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Genetically Modified Foods And Animals
Brett Knox Ms. Spain English 4 12/8/14 Genetically Modified/ Bioengineered Foods and Animals
Bioengineered Foods are taking over the market as a whole. What are Bioengineered Foods you
may ask? Well, they are foods that have been genetically modified so that a gene from their DNA
structure has been added, or taken away. Today, genetically modified/bioengineered foods are a very
controversial issue. While some people think that bioengineered foods are just as healthy as
traditionally grown foods, others think that they are unhealthy and are linked to many health
problems. There are a large amount of people in the United States that think that there is nothing
wrong with eating these GMO foods, even though many other countries do not consider them safe
(GMO Facts). They have good reason to believe that these foods are safe to eat; however,
bioengineered foods must comply with all of the same laws and regulations as traditionally grown
foods. Because normal foods are considered safe, people think that these foods are also safe,
because they must abide by the same laws and regulations. Gallup polls over the years have also
shown data stating that most Americans are not afraid to eat Genetically Modified Foods. Only
thirty four percent of the people thought that bioengineered foods actually posed a health hazard.
Fifty four percent thought the foods were completely safe to eat (Bioengineered Foods 86).
Although the consumption of genetically engineered food is hotly debated
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Essay Genetically Modified Foods
Hunger is currently one of the world's most widespread crises, affecting millions of people. In every
single country of the world, there are people that go to bed without food on a regular basis, and
many that end up dying of starvation. One way that the eradication of hunger has been attempted is
by increasing the amount of food in the world, so that there is enough to go around. Scientists have
tried to do this by creating new species of crops, using genetic engineering. Though genetically
modified foods were originally created to improve agriculture, their negative effects greatly
outweigh their positive ones.
Though they have a relatively short history, genetically modified foods have grown into a massive
industry. In 1995, the United ... Show more content on ...
In mutating a plant's DNA, scientists can impact the crops' number of seeds, height, and resistance
to disease, all of which can positively affect a crop's yield (220). In one Indian study, GM cotton had
a 30–80 percent higher yield than non–GM cotton (Diaz and Fridovich–Keil). Because of their
higher crop production and therefore their ability to provide more food for the world, GM crops
may have a huge positive impact on the approximately one billion malnourished and underfed
people living in underdeveloped countries (Lerner and Lerner). Having enough food will be even
more essential within the next 50 years, as the world's population is expected to increase to 14
billion (Lerner and Lerner). Genetic engineers are also working on creating crops that can withstand
extreme weather conditions to increase the amount of farmable land globally (Diaz and Fridovich–
Keil). These positive effects provide a strong argument to support GM foods.
In contrast, however, GM foods have had negative effects on their consumers, and many of them
can be directly attributed to the actual modification of the crop's genes. To make GM foods, cells are
grown into plants through the cloning of new DNA infused with certain genes (220). This synthetic
process causes genetic mutations in the GM plants, which may toxify the food (220). The negative
consequences of engineering new crop species include a reduction in nutrition; overproduction of
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Genetically Modified Foods
Ever wondered what has been put into everyday food and what the impact is on human health?
Approximately 60–80 % of everyday food has one ingredient made from genetically modified
foods. When hearing "genetically modified food" people automatically think it is only bad for
health, but there is also a good impact surprisingly. The one bad thing is that people do not know
what types food have been modified because there are no labels for GMO products. Even though
GMOs have a bad impact on human health, it also has a good impact. First off GMOs are
genetically modified organisms or transgenic crops. In other words, GMOs mean "splicing genetic
material from one organism (plant, animal, bacteria or viruses) and transferring it to another"
(Freedman). Gene splicing is one of the many different ways GMOs are created. The different
methods of creating GMOs all consist of the same idea; taking a specific trait or gene from one
organism and transferring it to another organism. For example, "genes that help cold water fish
survive low temperature can be inserted into a strawberry to make it frost–resistant" (Deakin
University Australia). Biotechnologists aren't just putting together some random chemicals to make
strawberries frost–resistant. Biotechnologists take specific genes, which are biological unit that
determine an organism's inherited character and take them from the fish and insert it into a different
form of food; which in this case are strawberries. GMOs are mainly
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Benefits Of Genetically Modified Food
A genetically modified food is food that was made using organisms that were genetically modified
as well. What the engineers do is take certain traits that they like from each crop and transfer them
to another to get their desired food. There is a company called Arctic Apples which uses
biotechnology to identify certain genes that, when mixed with polyphenolics, turns the apples
brown. When they identify it, they remove the genes that cause it and the apples don't go brown.
