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Welcome to the E-learning Module titled: “Genocide of the Mind.”

                This e-learning module has been created to inform and
             educate laypersons and experts alike on the topic of ethnic
                                      cleansing as a form of genocide.

                What is hoped you will gain from this is a different and
              viable perspective of what ethnic cleansing is and its very
                           fabric of existence here in the United States.
What is Genocide of the Mind?

   Genocide of the mind is a societal attempt and intent to
  place an individual’s mind, thought processes, emotions,
               and intelligence as defective and/or inferior.

     Genocide of the mind is implemented in a Totalitarian
Society/Culture who by default, mimics the Totalism found
                                                 in China.
Let’s begin with some important terminology!

               Ethnic cleansing     Ethno-history “A   Expulsion is “the     Culture is “the
              is “the expulsion,    study of the       art of expelling.”    set of shared
              imprisonment, or      development of                           attitudes, values,
                    killing of an                                            goals,
                 ethnic minority                                             conventions, or
                  by a dominant                           And, what          social practices
               majority in order                       constitutes the art   that characterizes
                                    What is the
               to achieve ethnic                         of expelling?       an institution, a
                                    opposite of
                  homogeneity.”                                              particular field,
                                    Ethno-history?                           activity, or
Expelling is “the act of taking away rights and privileges of a membership
into a society, culture, organization, or group.” The opposite of expelling is
inclusion. Membership is the relationship between an element of a set or class.
Inclusion is a relation between two classes that exists when all members of the first
are also members of the second, for instance race and citizenship.

           Scenario #1: Treacherous Diplomacies
           In the book titled, “Hidden Codes and Grand Designs,” Pierre
           Berloquin quotes: “Code is a rich and ambiguous word. It can be the
           key to a cipher in which one purposely hides a meaning that someone else
           can read by using the same code. This means it can be a key to being true
           to your surroundings or a key to treacherous diplomacies aimed at your
           brothers. . . . they cannot be separated.”

                                               Let’s Continue
Using the definition of expelling which is: “the act and art of taking away rights and
privileges of a membership into a society, culture, organization, or group,” let’s take a look at
a scenario providing a better picture of this concept.
                    Scenario #1
                    Treacherous Diplomacies
                          One way rights and privileges are taken away within America, is through the
                    organizational strategy of taking one’s Social Security number, placing a cipher code
                    within the identifiable number, and marking it through technological means within
                    the economic industries; this strategy’s intended purpose is to mysteriously, expel
                    opportunities (systematically, in corporate America and institutionally, within
                    governmental programs).

                    Historical Example & Historical Comparative
                          This new formed coding and marking is done in the same manner Jewish people
                    were marked during the holocaust, only this time it is through technological means
                    rather than on the arm.

                                                                Let’s look deeper!
Thus far we have learned:
1.   Expelling is: “the creative act of taking away rights and privileges of a membership into a society,
     culture, organization, or group.”
2.   One way rights and privileges are taken away within America is: “through the placing of a cipher
     code, technologically.”

                        Let’s analyze further on how this may play out.
                          Perpetrated Strategy: The Art of Expelling
                          There is the man behind the computer who codes a particular label in the
                          form of a cipher and attaches it to an individual’s social security number,
                          establishing their place in society. This code is only known by the circles
                          trained to understand its interpretation—loyal to this understanding, these
                          circles automatically decline , take away, and deprive opportunities, by
                          secretive measures. Like the “hidden hand” in the economy implied by
                          Adam Smith during the Industrial Revolution and cloaked in mystery—this
                          strategy of a cipher code is thoughtfully developed, devised, and executed to
                          take away one’s freedom.
                                 By loyalty or by training, this code is implemented with no protections
                          for the individual.

                                                                   Is it possible?
Absolutely, it is possible, individuals and elite’s alike, could develop, devise,
and implement strategically, a cipher code, taking away one’s freedom (if
they haven’t already). Numbers were used back then to implement expulsion and
genocide (as in the holocaust), just as numbers are used to identify us today. Slavery
is a key outcome and consequence, a careless and distinct implication of genocide
and genocide of the mind.

            Neil Postman, author of Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, states,
            “. . . Those who cultivate competence in the use of a new technology become an elite group
            that are granted undeserved authority and prestige by those who have no such competence.
                          Harold Innis, the father of modern Communication Studies, repeatedly spoke of
            the ‘knowledge monopolies’ created by important technologies. . . . those who
            have control over the workings of a particular technology accumulate power and inevitably
            form a kind of conspiracy against those who have no access to the specialized knowledge
            made available by the technology.”

