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Global Warming’s Six Americas: Understanding and
        Communicating with a Diverse Public

EPA Green Power Partnership Webinar
December 7th, 2012
                               Edward Maibach, MPH, PhD
                               Neil Stenhouse, PhD student
Three take away points:
1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct
   groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is
   less divided on this issue than is often
2. There is strong support for accelerating the
   transition to clean energy.
3. There is also growing support for Congress &
   the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action
   on climate change.
Global Warming’s “Six Americas”
They think differently, but they don’t look different…

  • The groups don’t differ much on the basis of sex,
    race, age or income – there are men and women of
    every age, race and income in each of the six
  • But they differ dramatically in their beliefs about the
    reality, causes and dangers of global warming, in
    the political ideology, and in their underlying
Alarmed Alice
      Alice is completely sure global
      warming is happening, human
      caused, and feels personally
      threatened by it. She believes that
      people around the world are
      already being harmed by it, or will
      be soon.

      Alice is slightly more likely than
      average to be taking steps to
      reduce her energy use, but is far
      more likely than average to use her
      purchasing power - and her voice
      as a citizen - to advocate for
      change. Alice supports a wide
      range of policy responses to
      address global warming.
Concerned Claudia
Claudia is very sure global
warming is happening, and
believes it has human causes, but
feels less personally threatened
than Alice. She believes that
global warming will begin to harm
people around the world 10+ years
from now.

Claudia is average in terms of
taking measures to reduce her
energy consumption, but well
above average in terms of using
her purchasing power to advocate
for change. Claudia supports
aggressive government policies,
but is currently unlikely to contact
her elected officials to say so.
Cautious Carl
     Carl is only somewhat sure that
     global warming is happening, and
     he is equally likely to see it as
     human caused or natural. He sees
     global warming as a distant threat –
     primarily a threat to other people –
     that won’t begin to hurt people
     around the world for another 25 - 50

     Carl is taking average steps to
     reduce his energy consumption, but
     isn’t involved in addressing global
     warming in other ways. He is,
     however, modestly supportive of a
     range of proposed policies.
Disengaged Diane
Diane thinks global warming may be
happening, but she’s not at all sure.
She’s given it very little thought,
doesn’t consider it personally
important, and doesn’t know much
about it.

Diane has done relatively little to
reduce her use of energy at home, but
because she has lower than average
income she is more likely than
average not to rely on her own car.

Despite her low level of personal
concern, Diane is more supportive
than Carl of a national response to
global warming.
Doubtful David
       David says he doesn’t know if real or
       not, but if it is, he’s pretty sure it isn’t
       human-caused. David isn’t worried
       about it; he sees global warming as a
       very distant threat that won’t harm
       people for at least another 100 years.

       David isn’t in favor of a national
       response to global warming per se,
       but he is modestly in favor of a range
       of energy-saving policy measures,
       and is improving energy-efficiency in
       his home.
Dismissive Dan
Dan does not believe that global
warming is happening and believes that
many scientists share his views. Dan
doesn’t support any form of
government action against global
warming, although he does support
efforts to develop or promote
renewable energy sources.

He is more likely than average to be
making energy-efficient improvements
to his home.
Global Warming’s “Six Americas”

Leiserowitz et al., (2012)
Four key beliefs are strongly associated with the attitude
   that society “should do more to address global warming,”
and with support for a range of public policies that will help limit
                         global warming

                 Global Warming
                   Key Beliefs:
                                                    +         • Policy Support
           •     It’s real
           •     It’s human caused
                                                              • Injunctive Beliefs
           •     It’s bad for people
           •     It’s solvable

               Ding, Maibach et al (2011) Support for climate policy and societal action are linked to perceptions
                              about scientific agreement. Nature Climate Change, DOI:10:1038/NCLIMATE1295
A quick profile of selected key beliefs about global
warming that influence global warming policy support.

           • It’s real
           • It’s human-caused
           • It’s bad for people
           • It’s solvable.
“Do you think global warming is happening? How certain are you?”

                                          (i.e., It’s real.)
What’s causing global warming?

                    i.e., It’s human-caused

                           Source: Yale & George Mason, July 2010
When do you think global warming will start
      to harm people in the U.S.?

                              (i.e. It’s bad for people)
People can reduce global warming
                         Humans could reduce global
                         warming, but it’s unclear if we will
                         Humans can reduce global
                         warming, and we will

                                  (i.e., It’s solvable)

             Fall 2008
Three take away points:
1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct
   groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is
   less divided on this issue than is often
2. There is strong support for accelerating the
   transition to clean energy.
3. There is also growing support for Congress &
   the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action
   on climate change.
Three take away points:
1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct
   groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is
   less divided on this issue than is often
2. There is strong support for accelerating the
   transition to clean energy.
3. There is also growing support for Congress &
   the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action
   on climate change.
Majority of Americans Say the U.S. Should Use Less Fossil Fuels
            and More Renewable Energy in the Future

              In the future, the U.S. should use fossil fuels…     Should use renewable energy sources…

  60%             56%



  30%                                                                              28%
  20%                                                             16%
  10%        8%                                        8%
                                                                                         2%               1%
         Much more than Somewhat more   The same                     Don't      Somewhat less     Much less than
             today        than today  amount as today            know/Refused     than today         today

In the future, do you think the United States should use fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) less, more, or the
same amount as we do today?
In the future, do you think the United States should use renewable energy sources (solar, wind, and geothermal)
less, more, or the same amount as we do today?
Base: Americans 18+ (n=1,061)
Many Americans Want to Reduce Fossil Fuel Use and Increase
          Use of Renewable Energy Immediately

        We should immediately increase use of
                   renewable energy sources*

 We should immediately decrease use of fossil

                                                   0%                          50%                       100%
How soon do you think we should start increasing renewable energy use in the United States?
How soon do you think we should start reducing fossil fuel use in the United States?

*Base: Americans 18+ who say the U.S. should use more renewable energy sources in the future (n=844).
**Base: Americans 18+ who say the U.S. should use less fossil fuels in the future (n=577).
Americans Believe That Reducing Fossil-Fuel Use and Global
      Warming Will Have Very Similar Benefits for the U.S.
                       - % who say they “somewhat” or “strongly agree” with the reason -

                          Steps taken to reduce global warming (n=535)   Steps taken to reduce fossil fuels (n=526)

                    Help free us from dependence on foreign oil                                        54%

          Provide a better life for our children and grandchildren                                      56%

                                         Improve people's health                                        55%

            Save many plant and animal species from extinction                                          55%

                     Create green jobs and a stronger economy                                         52%

                Prevent the destruction of most life on the planet                             44%

                                           Protect God's creation                               44%
     Protect the world's poorest people from environmental harm                            38%
                                    caused by the world's richest                           40%
           Save many people around the world from poverty and                          33%
                                                    starvation                        31%

                                    Improve our national security             20%

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
(Asked of half the sample) If our nation takes steps to reduce our use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), it will…
(Asked of the other half of the sample) If our nation takes steps to reduce global warming, it will…
Base: Americans 18+.
Americans Believe That Reducing Fossil-Fuel Use and Global
       Warming May Have Similar Drawbacks for the U.S.
                      - % who say they “somewhat” or “strongly agree” with the reason -

                         Steps taken to reduce global warming (n=535)        Steps taken to reduce fossil fuels (n=526)

          Lead to more government regulation

                   Cause energy prices to rise

             Cost jobs and harm our economy

                 Interfere with the free market

     Harm poor people more than it helps them

             Undermine American sovereignty

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
(Asked of half the sample) If our nation takes steps to reduce our use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), it will…
(Asked of the other half of the sample) If our nation takes steps to global warming, it will…
Base: Americans 18+.
There Is Bipartisan Agreement That the U.S. Should Use More
                   Renewable Energy in the Future
              In the future, do you think Americans should use renewable energy sources
             (solar, wind, and geothermal) less, more, or the same amount as we do today?

                               Republicans (n=260)      Independents (n=231)            Democrats (n=326)



                                                      10%                          9%
                                                                  7%          6%
                                                                                                 1%   *       2%   *   1%

           Much more than Somewhat more   The same                         Don't          Somewhat less     Much less than
               today        than today  amount as today                know/Refused         than today         today

Base: Americans registered to vote 18+.
Democrats and Independents Are the Most Likely to Support a
                Transition Away From Fossil Fuels
            In the future, do you think Americans should use fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas)
                             less, more, or the same amount as we do today?

                             Republicans (n=260)    Independents (n=231)              Democrats (n=326)



                                                        15%                     15%
             13%                                                     13%
                                        9% 9%      9%
                   7%                                                      7%

           Much more than Somewhat more   The same                      Don't           Somewhat less       Much less than
               today        than today  amount as today             know/Refused          than today           today

Base: Americans registered to vote 18+.
Global Warming’s Six Americas
        All Six Americas feel that clean energy development
                        should be a priority
Very high 4             3.7

     High   3                  2.8
                                                                             2.3                 Global Warming
                                                          2.1                             2.0    Developing Clean Energy
Medium      2


     Low    1
                  Alarmed      Concerned    Cautious     Disengaged    Doubtful     Dismissive

"Do you think global warming should be a low, medium, high or very high priority for the president and Congress?“

"Do you think that developing sources of clean energy should be a low, medium, high or very high priority for the
president and Congress?” (March 2012)
Global Warming’s Six Americas

  There is very strong support for funding
   research to develop renewable energy

      93%               89%               83%                75%              68%               43%

                                   (%’s listed = percent who support)

“How much do you support or oppose the following policies? …Fund more research into renewable energy
sources, such as solar and wind power.” (March 2012)
Global Warming’s Six Americas
   There is very strong support for tax
rebates to encourage purchasing efficient
        vehicles and solar panels

       88%               90%               81%               78%               60%                35%

                                     (%’s listed = percent who support)

“How much do you support or oppose the following policies? … Provide tax rebates for people who purchase
energy-efficient vehicles or solar panels.” (March 2012)
Global Warming’s Six Americas
  There is moderately strong support for
 requiring utilities to use 20% renewables,
   even if it costs households $100/year

       92%                77%                63%                46%                44%                25%

                                        (%’s listed = percent who support)

“How much do you support or oppose the following policies? …Require electric utilities to produce at least 20% of
their electricity from wind, solar, or other renewable energy sources, even if it cost the average household an
extra $100 a year.” (March 2012)
Global Warming’s Six Americas
 There is moderately strong support for a
 policy that will raise utility bills by 5% to
        get power from renewables

      87%                63%               58%                43%               21%               11%

                                       (%’s listed = percent who support)

“How much do you support or oppose the following policies for your local community? …Paying 5% more on your
monthly utility bill to get your electricity from renewable energy sources, like wind or solar.” (March 2011)
Three take away points:
1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct
   groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is
   less divided on this issue than is often
2. There is strong support for accelerating the
   transition to clean energy.
3. There is also growing support for Congress &
   the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action
   on climate change.
Majority of Americans Say Developing Clean Energy and Global
  Warming Should Be Priorities for the President and Congress

                                    Very high priority         High             Medium              Low

      Developing sources of
                                            31%                        38%                      23%          8%
          clean energy

             Global warming           18%                25%                   34%                    23%

                               0%                                      50%                                     100%

Do you think that global warming should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the president and Congress?
Do you think that developing sources of clean energy should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the
president and Congress?
Base: Americans 18+.
Growing Support For the President and Congress to Make
                           Global Warming a Priority

                                   Believe GW should be medium/high/very high priority

                                   Believe developing clean energy sources should be medium/high/very high

                                                                   91%                               92%        92%
                                89%                                                 90%


                                                 77%                                                            77%

       75%                                                                                          72%
                                69%                               70%               70%

                 11/2008        1/2010          6/2010           5/2011           11/2011           3/2012      9/2012
                (n=2,164)     (n=1,001)       (n=1,024)        (n=1,010)         (n=1,000)        (n=1,008)   (n=1,061)

Do you think that global warming should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the president and Congress?
Do you think that developing sources of clean energy should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the
president and Congress?
Base: Americans 18+.
A Large Majority of Americans Support a U.S. Effort to Reduce
          Global Warming, Even if It Has Economic Costs

How big of an effort should the U.S. make to reduce global warming?




            No effort            A small-scale effort,   A medium-scale effort, A large-scale effort, even
                                 even if it has small    even if it has moderate if it has large economic
                                   economic costs           economic costs                  costs

 How big of an effort should the United States make to reduce global warming?
 Base: Americans 18+ (n=1,061)
Majority of Americans Say the U.S. Should Reduce Its Greenhouse
     Gas Emissions Regardless of What Other Countries Do
The U.S. should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions…




   Regardless of what other    Only if other industrialized Only if other industrialized The U.S. should not reduce   Don't know
        countries do          countries (such as England, and developing countries             its emissions
                                 Germany, and Japan)        (such as China, India, and
                                reduce their emissions          Brazil reduce their

People disagree whether the United States should reduce greenhouse gas emissions on its own, or make
reductions only if other countries do too. Which of the following statements comes closest to your own point of
view? The United States should reduce greenhouse gas emissions…?
Base: Americans 18+ (n=1,061)
Americans Are Most Likely to Say Corporations and Industry
    and Citizens Themselves Should Be Doing More to Address
                        Global Warming
                          Should be doing much more    More     Currently doing right amount   Less    Much less

  Corporations and industry                  39%                          32%                  18%         6% 5%

        Citizens themselves            25%                         41%                         23%         5% 4%

         The U.S. Congress             24%                      36%                      22%          8%    9%

              The President         18%                   35%                         29%             7%    10%

                              0%                                      50%                                     100%

Do you think each of the following should be doing more or less to address global warming?
Base: Americans 18+ (n=1,061).
Growing Majorities of Americans Say Corporations, Industry,
     and Congress Should Do More to Address Global Warming
                                 The Congress should be doing much more/more to address GW
                                 Corporations and industry should be doing much more/more


                                                                                       70%         71%
                                             66%                         67%
                               64%                         65%

       50%                                                  57%                        58%
                               54%           54%                         55%

                11/2008        1/2010        6/2010        5/2011       11/2011        3/2012      9/2012
               (n=2,164)     (n=1,001)     (n=1,024)     (n=1,010)     (n=1,000)     (n=1,008)   (n=1,061)

Do you think each of the following should be doing more or less to address global warming?
Base: Americans 18+.
Global Warming’s Six Americas

  Most Americans feel that the current state
    of the economy is no excuse not to
          address global warming.

   90% disagree          71%                53%               51%                41%               20%

“With the economy in such bad shape, the US can't afford to reduce global warming.” (March 2012)
Global Warming’s Six Americas
   A large majority of Americans feel that
   protecting the environment is good for
      or has no effect on the economy

        94%               94%              85%               84%               74%   46%

                                (%’s = Answered “Improves growth” or “No effect”)

“Overall, do you think that protecting the environment…”. (March 2012)
Global Warming’s Six Americas

    A large majority of Americans support
         regulating CO2 as a pollutant

       89%               89%                82%               67%               55%               29%

“How much do you support or oppose the following policies? … Regulate carbon dioxide (the primary greenhouse
gas) as a pollutant.” (March 2012)
Global Warming’s Six Americas
   A substantial number of consumers say
 they have purchased from companies in the
      past year because of the steps the
 companies are taking to help reduce global
      77%               48%               35%                 14%                 13%          4%

                              (%’s = Took this action at least once in the past year)

“Over the past 12 months, how many times have you done these things? …Rewarded companies that are taking
steps to reduce global warming by buying their products.” (May 2011)
Three take away points:
1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct
   groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is
   less divided on this issue than is often
2. There is strong support for accelerating the
   transition to clean energy.
3. There is also growing support for Congress &
   the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action
   on climate change.
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                                     receive our   reports

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Similar to Global warming's six americas (17)

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Global warming's six americas

  • 1. Global Warming’s Six Americas: Understanding and Communicating with a Diverse Public EPA Green Power Partnership Webinar December 7th, 2012 Edward Maibach, MPH, PhD Neil Stenhouse, PhD student
  • 2. Three take away points: 1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is less divided on this issue than is often assumed. 2. There is strong support for accelerating the transition to clean energy. 3. There is also growing support for Congress & the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action on climate change. 2
  • 3. Global Warming’s “Six Americas” They think differently, but they don’t look different… • The groups don’t differ much on the basis of sex, race, age or income – there are men and women of every age, race and income in each of the six groups. • But they differ dramatically in their beliefs about the reality, causes and dangers of global warming, in the political ideology, and in their underlying worldviews.
  • 4. Alarmed Alice Alice is completely sure global warming is happening, human caused, and feels personally threatened by it. She believes that people around the world are already being harmed by it, or will be soon. Alice is slightly more likely than average to be taking steps to reduce her energy use, but is far more likely than average to use her purchasing power - and her voice as a citizen - to advocate for change. Alice supports a wide range of policy responses to address global warming.
  • 5. Concerned Claudia Claudia is very sure global warming is happening, and believes it has human causes, but feels less personally threatened than Alice. She believes that global warming will begin to harm people around the world 10+ years from now. Claudia is average in terms of taking measures to reduce her energy consumption, but well above average in terms of using her purchasing power to advocate for change. Claudia supports aggressive government policies, but is currently unlikely to contact her elected officials to say so.
  • 6. Cautious Carl Carl is only somewhat sure that global warming is happening, and he is equally likely to see it as human caused or natural. He sees global warming as a distant threat – primarily a threat to other people – that won’t begin to hurt people around the world for another 25 - 50 years. Carl is taking average steps to reduce his energy consumption, but isn’t involved in addressing global warming in other ways. He is, however, modestly supportive of a range of proposed policies.
  • 7. Disengaged Diane Diane thinks global warming may be happening, but she’s not at all sure. She’s given it very little thought, doesn’t consider it personally important, and doesn’t know much about it. Diane has done relatively little to reduce her use of energy at home, but because she has lower than average income she is more likely than average not to rely on her own car. Despite her low level of personal concern, Diane is more supportive than Carl of a national response to global warming.
  • 8. Doubtful David David says he doesn’t know if real or not, but if it is, he’s pretty sure it isn’t human-caused. David isn’t worried about it; he sees global warming as a very distant threat that won’t harm people for at least another 100 years. David isn’t in favor of a national response to global warming per se, but he is modestly in favor of a range of energy-saving policy measures, and is improving energy-efficiency in his home.
  • 9. Dismissive Dan Dan does not believe that global warming is happening and believes that many scientists share his views. Dan doesn’t support any form of government action against global warming, although he does support efforts to develop or promote renewable energy sources. He is more likely than average to be making energy-efficient improvements to his home.
  • 10. Global Warming’s “Six Americas” Leiserowitz et al., (2012)
  • 11. Four key beliefs are strongly associated with the attitude that society “should do more to address global warming,” and with support for a range of public policies that will help limit global warming Global Warming Key Beliefs: + • Policy Support • It’s real • It’s human caused • Injunctive Beliefs • It’s bad for people • It’s solvable Ding, Maibach et al (2011) Support for climate policy and societal action are linked to perceptions about scientific agreement. Nature Climate Change, DOI:10:1038/NCLIMATE1295
  • 12. A quick profile of selected key beliefs about global warming that influence global warming policy support. • It’s real • It’s human-caused • It’s bad for people • It’s solvable.
  • 13. “Do you think global warming is happening? How certain are you?” (i.e., It’s real.)
  • 14. What’s causing global warming? i.e., It’s human-caused Source: Yale & George Mason, July 2010
  • 15. When do you think global warming will start to harm people in the U.S.? (i.e. It’s bad for people)
  • 16. People can reduce global warming Humans could reduce global warming, but it’s unclear if we will Humans can reduce global warming, and we will (i.e., It’s solvable) Fall 2008
  • 17. Three take away points: 1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is less divided on this issue than is often assumed. 2. There is strong support for accelerating the transition to clean energy. 3. There is also growing support for Congress & the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action on climate change. 17
  • 18. Three take away points: 1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is less divided on this issue than is often assumed. 2. There is strong support for accelerating the transition to clean energy. 3. There is also growing support for Congress & the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action on climate change. 18
  • 19. Majority of Americans Say the U.S. Should Use Less Fossil Fuels and More Renewable Energy in the Future In the future, the U.S. should use fossil fuels… Should use renewable energy sources… 60% 56% 50% 40% 30% 28% 26% 22% 20% 16% 14% 12% 10% 10% 8% 8% 2% 1% 0% Much more than Somewhat more The same Don't Somewhat less Much less than today than today amount as today know/Refused than today today In the future, do you think the United States should use fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) less, more, or the same amount as we do today? In the future, do you think the United States should use renewable energy sources (solar, wind, and geothermal) less, more, or the same amount as we do today? Base: Americans 18+ (n=1,061)
  • 20. Many Americans Want to Reduce Fossil Fuel Use and Increase Use of Renewable Energy Immediately We should immediately increase use of 76% renewable energy sources* We should immediately decrease use of fossil 63% fuels** 0% 50% 100% How soon do you think we should start increasing renewable energy use in the United States? How soon do you think we should start reducing fossil fuel use in the United States? *Base: Americans 18+ who say the U.S. should use more renewable energy sources in the future (n=844). **Base: Americans 18+ who say the U.S. should use less fossil fuels in the future (n=577).
  • 21. Americans Believe That Reducing Fossil-Fuel Use and Global Warming Will Have Very Similar Benefits for the U.S. - % who say they “somewhat” or “strongly agree” with the reason - Steps taken to reduce global warming (n=535) Steps taken to reduce fossil fuels (n=526) Help free us from dependence on foreign oil 54% 61% Provide a better life for our children and grandchildren 56% 58% Improve people's health 55% 58% Save many plant and animal species from extinction 55% 56% Create green jobs and a stronger economy 52% 53% Prevent the destruction of most life on the planet 44% 44% Protect God's creation 44% 43% Protect the world's poorest people from environmental harm 38% caused by the world's richest 40% Save many people around the world from poverty and 33% starvation 31% Improve our national security 20% 28% Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. (Asked of half the sample) If our nation takes steps to reduce our use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), it will… (Asked of the other half of the sample) If our nation takes steps to reduce global warming, it will… Base: Americans 18+.
  • 22. Americans Believe That Reducing Fossil-Fuel Use and Global Warming May Have Similar Drawbacks for the U.S. - % who say they “somewhat” or “strongly agree” with the reason - Steps taken to reduce global warming (n=535) Steps taken to reduce fossil fuels (n=526) 54% Lead to more government regulation 50% 42% Cause energy prices to rise 43% 21% Cost jobs and harm our economy 25% 20% Interfere with the free market 23% 16% Harm poor people more than it helps them 18% 16% Undermine American sovereignty 17% Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. (Asked of half the sample) If our nation takes steps to reduce our use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), it will… (Asked of the other half of the sample) If our nation takes steps to global warming, it will… Base: Americans 18+.
  • 23. There Is Bipartisan Agreement That the U.S. Should Use More Renewable Energy in the Future In the future, do you think Americans should use renewable energy sources (solar, wind, and geothermal) less, more, or the same amount as we do today? Republicans (n=260) Independents (n=231) Democrats (n=326) 64% 61% 42% 29% 24% 19% 15% 13% 10% 9% 7% 6% 4% 1% * 2% * 1% Much more than Somewhat more The same Don't Somewhat less Much less than today than today amount as today know/Refused than today today Base: Americans registered to vote 18+.
  • 24. Democrats and Independents Are the Most Likely to Support a Transition Away From Fossil Fuels In the future, do you think Americans should use fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) less, more, or the same amount as we do today? Republicans (n=260) Independents (n=231) Democrats (n=326) 37% 31% 30% 27% 24% 16% 15% 15% 13% 13% 11% 10% 9% 9% 9% 7% 7% 5% Much more than Somewhat more The same Don't Somewhat less Much less than today than today amount as today know/Refused than today today Base: Americans registered to vote 18+.
  • 25. Global Warming’s Six Americas All Six Americas feel that clean energy development should be a priority Very high 4 3.7 3.5 3.3 High 3 2.8 2.9 2.6 2.3 Global Warming 2.2 2.1 2.0 Developing Clean Energy Medium 2 1.4 1.0 Low 1 Alarmed Concerned Cautious Disengaged Doubtful Dismissive "Do you think global warming should be a low, medium, high or very high priority for the president and Congress?“ "Do you think that developing sources of clean energy should be a low, medium, high or very high priority for the president and Congress?” (March 2012)
  • 26. Global Warming’s Six Americas There is very strong support for funding research to develop renewable energy 93% 89% 83% 75% 68% 43% (%’s listed = percent who support) “How much do you support or oppose the following policies? …Fund more research into renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.” (March 2012)
  • 27. Global Warming’s Six Americas There is very strong support for tax rebates to encourage purchasing efficient vehicles and solar panels 88% 90% 81% 78% 60% 35% (%’s listed = percent who support) “How much do you support or oppose the following policies? … Provide tax rebates for people who purchase energy-efficient vehicles or solar panels.” (March 2012)
  • 28. Global Warming’s Six Americas There is moderately strong support for requiring utilities to use 20% renewables, even if it costs households $100/year 92% 77% 63% 46% 44% 25% (%’s listed = percent who support) “How much do you support or oppose the following policies? …Require electric utilities to produce at least 20% of their electricity from wind, solar, or other renewable energy sources, even if it cost the average household an extra $100 a year.” (March 2012)
  • 29. Global Warming’s Six Americas There is moderately strong support for a policy that will raise utility bills by 5% to get power from renewables 87% 63% 58% 43% 21% 11% (%’s listed = percent who support) “How much do you support or oppose the following policies for your local community? …Paying 5% more on your monthly utility bill to get your electricity from renewable energy sources, like wind or solar.” (March 2011)
  • 30. Three take away points: 1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is less divided on this issue than is often assumed. 2. There is strong support for accelerating the transition to clean energy. 3. There is also growing support for Congress & the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action on climate change. 30
  • 31. Majority of Americans Say Developing Clean Energy and Global Warming Should Be Priorities for the President and Congress Very high priority High Medium Low Developing sources of 31% 38% 23% 8% clean energy Global warming 18% 25% 34% 23% 0% 50% 100% Do you think that global warming should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the president and Congress? Do you think that developing sources of clean energy should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the president and Congress? Base: Americans 18+.
  • 32. Growing Support For the President and Congress to Make Global Warming a Priority Believe GW should be medium/high/very high priority Believe developing clean energy sources should be medium/high/very high 100% 94% 91% 92% 92% 89% 90% 83% 77% 77% 75% 72% 69% 70% 70% 50% 11/2008 1/2010 6/2010 5/2011 11/2011 3/2012 9/2012 (n=2,164) (n=1,001) (n=1,024) (n=1,010) (n=1,000) (n=1,008) (n=1,061) Do you think that global warming should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the president and Congress? Do you think that developing sources of clean energy should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the president and Congress? Base: Americans 18+.
  • 33. A Large Majority of Americans Support a U.S. Effort to Reduce Global Warming, Even if It Has Economic Costs How big of an effort should the U.S. make to reduce global warming? 44% 24% 19% 12% No effort A small-scale effort, A medium-scale effort, A large-scale effort, even even if it has small even if it has moderate if it has large economic economic costs economic costs costs How big of an effort should the United States make to reduce global warming? Base: Americans 18+ (n=1,061)
  • 34. Majority of Americans Say the U.S. Should Reduce Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regardless of What Other Countries Do The U.S. should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions… 61% 25% 7% 5% 2% Regardless of what other Only if other industrialized Only if other industrialized The U.S. should not reduce Don't know countries do countries (such as England, and developing countries its emissions Germany, and Japan) (such as China, India, and reduce their emissions Brazil reduce their emissions People disagree whether the United States should reduce greenhouse gas emissions on its own, or make reductions only if other countries do too. Which of the following statements comes closest to your own point of view? The United States should reduce greenhouse gas emissions…? Base: Americans 18+ (n=1,061)
  • 35. Americans Are Most Likely to Say Corporations and Industry and Citizens Themselves Should Be Doing More to Address Global Warming Should be doing much more More Currently doing right amount Less Much less Corporations and industry 39% 32% 18% 6% 5% Citizens themselves 25% 41% 23% 5% 4% The U.S. Congress 24% 36% 22% 8% 9% The President 18% 35% 29% 7% 10% 0% 50% 100% Do you think each of the following should be doing more or less to address global warming? Base: Americans 18+ (n=1,061).
  • 36. Growing Majorities of Americans Say Corporations, Industry, and Congress Should Do More to Address Global Warming The Congress should be doing much more/more to address GW Corporations and industry should be doing much more/more 100% 73% 70% 71% 75% 66% 67% 64% 65% 67% 60% 50% 57% 58% 54% 54% 55% 25% 11/2008 1/2010 6/2010 5/2011 11/2011 3/2012 9/2012 (n=2,164) (n=1,001) (n=1,024) (n=1,010) (n=1,000) (n=1,008) (n=1,061) Do you think each of the following should be doing more or less to address global warming? Base: Americans 18+.
  • 37. Global Warming’s Six Americas Most Americans feel that the current state of the economy is no excuse not to address global warming. 90% disagree 71% 53% 51% 41% 20% “With the economy in such bad shape, the US can't afford to reduce global warming.” (March 2012)
  • 38. Global Warming’s Six Americas A large majority of Americans feel that protecting the environment is good for or has no effect on the economy 94% 94% 85% 84% 74% 46% (%’s = Answered “Improves growth” or “No effect”) “Overall, do you think that protecting the environment…”. (March 2012)
  • 39. Global Warming’s Six Americas A large majority of Americans support regulating CO2 as a pollutant 89% 89% 82% 67% 55% 29% “How much do you support or oppose the following policies? … Regulate carbon dioxide (the primary greenhouse gas) as a pollutant.” (March 2012)
  • 40. Global Warming’s Six Americas A substantial number of consumers say they have purchased from companies in the past year because of the steps the companies are taking to help reduce global warming 77% 48% 35% 14% 13% 4% (%’s = Took this action at least once in the past year) “Over the past 12 months, how many times have you done these things? …Rewarded companies that are taking steps to reduce global warming by buying their products.” (May 2011)
  • 41. Three take away points: 1. Regarding global warming, there are six distinct groups of Americans. HOWEVER, America is less divided on this issue than is often assumed. 2. There is strong support for accelerating the transition to clean energy. 3. There is also growing support for Congress & the POTUS (as well as industry) to take action on climate change. 41
  • 42. Subscribe here to automatically receive our reports