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Get Ready
Joel 2:12-17
Joel 2:12 NIV “Even now,” declares the
    LORD, “return to me with all your
  heart, with fasting and weeping and
 mourning.” 13 Rend your heart and not
your garments. Return to the LORD your
       God, for he is gracious and
   compassionate, slow to anger and
 abounding in love, and he relents from
            sending calamity.
14 Who knows? He may turn and have
  pity and leave behind a blessing—grain
 offerings and drink offerings for the LORD
   your God. 15 Blow the trumpet in Zion,
      declare a holy fast, call a sacred
      assembly. 16 Gather the people,
  consecrate the assembly; bring together
    the elders, gather the children, those
 nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom
leave his room and the bride her chamber.
17 Let the priests, who minister before the
 LORD, weep between the temple porch
 and the altar. Let them say, “Spare your
   people, O LORD. Do not make your
 inheritance an object of scorn, a byword
 among the nations. Why should they say
among the peoples, „Where is their God?‟
In the first part of the prophecy of Joel, we
  have been reminded of the Day of the
  Lord and what will happen on that day.
       It‟s not pretty, but it is a reality.
Our text today calls us to GET READY for
             Christ‟s return.
Matthew 16:24 NET Then Jesus said to
his disciples, "If anyone wants to become
my follower, he must deny himself, take up
his cross, and follow me. 25 For whoever
     wants to save his life will lose it, but
whoever loses his life for my sake will find
 it. 26 For what does it benefit a person if
  he gains the whole world but forfeits his
      life? Or what can a person give in
             exchange for his life?
27 For the Son of Man will come with his
angels in the glory of his Father, and then
 he will reward each person according to
            what he has done.
    (An allusion to Psa 28:4; Psa 62:12;
                cf. Pro 24:12)
Joel prophesied people had to do things to
   GET READY. Jesus calls each of us to
deny himself, take up his cross, and follow
   me, because, when he returns he will
 reward each person according to what he
                has done.
         Are we doing anything!
       Salvation demands ACTION!
1 Thessalonians 4:16 NET For the Lord
himself will come down from heaven with
a shout of command, with the voice of the
      archangel, and with the trumpet of
 God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
     17 Then we who are alive, who are
  left, will be suddenly caught up together
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in
 the air. And so we will always be with the
     Lord. 18 Therefore encourage one
           another with these words.
We know about getting ready for things.
  We get ready for events, school, work,
  weddings, church and much more. We
 don‟t want to go somewhere and not be
ready. How do we get ready to meet God
  and eternity? Realizing that our world,
   society, and even church culture has
missed God‟s mark (which, by definition, is
 sinful) and that nothing sinful is ready to
         meet God, what do we do?
For the people of Israel, after this
prophecy with eye-opening judgment, God
     gave Joel the way to get ready.
 These verses suggest 3 actions which a
      church and a culture need to
            “GET READY.”
1. Assemble God’s Children
  The first line in verse 15 is a repeat of
 verse 1, “Blow the trumpet” yet here it is
for a different reason. Verse 1 is an alarm
     while verse 15 is a call to gather.
              Picture it this way.
    The Emergency Broadcast Tone or
  tornado sirens are sounding an alarm.
The Church bell, the same as the bell at
 the farm, calls workers to come in to be
fed & nourished. Joel says, “Call all God‟s
children together” and the call of the New
Testament is the same, “Come Together.”
The Power of the Assembly
  15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a
    holy fast, call a sacred assembly.
  When we speak of this assembly, the
modern day counterpart is the church. The
 assembled church has incredible power.
  Just as Jesus gave them to Peter, the
church has the KEYS to spiritual things in
             heaven and hell.
The idea is not that Peter will admit people
to heaven, but that Peter opened the door
of the kingdom to both the Jews (Act 2:38-
39) and the Gentiles. (Act 10:34-44) (Guzik)

    The power to open the gates of the
kingdom of heaven was expanded into the
      great missionary commission,
- a commission that was understood by
the apostolic church to be addressed not
   to the eleven apostles only, but to all
   Christ's followers without distinction.
  Therefore go and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
  Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
 teaching them to obey everything I have
  commanded you. And remember, I am
  with you always, to the end of the age."
          Matthew 28:19-20 NET
But this is the church that is assembled
                 and together.
  In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit fell when they
       were all together in one place.
