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To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology?
Health and Social Education
Gaia Vezzoso 11B
1. Unit 1 Question:
To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology?

Area of Interaction (AOI):
Health and Social Education

Significant Concept:
Our health is only as good as our health service


State the problem:
I have to create a video or animation that educates a certain type of people on one
technology (machine) that benefits our health.
Ideas on a type of technology that helps you health:
-Machine that cures cancer
-kidney machine
-Tapis roulant

These machines help to cure or prevent problems that damage your body and health.

Things I have to achieve:
-I have to create a video or animation
-I have to educate people
- my animation has to be interesting
-my animation has to be attractive

During the first unit of grade 11 I will have to choose a type of technology that improves our
health and make a video related to it. This video or animation will be created for a certain
age group to educate them on the technology that I chose.
The technology that I chose to create the video is the pacemaker. I chose It because it
affects me in a good way. My grandfather was in hospital during all the summer holidays, he
wasn’t feeling well and some doctors thought that he couldn’t make it. His heart had a beat
that was too slow. Fortunately they had the idea of putting a pacemaker to fasten up the
beat of the heart when needed.
This technology helps the society in which I live in. it may be that there are many people
that suffer heart diseases and consequently they need the pacemaker to improve their
health. If this technology didn’t exist many people would have died for health (heart)
This health technology is related to the area of interaction. The AOI that the unit is related
to is “Health and social education”. If we divide the AOI in two parts we can clearly
understand why it is related to the technology that I chose:
Health: because thanks to this technology the health of individuals improve.
Social education: because I have to create a video or animation that educate people on this

Guiding Questions
-What are my benefits of my chosen technology?
-What do I have to create?
-What software will I need to use
-What do I need to use in order to create the product?
-Where will I get my information from?
-How can I make my product effective?
-Who are the people that will watch the product?
-What is my goal for this unit?
-Why do I have to create a video or animation?
-what are the negative and positive aspects of the pacemaker?
-What is a pacemaker?
-What elements should a good video have?

Answers of the guiding questions

1. This technology benefits me because the pacemaker is improving the health of my
grandfather and this also affects me.
2. I have to create a video or animation that will educate people on a technology that
improves your health.
3. positive and negative aspects of the pacemaker

"Our heart rate is regulated by specialized tissue that coordinates the electrical activity of
the heart. In some cases, this tissue, known as the conduction system, is unable to function
properly due to a heart attack, viral infection of the heart or advanced age. If dysfunction of
the conduction system persists, the heart rate can drop to an unsafe range and electrical
impulses from the top chambers of the heart may not make it to the bottom chambers,
leading to complete heart block. Sometimes, medications can boost the heart rate and
improve conduction, but if not, implantation of an artificial pacemaker may be required.
Like any invasive procedure, there are potential side effects and complications associated
with pacemaker implantation.

Blood Vessel or Lung Damage
Though most pacemakers today are implanted transvenously, meaning they're inserted by
vein without the need for open-heart surgery, the procedure can still cause damage to
blood vessels and other structures near the heart. If a blood vessel is accidentally pierced,
bleeding may not be obvious initially. In this case, the blood slowly accumulates, forming a
"pocket hematoma". Most of these hematomas gradually go away on their own, but rarely,
the pacemaker site may need to be reopened in order to drain the blood.
Similarly, the outer lining of lung may be punctured during pacemaker placement. In most
cases, the puncture, or pneumothorax, is small, doesn't cause any symptoms and resolves
on its own. If the pneumothorax worsens or leads to symptoms, doctors may place a chest
tube to allow the lung to re-expand so the person can breathe normally.

Any time an incision is made in the protective barrier of the skin, there is a possibility of
infection. Fortunately, antibiotics given prior to pacemaker placement have dramatically
reduced the risk of wound infection. When infection does happen, signs include persistent
pain and tenderness at the wound site, redness around the incision and fever. Infections are
typically treated with powerful antibiotics that prevent the organism from spreading to the
pacemaker and heart itself. If the infection does progress, it leads to pacemaker-associated
endocarditis. In endocarditis, small deposits of infectious material cling to the pacemaker
wires and can spread to the heart valves. If this takes place, the device has to be surgically
Abnormal Heart Rhythms
In rare cases, a patient may experience abnormal heart rhythms after pacemaker
implantation. When a pacemaker malfunctions, it can sometimes induce pacemakermediated tachycardia which causes the heart to beat extremely fast. The pacemaker can
usually be reprogrammed so the heart beats within a normal range. Symptoms of an
abnormal heart rhythm include palpitations, chest discomfort, difficulty breathing, nausea
and dizziness.
Structural Heart Damage
Rarely, pacemaker implantation can damage the heart itself. As the pacemaker wires are
inserted into the lower chamber of the heart from the top chamber, the tricuspid valve may
be accidentally injured, causing the valve to leak. If the pericardial tissue surrounding the
heart is punctured, blood accumulates and can prevent the heart from beating properly.
This is known as cardiac tamponed and is a medical emergency that requires prompt
evacuation of the blood"

