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    Hants RDA
   Business Plan
    2009 - 2010

  Revised April 1, 2009
CONTENTS                                      ACRONYMS

                                            Executive Summary              3    ACOA      Atlantic Canada Opportunities
                                                                                ACSBE     Acadia Centre of Social &
                                            Vision                         4              Business Entrepreneurship
                                            Shared Vision                  4    ADEDA     Annapolis Digby Economic
                                            Shared Values                  5              Development Agency
                                            Shared Purpose                 5    BoFT      Bay of Fundy Tourism
                                            Operational Environment        6    BR + E    Business Retention & Expansion
                                                                                CBDC      Community Business
                                            Regional Analysis              6
                                                                                          Development Corporation
                                            Opportunities and Barriers     7    CED       Community Economic
                                            Organizational Effectiveness   8    CNTA      Central Nova Tourism
                                            Focus & Performance            8              Association
                                            Human Resources                8    CoRDA     Colchester Regional
                                            Partnerships                   8              Development Agency
                                                                                CWB       Centre for Women in Business
                                                                                DCS       Department of Community
                                            Strategic Initiatives          9              Services
                                            Strategy                       9    DFAIT     Department of Foreign Affairs &
                                            Evaluation Framework           9              International Trade
                                            Regional Promotion             10   DSWNA     Destination Southwest Nova
                                            Business Development           12             Association
                                            Community Development          13   DoHP      Department of Health
                                            Advocacy                       13
                                                                                DoL & WD Department of Labour &
                                                                                          Workforce Development
                                            Operating Budget               14   DoTCH     Department of Tourism, Culture
                                                                                          & Heritage
                                            Appendices                     15   EHALA     East Hants Adult Learning Assoc.
                                            Organizational Overview        15   EHDCC     East Hants & Districts Chamber
                                                                                          of Commerce
                                            Communications Plan            15
                                                                                GHP       Greater Halifax Partnership
                                            Highlights of 2008-2009        15   HABA      Hantsport and Area Business
                                            Financial Statement            15             Association
                                                                                HLN       Hants Learning Network
                                                                                JRC       Job Resource Centre
                                                                                Kings CED Kings Community Economic
                                                                                          Development Agency
                                                                                LQRDA     Lunenburg Queens RDA
                                                                                MEH       Municipality of East Hants
                                                                                MWH       Municipality of the District of
                                                                                          West Hants
                                                                                NSARDA    Nova Scotia Association of
                                                                                          Regional Development
                                                                                NSBI      Nova Scotia Business Inc.
                                                                                NSCC      Nova Scotia Community College
                                                                                NSERD     Nova Scotia Economic and Rural
                                                                                NSNP      Nova Scotia Nominee Program
                                                                                RDA       Regional Development
                                                                                SWSDA     South West Shore Development
                                                                                TIANS     Tourism Industry Assoc. of NS
                                                                                ToH       Town of Hantsport
                                                                                ToW       Town of Windsor
                                                                                VIC       Visitor Information Centre
                                                                                WHCC      West Hants Chamber of

2   |   Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010
This i going to be a difficult yea for Hants Co
     is                          ar           ounty’s econo
                                                          omy, as it will b
aroun the world. However, the bottom of th economic c
     nd                          e            his         cycle is a greatt
oppoortunity to foc invest and get aggressiv on econom development.
                  cus,           d             ve         mic

The HHants RDA’s 2009-2010 bus    siness plan has been design to create n
                                                s           ned           new
value for its munic
     e             cipal investors This plan proposes an est
                                  s.                        timated $607,000 in
value toward regio
     e             onal economic developmen in Hants Co
                                   c            nt          ounty, includin
partnnership resourrces. It is based upon a reneewed commitment to our in nvestors'
priorities, and an o
                   on-going commitment towa achieving sustainable p
                                                ard                       prosperity
for Hants County.

This b
     business plan covers the seecond year of t Hants RDA strategic p
                                              the          A’s         plan,
“Connected. 2008-  -2011.” The pa year has se changes that align our
                                 ast         een
organnization to the new strategy and help us achieve new levels of perfo
                   e                                                    ormance.
Unde the leadersh of our 12 volunteer dire
     er            hip           v           ectors, we hav ignited a ne
                                                          ve           ew
purpose for the Ha ants RDA: as a connector su
                                             upporting a we of partners and
                                                           eb           s
client This purpose is expresse through alig
     ts.                        ed            gnment to fou core service
                                                           ur           es:
Regioonal Promoti  ion, Business Developmen Communit Development, and
                                             nt,           ty
Advo ocacy.

The c
    coming fiscal y
                  year will see Hants County “get aggressiv on econom
                                H                         ve”       mic
development. High hlights of the plan include:

−   Engaging in an internationa marketing a
    E            n            al            alliance to attr
                                                           ract businesse and
     mmigrants, in partnership with our neighboring RDAs
                 n             w                           s.

−   Beginning a ca
    B            ampaign to bu our workf
                             uild      force through people attrac
                                                   h             ction and

−   Renewing our long-standing efforts to increase tourism in the count
    R                                                    m            ty.

−   Increasing the number of businesses we support throu our business
                 e                                      ugh
    retention and expansion program, in resp
    r                                      ponse to the e
                                                        economic slow

−   Providing brie
    P            efings on the economy and local business trends to mu
                               e                        s            unicipal
    councils and o
    c            other key advoocates.

Over the coming yyear, the Hants RDA’s success will be driven by strategi
                                s                                       ic
    nerships with a wide array of organization including g
                               o             ns,           government a other
RDAs With the sup
    s.           pport of these partners, we plan to make tangible
                               e                          e
    ributions towa Hants Cou
                  ard          unty’s sustaina
                                             able prosperitty.

Ryan MacNeil, BBA MAES
   n              A,
    utive Director

                                                                                       Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010   |   3
2           VISION
                                            2.1 Shared Vision
                                            Two years ago, we set out to find a     Throughout our strategic planning
                                            fresh focus for the Hants RDA. We       consultations, we heard stories of
                                            consulted our clients, neighbours       people moving to Hants County to
                                            and community leaders by                “escape” urban life. People told us
                                            travelling throughout Hants County.     that they choose to live here to be
                                                                                    closer to nature and the ocean, to
                                            Six community consultations             maintain family ties, and to live at a
                                            captured the public's vision for this   sustainable pace. Over the coming
                                            region. These sessions were held in     years Hants County can become
              Vision Statement              Falmouth, Milford, Vaughan, Selma,      even more of a haven from
                                            Summerville, and Mount Uniacke.         adrenalin soaked cities. It can be the
             "Sustainable prosperity        Forty individuals shared their          place where people reconnect to
               for Hants County."                                                   life.
                                            perspective on the region's
                                            challenges and opportunities.
                                                                                    At the same time, Hants County can
                                            In September, we joined with the        be a place where entrepreneurs
                                            Hants Action Team (a federal /          connect to a different kind of
                                            provincial working group) to            business climate. We can solidify
                                            consult with key not-for-profit         our appeal to larger companies that
                                            organizations from across the           seek transportation infrastructure,
                                            county. We also began extensive         proximity to the airport, and
                                            consultations with key partners and     talented workers. These will be
                                            all four municipalities. These          advanced manufacturing
                                            consultations culminated in a           companies that add value to our
                                            "community leaders discussion           abundant natural resources while
                                            paper." Feedback on the discussion      recycling one-another's waste (like
                                            paper was received from councilors      Shaw Resources and Minas Basin do
                                            in all four municipalities.             today). But we will also see the
                                            Throughout these consultations, we      emergence of the "lifestyle
                                            worked diligently toward the            entrepreneur". These individuals
                                            completion of our "business             will choose to live in Hants County
                                            retention and expansion" pilot          and establish knowledge-based,
                                            project. By December 2007, we           globally-competitive small
                                            were able draw to upon the              businesses.
                                            opinions of nearly 50 CEOs and
                                            business owners.                        Meanwhile, young people will be
                                                                                    succeeding baby boomers at the
                                            The Hants RDA staff and board           helm of Hants County's businesses
                                            reviewed the results of these           and farms. We will all make an effort
                                            consultations. Staff held a number      to buy local products, especially
                                            of strategy discussions from August     local food. And visitors will travel
                                            2007 to January 2008. The board         here from around the globe to
                                            devoted time to strategic planning      experience Nova Scotia's star
                                            at each meeting from August 2007        attraction: the Bay of Fundy.
                                            to March 2008. As a result, the
                                            board approved the principles of a      Local residents envision an
                                            new strategy at its February 2008       economically prosperous and
                                            meeting, and approved the plan          socially vibrant Hants County. They
                                            “Connected” in March 2008.              focus, not on the quantity, but on
                                                                                    the quality of what we have.