     Acts 2:1 NET Now when the day of
     Pentecost had come, they were all
together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound
   like a violent wind blowing came from
 heaven and filled the entire house where
               they were sitting.
3 And tongues spreading out like a fire
 appeared to them and came to rest on
each one of them. 4 All of them were filled
  with the Holy Spirit, and they began to
  speak in other languages as the Spirit
              enabled them.
     In John 17 the Lord Jesus prayed
diligently & passionately for His people to
         walk in unity and harmony.
John 17:20 NET "I am not praying only on
  their behalf, but also on behalf of those
who believe in me through their testimony,
  21 that they will all be one, just as you,
  Father, are in me and I am in you. I pray
that they will be in us, so that the world will
          believe that you sent me.
22 The glory you gave to me I have given
to them, that they may be one just as we
are one — 23 I in them and you in me —
that they may be completely one, so that
the world will know that you sent me, and
  you have loved them just as you have
                 loved me.
God has chosen to work through His
church (the assembly) so there are many
other issues which we can glean from the
text. We read of the call to „fast.‟ In simple
  terms fasting (though not practiced by
   most believers in modern times) is a
commitment to put God & His walk ahead
            of EVERYTHING!
The Priority for the Assembly
   16 Gather the people, consecrate the
        assembly; bring together the
 elders, gather the children, those nursing
at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his
      room and the bride her chamber.
 Maybe the better way to state this is the
    “participation” in the Assembly, but it
seems to me that the Prophet is giving us
    a picture of our expected priority and
Look at all the people who are mentioned;
   the elderly, children, babies, & even
newlyweds. It would seem that the word of
the Lord is this: “Let nothing stand in your
way of getting together, it‟s that important!”
We are living in an era of „I‟ and „me‟. Most
    of us are tired of hearing about this
  because (for many) it smacks us in the
face. What flimsy excuse have you heard
or used? “Sunday‟s the only day I have to
 relax.” “I don‟t like coming back Sunday
evenings,” or if “I” have nothing else to do
    this week, “I” may be there; are all
  statements which are commonly used.
In many minds, the Assembly is a man
made institution which does not deserve
first priority, yet this line of thinking is not
         from the mind of our Lord.
   Jesus loved and loves the church. He
birthed her, died for her, empowered her,
    and one day is coming back for her.
We claim to be a member of the church,
 but are we if we‟re not a participant? Are
 we as useless as an appendix & need to
   be cut out? Look at the picture Jesus
John 15:1 NET "I am the true vine and my
 Father is the gardener. 2 He takes away
  every branch that does not bear fruit in
 me. He prunes every branch that bears
     fruit so that it will bear more fruit.
The Holy Spirit was sent when there was
 an assembly gathered. Things happen
      when God‟s people assemble!
 The main thing is Jesus promises to be
    there, shouldn‟t we be there also?
Matthew 18:19 NET Again, I tell you the
truth, if two of you on earth agree about
 whatever you ask, my Father in heaven
  will do it for you. 20 For where two or
 three are assembled in my name, I am
             there among them."
The Prayer by the Assembly
17 Let the priests, who minister before the
 LORD, weep between the temple porch
 and the altar. Let them say, “Spare your
   people, O LORD. Do not make your
 inheritance an object of scorn, a byword
 among the nations. Why should they say
among the peoples, „Where is their God?‟
It was very common for the leaders and
thus, the priests to offer corporate prayer
             for the assembly.
In verse 17 we sense the passion for God
             and His people.
The leaders are told to pray standing
between the temple porch and the altar.
With their back to the altar because they
 had nothing to offer & their faces to the
Temple where God was enthroned, they
 were to pray with a broken heart. Why
were their hearts broken? Because of the
      corruptness of God‟s people.
Perhaps the reason God answers so few
of our prayers today is because He sees
     no brokenness over our sin, our
unfaithfulness and even our inconsistent
lives. I think if we are to get ready for the
   Day of the Lord, we must be like Joel
           speaks and be broken.
2. Acknowledge God’s Character
We could stay here all day talking about
 God‟s character and still only touch the
surface. Yet, to read verses 13 & 14 is to
see common characteristics of our Lord.
 Return to the LORD your God, for he is
  gracious and compassionate, slow to
  anger and abounding in love, and he
     relents from sending calamity.
