene and choose the best one Me: How long should this particular video be, taking into consideration all of the factors? • In my honest opinion a video longer that 3 to 4 minutes will bore people and start to get tedious. Remember quality over quantity. Reliability of sources Throughout the course of this investigation I have used a variety of resources. These include, video creation pert thoughts, Client requests and opinions, Possible spectator points of views, YouTube videos and Magazines. The reliability of Giovanni Androcchia, the film producer expert, can’t be questioned. He has worked in this field for many years, hence his words are trustworthy. Regarding the clients, our she can’t be wrong as she the one for which we are creating our video for. The possible spectators of the play also can’t be wrong as they’re giving their opinion based on what they like and dislike. Now that we have discussed all of the trustworthy resources let’s talk about those which aren’t as much reliable. For instance internet. When researching on the world wide web you have to be conscious that not everything that is written on it is true. Though there are some sites which can and are considered to be legit and unfailing. These sites are what I have used. In addition to check if what I had found on a page was true I compared it with other websites. This may seem a waste of time but it actually helped me towards the finding of false information. For example I had initially wrote information found on Wikipedia, a site in which every single member of earth can write on, but then, by matching info found on another place I discovered that it was fake. So I had
  • 16. to re-write that particular section. What I have just wrote also counts for YouTube videos. The last type of source used were Magazines. These are truthful as what is written in them is being checked before the magazine is published. Design specification Demands: It must be at least 2 minutes long It must enhance the positive effects of gamma ray It must be contain a lot of information It must be continues, never stop It must contain just text on a slide It must explain how gamma ray work It must contain at least 2 actors/characters It must be direct Text can’t be too small It should be understandable It must be an unexpected idea It must have 10 seconds information slide It must run fluently, no editing error It must contain some music Limits: It can’t be offensive It can’t contain bad language It can’t become a comedy show It can’t be too colourful It can’t violate copyright laws It can’t lose the point and start talking about something else It can’t contain sexual content It can’t have more than 20 information slides Wishes: It can be very entertaining It can be eye-catching It can be pleasant for the eye It can include various actors It can be a structured story
  • 17. It can develop very deeply the problem It can contain very good actors, from drama classes Test Plan Test name Is the video at least 2 minutes long? Does is enhance the positive effects of Xray? Is it informative? Is it interesting? Does it annoy people? Does it explain how xray work? Does it contain at least 2 actors/characters? Is it direct? Is it offensive? Does it contain bad language? Does it contain too much humor? Is it too colorful? Does it violate copyright laws? Does it continuously talk about x-rays? Expected outcome Actual outcome Comments
  • 18. Is it entertaining? very Is the text too small? Story should understandable be Information slides last no longer than 10 seconds? Does it run fluently? Does it contain sexual content? Does it contain a good actor? Does it music? contain Does it contain more than 20 information slides? Testing is one of the most important steps for the achievement of an outstanding video. A well-made test plan will let you understand, hence make you improve, the short-film, created. In fact, just by looking at what you should have included and what not you will immediately understand what you have made wrong and right. Besides the test plan is also very useful as you can test you product against the design specification, which basically is what you need to include in you design. On the other hand there are way more effective ways to understand if the product created has accomplished an outstanding level. Another way for which you can test your documentary is by doing a survey. This will give you the opinion, in our case, of the gamma ray possible viewers. if they don’t like it they will probably not watch the entire video and will hence not learn about the utility of Gamma rays, so we have to ask them their opinion. In addition you can see what you have done wrong in the design specification as you may have written something that doesn’t please any viewer. Down below is a questionnaire which I will use once the video will be created.
