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W.E.L.C./Refuge Academy Parent
 5099 S. 1050 W.
 Riverdale UT 84405

Dear Parents,

       Thank you for choosing Wasatch Early Learning Center/Refuge Academy for
your child’s Preschool and Kindergarten. Our desire is to provide a quality learning
environment for your child. Your child is very important to us and we strive to make
our school a happy, positive, learning experience where your child can discover and

       You are very important to the success of this program. Please feel free to visit at
any time. If you have talents or ideas you would like to share, we welcome your input.

       This handbook is designed to acquaint you with the policies and procedures
established by Wasatch Early Learning Center. Please read and refer to this book

       If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at


Ann Simpson


Mission Statement

       The mission of Wasatch Early Learning Center is to provide a quality early
learning environment that fosters the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual
needs of the young child.


         We believe each child is a unique creation of God. Our goal and desire is to
 nurture your child in a positive, friendly atmosphere that promotes development of
 their intellect, confidence and self worth.

        Children learn and develop in different ways; through play, instruction,
 experience, and observation. Our goal is to draw on these various learning opportunities
 using, a well planned curriculum, hands on activities, and teacher-peer interaction.

       Building a relationship with you, as parents, is central to the success of this
 program. Our partnership is crucial to the early education of your child.

 Personnel Requirements
        All teachers must be either, certified or enrolled in a certification program through
 an accredited college or university in Early Childhood Education.

        All personnel must have a Tuberculosis skin test and be free from any other
 infectious diseases.

           All personnel must pass a criminal background investigation.

        Wasatch Early Learning Center requires all employees to have a personal
 relationship with Jesus Christ.
Use of Building and Safety Procedures
       Your children’s safety is very important to all of us at Wasatch Early Learning
Center. In order to insure your children’s safety while they are here we have adopted the
following procedures:
      All staff will have background checks prior to employment.
      Check-in and check-out of all children and visitors.
      All visitors and staff members will wear visible
      I.D. tag.
      Classroom areas and children’s restrooms are off-limits to all non-WELC staff.
      Areas will be clearly marked and partitioned (as necessary).
      Doors will be locked in classroom areas during school hours. Excluding drop off
      and pick up times.
      No child will be left unattended at any time.

Sign In/Out Procedures
1. Sign In/Out sheets are organized by class, with
children’s names in alphabetical order.
2. Beside their child’s name, parents and designates must write the time, signature
and any special instructions for that school session (e.g. parent will pick up child at
3. No one may sign in/out your child unless they are on the registration form and prior
written consent has
been given.

 Registration and Curriculum Fees
 A registration / curriculum fee of $100.00 will be charged upon initial enrollment of
 each child in Early Learners through Kindergarten. This fee is nonrefundable and
 covers the cost of procuring curriculum, arts and other supplies needed during the period
 of enrollment.

 A registration/curriculum fee of $25.00 will be charged upon initial enrollment of each
 child for the Bible Explorers Program. This fee is nonrefundable and covers the cost of
 procuring curriculum, arts, and other supplies needed during the period of enrollment.
 Monthly Tuition Rates
 Preschool 3-year olds             $80.00 per month                 	
 Preschool 4-year olds             $125.00 per month
 Kindergarten (Full Day)           $325.00 per month
 Kindergarten (Half Day)           $225.00 per month
 Part Time Care 3 class            $75.00 Per month
 Part Time Care 4 class            $110.00 Per month
Part Time Day Care                  $5.00 Per Hour
Bible Explorers Program             $25.00 per month for a total of 250 for the year.
Extended Care                       $5.00 per hour
Registration Requirements
Registration Form
Updated Shot Records (for Kindergarteners) Emergency Release Form
Emergency Contact Form
Payment Contract
Policy Manual

Kindergarten Registration
      Kindergartners must have a current Kindergarten physical and updated shots. If
you have not completed this requirement, please contact the Director.
Needed items in the beginning of the year and throughout the School Year.
   2 Juice’s— of any frozen juice concentrates.
   2 Snack’s—crackers, cookies, fruit snacks, chips,
      cereal, (applesauce or fruit cups) …
   1 package of markers—Crayola Classic markers 10 count.
   2 package’s paper cups—6 ounce
   1 package napkins
   2 boxes of Kleenex
   1 small box of plastic spoons (Kindergarten Only)