4   |   Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010
2.2 Shared Values                       2.3 Shared Purpose
The world is currently asking itself    The Hants RDA is one of 13 Regional
what genuine progress looks like.       Development Authorities in Nova
We know, for instance, that some of     Scotia. It was incorporated in 1997
                                        under the Regional Community
the “economic growth” we have
                                        Development Act. Governed by a
experienced over the past decades       volunteer board of directors, we
has been at the expense of society      receive funding from the
and the environment. Economic           municipalities of East Hants, West
“growth” has meant simply “more.”       Hants, Windsor, and Hantsport; the                 Values Statement
However, economic "development”         Atlantic Canada Opportunities            "We value genuine progress that connects
implies that our economy can also       Agency; and the provincial               social/cultural diversity and environmental
                                        departments of Economic                     stewardship with economic growth."
evolve in a qualitative way.
                                        Development and Community
When RDAs were formed 10 years                                                            Mission Statement
ago, Nova Scotia adopted a new          For ten years, the Hants RDA has         "To make the connections that help Hants
definition of “development”:            been facilitating community and           County achieve sustainable prosperity."
                                        business development in Hants
   ...economic, social and              County. Our clients have built and
   institutional change brought         maintained facilities, celebrated our
   about by a broadly representative    culture and heritage, and employed
   community process aimed at           our neighbours. They have made
                                        significant contributions to the
   improving the community as a
                                        social and economic development
   better place to live and work        of Hants County. And we have been
   (Regional Community                  proud to help them move from
   Development Act, Nova Scotia         vision to reality.
   Statutes, 1994).
                                        Through meetings with our clients,
The concept of sustainable              neighbours, and community
development had appeared on the         leaders, we have now refreshed our
global stage long before RDAs were      own vision for the future. We have
                                        found a shared desire for
created. It has, however, only fully
                                        connectedness. We were told that
made its way to Nova Scotia in the      community connections make our
past few years. Sustainable             rural lifestyle distinct, and business
development means more than             connections make our economy
“environmentally friendly”              strong and flexible.
development. According to the
United Nations,                         The Hants RDA is now focused on
                                        making connections. We connect
                                        new tourists, residents and
   "Sustainable development is
                                        entrepreneurs to Hants County
   development that meets the needs     through Regional Promotion. We
   of the present without               connect our clients to new skills and
   compromising the ability of future   resources through Community
   generations to meet their own        Development and Business
   needs" (United Nations               Development. And we connect
   Brundtland Commission, 1987).        Hants County to outside decision
                                        makers through Advocacy.

                                                                                    Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010    |     5

                (FP Markets, 2008)
                                                           3.1 Regional Analysis
                Population: 43,040                         Hants County is located on the Bay     needs, a range of skills and
               Households: 16,756                          of Fundy in the centre of mainland     qualifications were identified, for
           Avg. Household Inc: $57,422                     Nova Scotia. With four                 example field workers for seasonal
              Retail Sales: $377.6 m
                                                           municipalities (East Hants, West       operations, technical workers like
                                                           Hants, and the Towns of Windsor        those skilled in computer-assisted
                                                           and Hantsport) the county benefits     design or diesel mechanics,
                                                           from a diversified economy and         professional workers like chemists
                                                           slight population growth. Headline     and engineers.
                                                           economic indicators are reported in
                                                           the table and charts to the left.      Shifting Economy
       70 years +
    65 to 69 years
    60 to 64 years                                         Population                             Hants County, like its neighbours,
    55 to 59 years                                                                                has traditionally been a resource-
    50 to 54 years
                                                           The 2006 census shows a total          based economy, particularly in
    45 to 49 years
                                                           population of 41,182, up 1.7% from     agriculture. Although agriculture
    40 to 44 years
    35 to 39 years                                         the 2001 census. Projections for       and agri-food processing remain
    30 to 34 years                                         2008 (Financial Post) put the          significant economic drivers, other
    25 to 29 years                                         county’s present population at         industries have begun to take root.
    20 to 24 years
                                                           43,040. As is the same for most        While manufacturing still employs a
    15 to 19 years
                                                           jurisdictions, Hants County’s          significant number of people in
    10 to 14 years
      5 to 9 years                                         population is aging, with a large      Hants County, retail trade and
      0 to 4 years                                         proportion of its population           construction are the two largest
                                                           between the ages of 40 – 54.           sectors of employment.
                     -2000    -1000     0    1000   2000

                             Female   Male                 The census shows that 5,335 people     A shift-and-share analysis (provided
                                                           who lived elsewhere in 2001 moved      by NSBI), indicates that Hants
              Source: FP Markets 2008                      to Hants County. Of these, the vast    County’s largest shifts have been
                                                           majority (4,105 people) moved from     toward professional services,
                                                           elsewhere in Nova Scotia. Attracting   manufacturing, services, and retail
                                                           and retaining immigrants remains a     trade. There has been a relative shift
                                                           challenge. The 2006 census shows       away from employment in utilities,
                                                           1,540 immigrants. However, only        information and cultural industries,
                                                           355 of these people would be           real estate, and public
                                                           considered recent immigrants,          administration.
                                                           having settled in Hants County
                                                           between 1991 – 2006. This              Infrastructure
                                                           represents fewer than 25
                                                           immigrants per year.                   Both sides of the county continue to
                                                                                                  have challenges surrounding the
                                                           Workforce                              imbalance in growth of the
                                                                                                  commercial versus residential tax
                                                           There were 20,361 people in the        bases. While municipalities are
                                                           labour force in Hants County in        increasingly challenged to attract
                                                           2006. Hants County showed an           new business, infrastructure
                                                           unemployment rate of 7.9%, and a       limitations on the East side, and a
                                                           labour participation rate of 63.6%.    lack of industrial lands on the West
                                                           This compared with a provincial        side, are a continued weakness. As
                                                           unemployment rate of 9.1% and          the demand for infrastructure –
                                                           labour participation rate of 62.9%.    particularly water and sewer –
                                                                                                  continues to grow in both rural and
                                                           Participants in the Hants County       urban areas, municipalities are also
                                                           Business Retention and Expansion       being challenged to address other
                                                           (BRE) initiative indicate a fair       infrastructure needs, like the need
                                                           amount of satisfaction with the        for public transportation, and public
                                                           workforce. In terms of workforce       recreational facilities.
3.2 Opportunities and                                 Hants County
Social Fabric                           Barriers                                           Population Estimates
                                                                                               2005 - 2008
Literacy concerns and the growing
                                        The Hants RDA engages in a
inequity felt by the least wealthy
                                        continuous assessment of the
members of the community also                                                   2005                 42500
                                        opportunities and barriers to
have a negative impact on the
                                        community economic development
social health of Hants County. The
                                        in the county. On-going BR+E
rural-urban juxtaposition of services                                           2006                    42600
                                        efforts continue to highlight five
in the County also affects service
                                        recurring trends: Understanding
provision – and it often hinders the
                                        the Workforce; Employee                 2007
County’s ability to bring together a                                                                         42700
                                        Attraction; Investment Readiness;
unified voice on key issues.
                                        Environmental Opportunities;
                                        and Succession Planning. Over the       2008                                 43040
Economic Slowdown
                                        past year, workforce challenges
                                        (including hiring challenges and
Like other parts of Nova Scotia and
                                        layoffs) held particular significance          Source: FP Markets 2005 - 2008
Canada, the Hants County economy
                                        in BR+E efforts.
is currently experiencing a
downturn. Leading employers have
                                        Through strategic planning
been forced to lay-off workers, or                                                              Hants County
                                        consultations in 2007-2008, the                    Avg. Household Income
temporarily shut down production
                                        Hants RDA identified five key                            2005 - 2008
in order to remain competitive.
                                        external factors that are affecting
Sectors most at risk include primary
                                        Hants County’s economic
resources, manufacturing and
                                        prosperity: Population,
tourism.                                                                        2005
                                        Environment, Globalization,                                    $52,900
                                        Urbanization, and Infrastructure.
Economists predict the effects of
                                        Hants County residents see these
the global downturn will be
                                        external pressures are as both
moderated in Nova Scotia. At 3.4%,
                                        challenges and opportunities.           2006
the inflation rate is roughly a third
                                        Details can be found in the 2008-
of what it was during the 1980s.
                                        2009 business plan.
Government finances continue to
be strong. According to the
Conference Board of Canada, GDP                                                                          $57,200
growth will be a 0.7% this year,
compared to 2.7% in 2007, and 3.1%
in 2006. Canada will see virtually no
job growth in 2009.                                                             2008

In spite of the global slowdown and
its significant local impacts, the                                                     Source: FP Markets 2005 - 2008
region is still experiencing
successes that deserve to be
celebrated. Companies such as
Cobham Tracking & Locating
(formerly Orion Electronics) and
Shaw Pipe have landed multi-
million dollar contracts. Calgary-
based Triangle Petroleum is
continuing its shale gas exploration
program in East Hants and pumping
millions into the local economy.
Major infrastructure improvements
such as the twinning of Highway
101 are poised to give Hants County
unprecedented access to Halifax
and the global gateway.

