SlideShare a Scribd company logo
• It is constructed from jigsaw pieces-some pieces are missing at the top-
inscribed with glyphs from many different writing systems. The empty
space at the top represents the incomplete nature of the project. Each
piece bears a glyph (a letter or other character), or glyphs, symbolizing
the multilingualism of the project.
• In 2007, a modified 3D model was developed, when they distributed a
3-inch diameter spherical puzzle based on what was there in the 2-D
• What is being talked about?
Put Funda
• To get these licenses, people were
tested on different US Army bases, and
even on a plane. Fewer than 20 people
got these licenses.
• The first of these was an honorary
license, given out to an administrator.
• Who was this administrator?
• Pigeon was a crowdsourced public transit app, which was launched by
Google in the year 2019. It used real time input by commuters to
communicate with others the various states and conditions of trains
and buses, alerting them of potential delays, congestion, and other
factors that could affect their travel time. It even told you about stores,
street food joints and street performers on a particular route.
• Despite its initial success, why did Google shut down this service in
2020 ?
• Humans have had this condition for ages, and it's natural, however in
the early 1900s, a company X realized that they could market this
condition as something that required urgent medical treatment. The
company's owner Jordan Wheat Lambert, and his son, Gerard decided
to use the Latin term 'Halitosis' , which described this condition.
• Halitosis sounded like an actual medical condition, so customers were
quickly spending money to buy X's new product which claimed to cure
• Give me the company name X.
• This Voting technique began in 1997 when a certain Rule namely 81.35 was
passed in the Texas Assembly. It stated that "A person who meets the
eligibility requirement of a voter under the Election Code here at Texas but
who will be on __ during the early voting period and on Election Day, may
• The procedure now happens as such that before their work, the person
identifies which election he or she will be in for. Then, Before Election Day an
encrypted electronic ballot is uplinked to them through a device.
• Thus they receive a unique credentials sent through mail and they can thus
cast their votes and downlink them to the County Clerk's Office. The
procedure hasn't undergone many renovations and basically still continues
• What is so special about this procedure of Voting ?
• Finland, land of the midnight sun is also the land of emojis. The Nordic
country was the first in the world to release a set of government
approved emoji stickers in 2015.
• Finland released about 30 emojis representing the essence of the
country. Initially, 3 emojis were released, these were:
• 1) Naked couple in a sauna
• 2) A spiked leather wearing headbanger
• 3) X
• Identify X?
• Gan De was a Chinese astronomer and astrologer who lived in the 4th
century BCE. He made fairly detailed observations of the night sky for
his time and wrote books like "Treatise on Astronomical Astrology" and
"Astronomic Star Observation".
• Although most of his writings are lost, a fragment was identified in the
20th century describing a certain celestial object. The discovery of this
celestial body is usually credited to another pioneer who identified it
(and other similar bodies) almost a millennium later and wrote about it
in a scientific treatise which became a cause of conflict with the
Catholic Church.
• Who was the other pioneer?
• Which celestial object was observed by them?
• Graphic designer Irina Blok and her team were given the task of
creating a logo that would include a and be easily recognized. Funny as
it seems, the inspiration came from the symbols we usually see on the
doors of public washrooms.
• The lesser known versions of X are Astro and Blender.
• Give me X
• CS50 is an on campus and online introductory computer science course
offered by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard
and also at Yale University. It's the largest of all Harvard classes with
800 students and 100+ staff involved.
• The lectures are freely available online.
• The video of the very first lecture starts with a small introductory reel
preceding the display of a very appropriate word after which the
professor starts his class.
• What word is displayed at the very beginning of the lecture, which
implies that no prior knowledge is required to take the course and is
also the name of a programming language developed for children by
• Saturn's moon Mimas, which bears a
striking resemblance to the Death Star in
"Star Wars" has another feature that got
people excited about it.
• New high resolution images and a
temperature map of Mimas taken by
NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed the
surprising patterns on the surface of the
small moon. As if dominating the 1980s
pop culture wasn't enough.
• What was the pattern observed on the
heat map?
