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Date: January 1
Festivity: Child Parade
Place: all state Mérida Description: Family celebration around the image of the Baby Jesus. Meals and special
drinks. Carols and bonuses brighten the mood. Date: January 1
Festivity: New Year
Location: all Venezuela
Description: Welcome to the new year. Special meals and drinks between family and friends.
Date: January 14
Festivity: Feasts of the Divine Shepherd
Location: Lara State
Description: On January 14, the Divina Pastora went to Barquisimeto in a large and fervent procession from her
church in Santa Rosa.
Date: January
Festivity: International Fair of San Sebastián
Location: San Cristóbal (Táchira)
Description: Bullfights with the best posters in the world. Agricultural and industrial exposition. Handicrafts.
International cycling. Various shows. Dances in huts and shrines. Festival of peasant music. Parades Meals and
drinks from the region.
Date: February 20
Festivity: Federation Day
Place: Pueblo Nuevo, Paraguaná and Coro (Falcón)
Date: First fortnight
Festivity: The Vasallos or Danceros of the candelaria
Location: La Parroquia (Mérida)
Description: With great solemnity these dances are celebrated to worship Our Lady of Candelaria, the devotees of the virgin
dress in colorful costumes: "pantachos" of different colors, jackets with beautiful embroideries, thick fabric belts, adorned layers
of cedar With sequins or glossy paper.
In the head they wear wide richly adorned hats. The dance of the candelaria is constituted by 10 parts: Pasacalle, Dance,
Coplas, Tissue, Closure of the Goat, Roza, Quema, Sowing, Aporco and final Pasacalle.
Date: February 2
Festivity: Day of the Virgin of the Candelaria
Place: Cumarebo, Municipality Zamora (Falcón)
Description: Celebration in honor of the patron saint of this population, with lively popular, cultural, sports and religious programs.
Date: February 2
Festivity: Day of the Virgin of the Candelaria
Location: La Parroquia (Mérida)
Description: Celebration in honor of the Virgen de la Candelaria, religious festivities.
Date: During the celebration of Carnival
Festivity: El Calipso
Location: El Callao (Bolívar)
Description: During the celebration of the carnival, a series of showy comparsas are organized, which, with the accompaniment
of cylindrical drums, perform and dance this particular musical genre, known by the name of Calipso, which presents a notable
Antillean influence.
Date: Tuesday of Carnival
Festivity: Hammock Dance
Location: Rancho Chico, Puerto Cabello, Patanemo (Carabobo)
Description: Puerto Cabello is celebrated in the San Millán neighborhood. This dance is of Cuzcoan origin and consists of the
dramatization of the outburst of jealousy that a black man suffers at a funeral, when he discovers the infidelity of his wife
precisely with the deceased.
Date: Carnival
Festivity: Fair of the Sun
Location: Mérida (Mérida)
Description: Bullfight. Exhibitions. Various shows. Popular dances. Toros collected. Handicrafts. Meals and drinks from the
Date: During the month
Festivity: Carnival
Location: the whole country
Description: Parades. Comparsas. Templetes. Costumes competitions. Popular dances. In some cities these dates become
more notorious.
Date: March - April
Festivity: The Nazarene of St. Paul
Location: Caracas
Description: Religious festival in honor of the image of the Nazarene that is venerated in the Basilica of St. Teresa. This
tradition dates from the time of the Colony and is celebrated on Holy Wednesday. Promise-payers wear purple, similar to the
Date: March - April
Festivity: International Theater Festival
Location: Caracas
Description: Every two years Caracas becomes the world capital of theater. Companies from Europe, North America and Latin
America are presented. Various stages (theaters, squares, boulevards, etc.) serve as a framework for this festival. It always
falls into even years.
Date: April 2
Festivity: San Francisco de Padua
Location: San Francisco de Yare (Miranda)
Date: April 19
Festivity: Declaration of the Independence Act
Location: Venezuela
Description: The revolution of April 19, 1810 was the first step towards independence, and marked the beginning of one of the
most important stages in the history of Venezuela.
Date: April 29th
Festivity: Fiestas Patronales de San Felipe
Location: San Felipe (Yaracuy)
Date: April May
Festivity: Easter
Location: Venezuela
Description: Holy Week has two essential parts: the end of Lent (Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Holy Wednesday) and
the Easter Triduum (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). For the Catholic Church is the most important time of the year. It has no
specific date, it changes according to the year.