This is one of many genetically modified foods available. Another usage is everything that we get
from the mustard seed. From a simple mustard seed, we get many vegetables such as turnips, collard
greens, broccoli, cauliflower and so much more. Genetically modified food can be very helpful in
certain aspects, such as using a gene from the spinach plant to repel bugs to prevent crops from
going bad instead of using dangerous pesticides. Another way that crops can be genetically modified
is for crops be resistant to freezing temperatures that can sometimes destroy crops and seeds. There
are many reasons that we can benefit from genetically modified food. There are some downsides to
genetically modified food however. Most of the crops that are modified are corn, soy and sugar
beets. Most of the ingredients wind up in junk food and foods that aren't very healthy for us.
Because there is a high demand for those crops specifically, farmers plant more of these instead of
rotating the types of crops that they
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Benefits Of Genetically Modified Foods
What foods are genetically modified? Well, most food that "contains sugar from sugar beets, soy, or
corn," is genetically modified (Mercola, 2015, p. 4). Most people consume genetically modified, or
GM, foods every day without even being aware. While some do avidly monitor their food
consumption and avoid GM foods, others simply eat GM foods because, to them, GM foods seem
safe to consume. In "Genetically Modified Foods Are Not Safe to Eat," osteopath, Joseph Mercola,
advocates his concerns of consuming GM foods and stresses that more people need to be aware of
what they eat. Even though some may still disagree that genetically modified foods are unsafe after
reviewing Mercola's work, his article contains an extremely sound and valid ... Show more content
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Through Dr. Bereano's "Lego model," Mercola shows how replacing genes with genetically
modified ones can become unsafe. While genetically engineered genes may seem similar, they will
not necessarily code for only one protein. This new structure can become harmful. By including
research and support from scientist, Vrain, and Dr. Bereano, Mercola's first premise is well
In another premise, Mercola logically acknowledges problems that could arise from horizontal gene
transfer through support from Dr. David Suzuik, an award–winning geneticist. After an explanation
that genetic engineering utilizes horizontal gene transfer which "involves injecting a gene from one
species into a completely different species" (Mercola, 2015, p. 2), Mercola (2015) writes that those
in favor for GM crops believe vertical inheritance principles can be applied to horizontal gene
transfer. Dr. Suzuki, on the other hand, states that their theory is flawed. Horizontal gene transfer
can create unexpected results, thus causing the safety of genetically modified foods to waver (p. 2).
This premise, although only supported once, is logical and sound. Many unpredicted reactions could
be a result of horizontal gene transfer which could cause health problems for those who eat
genetically modified food.