• The University of Virginia has a Computer Science course dealing in
handling of viruses, and describes its abstract as follows :
• “We describe an innovative course that leverages students’ interest in
computer security issues to attract and retain technically-oriented
students. Our initial vision was to offer a course covering computer
viruses—a subject that even a novice computer user has some
familiarity. To avoid the controversy associated with teaching students
how to write malicious software, we focused the course on techniques
for protection against viruses, so we named the course as ___ __ _ __
• Taking reference from popular literature, what was this course’s 5-word
appropriate name?
• X is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole, it is rarely found in its pure
form. Its structure is as shown below.
• Give me its common name, which it shares with a popular curse
word and body part, thus making it sound extremely inappropriate?
• Who is this dedicated to?
• The joke goes that Ikea assembles
everything quite easily.
• This is Ikea's way of assembling
• While promoting his 2019 murder mystery movie Knives Out, director
Rian Johnson gave some insight into product placement in movies,
which makes it easier to deduce the mystery.
• According to him, the company X sponsors movies on the condition
that everyone but the villain should use their products. So you'll never
see the bad guys in any film using them.
• Which company? What product?
Click to add text
• It is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather
than being under the direct control of an interactive user.
• The term was coined by the programmers of MIT's Project MAC. They
took the name from Maxwell's Y, an imaginary being from a thought
experiment that constantly works in the background, sorting
• Igor Yevgenyevich was born in Murom, Vladimir Oblast, Soviet Union.
When he was eight his family moved to Moscow, where he lived until
his death. During World War II he fought with various infantry units .
For his bravery he was awarded the orders of the Patriotic War (II
degree, 1945) and Red Star (1944), and the medals for Courage (1943),
Battle Merit (1944) and the Victory over Germany (1946).
• In October 1945 he was demobilized and sent to Moscow to recover
his health. In February 1946, he entered the Physics Faculty of MEPHi,
graduating with honors in November 1950 with a diploma of designer
and operator of physics equipment.
• How do we better know Igor Yevgenyevich?
• X or The Path of the One is a purported
religion inspired by a motion picture trilogy.
• Conceived by an anonymous group in the
summer of 2004 on the social platform Y. It
claimed to have attracted 300 members by
May 2005, and the religion's Geocities website
claimed "over sixteen hundred members".
However, The movie trilogy is not the sole
foundation, the ideals of X can be traced back
to the early 20th century to The Promulgation
of Universal Peace, the record of talks by
`Abdu'l-Bahá during his journeys to the West
in the United States.
• Give X and Y?
• The tragic end of the dodos occurred because Dutch sailors brought
pigs to the island of Mauritius, which plundered the dodos' nests and
ate their eggs and ultimately drove the birds to extinction. It is a
misconception that the sailors ate the dodos themselves - they rarely
did so as the meat tastes bad.
• What, in the world of technology, is a magnificent historical
reconstruction of this tale?
• It is constructed from jigsaw pieces-some pieces are missing at the top-
inscribed with glyphs from many different writing systems. The empty
space at the top represents the incomplete nature of the project. Each
piece bears a glyph (a letter or other character), or glyphs, symbolizing
the multilingualism of the project.
• In 2007, a modified 3D model was developed, when they distributed a
3-inch diameter spherical puzzle based on what was there in the 2-D
• What is being talked about?
Put Funda
Global FB Outage
• To get these licenses, people were
tested on different US Army bases, and
even on a plane. Fewer than 20 people
got these licenses.
• The first of these was an honorary
license, given out to an administrator.
• Who was this administrator?
James Webb
• Pigeon was a crowdsourced public transit app, which was launched by
Google in the year 2019. It used real time input by commuters to
communicate with others the various states and conditions of trains
and buses, alerting them of potential delays, congestion, and other
factors that could affect their travel time. It even told you about stores,
street food joints and street performers on a particular route.
• Despite its initial success, why did Google shut down this service in
2020 ?
Global Lockdowns due to C*vid
• Humans have had this condition for ages, and it's natural, however in
the early 1900s, a company X realized that they could market this
condition as something that required urgent medical treatment. The
company's owner Jordan Wheat Lambert, and his son, Gerard decided
to use the Latin term 'Halitosis' , which described this condition.
