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©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Dear friend,
Picture having the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with
whomever you want… forever!
Now it's time to make that picture a reality and you have taken the first step
by reading this book and taking ACTION*
Your Time Has Come - Welcome to Days of Heaven on Earth
We are looking forward to helping you achieve your dreams.
Kevin Clarke
Catapult Marketing Ltd
This book is dedicated to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for all he is doing and all
he has done. I also dedicate this book to everyone who desires to make positive
changes in the lives of every human being.
Kevin Clarke’s vision
To provide food, shelter, clothes and finances for charitable causes, helping to
spread the good news of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom throughout the whole world,
influencing the following Kingdoms:
Media - Social Media Marketing- Education - Marketing - Music - Arts / Entertainment
- Business - Sports.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Poor People Don’t Think Rich
Generating wealth is ultimately nothing more than creating wealthy habits on your part. Once you
persuade your unconscious to think rich, you will get rich.
I was born and raised in a beautiful city called Nottingham, based in the UK and lived in an
area called Radford. I was surrounded by both, good and bad influences and I indulged in both worlds.
I was raised with excellent morals and standards by my hard working mother from Rocky Point,
Clarendon Jamaica.
It was not hard for me to be surrounded by negative influences growing up in the area where I lived as a youth.
Many of the youths did not have good guidance and positive role models. I always had a dream of being an
international music producer - someone successful.
I often visited recording studios around Nottingham playing the drums. I then developed the passion for
creating music and although life started to throw punches at me, I persisted and I am now a born again
Ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the founder of Nuff Luv Music and produce Gospel music
for independent and major music artists, films, theatre etc... I also help others to succeed with their
business by providing online internet marketing solutions.
Continue to be the change you want to see - Never quit.
Nuff Luv Recording Studios Operation Quick Money Free Money Making System
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
1. My first experience of making money online.
2. What are assets & liabilities?
3. My internet marketing breakthrough experience
4. What is the poverty mentality?
5. Poor thinking for the procrastinator.
6. What is fear?
7. Rich thinker - Poor thinker.
8. Preparing for success.
9. What are wealth affirmations?
10. The four stages of learning.
11. 10 products to help you start generating instant residual income.
12. Bonus.
13. Vision board.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
My First Experience of Making Money Online
I remember the feeling of living by paycheck to paycheck, hoping that
someone will accept my CV and employ me. I have been made redundant
twice and sacked once. I always wanted to know how rich people became
rich however; I felt that you had to have some special privileges to
become wealthy. I then started to ask some serious questions only to
realise that I had just as much chance and rights to become wealthy like
anyone else. I then started to become more open minded and accept new
ways of thinking.
I will never forget the day I said “I’ve had enough" I needed change in my
life so much that I
decided to exchange my bad habits. These are a few things that I did to
make room for the new.
· Made new friends that had the same dreams
· Started to read new wealth creation books
· Started to attend Internet Marketing seminars
· Started to apply new knowledge
· Spent less time watching T.V - more time reading books
· Started playing wealth creation CDs in the car and at home.
· Started quoting wealth creation scriptures from inspirational books
· Started to keep fit by doing exercise first thing in the morning
· Started to invest in assets and not liabilities (Explained more on the next page)
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
What are assets and liabilities?
These diagrams break down assets and liabilities and the typical money
relationships that people have with them.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
My Internet Marketing Breakthrough Experience
I was once courting a lady who is involved in the property business. This lady
invited me to an internet marketing seminar in Earls Court London UK around 8
years ago. I sat on a back seat with her at the seminar.
This seminar was hosted by a man called Mark Anastasi. This man really wanted
people to see what he could see. I could see the passion in his heart through his
eyes. He wanted others to escape the rat race.
I remember my thoughts back then, I remember thinking to myself “something
must change in my life - I hate being broke"
Mark shared a formula that seemed so simple to put to practice but for some
reason, my mind didn't want to accept the truth due to its condition at the time. I
had the "Poverty Mentality". I followed the instructions which were to write down
the formula, go home and do it.
I did just what Mark said however, just as I was on my PC, procrastination flooded
in and I found myself reaching for food, delaying the task at hand. Procrastination
tried to kidnap my focus and destroy my destiny. I quickly snatched my focus
back and followed the basic instructions that Mark Anastasi shared with me.
Basic instructions:
1. Look for a niche.
2. Create a Clickbank account (free)
3. Find a product Suitable for that niche
4. Post your affiliate link / product to that niche
Clickbank is a place where you can become affiliated to a digital product /
service or become a publisher of a digital product/service.
After the first day of putting this to practice I checked to see if I had made any sales - I
was not pleased with the results - I made no sales. Immediately, the voice of fear and
doubt started to say "See Kevin - I told you it was a scam - It doesn't work - forget it -
what's the point in trying - you're a failure – nothing works for you". After a while I
knew that it was the "father of lies" whispering, so I continued to educated myself with
self help products before going back to my j.o.b the day after.
A couple more days went by and I decided to check my Clickbank account to see if I
had made any money. "OH MY GOSH" I was shocked* I was making $47 sales on
autopilot. I was simply adding value to a hungry group of Dog lovers, by promoting
an eBook that I didn’t even create!
I didn’t know a thing about internet marketing or Dogs - I followed
instructions and was rewarded for my obedience - I wanted to share the good
news with the whole world.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
What is the poverty mentality?
If you’ve never heard of the poverty mentality, it is mindset that some people
develop over time about money – usually it’s the deep-seated belief that you will
never have enough. It’s completely rooted in fear – and fear is (in my opinion) the
number one reason some people never get anywhere in life.
When you have a poverty mentality, you are stuck, and you won’t see
positive changes in your income or spending (or saving) habits, either. This is
a horrible money habit – a mindset, really that has to be broken in order to
see progress both in business and in life.
I have kept Mark very close to me. He has been instrumental in my internet
marketing achievements Mark Anastasi is now an internet marketing millionaire.
Mark recently asked me if I would like to share my internet marketing experiences
inside his book "The Laptop Millionaire" which is being published worldwide by
Wiley. I gladly said "yes". Testimonies are powerful as they provide proof and help
build the confidence in others. You can read about me on page 136 in Mark's book.
If you asked me 8 years ago, "where do you see yourself in 8 years Kevin",
Internet marketing would not of been on the list, plus, I never had any set goals
in place. I had dreams, but no goals. The internet is the future real estate. This
is the information age and the industrial age is over.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Goal Setting Guidelines
1. Your goal must be conceivable. You must be able to imagine, conceptualise
and understand the goal or desired result. Notice that top athletes practice
visualising step-by-step actual success in their sports. By visualising your
success in great detail, you are conditioning your mind and preparing yourself to
achieve your desired success.
2. Make your goal believable. Your goal should be consistent with your personal
values system, and you must believe you can reach the goal. It is crucially
important that you believe in yourself. You must see yourself with the goal in
hand and be the change you want to see.
3. Your goal must be achievable. You must have the mental and physical
capacity to reach the goal. It would, however, be important for your goal to
cause you to stretch beyond normal self-imposed limits. You will find a goal that
causes you to stretch and grow will be the goal that gives you the most
satisfaction. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself to go beyond old past limits!
4. Make your goal measurable. Deciding to do better than last year or to be
happy gives you no standard by which you can measure progress. Be sure to
relate your goal to quantity, percentage increases, pound volume, time or
distance. This will allow you to measure your progress.
5. Your goal should be controllable which means you must be able to achieve
the goal yourself, or gain the willing cooperation of others to reach the goal.
This emphasises the importance of building team spirit. If you can have no
control over the outcome of an event, it's not realistic to set a goal in this area.
It would be like gambling in Las Vegas casinos. Without a proven system that
beats the odds, lack of control will lead to frustration costing you a lot of money!
6. Be sure you have singleness of purpose.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
What is Fear?
I remember sitting down in a service at a church I once attended and someone explained fear
to be F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal. This stuck with me.
Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release
of chemicals that cause a racing heart fast breathing and energised muscles among other things,
also known as the fight-or-flight response. The stimulus could be a spider, a knife at your throat,
an auditorium full of people waiting for you to speak or the sudden thud of your front door against
the door frame.
• The brain is a profoundly complex organ. More than 100 billion nerve cells comprise an intricate
network of communications that is the starting point of everything we sense, think and do. Some of
these communications lead to conscious thought and action, while others produce autonomic
responses. The fear response is almost entirely autonomic: We don't consciously trigger it or even
know what’s going on until it has run its course.
Because cells in the brain are constantly transferring information and triggering responses,there are
dozens of areas of the brain at least peripherally involved in fear. But researchhas discovered that
certain parts of the brain play central roles in the process:
o Thalamus - decides where to send incoming sensory data (from eyes ears, mouth, skin)
o Sensory cortex - interprets sensory data
o Hippocampus - stores and retrieves conscious memories; processes sets of stimuli to
establish context
o Amygdala - decodes emotions; determines possible threat; stores fear memories
Hypothalamus - activates "fight or flight" response
The process of creating fear begins with a scary stimulus and ends with the fight-or-flight
response. But there are at least two paths between the start and the end of the process.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
How Poor
People Think
How Wealthy
People Think
“Life happens to me...” Victim
mentality. ‘Poor me…’Blame, complain,
justify…“I prefer to DRUG myself - TV, food,
alcohol,party, drugs… - so as not
to have to thinkabout my life...”
“I Create My Life!”
I accept total responsibility for
everything I have manifested in
Desires & Goals
“I don’t know what I want… I’m not
Clear, compelling, WRITTEN
“I fall into things, I drift into
situations…” “I have a PLAN.”
“I want to be able to pay the bills…
I would like to be rich, someday…”
“I Play The Money Game To Not
“I Am COMMITTED to Being Rich!”
“I Play The Money Game To Win!”
“I want to be comfortable…” “I want to create MASSIVE WEALTH.”
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Beliefs About Money / Money Mindset
Negative Beliefs Positive, Empowering Beliefs
I’ll be judged, I won’t be loved, I might fail in
business, I might get rejected, I might lose it
all, it will be stressful…
Money gives me choices, freedom, the
opportunity to contribute more, live out my
dreams, fulfil my potential…
“I resent rich & successful people.
Rich people are evil, exploitative,
selfish, greedy, and mean…”
“I admire other rich & successful
people! I BLESS their wealth &
“If I get rich, people won’t like me…
I’llbe judged… I won’t be loved…”
“The more money I make the more Ican
contribute to the world & my lovedones,
and therefore the more LOVE Iwill
receive.Besides, who would want to hang
outwith people who resent your success?!
And in any case, I am loved because of
WHO I AM, not how much there is inmy
bank account!”
“Money Is The Root Of All Evil…”
“Lack of money is the root of all evil.
Lack does not bring out the best in
people. When people feel they don’t
have enough, when they are in lack,
they resort to crime, drugs, divorce,
and taking advantage of other people
in order to survive...”
“The wealthier I become, the more I
can contribute to the world, and the
more I can help my loved ones.”
“Money Is The Root of All Evil…”
“Money Is Nothing But The
Measure of The Value You
Create For Other People!”
“The more people I serve, the more
people I help, the more people I solve
problems for… the wealthier I’ll
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
“How can I get more money from my
employer, for doing LESS work?
How can I TAKE money from people?
How can I GRAB more money?
My boss should pay me more.
I shouldn’t be working so hard…”
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
“What can I TAKE?”
“What can I GIVE? What can I create
or contribute to the world?”
What goes around, comes around.
The more you give, the more you get back.
“Money is not that important…”
“I’m not interested in money…”
“Money doesn’t matter…”
“Having money is EXTREMELY
Money = freedom, choices,
opportunities, and CONTRIBUTION!”
“Dead at 30. Buried at 70.” “I GO AFTER MY DREAMS!”
“Nothing I do ever works…” “Everything I Do Brings SUCCESS!”
“I’m not smart enough…”
“I can LEARN anything I need to learn.
I can seek out MENTORS to show me &
teach me what I need to know!”
“I don’t know HOW to make money…”
“I am an expert at SPENDING money.”
“I Know How To Make LOADS of
Money! “There are Millions of
“I Am An Expert At MAKING &
“Oh well, I could never do THAT. ‘They’
are special, ‘they’ have talent, ‘they’
are more clever…”
“ANYTHING they can do, I can do!
Anything anyone has ever achieved, I
can MODEL & DO as well!”
“In order to make money, I’m going
tohave to work really hard. It is going
tobe very stressful…It’s safer to work
in a JOB.”
“Making Money is FUN & EASY!”
“Making a lot of money = working
“Working for someone else = stress &
a total lack of control.”
“Money can’t buy you love…”
“Money can’t buy you
“Money Will Give Me Freedom,
Choices, and opportunities to Grow
More, Be More, and Give More. The
Chance To Follow My Dreams! The
Freedom And Time To Do The Things I
Love! The Freedom & Time To Study
With The Best Teachers In The World!
The Time & Resources to make my &
my partner’s life extraordinary!”
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
“Everyone will want a handout…” “I Will Be Able To Contribute More.”
“I’ll get sucked in… what about
myspiritual side?”“You can’t be
spiritual AND rich.”
“Being wealthy, abundant,
and manifesting all the good
things in life…
= being connected to SOURCE
and vibrating at high ‘frequencies’.
“We are spiritual beings that are here,
in physical form, to GIVE to our fellow
man. The more I give, the more I
express my spiritual side.
The Universe WANTS us to be
abundant and joyful. Anything we
want we can manifest.
Our DESIRES are God tapping at the
door of our mind, trying to give us
greater good…
There is nothing spiritual about
“It is a sin to be rich… Rich people
“It is a SIN to be poor, because being
poor = not fulfilling on your potential.”
“God wants us to be poor
“Prosperity & Abundance are my
Prosperity is our natural state!
God wants us to have EVERYTHING!”
“My IDENTITY: I AM a POOR person.” “I AM a Wealthy Person!’”
“I Think Small. Safe. Comfortable.” “I Think BIG!”
“I focus on the scary obstacles,
problems, debts, limitations.”
“I Focus On Opportunities &
“I’ll never know if people will like
mefor myself or for my money…”
“I Will Attract The Right People To Me.”
“I resent selling,
“I Am Willing To Promote Myself & My
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
“I cannot handle problems… I HATE
“I Am Bigger Than Any Problem!
Problems are an opportunity for me to
grow and expand out of my comfort
zone! Problems are the GYM of my
soul, where I sculpt my character!”
“I am NOT open to receive.
I don’t feel like I deserve things…
It is not fair that some people may
have more than others…”
“I Am Open To Receive! I
DESERVE Wealth &
“It is not fair that some people have
more than others… The rich should pay
more taxes to take care of the less
“Taxes punish those that ADD VALUE
and reward those that DON’T ADD
“I do what’s easy. I take the easy way
out every time… I do not step outside
of my comfort zone…”
“I Am Willing To Do What’s Hard, so
That My Life Becomes Easy.”
“I’d rather be TOLD what to do…”
Intellectual laziness. Would rather not
have to THINK…
“I Exercise My Mind!
I brainstorm. I THINK my
way to wealth. I unlock my
inborn creativity.”
“I don’t work for less than £6 an
“I work for FREE in order to learn from
successful people. What they can teach
“Go to school, get an education, and
get a good JOB.”
“Get an EDUCATION. Learn how to
build businesses, how to invest, sales
& marketing, how to create multiple
streams of passive income…”
“Who cares. We’re all going to die
eventually anyway. Besides, taking
care of my health takes discipline and
it’s hard work. I want instant
“I take great care of myself, my health
& my body. I value myself & LIFE.”
“I hate my parents. It’s all their fault.
I’ll get back at them by being unhappy
and unsuccessful…”
“My parents are the source of my
POWER, and I am grateful to them.”
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
“I am TICKED off.”
Poverty. Lack. Scarcity. Fear. Depression.
Unhappiness. Sadness. Blame. Complaining.
Arguments. Fighting. Resentment. Envy.
(the happier you are, the higher the frequency
you ‘vibrate’ at, and the better circumstances
& people you attract into your life)
“Why don’t I have more?!”
All The Good In My Life!”
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
“I resent, blame, complain, get stuck.
Other people are to blame for my lack
of success, and I use this excuse as a
JUSTIFICATION of my failure…”
“I forgive and move on.”
“If I get rich, I might turn into some
kind of greedy jerk…”
More money will only make you more
of what you already ARE!
More money = more contribution.
“I am an employee.”
“I own businesses and I build
“First make a living, then you can
enjoy your life, if there’s any time
“I am getting rich doing what I love,
and enjoying every minute of it!”
“I work at a JOB I HATE out of FEAR.”
Fear of not paying the bills, fear of not
having enough, fear of losing one’s
“I’ll try…”
“I want instant gratification.”
“I want fast, easy, simple. No effort. I
want something for nothing…”
“I will go after what I want, again, and
again, and again. I never give up!”
Gives up easily.
Blame game. A follower. Cowardice. Responsibility. Leadership. Courage.
Greed. Envy. Jealousy. ‘Covetness’.
Generosity and a desire to grow &
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Lack Consciousness vs Abundance
“There’s only so much to go around, so
I’d better GRAB all I can get. There’s
never enough, and I can’t have
“There is an ABUNDANCE of money,
opportunity, time, and love in the
There’s PLENTY in the world to go
around! I love to GIVE. I love to
“I shouldn’t spend any money, because
there isn’t enough…”
“Billions of $$$ are printed every day
by banks. I just need to figure out
people, for some of that wealth to flow
my way. “
“I can’t afford it…” “How Can I Afford It?”
“There isn’t enough! I need to hoard
and protect every penny that I get!”
“I tithe 10% of my income. I give to
“You CAN’T have it all.”
“You can have it ALL!”
“How can I have EVERYTHING I
Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence
Lack of self-love. Low self-esteem.
Low standards for one’s life.
Total Self-Confidence, Belief in oneself,
high self-esteem and self-love.
High standards.
“I don’t deserve wealth…”
“I DESERVE Wealth & All The Good
Things In Life!”
“People will start judging me, If I make
too much money… I won’t be loved…”
“I do not require the approval of
others, because I already like & accept
myself. What matters is that I am true
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
“I do not value my time.
I watch loads of TV, and sleep 8-10
hours per night.
“I waste my time and my energy
worrying about not having money, or
watching TV, going to the pub…”
“I Value My Time!”
“I use my time constructively.”
“I sleep only 6 hours a night. I don’t
watch TV. I do not waste my time
gossiping or reading newspapers.”
“I like gossip, reading about
celebrities… watching 6 hours of TV a
day… After all, I don’t have anything
more interesting to do…”
“I focus on improving myself, building
my business, designing my life, living
out my purpose and fulfilling my
“I do not believe in myself or in my
VALUE, so I am willing to accept very
little for my services and my time…”
“I CHARGE for my time appropriately,
without undervaluing myself.”
“I spend time with negative,
unsuccessful people with no ambition,
that get upset and resent me if I do
“I Spend Time With Positive,
Successful People, and I Learn
From Them!”
“I have an outstanding peer group
that pushes me to be my best.”
“Discipline is a pain in the ass…”
“I already know this stuff…”
“I Constantly Learn & Grow!
I have mentors. I study wealthy
creation, investing, business
development, marketing, sales…”
“I focus on my problems, debts,
limitations, negativity, what’s bad
about me and my situation…”
“I understand the Process of
What I focus on expands.
Where attention goes, energy flows.
Therefore I choose to FOCUS
I visualize clearly & often my desired
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
“Who cares. Anything goes…”
“Oh… it doesn’t really matter… they’ll
“I Honour My Commitments.”
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Financial Literacy & Knowledge
“I focus on my earnings. My working
income. How much I make.”
I buy LIABILITIES. I don’t know how
to invest…
“I Focus on My Net Worth!”
With every $ I have a choice. I buy ASSETS. I
pay myself FIRST! I build my ASSET BASE
and streams of PASSIVE INCOME.
“I mismanage my money…” “I Manage My Money Extremely Well!”
“I work HARD for my money…” “My Money Works Hard For ME!”
“I spend all I earn.”
I try to keep up with the Joneses and
impress people I don’t care about
because of my low self-esteem,
insecurities, and my need for approval.
“Every $ I save is my ‘employee’, that
brings in a return every day.
I invest wisely and build up
my asset base, that now
produces a passive income
for me month after month.
“I exchange my TIME for money. I do
not believe in my abilities, so I prefer
to get a safe, secure monthly salary
that I can depend on…”
“I Choose To Get Paid On Results!”
“I trade my time for money…”
“At the end of the month, I spend my
salary, so I have to keep working the
next month…”
“The work I did ONCE produces a
PASSIVE income month after month
after month.”
“I let money control my life.
I work for money.”
“I am the MASTER of MONEY.
Money works for ME.”
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Dealing With Fear
“I am afraid of failure…”
“I CAN NEVER FAIL, only learn.”
“I am willing to make mistakes, learn
from them, pick myself up, and try
again and again, until I succeed &
achieve my outcome.”
“I’m afraid of taking action. What if I’m
wrong? I’ll be judged. I’ll be a failure.
I’ll get rejected…”
in spite of fear!”
“I live based on SECURITY &
“I’m afraid to step outside my comfort
I let fear stop me. I won’t be loved.”
Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection,
fear of failure, fear of success…
“I Act In Spite of Fear!”
“I am willing to take calculated risks in
order to live an extraordinary life.”
“I am afraid to put myself out there, to
create something, to promote what I
do, in case I get judged by other
“I Am A Giver. I Choose To Share my
VALUE, Gifts, Talents, Skills,
Knowledge, Imagination, Time… with a
huge number of people!”
“I’d rather not be in the limelight…
People might judge me if I’m
“I want to inspire people and be a
role-model of possibility. In order to
add value to people, I need to ‘put
myself out there’…”
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Preparing For Success
If you want to prepare for success, it is important that you have a clear vision of where you are
going and how you are going to reach to your destination. This is a simple and powerful excercise
to get you started.
This exercise is popular for helping people prepare for success and financial freedom.
4. ON THE TOP LEFT, WRITE - What I want in life
5. ON THE TOP RIGHT, WRITE - What I don’t want in life
Use each column to write down all the things you want, and dont want.
Be honest to yourself - do not let money or temporary situations and
circumstances hold you back, just write from your heart. Once you have
completed the first instruction, do the following..
3. ON THE TOP LEFT, WRITE - How will I be if I get
what I Want?
4. ON THE TOP RIGHT, WRITE - How will I be if I don't get
What I want?
Once you write out your goals, they become crystalised and carry energy which will then
materialise 50% quicker. Written goals are much easier to work with as they keep you in check.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
What are Wealth Affirmations?
Wealth affirmations are words of life that are repeatedly spoken
on purpose.
Choose a wealth affirmation that best suits your vision. Meditate on it
day and night as you work towards your goals!
Read it to yourself first thing in the morning for 10 minutes - and then 10
minutes before you sleep. Do this for 1week before moving to the next
"I am Fully Committed to Becoming Wealthy"
This affirmation is extremely significant, because you must be committed to any goal or
dream you wish to attain. Are you willing to work harder than you ever have before? Yes
you are! Commit yourself to becoming wealthy, envision the results of what you are doing
today making you wealthy as you say this affirmation aloud.
"I Make Smart Investments"
The investments you choose to make today will affect your income tomorrow. What kind of
investments do you make in your business life? Decide to make smart ones and then
remind yourself with this affirmation. Your investments are benefiting your dream of wealth.
"I Live a Life of Luxury"
Naturally, you have imagined what your life would be like if you were wealthier. You are
relaxed; you are indulging in your greatest pleasures. It could be a home on an island, an
expensive car of your dreams, or simply spending time with family in an exotic vacation
setting. Visualize your life of luxury and see what it feels like to live it out in your head first, it
is very motivating!
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
"I Focus on Opportunities, Not Obstacles"
The difference between those who actually obtain wealth and those who just dream of it is
whether they focus on opportunities or obstacles. You are among the elite individuals who
look at ways to become wealthy as opportunities, you take chances. You don't see
obstacles, you are unstoppable!
"I Can See Myself Financially Free By ---------------------------"
Although your affirmation for wealth should be in the present tense, thinking about your
future is the main idea. You live in the now, but you plan ahead, you plan for success and
wealth. Setting a date by which you will be wealthy to the point of financial freedom will
motivate you to work as hard as possible to achieve that goal by the designated date as it
draws nearer.
"I am a Money Magnet"
It is important that you believe that money is as attracted to you as you are to it. Don't be
afraid to receive it, wherever it comes from. You have multiple streams of income and
money flows to you. When it is in your hands, it is meant to be there. You deserve to be
wealthy and make choices that bring money your way. Believe it!
"I Can Afford All of My Wants and Needs"
If you are grateful for what you have and can afford in this moment, everything will fall into
place. You will have the more extravagant things you want soon enough. When you are
wealthy, you can afford every expense and never have to worry about spending. Imagine
how carefree of a feeling that is. Be that carefree now, knowing that each move you make
leads you towards the money needed to take care of the wants and needs of now and the
You can also use powerful software to speed up your affirmation process:
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
The Four Stages of Learning.
The Four Stages of Learning provides a model for learning. Individuals are
initially unaware of how little they know, or unconscious of their
incompetence. As they recognise their incompetence, they consciously takes
a skill, then consciously use that skill. Eventually, the skill can be done
without consciously being thought out, and the individual is said to have
unconscious competence.
The Four Stages
Unconscious Incompetence
The individual does not know or understand how to do something and does
not necessarily recognise the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the
skill. The individual must recognise their own incompetence, and the value
of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage.
The length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the
strength of the stimulus to learn.
Conscious Incompetence
Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something,
he or she does recognise the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in
addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can be integral to the
learning process at this stage.
Conscious Competence
The individual understands or knows how to do something. However,
demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be
broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in
executing the new skill.
Unconscious Competence
The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become
"second nature" and can be performed very easily. As a result, the skill can
be performed while practicing another task. The individual may be able to
teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
10 Products to help you start generating instant residual income.
This section is for anyone, seeking for residual income streams with the
need to start earning money instantly. Your next step is to simply choose
any product(s) from the list below that suits you. These are proven and
tested readym ade formulas. The links below will give you FREE
access to the products.
1) Easy Money Making Ideas
2) How to Make Money With Facebook
3) Mobile Money Machines
4) Mobile Blog Money
5) Plan B Profits
6) Surveys Paid
7) Limitless Profits
8) Millionaire Society
9) Mass Profit Sites
10) Affiliate Resurrection
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
Powerful wealth creation products that will catapult you into generating income streams INSTANTLY*
How to Make i Phone Apps
I Pad Video Lesson Offer
©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
The Vision Board
A vision board is a powerful way of drawing your future closer to you. Collect some pictures of the
things you are expecting and place them around you.
To your success*
Kevin Clarke
PS- As a personal "Thank you" I would like to give you
a FREE gift - FREE ebook "Operation Quick Money "
you get guaranteed VIP access to the latest wealth
creation tips, products Click Here

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Get Rich & Love Life | Kevin Clarke

  • 1. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
  • 2. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
  • 3. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Dear friend, Picture having the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want… forever! Now it's time to make that picture a reality and you have taken the first step by reading this book and taking ACTION* Your Time Has Come - Welcome to Days of Heaven on Earth BE IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE! BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! We are looking forward to helping you achieve your dreams. Kevin Clarke C.E.O Catapult Marketing Ltd This book is dedicated to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for all he is doing and all he has done. I also dedicate this book to everyone who desires to make positive changes in the lives of every human being. Kevin Clarke’s vision To provide food, shelter, clothes and finances for charitable causes, helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom throughout the whole world, influencing the following Kingdoms: Media - Social Media Marketing- Education - Marketing - Music - Arts / Entertainment - Business - Sports.
  • 4. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Poor People Don’t Think Rich Generating wealth is ultimately nothing more than creating wealthy habits on your part. Once you persuade your unconscious to think rich, you will get rich. I was born and raised in a beautiful city called Nottingham, based in the UK and lived in an area called Radford. I was surrounded by both, good and bad influences and I indulged in both worlds. I was raised with excellent morals and standards by my hard working mother from Rocky Point, Clarendon Jamaica. It was not hard for me to be surrounded by negative influences growing up in the area where I lived as a youth. Many of the youths did not have good guidance and positive role models. I always had a dream of being an international music producer - someone successful. I often visited recording studios around Nottingham playing the drums. I then developed the passion for creating music and although life started to throw punches at me, I persisted and I am now a born again Ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the founder of Nuff Luv Music and produce Gospel music for independent and major music artists, films, theatre etc... I also help others to succeed with their business by providing online internet marketing solutions. Continue to be the change you want to see - Never quit. Nuff Luv Recording Studios Operation Quick Money Free Money Making System
  • 5. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Content: 1. My first experience of making money online. 2. What are assets & liabilities? 3. My internet marketing breakthrough experience 4. What is the poverty mentality? 5. Poor thinking for the procrastinator. 6. What is fear? 7. Rich thinker - Poor thinker. 8. Preparing for success. 9. What are wealth affirmations? 10. The four stages of learning. 11. 10 products to help you start generating instant residual income. 12. Bonus. 13. Vision board.
  • 6. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. My First Experience of Making Money Online I remember the feeling of living by paycheck to paycheck, hoping that someone will accept my CV and employ me. I have been made redundant twice and sacked once. I always wanted to know how rich people became rich however; I felt that you had to have some special privileges to become wealthy. I then started to ask some serious questions only to realise that I had just as much chance and rights to become wealthy like anyone else. I then started to become more open minded and accept new ways of thinking. I will never forget the day I said “I’ve had enough" I needed change in my life so much that I decided to exchange my bad habits. These are a few things that I did to make room for the new. · Made new friends that had the same dreams · Started to read new wealth creation books · Started to attend Internet Marketing seminars · Started to apply new knowledge · Spent less time watching T.V - more time reading books · Started playing wealth creation CDs in the car and at home. · Started quoting wealth creation scriptures from inspirational books · Started to keep fit by doing exercise first thing in the morning · Started to invest in assets and not liabilities (Explained more on the next page)
  • 7. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. What are assets and liabilities? These diagrams break down assets and liabilities and the typical money relationships that people have with them.
  • 8. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. My Internet Marketing Breakthrough Experience I was once courting a lady who is involved in the property business. This lady invited me to an internet marketing seminar in Earls Court London UK around 8 years ago. I sat on a back seat with her at the seminar. This seminar was hosted by a man called Mark Anastasi. This man really wanted people to see what he could see. I could see the passion in his heart through his eyes. He wanted others to escape the rat race. I remember my thoughts back then, I remember thinking to myself “something must change in my life - I hate being broke" Mark shared a formula that seemed so simple to put to practice but for some reason, my mind didn't want to accept the truth due to its condition at the time. I had the "Poverty Mentality". I followed the instructions which were to write down the formula, go home and do it. I did just what Mark said however, just as I was on my PC, procrastination flooded in and I found myself reaching for food, delaying the task at hand. Procrastination tried to kidnap my focus and destroy my destiny. I quickly snatched my focus back and followed the basic instructions that Mark Anastasi shared with me. Basic instructions: 1. Look for a niche. 2. Create a Clickbank account (free) 3. Find a product Suitable for that niche 4. Post your affiliate link / product to that niche Clickbank is a place where you can become affiliated to a digital product / service or become a publisher of a digital product/service. After the first day of putting this to practice I checked to see if I had made any sales - I was not pleased with the results - I made no sales. Immediately, the voice of fear and doubt started to say "See Kevin - I told you it was a scam - It doesn't work - forget it - what's the point in trying - you're a failure – nothing works for you". After a while I knew that it was the "father of lies" whispering, so I continued to educated myself with self help products before going back to my j.o.b the day after. A couple more days went by and I decided to check my Clickbank account to see if I had made any money. "OH MY GOSH" I was shocked* I was making $47 sales on autopilot. I was simply adding value to a hungry group of Dog lovers, by promoting an eBook that I didn’t even create! I didn’t know a thing about internet marketing or Dogs - I followed instructions and was rewarded for my obedience - I wanted to share the good news with the whole world.
  • 9. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. What is the poverty mentality? If you’ve never heard of the poverty mentality, it is mindset that some people develop over time about money – usually it’s the deep-seated belief that you will never have enough. It’s completely rooted in fear – and fear is (in my opinion) the number one reason some people never get anywhere in life. When you have a poverty mentality, you are stuck, and you won’t see positive changes in your income or spending (or saving) habits, either. This is a horrible money habit – a mindset, really that has to be broken in order to see progress both in business and in life. I have kept Mark very close to me. He has been instrumental in my internet marketing achievements Mark Anastasi is now an internet marketing millionaire. Mark recently asked me if I would like to share my internet marketing experiences inside his book "The Laptop Millionaire" which is being published worldwide by Wiley. I gladly said "yes". Testimonies are powerful as they provide proof and help build the confidence in others. You can read about me on page 136 in Mark's book. If you asked me 8 years ago, "where do you see yourself in 8 years Kevin", Internet marketing would not of been on the list, plus, I never had any set goals in place. I had dreams, but no goals. The internet is the future real estate. This is the information age and the industrial age is over.
  • 10. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Goal Setting Guidelines 1. Your goal must be conceivable. You must be able to imagine, conceptualise and understand the goal or desired result. Notice that top athletes practice visualising step-by-step actual success in their sports. By visualising your success in great detail, you are conditioning your mind and preparing yourself to achieve your desired success. 2. Make your goal believable. Your goal should be consistent with your personal values system, and you must believe you can reach the goal. It is crucially important that you believe in yourself. You must see yourself with the goal in hand and be the change you want to see. 3. Your goal must be achievable. You must have the mental and physical capacity to reach the goal. It would, however, be important for your goal to cause you to stretch beyond normal self-imposed limits. You will find a goal that causes you to stretch and grow will be the goal that gives you the most satisfaction. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself to go beyond old past limits! 4. Make your goal measurable. Deciding to do better than last year or to be happy gives you no standard by which you can measure progress. Be sure to relate your goal to quantity, percentage increases, pound volume, time or distance. This will allow you to measure your progress. 5. Your goal should be controllable which means you must be able to achieve the goal yourself, or gain the willing cooperation of others to reach the goal. This emphasises the importance of building team spirit. If you can have no control over the outcome of an event, it's not realistic to set a goal in this area. It would be like gambling in Las Vegas casinos. Without a proven system that beats the odds, lack of control will lead to frustration costing you a lot of money! 6. Be sure you have singleness of purpose.
  • 11. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
  • 12. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. What is Fear? I remember sitting down in a service at a church I once attended and someone explained fear to be F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal. This stuck with me. Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart fast breathing and energised muscles among other things, also known as the fight-or-flight response. The stimulus could be a spider, a knife at your throat, an auditorium full of people waiting for you to speak or the sudden thud of your front door against the door frame. • The brain is a profoundly complex organ. More than 100 billion nerve cells comprise an intricate network of communications that is the starting point of everything we sense, think and do. Some of these communications lead to conscious thought and action, while others produce autonomic responses. The fear response is almost entirely autonomic: We don't consciously trigger it or even know what’s going on until it has run its course. Because cells in the brain are constantly transferring information and triggering responses,there are dozens of areas of the brain at least peripherally involved in fear. But researchhas discovered that certain parts of the brain play central roles in the process: o Thalamus - decides where to send incoming sensory data (from eyes ears, mouth, skin) o Sensory cortex - interprets sensory data o Hippocampus - stores and retrieves conscious memories; processes sets of stimuli to establish context o Amygdala - decodes emotions; determines possible threat; stores fear memories Hypothalamus - activates "fight or flight" response The process of creating fear begins with a scary stimulus and ends with the fight-or-flight response. But there are at least two paths between the start and the end of the process.
  • 13. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. How Poor People Think How Wealthy People Think “Life happens to me...” Victim mentality. ‘Poor me…’Blame, complain, justify…“I prefer to DRUG myself - TV, food, alcohol,party, drugs… - so as not to have to thinkabout my life...” “I Create My Life!” I accept total responsibility for everything I have manifested in mylife. Desires & Goals “I don’t know what I want… I’m not sure…” “I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I WANT!” Clear, compelling, WRITTEN goals.CLARITY IS POWER! “I fall into things, I drift into situations…” “I have a PLAN.” “I want to be able to pay the bills… I would like to be rich, someday…” “I Play The Money Game To Not Lose.” “I Am COMMITTED to Being Rich!” “I Play The Money Game To Win!” “I want to be comfortable…” “I want to create MASSIVE WEALTH.”
  • 14. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Beliefs About Money / Money Mindset Negative Beliefs Positive, Empowering Beliefs HAVING MONEY = PAIN I’ll be judged, I won’t be loved, I might fail in business, I might get rejected, I might lose it all, it will be stressful… HAVING MONEY = PLEASURE Money gives me choices, freedom, the opportunity to contribute more, live out my dreams, fulfil my potential… “I resent rich & successful people. Rich people are evil, exploitative, selfish, greedy, and mean…” “I admire other rich & successful people! I BLESS their wealth & success!” “If I get rich, people won’t like me… I’llbe judged… I won’t be loved…” “The more money I make the more Ican contribute to the world & my lovedones, and therefore the more LOVE Iwill receive.Besides, who would want to hang outwith people who resent your success?! And in any case, I am loved because of WHO I AM, not how much there is inmy bank account!” “Money Is The Root Of All Evil…” “Lack of money is the root of all evil. Lack does not bring out the best in people. When people feel they don’t have enough, when they are in lack, they resort to crime, drugs, divorce, and taking advantage of other people in order to survive...” “The wealthier I become, the more I can contribute to the world, and the more I can help my loved ones.” “Money Is The Root of All Evil…” “Money Is Nothing But The Measure of The Value You Create For Other People!” “The more people I serve, the more people I help, the more people I solve problems for… the wealthier I’ll become.”
  • 15. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. “How can I get more money from my employer, for doing LESS work? How can I TAKE money from people? How can I GRAB more money? My boss should pay me more. I shouldn’t be working so hard…” “How Can I ADD MORE VALUE”
  • 16. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. “What can I TAKE?” “What can I GIVE? What can I create or contribute to the world?” What goes around, comes around. The more you give, the more you get back. “Money is not that important…” “I’m not interested in money…” “Money doesn’t matter…” “Having money is EXTREMELY important! Money = freedom, choices, opportunities, and CONTRIBUTION!” “Dead at 30. Buried at 70.” “I GO AFTER MY DREAMS!” “Nothing I do ever works…” “Everything I Do Brings SUCCESS!” “I’m not smart enough…” “I can LEARN anything I need to learn. I can seek out MENTORS to show me & teach me what I need to know!” “I don’t know HOW to make money…” “I am an expert at SPENDING money.” “I Know How To Make LOADS of Money! “There are Millions of OPPORTUNITIES!” “I Am An Expert At MAKING & MULTIPLYING Money!” “Oh well, I could never do THAT. ‘They’ are special, ‘they’ have talent, ‘they’ are more clever…” “ANYTHING they can do, I can do! Anything anyone has ever achieved, I can MODEL & DO as well!” “In order to make money, I’m going tohave to work really hard. It is going tobe very stressful…It’s safer to work in a JOB.” “Making Money is FUN & EASY!” “Making a lot of money = working SMART.” Using LEVERAGE. “Working for someone else = stress & a total lack of control.” “Money can’t buy you love…” “Money can’t buy you happiness…” “Money Will Give Me Freedom, Choices, and opportunities to Grow More, Be More, and Give More. The Chance To Follow My Dreams! The Freedom And Time To Do The Things I Love! The Freedom & Time To Study With The Best Teachers In The World! The Time & Resources to make my & my partner’s life extraordinary!”
  • 17. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. “Everyone will want a handout…” “I Will Be Able To Contribute More.” “I’ll get sucked in… what about myspiritual side?”“You can’t be spiritual AND rich.” “Being wealthy, abundant, and manifesting all the good things in life… = being connected to SOURCE and vibrating at high ‘frequencies’. “We are spiritual beings that are here, in physical form, to GIVE to our fellow man. The more I give, the more I express my spiritual side. The Universe WANTS us to be abundant and joyful. Anything we want we can manifest. Our DESIRES are God tapping at the door of our mind, trying to give us greater good… There is nothing spiritual about poverty.” “It is a sin to be rich… Rich people areevil!” “It is a SIN to be poor, because being poor = not fulfilling on your potential.” “God wants us to be poor andhumble…” “Prosperity & Abundance are my BIRTHRIGHT! Prosperity is our natural state! God wants us to have EVERYTHING!” “My IDENTITY: I AM a POOR person.” “I AM a Wealthy Person!’” “I Think Small. Safe. Comfortable.” “I Think BIG!” “I focus on the scary obstacles, problems, debts, limitations.” “I Focus On Opportunities & Solutions!” “I’ll never know if people will like mefor myself or for my money…” “I Will Attract The Right People To Me.” “I resent selling, salespeople,marketing…” “I Am Willing To Promote Myself & My Value!”
  • 18. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. “I cannot handle problems… I HATE problems…” “I Am Bigger Than Any Problem! Problems are an opportunity for me to grow and expand out of my comfort zone! Problems are the GYM of my soul, where I sculpt my character!” “I am NOT open to receive. I don’t feel like I deserve things… It is not fair that some people may have more than others…” “I Am Open To Receive! I DESERVE Wealth & Happiness!” “It is not fair that some people have more than others… The rich should pay more taxes to take care of the less fortunate.” “Taxes punish those that ADD VALUE and reward those that DON’T ADD VALUE.” “I do what’s easy. I take the easy way out every time… I do not step outside of my comfort zone…” “I Am Willing To Do What’s Hard, so That My Life Becomes Easy.” “I’d rather be TOLD what to do…” Intellectual laziness. Would rather not have to THINK… “I Exercise My Mind! I brainstorm. I THINK my way to wealth. I unlock my inborn creativity.” “I don’t work for less than £6 an hour…” “I work for FREE in order to learn from successful people. What they can teach me is PRICELESS.” “Go to school, get an education, and get a good JOB.” “Get an EDUCATION. Learn how to build businesses, how to invest, sales & marketing, how to create multiple streams of passive income…” “Who cares. We’re all going to die eventually anyway. Besides, taking care of my health takes discipline and it’s hard work. I want instant gratification…” “I take great care of myself, my health & my body. I value myself & LIFE.” “I hate my parents. It’s all their fault. I’ll get back at them by being unhappy and unsuccessful…” “My parents are the source of my POWER, and I am grateful to them.”
  • 19. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. “I am TICKED off.” Poverty. Lack. Scarcity. Fear. Depression. Unhappiness. Sadness. Blame. Complaining. Arguments. Fighting. Resentment. Envy. Greed. I am HAPPY & JOYFUL & GRATEFUL! (the happier you are, the higher the frequency you ‘vibrate’ at, and the better circumstances & people you attract into your life) “Why don’t I have more?!” “I Am GRATEFUL for All The Good In My Life!”
  • 20. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. “I resent, blame, complain, get stuck. Other people are to blame for my lack of success, and I use this excuse as a JUSTIFICATION of my failure…” “I forgive and move on.” “If I get rich, I might turn into some kind of greedy jerk…” More money will only make you more of what you already ARE! More money = more contribution. “I am an employee.” “I own businesses and I build ASSETS.” “First make a living, then you can enjoy your life, if there’s any time left…” “I am getting rich doing what I love, and enjoying every minute of it!” “I work at a JOB I HATE out of FEAR.” Fear of not paying the bills, fear of not having enough, fear of losing one’s job… “A MAN IS A FOOL TO DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT HE ENJOYS!” LIFE IS TOO SHORT! LIFE IS PRECIOUS! NO ONE AT THE END OF THEIR LIFE WISHES THEY’D SPENT MORE TIME IN THE OFFICE! “I’ll try…” “I want instant gratification.” “I want fast, easy, simple. No effort. I want something for nothing…” “I will go after what I want, again, and again, and again. I never give up!” PERSONALITY TRAITS: Gives up easily. PERSONALITY TRAITS: PERSISTENCE. DETERMINATION. DECISIVENESS. DESIRE. PASSION. COMMITMENT. INSTANT GRATIFICATION PATIENCE. INTEGRITY. PERSEVERANCE Blame game. A follower. Cowardice. Responsibility. Leadership. Courage. Greed. Envy. Jealousy. ‘Covetness’. Generosity and a desire to grow & contribute.
  • 21. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Lack Consciousness vs Abundance Consciousness LACK. SCARCITY. LIMITATIONS. “THERE IS NOT ENOUGH!” “There’s only so much to go around, so I’d better GRAB all I can get. There’s never enough, and I can’t have everything…” “ABUNDANCE CONSCIOUSNESS!” “ANYTHING I WANT I CAN HAVE!” “There is an ABUNDANCE of money, opportunity, time, and love in the world! There’s PLENTY in the world to go around! I love to GIVE. I love to SHARE!” “I shouldn’t spend any money, because there isn’t enough…” “Billions of $$$ are printed every day by banks. I just need to figure out ways to ADD MASSIVE VALUE to people, for some of that wealth to flow my way. “ “I can’t afford it…” “How Can I Afford It?” “There isn’t enough! I need to hoard and protect every penny that I get!” “I tithe 10% of my income. I give to charity!” “You CAN’T have it all.” “You can have it ALL!” “How can I have EVERYTHING I WANT? Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence PERSONALITY TRAITS: Lack of self-love. Low self-esteem. Low standards for one’s life. PERSONALITY TRAITS: Total Self-Confidence, Belief in oneself, high self-esteem and self-love. High standards. “I don’t deserve wealth…” “I DESERVE Wealth & All The Good Things In Life!” “People will start judging me, If I make too much money… I won’t be loved…” “I do not require the approval of others, because I already like & accept myself. What matters is that I am true to MYSELF!”
  • 22. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Habits “I do not value my time. I watch loads of TV, and sleep 8-10 hours per night. “I waste my time and my energy worrying about not having money, or watching TV, going to the pub…” “I Value My Time!” “I use my time constructively.” “I sleep only 6 hours a night. I don’t watch TV. I do not waste my time gossiping or reading newspapers.” “I like gossip, reading about celebrities… watching 6 hours of TV a day… After all, I don’t have anything more interesting to do…” “I focus on improving myself, building my business, designing my life, living out my purpose and fulfilling my destiny.” “I do not believe in myself or in my VALUE, so I am willing to accept very little for my services and my time…” “I CHARGE for my time appropriately, without undervaluing myself.” “I spend time with negative, unsuccessful people with no ambition, that get upset and resent me if I do well…” “I Spend Time With Positive, Successful People, and I Learn From Them!” “I have an outstanding peer group that pushes me to be my best.” “Discipline is a pain in the ass…” DISCIPLINE = POWER, SUCCESS, WEALTH. “I already know this stuff…” “I Constantly Learn & Grow! I have mentors. I study wealthy creation, investing, business development, marketing, sales…” “I focus on my problems, debts, limitations, negativity, what’s bad about me and my situation…” “I understand the Process of Manifestation. What I focus on expands. Where attention goes, energy flows. Therefore I choose to FOCUS ONLY ON WHAT I WANT. I visualize clearly & often my desired outcome.”
  • 23. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. “Who cares. Anything goes…” “Oh… it doesn’t really matter… they’ll understand…” “I Honour My Commitments.” “I Have INTEGRITY.”
  • 24. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Financial Literacy & Knowledge “I focus on my earnings. My working income. How much I make.” I buy LIABILITIES. I don’t know how to invest… “I Focus on My Net Worth!” With every $ I have a choice. I buy ASSETS. I pay myself FIRST! I build my ASSET BASE and streams of PASSIVE INCOME. “I mismanage my money…” “I Manage My Money Extremely Well!” “I work HARD for my money…” “My Money Works Hard For ME!” “I spend all I earn.” I try to keep up with the Joneses and impress people I don’t care about because of my low self-esteem, insecurities, and my need for approval. “Every $ I save is my ‘employee’, that brings in a return every day. I invest wisely and build up my asset base, that now produces a passive income for me month after month. “I exchange my TIME for money. I do not believe in my abilities, so I prefer to get a safe, secure monthly salary that I can depend on…” “I Choose To Get Paid On Results!” “I trade my time for money…” “At the end of the month, I spend my salary, so I have to keep working the next month…” “JUST DO IT ONCE!” “The work I did ONCE produces a PASSIVE income month after month after month.” “I let money control my life. I work for money.” “I am the MASTER of MONEY. Money works for ME.”
  • 25. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Dealing With Fear “I am afraid of failure…” “I CAN NEVER FAIL, only learn.” “I am willing to make mistakes, learn from them, pick myself up, and try again and again, until I succeed & achieve my outcome.” “I TAKE ACTION!!!” “I’m afraid of taking action. What if I’m wrong? I’ll be judged. I’ll be a failure. I’ll get rejected…” “I TAKE ACTION, in spite of fear!” “I live based on SECURITY & COMFORT.” “I’m afraid to step outside my comfort zone… I let fear stop me. I won’t be loved.” Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success… “I Act In Spite of Fear!” “I am willing to take calculated risks in order to live an extraordinary life.” “I am afraid to put myself out there, to create something, to promote what I do, in case I get judged by other people…” “I Am A Giver. I Choose To Share my VALUE, Gifts, Talents, Skills, Knowledge, Imagination, Time… with a huge number of people!” “I’d rather not be in the limelight… People might judge me if I’m famous…” “I want to inspire people and be a role-model of possibility. In order to add value to people, I need to ‘put myself out there’…”
  • 26. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. Preparing For Success If you want to prepare for success, it is important that you have a clear vision of where you are going and how you are going to reach to your destination. This is a simple and powerful excercise to get you started. This exercise is popular for helping people prepare for success and financial freedom. 1. GET A PEN/PENCIL 2. GET A NOTEPAD 3. DRAW A LINE DOWN THE CENTER OF THE PAGE 4. ON THE TOP LEFT, WRITE - What I want in life 5. ON THE TOP RIGHT, WRITE - What I don’t want in life Use each column to write down all the things you want, and dont want. Be honest to yourself - do not let money or temporary situations and circumstances hold you back, just write from your heart. Once you have completed the first instruction, do the following.. 1. TURN TO A FRESH PAGE 2. DRAW A LINE DOWN THE CENTER OF THE PAGE 3. ON THE TOP LEFT, WRITE - How will I be if I get what I Want? 4. ON THE TOP RIGHT, WRITE - How will I be if I don't get What I want? Once you write out your goals, they become crystalised and carry energy which will then materialise 50% quicker. Written goals are much easier to work with as they keep you in check.
  • 27. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. What are Wealth Affirmations? Instructions: Wealth affirmations are words of life that are repeatedly spoken on purpose. Choose a wealth affirmation that best suits your vision. Meditate on it day and night as you work towards your goals! Read it to yourself first thing in the morning for 10 minutes - and then 10 minutes before you sleep. Do this for 1week before moving to the next affirmation. "I am Fully Committed to Becoming Wealthy" This affirmation is extremely significant, because you must be committed to any goal or dream you wish to attain. Are you willing to work harder than you ever have before? Yes you are! Commit yourself to becoming wealthy, envision the results of what you are doing today making you wealthy as you say this affirmation aloud. "I Make Smart Investments" The investments you choose to make today will affect your income tomorrow. What kind of investments do you make in your business life? Decide to make smart ones and then remind yourself with this affirmation. Your investments are benefiting your dream of wealth. "I Live a Life of Luxury" Naturally, you have imagined what your life would be like if you were wealthier. You are relaxed; you are indulging in your greatest pleasures. It could be a home on an island, an expensive car of your dreams, or simply spending time with family in an exotic vacation setting. Visualize your life of luxury and see what it feels like to live it out in your head first, it is very motivating!
  • 28. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. "I Focus on Opportunities, Not Obstacles" The difference between those who actually obtain wealth and those who just dream of it is whether they focus on opportunities or obstacles. You are among the elite individuals who look at ways to become wealthy as opportunities, you take chances. You don't see obstacles, you are unstoppable! "I Can See Myself Financially Free By ---------------------------" Although your affirmation for wealth should be in the present tense, thinking about your future is the main idea. You live in the now, but you plan ahead, you plan for success and wealth. Setting a date by which you will be wealthy to the point of financial freedom will motivate you to work as hard as possible to achieve that goal by the designated date as it draws nearer. "I am a Money Magnet" It is important that you believe that money is as attracted to you as you are to it. Don't be afraid to receive it, wherever it comes from. You have multiple streams of income and money flows to you. When it is in your hands, it is meant to be there. You deserve to be wealthy and make choices that bring money your way. Believe it! "I Can Afford All of My Wants and Needs" If you are grateful for what you have and can afford in this moment, everything will fall into place. You will have the more extravagant things you want soon enough. When you are wealthy, you can afford every expense and never have to worry about spending. Imagine how carefree of a feeling that is. Be that carefree now, knowing that each move you make leads you towards the money needed to take care of the wants and needs of now and the future. You can also use powerful software to speed up your affirmation process: Visit
  • 29. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. The Four Stages of Learning. The Four Stages of Learning provides a model for learning. Individuals are initially unaware of how little they know, or unconscious of their incompetence. As they recognise their incompetence, they consciously takes a skill, then consciously use that skill. Eventually, the skill can be done without consciously being thought out, and the individual is said to have unconscious competence. The Four Stages Unconscious Incompetence The individual does not know or understand how to do something and does not necessarily recognise the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The individual must recognise their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage. The length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn. Conscious Incompetence Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, he or she does recognise the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage. Conscious Competence The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new skill. Unconscious Competence The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become "second nature" and can be performed very easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while practicing another task. The individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned.
  • 30. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved.
  • 31. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. 10 Products to help you start generating instant residual income. This section is for anyone, seeking for residual income streams with the need to start earning money instantly. Your next step is to simply choose any product(s) from the list below that suits you. These are proven and tested readym ade formulas. The links below will give you FREE access to the products. 1) Easy Money Making Ideas 2) How to Make Money With Facebook 3) Mobile Money Machines 4) Mobile Blog Money 5) Plan B Profits 6) Surveys Paid 7) Limitless Profits 8) Millionaire Society 9) Mass Profit Sites 10) Affiliate Resurrection
  • 32. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. *BONUS* Powerful wealth creation products that will catapult you into generating income streams INSTANTLY* How to Make i Phone Apps KINDLE REVOLUTIONS I Pad Video Lesson Offer
  • 33. ©2014 Kevin Clarke – All rights reserved. The Vision Board A vision board is a powerful way of drawing your future closer to you. Collect some pictures of the things you are expecting and place them around you. To your success* Kevin Clarke PS- As a personal "Thank you" I would like to give you a FREE gift - FREE ebook "Operation Quick Money " you get guaranteed VIP access to the latest wealth creation tips, products Click Here