4. I need to use a computer, a keyboard, internet, the software with which I will create my
video, a mouse.
Equipment Needed To Create A YouTube Video.
"Creating a YouTube video is surprisingly a lot easier than it would seem. All you really need
is a camera, a tripod, a microphone, and some sort of lighting kit.
The camera you choose to shoot you film with is important. Digital cameras are fairly
inexpensive, and provide great results. If that is not in your budget, there are many other
decent options out there. Check out the great deals on these YouTube video cameras.
A sturdy tripod can make the difference between a great video and a second rendition of
The Blair Witch Project. Of course, if that is what you are going for, then by all means, forget
the tripod. If you are on a really tight budget, and have a sturdy hand, you can always
become a human tripod.
Using a microphone is essential to create good sound quality. Camera microphones usually
are not precise enough to keep excess noises out of your film. Microphones can range from
extremely affordable to multimillion dollar movie quality.
Lighting is key to a great video. If you want to look professional, you need some sort of
lighting setup. There are several different options when it comes to lighting. There are
lighting kits that can be bought at relatively low prices. These basic kits usually include three
lights, umbrellas and stands. There are higher end kits that become bigger and more
complex as they go up. The biggest thing to take into consideration is what is needed for
your project. Buying a thousand dollar lighting kit to film your brother jumping off the roof is
simply unnecessary.
You will also need video editing software. There are a wide variety of packages available,
from full blown professional level editing software to presume budget packages, making it
easy to find the right editor for your budget.
These are the bare essentials for creating a YouTube video, but don’t forget the computer.
You will need that and internet access to get your video out there."

5. I will get my information from
6. I can make my product effective by using interesting photos and sound effects



For the computer assessment of this year I have to create a video educating a
specific target audience on a technology that helps people’s health. I chose the
pacemaker. In the research stage I have to use at least 4 different sources. I
chose as one of my sources an interview with you. The guiding question that I
have to answer with your help is “How can I make my product effective?” I
have written some questions in order to answer the main guiding questios. So
lets get started
What do you think a good video should contain?
I think a good video should be fluent and the scenes shouldn’t last too much or
too little
Do you think there should be a message
Yes I think there should be a message because if not there is no point on
making a video
What do you think an effective video should have ( the elements)?
It should be eye-catching, colourful and interesting. In your case you shouldn’t
put a lot of information if not the clients will get bored. I think that the video
should last from two to five minutes. You should also remember to choose one
topic and try not to go off topic because this would damage your video.
What are your suggestions?
You should try to keep it simple but you should also try to keep the clients
interested on the video.
Okay, thank you very much dad
It has been a pleasure. I hope that I have helped you.

7. the people that will watch my videos are young adults that are not still aware of the
technologies that help you health.
8. my goal for this unit is to create a video on pacemakers.
9. I have to create a video or animation that educate young adults on it.
10. what is a pacemaker?
“A pacemaker is a small device that's placed in the chest or abdomen to help control
abnormal heart rhythms. This device uses electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a
normal rate.
Pacemakers are used to treat arrhythmias (ah-RITH-me-ahs). Arrhythmias are problems with
the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too
slow, or with an irregular rhythm.
A heartbeat that's too fast is called tachycardia (TAK-ih-KAR-de-ah). A heartbeat that's too
slow is called bradycardia (bray-de-KAR-de-ah).
During an arrhythmia, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body. This
can cause symptoms such as fatigue (tiredness), shortness of breath, or fainting. Severe
arrhythmias can damage the body's vital organs and may even cause loss of consciousness
or death.
A pacemaker can relieve some arrhythmia symptoms, such as fatigue and fainting. A
pacemaker also can help a person who has abnormal heart rhythms resume a more active
Understanding the Heart's Electrical System
Your heart has its own internal electrical system that controls the rate and rhythm of your
heartbeat. With each heartbeat, an electrical signal spreads from the top of your heart to
the bottom. As the signal travels, it causes the heart to contract and pump blood.
Each electrical signal normally begins in a group of cells called the sinus node or sinoatrial
(SA) node. As the signal spreads from the top of the heart to the bottom, it coordinates the
timing of heart cell activity.
First, the heart's two upper chambers, the atria (AY-tree-uh), contract. This contraction
pumps blood into the heart's two lower chambers, the ventricles (VEN-trih-kuls). The
ventricles then contract and pump blood to the rest of the body.
The combined contraction of the atria and ventricles is a
Source: Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step by
Step: An Illustrated Guide- S. Serge Barold (Author), Roland X.
Stroobandt (Author), Alfons F. Sinnaeve (Author)

11. what elements should a good video have?
To answer this question I have decided to use a YouTube video as my source. I think this source is
appropriate to answer this guiding question because looking at a professional video I will see which
are the elements that a good video should have. I decided to use a video from National Geographic
because I am sure that it is a professional video. Something that I immediately saw was that there
are many different scenes ( a lot of cuts); also there is always a voice that is explaining what is
happening so maybe I could include it in my video. The vision was pleasant to the eye, so I can say
that the colours weren’t too strong. There is also a title and a subtitle: “Leopards” “of dead tree
island”, therefore I have to remember to include a scene with a title and subtitle. Another element
that I noticed in the video is that there is music and sounds that create the atmosphere. Finally at
the end of the video there is a bibliography which states what they have used to create the video. I
am really impressed of the national geographic video, I am sure that I will never create such an
amazing although I hope to get close.

Design Brief

I will need quite a lot of information about the technology and how to create a video in
order to make a successful product. I will get the information from...
- several websites
- books
-videos ( YouTube)
-television programmes
-newspaper articles
-magazine articles
-interview an expert


My goal for this unit is to create a video or animation that educates a target audience on a
technology that helps our health, ( in this case, I chose the pacemaker as the technology
that improves your health). I will have to explain the negative and positive aspects of this
technology so that people are aware of it.
My target audience will be students of about 12 to 14 years old that don't necessarily know
about the technology. The criterion is that the video or animation has to be captivating,
entertaining and attractive so that the target audience gets interested on the video or
animation and consequently they follow the video and learn. the major constraints are...
that I am not a professional that creates videos and so I don't have enough knowledge or
experience to create an amazing video or animation. I also don't have a software to make
high quality videos or animations, the time is quite restricted and consequently the video
will not be as stunning as the videos in national geographic or BBC. The video also has to
be informative and interesting so that the target audience can actually understand what the
video is about and learn from it.

