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C++ Coroutines
a negative overhead abstraction
What this talk is about?
• C++ Coroutines
• Lightweight, customizable coroutines
• C++17 (maybe)
• Experimental Implementation in
MSVC 2015, Clang in progress, EDG
2012 - N3328
2013 - N3564
2013 - N3650
2013 - N3722
2014 - N3858
2014 - N3977
2014 - N4134 EWG direction
2014 - N4286
2015 - N4403 EWG accepted,
sent to Core WG
2015 - P0057R0 Core & LEWG review (co_xxx)
2016 - P0057R2 more Core & LEWG review
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 2
C++ in two lines
• Direct mapping to hardware
• Zero-overhead abstractions
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 3
From Bjarne Stroustrup lecture:
The Essence of C++
Assembler BCPL C
General-Purpose Abstractions
C++11 C++14
Direct Mapping to hardware
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 4
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 5
100300 BEGIN.
100500 DISPLAY "Hello world!" LINE 15 POSITION 10.
100600 STOP RUN.
100800 EXIT.
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 6
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 7
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 8
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 9
Joel Erdwinn
Melvin Conway
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 10
image credits: wikipedia commons, Communication of the ACM vol.6 No.7 July 1963
Write to
S A1
C Y2
Subroutine Coroutine
Basic Symbol
Basic Name
output token
Basic Symbol
S Y3
read token
read token
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 11
100 cards per minute!
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 12
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 13
Async state machine
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 14
Trivial if synchronous
int tcp_reader(int total)
char buf[4 * 1024];
auto conn = Tcp::Connect("", 1337);
for (;;)
auto bytesRead = conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf));
total -= bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total;
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 15
std::future<T> and std::promise<T>
atomic<long> refCnt;
mutex lock;
variant<empty, T, exception_ptr> value;
conditional_variable ready;
T get()
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 16
future<int> tcp_reader(int64_t total) {
struct State {
char buf[4 * 1024];
int64_t total;
Tcp::Connection conn;
explicit State(int64_t total) : total(total) {}
auto state = make_shared<State>(total);
return Tcp::Connect("", 1337).then(
[state](future<Tcp::Connection> conn) {
state->conn = std::move(conn.get());
return do_while([state]()->future<bool> {
if (state->total <= 0) return make_ready_future(false);
return state->>buf, sizeof(state->buf)).then(
[state](future<int> nBytesFut) {
auto nBytes = nBytesFut.get()
if (nBytes == 0) return make_ready_future(false);
state->total -= nBytes;
return make_ready_future(true);
N4399 Working Draft,
Technical Specification for C++
Extensions for Concurrency
future<void> do_while(function<future<bool>()> body) {
return body().then([=](future<bool> notDone) {
return notDone.get() ? do_while(body) : make_ready_future(); });
} C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 17
Forgot something
int tcp_reader(int total)
char buf[4 * 1024];
auto conn = Tcp::Connect("", 1337);
for (;;)
auto bytesRead = conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf));
total -= bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total;
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 18
future<int> tcp_reader(int64_t total) {
struct State {
char buf[4 * 1024];
int64_t total;
Tcp::Connection conn;
explicit State(int64_t total) : total(total) {}
auto state = make_shared<State>(total);
return Tcp::Connect("", 1337).then(
[state](future<Tcp::Connection> conn) {
state->conn = std::move(conn.get());
return do_while([state]()->future<bool> {
if (state->total <= 0) return make_ready_future(false);
return state->>buf, sizeof(state->buf)).then(
[state](future<int> nBytesFut) {
auto nBytes = nBytesFut.get()
if (nBytes == 0) return make_ready_future(false);
state->total -= nBytes;
return make_ready_future(true);
}); // read
}); // do_while
}); // Tcp::Connect
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 19
future<int> tcp_reader(int64_t total) {
struct State {
char buf[4 * 1024];
int64_t total;
Tcp::Connection conn;
explicit State(int64_t total) : total(total) {}
auto state = make_shared<State>(total);
return Tcp::Connect("", 1337).then(
[state](future<Tcp::Connection> conn) {
state->conn = std::move(conn.get());
return do_while([state]()->future<bool> {
if (state->total <= 0) return make_ready_future(false);
return state->>buf, sizeof(state->buf)).then(
[state](future<int> nBytesFut) {
auto nBytes = nBytesFut.get()
if (nBytes == 0) return make_ready_future(false);
state->total -= nBytes;
return make_ready_future(true);
}); // read
}); // do_while
}).then([state](future<void>){return make_ready_future(state->total)});
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 20
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 21
Hand-crafted async state machine (1/3)
class tcp_reader
char buf[64 * 1024];
Tcp::Connection conn;
promise<int> done;
int total;
explicit tcp_reader(int total): total(total) {}
void OnConnect(error_code ec, Tcp::Connection newCon);
void OnRead(error_code ec, int bytesRead);
void OnError(error_code ec);
void OnComplete();
static future<int> start(int total);
int main() {
cout << tcp_reader::start(1000 * 1000 * 1000).get(); }
Hand-crafted async state machine (2/3)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 22
future<int> tcp_reader::start(int total) {
auto p = make_unique<tcp_reader>(total);
auto result = p->done.get_future();
Tcp::Connect("", 1337,
[raw = p.get()](auto ec, auto newConn) {
raw->OnConnect(ec, std::move(newConn));
return result;
void tcp_reader::OnConnect(error_code ec,
Tcp::Connection newCon)
if (ec) return OnError(ec);
conn = std::move(newCon);
conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf),
[this](error_code ec, int bytesRead)
{ OnRead(ec, bytesRead); });
Hand-crafted async state machine (3/3)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 23
void tcp_reader::OnRead(error_code ec, int bytesRead) {
if (ec) return OnError(ec);
total -= bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return OnComplete();
conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf),
[this](error_code ec, int bytesRead) {
OnRead(ec, bytesRead); });
void OnError(error_code ec) {
auto cleanMe = unique_ptr<tcp_reader>(this);
void OnComplete() {
auto cleanMe = unique_ptr<tcp_reader>(this);
Async state machine
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 24
auto tcp_reader(int total) -> int
char buf[4 * 1024];
auto conn = Tcp::Connect("", 1337);
for (;;)
auto bytesRead = conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf));
total -= bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total;
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 25
auto tcp_reader(int total) -> future<int>
char buf[4 * 1024];
auto conn = await Tcp::Connect("", 1337);
for (;;)
auto bytesRead = await conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf));
total -= bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total;
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 26
What about perf?
Binary size
Visual C++ 2015 RTM. Measured on Lenovo W540 laptop. Transmitting & Receiving 1GB over loopback IP addr
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 27
495 (1.3x) 380 0
25 (0.85x) 30 9
int main() {
printf("Hello, worldn");
Coroutines are closer to the metal
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 28
OS / Low Level Libraries
I/O Abstractions
(Callback based) I/O Abstraction
(Awaitable based)
How to map high level call to OS API?