• Halitosis sounded like an actual medical condition, so customers were
quickly spending money to buy X's new product which claimed to cure
• Give me the company name X.
• This Voting technique began in 1997 when a certain Rule namely 81.35 was
passed in the Texas Assembly. It stated that "A person who meets the
eligibility requirement of a voter under the Election Code here at Texas but
who will be on __ during the early voting period and on Election Day, may
• The procedure now happens as such that before their work, the person
identifies which election he or she will be in for. Then, Before Election Day an
encrypted electronic ballot is uplinked to them through a device.
• Thus they receive a unique credentials sent through mail and they can thus
cast their votes and downlink them to the County Clerk's Office. The
procedure hasn't undergone many renovations and basically still continues
• What is so special about this procedure of Voting ?
Voting from Space
• Finland, land of the midnight sun is also the land of emojis. The Nordic
country was the first in the world to release a set of government
approved emoji stickers in 2015.
• Finland released about 30 emojis representing the essence of the
country. Initially, 3 emojis were released, these were:
• 1) Naked couple in a sauna
• 2) A spiked leather wearing headbanger
• 3) X
• Identify X?
• Gan De was a Chinese astronomer and astrologer who lived in the 4th
century BCE. He made fairly detailed observations of the night sky for
his time and wrote books like "Treatise on Astronomical Astrology" and
"Astronomic Star Observation".
• Although most of his writings are lost, a fragment was identified in the
20th century describing a certain celestial object. The discovery of this
celestial body is usually credited to another pioneer who identified it
(and other similar bodies) almost a millennium later and wrote about it
in a scientific treatise which became a cause of conflict with the
Catholic Church.
• Who was the other pioneer?
• Which celestial object was observed by them?
• They observed moons of Jupiter
• Graphic designer Irina Blok and her team were given the task of
creating a logo that would include a and be easily recognized. Funny as
it seems, the inspiration came from the symbols we usually see on the
doors of public washrooms.
• The lesser known versions of X are Astro and Blender.
• Give me X
• CS50 is an on campus and online introductory computer science course
offered by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard
and also at Yale University. It's the largest of all Harvard classes with
800 students and 100+ staff involved.
• The lectures are freely available online.
• The video of the very first lecture starts with a small introductory reel
preceding the display of a very appropriate word after which the
professor starts his class.
• What word is displayed at the very beginning of the lecture, which
implies that no prior knowledge is required to take the course and is
also the name of a programming language developed for children by
• Saturn's moon Mimas, which bears a
striking resemblance to the Death Star in
"Star Wars" has another feature that got
people excited about it.
• New high resolution images and a
temperature map of Mimas taken by
NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed the
surprising patterns on the surface of the
small moon. As if dominating the 1980s
pop culture wasn't enough.
• What was the pattern observed on the
heat map?
• The University of Virginia has a Computer Science course dealing in
handling of viruses, and describes its abstract as follows :
• “We describe an innovative course that leverages students’ interest in
computer security issues to attract and retain technically-oriented
students. Our initial vision was to offer a course covering computer
viruses—a subject that even a novice computer user has some
familiarity. To avoid the controversy associated with teaching students
how to write malicious software, we focused the course on techniques
for protection against viruses, so we named the course as ___ __ _ __
• Taking reference from popular literature, what was this course’s 5-word
appropriate name?
Defence Against the Dark Arts
• X is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole, it is rarely found in its pure
form. Its structure is as shown below.
• Give me its common name, which it shares with a popular curse
word and body part, thus making it sound extremely inappropriate?
• Who is this dedicated to?
George Boole
• The joke goes that Ikea assembles
everything quite easily.
• This is Ikea's way of assembling
Large Hadron Collider
• While promoting his 2019 murder mystery movie Knives Out, director
Rian Johnson gave some insight into product placement in movies,
which makes it easier to deduce the mystery.
• According to him, the company X sponsors movies on the condition
that everyone but the villain should use their products. So you'll never
see the bad guys in any film using them.
• Which company? What product?
