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Havas Digital
Creative and Production
This document outlines and explains the working digital
development process followed by Havas Digital.
This was written for the purpose of setting in place stringent
measures to ensure the quality of work we deliver is reflective
of who we are as a digital agency.
Our ideas rely on our ability to bring our vision to life in every
undertaking. Every project is a testament of our beliefs, our
expertise and our credibility as true digital advocates.
Havas Digital 2
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................2
Pre-Production Process Flowchart ...............................................................................................3
Pre-Production Process................................................................................................................4
Proposal Stage ..........................................................................................................................4
Project Scoping .........................................................................................................................7
Production Process Flowchart ....................................................................................................10
Production Process.....................................................................................................................11
Project Kick-Off.......................................................................................................................11
Design Stage ...........................................................................................................................12
Development Stage ................................................................................................................13
Quality Control Stage ..............................................................................................................15
Introspective Knowledge Management.................................................................................17
Post-Production Process Flowcharts..........................................................................................19
Post-Production Process ............................................................................................................20
Post Deployment Scheduling..................................................................................................21
Maintenance Contracts ...........................................................................................................21
Havas Digital 3
Pre-Production Process Flowchart
Proposal Stage
Project Scoping
Client Brief
Create & Send
brief to Project
Tech Resource
Project Costing
and Timings
Respond to
Create & Present
Revise based on
Feedback from
Create Functional
Proceed to
Revise based on
Feedback from
Present FS
document to
Account Manager
Project Manager
Creative Director
Tech Director
Get Signed
Proposal (Deal
Ask client to fill
out RFI
Arrange meeting
to discuss
Havas Digital 4
Pre-Production Process
In this initial stage of the production process, we are presented with a challenge in the form of
a brief from a client and from here we start proposing our plan of attack. At the Proposal
Stage, we will be presenting them with our strategy, our course of action and our
recommendations as digital experts. But just like any other proposed plan, the devil lies in the
details. Every project has to be properly delineated and defined through Project Scoping
thereby setting the expectations of project deliveries from the beginning.
Proposal Stage
Responsibility Receiving the Client Brief Documents
Inquiries received from the client should be structured
enough to make sense out of and it is the duty of the
Account Manager to keep asking intelligent questions to
drill down what the client truly requires.
As a guide for clients, the Request for Information (RFI)
document can be sent to them to be filled out OR serve as
a guide for Account Managers on what questions can be
Request for
Creating the Brief
Part of the job of an Account Manager is creating smart
and structured briefs. A brief is not merely a copy and
paste version of a client’s presentation deck or email.
Take the time to extract and understand what needs to be
done before writing.
As soon as there is a clear understanding on what the
client needs, the appropriate brief should be filled out
accordingly and passed on to the Project Manager.
Digital Brief
In the instance that the requirements are ad hoc such as
landing pages, banners, eDMs….etc that have minimal
design and production requirements (ex. design or codes
have been supplied already and all we need to do is
build), the Account Manager can fill out the Digital Brief.
Remember: When filling out the digital brief, please have
these questions in mind:
Request for
Digital Brief
Havas Digital 5
1. What do I need and by when?
2. What details should I add to help the designer or
3. What are the technical details that a developer
needs to know?
4. What is the budget for this project?
Creative Brief
If the requirement entails coming up with NEW ideas,
concepts, designs, executions…. etc, then the Creative
Brief should be properly filled out.
As the name implies, the Creative Brief is made to
Creative Team to come up with a creative idea.
Remember: Behind every successful advertising
campaign is a well thought of Creative Brief. Filling out a
Creative Brief requires clarity, focus, consistency and
creative stimulation, so please do fill this out with care.
Creative Brief
Responding to the Brief
Creative Lead,
Technical Lead,
Upon receipt of the brief from the Account Manager, the
Project Manager starts understanding the project
requirements and calls a meeting with representatives
from the Client Services Team and the Production Team to
discuss project feasibility.
In the case of ad hoc projects, the Project Manager
consults with the Creative Lead or Technical Lead of
available resources to carry out the task at hand and to
calculate cost and timing requirements. No meeting is
required unless necessary.
If the decision is to proceed with the project, the agenda
to be discussed next is how to approach the brief.
If the decision is to decline the project. The Account
Manager should notify the client and gracefully decline
stating reasons agreed.
Meeting Attendance:
Havas Digital 6
• Project Manager
• Account Manager
• Account Director
• Creative Lead
• Technical Lead
• Technical Director
• Managing Director
Meeting Agenda:
• Project Feasibility
• Resource Allocation/ Availability
• Technology Approach
• Creative Approach
• Timings and Cost Implications
Proposal Development
Project Manager
After the discussions in the meeting, the Account
Manager takes the lead in creating the Project Proposal
with the help of the Project Manager.
In the case of ad hoc projects, the Account Manager
prepares the proposal based on the timings and cost given
by the Project Manager and asks the client for approval
before proceeding to Production stage.
The proposal document should have the foundation of the
Functional Specification (FS) document. The content
difference between a Project Proposal and an FS
document is that the proposal document contains the cost
breakdown and the commercial terms of the project.
After assembling the proposal, it is then shared by the
Account Manager internally and should get clearance
before sending it to client for approval.
Should there be any amendments or feedback given by
the client, the Account Manager consults the Project
Manager if there will be any impact to the original scope
of the proposal.
Havas Digital 7
Project Scoping
Responsibility Functional Specification Development Documents
Project Manager
Once the Project Proposal is approved, the project is
considered ours and it is the responsibility of the Account
Manager to get the signed proposal as proof. Only at this
stage that the Functional Specification document is filled
out in detailed fashion.
Functional Specification Document:
The FS document is considered the ‘bible’ of the project.
It details all aspects of the project starting from the client
brief right down to the executional details, timings and
post deployment requirements.
Heavy-handed attention to detail is required at this stage.
