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2 Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015
Special Report: Global Supply Chain
eparin regulates hemostasis at
various points of the coagulation
cascade mainly through its inter-
action with antithrombin and heparin
cofactor II. Because of these properties,
heparin is a life-saving anticoagulant
drug used in renal dialysis, cardiac
surgery, and treatment for deep vein
thrombosis. The drug also binds to
platelets, inhibiting platelet function
and contributing to the hemorrhagic
effects of heparin. Bovine heparin,
first approved in 1939, was widely used
in the United States for more than
50 years (see Figure 1). Like all drugs,
heparin can cause adverse effects, but
overall, bovine heparin products were
found to be safe and effective during
that period.
In the late 1980s, bovine spongi-
form encephalopathy (BSE, or “mad
cow disease”) was reported first in the
United Kingdom and later in several
other countries, raising concerns about
the use of bovine-sourced heparin
products in humans. Because of these
concerns, manufacturers of bovine
heparin products voluntarily withdrew
them from the US market in the 1990s.
Since then, heparin products approved
for use in the US and Europe have
been sourced solely from pigs, with
approximately 60% of the supply of
the drug coming from China. Figure 2
illustrates steps involved in manufac-
turing heparin from porcine intestinal
mucosa and potential impurities that
are inactivated and/or removed from
each manufacturing step.
Heparin is a lifesaving drug that was
safely used since the 1940s. However,
in 2007, contaminated heparin caused
a number of deaths in the US and hun-
dreds of adverse reactions worldwide
(1). The contaminated heparin was
found to contain over-sulfated chon-
droitin sulfate (OSCS). OSCS was an
inexpensive synthetic adulterant that
had some anticoagulant activity and
was presumably added to heparin to
increase profit when the drug was
in short supply due to a pig disease
outbreak. This “heparin crisis” dem-
onstrated the vulnerability of drug
supplies produced from increasingly
global manufacturing chains and high-
lighted the risks inherent in reliance on
one country and one animal species as
the primary source for a crucial drug.
To mitigate these concerns by diversi-
fying the sources of heparin drugs, FDA
is considering reintroduction of bovine
heparin drug product to the US market.
In August 2015, the US Pharmacopeial
Convention (USP) hosted the 6th Work-
shop ontheCharacterization ofHeparin
Products in São Paulo, Brazil, with co-
sponsors, the National Institute for Bio-
logical Standards and Control (NIBSC,
UK), National Health Surveillance
State Pharmaceutical Manufacturers As-
sociation(SINDUSFARMA,Brazil). The
focus of the workshop was an examina-
tion of the global heparin supply chain,
adulteration, and contamination.
The following is an overview of sci-
entific research and clinical experience
presented at the workshop to generate
improved understanding of the differ-
ences between porcine and bovine hepa-
rins, the clinical implications of reintro-
broader ramifications of bovine heparin
in the US market and worldwide.
David Keire is acting laboratory chief, Branch I,
Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis, FDA;
Barbara Mulloy is visiting professor at Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, King’s College London;
Christina Chase is senior scientific writer at US
Pharmacopeial Convention (USP);
Ali Al-Hakim is acting director of Division of New
Drug API at the FDA; Damian Cairatti is head of
Latin American Regulatory Affairs at USP;
Elaine Gray is principal scientist at National Institute
of Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) in the UK;
John Hogwood is research scientist at NIBSC;
Tina Morris is senior VP of Science Global
Biologics at USP;
Paulo Mourão is professor at Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro;
Monica Da Luz Carvalho Soares is a member of the
Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Pharmacopeia
at ANVISA and a visiting fellow at the University of
Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); and
Anita Szajek is principal scientific liaison at USP.
The global supply
chain for bovine
and porcine heparin
and regulatory
considerations are
Diversifying the Global
Heparin Supply Chain:
Reintroduction of
Bovine Heparin in
the United States?
David Keire, Barbara Mulloy, Christina Chase, Ali Al-Hakim,
Damian Cairatti, Elaine Gray, John Hogwood, Tina Morris,
Paulo A.S. Mourão, Monica da Luz Carvalho Soares, and Anita Szajek
4 Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015
Porcine vs. bovine heparins
Heparin is a natural product, extracted
from animals. Just as pork and beef
are different from each other, heparin
products made from pigs and cattle
are similar but not identical. Two ses-
sions of the USP workshop focused on
laboratory tests used to understand the
differences in structure and biological
activity between bovine and porcine
The structure of heparin is that of
a linear polysaccharide consisting
of repeating disaccharide motifs in
which uronic acids alternate with glu-
cosamine. The polysaccharide chains
can vary in length and in substitu-
tion with sulfates and N-acetyl groups.
Structural analysis techniques range
from relatively simple, straightforward
spectroscopic and chromatographic
analyses to sophisticated applications
of techniques in nuclear magnetic res-
onance and mass spectrometry.
The biological activity of heparin,
including its abilities to inhibit the en-
zymes of blood clot formation in vivo
and in vitro, can be quantified by sev-
eral methods. Research suggests that
molecular weight and disaccharide
composition both play an important
role in biological activity. High mo-
lecular weight fractions of heparin, for
example, have a greater effect than do
lower molecular weight fractions on
anticoagulation potency.
Overall, the combination of struc-
tural and functional information avail-
able provides a clear picture of heparin
products from different species. Nu-
merous samples have been tested by
heparin manufacturers and academic
and regulatory labs revealing clear and
consistent differences in the structures
(see Figure 3) and biological activity
profiles of porcine mucosal and bovine
mucosal heparin. In addition, the few
samples of bovine lung heparin tested
were quite distinct from either mucosal
sample type.