                                                                                 Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010           |   7

                                             4.1 Focus & Performance                4.2 Human Resources
                                             The Hants RDA’s 2008-2011              The Hants RDA derives its core
                                             Strategic Plan (“Connected.”)          strength from the work of talented
                                             focuses the organization on four       employees and volunteers. In 2008-
                                             core services: Regional Promotion,     2009, the Hants RDA implemented a
                                             Business Development,                  new approach to staff training and
                                             Community Development, and             development. For each position, we
                   STAFF                     Advocacy. The strategic plan brings    identified the competencies and
                                             this fresh operational focus while     attributes we will need to deliver
          Ryan MacNeil, BBA, MAES            addressing funder expectations and     our four core services. A particularly
             Executive Director
                                             mapping out a path to genuine          effective approach to staff
        Pat Gould-Thorpe, BSc, BEng          progress for Hants County.             development has been quarterly
      Community Development Officer                                                 peer meetings with Kings CED and
                                             In 2008-2009, the Hants RDA            ADEDA. The Hants RDA has also
             Wendy Aird, BA, MBA
    Business Retention & Expansion Officer   introduced a new internal structure    begun to participate in NSARDA’s
                                             in response to our strategic plan.     peer development days. For 2009-
          Viorica Sporea, BA, CITP           Development Officer positions have     2010, six percent of staff time
         Regional Promotion Officer          been aligned to the new Regional       (approximately 585 hours) has been
            Chantelle Marshall, BA           Promotion, Business Development        targeted as an investment in
             Operations Manager              and Community Development              learning and growth.
                                             goals. The administrative portfolio
             Jane Crosby, BA, FTT
        Assistant Development Officer
                                             was refined to an “Operations          4.3 Partnerships
                                             Manager” handling the RDA’s
                                             operations and logistics. Priorities   The Hants RDA's strategic plan,
                  BOARD                      for Executive Director role have       "Connected." recognizes the vital
                                             been shifted from internal focus on    role of partnership in achieving
              Rick Gaudet, Chair             projects to an external advocacy       sustainable prosperity for our
                                             and communications focus.              region. The Hants RDA relies on
            Jim Smith, Vice-Chair                                                   strong partnerships across the
                                             During the past year, the Hants RDA    county, and throughout the
           Laurie Murley, Treasurer
                                             also made a commitment to the          province, to achieve our regional
            Mike Bishop, Director            NSARDA performance-based               vision. To this end we have made
                                             funding model and created a            "partnership strength" one of the
           John Bregante, Director           balanced scorecard within its ISO      key performance indicators in our
          Margot Bureaux, Director           9001:2000 quality management           balanced scorecard.
                                             system. The scorecard has helped
           Beth Caldwell, Director           align the organization to its new      In September 2008 we conducted
                                             strategy, by examining the four        our first annual survey to gauge the
       Shannon Cunningham, Director
                                             product areas and two                  strength of our partnerships and
           Gordon Dickie, Director           competencies (human resources          identify ways to strengthen our
                                             and partnerships) through the          network of partners. The survey
        Creelman MacArthur, Director         standard five scorecard                reached 18 of our closest
            Beth McNeill, Director           perspectives.                          community partners. The headline
                                                                                    result was 3.9 points out of 5.0 on
          Brian Banks, Board Advisor         The RDA Performance Review Team        partnership strength. Through the
                                             concluded that the Hants RDA “met      survey, partners also reported that
        Roger Gerrard, Board Advisor
                                             expectations” at its annual            their partnerships with the Hants
         Wendy Keen, Board Advisor           performance review in November         RDA contribute to the region’s
                                             2008. No recommendations for           sustainable prosperity (33%
                                             improvement were provided by the       strongly agreed; 44% agreed; and
                                             review team.                           22% somewhat agreed).
5.1 Strategy
The Hants RDA has adopted a four-                                 In October 2008, the Hants RDA                             Development
part strategy to support community                                introduced its first quarterly
economic development in Hants                                     “performance scorecard”. These
County (see the strategy model                                    new quarterly reports build upon                   Promotion

diagram and goals to the right).                                  the RDA’s ISO quality management
                                                                  system to provide the board,                                Community
5.2 Evaluation Framework                                          funders, and stakeholders with                             Development
                                                                  reliable and balanced information
The Hants RDA is committed to                                     on the organization’s performance.
transparency and accountability. A                                The Hants RDA is the only RDA in
variety of measures are taken to                                  Nova Scotia using the balanced                        Strategic Goals
promote good governance and                                       scorecard framework to report
provide accountability back to the                                performance on a quarterly basis.              To attract tourists, residents and
                                                                                                                 entrepreneurs to Hants County.
RDA’s government investors.
                                                                  Beginning April 1, 2009, these            To help Hants County’s most-valuable and
The Hants RDA is an ISO 9001:2000                                 quarterly reports will be submitted        most-growable businesses develop the
registered organization. This means                               to all seven government investors           capacity to create and sustain quality
                                                                  and released publicly as a new                          employment.
that we have adopted policies and
procedures that meet international                                means of accountability. The Hants          To help Hants County’s communities
standards for continuous quality                                  RDA's government investors will be        develop the capacity to address their most
improvement. Our ISO registration                                 able to monitor the RDA’s service          pressing opportunities and challenges.
is maintained through an annual                                   performance, and track the return
                                                                                                              To help Hants County’s key advocates
external audit of the Hants RDA’s                                 on their investment, through these        influence policy changes that support the
operations.                                                       quarterly performance reports.                  region’s sustainable prosperity.
                                                                  Scorecard targets for 2009-2010 are
                                                                  outlined below.

                       PERFORMANCE SCORECARD TARGETS 2009-2010
MISSION PERSPECTIVE                                                   2008-2009 (YTD)     TARGETS (09-10)
Average Household Income ($)                                                  $57,422         $57,966

CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE                                                  2008-2009 (YTD)     TARGETS (09-10)
Average Client Satisfaction (# out of 5)                                        4.8             4.0
Clients Reporting a Tangible Impact (%)                                        50%    1        75%

FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE                                                 2008-2009 (YTD)     TARGETS (09-10)
Funder evaluation score (# out of 12)                                         7–9     2         10
Return on Municipal Investment (per $1)                                        $3.29           $3.63
Budget expenditures variance (%)                                               -4.6%           0.0%

PROCESS PERSPECTIVE                                                   2008-2009 (YTD)     TARGETS (09-10)
Client Consultation Time (hours)                                        no benchmark           2500
On-time Performance (% of targets complete)                             no benchmark           100%
Referrals to Partner Agencies (#)                                               251             90
Marketing Conversion (% of inquiries realized)                          no benchmark            5%

LEARNING & GROWTH PERSPECTIVE                                          2008-2009 (YTD)    TARGETS (09-10)
Employee Development Time (hours)                                              482    3         585
Average Partnership Strength (# out of 5)                                       43.9            4.0

1.) The 2008-2009 benchmark is based on BR+E results only.
2.) The score is in the range of 7-9 points, but has not yet been provided.
3.) The 2008-2009 benchmark is an estimate.
                                                                                                              Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010       |   9
GOAL: To attract tourists, residents and entrepreneurs to Hants County.
                   DIRECT COSTS /                          TIMELINE       TARGET                                   OUTCOMES (Short           OUTCOMES (Long
ACTIVITY                                 PARTNERS                                         OUTPUTS
                   RESOURCES                            Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4       GROUPS                                   Term)                     Term)
                   − Regional           − GHP                             Potential new
                     Promotion          − CoRDA                                           − Alliance MOU
                     Officer (20%)                                        business
                                        − Kings                                           − International
                                                                          investors and                            − Inquiries (#) for
                   − $5000                 CED                                              Marketing Alliance
                                                                          immigrants in                              immigration to Hants    Attraction of
International        contribution                                                           communications
                                        − LQ RDA                          sectors and                                County.                 immigrants (#) and
Marketing          − $5000 extra                                                            collateral (web and
Alliance                                − DFAIT                           geographic                               − Inquiries (#) for       businesses (#) to Hants
                     travel                                                                 print)
                                        − NSERD                           markets                                    business investment     County.
                   − Partnered                                            identified      − Participation in 4
                                        − NSBI                                                                       in Hants County.
                     resources                                            through the       international trade
                     estimated at       − Municipal                                         shows.
                                           Partners                       partnership.
                                        − NSBI
                                                                                                                   − Property profile
                                        − Hants                                           − Web-based
                   − Regional                                                                                        information accessed    Improved service on
                                           West                                             commercial
Commercial           Promotion                                            Potential                                  by prospective          investment inquiries,
                                           Municipal                                        property inventory.
Property             Officer (5%)                                         business                                   investors (# hits).     leading to attraction of
                                           Partners                                       − Protocol for updates
Inventory          − $2500                                                investors.                               − Inquiries (#) for       businesses (#) to Hants
                                        − Realtors                                          to database from                                 County.
                     consulting fees                                                                                 business investment
                                        − Property                                          various partners.
                                                                                                                     in Hants County.
                                        − DoTCH
                                        − CNTA and
                                        − CoRDA,
                                                                          Key tourist
                                           CED,                                           − On-time completion     − Partnership approach
                   − Regional                                             populations                                                        Attraction of tourists
                                           CREDA                                            of milestones and        to tourism marketing.
Tourism              Promotion                                            as defined in                                                      (measured in tourism
Marketing            Officer (45%)
                                                                                            deliverables based     − Inquiries (#) for       revenue $) to Hants
                                           ADEDA.                                           on the Tourism           tourism information
                   − $5500 budget                                         Action Plan                                                        County.
                                        − Bay of                          (pending).
                                                                                            Strategy.                on Hants County.
                                        − Municipal
− Local
                                      Business    Key new
                                    − Municipal   resident                                   − Inquiries (#) for
               − Regional                                           − On-time completion
                                      Partners    populations                                  information on living    Attraction of migrants
People           Promotion                                            of milestones and
                                    − DoL&WD      as defined in                                / working in Hants       (#) & immigrants (#) to
Marketing        Officer (25%)                                        deliverables defined
                                    − NSERD       People                                       County (including        Hants County.
               − $5500 budget                     Strategy
                                                                      in People Strategy.
                                    − JRC,                                                     immigration).
                                      Future-     (pending).