This cannot be emphasized enough.
Tread carefully.
The following are important parts of the FS Document and
descriptions of each:
1. Summary & Versioning
− The first page of every FS should have a general
overview of the project. The fields provided are
considered mandatory and should be filled out
− Another important aspect of the FS is versioning
control. Every revision or update made should be
documented for easy tracking.
2. The Brief
− The FS document begins with stating what we are
trying to address. This should show details shown
in the Digital Brief or the Creative Brief and even
the client’s briefing document if supplied.
3. The Solution
− The biggest chunk of the FS is detailing the
proposed solution, which at this point, should have
Havas Digital 8
been agreed upon and approved from the Proposal
− To fill out this part of the document one should
start with the general concept or idea and move
on to granular details on how this will be carried
out throughout the course of the project.
− The fields provided serve as a guide but there is a
certain frame of mind that you must have to fill
out this part of the document. Here are some
questions that can help you get started:
o What is the general
o What are the campaign
phases/flow/journey/roadmap to be
followed to carry out this general idea?
o Define each phase/ stage.
o What are the requirements in each
phase/ stage? (Website, Application,
o What are the requirements per aspect?
It is important to be very detailed in
describing the requirements here
, User Flow
, Wireframes
Content Plan
, CMS Functionality,
o What needs to be managed on our end
after we have delivered everything?
(Serves as the PDS overview)
4. Scope of Work
− The FS should also define what would be included
and excluded in the project. The purpose of this
part of the document is to give clarity to the client
of our roles and responsibilities to the project.
5. Assumptions & Dependencies and Risks
− This part of the FS defines the factors that may
delay certain milestones and deliveries throughout
the project. This includes approval times, rounds
of revisions, feedback delays…etc. This helps in
setting expectations to the client and gives them a
sense of responsibility with achieving milestones.
6. Production Timings
Havas Digital 9
− These pertain to the estimated time of every
major milestone of a project with accompanying
inclusions of what happens on each stage.
− Each timeframe estimate should be consulted and
verified with the Project Manager.
7. Campaign Rollout Schedule
− It is here that the complete schedule of the
campaign is presented through a Gantt chart. This
includes production timings of each deliverable
and live-dates.
8. Post Deployment Schedule (PDS)
− Another important part of the FS is the PDS, which
details the tasks and timings carried out after the
project has gone live. This could be anything from
Winner Announcements, Monthly Reports, posting
− If reports are required, make sure to indicate the
elements and the format
− Each task should be described along with the task
owner and the time it needs to be delivered
including the frequency (is it weekly? Daily?
9. Sign-Off
− The final step to complete the FS document is the
client’s sign-off, which officially gives us the go-
signal to start production.
Havas Digital 10
Production Process Flowchart
Development Stage
Design Stage
Project Kick
Open Job in
Add Project
Milestones in
Proceed with
Design and Copy
Present Design &
2 Rounds of
Design & Copy
Proceed to
UAT Staging
Present & Share
QC Report
Internal QC
Address Bugs
from Report
Bug Free?
Present Staging
to Client
2 Rounds of
Address Bugs/
Get approval
from Client to Go-
Bug Free?
Front-End Developer
Server-Side Developer
QC QC Engineer
D Designer
UAT StagingALL
Cross Check
HTML (Commit to
Code Review
(Commit to SVN)
QC on Live
Collect Payment
Tech Kick-Off
Havas Digital 11
Production Process
The plans have been outlined and finalized, and the timings have been set. Now it’s time to
put idea into action. But just like in a film set, before the director shouts, “Lights,
camera…action!” the final meeting with the cast and crew before the actual shoot is critical so
everyone is aware of their roles. The production process begins with a Project Kick-Off, the
meeting wherein those involved in the project gathers to discuss and go over the project
Only after then that the real action begins at the Design Stage where the Creative Team plays
an active role. Once all artworks have been finalized and produced, it is the Developers’ turn to
build the framework and the mechanism to bring the project’s vision to life. This is known as
the Development Stage.
But before the work goes live, a precautionary step is required called the Quality Control Stage,
wherein every aspect of the project’s deliverables is scrutinized and tested by all involved.
From here, the project Goes-Live once all issues have been addressed and the client gives their
The production process continues even after everything has been done and delivered. Just like
the process of learning, every project offers a different learning experience that everyone
involved can benefit from. Through an Introspective Knowledge Management meeting, the
entire project is reviewed and dissected to establish Key Learnings that can be applied in all
future projects.
Project Kick-Off
Responsibility Project Kick-Off Meeting
Tech Director,
Tech Lead,
Creative Lead,
QA Lead
This meeting is attended by all who are directly involved
with the project. The purpose of this meeting is to make
sure that everyone is aligned with what needs to be
accomplished and to familiarize themselves with each
other’s roles and responsibilities.
Attendance is mandatory.
After the meeting, the Project Manager opens a job in
Basecamp and adds everyone involved in the project. The
project milestones are also added into the Calendar for
everyone to see.
At this point, the Account Manager should begin
monitoring the project through Basecamp and the Project
Manager ensures that milestones and deliveries are being
Havas Digital 12
met accordingly.
Note: Basecamp will serve as an important
communication tool in the entire Production Process. All
feedback, files, tasks and milestones are all posted,
recorded and captured here for easy tracking of a
project’s status and developments.
Design Stage
Responsibility Wireframe Development
Creative Lead,
Creative Team,
QA Lead
Based on the design requirements, the Creative Lead
maps out a Wireframe. This signals the first step of the
Design Stage.
A wireframe serves as a blueprint that represents a page
layout. It shows the arrangement of how the content will
be distributed throughout the page. This functions as a
guide for the designer and to establish a front-end
structure for the developers.
The Wireframes need to be signed-off by the client before
proceeding to the next step, Design Development.