Importantly, the data presented
show that bovine heparin was signifi-
Special Report: Global Supply Chain
6 Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015
Special Report: Global Supply Chain
cantly less potent, weight for weight,
than porcine heparin. The relationship
between laboratory testing and clini-
cal experience is not straightforward
for such complex products, yet a differ-
ence in potency could have important
clinical relevance (2). Therefore, fur-
ther investigation including clinical
research may be warranted.
Bovine heparin and safety
There are two main safety concerns as-
sociated with bovine heparin. The first
is heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
(HIT), an infrequent but potentially
devastating adverse event (3,4). HIT
is an immune response in which the
body makes antibodies to large com-
plexes formed between the highly sul-
fated heparin chains and platelet factor
4 (5). HIT occurs in 0.2–5% of patients
regardless of the type of heparin ad-
ministered; porcine and bovine hepa-
rin appear similar in terms of HIT risk
(6,7). Another common adverse event
associated with heparin is bleeding,
which can be controlled through the
neutralization of heparin by protamine
sulfate (8).
The second safety concern, specific
for bovine heparin, is the possible pres-
ence of BSE infectious agents (9). Dur-
ing the BSE epidemic in the UK, some
people consumed BSE-infected beef.
From 1999–2000, after a long incuba-
tion period, some of these individuals
developed variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease (vCJD); 229 cases have oc-
curred worldwide as of May 28, 2015
(10). Since its peak in 2000, vCJD has
declined significantly but has not been
eradicated, as a few cases are still de-
tected every year. No known cases of
vCJD, however, have been linked to
use of bovine heparin. In addition, in
India, Brazil, and Argentina—where
bovine heparin products have been in
continuous use—no cows have tested
positive for BSE and no cases of vCJD
have been observed. In the US, only
three atypical BSE cases (i.e., different
from the distinct BSE strain from the
UK that causes vCJD) in cattle have
been identified (11). Since the 1990s,
much has been learned about how BSE
leads to vCJD in humans. In addition,
methods for minimizing BSE risk in
bovine materials have advanced (12,
13). Generally, risks from tissue spon-
giform encephalopathy (TSE) agents
are controlled in three steps: animal
origin of species and supply chain
control, tissue harvest controls, and
chemical treatments that remove in-
fectious agents (11). If bovine heparin
is reintroduced, these steps will be in-
strumental for ensuring patient safety.
Because of the safety concerns noted
previously, bovine heparin is likely
to have its own USP monograph and
a separate label (Physician Labelling
Rule) that differentiates bovine hepa-
rin from porcine heparin.
Possible reintroduction of bovine
heparin into the US market
The only approved source of heparin in
most of the world is pig intestine, but
the global pig supply is limited geo-
graphically. In addition, there is little
growth potential for porcine heparin
products to be manufactured in other
parts of the world. Thus, FDA is con-
cerned about potential shortages due
to pig disease or possible geo-political
After considering the available op-
tions, FDA hosted a meeting with its
Science Board in June 2014 to discuss
the possible reintroduction of bovine
heparin in the US. Reintroduction of
bovine heparin would no longer limit
the source to one animal species and
would extend the geographic distri-
bution of source animals. If disease
occurs in one animal source and/or
there is geo-political instability in a
major source country, the risk of sup-
ply shortages could be more readily
The original US-approved hepa-
rin drugs from the 1930s were from
a bovine source (cow lung) and upon
approval of porcine heparin products,
both were used interchangeably until
the 1990s without major safety risks
or concerns. Notably, bovine mucosa
heparin drug product is currently
available and manufactured in South
Bovine intestine
Porcine intestine
PPM 5.70 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.30 5.20 5.10 5.00 4.90 4.80 4.70
Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015 7
Table I: Pharmacopeial requirements for porcine and bovine heparin. RS is reference standard.
Monograph section Test Porcine heparin Bovine heparin
Identification 1
H NMR No unidentified signals greater than 4% of the
mean of signal height of 1 and 2 are present in
the following ranges: 0.10–2.00, 2.10–3.20, and
5.70–8.00 ppm. No signals greater than 200%
signal height of the mean of the signal height
of 1 and 2 are present in the 3.75–4.55 ppm for
porcine heparin.
• New acceptance criteria need to be
generated based on batch data.
Strong anion exchange
high performance
liquid chromatography
chromatographic identity
The retention time of the major peak from the
Sample solution corresponds to that of the
Standard solution.
• Chrom ID method needs to be qualified/
validated for bovine heparin. Depending
on resolution, a new method may be
• New RS may be needed
Anti-factor Xa to Anti-
factor IIa ratio
Acceptance criteria: 0.9–1.1 • New acceptance criteria may be needed.
• New potency standard may be needed.
• Potency method needs to be qualified/
validated for bovine heparin.
Molecular weight (MW)
Acceptance criteria: M24000
is NMT 20%, Mw
between 15,000 Da and 19,000 Da, and the
ratio of M8000–16000
to M16000–24000
is NLT 1.0.
• MW method needs to be qualified/
validated for bovine heparin.
• New acceptance criteria may be needed
Sodium It meets the requirements of the flame test for
It meets the requirements of the flame test
for sodium.
