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Wollega University
College of Health sciences
Department of Midwifery

    Gynecology for Midwives

Unit I

  Approach to the Patient

Chapter outline……
– Approach to the Pt
– Gynecological assessment and dxtic procedures
– The role of imaging techniques in GYN
– Embryology of the urogenital system &
  congenital Anomalies of the female genitalia
– Genetic disorders & sex chromosome

Introduction to Gynecology
 Gyn , gyne-, gyneco-, gyno- means= female
 Gynecology is the medical specialty concerned with diseases
  of the female genital tract, as well as endocrinology and
  reproductive physiology of the female.
 Gynecology is health care for women. It helps to take good
  care of sexual and reproductive health.
• Routine gynecological care
 Prevents illness and discomfort
 Allows for early detection of cancerous disorders of female
   reproductive organs
 Detects sexually transmitted infections and other conditions
   before they cause serious damage
 Prevents sterility
 Promotes healthy pregnancy and childbirth
Approach to the patient
• An effective relationship b/n health care provider &
  patient is based on the knowledge and skill of provider.
• These qualify the provider for:
   Adequate communication between the individuals &
   An appreciation of the ethical standards that govern
    the conduct of the participants in the relationship.
• The health care of women encompasses all aspects of
  medical science and therapeutics.
• The special medical needs and concerns of women
  vary with the patient's age, reproductive status, and
  desire to reproduce.
Approach to the patient cont...
• The diagnostic possibilities and the choice of
  diagnostic or therapeutic intervention will be
  influenced by the possibility of, or desire for,
  pregnancy or, in some cases, by the patient's
  hormonal profile.
• In addition, the gynecologic or obstetric assessment
  must include an evaluation of the patient's general
  health status and should be placed in the context of
  the psychologic, social, cultural, and emotional
  status of the patient.
• Assessment of the patient is done by history taking
  & physical examination
• To offer each woman optimal care, the information
  obtained at each visit should be as complete as
• The clinical database should include general
  information about the pt & her goals in seeking care.
• History includes Id. history (IH), chief complaint
  (CC), history of present illness (HPI), past medical
  history (PMH), medications used, Allergies, etc.
• The developmental history, menstrual history, sexual
  history, & obstetric history obviously assume central
  importance for the gynecologic or obstetric visit.
History cont…
ID: Age :
Problems and approach to them differ at various age group.
   Prepubertic                 Age of menarche
   Adolescent                  Age of telarche
   Reproductive    age         Menopause ---
   Post menopausal

b) Marital status: single , married, widowed, divorced,
   separated /geographical
C) Sexual status:
         Monogamous –one partner
         Heterosexual /Lesbian
         Polygamous –many sexual partner
d)Occupation – occupational hazards, allergies,
   industrial factor/carcinogenic---neoplastic d/se,
   heavy work---uterine prolapse
e) Religious affilation
f) Detail contact address etc…
History cont…
CC/Chief compliant
 Cc is the main very cardinal problem of the patient
  which explained by the pt & which make him/her
  visits health facility.
 State the problem with duration
What kind of problem are you having? How can I
  help you?
 E.g. – AVB- Vaginal bleeding/ discharge
         –LAP- lower abdominal pain –chronic /acute
         –Pelvic pressure         - Amenorrhea
         –Inability to conceive                   10
CC cont…
- Dyspareunia – pain full sex
- Dysmennorrhea – pain during menses
- Mass protruding out of vagina
- Ulcer on genital area
- Urinary incontinency
- Abdominal distention
- Hersutism - abnormal hair growth on female
- Sexual assault, Vulvar itching
- Inguinal swelling, Recurrent abortion/misscurrhge
- Sexual dysfunction,
- Psychosomatic complaint- no pathological finding
  seen but they have complaint
 HPI- is an elaboration of CC
     - Start from their last sexual, reproductive
     - Gynecological illness related to parity-
  – Where? Anatomical location?
  – Date of onset?/duration? Intensity/worse?
  – Duration of the symptom?
  – Related problems?
  – Aggravating factors? Relieving factors?
  – Emotional change in patients life?
History cont…
Menstrual History
    LNMP, LMP (last menstrual period)
    Age of menarche, menopause
    Cycle length, duration, regularity, flow
    Associated symptoms: pain,
    Abnormal menstrual bleeding: intermenstrual, post-coital
• Normal Menses:
- Menarche 11-14 yrs, Menopause 45-55 yrs,
- Menstrual interval 21-35dys (av. 28 days),
- Volume – 10- 80ml/ av.50ml
- Duration 2-8 days( av. 5 days) - non offensive odor
- Dark non clotting, associated with mild abdominal cramp
History cont…
Sexual History
     If the women is in RAG- sexual activity, chxs
      of intercourse
     Age when first sexually active
     Number and sexual of partner
     Oral, anal, vaginal
     Current relationship and partner’s health
     Dyspareunia or bleeding with intercourse
     Satisfaction
     History of sexual assault or abuse
History cont…
Contraceptive History
    Present and past contraception modalities
    IUCD---- may cause PID
    Compliance
    Complications / failure/side-effects
Gynecological Infections
   • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),
   • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
   • Vaginitis, vulvitis , lesions
   • Include treatments, complications           15
History cont…
Gynecological Procedures
 • last Pap smear
 • history of abnormal Pap
 • follow-up and treatments
 • gynecological or abdominal surgery
 • previous ectopic pregnancies

Physical Examination
 P/E is the 2nd component of the pt assessment.
 P/E should also be directed toward evaluation of
  the total patient health.
 The patient again should be encouraged to view the
  examination as a positive opportunity to gain
  information about her body
 Pt should be offered feedback regarding the general
  physical examination and any significant findings.
 The examination should always include a
  discussion of any concerns expressed by the
  patient.                                        17
P /E Cont…
 GA: General appearance- comfortable, ASL,
  CSL, orientation, conscious level …
 Vital signs: PR, RR, BP, To
 Wt , ht- is important for postmenopausal women
  in decrease in ht due to osteoporosis
 The following examinations are essential in
  gynecologic physical examination.
 Breast examination
 Abdominal examination
 Pelvic examination
P/E Cont…
    The Breast & axillary Exam
The breast examination provides a good opportunity to
 reinforce the practice of breast self-examination.
 Patient will change into an examination gown or be
  covered with a drape sheet.
 Put the mother in lying position on back, head tilt,
  adequate positioning help to gain accurate screen
1. Inspection: - inspect for
      - Symmetricity /size, position , shape
      - Any observable scar, swelling, discharge ,color
      - The size of two breast may not necessarily equal,
        slight difference is normal but not too much
Bt ex. cont…
2. Palpation:
Clinician will examine the breasts for lumps,
 thickening, irregularities, and discharge.
Breast lumps are often discovered by a woman or her
 sex partner.
Ask the pt changes noticed in the breasts since last
 exam, if any. Should become familiar with the way
 breasts normally look and feel.
That way patient will be more likely to notice any
Classify in to 4 quadrant                       20
Bt ex. cont…
 Start from axillary lymph node / using your finger
 Support the quadrant you are examining
 Feel :- tenderness – advanced Ca, tenderness during
          1st trimester
         – Mass
         – Discharge while palpation
         – Retraction- in advanced case of breast problem
         – Engorgements
 Sitting position- arm above the head
 Litotomy – arm on the side of examiner/under the head

