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Global Institute For Transformation® (GIFT)
Enabling the Christian Call to Transform the World through the Love of Christ,
by Supporting a Unified Christian Community and Witness,
Providing Innovations for Addressing Spiritual and Physical Needs, and Raising Significant Funds
Design Is For Value Illustration Only
Global Institute ForTransformation® (GIFT) Can Help Engage Both
Catholics And Protestants In Our Common Call To Transform The World
“All of the baptized are called to work toward the transformation of the
world…” “All of the faithful are called in various ways to share in the Church’s
mission of announcing the reign of God and transforming the world in the
light of Christ.” (pgs. 8; 20)
“The issue of spiritual transformation is not new in the Christian faith.
It has been a primary issue, though perhaps given different labels,
throughout church history.”
"In the end, life is not about accumulation. It is much more than success.
To be truly alive is to be transformed from within, open to the energy of God's
love. In accepting the power of the Holy Spirit you too can transform your
families, communities and nations.“ Pope Benedict XVI at World Youth Day.
“With Christ we can transform ourselves and the world,” proclaimed
Pope Francis, in his first Palm Sunday message, 2013.
GIFT’s Mission:
Transforming hearts, lives and communities by helping
people receive, fully appreciate and share the gift(s) of God.
GIFT Was Enthusiastically Endorsed As “Sorely Needed” By Archbishop
Elden Curtiss, Given GIFT’s Commitment To Help Transform Lives
Through Innovations In Addressing Both Physical And Spiritual Needs
Archbishop Elden Curtiss
described and endorsed GIFT as:
“a cross-denominational ministry that’s
helping transform lives so we’ll live and
love more like Jesus – and transform our
world. Given all the challenges in today’s
world, GIFT is sorely needed…
Through several ministries ranging from
production of posters and notecards to
establishing water filtration systems in
third world countries, GIFT is helping
people be transformed…
I enthusiastically support the mission of
GIFT and encourage you to be open …
‘to the energy of God’s love’ through the
many opportunities which GIFT offers
to be transformed by the power
of Jesus’ love.”
GIFT Can Support The New Evangelization In “Uniting All Christians In A
Common Witness To The ‘Transforming Power of the Gospel Message’”
GIFT can help fulfill the New Evangelization and share the ‘“transforming power’ of the Gospel message”
through its cross-denominational “brand proposition,” mission and resources, including:
1. Supporting Catholics and non-Catholics in Faith Fervency and Corporal & Spiritual Works Of Mercy
2. Equipping Catholics and non-Catholics to dialogue on truths, using tools with NIV® text and Imprimaturs
3. Reengaging those who left the Church as a new welcoming venue but aligned ministry of the Church
4. Reuniting the entire Body Of Christ by working together to transform the world in the light of Christ
5. Addressing the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, “17 Goals To Transform The World,” as per MT 25
6. Shepherding more people into fervent communion with Christ and bringing Christ’s Presence to the world
“A new evangelization means that the Church must convincingly sustain her efforts at
uniting all Christians in a common witness to the world of the prophetic
and ‘transforming power’ of the Gospel message.“
2012 Synod on the New Evangelization
Youth And
No Longer
Believe In
Or God;
The Faith
Growth Of
– Those
With Any
Declines In
of Christ’s
Presence In
Catholics --
2nd Largest
Christian Faith
Foster Disunity;
Faith Messages
Reduced Faith
In Actions
That Are Not
Aligned With
God’s Word Or
Loving Plan
40% Drop In
Empathy And A
Devaluation Of
Others Among
Our Youth,
Per Michigan
Far Too Much
Global Hunger
And Poverty;
Food Waste;
Dirty H20;
Lack Of Energy
Chronic Illness
Unifying Cross-Denominational Messages
Scripture Art/Teachings Of Christian Truths In NIV® Text With An Imprimatur
• “The Secret To Being A Happy Camper” Book
• GIFT’s Scripture Art, Posters, Yard Signs
Celebrate Our Creator® Curriculum And Wonder-of-Creation Content And
Interrelated Faith Pillars Of GIFT And TRANSFORMATION
• “All of the baptized are called to work toward the transformation of the world…” “All of the
faithful are called in various ways to share in the Church’s mission of announcing the reign of
God and transforming the world in the light of Christ.”
• “The issue of spiritual transformation is not new in the Christian faith. It has been a primary
issue, though perhaps given different labels, throughout church history.”
• ”Our life is essentially a gift… Only on the basis of God’s gift, freely accepted and humbly
received, can we cooperate by our own efforts in our progressive transformation….These
gifts are meant to renew and build up the Church… Christian faith is thus faith in a perfect
love, in its decisive power, in its ability to transform the world…”
GIFT’s Spiritual Transformation Guide
GIFT’s Spiritual Transformation Path (Parable of the Sower)
GIFT’s G.L.O.W. (Godliness, Love, Obedience & Witness)
Faith Formation Events/Content
Planned G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change Membership Card W. Spiritual Content; Stewardship;
Discounts; Moral Purchasing; Potential $2.3 Billion/Year In Funding
Planned Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppe Cross-Denominational Franchises (A Hub for All Of The Above)
“Sheep & Goat
Go To The Ice
Cream Parlor”
Children’s Book
On Matthew 25
(The #1 Catholic
Teaching That
We All Must
Per Pope Francis
Act, Reflect
Advocate UN
Smart Farming
Of Sweet
Potatoes And
(Can Support
Other Crops;
Closes Digital
Divide; Can Be
Repurposed For
Smart Cities,
Medical, Etc.)
“The Great
Pumpkin Food
Fight” Campaign
Water Filtration
Microgrids &
Muni Utilities
Act, Reflect
Harvest For Life®
Dietary Regimen
Impacts Virtually
All Chronic Illness
(SDG: 3.4)
MHFL Can Also
Address SDG #13:
Climate Impact
(Equivalent To
Taking 1 Billion
Cars Off The Road)
And SDG #12:
Production &
(Shifts 1 Billion
Tons Of Grain
Currently Used To
Feed Livestock
Toward Feeding
3.5 Billion People)
Using Innovations In Addressing Spiritual And Physical Needs
Jesus Was Right:
The World Needs To See A Unified Christian Witness
Perhaps society has turned against God in part because Christians have turned against each
other. GIFT seeks to unite all Christians in a new, transforming witness of God’s selfless love.
GIFT’s Cross-Denominational “Brand” Can Be Used To Support And Unify
Catholics And Non-Catholics And Reach Non-Believers More Powerfully
GIFT’s Church “brand extension” and “alternative
brand experiences” can reach more people and
“Unite all Christians in a Common Witness to the
Transforming Power of the Gospel”
Just like Toyota and Northeast Utilities
have used multiple brands to appeal to
multiple market segments and their distinct
preferences, the GIFT “brand’ can help
the Church appeal to more people and
unite multiple Christian communities
in impacting our world.
The GIFT “brand” may
better resonate with
those who don’t fully
appreciate the
It can unify our
witness, shepherd
more people and help
secure more funding.
GIFT Supports Spiritual And Material Needs Via Scripture Rendering,
Outreach Resources, Global Relief Innovations And Funding
GIFT delivers innovative
material support, including
Smart, Sweet, Potato
Farming as a starter crop,
using Supercomputing from
Poland and farming expertise
from LSU to optimize yields.
Clean water initiative
helps address the50% of
hospitalizations caused
by waterborne Illnesses.
Planned Microgrids for
economic development,
improved lifestyles and
global GHG impact.
“Celebrate Our Creator” curriculum and merchandise build
appreciation for God as our Creator, Provider ,Sustainer
and Savior; countering key reasons youth are leaving the
Church. Can support Sunday School, Catechism, Season
of Creation, VBS, Summer Camps, Earth Day, etc.
Children’s book
renderingMatthew 25
encourages Corporal
Works of Mercy and
addresses 40% drop
in youth empathy and
devaluation of others.
Scripture Art/Teachings encourage
deeper fervency, support unity
and enable the new evangelization.
Assists Churches in engaging
communities via books, yard
signs, bulletin art, posters,event
content, even car door magnets.
MHFL Dietary Regimen, affirmed by university
nutrition scientists for potential to impact health. A
Corporal Work of Mercy, including evidence-based
nutrition in healthcare and “Act… Reflect…
Transform” strategy. Can support evangelization:
MHFL testifies to God’s awesome provisions.
Mediterranean eating was described by Web MD
as “A Divine Mix” and “God knows how it works.”
Planned Café &
G.I.F.T. Shoppes
can reach people
not going to Church,
build faith fervency
and unite Christians.
Planned “GIFT Card That Makes Change”/
Mobile wallet membership and discount program
will support the purchase clout and desires of
42 million “Faith-Driven Consumers;” will affect
“moral purchasing,” stewardship andsolidarity;
can raise$2.3 B+/yr. for the Church and ministries.
“The Great Pumpkin Food Fight – Fighting For
Those Who Need Food” raises awareness of our
food waste, as we discard pumpkins (food – a
$110 MM waste); raises $ for pantries/global relief.
Global Institute For Transformation’s Brand Essence -- Highlighting Both
GIFT and TRANSFORMATION -- Conveys Foundational Faith Concepts
(GIFT and TRANSFORMATION Represent Two Key, Interrelated Teachings Within Multiple Church Messages)
Everything is a GIFT from God: the love of Jesus;
Salvation; our Church; life itself; sustenance; etc.
• “Weneed to acknowledgejubilantly thatour life
is essentially a gift…” Gaudete Et Exsultate
• “Faith is God’s free gift… Christ has been given to
us as a great gift which inwardly transforms us,”
Lumen Fidei
• “…livein gratitude, obeying with joy He Who has
given us so much, infinitely more than what we
can give to Him. The foundation of this duty is
the love of God the Father, Who first gives, then
commands,” expressedPope Francis, 6/27/2018
• “…in commercial relationships the principle of
gratuitousness and the logic of GIFT … must find
their place within normal economic activity,”
Caritas in Veritate
As all of God’s GIFTs are fully and humbly
appreciated, TRANSFORMATIONS occur.
• “Grace acts in history; ordinarily it takes hold of
us and transforms us progressively… Only on the
basis of God’s gift, freely accepted and humbly
received, can we cooperate by our own efforts in
our progressive transformation… God wants to
speak to the world by your life. Let yourself be
transformed,” Gaudete Et Exsultate
• “In God’s gift of faith, when we welcome that
Word, Jesus Christ the Word made flesh, the
Holy Spirit transforms us. Faith consists in the
willingness to let ourselves be constantly
transformed... Christian faith is thus faith in a
perfect love, in its decisive power, in its ability to
transform the world,” Lumen Fidei
GIFT Has Been Advancing
Appreciation For Gratuitousness And The Logic Of GIFT
GIFT Asserts and Supports the Need to Affect Transformational Impacts
via Advanced Social Justice Teaching and Tools
Act (on an issue/need)
Reflect (on the root cause)
Transform (the root cause/the world)
GIFT Scripture Artwork Encourages Christian Unity And Dialogue,
Explains Tenets Of The Faith, Builds Fervency And Enables Ecumenism
(To build unity, artwork uses NIV® text and received a Catholic Imprimatur)
The Incredible, Life-Saving Value Of The Eucharist
Perspectives On Being Saved By Grace And Doing Works
Selfless Love And Holiness: The Key To Christianity
Biblical Appreciation For Church Teaching & Tradition
Living The Example of Mary
Honoring The Sanctity Of Life
GIFT Scripture Artwork Supports Evangelization
GIFT Materials Have Been Used To Reinforce Mass Readings
And Reach The Community Via Bulletins, Yard Signs And Cards
GIFT Materials Have Been Used To Reinforce Sunday Messages
And Reach The Community Via Bulletins, Yard Signs and Cards
GIFT Has Presented on Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy
at Archdiocesan and Parish/Community Faith Fervency Events
GIFT Scripture Coffee Table Book Supports The New Evangelization
The Secret To Being A Happy Camper renders
over 100 key, transformative scripture verses
in a compelling and novel manner
• Received an Imprimatur, using approved NIV®
(Protestant-based) text, to support loving
dialogues among Catholics and non-Catholics
on the Eucharist, Mary, Faith & Works,
Tradition, Sanctity of Life and other key issues
• Can unite Christians based on Biblical Truths
• Can support Bible studies, small group
meetings, and the New Evangelization
• Encouraged by Cardinal Mahony, after he saw
Scripture art highlighting and defending
Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist
“A new evangelization means that the Church must convincingly sustain her efforts at
uniting all Christians in a common witness to the world of the prophetic
and ‘transforming power’ of the Gospel message.“
2012 Synod on the New Evangelization
GIFTProvides FaithFormation Teachings
To Encourage Transformational Living
At The Encouragement Of The
USCCB Office Of
Ecumenism & Interreligious Affairs,
GIFT Developed A Study On The
Parable Of The Sower
GIFT Spiritual Transformation Guide
Helps Navigate Life By Highlighting
Christ-Like Behaviors... Received An
Ecclesiastical Permission
GIFT Renders The Opening And
Framing Of Lumen Fidei
And Conveys Our Need For
Godliness, Love, Obedience &
Witness (GLOW)
GIFT Often Shares Valuable Vatican Teachings Via “V2P”
– Vatican to Pew – Communications
“Love Taking It To The Streets”
GIFT’s Resources Support Spiritual Formation and Witness
and Can Provide Sources of Funds for Churches and Global Impact
(GIFT properties have received Imprimaturs)
Design Is For Value Illustration Only
A Critical Situation Needs To Be Addressed By The Church And Our Families:
There’s Been A 40% Drop In Empathy Among Young
Adults – And A Corresponding Devaluation Of Others!
Let’s redouble our efforts to teach compassion to our children, with the “Sheep & Goat Go To
The Ice Cream Parlor” children’s book, rendering Matthew 25 in a fun and engaging manner.
Michigan University’s 2010 longitudinal
study surfaced an alarming 40% drop in
empathy among college students. and a
corresponding devaluation of others.