               − Community
                                                  All target                                                            Target populations
                                                  groups            − Launch of              − Increase in hits to      have efficient access to
HantsCounty-     Officer (5%)      Not
                                                  defined in          redesigned website       information on           information on Hants
.com Website   − Regional          applicable
                                                  other                                                                 County and the Hants
                                                                      in summer 2009. (#)
                 Promotion                        activities.                                                           RDA.
                 Officer (5%)

                                    − Town of
                                      Hantsport   Hants West                                 − Resolution of
Hants West      Funded on a
                                    − Town of     Municipalities    − Business Park            investment readiness
Investment      project basis at
                                      Windsor                         feasibility study.       deficits (# issues
Readiness       $89,400,
                                    − Municipal   Prospective       − Community Profiles       resolved from NSBI’s     Attraction of businesses
Project         including an
                                      -ity of     business          − MOU on joint             checklist).              (#) to Hants West.
(special        Readiness
                                      West        investors in        business attraction    − Inquiries (#) for
                                      Hants       key sectors (to     activities.              business investment
project)        Officer”.
                                    − NSERD       be defined).                                 in Hants West.
                                    − NSBI

                                                                                                             Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010   |   11
GOAL: To help Hants County’s most-valuable and most-growable businesses develop the capacity to create and sustain quality employment.
                   DIRECT COSTS /                      TIMELINE      TARGET                                    OUTCOMES (Short                  OUTCOMES (Long
ACTIVITY                              PARTNERS                                        OUTPUTS
                   RESOURCES                       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GROUPS                                          Term)                            Term)
                                      − Municipal
                                        Partners                                      Direct support to 48
                   − Business                                                         key businesses:          Resolution of business
                                      − NSBI                         “Most
                     Retention &
                                                                     Valuable” and      − Client Consult.      opportunities and
                     Expansion        − ACOA                                                                   challenges:                      Creation and
Business                                                             “Most                 Time (hrs)
                     Officer (100%)   − NSERD                                                                    − Client satisfaction
                                                                                                                                                maintenance of quality
Retention &                                                          Growable”          − Partner Referrals
Expansion          − $1500 for client − CBDC                         businesses in                                  (score)
                                                                                                                                                employment (#) and tax
                                                                                           (#)                                                  assessment ($).
                     recognition        Hants-                       key                                         − Client Impact (%
                     events and         Kings                        industries.1     Partnership meetings          significant)
                     projects.        − LAT                                           (#)
                                      − Hants
                                        West                                                                   − Business directory
                   − Operations Mgr                                  Hants County − Upgraded web-
                                        Municipal                                                                records updated (#).
Business             (5%)                                            businesses         based business                                          Increased local retail
                                        Partners                                                               − Hits (#) to information
Directory          − $4000                                           and                directory, with                                         sales ($).
                                      − WHCC,                        consumers.                                  on Hants County
                     consulting fees                                                    municipal portals.
                                        EHDCC,                                                                   businesses.

                                                                                            support to:              − Local businesses
                                                                           Hants County                                profiled at shows (#).
                 − Operations Mgr      − EHDCC                                              − EH Business Expo,
Buy Local                                                                  businesses                                − Show attendees (#)       Increased local retail
                   (5%)                − WHCC                                               − HABA Trade Expo,
Events                                                                     and                                         exposed to               sales ($).
                 − $500                − HABA                              consumers.
                                                                                                                       information on Hants
                                                                                            − WH Chamber
                                                                                                                       County businesses.
                                                                                              Christmas Show.

                                                                                                                     Indirect support &
                                                                                                                     knowledge transfer to
                                                                                                                     small business:
                 − Operations Mgr                                                                                    − Guides distributed or
                   (5%)                − ACSBE                                              − Six small business       downloaded (#).          Creation and
Small Business                                                             Hants County
Clinic &         − $2500 budget        − CBDC                              entrepreneurs
                                                                                                                     − Workshop
                                                                                                                                                maintenance of quality
Guides             (includes $500        Hants-                            .                − Updated small            participants (#).
                                                                                                                                                employment (#) and tax
                   in participant        Kings                                                business guidebook.                               assessment ($).
                                                                                                                     − Client satisfaction
                                                                                                                     − Client impact (%

1Key Industries (from the 2008-2011 strategic plan): Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, Life Sciences Mfg., Building Supplies Mfg., Technology Mfg., Environmental Products
Mfg., Tourism, and Professional Consulting.
GOAL: To help Hants County’s communities develop the capacity to address their most pressing opportunities and challenges.
                   DIRECT COSTS /                      TIMELINE        TARGET                                    OUTCOMES (Short               OUTCOMES (Long
ACTIVITY                            PARTNERS                                            OUTPUTS
                   RESOURCES                       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GROUPS                                            Term)                         Term)
                                                                                                                   Resolution of
                                                                         Community        Direct support to 30
                                                                                                                   community group             Resolution of Hants
                                      −   ACOA                           groups that      key organizations /
Community                                                                                                          opportunities and           County’s most pressing
                 − Community          −   NSERD                          address most     projects:
Development                                                                                                        challenges:                 community
                   Development        −   DoTCH                          pressing          − Client Consult.
Project/Client                                                                                                       − Client satisfaction     opportunities and
                   Officer (90%)      −   DoHP                           opportunities        Time (hrs)
Support                                                                                                                (score)                 challenges (# projects
                                      −   DCS                            and               − Partner Referrals
                                                                         challenges.2                                − Client Impact (%        closed).

                                                                                          − Updated volunteer /    Indirect support &
                                                                                            not-for-profit         knowledge transfer to
                                                                                            resource guide.        not-for-profits:
                                      −   ACOA                                                                     − Guides distributed or     Increased Resolution of
                                                                                          − Updated not-for-
Community        − Community                                             Hants County                                                          Hants County’s most
                                      −   NSERD                                             profit funding scan      downloaded (#).
Development        Development                                           voluntary /                                                           pressing community
                                      −   DoTCH                                             guide.                 − Workshop
Clinic &           Officer (5%)                                          not-for-profit                                                        opportunities and
                                      −   DoHP                                            − Two free expert          participants (#).
Guides           − $1000 budget                                          organizations.                                                        challenges (# projects
                                      −   DCS                                               workshops (eg.         − Client satisfaction       closed).
                                                                                            fundraising,             (score).
                                                                                            governance, legal,     − Client impact (%
                                                                                            marketing).              significant).

GOAL: To help Hants County’s key advocates influence policy changes that support the region’s sustainable prosperity.
                   DIRECT COSTS /                       TIMELINE        TARGET                                    OUTCOMES (Short              OUTCOMES (Long
ACTIVITY                             PARTNERS                                            OUTPUTS
                   RESOURCES                         Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GROUPS                                           Term)                        Term)
                                     − Mining                                            − Advocacy alliances
                                                                                                                  Key advocates receive
                                        Industry                                           with key partners.
                                                                                                                  critical information on      Key advocates
Information                             Assoc.                                           − “State of the          Hants County’s policy        influence policy
and Evidence       − Executive                                          Hants              Region” report,
                                     − Fed. of                                                                    needs:                       changes that support
to Hants             Director (10%)                                     County’s Key       based on BRE
                                        Ag.                                                                         − Client satisfaction      the region’s sustainable
County’s key       − $1000 budget                                       Advocates.3        records and socio-
                                     − TIANS                                                                           (score)                 prosperity (# reporting
advocates.                                                                                 economic trends.
                                     − EHALA                                                                        − Client Impact (%         action).
                                                                                         − Briefings (#) to key
                                     − HLN                                                                             significant)

2 Most pressing opportunities and challenges (from the 2008-2011 strategic plan): Tourism, Culture & Heritage; Community Inclusion (newcomers and disadvantaged
groups); and Literacy.
3 Key advocates (from the 2008-2011 strategic plan): Hants RDA Staff & Board; Elected Politicians (Councilors, MLAs, MP); Chambers of Commerce and Business

Associations; and the NS Association of RDAs.
                                                                                                                                    Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010   |   13
                                                         2008-2009        2008-2009        2009-2010
                                                          Budget         Year to Date       Budget
Government Contributions
  Government of Nova Scotia                                 137,000          102,750          150,000
  Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency                      137,000           60,332          150,000
  Municipality of East Hants                                 66,866           66,866           66,866
  Municipality of the Dist. of West Hants (1)                51,836           51,836           77,308
  Town of Hantsport (1)                                       4,448            4,448            9,378
  Town of Windsor (1)                                        13,851            6,926           24,533
Total Government Contributions                              411,000          293,157          478,084
Project Revenue
  Human Resource Revenue                                     26,000           21,079           21,917
  Special Projects Revenue (2)                                  100 -            100           41,083
  Marketing Project Revenue                                   6,500                -                -
  Project Administration Revenue                                400              231              500
Total Project Revenue                                        33,000           21,210           63,500
Cost Recovery Revenue
  Enterprise Centre of Hants County                           1,000                -            1,000
  Shared Office Equipment & Facilities                        1,200              635            2,500
Total Cost Recovery Revenue                                   2,200              635            3,500
TOTAL REVENUE                                               446,200          315,001          545,084
Operating Expenses
  Salaries, Benefits and Related Costs                      285,000          216,065          297,800
  Internet and Technical Support                              7,500            6,279            7,380
  Telephone                                                   8,000            6,772            7,800
  Cellular Telephone                                          6,000            2,440            4,000
  Office Rental and Utilities                                40,000           29,850           40,000
  Office Supplies                                             5,000            5,457            5,000
  Memberships                                                 5,500            6,116            5,900
  Staff Mileage & Travel                                     15,000            8,218           12,000
  Staff Meals and Accommodations                              2,500            1,338            5,000
  Board Meals and Accommodations                              2,000            1,770            2,000
  Training and Conferences                                    6,000            4,391            6,000
  Board Mileage                                               3,500            1,884            2,000
  Advertising & Marketing                                    12,000            4,107           23,000
  Accounting Administration Fee                              21,000           21,886           21,867
  Insurance                                                   2,500            1,640            1,640
  Professional Services                                       8,000           10,420           10,000
  Equipment Lease Contracts                                   6,300            4,537           11,500
  Capital Equipment Purchases                                   565 -              3                -
Total Operating Expenses                                    436,365          333,168          462,887
Project Expenses
  Municipal Project Expenses (3)                             14,836           10,000                -
  Special Project Expenses (2)                                     -               -           82,166
Total Project Expenses                                       14,836           10,000           82,166
TOTAL EXPENSES                                              451,200          343,168          545,053

