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Tips for Getting

More Fuel Mileage

                 Jim Gorde
    Senior Technical Writer, Magnum Fuel Rx

Fuel is a extremely precious commodity and a depleting natural resource which we need to use
responsibly. This e-book is aimed at helping you get the most out of every drop of gasoline. We, at
Magnum Fuel Rx, hope we have a solution at hand to help make things a little better and reduce your
need for gasoline by simply being more careful and attentive towards your vehicle and driving habits.
Because every drop counts.

"The more we pour into the big machines the fuel, the pesticides, the herbicides, the fertilizer and
chemicals into farming; the more we knock out the mechanism that made it all work in the first place. "

- David R. Brower

About the Author

Jim Gorde is an automobile enthusiast who enjoys writing about cars and motorcycles as much as he
enjoys riding and driving them. A keen follower of the automotive industry, Jim devotes most of his time
learning about new cars and technology as and when any information surfaces.

"There's never a dull day when you realize how little you know about everything around you. From
engine and safety technology to new ways of emission control and alternative propulsion systems; there
is always something to learn and you can never know enough."

Jim was always fascinated by cars and trucks as a child; learning to ride a motorcycle at the age of 10
while enjoying sharing the driver's seat of everything from a light truck to a bulldozer. An Indian by birth,
Jim completed his education from the University of Pune pursuing a job in ITeS as higher education
proved to be out of reach at that time. Three years later, his passion for cars resurfaced and he quit his
job to pursue a program in Automobile Engineering where he first laid hands on an engine. He went on
to work in the automobile sector with Tata and Volvo before beginning his journey as a writer.

"I've had a go at quite a few motorcycles and cars, but there is always so much excitement when I get a
chance to try something new; something I haven't had the chance to test before."

A chance to start writing came by in late-2011. He took it, and never looked back.

"Through my writing, I try to infuse my passion into words which I hope everyone will read them in the
same tone as the one in my mind at the time."
I | Magnum Fuel Rx

The world today has reached a stage of awareness where everyone knows that climate change is a very
real danger. Greenhouse gas emissions have gone up along with emissions of other harmful gases from
the extensive use of carbon-based fuels. Manufacturers across all sectors are implementing energy
saving processes and changes to their products to increase their energy efficiency and reduce their
environmental impact. This holds even more relevance in the automotive industry.

Leading automobile manufacturers worldwide have made it a priority to deliver energy saving cars
which use fewer resources and make the most of what they consume. Their inputs into research and
technology have yielded advanced engine and propulsion technology as well as manufacturing
processes which make the most use of available resources while reducing pollution to a great extent.
However, these upgrades come at a cost and with newer models and technologies coming in each year;
it isn't really possible for everyone who drives a car to replace or upgrade their vehicles as often.

The solution therefore lies in finding ways to change mainstream or existing models for the better.
While that may seem far-fetched, there is one product which takes care of all the essentials in a cost-
effective yet efficient manner - Magnum Fuel Rx.


Magnum Fuel Rx - Energy Saving At Its Best
Magnum Fuel Rx improves overall vehicle performance and efficiency by changing the basic chemical
qualities of the gasoline in the tank; giving you more fuel mileage, more horsepower, better engine
response and lower emissions. Sounds unbelievable? Here's how it works.

How Does Magnum Fuel Rx Work?
To understand how Magnum Fuel Rx does what it does, we need to talk about physics. One of the
fundamental laws of energy is that it cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred or
changed from one form to another.

Everything around us is constructed from hundreds of millions of atoms with their own specific
frequencies binding them together; each with their own potential energy. Fuel is just another compound
which contains millions of atoms and molecules.

When fuel is ignited in an engine, its potential energy is converted into heat energy. This explosion
results in its transformation into mechanical energy by pushing the piston down which turns the
crankshaft and sends power to the gearbox which finally sends it to the wheels. Thus, the heat energy of
the fuel is converted into linear energy which ultimately leads to rotational energy.

In this process however, a lot of energy losses occur from friction as well as incomplete combustion
leading to larger amounts of fuel ending up as waste gases or unburned hydrocarbons. A higher octane
gasoline blend would be more efficient but is much more expensive as well. The key to increasing energy
savings here would be to optimize how standard gasoline is used.

Magnum Fuel Rx is a device which was created after identifying the frequency of gasoline. It consists of
two small modules - a fuel module and an octane module, which can be easily attached to the fuel tank
in a matter of seconds thanks to the adhesive strips. It emits radio frequency waves upwards which alter
the atomic signature of the gasoline present in the tank. This boosts standard 87 octane gasoline with
the qualities of much higher octane gasoline - up to 108 octane - making it far more efficient and
allowing it to burn cleaner and more completely. The benefits of this is that the fuel burns more
efficiently allowing more of its potential energy to be utilized and producing fewer waste gases in the
process. What this basically means is you get more horsepower, better acceleration and a healthier,
more responsive engine as well as better fuel consumption and much lower exhaust emissions.

With fewer waste gases and little or no unburned fuel exiting the cylinders into the exhaust system,
there is a significant reduction in pollution. This is a tremendous benefit to the catalytic converter - a
critical and expensive component of emission control. The job of the catalytic converter is to react with
and break down the toxic gases in the exhaust stream. Unburned fuel tends to coat the catalytic
converter over time thereby reducing its effectiveness and its effective life. Modern engines use
complex sensors, one of which is in the exhaust system to derives information from the catalytic
converter. If the coating of pollutants on the catalytic converter exceeds a certain level; it hampers the
entire electronic system in place and drastically increases fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.
Again, replacing the catalytic converter is not a low cost affair. With Magnum Fuel Rx installed; the
improved fuel quality eliminates this problem and reduces maintenance costs a great deal while also
prolonging engine and vehicle life.

Of course, some may think that these benefits don't seem very significant in the early stages but if
you're one who regularly travels a lot; you save time and money with each tank taking you further
between fuel stops. That's apart from the increased levels of performance you enjoy. In just a few weeks
time, the savings add up to a sizeable amount cut out of your fuel and maintenance expenses.
How Is It Different?
Magnum Fuel Rx is one of the simplest ways to get the most from your vehicle. It doesn't matter if you
have a motorcycle, a family saloon, a big 4x4 truck or a farm vehicle; if it runs on gasoline, you will
benefit from the improved performance and increased fuel mileage. Magnum Fuel Rx is completely risk-
free, doesn't emit any harmful radiation and doesn't really weigh anything as well. Furthermore, it
requires no complex installation procedure, mechanical work or physical modification for your car to use
it. This sets it apart from other fuel-saving contraptions like those listed below.

Fuel Additives:

Fuel additives are simply compounds which need to be added into your fuel tank so that they circulate
with the fuel to go about their job. They claim to improve engine efficiency and reduce fuel consumption
by optimizing engine performance with reduced engine knock and from keeping things cleaner by
eliminating any clogs from deposit build up. Again, these are chemicals which claim to do a lot but end
up not doing as well as anyone would have hoped, if not hampering performance instead.

Magnet Attachments:
Some products claim to magically increase gas mileage by simply clamping on a device to your fuel lines.
Let's face it; these products use magnets and aim to affect molecules in fuel to optimize fuel quality. In
truth, while magnetic fields may affect solids and many liquids, fuel molecules are far too small to be
affected. The car designers carefully design every part and mark out its location in the car in order for it
to work at its optimum best. Having a device clamped to the fuel lines in the vicinity of other operating
equipment may not only affect fuel delivery for worse, it may also lead to malfunction or failure of other
components nearby.

Water into Gas:

This is a system which has garnered quite a bit of attention in recent time. The system uses a setup
which relies on a process not unlike electrolysis to break down water into gases. These gases are then
supplemented into the fuel lines and make their way into the engine with the aim of decreasing gasoline
use and running a cooler operating environment. While it seems promising, it's only reasonable to state
that modern engines are quite complex themselves and use many sensors preprogrammed to make sure
everything is running as it should be. One of the key criteria to optimum engine function is quality
gasoline. Mixing things up at this level can only spell trouble for the engine let alone any performance
Performance Chips:

Chipping is quite a rage with tuners and even seems to catch the attention of those seeking more fuel
economy. The engine ECM is a highly sensitive component and the manufacturer uses the most efficient
program based on the type of car and the application it is intended for. A family hatchback won't be
tuned for good performance on hills or slopes and a huge off road SUV will not be tuned for cornering at
high speeds on the freeway. Yes, they are all capable to a certain extent but beyond that would be
pushing the limits of the car. Specialized tuners will reprogram the ECM or even replace it for a
considerable cost, but these are mostly done for performance gains which further reduce fuel economy.
Chips then don't really work as fuel saving products. It's all about the user and their driving style.

Does It Really Work?
Everyone tends to be skeptical towards new products that seem too good to be true. With Magnum Fuel
Rx essentially enabling standard gasoline to provide the qualities and performance of high octane
gasoline; you don't have to pay a premium of as much as $0.30 a gallon in the first place. By itself, this
adds up to considerable savings in a rather short time period. The benefits for the engine are even more

Magnum Fuel Rx has been around for some time now and has already garnered a commendable fan
following. Many of those who work at radi stations are using Magnum Fuel Rx. Even a police station is
using it on their fleet of vehicles. More people are discovering the performance gains that Magnum Fuel
Rx brings and some have even recorded fuel efficiency improvements of as much as 40%!

                  What's more, the company is so confident that users will be more than happy with the
                  product, that they' offering it FREE OF COST for the first 45 days. Buyers who order
                          ,     they're
                  Magnum Fuel Rx on the website will only have to pay a $2.99 shipping and handling
                  expense. PayPal has been configured to only charge for the product once 45 days have
                  gone by. So you can now try Magnum Fuel Rx for free and use one of several ways to
                  check how much of an efficiency gain you've achieved. If you're happy, keep it! If for
                  some reason you're not entirely satisfied, you can always return it within 45 days.
                  Order Magnum Fuel Rx at now!

Magnum Fuel Rx is a fuel quality enhancing product. It does NOT affect vehicle warranty. At the same
time, it has its limitations - it is not a magic mechanic which will help run a vehicle in disrepair; it emits
radio frequency waves upwards of approximately 9 inches so it does not work with stainless steel fuel
tanks. Also, it needs an anti-static protective cover to prevent magnetic fields from interfering with the
radio frequency waves. Gorilla-tape on top of the modules helps protect them from the elements.
II | More MPG

Fossil fuels are a depleting natural resource. Although they are still being used in a vast number of ways,
one of the major applications is in the automobile industry. With fuel prices on the rise globally, fuel
economy is becoming the focus of every car maker today. At the present stage, squeezing the most out
of every drop just isn't enough; car makers have taken to downsizing engines and adopted means of
forced induction with turbochargers now making their presence felt in many models from iconic brands
worldwide. The prime reason is to cut down gasoline use.

Gasoline has been the most popular fuel in the US for decades. While earlier car models had massive V8
engines that delivered fuel economy figures reading in gallons per mile rather than miles per gallon, it all
started to change with the economic downfall. When entrants from other markets like Japan and
Europe came into the picture, the whole automobile scene began to change. These were cars from the
like of Honda, Toyota, BMW and Mercedes and were not as large as the home grown American muscle
cars. These new entrants were smaller not just in size, but also in engine capacity and yet; they were just
as fast or even faster and a lot more reliable. But the main reason they took off, apart from their real
world practicality and more manageable road manners, was their fuel economy.

Fuel economy is one of the most important focal points of the automobile industry today and every
automaker is going all out to make their cars as efficient as possible. Huge amounts are invested in
research and technology which aims simply to make the most of every drop of fuel. And of course, it is
simply because consumers have to bear the brunt of rapidly increasing gas prices.

