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STUDENT ID : 0322504
Entry 1
Counterfactual Thinking ( 5th September 2011 )
Last night, I stayed up all night just to do the business
exercises that Ms.Tay gave to us because I was sure that she
will going to discuss it in class, which is today. I have tried to
finish it by last night but then the clock showed it was almost
two o’clock in the morning. I could not sleep late because I
needed to wake up by five o’clock in the morning. By the
way, my mom needs to reach her office before eight o’clock.
It will take about one hour and the half to reach Kuala
Lumpur. So, that is why we always depart from house at six-
thirty o’clock
in the morning to avoid from trap in traffic jam.
Today as usual, I reached the college around eight
o’clock in the morning and find the place to continue doing
the exercises. At first, I checked the timetable in the student
portal and it showed that my business class would be at ten-
thirty o’clock in the morning. I felt strange because my
business class supposed to be will be at nine-thirty o’clock in
the morning. I continued doing the exercises. Ten minutes
before ten-thirty o’clock in the morning, I packed my stuff
and went to the classroom.
Outside of the class, I could hear Ms. Tay having her
lecture. I felt unease and my heart beat so fast. I opened the
door and all my classmates were there. Ms. Tay told me that
I was already late about for one hour and she asked why I
was late. I have told her that my timetable in student portal
showed that my class was at ten-thirty.
At that moment, I felt disappointed because I was in college
since eight-thirty o’clock in the morning but I missed the
class. The worst part he marked me as absent. During that
time, my heart blame my friends because they even did not
called me just to let me know that we had a class and blame
student portal because gave me the wrong time in my
Along the lecture class, when I sat back, I started to think
that maybe it was my fault. I checked the student portal
again and realized actually I was the one who mistakenly
checked the timetable. The class that I looked at the morning
was the English class, which was on Wednesday. At the
evening, on the way back to our home, I had told mom that I
was late for my class because of my silly mistakes and mom
said past is past. She told me that next time, I needed to
check my timetable properly. If only I checked my timetable
properly, I will not late
for class.
From the story above, the first concept that I used was Actor-
Observer Bias, in chapter five social psychology slides note.
This part occurred when I tried to explain to Mr. Joe the
situation happened. As an actor, I used external attribution
meaning to say I am not blaming myself but instead I am
blaming for the situation happened. I tried to convince him
that it was actually not my faults and it was student portal
faults because gave me the wrong time.
The second concept that I applied was Introspection Concept,
in chapter two. This concept is the process whereby people
look inwards and examine their own thoughts, feelings and
motives. I applied this concept when I sat back on the chair
and started to think either it was my faults or not. I was not
supposed blaming others but instead start to think what
cause that problems. Then at the moment I realized that I
was the one who wrongly checked the timetable.
Thirdly, the concept that I have been used was Self-
Disclosure, in chapter four. This concept is about sharing our
identity or story with others. I applied this when the part
where I shared my problems with my mom that I was late for
my class because of my silly mistakes.
The last concept that I used was Counterfactual Thinking
concept also in chapter four. This concept means mentally
changing some aspect of the past as a way of imagining
what might have been. This concept I used when I said ‘If
only I checked my timetable properly, I will not late for class.’
Entry 2
First Impression-primacy (13th
October 2011 )
Before I am going back to sleep, I often laying on the
bed, and start to think what I have been through in my life.
The part that I remembered the most is when my first time
applying for part-time job in Haagen-Dazs shop two years
ago which was on December. Before applying for the job, I
had a little bit conflict with my parents because we were
staying far from Kuala Lumpur and it might hard for me to
go back to home.
I convinced them by telling I can used train and they can
help fetch me from KTM Rawang. By the way, I told them
that I can used my salary to buy my laptop because I will
need it when I started study in the college. First day of my
interview, I wore tuck-in shirt, jeans and shoes to give him a
good first impression.