   Peau d’orange

Brest self examination
 Some women use breast self-exams (BSEs) to get to know
  their breasts.
 The best time for a BSE is one week after the period, when
  breasts are not swollen or tender.
 Lumps are also noticed during day-to-day activities such as
  showering or sex play. Most lumps are not cancerous.
 But report anything unusual to the clinician as soon as
 Ninety percent of breast cancers are found by the woman or
  her partner.
 For this reason it is important that women understand the
  importance of examining the breast on a monthly basis.
 During pregnancy there is no special time of the month that
  is best to reform the examination.
 In non pregnant women, 5 days after cessation of
  menstruation, it is the optimum time to detect changes
Four-Step Breast Self-Exam
1. Inspection in the Shower
- It is easier to examine breast when hands are soapy.
- With your right hand behind your head, examine your
   right breast with your left hand using a grid or circular
- Reverse the procedure to examine the other breast.
2. In front of the mirror
A. With arms at sides looks for:
    – Changes in size and shape of breasts
    – Changes in skin dimpling, puckering, scaling, redness,
    – Changes in nipple inversion, scaling, discharge from
      nipples pointing in different directions.
Four-Step Breast Self-Exam cont…
B. Holding arms over the head, inspect closely in the mirror
  for masses, breast symmetry, puckering.
C. Press hands firmly on hips, below slightly forward.
   – Inspect in mirror for lumps or pulling of the skin.
D. Each breast should be a mirror image of the other.
   – If you think you detect a lump in breast, check the
     other side to see if it feels the same.
   – If so this is undoubtedly normal tissue.
   – Examine using the circular or grid motion as in the
E. Gently squeeze the nipple of each breast b/n your thumb
  & index finger to check for signs of discharge or bleeding.
Four-Step Breast Self-Exam cont…
3. Inspection on Lying Down
• Lying flat on your back, with your right hand under
  your head and a pillow or towel under your right
  shoulder, use your left hand to gently feel your right
  breast, using concentric circles to cover the entire
  breast and nipple.
• Examine every part of the breast with the fingers of
  the left hand held flat.
• Gently press in small circles. Start at the top
  outermost edge and spiral in to the nipple.
• Feel for lumps, bumps, or thickening.
• Repeat on your left breast.                       29
P/E Cont…
 Abdominal examination: follow the same procedure as
    obstetric abdominal examination
 What methods/skills are used during abdominal
 Pelvic examination
• The pelvic examination is a procedure feared by many
  women, so it must be conducted in such a way as to
  allay her anxieties.
• A patient's first pelvic examination may be especially
  disturbing, so it is important for the care giver to
  attempt to allay fear and to inspire confidence and
• Reassurance of the patient is helpful in securing patient
  relaxation and cooperation.
P/E Cont…
 There are four steps:
     1. The External Genital Exam
     2. The Speculum Exam
     3. The Bimanual Exam
     4. The Rectovaginal Exam
Step 1. The External Genital Exam
 The pubic hair should be inspected for:
     Pattern (masculine or feminine),
     The nits of pubic lice, for infected hair
       follicles, and for any other abnormalities.
P/E Cont…
 The skin of the vulva, mons pubis, and perineal
  area should be examined for evidence of dermatitis
  or discoloration.
 The glans clitoridis can be exposed by gently
  retracting the surrounding skin folds.
 The clitoris is at the ventral confluence of the 2
  labia; it should be no more than 2.5 cm in length,
  most of which is subcutaneous.
 The major and minor labia usually are the same
  size on both sides, but a moderate difference in
  size is not abnormal.
P/E Cont…
 The urethra, just below the clitoris, should be the same
  color as the surrounding tissue and without
 Normally, vestibular (Bartholin's) glands can be neither
  seen nor felt, so enlargement may indicate an
  abnormality of this gland system.
 The perineal skin may be reddened as a result of vulvar
  or vaginal infection.
 Scars may indicate obstetric lacerations or surgery.
 The anus should be inspected at this time for the
  presence of hemorrhoids, fissures, irritation, or perianal
  infections (eg, condylomata or herpesvirus lesions).
P/E Cont…
 The clinician visually examines the soft folds of
  the vulva and the opening of the vagina to check
  for signs of irritation, discharge, cysts, genital
  warts, or other conditions.

Step 2. The Speculum Exam
¤ The clinician inserts a metal or plastic speculum
  into the vagina.
¤ When opened, it separates the walls of the vagina,
  which normally are closed and touch each other, so
  that the cervix can be seen.
¤ Feels some degree of pressure or mild discomfort
  when the speculum is inserted and opened.
¤ Will likely feel more discomfort if tensed or if
  vagina or pelvic organs are infected.

P/E Cont…
¤ The position of the cervix or uterus may affect the
    comfort as well.
¤   Talk with your client       about any feeling of
¤   Once the speculum is in place, check for any
    irritation, growth, or abnormal discharge from the
¤   Tests for gonorrhea, human papilloma virus,
    chlamydia, or other sexually transmitted infections
    may be taken by collecting cervical mucus on a
    cotton swab.
¤   These tests could be done according to the patients
•Speculae, from left to right: small metal Pedersen,
medium metal Pedersen, medium metal Graves, large
metal Graves, and large plastic Pedersen        40
Speculum insertion

Step 3. The Bimanual Exam
¤ Wearing an examination glove, the clinician inserts one or
  two lubricated fingers into the vagina.
¤ The other hand presses down on the lower abdomen.
¤ Then feel the internal organs of the pelvis between the two
  fingers in the vagina and the fingers on the abdomen.
¤ Examine the internal organs with both hands to check for
   – Size, shape, and position of the uterus
   – An enlarged uterus, which could indicate a pregnancy
      or fibroids
   – Tenderness or pain, which might indicate infection
   – Swelling of the fallopian tubes
   – Enlarged ovaries, cysts, or tumors                    43
Bimanual exam. Cont…

¤ The bimanual part of the exam causes a
  sensation of pressure.
¤ May find it somewhat uncomfortable.
¤ Deep breathing through the mouth helps.
¤ Instruct the patient to tell you when feeling

Bimanual Pelvic Exam

Step 4. Rectovaginal Exam
¤ Many clinicians complete the bimanual exam by
    inserting a gloved finger into the rectum to check the
    condition of muscles that separate the vagina and rectum.
¤   Check for possible tumors located behind the uterus, on
    the lower wall of the vagina, and in the rectum
¤   Feel for tenderness, masses, or irregularities.
¤   Insert one finger in the anus and another in the vagina for
    a more thorough examination of the tissue in between.
¤   When the examining finger has been inserted a short
    distance, the index finger can then be inserted into the
    vagina until the depth of the vagina is reached

• This is normal and lasts only a few seconds.
• During this procedure, she may feel as though she
  need to have a bowel movement.