Potty Policy
        At Wasatch Early Learning Center, we believe that children usually potty train in
their own time. At three years old they should have started training, but this does not
mean they have mastered the task. We do not feel children should be threatened or
coerced about
potty training in order to be eligible for preschool. So,
if your child is not completely potty trained, we require, for sanitary purposes, that they
wear protective pull-ups at school. Teachers will remind children to use restrooms
regularly, but they are not required to potty train your child. Always bring extra clothes
and pull- ups in their backpacks.
        If your child is not able to take care of their own potty needs (wiping, etc.), please
let your teacher know.
Personal Belongings
        All children are required to bring a backpack with an extra change of clothing,
 such as: lightweight pants, shirt and socks in a one-gallon Ziploc. The Ziploc will be
 used to place soiled or wet clothing in.

         Children should wear comfortable clothing that will allow them to be involved in
 activities planned each day. These clothes need to be easily removable for pottying.
 Girls dresses need to have shorts underneath. Shoes must be easy for children to remove
 (Slip-Ons or Velcro; No high top boots).

Payment Policy
        Tuition payment for the following month is due, by the 25th of the current month.
We only accept check, money orders, or cash. A fee of $25.00 will be assessed for late
payments and returned checks. Late payments plus monthly tuition must be received by
the 25th the month. Monthly tuition is not discounted for holiday breaks, teacher work
days, inclement weather school closure due to flu or other infectious agents, if your
child is ill,or broken heaters.
        If you withdraw your child, you must give the center director two weeks' notice to
receive any prorated tuition reimbursement.

Your Child’s Adjustment
       It is normal for your child to have some fears and misgivings about being away
from you. Children need time to adjust to a new situation. Prepare your child for the
changes as far in advance as possible. Discuss with your child any concerns and talk
about some of the new people your child will meet and the things he or she will do in
school. A cheerful good-bye kiss, a smile, and reassuring words is all that you need to
do when dropping them off for school. Usually the child settles down shortly after the
parent(s) leave. If your child continues to cry we will call you. Activities are offered to
provide transition for your child at this time. Please do not sneak out when your child is
not looking. Feel free to call any time throughout the day if you have any questions or

Developmental / Curriculum
        Our program is based on the ABEKA curriculum, which is phonics and
number based. For more on ABEKA go to
Age appropriate activities are planned and implemented
to further each child’s developmental growth. Throughout the year, every child’s
developmental skills are assessed in the areas of: cognitive, language, physical and
Curriculum Outline

Early Phonics                         Physical Education
Early Math                            Crafts Bible Cooking Music & Dance
                                      Field Trips Developmental Play
                                      Computers Seasonal Music Programs

Bible Curriculum
        At Wasatch Early Learning Center, children are taught about God through a
nondenominational Bible curriculum utilizing age appropriate Bible stories, Bible
verses, and songs. Children learn about God’s love, forgiveness and His mercy.
Through this colorful and detailed curriculum, they discover that God has a plan for
their lives and that He desires to develop a loving, personal relationship with them.
        As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the
kingdom of heaven belong to such as these.”
Matthew 19:16

Late Pick-Up Policy

        Unless arrangements are made in advance, children must be picked up no later than 15
minutes after class ends; (morning 11:20, afternoon 3:20, Kindergarten 3:10,. A $15.00 late fee
will be charged for each 15 minute interval parent is late, and it will be place on your bill.
Please make arrangements to have your child picked up on time.
        Parents must personally walk children into the school at the beginning of class ( make
sure the teacher knows your child is present). Please hold on to your child’s hand at all times in
the parking lot until they are safely in the school or buckled into your vehicle.
                        Please do not leave sibling’s in a running vehicle when
picking up your child.
Exclusion Policy
        A child will be excluded from school if one or more of the following
 conditions exist:
 1.     A child has a fever greater than 99 degrees.
 2.     Diarrhea, which is defined as an increased
 number of stools compared to the child’s normal pattern
 and with increased stool water.
 3.     Vomiting illness with two or more episodes in the previous 24 hours.
 4.     Rash with fever.
 5.     Infected eyes with discharge, until 24 hours after treatment by a physician.
 6.     Infestation (scabies, head lice, pinworms) until after first treatment with a
 medicated product.
 7.     Impetigo, until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment is started.
 8.     Strep throat, until 24 hours after antibiotic
 treatment is started.
 9.     Ringworm Infection, until after medication is started.
 10. Chicken-Pox, until one week after the onset of rash
                       or until all lesions have dried and crusted.
 (Please contact school if child has contracted a contagious illness)