During the interview, the manager asked me either I
could come to work on time or not. Definitely I am saying
‘Yes, I can’. And he continued asking me what are the
benefits if he took me to work with them. I convinced him
even though it was my first time working, I will come early
and settling my work before going back to home. I adding
some more by telling I can speak English and it will easy for
me to communicate with customer. After almost an hour of
the interview, he told me that I can work with them and
signing the letter showing that I agreed. Then he told me
that I can come to work tomorrow at eight o’clock in the
I was so happy and when on the way back to home, I told
my parents that good news.
From my story above, the first concept that I applied
was First Impression-primacy effect concept, in chapter five.
The primacy effect of first impression is observer forming an
impression of a person give more weight to information
received early in the sequence than to information received
later on. I wanted to show him a good first impression by
tuck-in shirts, jeans and wearing shoes.
The second concept I used was Self-Promotion concept, in
chapter three which means makes others respect our abilities.
I used this concept to make sure that I full-fill the criteria to
get the job. The last concept that I used during applied the
self-promotion concept was in chapter three, Ingratiation-
Selective Self-Presentation. The meaning of ingratiation is
make others like us more than they would otherwise and
selective self-presentation involves the explicit presentation
or description of one’s own attributes to increase the
likelihood of being judged attractive by the target.
I used this concept when the manager asked me what I
am good at. The lesson that I have learned is we will going
to use this three concept during the interview applying for
any vacancy.
22nd October 2011
As usual during weekdays, around nine o’clock at night, I
just reached home. I was rushing to toilet to get a shower. In
my mind, on that time, I was just thinking about doing
mathematic revision because tomorrow we will going to have
mathematic test at two o’clock in the evening. Sometimes, I
just hate having class until six o’clock in the evening and
staying too far from the college. But I knew, I am not like
other people. My dad work a whole day and sometimes until
seven o’clock at night, he still have meeting with the client. I
sat down and wondering, I am supposed to be grateful
instead of blaming the situation that I certainly have been
accustomed since childhood.
The clock on the wall show that it almost 10.15pm. I was
shocked, and quickly woke up from dreaming. Face palm on
my face. I was putting out all the pencil case and books from
the bag and started to do the revision. After half an hour sat
on the chair, like it was not half chapter that I supposed to
revise I felt sleepy. I cursed myself because did not listen to
my mom that I should ate the vitamin. At that moment, I
decided to
sleep and just wake up early in the morning to do the
revision. Sharply at three o’clock in the morning, my alarm
started rang. I switched off the alarm and woke up from the
bed. Oh gosh! I still feel sleepy. My eyes really heavy to open
widely and I ended up sleep back again on the bed.Suddenly,
I heard my mom was knocking on the door and asked me to
wake up. I looked at the clock and it was six o’clock in the
morning. I still have five hours left to study before I needed
to depart from home around eleven o’clock at the afternoon.
It took about one hour and the half to reach the college.
I looked at the notes and I remembered that Ms. Ann
told us that we need to remember the formula and she
added that the notes she gave to us was not complete
enough. We need to do some revision from PMR and SPM
mathematics books. I hurried up copy all the formula from
those two books because for me, I should knew the formula
instead of doing exercise without knowing the formula.
Further more, for the next test, I
already have the formula that need to be revise when doing
the exercise. Almost eleven o’clock at the morning, I packed
up my books and cleaned up myself. I leave the house by
twelve o’clock.
When I reached the college almost one and the half
o’clock in the evening. It was thirty minutes left before the
test. I quickly read again the formula and exercises that we
have discussed during the class. Ten minutes before two
o’clock, Ms. Ann asked us to keep our books in the bag and
sharply at two o’clock, the test had began. Time flies so fast
and at four o’clock we finished the test. During we were on
the way back to home, I told mom that it was almost fourthy
percent I did not able to answer the questions. At that time I
felt bad and
my mom told me, I was not supposed to be study last
minute. But for me, I was not study last minute because I
have got a lot of assignments that need to be done and all
the due date was nearer with each of the assignments.
Entry 3
Scheme ( 13th
January 2000 )
When I was small I do believed that being a pilot is a
great and simple job that always travel all around the world
that makes me making it as an ideal work when I grew up.