  • 19. Video response interview: Interviewed person name:_______________________ Age:_____________________ Did you like the video? __________________ Have I included the information needed?____________ Was the scenography outstanding ?_ _____________________ The special effects and camera angles were good?______________________ Was the video quality high?________ Do you like the environment chosen? _________ Was the correct amount of information used? ______________ Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect Bibliography:
  • 20. Bibliography : Internet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Video creation expert: Video creation expert, Giovanni Androcchia Youtube video: Book: The amazing world of video production, Lawrence Smith Images: 1 Magazine: Wired, published 1st November 2013
  • 21. Design Number 1 Question YES Is the video at least 2 minutes long? Does is enhance the positive effects of Xray? Is it informative? Is it interesting? Does it annoy people? Does it explain how xray work? Does it contain at least 2 actors/characters? Is it direct? Is it offensive? Does it contain bad language? Does it contain too much humor? Is it too colorful? Does it violate copyright laws? Does it continuously talk about x-rays? Is it very entertaining? Is the text too small? Story should understandable be MORE OR LESS NO
  • 22. Information slides last no longer than 10 seconds?
  • 23. Design Number 2: Question YES Is the video at least 2 minutes long? Does is enhance the positive effects of Xray? Is it informative? Is it interesting? Does it annoy people? Does it explain how xray work? Does it contain at least 2 actors/characters? Is it direct? Is it offensive? Does it contain bad language? Does it contain too much humor? Is it too colorful? Does it violate copyright laws? Does it continuously talk about x-rays? Is it very entertaining? Is the text too small? Story should understandable be Information slides last no longer than 10 MORE OR LESS NO
  • 25. Design Number 3: Question YES Is the video at least 2 minutes long? Does is enhance the positive effects of Xray? Is it informative? Is it interesting? Does it annoy people? Does it explain how xray work? Does it contain at least 2 actors/characters? Is it direct? Is it offensive? Does it contain bad language? Does it contain too much humor? Is it too colorful? Does it violate copyright laws? Does it continuously talk about x-rays? Is it very entertaining? Is the text too small? Story should understandable be Information slides last MORE OR LESS NO
  • 26. no longer than 10 seconds?
  • 27. Design Number 4: Question YES Is the video at least 2 minutes long? Does is enhance the positive effects of Xray? Is it informative? Is it interesting? Does it annoy people? Does it explain how xray work? Does it contain at least 2 actors/characters? Is it direct? Is it offensive? Does it contain bad language? Does it contain too much humor? Is it too colorful? Does it violate copyright laws? Does it continuously talk about x-rays? Is it very entertaining? Is the text too small? Story should understandable be Information slides last no longer than 10 MORE OR LESS NO
  • 29. Evaluation of Designs: Design Number One: After critically evaluating this particular design against the test plan I have discovered that, differently that what I had initially thought of, I was not as good as I thought it would have been. When I first designed this storyboard I believed it to be both very entertaining and appealing to watch and that It could thus had been definitely used as a starting point for the creation of the actual informative video. Now that I have critically analysed it against the design specification I have drawn to the conclusion that it contains many mistakes and aspects which make it not as good as I thought; due to this if this was followed I would not be able to produce a high quality video. The first problem and mainly the most significant one is that it is definitely not instructive enough. In fact, taking into consideration all of the included aspects, I can clearly state that the story of the movie does not focus on what it should be made for, which is to inform people about, in our case, x-rays and gamma rays. In fact there is little or near to none explanation of these two technologies and, due to this, if produced the video would not inform the audience who is watching it about the two different technologies. In addition to this, due to the fact that the video does not explain any of the two technologies there are no slides in which the viewer can read about the technology and, due to this, the video would last too little and would not meet another specification. Taking all of the just above explained reasons I can draw to the conclusion that by choosing this design I would not accomplish what the project is about, due to this there are very low chances in me choosing this as my final storyboard. Design Number Two: After critically evaluating the second storyboard against the previously produced design specification I can happily state that this has proven to be the best one out of the ones that I have evaluated until now. In fact, by analysing the results obtained, I can clearly state that nearly all of the design specification have been met, demonstrating thus this to be perfectly in line with all of my specification basing on aesthetic, information, durability, entertainment and format. Due to this I am pleased to say that it clearly demonstrated to be the design with the most positive feedback and the only one which has fundamentally no negative aspects relating it to the design specification. The only problem that can be seen and might have to be changed if I end up using this design as my final story board is that it does not have music in the section where there are the scenes going. As I have seen with my research music is very significant for the success of a video and I believe that not having this it would make the video definitely less entertaining and will make the audience not want to focus or watch the entire short movie. Due to this I believe that this storyboard would be perfect if only music would have been incorporated. This will have to be taken into consideration if I end up using this design as a starting point for the actual creation of my product.