                      What an easy way to create character assassination and
            enslavement on an individual or group of people; placing them into
            categorical identities of inequality where privilege rules, based on the

                                                   Let’s look further!
Thus far we have learned:
1. Expelling is: “the creative act of taking away rights and privileges of a membership into a
   society, culture, organization, or group.”
2. One way rights and privileges are taken away within America is: “through the placing
   of a cipher code, technologically.”
3. By loyalty or by training, this cipher code is implemented with no protections for the
                     What are the deeper implications of danger in the above statement, “By
                     loyalty or by training?”

                    Deeper Implications of Danger
                   If we as a society become completely accepting to a system and institution
                   who trains employees and layperson’s alike on the interpretation of
                   information within a database and train them to make specified decisions
                   based on that interpretation, without regard to the cipher’s “other” meaning,
                   slavery has just succeeded to mass produce in mystery.

                                                    What is the outcome?
There is another form of weaponry in our American institutions and American culture, the same
intent as the act of genocide, only secretly devised and mysteriously implemented. This weaponry
          is at the heart of oppression and separatism; it is still war, not peace!"(c) 2010, M. Gouin

                                   The outcome is:
                                   1. poverty
                                   2. oppression
                                   3. identity assassination
                                   4. inequality
                                   which equivocates to:
                                        a) dictatorship
                                        b) Tyranny--Totalism
                                        c) the act of genocide
                                   rather than:
                                            i. diplomacy
                                            ii. freedom

                                               Another Important Point
The Internet is lawless! We all know that!
If the internet is lawless, what is at stake in
relationship to human rights and what are the
potential issues of this lawlessness?

This question is not about freedom of speech or civil
liberties rather, protections from slavery, tyranny, and
dictatorship which together, accumulates to terrorism
and attack on individuality.

If the internet, as a database and information
highway is lawless, how does an individual, a group,
and country protect themselves from the lawlessness?
Although, this is another complicated topic
altogether, it is important to understand the issues we
have faced, we face today, and can expect to face in
the future.
Ethnic Cleansing
Ethnic cleansing is “the expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of an ethnic minority by a
dominant majority in order to achieve ethnic homogeneity.”

           Scenario #2: The Secret Hand of Oppression
           In the book titled, “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism,” author
           Robert J. Lifton writes about “brainwashing and thought-terminating cliché’s
           in China.

            Although, I will not delve deeply into this book I want to share excerpts I feel
           give substantial evidence to a danger lurking deeply within the belief system
           of Psychology, Social Work, and our institutions. I point out a “belief system”
           because in our institutions across the United States, the “cultural norm of
           belief” is very similar to the thought-terminating processes Totalism
           represents, “ethnic homogeneity.”

                                                    Let’s look deeper!
Using the definition of homogeneity which is: “the quality or state of being homogeneous, (sameness in
belief and thinking), ethnic which is: “of or relating to large groups of people classed according to
commonality and/or beliefs, experiences, or culture,” and imprisonment which is: “constraining and/or
confining a human being from the liberties true freedom provides, let’s take a look at a scenario of ethnic
homogeneity and how it may be applied in a human service situation.

                   Scenario #2
                   The Secret Hand of Oppression
                   The other day, a Social Worker stated to a client (who is suffering from the affects of
                   poverty and oppression), “You need to change your thinking.” The Social Worker truly
                   believes the changing of one’s thinking will erase the problem of poverty and disconnection
                   caused by prejudice and oppression, of which this client lives and reaches out to the
                   healing community in alleviating. In effect, the client is being forced to submit to the belief
                   that the reason for his/her circumstances is because of his/her biological defects.

                   In such a trained and majority cultural belief system, the Social Worker demands by
                   authority the clients conformity; the result of this demand becomes a coerced client on
                   defense for their individual diversity and a system betraying its very premise of protecting
                   humanity. The client has no human right protections for their individuality once this
                   system incorporates this ideology in radical formulation—”Change your thinking.”

                   Totalism is thought reform, as Robert Jay Lifton suggests. In the preface of his book
                   “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism,” Robert writes, “Totalitarianism is part of
                   the human repertoire, an ever present potential that can readily manifest itself when historical
                   conditions call it forth. What is new is the potential for radically increased consequences of
                   Totalism, to the point of human extinction!”