Species and tissue
Disaccharide analysis Add for species identification Add for species and tissue identification
Assay Anti-factor IIa Potency Not less than (NLT) 180 USP Heparin Units/mg • Needs to be determined using batch data
• New RS may be needed
• New acceptance criteria are needed.
Other components Nitrogen Determination,
Method I 461
1.3%–2.5% 1.3%–2.5%
Impurities Residue on Ignition 281 28.0%–41.0% 28.0%–41.0%
Galactosamine in Total
Not more than (NMT) 1% NMT 1%
Nucleotidic Impurities and
Protein Impurities
NMT 0.1% NMT 0.1%
Absence of OSCS References Identification Test A and B References Identification Test A and B
Specific tests Bacterial Endotoxins Test
NMT 0.03 USP Endotoxin Unit/USP Heparin
NMT 0.03 USP Endotoxin Unit/USP
Heparin Unit
Loss on Drying 731 Loss of NMT 5.0% of weight Loss of NMT 5.0% of weight
pH 791 5.0–7.5 in a solution (1:100) 5.0–7.5 in a solution (1:100)
Sterility Tests 71 Where it is labeled as sterile, it meets the
Where it is labeled as sterile, it meets the
Packaging and Storage Preserve in tight containers, and
store below 40 ˚C, preferably at room
Preserve in tight containers, and
store below 40 ˚C, preferably at room
Labeling Label to indicate the tissue and the animal
species from which it is derived
Label to indicate the tissue and the
animal species from which it is derived
USP Reference
Standards 11
USP Heparin Sodium Identification RS
USP Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate RS
USP Dermatan Sulfate RS
USP Galactosamine Hydrochloride RS
USP Glucosamine Hydrochloride RS
USP Heparin Sodium for Assays
USP Heparin Sodium Molecular Weight
Calibrant RS
USP Adenosine RS
New RS needed:
USP Bovine Heparin Sodium
Identification RS
8 Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015
Special Report: Global Supply Chain
America (particularly Brazil and Argen-
tina) and India. In some countries, bo-
vine heparin is preferred for religious rea-
years of safe and effective use of bovine
lung heparin in patients in the US, and
bovine mucosal heparin has been used
safely in South America and India. How-
ever, because the heparin characteriza-
tion technology has advanced in the in-
a manner similar to the recent update of
the USP porcine heparin monograph.
Heparin derived from bovine lungs was
the commercial advantages of the more
potent porcine product, and concerns
in the 1990s about transmission of BSE
to humans through contaminated beef
Workshop speakers from Argentina,
heparin has been approved and used for
decades in their countries. The Argen-
tinian Pharmacopeia is discussing how
to manage bovine and porcine heparins,
and the Brazilian Pharmacopeia is cur-
rently devising specific monographs for
bovine and porcine mucosal heparin.
The availability of bovine and porcine
in recent years. In 2008, 42% of heparin
was of bovine origin, but this was fol-
lowed by a decrease and then total re-
tina, the bovine source accounts for 70%
of the total heparin; this has remained
unchanged in recent years.
No serious adverse effects have been
in these two countries or in India. Some
excess adverse events associated with
heparin in cardiovascular surgery, how-
ever, were reported to ANVISA in 2008
when, on short notice, bovine heparin
replaced porcine heparin for cardiovas-
cular surgery in Brazil. The Brazilian So-
ciety of Cardiovascular Surgery (14) and
ANVISA (15) published warning notes
suggesting careful monitoring of antico-
There are no reports of clinical trials
comparing heparins from bovine versus
porcine intestine. Therefore, although bo-
several countries for many years, caution
may be required when porcine heparin
is replaced with bovine heparin without
are manufactured from heparin sodium
(also known as unfractionated heparin
sodium, or UFH) using chemical or en-
zymatic depolymerization methods (16).
Currently, in the US, all forms of LMWH
are made from porcine UFH. Therefore,
their composition and properties are
known based on their biological starting
The structure and composition of bo-
vine UFHs differ from that of porcine,
therefore a LMWH product made from
bovine UFH could have different prop-
erties from the same product made from
porcine UFH.Forexample,ifenoxaparin
rin in the future, this product could not
The current USP Heparin Sodium mono-
graph describes system suitability and ac-
ceptance criteria for identity, purity, and
strength that are designed strictly for por-
cine heparin (17, see TableI).
The workshop presentations showed
clear differences in the structures and
biological activity profiles of porcine mu-
cosal, bovine lung, and bovine mucosal
heparin samples, thereby suggesting the
need to have a separate monograph for
bovine heparin sodium. The structural
differences would necessitate separate
H NMR, chromatographic identity, and
molecular weight determination tests for
bovine heparin (see TableI). Depending
on the tissue source(s) of bovine heparin,
there may be a need to establish separate
identification RS for bovine lung and bo-
vine mucosal heparins.
ples, the anticoagulant activity of bovine
heparin is significantly lower than that
of porcine in the laboratory. Most of the
about 100 IU/mg and some batches were
estimated to be as low as 70 IU/mg. Con-
porcine heparin is 180 IU/mg, it is likely
that the clinicians will need to give more
bovine heparin than porcine heparin by
weight. Many years of safe bovine hepa-
rin use suggest that the higher amounts
needed, as compared with porcine hepa-
rin, do not impact clinical efficacy. Clini-
cal issues with bovine heparin, however,
will need to be monitored carefully be-
cause wider clinical use could identify
unforeseen differences between porcine
and bovine heparin. Furthermore, bo-
vine heparin requires higher doses of
protamine for neutralization.