To have a look at how much gas prices have increased, here is a look at current prices worldwide. These
prices are subject to almost continuous fluctuation with changing exchange rates in tune with the global
economic scenario.
Gas Prices Worldwide (as of 2012, 4th quarter)
The US has a massive variation in gas prices as you move from county to county and state to state, east
coast to west coast and everything in between. In New York City, NY, standard gasoline currently costs
$3.80 a gallon with premium gasoline costing $4.10 a gallon. In Los Angeles, CA, it costs $3.65 a gallon
for standard gas and $3.85 a gallon for premium. Moving to Denver, CO, the prices are slightly lower at
$3.20 a gallon for regular unleaded and $3.50 for premium.

In Canada, the price also varies from east to west, with prices in Alberta hovering around C$ 1.03 a liter
or C$ 3.90 a gallon for standard quality. Premium costs C$ 1.13 a liter or C$ 4.28 a gallon. In Toronto,
Ontario, the cost rises to C$ 1.20 a liter (C$ 4.54 a gallon) with premium gas costing C$ 4.85 a gallon.

In the United Kingdom, prices have also been steadily on the high side with regular unleaded petrol
costing £1.37 a liter or £6.22 a gallon (Imp) with high octane petrol going for £1.44 a liter or £6.54 a
gallon (Imp).

In India, prices have been steadily rising for the past months and currently, a liter of regular unleaded 87
octane petrol costs INR 77, the equivalent of US $5.33 a gallon with premium 91 octane petrol costing
INR 86 or US $5.98 a gallon.

In Australia, Perth has seen the lowest costs with regular 91 octane petrol costing AU$ 1.39 per liter
with premium 95 octane costing AU$ 1.45 and the 98 octane variety costing AU$ 1.50. Prices go up to
AU$ 1.62 a liter depending on the location.          .

What's The Answer?
The answer is more complicated than just getting a new vehicle to replace the old one. A vast majority
of the population cannot afford to just buy a new car, while some of those who can are not willing to
part with their old car. The car could be a classic or it could hold sentimental value and can never be
parted with. The solution in these situations is rather tricky.

Save Gas; Get More MPG
Fuel economy is a buzzword today and every car maker has adopted some means or the other of
maximizing fuel efficiency and eking out more miles per gallon. While turbocharged small displacement
engines make a lot of sense in this respect; there are loyalists who prefer the feel of a naturally
aspirated engine over a turbocharged unit. This is simply because they feel different - they're more rev-
happy and the power is delivered without any hesitation. Of course, there are several means of getting
the most economy out of your engine. Fuel economy is a variable that depends on several other variable
factors. Everything from vehicle speed to wind direction can affect it; more so the style of driving. Be too
aggressive on the throttle and the brakes and you pay heavily in fuel. Being easy on the throttle and
brakes gives you not just increased fuel economy but also helps extract the most performance. Here are
some simple tips which will help you achieve better fuel economy.

Tire Pressure

Tire pressure may seem like something miniscule but its role in fuel economy must not be ignored.
Maintaining the recommended tire pressure is critical to several aspects of vehicle performance - power
delivery, handling, ride quality and, of course, fuel economy. It helps find the right balance of
performance and economy. Many fail to realize that the four little contact patches the tires have are the
only things connecting the car to the road! Under inflated tires can improve the grip and road holding
abilities of the car but use up more fuel due to the increased drag. Over inflated tires on the other hand
can improve fuel economy but risk heating up much faster and, in the worst case scenario, can even
explode at consistent high speeds.


Weight is another factor which affects fuel consumption for the worse. Unwanted items in the car add
to weight. Avoid keeping heavy items or storing things with substantial weight either in the boot or
inside the car. Apart from the spare wheel, jack and first-aid kit; all other items are optional and
depending on their importance to your specific journey, should be left out of the car for that particular
trip. If you happen to have a small business and use your car to transport objects, especially heavy
objects, chances are they spend time in the car when they shouldn't. If they are heavy, it could lead to
lower fuel economy as the more the weight, the more power the engine needs to move the extra load.


On hot days, avoid getting into the car and turning the air conditioner on full blast at the lowest
temperature. Leave a few minutes early and lower the windows or open the doors to let the car air itself
out. A few minutes later; get in, close the doors and windows and select an optimum setting for the air
conditioner or climate control system. The air conditioner can sap as much as 30% or more of the
engine's power on the move and significantly increase fuel consumption when you need more
performance from the engine and put your foot down.


Periodic service is more essential than some people realize. Keeping the key functional systems of the
car in check is always a good idea. Check the air intake and air cleaner; check and clean the fuel filter;
replace the oil and oil filter and as far as possible, fill up using gasoline from one particular brand or gas
station. Another solution in this situation is to use a product like Magnum Fuel Rx, which gets you high
octane performance and burns cleaner leading to less gasoline use, more horsepower and lower
emissions; all of which lead to lower running costs and more engaging performance.

Periodic maintenance is a procedure which doesn't happen often but asks for a couple of days a year or
less, depending on the condition of your vehicle. A timely check and oil change keeps the engine,
transmission and other components running smoother and reduces friction. This prolongs the life of the
vehicle and greatly improves efficiency overall.

Improve Fuel Efficiency with Better Driving Habits
Our driving habits dictate how much fuel we use or save. Drive with a heavy foot and you will pay the
price with reduced fuel consumption and a heavier gas bill; it's that simple. Changing a few basic
elements and how you react in certain situations can make a world of a difference to fuel efficiency.

A lot of cars sold are equipped with an automatic transmission. The manufacturers do their best to
allow the gearbox to select the right gear at the right time as the situation demands. However, there are
ways the driver can improve fuel efficiency simply by being a little more active when it counts.
When you stop for a red light which you know is going to take longer than 15 seconds or so, shift into
'N' (neutral) or even 'P' (park). Leaving the selector in 'D' (drive) with your foot on the brake not only
burns more fuel but also affects the life of the driveline over time. Also, if you have to be stationary for
more than a minute, simply turn off the engine.

If the road is open or there's not much traffic, use the cruise control. This maintains a steady throttle
and helps eke out a little more per gallon than an uncomfortable foot on the throttle pedal can.

When on the move, don't just put your foot down to overtake, gradually increase pressure over a
second or two so that the cars onboard computer can adjust for fuel delivery accordingly.

In case of a manual transmission, or stick shift, avoid riding the clutch or pushing down the clutch pedal
for too long. Shift up early when you're cruising. If your car has a tachometer or a rev counter, glance
over at it to make sure you shift well before the redline. The torque the engine generates comes in a lot
earlier than peak power, so shifting up towards the end of the torque band rather than higher up the
revs gives you the best acceleration and maintains momentum.

Thus, while there are many recommended ways to improve gas mileage; the most effective are usually
the simplest - maintaining the engine and the car; checking tire pressure regularly; reducing unwanted
weight from the car; using the air conditioning smartly and turning off the engine when you know the
car is going to be stationary for a while. While those sound easy enough to do, what isn't really easy in
most cases is for you to remember to do them every time. Something may just come up and cause you
to push forward a service appointment or just simply forget about it.

In their quest for more MPG, many choose fuel additives or other products which claim to radically
improve fuel efficiency and reduce gas expenses. Yes, there are several products and devices whic
claim to be beneficial and which even guarantee to reduce your gas bill. But in truth, not many of them
actually deliver. While wasting money on an ineffective product is bad enough; there are quite a few
products which end up doing more harm than good - and it's these products that you have to avoid
before they take an irreparable toll on your car's engine.

One device however, which doesn't involve any modification to the engine or any of its components is
Magnum Fuel Rx. With the two little modules affixed under the vehicle's gas tank, you get all the
benefits of fuel saving, performance and cost without any reason to worry. What's more, Magnum Fuel
Rx can be installed on a family saloon, 4x4 SUV or truck and even a motorcycle.

Magnum Fuel Rx empowers the standard gasoline in your car's gas tank to allow it to function as more
expensive high octane gasoline; giving you more performance, lower emissions and much more MPG!
III | Less Emissions & Carbon Footprint

Over the past few years, the automotive industry has been focused on reducing exhaust emissions with
the looming threat of climate change due to the increased emission of greenhouse gases. The
automobile sector has grown considerably over the years and with the number of new models and
variants which car makers are bringing out, there is no shortage of choice for buyers. Of late, most of
these new launches have been small or medium-sized cars and crossovers with efficient engines.

Environment friendly cars are the need of the day and auto makers are working hard at making some of
the most practical solutions. The new range of cars being introduced is astounding and what's more, is
the pace at which manufacturers are developing both revolutionary and evolutionary technologies with
an aim to make a difference to the environment for the better.

Car makers have begun downsizing their engine range and have adopted forced induction where
possible. This has happened across the spectrum with the leading names dropping their V10s and V12s
in favor of turbocharged V8s, while the popular American brands have taken that step into the more
affordable and popular segments with turbocharged 3 and 4-cylinder engines replacing their larger 4
and 6-cylinder engines.

Carbon Footprint
The carbon footprint concept has received a lot of attention over the past few years and it is indeed a
very real threat to our world. The increased emission of greenhouse gases worldwide has got the
attention of all manufacturing companies from home appliances to automobile makers. With energy
efficiency being the order of the day, every manufacturer is looking for way to reduce their carbon
footprint by adopting more efficient processes as well as making their finished products less damaging
to the environment.

Car makers have grown very busy indeed having to deal with a number of ways to reduce the carbon
footprint with everything from vehicle construction and paint work to the engine, exhaust system and
tires receiving tremendous attention, research and investment on their part.

However, when it comes to automobiles; having no carbon footprint is the ultimate challenge. Most cars
today use carbon-based fossil fuels which themselves are a depleting natural resource. Finding
alternative means of propulsion is no easy feat. Even making battery-powered cars involves several
processes which contribute in no small way in creating a significant carbon footprint. The best way
around this problem is to find ways to optimize what we already have. That means making more
powerful yet smaller engines which use the same fuel but in far less quantities.
Can A New Car Help?
With the sheer number of new cars coming out powered by more efficient engines and featuring
advanced hybrid propulsion technology, you would think it would be an obvious choice to switch from
your current vehicle to one of these new cars. But in reality, how affordable is it to switch your vehicle in
present conditions?

Although manufacturers have taken several steps and implemented many measures to make their car
lines more environment friendly; what really isn't feasible is to get people to trade in their cars for
newer, more efficient models. Yes, there are some great exchange and finance programs available but
they don't really make it a viable option for the mass market.

A new battery-powered car comes after the successful completion of several processes involved in its
manufacture; not just of its body and equipment but also the driveline itself. Batteries and their
components are acquired after a series of highly polluting sequences of events from mining for elements
and their transportation across the globe. The emissions involved in this process are higher and more
damaging than the final products will ever be, and even more so than any existing car. Then you have to
consider that your existing car has already gone through all the processes which affect the environment
and everything you do decides if it adds to its carbon footprint or reduces it. It's a much better option to
improve what you drive today and focus on driving it in a better, more economical way.

With more affordable cars coming into showrooms, the number of vehicles on the road has gone up
exponentially and quite simply, more cars mean more emissions. The key to lower emissions therefore,
lies with not just the automobile manufacturers but also the users of these cars. While regular
maintenance and periodic service does contribute no end to optimized performance; there are other
options which can yield increased benefits and more fuel mileage.

Achieving Lower Emissions with Magnum Fuel Rx
Magnum Fuel Rx has been created specifically keeping in mind the needs of our world today while
enveloping all the aspects which improve the functioning of a modern vehicle - delivering maximum
power and minimum fuel consumption while keeping emissions as low as possible.

In an engine, the chemical energy of the gasoline is converted into heat energy inside the engine's
cylinders. The explosion caused by the ignition system through the spark plug converts this heat energy
into mechanical energy, pushing the piston down which then turns the crankshaft. The waste gases after
the explosion exit through the exhaust valves and out through the exhaust system.