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 29
template <class Cb>
void Read(void* buf, size_t bytes, Cb && cb);
conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf),
[this](error_code ec, int bytesRead)
{ OnRead(ec, bytesRead); });
Windows: WSARecv(fd, ..., OVERLAPPED*) Posix aio: aio_read(fd, ..., aiocbp*)
struct OverlappedBase : os_async_context {
virtual void Invoke(std::error_code, int bytes) = 0;
virtual ~OverlappedBase() {}
static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p) {
auto me = unique_ptr<OverlappedBase>(static_cast<OverlappedBase*>(p.overlapped));
me->Invoke(p.error, p.byteTransferred);
template <typename Fn> unique_ptr<OverlappedBase> make_handler_with_count(Fn && fn) {
return std::make_unique<CompletionWithCount<std::decay_t<Fn>>(std::forward<Fn>(fn));
After open associate a socket handle with a threadpool and a callback
ThreadPool::AssociateHandle(sock.native_handle(), &OverlappedBase::io_complete_callback);
template <typename Fn> struct CompletionWithCount : OverlappedBase, private Fn
CompletionWithCount(Fn fn) : Fn(std::move(fn)) {}
void Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) override { Fn::operator()(ec, count); }
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 30
template <typename F>
void Read(void* buf, int len, F && cb) {
return Read(buf, len, make_handler_with_count(std::forward<F>(cb)));
void Read(void* buf, int len, std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> o)
auto error = sock.Receive(buf, len, o.get());
if (error) {
if (error.value() != kIoPending) {
o->Invoke(error, 0);
conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf),
[this](error_code ec, int bytesRead)
{ OnRead(ec, bytesRead); });
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 31
await conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf));
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 32
Awaitable – Concept of the Future<T>
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 33
F<T> → bool
F<T> x Fn → void
F<T> → T
await expr-of-awaitable-type
await <expr>
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
Expands into an expression equivalent of
auto && tmp = operator await(opt) <expr>;
if (!tmp.await_ready()) {
return tmp.await_resume(tmp);
Overlapped Base from before
struct OverlappedBase : os_async_context
virtual void Invoke(std::error_code, int bytes) = 0;
virtual ~OverlappedBase() {}
static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p) {
auto me = static_cast<OverlappedBase*>(p.overlapped);
auto cleanMe = unique_ptr<OverlappedBase>(me);
me->Invoke(p.error, p.byteTransferred);
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 35
Overlapped Base for awaitable
struct AwaiterBase : os_async_context
coroutine_handle<> resume;
std::error_code err;
int bytes;
static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p) {
auto me = static_cast<AwaiterBase*>(p.overlapped);
me->err = p.error;
me->bytes = p.byteTransferred;
mov rcx, [rcx]
jmp [rcx]
no dtor
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 36
await conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf));
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 37
auto Connection::Read(void* buf, int len) {
struct awaiter: AwaiterBase {
Connection* me;
void* buf;
awaiter(Connection* me, void* buf, int len) : me(me), buf(buf) { bytes = len; }
bool await_ready() { return false; }
void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> h) {
this->resume = h;
auto error = me->sock.Receive(buf, bytes, this);
if (error.value() != kIoPending)
throw system_error(err);
int await_resume() {
if (this->err) throw system_error(err);
return bytes;
return awaiter{ this, buf, len };
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 38
struct AwaiterBase : os_async_context {
coroutine_handle<> resume;
std::error_code err;
int bytes;
static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p){
auto me = static_cast<AwaiterBase*>(p.overlapped);
me->err = p.error;
me->bytes = p.byteTransferred;
auto tcp_reader(int total) -> future<int>
char buf[4 * 1024];
auto conn = await Tcp::Connect("", 1337);
for (;;)
auto bytesRead = await conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf));
total -= bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total;
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 39
Can we make it better?
50% I/O completes synchronously
50% I/O with I/O pending error
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 40
Take advantage of synchronous completions
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 41
void Read(void* buf, int len, std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> o)
auto error = sock.Receive(buf, len, o.get());
if (error) {
if (error.value() != kIoPending) {
o->Invoke(error, 0);
Take advantage of synchronous completions
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 42
void Read(void* buf, int len, std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> o)
auto error = sock.Receive(buf, len, o.get());
if (error.value() != kIoPending) {
o->Invoke(error, len);
Take advantage of synchronous completions
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 43
void Read(void* buf, int len, std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> o)
auto error = sock.Receive(buf, len, o.get());
if (error.value() != kIoPending) {
o->Invoke(error, len);
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31
SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket & p) Line 22
SuperLean.exe!CompletionQueue::ThreadProc(void * lpParameter) Line 112 C++
Need to implement it on the use side
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 44
void tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) {
if (ec) return OnError(ec);
total -= (int)bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return OnComplete();
bytesRead = sizeof(buf);
conn.Read(buf, bytesRead,
[this](std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) {
OnRead(ec, bytesRead); }) ;
Now handling synchronous completion
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 45
void tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) {
do {
if (ec) return OnError(ec);
total -= (int)bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return OnComplete();
bytesRead = sizeof(buf);
} while (
conn.Read(buf, bytesRead,
[this](std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) {
OnRead(ec, bytesRead); }));
Let’s measure the improvement (handwritten)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 46
Handcrafted Coroutine Handcrafted Coroutine
Original 380 495 30 25
Synchr Completion. Opt
MB/s Executable size
auto Connection::Read(void* buf, int len) {
struct awaiter: AwaiterBase {
Connection* me;
void* buf;
awaiter(Connection* me, void* buf, int len) : me(me), buf(buf) { bytes = len; }
bool await_ready() { return false; }
void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> h) {
this->resume = h;
auto error = me->sock.Receive(buf, bytes, this);
if (error.value() == kIoPending) return;
if (error) throw system_error(err);
int await_resume() {
if (this->err) throw system_error(err);
return bytes;
return awaiter{ this, buf, len };
} C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 47
struct AwaiterBase : os_async_context {
coroutine_handle<> resume;
std::error_code err;
int bytes;
static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p){
auto me = static_cast<AwaiterBase*>(p.overlapped);
me->err = p.error;
me->bytes = p.byteTransferred;
auto Connection::Read(void* buf, int len) {
struct awaiter: AwaiterBase {
Connection* me;
void* buf;
awaiter(Connection* me, void* buf, int len) : me(me), buf(buf) { bytes = len; }
bool await_ready() { return false; }
bool await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> h) {
this->resume = h;
auto error = me->sock.Receive(buf, bytes, this);
if (error.value() == kIoPending) return true;
if (error) throw system_error(err);
return false;
int await_resume() {
if (this->err) throw system_error(err);
return bytes;
return awaiter{ this, buf, len };
} C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 48
struct AwaiterBase : os_async_context {
coroutine_handle<> resume;
std::error_code err;
int bytes;
static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p){
auto me = static_cast<AwaiterBase*>(p.overlapped);
me->err = p.error;
me->bytes = p.byteTransferred;
await <expr>
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
Expands into an expression equivalent of
auto && tmp = operator co_await <expr>;
if (! tmp.await_ready()) {
return tmp.await_resume();
await <expr>
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
Expands into an expression equivalent of
auto && tmp = operator await(opt) <expr>;
if (! tmp.await_ready() &&
tmp.await_suspend(<coroutine-handle>) {
return tmp.await_resume();
Let’s measure the improvement (coroutine)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 51
Handcrafted Coroutine Handcrafted Coroutine
Original 380 495 30 25
Synchr Completion. Opt 485 30
MB/s Executable size
Can we make it better?
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 53
Getting rid of the allocations
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 54
class tcp_reader {
std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> wo;
tcp_reader(int64_t total) : total(total) {
wo = detail::make_handler_with_count(
[this](auto ec, int nBytes) {OnRead(ec, nBytes); });
void OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) {
if (ec) return OnError(ec);
do {
total -= (int)bytesRead;
if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return OnComplete();
bytesRead = sizeof(buf);
} while (conn.Read(buf, bytesRead, wo.get()));
Let’s measure the improvement (handcrafted)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 55
Handcrafted Coroutine Handcrafted Coroutine
Original 380 495 30 25
Synchr Completion. Opt 485 1028 30 25
Prealloc handler 1028 25
MB/s Executable size
Coroutines are popular!