Future bovine heparin production
sites (both drug substance and drug
product) should be under cGMP com-
pliance. Supply chains including farms,
treat, store, and ship the bovine tissue
need to follow the same steps and tests
steps include, but are not limited to:
•	 Determine the species origin to ver-
ify that the ingredient comes only
from the correct species.
•	 Confirm the absence of OSCS and
ruminant material contaminants
from another species.
•	 Ensurethatallheparinsuppliersare
audited and inspected regularly re-
garding their documentation prac-
tices and compliance with cGMP.
•	 Reject any lots containing mucosa
from another species.
Heparin is an essential, life-saving drug
that is needed worldwide. To avoid drug
shortages, FDA is considering reintro-
duction of bovine heparin, which would
diversify the supply chain by adding
a bovine source to the currently used
porcine heparin. Sourcing heparin from
two species could greatly reduce vulner-
ability to shortages when disease strikes
one species, and could also reduce reli-
Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015 9
ance on one country as the primary
source. The risks involved in reliance
on one species from one country were
clearly illustrated by the heparin crisis
of 2007–2008, when adulterated porcine
heparin from China caused numerous
deaths and hundreds more adverse ef-
fects (1). Currently, China is the source
for roughly 60% of crude porcine hepa-
rin used in the US and Europe.
Bovine heparin is currently being
used in some countries and was used
safely for more than 50 years in the US
before manufacturers voluntarily with-
drew it from the market during the BSE
crisis in the UK. Despite concerns about
bovine products, there are no known
cases of BSE contamination of bovine
heparin. If bovine heparin is reintro-
duced in the US, methods for inacti-
vating BSE could be applied to further
reduce any risk. The other main safety
issue with heparin is a severe adverse ef-
fect called HIT, but bovine heparin does
not appear to have higher rates of HIT
than does porcine heparin.
Porcine and bovine heparins are dis-
tinctly different in terms of their struc-
tures and biological activities. These
in clinical use than in laboratory testing,
but if potency does in fact differ signifi-
cantly in clinical use, this will need care-
ful evaluation and perhaps dosage adjust-
too little heparin. If bovine-sourced hep-
will be critical, with frequent inspections
of slaughterhouses and processing facili-
and porcine heparin are not equivalent
drugs, and therefore, they will require
two different compendial monographs.
The next steps are for manufacturers to
bring bovine products to the regulatory
agencies for evaluation and possible rein-
troduction to the market after a 15-year
The participants in the USP 6th Work-
shop on the Characterization of Hep-
arin Products are acknowledged with
	 1.	 A.W. McMahon et al., Pharmacoepide-
miol Drug Saf., 19, 921-933 (2010).
	 2.	 A. Tovar et al., BMC Reasearch Notes 6,
230 (2013)
	 3.	 T.E. Warkentin et al., Blood 106, 3791-
3796 (2005).
	 4.	 T.E. Warkentin and A. Greinacher, Ann
Thorac Surg 76, 2121-2131 (2003).
	 5.	 A. Greinacher et al., Arterioscler Thromb
Vasc Biol 26, 2386-2393 (2006).
	 6.	 J. E. Ansell et al., Chest 88, 878-882
	 7.	 J.L. Francis et al., Ann . Thor. Surgery 75,
17-22 (2003).
	 8.	 G. Costantino et al., PLoS One 7, e44553
	 9.	 J.L. Harman and C.J. Silva, Journal of the
American Veterinary Medical Association
234, 59-72 (2009).
	10. 	EuroCJD Network, Creutzfeldt-
Jakob Disease International Surveil-
lance Network (2015), available at
data%201.html#vcjd-cases. Accessed
Aug. 27, 2015.
	11.	 FDA, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopa-
thy (2015),
formencephalopathy/default.htm. Ac-
cessed Aug. 27, 2015.
	12.	 I. DeVeau et al., “Analytical Microbiology
Expert Committee. The USP Perspective
to Minimize the Potential Risk of TSE
Infectivity in Bovine-Derived Articles
Used in the Manufacture of Medical
Products.,” Pharmacopeial Forum 30,
1911-1921 (2004).
	13.	 D. Taylor, Comptes rendus biologies 325,
75-76 (2002).
	14.	 W. J. Gomes and D.M. Braile. Rev Bras
Cir Cardiovasc. 24(2):3-4 (2009).
	15.	 ANVISA, information on contaminated
Heparin (2008),
wps/s/r/ZVo, accessed Aug. 27, 2015.
	16.	 H. Liu et al., Nat Prod Rep 26, 313-321
	17.	 USP, USP38-NF33, First Supplement,
Heparin Sodium monograph, p.3748
(USP, Rockville, MD).
	18.	 FDA, Heparin for Drug and Medical
Device Use: Monitoring Crude Heparin
for Quality ( 2013 ),
pdf Accessed Aug. 27, 2015. PT
This article reflects the views of the
authors and should not be construed
to represent US FDA’s views or policies.