“Design Specification:
Design Spec's are are set of features that must be clear and recognizable in the product.
Contains evaluation criterion - a full list of the criteria against which the design can be
evaluated, including:

Limits - define the range of performance
Demands - requirements or features which must be met
Wishes - requirements which should be met

You should ensure you have included specs that relate to all of the following:

Function: What it needs to achieve and do.
Appearance: How it should look (e.g. for a powerpoint mention slide transitions, for
a movie mention video effects, lighting, etc.).
Content: The information included it. Also, the type of content – e.g. information on
a technology presented in the format of a story.
Materials: What it will be made from (if you are making something physical, it would
be wood, metal, etc. but if you are designing something on computer it will be things
such as sound effects, video clips, images, etc (which you found during your
Size: The dimensions or length – (for example a movie would have a run time and an
aspect ratio, an animation would have both a run time and pixel dimensions).”


it does not have to be too long
it does not have to be too short
it does not have to bore the client
it does not have to be too complicated
it does not have to be too colourful
6. it should not have to hurt your eye
1. it has to be interesting
2. it has to be attractive
3. it has to be informative
4. it has to be captivating
5. it has to be clear
6. it has to be simple
7. it has to be neat
8. it has to organized
9. it has to have a chronological order
10. colours should fond together
11. it should be pleasant to the eye
12. it should be professional
13. I would like to include the sound of the heartbeat
14. I wish to include some students in my video
15. it should inform my target audience on the pacemaker

Test Plan
I am going to include a test plan because it will help me to improve my final product, a
website. I will create a table with 5 to 10 questions that I have written in my design
specification that will help me improve my product. I will interview some people such as:
Mr. Mariani, classmates and family. It will be useful because I will know what the client will
want. This is very important because so I will know if the website is effective or not.

Test name
Is it interesting?
Is it attractive?
Is it informative?

Expected outcome

Actual outcome

Is it captivating?
Is it clear?
Is it simple?
Is it neat?
Is it organized?
Does it follow
chronological order?
Do the colours fond
Is it pleasant to the
Does the video last
at least 5 minutes?
Does the video
contain more than 5
facts about the
Did most of the
people find the video

The test table is to show if you have done all the things that were listed previously in the
“demands” and “wishes” in the design specification. This test table will also remind me
about what the video has to contain (all the elements). I want my video to be attractive and
eye catching at first site. I want that the client, whilst they are looking at the video and
reading the information that there is on the screen, to find it interesting and that it has a
clear message. There are three main columns: “expected outcome”, “result” and
“suggestions”. Expected outcome is how you want your product to be like, the
characteristics that you want to give it. In other words, how you expect it to be. The result is
what actually I have done and the suggestions is how I can improve it.
Evaluate the sources
To respond to question 4 I decided to use a website. I think that internet is on the one hand
a reliable source because normally an expert is writing the information. On the other hand
you are not always sure that an expert is writing the information so the appropriate thing to
do is to compare the information with another website to see if it is a reliable website.
Another source that I have used is a video. I think that a video is a reliable source because if
it is BBC video the information has to be correct if not many people would just listen to
The next source that I decided to use is the interview with my father. On the one hand it is
reliable because he could be a client so interviewing him gives me an idea of what the video
should be like. On the other hand it is not reliable for two main reasons: first of all because
he doesn’t have the age of my target audience so his point of view is not very useful. This
reason leads to the second point, which if that it’s only one point of view; another person
may have a totally different idea of the perfect video.
The last source that i used for my research is a book. I think that the book is a very reliable
source because it only has true information. Consequently I don’t have to preoccupy myself
on thinking that the information is not reliable.
Evaluate my performance - Evaluation
In this stage my main struggle was when I had to research the questions that I found
appropriate to solve the unit question. In many websites the information that was given was
very interesting but it wasn’t very specific so it was quite difficult to research the questions
that I had chose. Furthermore, It was difficult to understand the language that there was in
the website because, being new to research information about the pacemaker, many words
were too difficult and too complicated. During my investigation I think that I did a very good
job because I always respected the timelines that we were given and I always tried my best
to complete all the research parts in the best way I could, I always tried to put more
information so that my investigation became more detailed and more satisfactory. I am very
satisfied with the effort grade that Mr. Mariani gave me in the last report, which was an A,
but of course I will always want to improve my grades.
If I have to modify some parts of my work, I will add more details to the interview that I
made with my father, writing all the specific questions that I asked her making them more
detailed in order to receive a more helpful kind of answer. When I was sick or when I had
medical visits unfortunately I missed some ICT lessons. During these lessons my classmates
continued their process in the investigation stage. Therefore at home, I worked on my
investigation in order to catch up the work that I had missed. I think that my performance
during classes were satisfactory because I always concentrated on my work, and listened
attentively to the teacher whilst he was explaining what we had to do in order to get very
good marks. I am particularly glad that I respected most of the deadlines so that I had a
small amount of homework left for the holidays. My design brief and my design
specification are both complete and detailed, one thing that I could improve could be my
design brief. I could have added more information to make it longer, I am overall proud of
my design specification and the rest of my project because of the amount of work that I
have produced and dedicated.
In the next assessment I could improve my performance by making my work more organized
and clear in the way that I have to present it, for example I would like it to be more
structured and I would also want it to be more linked throughout the whole text, the writing
should be fluent and it should also be very detailed and specific, referring exactly to what
you want to do, maybe in the next assessment I will also use footnotes because I think that
they are very useful.
Storyboard number 1
Test name
Is it interesting?
Is it attractive?
Is it informative?
Is it captivating?
Is it clear?
Is it simple?
Is it neat?
Is it organized?
Does it follow
chronological order?
Do the colours fond
Is it pleasant to the
Does the video last
at least 5 minutes?
Does the video
contain more than 5
facts about the
Did most of the
people find the video



