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Gyankosh                                      Communique                        Issue 1 : January, 2010

Message from the Chief Custodian                            Presenting Gyankosh:
                                                            Elsevier's focus on Librarians of Medical
                           As a 21st century librarian
                           you deal with information in     and Dental Colleges
                           many formats, including
                                                            At Elsevier, the world's leading publisher of science and health
                           books, magazines,
                                                            information, we have absolutely no doubt that you play an extremely
                           newspapers, audio and
                           video recordings,                significant role in advancing and enhancing the education of the
                           manuscripts, photographs         students in your college. It is your assessment and understanding of the
                           and other graphic material,      students and teachers needs for text books and other reading material
                           databases, web and digital       that ensures that they both get easy and relevant access to the knowledge
                           resources.                       they need to take their education, and teaching skills, forward.
An information professional, you are trained in library     To help you do this, you need to be able to source the right reference
and information science and experienced in the              materials for teachers and faculty; the facilities to impact training,
organization and management of information services         conduct research and build a storehouse of knowledge in the form of
and materials for those with information needs.             a comprehensive, up-to-date library. By delivering to you, world-class
Your focus is on meeting the educational and teaching       information and innovative tools, we aim to increase the efficiency and
needs of students and faculty respectively. Which is        effectiveness of your library - and now would like go further to help you
why our focus at Gyankosh is on helping you deliver.        fulfill your crucial mission.
Gyankosh is an initiative brought to you by Elsevier,                                                 An initiative with the focus on librarians,
designed specifically to put world class information                                                  Gyankosh is designed to help you deal
and tools right into your hands. Thus, helping you and                                                with the plethora of information you
your community to become increasingly more effective                                                  receive about printed and online
and productive in your work.                                                                          publications, and ensure that your
We will be doing so via this regular newsletter which                                                 students and faculty have access to the
will arrive on your desk every quarter. Our aim will be                                               most relevant sources, in the shortest
to provide you with information that is relevant, up to                                               time, at the least cost.
date and comprehensive so you can ensure quality
                                                                                                      You may have already joined the
care for all, while maintaining your profession's
credentials, code of ethics, standards, and                                                           Gyankosh initiative, but just in case you
competencies, and continuing education. At Gyankosh                                                   haven't, we would really appreciate it
we are proud to be part of your community and to                                                      if you could please fill in the Gyankosh
participate in the advancement of your field of                                                       Acceptance Form to enable us to take
specialization.                                                                                       your suggestions and preferences on
                                                                                                      board. This will ensure that we meet the
We would also greatly appreciate your feedback on             We express our heartfelt gratitude...
this first issue of Gyankosh: Did you find it interesting                                             needs and requirements of the widest
and informative? How can we improve it? What more                                                     cross section of teaching professionals
can we add by way of topics and subjects relevant to                                                  and their students.
you? We would like to get your opinions and inputs on       It would also give us the opportunity to send you a personalised
how to value-add to it, to make it more involving and       welcome gift - our way of welcoming you to Gyankosh. By sending us
knowledgeable for you. Please email us at:
                                                            the filled in Acceptance Form, you would be part of the fast growing
                                                            ranks of librarians, from Dental and Medical colleges, who have
                                                            already been welcomed into the Gyankosh family… 300 to date and
                                                            still growing...

                                                              Please complete Gyankosh Acceptance Form
Ajit K Sharma
                                                              as soon as possible and fax it back to us at 011-41664558
Chief Custodian, Gyankosh
Elsevier Health Sciences, India                               or e-mail us at
Around the World: Science & Health News...