SURPLUS / (DEFICIT)                                  -      5,000.00 -        28,166 -               31

1.) Budgeted revenue from Windsor, Hantsport and West Hants includes their base contributions plus the incremental “Investment Readiness” project.
2.) Special project revenue and expenses relate to the “Hants West Investment Readiness Project” which will be fully funded by the three municipal
    partners and others.
3.) Municipal leveraged projects were phased-out in the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
A. Organizational                       B. Communications Plan                    C. Highlights of 2008-2009
                                        GOAL                                      Looking back on the preceding year,
The Hants Regional Development                                                    we take considerable pride in a
Authority is a forward-looking          To demonstrate the Hants RDA’s            number of highlights, including:
organization established to support     results, build its brand, and drive its
and advance community economic          resource engine.                          −   A local business’ new joint
development in Hants County. From                                                     venture with a multinational
its offices in Windsor and Elsmdale,    DIRECT COSTS / RESOURCES                      company;
the Hants RDA works with                                                          −   Construction of the Sustainable
businesses, community groups and        −   Executive Director (10%)                  Fish Farming Canada
all three levels of government to       −   $5000 budget                              aquaculture facility;
champion the interests of Hants                                                   −   Start-up of a new equestrian and
County locally, regionally and          PARTNERS                                      winery business by American
internationally.                                                                      immigrants;
                                        −   NSARDA                                −   Implementation of the Hants
The Hants RDA is one of 13 Regional     −   Neighbouring RDAs                         County Small Business Clinic;
Development Authorities in Nova         −   Local Newspapers                      −   A visit by Premier MacDonald to
Scotia. It was duly incorporated                                                      businesses and communities in
pursuant to the Regional Community      TARGET GROUPS                                 East Hants;
Development Act (S.N.S., 1996, c.29)                                              −   An interpretive centre plan and
by Ministerial Order dated August 11,   −   Government Investors                      initial trail construction at the
1997.                                   −   Target clients & prospects                Cheverie Salt Marsh Restoration
                                        −   Key Partners                              Site;
Governed by a volunteer board of                                                  −   The 2nd Annual 84th Regiment
directors, the agency receives                                                        Homecoming;
funding from the municipalities of
                                                                                  −   Start-up of the Planters 250th
East Hants, West Hants, Windsor, and
Hantsport; the Atlantic Canada          −   Annual General Meeting                    Anniversary Project;
Opportunities Agency; and the           −   Annual Report (plus subsequent        −   The 2nd Annual Hants County
provincial departments of Economic          presentations and media                   Arts Council “Festival of Art”;
& Rural Development and                     relations).                           −   $675,000 in funding for a major
Community Services.                     −   Annual Performance Review                 expansion of the Windsor Day
                                            report and presentations.                 Care;
The Hants RDA’s vision, mission and     −   Quarterly performance scorecard       −   A Downtown & Waterfront
values statement can be found on            reports.                                  Revitalization Session with key
pages 4-5 of this business plan.        −   Bi-weekly news pieces.                    stakeholders in the Town of
                                        −   Client success story advertising          Windsor;
                                            projects.                             −   Establishment of the Halifax
                                                                                      International Marketing Alliance;
                                        OUTCOME (Short Term)                      −   Establishment of a peer
                                                                                      networking partnership with
                                        Increased awareness of Hants RDA’s            Kings CED and ADEDA;
                                        impacts through earned media (# of        −   A People Strategy for Hants
                                        articles).                                    County; and
                                                                                  −   A new Strategic Tourism Action
                                        OUTCOME (Long Term)                           Plan for Hants County;

                                        Continued commitment to Hants
                                        RDA’s success (approval of funding        D. In-House Financial
                                        year-over-year, continued
                                        engagement with Hants RDA).
                                                                                  See columns 1 & 2 on page 14.

                                                                                      Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010   |   15

  East Hants Resource Centre
 Suite 200-1, 15 Commerce Court
       Elmsdale, NS B2S 3K5
        Fax: (902) 883-3024

Enterprise Centre of Hants County
    Box 2313, 80 Water Street
       Windsor, NS B0N 2T0
        Fax: (902) 798-3254

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Hants RDA Business Plan 2009 2010