Date: May 1
Festivity: Labor Day
Location: Venezuela
Description: Celebrated nationally in homage to the workers.
Date: May 22
Festivity: Day of the Virgin of Santa Rita
Location: Santa Rita de Manapire, Guarico State
Description: Celebration in honor of the patron saint of this population, with lively popular, cultural, sports and religious
programs. There are parties to the best llanero style, with the festive and cordial atmosphere of the Guariqueños.
Date: All of May
Festivity: Velorio de la Cruz de Mayo
Location: In the whole country
Description: Feast corresponding to the summer solstice which is especially carried out in the east, center and west of the
country. It consists in the veneration of the Holy Cross; For this they decorate it with flowers and garlands, they recite and sing
songs. This manifestation undergoes variations as far as the music and other elements, according to the region.
Date: the whole month of May
Festivity: Dancing devils
Location: San Francisco de Yare (Miranda), Patanemo (Carabobo), Chuao (Aragua), Naiguatá (Vargas).
Description: Folkloric festival held on Thursdays in Corpus Christi. It consists of the payment of promises by the faithful to the
body of Jesus Christ, performing a procession and dance around the town square, in front of the church, dressed in devils.
They have certain differences in costumes, musical instruments and other elements, according to the locality.
Date: May 3 - 5
Festivity: International Festival "Voz del Alma Llanera"
Location: San Fernando de Apure (Apure)
Description: This festival is held within the framework of the Agricultural Fair. Handcrafted and Industrial. The most famous
llanera music singers, from Venezuela and Colombia, take part.
Date: June 13
Festivity: Fiestas Patronales de San Antonio de Padua
Place: All the state Lara (Lara)
Book Condition: Good. Procession. Popular acts and folk manifestations. Festival of wind music, strings and percussion (drums). Typical food
and drinks. Dance of the Tamunangue.
Date: June 24
Festivity: Battle of Carabobo
Location: Venezuela
Description: The Battle of Carabobo is one of the most important events in Venezuelan history, thanks to it, began the republican road of the
country that is defined in 1823 with the Battle Naval de Lago
Date: June 24
Festivity: Drums of San Juan
Location: Curiepe (Miranda)
Description: The mine, the curbeta, the round drum and the ass epuya rumble. The town, confused with the visitors, crowds in the streets to
dance rhythmically to the son of the fusion sung by the windward settler.
Date: July 5
Festivity: Independence Day
Location: Nationwide
Description: It commemorates the Congress of July 5, 1811, held in the Chapel of Santa Rosa de Lima,
where the Independence of Venezuela was declared. Civic events throughout the country.
The central events are held in Caracas: Floral offer in the National Pantheon before the Sarcophagus of the
Liberator, solemn session in the National Congress, opening by the President of the Republic of the ark
containing the minutes of the Congress of July 5, 1811, to be exposed to the public.
Date: July 21 -29
Festivity: Foundation of the City of Caracas
Location: Caracas
Description: Cultural events. Theater. Exhibitions of painting and sculpture. Concerts. Actospopulares and
sports. All this as a celebration of the anniversary of the founding of Caracas, July 25, 1567.
Date: July 24
Festivity: Natalicio del Libertador Simón Bolívar and Day of the Naval Battle of the Lake
Location: across the country
Description: Civic and military acts. The main events take place in Caracas, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello and
Central Coast.
Date: 08 to 18 August
Festivity: International Craftsmen's Fair
Location: Tintorero (Lara)
Description: International parties performed by Tintorero people and craftsmen, in Lara state, as a
staging of the pieces they make, and which are sold at excellent prices to tourists who have
visited for many years, these fairs.
It is known nationally and internationally as one of the main meeting points in Lara state
Date: 15th to 21st of August
Festivity: Consolation Fair
Location: Táriba (Táchira)
Book Condition: New. Retretas. Novilladas. Agricultural exhibition. Creole ball tournaments.
Around the church and Plaza Bolívar awnings are raised where the inhabitants of the nearby
villages expose their products to sell them. Typical food and drinks. Handicrafts.