However, not all of the available energy is entirely utilized in this process. Under normal circumstances;
when the spark plug fires, not all of the fuel actually ignites; leading to the waste gases also containing
some unburned fuel or hydrocarbons. These make up a significant portion of exhaust emissions and with
most cars equipped with catalytic converters to break down toxic gases; unburned fuel can cause a
failure of the catalytic converter and mar the sensor which informs the engine of the state of the device.
This leads to significantly higher fuel consumption and exhaust emissions while also leading to increased
vehicle running costs. Controlling this aspect ensures that all these possibilities are avoided in the first

Higher octane gasoline delivers much better performance but is also much more expensive than
standard gasoline. Magnum Fuel Rx endows the gasoline in the tank with the qualities of a higher octane
variety of fuel leading to more efficient and complete combustion, which directly results in lower fuel
consumption and far lower exhaust emissions while also resulting in a higher power output and better


Using Magnum Fuel Rx means that over a period of time, your automobile would have traveled further
on much lesser fuel and generated a lower carbon footprint even while using standard gasoline. This
saves not just the environment but also your hard earned money by using less fuel and leading to
reduced service costs by allowing the engine and another important emission control component, the
catalytic converter, to perform more effectively. Of course, if your automobile is subject to regular
service and maintenance to ensure its running at its best, you can safely assume that your carbon
footprint is as low as it can possibly be.

In short, you can turn your old gasoline car into a more environment friendly vehicle with Magnum Fuel
Rx - a simple installation of a small device at a fraction of the cost of a whole new car!
IV | More Horsepower

Horsepower is a funny thing - the more we have the more we want. In most cases, more horsepower
means a more expensive car or a combination of some expensive modifications. However in everyday
life, more horsepower isn't really the key; unless you're a regular track day racer of course. So what is it
about power and are there any easier ways to get it? The answer is yes!

Not all modifications require an excessive amount of time, money and labor. There are several ways you
can maximize your engine's potential by simply keeping a check on operating fundamentals. To
understand these, it helps to understand some definitive principles.

Definitions - Horsepower and Torque
Engine output consists of two main aspects - horsepower and torque. Horsepower is the rate at which
an engine works. Torque is the turning force produced by the engine and is actually what is responsible
for those quick starts and smoking tires. It is the actual work done by the engine and determines how
much of a load an engine can move at what rate. More horsepower means a higher rate of work. To
make it simple; torque is responsible for acceleration, while horsepower is the rate of acceleration i.e.
how fast you can go fast or, in other words, how quickly you can get up to speed.

Have you ever noticed how a gasoline engine is always rev-happy? That is, how it tends to pick up
engine speed much faster than a diesel engine. Gasoline engines tend to produce more power per liter
of displacement than a conventional diesel engine of the same displacement but the diesel engine may
produce an equal or even greater amount of torque than the gasoline engine. If you've noticed, all
commercial and heavy vehicles use diesel engines. This is because of the massive low speed torque they
produce. They will never win any drag race, but, figuratively speaking, will be able to move mountains at
a consistent slow pace.
More Horsepower
To make your engine produce more horsepower, the key is to keep it in optimum running condition.
Here's a checklist:

Engine Oil

Always use the recommended grade of oil and stick to one brand of fuel once you determine that it's the
best for your particular car. This ensures consistency and keeps the engine running smooth and reliable,
while also prolonging engine life.

Air Flow

Ensure that the air intake and air filter are clean. Check the air filter at regular intervals to make
absolutely sure that it isn't getting blocked, clogged or saturated with dust, dirt or other particulate
matter. Like the air intake, the exhaust system is of equal importance. Get your exhaust checked for
emissions and clogged components. High fuel consumption and consequential high emissions are
indicators of improper combustion or malfunctioning components. You can also consider a high volume
performance air filter and even a freer flowing exhaust depending on what is street legal and permitted
by local regulations.

How Good Are Alternative Solutions?
With rising gas prices, the world is at a stage where people will try almost anything to improve gas
mileage and reduce their fuel bills. However, another market has been just as burgeoning - those
seeking higher horsepower and maximum performance. As a result, there has been a huge market
created over the past decade and it now includes several products which claim to maximize fuel savings,
deliver more power and radically improve gas mileage. Some of them are small and rather inexpensive
like fuel additives while others like compressed natural gas or engine remap chips are more of an
investment, requiring time, money and a professional set of hands to install.

Solutions in the form of alternative fuels are available as well. You can buy a highly efficient modern
diesel car, a hybrid car, an electric car or even a flex-fuel vehicle. However, the cost of replacing your
existing vehicle with a new vehicle altogether can be considerably high when all you want is to use your
present car in a more efficient way or make the most of what it has to offer.
Flex-Fuel Vehicles and E85
Flex-fuel vehicles are those which have been designed by the manufacturer to run on ethanol blended
gasoline. E85 is a biofuel comprising 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. The fuel is of a higher octane and
offers increased performance. The efficiency is just as much as gasoline but it ends up using lesser fossil
fuel. It is sort of a way to look at the bigger picture - depleting natural resources. Ethanol is largely
obtained from farm produce and aims at reducing our dependence on fossil fuel. However, it is still a
carbon-based fuel though its emissions are far cleaner than conventional gasoline.

There are manufacturers who offer conversion kits to run any car on E85. The kit includes a module
which plugs into your fuel system and basically prepares your engine for the difference in fuel
composition. However, E85 requires more than just prepping the engine. Ethanol is electrically
conductive. What this means is that the fuel tank and all fuel lines need to be replaced with those made
from a different material. Fuel injection cycles are of a higher volume - as much as a third higher - and
require stainless steel fuel lines with or without plastic lining. Components made of bare aluminum,
magnesium or rubber cannot be a part of the system. Furthermore, flex-fuel vehicles require the use of
an acid-neutralizing blend of motor oil.

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
While there are some credible choices which help in.beating high gas prices, they may not be well-suited
to everyone's taste. One of them is to opt for a CNG or compressed natural gas kit. CNG is a cleaner fuel
as compared to conventional gasoline or diesel but its use requires quite a degree of modification to the
car. The equipment needed is quite expensive and needs to be installed by approved service technicians.
Furthermore, not all CNG kits are approved by the authorities and the vehicle manufacturer because if
installed incorrectly, the damages can be severe. Of course if done right, the benefits are significant and
you end up with lower running costs and lower emissions too.

Compressed natural gas may be a clean and environment friendly fuel but comes with its own
disadvantages. The emissions may be cleaner than conventional fuel types but the smell is very distinct
and many find it rather unpleasant. Secondly, CNG is sold by weight and not volume. While this changes
your efficiency calculations, it does ends up being more affordable. It also isn't widely available, being
offered only at select gas stations. Another negative, which for some is a major reason for not choosing
a CNG kit for their car is its space requirement. A CNG tank is not small and neither is it light by any
stretch of the imagination. The tank is usually installed in the boot or the trunk and takes up most of the
luggage space, if not all of it. Furthermore, if you have a station wagon, SUV or truck, the location of the
system and its components isn't convenient by a long shot. It imposes upon passenger-accessible cargo
space which is rarely a safe bet.
While there are options available that promise to "keep your engine clean and deliver maximum
performance", avoid using them if they aren't risk-free. Instead, choose something that doesn't have any
physical impact on the engine and its functions. Magnum Fuel Rx gives you more responsive
performance, more horsepower and lower emissions with just a simple installation procedure.

Thus, more horsepower is easier to attain than what many may think. You just have to go about it in the
most effective way.

Improve Dynamic Performance
Maximum horsepower isn't the only thing which will get your car to deliver the drive experience you're
truly looking forward to. There are several aspects to performance and some of the key areas lie in the
vehicle's dynamic abilities.

Grip & Handling

This is a critical aspect of overall performance. The grip levels of the car are hugely dependent on the
tires. Tire wear, tread depth and air pressure are necessary checks that must be performed regularly.
They’re the only contact you car has with the road after all! The recommended tire pressure will give
you a good balance of grip and fuel economy. Keep the tire pressure low and you’ll have better grip, but
sacrifice on fuel economy due to increased drag from the larger contact patch. Too high would mean
better fuel economy, but also greater risk at high speeds as they would run hotter and the air would
expand; even leading to a potential tire burst at sustained high speeds in extreme cases.

The suspension system is an equally important part; it is what puts the wheels to the ground to deliver
the power as well as determines the ride quality for the occupants. A stiff setup means better
performance, grip and cornering abilities but a harder ride for the passengers. On the other hand, keep
it soft and you get a pliant ride, but the handling can be quite bouncy and may lead to increased body
roll around corners compromising vehicle stability to a great extent.

Unnecessary weight should also be eliminated. Remove all heavy articles from the boot or the inside of
your car which you don’t really need for that particular trip. It takes a little effort, but the payout is far
Drivetrain Performance & Response

Your drivetrain is collectively the engine and transmission. What good is a potential 500 horsepower if
the engine is in bad shape and doesn’t put out anything even near that figure? The simplest steps to
ensure optimized performance from your engine is to adhere to the oil change intervals. Use the
recommended oil grade and fill up at fixed gas stations so you keep the quality consistent.

Filling up good gasoline ensures better overall performance. Higher octane gasoline burns cleaner,
which means better fuel efficiency, more horsepower and lower emissions. However, high octane
gasoline will turn out to be quite expensive in the long run; so it’s better to tank up once a while on the
premium brew.

This is where Magnum Fuel Rx delivers; giving standard 87 octane gasoline high-octane performance - all
the benefits at a fraction of the cost.

V | Higher Performance from Increased Octane

Gasoline is and always has been a popular fuel for all kinds of vehicles from motorcycles to automobiles.
However, gasoline is a fossil fuel and hence is a depleting natural resource. This has led to increasing
fuel costs over the years and auto makers, especially automobile manufacturers, are scurrying around to
find more advanced and much more efficient means of powering their cars to achieve maximum fuel
economy without compromising on power and driving pleasure.

Some engines require higher octane gasoline to perform at their best, while almost every modern
engine would undoubtedly perform better on the premium blend. However, this can be a very
expensive affair in the long run and unfortunately, few solutions are available. But first, what is higher
octane gasoline and how does it make a difference?

Higher Octane Gasoline
Gasoline is like every other composition on the planet – it’s made up of several hundred thousands of
molecules, which in turn are made up of several atoms. For gasoline, a primary part of performance lies
in its resistance to knocking which is defined by characteristic denoted as its octane number. What is
knocking, you may ask.

In every gasoline engine, when the fuel and air is compressed in the cylinder and ignited by the spark
plug, it explodes to push the piston down and create the power stroke. However, in this process, not all
of the mixture of air and fuel is completely burned and some of this fuel spontaneously combusts
because of the heat present even before the flame caused by the spark plug can actually consume it.
This results in early miniscule explosions - knocking, or detonation - which can cause a significant
amount of damage to the engine. To counter this phenomenon prevalent in gasoline, or spark-ignition
engines, the fuel is subject to chemical modification to increase its flash point or basically, improve its
octane rating.

Benefits Of Higher Octane Gasoline
What this all ultimately means, is that higher octane gasoline has a specific flash point; that is, it ignites
when intended and burns cleaner and more efficiently to produce more power and less waste gases and
unburned fuel which lead to cleaner emissions and better fuel economy. This not only increases engine
performance, but leads to a longer life for the engine and its sensitive components apart from the
catalytic converter in the exhaust system which is responsible for emission control. Needless to say,
these components are expensive and conserving them can mean greater savings.
That being said, the higher octane gasoline itself is still expensive. Magnum Fuel Rx provides a simple
and affordable means of lending regular 87 octane gasoline the performance of higher octane gasoline.
Gasoline of 91 to 95 octane is considered premium fuel in several locations worldwide. 98 octane gas is
the preferred fuel for high-performance supercars. With Magnum Fuel Rx at work, the octane rating of
standard gasoline can go as high as 108!