  • 30. Design Number Three: I am happy to say that, after evaluating this particular storyboard against the design specifications, it appeared to be a spectacular design under various aspects. I must though unfortunately say that this particular design has certain specification that, if not adjusted, would lead the video into a wrong direction which could thus make the product not very successful. First of I am proud to say that the video itself can be considered to be very interesting due to the fact that it contains the correct amount of information, I follows the right format and clearly portrays many aspects about the technology that I want to inform people about, which are x-rays and gamma rays. Though, as I have previously mentioned, there are some issues which make it doubtful. First of all I have decided to incorporate music throughout the whole course of the video and this could make it quite annoying to watch. This due to the fact that a wrong choice of music could bore and even annoy people during the whole duration of the video. The second problem that I will encounter if I end up choosing this storyboard for the creation of the video is that it would not last ling enough and this would be a serious issue as, in the time frame that the video will be shooter, there will not be enough time for the audience to fully understand the technologies I want to teach and to enjoy the video at the same time. Taking into consideration all of these factors I believe this design to be mediocre and that the second storyboard is more successful than this. due to this I am fundamentally sure that I will not end up using this design as a starting point for the actual creation of my informative short movie. Design Number Four: I have arrived at the analysis of my last storyboard and I can clearly state that this one is the worst out of the four. In fact, by looking at the specification and comparing them against the produced design I can state that the most important specification have not been met and this would definitely compromise the success of my video. The first and possibly the most significant mistake with this storyboard is that it contains too much information and, as my research has proven to show, in order to grab people attentions there has to be concise and well written information and not just a big chunk of it. Due to the large quantity of information I believe that the audience would find it very difficult to remember much of what I would include in the video and would, after a short period of time, become very boring to watch. It also lacks images, good acting and there is no music. Taking all of the aspects into consideration this storyboard will definitely not be chosen for the starting point of my video
  • 31. Justify The Choice: After critically evaluation all of the designs I have drawn to the conclusion that the one which was done in the most correct way was definitely storyboard number 2 and I will end up using this as a starting point for the creation of my video. I have decided to choose this over the other three due to the fact that it was the one which has managed to follow the most specification and the ones not followed were minor aspects which can be easily adjusted. In fact, for instance, design number three was also a very good design, with very few specification not met. Though, unfortunately, amongst those not met specifications there was a very big one, which regarded the amount and type of information which had to be included in the video. Due to this storyboard number two clearly demonstrated to be the most viable and feasible design out of the four and I am sure that, if I manage to follow all of the stated specifications, I will be able to create a fantastic video. The only problem that this design had was that it was not clearly readable and the information displayed was not in bullet points. The main issue with this was not the fact that the information written was not clear but the fact that it was not in bullet points, which would have made the displayed information even clearer. At first I felt that this was quite a serious issue, due to the fact that my main goal in this assessment is to inform people about the technology though, after critically evaluating the situation and making some more research, I discovered that in most videos information is represented not in bullet points as this would make the video seem less professional and organized. Due to this I am happy to now say that the specification that I had previously created is not necessary and, I can display information even if it is not in bullet points. The only thing that I have to keep in mind is that, when I put the information, this has not to be a big chunk of information. In fact it has to be concise and easy to read. If I manage to achieve this not putting the information in bullet points will not be a serious issue. After having critically evaluated the storyboard against the specification I also noticed that there was another issue which might negatively affect the final outcome of the product. this related to the specification regarding the implementation of sound effects and music in the video itself. In fact, in the previously drawn design, I have annotated the fact that there will be some sounds during the course of the video, such as when the actors are running from the football pitch to the doctor’s room. The problem that I have encountered is the fact that, when there are the transition slides of information, there is neither sound or music. Due to this I will have to take into consideration this