Storyboard number 2
Test name
Is it interesting?
Is it attractive?
Is it informative?
Is it captivating?
Is it clear?
Is it simple?
Is it neat?
Is it organized?
Does it follow
chronological order?
Do the colours fond

Is it pleasant to the
Does the video last
at least 5 minutes?
Does the video
contain more than 5
facts about the
Did most of the
people find the video



Storyboard number 3
Test name
Is it interesting?
Is it attractive?
Is it informative?
Is it captivating?
Is it clear?
Is it simple?
Is it neat?
Is it organized?
Does it follow
chronological order?
Do the colours fond
Is it pleasant to the
Does the video last
at least 5 minutes?
Does the video
contain more than 5
facts about the
Did most of the
people find the video




Storyboard number 4
Test name
Is it interesting?

Is it attractive?
Is it informative?
Is it captivating?
Is it clear?
Is it simple?
Is it neat?
Is it organized?
Does it follow
chronological order?
Do the colours fond
Is it pleasant to the
Does the video last
at least 5 minutes?
Does the video
contain more than 5
facts about the
Did most of the
people find the video






there are both negative and
positive aspects of the
It’s fluent
It’s interesting
It’s original
There is a bibliography
It has music
It follows a chronological order
It contains more than 5 facts
about the positive and negative
aspects of the pacemaker
It is simple
It is clear
It’s informative
It follows a chronological order

It’s not professional
It lasts less than ¾
There is not a title

There is not a title
There is not a
It lasts less than ¾
It contains more than 5 facts
about the positive and negative
aspects of the pacemaker



Far too simple
Quite boring
It is not professional

It has an introduction
It has a bibliography
It is clear
it is simple
it’s informative
it has music
it follows a chronological order
It contains more than 5 facts
about the positive and negative
aspects of the pacemaker
It has a storyline
It lasts 3 minutes
The video is fluent
It may have music
It follows a chronological order
It contains more than 5 facts
about the positive and negative
aspects of the pacemaker

Lasts less than ¾ minutes

Does not have a
Does not have a title

Final idea
At the end I chose to base my video
on the first storyboard because I
think it is the most interesting,
informative and it is similar to a
professional video that I saw during a
biology class. I was tempted to focus
my video on the third storyboard
because there was only one negative
aspect while all the other aspects
were positive; at the end I chose the
first storyboard because I think the
video will is creative and unusual. Of course it needs improvements. First of all it has to be
longer because it lasts about 2 minutes. Looking at my test plan I wrote that it has to last at
least three minutes therefore I will make the scenes last longer. Second of all this
storyboard does not have a title. It is obvious that a good video should always have a title.
Consequently I will add a title so the target audience will know what the video is about.
Moreover, looking at the negative aspects of the first design, there is left that it is not a
professional video. Unfortunately I can’t do anything about it except ask a professional to
create me a video, but this is not the case. I came to the conclusion that I can’t do anything
about it.

Gantt Chart

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Prototype Design 1
Prototype Design 2
Prototype Design 3
Prototype Design 4
Evaluation of Designs
Gantt Chart
Step-by-step Plan
Create Product
choose actors
write script
choose information that i want to include
find a story of a person that suffered of heart disease
film the scenes
add music and sound effects
Put everything together
Process Journal
Test Plan
finished everything!

I have designed and created a GANTT chart. I have designed this chart to help me organize
my time whilst I am creating the video. To create this chart I used Microsoft excel, I had to
make some modifications to the original chart by changing the x-axis and the y-axis and
deleting a part of it. I think I will find it very useful so I will have everything ready for the
day that I will have to give in my assessment; thanks to this chart I will also follow the hand
in dates. I have used most of my time to create the video because I think it is a very
important part of the assessment.

Step by step plan

What to do
Choose actors

30 minutes

Facebook, internet,

Write script
Choose information
that I want to include

3 hours


Film scene 1

1 hour


Film scene 2

1 hour


Film scene 5

1 hour


Create scenes 3 and 4

1.5 hours


Create a bibliography

1 hour


Put everything

2 hours


Make any sort of final

30 min/ 1 hour

mobile phone
Information from the
research that I
discovered with the
guiding questions,
storyboard, paper, pen
and ruler.
Camera and actors and
Camera and actors and
Camera and actors and
information, website
and storyboard
Information: names of
actors, music ect...
Computer, mouse, (
include music and
Computer and criteria
to see if I did
everything correctly

Evaluation of my attitude during the design cycle.
During these weeks I have listened to the teacher, worked during class and also did my
homework. I never failed the hand in due date and always tried to do my best at all time. If I
had a problem I didn’t use it as an excuse to stop working but I asked the teacher and he
kindly helped me to solve the question that I had in order to continue my assessment. Of
course as in any work, I could have done better in some parts of the assessment, for
example I could have created more designs in order to have more ideas. I could have also
written my explanations in more detail so it would become very specific and very organized
and interesting.