Date: Last week of the month
Festivity: Orinoco Fair
Location: Ciudad Bolívar - Bolívar
Description: Formerly called "Feria de La Sapora", this celebration corresponds to the coming up
of the river by this native fish for its spawning upstream of the Orinoco river. Among the events
that take place are an industrial and livestock exhibition, bulls, fishing competitions of the
sapoara, competitions of water sports in the Orinoco river, popular dances, calipsos.
Date: 5 to 11 September
Festivity: Feasts in honor of Our Lady of Coromoto
Location: Naiguatá
Book Condition: New. Popular celebrations. Cockfights. Sports competitions.
Date: September 8
Festivity: Appearance of the Virgin of Coromoto
Place: Guanare Portuguese State
Description: Commemoration in the Votive Temple of Guanare in the Portuguese state, due to the appearance
of the Virgin of Coromoto.
Date: September 11
Festivity: Coronation of the Virgin of Coromoto
Place: Guanare Portuguese State
Description: Commemoration in the Votive Temple of Guanare in the Portuguese state, on account of the
Coronation of the Virgin of Coromoto.
Date: 7th to 11th of September
Festivity: Our Lady of the Valley Fiestas Patronales
Location: The Valley of the Holy Spirit (Nueva Esparta)
Description: These parties last for eight days. Processions. During the festivities the island of Margarita, and
especially the Valley of the Holy Spirit, receives a flavor and color typical of the region. Sale of own products of
the island.Creole orchestras and musical ensembles roam the streets. Popular dances. Handicrafts. Typical
dishes based on fish and seafood.
Date: September 23 and 24
Festivity: Dance of the Turas
Location: Maparari (Falcón)
Description: Celebration of indigenous descent where man gives worship to nature, giving thanks for the fruits
received and asking for good crops for the coming year.
Date: 5/7 Festivity: San Francisco de Asis Place: Valleys of Aragua (Aragua) Description:
Festivities in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi Date: October 12
Festivity: Feast for the Day of the Spirits
Location: Montaña de Sorte (Yaracuy) Mountain of Maria Lionza.
Description: Dances, rituals santeros and spiritualists in honor to all the entities of the cult.
Dance on fire, drum beat, dances, songs. etc.
Date: October 12
Festivity: Day of the Race
Location: All Venezuela
Description: Fiesta in commemoration to the Discovery of America.
Date: 7th and 8th of November
Festivity: King's National Fishing Classic
Place: Peninsula of Paraguaná (Falcón)
Description: Many national and foreign nautical equipment operates between Punta Caimán and Punta
Macoya. Water skiing, underwater fishing and sailing boat racing.
Date: 15 to 22 November
Festivity: Chinita Fair
Location: Maracaibo (Zulia)
Description: It has its origin in the Fiestas Patronales de la Chiquinquirá. Religious activities. Processions,
songs of bagpipes in honor of "La Chinita", as the Zulian people call the virgin of the Chiquinquirá. Agricultural
exhibitions. Artistic and sports shows. Bullfights.
Date: December 4
Festivity: Celebration of the Day of Santa Barbara
Location: All the Country
Description: A day in which the faithful of the cult of Santa Barbara, pay tribute to their image, delivering offerings ranging
from simple rituals to great parties accompanied by music, dancing, songs and much food. The offerings to her are: Wine,
fruits (apples), grains, lots of light (candles), flowers.
Date: December 9
Festivity: Declaration of Coro and its Port of La Vela. Cultural heritage of Humanity
Place: Choir and Candle (Falcón)
Description: Day in which the Declaration by the Unesco of Choir and the Candle is celebrated, like Cultural Patrimony of
the Humanity.
Date: December 12
Festivity: Virgin of Guadalupe
Place: Santuario del Carrizal (Falcón)
Description: In the El Carrizal Sanctuary, in the Municipality of Colina, the celebration begins with a walk from the Fair Park
in Coro at 3:00 a.m., and the festivities continue all day.
Date: December 17
Festivity: Death of Simon Bolivar
Location: Venezuela
Description: Civic and military acts throughout Venezuela.