and, when creating the actual video, decide to incorporate music when the information is displayed. By doing so I will make it possible for the audience not to get bored, to enjoy the video but at the same time learn more efficiently the displayed information. Now that I have finished mentioning the negative aspects of the just drawn storyboard I can continue to explain the positive side of this design, which definitely exceed the negative sides of the storyboard. In fact, as one can see by looking at the test table design evaluation done before, all of the aspects that had to be followed have been included and the aspects which I will have to avoid have been avoided. In addition to this the main aspects of the video have been included. For instance the whole purpose of the video is to teach the possible audience of the video the positive
  • 32. and negative effects of a technology and how this has and can help human kind. In addition to this, due to the numerous not childish elements included it appeared to be professional and organized. Taking into consideration all of the just mentioned aspects and the design evaluation I believe this design to be very successful and, if followed correctly, will definitely help me towards the creation of a professional and organized short informative movie. it has proven to be a positive storyboard with just a few issues which, as I have previously mentioned, can be easily resolved. I believe that by following this design I will create a professional video which will inform people about the chosen technology. Evaluation of my performance: Following on we have the create section. This refers to the actual creation of the product, in my case a website, which can inform people about a specific technology, in this case x rays and gamma rays. The creation of the product was relatively difficult, though I had planned out everything that I had to do. Unfortunately though there were some issues, which I have already talked about. First of all It was really challenging to come up with the idea of the video. In fact, not being creative, I had really small idea of what I could have done in order to create a visually appealing and entertaining piece of video without being boring but at the same time inform people about the technology. Secondly, the problem that I encountered was the fact that I had to create a script. Due to the fact that for my video I would have not hired professional actors but just students from my school forcing them into learning a script would have been quite challenging. Due to this I decided to create a canovaccio. This fundamentally consists in just writing briefly what the actors should say generally in each scene and then just letting them improvise. So if I could do this stage again, I would try to find some proper actors which would follow the script I have written. By doing so the whole project would be more professional. Plan:
  • 33. After working many hours on the Investigate and Design section I have finally managed to arrive at the plan section of this project. The first task that I had to do was to schedule what I would have done in the near future for this project, in addition to this I also had to clarify the amount of time that it might have taken me to do each single task. This is the reason for which we were forced to produce a Gantt chart. Type of bar-chart that shows both the scheduled and completed work over a period. A time-scale is given on the chart's horizontal axis and each activity is shown as a separate horizontal rectangle (bar) whose length is proportional to the time required (or taken) for the activity's completion. In project planning, these charts show start and finish dates, critical and non-critical activities, slack time, and predecessor-successor relationships. Because of this it is very useful for planning. In my opinion my chart can be considered to be respectable. I think this as I have included each single little detail of what I’ll have to do. Besides this I have also divided my Gantt chart in two sections, one refers to the task itself (it is depicted by a green line) and the other bar refers to all the jobs that have to be done within the main task (red line). All things considered this graph was ultimately done to help me manage my time, and I think that I have been capable of doing this. Step-by-Step Plan:
  • 34. Step-by-step plan evaluation and modification of prototype design After concluding the Gantt chart we had to produce a step-by-step plan. This type of planning enables whom will create something, in my case a video which will inform people about a technology, to be more organized and know exactly what to do when being in the create section. In addition to this in a step-by-step plan you also have to include the resources, such as designs, and tools, for instance Microsoft publisher, needed for the actual creation of your product. In my opinion I have created an excellent plan. I do believe this as I have specified many aspects which will enable even someone else to follow, hence create what I have thought about. To do this I had specify each single detail, such as text boxes needed, where images and writing had to be positioned, what to be included and where it had to be. Besides all of this I have included in what font, size and colour text should have been done. I also specified how to find the text needed for the creation of my short movie. I have also wrote all the resources and tools needed; fortunately there wasn’t much stuff that had to be mentioned. As I was doing this step-by-step plan I realized that there were some mistakes with what the design previously created. This is the reason for which I decided to improve them, hence I had to make some modification which can be considered to be necessary at this stage to my original design. these changes include: changing the font of the information regarding the technology