Python: PEP 0492
async def abinary(n):
if n <= 0:
return 1
l = await abinary(n - 1)
r = await abinary(n - 1)
return l + 1 + r
HACK (programming language)
async function gen1(): Awaitable<int> {
$x = await Batcher::fetch(1);
$y = await Batcher::fetch(2);
return $x + $y;
DART 1.9
Future<int> getPage(t) async {
var c = new http.Client();
try {
var r = await c.get('http://url/search?q=$t');
return r.length();
} finally {
await c.close();
async Task<string> WaitAsynchronouslyAsync()
await Task.Delay(10000);
return "Finished";
future<string> WaitAsynchronouslyAsync()
await sleep_for(10ms);
return "Finished“s;
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 56
Cosmetics (Nov 2015, keyword change)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 57
Generalized Function
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 58
await + yield
await - suspend
does not careimage credits: Три богатыря и змей горыныч
Design Principles
• Scalable (to billions of concurrent coroutines)
• Efficient (resume and suspend operations comparable in cost
to a function call overhead)
• Seamless interaction with existing facilities with no overhead
• Open ended coroutine machinery allowing library designers to
develop coroutine libraries exposing various high-level
semantics, such as generators, goroutines, tasks and more.
• Usable in environments where exceptions are forbidden or not
59C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 60
Coroutine implementation
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 61
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 64
Return Address
Locals of F
Parameters of F
Thread Stack
F’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of G
Parameters of G
G’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of H
Parameters of H
H’s Activation
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer Normal Functions
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 65
Return Address
Locals of F
Parameters of F
Thread 1 Stack
F’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of G
Parameters of G
G’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of H
Parameters of H
H’s Activation
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer Normal Functions
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 66
Return Address
Locals of F
Parameters of F
Thread 1 Stack
F’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of H
Parameters of H
H’s Activation
Stack Pointer
Coroutines using Fibers (first call)
Stack Pointer
Locals of G
Parameters of G
Return Address
Fiber Context
Old Stack Top
Saved Registers
Fiber Stack
Fiber Start
Thread Context:
Saved Registers
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 67
Return Address
Locals of F
Parameters of F
Thread 1 Stack
F’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of H
Parameters of H
H’s Activation
Coroutines using Fibers (Suspend)
Stack Pointer
Locals of G
Parameters of G
Return Address
Fiber Context
Old Stack Top
Saved Registers
Fiber Stack
Fiber Start
Thread Context:
Saved RegistersSaved Registers
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 68
Return Address
Locals of Z
Parameters of Z
Thread 2 Stack
Z’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of H
Parameters of H
H’s Activation
Stack Pointer
Coroutines using Fibers (Resume)
Locals of G
Parameters of G
Return Address
Fiber Context
Old Stack Top
Saved Registers
Fiber Stack
Fiber Start
Saved Registers
Return Address
Saved Registers (1/2)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 69 (2/2)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 70
Mitigating Memory Footprint
Fiber State
1 meg of stack
(chained stack)
4k stacklet
4k stacklet
4k stacklet
4k stacklet
4k stacklet
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 71
(reallocate and copy)
2k stack
4k stack
1k stack
8k stack
16k stack
Design Principles
• Scalable (to billions of concurrent coroutines)
• Efficient (resume and suspend operations comparable in cost
to a function call overhead)
• Seamless interaction with existing facilities with no overhead
• Open ended coroutine machinery allowing library designers to
develop coroutine libraries exposing various high-level
semantics, such as generators, goroutines, tasks and more.
• Usable in environments where exceptions are forbidden or not
72C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
Compiler based coroutines
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 73
generator<int> f() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
yield i;
generator<int> f() {
f$state *mem = __coro_elide()
? alloca(f$state) : new f$state;
mem->__resume_fn = &f$resume;
mem->__destroy_fn = &f$resume;
return {mem};
struct f$state {
void* __resume_fn;
void* __destroy_fn;
int __resume_index = 0;
int i;
void f$resume(f$state s) {
switch (s->__resume_index) {
case 0: s->i = 0; s->resume_index = 1; break;
case 1: if( ++s->i == 5) s->resume_address = nullptr; break;
int main() {
for (int v: f())
printf(“%dn”, v);
void f$destroy(f$state s) {
if(!__coro_elide()) delete f$state;
int main() {
printf(“%dn”, 0);
printf(“%dn”, 1);
printf(“%dn”, 2);
printf(“%dn”, 3);
printf(“%dn”, 4);
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 74
Return Address
Locals of F
Parameters of F
Thread 1 Stack
F’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of G
Parameters of G
G’s Activation
Record (Coroutine)
Return Address
Locals of H
Parameters of H
H’s Activation
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer Compiler Based Coroutines
struct G$state {
void* __resume_fn;
void* __destroy_fn;
int __resume_index;
locals, temporaries
that need to preserve values
across suspend points
G’s Coroutine
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 75
Return Address
Locals of F
Parameters of F
Thread 1 Stack
F’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of G
Parameters of G
G’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of H
Parameters of H
H’s Activation
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer Compiler Based Coroutines
struct G$state {
void* __resume_fn;
void* __destroy_fn;
int __resume_index;
locals, temporaries
that need to preserve values
across suspend points
G’s Coroutine
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 76
Return Address
Locals of X
Parameters of X
Thread 2 Stack
X’s Activation
Return Address
Locals of
Parameters of
Return Address
Locals of H
Parameters of H
H’s Activation
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer
Stack Pointer Compiler Based Coroutines
struct G$state {
void* __resume_fn;
void* __destroy_fn;
int __resume_index;
locals, temporaries
that need to preserve values
across suspend points
G’s Coroutine
Design Principles
• Scalable (to billions of concurrent coroutines)
• Efficient (resume and suspend operations comparable in cost
to a function call overhead)
• Seamless interaction with existing facilities with no overhead
• Open ended coroutine machinery allowing library designers to
develop coroutine libraries exposing various high-level
semantics, such as generators, goroutines, tasks and more.
• Usable in environments where exceptions are forbidden or not
77C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
2 x 2 x 2
• Two new keywords
syntactic sugar for: await $p.yield_value(expr)
• Two new concepts
•Coroutine Promise
•Two library types
• coroutine_handle
• coroutine_traits
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 79
After Kona 2015
Trivial Awaitable #1
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 80
struct _____blank____ {
bool await_ready(){ return false; }
template <typename F>
void await_suspend(F){}
void await_resume(){}
Trivial Awaitable #1
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 81
struct suspend_always {
bool await_ready(){ return false; }
template <typename F>
void await_suspend(F){}
void await_resume(){}
await suspend_always {};
Trivial Awaitable #2
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 82
struct suspend_never {
bool await_ready(){ return true; }
template <typename F>
void await_suspend(F){}
void await_resume(){}
Simple Awaitable #1
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 83
std::future<void> DoSomething(mutex& m) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock = await lock_or_suspend{m};
// ...