Not only does Mercola provide two well supported and logical premises, but he also
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Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods are a very dangerous and wasteful process that is given too much
thought. This includes allergic reactions to possible intestinal damage, many people want to avoid
genetically modified foods because of animal studies that have shown changes in internal cell
formation, unusual tumor development, and unanticipated passing of life that have occurred, as well
as altered the number of cells that regulated the immune system for the body. Research has shown
that a growth in genetically modified foods has raised allergic reactions in the population. If
someone is allergic to a genetically modified crop, then for example, if a cow eats that genetically
modified crop, there is a high risk of the person getting an allergic reaction from eating the cow
meat. The safety of genetically modified foods is not verified yet, we are the lab rats to test the
safety of them, which cause great risks and potential threats on human health. There has been no
thorough research done on the current genetically modified foods.. Along with the risk of GMO's,
Dr. Stanley Ewen, a histopathologist at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary made aware that food and water
that are genetically modified could increase the growth of incurable tumors upon humans. Later
studies showed a link between cancer and genetically modified food. Although genetically modified
foods feeds hungry children, the end results of eating these GMO's ends up causing untreatable
tumors for the child ,that ends up
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Benefits Of Genetically Modified Foods
With progress in genetic engineering of foods, scientist, researchers, and farmers have changed the
way food is grown. And this has started raising questions about the methods they use and their
possible risks and side effects. To understand the risks and benefits of genetically modified foods
you must first understand what they are.
Genetically modified foods may also be referred to as GM foods, GMO, modified crops, GM
organisms, or bio–tech foods. (Wohlers, Anton E, 2013, p73–84) You may see me referring to
Genetically Modified foods as any of the names I just mentioned in this paper. But a lot of people
know the different names of genetically modified foods but they don't know exactly what they are.
A GMO is a plant that is developed in a laboratory, through a process in which a copy of a desired
genetic material from one plant or organism, is placed in another plant. And the plant that has the
new gene is considered genetically modified. This is often done as scientist try to make certain
plants better suited to life in different areas. Like infusing a green bean plant that is infused with a
fish protein that helps keep the plant from freezing so it can grow better in the Northern Regions of
the world.
One particularly issue is that the genetic engineering between two different species, specifically
between plants and animals, which some scientist believe are breaking down "natural
barriers...with...unpredictable results". (Patwardhan, Dasari, Bhagavatula, Muller,
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Genetically Modified Food and Gm Foods
It's been said that humans are what they eat. The relationship humans have with food is
unappreciated. Food is the fuel that keeps humans going, gives them the energy needed to be
creative and productive; it is the building block of society, after all, it wasn't until the Neolithic Era,
when humans figured out a way to domesticate plants and animals, that any form of organized
society formed. Even during the previous hunter–gatherer foraging era, humans were very
connected to the food they ate; understanding where it came and having an idea of how it came to
be was crucial to knowing what was vital to survive. In this time, food sources like grains, fruits,
and vegetables were naturally abundant, whole. Humans could choose between many ... Show more
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The lack of food plant diversity eventually led to multiple problems, like the mass destruction of
crops that had contracted disease or succumbed to pesticide–resistant insects, chemically saturated
and overly watered soils, and an inevitable decline in production yields (Pringle). Obviously, the
United States needed to find a solution to this problem. By the late 1900s, many scientists and
biotechnologists approved and advocated genetic engineering as the most viable solution. This
process is best described by Lauren and Robin Ticciati in their book, Genetically Modified Foods:
Are They Safe? You Decide. According to the Ticciati's, scientists planned to take a gene from one
completely different organism and insert it into the plant in order to make it yield a desired outcome
(Ticciati). The goal was to create food plants that could grow and withstand harsh conditions like
pesticides, infertile soil, unfavorable climates, and geographical locations. Despite wariness from
skeptical environmentalists about the unknown future effects of genetic food engineering, the
companies who profit from this new food technology proclaimed it to be the wave of the future. As
the Ticciati's evidenced, in 1996, when the FDA approved the use of genetically engineered foods
with no special label requirements, the GM foods were introduced on grocery market shelves with
relatively no consumer awareness. This is just another example of how society is not clueless by
choice. If
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Genetically Modified Food For Food
The human population is growing rapidly. With the growth in the human population, the demand for
food is also growing at an unprecedented rate. Arguably, farms are unable to naturally provide the
world's population the food needed by natural means. This may seem like a big issue, but humans
came up with an ingenious solution: genetically modified organisms, commonly known as GMO's.