In 2018, GIFT requested an update, and
the author of the study presented an even
more disturbing conclusion that strikes at
the heart of our faith practices. “For it to
change, society would have to care,”
noted study author, Dr. Kornrath.
Sadly, despite our compassionate support
as Christian leaders, grandparents, parents,
and educators, we must not be teaching
empathy to our children to the extent that
they can withstand the prevailing
orientation of self that’s dominant in
today’s world. The results are truly tragic.
We need to address this. Introducing our
young children to Matthew 25 -- via
Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor
--can help address this very dispiritingissue.
GIFT Renders The Parable of the Final Judgment/SJ in a Fun Manner
Key To Countering 40% Drop In Empathy Among Youth And Corresponding Devaluation Of Others
(As Noted By A University Of Michigan Longitudinal Study Of College Students Before/After 2000;
Sheep & Goat Book Provides Essential
Church Teaching:
• Social Justice/Matthew 25
• Selflessness Vs. Selfishness
• Living & Loving Like Jesus
• Empathy
• Act… Reflect…Transform
Used in Protestant Church
Community Outreach
Seen On Catholic TV
Endorsed by
Received An Imprimatur
What People Are Saying About
Sheep & Goat
Archdiocese Chancellor:
“Sheep & Goat is an inspirational tale that
teaches young people the value of generosity
and stewardship. It helps the young reader to
appreciate the parable Jesus himself taught in
the gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 25. May
we all strive to be like the sheep!" affirmed
Monsignor Joseph C. Taphorn, Chancellor.
"My daughter has hundreds of books she
can choose from, but there are two that are
her favorites. One is a pocket sized Bible,
and the other is the Sheep & Goat book. Every
time I read her the Sheep & Goat book I get
chills, as the story is moving, and I know God
is working through this book,” writes a dad. .
Nazarene Church
Community Outreach
Pope Francis Told Our Youth, “If you want to know what you
actually have to do, read Matthew Chapter 25, which is the
protocol by which we will be judged.”
So Let’s Give Our Kids What They Really Need:
“Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor,” A Fun-Filled Expression Of Matthew 25
• Covered on CatholicTV -- deemed charming and fun for young readers, with a few surprises
• Used in community outreach event by a local Nazarene Church
• Endorsed by, a Monsignor, and a religious order’s bookstore
• Received an Imprimatur
• A favorite of little ones, too -- grandparents, moms and teens can share this with the little ones
• Builds empathy, a critically needed trait that’s core to Christian living
• Proceeds fund Social Justice -- locally and globally
Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor Has Touched The Hearts Of Christian Leaders & Kids
Why settle for only what the world promotes, when we can encourage our children to live out their faith?
CARA Study Says Youth Are Leaving The Faith As They Don’t Accept
That God Created The World Or God’s Perfect Plan For The Universe
We Need To Celebrate Our Creator And The Wonders Of His Creation
(It’s An Imperative And Foundational Faith Issue)
The Church’s Decline Must End For Humanity’s Sake
• Half of young former Catholics identify as
atheists, agnostics or un affiliated
• 50% stopped believing what the Church teaches;
don’t like the Church's rules and perceived
judgmental approach
• Church attendance has also fallen sharply
• Fewer US young are Catholic: median age for U.S.
Catholics is 49 vs. 40 for other religions and 36
for America as a whole
• Typical age to leave the faith: 13.
• 63% stopped being Catholic between ages
10-17; 23% before age 10.
• Only 13% say they’re likely to return
— “As I learn more about the world around me and
understand things that I once did not, I find that the thought
of an all-powerful being to be less and less believable.”
— “It no longer fits into what I understand of the universe.”
— “Catholic beliefs aren’t based on fact. Everything is
hearsay from back before anything could be documented, so
nothing can be disproved, but it certainly shouldn’t be taken
— “I realized that religion is in complete contradiction with
the rational and scientific world, and to continue to
subscribe to a religion would be hypocritical.”
— “Need proof of something.”
— “Because I grew up realized it was a story like Santa
or the Easter Bunny.”
We Need To Reassert, Praise And Celebrate God
As Our Magnificent Creator, Provider, Sustainer And Savior
– With Designs, Provisions And Plans For Life And Eternity With Him --
Plus We Need To Celebrate All The Wonders Of Creation!!!
“The Human Body Is A Miracle Of
Microscopic Design”
Tens of thousands of miles of blood vessels;
Each organ made of billions of cells; etc.
Tomatoes Talk To Their Neighbors
GIFT’s Celebrate Our Creator® Curriculum and Merchandise Can Help Us
Appreciate God’s GIFT of Creation and Become Better Stewards Of It
(Supports Laudato Si, Care4Creation, Season of Creation).
“The Psalms frequently exhort us to praise God the Creator, ‘who spread out the earth on the waters,
for his steadfast love endures for ever.’ (Ps 136:6). They also invite other creatures to join us in this praise:
‘Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters
above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created.’
(Ps 148:3-5). We do not only exist by God’s mighty power; we also live with him and beside him. This is why
we adore him.
The writings of the prophets invite us to find renewed strength in times of trial by contemplating the all-
powerful God who created the universe. Nature expresses a design of love and truth. It is prior to us, and it
has been given to us by God as the setting for our life. Nature speaks to us of the Creator (cf. Rom 1:20) and
his love for humanity… Projects… need to be marked by solidarity and inter-generational justice…”
“The environment is God's gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor,
towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole. When nature, including the human being, is
viewed as the result of mere chance or evolutionary determinism, our sense of responsibility wanes. “
Caritas In Veritate
GIFT’s Celebrate Our Creator® Curriculum Builds Faith Foundations,
Encourages Stewardship And Fosters Solidarity 877-WE-GIFT-2
GIFT Launched “The Great Pumpkin Food Fight – Fighting For Those
Who NeedFood”To Stop Food Waste And Raise Funds For Food Pantries
“It is a scandal that there is still hunger and malnutrition in the world!
The data provided by FAO indicates that approximately one third of the global
production of food is not available due to increasing loss and wastefulness
Wasting food is only one of the fruits of the “culture of waste” which often
leads to sacrificing men and women to the idols of profit and consumption.
It is a sad sign of the “globalization of indifference” which slowly leads us
to grow “accustomed” to the suffering of others, as though it were normal,”
noted Pope Francis at an FAO meeting, World Food Day, 2013.
GIFT Plans Include
Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes
Supporting Broad Christian Outreach and The New Evangelization with Fun-Filled Faith
Formation, Evidence-Based Nutrition in Healthcare, and Community and Global Impact Efforts
“Our sociologists of religion tell us that the influence of a
parish has a radius of six hundred meters. In Buenos Aires
there are about two thousand meters between one parish
and the next.
So I then told the priests: “If you can, rent a garage and,
if you find some willing layman, let him go there! Let
him be with those people a bit, do a little catechesis and
even give Communion if they ask him.”
A parish priest said to me: ‘But Father, if we do this the
people then won’t come to church.’ ‘But why?’ I asked
him: ‘Do they come to Mass now?’ ‘No,’ he answered.
And so! Coming out of oneself is also coming out from
the fenced garden of one’s own convictions, considered
irremovable, if they risk becoming an obstacle, if they
close the horizon that is also of God.”
Pope Francis Has Advocated Engaging Laity in Community Outreach,
Encouraging Renting Garages and Mission Houses
Pope Francis Advocated that
Priests “Rent Garages” and
Engage Laity to Reach People
Not Coming to Church
“What are known as ‘mission houses’ deserve a special
mention, for they, in the face of a lack of churches and priests,
allow for many people to have a space for prayer, for listening
to the Word, for catechism, and for community life,” said the
He added: “They (“mission houses”) are small signs of the
presence of God in our neighborhoods, as well as a consistent
source of support that make the words of Saint Paul the
Apostle come alive: ‘I urge you to lead a life worthy of the
vocation to which you were called.”
Mission houses are an evangelization initiative born in the
1960’s, In Cuba’s 2,330 mission houses baptisms are held,
stable communities gather, and regular events take place. The
Cuban Bishops Conference considers them “one of the most
important assets of the Church.”
Pope Francis Praised
“Mission Houses” in Cuba as
Essential to Reaching People
Where Churches Can’t Reach
As Pope Francis Encouraged Renting Garages for Laity and Praised Mission Houses,
Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes Will Equip Laity in The New Evangelization, Aid Faith Formation,
Lead People to Church and Encourage Full Communion with Christ
“The GIFT Card
That Makes Change”
Stewardship; Church &
Cause Funding
New Evangelization;
Christian Content & Events;
“Theology On Tap”
Reach Those Not
In Church
Global Impact &
Fair Trade Merchandise
Support For Our
Global Family
Corporal & Spiritual
Works of Mercy
GIFT Supports Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Dietary Regimen
Which Can Deliver Evidence-Based Nutrition In Healthcare To Fulfill
Social Justice – Including Preventing Illness And Caring For The Sick
Proprietary & Confidential
Improve The Environment… Reduce Food Costs For The Poor…
Affect Weight Loss… Extend Lifespans…Avert Chronic Illnesses…
And More
Longer Life
Clogged Arteries
Heart Health
Mediterranean-Style Eating Is The One Dietary Regimen Backed
By Longitudinal Studies For Impacting Virtually All Chronic Illness.
No other healthcare intervention is as efficacious or impactful.
& Birth
& Nitrous
MHFL provided exhaustive research summaries to USDA’s Nutrition Evidence Library. Chronic diseases affect 45% of the U. S. (133 million cases) and account for 81% of hospitalizations; 91% of prescriptions;
76% of physician visits -- and the problem continues to grow. Of all Medicare spending, 99% is for chronic disease.
Source: Improving Patient and Health System Outcomes through Advanced Pharmacy Practice. A Report to the U.S. Surgeon General, 2011.
Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Can Help Improve Our Health,
Cut Healthcare Costs, Save The Planet, Help The Poor And More
Expert Panel Affirms The Healthcare Value In
Mediterranean Harvest For Life®
Dr. Tim Carr, UNL professor of Nutrition and Health Science,
validated the potential health impact of MHFL:
”Dr. Carr mentioned this (MHFL) concept represents
leading a big, necessary change in our lifestyles;
and he drew the analogy between the Phil Skololof,
who single handedly led the change to eliminate trans fats
from commercial cooking, and LMI’s strategy
to migrate people to this more healthy (MHFL) lifestyle.”
University of Nebraska Food Processing Center Expert Panel Summary
Eleven senior doctors presented a
compelling appeal to Prime Minister
David Cameron, insisting
that it’s time for Mediterranean-style
eating to be placed at the forefront
of health policy.
“The evidence base for the
Mediterranean diet
in preventing all of the chronic
diseases that are plaguing the
Western world is overwhelming,”
says Dr. Richard Hoffman, one of the
lead authors of a letter to Cameron.
Doctors Appealed To Britain’s David Cameron To Exclusively Advocate
The Mediterranean Style Of Eating To Help Prevent Chronic Illnesses
Institute Of Medicine warns U. S. faces a chronic illness crisis
and calls for “evidence-based nutrition” in healthcare
World Health Organization advises that the world has a chronic
illness epidemic and deems nutrition a healthcare “Best Buy”
Medical Experts Have Called For Evidence-Based Nutrition
In Healthcare And Deemed Nutrition A Healthcare “Best Buy”
Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Can Enable Fulfilling
UN SDG #3 -- Wellbeing
Mediterranean-style eating has been
proven to help reduce non-
communicable diseases and depression
which are spreading worldwide
•Premature deaths (before 70 years of age) owing to
cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory
disease or diabetes totaled about 13 million in ‘15,
accounting for 43% of all premature deaths globally.
•Mental disorders such as depression can lead to
suicide. Nearly 800,000 suicides occurred worldwide in
2015, with men about twice as likely to commit suicide
as women.
SDG 3.4
Reduce by 1/3
mortality from non-
diseases with
prevention and
treatment, and
promote mental
health and
MHFL Fulfills the HeART of Christian Living
MHLFL Helps Fulfill Core Social Justice Teaching:
Act…(on an issue) Reflect (on the root cause)… Transform (the cause at its root)
• Act to care for the sick, increased suffering, contending with burgeoning costs, etc…
• Reflect on a contributing root cause – e.g.: poor diet …
• Transform healthcare/wellbeing via proven-efficacious, Mediterranean-style eating
Mediterranean Harvest For Life Provides Resources To Assert And
Support Nutrition’s Impact In Chronic Illness Management
• MHFL HELP (Healthy Eating & Living Plan)
• MHFL Trapezoid With HC Oriented Foods
• MHFL - The Best Of All Functional Foods
• MHFL Nutrition Facts Reference Guide
• MHFL Brand’s Differentiation Vs. Standard Med-Style
– Highlighted SelectionsTo Fill You Up Vs. Fill You Out
• MFHL Research Assessment
• MHFL Research Summary Slide Show
• On-Site Education And Engagement Support
• MHFL Ordering App (Cafeterias, Stores, Restaurants)
• MHFL Loyalty Club/Persistency Program
• MHFL Database To Match To HC Outcomes
= Planned MHFL Services
Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Can Help Fulfill A Key Healthcare
Strategy By Educating And Equipping The Church Community
HHS Has Been Seeking The Church’s Support To Impact Health
“Neighborhood and faith-based organizations are well positioned to initiate
and coordinate activities that encourage healthy living and well-being.