Click to add text
Villians can’t use iPhones
• It is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather
than being under the direct control of an interactive user.
• The term was coined by the programmers of MIT's Project MAC. They
took the name from Maxwell's Y, an imaginary being from a thought
experiment that constantly works in the background, sorting
• Igor Yevgenyevich was born in Murom, Vladimir Oblast, Soviet Union.
When he was eight his family moved to Moscow, where he lived until
his death. During World War II he fought with various infantry units .
For his bravery he was awarded the orders of the Patriotic War (II
degree, 1945) and Red Star (1944), and the medals for Courage (1943),
Battle Merit (1944) and the Victory over Germany (1946).
• In October 1945 he was demobilized and sent to Moscow to recover
his health. In February 1946, he entered the Physics Faculty of MEPHi,
graduating with honors in November 1950 with a diploma of designer
and operator of physics equipment.
• How do we better know Igor Yevgenyevich?
IE Irodov
• X or The Path of the One is a purported
religion inspired by a motion picture trilogy.
• Conceived by an anonymous group in the
summer of 2004 on the social platform Y. It
claimed to have attracted 300 members by
May 2005, and the religion's Geocities website
claimed "over sixteen hundred members".
However, The movie trilogy is not the sole
foundation, the ideals of X can be traced back
to the early 20th century to The Promulgation
of Universal Peace, the record of talks by
`Abdu'l-Bahá during his journeys to the West
in the United States.
• Give X and Y?
X- Matrixism
Y- Yahoo!
• The tragic end of the dodos occurred because Dutch sailors brought
pigs to the island of Mauritius, which plundered the dodos' nests and
ate their eggs and ultimately drove the birds to extinction. It is a
misconception that the sailors ate the dodos themselves - they rarely
did so as the meat tastes bad.
• What, in the world of technology, is a magnificent historical
reconstruction of this tale?
Angry Birds

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Grand Quizzing Week 22 | SciTech Quiz | Prelims

  • 1.
  • 2. Q1. • It is constructed from jigsaw pieces-some pieces are missing at the top- inscribed with glyphs from many different writing systems. The empty space at the top represents the incomplete nature of the project. Each piece bears a glyph (a letter or other character), or glyphs, symbolizing the multilingualism of the project. • In 2007, a modified 3D model was developed, when they distributed a 3-inch diameter spherical puzzle based on what was there in the 2-D model. • What is being talked about?
  • 3.
  • 5.
  • 6. Q3. • To get these licenses, people were tested on different US Army bases, and even on a plane. Fewer than 20 people got these licenses. • The first of these was an honorary license, given out to an administrator. • Who was this administrator?
  • 7.
  • 8. Q4. • Pigeon was a crowdsourced public transit app, which was launched by Google in the year 2019. It used real time input by commuters to communicate with others the various states and conditions of trains and buses, alerting them of potential delays, congestion, and other factors that could affect their travel time. It even told you about stores, street food joints and street performers on a particular route. • Despite its initial success, why did Google shut down this service in 2020 ?
  • 9.
  • 10. Q5. • Humans have had this condition for ages, and it's natural, however in the early 1900s, a company X realized that they could market this condition as something that required urgent medical treatment. The company's owner Jordan Wheat Lambert, and his son, Gerard decided to use the Latin term 'Halitosis' , which described this condition. • Halitosis sounded like an actual medical condition, so customers were quickly spending money to buy X's new product which claimed to cure halitosis. • Give me the company name X.
  • 11.
  • 12. Q6. • This Voting technique began in 1997 when a certain Rule namely 81.35 was passed in the Texas Assembly. It stated that "A person who meets the eligibility requirement of a voter under the Election Code here at Texas but who will be on __ during the early voting period and on Election Day, may vote.” • The procedure now happens as such that before their work, the person identifies which election he or she will be in for. Then, Before Election Day an encrypted electronic ballot is uplinked to them through a device. • Thus they receive a unique credentials sent through mail and they can thus cast their votes and downlink them to the County Clerk's Office. The procedure hasn't undergone many renovations and basically still continues on. • What is so special about this procedure of Voting ?
  • 13.