It is the role of the Account Manager to facilitate in the
feedback and approval process with the client while the
Project Manager ensures that feedback is addressed.
At this point, the QA Lead will start developing the QC
Document or the Test Case Document, which will be
shared with the Client Services Team and the Developers.
The QC Document lists all the elements and scenarios that
need to be tested in the site or the application. This will
be used primarily for User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
Design Development
Creative Lead,
Creative Team,
Before moving to Design Development, the Account
Manager should make sure that the following assets have
been shared with the Creative Team.
Havas Digital 13
Project Manager
− Final Artwork design files
− Stock Images (provide image codes if it requires
− Images to be used
− Logos
− Brand Guidelines
Upon approval of the Wireframes, its time to begin the
design process. The approved blueprint will be the basis
of the Screen Designs delivered by the Creative Team.
Just like the Wireframes, the Screen Designs need to be
signed-off by the client before entering the Development
Note: The client is given 2 rounds of feedback, which
should be properly monitored and enforced for by the
Account Manager while the Project Manager makes sure
that each point in the feedback are understood and
addressed by the Creative Team.
Development Stage
Responsibility HTML Development
Creative Lead,
Tech Lead,
Project Manager
After the designs have been signed-off, we now enter the
Development Stage and the work is now passed on to the
Front-End Developer to transform the designs into HTML.
HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the language
responsible for the display of text and images in a
Once the HTML has been developed, the Creative Lead
cross checks the work produced to make sure the design
is properly rendered and the correct version is applied
before proceeding to Server-Side Development.
Server-Side Development
Tech Lead,
Following the completion of the HTML, the Server-Side
Developer takes over although in some cases they can
even start work in parallel to build the core architecture
and data structure while the HTML is being developed.
Havas Digital 14
Project Manager The role of the Server-Side Developer is to build the
codes behind the functionalities of a website or an
Once the codes have been developed and stitched
together with the HTML, the Tech Lead reviews the codes
to ensure proper versioning is applied before uploading
the codes in a staging environment for testing.
Preliminary User-Acceptance Testing
QA Lead,
Creative Lead
Tech Lead,
At this point, the staging environment has been set up
and ready for User-Acceptance Testing (UAT), which is
done through a test link provided by the Tech Lead.
There are 2 levels of UAT at this stage. They are:
QC Level
At this level, the QA Lead uses QC Document as a guide to
do the initial UAT and shares the results to the team.
The bugs/ issues caught by the QA Lead are addressed
either by the Creative or Tech Lead depending on the
nature of each bug. Once these issues have been
addressed, we now proceed to the next level of UAT.
User Level
The rest of those involved in the project performs the
next level of UAT. These are members of the Client
Servicing Team, Project Manager, Creative and Tech
Leads. Using the QC Document as a guide, everyone
pitches in the UAT and fills out the document with their
list of bugs.
All bugs/ issues need to be posted in Basecamp for easy
tracking. From here the Creative and Tech Leads will take
over and start addressing the bugs/ issues discovered. It
is the Project Manager who coordinates with both Leads
and keeps track of the issues that have been resolved or
are still pending.
The testing continues until all bugs/ issues have been
resolved before the testing environment is shared with
the client, which marks the beginning of the Quality
Control Stage.
QC Document
Havas Digital 15
Quality Control Stage
Responsibility Site Staging
QC Engineer,
Creative Lead
Tech Lead,
The staging site is now ready to be shared with the client
to obtain their feedback and approval before going-live.
In here the role of the Account Manager is critical
particularly when receiving feedback.
There are 3 things every Account Manager should take
note of when receiving feedback:
1. Validating the Feedback
− Feedback received does not automatically mean
that it should be forwarded and posted in
Basecamp. The feedback should be understood
first and then checked if it is valid. If valid, this is
the only time the feedback should be shared with
the team.
2. Consolidating and Documenting the Feedback
− Giving piece-meal feedback to the team is
unacceptable. Feedback should be consolidated
and added either in a PPT deck or an excel sheet
for easy tracking, then shared through Basecamp.
− The information given about the feedback should
also be complete and understandable. It is
important to include information such as type of
browser used, details of how/when/why the issue
came about….etc.
3. Determining whether the Feedback is out of scope
or within scope
− Not all feedback should be considered
automatically. Check the scope of the feedback if
it falls within the FS. If the feedback is a bug,
design or copy issue, this falls within the scope but
if the feedback requires new functionality changes
not included in the scope, the Account Manager
QC Document
Havas Digital 16
should flag this to the client. If you are uncertain
about whether it falls within or out of scope, it is
best to consult with the Project Manager.
Note: Just as the in the Design Development stage, the
client is given 2 rounds of feedback, which should be
properly monitored and enforced for by the Account
Manager while the Project Manager makes sure that each
point in the feedback are understood and addressed by
the Creative and Tech Leads. This time however, this only
applies to non-bug related issues. If the issue is bug-
related then this should be addressed accordingly.
After all issues and bugs have been addressed, its time to
move from the staging environment into the live
environment and this will not happen unless clearance
from the client has been given.
Pre-Live Checklist
Project Manager
Before going live, there are important details that need to
be checked to make sure everything is in place and all
requirements are met.
Websites/ Application/ Landing Page:
− Domain Name or URL has been specified
− FTP details supplied (if hosting is provided by the
− GA Tracking or Tracking Tools are in place
− Meta Tags have been added
− Pixels or Tracking Codes have been embedded
− Database has been set up
− Subject Line is provided
− GA Tracking or Tracking Tools are in place
− Meta Tags have been added
Havas Digital 17
Responsibility QC on Live
QC Engineer,
Creative Lead
Tech Lead,
Going-Live does not signal the end of the UAT. There is
always the possibility of bugs cropping up in a live
environment. At this stage it is the role of all those
involved to continue testing, reporting and addressing
Depending on the commercial terms stated on the signed
proposal, the Account Manager can now bill the client for
the work done and delivered.