struct lock_or_suspend {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
lock_or_suspend(std::mutex & mut) : lock(mut, std::try_to_lock) {}
bool await_ready() { return lock.owns_lock(); }
template <typename F>
void await_suspend(F cb)
std::thread t([this, cb]{ lock.lock(); cb(); });
auto await_resume() { return std::move(lock);}
Interacting with C APIs
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 84
2 x 2 x 2
• Two new keywords
syntactic sugar for: await $p.yield_value(expr)
• Two new concepts
•Coroutine Promise
•Two library types
• coroutine_handle
• coroutine_traits
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 85
After Kona 2015
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 86
template <typename Promise = void> struct coroutine_handle;
template <> struct coroutine_handle<void> {
void resume();
void destroy();
bool done() const;
void * address();
static coroutine_handle from_address(void*);
void operator()(); // same as resume()
== != < > <= >=
Simple Awaitable #2: Raw OS APIs
await 10ms;
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 87
class awaiter {
static void CALLBACK TimerCallback(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE, void *Context, PTP_TIMER) {
PTP_TIMER timer = nullptr;
std::chrono::system_clock::duration duration;
explicit awaiter(std::chrono::system_clock::duration d) : duration(d) {}
bool await_ready() const { return duration.count() <= 0; }
void await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> resume_cb) {
timer = CreateThreadpoolTimer(TimerCallback, resume_cb.address(), nullptr);
if (!timer) throw std::bad_alloc();
int64_t relative_count = -duration.count();
SetThreadpoolTimer(timer, (PFILETIME)&relative_count, 0, 0);
void await_resume() {}
~awaiter() { if (timer) CloseThreadpoolTimer(timer); }
}; auto operator await(std::chrono::system_clock::duration duration) {
return awaiter{duration};
2 x 2 x 2
• Two new keywords
syntactic sugar for: await $p.yield_value(expr)
• Two new concepts
•Coroutine Promise
•Two library types
• coroutine_handle
• coroutine_traits
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 88
After Kona 2015
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 89
template <typename R, typename... Ts>
struct coroutine_traits {
using promise_type = typename R::promise_type;
generator<int> fib(int n)
std::coroutine_traits<generator<int>, int>
Compiler vs Coroutine Promise
yield <expr> await <Promise>.yield_value(<expr>)
return <expr> <Promise>.return_value(<expr>);
goto <end>
<unhandled-exception> <Promise>.set_exception (
<get-return-object> <Promise>.get_return_object()
await <Promise>.initial_suspend()
await <Promise>.final_suspend()
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 90
await <expr> Spent the last hour talking about it
<allocate coro-state> <Promise>.operator new (or global)
<free coro-state> <Promise>.operator delete (or global)
Defining Coroutine Promise
for boost::future
namespace std {
template <typename T, typename… anything>
struct coroutine_traits<boost::unique_future<T>, anything…> {
struct promise_type {
boost::promise<T> promise;
auto get_return_object() { return promise.get_future(); }
template <class U> void return_value(U && value) {
void set_exception(std::exception_ptr e) {
std::suspend_never initial_suspend() { return {}; }
std::suspend_never final_suspend() { return {}; }
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 91
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 92
template <typename Promise = void> struct coroutine_handle;
template <> struct coroutine_handle<void> {
void resume();
void destroy();
bool done() const;
void * address();
static coroutine_handle from_address(void*);
void operator()(); // same as resume()
template < typename Promise>
struct coroutine_handle: coroutine_handle<void> {
Promise & promise();
static coroutine_handle from_promise(Promise&);
== != < > <= >=
Defining Generator From Scratch
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 93
struct int_generator {
bool move_next();
int current_value();
int_generator f() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
yield i;
int main() {
auto g = f ();
while (g.move_next()) {
printf("%dn", g.current_value());
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 94
struct int_generator {
struct promise_type {
int current_value;
std::suspend_always yield_value(int value) {
this->current_value = value;
std::suspend_always initial_suspend() { return{}; }
std::suspend_always final_suspend() { return{}; }
int_generator get_return_object() { return int_generator{ this }; };
bool move_next() { p.resume(); return !p.done(); }
int current_value() { return p.promise().current_value; }
~int_generator() { p.destroy(); }
explicit int_generator(promise_type *p)
: p(std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*p)) {}
std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> p;
Defining Generator From Scratch
yield <expr> await <Promise>.yield_value(<expr>)
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 95
STL looks like the machine language macro library of
an anally retentive assembly language programmer
Pamela Seymour, Leiden University
C++ Coroutines: Layered complexity
• Everybody
• Safe by default, novice friendly
Use coroutines and awaitables defined by standard library, boost and
other high quality libraries
• Power Users
• Define new awaitables to customize await for their
environment using existing coroutine types
• Experts
• Define new coroutine types
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 96
Thank you!
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 97
Kavya Kotacherry, Daveed Vandevoorde, Richard Smith, Jens Maurer,
Lewis Baker, Kirk Shoop, Hartmut Kaiser, Kenny Kerr, Artur Laksberg, Jim
Radigan, Chandler Carruth, Gabriel Dos Reis, Deon Brewis, Jonathan
Caves, James McNellis, Stephan T. Lavavej, Herb Sutter, Pablo Halpern,
Robert Schumacher, Viktor Tong, Geoffrey Romer, Michael Wong, Niklas
Gustafsson, Nick Maliwacki, Vladimir Petter, Shahms King, Slava
Kuznetsov, Tongari J, Lawrence Crowl, Valentin Isac
and many more who contributed
Coroutines – a negative overhead abstraction
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 98
• Proposal is working through C++ standardization committee
• Experimental implementation in VS 2015 RTM
• Clang implementation is in progress
• more details:
C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 99

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Gor Nishanov, C++ Coroutines – a negative overhead abstraction

  • 1. C++ Coroutines a negative overhead abstraction
  • 2. What this talk is about? • C++ Coroutines • Lightweight, customizable coroutines • C++17 (maybe) • Experimental Implementation in MSVC 2015, Clang in progress, EDG 2012 - N3328 2013 - N3564 2013 - N3650 2013 - N3722 2014 - N3858 2014 - N3977 2014 - N4134 EWG direction approved 2014 - N4286 2015 - N4403 EWG accepted, sent to Core WG 2015 - P0057R0 Core & LEWG review (co_xxx) 2016 - P0057R2 more Core & LEWG review C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 2
  • 3. C++ in two lines • Direct mapping to hardware • Zero-overhead abstractions C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 3 From Bjarne Stroustrup lecture: The Essence of C++ Assembler BCPL C Simula C++ General-Purpose Abstractions C++11 C++14 Direct Mapping to hardware
  • 4. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 4
  • 5. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 5 000100 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. 000200 PROGRAM-ID. HELLOWORLD. 000300* 000400 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. 000500 CONFIGURATION SECTION. 000600 SOURCE-COMPUTER. RM-COBOL. 000700 OBJECT-COMPUTER. RM-COBOL. 000800 001000 DATA DIVISION. 001100 FILE SECTION. 001200 100000 PROCEDURE DIVISION. 100100 100200 MAIN-LOGIC SECTION. 100300 BEGIN. 100400 DISPLAY " " LINE 1 POSITION 1 ERASE EOS. 100500 DISPLAY "Hello world!" LINE 15 POSITION 10. 100600 STOP RUN. 100700 MAIN-LOGIC-EXIT. 100800 EXIT.