  • 14. Q.7 • Finland, land of the midnight sun is also the land of emojis. The Nordic country was the first in the world to release a set of government approved emoji stickers in 2015. • Finland released about 30 emojis representing the essence of the country. Initially, 3 emojis were released, these were: • 1) Naked couple in a sauna • 2) A spiked leather wearing headbanger • 3) X • Identify X?
  • 15.
  • 16. Q.8 • Gan De was a Chinese astronomer and astrologer who lived in the 4th century BCE. He made fairly detailed observations of the night sky for his time and wrote books like "Treatise on Astronomical Astrology" and "Astronomic Star Observation". • Although most of his writings are lost, a fragment was identified in the 20th century describing a certain celestial object. The discovery of this celestial body is usually credited to another pioneer who identified it (and other similar bodies) almost a millennium later and wrote about it in a scientific treatise which became a cause of conflict with the Catholic Church. • Who was the other pioneer? • Which celestial object was observed by them?
  • 17.
  • 18. Q.9 • Graphic designer Irina Blok and her team were given the task of creating a logo that would include a and be easily recognized. Funny as it seems, the inspiration came from the symbols we usually see on the doors of public washrooms. • The lesser known versions of X are Astro and Blender. • Give me X
  • 19.
  • 20. Q.10 • CS50 is an on campus and online introductory computer science course offered by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard and also at Yale University. It's the largest of all Harvard classes with 800 students and 100+ staff involved. • The lectures are freely available online. • The video of the very first lecture starts with a small introductory reel preceding the display of a very appropriate word after which the professor starts his class. • What word is displayed at the very beginning of the lecture, which implies that no prior knowledge is required to take the course and is also the name of a programming language developed for children by MIT?
  • 21.
  • 22. Q.11 • Saturn's moon Mimas, which bears a striking resemblance to the Death Star in "Star Wars" has another feature that got people excited about it. • New high resolution images and a temperature map of Mimas taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed the surprising patterns on the surface of the small moon. As if dominating the 1980s pop culture wasn't enough. • What was the pattern observed on the heat map?
  • 23.
  • 24. Q.12 • The University of Virginia has a Computer Science course dealing in handling of viruses, and describes its abstract as follows : • “We describe an innovative course that leverages students’ interest in computer security issues to attract and retain technically-oriented students. Our initial vision was to offer a course covering computer viruses—a subject that even a novice computer user has some familiarity. To avoid the controversy associated with teaching students how to write malicious software, we focused the course on techniques for protection against viruses, so we named the course as ___ __ _ __ __." • Taking reference from popular literature, what was this course’s 5-word appropriate name?
  • 25.
  • 26. Q.13 • X is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole, it is rarely found in its pure form. Its structure is as shown below. • Give me its common name, which it shares with a popular curse word and body part, thus making it sound extremely inappropriate?
  • 27.
  • 28. Q.14 • Who is this dedicated to?
  • 29.
  • 30. Q.15 • The joke goes that Ikea assembles everything quite easily. • This is Ikea's way of assembling what?
  • 31.
  • 32. Q.16 • While promoting his 2019 murder mystery movie Knives Out, director Rian Johnson gave some insight into product placement in movies, which makes it easier to deduce the mystery. • According to him, the company X sponsors movies on the condition that everyone but the villain should use their products. So you'll never see the bad guys in any film using them. • Which company? What product? Click to add text
  • 33.
  • 34. Q.17 • It is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. • The term was coined by the programmers of MIT's Project MAC. They took the name from Maxwell's Y, an imaginary being from a thought experiment that constantly works in the background, sorting molecules.
  • 35.
  • 36. Q.18 • Igor Yevgenyevich was born in Murom, Vladimir Oblast, Soviet Union. When he was eight his family moved to Moscow, where he lived until his death. During World War II he fought with various infantry units . For his bravery he was awarded the orders of the Patriotic War (II degree, 1945) and Red Star (1944), and the medals for Courage (1943), Battle Merit (1944) and the Victory over Germany (1946). • In October 1945 he was demobilized and sent to Moscow to recover his health. In February 1946, he entered the Physics Faculty of MEPHi, graduating with honors in November 1950 with a diploma of designer and operator of physics equipment. • How do we better know Igor Yevgenyevich?