Gynecological Diagnostic procedures
 In addition to routine gynecologic examination
  some other diagnostic procedures could be
  performed upon necessity .
 Mammography has long been used as a screening
   test for breast cancer.
 It involves taking an X-ray of the breast.
 It is widely accepted that screening
   mammography leads to early detection of breast
Gyn. Dx procedures cont…
 Pap smear test- is an important part of the gynecologic
¤ Usually a small spatula or tiny brush is used to gently collect
   cells from the cervix for a Pap test.
¤ The cells are tested for abnormalities — the presence of
   precancerous or cancerous cells.
¤ May have some staining or bleeding after the sample is taken.
¤ The Pap smear is a screening test only.
¤ Positive tests are an indication for further diagnostic
   procedures, such as colposcopy, endocervical curettage,
   cervical biopsy or ,endometrial biopsy, or D&C
¤ The properly collected Pap smear can accurately lead to the
   diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix in approximately 95%
   of cases.                                                49
 Hysterosonography. This diagnostic technique uses an
  ultrasound probe to obtain images of the uterine cavity.
 Hysterosalpingography. This technique uses a dye to
  highlight the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes on X-ray
 Hysteroscopy. Insertion of a small, lighted telescope
  called a hysteroscope through the cervix into the uterus.
  The tube releases a gas or liquid to expand uterus,
  allowing you to examine the walls of uterus and the
  openings of fallopian tubes. Its application is used
  evaluation for abnormal uterine bleeding, resection of
  uterine synechiae and septa, removal of polyps and
  intrauterine devices (IUDs), resection of submucous
  myomas, and endometrial ablation
Culdocentesis: is the passage of a needle into the
 cul-de-sac—culdocentesis—in order to obtain fluid
 from the pouch of Douglas .The type of fluid
 obtained indicates the type of intraperitoneal lesion,
 eg, bloody with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, pus
 with acute salpingitis, or ascitic fluid with malignant
 cells in cancer. Is performed less frequently today,
 due presence of U/S, which could provide definative

Culdocentesis …

 Colposcopy
 The method of examining the VAGINA & CERVIX UTERI
  by means of the binocular instrument known as the
 It is used to screen for cancer of the cervix and in
  investigation of child sexual abuse
 Diagnostic use
    Provides a magnified view of the surface structures of the
      vulva, vagina and cervix
    Special green filters allow better visualization of vessels
    Application of 1% acetic acid wash dehydrates cells and
      reveals white areas of increased
    Nuclear density (abnormal) or areas with epithelial changes
    Biopsy of visible lesions or those revealed with the acetic
      acid wash allows early identifica of dysplasia and neoplasia
 Bloodwork
 CBC - evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding, preoperative
 ßhCG - investigation of possible pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy
      • work-up for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
      • Monitored after the medical management of ectopic and in
        GTN to assess for cure and recurrences
      • Amenorrhea, menstrual irregularities, menopause,

The role of imaging techniques in GYN
Ultrasound (U/S)- it records high-frequency sound waves
  as they are reflected from anatomic structures. As the
  sounds waves pass through tissues, they encounter variable
  auditory densities. Each of the tissues returns a different
  echo, depending on the amount of energy reflected. This
  echo signal can be measured and converted into a 2-
  dimensional image of the area under examination, with the
  relative densities shown as differing shades of gray.
 Simple & painless procedure that has the added advantage
  of freedom from any radiation hazard
 It is especially helpful in patients in whom an adequate
 pelvic examination may be difficult, such as in children,
 virginal women, and uncooperative patients.
 Imaging modality of choice for pelvic structures
      Transvaginal U/S provides enhanced details of structures
        located near the apex of the vagina (i.e. intrauterine and
        adnexal structures)
 Used to
       Rule in or out ectopic pregnancy, intrauterine
         pregnancy, type of abortion
       Assess uterine, adnexal, ovarian masses (i.e.
         solid or cystic)
       Determine uterine thickness
       Monitor follicles during assisted reproduction

A: Longitudinal view.   B: Transverse section

C: Longitudinal view      D: Longitudinal       57
 X-ray after contrast is introduced through the cervix
  into the uterus
 Contrast flows through the tubes and into the
  peritoneal cavity if tubes are patent
 Used for evaluation of size, shape, configuration of
  uterus, tubal patency or obstruction
 Sonohysterography
 Saline infusion into endometrial cavity under U/S
  visualization expands endometrium, allowing
  visualization of uterus and fallopian tubes       58
 Useful for investigation of:
  Uncertain endometrial findings on vx U/S,
  Infertility, Amenorrhea, Allergies to iodine dyes
  Abnormal x-ray hysterosalpingogram
  Congenital/acquired uterine abnormalities (i.e. uterus
   didelphys, uni/bicornate, arcuate uterus)
 Easily done, minimal cost, extremely well-tolerated,
  sensitive and specific
• Frequently avoids need for hysteroscopy

 Angiography is the use of radiographic contrast medium
  to visualize the blood vascular system. By demonstrating
  the vascular pattern of an area, tumors or other
  abnormalities can be delineated. Angiography also is
  used to delineate continued bleeding from pelvic vessels
  postoperatively, to visualize bleeding from infiltration by
  cancer in cancer patients, or to embolize the uterine
  arteries in order to decrease acute bleeding and/or reduce
  the size of uterine myomas. These vessels then can be
  embolized with synthetic fabrics to stop the bleeding or
  indicate therapy that can prevent the need for a major
  abdominal operation in a highly compromised patient.
Computed tomography (CT) scan: is a diagnostic
 imaging technique that provides high-resolution 2-
 dimensional images. In gynecology, the CT scan is
 most useful in accurately diagnosing retroperitoneal
 lymphadenopathy associated with malignancies. It
 also has been used to determine the depth of
 myometrial invasion in endometrial carcinoma as
 well as extrauterine spread. It is an accurate tool for
 locating pelvic abscesses that cannot be located by

CT scan of the pelvis showing a large fibroid uterus with 3
calcified fibroids in the body of the uterus.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic
  imaging technique that creates a high-resolution,
  cross-sectional image of the body like a CT scan.
 Its main use in gynecology appears to be staging and
  follow-up of pelvic cancers. MRI in obstetrics is
  limited to its use as an accessory prenatal diagnosis
  of fetal anomalies.
 It allows for multiple image cuts that can help
  interpret complex anomalies. Other potential uses of
  MRI include evaluation of placental blood flow and
  accurate performance of pelvimetry
Embryology of the Urogenital system
 The female urinary and genital tracts are closely
  related, both anatomically & embryologically.
 Both are derived largely from primitive mesoderm
  and endoderm.
 About 10% of infants are born with some
  abnormality of the genitourinary system, and
 Anomalies in one system are often mirrored by
  anomalies in another system.
 Developmental defects may play a significant role in
  the DDx of certain clinical signs and symptoms.
 Thus it is important for you to have a basic
  understanding of embryology.
Embryology of Urinary System
•The kidneys, renal collecting system, and ureters derive
 from the longitudinal mass of mesoderm (known as the
 nephrogenic cord) found on each side of the primitive
•This process gives rise to three successive sets of
 increasingly advanced urinary structures, each
 developing more caudal to its precursor.
•The pronephros , or ―first kidney, ‖ is rudimentary and
 nonfunctional; it is succeeded by the ―middle kidney,‖
 or mesonephros, which is believed to function briefly
 before regressing.
•Although the mesonephros is transitory as an excretory
 organ, its duct, the mesonephric (wolffian) duct, is of
 singular importance for the following reasons:
1. It grows caudally in the developing embryo to
   open, for the first time, an excretory channel into
   the primitive cloaca and the ―outside world.‖
2. It serves as the starting point for development of
   the metanephros, which becomes the definitive
3. It ultimately differentiates into the sexual duct
   system in the male
4. Although regressing in female fetuses, there is
   evidence that the mesonephric duct may have an
   inductive role in development of the
   paramesonephric or müllerian duct
Bladder and Urethra
 The bladder and urethra form from the most superior
  portion of the urogenital sinus, with surrounding
  mesenchyme contributing to their muscular and
  serosal layers.
 The remaining inferior urogenital sinus is known as
  the phallic or definitive urogenital sinus.
 Concurrently, the distal mesonephric ducts and
  attached ureteric buds are incorporated into the
  posterior bladder wall in the area that will become the
  bladder trigone.
 As a result of the absorption process, the
  mesonephric duct ultimately opens independently
  into the urogenital sinus below the bladder neck
 The allantois, which is a vestigial diverticulum of
  the hindgut that extends into the umbilicus and is
  continuous with the bladder, loses its lumen and
  becomes the fibrous band known as the
 urachus or median umbilical ligament. In rare
  instances, the urachal lumen remains partially
 patent, with formation of urachal cysts, or
  completely patent, with the formation of a urinary
 fistula to the umbilicus.

Embryology of the Urogenital system

Embryology of the Urogenital system

Embryology of the Urogenital system

Embryology of the Urogenital system

Embryology of the Urogenital system


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Gyn into....