  • 1. Connect Hants RDA Business Plan 2009 - 2010 Revised April 1, 2009
  • 2. CONTENTS ACRONYMS Executive Summary 3 ACOA Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency ACSBE Acadia Centre of Social & Vision 4 Business Entrepreneurship Shared Vision 4 ADEDA Annapolis Digby Economic Shared Values 5 Development Agency Shared Purpose 5 BoFT Bay of Fundy Tourism Partnership Operational Environment 6 BR + E Business Retention & Expansion CBDC Community Business Regional Analysis 6 Development Corporation Opportunities and Barriers 7 CED Community Economic Development Organizational Effectiveness 8 CNTA Central Nova Tourism Focus & Performance 8 Association Human Resources 8 CoRDA Colchester Regional Partnerships 8 Development Agency CWB Centre for Women in Business DCS Department of Community Strategic Initiatives 9 Services Strategy 9 DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs & Evaluation Framework 9 International Trade Regional Promotion 10 DSWNA Destination Southwest Nova Business Development 12 Association Community Development 13 DoHP Department of Health Promotion Advocacy 13 DoL & WD Department of Labour & Workforce Development Operating Budget 14 DoTCH Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage Appendices 15 EHALA East Hants Adult Learning Assoc. Organizational Overview 15 EHDCC East Hants & Districts Chamber of Commerce Communications Plan 15 GHP Greater Halifax Partnership Highlights of 2008-2009 15 HABA Hantsport and Area Business Financial Statement 15 Association HLN Hants Learning Network JRC Job Resource Centre Kings CED Kings Community Economic Development Agency LQRDA Lunenburg Queens RDA MEH Municipality of East Hants MWH Municipality of the District of West Hants NSARDA Nova Scotia Association of Regional Development Authorities NSBI Nova Scotia Business Inc. NSCC Nova Scotia Community College NSERD Nova Scotia Economic and Rural Development NSNP Nova Scotia Nominee Program RDA Regional Development Authority SWSDA South West Shore Development Authority TIANS Tourism Industry Assoc. of NS ToH Town of Hantsport ToW Town of Windsor VIC Visitor Information Centre WHCC West Hants Chamber of Commerce 2 | Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010
  • 3. 1 EXECUTIVE SUM MMARY This i going to be a difficult yea for Hants Co is ar ounty’s econo omy, as it will b be aroun the world. However, the bottom of th economic c nd e his cycle is a greatt oppoortunity to foc invest and get aggressiv on econom development. cus, d ve mic The HHants RDA’s 2009-2010 bus siness plan has been design to create n s ned new value for its munic e cipal investors This plan proposes an est s. timated $607,000 in value toward regio e onal economic developmen in Hants Co c nt ounty, includin ng partnnership resourrces. It is based upon a reneewed commitment to our in nvestors' priorities, and an o on-going commitment towa achieving sustainable p ard prosperity for Hants County. This b business plan covers the seecond year of t Hants RDA strategic p the A’s plan, “Connected. 2008- -2011.” The pa year has se changes that align our ast een organnization to the new strategy and help us achieve new levels of perfo e ormance. Unde the leadersh of our 12 volunteer dire er hip v ectors, we hav ignited a ne ve ew purpose for the Ha ants RDA: as a connector su upporting a we of partners and eb s client This purpose is expresse through alig ts. ed gnment to fou core service ur es: Regioonal Promoti ion, Business Developmen Communit Development, and nt, ty Advo ocacy. The c coming fiscal y year will see Hants County “get aggressiv on econom H ve” mic development. High hlights of the plan include: − Engaging in an internationa marketing a E n al alliance to attr ract businesse and es im mmigrants, in partnership with our neighboring RDAs n w s. − Beginning a ca B ampaign to bu our workf uild force through people attrac h ction and retention. r − Renewing our long-standing efforts to increase tourism in the count R m ty. − Increasing the number of businesses we support throu our business e ugh retention and expansion program, in resp r ponse to the e economic slow wdown. − Providing brie P efings on the economy and local business trends to mu e s unicipal councils and o c other key advoocates. Over the coming yyear, the Hants RDA’s success will be driven by strategi s ic partn nerships with a wide array of organization including g o ns, government a other and RDAs With the sup s. pport of these partners, we plan to make tangible e e contr ributions towa Hants Cou ard unty’s sustaina able prosperitty. Ryan MacNeil, BBA MAES n A, Execu utive Director r Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010 | 3
  • 4. 2 VISION 2.1 Shared Vision Two years ago, we set out to find a Throughout our strategic planning fresh focus for the Hants RDA. We consultations, we heard stories of consulted our clients, neighbours people moving to Hants County to and community leaders by “escape” urban life. People told us travelling throughout Hants County. that they choose to live here to be closer to nature and the ocean, to Six community consultations maintain family ties, and to live at a captured the public's vision for this sustainable pace. Over the coming region. These sessions were held in years Hants County can become Vision Statement Falmouth, Milford, Vaughan, Selma, even more of a haven from Summerville, and Mount Uniacke. adrenalin soaked cities. It can be the "Sustainable prosperity Forty individuals shared their place where people reconnect to for Hants County." life. perspective on the region's challenges and opportunities. At the same time, Hants County can In September, we joined with the be a place where entrepreneurs Hants Action Team (a federal / connect to a different kind of provincial working group) to business climate. We can solidify consult with key not-for-profit our appeal to larger companies that organizations from across the seek transportation infrastructure, county. We also began extensive proximity to the airport, and consultations with key partners and talented workers. These will be all four municipalities. These advanced manufacturing consultations culminated in a companies that add value to our "community leaders discussion abundant natural resources while paper." Feedback on the discussion recycling one-another's waste (like paper was received from councilors Shaw Resources and Minas Basin do in all four municipalities. today). But we will also see the Throughout these consultations, we emergence of the "lifestyle worked diligently toward the entrepreneur". These individuals completion of our "business will choose to live in Hants County retention and expansion" pilot and establish knowledge-based, project. By December 2007, we globally-competitive small were able draw to upon the businesses. opinions of nearly 50 CEOs and business owners. Meanwhile, young people will be succeeding baby boomers at the The Hants RDA staff and board helm of Hants County's businesses reviewed the results of these and farms. We will all make an effort consultations. Staff held a number to buy local products, especially of strategy discussions from August local food. And visitors will travel 2007 to January 2008. The board here from around the globe to devoted time to strategic planning experience Nova Scotia's star at each meeting from August 2007 attraction: the Bay of Fundy. to March 2008. As a result, the board approved the principles of a Local residents envision an new strategy at its February 2008 economically prosperous and meeting, and approved the plan socially vibrant Hants County. They “Connected” in March 2008. focus, not on the quantity, but on the quality of what we have. 4 | Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010
  • 5. 2.2 Shared Values 2.3 Shared Purpose The world is currently asking itself The Hants RDA is one of 13 Regional what genuine progress looks like. Development Authorities in Nova We know, for instance, that some of Scotia. It was incorporated in 1997 under the Regional Community the “economic growth” we have Development Act. Governed by a experienced over the past decades volunteer board of directors, we has been at the expense of society receive funding from the and the environment. Economic municipalities of East Hants, West “growth” has meant simply “more.” Hants, Windsor, and Hantsport; the Values Statement However, economic "development” Atlantic Canada Opportunities "We value genuine progress that connects implies that our economy can also Agency; and the provincial social/cultural diversity and environmental departments of Economic stewardship with economic growth." evolve in a qualitative way. Development and Community Services. When RDAs were formed 10 years Mission Statement ago, Nova Scotia adopted a new For ten years, the Hants RDA has "To make the connections that help Hants definition of “development”: been facilitating community and County achieve sustainable prosperity." business development in Hants ...economic, social and County. Our clients have built and institutional change brought maintained facilities, celebrated our about by a broadly representative culture and heritage, and employed community process aimed at our neighbours. They have made significant contributions to the improving the community as a social and economic development better place to live and work of Hants County. And we have been (Regional Community proud to help them move from Development Act, Nova Scotia vision to reality. Statutes, 1994). Through meetings with our clients, The concept of sustainable neighbours, and community development had appeared on the leaders, we have now refreshed our global stage long before RDAs were own vision for the future. We have found a shared desire for created. It has, however, only fully connectedness. We were told that made its way to Nova Scotia in the community connections make our past few years. Sustainable rural lifestyle distinct, and business development means more than connections make our economy “environmentally friendly” strong and flexible. development. According to the United Nations, The Hants RDA is now focused on making connections. We connect new tourists, residents and "Sustainable development is entrepreneurs to Hants County development that meets the needs through Regional Promotion. We of the present without connect our clients to new skills and compromising the ability of future resources through Community generations to meet their own Development and Business needs" (United Nations Development. And we connect Brundtland Commission, 1987). Hants County to outside decision makers through Advocacy. Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010 | 5
  • 6. 3 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT HEADLINE INDICATORS (FP Markets, 2008) 3.1 Regional Analysis Population: 43,040 Hants County is located on the Bay needs, a range of skills and Households: 16,756 of Fundy in the centre of mainland qualifications were identified, for Avg. Household Inc: $57,422 Nova Scotia. With four example field workers for seasonal Retail Sales: $377.6 m municipalities (East Hants, West operations, technical workers like Hants, and the Towns of Windsor those skilled in computer-assisted and Hantsport) the county benefits design or diesel mechanics, from a diversified economy and professional workers like chemists slight population growth. Headline and engineers. POPULATION DISTRIBUTION (2008) economic indicators are reported in the table and charts to the left. Shifting Economy 70 years + 65 to 69 years 60 to 64 years Population Hants County, like its neighbours, 55 to 59 years has traditionally been a resource- 50 to 54 years The 2006 census shows a total based economy, particularly in 45 to 49 years population of 41,182, up 1.7% from agriculture. Although agriculture 40 to 44 years 35 to 39 years the 2001 census. Projections for and agri-food processing remain 30 to 34 years 2008 (Financial Post) put the significant economic drivers, other 25 to 29 years county’s present population at industries have begun to take root. 20 to 24 years 43,040. As is the same for most While manufacturing still employs a 15 to 19 years jurisdictions, Hants County’s significant number of people in 10 to 14 years 5 to 9 years population is aging, with a large Hants County, retail trade and 0 to 4 years proportion of its population construction are the two largest between the ages of 40 – 54. sectors of employment. -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 Female Male The census shows that 5,335 people A shift-and-share analysis (provided who lived elsewhere in 2001 moved by NSBI), indicates that Hants Source: FP Markets 2008 to Hants County. Of these, the vast County’s largest shifts have been majority (4,105 people) moved from toward professional services, elsewhere in Nova Scotia. Attracting manufacturing, services, and retail and retaining immigrants remains a trade. There has been a relative shift challenge. The 2006 census shows away from employment in utilities, 1,540 immigrants. However, only information and cultural industries, 355 of these people would be real estate, and public considered recent immigrants, administration. having settled in Hants County between 1991 – 2006. This Infrastructure represents fewer than 25 immigrants per year. Both sides of the county continue to have challenges surrounding the Workforce imbalance in growth of the commercial versus residential tax There were 20,361 people in the bases. While municipalities are labour force in Hants County in increasingly challenged to attract 2006. Hants County showed an new business, infrastructure unemployment rate of 7.9%, and a limitations on the East side, and a labour participation rate of 63.6%. lack of industrial lands on the West This compared with a provincial side, are a continued weakness. As unemployment rate of 9.1% and the demand for infrastructure – labour participation rate of 62.9%. particularly water and sewer – continues to grow in both rural and Participants in the Hants County urban areas, municipalities are also Business Retention and Expansion being challenged to address other (BRE) initiative indicate a fair infrastructure needs, like the need amount of satisfaction with the for public transportation, and public workforce. In terms of workforce recreational facilities.