14 Who knows? He may turn and have
 pity and leave behind a blessing—grain
offerings and drink offerings for the LORD
                 your God.
He is Gracious
  Think about those first three attributes
   which we have read; gracious and
compassionate, slow to anger. I think one
word encompasses all of these thoughts;
merciful. Would it be fair to say, that God
   has not given us what we deserve?
He has given us kindness, understanding,
leniency, and the best gift of all, His Son.
God is THE God who takes the first step
  toward us so that we can find Him.
He is Good
  He is so rich in love that He (of His own
 choice) can be merciful! Almighty God is
  good to us in that He offers us His love
and the assurance that when we come to
Him, He will abundantly pardon. Consider
this: God is so gracious and good that He
  desires that no one fall under His divine
 judgment. He sent Jesus to die because
       He desires that no one perish.
However, make no mistake: His goodness
 is only exceeded by His righteousness
 and Holy God will indeed judge unholy
 man because God will judge and punish
sin. Getting ready for the Day of the Lord
 means recognizing that He is gracious,
                good and;
He is Generous
   God‟s character is such that when we
 come to Him „who knows‟ what He might
 do? He may replace His judgment with a
blessing. We know that James the brother
   of Jesus writes that „every good and
perfect gift comes from the Father‟ (James
1:17) and we know that Jesus taught that if
 “we who are sinful give good gifts to our
kids, what do you think God will do?” (Matt
             7:11; Luke 11:13)
Never forget, God is rich! He is rich in
  grace, He is rich in life, and He is rich in
 love: He is generous with all that He has!
 Too many think that God wants to „cramp
 their style‟ and „take away their fun‟ when
actually the opposite is true. We will never
be ready for His coming until we recognize
          the true Character of God.
3. Accept God’s Call
              (for repentance)
   We are familiar with the call to repent.
  John the Baptist and Jesus began their
ministry calling people to repent. In Acts 2,
 the people cried out “what must we do?”
Peter said to them, "Repent, and each one
 of you be baptized in the name of Jesus
Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and
 you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
                Acts 2:38 NET
He didn‟t stop proclaiming this message.
 In Chapter 3, after healing the lame man
    he preached again saying, Therefore
   repent and turn back so that your sins
     may be wiped out, so that times of
refreshing may come from the presence of
  the Lord, and so that he may send the
    Messiah appointed for you — that is,
          Jesus. Acts 3:19-20 NET
Jesus‟ message rings clear; No, I tell you!
 But unless you repent, you will all perish
         as well! Luke 13:3 NET
There is no exception. To look in verse 12
& 13 is to know that God was talking with
             His own people.
12 “Even now,” declares the LORD,
  “return to me with all your heart, with
fasting and weeping and mourning.” 13
Rend your heart and not your garments.
Return to the LORD your God, for he is
 gracious and compassionate, slow to
 anger and abounding in love, and he
      relents from sending calamity.
He says,
and gives us 3 pictures to see;

       The Timing
       The Turning
       The Tearing
The Timing
He says “EVEN NOW.” Paul writes, For he
  says, "I heard you at the acceptable
   time, and in the day of salvation I
helped you." (Isaiah 49:8) Look, now is the
acceptable time; look, now is the day of
     salvation! 2 Corinthians 6:2 NET
God never says you can, will, or should
 wait. He says, “Do it now, do it quickly.”
 Many will respond, “I‟ll repent however, I
want to wait.” First of all, if you can wait—it
    probably won‟t be true repentance
 because true repentance comes from a
 broken heart. Generally, no brokenness
         equals no repentance.
The Turning
    To turn to God means turning from
  something. Most of the time it means
   turning from self. This is not easy or
  desirable. Just like you can never turn
toward the east without turning your back
 on the west, you can never turn to God
 without turning your back on the world.
To be a friend of God is to be an enemy of
 the world (and visa-versa). Maybe this is
   why turning to God takes such action.
    Notice the three participles; fasting,
weeping, and mourning. A participle is the
   adjective form of a verb. A verb is the
 action word and just like turning, all three
of these require us to take action. Can you
 sense the hurt of the heart when you see
          weeping and mourning?
The Tearing
   I think the act of fasting, weeping and
 mourning is the bridge which leads to the
  “tearing.” In Old Testament days it was
   common to tear your clothes and dirty
your face to demonstrate your repentance.
  However, the prophet says, „Don‟t stop
 with your clothes, tear your heart also.‟ It
is only when we tear our heart that we will
  become tender enough to return to the
            Lord with no excuses.
God calls us to “Get Ready for His
 coming.” We must be ready in our hearts
              and with our lives.
In an article for Youth Ministries magazine,
   a 14-year veteran of the Navy SEALs
 describes the color-code system they use
  to indicate levels of combat readiness.
    Each stage has a parallel in spiritual
Condition       : The soldier is relaxed
    and daydreaming, unaware of his
surroundings. A Christian in this condition
         is easy prey for Satan.
Condition          : The soldier is relaxed
physically but alert mentally. A believer at
this level may sense trouble coming, but
       he‟s not ready to confront it.
Condition           : The soldier is
 physically prepared, mentally alert, and
ready to fight. A believer at this stage has
        on the full armor of God.
Condition       : As in condition orange, the
 soldier is ready to fight. The difference is
 experience. A battle-seasoned Christian
 knows quickly what to do because of his
 experience and familiarity with Scripture.
Wherever we as followers of Christ
 happen to be--at work, in the mall, on a
     business trip, even among fellow
believers--we need to know about Satan‟s
  methods and be prepared to resist. He
    always seems to attack at our most
 vulnerable moments. But if we stay alert
   and armed, we can fend off his most
         powerful attacks. --DCE
Which color code describes your spiritual
  How have you responded recently to
  Are you studying and obeying God‟s

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Get Ready Joel 2:12-17

  • 2. Joel 2:12 NIV “Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” 13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.
  • 3. 14 Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing—grain offerings and drink offerings for the LORD your God. 15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly. 16 Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber.
  • 4. 17 Let the priests, who minister before the LORD, weep between the temple porch and the altar. Let them say, “Spare your people, O LORD. Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, „Where is their God?‟ ”
  • 5. In the first part of the prophecy of Joel, we have been reminded of the Day of the Lord and what will happen on that day. It‟s not pretty, but it is a reality. Our text today calls us to GET READY for Christ‟s return.
  • 6. Matthew 16:24 NET Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but forfeits his life? Or what can a person give in exchange for his life?
  • 7. 27 For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. (An allusion to Psa 28:4; Psa 62:12; cf. Pro 24:12)
  • 8. Joel prophesied people had to do things to GET READY. Jesus calls each of us to deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me, because, when he returns he will reward each person according to what he has done. Are we doing anything! Salvation demands ACTION!
  • 9. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 NET For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be suddenly caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.
  • 10. We know about getting ready for things. We get ready for events, school, work, weddings, church and much more. We don‟t want to go somewhere and not be ready. How do we get ready to meet God and eternity? Realizing that our world, society, and even church culture has missed God‟s mark (which, by definition, is sinful) and that nothing sinful is ready to meet God, what do we do?
  • 11. For the people of Israel, after this prophecy with eye-opening judgment, God gave Joel the way to get ready. These verses suggest 3 actions which a church and a culture need to “GET READY.”
  • 12. 1. Assemble God’s Children The first line in verse 15 is a repeat of verse 1, “Blow the trumpet” yet here it is for a different reason. Verse 1 is an alarm while verse 15 is a call to gather. Picture it this way. The Emergency Broadcast Tone or tornado sirens are sounding an alarm.
  • 13. The Church bell, the same as the bell at the farm, calls workers to come in to be fed & nourished. Joel says, “Call all God‟s children together” and the call of the New Testament is the same, “Come Together.” Why?
  • 14. The Power of the Assembly 15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly. When we speak of this assembly, the modern day counterpart is the church. The assembled church has incredible power. Just as Jesus gave them to Peter, the church has the KEYS to spiritual things in heaven and hell.
  • 15. The idea is not that Peter will admit people to heaven, but that Peter opened the door of the kingdom to both the Jews (Act 2:38- 39) and the Gentiles. (Act 10:34-44) (Guzik) The power to open the gates of the kingdom of heaven was expanded into the great missionary commission,
  • 16. - a commission that was understood by the apostolic church to be addressed not to the eleven apostles only, but to all Christ's followers without distinction. (ISBE) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 NET
  • 17. But this is the church that is assembled and together. In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit fell when they were all together in one place. Acts 2:1 NET Now when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like a violent wind blowing came from heaven and filled the entire house where they were sitting.
  • 18. 3 And tongues spreading out like a fire appeared to them and came to rest on each one of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. In John 17 the Lord Jesus prayed diligently & passionately for His people to walk in unity and harmony.
  • 19. John 17:20 NET "I am not praying only on their behalf, but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their testimony, 21 that they will all be one, just as you, Father, are in me and I am in you. I pray that they will be in us, so that the world will believe that you sent me.
  • 20. 22 The glory you gave to me I have given to them, that they may be one just as we are one — 23 I in them and you in me — that they may be completely one, so that the world will know that you sent me, and you have loved them just as you have loved me.
  • 21. God has chosen to work through His church (the assembly) so there are many other issues which we can glean from the text. We read of the call to „fast.‟ In simple terms fasting (though not practiced by most believers in modern times) is a commitment to put God & His walk ahead of EVERYTHING!
  • 22. The Priority for the Assembly 16 Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber. Maybe the better way to state this is the “participation” in the Assembly, but it seems to me that the Prophet is giving us a picture of our expected priority and participation.
  • 23. Look at all the people who are mentioned; the elderly, children, babies, & even newlyweds. It would seem that the word of the Lord is this: “Let nothing stand in your way of getting together, it‟s that important!”
  • 24. We are living in an era of „I‟ and „me‟. Most of us are tired of hearing about this because (for many) it smacks us in the face. What flimsy excuse have you heard or used? “Sunday‟s the only day I have to relax.” “I don‟t like coming back Sunday evenings,” or if “I” have nothing else to do this week, “I” may be there; are all statements which are commonly used.
  • 25. In many minds, the Assembly is a man made institution which does not deserve first priority, yet this line of thinking is not from the mind of our Lord. Jesus loved and loves the church. He birthed her, died for her, empowered her, and one day is coming back for her.
  • 26. We claim to be a member of the church, but are we if we‟re not a participant? Are we as useless as an appendix & need to be cut out? Look at the picture Jesus draws. John 15:1 NET "I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener. 2 He takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in me. He prunes every branch that bears fruit so that it will bear more fruit.
  • 27. The Holy Spirit was sent when there was an assembly gathered. Things happen when God‟s people assemble! The main thing is Jesus promises to be there, shouldn‟t we be there also? Matthew 18:19 NET Again, I tell you the truth, if two of you on earth agree about whatever you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 For where two or three are assembled in my name, I am there among them."
  • 28. The Prayer by the Assembly 17 Let the priests, who minister before the LORD, weep between the temple porch and the altar. Let them say, “Spare your people, O LORD. Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, „Where is their God?‟ ”
  • 29. It was very common for the leaders and thus, the priests to offer corporate prayer for the assembly. In verse 17 we sense the passion for God and His people.
  • 30. The leaders are told to pray standing between the temple porch and the altar. With their back to the altar because they had nothing to offer & their faces to the Temple where God was enthroned, they were to pray with a broken heart. Why were their hearts broken? Because of the corruptness of God‟s people.
  • 31. Perhaps the reason God answers so few of our prayers today is because He sees no brokenness over our sin, our unfaithfulness and even our inconsistent lives. I think if we are to get ready for the Day of the Lord, we must be like Joel speaks and be broken.
  • 32. 2. Acknowledge God’s Character We could stay here all day talking about God‟s character and still only touch the surface. Yet, to read verses 13 & 14 is to see common characteristics of our Lord. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.
  • 33. 14 Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing—grain offerings and drink offerings for the LORD your God.
  • 34. He is Gracious Think about those first three attributes which we have read; gracious and compassionate, slow to anger. I think one word encompasses all of these thoughts; merciful. Would it be fair to say, that God has not given us what we deserve?
  • 35. He has given us kindness, understanding, leniency, and the best gift of all, His Son. God is THE God who takes the first step toward us so that we can find Him.
  • 36. He is Good He is so rich in love that He (of His own choice) can be merciful! Almighty God is good to us in that He offers us His love and the assurance that when we come to Him, He will abundantly pardon. Consider this: God is so gracious and good that He desires that no one fall under His divine judgment. He sent Jesus to die because He desires that no one perish.