  • 35. known as gamma rays. I decided to alter my original project as I saw that there were some big mistakes. For instance one of the fonts had to be changed. The font instead of being times new roman was changed to Calibri. This was done as it was more visually appealing than the other font. I also decided to add a scene in my video. In fact, when doing the storyboard, I had forgotten about the fact that there had to be a scene in which I introduced the technology. Due to this I added a scene in which actors were in the football pitch and one of the actors had to be kicked. This would have then asked for a doctor to visit him and, by using x-rays, the doctor would have seen that the patient’s leg was broken. All of this was done to make the final outcome of my short video really visually appealing, so that even more possible viewers could have been attracted to watch the film and read the useful information found inside about the technology. Plan evaluation Next on we have the planning sector. Although this was the only part which I didn’t enjoy doing I must admit that it was essential. Here we had to complete a Gantt chart; in addition to this we had to include resources needed for the creation of my video. The final outcome of my table was appealing and informative. It can be considered to be an outstanding chart as I was very meticulous with what I wrote inside it. In fact each single small detail was incorporated and the realistic time needed for the fulfilment of each task was appropriately used. In addition to this I also had to produce a step-by-step plan. This consisted in creating a chart with written inside how I would have created my site. Yet again detailed information was incorporated, in fact my short informative video could have been created by someone else thanks to this plan. I must admit that there were no actual difficulties in doing this stage, it all consisted in being scrupulous with what you had to write. That’s it!
  • 36. Process Journal: 14/11/13 I started creating the canovaccio in class like I have planned out in my step by step plan. In this I also thought and annotated down on paper all of the scenes and brief information that the actors in my plan would have had to follow during the shooting of the video in addition to this I went around my classroom asking for students to help me, and be actors in my video. I have found all of the actors needed for the completion of the video. I am following the step-by-step plan and meticulously, as I had previously planned. 15/11/13Due to the fact that I had collected all of the material needed for the completion of the video I started shooting the film today. I was able to complete the first scene, in which Alessandro, one of the actors in my cast, falls down the school stairs and injures himself to the knee. In order to film these scenes, not having a professional camera, I had to use my phone, though, as it shot videos in full HD, I was very pleased with the outcome of the video . In order to fully complete this act I had to film altogether seven scenes. I am very pleased with how the actors have acted and the scenography seemed professional and interesting. 17/11/13In this lesson I was able to complete the successive section of the video, regarding Gamma rays, this will be then mounted, using a specific software, with the first act. Yet again my phone was used in order to film in 1080p the entire video. In this lesson we also film the whole of the act which was done in the football pitch of the school. This act consisted in fundamentally Chandan, a football player, being kicked by Michelangelo, the opponent. Due to the Kick Chandan would have become injured and he would have asked for a doctor to visit him. The doctor, Pietro, would have then said that he would have had to check his leg using gamma rays. All of this was done in less than an hour and I am very pleased with the outcome. 18/11/13During the entire course of this lesson me and my group were able to finish filming act one of the gamma ray scene. It took us two whole lessons due to the fact that there were many different scenes incorporated in the act and, for every scene many different camera angles and to be used. In addition to this there were some misunderstanding between the actors which, unfortunately, did not know what to say in certain occasions. Due to this we had to redo many times the same exact scene, for instance, when the doctor runs onto the pitch and has to diagnose Chandan’s leg. Though I am very happy with the content produced and I believe that the video is coming out really well. 20/11/13For the entire duration of this I.C.T lesson me and Pietro, fundamentally the directors of the entire video, sat down and though of a way which would have made it possible to attach the two acts together so that they would have seemed professional and well organized. In addition to this me and my companion though of all of the specification that we had to follow in order to achieve a high quality video and changed them in order to make the adapt with our video. In fact, instead of just informing people about one technology we would have taught them two, these would have been obviously gamma rays and x-rays. This lessons was useful for the starting point of the next lessons.