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Ict assessment (1)

  • 2. 1. Unit 1 Question: To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology? Area of Interaction (AOI): Health and Social Education Significant Concept: Our health is only as good as our health service Introduction State the problem: I have to create a video or animation that educates a certain type of people on one technology (machine) that benefits our health. Ideas on a type of technology that helps you health: -pacemaker -Machine that cures cancer -x-rays -kidney machine -Tapis roulant These machines help to cure or prevent problems that damage your body and health. Things I have to achieve: -I have to create a video or animation
  • 3. -I have to educate people - my animation has to be interesting -my animation has to be attractive During the first unit of grade 11 I will have to choose a type of technology that improves our health and make a video related to it. This video or animation will be created for a certain age group to educate them on the technology that I chose. The technology that I chose to create the video is the pacemaker. I chose It because it affects me in a good way. My grandfather was in hospital during all the summer holidays, he wasn’t feeling well and some doctors thought that he couldn’t make it. His heart had a beat that was too slow. Fortunately they had the idea of putting a pacemaker to fasten up the beat of the heart when needed. This technology helps the society in which I live in. it may be that there are many people that suffer heart diseases and consequently they need the pacemaker to improve their health. If this technology didn’t exist many people would have died for health (heart) problems. This health technology is related to the area of interaction. The AOI that the unit is related to is “Health and social education”. If we divide the AOI in two parts we can clearly understand why it is related to the technology that I chose: Health: because thanks to this technology the health of individuals improve. Social education: because I have to create a video or animation that educate people on this technology. Guiding Questions -What are my benefits of my chosen technology? -What do I have to create? -What software will I need to use -What do I need to use in order to create the product? -Where will I get my information from? -How can I make my product effective?
  • 4. -Who are the people that will watch the product? -What is my goal for this unit? -Why do I have to create a video or animation? -what are the negative and positive aspects of the pacemaker? -What is a pacemaker? -What elements should a good video have? Answers of the guiding questions 1. This technology benefits me because the pacemaker is improving the health of my grandfather and this also affects me. 2. I have to create a video or animation that will educate people on a technology that improves your health. 3. positive and negative aspects of the pacemaker "Our heart rate is regulated by specialized tissue that coordinates the electrical activity of the heart. In some cases, this tissue, known as the conduction system, is unable to function properly due to a heart attack, viral infection of the heart or advanced age. If dysfunction of the conduction system persists, the heart rate can drop to an unsafe range and electrical impulses from the top chambers of the heart may not make it to the bottom chambers, leading to complete heart block. Sometimes, medications can boost the heart rate and improve conduction, but if not, implantation of an artificial pacemaker may be required. Like any invasive procedure, there are potential side effects and complications associated with pacemaker implantation. Blood Vessel or Lung Damage Though most pacemakers today are implanted transvenously, meaning they're inserted by vein without the need for open-heart surgery, the procedure can still cause damage to
  • 5. blood vessels and other structures near the heart. If a blood vessel is accidentally pierced, bleeding may not be obvious initially. In this case, the blood slowly accumulates, forming a "pocket hematoma". Most of these hematomas gradually go away on their own, but rarely, the pacemaker site may need to be reopened in order to drain the blood. Similarly, the outer lining of lung may be punctured during pacemaker placement. In most cases, the puncture, or pneumothorax, is small, doesn't cause any symptoms and resolves on its own. If the pneumothorax worsens or leads to symptoms, doctors may place a chest tube to allow the lung to re-expand so the person can breathe normally. Infection Any time an incision is made in the protective barrier of the skin, there is a possibility of infection. Fortunately, antibiotics given prior to pacemaker placement have dramatically reduced the risk of wound infection. When infection does happen, signs include persistent pain and tenderness at the wound site, redness around the incision and fever. Infections are typically treated with powerful antibiotics that prevent the organism from spreading to the pacemaker and heart itself. If the infection does progress, it leads to pacemaker-associated endocarditis. In endocarditis, small deposits of infectious material cling to the pacemaker wires and can spread to the heart valves. If this takes place, the device has to be surgically removed. Abnormal Heart Rhythms In rare cases, a patient may experience abnormal heart rhythms after pacemaker implantation. When a pacemaker malfunctions, it can sometimes induce pacemakermediated tachycardia which causes the heart to beat extremely fast. The pacemaker can usually be reprogrammed so the heart beats within a normal range. Symptoms of an abnormal heart rhythm include palpitations, chest discomfort, difficulty breathing, nausea and dizziness. Structural Heart Damage Rarely, pacemaker implantation can damage the heart itself. As the pacemaker wires are inserted into the lower chamber of the heart from the top chamber, the tricuspid valve may be accidentally injured, causing the valve to leak. If the pericardial tissue surrounding the heart is punctured, blood accumulates and can prevent the heart from beating properly. This is known as cardiac tamponed and is a medical emergency that requires prompt evacuation of the blood" 4. I need to use a computer, a keyboard, internet, the software with which I will create my video, a mouse.