        If a child shows signs of illness during school the parent or other emergency
 contact will be notified immediately and the child will be isolated from the class to
 prevent the possible spread of illness to other
 Infection Control
        All children are taught to wash their hands before eating and after toileting. This
 helps reduce factors that cause infection and disease.

Medication Policy

        Wasatch Early Learning Center will not administer medication or medicated ointments
unless it is a life sustaining medicine and parents have provide permission and training.
Sunscreen will not be applied without a
handwritten medication permission slip from parents. All prescriptions must be in original

School Hours

       Morning classes begin at 8:30 AM, with a 15 minute gathering time for preschool
before going into their classrooms. Please do not bring children early. Morning classes end at
11:20 AM.
Afternoon classes begin at 12:30 PM. With a 15 minute gathering time, for
preschool. Please do not bring children early. Afternoon classes end at 3:20 PM.
                        Kindergarten classes begin at 8:30 AM and end at
3:10 PM. Except on Wednesdays, class begins at 8:30 and ends at 11:30.

 Guidance Policy
        At Wasatch Early Learning Center, discipline consists of positive guidance
 techniques, redirection, and thinking time (time-out). in extreme situation your child
 may be sent home for the day or expelled from school. The use of physical
 punishment is never permitted.

        Children enrolled at Wasatch Early Learning Center will be properly supervised at
 all times, to ensure safety and security.

         Animals are an important element of children's’
 learning. Animals can instill in children a feeling of respect for nature. It is fun and
 entertaining for children to bring pets to show to their friends. Parents may bring pets at
 the beginning of class or at the end, but no pets can remain during the entire class time.
 Yet, if there are any students with allergies to animals we will not allow them to visit.
         These pets must be well groomed, children friendly, and current on all
 vaccinations. Dogs must be registered & licensed with the county where they live.
 Parents must notify the teacher if they are brining a pet to school.

Children may not bring toys, blankets, bottles or binkies, etc. to school. On Show And
Tell Days (Kindergarten and 4-year-olds) they may bring certain items as designated by
their teacher	

Snacks and Juice
      All snacks are provided by parents and must be purchased in a store. Birthday
and holiday snacks may be brought by parents, but must be purchased in a store.
      Juices are provided by parents. No punch or sodas, please.

Kindergarten Lunch
       Children need to bring lunches from home. Lunches must not need heating or
refrigeration. Use insulated lunch pack or freezer blocks to keep lunches cool. A soft
lunch pack could be kept in backpacks. This will help with our limited storage space.

Parties and Celebrations
Holiday celebrations are an important part of children’s lives. At Wasatch Early
Learning Center, we celebrate holidays that focus on the love that God brought to
mankind. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, and Easter are holidays used to remind
children of that love. If you are interested in helping as a room parent with parties and
other activities please
talk to your teacher for more information.

 Art at Wasatch Early Learning Center consists of one
hanging craft, one bulletin board craft, one take home and one free art project. All
bulletin board crafts and some art may be held for year books.