  • 6. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 6
  • 7. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 7
  • 8. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 8
  • 9. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 9
  • 10.  Joel Erdwinn Melvin Conway C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 10 image credits: wikipedia commons, Communication of the ACM vol.6 No.7 July 1963
  • 11. C S Y A A C Y Write to Tape S A1 C Y2 Subroutine Coroutine Basic Symbol Reducer A C Basic Name Reducer A C S AS Y output token S A Basic Symbol Reducer S Y S Y S A C Y 1 2 S Y3 S A read token read token Subroutine Subroutine Subroutine SubroutineCoroutine C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 11
  • 12. 100 cards per minute! C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 12
  • 13. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 13
  • 14. Async state machine C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 14 Failed Connecting Completed Reading
  • 15. Trivial if synchronous int tcp_reader(int total) { char buf[4 * 1024]; auto conn = Tcp::Connect("", 1337); for (;;) { auto bytesRead = conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)); total -= bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total; } } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 15
  • 16. std::future<T> and std::promise<T> shared_state<T> atomic<long> refCnt; mutex lock; variant<empty, T, exception_ptr> value; conditional_variable ready; future<T> intrusive_ptr<shared_state<T>> wait() T get() promise<T> intrusive_ptr<shared_state<T>> set_value(T) set_exception(exception_ptr) C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 16
  • 17. future<int> tcp_reader(int64_t total) { struct State { char buf[4 * 1024]; int64_t total; Tcp::Connection conn; explicit State(int64_t total) : total(total) {} }; auto state = make_shared<State>(total); return Tcp::Connect("", 1337).then( [state](future<Tcp::Connection> conn) { state->conn = std::move(conn.get()); return do_while([state]()->future<bool> { if (state->total <= 0) return make_ready_future(false); return state->>buf, sizeof(state->buf)).then( [state](future<int> nBytesFut) { auto nBytes = nBytesFut.get() if (nBytes == 0) return make_ready_future(false); state->total -= nBytes; return make_ready_future(true); }); }); }); } N4399 Working Draft, Technical Specification for C++ Extensions for Concurrency .then future<void> do_while(function<future<bool>()> body) { return body().then([=](future<bool> notDone) { return notDone.get() ? do_while(body) : make_ready_future(); }); } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 17
  • 18. Forgot something int tcp_reader(int total) { char buf[4 * 1024]; auto conn = Tcp::Connect("", 1337); for (;;) { auto bytesRead = conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)); total -= bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total; } } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 18
  • 19. future<int> tcp_reader(int64_t total) { struct State { char buf[4 * 1024]; int64_t total; Tcp::Connection conn; explicit State(int64_t total) : total(total) {} }; auto state = make_shared<State>(total); return Tcp::Connect("", 1337).then( [state](future<Tcp::Connection> conn) { state->conn = std::move(conn.get()); return do_while([state]()->future<bool> { if (state->total <= 0) return make_ready_future(false); return state->>buf, sizeof(state->buf)).then( [state](future<int> nBytesFut) { auto nBytes = nBytesFut.get() if (nBytes == 0) return make_ready_future(false); state->total -= nBytes; return make_ready_future(true); }); // read }); // do_while }); // Tcp::Connect } .then C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 19
  • 20. future<int> tcp_reader(int64_t total) { struct State { char buf[4 * 1024]; int64_t total; Tcp::Connection conn; explicit State(int64_t total) : total(total) {} }; auto state = make_shared<State>(total); return Tcp::Connect("", 1337).then( [state](future<Tcp::Connection> conn) { state->conn = std::move(conn.get()); return do_while([state]()->future<bool> { if (state->total <= 0) return make_ready_future(false); return state->>buf, sizeof(state->buf)).then( [state](future<int> nBytesFut) { auto nBytes = nBytesFut.get() if (nBytes == 0) return make_ready_future(false); state->total -= nBytes; return make_ready_future(true); }); // read }); // do_while }).then([state](future<void>){return make_ready_future(state->total)}); } .then C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 20
  • 21. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 21 Hand-crafted async state machine (1/3) class tcp_reader { char buf[64 * 1024]; Tcp::Connection conn; promise<int> done; int total; explicit tcp_reader(int total): total(total) {} void OnConnect(error_code ec, Tcp::Connection newCon); void OnRead(error_code ec, int bytesRead); void OnError(error_code ec); void OnComplete(); public: static future<int> start(int total); }; int main() { cout << tcp_reader::start(1000 * 1000 * 1000).get(); } Failed Connecting Completed Reading ① ① ② ② ③ ③ ④ ④ ⑤ ⑤
  • 22. Hand-crafted async state machine (2/3) C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 22 future<int> tcp_reader::start(int total) { auto p = make_unique<tcp_reader>(total); auto result = p->done.get_future(); Tcp::Connect("", 1337, [raw = p.get()](auto ec, auto newConn) { raw->OnConnect(ec, std::move(newConn)); }); p.release(); return result; } void tcp_reader::OnConnect(error_code ec, Tcp::Connection newCon) { if (ec) return OnError(ec); conn = std::move(newCon); conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf), [this](error_code ec, int bytesRead) { OnRead(ec, bytesRead); }); }
  • 23. Hand-crafted async state machine (3/3) C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 23 void tcp_reader::OnRead(error_code ec, int bytesRead) { if (ec) return OnError(ec); total -= bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return OnComplete(); conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf), [this](error_code ec, int bytesRead) { OnRead(ec, bytesRead); }); } void OnError(error_code ec) { auto cleanMe = unique_ptr<tcp_reader>(this); done.set_exception(make_exception_ptr(system_error(ec))); } void OnComplete() { auto cleanMe = unique_ptr<tcp_reader>(this); done.set_value(total); }
  • 24. Async state machine C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 24 Failed Connecting Completed Reading
  • 25. Trivial auto tcp_reader(int total) -> int { char buf[4 * 1024]; auto conn = Tcp::Connect("", 1337); for (;;) { auto bytesRead = conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)); total -= bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total; } } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 25
  • 26. Trivial auto tcp_reader(int total) -> future<int> { char buf[4 * 1024]; auto conn = await Tcp::Connect("", 1337); for (;;) { auto bytesRead = await conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)); total -= bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total; } } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 26
  • 27. What about perf? MB/s Binary size (Kbytes) Visual C++ 2015 RTM. Measured on Lenovo W540 laptop. Transmitting & Receiving 1GB over loopback IP addr C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 27 495 (1.3x) 380 0 25 (0.85x) 30 9 Hand-CraftedCoroutines int main() { printf("Hello, worldn"); } Hello
  • 28. Coroutines are closer to the metal C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 28 Hardware OS / Low Level Libraries Handcrafted State Machines I/O Abstractions (Callback based) I/O Abstraction (Awaitable based) Coroutines
  • 29. How to map high level call to OS API? C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 29 template <class Cb> void Read(void* buf, size_t bytes, Cb && cb); conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf), [this](error_code ec, int bytesRead) { OnRead(ec, bytesRead); }); Windows: WSARecv(fd, ..., OVERLAPPED*) Posix aio: aio_read(fd, ..., aiocbp*) aiocbp Function Object OVERLAPPED Function Object
  • 30. struct OverlappedBase : os_async_context { virtual void Invoke(std::error_code, int bytes) = 0; virtual ~OverlappedBase() {} static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p) { auto me = unique_ptr<OverlappedBase>(static_cast<OverlappedBase*>(p.overlapped)); me->Invoke(p.error, p.byteTransferred); } }; template <typename Fn> unique_ptr<OverlappedBase> make_handler_with_count(Fn && fn) { return std::make_unique<CompletionWithCount<std::decay_t<Fn>>(std::forward<Fn>(fn)); } os_async_ctx OVERLAPPED/aiocbp Function Object After open associate a socket handle with a threadpool and a callback ThreadPool::AssociateHandle(sock.native_handle(), &OverlappedBase::io_complete_callback); template <typename Fn> struct CompletionWithCount : OverlappedBase, private Fn { CompletionWithCount(Fn fn) : Fn(std::move(fn)) {} void Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) override { Fn::operator()(ec, count); } }; C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 30
  • 31. template <typename F> void Read(void* buf, int len, F && cb) { return Read(buf, len, make_handler_with_count(std::forward<F>(cb))); } void Read(void* buf, int len, std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> o) { auto error = sock.Receive(buf, len, o.get()); if (error) { if (error.value() != kIoPending) { o->Invoke(error, 0); return; } } o.release(); } conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf), [this](error_code ec, int bytesRead) { OnRead(ec, bytesRead); }); C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 31
  • 32. await conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)); ? C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 32
  • 33. Awaitable – Concept of the Future<T> C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 33 .await_ready() F<T> → bool .await_suspend(cb) F<T> x Fn → void .await_resume() F<T> → T Present T Present T Present T await expr-of-awaitable-type
  • 34. await <expr> C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines Expands into an expression equivalent of { auto && tmp = operator await(opt) <expr>; if (!tmp.await_ready()) { tmp.await_suspend(<coroutine-handle>); } return tmp.await_resume(tmp); } suspend resume 34
  • 35. Overlapped Base from before struct OverlappedBase : os_async_context { virtual void Invoke(std::error_code, int bytes) = 0; virtual ~OverlappedBase() {} static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p) { auto me = static_cast<OverlappedBase*>(p.overlapped); auto cleanMe = unique_ptr<OverlappedBase>(me); me->Invoke(p.error, p.byteTransferred); } }; C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 35
  • 36. Overlapped Base for awaitable struct AwaiterBase : os_async_context { coroutine_handle<> resume; std::error_code err; int bytes; static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p) { auto me = static_cast<AwaiterBase*>(p.overlapped); me->err = p.error; me->bytes = p.byteTransferred; me->resume(); } }; mov rcx, [rcx] jmp [rcx] sizeof(void*) no dtor C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 36
  • 37. await conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)); ? C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 37
  • 38. auto Connection::Read(void* buf, int len) { struct awaiter: AwaiterBase { Connection* me; void* buf; awaiter(Connection* me, void* buf, int len) : me(me), buf(buf) { bytes = len; } bool await_ready() { return false; } void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> h) { this->resume = h; auto error = me->sock.Receive(buf, bytes, this); if (error.value() != kIoPending) throw system_error(err); } int await_resume() { if (this->err) throw system_error(err); return bytes; } }; return awaiter{ this, buf, len }; } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 38 struct AwaiterBase : os_async_context { coroutine_handle<> resume; std::error_code err; int bytes; static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p){ auto me = static_cast<AwaiterBase*>(p.overlapped); me->err = p.error; me->bytes = p.byteTransferred; me->resume(); } };
  • 39. Trivial auto tcp_reader(int total) -> future<int> { char buf[4 * 1024]; auto conn = await Tcp::Connect("", 1337); for (;;) { auto bytesRead = await conn.Read(buf, sizeof(buf)); total -= bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return total; } } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 39
  • 40. Can we make it better? 50% I/O completes synchronously 50% I/O with I/O pending error C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 40 SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(h, FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS);
  • 41. Take advantage of synchronous completions C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 41 void Read(void* buf, int len, std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> o) { auto error = sock.Receive(buf, len, o.get()); if (error) { if (error.value() != kIoPending) { o->Invoke(error, 0); return; } } o.release(); } SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(h, FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS);
  • 42. Take advantage of synchronous completions C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 42 void Read(void* buf, int len, std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> o) { auto error = sock.Receive(buf, len, o.get()); if (error.value() != kIoPending) { o->Invoke(error, len); return; } o.release(); } SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(h, FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS);
  • 43. Take advantage of synchronous completions C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 43 void Read(void* buf, int len, std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> o) { auto error = sock.Receive(buf, len, o.get()); if (error.value() != kIoPending) { o->Invoke(error, len); return; } o.release(); } SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(h, FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS); SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) Line 254 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::CompletionWithSizeT<<lambda_ee38b7a750c7f550b4ee1dd60c2450c1> >::Invoke(std::error_code ec, int count) Line 31 SuperLean.exe!improved::detail::io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket & p) Line 22 SuperLean.exe!CompletionQueue::ThreadProc(void * lpParameter) Line 112 C++ Stack Overflow
  • 44. Need to implement it on the use side C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 44 void tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) { if (ec) return OnError(ec); total -= (int)bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return OnComplete(); bytesRead = sizeof(buf); conn.Read(buf, bytesRead, [this](std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) { OnRead(ec, bytesRead); }) ; }
  • 45. Now handling synchronous completion C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 45 void tcp_reader::OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) { do { if (ec) return OnError(ec); total -= (int)bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return OnComplete(); bytesRead = sizeof(buf); } while ( conn.Read(buf, bytesRead, [this](std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) { OnRead(ec, bytesRead); })); }
  • 46. Let’s measure the improvement (handwritten) C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 46 Handcrafted Coroutine Handcrafted Coroutine Original 380 495 30 25 Synchr Completion. Opt MB/s Executable size 485 25 30
  • 47. auto Connection::Read(void* buf, int len) { struct awaiter: AwaiterBase { Connection* me; void* buf; awaiter(Connection* me, void* buf, int len) : me(me), buf(buf) { bytes = len; } bool await_ready() { return false; } void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> h) { this->resume = h; auto error = me->sock.Receive(buf, bytes, this); if (error.value() == kIoPending) return; if (error) throw system_error(err); return; } int await_resume() { if (this->err) throw system_error(err); return bytes; } }; return awaiter{ this, buf, len }; } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 47 struct AwaiterBase : os_async_context { coroutine_handle<> resume; std::error_code err; int bytes; static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p){ auto me = static_cast<AwaiterBase*>(p.overlapped); me->err = p.error; me->bytes = p.byteTransferred; me->resume(); } }; SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(h, FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS);
  • 48. auto Connection::Read(void* buf, int len) { struct awaiter: AwaiterBase { Connection* me; void* buf; awaiter(Connection* me, void* buf, int len) : me(me), buf(buf) { bytes = len; } bool await_ready() { return false; } bool await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> h) { this->resume = h; auto error = me->sock.Receive(buf, bytes, this); if (error.value() == kIoPending) return true; if (error) throw system_error(err); return false; } int await_resume() { if (this->err) throw system_error(err); return bytes; } }; return awaiter{ this, buf, len }; } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 48 struct AwaiterBase : os_async_context { coroutine_handle<> resume; std::error_code err; int bytes; static void io_complete_callback(CompletionPacket& p){ auto me = static_cast<AwaiterBase*>(p.overlapped); me->err = p.error; me->bytes = p.byteTransferred; me->resume(); } };