  • 37.
  • 38. Q.19 • X or The Path of the One is a purported religion inspired by a motion picture trilogy. • Conceived by an anonymous group in the summer of 2004 on the social platform Y. It claimed to have attracted 300 members by May 2005, and the religion's Geocities website claimed "over sixteen hundred members". However, The movie trilogy is not the sole foundation, the ideals of X can be traced back to the early 20th century to The Promulgation of Universal Peace, the record of talks by `Abdu'l-Bahá during his journeys to the West in the United States. • Give X and Y?
  • 39.
  • 40. Q.20 • The tragic end of the dodos occurred because Dutch sailors brought pigs to the island of Mauritius, which plundered the dodos' nests and ate their eggs and ultimately drove the birds to extinction. It is a misconception that the sailors ate the dodos themselves - they rarely did so as the meat tastes bad. • What, in the world of technology, is a magnificent historical reconstruction of this tale?
  • 41.
  • 42. Q1. • It is constructed from jigsaw pieces-some pieces are missing at the top- inscribed with glyphs from many different writing systems. The empty space at the top represents the incomplete nature of the project. Each piece bears a glyph (a letter or other character), or glyphs, symbolizing the multilingualism of the project. • In 2007, a modified 3D model was developed, when they distributed a 3-inch diameter spherical puzzle based on what was there in the 2-D model. • What is being talked about?
  • 46. Q3. • To get these licenses, people were tested on different US Army bases, and even on a plane. Fewer than 20 people got these licenses. • The first of these was an honorary license, given out to an administrator. • Who was this administrator?
  • 48. Q4. • Pigeon was a crowdsourced public transit app, which was launched by Google in the year 2019. It used real time input by commuters to communicate with others the various states and conditions of trains and buses, alerting them of potential delays, congestion, and other factors that could affect their travel time. It even told you about stores, street food joints and street performers on a particular route. • Despite its initial success, why did Google shut down this service in 2020 ?
  • 50. Q5. • Humans have had this condition for ages, and it's natural, however in the early 1900s, a company X realized that they could market this condition as something that required urgent medical treatment. The company's owner Jordan Wheat Lambert, and his son, Gerard decided to use the Latin term 'Halitosis' , which described this condition. • Halitosis sounded like an actual medical condition, so customers were quickly spending money to buy X's new product which claimed to cure halitosis. • Give me the company name X.
  • 52. Q6. • This Voting technique began in 1997 when a certain Rule namely 81.35 was passed in the Texas Assembly. It stated that "A person who meets the eligibility requirement of a voter under the Election Code here at Texas but who will be on __ during the early voting period and on Election Day, may vote.” • The procedure now happens as such that before their work, the person identifies which election he or she will be in for. Then, Before Election Day an encrypted electronic ballot is uplinked to them through a device. • Thus they receive a unique credentials sent through mail and they can thus cast their votes and downlink them to the County Clerk's Office. The procedure hasn't undergone many renovations and basically still continues on. • What is so special about this procedure of Voting ?
  • 54. Q.7 • Finland, land of the midnight sun is also the land of emojis. The Nordic country was the first in the world to release a set of government approved emoji stickers in 2015. • Finland released about 30 emojis representing the essence of the country. Initially, 3 emojis were released, these were: • 1) Naked couple in a sauna • 2) A spiked leather wearing headbanger • 3) X • Identify X?
  • 55. Nokia
  • 56. Q.8 • Gan De was a Chinese astronomer and astrologer who lived in the 4th century BCE. He made fairly detailed observations of the night sky for his time and wrote books like "Treatise on Astronomical Astrology" and "Astronomic Star Observation". • Although most of his writings are lost, a fragment was identified in the 20th century describing a certain celestial object. The discovery of this celestial body is usually credited to another pioneer who identified it (and other similar bodies) almost a millennium later and wrote about it in a scientific treatise which became a cause of conflict with the Catholic Church. • Who was the other pioneer? • Which celestial object was observed by them?
