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Green Skills
for a Greener
A Practical
Guide for
Primary School
Green Skills for a Greener Future! Project:
"Green Skills for a Greener Future - a Practical
Guide for Primary Educators" © 2024 is licensed
under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International. To view a copy of this license, visit
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ISBN 978-83-970581-1-8
Warszawa 2024
Martyna Salwa
Insolitus- Europejska Fundacja
Wspierania Edukacji
ul. Kazmierza Dąbrowskiego 14 B
05-077 Warszawa
Martyna Salwa
Green Skills for a Greener Future - A Practical Guide for Primary
School Educators
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are
however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect
those of the European Union or the National Agency(NA). Neither the
European Union nor NA can be held responsible for them.
Free publication
Project Website
Dear Primary Educators!
Welcome to "A Practical Guide for Primary Educators” an integral part
of the Erasmus+ project titled "Green Skills for a Greener Future."
In this guide, you will learn about the benefits of having eco-friendly
classrooms and discover examples of our project activities. Join us on a
journey to integrate green skills into your classroom, cultivating a
sustainable mindset for a brighter future.
Please also note that the tips and ideas in this guide are not meant to
be prescriptive or exhaustive. Feel free to adapt, modify, or create your
own eco-friendly practices according to your needs, preferences, and
resources. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the
process of learning and teaching green skills.
Project Partners
We do not inherit the
Earth from our ancestors;
we borrow it from our
~ Native American Proverb
Chapter 1
Eco Practices Matter: 6 Benefits of Eco-Friendly
Chapter 2
Catalysts for Change: Role of teachers in promoting
Chapter 3
Starting Your Journey: A Roadmap for Eco-Friendly
Chapter 4
Make Your Green Way: 20 General Practices and Tips
Chapter 5
Teaching Green: Incorporating Eco Ideas into Any Subject
Chapter 6
Involving Others: How to Partner with Parents, Colleagues
and Community Members
Chapter 7
Overcoming Challenges: Obstacles in Implementing Eco-
Friendly Practices
Chapter 8
From Learning to Doing: Activities from the "Green Skills
for a Greener Future" Project
Chapter 9
Eco English: Practical Lesson Scenarios and Resources
Eco Practices Matter:
6 Benefits of Eco-
Friendly Classrooms
In this section, we'll delve into the significance of adopting eco-
friendly practices in your classroom. Discover the numerous
advantages that extend beyond the classroom walls, impacting
both your students and the environment. Let's explore how
embracing green initiatives can transform the educational
experience and contribute to a more sustainable future.
By integrating eco-friendly practices in the classroom,
students engage in hands-on learning experiences
that go beyond textbooks. They can actively
participate in recycling, composting, or gardening
projects, fostering a deeper understanding of
environmental concepts through direct involvement.
This approach makes learning enjoyable and
memorable while promoting a sense of responsibility
towards the planet.
Hands-on Learning
Incorporating eco-friendly practices establishes a
positive and nurturing classroom environment. When
students witness their teachers and peers actively
caring for the environment, it creates a sense of
community and encourages teamwork. This shared
commitment to sustainability fosters a supportive and
empathetic atmosphere where students learn to value
and respect one another's efforts.
Creating a Positive
Classroom Environment
By integrating eco-friendly practices in the classroom,
students engage in hands-on learning experiences
that go beyond textbooks. They can actively
participate in recycling, composting, or gardening
projects, fostering a deeper understanding of
environmental concepts through direct involvement.
This approach makes learning enjoyable and
memorable while promoting a sense of responsibility
towards the planet.
Enhancing Creativity
Encouraging Critical
Eco-friendly practices in the classroom encourage
students to think critically about environmental issues.
By engaging in discussions, debates, or problem-
solving activities related to sustainability, students
develop analytical skills and learn to evaluate the
impact of their choices. This cultivates a mindset of
questioning and finding innovative solutions,
empowering them to become future change-makers.
Incorporating eco-friendly practices equips students
with essential life skills. They learn valuable lessons
such as problem-solving, teamwork, responsibility, and
resilience while working on eco-friendly projects. These
skills extend beyond the classroom and become
valuable assets in their personal and professional lives,
enabling them to tackle real-world challenges with
Fostering Life Skills
Making a Lasting Impact
By incorporating eco-friendly practices, teachers
empower students to make a lasting impact on the
environment. Students understand that even small
changes in their daily habits can contribute to a more
sustainable future. Whether it's saving energy, reducing
waste, or advocating for environmental causes, students
realize that their actions matter and that they have the
power to effect positive change.
Incorporating eco-friendly practices in the classroom
creates a friendly and accessible learning environment
that fosters hands-on experiences, critical thinking,
empathy, creativity, and life skills development.
By nurturing an understanding of sustainability from an
early age, teachers inspire students to become
environmentally conscious individuals who actively
contribute to a healthier and more sustainable planet.
In summary
Nature is the greatest
work of art. It is our duty
to care for it, protect it,
and learn from it.
~David Attenborough
Catalysts for Change:
Role of teachers in
promoting sustainability
Teachers play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability and
nurturing a generation of environmentally conscious individuals.
As guardians of knowledge and inspiration, they hold the power
to shape young minds and instill a deep sense of responsibility
towards the planet. In this chapter we will explore how teachers
become champions of sustainability.
Educators and Advocates: Teachers educate about the
importance of sustainability and environmental issues.
They raise awareness about the impact of human actions
on the ecosystems, and climate. By empowering students
with knowledge, teachers equip them to become informed
advocates for a sustainable future.
Exemplary Role Models: Teachers lead by example,
demonstrating eco-friendly practices in their daily lives.
They model behaviors such as recycling, conserving energy
and water. By showcasing these actions, teachers inspire
students to adopt sustainable habits.
Integration into Curriculum: Teachers weave sustainability
into their curriculum, across various subjects and grade
levels. They infuse lessons with real-life examples, case
studies, and hands-on experiences. By integrating
sustainability into the curriculum, teachers ensure that
students receive an eco-education that transcends the
boundaries of a single subject.
Building Empathy and Connection: Teachers help
students develop a sense of connection with the natural
world. They organize nature walks or field trips to
ecological sites that allow students to observe and learn
from nature and cultivate a sense of responsibility and
respect for the environment in their students.
Encouraging Critical Thinking: Teachers encourage
students to think critically about environmental challenges
and explore innovative solutions. They facilitate
discussions, debates, and research projects that help
students understand complex sustainability issues and
develop creative approaches to address them. By fostering
critical thinking skills, teachers empower students to
become active problem-solvers and change agents.
Collaboration and Community Engagement: Teachers
foster collaboration among students, encouraging them to
work together on sustainability projects and initiatives.
They engage with parents, local communities, and
environmental organizations to create partnerships that
extend the impact beyond the classroom. By involving the
wider community, teachers create a ripple effect of
sustainable practices and amplify the message of
environmental stewardship.
Through their passion, knowledge, and dedication, teachers
become catalysts for change, shaping a future generation of
environmentally responsible citizens. Their role as champions
of sustainability is essential in creating a greener, more
sustainable world for all.
Environmental protection is
not a choice; it is a necessity.
It is our responsibility to
secure our planet for future
~David Attenborough
Starting Your Journey:
A Roadmap for Eco-
Friendly Classrooms
Embarking on the journey to establish an eco-friendly classroom
is a rewarding endeavor that positively impacts students, the
learning environment, and the planet. In this chapter, you will
learn how to start your journey towards creating and
maintaining an eco-friendly classroom.
Step 1: Assess
Your Current
Step 2: Set
Your Goals
and Priorities
Step 3: Plan
Your Actions
Step 4: Monitor
Your Progress
and Results
Step 1: Assess Your Current Situation
The first step to start your eco-friendly classroom is to assess your
current situation. This will help you identify the strengths and
weaknesses of your classroom in terms of environmental
performance and impact, and to determine the areas where you can
improve. Here are examples of actions for this step:
Conduct a green audit of your classroom to measure and
evaluate the environmental aspects such as energy, water, paper
or waste. Identify current practices and areas for improvement.
Create a green checklist or a rating system to check and rate the
environmental practices and policies of your classroom and
school, such as recycling, composting or gardening.
Survey students and colleagues to gather feedback on current
environmental practices.
Step 2: Set Your Goals and Priorities
The second step will help you define and clarify what you want to
achieve and why, and to focus your efforts and resources on the
most important and feasible areas. Here are examples of actions for
this step:
Identify specific eco-friendly goals, such as reducing energy
consumption by a certain percentage.
Use the SMART criteria to set your goals. SMART stands for
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
These criteria can help you make your goals clear, realistic, and
Step 3: Plan Your Actions
The third step will help you organize and coordinate your tasks, and
to allocate your time and resources efficiently and effectively.
Develop a detailed action plan outlining specific tasks and
responsibilities for achieving each goal.
Use a Gantt chart or a timeline to plan your actions. They will
help you to track the progress and completion of your actions.
Allocate resources, such as budget and materials.
Step 4: Monitor Your Progress and Results
The fourth step will help you evaluate the effectiveness and impact
of your actions, and address any challenges.
Use indicators to monitor your progress and results.
Collect feedback from students and colleagues on the
effectiveness and satisfaction with implemented changes.
Adjust your action plan based on the results, addressing any
areas that require improvement.
Communicate your progress and results to your stakeholders,
such as students, colleagues, parents, or community members.
By following this roadmap, you will be able to create and maintain
an eco-friendly classroom that benefits both the environment and
your students. In the next chapter, you will discover 20 practices and
tips you may implement in your own roadmap for an eco-friendly
Every individual matters.
Every individual has a role
to play. Every individual
makes a difference.
~Jane Goodall
Make Your Green Way:
20 General Practices
and Tips
Starting eco-friendly practices at school is a commendable
initiative that can make a significant positive impact on the
environment and instill sustainable values in students. In this
chapter you will find some useful tips to get you started.