  • 1. Wollega University College of Health sciences Department of Midwifery Gynecology for Midwives 1
  • 2. Unit I REPRODUCTIVE BASICS Approach to the Patient 2
  • 3. Chapter outline…… – Approach to the Pt – Gynecological assessment and dxtic procedures – The role of imaging techniques in GYN – Embryology of the urogenital system & congenital Anomalies of the female genitalia – Genetic disorders & sex chromosome Abnormalities 3
  • 4. Introduction to Gynecology  Gyn , gyne-, gyneco-, gyno- means= female  Gynecology is the medical specialty concerned with diseases of the female genital tract, as well as endocrinology and reproductive physiology of the female.  Gynecology is health care for women. It helps to take good care of sexual and reproductive health. • Routine gynecological care  Prevents illness and discomfort  Allows for early detection of cancerous disorders of female reproductive organs  Detects sexually transmitted infections and other conditions before they cause serious damage  Prevents sterility  Promotes healthy pregnancy and childbirth 4
  • 5. Approach to the patient • An effective relationship b/n health care provider & patient is based on the knowledge and skill of provider. • These qualify the provider for: Adequate communication between the individuals & An appreciation of the ethical standards that govern the conduct of the participants in the relationship. • The health care of women encompasses all aspects of medical science and therapeutics. • The special medical needs and concerns of women vary with the patient's age, reproductive status, and desire to reproduce. 5
  • 6. Approach to the patient cont... • The diagnostic possibilities and the choice of diagnostic or therapeutic intervention will be influenced by the possibility of, or desire for, pregnancy or, in some cases, by the patient's hormonal profile. • In addition, the gynecologic or obstetric assessment must include an evaluation of the patient's general health status and should be placed in the context of the psychologic, social, cultural, and emotional status of the patient. • Assessment of the patient is done by history taking & physical examination 6
  • 7. History • To offer each woman optimal care, the information obtained at each visit should be as complete as possible. • The clinical database should include general information about the pt & her goals in seeking care. • History includes Id. history (IH), chief complaint (CC), history of present illness (HPI), past medical history (PMH), medications used, Allergies, etc. • The developmental history, menstrual history, sexual history, & obstetric history obviously assume central importance for the gynecologic or obstetric visit. 7
  • 8. History cont… ID: Age : Problems and approach to them differ at various age group. Prepubertic Age of menarche Adolescent Age of telarche Reproductive age Menopause --- (15-49) Premenopausal Perimenopausal Post menopausal 8
  • 9. Cont… b) Marital status: single , married, widowed, divorced, separated /geographical C) Sexual status: Monogamous –one partner Heterosexual /Lesbian Polygamous –many sexual partner d)Occupation – occupational hazards, allergies, industrial factor/carcinogenic---neoplastic d/se, heavy work---uterine prolapse e) Religious affilation f) Detail contact address etc… 9
  • 10. History cont… CC/Chief compliant  Cc is the main very cardinal problem of the patient which explained by the pt & which make him/her visits health facility.  State the problem with duration What kind of problem are you having? How can I help you?  E.g. – AVB- Vaginal bleeding/ discharge –LAP- lower abdominal pain –chronic /acute –Pelvic pressure - Amenorrhea –Inability to conceive 10
  • 11. CC cont… - Dyspareunia – pain full sex - Dysmennorrhea – pain during menses - Mass protruding out of vagina - Ulcer on genital area - Urinary incontinency - Abdominal distention - Hersutism - abnormal hair growth on female - Sexual assault, Vulvar itching - Inguinal swelling, Recurrent abortion/misscurrhge - Sexual dysfunction, - Psychosomatic complaint- no pathological finding seen but they have complaint 11
  • 12. HPI  HPI- is an elaboration of CC - Start from their last sexual, reproductive performance - Gynecological illness related to parity- – Where? Anatomical location? – Date of onset?/duration? Intensity/worse? – Duration of the symptom? – Related problems? – Aggravating factors? Relieving factors? – Emotional change in patients life? 12
  • 13. History cont… Menstrual History  LNMP, LMP (last menstrual period)  Age of menarche, menopause  Cycle length, duration, regularity, flow  Associated symptoms: pain,  Abnormal menstrual bleeding: intermenstrual, post-coital • Normal Menses: - Menarche 11-14 yrs, Menopause 45-55 yrs, - Menstrual interval 21-35dys (av. 28 days), - Volume – 10- 80ml/ av.50ml - Duration 2-8 days( av. 5 days) - non offensive odor - Dark non clotting, associated with mild abdominal cramp 13
  • 14. History cont… Sexual History  If the women is in RAG- sexual activity, chxs of intercourse  Age when first sexually active  Number and sexual of partner  Oral, anal, vaginal  Current relationship and partner’s health  Dyspareunia or bleeding with intercourse  Satisfaction  History of sexual assault or abuse 14
  • 15. History cont… Contraceptive History  Present and past contraception modalities  IUCD---- may cause PID  Compliance  Complications / failure/side-effects Gynecological Infections • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) • Vaginitis, vulvitis , lesions • Include treatments, complications 15
  • 16. History cont… Gynecological Procedures • last Pap smear • history of abnormal Pap • follow-up and treatments • gynecological or abdominal surgery • previous ectopic pregnancies 16
  • 17. Physical Examination  P/E is the 2nd component of the pt assessment.  P/E should also be directed toward evaluation of the total patient health.  The patient again should be encouraged to view the examination as a positive opportunity to gain information about her body  Pt should be offered feedback regarding the general physical examination and any significant findings.  The examination should always include a discussion of any concerns expressed by the patient. 17
  • 18. P /E Cont…  GA: General appearance- comfortable, ASL, CSL, orientation, conscious level …  Vital signs: PR, RR, BP, To  Wt , ht- is important for postmenopausal women in decrease in ht due to osteoporosis  The following examinations are essential in gynecologic physical examination.  Breast examination  Abdominal examination  Pelvic examination 18
  • 19. P/E Cont…  The Breast & axillary Exam The breast examination provides a good opportunity to reinforce the practice of breast self-examination.  Patient will change into an examination gown or be covered with a drape sheet.  Put the mother in lying position on back, head tilt, adequate positioning help to gain accurate screen 1. Inspection: - inspect for - Symmetricity /size, position , shape - Any observable scar, swelling, discharge ,color - The size of two breast may not necessarily equal, slight difference is normal but not too much 19
  • 20. Bt ex. cont… 2. Palpation: Clinician will examine the breasts for lumps, thickening, irregularities, and discharge. Breast lumps are often discovered by a woman or her sex partner. Ask the pt changes noticed in the breasts since last exam, if any. Should become familiar with the way breasts normally look and feel. That way patient will be more likely to notice any changes Classify in to 4 quadrant 20
  • 21. Bt ex. cont…  Start from axillary lymph node / using your finger  Support the quadrant you are examining  Feel :- tenderness – advanced Ca, tenderness during 1st trimester – Mass – Discharge while palpation – Retraction- in advanced case of breast problem – Engorgements  Sitting position- arm above the head  Litotomy – arm on the side of examiner/under the head 21
  • 22. 22
  • 24. INFLAMMATION? Peau d’orange 24
  • 25. Brest self examination  Some women use breast self-exams (BSEs) to get to know their breasts.  The best time for a BSE is one week after the period, when breasts are not swollen or tender.  Lumps are also noticed during day-to-day activities such as showering or sex play. Most lumps are not cancerous.  But report anything unusual to the clinician as soon as possible.  Ninety percent of breast cancers are found by the woman or her partner.  For this reason it is important that women understand the importance of examining the breast on a monthly basis.  During pregnancy there is no special time of the month that is best to reform the examination.  In non pregnant women, 5 days after cessation of menstruation, it is the optimum time to detect changes 25