  • 37. 21/11/13Today act two of our video was shot and I must say that the scenes filmed were just absolutely incredible. In this act we decided that we would have had to incorporate a scene in which the two injured actors, Alessandro and Chandan, would have had to be brought to the hospital. In addition to this me and Pietro sat down and started selecting the good and bad scenes filmed and decided which ones should have been used. These were then imported to Pietro’s MacBook and onto an editing program named iMovie. 27/11/13Today, as our actors also had to do their own video, we decided to help them out as they had been kind with us. Due to this me and Pietro have been falling behind schedule of an hour but we believed that we made the right choice as we had to helped those who came to use when we needed them. Here I played the role of an actor who, unfortunately, due to an accident had become paralysed. Fortunately Mr.Mariani, expert in the field of computer technology, noticed that he and given us to little time in order to complete the video, so he extended the deadline. Due to this we noticed that we were right back on track and were not behind schedule. 28/11/13During the course of this lesson me, Pietro and our cast of actors nearly finished the whole of act three in our video. This act fundamentally consists of two people talking about what has happened to them, and then stating advantages and disadvantages about the technologies that have cured them. For filming we used a phone. This is the last section of the video to be filmed and we should finish it for sure next lesson. 4/12/13The most cheerful lesson had finally come. In this hour me and my entire fantastic group managed to finish filming the entire video. In order to complete the filming of the video it took us approximately half of the lesson, thirty minutes. Here yet again Pietro’s phone was used in order to film the video in 1080p, full HD. This first part of the lesson was extremely difficult due to the fact that we had to shoot an incredible amount of videos with different angles and in different scenarios. Though, thanks to our hard work and dedication we managed to create a fantastic piece of work. For the remaining thirty minutes of the lesson we imported the remaining videos from Pietro’s phone to his MacBook. These were then yet again transferred from a folder to the famous and useful editing program called iMovie. Here we started inserting the title page but then the lesson was over. I was very thrilled due to the fact that we just needed to edit the video in order to have my first short-movie completed. 5/12/13Today me and Pietro managed to complete nearly the editing of the video. In fact we were dedicated to work as hard as possible in order to complete the video. During the course of this lesson we managed to complete the initial title, authors and topic slides and edit the three quarters of the videos. We just needed to edit Act three and we would have then been completed with the editing of the video. 12/12/13Today we finally finished editing the entire video and I was speechless with the result. We placed the sound effects where they were needed, we added music in specific section and added transition slide in sections where the actors did not talk. Lastly we incorporate at the end of the video, when the actors had finished acting, approximately sixteen slides, eight were dedicated to gamma rays and the remaining to x-rays. Here we explained the positive and negative effects of
  • 38. these technologies in the health industry. The video was now complete and I could not be more happy.