Date: December 24
Festivity: Pastors of San Joaquin
Location: San Joaquín (Carabobo)
Description: Beautiful tradition celebrated on the night of the 24th. Pastors with their parranda go out to walk the streets of
San Joaquín towards the church, singing, dancing and making figures. They enter the temple guided by the Estrellero, and
sit on the floor pretending to be asleep.
At the end of the Mass of Rooster they appear an Angel announcing the birth of the Baby Jesus. Then the Pastors begin to
sing and make offerings to the Child, and then go out to the plaza to perform their dances.
Date: December 24th and 25th
Festivity: Birth of the Child God. Christmas
Place: All the Country (Venezuela)
Description: In every house in Venezuela, the birth of the child God is celebrated at 12 o'clock at night, uncovering the child in the
Crib and making offerings, ranging from songs to prayers. It makes a great family dinner. Delivery of gifts.
Date: December 28
Festivity: The crazy ones of the candle
Location: La vela de coro (Falcón)
Description: In the town of La Vela de Coro, the Day of the Locos de La Vela is celebrated, starting with the previous day, where the
Mojiganga leaves to visit the whole town, and to point out the houses where the next day Los Locos must make your stops.
Date: December 28
Festivity: Day of the Holy Innocents
Location: Venezuela
Description: It is tradition during the Day of the Innocents to make jokes of all kinds, but the name is due to the massacre of the
innocents mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew.
Date: December 28
Festivity: The Monkey's Dance
Location: Caicara de Maturín (Monagas)
Description: The dance of the monkey is of indigenous origin and is related to the ceremonies practiced in the past by the Chaima
groups of Caribbean origin, in order to obtain good and abundant harvests
Date: December 28
Festivity: The Zaragos
Location: Sanare (Lara)
Description: The party of Los Zaragozas belongs to that celebration of wide dispersion in the Andean states known as crazy and
locainas, that, for some reason, in Sanare and Guárico acquired its own name.
It is celebrated every December 28, when the Church commemorates the Day of the Holy Innocents in memory of that collective
murder of children, ordered by Herod, the failed intention to eliminate the Child-God. For the popular tradition that is a day of crazy
and crazy acts. In essence, this celebration brings together opposing symbols.
Date: December 31
Festivity: New Year's Eve
Location: All Venezuela
Description: Say goodbye to the old year and welcome a new one. Family dinner. Take out the bags to travel all year. Eat the twelve
grapes and ask for twelve wishes.

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glossary with all the historical, folkloric, religious and cultural festivities that are celebrated in Venezuela

  • 1.
  • 2. January Date: January 1 Festivity: Child Parade Place: all state Mérida Description: Family celebration around the image of the Baby Jesus. Meals and special drinks. Carols and bonuses brighten the mood. Date: January 1 Festivity: New Year Location: all Venezuela Description: Welcome to the new year. Special meals and drinks between family and friends. Date: January 14 Festivity: Feasts of the Divine Shepherd Location: Lara State Description: On January 14, the Divina Pastora went to Barquisimeto in a large and fervent procession from her church in Santa Rosa. Date: January Festivity: International Fair of San Sebastián Location: San Cristóbal (Táchira) Description: Bullfights with the best posters in the world. Agricultural and industrial exposition. Handicrafts. International cycling. Various shows. Dances in huts and shrines. Festival of peasant music. Parades Meals and drinks from the region.
  • 3. February Date: February 20 Festivity: Federation Day Place: Pueblo Nuevo, Paraguaná and Coro (Falcón) Date: First fortnight Festivity: The Vasallos or Danceros of the candelaria Location: La Parroquia (Mérida) Description: With great solemnity these dances are celebrated to worship Our Lady of Candelaria, the devotees of the virgin dress in colorful costumes: "pantachos" of different colors, jackets with beautiful embroideries, thick fabric belts, adorned layers of cedar With sequins or glossy paper. In the head they wear wide richly adorned hats. The dance of the candelaria is constituted by 10 parts: Pasacalle, Dance, Coplas, Tissue, Closure of the Goat, Roza, Quema, Sowing, Aporco and final Pasacalle. Date: February 2 Festivity: Day of the Virgin of the Candelaria Place: Cumarebo, Municipality Zamora (Falcón) Description: Celebration in honor of the patron saint of this population, with lively popular, cultural, sports and religious programs. Date: February 2 Festivity: Day of the Virgin of the Candelaria Location: La Parroquia (Mérida) Description: Celebration in honor of the Virgen de la Candelaria, religious festivities. Date: During the celebration of Carnival Festivity: El Calipso Location: El Callao (Bolívar) Description: During the celebration of the carnival, a series of showy comparsas are organized, which, with the accompaniment of cylindrical drums, perform and dance this particular musical genre, known by the name of Calipso, which presents a notable Antillean influence.