Who Benefits the Most from Magnum Fuel Rx?
In the quest for better gas mileage, many car buyers choose to give up their big, heavy gas-guzzling
vehicles in favor of more compact and efficient models. Not only do they provide just as much space as
older large cars, they cost a lot less to run as well.

Today, with engine downsizing, car makers across the globe have begun to offer large cars with
turbocharged smaller engines. V12 engines have made way for twin-turbo V8 engines while V8s have
made way for turbocharged V6 engines or even 4-cylinder units. How is this happening?

Firstly, advances in technology are allowing manufacturers to achieve a higher power output from
smaller engines. Technologies like turbocharging, twin-stage or sequential turbocharging, supercharging
and direct injection have helped use available fuel to its maximum potential. The new breed of compact
turbocharged engines use higher compression ratios and thus deliver a much higher specific output, or
more power per liter, than even before. But to operate at their best, they need high quality fuel.

What's Changed?
Today, not all smaller engined cars are actually "small cars". As we've come to see, bigger engines are
being replaced by much smaller units; the best example is how leading carmakers have already replaced
their range of naturally aspirated six-cylinder engines of 3.0L capacity and above with turbocharged and
direct injected 2.0L inline 4 engines. The list of notable names includes Ford, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover,
Chevrolet, Volkswagen, Audi, BMW and Mercedes.

With a turbocharged 2.0L engine making 240-odd hp, there was no need for thirsty 6-cylinder engines
any more. And what's more, the list of recipients of these smaller engines include the new Ford Focus
and Mondeo, Volvo S60 and S80, Volkswagen Golf GTI and Passat, Audi A4 and A6, BMW 320i, 328i,
528i and even the Z4 roadster! The list goes on to include crossover SUVs like the Ford Escape, Volvo
XC60, Audi Q5 and the Range Rover Evoque with the Freelander set to follow suit.

However, a lot of these modern engines are rather sensitive to fuel quality and using gasoline of too low
an octane rating can lead to problems with the engine over time and in the worst cases, even complete
engine failure.
Hybrid cars have been around for a while now but with more people chasing better gas mileage today,
they've only gained ground over conventional-engined cars recently. Their use of an electric motor to
supplement the primary drive from the engine helps provide increased performance when needed.
Besides, with the additions of start/stop technology and brake energy recuperation; the batteries are
put to extensive use. Even so, the base of all operation is a modern and efficient gas engine.

Users of all these vehicles would benefit from Magnum Fuel Rx. With the high compression ratios these
engines run - most of which being about 12.0:1; they require premium fuel as a bare minimum. This
works out to be quite expensive over time. It is because of this aspect that you have to consider the high
octane performance you would get from standard gasoline using Magnum Fuel Rx. Undoubtedly, it
would lead to considerable savings in a reasonably short period of time. At the end of the day, unless
you're using a full-electric car model, gasoline is the fuel you would tank up with and Magnum Fuel Rx
would let you tank up with standard gasoline instead of premium, saving about $0.30 per gallon in the

And it isn't just the big cars. Conventional engined small cars like the Ford Fiesta, Chevrolet Sonic and
Volkswagen Golf would also benefit from the better gas mileage and overall improved performance that
Magnum Fuel Rx offers.

Gas prices have now crossed $4 a gallon in several locations and a lot of people who travel extensively
on a regular basis are feeling the pinch in their pocket. There are also quite a few products which claim
to improve fuel economy and even vehicle performance overall, but their results are questionable and
the last thing anything wants is to end up with compromised performance and added costs.

Magnum Fuel Rx is a risk-free product based solely on the principle of harmless radio frequency which
helps save you considerable amounts while improving vehicle performance overall. Also, being free for
the first 6 weeks with a $2.99 shipping and handling charge means it doesn't really cost anything as
much as other products you see and also is quickly and very easily installed. Should you try Magnum
Fuel Rx? Here are the Top 5 beneficiaries of Magnum Fuel Rx:

#5 Minivans for Families
If you have an active family and usually travel out together often, chances are you have a minivan or
people carrier. Vehicles like the Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna, Nissan Quest, Mazda 5 and Dodge
Caravan among others use high output gasoline engines which make power at higher engine speeds.
These engines are free-revving and would greatly benefit from the improved combustion that Magnum
Fuel Rx offers. The engine will run much smoother and provide a better response while reducing exhaust
emissions and giving you much more fuel mileage. The lesser the stops you have to make; the more
enjoyable the journey.

#4 Motorcycles
Whether you ride a cruiser, tourer, dual purpose motorcycle or a sleek sport bike; it's crucial to keep the
engine running healthy and in the best shape possible. Regular service is one thing, but ensuring you use
the best possible fuel can do wonders for performance. This is especially true for high-revving sport
bikes like the Yamaha V-Max, R and FZ series; the Suzuki GSX series; the Honda CBR or VFR lines and the
Kawasaki ZX series. Their high-revving engines would make the most of Magnum Fuel Rx on account of
their extremely high compression ratios. Long distance tourers and cruiser riders would find Magnum
Fuel Rx just as convenient for their Honda Goldwing, BMW K series, Victory or Harley-Davidson touring
motorcycles simply because more fuel mileage means more distance covered between stops.

#3 Classic Cars
If you have a classic car, in all probability, you have absolutely no intention of parting with it. Yes, it has a
big V8 that drinks gasoline faster than you'd like to imagine but you would rather hang on to that car
while you bring in another less expensive car to use every day. A classic car may date further back than
when fuel injection became a norm, and if you have a V6 or V8 running carbs, you will be happy to know
that Magnum Fuel Rx works just as well with them as with any other car; delivering high octane
performance for more complete combustion with minimal emissions and energy loss and of course,
maximum horsepower!

#2 Trucks and SUVs
Trucks and SUVs are big, bulky, have large engines and aren't very aerodynamic. Four wheel drive
vehicles too are usually in the same vein. However, not all of them are bulky SUVs; you can have
crossovers and even saloons which offer all wheel drive. And there lies a big difference - driving all four
wheels consume more fuel and also leads to more frictional losses in terms of power. Most performance
oriented cars and SUVs have limited slip differentials and smart transaxles to ensure the best use of
available power and maximum traction. These systems all affect how much fuel is being used with every
change made as the situation demands. If you don't have a diesel engine under the hood, you would be
much better off with Magnum Fuel Rx. With big trucks and four wheel drive vehicles; you need all the
extra miles you can get!
#1 Turbocharged and Supercharged Cars
Probably the greatest beneficiaries of Magnum Fuel Rx are vehicles with forced induction; more
specifically modern cars with engines meant to replicate the performance once achieved by much larger
engines. With engine downsizing fast becoming the norm across all segments; smaller engines with high
compression ratios and lightweight construction are the future for now. Getting the most out of those
engines is important for everyday practicality as well as reducing your gas bill and maintenance costs. A
new car isn't affordable to everyone, and if you do have one, the best thing to do would be to take good
care of it.

How Does It Help?
A lot of people believe that certain types of vehicles return a higher fuel efficiency. While that may be
true to some extent, it is also true that the way you drive the car affects fuel economy just as much.
That's not to say that a big V8 engined car will return better fuel mileage than a small car; the point is
not all small cars will return over 30 mpg in all conditions. Driving style matters!

Big Cars Can Deliver Better Fuel Mileage!
There's nothing stopping big cars from getting more fuel mileage either. While many cars with a big V8
engine would be happy with 20 mpg, there are always ways to improve upon that by being more aware
about your driving technique.

Every little detail can help you get more miles from every gallon and having higher octane performance
keeps your car or motorcycle engine running smoother for a longer period of time. Magnum Fuel Rx
helps save even more by allowing you to fill up with standard 87 octane gasoline and get all the benefits
of a more expensive high octane blend.
VI | Testimonials

Magnum Fuel Rx now has many satisfied vehicle owners using different types of vehicles and for good
reason. There are a lot of new cars out there which promise unbelievable fuel economy figures and
sustainability, but how easy is it to let go of your current car? Sometimes, it isn't just about the money
or being happy with what you have; it's more about being unable to relinquish your automobile as an
enthusiast and taking pride in being an owner of an icon of motoring history. Classic car owners will
swear by this and will probably save up for an additional small car which is several times more efficient
but not half as much fun to drive or to own.

The answer isn't giving up on your favorite car to make way for some battery-powered eco-wagon; it
can be as simple as choosing a product like Magnum Fuel Rx - an easy to install product which simply
sticks under the gas tank of your car or motorcycle and begins its works. Magnum Fuel Rx not just
reduces your visits to the pump and your gas bill, but also gives you elevated and more engaging vehicle

The modules in Magnum Fuel Rx have been created after understanding frequency and learning that it
can be influenced to our advantage. The radio frequency waves emitted by these modules transforms
the standard gasoline in your tank making it behave like high octane gasoline and delivers on the
performance front to match. You get more efficient combustion which produces more power and lesser
waste gases. This directly affects fuel consumption for the better, with the engine working cleaner,
smoother and more efficiently while using less fuel and secondly, with the improved performance, you
find yourself stepping on the gas pedal or twisting the throttle a lot lesser as time goes by.
Here are some testimonials from happy customers of Magnum Fuel Rx

1997 Mercedes-Benz C230
A older Mercedes driven by a high school senior, Mitch M. of Indianapolis, IN is a prime example. This
particular car model is equipped with a 2.3L DOHC 4-cylinder engine making 155 hp and originally rated
at 23 mpg city and 30 mpg highway. The owner was managing 21.4 mpg city and 27.8 mpg highway
using premium gasoline up until choosing Magnum Fuel Rx. Now, 15 years down the line, the same C230
on standard gasoline delivers 29.6 mpg city and 38.7l mpg highway - a whopping 40% improvement in
fuel economy in the city and on the highway! That's apart from the obvious cost savings of switching to
a standard blend.

2008 Acura TL
In case you were wondering, Magnum Fuel Rx works just as well with new cars as the owner of an '08
Acura TL, Jeson A. of Alexandria, VA confirms. He is happy to report that Magnum Fuel Rx helped bump
up the 21 mpg he was getting from his V6 to 26 mpg. That's a 24% improvement and one which adds up
in savings over time.

2009 Toyota Camry SE
Here's another owner of a newer car who's received a massive boost in economy using Magnum Fuel
RX. Blessy N. of Katy, TX used to get 24 mpg from his car. After designing and building the Magnum Fuel
Rx website; he decided to try the product on his own car. In just a couple of weeks, he noted 34 mpg
highway. Now, amazingly he's getting 38 mpg City - a massive 58% improvement over the car's original
2007 BMW
Steve W. of Huntington Beach, CA drives a 2007 BMW car. He used to get between 15 and 16 mpg in the
city using premium fuel. At 45,000 miles, he opted for Magnum Fuel Rx and has never had a regret. He
now gets over 21 mpg using standard 87 octane gasoline and furthermore; he especially made it a point
to mention that his car's engine oil earlier used to come out black after just 3,000 miles. Now, even after
5,000 miles, the oil looks as good as new.

2004 Honda Element 4WD
Daniel Lim of Morton Grove, IL had done 105,000 miles in his Honda Element 4WD. He was intrigued by
the Magnum Fuel Rx ad and decided to test his car's efficiency. He managed 19.4 mpg on the highway.
He repeated the test with Magnum Fuel Rx; using the cruise control on the same route and filling up
from the same pump and achieved 25.4 mpg! He states that apart from the efficiency, the sulphur smell
from the exhaust emissions that he used to get is also non-existent now. He says that it doesn't matter if
your car runs premium fuel or not; Magnum Fuel Rx is still worth the investment.

2003 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide
If you thought it was just about cars, there's Charlie G. of Albuquerque, NM, who owns a 2003 Harley-
                               t                                                     s        Harley
Davidson Electra Glide. He confirms a 10% improvement in fuel economy on standard gasoline after
switching from the high octane blend. And for him, it wasn't just about fuel economy; he happily s
that he has enjoyed smoother performance and no engine pinging since he chose Magnum Fuel Rx.