  • 39. Testing my Product: Fiammetta Bernardino’s Interview: Interviewed person name:_Fiammetta Bernardino______________________ Age:______16_______________ Did you like the video? ______Yes____________ Have I included the information needed?______Indeed you have______ Was the scenography outstanding ?_ _______I really liked it______________ The special effects and camera angles were good?______They were really enjoyable_______________ Was the video quality high?__1080p so yes super high quality______ Do you like the environment chosen? ___Yes______ Was the correct amount of information used? ___Yes___________ Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect
  • 40. Gianluca Ospedaliero’s Interview: Interviewed person name:____GianlucaOspedaliero_________________ Age:______18_______________ Did you like the video? _______A lot, it was really enjoyable to watch___________ Have I included the information needed?___Yes_________ Was the scenography outstanding ?_ ______The scenography was interesting_______________ The special effects and camera angles were good?____You have included nice special effect and cameras angles__________________ Was the video quality high?___FullHd, you can’t get better than that_____ Do you like the environment chosen? __yes_______ Was the correct amount of information used? ____The correct amount of type of information was included__________ Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect
  • 41. Anna Grimaldello’s Interview: Interviewed person name:___AnnaGrimaldello____________________ Age:________43_____________ Did you like the video? ____Yes______________ Have I included the information needed?______Yes______ Was the scenography outstanding ?_ _______Beautiful______________ The special effects and camera angles were good?_________They were Amazing_____________ Was the video quality high?__Super high quality______ Do you like the environment chosen? ___Incredible______ Was the correct amount of information used? _____Yes_________ Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect
  • 42. Francesco Longosento’s Interview: Interviewed person name:___FrancescoLongosento____________________ Age:___49__________________ Did you like the video? ___A lot_______________ Have I included the information needed?____Everything was very clear________ Was the scenography outstanding ?_ ____I really liked it_________________ The special effects and camera angles were good?________They were perfect______________ Was the video quality high?___Full HD, it was ideal_____ Do you like the environment chosen? ___Really interesting to watch so yes______ Was the correct amount of information used? ____Yes__________ Taking into consideration all of the video which rating would you give it out of 10? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely horrid Horrid Not admirable Could have done a bit more Average Good More than decent Very well done Magnificent Perfect
  • 43. TestingEvaluation: Testing is one of the most important steps for the achievement of an outstanding video. A wellmade test plan will let you understand, hence make you improve, the short-film, created. In fact, just by looking at what you should have included and what not you will immediately understand what you have made wrong and right. Thanks to the done survey I have clearly demonstrated the fact that my video is really positive and successful and have thus clearly met my specifications and goals. In addition to this it helped me understand what aspects I could have definitely improved. As one of interviewed person stated he said that the video could have been a little more professional. I believe that what this person said is right but that for us, fifteen years old students who have never had any experience in the world of video creation and editing, what we have accomplished is very respectable. I seriously would not know what I could have done in order to make it more professional. In order to understand this another survey would have to be made but, due to the fact that for the level of knowledge that we have the video produced is still beautiful and still quite professional. I have though found out that my product, thanks to the test, was still very successful. In fact we have managed to describe not one but two different technologies in depth, and different acts have been thought of in order to include professional both of these together. I addition I learnt thanks to the survey that people like the sound effects and camera angels that we incorporated. Generally I am very pleased with the results of the test and I believe that me, Pietro and the entire acting crew have been extremely successful. Investigate Evaluation: In my opinion this segment of the assessment was done in the very correct way. I managed to answer in a detailed way to all of the questions, without even missing one part. The report produced seemed professional and organized. The bibliography needed was put on the bottom of the page thanks to a special command. In addition a broad range of sources were used. The use of correct language and punctuation was incorporated. In addition to this detailed researches have been made, and more than the required questions have been answered. On the other hand I must admit that there were some issues. Unfortunately incorporating the quantity of information needed in order to achieve a high mark required a lot of time. Besides creating a questionnaire and actually finding people which were willing to do them also was a big challenge to me. At the end I managed to overcome these problems and I can consider this section to have come out just perfect. In my opinion this stage, in order to be improved, should contain less questions which could, without any doubt, not be considered, and make the student focus on the more important sections which could enable him to create a more decent short movie.
  • 44. Design Evaluation: Following on we have the create section. This refers to the actual creation of the product, in my case a website, which can inform people about a specific technology, in this case x rays and gamma rays. The creation of the product was relatively difficult, though I had planned out everything that I had to do. Unfortunately though there were some issues, which I have already talked about. First of all It was really challenging to come up with the idea of the video. In fact, not being creative, I had really small idea of what I could have done in order to create a visually appealing and entertaining piece of video without being boring but at the same time inform people about the technology. Secondly, the problem that I encountered was the fact that I had to create a script. Due to the fact that for my video I would have not hired professional actors but just students from my school forcing them into learning a script would have been quite challenging. Due to this I decided to create a canovaccio. This fundamentally consists in just writing briefly what the actors should say generally in each scene and then just letting them improvise. So if I could do this stage again, I would try to find some proper actors which would follow the script I have written. By doing so the whole project would be more professional. Plan Evaluation: Next on we have the planning sector. Although this was the only part which I didn’t enjoy doing I must admit that it was essential. Here we had to complete a Gantt chart; in addition to this we had to include resources needed for the creation of my video. The final outcome of my table was appealing and informative. It can be considered to be an outstanding chart as I was very meticulous with what I wrote inside it. In fact each single small detail was incorporated and the realistic time needed for the fulfilment of each task was appropriately used. In addition to this I also had to produce a step-by-step plan. This consisted in creating a chart with written inside how I would have created my site. Yet again detailed information was incorporated, in fact my short informative video could have been created by someone else thanks to this plan. I must admit that there were no actual difficulties in doing this stage, it all consisted in being scrupulous with what you had to write. That’s it! Create: Following on we have the create section. This refers to the actual creation of the product, in my case a short movie, which can inform people about a technology, in my case gamma rays and x rays. The creation of the product was relatively difficult, though I had planned out everything that I had to do. Unfortunately though there were some issues, which I have already talked about.First of all, the problem that I encountered was the fact that I could not create a script. Due to the fact
  • 45. that for my video I had not hired professional actors but just students from my school forcing them into learning a script would have been quite challenging. Due to this I had to use a canovaccio. This fundamentally consisted in just writing briefly what the actors should say generally in each scene and then just letting them improvise. Due to the fact that the actors did not know exactly what they would have had to say most of the scenes had to be done over and over again as in most occasion actors forgot to say one or more significant elements which could have not been missed out. The last part which can considered to be difficult was the actual montage of the video. I had always thought that the difficult part in creating a film was filming the scenes but after this assessment I have completely changed my mind. In fact, not knowing exactly how to use a montage software it was really difficult for me to create the actual video. If I could do this again I would love to be able to use a more professional software for the mounting of the video; this, of course, should be given to us by the school. Impact of my product on me, my society and the world: This assessment was fundamentally focused on the creation of video which would have then be used in order to teach to the human kind to what extent technology helps our health, so it is significant to my institute society and the wider world as I will try raising the awareness of, in my case gamma rays and x rays, and tell them in which cases they are useful and also how they can be harmful to use. As I have created a good short movie the amount of people actually wanting to stay and view my video will radically increaser. Due to an intensification of viewers more awareness will be raised on this technology and people will understand what they have to do and not to do in order to not negatively affect their health when using these dangerous yet fundamental technologies, so it will help families and individuals around the world not to die. This project is also related to my life for another aspect: my religion. In fact, as being Christian, I need to help my community in every possible way, thus helping people around the world to understand the positive and negative effects of the technology relates with this. Area of Interaction Analysis: The video produced be me, Pietro and the entire acting crew has definitely proven to show the importance and significance of the chosen AOI. During the entire course of the project we had to keep in mind that the unit area of interaction was Health and Social Education. I believe that this huge assignment is linked to this specific area of interaction and that I have managed to achieve to complete it due to the fact that I have tried and achieved to show to my whole community, and possible members of other nations, the advanced technologies In our health service today. Thanks to the professional video produced I have managed to make people reflect on how technology, in our case gamma and x rays, is of vital importance for the human health and how these, if misused,
  • 46. can cause serious damage to your body thus health. Taking into consideration all of the just mentioned factors I believe to have followed and shown why Health and Social Education perfectly links with this project.