  • 4. Date: Tuesday of Carnival Festivity: Hammock Dance Location: Rancho Chico, Puerto Cabello, Patanemo (Carabobo) Description: Puerto Cabello is celebrated in the San Millán neighborhood. This dance is of Cuzcoan origin and consists of the dramatization of the outburst of jealousy that a black man suffers at a funeral, when he discovers the infidelity of his wife precisely with the deceased. Date: Carnival Festivity: Fair of the Sun Location: Mérida (Mérida) Description: Bullfight. Exhibitions. Various shows. Popular dances. Toros collected. Handicrafts. Meals and drinks from the region. Date: During the month Festivity: Carnival Location: the whole country Description: Parades. Comparsas. Templetes. Costumes competitions. Popular dances. In some cities these dates become more notorious. March Date: March - April Festivity: The Nazarene of St. Paul Location: Caracas Description: Religious festival in honor of the image of the Nazarene that is venerated in the Basilica of St. Teresa. This tradition dates from the time of the Colony and is celebrated on Holy Wednesday. Promise-payers wear purple, similar to the Nazarene. Date: March - April Festivity: International Theater Festival Location: Caracas Description: Every two years Caracas becomes the world capital of theater. Companies from Europe, North America and Latin America are presented. Various stages (theaters, squares, boulevards, etc.) serve as a framework for this festival. It always falls into even years.
  • 5. April Date: April 2 Festivity: San Francisco de Padua Location: San Francisco de Yare (Miranda) Date: April 19 Festivity: Declaration of the Independence Act Location: Venezuela Description: The revolution of April 19, 1810 was the first step towards independence, and marked the beginning of one of the most important stages in the history of Venezuela. Date: April 29th Festivity: Fiestas Patronales de San Felipe Location: San Felipe (Yaracuy) Date: April May Festivity: Easter Location: Venezuela Description: Holy Week has two essential parts: the end of Lent (Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Holy Wednesday) and the Easter Triduum (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). For the Catholic Church is the most important time of the year. It has no specific date, it changes according to the year. May Date: May 1 Festivity: Labor Day Location: Venezuela Description: Celebrated nationally in homage to the workers. Date: May 22 Festivity: Day of the Virgin of Santa Rita Location: Santa Rita de Manapire, Guarico State Description: Celebration in honor of the patron saint of this population, with lively popular, cultural, sports and religious programs. There are parties to the best llanero style, with the festive and cordial atmosphere of the Guariqueños.
  • 6. Date: All of May Festivity: Velorio de la Cruz de Mayo Location: In the whole country Description: Feast corresponding to the summer solstice which is especially carried out in the east, center and west of the country. It consists in the veneration of the Holy Cross; For this they decorate it with flowers and garlands, they recite and sing songs. This manifestation undergoes variations as far as the music and other elements, according to the region. Date: the whole month of May Festivity: Dancing devils Location: San Francisco de Yare (Miranda), Patanemo (Carabobo), Chuao (Aragua), Naiguatá (Vargas). Description: Folkloric festival held on Thursdays in Corpus Christi. It consists of the payment of promises by the faithful to the body of Jesus Christ, performing a procession and dance around the town square, in front of the church, dressed in devils. They have certain differences in costumes, musical instruments and other elements, according to the locality. Date: May 3 - 5 Festivity: International Festival "Voz del Alma Llanera" Location: San Fernando de Apure (Apure) Description: This festival is held within the framework of the Agricultural Fair. Handcrafted and Industrial. The most famous llanera music singers, from Venezuela and Colombia, take part. June Date: June 13 Festivity: Fiestas Patronales de San Antonio de Padua Place: All the state Lara (Lara) Book Condition: Good. Procession. Popular acts and folk manifestations. Festival of wind music, strings and percussion (drums). Typical food and drinks. Dance of the Tamunangue. Date: June 24 Festivity: Battle of Carabobo Location: Venezuela Description: The Battle of Carabobo is one of the most important events in Venezuelan history, thanks to it, began the republican road of the country that is defined in 1823 with the Battle Naval de Lago Date: June 24 Festivity: Drums of San Juan Location: Curiepe (Miranda) Description: The mine, the curbeta, the round drum and the ass epuya rumble. The town, confused with the visitors, crowds in the streets to dance rhythmically to the son of the fusion sung by the windward settler.