How Reed Elsevier's gREen Teams Nurture Nature
By Marcia Balisciano, Director of Corporate Responsibility, Reed Elsevier, London, UK
                                            this was transport and our Hollywood          The change saved approximately
                                            magazine, Variety, produced a poster          US$2,700 annually, eliminated the
                                            encouraging employees to consider             problem of bottle storage and avoided
                                            environmental friendly travel options.        environmental impact (like petrol and
                                            Also during the year, gREen Teams ran         emissions) associated with transported
                                            environmental fairs, providing advice         bottled water.
                                            on commuting alternatives, ran bike
                                            weeks and hosted presentations from           Reed Business Information office in
                                            external consultants and government           New York, organized a day for
                                            bodies. Further, on World Environment         colleagues to clean up St. Nicholas
In 2006, a Reed Business Information                                                      Park in Harlem.
                                            Day in June, Reed Elsevier CEO
gREen Teams helped clean up Harlem's
                                            Crispin Davis sent a special message          Using paid volunteer days available
St. Nicholas Park.                          to all staff.                                 to all RE staff, the group painted and
To help carry forward Reed Elsevier's       Throughout each year, conference              spread mulch in the park under the
environmental objectives, we've set up      calls bring together gREen Teams to           guidance of the New York City Parks
gREen Teams covering 75% of our key         share best practices and ideas. For           Department.
facilities and involving some 400           example, the gREen Team at Elsevier's         gREen Teams help us reduce our
employees. gREen Teams focus on             office in Chevy Chase, Maryland,              environmental footprint on a local basis.
environmental improvements at the           recognized the environmental impact of        They engage colleagues throughout
local level.                                using bottled water and worked with           our company on environmental issues
Each year we focus on one of our core       their facilities department to switch to a    and empower all Reed Elsevier staff to
environmental impact areas. In 2006,        filtered water system.                        make a difference.

Research supports UN millennium development goals -Sarah Huggett
                                            TB is expected to be halted and               Malaria death rates and research high
                                            begin to decline before the target            in Thailand, Kenya and India
                                            date of 2015.                                 The bulk of recent research on the
                                            UN Millennium Declaration also stands         disease comes from the USA, Europe
                                            as a moral imperative for wealthier           and Australia, where disease burden is
                                            countries to assist in relieving the burden   low; however, Thailand, Kenya and
                                            of disease in the most-afflicted countries.   India do suffer significant malaria
                                                                                          death rates.