  • 26. Four-Step Breast Self-Exam 1. Inspection in the Shower - It is easier to examine breast when hands are soapy. - With your right hand behind your head, examine your right breast with your left hand using a grid or circular motion - Reverse the procedure to examine the other breast. 2. In front of the mirror A. With arms at sides looks for: – Changes in size and shape of breasts – Changes in skin dimpling, puckering, scaling, redness, swelling – Changes in nipple inversion, scaling, discharge from 26 nipples pointing in different directions.
  • 27. Four-Step Breast Self-Exam cont… B. Holding arms over the head, inspect closely in the mirror for masses, breast symmetry, puckering. C. Press hands firmly on hips, below slightly forward. – Inspect in mirror for lumps or pulling of the skin. D. Each breast should be a mirror image of the other. – If you think you detect a lump in breast, check the other side to see if it feels the same. – If so this is undoubtedly normal tissue. – Examine using the circular or grid motion as in the shower. E. Gently squeeze the nipple of each breast b/n your thumb & index finger to check for signs of discharge or bleeding. 27
  • 28. 28
  • 29. Four-Step Breast Self-Exam cont… 3. Inspection on Lying Down • Lying flat on your back, with your right hand under your head and a pillow or towel under your right shoulder, use your left hand to gently feel your right breast, using concentric circles to cover the entire breast and nipple. • Examine every part of the breast with the fingers of the left hand held flat. • Gently press in small circles. Start at the top outermost edge and spiral in to the nipple. • Feel for lumps, bumps, or thickening. • Repeat on your left breast. 29
  • 30. 30
  • 31. 31
  • 32. P/E Cont…  Abdominal examination: follow the same procedure as obstetric abdominal examination  What methods/skills are used during abdominal examination?  Pelvic examination • The pelvic examination is a procedure feared by many women, so it must be conducted in such a way as to allay her anxieties. • A patient's first pelvic examination may be especially disturbing, so it is important for the care giver to attempt to allay fear and to inspire confidence and cooperation. • Reassurance of the patient is helpful in securing patient relaxation and cooperation. 32
  • 33. P/E Cont…  There are four steps: 1. The External Genital Exam 2. The Speculum Exam 3. The Bimanual Exam 4. The Rectovaginal Exam Step 1. The External Genital Exam  The pubic hair should be inspected for: Pattern (masculine or feminine), The nits of pubic lice, for infected hair follicles, and for any other abnormalities. 33
  • 34. P/E Cont…  The skin of the vulva, mons pubis, and perineal area should be examined for evidence of dermatitis or discoloration.  The glans clitoridis can be exposed by gently retracting the surrounding skin folds.  The clitoris is at the ventral confluence of the 2 labia; it should be no more than 2.5 cm in length, most of which is subcutaneous.  The major and minor labia usually are the same size on both sides, but a moderate difference in size is not abnormal. 34
  • 35. P/E Cont…  The urethra, just below the clitoris, should be the same color as the surrounding tissue and without protuberances.  Normally, vestibular (Bartholin's) glands can be neither seen nor felt, so enlargement may indicate an abnormality of this gland system.  The perineal skin may be reddened as a result of vulvar or vaginal infection.  Scars may indicate obstetric lacerations or surgery.  The anus should be inspected at this time for the presence of hemorrhoids, fissures, irritation, or perianal infections (eg, condylomata or herpesvirus lesions). 35
  • 36. P/E Cont…  The clinician visually examines the soft folds of the vulva and the opening of the vagina to check for signs of irritation, discharge, cysts, genital warts, or other conditions. 36
  • 37. Step 2. The Speculum Exam ¤ The clinician inserts a metal or plastic speculum into the vagina. ¤ When opened, it separates the walls of the vagina, which normally are closed and touch each other, so that the cervix can be seen. ¤ Feels some degree of pressure or mild discomfort when the speculum is inserted and opened. ¤ Will likely feel more discomfort if tensed or if vagina or pelvic organs are infected. 37
  • 38. P/E Cont… ¤ The position of the cervix or uterus may affect the comfort as well. ¤ Talk with your client about any feeling of discomfort. ¤ Once the speculum is in place, check for any irritation, growth, or abnormal discharge from the cervix. ¤ Tests for gonorrhea, human papilloma virus, chlamydia, or other sexually transmitted infections may be taken by collecting cervical mucus on a cotton swab. ¤ These tests could be done according to the patients symptoms. 38
  • 39. 39
  • 40. •Speculae, from left to right: small metal Pedersen, medium metal Pedersen, medium metal Graves, large metal Graves, and large plastic Pedersen 40
  • 42. 42
  • 43. Step 3. The Bimanual Exam ¤ Wearing an examination glove, the clinician inserts one or two lubricated fingers into the vagina. ¤ The other hand presses down on the lower abdomen. ¤ Then feel the internal organs of the pelvis between the two fingers in the vagina and the fingers on the abdomen. ¤ Examine the internal organs with both hands to check for – Size, shape, and position of the uterus – An enlarged uterus, which could indicate a pregnancy or fibroids – Tenderness or pain, which might indicate infection – Swelling of the fallopian tubes – Enlarged ovaries, cysts, or tumors 43
  • 44. Bimanual exam. Cont… ¤ The bimanual part of the exam causes a sensation of pressure. ¤ May find it somewhat uncomfortable. ¤ Deep breathing through the mouth helps. ¤ Instruct the patient to tell you when feeling pain,. 44
  • 46. Step 4. Rectovaginal Exam ¤ Many clinicians complete the bimanual exam by inserting a gloved finger into the rectum to check the condition of muscles that separate the vagina and rectum. ¤ Check for possible tumors located behind the uterus, on the lower wall of the vagina, and in the rectum ¤ Feel for tenderness, masses, or irregularities. ¤ Insert one finger in the anus and another in the vagina for a more thorough examination of the tissue in between. ¤ When the examining finger has been inserted a short distance, the index finger can then be inserted into the vagina until the depth of the vagina is reached 46
  • 47. • This is normal and lasts only a few seconds. • During this procedure, she may feel as though she need to have a bowel movement. 47
  • 48. Gynecological Diagnostic procedures  In addition to routine gynecologic examination some other diagnostic procedures could be performed upon necessity . Mammography  Mammography has long been used as a screening test for breast cancer.  It involves taking an X-ray of the breast.  It is widely accepted that screening mammography leads to early detection of breast cancer 48
  • 49. Gyn. Dx procedures cont…  Pap smear test- is an important part of the gynecologic examination. ¤ Usually a small spatula or tiny brush is used to gently collect cells from the cervix for a Pap test. ¤ The cells are tested for abnormalities — the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells. ¤ May have some staining or bleeding after the sample is taken. ¤ The Pap smear is a screening test only. ¤ Positive tests are an indication for further diagnostic procedures, such as colposcopy, endocervical curettage, cervical biopsy or ,endometrial biopsy, or D&C ¤ The properly collected Pap smear can accurately lead to the diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix in approximately 95% of cases. 49
  • 50. Cont…  Hysterosonography. This diagnostic technique uses an ultrasound probe to obtain images of the uterine cavity.  Hysterosalpingography. This technique uses a dye to highlight the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes on X-ray images.  Hysteroscopy. Insertion of a small, lighted telescope called a hysteroscope through the cervix into the uterus. The tube releases a gas or liquid to expand uterus, allowing you to examine the walls of uterus and the openings of fallopian tubes. Its application is used evaluation for abnormal uterine bleeding, resection of uterine synechiae and septa, removal of polyps and intrauterine devices (IUDs), resection of submucous myomas, and endometrial ablation 50
