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WEDDING SPECIAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WEDDING SPECIAL

Presentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Presentation

  The finishing touch                                                                                                                                                 Mouthwatering Mounts
                                                                                                                                                                      Photographers who enjoy the control that
                                                                                                                                                                      comes with a ‘do-it-yourself’ approach might
  Get your presentation right and not only can you hand your work over to                                                                                             well be interested in the Longridge Trio Midi
                                                                                                                                                                      mount cutting system, which offers a cost-
  your client looking its absolute best but you also have the potential to add                                                                                        effective way to produce perfect results
                                                                                                                                                                      that can be used to partner anything from
  serious margin to your job WORDS Terry Hope                                                                                                                         wedding prints through to an expensive fine
                                                                                                                                                                      art product.

          or those who visited the Societies’                                                                                                                             Is it simple to use? Very much so, with
          Convention back in January and who                                                                                                                          around four steps required to get to a precisely-
          will be making the journey up to                                                                                                                            cut mount. In fact, the hardest part is getting
  Birmingham this month to take a trip around                                                                                                                         the numbers right to enable you to measure the
  Focus, it can’t have escaped your notice                                                                                                                            size of the aperture – a calculator in some cases
  that everywhere you look there are stands                                                                                                                           will be a must. The steps after measuring are
  devoted to the art of presentation.                                                                                                                                 to draw the lines using the parallelogram and
      Whatever trade show you care to go                                                                                                                              guide rails, place the cutter stops and then cut
  to these days you can count on being                                                                                                                                (it can be used by left or right handed people).
  confronted with traditional frames in every                                                                                                                         As long as you work with good quality, square
  shape and size imaginable, high-tech digital                                                                                                                        mount board you’ll be fine.
  frames, more albums than you could ever                                                                                                                                 The pack, which costs £325, comes with a
  hope to shake a stick at and a good scattering                                                                                                                      highly informative DVD which is designed to
  of cutting edge design ideas that utilise                                                                                                                           walk even the beginner through the process.                      Patent Pending
  materials such as metal and wood that once                                                                                                                          Results when we tried the kit out were superb,                   Asukabook – the high-end digital art book
  would have been considered completely off                                                                                                                           although watching the DVD for a second                           specialist – is using the Focus 2010 show to
  the wall. It’s a sign of a healthy industry that                                                                                                                    or third time was advisable to make sure                         launch a brand new ‘patent pending’ album
  has finally taken the message on board that                                                                                                                         everything was crystal clear.                                    featuring innovative invisible binding and a
  presentation is inextricably linked to selling,                                                                                                                                                                                      new protective laminate finish on each page.
  and those who can master this particular                                                                                                                            l Contact:                                                       A second new coffee table-style book boasts
  dark art are well placed to not only survive                                                                                                                                                            six colour printing and a new customizable
  the current downturn but to come out of it all                                                                                                                                                                                       slide-in presentation case.
  well placed to grow their business strongly.                                                                                                                                                                                             And photographers new to the ‘top end’
      The fact is that, just as poorly thought out                                                                                                                                                                                     Japanese brand will pick up a 50% discount
  or executed presentation can drag down the                                                                                                                                                                                           on their first sample book order when they
  best of work, so too can brilliant presentation
  act as a showcase and transport great
                                                     “If your presentation                                                                                                                                                             visit the Asukabook Stand (Q16) or order/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       register online.
  photography to new levels. It can be the key
  to upselling your work and as a further bonus
                                                     is brilliant it acts as                                                                                                                                                               “This is the first time the company has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       exhibited in its own right at the NEC show,”
  there is also the potential to add the kind of
  profit margin to your material costs that you
                                                     a showcase and can                                                                                                                                                                says Asukabook’s Andrew Moorcroft, “and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the company is going flat-out to make a big
  might only be able to dream about in other
  parts of your business.                            take your work to                                                                                                                                                                 impression with the launch of these two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       superior art books with compelling and
      It’s also worth considering the fact that
  presentation invariably will define where          new levels”                                                                                                                                                                       innovative features for photographers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       their customers.”