                                                                     Let’s look deeper!
Thus far we have learned:

1. Ethnic Homogeneity equivocates to a Totalitarian existence produced through the
   implementation of thought reform within systems and culture.
2. One way rights and privileges are taken away within America is: “through the belief
   that changing the way one thinks will result in a better more productive person and
   implementing institutional strategies that enforce this ideology upon it’s clientele.
3. In the case of this social worker, this mental state of belief becomes the terroristic threat,
   a fist of authority, and an implementation of ethnic cleansing upon the client population
   it services.
                      What are the deeper implications of a totalitarian state of mind as
                      practiced by this Social Worker?

                        The problem of such beliefs (individually and collectively) is:
                             1. the practice of a culturally accepted intent , “change your
                             2. behavior of ethnic cleansing which diminishes the talent and
                                potential of human beings.

                                                              Is it possible?
Robert Jay Lifton goes on to write, “For an individual person the effect of the language of ideological Totalism, (in
this case, the statement, “you need to change your thinking.”), can be summed up in one word: constriction. He
or she is linguistically deprived; and since language is so central to all human experience, his/her capacities for
thinking and feeling are immensely narrowed.” “. . . In effect, an individual is profoundly confined by these
verbal fetters.”
                                  Consequences and Comparative Details

                            As Robert Jay Lifton points out above, there is an outcome of confinement in
                            a society, culture, and institution who truly believes homogeneity is a
                            necessity for the subsistence of a majority culture.

                            If the individual does not change their thinking, to the conformed belief, they
                            experience a form of violence that falls under the category of genocide.

                            So when the Social Worker in her belief system expresses, “You need to change
                            your thinking” to the client, the suggestion becomes an operational change
                            advocate of a clients thinking, shaking the clients own power of knowing. The
                            end result and intent of the Social Worker (due to the loyalty of the
                            professional belief) is the injuring of the client’s ability to think independently,
                            threatening the very existence of individuality.

                            No human being should have to tolerate this type of genocide repeatedly, and
                            yet most clients do, especially those in the system. This is at the heart of
                            institutional failure, individual breakdown, and DSMIV diagnosis, in most
                            systemic cases!
Other Totalitarian Beliefs Integrated Within our Culture and Institutions
                  1. If you feel emotional suffering externally or internally, it is
                     because you must change your thought processes and/or
                     accept your “genetic defect.” And the thought processes
                     are based on the “experts” knowledge rather than, the
                     individuals knowing.
                  2. If you are poor, you brought this upon yourself either
                     because you are mentally inferior, have a disease that
                     incapacitates you from developing self-sufficiency, or you
                     are a criminal.
                  3. If there is conflict in your life, it is because you are creating
                     that conflict. Again, the cultural norm acts in their belief
                     if an individual has conflict around them it is because they
                     are the contributor of that conflict or they are choosing to
                     be in that conflict.

 Society and institutions validate this belief through the interpretation and application
of theory which creates a separation between the individual’s capability and present
ability of personal knowing and a systems doctrine that must always be right till,
scientifically proven wrong.

                                                         Final Thoughts
One needs to be careful about the way in which they go
about trying to “help” a people or trying to alleviate
suffering, especially when it is based on the supremacy of
one’s educational theory that has become the “fields norm”
of accepted interpretation.

Another words, equivocating the “helping” and aligning
the consensus of those beliefs in order to justify and
validate (or revalidate) the interpreted theory.

Even more, a healer needs to look at how they are
contributing to genocidal conformity by submitting
theoretical gibberish in substantiating why someone
behaves the way they do.

Hopefully, the resilience of a people in poverty does not
succumb to its intent, an inferior status and a victim.
The chains of genocide mutilate a people and this is at the
root of oppression.
There is another form of weaponry in our American institutions and American culture, the same
intent as the act of genocide, only secretly devised and mysteriously implemented. This weaponry
          is at the heart of oppression and separatism; it is still war, not peace!"(c) 2010, M. Gouin

                           What is the opposite of Ethno-History?
                                   1. poverty
                                   2. oppression
                                   3. identity assassination
                                   4. inequality
                                   which equivocates to:
                                        a) dictatorship
                                        b) Tyranny--Totalism
                                        c) the act of genocide
                                   rather than:
                                            i. diplomacy
                                            ii. freedom

1.   Morse, John M., Fredrick C. Mish, Madeline L. Novak. Merriam
     Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition. United States of
     America: Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.
2.   Berloquin, Pierre. Hidden Codes and Grand Designs. New
     York: Sterling Publishing, 2008.
3.   Moore, MariJo, Vine Deloria, Jr. Genocide of the Mind. New
     York: Nation Books, 2003.
4.   Lifton, Robert Jay. Thought Reform and the Psychology of
     Totalism. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina
     Press, 1989.

             The End!

                       Designed and written by: Madeline A. Gouin
                       All sources quoted have been placed in the bibliography.
                       All inquiries about this e-learning module can be addressed

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Genocide Of The Mind

  • 1. Welcome to the E-learning Module titled: “Genocide of the Mind.” This e-learning module has been created to inform and educate laypersons and experts alike on the topic of ethnic cleansing as a form of genocide. What is hoped you will gain from this is a different and viable perspective of what ethnic cleansing is and its very fabric of existence here in the United States.
  • 2. What is Genocide of the Mind? Genocide of the mind is a societal attempt and intent to place an individual’s mind, thought processes, emotions, and intelligence as defective and/or inferior. Genocide of the mind is implemented in a Totalitarian Society/Culture who by default, mimics the Totalism found in China.
  • 3. Let’s begin with some important terminology! Ethnic cleansing Ethno-history “A Expulsion is “the Culture is “the Terminology is “the expulsion, study of the art of expelling.” set of shared imprisonment, or development of attitudes, values, killing of an goals, cultures.” ethnic minority conventions, or by a dominant And, what social practices majority in order constitutes the art that characterizes What is the to achieve ethnic of expelling? an institution, a opposite of homogeneity.” particular field, Ethno-history? activity, or societal characteristic.”
  • 4. Expel Expelling is “the act of taking away rights and privileges of a membership into a society, culture, organization, or group.” The opposite of expelling is inclusion. Membership is the relationship between an element of a set or class. Inclusion is a relation between two classes that exists when all members of the first are also members of the second, for instance race and citizenship. Scenario #1: Treacherous Diplomacies In the book titled, “Hidden Codes and Grand Designs,” Pierre Berloquin quotes: “Code is a rich and ambiguous word. It can be the key to a cipher in which one purposely hides a meaning that someone else can read by using the same code. This means it can be a key to being true to your surroundings or a key to treacherous diplomacies aimed at your brothers. . . . they cannot be separated.” Let’s Continue
  • 5. Using the definition of expelling which is: “the act and art of taking away rights and privileges of a membership into a society, culture, organization, or group,” let’s take a look at a scenario providing a better picture of this concept. Scenario #1 Treacherous Diplomacies One way rights and privileges are taken away within America, is through the organizational strategy of taking one’s Social Security number, placing a cipher code within the identifiable number, and marking it through technological means within the economic industries; this strategy’s intended purpose is to mysteriously, expel opportunities (systematically, in corporate America and institutionally, within governmental programs). Historical Example & Historical Comparative This new formed coding and marking is done in the same manner Jewish people were marked during the holocaust, only this time it is through technological means rather than on the arm. Let’s look deeper!
  • 6. Thus far we have learned: 1. Expelling is: “the creative act of taking away rights and privileges of a membership into a society, culture, organization, or group.” 2. One way rights and privileges are taken away within America is: “through the placing of a cipher code, technologically.” Let’s analyze further on how this may play out. Perpetrated Strategy: The Art of Expelling There is the man behind the computer who codes a particular label in the form of a cipher and attaches it to an individual’s social security number, establishing their place in society. This code is only known by the circles trained to understand its interpretation—loyal to this understanding, these circles automatically decline , take away, and deprive opportunities, by secretive measures. Like the “hidden hand” in the economy implied by Adam Smith during the Industrial Revolution and cloaked in mystery—this strategy of a cipher code is thoughtfully developed, devised, and executed to take away one’s freedom. By loyalty or by training, this code is implemented with no protections for the individual. Is it possible?
  • 7. Absolutely, it is possible, individuals and elite’s alike, could develop, devise, and implement strategically, a cipher code, taking away one’s freedom (if they haven’t already). Numbers were used back then to implement expulsion and genocide (as in the holocaust), just as numbers are used to identify us today. Slavery is a key outcome and consequence, a careless and distinct implication of genocide and genocide of the mind. Neil Postman, author of Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, states, “. . . Those who cultivate competence in the use of a new technology become an elite group that are granted undeserved authority and prestige by those who have no such competence. Harold Innis, the father of modern Communication Studies, repeatedly spoke of the ‘knowledge monopolies’ created by important technologies. . . . those who have control over the workings of a particular technology accumulate power and inevitably form a kind of conspiracy against those who have no access to the specialized knowledge made available by the technology.” What an easy way to create character assassination and enslavement on an individual or group of people; placing them into categorical identities of inequality where privilege rules, based on the code. Let’s look further!
  • 8. Thus far we have learned: 1. Expelling is: “the creative act of taking away rights and privileges of a membership into a society, culture, organization, or group.” 2. One way rights and privileges are taken away within America is: “through the placing of a cipher code, technologically.” 3. By loyalty or by training, this cipher code is implemented with no protections for the individual. What are the deeper implications of danger in the above statement, “By loyalty or by training?” Deeper Implications of Danger If we as a society become completely accepting to a system and institution who trains employees and layperson’s alike on the interpretation of information within a database and train them to make specified decisions based on that interpretation, without regard to the cipher’s “other” meaning, slavery has just succeeded to mass produce in mystery. What is the outcome?
  • 9. There is another form of weaponry in our American institutions and American culture, the same intent as the act of genocide, only secretly devised and mysteriously implemented. This weaponry is at the heart of oppression and separatism; it is still war, not peace!"(c) 2010, M. Gouin The outcome is: 1. poverty 2. oppression 3. identity assassination 4. inequality which equivocates to: a) dictatorship b) Tyranny--Totalism and c) the act of genocide rather than: i. diplomacy ii. freedom Another Important Point
  • 10. The Internet is lawless! We all know that! If the internet is lawless, what is at stake in relationship to human rights and what are the potential issues of this lawlessness? This question is not about freedom of speech or civil liberties rather, protections from slavery, tyranny, and dictatorship which together, accumulates to terrorism and attack on individuality. If the internet, as a database and information highway is lawless, how does an individual, a group, and country protect themselves from the lawlessness? Although, this is another complicated topic altogether, it is important to understand the issues we have faced, we face today, and can expect to face in the future.
  • 11. Ethnic Cleansing Ethnic cleansing is “the expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of an ethnic minority by a dominant majority in order to achieve ethnic homogeneity.” Scenario #2: The Secret Hand of Oppression In the book titled, “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism,” author Robert J. Lifton writes about “brainwashing and thought-terminating cliché’s in China. Although, I will not delve deeply into this book I want to share excerpts I feel give substantial evidence to a danger lurking deeply within the belief system of Psychology, Social Work, and our institutions. I point out a “belief system” because in our institutions across the United States, the “cultural norm of belief” is very similar to the thought-terminating processes Totalism represents, “ethnic homogeneity.” Let’s look deeper!
  • 12. Using the definition of homogeneity which is: “the quality or state of being homogeneous, (sameness in belief and thinking), ethnic which is: “of or relating to large groups of people classed according to commonality and/or beliefs, experiences, or culture,” and imprisonment which is: “constraining and/or confining a human being from the liberties true freedom provides, let’s take a look at a scenario of ethnic homogeneity and how it may be applied in a human service situation. Scenario #2 The Secret Hand of Oppression The other day, a Social Worker stated to a client (who is suffering from the affects of poverty and oppression), “You need to change your thinking.” The Social Worker truly believes the changing of one’s thinking will erase the problem of poverty and disconnection caused by prejudice and oppression, of which this client lives and reaches out to the healing community in alleviating. In effect, the client is being forced to submit to the belief that the reason for his/her circumstances is because of his/her biological defects. In such a trained and majority cultural belief system, the Social Worker demands by authority the clients conformity; the result of this demand becomes a coerced client on defense for their individual diversity and a system betraying its very premise of protecting humanity. The client has no human right protections for their individuality once this system incorporates this ideology in radical formulation—”Change your thinking.” Totalism is thought reform, as Robert Jay Lifton suggests. In the preface of his book “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism,” Robert writes, “Totalitarianism is part of the human repertoire, an ever present potential that can readily manifest itself when historical conditions call it forth. What is new is the potential for radically increased consequences of Totalism, to the point of human extinction!” Let’s look deeper!