  • 7. 3.2 Opportunities and Hants County Social Fabric Barriers Population Estimates 2005 - 2008 Literacy concerns and the growing The Hants RDA engages in a inequity felt by the least wealthy continuous assessment of the members of the community also 2005 42500 opportunities and barriers to have a negative impact on the community economic development social health of Hants County. The in the county. On-going BR+E rural-urban juxtaposition of services 2006 42600 efforts continue to highlight five in the County also affects service recurring trends: Understanding provision – and it often hinders the the Workforce; Employee 2007 County’s ability to bring together a 42700 Attraction; Investment Readiness; unified voice on key issues. Environmental Opportunities; and Succession Planning. Over the 2008 43040 Economic Slowdown past year, workforce challenges (including hiring challenges and Like other parts of Nova Scotia and layoffs) held particular significance Source: FP Markets 2005 - 2008 Canada, the Hants County economy in BR+E efforts. is currently experiencing a downturn. Leading employers have Through strategic planning been forced to lay-off workers, or Hants County consultations in 2007-2008, the Avg. Household Income temporarily shut down production Hants RDA identified five key 2005 - 2008 in order to remain competitive. external factors that are affecting Sectors most at risk include primary Hants County’s economic resources, manufacturing and prosperity: Population, tourism. 2005 Environment, Globalization, $52,900 Urbanization, and Infrastructure. Economists predict the effects of Hants County residents see these the global downturn will be external pressures are as both moderated in Nova Scotia. At 3.4%, challenges and opportunities. 2006 $53,200 the inflation rate is roughly a third Details can be found in the 2008- of what it was during the 1980s. 2009 business plan. Government finances continue to be strong. According to the 2007 Conference Board of Canada, GDP $57,200 growth will be a 0.7% this year, compared to 2.7% in 2007, and 3.1% in 2006. Canada will see virtually no job growth in 2009. 2008 $57,422 In spite of the global slowdown and its significant local impacts, the Source: FP Markets 2005 - 2008 region is still experiencing successes that deserve to be celebrated. Companies such as Cobham Tracking & Locating (formerly Orion Electronics) and Shaw Pipe have landed multi- million dollar contracts. Calgary- based Triangle Petroleum is continuing its shale gas exploration program in East Hants and pumping millions into the local economy. Major infrastructure improvements such as the twinning of Highway 101 are poised to give Hants County unprecedented access to Halifax and the global gateway. Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010 | 7
  • 8. 4 ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS 4.1 Focus & Performance 4.2 Human Resources The Hants RDA’s 2008-2011 The Hants RDA derives its core Strategic Plan (“Connected.”) strength from the work of talented focuses the organization on four employees and volunteers. In 2008- core services: Regional Promotion, 2009, the Hants RDA implemented a Business Development, new approach to staff training and Community Development, and development. For each position, we STAFF Advocacy. The strategic plan brings identified the competencies and this fresh operational focus while attributes we will need to deliver Ryan MacNeil, BBA, MAES addressing funder expectations and our four core services. A particularly Executive Director mapping out a path to genuine effective approach to staff Pat Gould-Thorpe, BSc, BEng progress for Hants County. development has been quarterly Community Development Officer peer meetings with Kings CED and In 2008-2009, the Hants RDA ADEDA. The Hants RDA has also Wendy Aird, BA, MBA Business Retention & Expansion Officer introduced a new internal structure begun to participate in NSARDA’s in response to our strategic plan. peer development days. For 2009- Viorica Sporea, BA, CITP Development Officer positions have 2010, six percent of staff time Regional Promotion Officer been aligned to the new Regional (approximately 585 hours) has been Chantelle Marshall, BA Promotion, Business Development targeted as an investment in Operations Manager and Community Development learning and growth. goals. The administrative portfolio Jane Crosby, BA, FTT Assistant Development Officer was refined to an “Operations 4.3 Partnerships Manager” handling the RDA’s operations and logistics. Priorities The Hants RDA's strategic plan, BOARD for Executive Director role have "Connected." recognizes the vital been shifted from internal focus on role of partnership in achieving Rick Gaudet, Chair projects to an external advocacy sustainable prosperity for our and communications focus. region. The Hants RDA relies on Jim Smith, Vice-Chair strong partnerships across the During the past year, the Hants RDA county, and throughout the Laurie Murley, Treasurer also made a commitment to the province, to achieve our regional Mike Bishop, Director NSARDA performance-based vision. To this end we have made funding model and created a "partnership strength" one of the John Bregante, Director balanced scorecard within its ISO key performance indicators in our Margot Bureaux, Director 9001:2000 quality management balanced scorecard. system. The scorecard has helped Beth Caldwell, Director align the organization to its new In September 2008 we conducted strategy, by examining the four our first annual survey to gauge the Shannon Cunningham, Director product areas and two strength of our partnerships and Gordon Dickie, Director competencies (human resources identify ways to strengthen our and partnerships) through the network of partners. The survey Creelman MacArthur, Director standard five scorecard reached 18 of our closest Beth McNeill, Director perspectives. community partners. The headline result was 3.9 points out of 5.0 on Brian Banks, Board Advisor The RDA Performance Review Team partnership strength. Through the concluded that the Hants RDA “met survey, partners also reported that Roger Gerrard, Board Advisor expectations” at its annual their partnerships with the Hants Wendy Keen, Board Advisor performance review in November RDA contribute to the region’s 2008. No recommendations for sustainable prosperity (33% improvement were provided by the strongly agreed; 44% agreed; and review team. 22% somewhat agreed).
  • 9. 5 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 5.1 Strategy Business The Hants RDA has adopted a four- In October 2008, the Hants RDA Development part strategy to support community introduced its first quarterly economic development in Hants “performance scorecard”. These Regional County (see the strategy model new quarterly reports build upon Promotion Advocacy diagram and goals to the right). the RDA’s ISO quality management system to provide the board, Community 5.2 Evaluation Framework funders, and stakeholders with Development reliable and balanced information The Hants RDA is committed to on the organization’s performance. transparency and accountability. A The Hants RDA is the only RDA in variety of measures are taken to Nova Scotia using the balanced Strategic Goals promote good governance and scorecard framework to report provide accountability back to the performance on a quarterly basis. To attract tourists, residents and entrepreneurs to Hants County. RDA’s government investors. Beginning April 1, 2009, these To help Hants County’s most-valuable and The Hants RDA is an ISO 9001:2000 quarterly reports will be submitted most-growable businesses develop the registered organization. This means to all seven government investors capacity to create and sustain quality and released publicly as a new employment. that we have adopted policies and procedures that meet international means of accountability. The Hants To help Hants County’s communities standards for continuous quality RDA's government investors will be develop the capacity to address their most improvement. Our ISO registration able to monitor the RDA’s service pressing opportunities and challenges. is maintained through an annual performance, and track the return To help Hants County’s key advocates external audit of the Hants RDA’s on their investment, through these influence policy changes that support the operations. quarterly performance reports. region’s sustainable prosperity. Scorecard targets for 2009-2010 are outlined below. PERFORMANCE SCORECARD TARGETS 2009-2010 MISSION PERSPECTIVE 2008-2009 (YTD) TARGETS (09-10) Average Household Income ($) $57,422 $57,966 CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE 2008-2009 (YTD) TARGETS (09-10) Average Client Satisfaction (# out of 5) 4.8 4.0 Clients Reporting a Tangible Impact (%) 50% 1 75% FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE 2008-2009 (YTD) TARGETS (09-10) Funder evaluation score (# out of 12) 7–9 2 10 Return on Municipal Investment (per $1) $3.29 $3.63 Budget expenditures variance (%) -4.6% 0.0% PROCESS PERSPECTIVE 2008-2009 (YTD) TARGETS (09-10) Client Consultation Time (hours) no benchmark 2500 On-time Performance (% of targets complete) no benchmark 100% Referrals to Partner Agencies (#) 251 90 Marketing Conversion (% of inquiries realized) no benchmark 5% LEARNING & GROWTH PERSPECTIVE 2008-2009 (YTD) TARGETS (09-10) Employee Development Time (hours) 482 3 585 Average Partnership Strength (# out of 5) 43.9 4.0 1.) The 2008-2009 benchmark is based on BR+E results only. 2.) The score is in the range of 7-9 points, but has not yet been provided. 3.) The 2008-2009 benchmark is an estimate. Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010 | 9
  • 10. 5.3 ACTIVITIES IN REGIONAL PROMOTION GOAL: To attract tourists, residents and entrepreneurs to Hants County. DIRECT COSTS / TIMELINE TARGET OUTCOMES (Short OUTCOMES (Long ACTIVITY PARTNERS OUTPUTS RESOURCES Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GROUPS Term) Term) − Regional − GHP Potential new Promotion − CoRDA − Alliance MOU Officer (20%) business − Kings − International investors and − Inquiries (#) for − $5000 CED Marketing Alliance immigrants in immigration to Hants Attraction of International contribution communications − LQ RDA sectors and County. immigrants (#) and Marketing − $5000 extra collateral (web and Alliance − DFAIT geographic − Inquiries (#) for businesses (#) to Hants travel print) − NSERD markets business investment County. − Partnered identified − Participation in 4 − NSBI in Hants County. resources through the international trade estimated at − Municipal shows. Partners partnership. $157,000 − NSBI − Property profile − Hants − Web-based − Regional information accessed Improved service on West commercial Commercial Promotion Potential by prospective investment inquiries, Municipal property inventory. Property Officer (5%) business investors (# hits). leading to attraction of Partners − Protocol for updates Inventory − $2500 investors. − Inquiries (#) for businesses (#) to Hants − Realtors to database from County. consulting fees business investment − Property various partners. in Hants County. Owners − DoTCH − CNTA and DSWNS − CoRDA, Kings Key tourist CED, − On-time completion − Partnership approach − Regional populations Attraction of tourists CREDA of milestones and to tourism marketing. Tourism Promotion as defined in (measured in tourism Marketing Officer (45%) and Tourism deliverables based − Inquiries (#) for revenue $) to Hants ADEDA. on the Tourism tourism information − $5500 budget Action Plan County. − Bay of (pending). Strategy. on Hants County. Fundy Tourism Part. − Municipal Partners