  your particular business might happen                                                                                                                                                                                                    The new Zen Lay-Flat book is, as its
  to be in the marketplace. There’s no point                                                                                                                                                                                           name suggests, a lay-flat style, and the
  tilting at the top end for example if you’re                                                                                                                                                                                         product incorporates Asukabook’s special
  going to present work to your client in a £50      and will also showcase an extensive array of    ABOVE           to create their own bespoke professional                                                                          invisible binding, allowing the perfect
  album: that kind of approach might have            pioneering products, including contemporary     & RIGHT:        marketing collateral at a fraction of the cost                                                                    display of images with no gutter loss. The
                                                                                                     The range
  an important role to play if you’re going for      wall art and framing services.                  of products     of using design houses. “The idea is that                                                                         laminate finish protects pages and continues
  the cut-throat budget end of the market,              “Any photographer with an eye on the         being offered   photographers can have professional-looking                                                                       seamlessly into the binding.
  but you need to see what your aspirations          road ahead and a serious ambition to drive      by Loxleys      products to hand out to their clients without                                                                         The second new Focus product, the
  are and plan your presentation accordingly.        his or her business forward after the worst     is designed     having to invest in huge print runs,” says                                                                        NeoClassic book, has a more traditional style
                                                                                                     to give pho-
  A Queensberry Album or a book from                 recession in decades must make a beeline for    tographers
                                                                                                                     Chris. “We have a number of pre-designed                                                                          with thicker, board-style pages. The stylish
  Graphistudio might well cost you way over          the M1,” says Chris Kay, Loxleys’ marketing     the back up     templates that they can use – or they can                                                                         cover is fully designable and the entire book
  £1000 to produce but if you are working with       manager. “That’s our stand number at the        they need       upload their own designs – and they can then                                                                      is showcased in a unique, customisable slide-
  a client who has been assured that they will       NEC show by the way!                            to take their   go on and produce one, ten, twenty or 100                                                                         in presentation case, complete with space for
  only get the best every step of the way and           “We are ploughing more funds than ever                       copies of whatever they want: it’s completely                                                                     a DVD or CD. Both books will be showcased at
  they are prepared to pay for the privilege         before into our cutting edge marketing                          up to the individual how many they order.                                                                         Focus and available in the spring.
  then that will be the level of service that they   and presentation solutions for customers                           “It’s all part of our drive to help
  are going to expect.                               nationwide. Following the hugely successful                     photographers to market their businesses                                                                          l Photographers who have already bought
      One of the biggest stands at the Societies     trade show we took part in at the recent                        professionally and the results they can get                                                                       Asukabook products in the past will still be
  Show, and with another massive one                 SWPP Convention in London we now have a                         by using our service are output on an HP                                                                          eligible for a total of three 25% discounts per
  planned for Focus, is Loxleys. Hot-on- the-        sharp focus on Focus with the largest stand                     Indigo printer and look fantastic. Dynamo                                                                         calendar year on studio samples.
  heels of its £1 million investment in its new      we’ve ever had – 110 square metres in total.”                   Press offers photographers the most brilliant
  ‘Dynamo Press’ online marketing solution,             Showcased on the stand will be the lab’s                     marketing solutions in the form of tri-folds,                                                                     l Contact:
  this innovative Glasgow-based pro lab will         Dynamo Press programme, which has been                          greetings cards, gift vouchers, letterheads                                                             
  debut two new album ranges at the NEC              designed to give photographers the chance                       and much more at a fraction of the cost

90 April 2010 Taking your photography to the next level                                                                                                                                                                   Taking your photography to the next level April 2010 91
WEDDING SPECIAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        WEDDING SPECIAL

Presentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Presentation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sim2000 at Focus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          To mark its presence at the Focus Show Sim2000 has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          announced lower prices on its top selling album and coffee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          table books, along with new pricing for Thank You cards and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          marketing products. To check out the full updated 2010 price
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          list either contact Sim2000 by phone or visit the website.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thank You cards are now priced from 49p and feature a
  “Because it was so cold I had to work fast                                                                                                                                                                                                                              stylish new DL format size (99x210mm). This can be used
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in combination with the company’s free software, SimWare,
  and be really organised on the day”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     which also offers the photographer a number of easy-to-use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          contemporary templates. Also new is the Tri-fold Mini, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          little brother of the range which costs from only 20p. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4x4in leaflet is a useful budget option that can be left at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          venues and wedding shows.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          l More details of these promotional offers at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 or call 020 8207 0700

  “We like to do things in our business which                                                          ABOVE:
                                                                                                       Karl Andre
                                                                                                       took prints
                                                                                                                        told us where we could to order up prints of
                                                                                                                        this kind for ourselves,” says Louise. “They
                                                                                                                                                                         entry level products that can cost the
                                                                                                                                                                         photographer way under £100.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           days so it will be ready for the couple to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           view once they’re back from honeymoon.”

  make us stand out from the crowd”                                                                    made on
                                                                                                       metal along
                                                                                                                        really did look different and they attracted a
                                                                                                                        lot of attention at the fair we attended. We
                                                                                                                                                                             Wedding photographer Graham
                                                                                                                                                                         Keutenius who runs Eton Photography
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Graham doesn’t price the book separately
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           but rather provides it as part of a wedding
                                                                                                       to a wedding     also put together a deal on the day that if      moved into this style of presentation a few       package that works out at around £1400.
                                                                                                       fair and used    someone was to book a particular wedding         years back, basing some of the services           “I do sell quite a lot of extra books to the
                                                                                                       them as part
                                                                                                       of a promo-
                                                                                                                        package with us they would qualify for a free    he offers around the products offered by          couple who will want to give them away to
                                                                                                       tion there       metal print, which was a nice way of using       Bob Books. “Using a book is a great way of        parents, friends and relatives,” he says. “I
  of going to a litho printers.” Examples of        may never have seen before and knocking                             the presentation to create business.             telling a story,” he says. “I’ll use maybe 200    price them realistically at between £100 to
  products that can be produced using the
  Dynamo Press programme will be exhibited
                                                    them dead with the product. These forms of
                                                    presentation tend to be fairly volatile: a short
                                                                                                                             “We do like to do things in our business
                                                                                                                        which help to make us stand out: our
                                                                                                                                                                         images in a book and if I know that’s how I’m
                                                                                                                                                                         ultimately going to present my work I’ll plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           £150 but this does encourage extra sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and helps to earn me extra profit on a job.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hand made from Booked
  at Focus and can also be checked out on the       while back canvases were all the rage and          Keutenius        wedding albums are sourced from a different      the wedding shoot around it.                          The need to stay on top of presentation    Booked Images is showing its new range of hand made
  Loxley Colour website.                            they still continue to dominate large areas        has pre-         supplier but they also feature a metal cover         “Bob Books have recently redesigned           is clear and wedding photographers ignore      bespoke wedding books at Focus. The new art book is
     So, given the feedback that Loxleys            of the wedding and portrait market. Acrylic        sented many      and so there is a connection now between         their design software and also revamped           this aspect of the business at their peril.    300mm square and hand sewn with a gloss laminate, and
                                                                                                       of his wed-
  received at the Societies’ Convention, what       then became the next big thing and now                              the album and print services that we offer.”     the range of products they offer. The books       Take a close look at what you see next time    comes with either 60 or 120 sides. Also new for 2010 is
                                                                                                       ding clients
  are the presentation products that could          there is the opportunity to output prints on       with books            “We did get a great response to the metal   I’m now offering have fewer pages than            you visit a trade show and also look around    a panoramic book which is said to be perfect for simple
  truly be considered to be ‘hot’ right now?        to metal for a radically different kind of look.   that feature     prints,” confirms Karl. “It’s a very different   before – 82 pages compared to 120 – but the       wedding fairs and online to see what other     weddings.
  “Things that are really hot now include               In a wedding business that is becoming         the complete     kind of product and it’s one that has its        paper grade is thicker and the whole feel is      photographers are doing. Don’t be afraid to        The new designs are being complemented by a freshly
  extra sets of presentation boxes, parent’s        increasingly competitive it can really help to     story of their   market. It’s not a cheap product and so it       much better. It’s more of a magazine-style        be adventurous and make sure your work         expanded range of handmade boxes, which feature bespoke
                                                                                                       big day
  albums, keepsake accordions, mini books and       have a product to show that has a distinct                          has to be used in a certain kind of way for a    album now rather than a photo book.”              looks the very best that it possibly can.      blocking and include a range of wooden veneered examples
  accessories that provide that additional value    ‘wow’ factor, and it was this kind of thinking                      certain kind of client, but I’m confident that       While Bob Books do offer ready-made                                                          made by French master craftsmen. A more affordable option
  for money and a twist to the norm,” says          that led photographer Karl Andre and                                it’s going to do well for us into the future.”   design templates Graham prefers to produce        l Contact:                                     is a picture box, where imagery can be carried over from the
  Chris. “The show itself was a brilliant success   his partner Louise to order up a couple of                               Books are another form of wedding           his own designs in Photoshop and then                              wedding book to create a personalised package.
  this year with plenty of space to show our        wedding prints from Printing on Metal to                            presentation that have taken off                 simply imports them ready for printing. “It’s
  entire range of products and services.”           show at a wedding fair they were attending.                         spectacularly in recent years, and they range    just the way I’m used to working,” he says.                 l Book prices start from £149 and rise to around £299 + VAT.
     Part of what great presentation is all             “We first saw this form of presentation                         from the high-end album style pioneered          “It takes me a full day - 7-8 hours - to design               or call 0118 976 2796
  about is showing a customer something they        being used by a student, Nathan Pidd, and he                        by the likes of Graphistudio down to more        a book and turnaround time is around 7-10

92 April 2010 Taking your photography to the next level                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Taking your photography to the next level April 2010 93

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  • 1. WEDDING SPECIAL WEDDING SPECIAL Presentation Presentation The finishing touch Mouthwatering Mounts Photographers who enjoy the control that comes with a ‘do-it-yourself’ approach might Get your presentation right and not only can you hand your work over to well be interested in the Longridge Trio Midi mount cutting system, which offers a cost- your client looking its absolute best but you also have the potential to add effective way to produce perfect results that can be used to partner anything from serious margin to your job WORDS Terry Hope wedding prints through to an expensive fine art product. F or those who visited the Societies’ Is it simple to use? Very much so, with Convention back in January and who around four steps required to get to a precisely- will be making the journey up to cut mount. In fact, the hardest part is getting Birmingham this month to take a trip around the numbers right to enable you to measure the Focus, it can’t have escaped your notice size of the aperture – a calculator in some cases that everywhere you look there are stands will be a must. The steps after measuring are devoted to the art of presentation. to draw the lines using the parallelogram and Whatever trade show you care to go guide rails, place the cutter stops and then cut to these days you can count on being (it can be used by left or right handed people). confronted with traditional frames in every As long as you work with good quality, square shape and size imaginable, high-tech digital mount board you’ll be fine. frames, more albums than you could ever The pack, which costs £325, comes with a hope to shake a stick at and a good scattering highly informative DVD which is designed to of cutting edge design ideas that utilise walk even the beginner through the process. Patent Pending materials such as metal and wood that once Results when we tried the kit out were superb, Asukabook – the high-end digital art book would have been considered completely off although watching the DVD for a second specialist – is using the Focus 2010 show to the wall. It’s a sign of a healthy industry that or third time was advisable to make sure launch a brand new ‘patent pending’ album has finally taken the message on board that everything was crystal clear. featuring innovative invisible binding and a presentation is inextricably linked to selling, new protective laminate finish on each page. and those who can master this particular l Contact: A second new coffee table-style book boasts dark art are well placed to not only survive six colour printing and a new customizable the current downturn but to come out of it all slide-in presentation case. well placed to grow their business strongly. And photographers new to the ‘top end’ The fact is that, just as poorly thought out Japanese brand will pick up a 50% discount or executed presentation can drag down the on their first sample book order when they best of work, so too can brilliant presentation act as a showcase and transport great “If your presentation visit the Asukabook Stand (Q16) or order/ register online. photography to new levels. It can be the key to upselling your work and as a further bonus is brilliant it acts as “This is the first time the company has exhibited in its own right at the NEC show,” there is also the potential to add the kind of profit margin to your material costs that you a showcase and can says Asukabook’s Andrew Moorcroft, “and the company is going flat-out to make a big might only be able to dream about in other parts of your business. take your work to impression with the launch of these two superior art books with compelling and It’s also worth considering the fact that presentation invariably will define where new levels” innovative features for photographers and their customers.” your particular business might happen The new Zen Lay-Flat book is, as its to be in the marketplace. There’s no point name suggests, a lay-flat style, and the tilting at the top end for example if you’re product incorporates Asukabook’s special going to present work to your client in a £50 and will also showcase an extensive array of ABOVE to create their own bespoke professional invisible binding, allowing the perfect album: that kind of approach might have pioneering products, including contemporary & RIGHT: marketing collateral at a fraction of the cost display of images with no gutter loss. The The range an important role to play if you’re going for wall art and framing services. of products of using design houses. “The idea is that laminate finish protects pages and continues the cut-throat budget end of the market, “Any photographer with an eye on the being offered photographers can have professional-looking seamlessly into the binding. but you need to see what your aspirations road ahead and a serious ambition to drive by Loxleys products to hand out to their clients without The second new Focus product, the are and plan your presentation accordingly. his or her business forward after the worst is designed having to invest in huge print runs,” says NeoClassic book, has a more traditional style to give pho- A Queensberry Album or a book from recession in decades must make a beeline for tographers Chris. “We have a number of pre-designed with thicker, board-style pages. The stylish Graphistudio might well cost you way over the M1,” says Chris Kay, Loxleys’ marketing the back up templates that they can use – or they can cover is fully designable and the entire book £1000 to produce but if you are working with manager. “That’s our stand number at the they need upload their own designs – and they can then is showcased in a unique, customisable slide- a client who has been assured that they will NEC show by the way! to take their go on and produce one, ten, twenty or 100 in presentation case, complete with space for presentation only get the best every step of the way and “We are ploughing more funds than ever copies of whatever they want: it’s completely a DVD or CD. Both books will be showcased at seriously they are prepared to pay for the privilege before into our cutting edge marketing up to the individual how many they order. Focus and available in the spring. then that will be the level of service that they and presentation solutions for customers “It’s all part of our drive to help are going to expect. nationwide. Following the hugely successful photographers to market their businesses l Photographers who have already bought One of the biggest stands at the Societies trade show we took part in at the recent professionally and the results they can get Asukabook products in the past will still be Show, and with another massive one SWPP Convention in London we now have a by using our service are output on an HP eligible for a total of three 25% discounts per planned for Focus, is Loxleys. Hot-on- the- sharp focus on Focus with the largest stand Indigo printer and look fantastic. Dynamo calendar year on studio samples. heels of its £1 million investment in its new we’ve ever had – 110 square metres in total.” Press offers photographers the most brilliant ‘Dynamo Press’ online marketing solution, Showcased on the stand will be the lab’s marketing solutions in the form of tri-folds, l Contact: this innovative Glasgow-based pro lab will Dynamo Press programme, which has been greetings cards, gift vouchers, letterheads debut two new album ranges at the NEC designed to give photographers the chance and much more at a fraction of the cost 90 April 2010 Taking your photography to the next level Taking your photography to the next level April 2010 91
  • 2. WEDDING SPECIAL WEDDING SPECIAL Presentation Presentation Sim2000 at Focus To mark its presence at the Focus Show Sim2000 has announced lower prices on its top selling album and coffee table books, along with new pricing for Thank You cards and marketing products. To check out the full updated 2010 price list either contact Sim2000 by phone or visit the website. Thank You cards are now priced from 49p and feature a “Because it was so cold I had to work fast stylish new DL format size (99x210mm). This can be used in combination with the company’s free software, SimWare, and be really organised on the day” which also offers the photographer a number of easy-to-use contemporary templates. Also new is the Tri-fold Mini, the little brother of the range which costs from only 20p. This 4x4in leaflet is a useful budget option that can be left at venues and wedding shows. l More details of these promotional offers at or call 020 8207 0700 “We like to do things in our business which ABOVE: Karl Andre took prints told us where we could to order up prints of this kind for ourselves,” says Louise. “They entry level products that can cost the photographer way under £100. days so it will be ready for the couple to view once they’re back from honeymoon.” make us stand out from the crowd” made on metal along really did look different and they attracted a lot of attention at the fair we attended. We Wedding photographer Graham Keutenius who runs Eton Photography Graham doesn’t price the book separately but rather provides it as part of a wedding to a wedding also put together a deal on the day that if moved into this style of presentation a few package that works out at around £1400. fair and used someone was to book a particular wedding years back, basing some of the services “I do sell quite a lot of extra books to the them as part of a promo- package with us they would qualify for a free he offers around the products offered by couple who will want to give them away to tion there metal print, which was a nice way of using Bob Books. “Using a book is a great way of parents, friends and relatives,” he says. “I of going to a litho printers.” Examples of may never have seen before and knocking the presentation to create business. telling a story,” he says. “I’ll use maybe 200 price them realistically at between £100 to ABOVE products that can be produced using the Dynamo Press programme will be exhibited them dead with the product. These forms of presentation tend to be fairly volatile: a short RIGHT: “We do like to do things in our business which help to make us stand out: our images in a book and if I know that’s how I’m ultimately going to present my work I’ll plan £150 but this does encourage extra sales and helps to earn me extra profit on a job.” Hand made from Booked Graham at Focus and can also be checked out on the while back canvases were all the rage and Keutenius wedding albums are sourced from a different the wedding shoot around it. The need to stay on top of presentation Booked Images is showing its new range of hand made Loxley Colour website. they still continue to dominate large areas has pre- supplier but they also feature a metal cover “Bob Books have recently redesigned is clear and wedding photographers ignore bespoke wedding books at Focus. The new art book is So, given the feedback that Loxleys of the wedding and portrait market. Acrylic sented many and so there is a connection now between their design software and also revamped this aspect of the business at their peril. 300mm square and hand sewn with a gloss laminate, and of his wed- received at the Societies’ Convention, what then became the next big thing and now the album and print services that we offer.” the range of products they offer. The books Take a close look at what you see next time comes with either 60 or 120 sides. Also new for 2010 is ding clients are the presentation products that could there is the opportunity to output prints on with books “We did get a great response to the metal I’m now offering have fewer pages than you visit a trade show and also look around a panoramic book which is said to be perfect for simple truly be considered to be ‘hot’ right now? to metal for a radically different kind of look. that feature prints,” confirms Karl. “It’s a very different before – 82 pages compared to 120 – but the wedding fairs and online to see what other weddings. “Things that are really hot now include In a wedding business that is becoming the complete kind of product and it’s one that has its paper grade is thicker and the whole feel is photographers are doing. Don’t be afraid to The new designs are being complemented by a freshly extra sets of presentation boxes, parent’s increasingly competitive it can really help to story of their market. It’s not a cheap product and so it much better. It’s more of a magazine-style be adventurous and make sure your work expanded range of handmade boxes, which feature bespoke big day albums, keepsake accordions, mini books and have a product to show that has a distinct has to be used in a certain kind of way for a album now rather than a photo book.” looks the very best that it possibly can. blocking and include a range of wooden veneered examples accessories that provide that additional value ‘wow’ factor, and it was this kind of thinking certain kind of client, but I’m confident that While Bob Books do offer ready-made made by French master craftsmen. A more affordable option for money and a twist to the norm,” says that led photographer Karl Andre and it’s going to do well for us into the future.” design templates Graham prefers to produce l Contact: is a picture box, where imagery can be carried over from the Chris. “The show itself was a brilliant success his partner Louise to order up a couple of Books are another form of wedding his own designs in Photoshop and then wedding book to create a personalised package. this year with plenty of space to show our wedding prints from Printing on Metal to presentation that have taken off simply imports them ready for printing. “It’s entire range of products and services.” show at a wedding fair they were attending. spectacularly in recent years, and they range just the way I’m used to working,” he says. l Book prices start from £149 and rise to around £299 + VAT. Part of what great presentation is all “We first saw this form of presentation from the high-end album style pioneered “It takes me a full day - 7-8 hours - to design or call 0118 976 2796 about is showing a customer something they being used by a student, Nathan Pidd, and he by the likes of Graphistudio down to more a book and turnaround time is around 7-10 92 April 2010 Taking your photography to the next level Taking your photography to the next level April 2010 93