  • 6. Equipment Needed To Create A YouTube Video. "Creating a YouTube video is surprisingly a lot easier than it would seem. All you really need is a camera, a tripod, a microphone, and some sort of lighting kit. The camera you choose to shoot you film with is important. Digital cameras are fairly inexpensive, and provide great results. If that is not in your budget, there are many other decent options out there. Check out the great deals on these YouTube video cameras. A sturdy tripod can make the difference between a great video and a second rendition of The Blair Witch Project. Of course, if that is what you are going for, then by all means, forget the tripod. If you are on a really tight budget, and have a sturdy hand, you can always become a human tripod. Using a microphone is essential to create good sound quality. Camera microphones usually are not precise enough to keep excess noises out of your film. Microphones can range from extremely affordable to multimillion dollar movie quality. Lighting is key to a great video. If you want to look professional, you need some sort of lighting setup. There are several different options when it comes to lighting. There are lighting kits that can be bought at relatively low prices. These basic kits usually include three lights, umbrellas and stands. There are higher end kits that become bigger and more complex as they go up. The biggest thing to take into consideration is what is needed for your project. Buying a thousand dollar lighting kit to film your brother jumping off the roof is simply unnecessary. You will also need video editing software. There are a wide variety of packages available, from full blown professional level editing software to presume budget packages, making it easy to find the right editor for your budget. These are the bare essentials for creating a YouTube video, but don’t forget the computer. You will need that and internet access to get your video out there." 5. I will get my information from Books Websites Magazines Videos newspapers
  • 7. 6. I can make my product effective by using interesting photos and sound effects Interview Gaia Luca Gaia Luca Gaia Luca Gaia Luca Gaia Luca Gaia Luca For the computer assessment of this year I have to create a video educating a specific target audience on a technology that helps people’s health. I chose the pacemaker. In the research stage I have to use at least 4 different sources. I chose as one of my sources an interview with you. The guiding question that I have to answer with your help is “How can I make my product effective?” I have written some questions in order to answer the main guiding questios. So lets get started Okay! What do you think a good video should contain? I think a good video should be fluent and the scenes shouldn’t last too much or too little Do you think there should be a message Yes I think there should be a message because if not there is no point on making a video What do you think an effective video should have ( the elements)? It should be eye-catching, colourful and interesting. In your case you shouldn’t put a lot of information if not the clients will get bored. I think that the video should last from two to five minutes. You should also remember to choose one topic and try not to go off topic because this would damage your video. What are your suggestions? You should try to keep it simple but you should also try to keep the clients interested on the video. Okay, thank you very much dad It has been a pleasure. I hope that I have helped you. 7. the people that will watch my videos are young adults that are not still aware of the technologies that help you health. 8. my goal for this unit is to create a video on pacemakers. 9. I have to create a video or animation that educate young adults on it. 10. what is a pacemaker? “A pacemaker is a small device that's placed in the chest or abdomen to help control abnormal heart rhythms. This device uses electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate. Pacemakers are used to treat arrhythmias (ah-RITH-me-ahs). Arrhythmias are problems with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm.
  • 8. A heartbeat that's too fast is called tachycardia (TAK-ih-KAR-de-ah). A heartbeat that's too slow is called bradycardia (bray-de-KAR-de-ah). During an arrhythmia, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body. This can cause symptoms such as fatigue (tiredness), shortness of breath, or fainting. Severe arrhythmias can damage the body's vital organs and may even cause loss of consciousness or death. A pacemaker can relieve some arrhythmia symptoms, such as fatigue and fainting. A pacemaker also can help a person who has abnormal heart rhythms resume a more active lifestyle. Understanding the Heart's Electrical System Your heart has its own internal electrical system that controls the rate and rhythm of your heartbeat. With each heartbeat, an electrical signal spreads from the top of your heart to the bottom. As the signal travels, it causes the heart to contract and pump blood. Each electrical signal normally begins in a group of cells called the sinus node or sinoatrial (SA) node. As the signal spreads from the top of the heart to the bottom, it coordinates the timing of heart cell activity. First, the heart's two upper chambers, the atria (AY-tree-uh), contract. This contraction pumps blood into the heart's two lower chambers, the ventricles (VEN-trih-kuls). The ventricles then contract and pump blood to the rest of the body. The combined contraction of the atria and ventricles is a heartbeat.” Source: Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step by Step: An Illustrated Guide- S. Serge Barold (Author), Roland X. Stroobandt (Author), Alfons F. Sinnaeve (Author) 11. what elements should a good video have?
  • 9. To answer this question I have decided to use a YouTube video as my source. I think this source is appropriate to answer this guiding question because looking at a professional video I will see which are the elements that a good video should have. I decided to use a video from National Geographic because I am sure that it is a professional video. Something that I immediately saw was that there are many different scenes ( a lot of cuts); also there is always a voice that is explaining what is happening so maybe I could include it in my video. The vision was pleasant to the eye, so I can say that the colours weren’t too strong. There is also a title and a subtitle: “Leopards” “of dead tree island”, therefore I have to remember to include a scene with a title and subtitle. Another element that I noticed in the video is that there is music and sounds that create the atmosphere. Finally at
  • 10. the end of the video there is a bibliography which states what they have used to create the video. I am really impressed of the national geographic video, I am sure that I will never create such an amazing although I hope to get close. Design Brief I will need quite a lot of information about the technology and how to create a video in order to make a successful product. I will get the information from... - several websites - books -videos ( YouTube) -television programmes -newspaper articles -magazine articles -interview an expert (LOOK FOR EXAMPLES) My goal for this unit is to create a video or animation that educates a target audience on a technology that helps our health, ( in this case, I chose the pacemaker as the technology that improves your health). I will have to explain the negative and positive aspects of this technology so that people are aware of it.
