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All photography by Dennis Wilkes

                                                 Double G Camp is an annual experience for many
                                                 served by Orange Grove. Your support can help
                                                 continue the program each year.

    As one, we are strong. Together we are stronger! Partner with us
    in our mission to provide for the underserved in our community!
   Columnist Ann Landers once said,                                         Gift Planning, or Planned Giving as it is also known, is a tool that
   “Do your givin’ while you’re livin’...                                   helps you achieve your goals for the center while enhancing your
   then you’ll be knowin’ where it’s                                        financial plans and security. With careful planning, it is possible to
   goin’.” Her words may best explain                                       reduce or eliminate income and estate taxes while turning appreci-
   the concern many may have when it                                        ated assets into an income for yourself or others.
   comes to what they will leave future
   generations.                                                             Through a gift plan, you may:

   Bequeathing gifts and leaving a legacy                                   Increase current income for yourself or your designated beneficiary;
   may be important to you, and it is es-                                   Reduce income tax liability;
   pecially significant to Orange Grove                                      Avoid capital gains tax;
   Center. The future of the center is de-                                  Pass assets on to your family and pay less tax; and/or
   pendent on long-term financial strength                                   Make a significant gift to Orange Grove Center.
   that is, in part, built upon charitable
   bequests and planned gifts from sup-                                     Gift Planning options that are outlined in this guide include:
   porters like you.
                                                                                                 Appreciated Securities
   At Orange Grove, we will ensure that                                                              Bequests / Wills
   every individual served is an overall                                                        Charitable Gift Annuities
   beneficiary of your gift. For our do-                                                        Charitable Remainder Trusts
   nors, inclusion in their estate plans is                                                      Charitable Lead Trusts
   an ideal way to contribute to the wel-                                                        Life Insurance Policies
   fare of our community, and is a con-                                                          Pooled Income Funds
   tinuation of their charitable efforts be-                                                     Retirement Plan Assets
   yond their lifetime!                                                                         Revocable Living Trusts
                                                                                       Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit
                                                                                                      Tribute Gifts

© 2010
Making a bequest through your Will
                                                                       Bequests / Wills
You make the ultimate gift to Orange Grove
Center when you include it in your estate plan-      Ways to remember the center through your will:
                                                     A residual bequest grants the residue, or portion of the residue,
It just takes a simple designation in your will      of your estate to the center after explicit bequests have been made;
and will not affect your cash flow during your
lifetime.                                             “I give to Orange Grove Center, Inc., a non-profit organiza-
                                                      tion located at, 615 Derby Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404,
Charitable bequests specify how an individ-           all (or ____ %) of the rest, residue and remainder of my es-
ual’s property is to be distributed after their       tate, both real and personal property of whatever kind and
passing. Some donors use a revocable (or “liv-        wheresoever situated.”
ing”) trust as their estate document instead of
a will.                                              A specific bequest of a stated dollar amount or specific se-
Donors have the comfort of knowing that they
can amend or revoke a charitable bequest if           “I give to Orange Grove Center, Inc., a non-profit organiza-
tax laws, their circumstances, or family needs        tion located at 615 Derby Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404,
change. A Will may be used with many of the           the sum of ____ dollars (or describe the specific property or
giving plans outlined in this booklet.                security you intend to give).”

                                                     A contingent bequest in case one or more of your bequests
                                                     cannot be fulfilled;

                                                      “If any of the above-named beneficiaries should predecease
                                                      me, I hereby give his/her share of my estate to Orange Grove
                                                      Center, Inc., a non-profit organization located at, 615 Derby
                                                      Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404.”

                                                     A percentage bequest allocating a fixed percentage of your

                                                      “I give, devise, and bequeath to Orange Grove Center, Inc.,
                                                      a non-profit organization located at, 615 Derby Street, Chat-
                                                      tanooga, TN 37404, ___ % percent of my estate, both real
                                                      and personal property of whatever kind and wheresoever

Virginia Farmer is given job opportunities as part    “What a man does for himself dies with him,
of the Orange Grove experience through a program      what he does for others lives on forever.”
funded by the center.                                  Theodore Roosevelt
Trust and Life Income Plans
Charitable Gift Annuities are a simple way to make a significant gift while cotinuing to provide for your
future. You, the donor, donate cash or securities and receive fixed annual payments for life. You will also be eligible
for a federal income tax deduction in the year you make your gift.