       Safety Information
             Emergency drills are held quarterly to acquaint your child with evacuation
       procedures. This may make quite an impression on your child the first time a drill is held.
       Your child will soon become accustomed to it and know what to expect and what to do.
       Complete emergency escape plan guidelines are available for your review upon request.
       Field Trips and Outings
               Field trips are an excellent tool used to enhance and support the curriculum we offer
       at Wasatch Early Learning Center. Due to liability concerns, all field trips must have at
       least one adult accompanying the child. Since the school has no available bus or van,
       parents are expected to drive or make arrangements for child’s transportation. This is a
       great opportunity for parents and children to get to know each other better. If parents are
       not able to attend, a grandparent, aunt or uncle can be the child’s designated chaperone.
       Teachers will give sufficient advanced notification of field trips schedules.
       Inclement Weather
              Public school closures are announced on early morning news broadcasts. In case of
       severe storms, Wasatch Early Learning Center will be closed at the same time the local
       public schools are closed.
       Coats and Jackets
              Children need to bring appropriate outer clothing to be comfortable out of doors. This
       may include snow boot, gloves and a hat, kept in backpacks. Outdoor play is a part of our
       curriculum, except in extreme weather conditions. Children who are unable to participate in
       outdoor play because of illness, should not be at school.



Arrival & Pick Up Procedure

Parent or authorized person should sign your child/children in and out each day. If your
child is a student of Good Foundation Academy your child will be released to us by your
child’s teacher.

We will only release your child to the persons designated on your registration form.
Please notify staff in writing of a necessary change. Staff will ask for ID, (photo driver’s
license) if needed. If your child has practice and will need to leave Extended Care, he or
she cannot be released without written permission from the parent.

Hours: Monday – Friday

Before School (6:30a.m. – 8 a.m.) After School (School ends. - 6:00p.m.)

Extended Care is not available on vacation or teacher in-service days.

If school is cancelled, the Extended Care Program will be cancelled.


Prices are as follows for hourly Extended Care. All charges are to the nearest quarter
hour. 3:25=1.25. To ensure that the children are picked up on time, there will be a $15
late fee for every 15 minutes you are late.

Your monthly invoice will be sent home with your child on the 15th of each month. All
fees must be paid within two week, unless prior arrangements have been made. Any
invoice that is 30 days past due will be assessed a $25 late fee. Please make your check
payable to Wasatch Early Learning Center (WELC). In the memo area of your check,
please indicate your child’s name. Your account must be kept current.


Are provided for after school care at no additional charge.

       Medications & Allergies

Please advise us if your child has allergies, especially if they have food allergies. In case
of food allergies, we will monitor what your child eats. You are encouraged to send
alternate snacks if your child’s allergy is serious.