These are just some examples of those who have discovered the advantages of opting for Magnum Fuel
Rx. There are lots of other testimonials, written and vi
                                                      video, being added regularly on the website - Magnum Fuel Rx has several long term benefits which include
improved performance, longer engine life lower running costs and of course, fewer visits to the gas

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Get much better MPG!

  • 1. Tips for Getting More Fuel Mileage Jim Gorde Senior Technical Writer, Magnum Fuel Rx
  • 2. Foreword Fuel is a extremely precious commodity and a depleting natural resource which we need to use e responsibly. This e-book is aimed at helping you get the most out of every drop of gasoline. We, at book Magnum Fuel Rx, hope we have a solution at hand to help make things a little better and reduce your need for gasoline by simply being more careful and attentive towards your vehicle and driving habits. attentive Because every drop counts. "The more we pour into the big machines the fuel, the pesticides, the herbicides, the fertilizer and machines; chemicals into farming; the more we knock out the mechanism that made it all work in the first place. " - David R. Brower
  • 3. Preface About the Author Jim Gorde is an automobile enthusiast who enjoys writing about cars and motorcycles as much as he enjoys riding and driving them. A keen follower of the automotive industry, Jim devotes most of his time learning about new cars and technology as and when any information surfaces. "There's never a dull day when you realize how little you know about everything around you. From engine and safety technology to new ways of emission control and alternative propulsion systems; there is always something to learn and you can never know enough." Jim was always fascinated by cars and trucks as a child; learning to ride a motorcycle at the age of 10 while enjoying sharing the driver's seat of everything from a light truck to a bulldozer. An Indian by birth, Jim completed his education from the University of Pune pursuing a job in ITeS as higher education proved to be out of reach at that time. Three years later, his passion for cars resurfaced and he quit his ) job to pursue a program in Automobile Engineering where he first laid hands on an engine. He went on to work in the automobile sector with Tata and Volvo before beginning his journey as a writer. "I've had a go at quite a few motorcycles and cars, but there is always so much excitement when I get a chance to try something new; something I haven't had the chance to test before." A chance to start writing came by in late-2011. He took it, and never looked back. "Through my writing, I try to infuse my passion into words which I hope everyone will read them in the same tone as the one in my mind at the time."
  • 4. I | Magnum Fuel Rx The world today has reached a stage of awareness where everyone knows that climate change is a very real danger. Greenhouse gas emissions have gone up along with emissions of other harmful gases from the extensive use of carbon-based fuels. Manufacturers across all sectors are implementing energy saving processes and changes to their products to increase their energy efficiency and reduce their environmental impact. This holds even more relevance in the automotive industry. Leading automobile manufacturers worldwide have made it a priority to deliver energy saving cars which use fewer resources and make the most of what they consume. Their inputs into research and technology have yielded advanced engine and propulsion technology as well as manufacturing processes which make the most use of available resources while reducing pollution to a great extent. However, these upgrades come at a cost and with newer models and technologies coming in each year; it isn't really possible for everyone who drives a car to replace or upgrade their vehicles as often. The solution therefore lies in finding ways to change mainstream or existing models for the better. While that may seem far-fetched, there is one product which takes care of all the essentials in a cost- effective yet efficient manner - Magnum Fuel Rx. . Magnum Fuel Rx - Energy Saving At Its Best Magnum Fuel Rx improves overall vehicle performance and efficiency by changing the basic chemical qualities of the gasoline in the tank; giving you more fuel mileage, more horsepower, better engine response and lower emissions. Sounds unbelievable? Here's how it works. How Does Magnum Fuel Rx Work? To understand how Magnum Fuel Rx does what it does, we need to talk about physics. One of the fundamental laws of energy is that it cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. Everything around us is constructed from hundreds of millions of atoms with their own specific frequencies binding them together; each with their own potential energy. Fuel is just another compound which contains millions of atoms and molecules. When fuel is ignited in an engine, its potential energy is converted into heat energy. This explosion results in its transformation into mechanical energy by pushing the piston down which turns the
  • 5. crankshaft and sends power to the gearbox which finally sends it to the wheels. Thus, the heat energy of the fuel is converted into linear energy which ultimately leads to rotational energy. In this process however, a lot of energy losses occur from friction as well as incomplete combustion leading to larger amounts of fuel ending up as waste gases or unburned hydrocarbons. A higher octane gasoline blend would be more efficient but is much more expensive as well. The key to increasing energy savings here would be to optimize how standard gasoline is used. Magnum Fuel Rx is a device which was created after identifying the frequency of gasoline. It consists of two small modules - a fuel module and an octane module, which can be easily attached to the fuel tank in a matter of seconds thanks to the adhesive strips. It emits radio frequency waves upwards which alter the atomic signature of the gasoline present in the tank. This boosts standard 87 octane gasoline with the qualities of much higher octane gasoline - up to 108 octane - making it far more efficient and allowing it to burn cleaner and more completely. The benefits of this is that the fuel burns more efficiently allowing more of its potential energy to be utilized and producing fewer waste gases in the process. What this basically means is you get more horsepower, better acceleration and a healthier, more responsive engine as well as better fuel consumption and much lower exhaust emissions. With fewer waste gases and little or no unburned fuel exiting the cylinders into the exhaust system, . there is a significant reduction in pollution. This is a tremendous benefit to the catalytic converter - a critical and expensive component of emission control. The job of the catalytic converter is to react with and break down the toxic gases in the exhaust stream. Unburned fuel tends to coat the catalytic converter over time thereby reducing its effectiveness and its effective life. Modern engines use complex sensors, one of which is in the exhaust system to derives information from the catalytic converter. If the coating of pollutants on the catalytic converter exceeds a certain level; it hampers the entire electronic system in place and drastically increases fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Again, replacing the catalytic converter is not a low cost affair. With Magnum Fuel Rx installed; the improved fuel quality eliminates this problem and reduces maintenance costs a great deal while also prolonging engine and vehicle life. Of course, some may think that these benefits don't seem very significant in the early stages but if you're one who regularly travels a lot; you save time and money with each tank taking you further between fuel stops. That's apart from the increased levels of performance you enjoy. In just a few weeks time, the savings add up to a sizeable amount cut out of your fuel and maintenance expenses.
  • 6. How Is It Different? Magnum Fuel Rx is one of the simplest ways to get the most from your vehicle. It doesn't matter if you have a motorcycle, a family saloon, a big 4x4 truck or a farm vehicle; if it runs on gasoline, you will benefit from the improved performance and increased fuel mileage. Magnum Fuel Rx is completely risk- free, doesn't emit any harmful radiation and doesn't really weigh anything as well. Furthermore, it requires no complex installation procedure, mechanical work or physical modification for your car to use it. This sets it apart from other fuel-saving contraptions like those listed below. Fuel Additives: Fuel additives are simply compounds which need to be added into your fuel tank so that they circulate with the fuel to go about their job. They claim to improve engine efficiency and reduce fuel consumption by optimizing engine performance with reduced engine knock and from keeping things cleaner by eliminating any clogs from deposit build up. Again, these are chemicals which claim to do a lot but end up not doing as well as anyone would have hoped, if not hampering performance instead. Magnet Attachments: . Some products claim to magically increase gas mileage by simply clamping on a device to your fuel lines. Let's face it; these products use magnets and aim to affect molecules in fuel to optimize fuel quality. In truth, while magnetic fields may affect solids and many liquids, fuel molecules are far too small to be affected. The car designers carefully design every part and mark out its location in the car in order for it to work at its optimum best. Having a device clamped to the fuel lines in the vicinity of other operating equipment may not only affect fuel delivery for worse, it may also lead to malfunction or failure of other components nearby. Water into Gas: This is a system which has garnered quite a bit of attention in recent time. The system uses a setup which relies on a process not unlike electrolysis to break down water into gases. These gases are then supplemented into the fuel lines and make their way into the engine with the aim of decreasing gasoline use and running a cooler operating environment. While it seems promising, it's only reasonable to state that modern engines are quite complex themselves and use many sensors preprogrammed to make sure everything is running as it should be. One of the key criteria to optimum engine function is quality gasoline. Mixing things up at this level can only spell trouble for the engine let alone any performance gains.
  • 7. Performance Chips: Chipping is quite a rage with tuners and even seems to catch the attention of those seeking more fuel economy. The engine ECM is a highly sensitive component and the manufacturer uses the most efficient . program based on the type of car and the application it is intended for. A family hatchback won't be tuned for good performance on hills or slopes and a huge off road SUV will not be tuned for cornering at off-road high speeds on the freeway. Yes, they are all capable to a certain extent but beyond that would be pushing the limits of the car. Specialized tuners will reprogram the ECM or even replace it for a considerable cost, but these are mostly done for performance gains which further reduce fuel economy. st, Chips then don't really work as fuel saving products. It's all about the user and their driving style. n't Does It Really Work? Everyone tends to be skeptical towards new products that seem too good to be true. With Magnum Fuel products Rx essentially enabling standard gasoline to provide the qualities and performance of high octane gasoline; you don't have to pay a premium of as much as $0.30 a gallon in the first place. By itself, this y adds up to considerable savings in a rather short time period. The benefits for the engine are even more significant. Magnum Fuel Rx has been around for some time now and has already garnered a commendable fan following. Many of those who work at radi stations are using Magnum Fuel Rx. Even a police station is radio using it on their fleet of vehicles. More people are discovering the performance gains that Magnum Fuel Rx brings and some have even recorded fuel efficiency improvements of as much as 40%! What's more, the company is so confident that users will be more than happy with the at's product, that they' offering it FREE OF COST for the first 45 days. Buyers who order , they're Magnum Fuel Rx on the website will only have to pay a $2.99 shipping and handling expense. PayPal has been configured to only charge for the product once 45 days have gone by. So you can now try Magnum Fuel Rx for free and use one of several ways to check how much of an efficiency gain you've achieved. If you're happy, keep it! If for some reason you're not entirely satisfied, you can always return it within 45 days. always Order Magnum Fuel Rx at now! Magnum Fuel Rx is a fuel quality enhancing product. It does NOT affect vehicle warranty. At the same y time, it has its limitations - it is not a magic mechanic which will help run a vehicle in disrepair; it emits radio frequency waves upwards of approximately 9 inches so it does not work with stainless steel fuel k tanks. Also, it needs an anti-static protective cover to prevent magnetic fields from interfering with the static radio frequency waves. Gorilla-tape on top of the modules helps protect them from the elements. tape
  • 8. II | More MPG Fossil fuels are a depleting natural resource. Although they are still being used in a vast number of ways, one of the major applications is in the automobile industry. With fuel prices on the rise globally, fuel economy is becoming the focus of every car maker today. At the present stage, squeezing the most out of every drop just isn't enough; car makers have taken to downsizing engines and adopted means of forced induction with turbochargers now making their presence felt in many models from iconic brands worldwide. The prime reason is to cut down gasoline use. Gasoline has been the most popular fuel in the US for decades. While earlier car models had massive V8 engines that delivered fuel economy figures reading in gallons per mile rather than miles per gallon, it all started to change with the economic downfall. When entrants from other markets like Japan and Europe came into the picture, the whole automobile scene began to change. These were cars from the like of Honda, Toyota, BMW and Mercedes and were not as large as the home grown American muscle cars. These new entrants were smaller not just in size, but also in engine capacity and yet; they were just as fast or even faster and a lot more reliable. But the main reason they took off, apart from their real world practicality and more manageable road manners, was their fuel economy. . Fuel economy is one of the most important focal points of the automobile industry today and every automaker is going all out to make their cars as efficient as possible. Huge amounts are invested in research and technology which aims simply to make the most of every drop of fuel. And of course, it is simply because consumers have to bear the brunt of rapidly increasing gas prices. To have a look at how much gas prices have increased, here is a look at current prices worldwide. These prices are subject to almost continuous fluctuation with changing exchange rates in tune with the global economic scenario.
  • 9. Gas Prices Worldwide (as of 2012, 4th quarter) The US has a massive variation in gas prices as you move from county to county and state to state, east coast to west coast and everything in between. In New York City, NY, standard gasoline currently costs $3.80 a gallon with premium gasoline costing $4.10 a gallon. In Los Angeles, CA, it costs $3.65 a gallon for standard gas and $3.85 a gallon for premium. Moving to Denver, CO, the prices are slightly lower at $3.20 a gallon for regular unleaded and $3.50 for premium. In Canada, the price also varies from east to west, with prices in Alberta hovering around C$ 1.03 a liter or C$ 3.90 a gallon for standard quality. Premium costs C$ 1.13 a liter or C$ 4.28 a gallon. In Toronto, Ontario, the cost rises to C$ 1.20 a liter (C$ 4.54 a gallon) with premium gas costing C$ 4.85 a gallon. In the United Kingdom, prices have also been steadily on the high side with regular unleaded petrol costing £1.37 a liter or £6.22 a gallon (Imp) with high octane petrol going for £1.44 a liter or £6.54 a gallon (Imp). In India, prices have been steadily rising for the past months and currently, a liter of regular unleaded 87 octane petrol costs INR 77, the equivalent of US $5.33 a gallon with premium 91 octane petrol costing INR 86 or US $5.98 a gallon. In Australia, Perth has seen the lowest costs with regular 91 octane petrol costing AU$ 1.39 per liter with premium 95 octane costing AU$ 1.45 and the 98 octane variety costing AU$ 1.50. Prices go up to AU$ 1.62 a liter depending on the location. . What's The Answer? The answer is more complicated than just getting a new vehicle to replace the old one. A vast majority of the population cannot afford to just buy a new car, while some of those who can are not willing to part with their old car. The car could be a classic or it could hold sentimental value and can never be parted with. The solution in these situations is rather tricky. Save Gas; Get More MPG Fuel economy is a buzzword today and every car maker has adopted some means or the other of maximizing fuel efficiency and eking out more miles per gallon. While turbocharged small displacement engines make a lot of sense in this respect; there are loyalists who prefer the feel of a naturally aspirated engine over a turbocharged unit. This is simply because they feel different - they're more rev- happy and the power is delivered without any hesitation. Of course, there are several means of getting the most economy out of your engine. Fuel economy is a variable that depends on several other variable factors. Everything from vehicle speed to wind direction can affect it; more so the style of driving. Be too aggressive on the throttle and the brakes and you pay heavily in fuel. Being easy on the throttle and
  • 10. brakes gives you not just increased fuel economy but also helps extract the most performance. Here are some simple tips which will help you achieve better fuel economy. Tire Pressure Tire pressure may seem like something miniscule but its role in fuel economy must not be ignored. Maintaining the recommended tire pressure is critical to several aspects of vehicle performance - power delivery, handling, ride quality and, of course, fuel economy. It helps find the right balance of performance and economy. Many fail to realize that the four little contact patches the tires have are the only things connecting the car to the road! Under inflated tires can improve the grip and road holding abilities of the car but use up more fuel due to the increased drag. Over inflated tires on the other hand can improve fuel economy but risk heating up much faster and, in the worst case scenario, can even explode at consistent high speeds. Weight Weight is another factor which affects fuel consumption for the worse. Unwanted items in the car add to weight. Avoid keeping heavy items or storing things with substantial weight either in the boot or inside the car. Apart from the spare wheel, jack and first-aid kit; all other items are optional and . depending on their importance to your specific journey, should be left out of the car for that particular trip. If you happen to have a small business and use your car to transport objects, especially heavy objects, chances are they spend time in the car when they shouldn't. If they are heavy, it could lead to lower fuel economy as the more the weight, the more power the engine needs to move the extra load. Cooling On hot days, avoid getting into the car and turning the air conditioner on full blast at the lowest temperature. Leave a few minutes early and lower the windows or open the doors to let the car air itself out. A few minutes later; get in, close the doors and windows and select an optimum setting for the air conditioner or climate control system. The air conditioner can sap as much as 30% or more of the engine's power on the move and significantly increase fuel consumption when you need more performance from the engine and put your foot down. Maintenance Periodic service is more essential than some people realize. Keeping the key functional systems of the car in check is always a good idea. Check the air intake and air cleaner; check and clean the fuel filter; replace the oil and oil filter and as far as possible, fill up using gasoline from one particular brand or gas
  • 11. station. Another solution in this situation is to use a product like Magnum Fuel Rx, which gets you high octane performance and burns cleaner leading to less gasoline use, more horsepower and lower emissions; all of which lead to lower running costs and more engaging performance. Periodic maintenance is a procedure which doesn't happen often but asks for a couple of days a year or less, depending on the condition of your vehicle. A timely check and oil change keeps the engine, transmission and other components running smoother and reduces friction. This prolongs the life of the vehicle and greatly improves efficiency overall. Improve Fuel Efficiency with Better Driving Habits Our driving habits dictate how much fuel we use or save. Drive with a heavy foot and you will pay the price with reduced fuel consumption and a heavier gas bill; it's that simple. Changing a few basic elements and how you react in certain situations can make a world of a difference to fuel efficiency. A lot of cars sold are equipped with an automatic transmission. The manufacturers do their best to allow the gearbox to select the right gear at the right time as the situation demands. However, there are ways the driver can improve fuel efficiency simply by being a little more active when it counts. . When you stop for a red light which you know is going to take longer than 15 seconds or so, shift into 'N' (neutral) or even 'P' (park). Leaving the selector in 'D' (drive) with your foot on the brake not only burns more fuel but also affects the life of the driveline over time. Also, if you have to be stationary for more than a minute, simply turn off the engine. If the road is open or there's not much traffic, use the cruise control. This maintains a steady throttle and helps eke out a little more per gallon than an uncomfortable foot on the throttle pedal can. When on the move, don't just put your foot down to overtake, gradually increase pressure over a second or two so that the cars onboard computer can adjust for fuel delivery accordingly. In case of a manual transmission, or stick shift, avoid riding the clutch or pushing down the clutch pedal for too long. Shift up early when you're cruising. If your car has a tachometer or a rev counter, glance over at it to make sure you shift well before the redline. The torque the engine generates comes in a lot earlier than peak power, so shifting up towards the end of the torque band rather than higher up the revs gives you the best acceleration and maintains momentum. Thus, while there are many recommended ways to improve gas mileage; the most effective are usually the simplest - maintaining the engine and the car; checking tire pressure regularly; reducing unwanted
  • 12. weight from the car; using the air conditioning smartly and turning off the engine when you know the car is going to be stationary for a while. While those sound easy enough to do, what isn't really easy in most cases is for you to remember to do them every time. Something may just come up and cause you to push forward a service appointment or just simply forget about it. ward In their quest for more MPG, many choose fuel additives or other products which claim to radically improve fuel efficiency and reduce gas expenses. Yes, there are several products and devices whic which claim to be beneficial and which even guarantee to reduce your gas bill. But in truth, not many of them actually deliver. While wasting money on an ineffective product is bad enough; there are quite a few products which end up doing more harm than good - and it's these products that you have to avoid before they take an irreparable toll on your car's engine. One device however, which doesn't involve any modification to the engine or any of its components is Magnum Fuel Rx. With the two little modules affixed under the vehicle's gas tank, you get all the affixed benefits of fuel saving, performance and cost without any reason to worry. What's more, Magnum Fuel Rx can be installed on a family saloon, 4x4 SUV or truck and even a motorcycle. Magnum Fuel Rx empowers the standard gasoline in your car's gas tank to allow it to function as more expensive high octane gasoline; giving you more performance, lower emissions and much more MPG!
  • 13. III | Less Emissions & Carbon Footprint Over the past few years, the automotive industry has been focused on reducing exhaust emissions with the looming threat of climate change due to the increased emission of greenhouse gases. The automobile sector has grown considerably over the years and with the number of new models and variants which car makers are bringing out, there is no shortage of choice for buyers. Of late, most of these new launches have been small or medium-sized cars and crossovers with efficient engines. Environment friendly cars are the need of the day and auto makers are working hard at making some of the most practical solutions. The new range of cars being introduced is astounding and what's more, is the pace at which manufacturers are developing both revolutionary and evolutionary technologies with an aim to make a difference to the environment for the better. Car makers have begun downsizing their engine range and have adopted forced induction where possible. This has happened across the spectrum with the leading names dropping their V10s and V12s in favor of turbocharged V8s, while the popular American brands have taken that step into the more affordable and popular segments with turbocharged 3 and 4-cylinder engines replacing their larger 4 and 6-cylinder engines. . Carbon Footprint The carbon footprint concept has received a lot of attention over the past few years and it is indeed a very real threat to our world. The increased emission of greenhouse gases worldwide has got the attention of all manufacturing companies from home appliances to automobile makers. With energy efficiency being the order of the day, every manufacturer is looking for way to reduce their carbon footprint by adopting more efficient processes as well as making their finished products less damaging to the environment. Car makers have grown very busy indeed having to deal with a number of ways to reduce the carbon footprint with everything from vehicle construction and paint work to the engine, exhaust system and tires receiving tremendous attention, research and investment on their part. However, when it comes to automobiles; having no carbon footprint is the ultimate challenge. Most cars today use carbon-based fossil fuels which themselves are a depleting natural resource. Finding alternative means of propulsion is no easy feat. Even making battery-powered cars involves several processes which contribute in no small way in creating a significant carbon footprint. The best way around this problem is to find ways to optimize what we already have. That means making more powerful yet smaller engines which use the same fuel but in far less quantities.
  • 14. Can A New Car Help? With the sheer number of new cars coming out powered by more efficient engines and featuring advanced hybrid propulsion technology, you would think it would be an obvious choice to switch from your current vehicle to one of these new cars. But in reality, how affordable is it to switch your vehicle in present conditions? Although manufacturers have taken several steps and implemented many measures to make their car lines more environment friendly; what really isn't feasible is to get people to trade in their cars for newer, more efficient models. Yes, there are some great exchange and finance programs available but they don't really make it a viable option for the mass market. A new battery-powered car comes after the successful completion of several processes involved in its manufacture; not just of its body and equipment but also the driveline itself. Batteries and their components are acquired after a series of highly polluting sequences of events from mining for elements and their transportation across the globe. The emissions involved in this process are higher and more damaging than the final products will ever be, and even more so than any existing car. Then you have to consider that your existing car has already gone through all the processes which affect the environment and everything you do decides if it adds to its carbon footprint or reduces it. It's a much better option to . improve what you drive today and focus on driving it in a better, more economical way. With more affordable cars coming into showrooms, the number of vehicles on the road has gone up exponentially and quite simply, more cars mean more emissions. The key to lower emissions therefore, lies with not just the automobile manufacturers but also the users of these cars. While regular maintenance and periodic service does contribute no end to optimized performance; there are other options which can yield increased benefits and more fuel mileage. Achieving Lower Emissions with Magnum Fuel Rx Magnum Fuel Rx has been created specifically keeping in mind the needs of our world today while enveloping all the aspects which improve the functioning of a modern vehicle - delivering maximum power and minimum fuel consumption while keeping emissions as low as possible. In an engine, the chemical energy of the gasoline is converted into heat energy inside the engine's cylinders. The explosion caused by the ignition system through the spark plug converts this heat energy