Trusted leaders in communities and congregations can empower families
and communities to make better choices to improve the health of our nation’s
children,” U. S. Health & Human Services
MHFL’s Community Engagement Is A CSJ Strategy
That Can Improve Health And Avert Chronic Illnesses
• A CSJ strategy, MHFL community
advocacy encourages healthy
food purchases and healthy
lifestyles – and testifies to God’s
awesome creation
• MHFL is becoming recognized as
a trusted resource to address
society’s need for “evidence-
based nutrition” in the
healthcare continuum
MHFL Supports
The Church In Its
Mission To Care
For The Sick Via
Nutrition In
Center Engaged
Education And
Secured Interest
From A State
MHFL is a USDA MyPlate
Community Partner
Newark Museum
Engaged MHFL To
Support Its
Generation Fit
Exhibit: Catering;
Sampling; and
Newark YMCA
Engaged MHFL To
Educate The
City’s Children
On Healthy Eating
To Avert Obesity
Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Supports Community Health While
Aligning The Merits Of Healthy Eating To Core Church Teaching/Mission
MHFL Encourages Nurturing Spirituality In
Optimizing Wellbeing
MHFL Brings Healthy Alternative To
Donuts For After-Church Coffee Hours And
TestifiesTo God’sAwesomeDesignsIn Food
MHFL Shares WebMD’s Sentiment That
Mediterranean-Diet Is A “Divine Mix”…
“God Knows How It Works…”
Beyond Addressing Health via Evidence-Based Nutrition in Healthcare,
MHFL Advocates Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy by Encouraging
Spirituality and Testifying to the “Divine Mix” of God’s Creation in Foods
GIFT’s Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Can Be Used In Community
Service And Affect A Social Justice-Based, Evangelization Of Caring
• Outreach Christian magazine repeatedly recommended nutrition and cooking classes -- and
restaurants -- as means to evangelize those not coming to Church. MHFL can evangelize
through impacting lives with Christ-like, genuine caring and God’s most efficacious healthcare
provisions to avert chronic illness suffering, struggles and costs.
Church Of The Open Door draws people who
don’t know Jesus through nutrition classes
Pastor Clive reaches the un-churched with
combined cooking classes & bible studies
Reverend Pridgen opens a Subway to
introduce the community to the church
MHFL Addresses 133MM
Cases Of Chronic Illness and
Testifies To God’s Creation
Mediterranean-Style Eating Can Help The Poor Reduce Food
Costs, Reduce Dependence On Pantries And Improve Health
People who were educated about how to eat,
cook and abide by the Mediterranean diet
experienced decreases in grocery bills,
decreases in reliance on food pantries,
increases in produce consumption, and
reduction in weight, according to researchers
from The Miriam Hospital and the Rhode
Island Community Food Bank.
Participants bought fewer and fewer sodas,
desserts, snacks and meat, and more and more
veggies and fruits.
"Not only did (Mediterranean eating)
study participants cut their food
spending by more than half, saving
nearly $40 per week, the reliance on
a food pantry decreased as well, from
68% to 54%...”
Planned MediterraneanHarvest For Life® Loyalty Club Promotion
Will Deliver Shopping Value and Encourage Healthy Eating
• MHFL Membership Club
discounts encourage
healthy purchases
• Tie POS purchases to
healthcare outcomes data
• MHFL social network(s)
• Chronic-ailment lists
Introducing Mediterranean Harvest For Life®
Save On The Foods You Love PLUS
Get The Health Benefits That Only
Mediterranean-Style Eating Provides
Win A
FREE Trip To
Where Healthy Mediterranean
Eating Was First Discovered:
Salerno, Italy
No purchase necessary. Ends 12/31/19
For entry details, see next page,
or go to:
No other eating style has been proven to help lose weight
PLUS impact health as much! It addresses: Alzheimer’s;
Birth Defects; Cancers; Diabetes; Heart Health; High Blood
Pressure & Cholesterol; Stroke; Parkinson’s & more.
And it can help us live years longer…
Perhaps or or years!
Future MHFL Loyalty And Coupon Club
Will Encourage And Enable Healthy, Mediterranean-Style Eating
Discounts on Qualifying Items Proving Evidence-Based
Nutrition In Healthcare
Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Dietary Regimen
Can Deliver “Evidence-Based Nutrition In Healthcare”
By Matching Participant POS Data With Open Healthcare Informatics
Technology A: Integrated With Technology B:
Loyalty Club, Discounts, Community Outcomes Via
Grocer POS, EBT’s Open Healthcare IT and
Approved Product List Blue Button/HIE/pophealth
Planned MHFL Nutrition Advocacy And Healthcare Outcomes Transaction Processing Platform
BB; PopHealth;
Educate On, Incentivize, Affect And Track Healthy Behavior -- And Lower Healthcare Costs!
ems Integration Across POS (Cafeteria, Grocer EBT APL, WIC, Sr. Farmers’ Market); Loyalty/Discount/Rewards Platfo
Social/Community Engagement DB; Education DB; Behavior Modification Trigger DB; HC EHR/Open Source Data
Beyond Impacting Health, Shifting To Mediterranean-Style Eating
Can Also Impact Climate And Address Global Hunger
GHG equivalent of taking 1 billion cars
off the road
Enabling a shift of 1 billion tons of grain used
to feed cattle toward feeding 3.5 billion people
Shifting to Mediterranean Diet Would
Help Address Climate Change
Summary Of
Mediterranean Harvest For Life®
Food Ordering App’s SDG Benefits
10% – 30%
of chronic
weight loss,
SDGs 3; 12
costs, now
@ $20K per
SDG 12
equal to
taking 1
billion cars
off the
SDG 13; 12
Shift 1 billion
tons of grain
used in
livestock to
feeding 3.5
SDG 12
Share meals
with hungry
globally; cut
SDGs 1; 2
food waste.
SDG 12
table value
SDG 12
illustration of
Introducing GIFT Plans For
“The G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change”
Membership And Affinity Value-Creation Program
A Moral-Purchasing-Oriented Stewardship Program, Discount Club and Mobile Shopper’s Wallet
Can Affect Faith Formation and Social Justice and Raise Funds for The Church and Ministries
Design Is For Value Illustration Only
“The GIFT Card That Make Change” Will Teach And Seek To Fulfill
The Call For Moral Purchasing Among Catholics
“What is needed is an effective shift in mentality which can lead to the adoption of new life-styles…
Economic activity… needs to be directed towards the pursuit of the common good… in commercial
relationships the principle of gratuitousness and the logic of GIFT as an expression of fraternity can
and must find their place within normal economic activity.
Economic life… needs works redolent of the spirit of gift… without gratuitousness, there can be no
justice… In order to defeat underdevelopment, action is required… on forms of economic activity
marked by quotas of gratuitousness and communion… market and politics need individuals who are
open to reciprocal gift…”
Caritas In Veritate
GIFT/faith can influence lifestyles; secure $2.3 billion royalty from targeted $3.5 trillion spend
($3.5 Trillion US Target Category Spend x 65% of U. S. who profess Christianity x .001 share of spend = $2.3 B Christian Affinity Royalty)
• Grocery: $107.34/wk.; $5,881/yr. @130 MM HHs = $650 B - $700 B spend, plus MHFL opportunity
• Restaurants: 50 B visits @ 4x/wk. for 250 MM consumers age 8+ = $600 B pend
• Weddings, rings, honeymoon: 2.5 MM events, 175 guests/buyers = $72 B spend/evangelization venue
• Automotive, $1 T spend
• Clothing: $260 B spend
• Travel:2.6 billion50 mile road trips; 650 MM air travel= $500 B spend; “purposed tourism” opportunity
• Fitness (body and mind) 60+% overweight/obese = $400 B+ spend growing to $1 T plus stewardship
• New Movers: 45 MM = $90 B spend and potential opportunity to encourage building God’s house
• Also Energy/Efficiency (some states): stewardship of creation; encourage Laudato Si; cut GHGs
The G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change Will Provide Christians With Offers
And Value That Offer Value, Enable Stewardship And Generate Funds
There’s A Very
Large Segment
Of U. S. Consumers
Specifically Seeking
Compatibility And
Lifestyle Support
In Their Purchasing
Known As
Faith-Driven Consumers
Faith-Driven Consumers comprise 41 million
Americans who spend ~$2 trillion annually
• Very intense in their Faith-based lifestyle, their
belief-system drives where they shop, what they buy,
where they work and the entertainment they enjoy
• 89% would like brands to do more to acknowledge,
welcome and support them as Christians
• 86% more likely to buy brands supporting them
• 77% would switch to more faith-compatible brands
• 70% proactively seek brands that acknowledge,
welcome and support FDCs
GIFT Will Identify And Advance Moral Purchasing Opportunities
To Help The Church Fulfill Its Mission
EXAMPLE: GIFT Will Promote, Package & Enable “Purposed Tourism”
“International tourism often follows a consumerist and hedonistic pattern, as a form of escapism
planned in a manner typical of the countries of origin, and therefore not conducive to authentic encounter
between persons and cultures.
We need, therefore, to develop a different type of tourism that has the ability to promote genuine
mutual understanding, without taking away from the element of rest and healthy recreation.
Tourism of this type needs to increase...” Pope Benedict XVI
Design Is For Value Illustration Only
GIFT Provides A Moral Purchasing Guide To Help Fulfill
The Call In Caritas In Veritate For Moral Purchasing
A practical example of
using the Moral
Purchasing Scorecard
to help guide Catholic
purchase decisions:
If a company is
pursuing the Internet
of Things technology,
is it doing so primarily
to cut costs by
eliminating positions,
or could they have
plans for affected
workers to be
retrained and
GIFT’s Moral Purchasing
Scorecard was used in
a national Social Justice
Working Group as an
ideation tool -- to help
influence job creation,
wellbeing, fairness
and dignity. It can
leverage the vast
Christian community’s
purchasing clout and
mission to encourage
companies to treat
employees fairly and to
support local and global
community needs.
GIFT Is Seeking
A Collaborative,
Best-Minds Definition
of What Constitutes
Moral Purchasing
GIFT Is Seeking
A Collaborative,
Best-Minds Definition
of What Constitutes
Moral Purchasing
GIFT Seeks to Offer Marital Support: Wedding Planning to Educate on
“TheTrueMeaningofaWedding;” andaGIFT Registry of “Reciprocal Gift”
What is needed is an effective shift in mentality which can lead to the adoption of new life-styles… Economic
activity… needs to be directed towards the pursuit of the common good… in commercial relationships the
principle of gratuitousness and the logic of GIFT as an expression of fraternity can and must find their
place within normal economic activity. Economic life… needs works redolent of the spirit of gift… without
gratuitousness, there can be no justice… In order to defeat underdevelopment, action is required… on
forms of economic activity marked by quotas of gratuitousness and communion… market and politics need
individuals who are open to reciprocal gift…” Caritas In Veritate
G.I.F.T. Cards Will Incorporate Membership Cards And Mobile Wallets
For Engagement And Value
1. Membership card and mobile service with Christian content and multiple sources of value
– For day-to-day needs, Christmas, weddings and other lifestyle considerations
• Membership discounts will be provided through integration of SCRIP and other values
• Mobile media will share stewardship and ministry updates, spiritual/Church content, viral marketing
• Mobile content will encourage moral and purposed purchasing options
• Mobile reports will be received/shared from beneficiaries of The G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change
2. Membership card options include both physical cards and mobile devices -- and Point of Sale coupons
• Register gift, debit, credit, payroll cards (inc. Church payroll cards) and HSA “purses” to mobile
• Remittances aid diaspora/homeland needs; would support V Encuentro, Haitian and other ministries
Retail & On-line
An exciting
new level of
support for
and needs,
and other key
lifestyle issues
and events
• Eradicate Hunger
• End Poverty
• Assure Wellbeing (Spiritual & Physical)
• And more by 2030!!!
• Help affect tens of trillions of dollars in
economic growth and 380 million jobs
G.I.F.T. Cards Will Support Physical And Spiritual Needs,
Including Enabling The UN Sustainable Development Goals:
“17 GoalsToTransformOurWorld”
• Support families and engage the youth
• Enable stewardship based on the logic of gift
and transforming lives, including moral
purchasing and purposed travel
• Convey Christina teaching, share God’s word
• Provide solidarity through content, including
live interactions globally and impact reporting
• Support diaspora connecting with loved ones
• Raise $2.3 billion annually in cause funding
GIFT Would Allocate Funds to Participants, Causes and Passions
to Increase Participation and Revenue
“Moral Purchasing” Funds Global
Solidarity And Relief Innovations
Church/University Appeals &
Capital Campaigns
Personal Needs/Stewardship, Inc:
Tuition; Purposed Travel; Etc.
Diaspora-Allocated Remittances:
Home; Health; Food; Edu.; & Bus.
GIFT® Pursues Innovations in Global Compassionate Relief
"How I Wish for a Church That is Poor and For The Poor!“
Pope Francis
GIFT Educates on Solidarity and Issues to Address Global
Disparities and Despair
“The scandal of glaring inequalities continues.” Caritas In Veritate
Global Bottom of the Economic Pyramid issues expose vast unmet needs and inequalities:
• ~1 billion people live on less than $1.00/day – struggling to stay alive; hurting
• Estimated 2.8 - 4 billion people living on less than $2.00/day
• 1 billion people lack clean water; 50% of hospitalizations due to impure H20; 4 million die/yr.
• 5 billion lack sanitation, risk disease and death
• 500 million people suffer from Malaria; 2 million die/yr.
– U.S. average HH income is $50K+ vs. up to 4 billion living on $2/day
– U.S per capita consumption equals 14x average global CO2
emissions and 18x low-income countries
-- 40% drop in empathy/corresponding devaluation of others
measured among U. S. college youth in U. Michigan study
-- U.S. home size increased 38% from ’75 to ’02
while family sizes shrunk
– Lack of environmental stewardship impacts
climate, migration, food supply/security
-- 66% of U. S. overweight or obese
-- Parable of the final judgment
(Mt. 25) not taking hold
Bottom of the Economic Pyramid
2.8 - 4 billion live on less than $2.00/day
~1 billion @ $1.00/day & at risk of death
Burdened by climate impact from developed world excesses
BSDC reports there is ~$60 trillion in economic opportunity in helping
HH Affluence
$50K = Global Top 1%
Global Vs. U. S. -- “Glaring Inequalities”; “Isolated And Indifferent”
”Do we take refuge in a universal
love that would embrace the
whole world, while failing
to see the Lazarus
sitting before our
closed doors?”