  • 49. await <expr> C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines Expands into an expression equivalent of { auto && tmp = operator co_await <expr>; if (! tmp.await_ready()) { tmp.await_suspend(<coroutine-handle>); } return tmp.await_resume(); } suspend resume 49
  • 50. await <expr> C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines Expands into an expression equivalent of { auto && tmp = operator await(opt) <expr>; if (! tmp.await_ready() && tmp.await_suspend(<coroutine-handle>) { } return tmp.await_resume(); } suspend resume 50
  • 51. Let’s measure the improvement (coroutine) C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 51 Handcrafted Coroutine Handcrafted Coroutine Original 380 495 30 25 Synchr Completion. Opt 485 30 MB/s Executable size 1028 25 25
  • 52. Can we make it better? C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 53
  • 53. Getting rid of the allocations C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 54 class tcp_reader { std::unique_ptr<detail::OverlappedBase> wo; … tcp_reader(int64_t total) : total(total) { wo = detail::make_handler_with_count( [this](auto ec, int nBytes) {OnRead(ec, nBytes); }); … } void OnRead(std::error_code ec, int bytesRead) { if (ec) return OnError(ec); do { total -= (int)bytesRead; if (total <= 0 || bytesRead == 0) return OnComplete(); bytesRead = sizeof(buf); } while (conn.Read(buf, bytesRead, wo.get())); }
  • 54. Let’s measure the improvement (handcrafted) C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 55 Handcrafted Coroutine Handcrafted Coroutine Original 380 495 30 25 Synchr Completion. Opt 485 1028 30 25 Prealloc handler 1028 25 MB/s Executable size 690 25 28
  • 55. Coroutines are popular! Python: PEP 0492 async def abinary(n): if n <= 0: return 1 l = await abinary(n - 1) r = await abinary(n - 1) return l + 1 + r HACK (programming language) async function gen1(): Awaitable<int> { $x = await Batcher::fetch(1); $y = await Batcher::fetch(2); return $x + $y; } DART 1.9 Future<int> getPage(t) async { var c = new http.Client(); try { var r = await c.get('http://url/search?q=$t'); print(r); return r.length(); } finally { await c.close(); } } C# async Task<string> WaitAsynchronouslyAsync() { await Task.Delay(10000); return "Finished"; } C++17 future<string> WaitAsynchronouslyAsync() { await sleep_for(10ms); return "Finished“s; } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 56
  • 56. Cosmetics (Nov 2015, keyword change) co_await co_yield co_return C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 57
  • 57. Generalized Function C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 58 Compiler User Coroutine Designer Async Generator await + yield Generator yield Task await Monadic* await - suspend POF does not careimage credits: Три богатыря и змей горыныч
  • 58. Design Principles • Scalable (to billions of concurrent coroutines) • Efficient (resume and suspend operations comparable in cost to a function call overhead) • Seamless interaction with existing facilities with no overhead • Open ended coroutine machinery allowing library designers to develop coroutine libraries exposing various high-level semantics, such as generators, goroutines, tasks and more. • Usable in environments where exceptions are forbidden or not available 59C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
  • 59. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 60
  • 61. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 64 Return Address Locals of F Parameters of F Thread Stack F’s Activation Record … Return Address Locals of G Parameters of G G’s Activation Record Return Address Locals of H Parameters of H H’s Activation Record Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Normal Functions
  • 62. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 65 Return Address Locals of F Parameters of F Thread 1 Stack F’s Activation Record … Return Address Locals of G Parameters of G G’s Activation Record Return Address Locals of H Parameters of H H’s Activation Record Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Normal Functions
  • 63. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 66 Return Address Locals of F Parameters of F Thread 1 Stack F’s Activation Record … Return Address Locals of H Parameters of H H’s Activation Record Stack Pointer Coroutines using Fibers (first call) Stack Pointer Locals of G Parameters of G Return Address Fiber Context Old Stack Top Saved Registers Fiber Stack Fiber Start Routine Thread Context: IP,RSP,RAX,RCX RDX,… RDI, etc Saved Registers
  • 64. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 67 Return Address Locals of F Parameters of F Thread 1 Stack F’s Activation Record … Return Address Locals of H Parameters of H H’s Activation Record Coroutines using Fibers (Suspend) Stack Pointer Locals of G Parameters of G Return Address Fiber Context Old Stack Top Saved Registers Fiber Stack Fiber Start Routine Thread Context: IP,RSP,RAX,RCX RDX,… RDI,RSI, etc Saved RegistersSaved Registers
  • 65. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 68 Return Address Locals of Z Parameters of Z Thread 2 Stack Z’s Activation Record … Return Address Locals of H Parameters of H H’s Activation Record Stack Pointer Coroutines using Fibers (Resume) Locals of G Parameters of G Return Address Fiber Context Old Stack Top Saved Registers Fiber Stack Fiber Start Routine Saved Registers Return Address Saved Registers
  • 68. Mitigating Memory Footprint Fiber State 1 meg of stack (chained stack) 4k stacklet 4k stacklet 4k stacklet 4k stacklet … 4k stacklet C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 71 (reallocate and copy) 2k stack 4k stack … 1k stack 8k stack 16k stack
  • 69. Design Principles • Scalable (to billions of concurrent coroutines) • Efficient (resume and suspend operations comparable in cost to a function call overhead) • Seamless interaction with existing facilities with no overhead • Open ended coroutine machinery allowing library designers to develop coroutine libraries exposing various high-level semantics, such as generators, goroutines, tasks and more. • Usable in environments where exceptions are forbidden or not available 72C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
  • 70. Compiler based coroutines C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 73 generator<int> f() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { yield i; } generator<int> f() { f$state *mem = __coro_elide() ? alloca(f$state) : new f$state; mem->__resume_fn = &f$resume; mem->__destroy_fn = &f$resume; return {mem}; } struct f$state { void* __resume_fn; void* __destroy_fn; int __resume_index = 0; int i; }; void f$resume(f$state s) { switch (s->__resume_index) { case 0: s->i = 0; s->resume_index = 1; break; case 1: if( ++s->i == 5) s->resume_address = nullptr; break; } } int main() { for (int v: f()) printf(“%dn”, v); } void f$destroy(f$state s) { if(!__coro_elide()) delete f$state; } int main() { printf(“%dn”, 0); printf(“%dn”, 1); printf(“%dn”, 2); printf(“%dn”, 3); printf(“%dn”, 4); }
  • 71. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 74 Return Address Locals of F Parameters of F Thread 1 Stack F’s Activation Record … Return Address Locals of G Parameters of G G’s Activation Record (Coroutine) Return Address Locals of H Parameters of H H’s Activation Record Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Compiler Based Coroutines struct G$state { void* __resume_fn; void* __destroy_fn; int __resume_index; locals, temporaries that need to preserve values across suspend points }; G’s Coroutine State
  • 72. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 75 Return Address Locals of F Parameters of F Thread 1 Stack F’s Activation Record … Return Address Locals of G Parameters of G G’s Activation Record Return Address Locals of H Parameters of H H’s Activation Record Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Compiler Based Coroutines (Suspend) struct G$state { void* __resume_fn; void* __destroy_fn; int __resume_index; locals, temporaries that need to preserve values across suspend points }; G’s Coroutine State
  • 73. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 76 Return Address Locals of X Parameters of X Thread 2 Stack X’s Activation Record … Return Address Locals of g$resume Parameters of g$resume G$resume’s Activation Record Return Address Locals of H Parameters of H H’s Activation Record Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Compiler Based Coroutines (Resume) struct G$state { void* __resume_fn; void* __destroy_fn; int __resume_index; locals, temporaries that need to preserve values across suspend points }; G’s Coroutine State