  • 7. July Date: July 5 Festivity: Independence Day Location: Nationwide Description: It commemorates the Congress of July 5, 1811, held in the Chapel of Santa Rosa de Lima, where the Independence of Venezuela was declared. Civic events throughout the country. The central events are held in Caracas: Floral offer in the National Pantheon before the Sarcophagus of the Liberator, solemn session in the National Congress, opening by the President of the Republic of the ark containing the minutes of the Congress of July 5, 1811, to be exposed to the public. Date: July 21 -29 Festivity: Foundation of the City of Caracas Location: Caracas Description: Cultural events. Theater. Exhibitions of painting and sculpture. Concerts. Actospopulares and sports. All this as a celebration of the anniversary of the founding of Caracas, July 25, 1567. Date: July 24 Festivity: Natalicio del Libertador Simón Bolívar and Day of the Naval Battle of the Lake Location: across the country Description: Civic and military acts. The main events take place in Caracas, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello and Central Coast.
  • 8. August Date: 08 to 18 August Festivity: International Craftsmen's Fair Location: Tintorero (Lara) Description: International parties performed by Tintorero people and craftsmen, in Lara state, as a staging of the pieces they make, and which are sold at excellent prices to tourists who have visited for many years, these fairs. It is known nationally and internationally as one of the main meeting points in Lara state Date: 15th to 21st of August Festivity: Consolation Fair Location: Táriba (Táchira) Book Condition: New. Retretas. Novilladas. Agricultural exhibition. Creole ball tournaments. Around the church and Plaza Bolívar awnings are raised where the inhabitants of the nearby villages expose their products to sell them. Typical food and drinks. Handicrafts. Date: Last week of the month Festivity: Orinoco Fair Location: Ciudad Bolívar - Bolívar Description: Formerly called "Feria de La Sapora", this celebration corresponds to the coming up of the river by this native fish for its spawning upstream of the Orinoco river. Among the events that take place are an industrial and livestock exhibition, bulls, fishing competitions of the sapoara, competitions of water sports in the Orinoco river, popular dances, calipsos.
  • 9. September Date: 5 to 11 September Festivity: Feasts in honor of Our Lady of Coromoto Location: Naiguatá Book Condition: New. Popular celebrations. Cockfights. Sports competitions. Date: September 8 Festivity: Appearance of the Virgin of Coromoto Place: Guanare Portuguese State Description: Commemoration in the Votive Temple of Guanare in the Portuguese state, due to the appearance of the Virgin of Coromoto. Date: September 11 Festivity: Coronation of the Virgin of Coromoto Place: Guanare Portuguese State Description: Commemoration in the Votive Temple of Guanare in the Portuguese state, on account of the Coronation of the Virgin of Coromoto. Date: 7th to 11th of September Festivity: Our Lady of the Valley Fiestas Patronales Location: The Valley of the Holy Spirit (Nueva Esparta) Description: These parties last for eight days. Processions. During the festivities the island of Margarita, and especially the Valley of the Holy Spirit, receives a flavor and color typical of the region. Sale of own products of the island.Creole orchestras and musical ensembles roam the streets. Popular dances. Handicrafts. Typical dishes based on fish and seafood. Date: September 23 and 24 Festivity: Dance of the Turas Location: Maparari (Falcón) Description: Celebration of indigenous descent where man gives worship to nature, giving thanks for the fruits received and asking for good crops for the coming year.