Pope Francis
Global Institute For Transformation Will Help The Church Advance The
UN Sustainable Development Goals As We’re Called To Do In Matthew 25
- UN SDGs call for eradicating poverty, eliminating hunger and enabling wellbeing by 2030
- We’re called to do this in Matthew 25: 31-46, James 2: 18, and elsewhere in Holy Scripture
- BSDC suggests sharing ~$60 trillion in economic opportunity helping people out of poverty!
- The Global Institute For Transformation (GIFT) will use its access to resources such as
supercomputing and microgrids – and expertise in internet of things, water filtration, nutrition,
smart farming, clean energy, smart grid, diversity, social justice and collaboration – to help the
Church help the world fulfill on the UN SDGs, which are designed to transform our world.
Too Little Involvement In The SDGs To Date Has Resulted In
Too Little Progress Addressing Hunger And Poverty
• For 3 years, global food insecurity has increased– despite the SDGs
• Those facing “chronic food deprivation” increased to ~821 million in ‘17, up
from ~804 million in ‘16.
• And in ‘17, 124 million people across 51 countries faced “crisis” levels of
“acute food insecurity” or worse, requiring immediate emergency action to
safeguard their lives and preserve their livelihoods.
• That’s a big increase vs. ‘15 and ‘16, when 80 and 108 million people
respectively faced crisis levels of acute food insecurity.
• Meaning there were 50% more people needing emergency action to safeguard
their lives and livelihoods in ’17 vs. ‘15, despite the SDGs.
• 10% of the world’s population still struggles to survive on under $1.90 per day.
• Agricultural development is one of the most powerful tools to end extreme
poverty, boost shared prosperity, and feed a projected 9.7 B people by 2050.
• Growth in the ag sector is 2x — 4x more effective in raising incomes among
the global poor than other sectors.
• Committing to the SDGs can create 80 million ag jobs, $2.3 trillion in growth.
GIFT Can Address Global Food, Water, Energy and Nutritional Gaps
Via Innovations As Explicitly Called For In Church Teachings
”What is (still) missing is a network of economic institutions capable of guaranteeing
regular access to sufficient food and water for nutritional needs.
The problem of food insecurity needs to be addressed… promoting the agricultural
development of poorer countries.
…It could be useful to consider the new possibilities that are opening up through
proper use of traditional as well as innovative farming techniques...
The right to food, like the right to water, has an important place within the pursuit of
other rights, beginning with the fundamental right to life. It is therefore necessary to
cultivate a public conscience that considers food and access to water as universal rights
of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination…
The significant new elements in the picture of the development of peoples today in
many cases demand new solutions.” Caritas In Veritate
Shared/Agape Meals
“It is therefore necessary to cultivate a public conscience that considers food and
access to water as universal rights of all human beings, without distinction or
discrimination,” Caritas In Veritate
GIFT has Supported the Church for the Poor By Enabling Access to Clean
Water and Farm Irrigation as per Caritas In Veritate
Pursuing High-Impact, Cross-Cutting SDG Initiatives Via Collaboration
Across The Church, Corporations,NGOs,Tech, Academia And Finance
•Smart Agriculture
•Foundational Sweet Potato & Leaves for hunger,
poverty elimination and wellbeing (dietary shift)
•The Mother Teresa of Food
•#1 crop to feed the planet by 2050
•CARIFORUM Investment Guide key investment
• Product reformulation: sugar alternative with
better glycemic load
•Bioplastics (Toyota parts); cut waste
•Internet of Things/Analytics; close Digital Divide
•Value Chain Enablement
•Repurpose Supercomputer/LoRa for Smart Cities
Poverty, Hunger
& Wellbeing
SDGs 1, 2 & 3
•Trade Ally
•Smart Agriculture
•Empower Food
Storage And
Value Chains
Clean Energy
•Dietary Switch
•Chronic Illness
•Counter Poor
Global Diets
•Affect Climate
Improvement ‘
•Enable Physical
And Spiritual
SDG 3.4
• Advocate
• Fundraising
Production &
SDG 12
GIFT Aligned With The Father Joseph Network, A Model Of How The
Church Can Help Affect Global Transformations And Fulfill The UN SDGs
GIFT Sees FJN As A Global Model
Both the
Global Institute For Transformation (GIFT)
and the
Father Joseph Network
are committed to
transforming lives through
Spiritual & Corporal Works Of Mercy.
Because FJN is a best practice of grass roots
execution and Church enablement,
GIFT President, Tim Maurer.
has been serving as CEO Of FJN.
FJN includes: the Congregation of Sisters of
St. Anthony of Fondwa; Fonkoze
Microfinance; University of Fondwa; and
Association of Peasants of Fondwa.
GIFT Supports the Church for the Poor with Farming Innovations,
Technology and Parish Twinning Resources
University of Fondwa and Fondwa
Peasants Association, Haiti Poznan Supercomputing, Poland Partners In Mission, Haiti
Wynne Farm, Haiti; Supporting
Over 80 Villager Farmers L’Arc-en-Ciel Orphanage,
Daughters of Wisdom, Malawi
GIFT Has Advanced Global Farming Of Sweet Potatoes
To Address Starvation And Poverty In Haiti And Malawi
Sweet Potatoes Offer Superior Farming Efficacy
And Rapid Scaling Potential For Income And Food Security
Sweet Potatoes are great food security and income-generating plants,
often higher yielding and more sustainable than other common crops.
Potatoes reserved from each harvest can be planted to start new crops.
A Multi-Generation, Multiple-Yield, Highly SustainableOpportunity
Three new generations of slips can be clipped and transferred from each
plant during their 3-4 month growing cycle to expand farms or start new
farm sites. Slips can be a revenue source for farmers.
Propagation can be started or further enabled as harvested potatoes are
turned into seeds (10% of potatoes harvested) and can generate 5 slips in
each potato, and these slips can be clipped 3-4 times over 6 months to
support additional growing. Four seed-initiated generations are possible
from initial seed plantings. Seeds can become a revenue source.
A dual crop: sweet potato leaves are edible and nutritious, making the
plant key to hunger relief. More leaves can be grown by focusing on
nitrogen and water, but a balance can be pursued in growing both leaves
and potatoes. Leaves can be clipped to become new plants (slips).
Astounding Sweet Potato Scaling Via Propagation And Continuous Farming
Harvest Potential: 120 Potato “Seeds” Could Yield 15,647,985 Potatoes, Plus Leaves
(PSNC Data-Centric IT Will Help Optimize Farms, Enable And Track Propagations And Manage Agribusiness
Harvest Potential From 1) Potato “Seed” Plants And 2) Vine Cutting Propagations
1 potato seed produces 5 slips x 3-4 monthly slip cuttings (3.5) from bed x 3 monthly vine
cuttings in field x .85 (mortality factor) x 4 potatoes/plant = 178.5 potatoes x .83 (damage losses)
= 148 potatoes. Factoring in potential 10% storage rot = 135 potatoes. 10% of each crop gets
replanted as seed to generate new slip cuttings. (Need to test throttling water and nitrogen for
increasing leaves without harming potatoes). Our pilot phase 1 started with 120 seed potatoes
imported from LSU and aims for as much of a 15 million potato yield potential as possible.
Generation 1
120 seeds x 5 slips x 3.5 monthly slip cuttings from each bed x 3 monthly vine cuttings in
field x .85 (factoring in mortality) x 4 potatoes per plant = 21,420 potatoes x .83 (damage
losses) = 17,778 potatoes x .9 for losses in storage: 16,000 potatoes
Generation 2
1,600 seeds x 5 slips x 3.5 monthly slip cuttings from each bed x 3 monthly vine cuttings in
field x .85 ( factoring in mortality) x 4 potatoes per plant = 285,600 potatoes x .83
(damage losses) = 237,048 potatoes x .9 for losses in storage: 213,343 potatoes
Generation 3
21,334 seeds x 5 slips x 3.5 monthly slip cuttings from each bed x 3 monthly vine cuttings in
field x .85 (factoring in mortality) x 4 potatoes per plant = 3,808,119 potatoes x .83
(damage losses) = 3,160,783 potatoes x .9 for losses in storage: 2,844,664 potatoes
Generation 4 (Factoring .75 at each stage for 4th generation losses)
284,466 seeds x 4.25 slips x 2.6 monthly slip cuttings from each bed x 2.1 monthly vine
cuttings in field x .85 (factoring in mortality) x 3 potatoes per plant = potatoes = 16,832,635
potatoes x .83 (damage) = 13,971,087 x .9 for losses in storage = 12,573,978 potatoes
Total Harvest Potential: 15,647,985 potatoes from 120 seeds, plus leaves
FJN Is Engaging Global IT And Academic Resources To Optimize Sweet
Potato Production, Reduce Risk And Enable Evaluation And Refinement
FNJ is collaborating with academia for smart, smallholder,
sweet potato farming optimization and University of Fondwa
capacity building.
• Louisiana State University, USA, creator of the globally
preferred Beauregard variety, importing slips / potato
seed beds; can provide curriculum and field extension
support and share global best practices
• Wynne Farm, Kenskoff, Haiti, providing project
management as well as agronomist and entomologist
expertise to test and treat soils and protect against
insects and "biological and integrated struggles" which
will help reduce risk
• Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center, Poland,
enables data-centric farming optimization, ongoing
program Monitoring and Evaluation support and Smart
Agribusiness management
– Closes digital divide; could evolve into Smart Cities
• Growth will be managed by and benefit FJN’s Sisters of
St. Anthony, Peasant’s Association and University of
Supercomputing Can Support Propagation, Tests Of Strategies, Building
Smallholder Cooperatives, Revenue Optimization, Ag Extension, Student
Education Value, Closing The Digital Divide, And Measurement/Reporting
Proactively Manage Farming Optimization
With Data & Training
Track Individual Sites, Input/Costs/Yields,
Program, Agribusiness Successes, And Refine
Program And Business Strategy Based On Data
GIFT Is Leading The Migration From Charity To Sustainable Development
Experts say the path to hunger and poverty relief is via economic development, not charity.
GIFT Can Help Reinvigorate The Church And Increase Its Impact Through Innovation
GIFT Can Provide Top Global IT Development Support For Innovation
Through Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center and Synclovis
IT Innovation Development
Like AARP, Non-Profit GIFT and For Profit LMI Can Pursue
Affinity Membership Opportunities And Comply With Tax Laws
Management International, Inc.
• Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Dietary Solutions
• The G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change Affinity Group
Membership program to rival AARP and Starbuck’s Duetto
• Purchase clout of 70%+ of U.S. who profess Christianity
• Coupons/Discounts/Rebates – Possible SCRIP upgrade
• Member Cards; Payroll/Gift/Debit/Credit Cards; Mobile Wallets
• Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes/Franchise Operations
• SDG Agribusiness To Shift From Charity To Development
• SDG Consulting And Collaboration Partnerships
Institute For
501 (c) (3)
Endorsed by Archbishop as “sorely needed”
Cross-denominational Christian ministry
Spiritual content: Scripture art; books; merchandise
Advocate of stewardship, global equity & Fair-Trade
Delivers on global compassion/UN SDGs
Mediterranean Harvest For Life League Social Justice
Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes” Spiritual Venues/Encouragement
G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change Spiritual/Stewardship Content
Dual Structure Was
Approved By IRS
Authentic Christianity
Transforms The World
“It is not enough to offer a sandwich if this
is not accompanied by the possibility of
learning to stand on one's own two feet.
Charity that leaves the poor in the same
situation as before is not adequate. True
mercy - that which God gives and teaches
us - asks for justice, asks that the poor
find the way out of their poverty. The
Lord calls us all to live with more courage
and generosity,” The way we came to
know love was that he (Jesus) laid down
his life for us; so we ought to lay down our
lives for our brothers. If someone who has
worldly means sees a brother in need and
refuses him compassion, how can the
love of God remain in him? Children, let
us love not in word or speech but in deed
and truth,” advised Pope Francis,
explaining authentic Christian charity
while visiting Centro Astalli in Rome.
(I John 3: 14-18)
What If Every Personal Transaction We Lived Through Was A JOY-full GIFT Exchange?
What If Every Encounter In Life Considered Everyone As A GIFT From God, And We
LivedOut Christ’sSelfless Love In Caring About And JOY-fully ExperiencingOne Another
Could all of our encounters be virtually stamped and certified as JOY-full GIFT exchanges?
Let’s Live A Life Of True JOY, Sharing Christ’s
Selfless Love With All Those We Encounter.
Let’s prioritize the concept of JOY-full living in
our lives:
Jesus (first)…
Others… (next)
You… (after the first two)
”A new command I give you, love one another.
As I have loved you., so you must love one
another. No one has greater love than this,
than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. By
this is my Father glorified, that you bear much
fruit and become my disciples. As the Father
loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will remain
in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s
commandments and remain in his love.
I have told you this so that my joy may be
in you and your joy may be complete. “
John 13:34 ; John 15: 8-14
The troubles plaguing our brothers
and sisters globally, our society in
its move away from God, and the
Church universal are addressable!
Because Jesus expressed this,
would He be happy if we were
to spend our lives simply
focusing on trivial matters or
bearing minimal fruit?
With all the incredible GIFTs
we’ve been given --
telecommunications, travel,
tools, technology, treasures,
talents, teachings, the Word of
God, the Holy Spirit, the real
presence of our Lord in our lives,
the Church, etc. -- we now have
at our disposal so many
wonderful resources to help
bring God’s tangible love to
others in need and to truly
transform the world.
give us
a mind that is
humble, quiet, peaceable,
patient and charitable,
and a taste of your Holy Spirit
in all our thoughts, words, and deeds.
O Lord, give us a lively faith, a firm hope,
a fervent charity, a love of you.
Take from us all lukewarmness
in meditation and all dullness in prayer.
Give us fervor and delight in thinking of you,
your grace, and your tender compassion toward us.
Give us, good Lord,
the grace to work for
the things we pray for.
--St Thomas More, 1478-1535
Marketplace Ministries
To Satisfy IRS Rules
Tim Maurer
402-212-7973 (Cell)
“A new evangelization means that the Church must convincingly sustain her efforts at
uniting all Christians in a common witness to the world of the prophetic
and ‘transforming power’ of the Gospel message.“
2012 Synod on the New Evangelization
Thank You!
In His Service…

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Gift support for a unified christian community and witness - and resources for raising funds 2019

  • 1. Global Institute For Transformation® (GIFT) Enabling the Christian Call to Transform the World through the Love of Christ, by Supporting a Unified Christian Community and Witness, Providing Innovations for Addressing Spiritual and Physical Needs, and Raising Significant Funds Design Is For Value Illustration Only
  • 2. Global Institute ForTransformation® (GIFT) Can Help Engage Both Catholics And Protestants In Our Common Call To Transform The World “All of the baptized are called to work toward the transformation of the world…” “All of the faithful are called in various ways to share in the Church’s mission of announcing the reign of God and transforming the world in the light of Christ.” (pgs. 8; 20) “The issue of spiritual transformation is not new in the Christian faith. It has been a primary issue, though perhaps given different labels, throughout church history.” "In the end, life is not about accumulation. It is much more than success. To be truly alive is to be transformed from within, open to the energy of God's love. In accepting the power of the Holy Spirit you too can transform your families, communities and nations.“ Pope Benedict XVI at World Youth Day. “With Christ we can transform ourselves and the world,” proclaimed Pope Francis, in his first Palm Sunday message, 2013. GIFT’s Mission: Transforming hearts, lives and communities by helping people receive, fully appreciate and share the gift(s) of God.
  • 3. GIFT Was Enthusiastically Endorsed As “Sorely Needed” By Archbishop Elden Curtiss, Given GIFT’s Commitment To Help Transform Lives Through Innovations In Addressing Both Physical And Spiritual Needs Archbishop Elden Curtiss described and endorsed GIFT as: “a cross-denominational ministry that’s helping transform lives so we’ll live and love more like Jesus – and transform our world. Given all the challenges in today’s world, GIFT is sorely needed… Through several ministries ranging from production of posters and notecards to establishing water filtration systems in third world countries, GIFT is helping people be transformed… I enthusiastically support the mission of GIFT and encourage you to be open … ‘to the energy of God’s love’ through the many opportunities which GIFT offers to be transformed by the power of Jesus’ love.”
  • 4. GIFT Can Support The New Evangelization In “Uniting All Christians In A Common Witness To The ‘Transforming Power of the Gospel Message’” GIFT CAN HELP THE CHURCH SHEPHERD ALL PEOPLE AS A NEW “BRAND” PROPOSITION FOR THOSE NOT CURRENTLY PREDISPOSED TO CHURCH TEACHING GIFT can help fulfill the New Evangelization and share the ‘“transforming power’ of the Gospel message” through its cross-denominational “brand proposition,” mission and resources, including: 1. Supporting Catholics and non-Catholics in Faith Fervency and Corporal & Spiritual Works Of Mercy 2. Equipping Catholics and non-Catholics to dialogue on truths, using tools with NIV® text and Imprimaturs 3. Reengaging those who left the Church as a new welcoming venue but aligned ministry of the Church 4. Reuniting the entire Body Of Christ by working together to transform the world in the light of Christ 5. Addressing the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, “17 Goals To Transform The World,” as per MT 25 6. Shepherding more people into fervent communion with Christ and bringing Christ’s Presence to the world “A new evangelization means that the Church must convincingly sustain her efforts at uniting all Christians in a common witness to the world of the prophetic and ‘transforming power’ of the Gospel message.“ 2012 Synod on the New Evangelization
  • 5. Youth And Young Adults No Longer Believe In Creation Or God; Leaving The Faith Growth Of The NONES – Those Not Affiliated With Any Religion Declines In Churches; Schools; Attendance; Weddings; Baptisms; Acceptance of Christ’s Presence In Eucharist; Funding; Religious Former Catholics -- 2nd Largest Christian Faith Community Multiple Denominations Foster Disunity; Counter/Confuse Faith Messages Reduced Faith Fervency Society Accepts/Joins In Actions That Are Not Aligned With God’s Word Or Loving Plan 40% Drop In Empathy And A Corresponding Devaluation Of Others Among Our Youth, Per Michigan University Longitudinal Research Far Too Much Global Hunger And Poverty; Food Waste; Dirty H20; Lack Of Energy Chronic Illness Unifying Cross-Denominational Messages Scripture Art/Teachings Of Christian Truths In NIV® Text With An Imprimatur • “The Secret To Being A Happy Camper” Book • GIFT’s Scripture Art, Posters, Yard Signs Celebrate Our Creator® Curriculum And Wonder-of-Creation Content And Interrelated Faith Pillars Of GIFT And TRANSFORMATION • “All of the baptized are called to work toward the transformation of the world…” “All of the faithful are called in various ways to share in the Church’s mission of announcing the reign of God and transforming the world in the light of Christ.” • “The issue of spiritual transformation is not new in the Christian faith. It has been a primary issue, though perhaps given different labels, throughout church history.” • ”Our life is essentially a gift… Only on the basis of God’s gift, freely accepted and humbly received, can we cooperate by our own efforts in our progressive transformation….These gifts are meant to renew and build up the Church… Christian faith is thus faith in a perfect love, in its decisive power, in its ability to transform the world…” GIFT’s Spiritual Transformation Guide GIFT’s Spiritual Transformation Path (Parable of the Sower) GIFT’s G.L.O.W. (Godliness, Love, Obedience & Witness) Faith Formation Events/Content Planned G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change Membership Card W. Spiritual Content; Stewardship; Discounts; Moral Purchasing; Potential $2.3 Billion/Year In Funding Planned Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppe Cross-Denominational Franchises (A Hub for All Of The Above) GIFT’s “Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor” Children’s Book On Matthew 25 (The #1 Catholic Teaching That We All Must Learn, Per Pope Francis At WYD) Act, Reflect Transform Teaching Advocate UN SDGs; Lead UN SDG Collaborations Smart Farming Of Sweet Potatoes And Leaves (Can Support Other Crops; Closes Digital Divide; Can Be Repurposed For Smart Cities, Medical, Etc.) “The Great Pumpkin Food Fight” Campaign Water Filtration Microgrids & Muni Utilities Act, Reflect Transform Teaching Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Dietary Regimen Efficaciously Impacts Virtually All Chronic Illness (SDG: 3.4) MHFL Can Also Address SDG #13: Climate Impact (Equivalent To Taking 1 Billion Cars Off The Road) And SDG #12: Responsible Production & Consumption (Shifts 1 Billion Tons Of Grain Currently Used To Feed Livestock Toward Feeding 3.5 Billion People) GIFT SEEKS TO ADDRESS CRITICAL ISSUES CONFRONTING THE CHURCH AND GOD’S CHILDREN Using Innovations In Addressing Spiritual And Physical Needs
  • 6. Jesus Was Right: The World Needs To See A Unified Christian Witness Perhaps society has turned against God in part because Christians have turned against each other. GIFT seeks to unite all Christians in a new, transforming witness of God’s selfless love.
  • 7. GIFT’s Cross-Denominational “Brand” Can Be Used To Support And Unify Catholics And Non-Catholics And Reach Non-Believers More Powerfully GIFT’s Church “brand extension” and “alternative brand experiences” can reach more people and “Unite all Christians in a Common Witness to the Transforming Power of the Gospel” Just like Toyota and Northeast Utilities have used multiple brands to appeal to multiple market segments and their distinct preferences, the GIFT “brand’ can help the Church appeal to more people and unite multiple Christian communities in impacting our world. The GIFT “brand” may better resonate with those who don’t fully appreciate the Church. It can unify our witness, shepherd more people and help secure more funding.
  • 8. GIFT Supports Spiritual And Material Needs Via Scripture Rendering, Outreach Resources, Global Relief Innovations And Funding GIFT delivers innovative material support, including Smart, Sweet, Potato Farming as a starter crop, using Supercomputing from Poland and farming expertise from LSU to optimize yields. Clean water initiative helps address the50% of hospitalizations caused by waterborne Illnesses. Planned Microgrids for economic development, improved lifestyles and global GHG impact. “Celebrate Our Creator” curriculum and merchandise build appreciation for God as our Creator, Provider ,Sustainer and Savior; countering key reasons youth are leaving the Church. Can support Sunday School, Catechism, Season of Creation, VBS, Summer Camps, Earth Day, etc. Children’s book renderingMatthew 25 encourages Corporal Works of Mercy and addresses 40% drop in youth empathy and devaluation of others. . Scripture Art/Teachings encourage deeper fervency, support unity and enable the new evangelization. Assists Churches in engaging communities via books, yard signs, bulletin art, posters,event content, even car door magnets. MHFL Dietary Regimen, affirmed by university nutrition scientists for potential to impact health. A Corporal Work of Mercy, including evidence-based nutrition in healthcare and “Act… Reflect… Transform” strategy. Can support evangelization: MHFL testifies to God’s awesome provisions. Mediterranean eating was described by Web MD as “A Divine Mix” and “God knows how it works.” Planned Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes can reach people not going to Church, build faith fervency and unite Christians. Planned “GIFT Card That Makes Change”/ Mobile wallet membership and discount program will support the purchase clout and desires of 42 million “Faith-Driven Consumers;” will affect “moral purchasing,” stewardship andsolidarity; can raise$2.3 B+/yr. for the Church and ministries. “The Great Pumpkin Food Fight – Fighting For Those Who Need Food” raises awareness of our food waste, as we discard pumpkins (food – a $110 MM waste); raises $ for pantries/global relief.
  • 9. Global Institute For Transformation’s Brand Essence -- Highlighting Both GIFT and TRANSFORMATION -- Conveys Foundational Faith Concepts (GIFT and TRANSFORMATION Represent Two Key, Interrelated Teachings Within Multiple Church Messages) Everything is a GIFT from God: the love of Jesus; Salvation; our Church; life itself; sustenance; etc. • “Weneed to acknowledgejubilantly thatour life is essentially a gift…” Gaudete Et Exsultate • “Faith is God’s free gift… Christ has been given to us as a great gift which inwardly transforms us,” Lumen Fidei • “…livein gratitude, obeying with joy He Who has given us so much, infinitely more than what we can give to Him. The foundation of this duty is the love of God the Father, Who first gives, then commands,” expressedPope Francis, 6/27/2018 • “…in commercial relationships the principle of gratuitousness and the logic of GIFT … must find their place within normal economic activity,” Caritas in Veritate As all of God’s GIFTs are fully and humbly appreciated, TRANSFORMATIONS occur. • “Grace acts in history; ordinarily it takes hold of us and transforms us progressively… Only on the basis of God’s gift, freely accepted and humbly received, can we cooperate by our own efforts in our progressive transformation… God wants to speak to the world by your life. Let yourself be transformed,” Gaudete Et Exsultate • “In God’s gift of faith, when we welcome that Word, Jesus Christ the Word made flesh, the Holy Spirit transforms us. Faith consists in the willingness to let ourselves be constantly transformed... Christian faith is thus faith in a perfect love, in its decisive power, in its ability to transform the world,” Lumen Fidei
  • 10. GIFT Has Been Advancing Appreciation For Gratuitousness And The Logic Of GIFT
  • 11. GIFT Asserts and Supports the Need to Affect Transformational Impacts via Advanced Social Justice Teaching and Tools Act (on an issue/need) Reflect (on the root cause) Transform (the root cause/the world)
  • 12. GIFT Scripture Artwork Encourages Christian Unity And Dialogue, Explains Tenets Of The Faith, Builds Fervency And Enables Ecumenism (To build unity, artwork uses NIV® text and received a Catholic Imprimatur) The Incredible, Life-Saving Value Of The Eucharist Perspectives On Being Saved By Grace And Doing Works Selfless Love And Holiness: The Key To Christianity Biblical Appreciation For Church Teaching & Tradition Living The Example of Mary Honoring The Sanctity Of Life
  • 13. GIFT Scripture Artwork Supports Evangelization
  • 14. + GIFT Materials Have Been Used To Reinforce Mass Readings And Reach The Community Via Bulletins, Yard Signs And Cards GIFT Materials Have Been Used To Reinforce Sunday Messages And Reach The Community Via Bulletins, Yard Signs and Cards
  • 15. GIFT Has Presented on Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy at Archdiocesan and Parish/Community Faith Fervency Events
  • 16. GIFT Scripture Coffee Table Book Supports The New Evangelization The Secret To Being A Happy Camper renders over 100 key, transformative scripture verses in a compelling and novel manner • Received an Imprimatur, using approved NIV® (Protestant-based) text, to support loving dialogues among Catholics and non-Catholics on the Eucharist, Mary, Faith & Works, Tradition, Sanctity of Life and other key issues • Can unite Christians based on Biblical Truths • Can support Bible studies, small group meetings, and the New Evangelization • Encouraged by Cardinal Mahony, after he saw Scripture art highlighting and defending Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist “A new evangelization means that the Church must convincingly sustain her efforts at uniting all Christians in a common witness to the world of the prophetic and ‘transforming power’ of the Gospel message.“ 2012 Synod on the New Evangelization
  • 17. GIFTProvides FaithFormation Teachings To Encourage Transformational Living At The Encouragement Of The USCCB Office Of Ecumenism & Interreligious Affairs, GIFT Developed A Study On The Parable Of The Sower GIFT Spiritual Transformation Guide Helps Navigate Life By Highlighting Christ-Like Behaviors... Received An Ecclesiastical Permission transformation-guide?qid=ea875018-a36c-4b8e- bf1f-eb873ff970ac&v=&b=&from_search=1 86117455?qid=80baa4cd-95d8-41be-89bc- 9469f8798e70&v=&b=&from_search=1 GIFT Renders The Opening And Framing Of Lumen Fidei And Conveys Our Need For Godliness, Love, Obedience & Witness (GLOW) spiritual-transformation-path-2019
  • 18. 3 GIFT Often Shares Valuable Vatican Teachings Via “V2P” – Vatican to Pew – Communications “Love Taking It To The Streets”
  • 19. GIFT’s Resources Support Spiritual Formation and Witness and Can Provide Sources of Funds for Churches and Global Impact (GIFT properties have received Imprimaturs) Design Is For Value Illustration Only
  • 20. A Critical Situation Needs To Be Addressed By The Church And Our Families: There’s Been A 40% Drop In Empathy Among Young Adults – And A Corresponding Devaluation Of Others! Let’s redouble our efforts to teach compassion to our children, with the “Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor” children’s book, rendering Matthew 25 in a fun and engaging manner. Michigan University’s 2010 longitudinal study surfaced an alarming 40% drop in empathy among college students. and a corresponding devaluation of others. In 2018, GIFT requested an update, and the author of the study presented an even more disturbing conclusion that strikes at the heart of our faith practices. “For it to change, society would have to care,” noted study author, Dr. Kornrath. Sadly, despite our compassionate support as Christian leaders, grandparents, parents, and educators, we must not be teaching empathy to our children to the extent that they can withstand the prevailing orientation of self that’s dominant in today’s world. The results are truly tragic. We need to address this. Introducing our young children to Matthew 25 -- via Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor --can help address this very dispiritingissue. 2000
  • 21. GIFT Renders The Parable of the Final Judgment/SJ in a Fun Manner Key To Countering 40% Drop In Empathy Among Youth And Corresponding Devaluation Of Others (As Noted By A University Of Michigan Longitudinal Study Of College Students Before/After 2000; Sheep & Goat Book Provides Essential Church Teaching: • Social Justice/Matthew 25 • Selflessness Vs. Selfishness • Living & Loving Like Jesus • Empathy • Act… Reflect…Transform Used in Protestant Church Community Outreach Seen On Catholic TV Endorsed by Received An Imprimatur What People Are Saying About Sheep & Goat Archdiocese Chancellor: “Sheep & Goat is an inspirational tale that teaches young people the value of generosity and stewardship. It helps the young reader to appreciate the parable Jesus himself taught in the gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 25. May we all strive to be like the sheep!" affirmed Monsignor Joseph C. Taphorn, Chancellor. Parents: "My daughter has hundreds of books she can choose from, but there are two that are her favorites. One is a pocket sized Bible, and the other is the Sheep & Goat book. Every time I read her the Sheep & Goat book I get chills, as the story is moving, and I know God is working through this book,” writes a dad. . Nazarene Church Community Outreach
  • 22. Pope Francis Told Our Youth, “If you want to know what you actually have to do, read Matthew Chapter 25, which is the protocol by which we will be judged.” So Let’s Give Our Kids What They Really Need: “Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor,” A Fun-Filled Expression Of Matthew 25 • Covered on CatholicTV -- deemed charming and fun for young readers, with a few surprises • Used in community outreach event by a local Nazarene Church • Endorsed by, a Monsignor, and a religious order’s bookstore • Received an Imprimatur • A favorite of little ones, too -- grandparents, moms and teens can share this with the little ones • Builds empathy, a critically needed trait that’s core to Christian living • Proceeds fund Social Justice -- locally and globally Sheep & Goat Go To The Ice Cream Parlor Has Touched The Hearts Of Christian Leaders & Kids Why settle for only what the world promotes, when we can encourage our children to live out their faith?