Any revisions requested from hereon can only be
considered if it is within the warranty period per contract
If there is no more work to be done then a Handover is in
order. All digital assets delivered should be turned over to
the client (Example: PSD/ FLA files, HTML Codes…etc). In
cases when a CMS was built, then the Project Manager
should create a CMS Guide for the client to maintain their
site on their own.
If there is post-deployment work to be delivered or if the
signed proposal calls for maintenance services then we
can proceed to Post-Production.
Signed Proposal
Introspective Knowledge Management (IKM)
Responsibility Introspective Knowledge Management
At the end of every project a wrap-up discussion should
take place and attended by the same people at the
Project Kick-off. The purpose of this stage is to review
Havas Digital 18
Tech Director,
Tech Lead,
Creative Lead
and highlight Key Learnings that would help us improve
on future projects.
During the course of the project, it is the duty of the
Project Manager to observe and take notes on how
improvements can be made in the process and execution
of every project.
The agenda for this meeting should be:
1. Project Summary and Rollout
2. Projects Highs & Lows
3. Key Learnings
The Project Manager should fill out the IKM Document
after the IKM meeting and this contains introspective
notes of what had occurred on each stage of the process.
The results of this document should be shared with the
IKM Document
Havas Digital 19
Post-Production Process Flowcharts
Post Deployment Scheduling
PM Fill out/ edit and
send PDS
Enter schedule
on Basecamp
Account Manager
Project Manager
Rollout PDS
Collect Payment
AM Introspective
Havas Digital 20
Post-Production Process
Out of all the processes, the Post-Production Process is commonly missed out. Some projects
have requirements even after it has been launched. Typically projects that have a contest
component, campaign management, reporting, website maintenance will require a schedule of
tasks and deliveries post-production. In this case, we will need a Post-Deployment Schedule to
be followed to ensure timely delivery of all required tasks. If the task falls out of scope of the
original proposal then this can be offered to the client at an added cost in which case we enter
into a Maintenance Contract.
Account Manager
Project Manager
Maintenance Contracts
Create/ Edit
Enter schedule
on Basecamp
Rollout PDS
Collect Payment
AM Introspective
Havas Digital 21
Post-Deployment Schedule
Responsibility Post-Deployment Schedule
Project Manager
As mentioned previously, the Post-Deployment Schedule
should be included in the FS Document. The Account
Manager should submit this to the Project Manager and
get approval before rolling it out.
The PDS should take into account the following:
1. Tasks Required
2. Dates of Delivery
3. Task Owner
4. Frequency (daily, weekly, monthly…etc)
Once the PDS has been approved, the Project Manager
posts the schedule in Basecamp and makes sure that
everything gets delivered on time.
Once the engagement is done according to the contract,
the Account Manager bills the client and proceeds to do a
Handover if required.
And just like all other projects, an IKM meeting is set up
by the Project Manager with all involved to study and
review the project highlights and extract Key Learnings.
Schedule (PDS)
FS Document
Maintenance Contract
Responsibility Maintenance Contracts
Project Manager
Should the client require us to do maintenance work post-
production or want us to maintain their digital assets
(websites, hosting, reporting…etc), then we can enter into
a maintenance contract with them.
Once the requirements from the client are gathered, the
Account Manager creates a proposal outlining the tasks to
be undertaken and include the PDS with it.
The proposal is sent to the Project Manager to check on
feasibility of timings and to give the cost. With the
Schedule (PDS)
Project Proposal
Havas Digital 22
approval of the Project Manager, the Account Manager
sends this to the client for approval.
The approved PDS will only be rolled out upon the client’s
It is the responsibility of the Account Manager to make
sure that the project is being billed according to the
payment terms outlined in the signed contract. On the
other hand the Project Manager should alert the Account
Manager if the engagement has ended.
Sample Sitemap
Homepage About KLM
History of KLM
About Amsterdam
KLM in Singapore
About KLM Says News & Events
Terms &
Privacy Policy
Photo Gallery The Winners
Daily Winners
Grand Prize
Mechanics &
Havas Digital 23
Sample User Flow
Havas Digital 24
Havas Digital 25
Sample Wireframe
Havas Digital 26
Sample Content Plan
Phase Page Content/ Sections Functionality
ALL Homepage (Elements) ‘Add This’ button ‘Add This’ platform for sharing
ALL ‘Follow Us’ links
Follow Us: Twitter, Facebook,
1 KLM Says blurb
Short copy about the campaign and
current challenge
1 Twitter Feed Twitter feed from #KLMSays
1 Gallery Entries
Feed of Photos that have been
submitted (will be hidden if no
photos yet)
1 Events Blurbs Thumbnail and blurb of latest news
ALL About KLM Says About the campaign Content and Image
Mechanics & Prizes Content & Image
FAQs Content only
ALL News & Events Landing Page Articles with Content and Image
ALL Photo Gallery Landing Page Gallery
Photo Gallery segmented by date
(will be hidden if no photos yet)
ALL About KLM History of KLM Content and image
About Amsterdam Content and image
KLM in Singapore Content and image
ALL Terms & Conditions Landing Page Content only
ALL Privacy Policy Landing Page Content only

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  • 1. Havas Digital Creative and Production Process 2/19/2013 This document outlines and explains the working digital development process followed by Havas Digital. This was written for the purpose of setting in place stringent measures to ensure the quality of work we deliver is reflective of who we are as a digital agency. Our ideas rely on our ability to bring our vision to life in every undertaking. Every project is a testament of our beliefs, our expertise and our credibility as true digital advocates.