  • 11. − Local Business Key new − Municipal resident − Inquiries (#) for − Regional − On-time completion Partners populations information on living Attraction of migrants People Promotion of milestones and − DoL&WD as defined in / working in Hants (#) & immigrants (#) to Marketing Officer (25%) deliverables defined − NSERD People County (including Hants County. − $5500 budget Strategy in People Strategy. − JRC, immigration). Future- (pending). Worx − Community All target Target populations Development groups − Launch of − Increase in hits to have efficient access to HantsCounty- Officer (5%) Not defined in redesigned website information on information on Hants .com Website − Regional applicable other County and the Hants in summer 2009. (#) Promotion activities. RDA. Officer (5%) − Town of Hantsport Hants West − Resolution of Hants West Funded on a − Town of Municipalities − Business Park investment readiness Investment project basis at Windsor feasibility study. deficits (# issues Readiness $89,400, − Municipal Prospective − Community Profiles resolved from NSBI’s Attraction of businesses Project including an -ity of business − MOU on joint checklist). (#) to Hants West. “Investment (special Readiness West investors in business attraction − Inquiries (#) for Hants key sectors (to activities. business investment project) Officer”. − NSERD be defined). in Hants West. − NSBI Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010 | 11
  • 12. 5.4 ACTIVITIES IN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GOAL: To help Hants County’s most-valuable and most-growable businesses develop the capacity to create and sustain quality employment. DIRECT COSTS / TIMELINE TARGET OUTCOMES (Short OUTCOMES (Long ACTIVITY PARTNERS OUTPUTS RESOURCES Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GROUPS Term) Term) − Municipal Partners Direct support to 48 − Business key businesses: Resolution of business − NSBI “Most Retention & Valuable” and − Client Consult. opportunities and Expansion − ACOA challenges: Creation and Business “Most Time (hrs) Officer (100%) − NSERD − Client satisfaction maintenance of quality Retention & Growable” − Partner Referrals Expansion − $1500 for client − CBDC businesses in (score) employment (#) and tax (#) assessment ($). recognition Hants- key − Client Impact (% events and Kings industries.1 Partnership meetings significant) projects. − LAT (#) Members − Hants West − Business directory − Operations Mgr Hants County − Upgraded web- Municipal records updated (#). Business (5%) businesses based business Increased local retail Partners − Hits (#) to information Directory − $4000 and directory, with sales ($). − WHCC, consumers. on Hants County consulting fees municipal portals. EHDCC, businesses. HABA Financial/admin support to: − Local businesses Hants County profiled at shows (#). − Operations Mgr − EHDCC − EH Business Expo, Buy Local businesses − Show attendees (#) Increased local retail (5%) − WHCC − HABA Trade Expo, Events and exposed to sales ($). − $500 − HABA consumers. and information on Hants − WH Chamber County businesses. Christmas Show. Indirect support & knowledge transfer to small business: − Operations Mgr − Guides distributed or (5%) − ACSBE − Six small business downloaded (#). Creation and Small Business Hants County Clinic & − $2500 budget − CBDC entrepreneurs workshops. − Workshop maintenance of quality Guides (includes $500 Hants- . − Updated small participants (#). employment (#) and tax in participant Kings business guidebook. assessment ($). − Client satisfaction fees) (score). − Client impact (% significant). 1Key Industries (from the 2008-2011 strategic plan): Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, Life Sciences Mfg., Building Supplies Mfg., Technology Mfg., Environmental Products Mfg., Tourism, and Professional Consulting.
  • 13. 5.5 ACTIVITIES IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOAL: To help Hants County’s communities develop the capacity to address their most pressing opportunities and challenges. DIRECT COSTS / TIMELINE TARGET OUTCOMES (Short OUTCOMES (Long ACTIVITY PARTNERS OUTPUTS RESOURCES Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GROUPS Term) Term) Resolution of Community Direct support to 30 community group Resolution of Hants − ACOA groups that key organizations / Community opportunities and County’s most pressing − Community − NSERD address most projects: Development challenges: community Development − DoTCH pressing − Client Consult. Project/Client − Client satisfaction opportunities and Officer (90%) − DoHP opportunities Time (hrs) Support (score) challenges (# projects − DCS and − Partner Referrals challenges.2 − Client Impact (% closed). (#) significant) − Updated volunteer / Indirect support & not-for-profit knowledge transfer to resource guide. not-for-profits: − ACOA − Guides distributed or Increased Resolution of − Updated not-for- Community − Community Hants County Hants County’s most − NSERD profit funding scan downloaded (#). Development Development voluntary / pressing community − DoTCH guide. − Workshop Clinic & Officer (5%) not-for-profit opportunities and − DoHP − Two free expert participants (#). Guides − $1000 budget organizations. challenges (# projects − DCS workshops (eg. − Client satisfaction closed). fundraising, (score). governance, legal, − Client impact (% marketing). significant). 5.6 ACTIVITIES IN ADVOCACY GOAL: To help Hants County’s key advocates influence policy changes that support the region’s sustainable prosperity. DIRECT COSTS / TIMELINE TARGET OUTCOMES (Short OUTCOMES (Long ACTIVITY PARTNERS OUTPUTS RESOURCES Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 GROUPS Term) Term) − Mining − Advocacy alliances Key advocates receive Industry with key partners. critical information on Key advocates Information Assoc. − “State of the Hants County’s policy influence policy and Evidence − Executive Hants Region” report, − Fed. of needs: changes that support to Hants Director (10%) County’s Key based on BRE Ag. − Client satisfaction the region’s sustainable County’s key − $1000 budget Advocates.3 records and socio- − TIANS (score) prosperity (# reporting advocates. economic trends. − EHALA − Client Impact (% action). − Briefings (#) to key − HLN significant) advocates. 2 Most pressing opportunities and challenges (from the 2008-2011 strategic plan): Tourism, Culture & Heritage; Community Inclusion (newcomers and disadvantaged groups); and Literacy. 3 Key advocates (from the 2008-2011 strategic plan): Hants RDA Staff & Board; Elected Politicians (Councilors, MLAs, MP); Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations; and the NS Association of RDAs. Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010 | 13
  • 14. 6 OPERATING BUDGET 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 Budget Year to Date Budget REVENUE Government Contributions Government of Nova Scotia 137,000 102,750 150,000 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 137,000 60,332 150,000 Municipality of East Hants 66,866 66,866 66,866 Municipality of the Dist. of West Hants (1) 51,836 51,836 77,308 Town of Hantsport (1) 4,448 4,448 9,378 Town of Windsor (1) 13,851 6,926 24,533 Total Government Contributions 411,000 293,157 478,084 Project Revenue Human Resource Revenue 26,000 21,079 21,917 Special Projects Revenue (2) 100 - 100 41,083 Marketing Project Revenue 6,500 - - Project Administration Revenue 400 231 500 Total Project Revenue 33,000 21,210 63,500 Cost Recovery Revenue Enterprise Centre of Hants County 1,000 - 1,000 Shared Office Equipment & Facilities 1,200 635 2,500 Total Cost Recovery Revenue 2,200 635 3,500 TOTAL REVENUE 446,200 315,001 545,084 EXPENSES Operating Expenses Salaries, Benefits and Related Costs 285,000 216,065 297,800 Internet and Technical Support 7,500 6,279 7,380 Telephone 8,000 6,772 7,800 Cellular Telephone 6,000 2,440 4,000 Office Rental and Utilities 40,000 29,850 40,000 Office Supplies 5,000 5,457 5,000 Memberships 5,500 6,116 5,900 Staff Mileage & Travel 15,000 8,218 12,000 Staff Meals and Accommodations 2,500 1,338 5,000 Board Meals and Accommodations 2,000 1,770 2,000 Training and Conferences 6,000 4,391 6,000 Board Mileage 3,500 1,884 2,000 Advertising & Marketing 12,000 4,107 23,000 Accounting Administration Fee 21,000 21,886 21,867 Insurance 2,500 1,640 1,640 Professional Services 8,000 10,420 10,000 Equipment Lease Contracts 6,300 4,537 11,500 Capital Equipment Purchases 565 - 3 - Total Operating Expenses 436,365 333,168 462,887 Project Expenses Municipal Project Expenses (3) 14,836 10,000 - Special Project Expenses (2) - - 82,166 Total Project Expenses 14,836 10,000 82,166 TOTAL EXPENSES 451,200 343,168 545,053 SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) - 5,000.00 - 28,166 - 31 Notes: 1.) Budgeted revenue from Windsor, Hantsport and West Hants includes their base contributions plus the incremental “Investment Readiness” project. 2.) Special project revenue and expenses relate to the “Hants West Investment Readiness Project” which will be fully funded by the three municipal partners and others. 3.) Municipal leveraged projects were phased-out in the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
  • 15. APPENDICES A. Organizational B. Communications Plan C. Highlights of 2008-2009 Overview GOAL Looking back on the preceding year, The Hants Regional Development we take considerable pride in a Authority is a forward-looking To demonstrate the Hants RDA’s number of highlights, including: organization established to support results, build its brand, and drive its and advance community economic resource engine. − A local business’ new joint development in Hants County. From venture with a multinational its offices in Windsor and Elsmdale, DIRECT COSTS / RESOURCES company; the Hants RDA works with − Construction of the Sustainable businesses, community groups and − Executive Director (10%) Fish Farming Canada all three levels of government to − $5000 budget aquaculture facility; champion the interests of Hants − Start-up of a new equestrian and County locally, regionally and PARTNERS winery business by American internationally. immigrants; − NSARDA − Implementation of the Hants The Hants RDA is one of 13 Regional − Neighbouring RDAs County Small Business Clinic; Development Authorities in Nova − Local Newspapers − A visit by Premier MacDonald to Scotia. It was duly incorporated businesses and communities in pursuant to the Regional Community TARGET GROUPS East Hants; Development Act (S.N.S., 1996, c.29) − An interpretive centre plan and by Ministerial Order dated August 11, − Government Investors initial trail construction at the 1997. − Target clients & prospects Cheverie Salt Marsh Restoration − Key Partners Site; Governed by a volunteer board of − The 2nd Annual 84th Regiment directors, the agency receives Homecoming; OUTPUTS funding from the municipalities of − Start-up of the Planters 250th East Hants, West Hants, Windsor, and Hantsport; the Atlantic Canada − Annual General Meeting Anniversary Project; Opportunities Agency; and the − Annual Report (plus subsequent − The 2nd Annual Hants County provincial departments of Economic presentations and media Arts Council “Festival of Art”; & Rural Development and relations). − $675,000 in funding for a major Community Services. − Annual Performance Review expansion of the Windsor Day report and presentations. Care; The Hants RDA’s vision, mission and − Quarterly performance scorecard − A Downtown & Waterfront values statement can be found on reports. Revitalization Session with key pages 4-5 of this business plan. − Bi-weekly news pieces. stakeholders in the Town of − Client success story advertising Windsor; projects. − Establishment of the Halifax International Marketing Alliance; OUTCOME (Short Term) − Establishment of a peer networking partnership with Increased awareness of Hants RDA’s Kings CED and ADEDA; impacts through earned media (# of − A People Strategy for Hants articles). County; and − A new Strategic Tourism Action OUTCOME (Long Term) Plan for Hants County; Continued commitment to Hants RDA’s success (approval of funding D. In-House Financial year-over-year, continued engagement with Hants RDA). Statements See columns 1 & 2 on page 14. Hants RDA Business Plan 2009-2010 | 15
  • 16. 1-877-284-2687 East Hants Resource Centre Suite 200-1, 15 Commerce Court Elmsdale, NS B2S 3K5 Fax: (902) 883-3024 Enterprise Centre of Hants County Box 2313, 80 Water Street Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 Fax: (902) 798-3254