  • 10. October Date: 5/7 Festivity: San Francisco de Asis Place: Valleys of Aragua (Aragua) Description: Festivities in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi Date: October 12 Festivity: Feast for the Day of the Spirits Location: Montaña de Sorte (Yaracuy) Mountain of Maria Lionza. Description: Dances, rituals santeros and spiritualists in honor to all the entities of the cult. Dance on fire, drum beat, dances, songs. etc. Date: October 12 Festivity: Day of the Race Location: All Venezuela Description: Fiesta in commemoration to the Discovery of America. November Date: 7th and 8th of November Festivity: King's National Fishing Classic Place: Peninsula of Paraguaná (Falcón) Description: Many national and foreign nautical equipment operates between Punta Caimán and Punta Macoya. Water skiing, underwater fishing and sailing boat racing. Date: 15 to 22 November Festivity: Chinita Fair Location: Maracaibo (Zulia) Description: It has its origin in the Fiestas Patronales de la Chiquinquirá. Religious activities. Processions, songs of bagpipes in honor of "La Chinita", as the Zulian people call the virgin of the Chiquinquirá. Agricultural exhibitions. Artistic and sports shows. Bullfights.
  • 11. December Date: December 4 Festivity: Celebration of the Day of Santa Barbara Location: All the Country Description: A day in which the faithful of the cult of Santa Barbara, pay tribute to their image, delivering offerings ranging from simple rituals to great parties accompanied by music, dancing, songs and much food. The offerings to her are: Wine, fruits (apples), grains, lots of light (candles), flowers. Date: December 9 Festivity: Declaration of Coro and its Port of La Vela. Cultural heritage of Humanity Place: Choir and Candle (Falcón) Description: Day in which the Declaration by the Unesco of Choir and the Candle is celebrated, like Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity. Date: December 12 Festivity: Virgin of Guadalupe Place: Santuario del Carrizal (Falcón) Description: In the El Carrizal Sanctuary, in the Municipality of Colina, the celebration begins with a walk from the Fair Park in Coro at 3:00 a.m., and the festivities continue all day. Date: December 17 Festivity: Death of Simon Bolivar Location: Venezuela Description: Civic and military acts throughout Venezuela. Date: December 24 Festivity: Pastors of San Joaquin Location: San Joaquín (Carabobo) Description: Beautiful tradition celebrated on the night of the 24th. Pastors with their parranda go out to walk the streets of San Joaquín towards the church, singing, dancing and making figures. They enter the temple guided by the Estrellero, and sit on the floor pretending to be asleep. At the end of the Mass of Rooster they appear an Angel announcing the birth of the Baby Jesus. Then the Pastors begin to sing and make offerings to the Child, and then go out to the plaza to perform their dances.
  • 12. Date: December 24th and 25th Festivity: Birth of the Child God. Christmas Place: All the Country (Venezuela) Description: In every house in Venezuela, the birth of the child God is celebrated at 12 o'clock at night, uncovering the child in the Crib and making offerings, ranging from songs to prayers. It makes a great family dinner. Delivery of gifts. Date: December 28 Festivity: The crazy ones of the candle Location: La vela de coro (Falcón) Description: In the town of La Vela de Coro, the Day of the Locos de La Vela is celebrated, starting with the previous day, where the Mojiganga leaves to visit the whole town, and to point out the houses where the next day Los Locos must make your stops. Date: December 28 Festivity: Day of the Holy Innocents Location: Venezuela Description: It is tradition during the Day of the Innocents to make jokes of all kinds, but the name is due to the massacre of the innocents mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew. Date: December 28 Festivity: The Monkey's Dance Location: Caicara de Maturín (Monagas) Description: The dance of the monkey is of indigenous origin and is related to the ceremonies practiced in the past by the Chaima groups of Caribbean origin, in order to obtain good and abundant harvests Date: December 28 Festivity: The Zaragos Location: Sanare (Lara) Description: The party of Los Zaragozas belongs to that celebration of wide dispersion in the Andean states known as crazy and locainas, that, for some reason, in Sanare and Guárico acquired its own name. It is celebrated every December 28, when the Church commemorates the Day of the Holy Innocents in memory of that collective murder of children, ordered by Herod, the failed intention to eliminate the Child-God. For the popular tradition that is a day of crazy and crazy acts. In essence, this celebration brings together opposing symbols. Date: December 31 Festivity: New Year's Eve Location: All Venezuela Description: Say goodbye to the old year and welcome a new one. Family dinner. Take out the bags to travel all year. Eat the twelve grapes and ask for twelve wishes.