The art of teaching is
the art of assisting
Teaching Green:
Incorporating Eco Ideas
Into Any Subject
Incorporating environmental topics into school education is
essential for nurturing environmentally conscious citizens. By
integrating these topics across various subjects, students not
only gain a holistic understanding of environmental issues but
also develop critical thinking skills and a sense of responsibility
towards the planet. This chapter will explore how to seamlessly
integrate environmental topics into subjects.
Theme: Biodiversity and Ecosystems
🌳Explore local ecosystems: Take students on nature walks to
observe and document the various plants and animals in their
school environment. Create a biodiversity chart.
🦋Investigate food chains: Use local examples to teach
students about food chains and how different species depend on
each other for survival.
🌱Plant a school garden: Engage students in planting and
maintaining a school garden. This hands-on experience teaches
about plant life cycles and the importance of soil health.
Theme: Pollution and Conservation
💧Water quality testing: Conduct experiments to test the water
quality of nearby streams or rivers. Discuss the importance of
clean water for both human and aquatic life.
♻️Recycling projects: Encourage students to collect and recycle
paper, plastic, and other materials within the school premises.
Calculate the amount of waste reduced through recycling efforts.
Theme: Environmental Data Analysis
📊Graphing environmental data: Teach students how to create
graphs and charts using environmental data, such as
temperature changes, rainfall patterns, or pollution levels.
🌍Calculating carbon footprints: Have students calculate their
own and their family's carbon footprints, helping them
understand the impact of their daily choices.
Theme: Sustainable Practices
💰Budgeting for eco-friendly choices: Introduce students to the
concept of budgeting by comparing the costs of sustainable
products and practices with conventional ones.
📏Measurement and waste reduction: Teach students to
measure waste production and track progress in waste
reduction efforts within the school.
Theme: Environmental Literature
📖Reading environmentally themed books: Include books and
stories that revolve around environmental themes in the
curriculum. Encourage discussions and book reports.
✍️Writing environmental poetry: Have students express their
thoughts and emotions about nature and conservation through
poetry or essays.
Theme: Environmental Advocacy
📝Persuasive writing: Teach students persuasive writing
techniques and have them create essays or speeches advocating
for a specific environmental cause.
💌Letter writing campaigns: Engage students in writing letters
to local officials or businesses, urging them to take action on
environmental issues.
Theme: Environmental Music and Rhythms
🌱Eco-themed songwriting: Encourage students to compose
songs with lyrics that convey environmental messages, such as
the importance of conservation, protecting nature, or addressing
climate change.
🎶Instrumental compositions: Have students create
instrumental pieces that evoke the sounds of nature, such as
flowing rivers, rustling leaves, or birdsong.
🎤Environmental choir: Form a school choir that specializes in
performing songs related to the environment. This can include
both existing eco-friendly songs and original compositions.
🥁Rhythms of the Earth: Explore rhythm and percussion by
using instruments made from recycled materials. Students can
create their own eco-friendly percussion instruments.
🎤Musical storytelling: Combine music and storytelling to
narrate environmental tales or create soundscapes that
transport listeners to different natural settings.
Theme: Eco-Friendly Art Projects
🖌️Recycled art: Encourage students to create artwork using
recycled materials such as old magazines, cardboard, or plastic
bottles. This promotes creativity while emphasizing the
importance of recycling.
🌼Nature-inspired art: Take students outdoors to gather natural
materials like leaves, twigs, and stones to use in art projects.
This fosters a deeper connection with nature.
🌍Environmental sculptures: Challenge students to build
sculptures that convey environmental messages or depict
endangered species using sustainable materials.
🎭Environmental storytelling: Combine drama and
environmental education by having students create and perform
short plays or skits with eco-friendly themes.
Theme: Guided Discussions
and Reflections
🗣️Classroom discussions: Hold regular class tutor sessions
where students can openly discuss environmental topics, share
their thoughts, and ask questions.
💬Group debates: Organize debates on various environmental
topics to teach students how to express their opinions, provide
evidence, and engage in respectful dialogue.
🌱Action planning: Collaborate with students to develop eco-
friendly action plans for the school, such as reducing energy
consumption or organizing tree planting events.
🌟Goal setting: Help students set personal sustainability goals
and track their progress throughout the school year.
🌍Peer Eco Projects: Encourage collaborative environmental
initiatives among students, fostering teamwork and shared
The environment is where
we all meet; where we all
have a mutual interest;
it is the one thing all of
us share.
~Lady Bird Johnson
Involving Others: How
to Partner with
Parents, Colleagues
and Community
Building a sustainable and eco-friendly classroom extends
beyond the teacher-student dynamic. This chapter explores the
importance of involving and collaborating with various
stakeholders—parents, colleagues, administrators, and
community members—to create a comprehensive and impactful
approach to environmental education.
Engaging Parents in the Eco-Journey
Conduct workshops or information sessions to educate
parents about the school's eco-friendly initiatives, explaining
the benefits and ways they can contribute.
Provide eco-friendly activities for families to engage in at
home, fostering a sense of continuity between school and
home environments.
Collaborating with Colleagues
Interdisciplinary Planning:
Work collaboratively with
colleagues from different
subjects to integrate eco-
friendly themes across the
Sharing Resources: Establish a
platform for teachers to share
resources, lesson plans, and
successful practices related to
Involving Others
Gaining Administrative Support:
Proposal Development: Create a comprehensive proposal
outlining the benefits of eco-friendly practices, backed by
research and potential positive impacts on student learning
and school reputation.
Showcasing Success Stories: Share success stories and
positive outcomes resulting from eco-friendly initiatives with
administrators to highlight their effectiveness.
Incorporating Environmental Education into School
Policy Advocacy: Advocate for the integration of
environmental education principles into school policies,
emphasizing the long-term benefits for both students and
the broader community.
Policy Review Committees: Participate in or establish
committees that regularly review and update school policies
to ensure ongoing alignment with sustainability goals.
Community Engagement and Partnerships:
Local Collaborations: Collaborate with local businesses,
environmental organizations, and community groups to
expand the reach and impact of eco-friendly initiatives.
Community Events: Organize or participate in community
events centered around environmental awareness to
strengthen ties with the local community.
Involving and collaborating with parents, colleagues,
administrators, and community members is integral to creating a
holistic and enduring eco-friendly educational environment. By
fostering partnerships and open communication, educators can
amplify the impact of their initiatives and inspire a collective
commitment to sustainability.
Communication Strategies:
Regular Updates: Provide regular updates through
newsletters, school websites, and social media platforms to
keep all stakeholders informed about ongoing eco-friendly
Open Channels for Feedback: Establish open channels for
feedback, allowing stakeholders to share their thoughts,
suggestions, and concerns about sustainability efforts.
"Education is the key
to unlocking the world,
a passport to
~Oprah Winfrey
Overcoming Challenges:
Obstacles in Implementing
Eco-Friendly Practices
It's important to recognize that not everyone may be able to
follow all the tips on eco-friendly classroom practices, and that's
perfectly okay. Sustainability efforts should be flexible and
adapted to individual circumstances. In this section we will
explore some reasons why someone might not follow the tips
and activities from previous chapters.
Limited Resources
Some teachers or schools may
have limited access to resources,
making it challenging to
implement certain eco-friendly
practices, such as purchasing
energy-efficient appliances or
setting up recycling programs.
Curriculum Constraints
In some cases, educators may
have strict curriculum guidelines
to follow, leaving limited room for
integrating additional topics like
sustainability and environmental
Space Limitations
Classroom size and layout can impact the ability to create an
eco-friendly environment. Smaller classrooms may have less
space for plants or alternative lighting.
Administrative Support
The level of administrative support and commitment to
sustainability initiatives can vary from one school to another.
Lack of support can hinder efforts to implement certain practices.
It's important to approach eco-friendly classroom practices with
a mindset of progress, not perfection. Even small steps toward
sustainability can make a positive impact. Teachers and schools
should do what is feasible and meaningful within their specific
context. Every effort counts, and every lesson about
environmental stewardship is valuable, regardless of the scale of
Student Needs
Educators may need to prioritize meeting the diverse needs of
their students, which can sometimes take precedence over eco-
friendly practices.
Local Regulations
Some regions may have regulations or restrictions that limit the
implementation of certain eco-friendly practices.
You cannot get through
a single day without having
an impact on the world
around you. What you do
makes a difference.
~Jane Goodall
From Learning to Doing:
Activities from the "Green
Skills for a Greener
Future" Project
Embarking on the journey to establish an eco-friendly classroom
is a rewarding endeavor that positively impacts students, the
learning environment, and the planet. In this chapter, you will
learn how we started our journey towards creating and
maintaining eco-friendly classrooms.
About the Project
Green Skills for a Greener Future!
Erasmus+ Key Action 2
KA210 Small-scale Partnerships
Duration: 12 months
Years: 2023-2024
Project Partners:
Environment and fight against
climate change
Target Groups:
Teachers & School
Our main objective:
To increase green skills among
students, as well as teachers and
stafffrom partner organizations.
Poland Poland
Green Skills
Project started with promoting
environmental awareness.
through Green Skills Corners.
Their aim was to inform school
communities about the project's
goals, ongoing activities, and the
countries involved.
Logo Contest was launched to
encourage creativity and
engagement among students,
inspiring them to design a visual
representation that captures the
essence of our eco-friendly
Project Logo
Project www became a
hub for content aimed at
raising ecological
awareness among our
target groups. It was
regularly updated with
reports on activities
carried out by partner
Project WWW
School Garden
Creating the garden was part
of the project, showcasing the
students' dedication to the
environment. ‘Elena Cuza’
pupils learned how to clean an
area, prepare it for gardening
activities, plant different
plants/flowers, as well as how
to cooperate and distribute
different tasks among the
members of the group.