                                              Millennium Goals :                          Tuberculosis death rates high in Sub-
                                                                                          Saharan Africa and Eurasia. The USA
In September 2000, the United Nations         • End poverty and hunger
                                                                                          and Europe publish a large proportion
(UN) gathered at the Millennium               • Universal education                       of the research on tuberculosis, but
Summit in New York to discuss their           • Gender equality                           other countries such as Brazil, China,
role at the beginning of the 21st                                                         South Africa, Japan and India also
                                              • Child health
century.                                                                                  make it into the top-10 most-prolific
                                              • Maternal health
• The meeting culminated in the                                                           countries.
    adoption of the UN Millennium             • Combat HIV/AIDS
                                                                                          “India's focus on tuberculosis research
    Declaration.                              • Environmental sustainability
                                                                                          right now is phenomenal – and this is
• The Millennium Development                                                              matched by the volume of publication
    Goals (MDGs) were derived from                                                        emerging from the country,” observes
    this declaration, and include targets   Deaths from HIV/AIDS are highest in           Dr Brian D. Robertson, Deputy Director
    that were adopted in 2001.              Sub-Saharan Africa                            of the Centre for Integrative Systems
Targeting the biggest killers               The burden of HIV/AIDS is heaviest in         Biology at Imperial College, London.
The eight MDGs represent a global           sub-Saharan Africa. Although research         Alan D. Lopez, University of
commitment to improve the most basic        on HIV is concentrated in the Western         Queensland, Australia, adds: “The five-
indicators of standard of living for all    world, it is interesting to note that         fold variation in HIV/AIDS papers
(see box). Large increases in funding       China and South Africa are exceptions         compared with malaria and
and attention to malaria have               to this generalisation, ranking second        tuberculosis from the USA is interesting,
accelerated malaria-control activities      and fifth respectively, in terms of article   given that there is at most a two-fold
in many countries. The incidence of         output on the subject.                        variation in death rates.”
In conversation with...
                                            A: We should keep a feedback form in             approach Elsevier for their books
                                               the library so the students and               and journals requirement.
                                               faculty can write down their             Q:   Do you feel that students are losing
                                               requirements and then the librarian           interest in books? Or is the book
                                               can add to the collection on the              reading habit still going strong?
                                               basis of their requirements.
                                                                                        A:   I strongly believe that students are
                                            Q: How can the librarian and teachers            losing interest in books and they
                                               help each other when it comes to              look for the short cut to success by
                                               enhancing the education of the                reading some help books rather
                                               students?                                     than the prescribed text books.
Mr Amit Arora, Librarian
                                            A: To start with, close co-operation        Q:   Are students still using text books for
Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and
                                               between teachers and librarians will          reference? Or are they doing all
Research, Moga Road, GT Road, Ferozpur
                                               ensure that the library is always well        their reading on the Internet?
                                               stocked with the relevant reference
                                                                                        A:   Students nowadays are looking for
Q: Does your vision of a college library       material that will make for more
                                                                                             the easier help books or reading
   fall within your philosophy of              effective and easy learning by
                                                                                             material from Internet.
   education?                                  the students.
                                                                                        Q:   Do you find that your budget is
A: Education should be combined with           Also, holding conferences or
                                                                                             being stretched between finding
   extra curricular activities like            seminars on the importance of
                                                                                             resources for computerization and
   seminar, conferences and                    having a good library would help.
                                                                                             getting the relevant text books?
   workshops and my college                    In such forums, librarians and
   definitely follows this philosophy.         teachers can give their views on         A:   No, so far this method of increasing
                                               which books to be kept, what                  the budget to find new resources is
Q: What according to you, is the role
                                               should be the environment of the              helping the students and faculty.
   of the librarian in a college setting?
   And what changes do you hope to             library, the disciplinary norms to be         I don't think it's bad.
   bring to the library?                       maintained in the library. All these     Q:   Do you find that students come to
A: The role of librarian is to ensure          should help to enhance the                    you with suggestions for books that
   easier access to all the reading and        education of the students.                    they want to read?
   reference material, by arranging the                                                 A:   Yes, students come to me regularly
   books and journals in the library           The library should not only                   and I take down their requirements,
   subject-wise. Plus, the librarian                                                         bring them to the notice of the
                                               include the text books but                    management and try to fulfill them.
   should constantly be sensitive to the
   requirements of the library users.          also a comprehensive collection          Q:   Do you do a lot of research on the
   As far as the changes are                   of fiction, books on politics                 kind of books the library should
   concerned, I would make sure that I         and autobiographies of famous                 have? Do you get a lot of
   improve the arrangement of the                                                            materials/mailers from various
   material available in the library on                                                      sources selling you books?
   a continuous basis.                                                                  A:   Yes, I have links with the publishers
Q: What kind of library attracts the        Q: How do you encourage students                 as well as the distributors of books,
   students and faculty?                       to read?                                      and also I remain continuously in
A: The library should not only include      A: By asking the students about their            touch with other college librarians.
   the course/text books but also a            requirements for the new text            Q:   When it comes to deciding how to
   comprehensive collection of                 books, reference books or any                 spend the budget you have, what
   fiction, books on politics and              fiction books; and stocking them,             are the factors that come into play?
   autobiographies of famous                   they are encouraged to read.             A:   Whenever the budget is being
   personalities.                           Q: How did you find the program and              decided, we take the view of faculty
Q: How do you develop and maintain             your feedback on it?                          and student representatives, and
   a library collection that will meet      A: This program is really useful and it          their requirements are then
   the needs of the students and               has created a common platform                 forwarded to the management,
   faculty?                                    through which colleges can directly           who decide on the budget.

Innovation at Elsevier

How to stop worrying and love the budget
It is important for library administrators to have a thorough understanding of how their budgets function. Understanding their
budgets well can help library administrators guide their staff, services and organizations to success in good times and in bad.
Understanding their budgets can also help library administrators lobby more effectively for funding, no matter what the
economic climate. Understanding the budget is essential for any library administrator focused on developing a stronger
budget. Learning how to stop worrying and love the library budget is relatively simple.
Our Mission                                                       Gyankosh Help Desk: A Contact Point

To build a Librarian community                                    Meet Dr. Jasneet,
                                                                  Gyankosh - Relationship Manager
To build a community
of Librarians who can                                             We would like to introduce
interact & share                                                  Dr. Jasneet, who will be your
knowledge and                                                     first line of contact at Gyankosh.
expertise amongst                                                 Dr. Jasneet will be happy to answer
themselves.                                                       your queries, provide touch points,
                                                                  help to gather relevant information
                                                                  - in short, facilitate interaction between Gyankosh
                                                                  and your community of professionals.
We would like to hear from you.                                   We look forward to your feedback on your spheres of
To enable Gyankosh to better serve your needs and                 activity and interest, as well as your suggestions on what
requirements, it is imperative that we get feedback from          we can do to enhance and improve Gyankosh. And as
you:                                                              we are keen to collaborate with your institute by helping
                                                                  your faculty publish with us, we will be happy to receive
1    Your opinions on the subjects we feature
                                                                  articles to be published in this newsletter.
2    Your suggestions on how to keep enhancing and
     improving the look and feel of every issue                   To contact us, please call Dr. Jasneet at:
3    Your take on new and innovative thinking and                            011-46074929
     theories in the education and information
     management space                                                        011-41664558

All these are of great importance to us, so please email
or call us at the contact points given.

Brain Teasers! The Gyankosh Quiz.
Take this quick and snappy quiz on health related subjects. Have some fun with friends and colleagues and win a reward.
Fax or email us the answers and a lucky draw will decide the winner.
1.   Where in the body is the labyrinth?                          6.  How many calories does water contain?
         Ear                                                             50
         Throat                                                          100
         Eye                                                             None
2.   The tongue has more than                                     7. When is the World Diabetes Day observed?
         2000 tastebuds                                                  May 1st
         1000 tastebuds                                                  November 14th
         8000 tastebuds                                                  June 15th
3.   White blood cells are also known as :                        8. What is the human trachea also called?
         Erthyrocytes                                                    Windpipe
         Melanocytes                                                     Lungs
         Leucocytes                                                      Small Intestine
4.   To which part of the body does the term 'brachial' refer?    9. What is the H1N1 virus popularly known as?
         To the stomach                                                  Dog Fever
         To the heart                                                    Swine Flu
         To the arms                                                     Cat’s Nip
5.   Oncology is the diagnosis and treatment of which disease?    10. What is the definition of Bi-Polar Disorder?
         Tuberculosis                                                    Manic depressive disorder
         Kidney Failure                                                  Bipolar affective disorder
         Cancer                                                          All the above

             Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Private Limited
             14th floor, Building No. 10B, DLF Cyber City, Phase-II, Gurgaon, Haryana, India-122002
             Tel: +91-124-4774444 Fax: +91-124-4774100

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Gyankosh Newsletter (First Issue, Jan - Mar)