  • 74. Design Principles • Scalable (to billions of concurrent coroutines) • Efficient (resume and suspend operations comparable in cost to a function call overhead) • Seamless interaction with existing facilities with no overhead • Open ended coroutine machinery allowing library designers to develop coroutine libraries exposing various high-level semantics, such as generators, goroutines, tasks and more. • Usable in environments where exceptions are forbidden or not available 77C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines
  • 75. 2 x 2 x 2 • Two new keywords •await •yield syntactic sugar for: await $p.yield_value(expr) • Two new concepts •Awaitable •Coroutine Promise •Two library types • coroutine_handle • coroutine_traits C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 79 After Kona 2015 co_await co_yield co_return
  • 76. Trivial Awaitable #1 C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 80 struct _____blank____ { bool await_ready(){ return false; } template <typename F> void await_suspend(F){} void await_resume(){} };
  • 77. Trivial Awaitable #1 C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 81 struct suspend_always { bool await_ready(){ return false; } template <typename F> void await_suspend(F){} void await_resume(){} }; await suspend_always {};
  • 78. Trivial Awaitable #2 C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 82 struct suspend_never { bool await_ready(){ return true; } template <typename F> void await_suspend(F){} void await_resume(){} };
  • 79. Simple Awaitable #1 C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 83 std::future<void> DoSomething(mutex& m) { unique_lock<mutex> lock = await lock_or_suspend{m}; // ... } struct lock_or_suspend { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock; lock_or_suspend(std::mutex & mut) : lock(mut, std::try_to_lock) {} bool await_ready() { return lock.owns_lock(); } template <typename F> void await_suspend(F cb) { std::thread t([this, cb]{ lock.lock(); cb(); }); t.detach(); } auto await_resume() { return std::move(lock);} };
  • 80. Awaitable Interacting with C APIs C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 84
  • 81. 2 x 2 x 2 • Two new keywords •await •yield syntactic sugar for: await $p.yield_value(expr) • Two new concepts •Awaitable •Coroutine Promise •Two library types • coroutine_handle • coroutine_traits C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 85 After Kona 2015 co_await co_yield co_return
  • 82. coroutine_handle C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 86 template <typename Promise = void> struct coroutine_handle; template <> struct coroutine_handle<void> { void resume(); void destroy(); bool done() const; void * address(); static coroutine_handle from_address(void*); void operator()(); // same as resume() … }; == != < > <= >=
  • 83. Simple Awaitable #2: Raw OS APIs await 10ms; C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 87 class awaiter { static void CALLBACK TimerCallback(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE, void *Context, PTP_TIMER) { std::experimental::coroutine_handle<>::from_address(Context).resume(); } PTP_TIMER timer = nullptr; std::chrono::system_clock::duration duration; public: explicit awaiter(std::chrono::system_clock::duration d) : duration(d) {} bool await_ready() const { return duration.count() <= 0; } void await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> resume_cb) { timer = CreateThreadpoolTimer(TimerCallback, resume_cb.address(), nullptr); if (!timer) throw std::bad_alloc(); int64_t relative_count = -duration.count(); SetThreadpoolTimer(timer, (PFILETIME)&relative_count, 0, 0); } void await_resume() {} ~awaiter() { if (timer) CloseThreadpoolTimer(timer); } }; auto operator await(std::chrono::system_clock::duration duration) { return awaiter{duration}; }
  • 84. 2 x 2 x 2 • Two new keywords •await •yield syntactic sugar for: await $p.yield_value(expr) • Two new concepts •Awaitable •Coroutine Promise •Two library types • coroutine_handle • coroutine_traits C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 88 After Kona 2015 co_await co_yield co_return
  • 85. coroutine_traits C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 89 template <typename R, typename... Ts> struct coroutine_traits { using promise_type = typename R::promise_type; }; generator<int> fib(int n) std::coroutine_traits<generator<int>, int>
  • 86. Compiler vs Coroutine Promise yield <expr> await <Promise>.yield_value(<expr>) <before-last-curly> return <expr> <Promise>.return_value(<expr>); goto <end> <after-first-curly> <unhandled-exception> <Promise>.set_exception ( std::current_exception()) <get-return-object> <Promise>.get_return_object() await <Promise>.initial_suspend() await <Promise>.final_suspend() C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 90 await <expr> Spent the last hour talking about it <allocate coro-state> <Promise>.operator new (or global) <free coro-state> <Promise>.operator delete (or global)
  • 87. Defining Coroutine Promise for boost::future namespace std { template <typename T, typename… anything> struct coroutine_traits<boost::unique_future<T>, anything…> { struct promise_type { boost::promise<T> promise; auto get_return_object() { return promise.get_future(); } template <class U> void return_value(U && value) { promise.set_value(std::forward<U>(value)); } void set_exception(std::exception_ptr e) { promise.set_exception(std::move(e)); } std::suspend_never initial_suspend() { return {}; } std::suspend_never final_suspend() { return {}; } }; }; } C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 91
  • 88. coroutine_handle<promise> C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 92 template <typename Promise = void> struct coroutine_handle; template <> struct coroutine_handle<void> { void resume(); void destroy(); bool done() const; void * address(); static coroutine_handle from_address(void*); void operator()(); // same as resume() … }; template < typename Promise> struct coroutine_handle: coroutine_handle<void> { Promise & promise(); static coroutine_handle from_promise(Promise&); }; == != < > <= >=
  • 89. Defining Generator From Scratch C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 93 struct int_generator { bool move_next(); int current_value(); … }; int_generator f() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { yield i; } int main() { auto g = f (); while (g.move_next()) { printf("%dn", g.current_value()); } }
  • 90. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 94 struct int_generator { struct promise_type { int current_value; std::suspend_always yield_value(int value) { this->current_value = value; return{}; } std::suspend_always initial_suspend() { return{}; } std::suspend_always final_suspend() { return{}; } int_generator get_return_object() { return int_generator{ this }; }; }; bool move_next() { p.resume(); return !p.done(); } int current_value() { return p.promise().current_value; } ~int_generator() { p.destroy(); } private: explicit int_generator(promise_type *p) : p(std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*p)) {} std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> p; }; Defining Generator From Scratch yield <expr> await <Promise>.yield_value(<expr>)
  • 91. C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 95 STL looks like the machine language macro library of an anally retentive assembly language programmer Pamela Seymour, Leiden University
  • 92. C++ Coroutines: Layered complexity • Everybody • Safe by default, novice friendly Use coroutines and awaitables defined by standard library, boost and other high quality libraries • Power Users • Define new awaitables to customize await for their environment using existing coroutine types • Experts • Define new coroutine types C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 96
  • 93. Thank you! C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 97 Kavya Kotacherry, Daveed Vandevoorde, Richard Smith, Jens Maurer, Lewis Baker, Kirk Shoop, Hartmut Kaiser, Kenny Kerr, Artur Laksberg, Jim Radigan, Chandler Carruth, Gabriel Dos Reis, Deon Brewis, Jonathan Caves, James McNellis, Stephan T. Lavavej, Herb Sutter, Pablo Halpern, Robert Schumacher, Viktor Tong, Geoffrey Romer, Michael Wong, Niklas Gustafsson, Nick Maliwacki, Vladimir Petter, Shahms King, Slava Kuznetsov, Tongari J, Lawrence Crowl, Valentin Isac and many more who contributed
  • 94. Coroutines – a negative overhead abstraction C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 98 • Proposal is working through C++ standardization committee (C++17?) • Experimental implementation in VS 2015 RTM • Clang implementation is in progress • more details: •
  • 95. Questions? C++ Russia 2016 Coroutines 99