But once I grew up as a teenager I realize being a pilot is not
one of the simple job to do. Its require us to study hard
especially in subject mathematic, physic and English. The
hardest part is to become a good student when u are in
primary and secondary school.
When I was in primary school all the subject that I’d
learnt was a basic and nothing to be worry. Every subject I
scored and get a flying colours. At that moment I believed
that nothing could hold me back from archive my goal to
become a pilot. I’ve been study hard and tried to be the top
student from primary 1 till 6. When im in secondary school ,
the challenging part had shown me that subject in secondary
school is much tougher than I tought. All the subject is so
hard that I could not believe it with my own eyes. Every
single chapter in every subject is harder and I could not
believe that im going to give up on it. Ive been trying to
pushed myself to the limit and told myself that if im going to
quit now im not going to be a pilot. The temptation to be
great in study getting faded and it’s not good for me. The
most difficult subject are the one that pilot academy required
that is mathematic, physic. English are the most simple
subject and im glad it’s not going to burden me. The most
disturbing subject is physic. The syllibes was so tough and I
can’t even understand it with a single read and learnt. Ive
been trying to study each chapter in physic subject repeatly
and also I try to asked my teacher help and willing to spent
more time with her after school period to teach me physic
until I can understand it. Ms. Faridah was so kind that she
willing to give me an extra class so that she could help me to
scored and get a great gred in my exam. The more I pushed
the more I cant understand. Im started to giving up in this
subject and I also give up with my ambition to become a
pilot but ms. Faridah encourage me and gave me a moral
support that we cant just gave up to something that we cant
archive but we as a human we can be more curious and try
harder that god going to help us. We just need to try harder
and after that we pass it to god to decided wheater god
wanna give us a ggreat mark. But through all this matter ,
the main point is that we cant give up and miracle going to
happen . we just have to had faith in god.
The second hardest part is mathematic. Eventhough the
subject from primary school that we already learnt but once
u go through all this years from kprimary to secondary u will
notice that mathematic is not a subject that we cant judges
them without knowing them. The higher ur education the
thoughest it became. When I was in primary school I could
manage to get all A’s in y math I can even answered all the
questions simple and steady but once im in secondary school
it’s not simple that I tought . without practice it not going to
help u to get A’s in that subject . u have to focus in class and
also do lots of exercise to make it simple and scored it. Once
again it become a barrier and also faded my ambition to be
a pilot. All this time I tought being a pilot is the easiest job
ever in this world but I was wrong. Its not that simple and its
giving u a lot of challenging and makes u feel like want to
quit and giving up on it. But I was thanksful and also
greatfull that I have my parent and also my teacher Ms. Eng
that always gave a full support tolet me archive my goal and
scored both of it so that I can become what my ambition is
that is becoming a pilot and also further my study in
aviation academy
From this situation im using scheme concept as my life
experience and from this concept its shows that this concept
is not something that we can believe and hold it till the end
until u had experience in through your life.
Entry 4
Stereotype ( 8th
April 2015 )
We all knows that being a good friends is not a reality in this
world. We often listen and heard or read that there is a ggod
friends surrounding us. Im often believe it when it come to
friends and I started keep it in mind that friends is real and it
wont faded away. When you look at your surrounding , it
shows that many that we saw does look like there are being
a good friend and supportive friend to each others.
True friendship is difficult to find, both in real life and
online. You start building a friendship with someone and
suddenly they seem to drift off - they lose interest. Perhaps i
expect too much but for me friendship isn't something you
can just walk away from - the people i have trusted are
friends to me and friends are not disposable. Unfortunately I
seem to be to some of them. Once became my friend, its
going to be friends for life through all tough and easy way.
Friends that stayed when you are in difficult time and also be
there when you need them the most, that’s what we called a
true friends. But its seem not everyone can really took it
seriously especially when you are in bad condition or need
them the most.