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Global Heparin Supply

  • 1. 2 Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015 Special Report: Global Supply Chain Image:CourtesyofUSPharmacopeialConvention H eparin regulates hemostasis at various points of the coagulation cascade mainly through its inter- action with antithrombin and heparin cofactor II. Because of these properties, heparin is a life-saving anticoagulant drug used in renal dialysis, cardiac surgery, and treatment for deep vein thrombosis. The drug also binds to platelets, inhibiting platelet function and contributing to the hemorrhagic effects of heparin. Bovine heparin, first approved in 1939, was widely used in the United States for more than 50 years (see Figure 1). Like all drugs, heparin can cause adverse effects, but overall, bovine heparin products were found to be safe and effective during that period. In the late 1980s, bovine spongi- form encephalopathy (BSE, or “mad cow disease”) was reported first in the United Kingdom and later in several other countries, raising concerns about the use of bovine-sourced heparin products in humans. Because of these concerns, manufacturers of bovine heparin products voluntarily withdrew them from the US market in the 1990s. Since then, heparin products approved for use in the US and Europe have been sourced solely from pigs, with approximately 60% of the supply of the drug coming from China. Figure 2 illustrates steps involved in manufac- turing heparin from porcine intestinal mucosa and potential impurities that are inactivated and/or removed from each manufacturing step. Heparin is a lifesaving drug that was safely used since the 1940s. However, in 2007, contaminated heparin caused a number of deaths in the US and hun- dreds of adverse reactions worldwide (1). The contaminated heparin was found to contain over-sulfated chon- droitin sulfate (OSCS). OSCS was an inexpensive synthetic adulterant that had some anticoagulant activity and was presumably added to heparin to increase profit when the drug was in short supply due to a pig disease outbreak. This “heparin crisis” dem- onstrated the vulnerability of drug supplies produced from increasingly global manufacturing chains and high- lighted the risks inherent in reliance on one country and one animal species as the primary source for a crucial drug. To mitigate these concerns by diversi- fying the sources of heparin drugs, FDA is considering reintroduction of bovine heparin drug product to the US market. In August 2015, the US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) hosted the 6th Work- shop ontheCharacterization ofHeparin Products in São Paulo, Brazil, with co- sponsors, the National Institute for Bio- logical Standards and Control (NIBSC, UK), National Health Surveillance Agency(ANVISA,Brazil),andSaoPaulo State Pharmaceutical Manufacturers As- sociation(SINDUSFARMA,Brazil). The focus of the workshop was an examina- tion of the global heparin supply chain, specificallytherisksofheparinshortages, adulteration, and contamination. The following is an overview of sci- entific research and clinical experience presented at the workshop to generate improved understanding of the differ- ences between porcine and bovine hepa- rins, the clinical implications of reintro- ducingbovineheparinintheUS,andthe broader ramifications of bovine heparin in the US market and worldwide. David Keire is acting laboratory chief, Branch I, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis, FDA; Barbara Mulloy is visiting professor at Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, King’s College London; Christina Chase is senior scientific writer at US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP); Ali Al-Hakim is acting director of Division of New Drug API at the FDA; Damian Cairatti is head of Latin American Regulatory Affairs at USP; Elaine Gray is principal scientist at National Institute of Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) in the UK; John Hogwood is research scientist at NIBSC; Tina Morris is senior VP of Science Global Biologics at USP; Paulo Mourão is professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Monica Da Luz Carvalho Soares is a member of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Pharmacopeia at ANVISA and a visiting fellow at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); and Anita Szajek is principal scientific liaison at USP. The global supply chain for bovine and porcine heparin and regulatory considerations are examined. Diversifying the Global Heparin Supply Chain: Reintroduction of Bovine Heparin in the United States? David Keire, Barbara Mulloy, Christina Chase, Ali Al-Hakim, Damian Cairatti, Elaine Gray, John Hogwood, Tina Morris, Paulo A.S. Mourão, Monica da Luz Carvalho Soares, and Anita Szajek
  • 2. 4 Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015 Porcine vs. bovine heparins Heparin is a natural product, extracted from animals. Just as pork and beef are different from each other, heparin products made from pigs and cattle are similar but not identical. Two ses- sions of the USP workshop focused on laboratory tests used to understand the differences in structure and biological activity between bovine and porcine heparin. The structure of heparin is that of a linear polysaccharide consisting of repeating disaccharide motifs in which uronic acids alternate with glu- cosamine. The polysaccharide chains can vary in length and in substitu- tion with sulfates and N-acetyl groups. Structural analysis techniques range from relatively simple, straightforward spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses to sophisticated applications of techniques in nuclear magnetic res- onance and mass spectrometry. The biological activity of heparin, including its abilities to inhibit the en- zymes of blood clot formation in vivo and in vitro, can be quantified by sev- eral methods. Research suggests that molecular weight and disaccharide composition both play an important role in biological activity. High mo- lecular weight fractions of heparin, for example, have a greater effect than do lower molecular weight fractions on anticoagulation potency. Overall, the combination of struc- tural and functional information avail- able provides a clear picture of heparin products from different species. Nu- merous samples have been tested by heparin manufacturers and academic and regulatory labs revealing clear and consistent differences in the structures (see Figure 3) and biological activity profiles of porcine mucosal and bovine mucosal heparin. In addition, the few samples of bovine lung heparin tested were quite distinct from either mucosal sample type. Importantly, the data presented show that bovine heparin was signifi- Special Report: Global Supply Chain Figure1:HistoricaldevelopmenttimelineoftherapeuticheparininUnitedStates. Figure2:Heparinmanufacturingprocess.
  • 3. 6 Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015 Special Report: Global Supply Chain cantly less potent, weight for weight, than porcine heparin. The relationship between laboratory testing and clini- cal experience is not straightforward for such complex products, yet a differ- ence in potency could have important clinical relevance (2). Therefore, fur- ther investigation including clinical research may be warranted. Bovine heparin and safety There are two main safety concerns as- sociated with bovine heparin. The first is heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), an infrequent but potentially devastating adverse event (3,4). HIT is an immune response in which the body makes antibodies to large com- plexes formed between the highly sul- fated heparin chains and platelet factor 4 (5). HIT occurs in 0.2–5% of patients regardless of the type of heparin ad- ministered; porcine and bovine hepa- rin appear similar in terms of HIT risk (6,7). Another common adverse event associated with heparin is bleeding, which can be controlled through the neutralization of heparin by protamine sulfate (8). The second safety concern, specific for bovine heparin, is the possible pres- ence of BSE infectious agents (9). Dur- ing the BSE epidemic in the UK, some people consumed BSE-infected beef. From 1999–2000, after a long incuba- tion period, some of these individuals developed variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD); 229 cases have oc- curred worldwide as of May 28, 2015 (10). Since its peak in 2000, vCJD has declined significantly but has not been eradicated, as a few cases are still de- tected every year. No known cases of vCJD, however, have been linked to use of bovine heparin. In addition, in India, Brazil, and Argentina—where bovine heparin products have been in continuous use—no cows have tested positive for BSE and no cases of vCJD have been observed. In the US, only three atypical BSE cases (i.e., different from the distinct BSE strain from the UK that causes vCJD) in cattle have been identified (11). Since the 1990s, much has been learned about how BSE leads to vCJD in humans. In addition, methods for minimizing BSE risk in bovine materials have advanced (12, 13). Generally, risks from tissue spon- giform encephalopathy (TSE) agents are controlled in three steps: animal origin of species and supply chain control, tissue harvest controls, and chemical treatments that remove in- fectious agents (11). If bovine heparin is reintroduced, these steps will be in- strumental for ensuring patient safety. Because of the safety concerns noted previously, bovine heparin is likely to have its own USP monograph and a separate label (Physician Labelling Rule) that differentiates bovine hepa- rin from porcine heparin. Possible reintroduction of bovine heparin into the US market The only approved source of heparin in most of the world is pig intestine, but the global pig supply is limited geo- graphically. In addition, there is little growth potential for porcine heparin products to be manufactured in other parts of the world. Thus, FDA is con- cerned about potential shortages due to pig disease or possible geo-political instability. After considering the available op- tions, FDA hosted a meeting with its Science Board in June 2014 to discuss the possible reintroduction of bovine heparin in the US. Reintroduction of bovine heparin would no longer limit the source to one animal species and would extend the geographic distri- bution of source animals. If disease occurs in one animal source and/or there is geo-political instability in a major source country, the risk of sup- ply shortages could be more readily mitigated. The original US-approved hepa- rin drugs from the 1930s were from a bovine source (cow lung) and upon approval of porcine heparin products, both were used interchangeably until the 1990s without major safety risks or concerns. Notably, bovine mucosa heparin drug product is currently available and manufactured in South Figure3:PartoftheprotonNMRspectraof(lower,redspectrum)porcine mucosaland(upper,bluespectrum)bovinemucosalheparin.Thoughthe twospectraaresimilartheyarenotexactlythesame;somedifferences areindicatedbyarrows.TheNMRspectrareflectthechemicalstructuresof porcineandbovineheparin,showingthatheparinsamplesfromthetwo sourcesaresimilarbutnotidentical. Bovine intestine Porcine intestine PPM 5.70 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.30 5.20 5.10 5.00 4.90 4.80 4.70
  • 4. Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015 7 Table I: Pharmacopeial requirements for porcine and bovine heparin. RS is reference standard. Monograph section Test Porcine heparin Bovine heparin Identification 1 H NMR No unidentified signals greater than 4% of the mean of signal height of 1 and 2 are present in the following ranges: 0.10–2.00, 2.10–3.20, and 5.70–8.00 ppm. No signals greater than 200% signal height of the mean of the signal height of 1 and 2 are present in the 3.75–4.55 ppm for porcine heparin. • New acceptance criteria need to be generated based on batch data. Strong anion exchange high performance liquid chromatography (SAX-HPLC) as chromatographic identity The retention time of the major peak from the Sample solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution. • Chrom ID method needs to be qualified/ validated for bovine heparin. Depending on resolution, a new method may be needed. • New RS may be needed Anti-factor Xa to Anti- factor IIa ratio Acceptance criteria: 0.9–1.1 • New acceptance criteria may be needed. • New potency standard may be needed. • Potency method needs to be qualified/ validated for bovine heparin. Molecular weight (MW) determinations Acceptance criteria: M24000 is NMT 20%, Mw is between 15,000 Da and 19,000 Da, and the ratio of M8000–16000 to M16000–24000 is NLT 1.0. • MW method needs to be qualified/ validated for bovine heparin. • New acceptance criteria may be needed Sodium It meets the requirements of the flame test for sodium. It meets the requirements of the flame test for sodium. Species and tissue identification Disaccharide analysis Add for species identification Add for species and tissue identification Assay Anti-factor IIa Potency Not less than (NLT) 180 USP Heparin Units/mg • Needs to be determined using batch data • New RS may be needed • New acceptance criteria are needed. Other components Nitrogen Determination, Method I 461 1.3%–2.5% 1.3%–2.5% Impurities Residue on Ignition 281 28.0%–41.0% 28.0%–41.0% Galactosamine in Total Hexosamine Not more than (NMT) 1% NMT 1% Nucleotidic Impurities and Protein Impurities NMT 0.1% NMT 0.1% Absence of OSCS References Identification Test A and B References Identification Test A and B BSE/TSE N/A Specific tests Bacterial Endotoxins Test 85 NMT 0.03 USP Endotoxin Unit/USP Heparin Unit NMT 0.03 USP Endotoxin Unit/USP Heparin Unit Loss on Drying 731 Loss of NMT 5.0% of weight Loss of NMT 5.0% of weight pH 791 5.0–7.5 in a solution (1:100) 5.0–7.5 in a solution (1:100) Sterility Tests 71 Where it is labeled as sterile, it meets the requirements Where it is labeled as sterile, it meets the requirements Additional requirements Packaging and Storage Preserve in tight containers, and store below 40 ˚C, preferably at room temperature. Preserve in tight containers, and store below 40 ˚C, preferably at room temperature. Labeling Label to indicate the tissue and the animal species from which it is derived Label to indicate the tissue and the animal species from which it is derived USP Reference Standards 11 USP Heparin Sodium Identification RS USP Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate RS USP Dermatan Sulfate RS USP Galactosamine Hydrochloride RS USP Glucosamine Hydrochloride RS USP Heparin Sodium for Assays USP Heparin Sodium Molecular Weight Calibrant RS USP Adenosine RS New RS needed: USP Bovine Heparin Sodium Identification RS
  • 5. 8 Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015 Special Report: Global Supply Chain America (particularly Brazil and Argen- tina) and India. In some countries, bo- vine heparin is preferred for religious rea- sons.Thus,therehavebeenmorethan50 years of safe and effective use of bovine lung heparin in patients in the US, and bovine mucosal heparin has been used safely in South America and India. How- ever, because the heparin characteriza- tion technology has advanced in the in- terim,thespecificationsfortheproposed bovineheparinshouldbemodernizedin a manner similar to the recent update of the USP porcine heparin monograph. Bovineheparinuseworldwide Heparin derived from bovine lungs was ingeneraluseinEuropeandtheUSuntil itgraduallyfelloutofusefortworeasons: the commercial advantages of the more potent porcine product, and concerns in the 1990s about transmission of BSE to humans through contaminated beef products. Workshop speakers from Argentina, Brazil,andIndiaemphasizedthatbovine heparin has been approved and used for decades in their countries. The Argen- tinian Pharmacopeia is discussing how to manage bovine and porcine heparins, and the Brazilian Pharmacopeia is cur- rently devising specific monographs for bovine and porcine mucosal heparin. The availability of bovine and porcine heparinsinBrazilhasvariedconsiderably in recent years. In 2008, 42% of heparin was of bovine origin, but this was fol- lowed by a decrease and then total re- movalfromthemarketin2013.InArgen- tina, the bovine source accounts for 70% of the total heparin; this has remained unchanged in recent years. No serious adverse effects have been associatedwiththeuseofbovineheparin in these two countries or in India. Some excess adverse events associated with heparin in cardiovascular surgery, how- ever, were reported to ANVISA in 2008 when, on short notice, bovine heparin replaced porcine heparin for cardiovas- cular surgery in Brazil. The Brazilian So- ciety of Cardiovascular Surgery (14) and ANVISA (15) published warning notes suggesting careful monitoring of antico- agulantlevelswhenusingbovineheparin. There are no reports of clinical trials comparing heparins from bovine versus porcine intestine. Therefore, although bo- vineheparinhasbeenusedsuccessfullyin several countries for many years, caution may be required when porcine heparin is replaced with bovine heparin without warning. Bovineheparinuseinthe manufactureofLMWHs Lowmolecularweightheparins(LMWHs) are manufactured from heparin sodium (also known as unfractionated heparin sodium, or UFH) using chemical or en- zymatic depolymerization methods (16). Currently, in the US, all forms of LMWH are made from porcine UFH. Therefore, their composition and properties are known based on their biological starting material. The structure and composition of bo- vine UFHs differ from that of porcine, therefore a LMWH product made from bovine UFH could have different prop- erties from the same product made from porcine UFH.Forexample,ifenoxaparin (aLMWH)isproducedfrombovinehepa- rin in the future, this product could not becalledenoxaparinbecausethestructure andpropertieswouldbedifferentandthe activitywouldprobablybedifferentaswell. Implicationsforpublicstandards The current USP Heparin Sodium mono- graph describes system suitability and ac- ceptance criteria for identity, purity, and strength that are designed strictly for por- cine heparin (17, see TableI). The workshop presentations showed clear differences in the structures and biological activity profiles of porcine mu- cosal, bovine lung, and bovine mucosal heparin samples, thereby suggesting the need to have a separate monograph for bovine heparin sodium. The structural differences would necessitate separate identificationreferencestandards(RS)for 1 H NMR, chromatographic identity, and molecular weight determination tests for bovine heparin (see TableI). Depending on the tissue source(s) of bovine heparin, there may be a need to establish separate identification RS for bovine lung and bo- vine mucosal heparins. Basedonthetestingofnumeroussam- ples, the anticoagulant activity of bovine heparin is significantly lower than that of porcine in the laboratory. Most of the currentbovineproductsgavepotenciesof about 100 IU/mg and some batches were estimated to be as low as 70 IU/mg. Con- sideringthemonographspecificationfor porcine heparin is 180 IU/mg, it is likely that the clinicians will need to give more bovine heparin than porcine heparin by weight. Many years of safe bovine hepa- rin use suggest that the higher amounts needed, as compared with porcine hepa- rin, do not impact clinical efficacy. Clini- cal issues with bovine heparin, however, will need to be monitored carefully be- cause wider clinical use could identify unforeseen differences between porcine and bovine heparin. Furthermore, bo- vine heparin requires higher doses of protamine for neutralization. Future bovine heparin production sites (both drug substance and drug product) should be under cGMP com- pliance. Supply chains including farms, slaughterhouses,andfacilitiesthatisolate, treat, store, and ship the bovine tissue need to follow the same steps and tests describedforporcineheparin(18).These steps include, but are not limited to: • Determine the species origin to ver- ify that the ingredient comes only from the correct species. • Confirm the absence of OSCS and ruminant material contaminants from another species. • Ensurethatallheparinsuppliersare audited and inspected regularly re- garding their documentation prac- tices and compliance with cGMP. • Reject any lots containing mucosa from another species. Conclusion Heparin is an essential, life-saving drug that is needed worldwide. To avoid drug shortages, FDA is considering reintro- duction of bovine heparin, which would diversify the supply chain by adding a bovine source to the currently used porcine heparin. Sourcing heparin from two species could greatly reduce vulner- ability to shortages when disease strikes one species, and could also reduce reli-
  • 6. Pharmaceutical Technology  November 2015 9 ance on one country as the primary source. The risks involved in reliance on one species from one country were clearly illustrated by the heparin crisis of 2007–2008, when adulterated porcine heparin from China caused numerous deaths and hundreds more adverse ef- fects (1). Currently, China is the source for roughly 60% of crude porcine hepa- rin used in the US and Europe. Bovine heparin is currently being used in some countries and was used safely for more than 50 years in the US before manufacturers voluntarily with- drew it from the market during the BSE crisis in the UK. Despite concerns about bovine products, there are no known cases of BSE contamination of bovine heparin. If bovine heparin is reintro- duced in the US, methods for inacti- vating BSE could be applied to further reduce any risk. The other main safety issue with heparin is a severe adverse ef- fect called HIT, but bovine heparin does not appear to have higher rates of HIT than does porcine heparin. Porcine and bovine heparins are dis- tinctly different in terms of their struc- tures and biological activities. These complexproductsmaybehavedifferently in clinical use than in laboratory testing, but if potency does in fact differ signifi- cantly in clinical use, this will need care- ful evaluation and perhaps dosage adjust- menttoavoidgivingpatientstoomuchor too little heparin. If bovine-sourced hep- arinisreintroduced,supply-chaincontrol will be critical, with frequent inspections of slaughterhouses and processing facili- tiesforcGMPcompliance.Fromthedata presentedatthemeeting,bovineheparin and porcine heparin are not equivalent drugs, and therefore, they will require two different compendial monographs. The next steps are for manufacturers to bring bovine products to the regulatory agencies for evaluation and possible rein- troduction to the market after a 15-year absence. Acknowledgements The participants in the USP 6th Work- shop on the Characterization of Hep- arin Products are acknowledged with gratitude. References 1. A.W. McMahon et al., Pharmacoepide- miol Drug Saf., 19, 921-933 (2010). 2. A. Tovar et al., BMC Reasearch Notes 6, 230 (2013) 3. T.E. Warkentin et al., Blood 106, 3791- 3796 (2005). 4. T.E. Warkentin and A. Greinacher, Ann Thorac Surg 76, 2121-2131 (2003). 5. A. Greinacher et al., Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 26, 2386-2393 (2006). 6. J. E. Ansell et al., Chest 88, 878-882 (1985). 7. J.L. Francis et al., Ann . Thor. Surgery 75, 17-22 (2003). 8. G. Costantino et al., PLoS One 7, e44553 (2012). 9. J.L. Harman and C.J. Silva, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 234, 59-72 (2009). 10. EuroCJD Network, Creutzfeldt- Jakob Disease International Surveil- lance Network (2015), available at data%201.html#vcjd-cases. Accessed Aug. 27, 2015. 11. FDA, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopa- thy (2015), nary/guidancecomplianceenforcement/ complianceenforcement/bovinespongi- formencephalopathy/default.htm. Ac- cessed Aug. 27, 2015. 12. I. DeVeau et al., “Analytical Microbiology Expert Committee. The USP Perspective to Minimize the Potential Risk of TSE Infectivity in Bovine-Derived Articles Used in the Manufacture of Medical Products.,” Pharmacopeial Forum 30, 1911-1921 (2004). 13. D. Taylor, Comptes rendus biologies 325, 75-76 (2002). 14. W. J. Gomes and D.M. Braile. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 24(2):3-4 (2009). 15. ANVISA, information on contaminated Heparin (2008), wps/s/r/ZVo, accessed Aug. 27, 2015. 16. H. Liu et al., Nat Prod Rep 26, 313-321 (2009). 17. USP, USP38-NF33, First Supplement, Heparin Sodium monograph, p.3748 (USP, Rockville, MD). 18. FDA, Heparin for Drug and Medical Device Use: Monitoring Crude Heparin for Quality ( 2013 ), loads/drugs/guidancecomplianceregula- toryinformation/guidances/ucm291390. pdf Accessed Aug. 27, 2015. PT Disclaimer This article reflects the views of the authors and should not be construed to represent US FDA’s views or policies.