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Handbook 2012

  • 1. W.E.L.C./Refuge Academy Parent Handbook 2012-2013 5099 S. 1050 W. Riverdale UT 84405 801-389-6942 Dear Parents, Thank you for choosing Wasatch Early Learning Center/Refuge Academy for your child’s Preschool and Kindergarten. Our desire is to provide a quality learning environment for your child. Your child is very important to us and we strive to make our school a happy, positive, learning experience where your child can discover and grow. You are very important to the success of this program. Please feel free to visit at any time. If you have talents or ideas you would like to share, we welcome your input. This handbook is designed to acquaint you with the policies and procedures established by Wasatch Early Learning Center. Please read and refer to this book often. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 801-389-6942. Sincerely, Ann Simpson Director
  • 2. NONDISCRIMINATORY  POLICY  AS  TO  STUDENTS   Wasatch  Early  Learning  Center  (5099  S.  1050  W.,  Riverdale)  admits  students  of  any   religion,  race,  color,  national  and  ethnic  origin  to  all  the  rights,  privileges,  programs,   and  activities  available  to  students  at  Wasatch  Early  Learning  Center.    The  school   does  not  discriminate  on  the  basis  of  religion,  race,  color,  national  and  ethnic  origin   in  administration  of  its  programs  or  of  its  educational,  admissions,  or  tuition  policies.   Mission Statement The mission of Wasatch Early Learning Center is to provide a quality early learning environment that fosters the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual needs of the young child. Philosophy We believe each child is a unique creation of God. Our goal and desire is to nurture your child in a positive, friendly atmosphere that promotes development of their intellect, confidence and self worth. Children learn and develop in different ways; through play, instruction, experience, and observation. Our goal is to draw on these various learning opportunities using, a well planned curriculum, hands on activities, and teacher-peer interaction. Building a relationship with you, as parents, is central to the success of this program. Our partnership is crucial to the early education of your child. Personnel Requirements All teachers must be either, certified or enrolled in a certification program through an accredited college or university in Early Childhood Education. All personnel must have a Tuberculosis skin test and be free from any other infectious diseases. All personnel must pass a criminal background investigation. Wasatch Early Learning Center requires all employees to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • 3. Use of Building and Safety Procedures Your children’s safety is very important to all of us at Wasatch Early Learning Center. In order to insure your children’s safety while they are here we have adopted the following procedures: All staff will have background checks prior to employment. Check-in and check-out of all children and visitors. All visitors and staff members will wear visible I.D. tag. Classroom areas and children’s restrooms are off-limits to all non-WELC staff. Areas will be clearly marked and partitioned (as necessary). Doors will be locked in classroom areas during school hours. Excluding drop off and pick up times. No child will be left unattended at any time. Sign In/Out Procedures 1. Sign In/Out sheets are organized by class, with children’s names in alphabetical order. 2. Beside their child’s name, parents and designates must write the time, signature and any special instructions for that school session (e.g. parent will pick up child at noon). 3. No one may sign in/out your child unless they are on the registration form and prior written consent has been given. Registration and Curriculum Fees A registration / curriculum fee of $100.00 will be charged upon initial enrollment of each child in Early Learners through Kindergarten. This fee is nonrefundable and covers the cost of procuring curriculum, arts and other supplies needed during the period of enrollment. A registration/curriculum fee of $25.00 will be charged upon initial enrollment of each child for the Bible Explorers Program. This fee is nonrefundable and covers the cost of procuring curriculum, arts, and other supplies needed during the period of enrollment. Monthly Tuition Rates Preschool 3-year olds $80.00 per month   Preschool 4-year olds $125.00 per month Kindergarten (Full Day) $325.00 per month Kindergarten (Half Day) $225.00 per month Part Time Care 3 class $75.00 Per month Part Time Care 4 class $110.00 Per month
  • 4. Part Time Day Care $5.00 Per Hour Bible Explorers Program $25.00 per month for a total of 250 for the year. Extended Care $5.00 per hour Registration Requirements Registration Form Updated Shot Records (for Kindergarteners) Emergency Release Form Emergency Contact Form Payment Contract Policy Manual Kindergarten Registration Kindergartners must have a current Kindergarten physical and updated shots. If you have not completed this requirement, please contact the Director. Needed items in the beginning of the year and throughout the School Year. 2 Juice’s— of any frozen juice concentrates. 2 Snack’s—crackers, cookies, fruit snacks, chips, cereal, (applesauce or fruit cups) … 1 package of markers—Crayola Classic markers 10 count. 2 package’s paper cups—6 ounce 1 package napkins 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 small box of plastic spoons (Kindergarten Only) Potty Policy At Wasatch Early Learning Center, we believe that children usually potty train in their own time. At three years old they should have started training, but this does not mean they have mastered the task. We do not feel children should be threatened or coerced about potty training in order to be eligible for preschool. So, if your child is not completely potty trained, we require, for sanitary purposes, that they wear protective pull-ups at school. Teachers will remind children to use restrooms regularly, but they are not required to potty train your child. Always bring extra clothes and pull- ups in their backpacks. If your child is not able to take care of their own potty needs (wiping, etc.), please let your teacher know.