When you kept in your mind that he is your true best
friends and you promise to yourself when he is in bad
condition you will try to help him where ever it is but at the
end he didn’t appreciate what you did for him and started
ignored you and never find you back when he started to
living a good life. At that moment you know that you already
lost a friend that you believe it was suppose to be your best
friend and you already did help him when he was in difficult
time. In this life, the most frustrated part is that your friends
never appreciate everything that you did for him until he
could live in good condition. This kind of friend I called it
‘Bullshit’ because of this kind of friend I started to remind
myself everything that good about friends are useless and its
not real at all. People keep on telling you that there is a
good friend that u going to find and meet in this world but
once you already get that kind of bad treatment from a good
friend of your, you started to hating yourself and blame
everyone. At that moment you keep telling yourself to
change your perspective about best friend and try not to
give hundred percent trustworthy and helping them when
they need your help because at the end, they never
appreciate you and started to ignore you and find a new
friends and left you behind when you need him the most.
Friendship takes work - you have to be willing to face
difficult issues and talk about things on occasion that both of
you would rather not discuss but if there is a problem in the
friendship then that is what you have to do. I don't buy into
this notion that if you have a problem with a friend you just
cut all contact - or worse still just act completely
disinterested. That is disrespectful to someone you once
respected and cared enough about to call a friend and if
they were good enough in the past to be a friend then they
deserve your honesty in the present.
To me friends are like family if a friend upsets me then i
know that we will just have to work through it because they
will be in my life always...i am not about to walk away
because we have had a disagreement. That is, to me, true
In times of difficulty your friends are there for you - they
make you laugh, they cry with you and they listen - they
expect nothing in return but know that you will be there for
them in the same way when they need it. They understand
you and accept you as you are true friendship is seen with
the heart, not with the eyes.
From this entry im using stereotype concept from chapter
two showing and explain that one advantage of a stereotype
is that it enables us to respond rapidly to situations because
we may have had a similar experience before and
one disadvantage is that it makes us ignore differences
between individuals; therefore we think things about people
that might not be true.
Entry 5
Halo effect ( 1996 )
As we grow older, we find someone to looks up to. Some
of us admire celebrities, family, and friends.
The person I admire the most is my mother, Ms. Nur
Amyza. Not only is she my mother, but she's my best friend.
My mother grew up on a small village in Limbongan, Melaka.
She was one of five children who lived in a two room house
which no indoor plumbing. She never once complained
about the thins she had and the things she wished she had.
She made do in order to help support her family. I admire
her because of her strength, and determination.
Ten strong men physically could not out-match my
mother's strength mentally. My mother enjoyed reading
dearly, and she would read any piece of paper or scrap she
could find. Finishing school at age of seventhteen, my
mother was faced with two choices: either go to the country
to pick different fruits and vegetables and sell them for
money, or become a school teacher. She became a teacher
only because her dream of becoming a doctor was delayed
since she need alots of money to fund her education. So she
become a teacher all this years until she get married and had
a family and lastly she had me in her life. When the times
come and im grew old enough to know everythings. She the
one that I admire the most because she never gave up being
a great mom when she was at home and also being a great
teacher when she was at the school. The way she treat the
student at school was never different when she treats her
child at home. All the student love the way she was. She
never scold the student instead of giving them a nice advise
so that the student will always respect the teachers and that
make me admire her because she can handle all the student
very generously.
Determination can get you anywhere. My mother's
determination led her from where she really wanted to be,
which was with her the family that determines her life as well
as a passion for her continues to be the best and brightest
teachers in the school.
She always told me that being a person we cant never
underrestimate other peoples and also never gave up so that
everythign that u did its going to pay you off soon or later
you going to have it all. I was so amaze with her. How could
she have alots of energy to handle. In the morning she had
to handle all the student at the school till in the evening
sometimes she have to stayed till night just because she have
to settle all the works she had at the school. After she done
with her work, she have to go back and be a wife and a
mother to her husband and child. She have to do all the
laundries and cooking. She have to folded all the clothes and
swap the house to make sure the house is always clean. She
never being mad or tired eventhough I know she was tired
and that’s make me admired her the most.
From this story im using Halo Effect concept from chapter
4 in the slide. Halo effect is a cognitive bias in which an
observer's overall impression of a person, company, brand, or
product influences the observer's feelings and thoughts
about that entity's character or properties.

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Hafiz journal

  • 2. Entry 1 Counterfactual Thinking ( 5th September 2011 ) Last night, I stayed up all night just to do the business exercises that Ms.Tay gave to us because I was sure that she will going to discuss it in class, which is today. I have tried to finish it by last night but then the clock showed it was almost two o’clock in the morning. I could not sleep late because I needed to wake up by five o’clock in the morning. By the way, my mom needs to reach her office before eight o’clock. It will take about one hour and the half to reach Kuala Lumpur. So, that is why we always depart from house at six- thirty o’clock in the morning to avoid from trap in traffic jam. Today as usual, I reached the college around eight o’clock in the morning and find the place to continue doing the exercises. At first, I checked the timetable in the student portal and it showed that my business class would be at ten-
  • 3. thirty o’clock in the morning. I felt strange because my business class supposed to be will be at nine-thirty o’clock in the morning. I continued doing the exercises. Ten minutes before ten-thirty o’clock in the morning, I packed my stuff and went to the classroom. Outside of the class, I could hear Ms. Tay having her lecture. I felt unease and my heart beat so fast. I opened the door and all my classmates were there. Ms. Tay told me that I was already late about for one hour and she asked why I was late. I have told her that my timetable in student portal showed that my class was at ten-thirty. At that moment, I felt disappointed because I was in college since eight-thirty o’clock in the morning but I missed the class. The worst part he marked me as absent. During that time, my heart blame my friends because they even did not called me just to let me know that we had a class and blame student portal because gave me the wrong time in my timetable Along the lecture class, when I sat back, I started to think that maybe it was my fault. I checked the student portal
  • 4. again and realized actually I was the one who mistakenly checked the timetable. The class that I looked at the morning was the English class, which was on Wednesday. At the evening, on the way back to our home, I had told mom that I was late for my class because of my silly mistakes and mom said past is past. She told me that next time, I needed to check my timetable properly. If only I checked my timetable properly, I will not late for class. From the story above, the first concept that I used was Actor- Observer Bias, in chapter five social psychology slides note. This part occurred when I tried to explain to Mr. Joe the situation happened. As an actor, I used external attribution meaning to say I am not blaming myself but instead I am blaming for the situation happened. I tried to convince him that it was actually not my faults and it was student portal faults because gave me the wrong time. The second concept that I applied was Introspection Concept, in chapter two. This concept is the process whereby people look inwards and examine their own thoughts, feelings and
  • 5. motives. I applied this concept when I sat back on the chair and started to think either it was my faults or not. I was not supposed blaming others but instead start to think what cause that problems. Then at the moment I realized that I was the one who wrongly checked the timetable. Thirdly, the concept that I have been used was Self- Disclosure, in chapter four. This concept is about sharing our identity or story with others. I applied this when the part where I shared my problems with my mom that I was late for my class because of my silly mistakes. The last concept that I used was Counterfactual Thinking concept also in chapter four. This concept means mentally changing some aspect of the past as a way of imagining what might have been. This concept I used when I said ‘If only I checked my timetable properly, I will not late for class.’
  • 6.
  • 7. Entry 2 First Impression-primacy (13th October 2011 ) Before I am going back to sleep, I often laying on the bed, and start to think what I have been through in my life. The part that I remembered the most is when my first time applying for part-time job in Haagen-Dazs shop two years ago which was on December. Before applying for the job, I had a little bit conflict with my parents because we were staying far from Kuala Lumpur and it might hard for me to go back to home.
  • 8. I convinced them by telling I can used train and they can help fetch me from KTM Rawang. By the way, I told them that I can used my salary to buy my laptop because I will need it when I started study in the college. First day of my interview, I wore tuck-in shirt, jeans and shoes to give him a good first impression. During the interview, the manager asked me either I could come to work on time or not. Definitely I am saying ‘Yes, I can’. And he continued asking me what are the benefits if he took me to work with them. I convinced him even though it was my first time working, I will come early and settling my work before going back to home. I adding some more by telling I can speak English and it will easy for me to communicate with customer. After almost an hour of the interview, he told me that I can work with them and signing the letter showing that I agreed. Then he told me that I can come to work tomorrow at eight o’clock in the morning. I was so happy and when on the way back to home, I told my parents that good news.
  • 9. From my story above, the first concept that I applied was First Impression-primacy effect concept, in chapter five. The primacy effect of first impression is observer forming an impression of a person give more weight to information received early in the sequence than to information received later on. I wanted to show him a good first impression by tuck-in shirts, jeans and wearing shoes. The second concept I used was Self-Promotion concept, in chapter three which means makes others respect our abilities. I used this concept to make sure that I full-fill the criteria to get the job. The last concept that I used during applied the self-promotion concept was in chapter three, Ingratiation- Selective Self-Presentation. The meaning of ingratiation is make others like us more than they would otherwise and selective self-presentation involves the explicit presentation or description of one’s own attributes to increase the likelihood of being judged attractive by the target.
  • 10. I used this concept when the manager asked me what I am good at. The lesson that I have learned is we will going to use this three concept during the interview applying for any vacancy. 22nd October 2011
  • 11. As usual during weekdays, around nine o’clock at night, I just reached home. I was rushing to toilet to get a shower. In my mind, on that time, I was just thinking about doing mathematic revision because tomorrow we will going to have mathematic test at two o’clock in the evening. Sometimes, I just hate having class until six o’clock in the evening and staying too far from the college. But I knew, I am not like other people. My dad work a whole day and sometimes until seven o’clock at night, he still have meeting with the client. I sat down and wondering, I am supposed to be grateful instead of blaming the situation that I certainly have been accustomed since childhood. The clock on the wall show that it almost 10.15pm. I was shocked, and quickly woke up from dreaming. Face palm on my face. I was putting out all the pencil case and books from the bag and started to do the revision. After half an hour sat on the chair, like it was not half chapter that I supposed to revise I felt sleepy. I cursed myself because did not listen to my mom that I should ate the vitamin. At that moment, I decided to
  • 12. sleep and just wake up early in the morning to do the revision. Sharply at three o’clock in the morning, my alarm started rang. I switched off the alarm and woke up from the bed. Oh gosh! I still feel sleepy. My eyes really heavy to open widely and I ended up sleep back again on the bed.Suddenly, I heard my mom was knocking on the door and asked me to wake up. I looked at the clock and it was six o’clock in the morning. I still have five hours left to study before I needed to depart from home around eleven o’clock at the afternoon. It took about one hour and the half to reach the college. I looked at the notes and I remembered that Ms. Ann told us that we need to remember the formula and she added that the notes she gave to us was not complete enough. We need to do some revision from PMR and SPM mathematics books. I hurried up copy all the formula from those two books because for me, I should knew the formula instead of doing exercise without knowing the formula. Further more, for the next test, I
  • 13. already have the formula that need to be revise when doing the exercise. Almost eleven o’clock at the morning, I packed up my books and cleaned up myself. I leave the house by twelve o’clock. When I reached the college almost one and the half o’clock in the evening. It was thirty minutes left before the test. I quickly read again the formula and exercises that we have discussed during the class. Ten minutes before two o’clock, Ms. Ann asked us to keep our books in the bag and sharply at two o’clock, the test had began. Time flies so fast and at four o’clock we finished the test. During we were on the way back to home, I told mom that it was almost fourthy percent I did not able to answer the questions. At that time I felt bad and my mom told me, I was not supposed to be study last minute. But for me, I was not study last minute because I have got a lot of assignments that need to be done and all the due date was nearer with each of the assignments.