  • 2. Havas Digital 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................2 Pre-Production Process Flowchart ...............................................................................................3 Pre-Production Process................................................................................................................4 Proposal Stage ..........................................................................................................................4 Project Scoping .........................................................................................................................7 Production Process Flowchart ....................................................................................................10 Production Process.....................................................................................................................11 Project Kick-Off.......................................................................................................................11 Design Stage ...........................................................................................................................12 Development Stage ................................................................................................................13 Quality Control Stage ..............................................................................................................15 Going-Live...............................................................................................................................17 Introspective Knowledge Management.................................................................................17 Post-Production Process Flowcharts..........................................................................................19 Post-Production Process ............................................................................................................20 Post Deployment Scheduling..................................................................................................21 Maintenance Contracts ...........................................................................................................21 Footnotes...................................................................................................................................23
  • 3. Havas Digital 3 Pre-Production Process Flowchart Proposal Stage Project Scoping Receive Client Brief PRE-PRODUCTION PROCESS Create & Send brief to Project Manager Allocate Resource Creative Resource Tech Resource Project Costing and Timings Respond to Briefing Document Create & Present Proposal Proposal Approved? Revise based on Feedback from Client Create Functional Specs documentation FS Approval? Proceed to Production Revise based on Feedback from Client N Y N Y Present FS document to client PM PM AM AM PM AMPM AM AM PM CD TD PM AM PM CD TD Account Manager Project Manager Creative Director Tech Director Get Signed Proposal (Deal Closed) AM Structured brief? Ask client to fill out RFI N Y AM Feasibie? Decline Project Y N Alignment Meeting AM Arrange meeting to discuss Feasibility PM
  • 4. Havas Digital 4 Pre-Production Process In this initial stage of the production process, we are presented with a challenge in the form of a brief from a client and from here we start proposing our plan of attack. At the Proposal Stage, we will be presenting them with our strategy, our course of action and our recommendations as digital experts. But just like any other proposed plan, the devil lies in the details. Every project has to be properly delineated and defined through Project Scoping thereby setting the expectations of project deliveries from the beginning. Proposal Stage Responsibility Receiving the Client Brief Documents Required Account Manager Inquiries received from the client should be structured enough to make sense out of and it is the duty of the Account Manager to keep asking intelligent questions to drill down what the client truly requires. As a guide for clients, the Request for Information (RFI) document can be sent to them to be filled out OR serve as a guide for Account Managers on what questions can be asked. Request for Information Document Creating the Brief Account Manager Part of the job of an Account Manager is creating smart and structured briefs. A brief is not merely a copy and paste version of a client’s presentation deck or email. Take the time to extract and understand what needs to be done before writing. As soon as there is a clear understanding on what the client needs, the appropriate brief should be filled out accordingly and passed on to the Project Manager. Digital Brief In the instance that the requirements are ad hoc such as landing pages, banners, eDMs….etc that have minimal design and production requirements (ex. design or codes have been supplied already and all we need to do is build), the Account Manager can fill out the Digital Brief. Remember: When filling out the digital brief, please have these questions in mind: Request for Information Document Digital Brief
  • 5. Havas Digital 5 1. What do I need and by when? 2. What details should I add to help the designer or developer? 3. What are the technical details that a developer needs to know? 4. What is the budget for this project? Creative Brief If the requirement entails coming up with NEW ideas, concepts, designs, executions…. etc, then the Creative Brief should be properly filled out. As the name implies, the Creative Brief is made to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, EXCITE, SPARK, INCITE, ENTHUSE…the Creative Team to come up with a creative idea. Remember: Behind every successful advertising campaign is a well thought of Creative Brief. Filling out a Creative Brief requires clarity, focus, consistency and creative stimulation, so please do fill this out with care. Creative Brief Responding to the Brief Account Manager, Project Manager, Account Director Creative Lead, Technical Lead, Technical Director, Managing Director Upon receipt of the brief from the Account Manager, the Project Manager starts understanding the project requirements and calls a meeting with representatives from the Client Services Team and the Production Team to discuss project feasibility. In the case of ad hoc projects, the Project Manager consults with the Creative Lead or Technical Lead of available resources to carry out the task at hand and to calculate cost and timing requirements. No meeting is required unless necessary. If the decision is to proceed with the project, the agenda to be discussed next is how to approach the brief. If the decision is to decline the project. The Account Manager should notify the client and gracefully decline stating reasons agreed. Meeting Attendance:
  • 6. Havas Digital 6 • Project Manager • Account Manager • Account Director • Creative Lead • Technical Lead • Technical Director • Managing Director Meeting Agenda: • Project Feasibility • Resource Allocation/ Availability • Technology Approach • Creative Approach • Timings and Cost Implications Proposal Development Account Manager, Project Manager After the discussions in the meeting, the Account Manager takes the lead in creating the Project Proposal with the help of the Project Manager. In the case of ad hoc projects, the Account Manager prepares the proposal based on the timings and cost given by the Project Manager and asks the client for approval before proceeding to Production stage. The proposal document should have the foundation of the Functional Specification (FS) document. The content difference between a Project Proposal and an FS document is that the proposal document contains the cost breakdown and the commercial terms of the project. After assembling the proposal, it is then shared by the Account Manager internally and should get clearance before sending it to client for approval. Should there be any amendments or feedback given by the client, the Account Manager consults the Project Manager if there will be any impact to the original scope of the proposal. Project Proposal Document