“The Earth” performance by students from SP12
aimed to convey a powerful message about
sustainability and the significance of preserving our
planet. Through a combination of compelling
storytelling and visually striking scenes, the students
brought environmental issues to life.
The project meetings took place in
partner schools in Kielce and Iasi.
Educators shared valuable insights
and successful strategies,
promoting a collaborative approach
to environmental education.
Project Meetings
Project Clean & Green campaigns
aimed to instill a sense of
responsibility for the environment
among students and encourage
them to adopt eco-friendly habits
in their daily lives.
Clean & Green
Planting Trees
Green Festivals combined
learning and fun. They
provided a great
opportunity to promote
project values and inspire
participants to adopt eco-
friendly practices.
Green Festivals
Various art workshops provided an engaging
platform for students to express themselves
artistically and explore their eco creativity.
Eco Art
The activity "Posters for the
Planet" engaged students in a
creative initiative to raise
awareness about environmental
issues. Through artistic expression,
they conveyed impactful
messages, contributing to the
campaign for a greener planet.
Posters for
our Planet
The Eco Trip was a truly
memorable experience for ‘Elena
Cuza’ students as they learned
how to set up a tent, build a fire,
solve puzzles together in teams to
"win" the necessary materials (for
the tents, for the campfire, as well
as the ingredients for cooking
dinner), and cooperate in order to
complete the tasks.
Eco Trip
The postcards exchange fostered cross-
cultural connections among students, allowing
them to share greetings and creative ideas.
The project conference aimed
to share project results and
insights with educators from
different organizations,
inspiring them to embark on
their eco-friendly initiatives.
Let’s Share
One Eco Performance
One School Garden & Over 50 Students Involved!
One Project Conference
Two Green Skills Corners
Two Transnational Meetings
Over 80 Students in Eco Trips!
Over 85% Surveyed Students Willing to Participate
in Future Eco Activities
Over 80% of Surveyed Students Reported Increased
Ecological Knowledge
Over 90% of Surveyed Teachers improved their
understanding of environmental issues.
Over 200 Students in School Eco Fashion Shows!
Over 500 Students in the Local Cleanup Campaigns!
Planted 250 Trees!
Exchanging Over 200 Christmas Cards!
Ten Creative Eco Workshops!
Fourteen Posters for the Earth!
Project eBook in Polish, English, Romanian
Here are some of the outcomes and results from
the project!
Thank you for joining us
on our Green Skills journey!
Eco English: Practical
Scenarios & Resources
This chapter is dedicated to English Language teachers. We will
explore how language learning can be intertwined with
ecological themes, fostering a deeper connection between
students and the environment. Moreover, in this chapter, you can
expect detailed lesson plans and scenarios that seamlessly
blend language acquisition with eco-consciousness, providing
you with practical tools to cultivate a green mindset in your
English language classrooms.
🔄 Flexibility is Key
See the scenarios as a starting point, not a fixed plan. Adapt them
to your students' unique characteristics, their interests and levels.
🌍Make it Personal
Add local examples, cultural references, or current events.
Personalizing the content enhances engagement.
🎭Cater to Learning Styles
Adjust activities to accommodate visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or
interpersonal learners for an inclusive experience.
💡Encourage Student Ideas
Create a collaborative environment. Let students share their
perspectives and suggest alternative approaches to activities.
💻Embrace Tech Creativity
Multimedia, online resources, and interactive platforms can add a
dynamic touch and capture students' interest.
📝 Reflect and Adjust
Reflect on what worked well and what could be improved. Use
this feedback to refine your teaching approach.
The aim is to create an inclusive learning environment. Feel free to
shape the lessons to fit the unique needs of your class.
Happy teaching!
TOPIC: Understanding
Air Pollution
Level: A2
Introduce students to basic
concepts related to air
Explain the impact of air
pollution on the
environment and human
Develop English language
Introduction (10 min)
Greet the students and
engage in a brief discussion
about their awareness of air
Show a short animated
video presenting the
sources of air pollution.
Vocabulary (10 min) 📖
Review basic vocabulary
related to air pollution
(smog, pollen, exhaust
fumes, etc.).
Duration: 45 - 60 min
Discussion (15 min) 🗣️
Divide students into groups
and assign them specific
aspect of air pollution (e.g.,
industry, transportation,
exhaust fumes).
Engage in a collective
discussion on ways to
reduce pollution.
Creative Activity (15-20 min)
Have students create
posters related to air
protection and its
significance for health and
the environment.
Summary (10 minutes)
Brief presentation of
posters by students.
Conclude the lesson by
emphasizing the
importance of maintaining
clean air.
Air pollution video:
Short animated videos illustrating the sources of air pollution, e.g.:
"The Sources and Solutions of Air Pollution | National
"Air Pollution | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For
Educational materials:
Posters or slides presenting basic vocabulary related to the topic
(smog, pollen, exhaust fumes, etc.).
Discussion materials:
Boards or sheets for recording group ideas.
Creative activity:
Materials to create posters. Drawing and coloring materials
(crayons, markers, pencils).
Space on the wall to hang students' created posters.
Access to multimedia equipment to play the video. Writing
materials, such as chalk, pens, etc.
TOPIC: Our Eco-
Friendly Habits
Level: A1
Introduce basic vocabulary
related to eco-friendly
Encourage students to
share their own habits.
Promote the importance of
sustainable actions for the
Introduction (10 min)
Begin with a warm greeting.
Ask students about their
favorite activities.
Present basic vocabulary
related to eco-friendly
habits: recycling, saving
energy, using reusable
items, etc.
Show images or props to
help illustrate each habit.
Vocabulary (5-10 min)
Engage students in a quick
drill to repeat and remember
the new words.).
Duration: 45 - 60 min
Discussion (10-15 min) 🗣️
Divide students into small
groups and assign them a
specific eco-friendly habit.
Encourage discussion how
the habit contributes to a
healthier environment.
Interactive Activity (15-20
min): Eco-Friendly Habits
Write down eco-friendly
habits on small cards.
Ask students to pick a card
and act out the habit
without speaking, while
their classmates guess
what it is.
Summary (10 minutes)
Encourage students to
share their thoughts on
which habits they found
interesting or surprising.
Remind them to
incorporate eco-friendly
habits into their daily lives.
Eco-Friendly Habits Charades:
Small cards with written eco-friendly habits (reuse, recycle,
save energy, use public transport, etc.).
Container or bag for students to pick cards from.
Whiteboard or flip chart for keeping score.
Group Reflection:
Chart paper or whiteboard.
Markers for recording students' reflections.
Interactive Activity:
Space for students to perform charades.
Optional: Timer for each charades round.
Summary and Conclusion:
Whiteboard or flip chart.
Markers for summarizing key points.
Additional Materials:
Projector or screen for displaying eco-friendly habits during
the introduction.
Writing materials like pens, pencils, and paper.
Access to a suitable space for students to move around
during charades.
Ensuring the availability of these materials will enhance the
interactivity and effectiveness of the lesson, providing students
with a dynamic and engaging learning experience. 🌿✨
TOPIC: Waste
Students will learn and
discuss the importance of
waste reduction.
Expanding vocabulary
related to waste and
environmental issues.
Expressing opinions and
ideas in English.
Introduction (10 min)
Begin with a brief
discussion on waste and its
impact on the environment.
Show images or short
videos highlighting the
consequences of excessive
Vocabulary (10 min)
Introduce vocabulary: waste
reduction, recycling,
composting, landfill, etc.
Engage students in
activities such as matching
words with definitions or
discussing examples.
Level: B1
Duration: 45 - 60 min
Reading (5 min)
Provide a short article or
text about eco initiatives.
Have students read the
text individually.
Speaking Exercise: Debating
Waste Reduction Policies
Introduce a debate format
discussing waste reduction
Assign roles (proponents
and opponents)
Conduct the debate.
Summary (10 min)
Engage the class in a
reflective discussion on
what they've learned.
Conclude with a summary
of key points and
encourage students to
think about implementing
waste reduction practices
in their daily lives.
Multimedia Presentation:
Images or videos illustrating the environmental impact of
pollution, e.g.
Educational Materials:
Boards or slides presenting vocabulary related to the topic
(waste reduction, recycling, composting, landfill, etc.).
Vocabulary exercise sheets for completion and discussion.
Reading Text:
A short publication or article about successful initiatives. e.g.
Debate Materials:
Prepared debate questions or theses e.g. "Waste reduction
efforts should focus more on the industrial sector than on
individual households. Support or oppose?" "Schools should
prioritize education on waste reduction and environmental
sustainability. Your thoughts?"
Role cards for students participating in the discussion.
TOPIC: Saving Water
Students will learn about
the importance of saving
Learning vocabulary related
to water conservation.
Discussing and suggesting
practical tips for saving
Introduction (5 min)
Begin with a brief
discussion about the
importance of water.
Ask students what water-
related activities they do
Vocabulary (10 min)
Introduce vocabulary
related to water
conservation (e.g., faucet,
shower, drought, conserve).
Use flashcards or images to
help illustrate the words.
Practice pronunciation and
repeat the words together.
Level: A2
Duration: 45 - 60 min
Speaking (10-15 min)
Show a short video on
water conservation,
highlighting practical tips.
Encourage students to
share thoughts on why
saving water is crucial.
Tips Brainstorming
Divide students into small
Provide each group with a
list of everyday water-
related activities.
Ask each group to
brainstorm and write down
tips on how to save water
in those activities.
Summary (10 min)
Each group presents their
tips to the class.
Encourage discussion and
additional suggestions
from other students.
Summarize the importance
of saving water.
Whiteboard and Markers:
For note-taking, drawing, and illustrating concepts.
Printed Images or Flashcards:
Illustrations of water-related activities.
A short video on water conservation e.g.:
Example of a List of Everyday Water-Related Activities:
Washing Dishes: Exploring ways to reduce water usage
while washing dishes, such as using a basin or filling the sink
instead of running water.
Drinking Water: Emphasizing the importance of not wasting
drinking water and using reusable water bottles.
Using the Toilet: Discussing methods like using a low-flow
toilet or placing a filled bottle in the toilet tank to reduce water
Doing Laundry: Tips on using the washing machine efficiently
and considering full loads to conserve water.
Outdoor Activities: Discussing water conservation during
outdoor activities, such as washing the car.
General Hygiene: Encouraging students to be mindful of
water usage during activities like washing hands and
brushing teeth.
General Household Use: Exploring ways to reduce overall
water consumption in daily household activities.
TOPIC: Green
Transportation - Reducing
Carbon Footprint
Expand vocabulary on
sustainable transportation
and introduce its role in
reducing carbon footprint.
Encourage critical thinking
and discussion about green
Develop speaking and
writing skills.
Introduction (5-10 min)
Discuss the meaning of
"carbon footprint" and the
role of green transportation
in reducing it.
Show images or a short
video illustrating different
modes of transportation.
Vocabulary (10 min)
Discuss terms related to
green transportation
(electric vehicles, public
transit, cycling, etc.). Use
examples to explain how
each mode contributes to
reducing carbon footprint.
Level: B2/C1
Duration: 45 - 60 min
Speaking (10-15 min)
Show a presentation/short
video highlighting green
transportation initiatives.
Engage students in a
discussion about adopting
green transportation
Debate Session
Divide the class into
groups. Assign debate
questions related to green
transportation (e.g., "Are
electric cars a viable
Allow groups to prepare
arguments and
Summary (10 min)
Have each group share key
points from their debates.
Assign a short written
reflection on the impact of
individual choices on the
Printed Images or Flashcards (depicting various modes of
transportation) / Handouts with Vocabulary:
Electric Vehicles (EVs), Public Transit, Cycling, Carpooling,
Walking, Hybrid Vehicles, Sustainable Fuel, Zero Emission,
Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Eco-Friendly Transportation, Green
Commuting, Bike Sharing, Renewable Energy Vehicles,
Sustainable Urban Mobility, Pedestrian-Friendly
Example of Debate Questions Related to Green Transportation
Is investing in cycling infrastructure a cost-effective way to
promote green transportation in urban areas?"
"Do carpooling and ride-sharing services significantly
contribute to reducing traffic congestion and emissions?"
"Should cities prioritize the development of pedestrian-
friendly zones to encourage walking and reduce the use of
motorized transportation?".
"Should governments provide financial incentives for
companies to adopt eco-friendly transportation policies?"
"Do electric scooters and micro-mobility solutions contribute
positively to urban transportation sustainability?"
"Is the promotion of walking and cycling as primary modes of
transportation feasible in suburban areas?"
"Are autonomous vehicles a viable solution for reducing traffic
congestion and environmental impact?"
Eco-Friendly Self-Check, like this one presented here, may be an
engaging supplementary exercise that adds value to English
lessons. By integrating this self-check, students can develop a habit
of consciously assessing their eco-friendly practices.
Take a quick look at your daily
habits to see how eco-friendly you
How do you usually get around?
a) Walk, bike, or use public transport
b) Carpool or use green commuting
c) Mostly use private vehicles
Do you use reusable items?
a) Water bottle is always with me!
b) Yeah, reusable bags and
containers are my thing
c) Not really into reusables
How do you handle waste?
a) Recycle and use less paper
b) Try to recycle and cut down on
c) Not big on recycling
What about your free time?
a) Outdoor activities, nature walks,
and such
b) Learning about green stuff when I
c) Indoor activities, not really eco-
Your shopping style:
a) Love local and sustainable
b) Think about sustainability but not
c) Don't really factor it in
Energy use at home:
a) Conserve energy and use eco-
friendly appliances
b) Try to be mindful of energy, could
do better
c) Energy conservation isn't a priority
Environmental engagement:
a) Join eco-events and initiatives
b) Occasionally get involved in green
c) Rarely or never engage in eco-
Mostly A's: You're a Green Star! Keep it up!
Mostly B's: You're on the Green Path! Keep
exploring eco-friendly choices.
Mostly C's: Ready to Go Green! Identify
areas for improvement and take small
steps toward a greener lifestyle. 🌱💚
Title: "Eco Heroes: Guardians of the Earth"
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Scene 1: Prologue - "Our Beautiful Planet"
Narrator: Welcome! Today, we will take you on a journey
through our beautiful planet. (Presentation of photos and videos
showcasing the diversity of nature.)
Scene 2: Meeting the Eco Heroes
Heroes: Emma, Liam, and Maya, students from a local school,
discover the secret of a magical plant that grants them Eco
Heroes powers. (Children discover the magical plant on stage.)
Emma: (excitedly) Look at this unusual plant! I wonder what
it does.
Liam: (curious) Let's touch it and see what happens!
Maya: (as magical powers activate) Whoa, did you feel that?
I feel different, like we have a special power now!
Scene 3: Eco Heroes Mission - "Saving the Enchanted Forest"
Eco Heroes set out to save the enchanted forest from pollution.
Emma: (determined) We can't let the forest suffer. We must
use our powers to protect it.
Liam: (pointing to pollution) Look at all this trash! We need to
clean it up.
Maya: (using eco powers) With the power of nature, we will
save the enchanted forest!
Scene 4: Connecting with Nature
Eco Heroes learn how crucial it is to connect with nature.
Emma: (holding a sapling) Planting trees helps the
environment. Let's do our part.
Liam: (picking up litter) Small actions, like picking up trash,
make a big difference.
Maya: (participating in eco-friendly activities) Connecting with
nature makes us stronger. We should all do it!
Scene 5: Audience Challenge
Heroes step offstage and encourage to take eco-friendly actions.
Emma: (to the audience) Everyone, you can be Eco Heroes
too! Use less plastic and recycle.
Liam: (engaging with audience) Raise your hand if you've
planted a tree. Let's all plant one together!
Maya: (inspiring action) Remember, every small action
counts. Be an Eco Hero in your own way!
Scene 6: Apotheosis - "We Are All Eco Heroes"
Heroes gather on stage and encourage to simple actions.
Emma: (singing) We are all Eco Heroes, protecting our planet
every day!
Liam: (dancing) Whether big or small, our actions matter.
Together, we can make a change!
Maya: (addressing audience) Thank you for joining us on this
eco-adventure. Remember, you're an Eco Hero too!
Epilogue: "A Promise for the Future"
Narrator: Thank you for joining our adventure. We promise to
take care of our planet and be Eco Heroes every day.
Here is a list of tips and ideas you might find useful:
👫Characters and Costumes: Create characters that represent
eco heroes. Design costumes that reflect their roles as protectors
of the environment.
🎭Set Design: Plan the stage to enhance the environmental
🎶Music and Sound Effects: Incorporate music and sound effects
that complement the performance. Consider using eco-friendly
instruments or recorded sounds from nature.
🔄Rehearsals: Conduct regular rehearsals to ensure smooth
coordination among performers.
🎤Technical Equipment: Ensure you have the necessary technical
equipment, such as microphones, speakers, and lighting, to
enhance the performance.
📹Recording/Documentation: If possible, record the performance
for documentation or future promotional purposes.
🌱Green Practices: Incorporate eco-friendly practices in the
organization of the event, costumes, and scenography.
Remember: This script is flexible and can be tailored to meet
various preferences. You are welcome to adjust dialogues,
scenes, or incorporate your own elements to align it with your
context and goals.
Passion for nature 🌿
Gardening tools (shovels, rakes, watering cans) 🛠️
Seeds or young plants of your choice 🌼
Quality soil 🌱
Compost or organic fertilizer 🍃
Recycled materials for DIY garden features (optional) ♻️
Creative spirit 🎨
Choose the location for the school garden. Look for a spot with
plenty of sunlight and good drainage.
Prepare the soil by loosening it with a shovel and removing
any debris.
Mix in compost or organic fertilizer to nourish the soil and
provide essential nutrients for your plants.
Decide on the layout of your garden beds and pathways. You
can get creative with recycled materials like old tires or pallets
to build raised beds or borders.
Plant your seeds or young plants according to the instructions
on the packet.
Water your garden regularly, especially during dry spells, to
keep the soil moist and your plants healthy.
Get creative with DIY garden features like handmade signs,
painted rocks, or recycled planters to add personality to your
Encourage teamwork and collaboration among your students
as you work together to maintain and enjoy your school
UNESCO. (2017). Education for Sustainable
Development Goals: Learning Objectives. United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Sobel, D. (2008). Childhood and Nature: Design
Principles for Educators. Stenhouse Publishers.
National Geographic Kids
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - Wild Classroom:
The Majestic Plastic Bag - A Mockumentary
Virtual Field Trips: Platforms like Google Earth or
National Geographic Education offer virtual field trips
to explore different ecosystems, natural wonders, and
environmental landmarks around the world. These can
provide immersive learning experiences without
leaving the classroom.
Data Visualization Tools: Tools like Gapminder or
Tableau Public allow students to explore and visualize
environmental data, such as climate change trends,
deforestation rates, or air pollution levels. They can
create charts, graphs, and maps to analyze and
interpret complex environmental issues.
Here are some short films, books, websites related to the
environment that are informative and thought-provoking:
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions
expressed are however those of the author(s) only and
do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union
or the National Agency(NA). Neither the European
Union nor NA can be held responsible for them.
Free Publication

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Green Skills for a Greener Future - A Practical Guide for Primary School Educators.pdf

  • 1. Green Skills for a Greener Future! A Practical Guide for Primary School Educators Green Skills for a Greener Future! Project: 2022-2-PL01-KA210-SCH-000095540
  • 2. "Green Skills for a Greener Future - a Practical Guide for Primary Educators" © 2024 is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit Author Publisher Layout & Design ISBN 978-83-970581-1-8 Warszawa 2024 Martyna Salwa Insolitus- Europejska Fundacja Wspierania Edukacji ul. Kazmierza Dąbrowskiego 14 B 05-077 Warszawa Martyna Salwa Green Skills for a Greener Future - A Practical Guide for Primary School Educators ​ Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency(NA). Neither the European Union nor NA can be held responsible for them. Free publication Project Website
  • 3. Dear Primary Educators! Welcome to "A Practical Guide for Primary Educators” an integral part of the Erasmus+ project titled "Green Skills for a Greener Future." In this guide, you will learn about the benefits of having eco-friendly classrooms and discover examples of our project activities. Join us on a journey to integrate green skills into your classroom, cultivating a sustainable mindset for a brighter future. Please also note that the tips and ideas in this guide are not meant to be prescriptive or exhaustive. Feel free to adapt, modify, or create your own eco-friendly practices according to your needs, preferences, and resources. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process of learning and teaching green skills. Project Partners 3
  • 4. We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. ~ Native American Proverb 4
  • 5. Chapter 1 Eco Practices Matter: 6 Benefits of Eco-Friendly Classrooms Chapter 2 Catalysts for Change: Role of teachers in promoting sustainability Chapter 3 Starting Your Journey: A Roadmap for Eco-Friendly Classrooms Chapter 4 Make Your Green Way: 20 General Practices and Tips Chapter 5 Teaching Green: Incorporating Eco Ideas into Any Subject Chapter 6 Involving Others: How to Partner with Parents, Colleagues and Community Members Chapter 7 Overcoming Challenges: Obstacles in Implementing Eco- Friendly Practices Chapter 8 From Learning to Doing: Activities from the "Green Skills for a Greener Future" Project Chapter 9 Eco English: Practical Lesson Scenarios and Resources CONTENTS _6 _13 _18 _24 _32 _41 _47 _51 _73 5
  • 6. CHAPTER Eco Practices Matter: 6 Benefits of Eco- Friendly Classrooms In this section, we'll delve into the significance of adopting eco- friendly practices in your classroom. Discover the numerous advantages that extend beyond the classroom walls, impacting both your students and the environment. Let's explore how embracing green initiatives can transform the educational experience and contribute to a more sustainable future. 6
  • 7. By integrating eco-friendly practices in the classroom, students engage in hands-on learning experiences that go beyond textbooks. They can actively participate in recycling, composting, or gardening projects, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental concepts through direct involvement. This approach makes learning enjoyable and memorable while promoting a sense of responsibility towards the planet. Hands-on Learning Incorporating eco-friendly practices establishes a positive and nurturing classroom environment. When students witness their teachers and peers actively caring for the environment, it creates a sense of community and encourages teamwork. This shared commitment to sustainability fosters a supportive and empathetic atmosphere where students learn to value and respect one another's efforts. Creating a Positive Classroom Environment 7
  • 8. By integrating eco-friendly practices in the classroom, students engage in hands-on learning experiences that go beyond textbooks. They can actively participate in recycling, composting, or gardening projects, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental concepts through direct involvement. This approach makes learning enjoyable and memorable while promoting a sense of responsibility towards the planet. Enhancing Creativity Encouraging Critical Thinking Eco-friendly practices in the classroom encourage students to think critically about environmental issues. By engaging in discussions, debates, or problem- solving activities related to sustainability, students develop analytical skills and learn to evaluate the impact of their choices. This cultivates a mindset of questioning and finding innovative solutions, empowering them to become future change-makers. 8
  • 9. Incorporating eco-friendly practices equips students with essential life skills. They learn valuable lessons such as problem-solving, teamwork, responsibility, and resilience while working on eco-friendly projects. These skills extend beyond the classroom and become valuable assets in their personal and professional lives, enabling them to tackle real-world challenges with confidence. Fostering Life Skills Making a Lasting Impact By incorporating eco-friendly practices, teachers empower students to make a lasting impact on the environment. Students understand that even small changes in their daily habits can contribute to a more sustainable future. Whether it's saving energy, reducing waste, or advocating for environmental causes, students realize that their actions matter and that they have the power to effect positive change. 9
  • 10. Incorporating eco-friendly practices in the classroom creates a friendly and accessible learning environment that fosters hands-on experiences, critical thinking, empathy, creativity, and life skills development. By nurturing an understanding of sustainability from an early age, teachers inspire students to become environmentally conscious individuals who actively contribute to a healthier and more sustainable planet. In summary 10
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  • 12. Nature is the greatest work of art. It is our duty to care for it, protect it, and learn from it. ~David Attenborough 12
  • 13. CHAPTER Catalysts for Change: Role of teachers in promoting sustainability Teachers play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability and nurturing a generation of environmentally conscious individuals. As guardians of knowledge and inspiration, they hold the power to shape young minds and instill a deep sense of responsibility towards the planet. In this chapter we will explore how teachers become champions of sustainability. 13
  • 14. Educators and Advocates: Teachers educate about the importance of sustainability and environmental issues. They raise awareness about the impact of human actions on the ecosystems, and climate. By empowering students with knowledge, teachers equip them to become informed advocates for a sustainable future. Exemplary Role Models: Teachers lead by example, demonstrating eco-friendly practices in their daily lives. They model behaviors such as recycling, conserving energy and water. By showcasing these actions, teachers inspire students to adopt sustainable habits. Integration into Curriculum: Teachers weave sustainability into their curriculum, across various subjects and grade levels. They infuse lessons with real-life examples, case studies, and hands-on experiences. By integrating sustainability into the curriculum, teachers ensure that students receive an eco-education that transcends the boundaries of a single subject. Building Empathy and Connection: Teachers help students develop a sense of connection with the natural world. They organize nature walks or field trips to ecological sites that allow students to observe and learn from nature and cultivate a sense of responsibility and respect for the environment in their students. 14
  • 15. Encouraging Critical Thinking: Teachers encourage students to think critically about environmental challenges and explore innovative solutions. They facilitate discussions, debates, and research projects that help students understand complex sustainability issues and develop creative approaches to address them. By fostering critical thinking skills, teachers empower students to become active problem-solvers and change agents. Collaboration and Community Engagement: Teachers foster collaboration among students, encouraging them to work together on sustainability projects and initiatives. They engage with parents, local communities, and environmental organizations to create partnerships that extend the impact beyond the classroom. By involving the wider community, teachers create a ripple effect of sustainable practices and amplify the message of environmental stewardship. Through their passion, knowledge, and dedication, teachers become catalysts for change, shaping a future generation of environmentally responsible citizens. Their role as champions of sustainability is essential in creating a greener, more sustainable world for all. 15
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  • 17. Environmental protection is not a choice; it is a necessity. It is our responsibility to secure our planet for future generations. ~David Attenborough 17
  • 18. CHAPTER Starting Your Journey: A Roadmap for Eco- Friendly Classrooms Embarking on the journey to establish an eco-friendly classroom is a rewarding endeavor that positively impacts students, the learning environment, and the planet. In this chapter, you will learn how to start your journey towards creating and maintaining an eco-friendly classroom. 18
  • 19. Step 1: Assess Your Current Situation Step 2: Set Your Goals and Priorities Step 3: Plan Your Actions Step 4: Monitor Your Progress and Results A ROADMAP FOR ECO-FRIENDLY CLASSROOMS 19
  • 20. Step 1: Assess Your Current Situation The first step to start your eco-friendly classroom is to assess your current situation. This will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your classroom in terms of environmental performance and impact, and to determine the areas where you can improve. Here are examples of actions for this step: Conduct a green audit of your classroom to measure and evaluate the environmental aspects such as energy, water, paper or waste. Identify current practices and areas for improvement. Create a green checklist or a rating system to check and rate the environmental practices and policies of your classroom and school, such as recycling, composting or gardening. Survey students and colleagues to gather feedback on current environmental practices. Step 2: Set Your Goals and Priorities The second step will help you define and clarify what you want to achieve and why, and to focus your efforts and resources on the most important and feasible areas. Here are examples of actions for this step: Identify specific eco-friendly goals, such as reducing energy consumption by a certain percentage. Use the SMART criteria to set your goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These criteria can help you make your goals clear, realistic, and trackable. 20
  • 21. Step 3: Plan Your Actions The third step will help you organize and coordinate your tasks, and to allocate your time and resources efficiently and effectively. Develop a detailed action plan outlining specific tasks and responsibilities for achieving each goal. Use a Gantt chart or a timeline to plan your actions. They will help you to track the progress and completion of your actions. Allocate resources, such as budget and materials. Step 4: Monitor Your Progress and Results The fourth step will help you evaluate the effectiveness and impact of your actions, and address any challenges. Use indicators to monitor your progress and results. Collect feedback from students and colleagues on the effectiveness and satisfaction with implemented changes. Adjust your action plan based on the results, addressing any areas that require improvement. Communicate your progress and results to your stakeholders, such as students, colleagues, parents, or community members. By following this roadmap, you will be able to create and maintain an eco-friendly classroom that benefits both the environment and your students. In the next chapter, you will discover 20 practices and tips you may implement in your own roadmap for an eco-friendly classroom. 21
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  • 23. Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. ~Jane Goodall 23
  • 24. CHAPTER Make Your Green Way: 20 General Practices and Tips Starting eco-friendly practices at school is a commendable initiative that can make a significant positive impact on the environment and instill sustainable values in students. In this chapter you will find some useful tips to get you started. 24
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  • 31. ~MARK VAN DOREN The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery! 31
  • 32. CHAPTER Teaching Green: Incorporating Eco Ideas Into Any Subject Incorporating environmental topics into school education is essential for nurturing environmentally conscious citizens. By integrating these topics across various subjects, students not only gain a holistic understanding of environmental issues but also develop critical thinking skills and a sense of responsibility towards the planet. This chapter will explore how to seamlessly integrate environmental topics into subjects. 32
  • 33. Theme: Biodiversity and Ecosystems Activities: 🌳Explore local ecosystems: Take students on nature walks to observe and document the various plants and animals in their school environment. Create a biodiversity chart. 🦋Investigate food chains: Use local examples to teach students about food chains and how different species depend on each other for survival. 🌱Plant a school garden: Engage students in planting and maintaining a school garden. This hands-on experience teaches about plant life cycles and the importance of soil health. Theme: Pollution and Conservation Activities: 💧Water quality testing: Conduct experiments to test the water quality of nearby streams or rivers. Discuss the importance of clean water for both human and aquatic life. ♻️Recycling projects: Encourage students to collect and recycle paper, plastic, and other materials within the school premises. Calculate the amount of waste reduced through recycling efforts. SCIENCE 33
  • 34. Theme: Environmental Data Analysis Activities: 📊Graphing environmental data: Teach students how to create graphs and charts using environmental data, such as temperature changes, rainfall patterns, or pollution levels. 🌍Calculating carbon footprints: Have students calculate their own and their family's carbon footprints, helping them understand the impact of their daily choices. Theme: Sustainable Practices Activities: 💰Budgeting for eco-friendly choices: Introduce students to the concept of budgeting by comparing the costs of sustainable products and practices with conventional ones. 📏Measurement and waste reduction: Teach students to measure waste production and track progress in waste reduction efforts within the school. MATHEMATICS 34
  • 35. Theme: Environmental Literature Activities: 📖Reading environmentally themed books: Include books and stories that revolve around environmental themes in the curriculum. Encourage discussions and book reports. ✍️Writing environmental poetry: Have students express their thoughts and emotions about nature and conservation through poetry or essays. Theme: Environmental Advocacy Activities: 📝Persuasive writing: Teach students persuasive writing techniques and have them create essays or speeches advocating for a specific environmental cause. 💌Letter writing campaigns: Engage students in writing letters to local officials or businesses, urging them to take action on environmental issues. LANGUAGES 35
  • 36. Theme: Environmental Music and Rhythms Activities: 🌱Eco-themed songwriting: Encourage students to compose songs with lyrics that convey environmental messages, such as the importance of conservation, protecting nature, or addressing climate change. 🎶Instrumental compositions: Have students create instrumental pieces that evoke the sounds of nature, such as flowing rivers, rustling leaves, or birdsong. 🎤Environmental choir: Form a school choir that specializes in performing songs related to the environment. This can include both existing eco-friendly songs and original compositions. 🥁Rhythms of the Earth: Explore rhythm and percussion by using instruments made from recycled materials. Students can create their own eco-friendly percussion instruments. 🎤Musical storytelling: Combine music and storytelling to narrate environmental tales or create soundscapes that transport listeners to different natural settings. MUSIC 36
  • 37. Theme: Eco-Friendly Art Projects Activities: 🖌️Recycled art: Encourage students to create artwork using recycled materials such as old magazines, cardboard, or plastic bottles. This promotes creativity while emphasizing the importance of recycling. 🌼Nature-inspired art: Take students outdoors to gather natural materials like leaves, twigs, and stones to use in art projects. This fosters a deeper connection with nature. 🌍Environmental sculptures: Challenge students to build sculptures that convey environmental messages or depict endangered species using sustainable materials. 🎭Environmental storytelling: Combine drama and environmental education by having students create and perform short plays or skits with eco-friendly themes. ARTS AND CRAFTS 37
  • 38. Theme: Guided Discussions and Reflections Activities: 🗣️Classroom discussions: Hold regular class tutor sessions where students can openly discuss environmental topics, share their thoughts, and ask questions. 💬Group debates: Organize debates on various environmental topics to teach students how to express their opinions, provide evidence, and engage in respectful dialogue. 🌱Action planning: Collaborate with students to develop eco- friendly action plans for the school, such as reducing energy consumption or organizing tree planting events. 🌟Goal setting: Help students set personal sustainability goals and track their progress throughout the school year. 🌍Peer Eco Projects: Encourage collaborative environmental initiatives among students, fostering teamwork and shared responsibility. CLASS TUTOR SESSIONS 38
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  • 40. The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. ~Lady Bird Johnson 40
  • 41. CHAPTER Involving Others: How to Partner with Parents, Colleagues and Community Members Building a sustainable and eco-friendly classroom extends beyond the teacher-student dynamic. This chapter explores the importance of involving and collaborating with various stakeholders—parents, colleagues, administrators, and community members—to create a comprehensive and impactful approach to environmental education. 41
  • 42. Engaging Parents in the Eco-Journey Conduct workshops or information sessions to educate parents about the school's eco-friendly initiatives, explaining the benefits and ways they can contribute. Provide eco-friendly activities for families to engage in at home, fostering a sense of continuity between school and home environments. Collaborating with Colleagues Interdisciplinary Planning: Work collaboratively with colleagues from different subjects to integrate eco- friendly themes across the curriculum. Sharing Resources: Establish a platform for teachers to share resources, lesson plans, and successful practices related to sustainability. Involving Others 42
  • 43. Gaining Administrative Support: Proposal Development: Create a comprehensive proposal outlining the benefits of eco-friendly practices, backed by research and potential positive impacts on student learning and school reputation. Showcasing Success Stories: Share success stories and positive outcomes resulting from eco-friendly initiatives with administrators to highlight their effectiveness. Incorporating Environmental Education into School Policies: Policy Advocacy: Advocate for the integration of environmental education principles into school policies, emphasizing the long-term benefits for both students and the broader community. Policy Review Committees: Participate in or establish committees that regularly review and update school policies to ensure ongoing alignment with sustainability goals. Community Engagement and Partnerships: Local Collaborations: Collaborate with local businesses, environmental organizations, and community groups to expand the reach and impact of eco-friendly initiatives. Community Events: Organize or participate in community events centered around environmental awareness to strengthen ties with the local community. 43
  • 44. Conclusions Involving and collaborating with parents, colleagues, administrators, and community members is integral to creating a holistic and enduring eco-friendly educational environment. By fostering partnerships and open communication, educators can amplify the impact of their initiatives and inspire a collective commitment to sustainability. Communication Strategies: Regular Updates: Provide regular updates through newsletters, school websites, and social media platforms to keep all stakeholders informed about ongoing eco-friendly initiatives. Open Channels for Feedback: Establish open channels for feedback, allowing stakeholders to share their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns about sustainability efforts. 44
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  • 46. "Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom." ~Oprah Winfrey 46
  • 47. CHAPTER Overcoming Challenges: Obstacles in Implementing Eco-Friendly Practices It's important to recognize that not everyone may be able to follow all the tips on eco-friendly classroom practices, and that's perfectly okay. Sustainability efforts should be flexible and adapted to individual circumstances. In this section we will explore some reasons why someone might not follow the tips and activities from previous chapters. 47
  • 48. Limited Resources Some teachers or schools may have limited access to resources, making it challenging to implement certain eco-friendly practices, such as purchasing energy-efficient appliances or setting up recycling programs. Curriculum Constraints In some cases, educators may have strict curriculum guidelines to follow, leaving limited room for integrating additional topics like sustainability and environmental education. Space Limitations Classroom size and layout can impact the ability to create an eco-friendly environment. Smaller classrooms may have less space for plants or alternative lighting. Administrative Support The level of administrative support and commitment to sustainability initiatives can vary from one school to another. Lack of support can hinder efforts to implement certain practices. 48
  • 49. It's important to approach eco-friendly classroom practices with a mindset of progress, not perfection. Even small steps toward sustainability can make a positive impact. Teachers and schools should do what is feasible and meaningful within their specific context. Every effort counts, and every lesson about environmental stewardship is valuable, regardless of the scale of implementation. Student Needs Educators may need to prioritize meeting the diverse needs of their students, which can sometimes take precedence over eco- friendly practices. Local Regulations Some regions may have regulations or restrictions that limit the implementation of certain eco-friendly practices. 49
  • 50. You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference. ~Jane Goodall 50
  • 51. CHAPTER From Learning to Doing: Activities from the "Green Skills for a Greener Future" Project Embarking on the journey to establish an eco-friendly classroom is a rewarding endeavor that positively impacts students, the learning environment, and the planet. In this chapter, you will learn how we started our journey towards creating and maintaining eco-friendly classrooms. 51
  • 52. About the Project Green Skills for a Greener Future! Erasmus+ Key Action 2 KA210 Small-scale Partnerships Duration: 12 months Years: 2023-2024 Project Partners: HORIZONTAL PRIORITY Environment and fight against climate change Target Groups: Students, Teachers & School Communities Our main objective: To increase green skills among students, as well as teachers and stafffrom partner organizations. Poland Poland Romania 52
  • 53. Green Skills Corners Project started with promoting environmental awareness. through Green Skills Corners. Their aim was to inform school communities about the project's goals, ongoing activities, and the countries involved. 53
  • 54. Logo Contest was launched to encourage creativity and engagement among students, inspiring them to design a visual representation that captures the essence of our eco-friendly initiatives. Project Logo Contest 54
  • 55. Project www became a hub for content aimed at raising ecological awareness among our target groups. It was regularly updated with reports on activities carried out by partner organizations. Project WWW 55
  • 56. School Garden Creating the garden was part of the project, showcasing the students' dedication to the environment. ‘Elena Cuza’ pupils learned how to clean an area, prepare it for gardening activities, plant different plants/flowers, as well as how to cooperate and distribute different tasks among the members of the group. 56
  • 57. “The Earth” performance by students from SP12 aimed to convey a powerful message about sustainability and the significance of preserving our planet. Through a combination of compelling storytelling and visually striking scenes, the students brought environmental issues to life. Eco Theatre 57
  • 58. The project meetings took place in partner schools in Kielce and Iasi. Educators shared valuable insights and successful strategies, promoting a collaborative approach to environmental education. Transnational Project Meetings 58
  • 59. Project Clean & Green campaigns aimed to instill a sense of responsibility for the environment among students and encourage them to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives. Clean & Green Campaigns 59
  • 61. Green Festivals combined learning and fun. They provided a great opportunity to promote project values and inspire participants to adopt eco- friendly practices. Green Festivals 61
  • 62. Various art workshops provided an engaging platform for students to express themselves artistically and explore their eco creativity. Creative Eco Art 62
  • 63. The activity "Posters for the Planet" engaged students in a creative initiative to raise awareness about environmental issues. Through artistic expression, they conveyed impactful messages, contributing to the campaign for a greener planet. Posters for our Planet 63
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  • 67. The Eco Trip was a truly memorable experience for ‘Elena Cuza’ students as they learned how to set up a tent, build a fire, solve puzzles together in teams to "win" the necessary materials (for the tents, for the campfire, as well as the ingredients for cooking dinner), and cooperate in order to complete the tasks. Eco Trip 67
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  • 69. The postcards exchange fostered cross- cultural connections among students, allowing them to share greetings and creative ideas. Postcards Exchange 69
  • 70. The project conference aimed to share project results and insights with educators from different organizations, inspiring them to embark on their eco-friendly initiatives. Let’s Share 70
  • 71. One Eco Performance One School Garden & Over 50 Students Involved! One Project Conference Two Green Skills Corners Two Transnational Meetings Over 80 Students in Eco Trips! Over 85% Surveyed Students Willing to Participate in Future Eco Activities Over 80% of Surveyed Students Reported Increased Ecological Knowledge Over 90% of Surveyed Teachers improved their understanding of environmental issues. Over 200 Students in School Eco Fashion Shows! Over 500 Students in the Local Cleanup Campaigns! Planted 250 Trees! Exchanging Over 200 Christmas Cards! Ten Creative Eco Workshops! Fourteen Posters for the Earth! Project eBook in Polish, English, Romanian PROJECT RESULTS Here are some of the outcomes and results from the project! 71
  • 72. Thank you for joining us on our Green Skills journey! 72
  • 73. CHAPTER Eco English: Practical Scenarios & Resources This chapter is dedicated to English Language teachers. We will explore how language learning can be intertwined with ecological themes, fostering a deeper connection between students and the environment. Moreover, in this chapter, you can expect detailed lesson plans and scenarios that seamlessly blend language acquisition with eco-consciousness, providing you with practical tools to cultivate a green mindset in your English language classrooms. 73
  • 74. 🔄 Flexibility is Key See the scenarios as a starting point, not a fixed plan. Adapt them to your students' unique characteristics, their interests and levels. 🌍Make it Personal Add local examples, cultural references, or current events. Personalizing the content enhances engagement. 🎭Cater to Learning Styles Adjust activities to accommodate visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or interpersonal learners for an inclusive experience. 💡Encourage Student Ideas Create a collaborative environment. Let students share their perspectives and suggest alternative approaches to activities. 💻Embrace Tech Creativity Multimedia, online resources, and interactive platforms can add a dynamic touch and capture students' interest. 📝 Reflect and Adjust Reflect on what worked well and what could be improved. Use this feedback to refine your teaching approach. The aim is to create an inclusive learning environment. Feel free to shape the lessons to fit the unique needs of your class. 6 TIPS TO MAKE THE ECO ENGLISH SCENARIOS WORK BEST Happy teaching! 74
  • 75. LESSON PLAN #1 TOPIC: Understanding Air Pollution Level: A2 Objectives: Introduce students to basic concepts related to air pollution. 1. Explain the impact of air pollution on the environment and human health. 2. Develop English language communication. 3. Introduction (10 min) Greet the students and engage in a brief discussion about their awareness of air pollution. Show a short animated video presenting the sources of air pollution. Vocabulary (10 min) 📖 Review basic vocabulary related to air pollution (smog, pollen, exhaust fumes, etc.). Duration: 45 - 60 min Discussion (15 min) 🗣️ Divide students into groups and assign them specific aspect of air pollution (e.g., industry, transportation, exhaust fumes). Engage in a collective discussion on ways to reduce pollution. Creative Activity (15-20 min) Have students create posters related to air protection and its significance for health and the environment. Summary (10 minutes) Brief presentation of posters by students. Conclude the lesson by emphasizing the importance of maintaining clean air. 75
  • 76. Air pollution video: Short animated videos illustrating the sources of air pollution, e.g.: "The Sources and Solutions of Air Pollution | National Geographic" "Air Pollution | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids" Educational materials: Posters or slides presenting basic vocabulary related to the topic (smog, pollen, exhaust fumes, etc.). Discussion materials: Boards or sheets for recording group ideas. Creative activity: Materials to create posters. Drawing and coloring materials (crayons, markers, pencils). Summary: Space on the wall to hang students' created posters. Other: Access to multimedia equipment to play the video. Writing materials, such as chalk, pens, etc. MATERIALS FOR LESSON #1 76
  • 77. LESSON PLAN #2 TOPIC: Our Eco- Friendly Habits Level: A1 Objectives: Introduce basic vocabulary related to eco-friendly habits. 1. Encourage students to share their own habits. 2. Promote the importance of sustainable actions for the environment. 3. Introduction (10 min) Begin with a warm greeting. Ask students about their favorite activities. Present basic vocabulary related to eco-friendly habits: recycling, saving energy, using reusable items, etc. Show images or props to help illustrate each habit. Vocabulary (5-10 min) Engage students in a quick drill to repeat and remember the new words.). Duration: 45 - 60 min Discussion (10-15 min) 🗣️ Divide students into small groups and assign them a specific eco-friendly habit. Encourage discussion how the habit contributes to a healthier environment. Interactive Activity (15-20 min): Eco-Friendly Habits Charades Write down eco-friendly habits on small cards. Ask students to pick a card and act out the habit without speaking, while their classmates guess what it is. Summary (10 minutes) Encourage students to share their thoughts on which habits they found interesting or surprising. Remind them to incorporate eco-friendly habits into their daily lives. 77
  • 78. MATERIALS FOR LESSON #2 Eco-Friendly Habits Charades: Small cards with written eco-friendly habits (reuse, recycle, save energy, use public transport, etc.). Container or bag for students to pick cards from. Whiteboard or flip chart for keeping score. Group Reflection: Chart paper or whiteboard. Markers for recording students' reflections. Interactive Activity: Space for students to perform charades. Optional: Timer for each charades round. Summary and Conclusion: Whiteboard or flip chart. Markers for summarizing key points. Additional Materials: Projector or screen for displaying eco-friendly habits during the introduction. Writing materials like pens, pencils, and paper. Access to a suitable space for students to move around during charades. Ensuring the availability of these materials will enhance the interactivity and effectiveness of the lesson, providing students with a dynamic and engaging learning experience. 🌿✨ 78
  • 79. LESSON PLAN #3 TOPIC: Waste Reduction Objectives: Students will learn and discuss the importance of waste reduction. 1. Expanding vocabulary related to waste and environmental issues. 2. Expressing opinions and ideas in English. 3. Introduction (10 min) Begin with a brief discussion on waste and its impact on the environment. Show images or short videos highlighting the consequences of excessive waste. Vocabulary (10 min) Introduce vocabulary: waste reduction, recycling, composting, landfill, etc. Engage students in activities such as matching words with definitions or discussing examples. Level: B1 Duration: 45 - 60 min Reading (5 min) Provide a short article or text about eco initiatives. Have students read the text individually. Speaking Exercise: Debating Waste Reduction Policies Introduce a debate format discussing waste reduction policies. Assign roles (proponents and opponents) Conduct the debate. Summary (10 min) Engage the class in a reflective discussion on what they've learned. Conclude with a summary of key points and encourage students to think about implementing waste reduction practices in their daily lives. 79
  • 80. MATERIALS FOR LESSON #3 Multimedia Presentation: Images or videos illustrating the environmental impact of pollution, e.g. v=oJNPAPA_fOM Educational Materials: Boards or slides presenting vocabulary related to the topic (waste reduction, recycling, composting, landfill, etc.). Vocabulary exercise sheets for completion and discussion. Reading Text: A short publication or article about successful initiatives. e.g. zone/earth-hour Debate Materials: Prepared debate questions or theses e.g. "Waste reduction efforts should focus more on the industrial sector than on individual households. Support or oppose?" "Schools should prioritize education on waste reduction and environmental sustainability. Your thoughts?" Role cards for students participating in the discussion. 80
  • 81. LESSON PLAN #4 TOPIC: Saving Water Objectives: Students will learn about the importance of saving water. 1. Learning vocabulary related to water conservation. 2. Discussing and suggesting practical tips for saving water. 3. Introduction (5 min) Begin with a brief discussion about the importance of water. Ask students what water- related activities they do daily. Vocabulary (10 min) Introduce vocabulary related to water conservation (e.g., faucet, shower, drought, conserve). Use flashcards or images to help illustrate the words. Practice pronunciation and repeat the words together. Level: A2 Duration: 45 - 60 min Speaking (10-15 min) Show a short video on water conservation, highlighting practical tips. Encourage students to share thoughts on why saving water is crucial. or Tips Brainstorming Divide students into small groups. Provide each group with a list of everyday water- related activities. Ask each group to brainstorm and write down tips on how to save water in those activities. Summary (10 min) Each group presents their tips to the class. Encourage discussion and additional suggestions from other students. Summarize the importance of saving water. 81
  • 82. MATERIALS FOR LESSON #4 Whiteboard and Markers: For note-taking, drawing, and illustrating concepts. Printed Images or Flashcards: Illustrations of water-related activities. A short video on water conservation e.g.: Example of a List of Everyday Water-Related Activities: Washing Dishes: Exploring ways to reduce water usage while washing dishes, such as using a basin or filling the sink instead of running water. Drinking Water: Emphasizing the importance of not wasting drinking water and using reusable water bottles. Using the Toilet: Discussing methods like using a low-flow toilet or placing a filled bottle in the toilet tank to reduce water consumption. Doing Laundry: Tips on using the washing machine efficiently and considering full loads to conserve water. Outdoor Activities: Discussing water conservation during outdoor activities, such as washing the car. General Hygiene: Encouraging students to be mindful of water usage during activities like washing hands and brushing teeth. General Household Use: Exploring ways to reduce overall water consumption in daily household activities. 82
  • 83. LESSON PLAN #5 TOPIC: Green Transportation - Reducing Carbon Footprint Objectives: Expand vocabulary on sustainable transportation and introduce its role in reducing carbon footprint. 1. Encourage critical thinking and discussion about green transportation. 2. Develop speaking and writing skills. 3. Introduction (5-10 min) Discuss the meaning of "carbon footprint" and the role of green transportation in reducing it. Show images or a short video illustrating different modes of transportation. Vocabulary (10 min) Discuss terms related to green transportation (electric vehicles, public transit, cycling, etc.). Use examples to explain how each mode contributes to reducing carbon footprint. Level: B2/C1 Duration: 45 - 60 min Speaking (10-15 min) Show a presentation/short video highlighting green transportation initiatives. Engage students in a discussion about adopting green transportation methods. or Debate Session Divide the class into groups. Assign debate questions related to green transportation (e.g., "Are electric cars a viable solution?" Allow groups to prepare arguments and counterarguments. Summary (10 min) Have each group share key points from their debates. Assign a short written reflection on the impact of individual choices on the environment. 83
  • 84. MATERIALS FOR LESSON #5 Printed Images or Flashcards (depicting various modes of transportation) / Handouts with Vocabulary: Electric Vehicles (EVs), Public Transit, Cycling, Carpooling, Walking, Hybrid Vehicles, Sustainable Fuel, Zero Emission, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Eco-Friendly Transportation, Green Commuting, Bike Sharing, Renewable Energy Vehicles, Sustainable Urban Mobility, Pedestrian-Friendly Infrastructure) Example of Debate Questions Related to Green Transportation Is investing in cycling infrastructure a cost-effective way to promote green transportation in urban areas?" "Do carpooling and ride-sharing services significantly contribute to reducing traffic congestion and emissions?" "Should cities prioritize the development of pedestrian- friendly zones to encourage walking and reduce the use of motorized transportation?". "Should governments provide financial incentives for companies to adopt eco-friendly transportation policies?" "Do electric scooters and micro-mobility solutions contribute positively to urban transportation sustainability?" "Is the promotion of walking and cycling as primary modes of transportation feasible in suburban areas?" "Are autonomous vehicles a viable solution for reducing traffic congestion and environmental impact?" 84
  • 85. Eco-Friendly Self-Check, like this one presented here, may be an engaging supplementary exercise that adds value to English lessons. By integrating this self-check, students can develop a habit of consciously assessing their eco-friendly practices. ECO-FRIENDLY SELF-CHECK🌿♻️ Take a quick look at your daily habits to see how eco-friendly you are: How do you usually get around? a) Walk, bike, or use public transport b) Carpool or use green commuting options c) Mostly use private vehicles Do you use reusable items? a) Water bottle is always with me! b) Yeah, reusable bags and containers are my thing c) Not really into reusables How do you handle waste? a) Recycle and use less paper b) Try to recycle and cut down on packaging c) Not big on recycling What about your free time? a) Outdoor activities, nature walks, and such b) Learning about green stuff when I can c) Indoor activities, not really eco- focused Your shopping style: a) Love local and sustainable products b) Think about sustainability but not always c) Don't really factor it in Energy use at home: a) Conserve energy and use eco- friendly appliances b) Try to be mindful of energy, could do better c) Energy conservation isn't a priority Environmental engagement: a) Join eco-events and initiatives b) Occasionally get involved in green activities ​ c) Rarely or never engage in eco- stuff Results: Mostly A's: You're a Green Star! Keep it up! Mostly B's: You're on the Green Path! Keep exploring eco-friendly choices. Mostly C's: Ready to Go Green! Identify areas for improvement and take small steps toward a greener lifestyle. 🌱💚 85
  • 86. Title: "Eco Heroes: Guardians of the Earth" Duration: Approximately 30 minutes Scene 1: Prologue - "Our Beautiful Planet" Narrator: Welcome! Today, we will take you on a journey through our beautiful planet. (Presentation of photos and videos showcasing the diversity of nature.) Scene 2: Meeting the Eco Heroes Heroes: Emma, Liam, and Maya, students from a local school, discover the secret of a magical plant that grants them Eco Heroes powers. (Children discover the magical plant on stage.) Emma: (excitedly) Look at this unusual plant! I wonder what it does. Liam: (curious) Let's touch it and see what happens! Maya: (as magical powers activate) Whoa, did you feel that? I feel different, like we have a special power now! Scene 3: Eco Heroes Mission - "Saving the Enchanted Forest" Eco Heroes set out to save the enchanted forest from pollution. Emma: (determined) We can't let the forest suffer. We must use our powers to protect it. Liam: (pointing to pollution) Look at all this trash! We need to clean it up. Maya: (using eco powers) With the power of nature, we will save the enchanted forest! ECO PERFORMANCE - SCRIPT 86
  • 87. Scene 4: Connecting with Nature Eco Heroes learn how crucial it is to connect with nature. Emma: (holding a sapling) Planting trees helps the environment. Let's do our part. Liam: (picking up litter) Small actions, like picking up trash, make a big difference. Maya: (participating in eco-friendly activities) Connecting with nature makes us stronger. We should all do it! Scene 5: Audience Challenge Heroes step offstage and encourage to take eco-friendly actions. Emma: (to the audience) Everyone, you can be Eco Heroes too! Use less plastic and recycle. Liam: (engaging with audience) Raise your hand if you've planted a tree. Let's all plant one together! Maya: (inspiring action) Remember, every small action counts. Be an Eco Hero in your own way! Scene 6: Apotheosis - "We Are All Eco Heroes" Heroes gather on stage and encourage to simple actions. Emma: (singing) We are all Eco Heroes, protecting our planet every day! Liam: (dancing) Whether big or small, our actions matter. Together, we can make a change! Maya: (addressing audience) Thank you for joining us on this eco-adventure. Remember, you're an Eco Hero too! Epilogue: "A Promise for the Future" Narrator: Thank you for joining our adventure. We promise to take care of our planet and be Eco Heroes every day. 87
  • 88. Here is a list of tips and ideas you might find useful: 👫Characters and Costumes: Create characters that represent eco heroes. Design costumes that reflect their roles as protectors of the environment. 🎭Set Design: Plan the stage to enhance the environmental theme. 🎶Music and Sound Effects: Incorporate music and sound effects that complement the performance. Consider using eco-friendly instruments or recorded sounds from nature. 🔄Rehearsals: Conduct regular rehearsals to ensure smooth coordination among performers. 🎤Technical Equipment: Ensure you have the necessary technical equipment, such as microphones, speakers, and lighting, to enhance the performance. 📹Recording/Documentation: If possible, record the performance for documentation or future promotional purposes. 🌱Green Practices: Incorporate eco-friendly practices in the organization of the event, costumes, and scenography. Remember: This script is flexible and can be tailored to meet various preferences. You are welcome to adjust dialogues, scenes, or incorporate your own elements to align it with your context and goals. 88
  • 89. Ingredients: Passion for nature 🌿 Gardening tools (shovels, rakes, watering cans) 🛠️ Seeds or young plants of your choice 🌼 Quality soil 🌱 Compost or organic fertilizer 🍃 Recycled materials for DIY garden features (optional) ♻️ Creative spirit 🎨 Instructions: Choose the location for the school garden. Look for a spot with plenty of sunlight and good drainage. 1. Prepare the soil by loosening it with a shovel and removing any debris. 2. Mix in compost or organic fertilizer to nourish the soil and provide essential nutrients for your plants. 3. Decide on the layout of your garden beds and pathways. You can get creative with recycled materials like old tires or pallets to build raised beds or borders. 4. Plant your seeds or young plants according to the instructions on the packet. 5. Water your garden regularly, especially during dry spells, to keep the soil moist and your plants healthy. 6. Get creative with DIY garden features like handmade signs, painted rocks, or recycled planters to add personality to your garden. 7. Encourage teamwork and collaboration among your students as you work together to maintain and enjoy your school garden. 8. 🌱 SCHOOL GARDEN RECIPE 🏫💚 89
  • 90. Recommendations: UNESCO. (2017). Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning Objectives. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Sobel, D. (2008). Childhood and Nature: Design Principles for Educators. Stenhouse Publishers. National Geographic Kids World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - Wild Classroom: The Majestic Plastic Bag - A Mockumentary Virtual Field Trips: Platforms like Google Earth or National Geographic Education offer virtual field trips to explore different ecosystems, natural wonders, and environmental landmarks around the world. These can provide immersive learning experiences without leaving the classroom. Data Visualization Tools: Tools like Gapminder or Tableau Public allow students to explore and visualize environmental data, such as climate change trends, deforestation rates, or air pollution levels. They can create charts, graphs, and maps to analyze and interpret complex environmental issues. Here are some short films, books, websites related to the environment that are informative and thought-provoking: 90
  • 91.
  • 92. ​ Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency(NA). Neither the European Union nor NA can be held responsible for them. Free Publication