  • 51. Cont… Culdocentesis: is the passage of a needle into the cul-de-sac—culdocentesis—in order to obtain fluid from the pouch of Douglas .The type of fluid obtained indicates the type of intraperitoneal lesion, eg, bloody with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, pus with acute salpingitis, or ascitic fluid with malignant cells in cancer. Is performed less frequently today, due presence of U/S, which could provide definative diagnosis. 51
  • 53. Cont…  Colposcopy  The method of examining the VAGINA & CERVIX UTERI by means of the binocular instrument known as the colposcope.  It is used to screen for cancer of the cervix and in investigation of child sexual abuse  Diagnostic use  Provides a magnified view of the surface structures of the vulva, vagina and cervix  Special green filters allow better visualization of vessels  Application of 1% acetic acid wash dehydrates cells and reveals white areas of increased  Nuclear density (abnormal) or areas with epithelial changes  Biopsy of visible lesions or those revealed with the acetic acid wash allows early identifica of dysplasia and neoplasia 53
  • 54. Cont…  Bloodwork  CBC - evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding, preoperative investigation  ßhCG - investigation of possible pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy • work-up for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) • Monitored after the medical management of ectopic and in GTN to assess for cure and recurrences  LH, FSH, TSH, PRL • Amenorrhea, menstrual irregularities, menopause, infertility 54
  • 55. The role of imaging techniques in GYN Ultrasound (U/S)- it records high-frequency sound waves as they are reflected from anatomic structures. As the sounds waves pass through tissues, they encounter variable auditory densities. Each of the tissues returns a different echo, depending on the amount of energy reflected. This echo signal can be measured and converted into a 2- dimensional image of the area under examination, with the relative densities shown as differing shades of gray.  Simple & painless procedure that has the added advantage of freedom from any radiation hazard  It is especially helpful in patients in whom an adequate pelvic examination may be difficult, such as in children, virginal women, and uncooperative patients. 55
  • 56. Cont…  Imaging modality of choice for pelvic structures Transvaginal U/S provides enhanced details of structures located near the apex of the vagina (i.e. intrauterine and adnexal structures)  Used to  Rule in or out ectopic pregnancy, intrauterine pregnancy, type of abortion  Assess uterine, adnexal, ovarian masses (i.e. solid or cystic)  Determine uterine thickness  Monitor follicles during assisted reproduction 56
  • 57. A: Longitudinal view. B: Transverse section C: Longitudinal view D: Longitudinal 57
  • 58. Cont… Hysterosalpingography  X-ray after contrast is introduced through the cervix into the uterus  Contrast flows through the tubes and into the peritoneal cavity if tubes are patent  Used for evaluation of size, shape, configuration of uterus, tubal patency or obstruction  Sonohysterography  Saline infusion into endometrial cavity under U/S visualization expands endometrium, allowing visualization of uterus and fallopian tubes 58
  • 59. Cont…  Useful for investigation of: AUB Uncertain endometrial findings on vx U/S, Infertility, Amenorrhea, Allergies to iodine dyes Abnormal x-ray hysterosalpingogram Congenital/acquired uterine abnormalities (i.e. uterus didelphys, uni/bicornate, arcuate uterus)  Easily done, minimal cost, extremely well-tolerated, sensitive and specific • Frequently avoids need for hysteroscopy 59
  • 60. Cont… Angiography  Angiography is the use of radiographic contrast medium to visualize the blood vascular system. By demonstrating the vascular pattern of an area, tumors or other abnormalities can be delineated. Angiography also is used to delineate continued bleeding from pelvic vessels postoperatively, to visualize bleeding from infiltration by cancer in cancer patients, or to embolize the uterine arteries in order to decrease acute bleeding and/or reduce the size of uterine myomas. These vessels then can be embolized with synthetic fabrics to stop the bleeding or indicate therapy that can prevent the need for a major abdominal operation in a highly compromised patient. 60
  • 61. Cont… Computed tomography (CT) scan: is a diagnostic imaging technique that provides high-resolution 2- dimensional images. In gynecology, the CT scan is most useful in accurately diagnosing retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy associated with malignancies. It also has been used to determine the depth of myometrial invasion in endometrial carcinoma as well as extrauterine spread. It is an accurate tool for locating pelvic abscesses that cannot be located by ultrasonography. 61
  • 62. CT scan of the pelvis showing a large fibroid uterus with 3 62 calcified fibroids in the body of the uterus.
  • 63. Cont… Magnetic Resonance Imaging  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic imaging technique that creates a high-resolution, cross-sectional image of the body like a CT scan.  Its main use in gynecology appears to be staging and follow-up of pelvic cancers. MRI in obstetrics is limited to its use as an accessory prenatal diagnosis of fetal anomalies.  It allows for multiple image cuts that can help interpret complex anomalies. Other potential uses of MRI include evaluation of placental blood flow and accurate performance of pelvimetry 63
  • 64. Embryology of the Urogenital system  The female urinary and genital tracts are closely related, both anatomically & embryologically.  Both are derived largely from primitive mesoderm and endoderm.  About 10% of infants are born with some abnormality of the genitourinary system, and  Anomalies in one system are often mirrored by anomalies in another system.  Developmental defects may play a significant role in the DDx of certain clinical signs and symptoms.  Thus it is important for you to have a basic understanding of embryology. 64
  • 65. Embryology of Urinary System •The kidneys, renal collecting system, and ureters derive from the longitudinal mass of mesoderm (known as the nephrogenic cord) found on each side of the primitive aorta. •This process gives rise to three successive sets of increasingly advanced urinary structures, each developing more caudal to its precursor. •The pronephros , or ―first kidney, ‖ is rudimentary and nonfunctional; it is succeeded by the ―middle kidney,‖ or mesonephros, which is believed to function briefly before regressing. •Although the mesonephros is transitory as an excretory organ, its duct, the mesonephric (wolffian) duct, is of singular importance for the following reasons: 65
  • 66. Cont… 1. It grows caudally in the developing embryo to open, for the first time, an excretory channel into the primitive cloaca and the ―outside world.‖ 2. It serves as the starting point for development of the metanephros, which becomes the definitive kidney. 3. It ultimately differentiates into the sexual duct system in the male 4. Although regressing in female fetuses, there is evidence that the mesonephric duct may have an inductive role in development of the paramesonephric or müllerian duct 66
  • 67. 67
  • 68. Cont… Bladder and Urethra  The bladder and urethra form from the most superior portion of the urogenital sinus, with surrounding mesenchyme contributing to their muscular and serosal layers.  The remaining inferior urogenital sinus is known as the phallic or definitive urogenital sinus.  Concurrently, the distal mesonephric ducts and attached ureteric buds are incorporated into the posterior bladder wall in the area that will become the bladder trigone.  As a result of the absorption process, the mesonephric duct ultimately opens independently into the urogenital sinus below the bladder neck 68
  • 69.  The allantois, which is a vestigial diverticulum of the hindgut that extends into the umbilicus and is continuous with the bladder, loses its lumen and becomes the fibrous band known as the  urachus or median umbilical ligament. In rare instances, the urachal lumen remains partially  patent, with formation of urachal cysts, or completely patent, with the formation of a urinary  fistula to the umbilicus. 69
  • 70. Embryology of the Urogenital system 70
  • 71. Embryology of the Urogenital system 71
  • 72. 72
  • 73. Embryology of the Urogenital system 73
  • 74. Embryology of the Urogenital system 74
  • 75. Embryology of the Urogenital system 75

Editor's Notes

  1. Before examine, patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It will include some of these questions:When was the last period?How often do patient have periods?How long do they last?Having any bleeding problems between periods?Do patient feel any pain when having sex?Is there any bleeding after sex?Do patient have any unusual genital pain, itching, or discharge?Do patient have any other medical conditions?What medical problems do other members of patient’s family have?Using birth control?Do patient suspect she is pregnant?Trying to become pregnant?What method do patient use to prevent sexually transmitted infections?
  2. Before examine, patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It will include some of these questions:When was the last period?How often do patient have periods?How long do they last?Having any bleeding problems between periods?Do patient feel any pain when having sex?Is there any bleeding after sex?Do patient have any unusual genital pain, itching, or discharge?Do patient have any other medical conditions?What medical problems do other members of patient’s family have?Using birth control?Do patient suspect she is pregnant?Trying to become pregnant?What method do patient use to prevent sexually transmitted infections?
  3. Before examine, patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It will include some of these questions:When was the last period?How often do patient have periods?How long do they last?Having any bleeding problems between periods?Do patient feel any pain when having sex?Is there any bleeding after sex?Do patient have any unusual genital pain, itching, or discharge?Do patient have any other medical conditions?What medical problems do other members of patient’s family have?Using birth control?Do patient suspect she is pregnant?Trying to become pregnant?What method do patient use to prevent sexually transmitted infections?
  4. Before examine, patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It will include some of these questions:When was the last period?How often do patient have periods?How long do they last?Having any bleeding problems between periods?Do patient feel any pain when having sex?Is there any bleeding after sex?Do patient have any unusual genital pain, itching, or discharge?Do patient have any other medical conditions?What medical problems do other members of patient’s family have?Using birth control?Do patient suspect she is pregnant?Trying to become pregnant?What method do patient use to prevent sexually transmitted infections?
  5. Before examine, patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It will include some of these questions:When was the last period?How often do patient have periods?How long do they last?Having any bleeding problems between periods?Do patient feel any pain when having sex?Is there any bleeding after sex?Do patient have any unusual genital pain, itching, or discharge?Do patient have any other medical conditions?What medical problems do other members of patient’s family have?Using birth control?Do patient suspect she is pregnant?Trying to become pregnant?What method do patient use to prevent sexually transmitted infections?
  6. Before examine, patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It will include some of these questions:When was the last period?How often do patient have periods?How long do they last?Having any bleeding problems between periods?Do patient feel any pain when having sex?Is there any bleeding after sex?Do patient have any unusual genital pain, itching, or discharge?Do patient have any other medical conditions?What medical problems do other members of patient’s family have?Using birth control?Do patient suspect she is pregnant?Trying to become pregnant?What method do patient use to prevent sexually transmitted infections?
  7. Before examine, patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It will include some of these questions:When was the last period?How often do patient have periods?How long do they last?Having any bleeding problems between periods?Do patient feel any pain when having sex?Is there any bleeding after sex?Do patient have any unusual genital pain, itching, or discharge?Do patient have any other medical conditions?What medical problems do other members of patient’s family have?Using birth control?Do patient suspect she is pregnant?Trying to become pregnant?What method do patient use to prevent sexually transmitted infections?
  8. Before examine, patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It will include some of these questions:When was the last period?How often do patient have periods?How long do they last?Having any bleeding problems between periods?Do patient feel any pain when having sex?Is there any bleeding after sex?Do patient have any unusual genital pain, itching, or discharge?Do patient have any other medical conditions?What medical problems do other members of patient’s family have?Using birth control?Do patient suspect she is pregnant?Trying to become pregnant?What method do patient use to prevent sexually transmitted infections?
  9. A: Patient is sitting, arms at sides. Perform visual inspection in good light, looking for lumps or for dimpling or wrinkling of skin. B: Patient is sitting, hands pressing on hips so that pectoralis muscles are tensed. Repeat visual inspection. C: Patient is sitting, arms above head. Repeat visual inspection of breasts and perform visual inspection of axillae. D: Patient is sitting and leaning forward, hands on examiner's shoulders, the stirrups, or her own knees. Perform bimanual palpation, paying particular attention to the base of the glandular portion of the breast. E: Patient is sitting, arms extended 60–90 degrees. Palpate axillae. F: Patient is supine, arms relaxed at sides. Perform bimanual palpation of each portion of breast (usually each quadrant, but smaller sections for unusually large breasts). Repeat examinations C, E, and F with patient supine, arms above head. G: Patient is supine, arms relaxed at sides. Palpate under the areola and nipple with the thumb and forefinger to detect a mass or test for expression of fluid from the nipple. H: Patient is either sitting or supine. Palpate supraclavicular areas.
  10. SynechiaeAdhesions between the iris ( see EYE ) andadjacent structures (e.g. cornea, lens). Theyusually arise as a result of inflammation of theiris.
  11. A: Longitudinal view of the uterus with anterior fibroid outlined by the x's; bladder anterior. B: Transverse section through an endometrioma with multiple loculations and debris. C: Longitudinal view of large ovarian cyst outlined by the +'s and x's with a focal multicystic area. D: Longitudinal view of a dermoid cyst showing areas of fat within the cyst.
  12. Angiography ---Radiography of blood vessels made visible byinjecting into them a radio-opaque substance.In the case of arteries this is known as arteriography; the corresponding term for veins beingvenography or phlebography. This proceduredemonstrates whether there is any narrowing orballooning of the lumen of the vessel, changesusually caused by disease or injury.
  13. Computed TomographyTomography is an X-ray examination techniquein which only structures in a particular planeproduce clearly focused images. Whole-bodycomputed tomography was introduced in 1977and has already made a major impact in theinvestigation and management of medical andsurgical disease. Thetechnique is particularlyvaluable where a mass distorts the contour of anorgan (e.g. a pancreatic tumour or where a lesion has a densitydifferent from that of surrounding tissue (e.g. ametastasis in the LIVER ).Computed tomography can distinguish softtissues from cysts or fat, but in general soft-tissue masses have similar appearances, so thatdistinguishing an inflammatory mass from amalignant process may be impossible. Thetechnique is particularly useful in patients withsuspected malignancy; it can also define theextent of the cancer by detecting enlargedlymph nodes, indicating lymphatic spread. Themain indications for computed tomography ofthe body are: mediastinal masses, suspectedpulmonary metastases, adrenal disease, pan-creatic masses, retroperitoneal lymph nodes,intra-abdominal abscesses, orbital tumours andthe staging of cancer as a guide to e ffective