  • 13. Thus far we have learned: 1. Ethnic Homogeneity equivocates to a Totalitarian existence produced through the implementation of thought reform within systems and culture. 2. One way rights and privileges are taken away within America is: “through the belief that changing the way one thinks will result in a better more productive person and implementing institutional strategies that enforce this ideology upon it’s clientele. 3. In the case of this social worker, this mental state of belief becomes the terroristic threat, a fist of authority, and an implementation of ethnic cleansing upon the client population it services. What are the deeper implications of a totalitarian state of mind as practiced by this Social Worker? The problem of such beliefs (individually and collectively) is: 1. the practice of a culturally accepted intent , “change your thinking” 2. behavior of ethnic cleansing which diminishes the talent and potential of human beings. Is it possible?
  • 14. Robert Jay Lifton goes on to write, “For an individual person the effect of the language of ideological Totalism, (in this case, the statement, “you need to change your thinking.”), can be summed up in one word: constriction. He or she is linguistically deprived; and since language is so central to all human experience, his/her capacities for thinking and feeling are immensely narrowed.” “. . . In effect, an individual is profoundly confined by these verbal fetters.” Consequences and Comparative Details As Robert Jay Lifton points out above, there is an outcome of confinement in a society, culture, and institution who truly believes homogeneity is a necessity for the subsistence of a majority culture. If the individual does not change their thinking, to the conformed belief, they experience a form of violence that falls under the category of genocide. So when the Social Worker in her belief system expresses, “You need to change your thinking” to the client, the suggestion becomes an operational change advocate of a clients thinking, shaking the clients own power of knowing. The end result and intent of the Social Worker (due to the loyalty of the professional belief) is the injuring of the client’s ability to think independently, threatening the very existence of individuality. No human being should have to tolerate this type of genocide repeatedly, and yet most clients do, especially those in the system. This is at the heart of institutional failure, individual breakdown, and DSMIV diagnosis, in most systemic cases!
  • 15. Other Totalitarian Beliefs Integrated Within our Culture and Institutions 1. If you feel emotional suffering externally or internally, it is because you must change your thought processes and/or accept your “genetic defect.” And the thought processes are based on the “experts” knowledge rather than, the individuals knowing. 2. If you are poor, you brought this upon yourself either because you are mentally inferior, have a disease that incapacitates you from developing self-sufficiency, or you are a criminal. 3. If there is conflict in your life, it is because you are creating that conflict. Again, the cultural norm acts in their belief if an individual has conflict around them it is because they are the contributor of that conflict or they are choosing to be in that conflict. Society and institutions validate this belief through the interpretation and application of theory which creates a separation between the individual’s capability and present ability of personal knowing and a systems doctrine that must always be right till, scientifically proven wrong. Final Thoughts
  • 16. One needs to be careful about the way in which they go about trying to “help” a people or trying to alleviate suffering, especially when it is based on the supremacy of one’s educational theory that has become the “fields norm” of accepted interpretation. Another words, equivocating the “helping” and aligning the consensus of those beliefs in order to justify and validate (or revalidate) the interpreted theory. Even more, a healer needs to look at how they are contributing to genocidal conformity by submitting theoretical gibberish in substantiating why someone behaves the way they do. Hopefully, the resilience of a people in poverty does not succumb to its intent, an inferior status and a victim. The chains of genocide mutilate a people and this is at the root of oppression.
  • 17. There is another form of weaponry in our American institutions and American culture, the same intent as the act of genocide, only secretly devised and mysteriously implemented. This weaponry is at the heart of oppression and separatism; it is still war, not peace!"(c) 2010, M. Gouin What is the opposite of Ethno-History? 1. poverty 2. oppression 3. identity assassination 4. inequality which equivocates to: a) dictatorship b) Tyranny--Totalism and c) the act of genocide rather than: i. diplomacy ii. freedom
  • 18. Bibliography 1. Morse, John M., Fredrick C. Mish, Madeline L. Novak. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition. United States of America: Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. 2. Berloquin, Pierre. Hidden Codes and Grand Designs. New York: Sterling Publishing, 2008. 3. Moore, MariJo, Vine Deloria, Jr. Genocide of the Mind. New York: Nation Books, 2003. 4. Lifton, Robert Jay. Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press, 1989. The End! Designed and written by: Madeline A. Gouin All sources quoted have been placed in the bibliography. All inquiries about this e-learning module can be addressed at: