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Daniel K. Thorne Foundation Inc.
APRIL 21, 2014
Callie Aspinwall & Cassandra Reale
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
I. Grant RFP
Cover Letter
• 2-3 paragraphs
• Addressed to a specific person within the funding source
• Written BY the executive officer within your agency with legal authorization
to enter into agreement
• Recognizes funding source and identifies who they send notifications and
contact with questions
• Identifies proposal
• Include start and end dates
• The amount of $$ asking for in 1 or multiple years
• Make sure it is signed. Especially for the hard copy turned in
Executive Summary (Abstract)
• First impression
• Reason for grant request lead with the need
• Identify who you are and sentence or 2 about your credibility
• Lest objectives to be achieved through their funding
• What activities will be conducted to accomplish these objectives
• Total cost of the project (includes the funds already committed and the
amount asked for)
Grant Proposal
Needs Statement (Problem Statement)
Feedback: Good start. 1st
paragraph is the strongest. You discuss the issue of global
warning (i.e. climate change) clearly. Be careful, however, that you are not
discussing this too much without also talking about data to support climate change.
Further, you need to expose a current deficit (if there is one) in education on climate
change. Do we know that children are not being educated on this? Or at the very
least not getting enough education? Or is that education is not as effective as what
you are proposing. Later on there is a good amount of personal experience. This can
be done but is difficult to do. It reads as if you are projecting your experience onto
others. This is a fallacy. It would be stronger if you could pair that with hard data
and a quotation from a stakeholder.
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
Since the 1970’s scientists have seen evidence of the effects of global
warming, but it wasn’t till the 1990’s that the media accepted this theory and
presented it to the public. In that 20-year span very few people were aware that the
globe was suffering from increasing amounts of pollution and CO2 emissions. The
accumulation of these pollutants over time has shown to have a drastic impact on
our environment in a harmful way. That is why it is crucial that an effort is made as
a community to slow down or, even better, prevent future destruction of our natural
environment. The first step to doing this is to gain public awareness, specifically in
the young generations. Through the development of nationwide environmental
preservation programs for grades K-8 we will be able to teach children about the
wildlife, the balance of ecosystems, and what steps to take to prevent future
destruction of our natural environment.
When I was a child one of the things I valued most is having my time to play
outside after school. I had a creek right down the road from my house and I
remember going there and seeing what new creatures emerged each day and the
new plants that came around season to season. I would like future generations to
also have the opportunity to benefit from similar experiences rather than just
searching online to see what once was.
Not only would the kids benefit from the added extracurricular activities, but
also so would the rest of the world. For the majority of the population that know
about global warming they are aware that it causes climate change, but not many
actually recognize the impact this change has on all aspects of life. Through
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
deforestation and habitat destruction from the rising water levels we are killing off
plants and animals that play a valuable role in our everyday life. One specific
example is the honeybee. The honeybee population has been slowly deteriorating
for years. Many may not consider this an issue, but it is a huge threat to human
survival. No other animal plays a more significant role in fruit and vegetable
production. Without the honeybee we would see the loss of over 130 different fruits
and vegetables that we are dependent on to gain essential nutrients.
In order to prevent the loss of our natural environment, the extinction of
important plant and animal species, and extreme weather changes it is vital that we
continue in our efforts to prevent further destruction. By bringing in various types
of professionals for our programs we reach kids in different areas of interest.
Attaining someone who is familiar with the different types of birds, or someone who
is aware of the berries and plants we can hope to interest a broad spectrum of kids
and guide them to tell others about it, creating a pass if forward effect.
Facts to include:
• “The report, based on the work of some 2,500 scientists in more than 130
countries, conclude that humans have caused all or more of the current
planetary warming.” From National Geographic 
• “Some experts point out that natural cycles in Earth's orbit can alter the
planet's exposure to sunlight, which may explain the current trend. Earth has
indeed experienced warming and cooling cycles roughly every hundred
thousand years due to these orbital shifts, but such changes have occurred
over the span of several centuries. Today's changes have taken place over the
past hundred years or less.” From National Geographic 
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
• America is in the midst of one of the most profound and rapid societal shifts
in history. Today's generation of children is the first to grow up indoors.
Their plugged-in lives are often devoid of exploring the natural world.
Consider these facts:
o American children ages 3 -12 spend 27 percent of their time each
week watching television, and only 1 percent outdoors (Hofferth &
Sadberg, 2001)
o Children ages 8 – 18 engaged in over seven hours of media time (e.g.,
watching TV, listening to music, using the Internet/computer, playing
video games) each day (Rideout, Foehr & Roberts, 2010)
o Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of U.S. children and adolescents
aged 2—19 years were obese in 2008 (Ogden & Carroll, 2010)
o In 2000 two-thirds of the public failed a basic environmental quiz and
88 percent failed a basic energy quiz (Coyle, 2005)
• Studies have shown environmental education engages students in learning,
raising test scores, and encouraging youth to pursue career in environmental
and natural resources.
• Negative effects to the health of our children include:
o attention difficulties
o hyperactivity
o childhood obesity
o diminished use of senses
o disconnect from things that are real.
o Additionally, if children are detached from nature, how will they learn
about, understand, and value nature?
Facts from Project Learning Tree 
States with the Highest Honey Bee Pop in US:
• California
• Florida
• North Dakota
Worst graduation rates for states in the US (West Virginia being the lowest):
• Oklahoma
• Tennessee
• Indiana
• Nevada
• Alabama
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
• Louisiana
• Arkansas
• Mississippi
• West Virginia
Related Federal Legislation
• The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 – a national teach-in about
environmental problems – paved the way for the modern environmental
education movement. Later that same year, President Nixon passed the
National Environmental Education Act, which was intended to incorporate
environmental education into K-12 schools. Then, in 1971, the National
Association for Environmental Education (now known as the North American
Association for Environmental Education) was created to improve
environmental literacy by providing resources to teachers and promoting
environmental education programs  federal funding, nationally recognized
• No Child Left Behind Act
What’s going to happen?
• Large-scale food and water shortages
• Catastrophic effects on wildlife
• Sea levels could rise 7-23 inches by the end of the century due to the melting
glaciers. A rise of 4 inches alone could flood islands and leave areas once
inhabited underwater.
• Hundred million people live within 3 feet (1 meter) of mean sea level, and
much of the world's population is concentrated in vulnerable coastal cities.
• Strong hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, and other natural
disasters may become commonplace in many parts of the world.
• More than a million species face extinction from disappearing habitat,
changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans
• Cause major change in ocean currents which has drastic effects on weather
• It is predicted that in the future these effects will become uncontrollable.
Once it reaches that tipping point the Earth will be in a “positive feedback
effect” which will continue unlocking greenhouse gases and do further
Quotes to Use:
• "Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess, it becomes
foolishness. We are prone to speak of the resources of this country as inexhaustible;
this is not so."-Theodore Roosevelt
• “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we
are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
― Mahatma Gandhi
• “If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left
to live.”
― Maurice Maeterlinck, The Life of the Bee
Goals and Objectives
Lead Coordinator
Supervisors – keep track of hours, and attendance
College Woods – UNH, Durham Parks and Recreation
Nature conservation program – Increase awareness of conservation and
environmental harm
July – Sept, 10 Sessions, 3 different classes (age groups)
Objective 1:
Participant’s outcome is to learn at least 5 new things while in the program.
This will decrease the environmental harm by increasing awareness of nature and
reducing waste. The participants will then teach these facts with friends and family,
this should help over the course of the program (3 months) and after ward.
Objective 2:
To hold 10 sessions for the 3 different groups over the course of 3 months.
This will guarantee the sessions signed up for the participant’s.
Objective 3:
Participants will be able to identify at least 5 plants on their own in college
woods. This will teach them the good plants from the bad one’s and increase
awareness to others.
Objective 4:
For the participants to write in their workbook after every session. This will
increase their knowledge and they can look back on it after their experience.
The workbook will be used for the participants to keep track of what they have
learned and to refer back to it for further knowledge, and attendance will be taken
during each session. The nature program will conduct pre and post evaluations that
will take place after the first class and after the last class. The evaluations will be
sent to the grant maker, the surrounding schools, and the parks and recreation
department for recruitment in the future. This program will be used as an “after
school” type program and the sessions will be split up between 3 groups.
Kindergarten – Second grade, third grade – fifth grade, and sixth grade – eighth
grade, it is only offered to the Elementary and Middle schools. The evaluations
should prove that the knowledge acquired is helpful towards conserving nature and
spreading the word.
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
Methods / Project Description
With this grant we intend to develop new environmental education summer
programs for kids in New England grades K-8th. Through the hands on activities
provided we will increase public awareness and knowledge of current
environmental issues that threaten future generations. We will start the process by
deciding the mission of these programs. It is important that all that are involved in
running and supporting these programs are able to individually and collectively
work towards a designated goal. Once that has been established we will need to find
a location that would best fit our needs. These programs require a location that will
allow access to natural or protected areas as well as one that will give community
support. We were thinking that Durham would be a good location to host these
programs. In New Hampshire we have a lot to offer when it comes to our natural
surroundings with the seacoast, mountains, and forests. Durham also has the
University of New Hampshire where many students are eager work with local
growing programs. Once a location has been determined we will work to determine
how the programs will be staffed. The goal is to have a program leader, coordinator,
and 3 supervisors of the three different age groups. We will also need camp
counselors that have past experience working with kids as well as a background in
environmental educations. The next task on hand would be licensing and liability. It
is important to do your research on state laws and requirements before any
programs begin. Next step is to develop an interest in our target market. Advertising
can be a complicated process that takes time to reach everyone that has a potential
interest in what you are offering. With the help of local recreation departments,
creating contact lists, and word of mouth that we will be able to attract kids to the
new beneficial experiences we have to offer.
Through these programs it is important that we hire a staff that has at least 2years
experience working with kids in a camp setting. They must show adequate
leadership and communication skills. The training that will be provided will focus
on environmental education. Staff will be trained in the following areas: systems,
interdependence, integration/infusion, roots in the real world, the importance of
where one lives and life long learning. Not only will staff be trained in the subjects
they will be teaching but they will also learn a variety of teaching styles. The training
they receive will make them knowledgeable and capable to teach a variety of types
and ages of students. This program will be managed the following people: the grant
maker, the grantee, Durham Recreation department, the town of Durham, and the
program coordinator. Through their combined efforts they will prepare, supervise,
and evaluate the program to ensure it runs smoothly. The resources granted will
directly go towards development and management of the programs. They will cover
staff salaries, learning materials, transportation fees, facilities, and advertising. The
use of this grant will develop programs that eventually become self-sustaining. If the
programs result in a
The outdoor education program will conduct 3 sessions a week, one for each group
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
over the course of 3 summer months. (July, August, September)
Who: kids in New England grades Kindergarden-8th
What- 3 environmental educations summer programs, broken up by age
When- preparation will be April- June. Programs will run July- September.
Evaluations will take place before and after the camp sessions. Pre-evaluation will
be the first week of each session. The post-evaluations will take place in the last
week of each session.
Where- Durham Parks and Recreation Facility
Why- To increase environmental awareness, improve future generation’s outlook on
nature, and to reduce local community’s carbon footprint.
How- Through our education practices we will encourage positive behaviors and
environmental awareness. Leading the kids by example will encourage them to
make emotional connections with their surroundings as well as increase
appreciation and mindfulness of how delicate Mother Nature is.
Staffing/Administration (Adequacy of Resources)
Since these programs are targeting kids of a young age I can see it having a great
impact on future generations. By letting kids in grades K-8 know the potential issues
and the impact they have on the environment I think this will better influence their
decisions to protect the natural world.
In order to evaluate how successful these programs will be there will be pre/post
evaluations in place for each of the 3 sections throughout the summer. It will be a
summative assessment to determine what the participants have learned after
attending the programs. The lead program coordinator will be the one completing
these evaluations during the first and last sessions.
The expected outcomes include:
• Develop new environmental education summer programs for kids in New
England grades K-8th
• Increase public awareness and knowledge of current environmental issues
• Create a program that will be self-reliant in the up-coming years to continue
environmental education.
• Develop framework for future environmental education programs
Budget Description
Lead Coordinator $20.00/hr $720.00 20x36
Trail Guide $15.00/hr $540.00 15x36
Supervisors (6) 2 for each group
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
$9.00/hr $324.00 9x36 $1,944.00 total
$3,204.00 grand
(36=hours employees should have worked, 3 hrs per week, 12 weeks)
Work book $2.00/participant 30+ participants = $60.00
First Aid Kit $30.00/kit 3 kits = $90.00
(Could have more than 30 participants this is just a visualization)
Grand total $3,354.00
Participants $30.00/participant $30.00x30 = $900.00
Total Costs = $3,354.00
Participant revenue = $900.00
Total costs revised = $2,454.00 + $46.00 in misc. costs
Total cost needed = $2,500.00
For a new program
–How will you pay for the cost of the program once the funding source is no longer
supporting the activities?
Once the funding is over from the grant they can continue to apply for other grants
such as the “Green your school contest grants” offered by the Daniel K. Thorne
association. The surrounding schools could become so surprised by the program
they might want to donate. Someone could start a donation spot to bring back this
program, or everything could be offered free.
Budget Narrative
For the upcoming 2015 summer we intend to develop an environmental
education program for kids in grades K-8th
through the Durham Parks and
Recreation facility in Durham, NH. This project is expected to have a total cost of
$3,204.00. The breakdown of this expenditure will go towards employee salaries,
utilities, and evaluation practices. Revenue will be generated though membership
fees of $30.00 per person. From that projected total we need the enrollment of at
least 30 kids to cut down the expected costs to $2,500.00. The more participants to
sign up the more money will be made available for trips, equipment, and utility fees
as the summer goes on.
The support from other local communities donating time and resources it
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
will greatly help make our programs self-sustainable in the future. Because the
community and grant makers such as the Daniel K. Thorne association have shown
an interest in similar programs I think extending participation to this area of New
Hampshire will be beneficial to Durham and surrounding communities as the
programs develop. Participation in similar programs has shown to have many
positive outcomes and I think that it would be beneficial to follow in their footsteps
to encourage more environmentally conscious behavior for future generations. Our
goals are attainable and that the benefits have a far reaching effect that will extend
from children to the community and hopefully to surrounding areas.
I appreciate your consideration of our request.
Continuation of Funding (Project Sustainability)
• When, how, and why organization was started
• Statement of purpose, goals, and philosophy
• Significant events in organization history
• Prior and current activities
• Accomplishments and impacts
• Size and characteristics of constituency
• Assistance and consultation provided to other organizations
• Positive comments or PR that back up credibility
• Find balance between statistics and human interest
• Make it readable and engaging
List of References
Appendix A – Letters of Support
• From consumers or similar agencies
• Public figures or experts in the field
• Selective
• Try to use quotes within the context of proposal to increase credibility
• On agency letterhead
• Helpful to reference letters of support in other parts of grant proposal like
Cassandra Reale
Callie Aspinwall
RMP 724
Needs Statement
the needs statement
Appendix B – Slides from Presentation
Appendix C – Copy of the Request for Proposal
Appendix D – Additional Supporting Materials (as necessary)

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  • 1. GRANT PROPOSAL Daniel K. Thorne Foundation Inc. APRIL 21, 2014 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Callie Aspinwall & Cassandra Reale
  • 2. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement I. Grant RFP Cover Letter • 2-3 paragraphs • Addressed to a specific person within the funding source • Written BY the executive officer within your agency with legal authorization to enter into agreement • Recognizes funding source and identifies who they send notifications and contact with questions • Identifies proposal • Include start and end dates • The amount of $$ asking for in 1 or multiple years • Make sure it is signed. Especially for the hard copy turned in Executive Summary (Abstract) • First impression • Reason for grant request lead with the need • Identify who you are and sentence or 2 about your credibility • Lest objectives to be achieved through their funding • What activities will be conducted to accomplish these objectives • Total cost of the project (includes the funds already committed and the amount asked for) Grant Proposal Needs Statement (Problem Statement) Feedback: Good start. 1st paragraph is the strongest. You discuss the issue of global warning (i.e. climate change) clearly. Be careful, however, that you are not discussing this too much without also talking about data to support climate change. Further, you need to expose a current deficit (if there is one) in education on climate change. Do we know that children are not being educated on this? Or at the very least not getting enough education? Or is that education is not as effective as what you are proposing. Later on there is a good amount of personal experience. This can be done but is difficult to do. It reads as if you are projecting your experience onto others. This is a fallacy. It would be stronger if you could pair that with hard data and a quotation from a stakeholder.
  • 3. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement Since the 1970’s scientists have seen evidence of the effects of global warming, but it wasn’t till the 1990’s that the media accepted this theory and presented it to the public. In that 20-year span very few people were aware that the globe was suffering from increasing amounts of pollution and CO2 emissions. The accumulation of these pollutants over time has shown to have a drastic impact on our environment in a harmful way. That is why it is crucial that an effort is made as a community to slow down or, even better, prevent future destruction of our natural environment. The first step to doing this is to gain public awareness, specifically in the young generations. Through the development of nationwide environmental preservation programs for grades K-8 we will be able to teach children about the wildlife, the balance of ecosystems, and what steps to take to prevent future destruction of our natural environment. When I was a child one of the things I valued most is having my time to play outside after school. I had a creek right down the road from my house and I remember going there and seeing what new creatures emerged each day and the new plants that came around season to season. I would like future generations to also have the opportunity to benefit from similar experiences rather than just searching online to see what once was. Not only would the kids benefit from the added extracurricular activities, but also so would the rest of the world. For the majority of the population that know about global warming they are aware that it causes climate change, but not many actually recognize the impact this change has on all aspects of life. Through
  • 4. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement deforestation and habitat destruction from the rising water levels we are killing off plants and animals that play a valuable role in our everyday life. One specific example is the honeybee. The honeybee population has been slowly deteriorating for years. Many may not consider this an issue, but it is a huge threat to human survival. No other animal plays a more significant role in fruit and vegetable production. Without the honeybee we would see the loss of over 130 different fruits and vegetables that we are dependent on to gain essential nutrients. In order to prevent the loss of our natural environment, the extinction of important plant and animal species, and extreme weather changes it is vital that we continue in our efforts to prevent further destruction. By bringing in various types of professionals for our programs we reach kids in different areas of interest. Attaining someone who is familiar with the different types of birds, or someone who is aware of the berries and plants we can hope to interest a broad spectrum of kids and guide them to tell others about it, creating a pass if forward effect. Facts to include: • “The report, based on the work of some 2,500 scientists in more than 130 countries, conclude that humans have caused all or more of the current planetary warming.” From National Geographic  warming_2.html • “Some experts point out that natural cycles in Earth's orbit can alter the planet's exposure to sunlight, which may explain the current trend. Earth has indeed experienced warming and cooling cycles roughly every hundred thousand years due to these orbital shifts, but such changes have occurred over the span of several centuries. Today's changes have taken place over the past hundred years or less.” From National Geographic 
  • 5. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement warming_2.html • America is in the midst of one of the most profound and rapid societal shifts in history. Today's generation of children is the first to grow up indoors. Their plugged-in lives are often devoid of exploring the natural world. Consider these facts: o American children ages 3 -12 spend 27 percent of their time each week watching television, and only 1 percent outdoors (Hofferth & Sadberg, 2001) o Children ages 8 – 18 engaged in over seven hours of media time (e.g., watching TV, listening to music, using the Internet/computer, playing video games) each day (Rideout, Foehr & Roberts, 2010) o Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of U.S. children and adolescents aged 2—19 years were obese in 2008 (Ogden & Carroll, 2010) o In 2000 two-thirds of the public failed a basic environmental quiz and 88 percent failed a basic energy quiz (Coyle, 2005) • Studies have shown environmental education engages students in learning, raising test scores, and encouraging youth to pursue career in environmental and natural resources. • Negative effects to the health of our children include: o attention difficulties o hyperactivity o childhood obesity o diminished use of senses o disconnect from things that are real. o Additionally, if children are detached from nature, how will they learn about, understand, and value nature? Facts from Project Learning Tree  education-is-important States with the Highest Honey Bee Pop in US: • California • Florida • North Dakota Worst graduation rates for states in the US (West Virginia being the lowest): • Oklahoma • Tennessee • Indiana • Nevada • Alabama
  • 6. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement • Louisiana • Arkansas • Mississippi • West Virginia Related Federal Legislation • The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 – a national teach-in about environmental problems – paved the way for the modern environmental education movement. Later that same year, President Nixon passed the National Environmental Education Act, which was intended to incorporate environmental education into K-12 schools. Then, in 1971, the National Association for Environmental Education (now known as the North American Association for Environmental Education) was created to improve environmental literacy by providing resources to teachers and promoting environmental education programs  federal funding, nationally recognized • No Child Left Behind Act What’s going to happen? • Large-scale food and water shortages • Catastrophic effects on wildlife • Sea levels could rise 7-23 inches by the end of the century due to the melting glaciers. A rise of 4 inches alone could flood islands and leave areas once inhabited underwater. • Hundred million people live within 3 feet (1 meter) of mean sea level, and much of the world's population is concentrated in vulnerable coastal cities. • Strong hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, and other natural disasters may become commonplace in many parts of the world. • More than a million species face extinction from disappearing habitat, changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans • Cause major change in ocean currents which has drastic effects on weather temperatures • It is predicted that in the future these effects will become uncontrollable. Once it reaches that tipping point the Earth will be in a “positive feedback effect” which will continue unlocking greenhouse gases and do further damage. Quotes to Use: • "Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess, it becomes foolishness. We are prone to speak of the resources of this country as inexhaustible; this is not so."-Theodore Roosevelt • “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
  • 7. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement ― Mahatma Gandhi • “If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.” ― Maurice Maeterlinck, The Life of the Bee Goals and Objectives Lead Coordinator Supervisors – keep track of hours, and attendance College Woods – UNH, Durham Parks and Recreation Nature conservation program – Increase awareness of conservation and environmental harm July – Sept, 10 Sessions, 3 different classes (age groups) Objective 1: Participant’s outcome is to learn at least 5 new things while in the program. This will decrease the environmental harm by increasing awareness of nature and reducing waste. The participants will then teach these facts with friends and family, this should help over the course of the program (3 months) and after ward. Objective 2: To hold 10 sessions for the 3 different groups over the course of 3 months. This will guarantee the sessions signed up for the participant’s. Objective 3: Participants will be able to identify at least 5 plants on their own in college woods. This will teach them the good plants from the bad one’s and increase awareness to others. Objective 4: For the participants to write in their workbook after every session. This will increase their knowledge and they can look back on it after their experience. The workbook will be used for the participants to keep track of what they have learned and to refer back to it for further knowledge, and attendance will be taken during each session. The nature program will conduct pre and post evaluations that will take place after the first class and after the last class. The evaluations will be sent to the grant maker, the surrounding schools, and the parks and recreation department for recruitment in the future. This program will be used as an “after school” type program and the sessions will be split up between 3 groups. Kindergarten – Second grade, third grade – fifth grade, and sixth grade – eighth grade, it is only offered to the Elementary and Middle schools. The evaluations should prove that the knowledge acquired is helpful towards conserving nature and spreading the word.
  • 8. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement Methods / Project Description With this grant we intend to develop new environmental education summer programs for kids in New England grades K-8th. Through the hands on activities provided we will increase public awareness and knowledge of current environmental issues that threaten future generations. We will start the process by deciding the mission of these programs. It is important that all that are involved in running and supporting these programs are able to individually and collectively work towards a designated goal. Once that has been established we will need to find a location that would best fit our needs. These programs require a location that will allow access to natural or protected areas as well as one that will give community support. We were thinking that Durham would be a good location to host these programs. In New Hampshire we have a lot to offer when it comes to our natural surroundings with the seacoast, mountains, and forests. Durham also has the University of New Hampshire where many students are eager work with local growing programs. Once a location has been determined we will work to determine how the programs will be staffed. The goal is to have a program leader, coordinator, and 3 supervisors of the three different age groups. We will also need camp counselors that have past experience working with kids as well as a background in environmental educations. The next task on hand would be licensing and liability. It is important to do your research on state laws and requirements before any programs begin. Next step is to develop an interest in our target market. Advertising can be a complicated process that takes time to reach everyone that has a potential interest in what you are offering. With the help of local recreation departments, creating contact lists, and word of mouth that we will be able to attract kids to the new beneficial experiences we have to offer. Through these programs it is important that we hire a staff that has at least 2years experience working with kids in a camp setting. They must show adequate leadership and communication skills. The training that will be provided will focus on environmental education. Staff will be trained in the following areas: systems, interdependence, integration/infusion, roots in the real world, the importance of where one lives and life long learning. Not only will staff be trained in the subjects they will be teaching but they will also learn a variety of teaching styles. The training they receive will make them knowledgeable and capable to teach a variety of types and ages of students. This program will be managed the following people: the grant maker, the grantee, Durham Recreation department, the town of Durham, and the program coordinator. Through their combined efforts they will prepare, supervise, and evaluate the program to ensure it runs smoothly. The resources granted will directly go towards development and management of the programs. They will cover staff salaries, learning materials, transportation fees, facilities, and advertising. The use of this grant will develop programs that eventually become self-sustaining. If the programs result in a The outdoor education program will conduct 3 sessions a week, one for each group
  • 9. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement over the course of 3 summer months. (July, August, September) Who: kids in New England grades Kindergarden-8th What- 3 environmental educations summer programs, broken up by age When- preparation will be April- June. Programs will run July- September. Evaluations will take place before and after the camp sessions. Pre-evaluation will be the first week of each session. The post-evaluations will take place in the last week of each session. Where- Durham Parks and Recreation Facility Why- To increase environmental awareness, improve future generation’s outlook on nature, and to reduce local community’s carbon footprint. How- Through our education practices we will encourage positive behaviors and environmental awareness. Leading the kids by example will encourage them to make emotional connections with their surroundings as well as increase appreciation and mindfulness of how delicate Mother Nature is. Staffing/Administration (Adequacy of Resources) Evaluation Since these programs are targeting kids of a young age I can see it having a great impact on future generations. By letting kids in grades K-8 know the potential issues and the impact they have on the environment I think this will better influence their decisions to protect the natural world. In order to evaluate how successful these programs will be there will be pre/post evaluations in place for each of the 3 sections throughout the summer. It will be a summative assessment to determine what the participants have learned after attending the programs. The lead program coordinator will be the one completing these evaluations during the first and last sessions. The expected outcomes include: • Develop new environmental education summer programs for kids in New England grades K-8th • Increase public awareness and knowledge of current environmental issues • Create a program that will be self-reliant in the up-coming years to continue environmental education. • Develop framework for future environmental education programs Budget Description Expenses Salaries Lead Coordinator $20.00/hr $720.00 20x36 Trail Guide $15.00/hr $540.00 15x36 Supervisors (6) 2 for each group
  • 10. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement $9.00/hr $324.00 9x36 $1,944.00 total $3,204.00 grand (36=hours employees should have worked, 3 hrs per week, 12 weeks) Utilities Work book $2.00/participant 30+ participants = $60.00 First Aid Kit $30.00/kit 3 kits = $90.00 (Could have more than 30 participants this is just a visualization) Grand total $3,354.00 Costs Participants $30.00/participant $30.00x30 = $900.00 Total Costs = $3,354.00 Participant revenue = $900.00 Total costs revised = $2,454.00 + $46.00 in misc. costs Total cost needed = $2,500.00 For a new program –How will you pay for the cost of the program once the funding source is no longer supporting the activities? Once the funding is over from the grant they can continue to apply for other grants such as the “Green your school contest grants” offered by the Daniel K. Thorne association. The surrounding schools could become so surprised by the program they might want to donate. Someone could start a donation spot to bring back this program, or everything could be offered free. Budget Narrative For the upcoming 2015 summer we intend to develop an environmental education program for kids in grades K-8th through the Durham Parks and Recreation facility in Durham, NH. This project is expected to have a total cost of $3,204.00. The breakdown of this expenditure will go towards employee salaries, utilities, and evaluation practices. Revenue will be generated though membership fees of $30.00 per person. From that projected total we need the enrollment of at least 30 kids to cut down the expected costs to $2,500.00. The more participants to sign up the more money will be made available for trips, equipment, and utility fees as the summer goes on. The support from other local communities donating time and resources it
  • 11. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement will greatly help make our programs self-sustainable in the future. Because the community and grant makers such as the Daniel K. Thorne association have shown an interest in similar programs I think extending participation to this area of New Hampshire will be beneficial to Durham and surrounding communities as the programs develop. Participation in similar programs has shown to have many positive outcomes and I think that it would be beneficial to follow in their footsteps to encourage more environmentally conscious behavior for future generations. Our goals are attainable and that the benefits have a far reaching effect that will extend from children to the community and hopefully to surrounding areas. I appreciate your consideration of our request. Continuation of Funding (Project Sustainability) Background • When, how, and why organization was started • Statement of purpose, goals, and philosophy • Significant events in organization history • Prior and current activities • Accomplishments and impacts • Size and characteristics of constituency • Assistance and consultation provided to other organizations • Positive comments or PR that back up credibility • Find balance between statistics and human interest • Make it readable and engaging Conclusion List of References Appendices Appendix A – Letters of Support • From consumers or similar agencies • Public figures or experts in the field • Selective • Try to use quotes within the context of proposal to increase credibility • On agency letterhead • Helpful to reference letters of support in other parts of grant proposal like
  • 12. Cassandra Reale Callie Aspinwall RMP 724 Needs Statement the needs statement Appendix B – Slides from Presentation Appendix C – Copy of the Request for Proposal Appendix D – Additional Supporting Materials (as necessary)