  • 7. Havas Digital 7 Project Scoping Responsibility Functional Specification Development Documents Required Account Manager, Project Manager Once the Project Proposal is approved, the project is considered ours and it is the responsibility of the Account Manager to get the signed proposal as proof. Only at this stage that the Functional Specification document is filled out in detailed fashion. Functional Specification Document: The FS document is considered the ‘bible’ of the project. It details all aspects of the project starting from the client brief right down to the executional details, timings and post deployment requirements. Heavy-handed attention to detail is required at this stage. This cannot be emphasized enough. Tread carefully. The following are important parts of the FS Document and descriptions of each: 1. Summary & Versioning − The first page of every FS should have a general overview of the project. The fields provided are considered mandatory and should be filled out accordingly. − Another important aspect of the FS is versioning control. Every revision or update made should be documented for easy tracking. 2. The Brief − The FS document begins with stating what we are trying to address. This should show details shown in the Digital Brief or the Creative Brief and even the client’s briefing document if supplied. 3. The Solution − The biggest chunk of the FS is detailing the proposed solution, which at this point, should have Functional Specification Document
  • 8. Havas Digital 8 been agreed upon and approved from the Proposal Stage. − To fill out this part of the document one should start with the general concept or idea and move on to granular details on how this will be carried out throughout the course of the project. − The fields provided serve as a guide but there is a certain frame of mind that you must have to fill out this part of the document. Here are some questions that can help you get started: o What is the general solution/idea/concept? o What are the campaign phases/flow/journey/roadmap to be followed to carry out this general idea? o Define each phase/ stage. o What are the requirements in each phase/ stage? (Website, Application, Banners…etc) o What are the requirements per aspect? It is important to be very detailed in describing the requirements here (Sitemap a , User Flow b , Wireframes c , Content Plan d , CMS Functionality, Hosting…etc) o What needs to be managed on our end after we have delivered everything? (Serves as the PDS overview) 4. Scope of Work − The FS should also define what would be included and excluded in the project. The purpose of this part of the document is to give clarity to the client of our roles and responsibilities to the project. 5. Assumptions & Dependencies and Risks − This part of the FS defines the factors that may delay certain milestones and deliveries throughout the project. This includes approval times, rounds of revisions, feedback delays…etc. This helps in setting expectations to the client and gives them a sense of responsibility with achieving milestones. 6. Production Timings
  • 9. Havas Digital 9 − These pertain to the estimated time of every major milestone of a project with accompanying inclusions of what happens on each stage. − Each timeframe estimate should be consulted and verified with the Project Manager. 7. Campaign Rollout Schedule − It is here that the complete schedule of the campaign is presented through a Gantt chart. This includes production timings of each deliverable and live-dates. 8. Post Deployment Schedule (PDS) − Another important part of the FS is the PDS, which details the tasks and timings carried out after the project has gone live. This could be anything from Winner Announcements, Monthly Reports, posting schedules…etc. − If reports are required, make sure to indicate the elements and the format − Each task should be described along with the task owner and the time it needs to be delivered including the frequency (is it weekly? Daily? Monthly?). 9. Sign-Off − The final step to complete the FS document is the client’s sign-off, which officially gives us the go- signal to start production.
  • 10. Havas Digital 10 Production Process Flowchart QC Development Stage Design Stage PRODUCTION PROCESS Project Kick Off Open Job in Basecamp Add Project Milestones in Basecamp Proceed with Design and Copy Development Wireframe Approval Present Design & Copy 2 Rounds of Feedback Design & Copy Sign-Off Proceed to Development Stage HTML Development Server-Side Development UAT Staging (Internal) Present & Share QC Report Internal QC Address Bugs from Report Bug Free? Present Staging to Client 2 Rounds of Feedback (WITHIN SCOPE) Address Bugs/ Issues Get approval from Client to Go- Live Bug Free? Go-Live N Y N Y FD SD Front-End Developer Server-Side Developer QC QC Engineer ALL PM PM D Designer D FD AM FD SD AM UAT StagingALL Cross Check HTML (Commit to SVN) Code Review (Commit to SVN) D SD SD ALL QC on Live Server ALL FD SD Collect Payment AM Tech Kick-Off Meeting FD SD QC QC Introspective Knowledge Management Handover ALLAM
  • 11. Havas Digital 11 Production Process The plans have been outlined and finalized, and the timings have been set. Now it’s time to put idea into action. But just like in a film set, before the director shouts, “Lights, camera…action!” the final meeting with the cast and crew before the actual shoot is critical so everyone is aware of their roles. The production process begins with a Project Kick-Off, the meeting wherein those involved in the project gathers to discuss and go over the project specifications. Only after then that the real action begins at the Design Stage where the Creative Team plays an active role. Once all artworks have been finalized and produced, it is the Developers’ turn to build the framework and the mechanism to bring the project’s vision to life. This is known as the Development Stage. But before the work goes live, a precautionary step is required called the Quality Control Stage, wherein every aspect of the project’s deliverables is scrutinized and tested by all involved. From here, the project Goes-Live once all issues have been addressed and the client gives their approval. The production process continues even after everything has been done and delivered. Just like the process of learning, every project offers a different learning experience that everyone involved can benefit from. Through an Introspective Knowledge Management meeting, the entire project is reviewed and dissected to establish Key Learnings that can be applied in all future projects. Project Kick-Off Responsibility Project Kick-Off Meeting Documents Required Account Manager, Account Director, Project Manager, Tech Director, Tech Lead, Creative Lead, QA Lead This meeting is attended by all who are directly involved with the project. The purpose of this meeting is to make sure that everyone is aligned with what needs to be accomplished and to familiarize themselves with each other’s roles and responsibilities. Attendance is mandatory. After the meeting, the Project Manager opens a job in Basecamp and adds everyone involved in the project. The project milestones are also added into the Calendar for everyone to see. At this point, the Account Manager should begin monitoring the project through Basecamp and the Project Manager ensures that milestones and deliveries are being Functional Specification Document