  • 14. Entry 3 Scheme ( 13th January 2000 ) When I was small I do believed that being a pilot is a great and simple job that always travel all around the world that makes me making it as an ideal work when I grew up. But once I grew up as a teenager I realize being a pilot is not one of the simple job to do. Its require us to study hard especially in subject mathematic, physic and English. The hardest part is to become a good student when u are in primary and secondary school.
  • 15. When I was in primary school all the subject that I’d learnt was a basic and nothing to be worry. Every subject I scored and get a flying colours. At that moment I believed that nothing could hold me back from archive my goal to become a pilot. I’ve been study hard and tried to be the top student from primary 1 till 6. When im in secondary school , the challenging part had shown me that subject in secondary school is much tougher than I tought. All the subject is so hard that I could not believe it with my own eyes. Every single chapter in every subject is harder and I could not believe that im going to give up on it. Ive been trying to pushed myself to the limit and told myself that if im going to quit now im not going to be a pilot. The temptation to be great in study getting faded and it’s not good for me. The most difficult subject are the one that pilot academy required that is mathematic, physic. English are the most simple subject and im glad it’s not going to burden me. The most disturbing subject is physic. The syllibes was so tough and I can’t even understand it with a single read and learnt. Ive been trying to study each chapter in physic subject repeatly and also I try to asked my teacher help and willing to spent
  • 16. more time with her after school period to teach me physic until I can understand it. Ms. Faridah was so kind that she willing to give me an extra class so that she could help me to scored and get a great gred in my exam. The more I pushed the more I cant understand. Im started to giving up in this subject and I also give up with my ambition to become a pilot but ms. Faridah encourage me and gave me a moral support that we cant just gave up to something that we cant archive but we as a human we can be more curious and try harder that god going to help us. We just need to try harder and after that we pass it to god to decided wheater god wanna give us a ggreat mark. But through all this matter , the main point is that we cant give up and miracle going to happen . we just have to had faith in god. The second hardest part is mathematic. Eventhough the subject from primary school that we already learnt but once u go through all this years from kprimary to secondary u will notice that mathematic is not a subject that we cant judges them without knowing them. The higher ur education the thoughest it became. When I was in primary school I could manage to get all A’s in y math I can even answered all the
  • 17. questions simple and steady but once im in secondary school it’s not simple that I tought . without practice it not going to help u to get A’s in that subject . u have to focus in class and also do lots of exercise to make it simple and scored it. Once again it become a barrier and also faded my ambition to be a pilot. All this time I tought being a pilot is the easiest job ever in this world but I was wrong. Its not that simple and its giving u a lot of challenging and makes u feel like want to quit and giving up on it. But I was thanksful and also greatfull that I have my parent and also my teacher Ms. Eng that always gave a full support tolet me archive my goal and scored both of it so that I can become what my ambition is that is becoming a pilot and also further my study in aviation academy From this situation im using scheme concept as my life experience and from this concept its shows that this concept is not something that we can believe and hold it till the end until u had experience in through your life.