  • 23. CARA Study Says Youth Are Leaving The Faith As They Don’t Accept That God Created The World Or God’s Perfect Plan For The Universe We Need To Celebrate Our Creator And The Wonders Of His Creation (It’s An Imperative And Foundational Faith Issue) The Church’s Decline Must End For Humanity’s Sake • Half of young former Catholics identify as atheists, agnostics or un affiliated • 50% stopped believing what the Church teaches; don’t like the Church's rules and perceived judgmental approach • Church attendance has also fallen sharply • Fewer US young are Catholic: median age for U.S. Catholics is 49 vs. 40 for other religions and 36 for America as a whole • Typical age to leave the faith: 13. • 63% stopped being Catholic between ages 10-17; 23% before age 10. • Only 13% say they’re likely to return — “As I learn more about the world around me and understand things that I once did not, I find that the thought of an all-powerful being to be less and less believable.” — “It no longer fits into what I understand of the universe.” — “Catholic beliefs aren’t based on fact. Everything is hearsay from back before anything could be documented, so nothing can be disproved, but it certainly shouldn’t be taken seriously.” — “I realized that religion is in complete contradiction with the rational and scientific world, and to continue to subscribe to a religion would be hypocritical.” — “Need proof of something.” — “Because I grew up realized it was a story like Santa or the Easter Bunny.”
  • 24. We Need To Reassert, Praise And Celebrate God As Our Magnificent Creator, Provider, Sustainer And Savior – With Designs, Provisions And Plans For Life And Eternity With Him -- Plus We Need To Celebrate All The Wonders Of Creation!!! “The Human Body Is A Miracle Of Microscopic Design” Tens of thousands of miles of blood vessels; Each organ made of billions of cells; etc. Tomatoes Talk To Their Neighbors
  • 25. GIFT’s Celebrate Our Creator® Curriculum and Merchandise Can Help Us Appreciate God’s GIFT of Creation and Become Better Stewards Of It (Supports Laudato Si, Care4Creation, Season of Creation). MOST IMPORTANTLY IT REASSERTS GOD AS CREATOR, WORTH OF PRAISE “The Psalms frequently exhort us to praise God the Creator, ‘who spread out the earth on the waters, for his steadfast love endures for ever.’ (Ps 136:6). They also invite other creatures to join us in this praise: ‘Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created.’ (Ps 148:3-5). We do not only exist by God’s mighty power; we also live with him and beside him. This is why we adore him. The writings of the prophets invite us to find renewed strength in times of trial by contemplating the all- powerful God who created the universe. Nature expresses a design of love and truth. It is prior to us, and it has been given to us by God as the setting for our life. Nature speaks to us of the Creator (cf. Rom 1:20) and his love for humanity… Projects… need to be marked by solidarity and inter-generational justice…” ENCYCLICAL LETTER LAUDATO SI’ OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME “The environment is God's gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole. When nature, including the human being, is viewed as the result of mere chance or evolutionary determinism, our sense of responsibility wanes. “ Caritas In Veritate
  • 26. GIFT’s Celebrate Our Creator® Curriculum Builds Faith Foundations, Encourages Stewardship And Fosters Solidarity 877-WE-GIFT-2
  • 27. GIFT Launched “The Great Pumpkin Food Fight – Fighting For Those Who NeedFood”To Stop Food Waste And Raise Funds For Food Pantries “It is a scandal that there is still hunger and malnutrition in the world! The data provided by FAO indicates that approximately one third of the global production of food is not available due to increasing loss and wastefulness Wasting food is only one of the fruits of the “culture of waste” which often leads to sacrificing men and women to the idols of profit and consumption. It is a sad sign of the “globalization of indifference” which slowly leads us to grow “accustomed” to the suffering of others, as though it were normal,” noted Pope Francis at an FAO meeting, World Food Day, 2013.
  • 28. GIFT Plans Include Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes Supporting Broad Christian Outreach and The New Evangelization with Fun-Filled Faith Formation, Evidence-Based Nutrition in Healthcare, and Community and Global Impact Efforts
  • 29. “Our sociologists of religion tell us that the influence of a parish has a radius of six hundred meters. In Buenos Aires there are about two thousand meters between one parish and the next. So I then told the priests: “If you can, rent a garage and, if you find some willing layman, let him go there! Let him be with those people a bit, do a little catechesis and even give Communion if they ask him.” A parish priest said to me: ‘But Father, if we do this the people then won’t come to church.’ ‘But why?’ I asked him: ‘Do they come to Mass now?’ ‘No,’ he answered. And so! Coming out of oneself is also coming out from the fenced garden of one’s own convictions, considered irremovable, if they risk becoming an obstacle, if they close the horizon that is also of God.” Pope Francis Has Advocated Engaging Laity in Community Outreach, Encouraging Renting Garages and Mission Houses Pope Francis Advocated that Priests “Rent Garages” and Engage Laity to Reach People Not Coming to Church “What are known as ‘mission houses’ deserve a special mention, for they, in the face of a lack of churches and priests, allow for many people to have a space for prayer, for listening to the Word, for catechism, and for community life,” said the Pope. He added: “They (“mission houses”) are small signs of the presence of God in our neighborhoods, as well as a consistent source of support that make the words of Saint Paul the Apostle come alive: ‘I urge you to lead a life worthy of the vocation to which you were called.” Mission houses are an evangelization initiative born in the 1960’s, In Cuba’s 2,330 mission houses baptisms are held, stable communities gather, and regular events take place. The Cuban Bishops Conference considers them “one of the most important assets of the Church.” Pope Francis Praised “Mission Houses” in Cuba as Essential to Reaching People Where Churches Can’t Reach
  • 30. As Pope Francis Encouraged Renting Garages for Laity and Praised Mission Houses, Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes Will Equip Laity in The New Evangelization, Aid Faith Formation, Lead People to Church and Encourage Full Communion with Christ “The GIFT Card That Makes Change” Stewardship; Church & Cause Funding The New Evangelization; Christian Content & Events; “Theology On Tap” Reach Those Not In Church Global Impact & Fair Trade Merchandise Support For Our Global Family MHFLMenuOptions AdvocateNutritionForHealth Corporal & Spiritual Works of Mercy
  • 31. GIFT Supports Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Dietary Regimen Which Can Deliver Evidence-Based Nutrition In Healthcare To Fulfill Social Justice – Including Preventing Illness And Caring For The Sick ® Proprietary & Confidential
  • 32. Improve The Environment… Reduce Food Costs For The Poor… Affect Weight Loss… Extend Lifespans…Avert Chronic Illnesses… And More Diabetes Longer Life Weight Loss Clogged Arteries Heart Health BloodPressure Cancers Mediterranean-Style Eating Is The One Dietary Regimen Backed By Longitudinal Studies For Impacting Virtually All Chronic Illness. No other healthcare intervention is as efficacious or impactful. Fertility & Birth Defects 1945; Updated Methane & Nitrous Oxide Reduction ‘ COPD ® ® MHFL provided exhaustive research summaries to USDA’s Nutrition Evidence Library. Chronic diseases affect 45% of the U. S. (133 million cases) and account for 81% of hospitalizations; 91% of prescriptions; 76% of physician visits -- and the problem continues to grow. Of all Medicare spending, 99% is for chronic disease. Source: Improving Patient and Health System Outcomes through Advanced Pharmacy Practice. A Report to the U.S. Surgeon General, 2011. Cognitive Function Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Can Help Improve Our Health, Cut Healthcare Costs, Save The Planet, Help The Poor And More
  • 33. Expert Panel Affirms The Healthcare Value In Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Dr. Tim Carr, UNL professor of Nutrition and Health Science, validated the potential health impact of MHFL: ”Dr. Carr mentioned this (MHFL) concept represents leading a big, necessary change in our lifestyles; and he drew the analogy between the Phil Skololof, who single handedly led the change to eliminate trans fats from commercial cooking, and LMI’s strategy to migrate people to this more healthy (MHFL) lifestyle.” University of Nebraska Food Processing Center Expert Panel Summary
  • 34. Eleven senior doctors presented a compelling appeal to Prime Minister David Cameron, insisting that it’s time for Mediterranean-style eating to be placed at the forefront of health policy. “The evidence base for the Mediterranean diet in preventing all of the chronic diseases that are plaguing the Western world is overwhelming,” says Dr. Richard Hoffman, one of the lead authors of a letter to Cameron. chronic-illness.html Doctors Appealed To Britain’s David Cameron To Exclusively Advocate The Mediterranean Style Of Eating To Help Prevent Chronic Illnesses
  • 35. Institute Of Medicine warns U. S. faces a chronic illness crisis and calls for “evidence-based nutrition” in healthcare World Health Organization advises that the world has a chronic illness epidemic and deems nutrition a healthcare “Best Buy” Medical Experts Have Called For Evidence-Based Nutrition In Healthcare And Deemed Nutrition A Healthcare “Best Buy”
  • 36. Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Can Enable Fulfilling UN SDG #3 -- Wellbeing Mediterranean-style eating has been proven to help reduce non- communicable diseases and depression which are spreading worldwide •Premature deaths (before 70 years of age) owing to cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease or diabetes totaled about 13 million in ‘15, accounting for 43% of all premature deaths globally. •Mental disorders such as depression can lead to suicide. Nearly 800,000 suicides occurred worldwide in 2015, with men about twice as likely to commit suicide as women. SDG 3.4 Reduce by 1/3 premature mortality from non- communicable diseases with prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and well-being
  • 37. MHFL Fulfills the HeART of Christian Living MHLFL Helps Fulfill Core Social Justice Teaching: Act…(on an issue) Reflect (on the root cause)… Transform (the cause at its root) • Act to care for the sick, increased suffering, contending with burgeoning costs, etc… • Reflect on a contributing root cause – e.g.: poor diet … • Transform healthcare/wellbeing via proven-efficacious, Mediterranean-style eating
  • 38. Mediterranean Harvest For Life Provides Resources To Assert And Support Nutrition’s Impact In Chronic Illness Management EXTENSIVE MHFL RESOURCES • MHFL HELP (Healthy Eating & Living Plan) • MHFL Trapezoid With HC Oriented Foods • MHFL - The Best Of All Functional Foods • MHFL Nutrition Facts Reference Guide • MHFL Brand’s Differentiation Vs. Standard Med-Style – Highlighted SelectionsTo Fill You Up Vs. Fill You Out • MFHL Research Assessment • MHFL Research Summary Slide Show • On-Site Education And Engagement Support • MHFL Ordering App (Cafeterias, Stores, Restaurants) • MHFL Loyalty Club/Persistency Program • MHFL Database To Match To HC Outcomes = Planned MHFL Services
  • 39. Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Can Help Fulfill A Key Healthcare Strategy By Educating And Equipping The Church Community HHS Has Been Seeking The Church’s Support To Impact Health “Neighborhood and faith-based organizations are well positioned to initiate and coordinate activities that encourage healthy living and well-being. Trusted leaders in communities and congregations can empower families and communities to make better choices to improve the health of our nation’s children,” U. S. Health & Human Services
  • 40. MHFL’s Community Engagement Is A CSJ Strategy That Can Improve Health And Avert Chronic Illnesses • A CSJ strategy, MHFL community advocacy encourages healthy food purchases and healthy lifestyles – and testifies to God’s awesome creation • MHFL is becoming recognized as a trusted resource to address society’s need for “evidence- based nutrition” in the healthcare continuum MHFL Supports The Church In Its Mission To Care For The Sick Via Nutrition In Healthcare HartfordWellness Center Engaged MHFL In Education And Secured Interest From A State Commissioner MHFL is a USDA MyPlate Community Partner Newark Museum Engaged MHFL To Support Its Generation Fit Exhibit: Catering; Sampling; and Education Newark YMCA Engaged MHFL To Educate The City’s Children On Healthy Eating To Avert Obesity
  • 41. s Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Supports Community Health While Aligning The Merits Of Healthy Eating To Core Church Teaching/Mission MHFL Encourages Nurturing Spirituality In Optimizing Wellbeing MHFL Brings Healthy Alternative To Donuts For After-Church Coffee Hours And TestifiesTo God’sAwesomeDesignsIn Food MHFL Shares WebMD’s Sentiment That Mediterranean-Diet Is A “Divine Mix”… “God Knows How It Works…”
  • 42. Beyond Addressing Health via Evidence-Based Nutrition in Healthcare, MHFL Advocates Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy by Encouraging Spirituality and Testifying to the “Divine Mix” of God’s Creation in Foods
  • 43. 43 GIFT’s Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Can Be Used In Community Service And Affect A Social Justice-Based, Evangelization Of Caring • Outreach Christian magazine repeatedly recommended nutrition and cooking classes -- and restaurants -- as means to evangelize those not coming to Church. MHFL can evangelize through impacting lives with Christ-like, genuine caring and God’s most efficacious healthcare provisions to avert chronic illness suffering, struggles and costs. Church Of The Open Door draws people who don’t know Jesus through nutrition classes Pastor Clive reaches the un-churched with combined cooking classes & bible studies Reverend Pridgen opens a Subway to introduce the community to the church MHFL Addresses 133MM Cases Of Chronic Illness and Testifies To God’s Creation
  • 44. Mediterranean-Style Eating Can Help The Poor Reduce Food Costs, Reduce Dependence On Pantries And Improve Health People who were educated about how to eat, cook and abide by the Mediterranean diet experienced decreases in grocery bills, decreases in reliance on food pantries, increases in produce consumption, and reduction in weight, according to researchers from The Miriam Hospital and the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. Participants bought fewer and fewer sodas, desserts, snacks and meat, and more and more veggies and fruits. BIG SOCIETAL IMPACTS "Not only did (Mediterranean eating) study participants cut their food spending by more than half, saving nearly $40 per week, the reliance on a food pantry decreased as well, from 68% to 54%...”
  • 45. Planned MediterraneanHarvest For Life® Loyalty Club Promotion Will Deliver Shopping Value and Encourage Healthy Eating
  • 46. • MHFL Membership Club discounts encourage healthy purchases • Tie POS purchases to healthcare outcomes data • MHFL social network(s) • Chronic-ailment lists Introducing Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Save On The Foods You Love PLUS Get The Health Benefits That Only Mediterranean-Style Eating Provides Win A FREE Trip To Where Healthy Mediterranean Eating Was First Discovered: Salerno, Italy No purchase necessary. Ends 12/31/19 For entry details, see next page, or go to: No other eating style has been proven to help lose weight PLUS impact health as much! It addresses: Alzheimer’s; Birth Defects; Cancers; Diabetes; Heart Health; High Blood Pressure & Cholesterol; Stroke; Parkinson’s & more. And it can help us live years longer… Perhaps or or years! Future MHFL Loyalty And Coupon Club Will Encourage And Enable Healthy, Mediterranean-Style Eating PLUS HELP TRACK IMPACT OF NUTRITION IN HEALTHCARE Discounts on Qualifying Items Proving Evidence-Based Nutrition In Healthcare
  • 47. Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Dietary Regimen Can Deliver “Evidence-Based Nutrition In Healthcare” By Matching Participant POS Data With Open Healthcare Informatics Technology A: Integrated With Technology B: Loyalty Club, Discounts, Community Outcomes Via Grocer POS, EBT’s Open Healthcare IT and Approved Product List Blue Button/HIE/pophealth VolunteerParticipants
  • 49. Beyond Impacting Health, Shifting To Mediterranean-Style Eating Can Also Impact Climate And Address Global Hunger GHG equivalent of taking 1 billion cars off the road Enabling a shift of 1 billion tons of grain used to feed cattle toward feeding 3.5 billion people Shifting to Mediterranean Diet Would Help Address Climate Change
  • 50. Summary Of Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Food Ordering App’s SDG Benefits Avert 10% – 30% of chronic illnesses; enable weight loss, longerlives; SDG 3 Reduce personal healthcare costs. SDGs 3; 12 Cut employee benefit costs, now @ $20K per employee. SDG 12 Cut emissions equal to taking 1 billion cars off the roads. SDG 13; 12 Shift 1 billion tons of grain used in feeding livestock to feeding 3.5 billionpeople. SDG 12 Share meals with hungry people globally; cut poverty. SDGs 1; 2 Reduce food waste. SDG 12 Enable farm-to- table value and efficiency. SDG 12 SDG education, illustration of impacts, engagement and cross-cutting fulfillment.
  • 51. Introducing GIFT Plans For “The G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change” Membership And Affinity Value-Creation Program A Moral-Purchasing-Oriented Stewardship Program, Discount Club and Mobile Shopper’s Wallet Can Affect Faith Formation and Social Justice and Raise Funds for The Church and Ministries Design Is For Value Illustration Only
  • 52. “The GIFT Card That Make Change” Will Teach And Seek To Fulfill The Call For Moral Purchasing Among Catholics “What is needed is an effective shift in mentality which can lead to the adoption of new life-styles… Economic activity… needs to be directed towards the pursuit of the common good… in commercial relationships the principle of gratuitousness and the logic of GIFT as an expression of fraternity can and must find their place within normal economic activity. Economic life… needs works redolent of the spirit of gift… without gratuitousness, there can be no justice… In order to defeat underdevelopment, action is required… on forms of economic activity marked by quotas of gratuitousness and communion… market and politics need individuals who are open to reciprocal gift…” Caritas In Veritate
  • 53. GIFT/faith can influence lifestyles; secure $2.3 billion royalty from targeted $3.5 trillion spend ($3.5 Trillion US Target Category Spend x 65% of U. S. who profess Christianity x .001 share of spend = $2.3 B Christian Affinity Royalty) • Grocery: $107.34/wk.; $5,881/yr. @130 MM HHs = $650 B - $700 B spend, plus MHFL opportunity • Restaurants: 50 B visits @ 4x/wk. for 250 MM consumers age 8+ = $600 B pend • Weddings, rings, honeymoon: 2.5 MM events, 175 guests/buyers = $72 B spend/evangelization venue • Automotive, $1 T spend • Clothing: $260 B spend • Travel:2.6 billion50 mile road trips; 650 MM air travel= $500 B spend; “purposed tourism” opportunity • Fitness (body and mind) 60+% overweight/obese = $400 B+ spend growing to $1 T plus stewardship • New Movers: 45 MM = $90 B spend and potential opportunity to encourage building God’s house • Also Energy/Efficiency (some states): stewardship of creation; encourage Laudato Si; cut GHGs •; •; •;; •;; The G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change Will Provide Christians With Offers And Value That Offer Value, Enable Stewardship And Generate Funds
  • 54. There’s A Very Large Segment Of U. S. Consumers Specifically Seeking Christian Compatibility And Lifestyle Support In Their Purchasing Known As Faith-Driven Consumers (FDCs) Faith-Driven Consumers comprise 41 million Americans who spend ~$2 trillion annually • Very intense in their Faith-based lifestyle, their belief-system drives where they shop, what they buy, where they work and the entertainment they enjoy • 89% would like brands to do more to acknowledge, welcome and support them as Christians • 86% more likely to buy brands supporting them • 77% would switch to more faith-compatible brands • 70% proactively seek brands that acknowledge, welcome and support FDCs •
  • 55. GIFT Will Identify And Advance Moral Purchasing Opportunities To Help The Church Fulfill Its Mission EXAMPLE: GIFT Will Promote, Package & Enable “Purposed Tourism” “International tourism often follows a consumerist and hedonistic pattern, as a form of escapism planned in a manner typical of the countries of origin, and therefore not conducive to authentic encounter between persons and cultures. We need, therefore, to develop a different type of tourism that has the ability to promote genuine mutual understanding, without taking away from the element of rest and healthy recreation. Tourism of this type needs to increase...” Pope Benedict XVI GIFTPROPERTIES Design Is For Value Illustration Only
  • 56. GIFT Provides A Moral Purchasing Guide To Help Fulfill The Call In Caritas In Veritate For Moral Purchasing A practical example of using the Moral Purchasing Scorecard to help guide Catholic purchase decisions: If a company is pursuing the Internet of Things technology, is it doing so primarily to cut costs by eliminating positions, or could they have plans for affected workers to be retrained and redeployed? GIFT’s Moral Purchasing Scorecard was used in a national Social Justice Working Group as an ideation tool -- to help influence job creation, wellbeing, fairness and dignity. It can leverage the vast Christian community’s purchasing clout and mission to encourage companies to treat employees fairly and to support local and global community needs. GIFT Is Seeking A Collaborative, Best-Minds Definition of What Constitutes Moral Purchasing GIFT Is Seeking A Collaborative, Best-Minds Definition of What Constitutes Moral Purchasing
  • 57. GIFT Seeks to Offer Marital Support: Wedding Planning to Educate on “TheTrueMeaningofaWedding;” andaGIFT Registry of “Reciprocal Gift” What is needed is an effective shift in mentality which can lead to the adoption of new life-styles… Economic activity… needs to be directed towards the pursuit of the common good… in commercial relationships the principle of gratuitousness and the logic of GIFT as an expression of fraternity can and must find their place within normal economic activity. Economic life… needs works redolent of the spirit of gift… without gratuitousness, there can be no justice… In order to defeat underdevelopment, action is required… on forms of economic activity marked by quotas of gratuitousness and communion… market and politics need individuals who are open to reciprocal gift…” Caritas In Veritate
  • 58. G.I.F.T. Cards Will Incorporate Membership Cards And Mobile Wallets For Engagement And Value 1. Membership card and mobile service with Christian content and multiple sources of value – For day-to-day needs, Christmas, weddings and other lifestyle considerations • Membership discounts will be provided through integration of SCRIP and other values • Mobile media will share stewardship and ministry updates, spiritual/Church content, viral marketing • Mobile content will encourage moral and purposed purchasing options • Mobile reports will be received/shared from beneficiaries of The G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change 2. Membership card options include both physical cards and mobile devices -- and Point of Sale coupons • Register gift, debit, credit, payroll cards (inc. Church payroll cards) and HSA “purses” to mobile • Remittances aid diaspora/homeland needs; would support V Encuentro, Haitian and other ministries Retail & On-line An exciting new level of purchasing support for day-to-day activities and needs, including Christmas, Weddings, and other key lifestyle issues and events
  • 59. • Eradicate Hunger • End Poverty • Assure Wellbeing (Spiritual & Physical) • And more by 2030!!! • Help affect tens of trillions of dollars in economic growth and 380 million jobs globally G.I.F.T. Cards Will Support Physical And Spiritual Needs, Including Enabling The UN Sustainable Development Goals: “17 GoalsToTransformOurWorld” • Support families and engage the youth • Enable stewardship based on the logic of gift and transforming lives, including moral purchasing and purposed travel • Convey Christina teaching, share God’s word • Provide solidarity through content, including live interactions globally and impact reporting • Support diaspora connecting with loved ones • Raise $2.3 billion annually in cause funding
  • 60. GIFT Would Allocate Funds to Participants, Causes and Passions to Increase Participation and Revenue “Moral Purchasing” Funds Global Solidarity And Relief Innovations Church/University Appeals & Capital Campaigns Personal Needs/Stewardship, Inc: Tuition; Purposed Travel; Etc. Diaspora-Allocated Remittances: Home; Health; Food; Edu.; & Bus.
  • 61. GIFT® Pursues Innovations in Global Compassionate Relief "How I Wish for a Church That is Poor and For The Poor!“ Pope Francis
  • 62. GIFT Educates on Solidarity and Issues to Address Global Disparities and Despair “The scandal of glaring inequalities continues.” Caritas In Veritate Global Bottom of the Economic Pyramid issues expose vast unmet needs and inequalities: • ~1 billion people live on less than $1.00/day – struggling to stay alive; hurting • Estimated 2.8 - 4 billion people living on less than $2.00/day • 1 billion people lack clean water; 50% of hospitalizations due to impure H20; 4 million die/yr. • 5 billion lack sanitation, risk disease and death • 500 million people suffer from Malaria; 2 million die/yr. – U.S. average HH income is $50K+ vs. up to 4 billion living on $2/day – U.S per capita consumption equals 14x average global CO2 emissions and 18x low-income countries -- 40% drop in empathy/corresponding devaluation of others measured among U. S. college youth in U. Michigan study -- U.S. home size increased 38% from ’75 to ’02 while family sizes shrunk – Lack of environmental stewardship impacts climate, migration, food supply/security -- 66% of U. S. overweight or obese -- Parable of the final judgment (Mt. 25) not taking hold Bottom of the Economic Pyramid 2.8 - 4 billion live on less than $2.00/day ~1 billion @ $1.00/day & at risk of death Burdened by climate impact from developed world excesses BSDC reports there is ~$60 trillion in economic opportunity in helping US HH Affluence $50K = Global Top 1% Global Vs. U. S. -- “Glaring Inequalities”; “Isolated And Indifferent” ”Do we take refuge in a universal love that would embrace the whole world, while failing to see the Lazarus sitting before our closed doors?” Pope Francis
  • 63. Global Institute For Transformation Will Help The Church Advance The UN Sustainable Development Goals As We’re Called To Do In Matthew 25 - UN SDGs call for eradicating poverty, eliminating hunger and enabling wellbeing by 2030 - We’re called to do this in Matthew 25: 31-46, James 2: 18, and elsewhere in Holy Scripture - BSDC suggests sharing ~$60 trillion in economic opportunity helping people out of poverty! - The Global Institute For Transformation (GIFT) will use its access to resources such as supercomputing and microgrids – and expertise in internet of things, water filtration, nutrition, smart farming, clean energy, smart grid, diversity, social justice and collaboration – to help the Church help the world fulfill on the UN SDGs, which are designed to transform our world.
  • 64. Too Little Involvement In The SDGs To Date Has Resulted In Too Little Progress Addressing Hunger And Poverty • For 3 years, global food insecurity has increased– despite the SDGs • Those facing “chronic food deprivation” increased to ~821 million in ‘17, up from ~804 million in ‘16. • And in ‘17, 124 million people across 51 countries faced “crisis” levels of “acute food insecurity” or worse, requiring immediate emergency action to safeguard their lives and preserve their livelihoods. • That’s a big increase vs. ‘15 and ‘16, when 80 and 108 million people respectively faced crisis levels of acute food insecurity. • Meaning there were 50% more people needing emergency action to safeguard their lives and livelihoods in ’17 vs. ‘15, despite the SDGs. • 10% of the world’s population still struggles to survive on under $1.90 per day. • Agricultural development is one of the most powerful tools to end extreme poverty, boost shared prosperity, and feed a projected 9.7 B people by 2050. • Growth in the ag sector is 2x — 4x more effective in raising incomes among the global poor than other sectors. • Committing to the SDGs can create 80 million ag jobs, $2.3 trillion in growth.
  • 65. GIFT Can Address Global Food, Water, Energy and Nutritional Gaps Via Innovations As Explicitly Called For In Church Teachings ”What is (still) missing is a network of economic institutions capable of guaranteeing regular access to sufficient food and water for nutritional needs. The problem of food insecurity needs to be addressed… promoting the agricultural development of poorer countries. …It could be useful to consider the new possibilities that are opening up through proper use of traditional as well as innovative farming techniques... The right to food, like the right to water, has an important place within the pursuit of other rights, beginning with the fundamental right to life. It is therefore necessary to cultivate a public conscience that considers food and access to water as universal rights of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination… The significant new elements in the picture of the development of peoples today in many cases demand new solutions.” Caritas In Veritate Shared/Agape Meals
  • 66. “It is therefore necessary to cultivate a public conscience that considers food and access to water as universal rights of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination,” Caritas In Veritate GIFT has Supported the Church for the Poor By Enabling Access to Clean Water and Farm Irrigation as per Caritas In Veritate
  • 67. Pursuing High-Impact, Cross-Cutting SDG Initiatives Via Collaboration Across The Church, Corporations,NGOs,Tech, Academia And Finance •Smart Agriculture •Foundational Sweet Potato & Leaves for hunger, poverty elimination and wellbeing (dietary shift) •The Mother Teresa of Food •#1 crop to feed the planet by 2050 •Propagation •CARIFORUM Investment Guide key investment • Product reformulation: sugar alternative with better glycemic load •Bioplastics (Toyota parts); cut waste •Internet of Things/Analytics; close Digital Divide •Value Chain Enablement •Repurpose Supercomputer/LoRa for Smart Cities Poverty, Hunger & Wellbeing SDGs 1, 2 & 3 •Intelligent Community Microgrids •Trade Ally Network •Smart Agriculture Pumping •Empower Food Storage And Manufacturing Value Chains •Clinics •Businesses •Incubators •EDU •Lifestyles Clean Energy SDG 7 •Dietary Switch •Chronic Illness Reduction •Counter Poor Global Diets •Affect Climate Improvement ‘ •Enable Physical And Spiritual Wellbeing Wellbeing SDG 3.4 • Advocate Cutting FoodWaste • Fundraising Campaign Responsible Production & Consumption SDG 12
  • 68. GIFT Aligned With The Father Joseph Network, A Model Of How The Church Can Help Affect Global Transformations And Fulfill The UN SDGs GIFT Sees FJN As A Global Model Both the Global Institute For Transformation (GIFT) and the Father Joseph Network are committed to transforming lives through Spiritual & Corporal Works Of Mercy. Because FJN is a best practice of grass roots execution and Church enablement, GIFT President, Tim Maurer. has been serving as CEO Of FJN. FJN includes: the Congregation of Sisters of St. Anthony of Fondwa; Fonkoze Microfinance; University of Fondwa; and Association of Peasants of Fondwa.
  • 69. GIFT Supports the Church for the Poor with Farming Innovations, Technology and Parish Twinning Resources
  • 70. University of Fondwa and Fondwa Peasants Association, Haiti Poznan Supercomputing, Poland Partners In Mission, Haiti Wynne Farm, Haiti; Supporting Over 80 Villager Farmers L’Arc-en-Ciel Orphanage, Haiti Daughters of Wisdom, Malawi GIFT Has Advanced Global Farming Of Sweet Potatoes To Address Starvation And Poverty In Haiti And Malawi
  • 71. Sweet Potatoes Offer Superior Farming Efficacy And Rapid Scaling Potential For Income And Food Security Sweet Potatoes are great food security and income-generating plants, often higher yielding and more sustainable than other common crops. Potatoes reserved from each harvest can be planted to start new crops. A Multi-Generation, Multiple-Yield, Highly SustainableOpportunity Three new generations of slips can be clipped and transferred from each plant during their 3-4 month growing cycle to expand farms or start new farm sites. Slips can be a revenue source for farmers. Propagation can be started or further enabled as harvested potatoes are turned into seeds (10% of potatoes harvested) and can generate 5 slips in each potato, and these slips can be clipped 3-4 times over 6 months to support additional growing. Four seed-initiated generations are possible from initial seed plantings. Seeds can become a revenue source. A dual crop: sweet potato leaves are edible and nutritious, making the plant key to hunger relief. More leaves can be grown by focusing on nitrogen and water, but a balance can be pursued in growing both leaves and potatoes. Leaves can be clipped to become new plants (slips).
  • 72. Astounding Sweet Potato Scaling Via Propagation And Continuous Farming Harvest Potential: 120 Potato “Seeds” Could Yield 15,647,985 Potatoes, Plus Leaves (PSNC Data-Centric IT Will Help Optimize Farms, Enable And Track Propagations And Manage Agribusiness P&L) Harvest Potential From 1) Potato “Seed” Plants And 2) Vine Cutting Propagations 1 potato seed produces 5 slips x 3-4 monthly slip cuttings (3.5) from bed x 3 monthly vine cuttings in field x .85 (mortality factor) x 4 potatoes/plant = 178.5 potatoes x .83 (damage losses) = 148 potatoes. Factoring in potential 10% storage rot = 135 potatoes. 10% of each crop gets replanted as seed to generate new slip cuttings. (Need to test throttling water and nitrogen for increasing leaves without harming potatoes). Our pilot phase 1 started with 120 seed potatoes imported from LSU and aims for as much of a 15 million potato yield potential as possible. Generation 1 120 seeds x 5 slips x 3.5 monthly slip cuttings from each bed x 3 monthly vine cuttings in field x .85 (factoring in mortality) x 4 potatoes per plant = 21,420 potatoes x .83 (damage losses) = 17,778 potatoes x .9 for losses in storage: 16,000 potatoes Generation 2 1,600 seeds x 5 slips x 3.5 monthly slip cuttings from each bed x 3 monthly vine cuttings in field x .85 ( factoring in mortality) x 4 potatoes per plant = 285,600 potatoes x .83 (damage losses) = 237,048 potatoes x .9 for losses in storage: 213,343 potatoes Generation 3 21,334 seeds x 5 slips x 3.5 monthly slip cuttings from each bed x 3 monthly vine cuttings in field x .85 (factoring in mortality) x 4 potatoes per plant = 3,808,119 potatoes x .83 (damage losses) = 3,160,783 potatoes x .9 for losses in storage: 2,844,664 potatoes Generation 4 (Factoring .75 at each stage for 4th generation losses) 284,466 seeds x 4.25 slips x 2.6 monthly slip cuttings from each bed x 2.1 monthly vine cuttings in field x .85 (factoring in mortality) x 3 potatoes per plant = potatoes = 16,832,635 potatoes x .83 (damage) = 13,971,087 x .9 for losses in storage = 12,573,978 potatoes Total Harvest Potential: 15,647,985 potatoes from 120 seeds, plus leaves
  • 73. FJN Is Engaging Global IT And Academic Resources To Optimize Sweet Potato Production, Reduce Risk And Enable Evaluation And Refinement FNJ is collaborating with academia for smart, smallholder, sweet potato farming optimization and University of Fondwa capacity building. • Louisiana State University, USA, creator of the globally preferred Beauregard variety, importing slips / potato seed beds; can provide curriculum and field extension support and share global best practices • Wynne Farm, Kenskoff, Haiti, providing project management as well as agronomist and entomologist expertise to test and treat soils and protect against insects and "biological and integrated struggles" which will help reduce risk • Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center, Poland, enables data-centric farming optimization, ongoing program Monitoring and Evaluation support and Smart Agribusiness management – Closes digital divide; could evolve into Smart Cities • Growth will be managed by and benefit FJN’s Sisters of St. Anthony, Peasant’s Association and University of Fondwa.
  • 74. Supercomputing Can Support Propagation, Tests Of Strategies, Building Smallholder Cooperatives, Revenue Optimization, Ag Extension, Student Education Value, Closing The Digital Divide, And Measurement/Reporting Proactively Manage Farming Optimization With Data & Training Track Individual Sites, Input/Costs/Yields, Program, Agribusiness Successes, And Refine Program And Business Strategy Based On Data
  • 75. GIFT Is Leading The Migration From Charity To Sustainable Development Experts say the path to hunger and poverty relief is via economic development, not charity.
  • 76. GIFT Can Help Reinvigorate The Church And Increase Its Impact Through Innovation GIFT Can Provide Top Global IT Development Support For Innovation Through Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center and Synclovis IT Innovation Development
  • 77. Like AARP, Non-Profit GIFT and For Profit LMI Can Pursue Affinity Membership Opportunities And Comply With Tax Laws Lifestyle Management International, Inc. • Mediterranean Harvest For Life® Dietary Solutions • The G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change Affinity Group Membership program to rival AARP and Starbuck’s Duetto • Purchase clout of 70%+ of U.S. who profess Christianity • Coupons/Discounts/Rebates – Possible SCRIP upgrade • Member Cards; Payroll/Gift/Debit/Credit Cards; Mobile Wallets • Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes/Franchise Operations • SDG Agribusiness To Shift From Charity To Development • SDG Consulting And Collaboration Partnerships Global Institute For Transformation® (GIFT) 501 (c) (3) Endorsed by Archbishop as “sorely needed” Cross-denominational Christian ministry Spiritual content: Scripture art; books; merchandise Advocate of stewardship, global equity & Fair-Trade Delivers on global compassion/UN SDGs Mediterranean Harvest For Life League Social Justice Café & G.I.F.T. Shoppes” Spiritual Venues/Encouragement G.I.F.T. Card That Makes Change Spiritual/Stewardship Content • AARP-Patterned Dual Structure Was Approved By IRS
  • 78. Authentic Christianity Transforms The World TRANSFORMING THE WORLD THROUGH GIVING BACK TO GOD FOR ALL HIS LOVE “It is not enough to offer a sandwich if this is not accompanied by the possibility of learning to stand on one's own two feet. Charity that leaves the poor in the same situation as before is not adequate. True mercy - that which God gives and teaches us - asks for justice, asks that the poor find the way out of their poverty. The Lord calls us all to live with more courage and generosity,” The way we came to know love was that he (Jesus) laid down his life for us; so we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him? Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth,” advised Pope Francis, explaining authentic Christian charity while visiting Centro Astalli in Rome. (I John 3: 14-18)
  • 79. What If Every Personal Transaction We Lived Through Was A JOY-full GIFT Exchange? What If Every Encounter In Life Considered Everyone As A GIFT From God, And We LivedOut Christ’sSelfless Love In Caring About And JOY-fully ExperiencingOne Another Could all of our encounters be virtually stamped and certified as JOY-full GIFT exchanges? Let’s Live A Life Of True JOY, Sharing Christ’s Selfless Love With All Those We Encounter. Let’s prioritize the concept of JOY-full living in our lives: Jesus (first)… Others… (next) You… (after the first two) ”A new command I give you, love one another. As I have loved you., so you must love one another. No one has greater love than this, than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. “ John 13:34 ; John 15: 8-14
  • 80. The troubles plaguing our brothers and sisters globally, our society in its move away from God, and the Church universal are addressable! Because Jesus expressed this, would He be happy if we were to spend our lives simply focusing on trivial matters or bearing minimal fruit? With all the incredible GIFTs we’ve been given -- telecommunications, travel, tools, technology, treasures, talents, teachings, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, the real presence of our Lord in our lives, the Church, etc. -- we now have at our disposal so many wonderful resources to help bring God’s tangible love to others in need and to truly transform the world.
  • 81. O Lord, give us a mind that is humble, quiet, peaceable, patient and charitable, and a taste of your Holy Spirit in all our thoughts, words, and deeds. O Lord, give us a lively faith, a firm hope, a fervent charity, a love of you. Take from us all lukewarmness in meditation and all dullness in prayer. Give us fervor and delight in thinking of you, your grace, and your tender compassion toward us. Give us, good Lord, the grace to work for the things we pray for. --St Thomas More, 1478-1535
  • 82. Marketplace Ministries To Satisfy IRS Rules Tim Maurer 402-212-7973 (Cell) “A new evangelization means that the Church must convincingly sustain her efforts at uniting all Christians in a common witness to the world of the prophetic and ‘transforming power’ of the Gospel message.“ 2012 Synod on the New Evangelization Thank You! In His Service…