  • 12. Havas Digital 12 met accordingly. Note: Basecamp will serve as an important communication tool in the entire Production Process. All feedback, files, tasks and milestones are all posted, recorded and captured here for easy tracking of a project’s status and developments. Design Stage Responsibility Wireframe Development Documents Required Creative Lead, Creative Team, Account Manager, Project Manager, QA Lead Based on the design requirements, the Creative Lead maps out a Wireframe. This signals the first step of the Design Stage. A wireframe serves as a blueprint that represents a page layout. It shows the arrangement of how the content will be distributed throughout the page. This functions as a guide for the designer and to establish a front-end structure for the developers. The Wireframes need to be signed-off by the client before proceeding to the next step, Design Development. It is the role of the Account Manager to facilitate in the feedback and approval process with the client while the Project Manager ensures that feedback is addressed. At this point, the QA Lead will start developing the QC Document or the Test Case Document, which will be shared with the Client Services Team and the Developers. The QC Document lists all the elements and scenarios that need to be tested in the site or the application. This will be used primarily for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Functional Specification Document Design Development Creative Lead, Creative Team, Before moving to Design Development, the Account Manager should make sure that the following assets have been shared with the Creative Team. Functional Specification Document
  • 13. Havas Digital 13 Account Manager, Project Manager − Final Artwork design files − Stock Images (provide image codes if it requires purchasing) − Images to be used − Logos − Brand Guidelines Upon approval of the Wireframes, its time to begin the design process. The approved blueprint will be the basis of the Screen Designs delivered by the Creative Team. Just like the Wireframes, the Screen Designs need to be signed-off by the client before entering the Development Stage. Note: The client is given 2 rounds of feedback, which should be properly monitored and enforced for by the Account Manager while the Project Manager makes sure that each point in the feedback are understood and addressed by the Creative Team. Development Stage Responsibility HTML Development Documents Required Creative Lead, Front-End Developer, Tech Lead, Project Manager After the designs have been signed-off, we now enter the Development Stage and the work is now passed on to the Front-End Developer to transform the designs into HTML. HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the language responsible for the display of text and images in a website. Once the HTML has been developed, the Creative Lead cross checks the work produced to make sure the design is properly rendered and the correct version is applied before proceeding to Server-Side Development. Functional Specification Document Server-Side Development Server-Side Developer, Tech Lead, Following the completion of the HTML, the Server-Side Developer takes over although in some cases they can even start work in parallel to build the core architecture and data structure while the HTML is being developed. Functional Specification Document
  • 14. Havas Digital 14 Project Manager The role of the Server-Side Developer is to build the codes behind the functionalities of a website or an application. Once the codes have been developed and stitched together with the HTML, the Tech Lead reviews the codes to ensure proper versioning is applied before uploading the codes in a staging environment for testing. Preliminary User-Acceptance Testing QA Lead, Creative Lead Tech Lead, Project Manager, Account Manager At this point, the staging environment has been set up and ready for User-Acceptance Testing (UAT), which is done through a test link provided by the Tech Lead. There are 2 levels of UAT at this stage. They are: QC Level At this level, the QA Lead uses QC Document as a guide to do the initial UAT and shares the results to the team. The bugs/ issues caught by the QA Lead are addressed either by the Creative or Tech Lead depending on the nature of each bug. Once these issues have been addressed, we now proceed to the next level of UAT. User Level The rest of those involved in the project performs the next level of UAT. These are members of the Client Servicing Team, Project Manager, Creative and Tech Leads. Using the QC Document as a guide, everyone pitches in the UAT and fills out the document with their list of bugs. All bugs/ issues need to be posted in Basecamp for easy tracking. From here the Creative and Tech Leads will take over and start addressing the bugs/ issues discovered. It is the Project Manager who coordinates with both Leads and keeps track of the issues that have been resolved or are still pending. The testing continues until all bugs/ issues have been resolved before the testing environment is shared with the client, which marks the beginning of the Quality Control Stage. Functional Specification Document, QC Document
  • 15. Havas Digital 15 Quality Control Stage Responsibility Site Staging Documents Required QC Engineer, Creative Lead Tech Lead, Project Manager, Account Manager The staging site is now ready to be shared with the client to obtain their feedback and approval before going-live. In here the role of the Account Manager is critical particularly when receiving feedback. There are 3 things every Account Manager should take note of when receiving feedback: 1. Validating the Feedback − Feedback received does not automatically mean that it should be forwarded and posted in Basecamp. The feedback should be understood first and then checked if it is valid. If valid, this is the only time the feedback should be shared with the team. 2. Consolidating and Documenting the Feedback − Giving piece-meal feedback to the team is unacceptable. Feedback should be consolidated and added either in a PPT deck or an excel sheet for easy tracking, then shared through Basecamp. − The information given about the feedback should also be complete and understandable. It is important to include information such as type of browser used, details of how/when/why the issue came about….etc. 3. Determining whether the Feedback is out of scope or within scope − Not all feedback should be considered automatically. Check the scope of the feedback if it falls within the FS. If the feedback is a bug, design or copy issue, this falls within the scope but if the feedback requires new functionality changes not included in the scope, the Account Manager QC Document