  • 11. My target audience will be students of about 12 to 14 years old that don't necessarily know about the technology. The criterion is that the video or animation has to be captivating, entertaining and attractive so that the target audience gets interested on the video or animation and consequently they follow the video and learn. the major constraints are... that I am not a professional that creates videos and so I don't have enough knowledge or experience to create an amazing video or animation. I also don't have a software to make high quality videos or animations, the time is quite restricted and consequently the video will not be as stunning as the videos in national geographic or BBC. The video also has to be informative and interesting so that the target audience can actually understand what the video is about and learn from it. “Design Specification: Design Spec's are are set of features that must be clear and recognizable in the product. Contains evaluation criterion - a full list of the criteria against which the design can be evaluated, including: o o o Limits - define the range of performance Demands - requirements or features which must be met Wishes - requirements which should be met You should ensure you have included specs that relate to all of the following: Function: What it needs to achieve and do. Appearance: How it should look (e.g. for a powerpoint mention slide transitions, for a movie mention video effects, lighting, etc.). Content: The information included it. Also, the type of content – e.g. information on a technology presented in the format of a story. Materials: What it will be made from (if you are making something physical, it would be wood, metal, etc. but if you are designing something on computer it will be things such as sound effects, video clips, images, etc (which you found during your investigation). Size: The dimensions or length – (for example a movie would have a run time and an aspect ratio, an animation would have both a run time and pixel dimensions).” limits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. it does not have to be too long it does not have to be too short it does not have to bore the client it does not have to be too complicated it does not have to be too colourful
  • 12. 6. it should not have to hurt your eye demands 1. it has to be interesting 2. it has to be attractive 3. it has to be informative 4. it has to be captivating 5. it has to be clear 6. it has to be simple 7. it has to be neat 8. it has to organized 9. it has to have a chronological order 10. colours should fond together 11. it should be pleasant to the eye Wishes 12. it should be professional 13. I would like to include the sound of the heartbeat 14. I wish to include some students in my video 15. it should inform my target audience on the pacemaker Test Plan I am going to include a test plan because it will help me to improve my final product, a website. I will create a table with 5 to 10 questions that I have written in my design specification that will help me improve my product. I will interview some people such as: Mr. Mariani, classmates and family. It will be useful because I will know what the client will want. This is very important because so I will know if the website is effective or not. Test name Is it interesting? Is it attractive? Is it informative? Expected outcome Actual outcome Comments improvements
  • 13. Is it captivating? Is it clear? Is it simple? Is it neat? Is it organized? Does it follow chronological order? Do the colours fond together? Is it pleasant to the eye? Does the video last at least 5 minutes? Does the video contain more than 5 facts about the pacemaker? Did most of the people find the video informative? The test table is to show if you have done all the things that were listed previously in the “demands” and “wishes” in the design specification. This test table will also remind me about what the video has to contain (all the elements). I want my video to be attractive and eye catching at first site. I want that the client, whilst they are looking at the video and reading the information that there is on the screen, to find it interesting and that it has a clear message. There are three main columns: “expected outcome”, “result” and “suggestions”. Expected outcome is how you want your product to be like, the characteristics that you want to give it. In other words, how you expect it to be. The result is what actually I have done and the suggestions is how I can improve it. Evaluate the sources To respond to question 4 I decided to use a website. I think that internet is on the one hand a reliable source because normally an expert is writing the information. On the other hand you are not always sure that an expert is writing the information so the appropriate thing to do is to compare the information with another website to see if it is a reliable website. Another source that I have used is a video. I think that a video is a reliable source because if it is BBC video the information has to be correct if not many people would just listen to nonsense.
  • 14. The next source that I decided to use is the interview with my father. On the one hand it is reliable because he could be a client so interviewing him gives me an idea of what the video should be like. On the other hand it is not reliable for two main reasons: first of all because he doesn’t have the age of my target audience so his point of view is not very useful. This reason leads to the second point, which if that it’s only one point of view; another person may have a totally different idea of the perfect video. The last source that i used for my research is a book. I think that the book is a very reliable source because it only has true information. Consequently I don’t have to preoccupy myself on thinking that the information is not reliable. Evaluate my performance - Evaluation In this stage my main struggle was when I had to research the questions that I found appropriate to solve the unit question. In many websites the information that was given was very interesting but it wasn’t very specific so it was quite difficult to research the questions that I had chose. Furthermore, It was difficult to understand the language that there was in the website because, being new to research information about the pacemaker, many words were too difficult and too complicated. During my investigation I think that I did a very good job because I always respected the timelines that we were given and I always tried my best to complete all the research parts in the best way I could, I always tried to put more information so that my investigation became more detailed and more satisfactory. I am very satisfied with the effort grade that Mr. Mariani gave me in the last report, which was an A, but of course I will always want to improve my grades. If I have to modify some parts of my work, I will add more details to the interview that I made with my father, writing all the specific questions that I asked her making them more detailed in order to receive a more helpful kind of answer. When I was sick or when I had medical visits unfortunately I missed some ICT lessons. During these lessons my classmates continued their process in the investigation stage. Therefore at home, I worked on my investigation in order to catch up the work that I had missed. I think that my performance during classes were satisfactory because I always concentrated on my work, and listened attentively to the teacher whilst he was explaining what we had to do in order to get very good marks. I am particularly glad that I respected most of the deadlines so that I had a small amount of homework left for the holidays. My design brief and my design specification are both complete and detailed, one thing that I could improve could be my design brief. I could have added more information to make it longer, I am overall proud of my design specification and the rest of my project because of the amount of work that I have produced and dedicated. In the next assessment I could improve my performance by making my work more organized and clear in the way that I have to present it, for example I would like it to be more