  • 18. Entry 4 Stereotype ( 8th April 2015 ) We all knows that being a good friends is not a reality in this world. We often listen and heard or read that there is a ggod friends surrounding us. Im often believe it when it come to friends and I started keep it in mind that friends is real and it wont faded away. When you look at your surrounding , it shows that many that we saw does look like there are being a good friend and supportive friend to each others. True friendship is difficult to find, both in real life and online. You start building a friendship with someone and suddenly they seem to drift off - they lose interest. Perhaps i expect too much but for me friendship isn't something you can just walk away from - the people i have trusted are friends to me and friends are not disposable. Unfortunately I seem to be to some of them. Once became my friend, its going to be friends for life through all tough and easy way. Friends that stayed when you are in difficult time and also be there when you need them the most, that’s what we called a
  • 19. true friends. But its seem not everyone can really took it seriously especially when you are in bad condition or need them the most. When you kept in your mind that he is your true best friends and you promise to yourself when he is in bad condition you will try to help him where ever it is but at the end he didn’t appreciate what you did for him and started ignored you and never find you back when he started to living a good life. At that moment you know that you already lost a friend that you believe it was suppose to be your best friend and you already did help him when he was in difficult time. In this life, the most frustrated part is that your friends never appreciate everything that you did for him until he could live in good condition. This kind of friend I called it ‘Bullshit’ because of this kind of friend I started to remind myself everything that good about friends are useless and its not real at all. People keep on telling you that there is a good friend that u going to find and meet in this world but once you already get that kind of bad treatment from a good friend of your, you started to hating yourself and blame everyone. At that moment you keep telling yourself to
  • 20. change your perspective about best friend and try not to give hundred percent trustworthy and helping them when they need your help because at the end, they never appreciate you and started to ignore you and find a new friends and left you behind when you need him the most. Friendship takes work - you have to be willing to face difficult issues and talk about things on occasion that both of you would rather not discuss but if there is a problem in the friendship then that is what you have to do. I don't buy into this notion that if you have a problem with a friend you just cut all contact - or worse still just act completely disinterested. That is disrespectful to someone you once respected and cared enough about to call a friend and if they were good enough in the past to be a friend then they deserve your honesty in the present. To me friends are like family if a friend upsets me then i know that we will just have to work through it because they will be in my life always...i am not about to walk away because we have had a disagreement. That is, to me, true friendship.
  • 21. In times of difficulty your friends are there for you - they make you laugh, they cry with you and they listen - they expect nothing in return but know that you will be there for them in the same way when they need it. They understand you and accept you as you are true friendship is seen with the heart, not with the eyes. From this entry im using stereotype concept from chapter two showing and explain that one advantage of a stereotype is that it enables us to respond rapidly to situations because we may have had a similar experience before and one disadvantage is that it makes us ignore differences between individuals; therefore we think things about people that might not be true.
  • 23. As we grow older, we find someone to looks up to. Some of us admire celebrities, family, and friends. The person I admire the most is my mother, Ms. Nur Amyza. Not only is she my mother, but she's my best friend. My mother grew up on a small village in Limbongan, Melaka. She was one of five children who lived in a two room house which no indoor plumbing. She never once complained about the thins she had and the things she wished she had. She made do in order to help support her family. I admire her because of her strength, and determination. Ten strong men physically could not out-match my mother's strength mentally. My mother enjoyed reading dearly, and she would read any piece of paper or scrap she could find. Finishing school at age of seventhteen, my mother was faced with two choices: either go to the country to pick different fruits and vegetables and sell them for money, or become a school teacher. She became a teacher only because her dream of becoming a doctor was delayed since she need alots of money to fund her education. So she become a teacher all this years until she get married and had
  • 24. a family and lastly she had me in her life. When the times come and im grew old enough to know everythings. She the one that I admire the most because she never gave up being a great mom when she was at home and also being a great teacher when she was at the school. The way she treat the student at school was never different when she treats her child at home. All the student love the way she was. She never scold the student instead of giving them a nice advise so that the student will always respect the teachers and that make me admire her because she can handle all the student very generously. Determination can get you anywhere. My mother's determination led her from where she really wanted to be, which was with her the family that determines her life as well as a passion for her continues to be the best and brightest teachers in the school. She always told me that being a person we cant never underrestimate other peoples and also never gave up so that everythign that u did its going to pay you off soon or later you going to have it all. I was so amaze with her. How could she have alots of energy to handle. In the morning she had
  • 25. to handle all the student at the school till in the evening sometimes she have to stayed till night just because she have to settle all the works she had at the school. After she done with her work, she have to go back and be a wife and a mother to her husband and child. She have to do all the laundries and cooking. She have to folded all the clothes and swap the house to make sure the house is always clean. She never being mad or tired eventhough I know she was tired and that’s make me admired her the most. From this story im using Halo Effect concept from chapter 4 in the slide. Halo effect is a cognitive bias in which an observer's overall impression of a person, company, brand, or product influences the observer's feelings and thoughts about that entity's character or properties.