The amount of your annual payments is based on your date of birth and the amount you give to create the gift annu-
ity. The minimum gift to the center must be $5,000, and you must be 60 years of age or older.

In addition, your gift qualifies for a charitable tax deduction.

Pooled Income Funds offer life income, and provide a meaningful gift
to the center. Your irrevocable gift of cash or securities is “pooled” and col-
lectively invested to produce income that is shared by all fund participants.
Payments will vary year-to-year, and your income has the potential to grow
since the fund’s earning will naturally fluctuate. Gifts to the Orange Grove
Center Pooled Income Fund can be made at 50 years of age, with a minimum
of $10,000.

Revocable Living Trusts are popular estate planning documents that
resemble Wills. With a Revocable Living Trust, you grant yourself broad
powers to manage your assets during your lifetime, as well as distribute them
after your death.

A Living Trust allows you to designate a trustee to manage your assets in the
event you become disabled or incapacitated. You determine what’s in the At age 62, Ed Winton is learning how to
                                                                              plant and grow vegetables in a garden.
trust, and you can easily amend it.

You can include a current or deferred charitable gift to Orange Grove Center in your Living Trust – a gift that re-
duces estate taxes. In the event of your death, all proceeds of the trust will be distributed outside of your estate,
usually avoiding lengthy and often expensive probate procedures.

Charitable Remainder Trusts are irrevocable cash donations or property to fund the trust. A trustee man-
ages the assets and earnings, and money from the investments is used to provide regular annual income to you or to
designated beneficiaries.

Payments from the trust are either made for the life of the beneficiary, or for a specific period of time not exceed-
ing 20 years. At the end of the term, or upon the beneficiary’s death, trust assets pass to the center or other charities
designated in the trust.

Payments are either fixed or variable income, and are usually not economical unless the principal initially equals or
exceeds $100,000.
Additional Tax-Wise Gift Plans
Charitable Lead Trusts
Through Charitable Lead Trusts, you donate cash or property to fund a trust from which annual payments are
made to the center for a set number of years. When the trust terminates, the assets revert back to you or are
given to your heirs.

If the assets of the trust appreciate in value over the years, this increase is passed on to your heirs free from gift
or estate tax. Administrative costs generally require gifts of at least $100,000 to establish a Charitable Lead

Retirement Plan Assets
Retirement Plan Assets may be set aside to estab-
lish special philanthropic legacies. Assets such as
403 (b), 401 (k), Individual Retirement Arrange-
ments (IRAs), Keogh, or tax-sheltered annuities
                                                                      Orange Grove is an
may be designated to Orange Grove Center as the

Under this plan, 100% of the value of the account is
                                                                 important part of the fabric of
                                                                 our Chattanooga community. It
applied, with you avoiding income and estate taxes               deserves support, and I hope all
that would be due if they were left to your heirs.               organizations and people that
Completion of a beneficiary form, or a designation
made through your Will is necessary to finalize the               can will generously do so.

This plan is also ideal for anyone over age 59, as
an annual charitable gift from your retirement plan.
                                                                 Mervin Pregulman                            ”
You may qualify for a charitable income tax-deduc-
tion while saving estate taxes.

Life Insurance Policies
Using a paid-up life insurance policy you no longer need, or purchasing a new policy are other charitable gift-
giving opportunities.

By naming the center as the owner and beneficiary, you qualify for a charitable deduction for the cash value of
the policy. You may also receive a charitable deduction on any remaining premiums you pay.

 I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show
 to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
 Mohandas Gandhi
Other Special Gifts
                                                Choosing to give by means of appreciated secu-
                                                rities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, shares, and
                                                other plans) is a great way to give to the center.

                                                The benefit of donating securities or mutual
                                                funds is that there is an income tax deduction
                                                for the full fair market value at the time the gift
                                                is completed, if you have owned the shares for
                                                more than one year.

                                                You may avoid capital gains taxes that would be
                                                due if you sold the securities.

                                                Contact us if you are interested in transferring
                                                securities or mutual fund shares to the center.

                                                Savings Accounts and
                                                Certificates of Deposit
                                                Savings plans, such as savings accounts, cer-
                                                tificates of deposits (CDs), and other savings ar-
 Water Ballet is a new addition to              rangements are also convenient ways of giving.
 the growing list of programs avail-
 able to participants through Orange            You may make the center a joint owner of the
 Grove’s   Recreation     Department.           account with rights of survivorship only. Mean-
                                                while, you remain in complete control of your
 Contributions give individuals like            account, enabling you to maintain the ability to
 Diana Linder (left) and Deta Ashley            withdraw money, or change the survivor desig-
 opportunities to develop healthier life-       nation. You also have the right to close the ac-
 styles through physical activity.              count at anytime, thereby revoking the arrange-
                                                ment. No claims are made to your account until
                                                after your passing.

                                                Tribute Gifts
                                                Orange Grove Center accepts gifts in memory
                                                of those who have passed, or in honor of some-
                                                one special as a way of saying, “thank you.”

   The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.   If you would like to make your gift in honor of
   Ralph Waldo Emerson                          or to memorialize someone, please contact us
                                                for more details.
Linda      Romans         is    a
                                                                    jewel to the Orange Grove fam-
                                                                    ily. Nearly 40 years ago, Linda
                                                                    was an original student of Orange
                                                                    Grove’s School for the Blind.

                                                                    Today, she is a member and
                                                                    soloist     in      the     Orange
                                                                    Grove Chorus. Through the
                                                                    Discovery Program at Orange
                                                                    Grove, she is able to share her love
                                                                    of music and interest in singing
                                                                    and reading to young children as a
                                                                    volunteer instructor at Little Miss
                                                                    Mag Day Care in Chattanooga.

If you would like to participate in a gift planning program with Orange Grove Center through one of
our giving options, please contact us to make arrangements, or for more information.

Our gift planning program will allow you to:

           Give a gift and receive life income to supplement your retirement income;

           Save income, capital gains and estate taxes;

           Give more than you ever thought possible;

           Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you’re making a difference in the lives of the individuals
            we serve for years to come.

If you have already included Orange Grove in your Will, trust, or other estate plan, please help the center
update its records by letting us know. All information to Orange Grove Center is held in the strictest confidence.
“     My sister has been affiliated
                                          with Orange Grove for 35 years.
                                          We feel Orange Grove has done
                                          well by her. She has a niche for
                                          her life, and for this reason, we
                                          have chosen to give to Orange

                                          Don and Hanna Witherspoon

Gift planning has enabled Orange
Grove’s Children’s Services to remain
a focal point in the early educational
opportunities of children served by the
                                          “      Mr. Reece made physical
                                          and mental disabilities his career.
                                          He was very committed to helping
                                          others that were in his son Bill’s
center.                                   situation. He had a passion to
                                          making a contribution to others in
Children ages five to 22 years receive     need. He had a huge commitment
pre-vocational/vocational and edu-
cational training to prepare them for
                                          to Orange Grove.
independent living and future employ-

Classrooms are staffed by qualified
                                          Barbara Jones,
                                          Executrix to the Estate of
                                          Oscar Edwin “Ed” Reece
instructors who support, encourage and
motivate their students to learn more
and overcome their developmental and
intellectual differences, thanks to       The raising of extraordinarily large sums of
generous       contributions     from     money, given voluntarily and freely by
supporters.                               millions of our fellow Americans, is a
                                          unique American tradition... Philanthropy,
                                          charity, giving voluntarily and freely... call
                                          it what you like, but it is truly a jewel of an
                                          American tradition.
                                          John F. Kennedy
L e a r n m or e a b o u t G if t P l a nnin g !
              Please send me more information about (Check all that apply!):

                        Wills                                               Charitable Lead Trusts
                        Revocable Living Trusts                             Gifts of Securities
                        Chartiable Gift Annuities                           Gifts of Retirement Plans
                        Charitable Remainder Trusts                         Gifts of Life Insurance Policies

              I would like someone to contact me at (phone) (        )           -
              For life income gift calculation purposes only, my birthdate is: M                  Y         D

              I have included the Orange Grove Center in my Will or estate plans.

              Name (print)


              City                                                           State          Zip

IRS FORMS                                                              Always consult with your attorney when drawing
Donee Information Return - IRS Form 8282                               up or revising your Will to ensure your intentions                       are carried out properly.

Noncash Charitable Contributions - IRS Form 8283                       Our tax identification number is 62-0549365.
(Instructions for Form 8283)                               The name and address to include in your Will is:

                                                                       O r a n g e G ro v e C e n t e r
                                                                       6 1 5 D e r b y S t re e t
                                                                       Chattanooga, TN 37404

Orange Grove Center, Inc. is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3), tax-exempt organization. No goods or services are ever exchanged
in return for gifts to the center. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Additional benefits, such as life
income and the avoidance of capital gains taxes, may be offered in some cases.

We recommend that you consult with your attorney or tax advisor for the various tax benefits and restrictions that may apply
to your specific situation. We are available to you and your advisors to answer questions or help arrange a planned gift to the

To address your questions or concerns, or for additional information about Gift Planning, please contact:

Orange Grove Center, Inc.
615 Derby Street
Chattanooga, TN 37404

(423) 308-1160
(423) 624-1294 (fax)

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Gift Planning Guide

  • 1.   
  • 2. All photography by Dennis Wilkes Double G Camp is an annual experience for many served by Orange Grove. Your support can help continue the program each year. As one, we are strong. Together we are stronger! Partner with us in our mission to provide for the underserved in our community! Columnist Ann Landers once said, Gift Planning, or Planned Giving as it is also known, is a tool that “Do your givin’ while you’re livin’... helps you achieve your goals for the center while enhancing your then you’ll be knowin’ where it’s financial plans and security. With careful planning, it is possible to goin’.” Her words may best explain reduce or eliminate income and estate taxes while turning appreci- the concern many may have when it ated assets into an income for yourself or others. comes to what they will leave future generations. Through a gift plan, you may: Bequeathing gifts and leaving a legacy Increase current income for yourself or your designated beneficiary; may be important to you, and it is es- Reduce income tax liability; pecially significant to Orange Grove Avoid capital gains tax; Center. The future of the center is de- Pass assets on to your family and pay less tax; and/or pendent on long-term financial strength Make a significant gift to Orange Grove Center. that is, in part, built upon charitable bequests and planned gifts from sup- Gift Planning options that are outlined in this guide include: porters like you. Appreciated Securities At Orange Grove, we will ensure that Bequests / Wills every individual served is an overall Charitable Gift Annuities beneficiary of your gift. For our do- Charitable Remainder Trusts nors, inclusion in their estate plans is Charitable Lead Trusts an ideal way to contribute to the wel- Life Insurance Policies fare of our community, and is a con- Pooled Income Funds tinuation of their charitable efforts be- Retirement Plan Assets yond their lifetime! Revocable Living Trusts Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit Tribute Gifts © 2010
  • 3. Making a bequest through your Will Bequests / Wills You make the ultimate gift to Orange Grove Center when you include it in your estate plan- Ways to remember the center through your will: ning. A residual bequest grants the residue, or portion of the residue, It just takes a simple designation in your will of your estate to the center after explicit bequests have been made; and will not affect your cash flow during your lifetime. “I give to Orange Grove Center, Inc., a non-profit organiza- tion located at, 615 Derby Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404, Charitable bequests specify how an individ- all (or ____ %) of the rest, residue and remainder of my es- ual’s property is to be distributed after their tate, both real and personal property of whatever kind and passing. Some donors use a revocable (or “liv- wheresoever situated.” ing”) trust as their estate document instead of a will. A specific bequest of a stated dollar amount or specific se- curities; Donors have the comfort of knowing that they can amend or revoke a charitable bequest if “I give to Orange Grove Center, Inc., a non-profit organiza- tax laws, their circumstances, or family needs tion located at 615 Derby Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404, change. A Will may be used with many of the the sum of ____ dollars (or describe the specific property or giving plans outlined in this booklet. security you intend to give).” A contingent bequest in case one or more of your bequests cannot be fulfilled; “If any of the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby give his/her share of my estate to Orange Grove Center, Inc., a non-profit organization located at, 615 Derby Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404.” A percentage bequest allocating a fixed percentage of your estate; “I give, devise, and bequeath to Orange Grove Center, Inc., a non-profit organization located at, 615 Derby Street, Chat- tanooga, TN 37404, ___ % percent of my estate, both real and personal property of whatever kind and wheresoever situated.” Virginia Farmer is given job opportunities as part “What a man does for himself dies with him, of the Orange Grove experience through a program what he does for others lives on forever.” funded by the center. Theodore Roosevelt
  • 4. Trust and Life Income Plans Charitable Gift Annuities are a simple way to make a significant gift while cotinuing to provide for your future. You, the donor, donate cash or securities and receive fixed annual payments for life. You will also be eligible for a federal income tax deduction in the year you make your gift. The amount of your annual payments is based on your date of birth and the amount you give to create the gift annu- ity. The minimum gift to the center must be $5,000, and you must be 60 years of age or older. In addition, your gift qualifies for a charitable tax deduction. Pooled Income Funds offer life income, and provide a meaningful gift to the center. Your irrevocable gift of cash or securities is “pooled” and col- lectively invested to produce income that is shared by all fund participants. Payments will vary year-to-year, and your income has the potential to grow since the fund’s earning will naturally fluctuate. Gifts to the Orange Grove Center Pooled Income Fund can be made at 50 years of age, with a minimum of $10,000. Revocable Living Trusts are popular estate planning documents that resemble Wills. With a Revocable Living Trust, you grant yourself broad powers to manage your assets during your lifetime, as well as distribute them after your death. A Living Trust allows you to designate a trustee to manage your assets in the event you become disabled or incapacitated. You determine what’s in the At age 62, Ed Winton is learning how to plant and grow vegetables in a garden. trust, and you can easily amend it. You can include a current or deferred charitable gift to Orange Grove Center in your Living Trust – a gift that re- duces estate taxes. In the event of your death, all proceeds of the trust will be distributed outside of your estate, usually avoiding lengthy and often expensive probate procedures. Charitable Remainder Trusts are irrevocable cash donations or property to fund the trust. A trustee man- ages the assets and earnings, and money from the investments is used to provide regular annual income to you or to designated beneficiaries. Payments from the trust are either made for the life of the beneficiary, or for a specific period of time not exceed- ing 20 years. At the end of the term, or upon the beneficiary’s death, trust assets pass to the center or other charities designated in the trust. Payments are either fixed or variable income, and are usually not economical unless the principal initially equals or exceeds $100,000.
  • 5. Additional Tax-Wise Gift Plans Charitable Lead Trusts Through Charitable Lead Trusts, you donate cash or property to fund a trust from which annual payments are made to the center for a set number of years. When the trust terminates, the assets revert back to you or are given to your heirs. If the assets of the trust appreciate in value over the years, this increase is passed on to your heirs free from gift or estate tax. Administrative costs generally require gifts of at least $100,000 to establish a Charitable Lead Trust. Retirement Plan Assets Retirement Plan Assets may be set aside to estab- lish special philanthropic legacies. Assets such as 403 (b), 401 (k), Individual Retirement Arrange- ments (IRAs), Keogh, or tax-sheltered annuities Orange Grove is an may be designated to Orange Grove Center as the beneficiary. Under this plan, 100% of the value of the account is “ important part of the fabric of our Chattanooga community. It applied, with you avoiding income and estate taxes deserves support, and I hope all that would be due if they were left to your heirs. organizations and people that Completion of a beneficiary form, or a designation made through your Will is necessary to finalize the can will generously do so. plan. This plan is also ideal for anyone over age 59, as an annual charitable gift from your retirement plan. Mervin Pregulman ” You may qualify for a charitable income tax-deduc- tion while saving estate taxes. Life Insurance Policies Using a paid-up life insurance policy you no longer need, or purchasing a new policy are other charitable gift- giving opportunities. By naming the center as the owner and beneficiary, you qualify for a charitable deduction for the cash value of the policy. You may also receive a charitable deduction on any remaining premiums you pay. I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. Mohandas Gandhi
  • 6. Other Special Gifts Securities Choosing to give by means of appreciated secu- rities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, shares, and other plans) is a great way to give to the center. The benefit of donating securities or mutual funds is that there is an income tax deduction for the full fair market value at the time the gift is completed, if you have owned the shares for more than one year. You may avoid capital gains taxes that would be due if you sold the securities. Contact us if you are interested in transferring securities or mutual fund shares to the center. Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit Savings plans, such as savings accounts, cer- tificates of deposits (CDs), and other savings ar- Water Ballet is a new addition to rangements are also convenient ways of giving. the growing list of programs avail- able to participants through Orange You may make the center a joint owner of the Grove’s Recreation Department. account with rights of survivorship only. Mean- while, you remain in complete control of your Contributions give individuals like account, enabling you to maintain the ability to Diana Linder (left) and Deta Ashley withdraw money, or change the survivor desig- opportunities to develop healthier life- nation. You also have the right to close the ac- styles through physical activity. count at anytime, thereby revoking the arrange- ment. No claims are made to your account until after your passing. Tribute Gifts Orange Grove Center accepts gifts in memory of those who have passed, or in honor of some- one special as a way of saying, “thank you.” The greatest gift is a portion of thyself. If you would like to make your gift in honor of Ralph Waldo Emerson or to memorialize someone, please contact us for more details.
  • 7. Linda Romans is a jewel to the Orange Grove fam- ily. Nearly 40 years ago, Linda was an original student of Orange Grove’s School for the Blind. Today, she is a member and soloist in the Orange Grove Chorus. Through the Discovery Program at Orange Grove, she is able to share her love of music and interest in singing and reading to young children as a volunteer instructor at Little Miss Mag Day Care in Chattanooga.  If you would like to participate in a gift planning program with Orange Grove Center through one of our giving options, please contact us to make arrangements, or for more information. Our gift planning program will allow you to:  Give a gift and receive life income to supplement your retirement income;  Save income, capital gains and estate taxes;  Give more than you ever thought possible;  Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you’re making a difference in the lives of the individuals we serve for years to come. If you have already included Orange Grove in your Will, trust, or other estate plan, please help the center update its records by letting us know. All information to Orange Grove Center is held in the strictest confidence.
  • 8. My sister has been affiliated with Orange Grove for 35 years. We feel Orange Grove has done well by her. She has a niche for her life, and for this reason, we have chosen to give to Orange Grove. ” Don and Hanna Witherspoon Gift planning has enabled Orange Grove’s Children’s Services to remain a focal point in the early educational opportunities of children served by the “ Mr. Reece made physical and mental disabilities his career. He was very committed to helping others that were in his son Bill’s center. situation. He had a passion to making a contribution to others in Children ages five to 22 years receive need. He had a huge commitment pre-vocational/vocational and edu- cational training to prepare them for to Orange Grove. independent living and future employ- ment. Classrooms are staffed by qualified Barbara Jones, Executrix to the Estate of Oscar Edwin “Ed” Reece ” instructors who support, encourage and motivate their students to learn more and overcome their developmental and intellectual differences, thanks to The raising of extraordinarily large sums of generous contributions from money, given voluntarily and freely by supporters. millions of our fellow Americans, is a unique American tradition... Philanthropy, charity, giving voluntarily and freely... call it what you like, but it is truly a jewel of an American tradition. John F. Kennedy
  • 9. L e a r n m or e a b o u t G if t P l a nnin g ! Please send me more information about (Check all that apply!): Wills Charitable Lead Trusts Revocable Living Trusts Gifts of Securities Chartiable Gift Annuities Gifts of Retirement Plans Charitable Remainder Trusts Gifts of Life Insurance Policies I would like someone to contact me at (phone) ( ) - For life income gift calculation purposes only, my birthdate is: M Y D I have included the Orange Grove Center in my Will or estate plans. Name (print) Address City State Zip IRS FORMS Always consult with your attorney when drawing Donee Information Return - IRS Form 8282 up or revising your Will to ensure your intentions are carried out properly. Noncash Charitable Contributions - IRS Form 8283 Our tax identification number is 62-0549365. (Instructions for Form 8283) The name and address to include in your Will is: O r a n g e G ro v e C e n t e r 6 1 5 D e r b y S t re e t Chattanooga, TN 37404 Orange Grove Center, Inc. is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3), tax-exempt organization. No goods or services are ever exchanged in return for gifts to the center. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Additional benefits, such as life income and the avoidance of capital gains taxes, may be offered in some cases. We recommend that you consult with your attorney or tax advisor for the various tax benefits and restrictions that may apply to your specific situation. We are available to you and your advisors to answer questions or help arrange a planned gift to the center.
  • 10. nothing To address your questions or concerns, or for additional information about Gift Planning, please contact: Orange Grove Center, Inc. 615 Derby Street Chattanooga, TN 37404 (423) 308-1160 (423) 624-1294 (fax)