  • 57. Galileo • They observed moons of Jupiter
  • 58. Q.9 • Graphic designer Irina Blok and her team were given the task of creating a logo that would include a and be easily recognized. Funny as it seems, the inspiration came from the symbols we usually see on the doors of public washrooms. • The lesser known versions of X are Astro and Blender. • Give me X
  • 60. Q.10 • CS50 is an on campus and online introductory computer science course offered by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard and also at Yale University. It's the largest of all Harvard classes with 800 students and 100+ staff involved. • The lectures are freely available online. • The video of the very first lecture starts with a small introductory reel preceding the display of a very appropriate word after which the professor starts his class. • What word is displayed at the very beginning of the lecture, which implies that no prior knowledge is required to take the course and is also the name of a programming language developed for children by MIT?
  • 62. Q.11 • Saturn's moon Mimas, which bears a striking resemblance to the Death Star in "Star Wars" has another feature that got people excited about it. • New high resolution images and a temperature map of Mimas taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed the surprising patterns on the surface of the small moon. As if dominating the 1980s pop culture wasn't enough. • What was the pattern observed on the heat map?
  • 64. Q.12 • The University of Virginia has a Computer Science course dealing in handling of viruses, and describes its abstract as follows : • “We describe an innovative course that leverages students’ interest in computer security issues to attract and retain technically-oriented students. Our initial vision was to offer a course covering computer viruses—a subject that even a novice computer user has some familiarity. To avoid the controversy associated with teaching students how to write malicious software, we focused the course on techniques for protection against viruses, so we named the course as ___ __ _ __ __." • Taking reference from popular literature, what was this course’s 5-word appropriate name?
  • 65. Defence Against the Dark Arts
  • 66. Q.13 • X is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole, it is rarely found in its pure form. Its structure is as shown below. • Give me its common name, which it shares with a popular curse word and body part, thus making it sound extremely inappropriate?
  • 68. Q.14 • Who is this dedicated to?
  • 70. Q.15 • The joke goes that Ikea assembles everything quite easily. • This is Ikea's way of assembling what?
  • 72. Q.16 • While promoting his 2019 murder mystery movie Knives Out, director Rian Johnson gave some insight into product placement in movies, which makes it easier to deduce the mystery. • According to him, the company X sponsors movies on the condition that everyone but the villain should use their products. So you'll never see the bad guys in any film using them. • Which company? What product? Click to add text
  • 74. Q.17 • It is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. • The term was coined by the programmers of MIT's Project MAC. They took the name from Maxwell's Y, an imaginary being from a thought experiment that constantly works in the background, sorting molecules.
  • 76. Q.18 • Igor Yevgenyevich was born in Murom, Vladimir Oblast, Soviet Union. When he was eight his family moved to Moscow, where he lived until his death. During World War II he fought with various infantry units . For his bravery he was awarded the orders of the Patriotic War (II degree, 1945) and Red Star (1944), and the medals for Courage (1943), Battle Merit (1944) and the Victory over Germany (1946). • In October 1945 he was demobilized and sent to Moscow to recover his health. In February 1946, he entered the Physics Faculty of MEPHi, graduating with honors in November 1950 with a diploma of designer and operator of physics equipment. • How do we better know Igor Yevgenyevich?
  • 78. Q.19 • X or The Path of the One is a purported religion inspired by a motion picture trilogy. • Conceived by an anonymous group in the summer of 2004 on the social platform Y. It claimed to have attracted 300 members by May 2005, and the religion's Geocities website claimed "over sixteen hundred members". However, The movie trilogy is not the sole foundation, the ideals of X can be traced back to the early 20th century to The Promulgation of Universal Peace, the record of talks by `Abdu'l-Bahá during his journeys to the West in the United States. • Give X and Y?
  • 80. Q.20 • The tragic end of the dodos occurred because Dutch sailors brought pigs to the island of Mauritius, which plundered the dodos' nests and ate their eggs and ultimately drove the birds to extinction. It is a misconception that the sailors ate the dodos themselves - they rarely did so as the meat tastes bad. • What, in the world of technology, is a magnificent historical reconstruction of this tale?