  • 37. However, make no mistake: His goodness is only exceeded by His righteousness and Holy God will indeed judge unholy man because God will judge and punish sin. Getting ready for the Day of the Lord means recognizing that He is gracious, good and;
  • 38. He is Generous God‟s character is such that when we come to Him „who knows‟ what He might do? He may replace His judgment with a blessing. We know that James the brother of Jesus writes that „every good and perfect gift comes from the Father‟ (James 1:17) and we know that Jesus taught that if “we who are sinful give good gifts to our kids, what do you think God will do?” (Matt 7:11; Luke 11:13)
  • 39. Never forget, God is rich! He is rich in grace, He is rich in life, and He is rich in love: He is generous with all that He has! Too many think that God wants to „cramp their style‟ and „take away their fun‟ when actually the opposite is true. We will never be ready for His coming until we recognize the true Character of God.
  • 40. 3. Accept God’s Call (for repentance) We are familiar with the call to repent. John the Baptist and Jesus began their ministry calling people to repent. In Acts 2, the people cried out “what must we do?” Peter said to them, "Repent, and each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 NET
  • 41. He didn‟t stop proclaiming this message. In Chapter 3, after healing the lame man he preached again saying, Therefore repent and turn back so that your sins may be wiped out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and so that he may send the Messiah appointed for you — that is, Jesus. Acts 3:19-20 NET
  • 42. Jesus‟ message rings clear; No, I tell you! But unless you repent, you will all perish as well! Luke 13:3 NET There is no exception. To look in verse 12 & 13 is to know that God was talking with His own people.
  • 43. 12 “Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” 13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.
  • 44. He says, “Repent” and gives us 3 pictures to see; The Timing The Turning The Tearing
  • 45. The Timing He says “EVEN NOW.” Paul writes, For he says, "I heard you at the acceptable time, and in the day of salvation I helped you." (Isaiah 49:8) Look, now is the acceptable time; look, now is the day of salvation! 2 Corinthians 6:2 NET
  • 46. God never says you can, will, or should wait. He says, “Do it now, do it quickly.” Many will respond, “I‟ll repent however, I want to wait.” First of all, if you can wait—it probably won‟t be true repentance because true repentance comes from a broken heart. Generally, no brokenness equals no repentance.
  • 47. The Turning To turn to God means turning from something. Most of the time it means turning from self. This is not easy or desirable. Just like you can never turn toward the east without turning your back on the west, you can never turn to God without turning your back on the world.
  • 48. To be a friend of God is to be an enemy of the world (and visa-versa). Maybe this is why turning to God takes such action. Notice the three participles; fasting, weeping, and mourning. A participle is the adjective form of a verb. A verb is the action word and just like turning, all three of these require us to take action. Can you sense the hurt of the heart when you see weeping and mourning?
  • 49. The Tearing I think the act of fasting, weeping and mourning is the bridge which leads to the “tearing.” In Old Testament days it was common to tear your clothes and dirty your face to demonstrate your repentance. However, the prophet says, „Don‟t stop with your clothes, tear your heart also.‟ It is only when we tear our heart that we will become tender enough to return to the Lord with no excuses.
  • 50. God calls us to “Get Ready for His coming.” We must be ready in our hearts and with our lives. In an article for Youth Ministries magazine, a 14-year veteran of the Navy SEALs describes the color-code system they use to indicate levels of combat readiness. Each stage has a parallel in spiritual warfare.
  • 51. Condition : The soldier is relaxed and daydreaming, unaware of his surroundings. A Christian in this condition is easy prey for Satan. Condition : The soldier is relaxed physically but alert mentally. A believer at this level may sense trouble coming, but he‟s not ready to confront it.
  • 52. Condition : The soldier is physically prepared, mentally alert, and ready to fight. A believer at this stage has on the full armor of God. Condition : As in condition orange, the soldier is ready to fight. The difference is experience. A battle-seasoned Christian knows quickly what to do because of his experience and familiarity with Scripture.
  • 53. Wherever we as followers of Christ happen to be--at work, in the mall, on a business trip, even among fellow believers--we need to know about Satan‟s methods and be prepared to resist. He always seems to attack at our most vulnerable moments. But if we stay alert and armed, we can fend off his most powerful attacks. --DCE
  • 54. THINKING IT OVER Which color code describes your spiritual condition? How have you responded recently to temptation? Are you studying and obeying God‟s Word?