  • 1. Gyankosh Communique Issue 1 : January, 2010 Message from the Chief Custodian Presenting Gyankosh: Elsevier's focus on Librarians of Medical As a 21st century librarian you deal with information in and Dental Colleges many formats, including At Elsevier, the world's leading publisher of science and health books, magazines, information, we have absolutely no doubt that you play an extremely newspapers, audio and video recordings, significant role in advancing and enhancing the education of the manuscripts, photographs students in your college. It is your assessment and understanding of the and other graphic material, students and teachers needs for text books and other reading material databases, web and digital that ensures that they both get easy and relevant access to the knowledge resources. they need to take their education, and teaching skills, forward. An information professional, you are trained in library To help you do this, you need to be able to source the right reference and information science and experienced in the materials for teachers and faculty; the facilities to impact training, organization and management of information services conduct research and build a storehouse of knowledge in the form of and materials for those with information needs. a comprehensive, up-to-date library. By delivering to you, world-class Your focus is on meeting the educational and teaching information and innovative tools, we aim to increase the efficiency and needs of students and faculty respectively. Which is effectiveness of your library - and now would like go further to help you why our focus at Gyankosh is on helping you deliver. fulfill your crucial mission. Gyankosh is an initiative brought to you by Elsevier, An initiative with the focus on librarians, designed specifically to put world class information Gyankosh is designed to help you deal and tools right into your hands. Thus, helping you and with the plethora of information you your community to become increasingly more effective receive about printed and online and productive in your work. publications, and ensure that your We will be doing so via this regular newsletter which students and faculty have access to the will arrive on your desk every quarter. Our aim will be most relevant sources, in the shortest to provide you with information that is relevant, up to time, at the least cost. date and comprehensive so you can ensure quality You may have already joined the care for all, while maintaining your profession's credentials, code of ethics, standards, and Gyankosh initiative, but just in case you competencies, and continuing education. At Gyankosh haven't, we would really appreciate it we are proud to be part of your community and to if you could please fill in the Gyankosh participate in the advancement of your field of Acceptance Form to enable us to take specialization. your suggestions and preferences on board. This will ensure that we meet the We would also greatly appreciate your feedback on We express our heartfelt gratitude... this first issue of Gyankosh: Did you find it interesting needs and requirements of the widest and informative? How can we improve it? What more cross section of teaching professionals can we add by way of topics and subjects relevant to and their students. you? We would like to get your opinions and inputs on It would also give us the opportunity to send you a personalised how to value-add to it, to make it more involving and welcome gift - our way of welcoming you to Gyankosh. By sending us knowledgeable for you. Please email us at: the filled in Acceptance Form, you would be part of the fast growing ranks of librarians, from Dental and Medical colleges, who have already been welcomed into the Gyankosh family… 300 to date and still growing... Please complete Gyankosh Acceptance Form Ajit K Sharma as soon as possible and fax it back to us at 011-41664558 Chief Custodian, Gyankosh Elsevier Health Sciences, India or e-mail us at
  • 2. Around the World: Science & Health News... How Reed Elsevier's gREen Teams Nurture Nature By Marcia Balisciano, Director of Corporate Responsibility, Reed Elsevier, London, UK this was transport and our Hollywood The change saved approximately magazine, Variety, produced a poster US$2,700 annually, eliminated the encouraging employees to consider problem of bottle storage and avoided environmental friendly travel options. environmental impact (like petrol and Also during the year, gREen Teams ran emissions) associated with transported environmental fairs, providing advice bottled water. on commuting alternatives, ran bike weeks and hosted presentations from Reed Business Information office in external consultants and government New York, organized a day for bodies. Further, on World Environment colleagues to clean up St. Nicholas In 2006, a Reed Business Information Park in Harlem. Day in June, Reed Elsevier CEO gREen Teams helped clean up Harlem's Crispin Davis sent a special message Using paid volunteer days available St. Nicholas Park. to all staff. to all RE staff, the group painted and To help carry forward Reed Elsevier's Throughout each year, conference spread mulch in the park under the environmental objectives, we've set up calls bring together gREen Teams to guidance of the New York City Parks gREen Teams covering 75% of our key share best practices and ideas. For Department. facilities and involving some 400 example, the gREen Team at Elsevier's gREen Teams help us reduce our employees. gREen Teams focus on office in Chevy Chase, Maryland, environmental footprint on a local basis. environmental improvements at the recognized the environmental impact of They engage colleagues throughout local level. using bottled water and worked with our company on environmental issues Each year we focus on one of our core their facilities department to switch to a and empower all Reed Elsevier staff to environmental impact areas. In 2006, filtered water system. make a difference. Research supports UN millennium development goals -Sarah Huggett TB is expected to be halted and Malaria death rates and research high begin to decline before the target in Thailand, Kenya and India date of 2015. The bulk of recent research on the UN Millennium Declaration also stands disease comes from the USA, Europe as a moral imperative for wealthier and Australia, where disease burden is countries to assist in relieving the burden low; however, Thailand, Kenya and of disease in the most-afflicted countries. India do suffer significant malaria death rates. Millennium Goals : Tuberculosis death rates high in Sub- Saharan Africa and Eurasia. The USA In September 2000, the United Nations • End poverty and hunger and Europe publish a large proportion (UN) gathered at the Millennium • Universal education of the research on tuberculosis, but Summit in New York to discuss their • Gender equality other countries such as Brazil, China, role at the beginning of the 21st South Africa, Japan and India also • Child health century. make it into the top-10 most-prolific • Maternal health • The meeting culminated in the countries. adoption of the UN Millennium • Combat HIV/AIDS “India's focus on tuberculosis research Declaration. • Environmental sustainability right now is phenomenal – and this is • The Millennium Development matched by the volume of publication Goals (MDGs) were derived from emerging from the country,” observes this declaration, and include targets Deaths from HIV/AIDS are highest in Dr Brian D. Robertson, Deputy Director that were adopted in 2001. Sub-Saharan Africa of the Centre for Integrative Systems Targeting the biggest killers The burden of HIV/AIDS is heaviest in Biology at Imperial College, London. The eight MDGs represent a global sub-Saharan Africa. Although research Alan D. Lopez, University of commitment to improve the most basic on HIV is concentrated in the Western Queensland, Australia, adds: “The five- indicators of standard of living for all world, it is interesting to note that fold variation in HIV/AIDS papers (see box). Large increases in funding China and South Africa are exceptions compared with malaria and and attention to malaria have to this generalisation, ranking second tuberculosis from the USA is interesting, accelerated malaria-control activities and fifth respectively, in terms of article given that there is at most a two-fold in many countries. The incidence of output on the subject. variation in death rates.”
  • 3. In conversation with... A: We should keep a feedback form in approach Elsevier for their books the library so the students and and journals requirement. faculty can write down their Q: Do you feel that students are losing requirements and then the librarian interest in books? Or is the book can add to the collection on the reading habit still going strong? basis of their requirements. A: I strongly believe that students are Q: How can the librarian and teachers losing interest in books and they help each other when it comes to look for the short cut to success by enhancing the education of the reading some help books rather students? than the prescribed text books. Mr Amit Arora, Librarian A: To start with, close co-operation Q: Are students still using text books for Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and between teachers and librarians will reference? Or are they doing all Research, Moga Road, GT Road, Ferozpur ensure that the library is always well their reading on the Internet? stocked with the relevant reference A: Students nowadays are looking for Q: Does your vision of a college library material that will make for more the easier help books or reading fall within your philosophy of effective and easy learning by material from Internet. education? the students. Q: Do you find that your budget is A: Education should be combined with Also, holding conferences or being stretched between finding extra curricular activities like seminars on the importance of resources for computerization and seminar, conferences and having a good library would help. getting the relevant text books? workshops and my college In such forums, librarians and definitely follows this philosophy. teachers can give their views on A: No, so far this method of increasing which books to be kept, what the budget to find new resources is Q: What according to you, is the role should be the environment of the helping the students and faculty. of the librarian in a college setting? And what changes do you hope to library, the disciplinary norms to be I don't think it's bad. bring to the library? maintained in the library. All these Q: Do you find that students come to A: The role of librarian is to ensure should help to enhance the you with suggestions for books that easier access to all the reading and education of the students. they want to read? reference material, by arranging the A: Yes, students come to me regularly books and journals in the library The library should not only and I take down their requirements, subject-wise. Plus, the librarian bring them to the notice of the include the text books but management and try to fulfill them. should constantly be sensitive to the requirements of the library users. also a comprehensive collection Q: Do you do a lot of research on the As far as the changes are of fiction, books on politics kind of books the library should concerned, I would make sure that I and autobiographies of famous have? Do you get a lot of improve the arrangement of the materials/mailers from various personalities. material available in the library on sources selling you books? a continuous basis. A: Yes, I have links with the publishers Q: What kind of library attracts the Q: How do you encourage students as well as the distributors of books, students and faculty? to read? and also I remain continuously in A: The library should not only include A: By asking the students about their touch with other college librarians. the course/text books but also a requirements for the new text Q: When it comes to deciding how to comprehensive collection of books, reference books or any spend the budget you have, what fiction, books on politics and fiction books; and stocking them, are the factors that come into play? autobiographies of famous they are encouraged to read. A: Whenever the budget is being personalities. Q: How did you find the program and decided, we take the view of faculty Q: How do you develop and maintain your feedback on it? and student representatives, and a library collection that will meet A: This program is really useful and it their requirements are then the needs of the students and has created a common platform forwarded to the management, faculty? through which colleges can directly who decide on the budget. Innovation at Elsevier How to stop worrying and love the budget It is important for library administrators to have a thorough understanding of how their budgets function. Understanding their budgets well can help library administrators guide their staff, services and organizations to success in good times and in bad. Understanding their budgets can also help library administrators lobby more effectively for funding, no matter what the economic climate. Understanding the budget is essential for any library administrator focused on developing a stronger budget. Learning how to stop worrying and love the library budget is relatively simple.
  • 4. Our Mission Gyankosh Help Desk: A Contact Point To build a Librarian community Meet Dr. Jasneet, Gyankosh - Relationship Manager To build a community of Librarians who can We would like to introduce interact & share Dr. Jasneet, who will be your knowledge and first line of contact at Gyankosh. expertise amongst Dr. Jasneet will be happy to answer themselves. your queries, provide touch points, help to gather relevant information - in short, facilitate interaction between Gyankosh and your community of professionals. We would like to hear from you. We look forward to your feedback on your spheres of To enable Gyankosh to better serve your needs and activity and interest, as well as your suggestions on what requirements, it is imperative that we get feedback from we can do to enhance and improve Gyankosh. And as you: we are keen to collaborate with your institute by helping your faculty publish with us, we will be happy to receive 1 Your opinions on the subjects we feature articles to be published in this newsletter. 2 Your suggestions on how to keep enhancing and improving the look and feel of every issue To contact us, please call Dr. Jasneet at: 3 Your take on new and innovative thinking and 011-46074929 theories in the education and information management space 011-41664558 All these are of great importance to us, so please email or call us at the contact points given. Brain Teasers! The Gyankosh Quiz. Take this quick and snappy quiz on health related subjects. Have some fun with friends and colleagues and win a reward. Fax or email us the answers and a lucky draw will decide the winner. 1. Where in the body is the labyrinth? 6. How many calories does water contain? Ear 50 Throat 100 Eye None 2. The tongue has more than 7. When is the World Diabetes Day observed? 2000 tastebuds May 1st 1000 tastebuds November 14th 8000 tastebuds June 15th 3. White blood cells are also known as : 8. What is the human trachea also called? Erthyrocytes Windpipe Melanocytes Lungs Leucocytes Small Intestine 4. To which part of the body does the term 'brachial' refer? 9. What is the H1N1 virus popularly known as? To the stomach Dog Fever To the heart Swine Flu To the arms Cat’s Nip 5. Oncology is the diagnosis and treatment of which disease? 10. What is the definition of Bi-Polar Disorder? Tuberculosis Manic depressive disorder Kidney Failure Bipolar affective disorder Cancer All the above Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Private Limited 14th floor, Building No. 10B, DLF Cyber City, Phase-II, Gurgaon, Haryana, India-122002 Tel: +91-124-4774444 Fax: +91-124-4774100 E-mail: Website: