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Perspective   Ramez Shehadi
              Ali Hashemi
              Walid Tohme
              Jad Bitar

Getting a Handle on
Chronic Disease
Health Management
Services in the GCC
Contact Information

Ramez Shehadi

Walid Tohme

Jad Bitar
Senior Associate

Ali Hashemi

                         Booz & Company
EXECUTIVE        The growing prevalence of chronic diseases in Gulf
                 Cooperation Council (GCC)1 nations has socioeconomic
                 implications that are quickly adding up. Chronic diseases
                 generate higher healthcare costs, which are borne by govern-
                 ments, insurers, and patients. They also lower productivity
                 among workers, clog healthcare service channels, and bring
                 about declines in a population’s health status. As GCC nations
                 continue to invest in their healthcare systems, the region’s
                 leaders should take their cue from certain developed nations in
                 adopting health management services (HMS) to help address
                 the specter of a chronic disease epidemic.

                 HMS programs address critical gaps        practices—including effective use of
                 in the care of chronically ill patients   incentives, physician involvement, and
                 by helping them understand the            personalization—can help HMS pro-
                 implications of their disease and         grams achieve their goals. But before
                 underlying lifestyle factors, amend       GCC governments and healthcare
                 their harmful behavior, adhere to         organizations can implement HMS
                 treatment regimens, and navigate the      programs, they will need to answer
                 healthcare system. HMS programs           strategic questions about the segments
                 have been proven to be successful at      of society that should be targeted, the
                 improving individuals’ health and         programs that will be most relevant,
                 generating significant savings for        the incentives that would encourage
                 healthcare payors when all stakehold-     involvement, the funding mechanism
                 ers—patients, physicians, hospitals,      that will support HMS, the objec-
                 insurers, and government—buy into         tives of the program, and the roles of
                 their development. A number of best       public and private entities.

Booz & Company                                                                                  1

•	 HMS programs are a key tool in
   the effort to halt the rise of chronic
   diseases in GCC countries and
   keep healthcare costs in check.

•	 Numerous studies have
   demonstrated the benefits of
   HMS on individuals’ health
   and on overall healthcare cost

•	 HMS programs blend wellness
   services that provide healthy
   individuals with information and
   encouragement to better manage
   their health risks with disease
   management that increases
   chronically ill patients’ compliance
                                            THE RUNAWAY                              hidden costs on society, such as lower
                                                                                     worker productivity. Recent research
   with prescribed treatments.              COSTS OF                                 shows that on-the-job productivity

•	 Effective HMS programs are               CHRONIC                                  losses account for up to 60 percent2 of
                                                                                     the total healthcare costs associated
   characterized by three common
   themes: incentives to ensure
                                            DISEASES                                 with chronic diseases.

   patient participation, strategies to
                                                                                     To counter these trends, care provid-
   involve physicians as key program
                                                                                     ers in North America are increasingly
   facilitators, and communications
                                                                                     turning to health management services
   and incentives that are tailored to
                                                                                     (HMS). These services primarily work
   individual preferences.                  Around the world, unhealthy lifestyles
                                                                                     in two ways: They help mitigate the
                                            and aging populations are leading to a
                                                                                     spread of chronic diseases by estab-
                                            higher prevalence of chronic disease,
                                                                                     lishing wellness programs and other
                                            thus driving up healthcare costs and
                                                                                     preventive strategies, and they reduce
                                            keeping economies from perform-
                                                                                     the costs of treating chronic diseases
                                            ing at their true potential. Chronic
                                                                                     once they are diagnosed through
                                            diseases strain healthcare providers
                                                                                     ongoing monitoring and frequent
                                            and the overall healthcare system
                                                                                     interaction with patients.
                                            with patients’ frequent and costly
                                            trips to the emergency room (ER)
                                                                                     HMS will be a critical element of
                                            and longer average stays. Long and
                                                                                     GCC countries’ overall healthcare
                                            resource-intensive treatment periods
                                                                                     strategies in the future, as chronic
                                            make patients with chronic disease
                                                                                     diseases exact a toll in terms of costs,
                                            heavy users of healthcare services,
                                                                                     strain on providers, and healthcare
                                            leading them to consume a dispropor-
                                                                                     status: In the coming years, chronic
                                            tionate amount of the total available
                                                                                     diseases are expected to account for
                                            services. This has a severe impact on
                                                                                     a significant portion of healthcare
                                            the distribution of those services and
                                                                                     expenses. As governments, healthcare
                                            clogs providers’ ER and other delivery
                                                                                     organizations, and private insurers in
                                                                                     the region look to develop a compre-
                                                                                     hensive health management strategy
                                            Chronic diseases not only negatively
                                                                                     that addresses this mounting problem,
                                            affect a population’s general health
                                                                                     HMS programs are a key tool.
                                            status, but they also levy serious

2                                                                                                           Booz & Company
A PRESSING       The rapid economic expansion of the
                 GCC region has brought its member
                                                                           an increasing prevalence of chronic
                                                                           diseases among their citizenry.
PROBLEM FOR      nations the benefits of advanced
GCC NATIONS      “developed” countries—higher stan-
                 dards of living, lower unemployment,
                                                                           In the typical GCC country today,
                                                                           chronic diseases are a leading cause
                 and increased purchasing power.                           of mortality; in 2007, the region was
                 But along with such advantages also                       home to four of the top five nations
                 come new and pressing challenges,                         in the world for diabetes cases among
                 particularly in the realm of health-                      adults (see Exhibit 1). Based on data
                 care. In recent years, GCC nations                        available from several GCC geog-
                 effectively combated typical “third                       raphies, chronic diseases currently
                 world” health challenges such as                          account for approximately 35 percent
                 tuberculosis and malaria. However,                        or more of the deaths in those
                 due to the rapid growth and develop-                      regions—fast approaching levels in
                 ment of the region and the resultant                      developed countries such as the U.S.,
                 change in lifestyles, GCC leaders                         where chronic diseases account for an
                 are now turning their attention to                        estimated 70 percent of mortalities.

                 Exhibit 1
                 Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in the GCC Region




                                                           18%                          Congenital
                     6%                                                                 Other




                                                                 15.2%     14.4%

                     Nauru         UAE          Saudi            Bahrain   Kuwait   Oman           Egypt   USA

                 Source: HAAD statistics; World Health Organization

Booz & Company                                                                                                    3
Lifestyle factors in the GCC region                                                                           Because many of these factors are not                     ditures than governments in other
have contributed mightily to this                                                                             addressed before they mature into                         parts of the world. Public spending
scourge, setting the stage for the                                                                            chronic diseases, GCC governments                         on healthcare averaged 74 percent
creation of a chronic disease epi-                                                                            are being forced to dedicate more of                      in GCC countries in 2006, nearly 20
demic. Increasing affluence in GCC                                                                            their budgets to treat a growing wave                     percentage points higher than the
countries has caused a once highly                                                                            of patients. In the UAE, where one in                     global average of 57 percent4 (see
active population to become largely                                                                           every five adults is afflicted with dia-                  Exhibit 2). But the issue also looms
sedentary, resulting in reduced levels                                                                        betes, treatment of that illness alone                    large for the private insurance compa-
of physical activity, increased smoking                                                                       takes up approximately 40 percent of                      nies that are entering GCC markets,
rates, and other unhealthy lifestyle                                                                          the nation’s overall healthcare expen-                    which need to keep their costs down
changes. These changes are triggering                                                                         ditures.3 The burden posed by chronic                     to remain competitive.
heightened obesity rates and inci-                                                                            diseases weighs more heavily on GCC
dences of hypertension, key factors                                                                           governments because they shoulder
that contribute to chronic disease.                                                                           a greater share of healthcare expen-

Exhibit 2
GCC Governments Contribute Significantly More to Healthcare Costs Than the Global Average


Public Expenditure as a % of Total Healthcare Expenditure


                                                                                                                             GCC Average = 74%

                                                            70%                                                                         Top 30 HDI* Average = 71%


                                                                                                                                                     World Average* = 57%



                                                                   United   Japan   Sweden   France   Germany Canada Australia Switzerland Republic United      China       Oman   Kuwait   Saudi    Qatar    United Bahrain
                                                                  Kingdom                                                                  of Korea States of                               Arabia             Arab
                                                                                                                                                    America                                                  Emirates

*HDI = Human Development Index; World Average is based on 177 countries; Top 30 excludes Hong Kong, for which figures were not available.
Source: WHO Statistical Information System, 2006 data

4                                                                                                                                                                                                      Booz & Company
ADDRESSING        Needless to say, the rising socioeco-
                  nomic costs of chronic diseases have
                                                            Typically, chronically ill patients need
                                                            assistance in four major elements of
GAPS IN PATIENT   caught the attention of GCC govern-       their disease management: under-
CARE              ments. Some have set up government
                  bodies and programs to develop
                                                            standing the implications of their dis-
                                                            ease, such as treatment options, risk
                  preventative healthcare strategies and    factors, and potential complications;
                  address the low level of health aware-    navigating the healthcare system
                  ness in the region. In many cases         and communicating with the various
                  involving chronic diseases, consumers     care providers, especially for patients
                  have little knowledge about preven-       with multiple chronic diseases who
                  tion and management of their condi-       must make multiple visits; gathering
                  tions. For instance, a study about        information about the various actions
                  osteoporosis among educated women         they need to undertake, including
                  in the UAE found that 44 percent          self-care, dietary changes, and exer-
                  of women with at least a secondary        cise; and complying with their care
                  school education had minimal or zero      regimen, such as planning multiple
                  knowledge of the disease.5                provider visits and taking prescribed
                  To date, however, such government
                  programs have not been able to            Currently, though, such needs are
                  fully address the escalating needs of     filled only during formal physician
                  the GCC region’s large and grow-          visits or informally by other sources
                  ing population of chronic disease         such as family and friends. These
                  sufferers. Post-diagnosis, chronic        interactions only partially address a
                  disease patients have a broad array of    chronically ill patient’s continuous
                  clinical and non-clinical needs associ-   need for care advice, monitoring, and
                  ated with managing their condition.       compliance. As such, critical gaps in
                  Diabetics, for example, need to           care provision exist before, between,
                  continually manage their disease, on      and after provider visits, particularly
                  top of identifying and changing the       when it comes to identifying high-risk
                  lifestyle factors that caused it. Their   behavior, adhering to a treatment
                  responsibilities include measuring        regimen, patient monitoring, and
                  blood glucose levels, taking insulin      other elements of care coordination.
                  shots, and getting regular screenings
                  and tests.

Booz & Company                                                                                    5
                                                                                     THE CASE FOR
•	 Obesity: GCC nations are home to some of the highest obesity rates in the
   world. Thirty percent or more of the adult populations in Saudi Arabia, the
   UAE, Kuwait, and Bahrain have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more,
   the clinical definition of obese. In Abu Dhabi, the average BMI is 29 among

•	 Smoking: GCC countries have a relatively moderate number of smokers—36            To close these gaps and improve
   percent versus a global average of 33 percent. But on a per capita basis,         the overall care of chronically
   their annual intake of cigarettes is much higher, fueled by higher consumption    ill patients, healthcare leaders in
   among young males. For example, the average Kuwaiti smoker consumes               some developed economies are
   more than 2,500 cigarettes a year, compared with a worldwide average of           employing HMS, which bundle a
   900.                                                                              prescribed set of healthcare services
                                                                                     into condition-specific programs
•	 Physical Inactivity: At least 40 percent of the GCC population fails to achieve
                                                                                     that are based on scientific evidence
   the minimum daily recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity
                                                                                     and data analysis. The healthcare
   physical activity. This rate is more than double the global estimate of 17
                                                                                     services address the patients’ needs
                                                                                     identified above: risk identification,
•	 Hypertension: Modernization has been directly linked to higher stress levels      awareness and education, adherence
   in GCC nations. Roughly 34 percentiii of the adult population in Abu Dhabi        to treatment regimen, monitoring
   has high blood pressure, compared with just 18 percent in the U.S. Statistics     health indicators, and care
   also reveal a high correlation between hypertension and the occurrence of         coordination. The HMS program
   diabetes.                                                                         encourages individual members to
                                                                                     improve their health by creating
                                                                                     a support system that helps them
                                                                                     manage their condition, increasing
                                                                                     their awareness, providing critical
                                                                                     guidance, and employing incentives
                                                                                     to encourage healthy behavior. HMS
                                                                                     also strengthen relationships between
                                                                                     hospitals and their patients and
                                                                                     physicians, by creating a continuous,
                                                                                     longitudinal view of patient care that
                                                                                     competitors cannot match.

6                                                                                                          Booz & Company
As an example, diabetics enrolled in       Coaching and intervention-related       such savings are often difficult to
an HMS program designed to help            services are at the core of HMS         quantify, numerous studies have
manage their condition can expect the      programs and they are typically         demonstrated the benefits of HMS
following services:                        conducted by a call center staffed      on individuals’ health, as well as on
                                           by nurses. The call centers contact     overall healthcare costs. For instance,
•	 Comprehensive diabetes plan             patients to provide them with vari-     a study published in Health Affairs
   including diet, medication, exercise,   ous services based on the program       in 2004 showed an 8.1 percent drop
   and screening                           in which the patient is enrolled        in hospitalization costs of diabetes
                                           (e.g., information on care regimen,     patients after they were enrolled in
•	 Diabetes articles and the latest        reminders for screening, coordinat-     an HMS program to help manage
   research on diabetes                    ing physician visits). Through these    their treatment.7 A separate finding
                                           coaching and intervention services,     published in 2005 in the European
•	 Coordination with provider              HMS provide consumers with the          Journal of Public Health found that
                                           information and guidance required       HMS smoking cessation programs
•	 Remote consultation and setting of      while coordinating care in order to     resulted in a 15 percent to 35 percent
   appointments                            help consumers manage their health      quit rate, saving employers (here
                                           and directly address the gaps in care   collectively referred to as payors) an
•	 Diabetic community tools                provision.                              average of US$11,880 per smoker
                                                                                   over their lifetimes.8
•	 Glycemic index counter and low          By supporting individuals in main-
   glycemic food guide                     taining their health and helping
                                           chronic patients with their condi-
•	 Medication and screening test           tions, HMS programs have a direct
   alerts                                  impact on healthcare costs. Although

                                           By supporting individuals in
                                           maintaining their health and helping
                                           chronic patients with their conditions,
                                           HMS programs have a direct impact
                                           on healthcare costs.

Booz & Company                                                                                                           7
Such success stories have led health     HEALTH MANAGEMENT GOES ONLINE
insurance companies and payors to
                                         HMS providers are increasingly leveraging technology to conduct data analytics,
increasingly adopt these services as
                                         integrate remote monitoring devices, and leverage alternative access channels.
a way of controlling their soaring
                                         Still, it wasn’t until recently that HMS began migrating to Internet-based
healthcare costs. The HMS industry
                                         platforms. Traditionally, health management programs were delivered solely
has been growing significantly in
                                         through a nurse or a coach—an expensive medium for parlaying services. In the
early adopter markets such as the
                                         interest of reducing costs, providers have begun effectively incorporating Web-
U.S., where it has enjoyed a com-
                                         based programs in conjunction with coaches and nurse-staffed call centers.
pound annual growth rate of more
                                         Another advantage to online HMS is it provides more leeway to personalize
than 25 percent over the past decade
                                         program elements, which evidence shows increases patients’ participation in
and now enjoys a penetration rate
                                         and compliance with HMS programs.
of 5 percent to 10 percent of total
insured lives.9 In recent years, pilot   Citing these advantages, leading HMS providers are making acquisitions
HMS programs have begun to crop          and other key investments to incorporate Internet-based models as a key
up in Latin America, Europe, and         vehicle for delivering HMS programs. In fact, certain leading-edge providers
Asia. Payors especially have found       have introduced programs that are delivered exclusively over the Internet.
these programs to be beneficial, due     Leading HMS companies, including Healthways Inc. and Matria Healthcare,
to their positive impact on employee     have made notable forays into online program delivery. Healthways has made
productivity and satisfaction.           significant, targeted investments in this area, mainly focused on building an
Additionally, HMS programs are one       internal technology team that could help it deliver an online platform for its
of the few options available to payors   programs, while Matria, now part of Alere Medical, acquired online HMS provider
that believe that prevention needs to Conversely, leading healthcare portals such as WebMD and
be a key element of their healthcare     Revolution Health have purchased companies to add HMS programs to their
cost containment strategy. A recent      already popular Web services.
evolution in the HMS delivery model
has been the integration of Internet-
based platforms, while face-to-face
coaching continues to be used to
deliver interventions (see “Health
Management Goes Online”).

                                         HMS programs are one of the few
                                         options available to payors that
                                         believe that prevention needs to be a
                                         key element of their cost-containment

8                                                                                                       Booz & Company
KEY                                        screenings and immunizations (e.g.,
                                           flu shots), and share information to
                                                                                     Both types of HMS program are
                                                                                     typically designed around four major
COMPONENTS OF                              foster self-care practices. Follow-up     components:
HMS PROGRAMS                               support is provided by on-site,
                                           telephone-based, or online coaching       •	 Adoption focuses on understand-
                                           assistance through condition-specific        ing members’ or employees’ needs,
                                           programs such as weight manage-              evaluating patients’ risk profiles
                                           ment, smoking cessation, and stress          through health-risk appraisals,
                                           management.                                  selecting the appropriate program
HMS programs are broadly classified                                                     and pricing strategy, and encourag-
as either wellness programs or disease     Disease-management programs offer a          ing adoption through marketing
management programs. Whereas               prospective, disease-specific approach       efforts and enrollment incentives.
the latter deals with patients already     to coordinating the care of high-
afflicted with chronic diseases, the       cost and high-risk populations with       •	 Program delivery centers on core
former aims to reduce risk fac-            chronic conditions, including dia-           intervention elements that are
tors that cause the onset of chronic       betes, asthma, and congestive heart          designed to help the consumer
diseases in the first place through the    failure. They typically involve a coor-      manage his or her condition and
pursuit of mental and physical well-       dinated set of healthcare interven-          reduce risk factors through a per-
being.                                     tions and communications designed            sonalized delivery strategy.
                                           to support the patient–physician
Typical wellness programs provide          relationship by ensuring the patient’s    •	 Monitoring sets clear performance
healthy individuals with information,      compliance with the prescribed               metrics, measures against them,
support, guidance, and encourage-          care plan. These programs focus              and verifies desired outcomes.
ment to better manage their lifestyle-     on keeping conditions from being
related health risks. First, health-risk   exacerbated, through co-morbidities       •	 Improvement involves modifying
assessments help assign consumers to       or other complications, by using             the program elements to enhance
various risk groups. Then providers        evidence-based practice guidelines           the effectiveness of the program.
institute preventive measures such as      and strategies to empower patients.

Booz & Company                                                                                                               9
PUTTING HMS     To be sure, health management is
                not an exact science, given that the
                                                           awareness of health issues in GCC
                                                           countries, there is greater reliance
INTO PRACTICE   success of these programs depends          on physicians by patients, making
                to a large extent on their ability to      physician involvement all the more
                change behavior. The HMS industry          critical. HMS programs in the region
                is constantly innovating to develop        will need to engage relevant physi-
                new techniques to improve programs’        cian groups to obtain their buy-in
                ability to ensure compliance, reduce       and ensure their participation and
                risk factors, and carry out preventive     involvement.
                screenings and thus deliver on their
                promised benefits. There are three key     Personalization: Tailoring com-
                ingredients in successfully deployed       munications and incentives to the
                HMS programs, all of which can be          individual’s tastes and preferences is
                leveraged in GCC markets:                  a new and evolving trend credited
                                                           with increasing patient compliance
                Incentives: Well-designed HMS              with HMS programs. Participants
                programs provide consumers with a          receive personalized letters, educa-
                variety of incentives to ensure partici-   tional brochures, and booklets to
                pation, such as reduced premiums,          increase awareness. Incentives and
                cash incentives, and redeemable            other aspects of the plan’s design are
                reward points akin to points given         customized to adjust to the individual
                by various reward programs. HMS            participant’s ability to change. HMS
                programs are also using negative           providers are building large databases
                incentives such as higher premiums         of consumer information to document
                or co-pays for non-participants.           the success of interventions, incen-
                Increasingly, programs are adopt-          tives, and communications, and to
                ing a combination of both—negative         leverage these large data warehouses
                incentives to ensure enrollment and        to personalize their interactions with
                positive incentives to effect behavioral   other members.
                                                           The ways in which these building
                Physician Involvement: Coordinating        blocks are used will be determined
                program interventions and other            by healthcare payors’ overall HMS
                elements with the patient’s physi-         strategy, which will require analysis,
                cian is another critical facilitator in    judgment, detailed design, and pilot-
                assuring program efficacy. In a case       ing of alternative concepts, as well
                where drug adherence is identified         as allocation of significant resources
                as a problem, for instance, involving      for implementation. Payors will also
                the physician isn’t just about relat-      likely require the involvement of lead-
                ing critical information; it creates an    ing disease management and wellness
                opportunity for the physician to inter-    companies from mature HMS mar-
                vene and reinforce the importance of       kets—primarily the U.S.—to ensure
                sticking to the drug regimen. Given        that the plan imperatives highlighted
                the low level of health literacy and       above are incorporated.

10                                                                                Booz & Company
CONCLUSION       To help jump-start the process and
                 lay a sound foundation for successful
                                                            •	 What would be the financial and
                                                               health status objectives of HMS
                 implementation, GCC governments               programs? Should GCC govern-
                 and healthcare organizations must             ments support these programs if
                 assess their current overall healthcare       the financial return on investment
                 strategy to address a number of stra-         is not clear but there is a positive
                 tegic questions:                              impact on the health status of the
                                                               population? What will be the role
                 •	 How should HMS programs be                 of healthcare providers and health
                    integrated into their current health-      insurance companies?
                    care strategic framework?
                                                            •	 Through which entity will the
                 •	 Which segments of the population           programs be offered? Will it be a
                    will be targeted? How will the pro-        public–private partnership between
                    gram design be modified to address         a GCC government and an interna-
                    the cultural characteristics of the        tional disease management/wellness
                    population?                                company, or will it be an entirely
                                                               private undertaking?
                 •	 Which HMS programs would
                    be most relevant for GCC                •	 What policy initiatives will be
                    populations?                               required to support HMS rollout?

                 •	 What incentives will be required to     •	 How will GCC governments ensure
                    ensure significant program adop-           that other healthcare stakeholders,
                    tion among targeted segments?              primarily providers, support the
                                                               rollout of the HMS programs?
                 •	 How will health management ser-
                    vices be funded? How will the costs     •	 What will be the role of e-health in
                    (and risks) be distributed among           delivering HMS to the population?
                    the various stakeholders?

Booz & Company                                                                                    11
•	 How will the execution of HMS           productivity, and immense strain on       ing significant investments in their
   programs be managed across              the healthcare system.                    healthcare systems. Indeed, rapid
   various governmental authorities?                                                 implementation of such programs is
   What are the critical factors for the   Well-crafted HMS programs are a           within grasp for smaller markets in
   successful execution and rollout of     valuable tool that can help GCC           the region.
   HMS programs?                           nations stem the rising tide of chronic
                                           diseases by helping to identify           As GCC nations prime for a robust
Chronic disease management is              unhealthy and risky behaviors, raise      economic recovery, their leaders will
an issue that GCC nations can ill          awareness of underlying lifestyle fac-    need to put a premium on “smart
afford to ignore. Countries that fail      tors, improve adherence to treatment      growth” strategies. When it comes
to address this pressing concern run       regimens, and strengthen the bonds        to managing the population’s most
a real risk of being engulfed in a         between patients and physicians.          serious and costly illnesses, there is
chronic disease epidemic, resulting        Now is an opportune time for GCC          no smarter healthcare strategy than
in reduced health status, crippling        nations to adopt HMS programs as          HMS.
healthcare costs, lower workforce          most GCC nations are undertak-

12                                                                                                          Booz & Company

 The Gulf Cooperation Council consists of Bahrain, Kuwait,               7
                                                                          Victor G. Villagra and Tamim Ahmed, “Effectiveness of a Disease
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.                 Management Program for Patients with Diabetes,” Health Affairs,
                                                                         vol. 23, no. 4, 2004, 255–266.
 WHO Mortality Fact Sheet for Saudi Arabia (2006) and Qatar
Ministry of Health statistics.                                           8
                                                                          Susanne R. Rasmussen, Eva Prescott, Thorkild I. A. Sørensen,
                                                                         and Jes Søgaard, “The Total Lifetime Health Cost Savings of
 “Treatment of Diabetes a Big Drain on National Healthcare Bud-
                                                                         Smoking Cessation to Society,” European Journal of Public
get,” Gulf News, November 11, 2007.
                                                                         Health, vol. 15, no. 6, December 2005.
    WHO Statistical Information System, 2006 data.                       9
                                                                               Booz & Company estimates.
 Haider M. Al Attia, Amal A. Abu Merhi, and Maha M. Al Farhan,           i
                                                                               Health Authority–Abu Dhabi (HAAD) statistics.
“How Much Do the Arab Females Know about Osteoporosis? The
Scope and the Sources of Knowledge,” Clinical Rheumatology,               World Health Organization and Oxford Health Alliance; the rates

vol. 27, no. 9, September 2008, 1167–1170.                               for physical inactivity in UAE were for the top and bottom quintiles
                                                                         of income class.
 A presumably simple element of the compliance regimen,
adherence to prescribed drug regimen, suffers from a large               iii
                                                                               HAAD statistics.
noncompliance rate.

About the Authors

Ramez Shehadi is a partner           Walid Tohme is a principal with
with Booz & Company in               Booz & Company in Beirut and
Beirut. He leads the informa-        a leader in the information tech-
tion technology practice in the      nology practice with a focus on
Middle East. He specializes in       healthcare. He specializes in
e-government, e-business, and        the management and strategic
technology-enabled transfor-         use of technology to enable the
mation, helping both private         transformation of healthcare
corporations and govern-             organizations, services, and
ment organizations leverage          infrastructure.
technology, achieve operational
efficiencies, and improve            Jad Bitar is a senior associate
governance.                          with Booz & Company in Beirut
                                     and a leader in the informa-
Ali Hashemi is a principal with      tion technology practice with
Booz & Company in Dubai              a focus on healthcare. He
and a leader in the healthcare       specializes in healthcare and
practice in the Middle East.         business technology, par-
He specializes in business           ticularly strategy, organization,
strategy for players throughout      operations, and innovation.
the healthcare value chain, as
well as advising government
entities on defining their overall
healthcare agendas.

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Getting a handle on chronic disease

  • 1. Perspective Ramez Shehadi Ali Hashemi Walid Tohme Jad Bitar Getting a Handle on Chronic Disease Health Management Services in the GCC Region
  • 2. Contact Information Beirut Ramez Shehadi Partner +961-1-985-655 Walid Tohme Principal +961-1-985-655 Jad Bitar Senior Associate +961-1-985-655 Dubai Ali Hashemi Principal +971-4-390-0260 Booz & Company
  • 3. EXECUTIVE The growing prevalence of chronic diseases in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)1 nations has socioeconomic SUMMARY implications that are quickly adding up. Chronic diseases generate higher healthcare costs, which are borne by govern- ments, insurers, and patients. They also lower productivity among workers, clog healthcare service channels, and bring about declines in a population’s health status. As GCC nations continue to invest in their healthcare systems, the region’s leaders should take their cue from certain developed nations in adopting health management services (HMS) to help address the specter of a chronic disease epidemic. HMS programs address critical gaps practices—including effective use of in the care of chronically ill patients incentives, physician involvement, and by helping them understand the personalization—can help HMS pro- implications of their disease and grams achieve their goals. But before underlying lifestyle factors, amend GCC governments and healthcare their harmful behavior, adhere to organizations can implement HMS treatment regimens, and navigate the programs, they will need to answer healthcare system. HMS programs strategic questions about the segments have been proven to be successful at of society that should be targeted, the improving individuals’ health and programs that will be most relevant, generating significant savings for the incentives that would encourage healthcare payors when all stakehold- involvement, the funding mechanism ers—patients, physicians, hospitals, that will support HMS, the objec- insurers, and government—buy into tives of the program, and the roles of their development. A number of best public and private entities. Booz & Company 1
  • 4. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • HMS programs are a key tool in the effort to halt the rise of chronic diseases in GCC countries and keep healthcare costs in check. • Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of HMS on individuals’ health and on overall healthcare cost management. • HMS programs blend wellness services that provide healthy individuals with information and encouragement to better manage their health risks with disease management that increases chronically ill patients’ compliance THE RUNAWAY hidden costs on society, such as lower worker productivity. Recent research with prescribed treatments. COSTS OF shows that on-the-job productivity • Effective HMS programs are CHRONIC losses account for up to 60 percent2 of the total healthcare costs associated characterized by three common themes: incentives to ensure DISEASES with chronic diseases. patient participation, strategies to To counter these trends, care provid- involve physicians as key program ers in North America are increasingly facilitators, and communications turning to health management services and incentives that are tailored to (HMS). These services primarily work individual preferences. Around the world, unhealthy lifestyles in two ways: They help mitigate the and aging populations are leading to a spread of chronic diseases by estab- higher prevalence of chronic disease, lishing wellness programs and other thus driving up healthcare costs and preventive strategies, and they reduce keeping economies from perform- the costs of treating chronic diseases ing at their true potential. Chronic once they are diagnosed through diseases strain healthcare providers ongoing monitoring and frequent and the overall healthcare system interaction with patients. with patients’ frequent and costly trips to the emergency room (ER) HMS will be a critical element of and longer average stays. Long and GCC countries’ overall healthcare resource-intensive treatment periods strategies in the future, as chronic make patients with chronic disease diseases exact a toll in terms of costs, heavy users of healthcare services, strain on providers, and healthcare leading them to consume a dispropor- status: In the coming years, chronic tionate amount of the total available diseases are expected to account for services. This has a severe impact on a significant portion of healthcare the distribution of those services and expenses. As governments, healthcare clogs providers’ ER and other delivery organizations, and private insurers in channels. the region look to develop a compre- hensive health management strategy Chronic diseases not only negatively that addresses this mounting problem, affect a population’s general health HMS programs are a key tool. status, but they also levy serious 2 Booz & Company
  • 5. A PRESSING The rapid economic expansion of the GCC region has brought its member an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases among their citizenry. PROBLEM FOR nations the benefits of advanced GCC NATIONS “developed” countries—higher stan- dards of living, lower unemployment, In the typical GCC country today, chronic diseases are a leading cause and increased purchasing power. of mortality; in 2007, the region was But along with such advantages also home to four of the top five nations come new and pressing challenges, in the world for diabetes cases among particularly in the realm of health- adults (see Exhibit 1). Based on data care. In recent years, GCC nations available from several GCC geog- effectively combated typical “third raphies, chronic diseases currently world” health challenges such as account for approximately 35 percent tuberculosis and malaria. However, or more of the deaths in those due to the rapid growth and develop- regions—fast approaching levels in ment of the region and the resultant developed countries such as the U.S., change in lifestyles, GCC leaders where chronic diseases account for an are now turning their attention to estimated 70 percent of mortalities. Exhibit 1 Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in the GCC Region LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH IN ABU DHABI 2007 23% Accidents/Injury 32% Cardiovascular Cancer Diabetes 18% Congenital 6% Other 7% 14% PERCENTAGE OF ADULT POPULATION WITH DIABETES BY RANKING 2007 30.7% 19.5% 16.7% 15.2% 14.4% 13.1% 11.0% 7.8% Nauru UAE Saudi Bahrain Kuwait Oman Egypt USA Arabia Source: HAAD statistics; World Health Organization Booz & Company 3
  • 6. Lifestyle factors in the GCC region Because many of these factors are not ditures than governments in other have contributed mightily to this addressed before they mature into parts of the world. Public spending scourge, setting the stage for the chronic diseases, GCC governments on healthcare averaged 74 percent creation of a chronic disease epi- are being forced to dedicate more of in GCC countries in 2006, nearly 20 demic. Increasing affluence in GCC their budgets to treat a growing wave percentage points higher than the countries has caused a once highly of patients. In the UAE, where one in global average of 57 percent4 (see active population to become largely every five adults is afflicted with dia- Exhibit 2). But the issue also looms sedentary, resulting in reduced levels betes, treatment of that illness alone large for the private insurance compa- of physical activity, increased smoking takes up approximately 40 percent of nies that are entering GCC markets, rates, and other unhealthy lifestyle the nation’s overall healthcare expen- which need to keep their costs down changes. These changes are triggering ditures.3 The burden posed by chronic to remain competitive. heightened obesity rates and inci- diseases weighs more heavily on GCC dences of hypertension, key factors governments because they shoulder that contribute to chronic disease. a greater share of healthcare expen- Exhibit 2 GCC Governments Contribute Significantly More to Healthcare Costs Than the Global Average SHARE OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE IN HEALTHCARE 2006 90% Public Expenditure as a % of Total Healthcare Expenditure 80% GCC Average = 74% 70% Top 30 HDI* Average = 71% 60% World Average* = 57% 50% 40% 30% United Japan Sweden France Germany Canada Australia Switzerland Republic United China Oman Kuwait Saudi Qatar United Bahrain Kingdom of Korea States of Arabia Arab America Emirates *HDI = Human Development Index; World Average is based on 177 countries; Top 30 excludes Hong Kong, for which figures were not available. Source: WHO Statistical Information System, 2006 data 4 Booz & Company
  • 7. ADDRESSING Needless to say, the rising socioeco- nomic costs of chronic diseases have Typically, chronically ill patients need assistance in four major elements of GAPS IN PATIENT caught the attention of GCC govern- their disease management: under- CARE ments. Some have set up government bodies and programs to develop standing the implications of their dis- ease, such as treatment options, risk preventative healthcare strategies and factors, and potential complications; address the low level of health aware- navigating the healthcare system ness in the region. In many cases and communicating with the various involving chronic diseases, consumers care providers, especially for patients have little knowledge about preven- with multiple chronic diseases who tion and management of their condi- must make multiple visits; gathering tions. For instance, a study about information about the various actions osteoporosis among educated women they need to undertake, including in the UAE found that 44 percent self-care, dietary changes, and exer- of women with at least a secondary cise; and complying with their care school education had minimal or zero regimen, such as planning multiple knowledge of the disease.5 provider visits and taking prescribed medicines.6 To date, however, such government programs have not been able to Currently, though, such needs are fully address the escalating needs of filled only during formal physician the GCC region’s large and grow- visits or informally by other sources ing population of chronic disease such as family and friends. These sufferers. Post-diagnosis, chronic interactions only partially address a disease patients have a broad array of chronically ill patient’s continuous clinical and non-clinical needs associ- need for care advice, monitoring, and ated with managing their condition. compliance. As such, critical gaps in Diabetics, for example, need to care provision exist before, between, continually manage their disease, on and after provider visits, particularly top of identifying and changing the when it comes to identifying high-risk lifestyle factors that caused it. Their behavior, adhering to a treatment responsibilities include measuring regimen, patient monitoring, and blood glucose levels, taking insulin other elements of care coordination. shots, and getting regular screenings and tests. Booz & Company 5
  • 8. FACTS AND FIGURES THE CASE FOR • Obesity: GCC nations are home to some of the highest obesity rates in the world. Thirty percent or more of the adult populations in Saudi Arabia, the HMS UAE, Kuwait, and Bahrain have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, the clinical definition of obese. In Abu Dhabi, the average BMI is 29 among adults.i • Smoking: GCC countries have a relatively moderate number of smokers—36 To close these gaps and improve percent versus a global average of 33 percent. But on a per capita basis, the overall care of chronically their annual intake of cigarettes is much higher, fueled by higher consumption ill patients, healthcare leaders in among young males. For example, the average Kuwaiti smoker consumes some developed economies are more than 2,500 cigarettes a year, compared with a worldwide average of employing HMS, which bundle a 900. prescribed set of healthcare services into condition-specific programs • Physical Inactivity: At least 40 percent of the GCC population fails to achieve that are based on scientific evidence the minimum daily recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity and data analysis. The healthcare physical activity. This rate is more than double the global estimate of 17 services address the patients’ needs percent.ii identified above: risk identification, • Hypertension: Modernization has been directly linked to higher stress levels awareness and education, adherence in GCC nations. Roughly 34 percentiii of the adult population in Abu Dhabi to treatment regimen, monitoring has high blood pressure, compared with just 18 percent in the U.S. Statistics health indicators, and care also reveal a high correlation between hypertension and the occurrence of coordination. The HMS program diabetes. encourages individual members to improve their health by creating a support system that helps them manage their condition, increasing their awareness, providing critical guidance, and employing incentives to encourage healthy behavior. HMS also strengthen relationships between hospitals and their patients and physicians, by creating a continuous, longitudinal view of patient care that competitors cannot match. 6 Booz & Company
  • 9. As an example, diabetics enrolled in Coaching and intervention-related such savings are often difficult to an HMS program designed to help services are at the core of HMS quantify, numerous studies have manage their condition can expect the programs and they are typically demonstrated the benefits of HMS following services: conducted by a call center staffed on individuals’ health, as well as on by nurses. The call centers contact overall healthcare costs. For instance, • Comprehensive diabetes plan patients to provide them with vari- a study published in Health Affairs including diet, medication, exercise, ous services based on the program in 2004 showed an 8.1 percent drop and screening in which the patient is enrolled in hospitalization costs of diabetes (e.g., information on care regimen, patients after they were enrolled in • Diabetes articles and the latest reminders for screening, coordinat- an HMS program to help manage research on diabetes ing physician visits). Through these their treatment.7 A separate finding coaching and intervention services, published in 2005 in the European • Coordination with provider HMS provide consumers with the Journal of Public Health found that information and guidance required HMS smoking cessation programs • Remote consultation and setting of while coordinating care in order to resulted in a 15 percent to 35 percent appointments help consumers manage their health quit rate, saving employers (here and directly address the gaps in care collectively referred to as payors) an • Diabetic community tools provision. average of US$11,880 per smoker over their lifetimes.8 • Glycemic index counter and low By supporting individuals in main- glycemic food guide taining their health and helping chronic patients with their condi- • Medication and screening test tions, HMS programs have a direct alerts impact on healthcare costs. Although By supporting individuals in maintaining their health and helping chronic patients with their conditions, HMS programs have a direct impact on healthcare costs. Booz & Company 7
  • 10. Such success stories have led health HEALTH MANAGEMENT GOES ONLINE insurance companies and payors to HMS providers are increasingly leveraging technology to conduct data analytics, increasingly adopt these services as integrate remote monitoring devices, and leverage alternative access channels. a way of controlling their soaring Still, it wasn’t until recently that HMS began migrating to Internet-based healthcare costs. The HMS industry platforms. Traditionally, health management programs were delivered solely has been growing significantly in through a nurse or a coach—an expensive medium for parlaying services. In the early adopter markets such as the interest of reducing costs, providers have begun effectively incorporating Web- U.S., where it has enjoyed a com- based programs in conjunction with coaches and nurse-staffed call centers. pound annual growth rate of more Another advantage to online HMS is it provides more leeway to personalize than 25 percent over the past decade program elements, which evidence shows increases patients’ participation in and now enjoys a penetration rate and compliance with HMS programs. of 5 percent to 10 percent of total insured lives.9 In recent years, pilot Citing these advantages, leading HMS providers are making acquisitions HMS programs have begun to crop and other key investments to incorporate Internet-based models as a key up in Latin America, Europe, and vehicle for delivering HMS programs. In fact, certain leading-edge providers Asia. Payors especially have found have introduced programs that are delivered exclusively over the Internet. these programs to be beneficial, due Leading HMS companies, including Healthways Inc. and Matria Healthcare, to their positive impact on employee have made notable forays into online program delivery. Healthways has made productivity and satisfaction. significant, targeted investments in this area, mainly focused on building an Additionally, HMS programs are one internal technology team that could help it deliver an online platform for its of the few options available to payors programs, while Matria, now part of Alere Medical, acquired online HMS provider that believe that prevention needs to Conversely, leading healthcare portals such as WebMD and be a key element of their healthcare Revolution Health have purchased companies to add HMS programs to their cost containment strategy. A recent already popular Web services. evolution in the HMS delivery model has been the integration of Internet- based platforms, while face-to-face coaching continues to be used to deliver interventions (see “Health Management Goes Online”). HMS programs are one of the few options available to payors that believe that prevention needs to be a key element of their cost-containment strategy. 8 Booz & Company
  • 11. KEY screenings and immunizations (e.g., flu shots), and share information to Both types of HMS program are typically designed around four major COMPONENTS OF foster self-care practices. Follow-up components: HMS PROGRAMS support is provided by on-site, telephone-based, or online coaching • Adoption focuses on understand- assistance through condition-specific ing members’ or employees’ needs, programs such as weight manage- evaluating patients’ risk profiles ment, smoking cessation, and stress through health-risk appraisals, management. selecting the appropriate program HMS programs are broadly classified and pricing strategy, and encourag- as either wellness programs or disease Disease-management programs offer a ing adoption through marketing management programs. Whereas prospective, disease-specific approach efforts and enrollment incentives. the latter deals with patients already to coordinating the care of high- afflicted with chronic diseases, the cost and high-risk populations with • Program delivery centers on core former aims to reduce risk fac- chronic conditions, including dia- intervention elements that are tors that cause the onset of chronic betes, asthma, and congestive heart designed to help the consumer diseases in the first place through the failure. They typically involve a coor- manage his or her condition and pursuit of mental and physical well- dinated set of healthcare interven- reduce risk factors through a per- being. tions and communications designed sonalized delivery strategy. to support the patient–physician Typical wellness programs provide relationship by ensuring the patient’s • Monitoring sets clear performance healthy individuals with information, compliance with the prescribed metrics, measures against them, support, guidance, and encourage- care plan. These programs focus and verifies desired outcomes. ment to better manage their lifestyle- on keeping conditions from being related health risks. First, health-risk exacerbated, through co-morbidities • Improvement involves modifying assessments help assign consumers to or other complications, by using the program elements to enhance various risk groups. Then providers evidence-based practice guidelines the effectiveness of the program. institute preventive measures such as and strategies to empower patients. Booz & Company 9
  • 12. PUTTING HMS To be sure, health management is not an exact science, given that the awareness of health issues in GCC countries, there is greater reliance INTO PRACTICE success of these programs depends on physicians by patients, making to a large extent on their ability to physician involvement all the more change behavior. The HMS industry critical. HMS programs in the region is constantly innovating to develop will need to engage relevant physi- new techniques to improve programs’ cian groups to obtain their buy-in ability to ensure compliance, reduce and ensure their participation and risk factors, and carry out preventive involvement. screenings and thus deliver on their promised benefits. There are three key Personalization: Tailoring com- ingredients in successfully deployed munications and incentives to the HMS programs, all of which can be individual’s tastes and preferences is leveraged in GCC markets: a new and evolving trend credited with increasing patient compliance Incentives: Well-designed HMS with HMS programs. Participants programs provide consumers with a receive personalized letters, educa- variety of incentives to ensure partici- tional brochures, and booklets to pation, such as reduced premiums, increase awareness. Incentives and cash incentives, and redeemable other aspects of the plan’s design are reward points akin to points given customized to adjust to the individual by various reward programs. HMS participant’s ability to change. HMS programs are also using negative providers are building large databases incentives such as higher premiums of consumer information to document or co-pays for non-participants. the success of interventions, incen- Increasingly, programs are adopt- tives, and communications, and to ing a combination of both—negative leverage these large data warehouses incentives to ensure enrollment and to personalize their interactions with positive incentives to effect behavioral other members. change. The ways in which these building Physician Involvement: Coordinating blocks are used will be determined program interventions and other by healthcare payors’ overall HMS elements with the patient’s physi- strategy, which will require analysis, cian is another critical facilitator in judgment, detailed design, and pilot- assuring program efficacy. In a case ing of alternative concepts, as well where drug adherence is identified as allocation of significant resources as a problem, for instance, involving for implementation. Payors will also the physician isn’t just about relat- likely require the involvement of lead- ing critical information; it creates an ing disease management and wellness opportunity for the physician to inter- companies from mature HMS mar- vene and reinforce the importance of kets—primarily the U.S.—to ensure sticking to the drug regimen. Given that the plan imperatives highlighted the low level of health literacy and above are incorporated. 10 Booz & Company
  • 13. CONCLUSION To help jump-start the process and lay a sound foundation for successful • What would be the financial and health status objectives of HMS implementation, GCC governments programs? Should GCC govern- and healthcare organizations must ments support these programs if assess their current overall healthcare the financial return on investment strategy to address a number of stra- is not clear but there is a positive tegic questions: impact on the health status of the population? What will be the role • How should HMS programs be of healthcare providers and health integrated into their current health- insurance companies? care strategic framework? • Through which entity will the • Which segments of the population programs be offered? Will it be a will be targeted? How will the pro- public–private partnership between gram design be modified to address a GCC government and an interna- the cultural characteristics of the tional disease management/wellness population? company, or will it be an entirely private undertaking? • Which HMS programs would be most relevant for GCC • What policy initiatives will be populations? required to support HMS rollout? • What incentives will be required to • How will GCC governments ensure ensure significant program adop- that other healthcare stakeholders, tion among targeted segments? primarily providers, support the rollout of the HMS programs? • How will health management ser- vices be funded? How will the costs • What will be the role of e-health in (and risks) be distributed among delivering HMS to the population? the various stakeholders? Booz & Company 11
  • 14. • How will the execution of HMS productivity, and immense strain on ing significant investments in their programs be managed across the healthcare system. healthcare systems. Indeed, rapid various governmental authorities? implementation of such programs is What are the critical factors for the Well-crafted HMS programs are a within grasp for smaller markets in successful execution and rollout of valuable tool that can help GCC the region. HMS programs? nations stem the rising tide of chronic diseases by helping to identify As GCC nations prime for a robust Chronic disease management is unhealthy and risky behaviors, raise economic recovery, their leaders will an issue that GCC nations can ill awareness of underlying lifestyle fac- need to put a premium on “smart afford to ignore. Countries that fail tors, improve adherence to treatment growth” strategies. When it comes to address this pressing concern run regimens, and strengthen the bonds to managing the population’s most a real risk of being engulfed in a between patients and physicians. serious and costly illnesses, there is chronic disease epidemic, resulting Now is an opportune time for GCC no smarter healthcare strategy than in reduced health status, crippling nations to adopt HMS programs as HMS. healthcare costs, lower workforce most GCC nations are undertak- 12 Booz & Company
  • 15. Endnotes 1 The Gulf Cooperation Council consists of Bahrain, Kuwait, 7 Victor G. Villagra and Tamim Ahmed, “Effectiveness of a Disease Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Management Program for Patients with Diabetes,” Health Affairs, vol. 23, no. 4, 2004, 255–266. 2 WHO Mortality Fact Sheet for Saudi Arabia (2006) and Qatar Ministry of Health statistics. 8 Susanne R. Rasmussen, Eva Prescott, Thorkild I. A. Sørensen, and Jes Søgaard, “The Total Lifetime Health Cost Savings of 3 “Treatment of Diabetes a Big Drain on National Healthcare Bud- Smoking Cessation to Society,” European Journal of Public get,” Gulf News, November 11, 2007. Health, vol. 15, no. 6, December 2005. 4 WHO Statistical Information System, 2006 data. 9 Booz & Company estimates. 5 Haider M. Al Attia, Amal A. Abu Merhi, and Maha M. Al Farhan, i Health Authority–Abu Dhabi (HAAD) statistics. “How Much Do the Arab Females Know about Osteoporosis? The Scope and the Sources of Knowledge,” Clinical Rheumatology, World Health Organization and Oxford Health Alliance; the rates ii vol. 27, no. 9, September 2008, 1167–1170. for physical inactivity in UAE were for the top and bottom quintiles of income class. 6 A presumably simple element of the compliance regimen, adherence to prescribed drug regimen, suffers from a large iii HAAD statistics. noncompliance rate. About the Authors Ramez Shehadi is a partner Walid Tohme is a principal with with Booz & Company in Booz & Company in Beirut and Beirut. He leads the informa- a leader in the information tech- tion technology practice in the nology practice with a focus on Middle East. He specializes in healthcare. He specializes in e-government, e-business, and the management and strategic technology-enabled transfor- use of technology to enable the mation, helping both private transformation of healthcare corporations and govern- organizations, services, and ment organizations leverage infrastructure. technology, achieve operational efficiencies, and improve Jad Bitar is a senior associate governance. with Booz & Company in Beirut and a leader in the informa- Ali Hashemi is a principal with tion technology practice with Booz & Company in Dubai a focus on healthcare. He and a leader in the healthcare specializes in healthcare and practice in the Middle East. business technology, par- He specializes in business ticularly strategy, organization, strategy for players throughout operations, and innovation. the healthcare value chain, as well as advising government entities on defining their overall healthcare agendas. Booz & Company 13
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