  • 16. Havas Digital 16 should flag this to the client. If you are uncertain about whether it falls within or out of scope, it is best to consult with the Project Manager. Note: Just as the in the Design Development stage, the client is given 2 rounds of feedback, which should be properly monitored and enforced for by the Account Manager while the Project Manager makes sure that each point in the feedback are understood and addressed by the Creative and Tech Leads. This time however, this only applies to non-bug related issues. If the issue is bug- related then this should be addressed accordingly. After all issues and bugs have been addressed, its time to move from the staging environment into the live environment and this will not happen unless clearance from the client has been given. Pre-Live Checklist Account Manager, Project Manager Before going live, there are important details that need to be checked to make sure everything is in place and all requirements are met. Websites/ Application/ Landing Page: − Domain Name or URL has been specified − FTP details supplied (if hosting is provided by the client) − GA Tracking or Tracking Tools are in place − Meta Tags have been added Banners − Pixels or Tracking Codes have been embedded eDM − Database has been set up − Subject Line is provided − GA Tracking or Tracking Tools are in place − Meta Tags have been added Functional Specification Document
  • 17. Havas Digital 17 Going-Live Responsibility QC on Live Documents Required QC Engineer, Creative Lead Tech Lead, Project Manager, Account Manager Going-Live does not signal the end of the UAT. There is always the possibility of bugs cropping up in a live environment. At this stage it is the role of all those involved to continue testing, reporting and addressing bugs. Functional Specification Document Handover Project Manager, Account Manager Depending on the commercial terms stated on the signed proposal, the Account Manager can now bill the client for the work done and delivered. Any revisions requested from hereon can only be considered if it is within the warranty period per contract terms. If there is no more work to be done then a Handover is in order. All digital assets delivered should be turned over to the client (Example: PSD/ FLA files, HTML Codes…etc). In cases when a CMS was built, then the Project Manager should create a CMS Guide for the client to maintain their site on their own. If there is post-deployment work to be delivered or if the signed proposal calls for maintenance services then we can proceed to Post-Production. Signed Proposal Introspective Knowledge Management (IKM) Responsibility Introspective Knowledge Management Documents Required Account Manager, Account At the end of every project a wrap-up discussion should take place and attended by the same people at the Project Kick-off. The purpose of this stage is to review Functional Specification Document
  • 18. Havas Digital 18 Director, Project Manager, Tech Director, Tech Lead, Creative Lead and highlight Key Learnings that would help us improve on future projects. During the course of the project, it is the duty of the Project Manager to observe and take notes on how improvements can be made in the process and execution of every project. The agenda for this meeting should be: 1. Project Summary and Rollout 2. Projects Highs & Lows 3. Key Learnings The Project Manager should fill out the IKM Document after the IKM meeting and this contains introspective notes of what had occurred on each stage of the process. The results of this document should be shared with the team IKM Document
  • 19. Havas Digital 19 Post-Production Process Flowcharts POST PRODUCTION PROCESS Post Deployment Scheduling Post-LiveAM PM Fill out/ edit and send PDS document Approve PDS? Enter schedule on Basecamp Y N AM PM PM Account Manager Project Manager Rollout PDS Project over? Collect Payment AM Introspective Knowledge Management Handover ALLAM Y N
  • 20. Havas Digital 20 Post-Production Process Out of all the processes, the Post-Production Process is commonly missed out. Some projects have requirements even after it has been launched. Typically projects that have a contest component, campaign management, reporting, website maintenance will require a schedule of tasks and deliveries post-production. In this case, we will need a Post-Deployment Schedule to be followed to ensure timely delivery of all required tasks. If the task falls out of scope of the original proposal then this can be offered to the client at an added cost in which case we enter into a Maintenance Contract. Receive Maintenance Request AM PM Account Manager Project Manager POST PRODUCTION PROCESS Maintenance Contracts Create/ Edit Maintenance Proposal AMPM Enter schedule on Basecamp PM Rollout PDS Project over? Collect Payment AM Introspective Knowledge Management Handover ALLAM Y N Approved? Y N
  • 21. Havas Digital 21 Post-Deployment Schedule Responsibility Post-Deployment Schedule Documents Required Account Manager, Project Manager As mentioned previously, the Post-Deployment Schedule should be included in the FS Document. The Account Manager should submit this to the Project Manager and get approval before rolling it out. The PDS should take into account the following: 1. Tasks Required 2. Dates of Delivery 3. Task Owner 4. Frequency (daily, weekly, monthly…etc) Once the PDS has been approved, the Project Manager posts the schedule in Basecamp and makes sure that everything gets delivered on time. Once the engagement is done according to the contract, the Account Manager bills the client and proceeds to do a Handover if required. And just like all other projects, an IKM meeting is set up by the Project Manager with all involved to study and review the project highlights and extract Key Learnings. Post- Deployment Schedule (PDS) FS Document Maintenance Contract Responsibility Maintenance Contracts Documents Required Account Manager, Project Manager Should the client require us to do maintenance work post- production or want us to maintain their digital assets (websites, hosting, reporting…etc), then we can enter into a maintenance contract with them. Once the requirements from the client are gathered, the Account Manager creates a proposal outlining the tasks to be undertaken and include the PDS with it. The proposal is sent to the Project Manager to check on feasibility of timings and to give the cost. With the Post- Deployment Schedule (PDS) Project Proposal Document (New)
  • 22. Havas Digital 22 approval of the Project Manager, the Account Manager sends this to the client for approval. The approved PDS will only be rolled out upon the client’s sign-off. It is the responsibility of the Account Manager to make sure that the project is being billed according to the payment terms outlined in the signed contract. On the other hand the Project Manager should alert the Account Manager if the engagement has ended. a Sample Sitemap Homepage About KLM History of KLM About Amsterdam KLM in Singapore KLM SAYS SITEMAP About KLM Says News & Events Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Photo Gallery The Winners Daily Winners Weekly Challengers Grand Prize Winner PHASE 3 Mechanics & Prizes FAQs PHASE 2
  • 26. Havas Digital 26 d Sample Content Plan Phase Page Content/ Sections Functionality ALL Homepage (Elements) ‘Add This’ button ‘Add This’ platform for sharing ALL ‘Follow Us’ links Follow Us: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram 1 KLM Says blurb Short copy about the campaign and current challenge 1 Twitter Feed Twitter feed from #KLMSays 1 Gallery Entries Feed of Photos that have been submitted (will be hidden if no photos yet) 1 Events Blurbs Thumbnail and blurb of latest news ALL About KLM Says About the campaign Content and Image Mechanics & Prizes Content & Image FAQs Content only ALL News & Events Landing Page Articles with Content and Image ALL Photo Gallery Landing Page Gallery Photo Gallery segmented by date (will be hidden if no photos yet) ALL About KLM History of KLM Content and image About Amsterdam Content and image KLM in Singapore Content and image ALL Terms & Conditions Landing Page Content only ALL Privacy Policy Landing Page Content only