  • 5. Personal Belongings All children are required to bring a backpack with an extra change of clothing, such as: lightweight pants, shirt and socks in a one-gallon Ziploc. The Ziploc will be used to place soiled or wet clothing in. Clothing Children should wear comfortable clothing that will allow them to be involved in activities planned each day. These clothes need to be easily removable for pottying. Girls dresses need to have shorts underneath. Shoes must be easy for children to remove (Slip-Ons or Velcro; No high top boots). Payment Policy Tuition payment for the following month is due, by the 25th of the current month. We only accept check, money orders, or cash. A fee of $25.00 will be assessed for late payments and returned checks. Late payments plus monthly tuition must be received by the 25th the month. Monthly tuition is not discounted for holiday breaks, teacher work days, inclement weather school closure due to flu or other infectious agents, if your child is ill,or broken heaters. If you withdraw your child, you must give the center director two weeks' notice to receive any prorated tuition reimbursement. Your Child’s Adjustment It is normal for your child to have some fears and misgivings about being away from you. Children need time to adjust to a new situation. Prepare your child for the changes as far in advance as possible. Discuss with your child any concerns and talk about some of the new people your child will meet and the things he or she will do in school. A cheerful good-bye kiss, a smile, and reassuring words is all that you need to do when dropping them off for school. Usually the child settles down shortly after the parent(s) leave. If your child continues to cry we will call you. Activities are offered to provide transition for your child at this time. Please do not sneak out when your child is not looking. Feel free to call any time throughout the day if you have any questions or concerns. Developmental / Curriculum Our program is based on the ABEKA curriculum, which is phonics and number based. For more on ABEKA go to Age appropriate activities are planned and implemented to further each child’s developmental growth. Throughout the year, every child’s developmental skills are assessed in the areas of: cognitive, language, physical and social.
  • 6. Curriculum Outline Early Phonics Physical Education Early Math Crafts Bible Cooking Music & Dance Field Trips Developmental Play Computers Seasonal Music Programs Science Bible Curriculum At Wasatch Early Learning Center, children are taught about God through a nondenominational Bible curriculum utilizing age appropriate Bible stories, Bible verses, and songs. Children learn about God’s love, forgiveness and His mercy. Through this colorful and detailed curriculum, they discover that God has a plan for their lives and that He desires to develop a loving, personal relationship with them. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belong to such as these.” Matthew 19:16 Late Pick-Up Policy Unless arrangements are made in advance, children must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after class ends; (morning 11:20, afternoon 3:20, Kindergarten 3:10,. A $15.00 late fee will be charged for each 15 minute interval parent is late, and it will be place on your bill. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up on time. Parents must personally walk children into the school at the beginning of class ( make sure the teacher knows your child is present). Please hold on to your child’s hand at all times in the parking lot until they are safely in the school or buckled into your vehicle. Please do not leave sibling’s in a running vehicle when picking up your child.
  • 7. Exclusion Policy A child will be excluded from school if one or more of the following conditions exist: 1. A child has a fever greater than 99 degrees. 2. Diarrhea, which is defined as an increased number of stools compared to the child’s normal pattern and with increased stool water. 3. Vomiting illness with two or more episodes in the previous 24 hours. 4. Rash with fever. 5. Infected eyes with discharge, until 24 hours after treatment by a physician. 6. Infestation (scabies, head lice, pinworms) until after first treatment with a medicated product. 7. Impetigo, until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment is started. 8. Strep throat, until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment is started. 9. Ringworm Infection, until after medication is started. 10. Chicken-Pox, until one week after the onset of rash or until all lesions have dried and crusted. (Please contact school if child has contracted a contagious illness) Illness If a child shows signs of illness during school the parent or other emergency contact will be notified immediately and the child will be isolated from the class to prevent the possible spread of illness to other children. Infection Control All children are taught to wash their hands before eating and after toileting. This helps reduce factors that cause infection and disease. Medication Policy Wasatch Early Learning Center will not administer medication or medicated ointments unless it is a life sustaining medicine and parents have provide permission and training. Sunscreen will not be applied without a handwritten medication permission slip from parents. All prescriptions must be in original bottle. School Hours Morning classes begin at 8:30 AM, with a 15 minute gathering time for preschool before going into their classrooms. Please do not bring children early. Morning classes end at 11:20 AM.
  • 8. Afternoon classes begin at 12:30 PM. With a 15 minute gathering time, for preschool. Please do not bring children early. Afternoon classes end at 3:20 PM. Kindergarten classes begin at 8:30 AM and end at 3:10 PM. Except on Wednesdays, class begins at 8:30 and ends at 11:30. Guidance Policy At Wasatch Early Learning Center, discipline consists of positive guidance techniques, redirection, and thinking time (time-out). in extreme situation your child may be sent home for the day or expelled from school. The use of physical punishment is never permitted. Supervision Children enrolled at Wasatch Early Learning Center will be properly supervised at all times, to ensure safety and security. Pets Animals are an important element of children's’ learning. Animals can instill in children a feeling of respect for nature. It is fun and entertaining for children to bring pets to show to their friends. Parents may bring pets at the beginning of class or at the end, but no pets can remain during the entire class time. Yet, if there are any students with allergies to animals we will not allow them to visit. These pets must be well groomed, children friendly, and current on all vaccinations. Dogs must be registered & licensed with the county where they live. Parents must notify the teacher if they are brining a pet to school. Toys Children may not bring toys, blankets, bottles or binkies, etc. to school. On Show And Tell Days (Kindergarten and 4-year-olds) they may bring certain items as designated by their teacher   Snacks and Juice All snacks are provided by parents and must be purchased in a store. Birthday and holiday snacks may be brought by parents, but must be purchased in a store. Juices are provided by parents. No punch or sodas, please. Kindergarten Lunch Children need to bring lunches from home. Lunches must not need heating or refrigeration. Use insulated lunch pack or freezer blocks to keep lunches cool. A soft lunch pack could be kept in backpacks. This will help with our limited storage space. Parties and Celebrations
  • 9. Holiday celebrations are an important part of children’s lives. At Wasatch Early Learning Center, we celebrate holidays that focus on the love that God brought to mankind. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, and Easter are holidays used to remind children of that love. If you are interested in helping as a room parent with parties and other activities please talk to your teacher for more information. Art Art at Wasatch Early Learning Center consists of one hanging craft, one bulletin board craft, one take home and one free art project. All bulletin board crafts and some art may be held for year books. Safety Information Emergency drills are held quarterly to acquaint your child with evacuation procedures. This may make quite an impression on your child the first time a drill is held. Your child will soon become accustomed to it and know what to expect and what to do. Complete emergency escape plan guidelines are available for your review upon request. Field Trips and Outings Field trips are an excellent tool used to enhance and support the curriculum we offer at Wasatch Early Learning Center. Due to liability concerns, all field trips must have at least one adult accompanying the child. Since the school has no available bus or van, parents are expected to drive or make arrangements for child’s transportation. This is a great opportunity for parents and children to get to know each other better. If parents are not able to attend, a grandparent, aunt or uncle can be the child’s designated chaperone. Teachers will give sufficient advanced notification of field trips schedules. Inclement Weather Public school closures are announced on early morning news broadcasts. In case of severe storms, Wasatch Early Learning Center will be closed at the same time the local public schools are closed. Coats and Jackets Children need to bring appropriate outer clothing to be comfortable out of doors. This may include snow boot, gloves and a hat, kept in backpacks. Outdoor play is a part of our curriculum, except in extreme weather conditions. Children who are unable to participate in outdoor play because of illness, should not be at school.      
  • 10. Extended  Care  Policies  &  Procedures:   Arrival & Pick Up Procedure Parent or authorized person should sign your child/children in and out each day. If your child is a student of Good Foundation Academy your child will be released to us by your child’s teacher. We will only release your child to the persons designated on your registration form. Please notify staff in writing of a necessary change. Staff will ask for ID, (photo driver’s license) if needed. If your child has practice and will need to leave Extended Care, he or she cannot be released without written permission from the parent. Hours: Monday – Friday Before School (6:30a.m. – 8 a.m.) After School (School ends. - 6:00p.m.) Extended Care is not available on vacation or teacher in-service days. If school is cancelled, the Extended Care Program will be cancelled. Fees Prices are as follows for hourly Extended Care. All charges are to the nearest quarter hour. 3:25=1.25. To ensure that the children are picked up on time, there will be a $15 late fee for every 15 minutes you are late. Your monthly invoice will be sent home with your child on the 15th of each month. All fees must be paid within two week, unless prior arrangements have been made. Any invoice that is 30 days past due will be assessed a $25 late fee. Please make your check payable to Wasatch Early Learning Center (WELC). In the memo area of your check, please indicate your child’s name. Your account must be kept current. Snacks Are provided for after school care at no additional charge. Medications & Allergies Please advise us if your child has allergies, especially if they have food allergies. In case of food allergies, we will monitor what your child eats. You are encouraged to send alternate snacks if your child’s allergy is serious.