  • 15. structured and I would also want it to be more linked throughout the whole text, the writing should be fluent and it should also be very detailed and specific, referring exactly to what you want to do, maybe in the next assessment I will also use footnotes because I think that they are very useful.
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  • 20. Storyboard number 1 Test name Is it interesting? Is it attractive? Is it informative? Is it captivating? Is it clear? Is it simple? Is it neat? Is it organized? Does it follow chronological order? Do the colours fond together? Is it pleasant to the eye? Does the video last at least 5 minutes? Does the video contain more than 5 facts about the pacemaker? Did most of the people find the video informative? outcome yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes ... Storyboard number 2 Test name Is it interesting? Is it attractive? Is it informative? Is it captivating? Is it clear? Is it simple? Is it neat? Is it organized? Does it follow chronological order? Do the colours fond together? outcome No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • 21. Is it pleasant to the eye? Does the video last at least 5 minutes? Does the video contain more than 5 facts about the pacemaker? Did most of the people find the video informative? Yes No No ... Storyboard number 3 Test name Is it interesting? Is it attractive? Is it informative? Is it captivating? Is it clear? Is it simple? Is it neat? Is it organized? Does it follow chronological order? Do the colours fond together? Is it pleasant to the eye? Does the video last at least 5 minutes? Does the video contain more than 5 facts about the pacemaker? Did most of the people find the video informative? outcome yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes ... Storyboard number 4 Test name Is it interesting? outcome Yes
  • 22. Is it attractive? Is it informative? Is it captivating? Is it clear? Is it simple? Is it neat? Is it organized? Does it follow chronological order? Do the colours fond together? Is it pleasant to the eye? Does the video last at least 5 minutes? Does the video contain more than 5 facts about the pacemaker? Did most of the people find the video informative? no Yes no Yes Yes Yes yes yes yes yes no ... Design Design 1 2 Advantages there are both negative and positive aspects of the pacemaker. It’s fluent It’s interesting It’s original There is a bibliography It has music It follows a chronological order It contains more than 5 facts about the positive and negative aspects of the pacemaker It is simple It is clear It’s informative It follows a chronological order Disadvantages It’s not professional It lasts less than ¾ minutes There is not a title There is not a title There is not a bibliography It lasts less than ¾
  • 23. It contains more than 5 facts about the positive and negative aspects of the pacemaker 3 4 minutes Far too simple Quite boring It is not professional It has an introduction It has a bibliography It is clear it is simple it’s informative it has music it follows a chronological order It contains more than 5 facts about the positive and negative aspects of the pacemaker It has a storyline It lasts 3 minutes The video is fluent It may have music It follows a chronological order It contains more than 5 facts about the positive and negative aspects of the pacemaker Lasts less than ¾ minutes Does not have a bibliography Does not have a title Final idea At the end I chose to base my video on the first storyboard because I think it is the most interesting, informative and it is similar to a professional video that I saw during a biology class. I was tempted to focus my video on the third storyboard because there was only one negative aspect while all the other aspects were positive; at the end I chose the first storyboard because I think the video will is creative and unusual. Of course it needs improvements. First of all it has to be longer because it lasts about 2 minutes. Looking at my test plan I wrote that it has to last at least three minutes therefore I will make the scenes last longer. Second of all this storyboard does not have a title. It is obvious that a good video should always have a title. Consequently I will add a title so the target audience will know what the video is about. Moreover, looking at the negative aspects of the first design, there is left that it is not a professional video. Unfortunately I can’t do anything about it except ask a professional to
  • 24. create me a video, but this is not the case. I came to the conclusion that I can’t do anything about it. Gantt Chart 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Prototype Design 1 Prototype Design 2 Prototype Design 3 Prototype Design 4 Evaluation of Designs Gantt Chart Step-by-step Plan Create Product choose actors write script choose information that i want to include find a story of a person that suffered of heart disease film the scenes add music and sound effects Put everything together Process Journal Test Plan Evaluate finished everything! I have designed and created a GANTT chart. I have designed this chart to help me organize my time whilst I am creating the video. To create this chart I used Microsoft excel, I had to make some modifications to the original chart by changing the x-axis and the y-axis and deleting a part of it. I think I will find it very useful so I will have everything ready for the day that I will have to give in my assessment; thanks to this chart I will also follow the hand in dates. I have used most of my time to create the video because I think it is a very important part of the assessment. Step by step plan date 15/11 What to do Choose actors time 30 minutes resources Facebook, internet,
  • 25. 21/11 Write script Choose information that I want to include 3 hours 25/11 Film scene 1 1 hour 27/11 Film scene 2 1 hour 29/11 Film scene 5 1 hour 30/11 Create scenes 3 and 4 1.5 hours 1/11 Create a bibliography 1 hour 2/12 Put everything together 2 hours 4/12 Make any sort of final modifications 30 min/ 1 hour mobile phone Information from the research that I discovered with the guiding questions, storyboard, paper, pen and ruler. Camera and actors and script Camera and actors and script Camera and actors and script Computer, information, website and storyboard Information: names of actors, music ect... Computer, mouse, ( include music and voice) Computer and criteria to see if I did everything correctly Evaluation of my attitude during the design cycle. During these weeks I have listened to the teacher, worked during class and also did my homework. I never failed the hand in due date and always tried to do my best at all time. If I had a problem I didn’t use it as an excuse to stop working but I asked the teacher and he kindly helped me to solve the question that I had in order to continue my assessment. Of course as in any work, I could have done better in some parts of the assessment, for example I could have created more designs in order to have more ideas. I could have also written my explanations in more detail so it would become very specific and very organized and interesting.