  • 15. into mechanical energy, pushing the piston down which then turns the crankshaft. The waste gases after the explosion exit through the exhaust valves and out through the exhaust system. However, not all of the available energy is entirely utilized in this process. Under normal circumstances; when the spark plug fires, not all of the fuel actually ignites; leading to the waste gases also containing some unburned fuel or hydrocarbons. These make up a significant portion of exhaust emissions and with most cars equipped with catalytic converters to break down toxic gases; unburned fuel can cause a failure of the catalytic converter and mar the sensor which informs the engine of the state of the device. This leads to significantly higher fuel consumption and exhaust emissions while also leading to increased vehicle running costs. Controlling this aspect ensures that all these possibilities are avoided in the first place. Higher octane gasoline delivers much better performance but is also much more expensive than standard gasoline. Magnum Fuel Rx endows the gasoline in the tank with the qualities of a higher octane variety of fuel leading to more efficient and complete combustion, which directly results in lower fuel consumption and far lower exhaust emissions while also resulting in a higher power output and better acceleration. . Using Magnum Fuel Rx means that over a period of time, your automobile would have traveled further on much lesser fuel and generated a lower carbon footprint even while using standard gasoline. This saves not just the environment but also your hard earned money by using less fuel and leading to reduced service costs by allowing the engine and another important emission control component, the catalytic converter, to perform more effectively. Of course, if your automobile is subject to regular service and maintenance to ensure its running at its best, you can safely assume that your carbon footprint is as low as it can possibly be. In short, you can turn your old gasoline car into a more environment friendly vehicle with Magnum Fuel Rx - a simple installation of a small device at a fraction of the cost of a whole new car!
  • 16. IV | More Horsepower ore Horsepower is a funny thing - the more we have the more we want. In most cases, more horsepower have; means a more expensive car or a combination of some expensive modifications. However in everyday life, more horsepower isn't really the key; unless you're a regular track day racer of course. So what is it regular about power and are there any easier ways to get it? The answer is yes! Not all modifications require an excessive amount of time, money and labor. There are several ways you can maximize your engine's potential by simply keeping a check on operating fundamentals. To potential understand these, it helps to understand some definitive principles. Definitions - Horsepower and Torque Engine output consists of two main aspects - horsepower and torque. Horsepower is the rate at which in an engine works. Torque is the turning force produced by the engine and is actually what is responsible for those quick starts and smoking tires. It is the actual work done by the engine and determines how much of a load an engine can move at what rate. More horsepower means a higher rate of work. To ve make it simple; torque is responsible for acceleration, while horsepower is the rate of acceleration i.e. how fast you can go fast or, in other words, how quickly you can get up to speed. . Have you ever noticed how a gasoline engine is always rev-happy? That is, how it tends to pick up happy? engine speed much faster than a diesel engine. Gasoline engines tend to produce more power per liter of displacement than a conventional diesel engine of the same displacement but the diesel engine may displacement produce an equal or even greater amount of torque than the gasoline engine. If you've noticed, all commercial and heavy vehicles use diesel engines. This is because of the massive low speed torque they low-speed produce. They will never win any drag race, but, figuratively speaking, will be able to move mountains at ey a consistent slow pace.
  • 17. More Horsepower To make your engine produce more horsepower, the key is to keep it in optimum running condition. Here's a checklist: Engine Oil Always use the recommended grade of oil and stick to one brand of fuel once you determine that it's the best for your particular car. This ensures consistency and keeps the engine running smooth and reliable, while also prolonging engine life. Air Flow Ensure that the air intake and air filter are clean. Check the air filter at regular intervals to make absolutely sure that it isn't getting blocked, clogged or saturated with dust, dirt or other particulate matter. Like the air intake, the exhaust system is of equal importance. Get your exhaust checked for emissions and clogged components. High fuel consumption and consequential high emissions are indicators of improper combustion or malfunctioning components. You can also consider a high volume performance air filter and even a freer flowing exhaust depending on what is street legal and permitted . by local regulations. How Good Are Alternative Solutions? With rising gas prices, the world is at a stage where people will try almost anything to improve gas mileage and reduce their fuel bills. However, another market has been just as burgeoning - those seeking higher horsepower and maximum performance. As a result, there has been a huge market created over the past decade and it now includes several products which claim to maximize fuel savings, deliver more power and radically improve gas mileage. Some of them are small and rather inexpensive like fuel additives while others like compressed natural gas or engine remap chips are more of an investment, requiring time, money and a professional set of hands to install. Solutions in the form of alternative fuels are available as well. You can buy a highly efficient modern diesel car, a hybrid car, an electric car or even a flex-fuel vehicle. However, the cost of replacing your existing vehicle with a new vehicle altogether can be considerably high when all you want is to use your present car in a more efficient way or make the most of what it has to offer.
  • 18. Flex-Fuel Vehicles and E85 Flex-fuel vehicles are those which have been designed by the manufacturer to run on ethanol blended gasoline. E85 is a biofuel comprising 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. The fuel is of a higher octane and offers increased performance. The efficiency is just as much as gasoline but it ends up using lesser fossil fuel. It is sort of a way to look at the bigger picture - depleting natural resources. Ethanol is largely obtained from farm produce and aims at reducing our dependence on fossil fuel. However, it is still a carbon-based fuel though its emissions are far cleaner than conventional gasoline. There are manufacturers who offer conversion kits to run any car on E85. The kit includes a module which plugs into your fuel system and basically prepares your engine for the difference in fuel composition. However, E85 requires more than just prepping the engine. Ethanol is electrically conductive. What this means is that the fuel tank and all fuel lines need to be replaced with those made from a different material. Fuel injection cycles are of a higher volume - as much as a third higher - and require stainless steel fuel lines with or without plastic lining. Components made of bare aluminum, magnesium or rubber cannot be a part of the system. Furthermore, flex-fuel vehicles require the use of an acid-neutralizing blend of motor oil. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) While there are some credible choices which help in.beating high gas prices, they may not be well-suited to everyone's taste. One of them is to opt for a CNG or compressed natural gas kit. CNG is a cleaner fuel as compared to conventional gasoline or diesel but its use requires quite a degree of modification to the car. The equipment needed is quite expensive and needs to be installed by approved service technicians. Furthermore, not all CNG kits are approved by the authorities and the vehicle manufacturer because if installed incorrectly, the damages can be severe. Of course if done right, the benefits are significant and you end up with lower running costs and lower emissions too. Compressed natural gas may be a clean and environment friendly fuel but comes with its own disadvantages. The emissions may be cleaner than conventional fuel types but the smell is very distinct and many find it rather unpleasant. Secondly, CNG is sold by weight and not volume. While this changes your efficiency calculations, it does ends up being more affordable. It also isn't widely available, being offered only at select gas stations. Another negative, which for some is a major reason for not choosing a CNG kit for their car is its space requirement. A CNG tank is not small and neither is it light by any stretch of the imagination. The tank is usually installed in the boot or the trunk and takes up most of the luggage space, if not all of it. Furthermore, if you have a station wagon, SUV or truck, the location of the system and its components isn't convenient by a long shot. It imposes upon passenger-accessible cargo space which is rarely a safe bet.
  • 19. While there are options available that promise to "keep your engine clean and deliver maximum performance", avoid using them if they aren't risk-free. Instead, choose something that doesn't have any physical impact on the engine and its functions. Magnum Fuel Rx gives you more responsive performance, more horsepower and lower emissions with just a simple installation procedure. Thus, more horsepower is easier to attain than what many may think. You just have to go about it in the most effective way. Improve Dynamic Performance Maximum horsepower isn't the only thing which will get your car to deliver the drive experience you're truly looking forward to. There are several aspects to performance and some of the key areas lie in the vehicle's dynamic abilities. Grip & Handling This is a critical aspect of overall performance. The grip levels of the car are hugely dependent on the tires. Tire wear, tread depth and air pressure are necessary checks that must be performed regularly. They’re the only contact you car has with the road after all! The recommended tire pressure will give . you a good balance of grip and fuel economy. Keep the tire pressure low and you’ll have better grip, but sacrifice on fuel economy due to increased drag from the larger contact patch. Too high would mean better fuel economy, but also greater risk at high speeds as they would run hotter and the air would expand; even leading to a potential tire burst at sustained high speeds in extreme cases. The suspension system is an equally important part; it is what puts the wheels to the ground to deliver the power as well as determines the ride quality for the occupants. A stiff setup means better performance, grip and cornering abilities but a harder ride for the passengers. On the other hand, keep it soft and you get a pliant ride, but the handling can be quite bouncy and may lead to increased body roll around corners compromising vehicle stability to a great extent. Unnecessary weight should also be eliminated. Remove all heavy articles from the boot or the inside of your car which you don’t really need for that particular trip. It takes a little effort, but the payout is far greater.
  • 20. Drivetrain Performance & Response Your drivetrain is collectively the engine and transmission. What good is a potential 500 horsepower if the engine is in bad shape and doesn’t put out anything even near that figure? The simplest steps to ensure optimized performance from your engine is to adhere to the oil change intervals. Use the recommended oil grade and fill up at fixed gas stations so you keep the quality consistent. Filling up good gasoline ensures better overall performance. Higher octane gasoline burns cleaner, which means better fuel efficiency, more horsepower and lower emissions. However, high octane gasoline will turn out to be quite expensive in the long run; so it’s better to tank up once a while on the premium brew. This is where Magnum Fuel Rx delivers; giving standard 87 octane gasoline high-octane performance - all the benefits at a fraction of the cost. .
  • 21. V | Higher Performance from Increased Octane Gasoline is and always has been a popular fuel for all kinds of vehicles from motorcycles to automobiles. However, gasoline is a fossil fuel and hence is a depleting natural resource. This has led to increasing fuel costs over the years and auto makers, especially automobile manufacturers, are scurrying around to find more advanced and much more efficient means of powering their cars to achieve maximum fuel economy without compromising on power and driving pleasure. Some engines require higher octane gasoline to perform at their best, while almost every modern engine would undoubtedly perform better on the premium blend. However, this can be a very expensive affair in the long run and unfortunately, few solutions are available. But first, what is higher octane gasoline and how does it make a difference? Higher Octane Gasoline Gasoline is like every other composition on the planet – it’s made up of several hundred thousands of molecules, which in turn are made up of several atoms. For gasoline, a primary part of performance lies ̭ in its resistance to knocking which is defined by characteristic denoted as its octane number. What is knocking, you may ask. In every gasoline engine, when the fuel and air is compressed in the cylinder and ignited by the spark plug, it explodes to push the piston down and create the power stroke. However, in this process, not all of the mixture of air and fuel is completely burned and some of this fuel spontaneously combusts because of the heat present even before the flame caused by the spark plug can actually consume it. This results in early miniscule explosions - knocking, or detonation - which can cause a significant amount of damage to the engine. To counter this phenomenon prevalent in gasoline, or spark-ignition engines, the fuel is subject to chemical modification to increase its flash point or basically, improve its octane rating. Benefits Of Higher Octane Gasoline What this all ultimately means, is that higher octane gasoline has a specific flash point; that is, it ignites when intended and burns cleaner and more efficiently to produce more power and less waste gases and unburned fuel which lead to cleaner emissions and better fuel economy. This not only increases engine performance, but leads to a longer life for the engine and its sensitive components apart from the catalytic converter in the exhaust system which is responsible for emission control. Needless to say, these components are expensive and conserving them can mean greater savings.
  • 22. That being said, the higher octane gasoline itself is still expensive. Magnum Fuel Rx provides a simple and affordable means of lending regular 87 octane gasoline the performance of higher octane gasoline. Gasoline of 91 to 95 octane is considered premium fuel in several locations worldwide. 98 octane gas is the preferred fuel for high-performance supercars. With Magnum Fuel Rx at work, the octane rating of standard gasoline can go as high as 108! Who Benefits the Most from Magnum Fuel Rx? In the quest for better gas mileage, many car buyers choose to give up their big, heavy gas-guzzling vehicles in favor of more compact and efficient models. Not only do they provide just as much space as older large cars, they cost a lot less to run as well. Today, with engine downsizing, car makers across the globe have begun to offer large cars with turbocharged smaller engines. V12 engines have made way for twin-turbo V8 engines while V8s have made way for turbocharged V6 engines or even 4-cylinder units. How is this happening? Firstly, advances in technology are allowing manufacturers to achieve a higher power output from smaller engines. Technologies like turbocharging, twin-stage or sequential turbocharging, supercharging and direct injection have helped use available fuel to its maximum potential. The new breed of compact turbocharged engines use higher compression ratios and thus deliver a much higher specific output, or more power per liter, than even before. But to operate at their best, they need high quality fuel. 瑠̪ What's Changed? Today, not all smaller engined cars are actually "small cars". As we've come to see, bigger engines are being replaced by much smaller units; the best example is how leading carmakers have already replaced their range of naturally aspirated six-cylinder engines of 3.0L capacity and above with turbocharged and direct injected 2.0L inline 4 engines. The list of notable names includes Ford, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover, Chevrolet, Volkswagen, Audi, BMW and Mercedes. With a turbocharged 2.0L engine making 240-odd hp, there was no need for thirsty 6-cylinder engines any more. And what's more, the list of recipients of these smaller engines include the new Ford Focus and Mondeo, Volvo S60 and S80, Volkswagen Golf GTI and Passat, Audi A4 and A6, BMW 320i, 328i, 528i and even the Z4 roadster! The list goes on to include crossover SUVs like the Ford Escape, Volvo XC60, Audi Q5 and the Range Rover Evoque with the Freelander set to follow suit. However, a lot of these modern engines are rather sensitive to fuel quality and using gasoline of too low an octane rating can lead to problems with the engine over time and in the worst cases, even complete engine failure.
  • 23. Hybrid cars have been around for a while now but with more people chasing better gas mileage today, they've only gained ground over conventional-engined cars recently. Their use of an electric motor to supplement the primary drive from the engine helps provide increased performance when needed. Besides, with the additions of start/stop technology and brake energy recuperation; the batteries are put to extensive use. Even so, the base of all operation is a modern and efficient gas engine. Users of all these vehicles would benefit from Magnum Fuel Rx. With the high compression ratios these engines run - most of which being about 12.0:1; they require premium fuel as a bare minimum. This works out to be quite expensive over time. It is because of this aspect that you have to consider the high octane performance you would get from standard gasoline using Magnum Fuel Rx. Undoubtedly, it would lead to considerable savings in a reasonably short period of time. At the end of the day, unless you're using a full-electric car model, gasoline is the fuel you would tank up with and Magnum Fuel Rx would let you tank up with standard gasoline instead of premium, saving about $0.30 per gallon in the process. And it isn't just the big cars. Conventional engined small cars like the Ford Fiesta, Chevrolet Sonic and Volkswagen Golf would also benefit from the better gas mileage and overall improved performance that Magnum Fuel Rx offers. ̪ Gas prices have now crossed $4 a gallon in several locations and a lot of people who travel extensively on a regular basis are feeling the pinch in their pocket. There are also quite a few products which claim to improve fuel economy and even vehicle performance overall, but their results are questionable and the last thing anything wants is to end up with compromised performance and added costs. Magnum Fuel Rx is a risk-free product based solely on the principle of harmless radio frequency which helps save you considerable amounts while improving vehicle performance overall. Also, being free for the first 6 weeks with a $2.99 shipping and handling charge means it doesn't really cost anything as much as other products you see and also is quickly and very easily installed. Should you try Magnum Fuel Rx? Here are the Top 5 beneficiaries of Magnum Fuel Rx: #5 Minivans for Families If you have an active family and usually travel out together often, chances are you have a minivan or people carrier. Vehicles like the Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna, Nissan Quest, Mazda 5 and Dodge Caravan among others use high output gasoline engines which make power at higher engine speeds.
  • 24. These engines are free-revving and would greatly benefit from the improved combustion that Magnum Fuel Rx offers. The engine will run much smoother and provide a better response while reducing exhaust emissions and giving you much more fuel mileage. The lesser the stops you have to make; the more enjoyable the journey. #4 Motorcycles Whether you ride a cruiser, tourer, dual purpose motorcycle or a sleek sport bike; it's crucial to keep the engine running healthy and in the best shape possible. Regular service is one thing, but ensuring you use the best possible fuel can do wonders for performance. This is especially true for high-revving sport bikes like the Yamaha V-Max, R and FZ series; the Suzuki GSX series; the Honda CBR or VFR lines and the Kawasaki ZX series. Their high-revving engines would make the most of Magnum Fuel Rx on account of their extremely high compression ratios. Long distance tourers and cruiser riders would find Magnum Fuel Rx just as convenient for their Honda Goldwing, BMW K series, Victory or Harley-Davidson touring motorcycles simply because more fuel mileage means more distance covered between stops. #3 Classic Cars If you have a classic car, in all probability, you have absolutely no intention of parting with it. Yes, it has a 珠̧ big V8 that drinks gasoline faster than you'd like to imagine but you would rather hang on to that car while you bring in another less expensive car to use every day. A classic car may date further back than when fuel injection became a norm, and if you have a V6 or V8 running carbs, you will be happy to know that Magnum Fuel Rx works just as well with them as with any other car; delivering high octane performance for more complete combustion with minimal emissions and energy loss and of course, maximum horsepower! #2 Trucks and SUVs Trucks and SUVs are big, bulky, have large engines and aren't very aerodynamic. Four wheel drive vehicles too are usually in the same vein. However, not all of them are bulky SUVs; you can have crossovers and even saloons which offer all wheel drive. And there lies a big difference - driving all four wheels consume more fuel and also leads to more frictional losses in terms of power. Most performance oriented cars and SUVs have limited slip differentials and smart transaxles to ensure the best use of available power and maximum traction. These systems all affect how much fuel is being used with every change made as the situation demands. If you don't have a diesel engine under the hood, you would be much better off with Magnum Fuel Rx. With big trucks and four wheel drive vehicles; you need all the extra miles you can get!
  • 25. #1 Turbocharged and Supercharged Cars Probably the greatest beneficiaries of Magnum Fuel Rx are vehicles with forced induction; more specifically modern cars with engines meant to replicate the performance once achieved by much larger engines. With engine downsizing fast becoming the norm across all segments; smaller engines with high compression ratios and lightweight construction are the future for now. Getting the most out of those engines is important for everyday practicality as well as reducing your gas bill and maintenance costs. A new car isn't affordable to everyone, and if you do have one, the best thing to do would be to take good care of it. How Does It Help? A lot of people believe that certain types of vehicles return a higher fuel efficiency. While that may be true to some extent, it is also true that the way you drive the car affects fuel economy just as much. That's not to say that a big V8 engined car will return better fuel mileage than a small car; the point is not all small cars will return over 30 mpg in all conditions. Driving style matters! Big Cars Can Deliver Better Fuel Mileage! ㄰̭ There's nothing stopping big cars from getting more fuel mileage either. While many cars with a big V8 engine would be happy with 20 mpg, there are always ways to improve upon that by being more aware about your driving technique. Every little detail can help you get more miles from every gallon and having higher octane performance keeps your car or motorcycle engine running smoother for a longer period of time. Magnum Fuel Rx helps save even more by allowing you to fill up with standard 87 octane gasoline and get all the benefits of a more expensive high octane blend.
  • 26. VI | Testimonials Magnum Fuel Rx now has many satisfied vehicle owners using different types of vehicles and for good reason. There are a lot of new cars out there which promise unbelievable fuel economy figures and sustainability, but how easy is it to let go of your current car? Sometimes, it isn't just about the money or being happy with what you have; it's more about being unable to relinquish your automobile as an enthusiast and taking pride in being an owner of an icon of motoring history. Classic car owners will swear by this and will probably save up for an additional small car which is several times more efficient but not half as much fun to drive or to own. The answer isn't giving up on your favorite car to make way for some battery-powered eco-wagon; it can be as simple as choosing a product like Magnum Fuel Rx - an easy to install product which simply sticks under the gas tank of your car or motorcycle and begins its works. Magnum Fuel Rx not just reduces your visits to the pump and your gas bill, but also gives you elevated and more engaging vehicle performance. ㄰̭ The modules in Magnum Fuel Rx have been created after understanding frequency and learning that it can be influenced to our advantage. The radio frequency waves emitted by these modules transforms the standard gasoline in your tank making it behave like high octane gasoline and delivers on the performance front to match. You get more efficient combustion which produces more power and lesser waste gases. This directly affects fuel consumption for the better, with the engine working cleaner, smoother and more efficiently while using less fuel and secondly, with the improved performance, you find yourself stepping on the gas pedal or twisting the throttle a lot lesser as time goes by.
  • 27. Here are some testimonials from happy customers of Magnum Fuel Rx 1997 Mercedes-Benz C230 A older Mercedes driven by a high school senior, Mitch M. of Indianapolis, IN is a prime example. This particular car model is equipped with a 2.3L DOHC 4-cylinder engine making 155 hp and originally rated at 23 mpg city and 30 mpg highway. The owner was managing 21.4 mpg city and 27.8 mpg highway using premium gasoline up until choosing Magnum Fuel Rx. Now, 15 years down the line, the same C230 on standard gasoline delivers 29.6 mpg city and 38.7l mpg highway - a whopping 40% improvement in fuel economy in the city and on the highway! That's apart from the obvious cost savings of switching to a standard blend. 2008 Acura TL In case you were wondering, Magnum Fuel Rx works just as well with new cars as the owner of an '08 Acura TL, Jeson A. of Alexandria, VA confirms. He is happy to report that Magnum Fuel Rx helped bump up the 21 mpg he was getting from his V6 to 26 mpg. That's a 24% improvement and one which adds up in savings over time. 2009 Toyota Camry SE Here's another owner of a newer car who's received a massive boost in economy using Magnum Fuel RX. Blessy N. of Katy, TX used to get 24 mpg from his car. After designing and building the Magnum Fuel Rx website; he decided to try the product on his own car. In just a couple of weeks, he noted 34 mpg highway. Now, amazingly he's getting 38 mpg City - a massive 58% improvement over the car's original figure!
  • 28. 2007 BMW Steve W. of Huntington Beach, CA drives a 2007 BMW car. He used to get between 15 and 16 mpg in the city using premium fuel. At 45,000 miles, he opted for Magnum Fuel Rx and has never had a regret. He y now gets over 21 mpg using standard 87 octane gasoline and furthermore; he especially made it a point to mention that his car's engine oil earlier used to come out black after just 3,000 miles. Now, even after come 5,000 miles, the oil looks as good as new. 2004 Honda Element 4WD Daniel Lim of Morton Grove, IL had done 105,000 miles in his Honda Element 4WD. He was intrigued by the Magnum Fuel Rx ad and decided to test his car's efficiency. He managed 19.4 mpg on the highway. He repeated the test with Magnum Fuel Rx; using the cruise control on the same route and filling up ed from the same pump and achieved 25.4 mpg! He states that apart from the efficiency, the sulphur smell from the exhaust emissions that he used to get is also non-existent now. He says that it doesn't matter if existent your car runs premium fuel or not; Magnum Fuel Rx is still worth the investment. 2003 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Davidson If you thought it was just about cars, there's Charlie G. of Albuquerque, NM, who owns a 2003 Harley- t s Harley Davidson Electra Glide. He confirms a 10% improvement in fuel economy on standard gasoline after switching from the high octane blend. And for him, it wasn't just about fuel economy; he happily s states that he has enjoyed smoother performance and no engine pinging since he chose Magnum Fuel Rx. These are just some examples of those who have discovered the advantages of opting for Magnum Fuel Rx. There are lots of other testimonials, written and vi video, being added regularly on the website - Magnum Fuel Rx has several long term benefits which include . improved performance, longer engine life lower running costs and of course, fewer visits to the gas life, station.