Genetically modified food has been able to offset the worlds growing demand for food, and all our
food problems seem to be solved. Or have they? I will use information from: Wendell Berry's, The
Pleasures of Eating, Jon Entine and JoAnna Wendel's, 2000+ reasons Why GMO's Are Safe to Eat,
Robin Mather's, The Threats from Genetically Modified Foods, along with references from Food
Inc., to explain how genetically modified food is being used in a way that negatively affects the
livestock, our health, the ecosystem, and the potential threats genetically modified crops have on our
Consumers tend to focus more on the price of their meat, over how their meat is raised, and the
additives placed in the meat to protect the meat from E. Coli and other harmful bacteria. This is
supported in the article, The Pleasures of eating, when Wendell Berry explains that the consumers
overriding concerns are not quality and health, but volume and price. When the livestock is raised
and butchered, the producers are thinking volume over safety. According to food Inc., Corporate
farms raise tens of thousands
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Genetically Modified Foods
The history of biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) foods has a history of opposing sides.
The two opposing sides argue on the ethical standpoint of the act of genetically modifying plants
and animals. They also argue on the health problems that the foods may cause for people that eat it.
Going towards the future, people question whether GM foods have a positive or negative effect on
humans. GM foods cause many assorted viewpoints consisting of positive and negative effects
based off of its recent history. The history and the different ways of genetically modifying the GM
foods started very recently, extending to only the past 50 years. The genetics all began when a monk
discovered that all creatures are made up of genes. GM ... Show more content on ...
First, the GM crops benefit the farmers specifically in many ways. One of the problems that organic
farming is running into is that the world's population is growing, which means that there is less land
for farmers to grow crops on. But, one of the benefits for the farmers is there is a genetic
modification that will allow the foods to resist pests easier. That means that there are less pesticides
that need to be bought which allows farmers not to have to pay an abundance of money to keep their
crops pest free. In a recent survey of global farmers, the farmers reported that the average yield
increased in third world countries from 16–30 percent (Carpenter, n.p.). In South Africa and China,
many small farmers have begun to grow GM cotton with success. With the farmers in China, cotton
increased by about ten percent in comparison to non–GM crops and the average pesticide used fell
by 80 percent, which led to a great profit.. The GM products don't only affect the farmers, but the
land and the organisms being genetically modified. Nevertheless, a great combination of benefits
come from using GM on the land and in the organisms being modified. The benefits towards
ecological standards starts out with how the crops can be modified. Not only can crops be
genetically modified to be pest resistant, they can be made to grow under very harsh weather and
conditions as well. The crops can be modified to not need as much fertilizer and herbicide, which is
good for the
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Genetically Modified Foods
The Benefits and Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods Elizabeth Oh Pin Hui (B1101785) HELP
University * * * * * Outline Introduction Opener: What are genetically modified foods (GMF)?
Thesis statement: Genetically modified foods have both benefits as well as dangers to human health,
the environment, and economy. Genetically modified foods have contributed to better foods in terms
of food quality and human health. * higher nutritional value and better flavour * increased shelf life
Genetically modified foods or organisms advocates enhanced farming techniques in terms of being
environmentally friendly. * inbuilt resistance to pests, weeds, and disease * more ... Show more
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Secondly, increased shelf life of genetically modified foods will enable it to be shipped to distant
locations and cut costs as well as minimize waste to consumers. These foods are modified to be
pesticide and herbicide tolerant, resulting in less use of chemical sprays; reducing soil
contamination and pollution. In addition, genetically modified crops are more resilient, weather
tolerant and capable of surviving in adverse climates such as droughts and extremely cold weather
(Whitman, 2000). Last but not least, Whitman (2000) also states genetically modified crops are
more economical especially to farmers in third world countries because they have higher crop yields
in lesser time enabling them to satisfy the high demand for food. Genetically modified crops also
take up very little land to grow improving profits for farmers. Because they grow in such short time,
the demand for more food in starving countries is more easily satisfied at a lower cost. However,
due to the unknown nature of genetically modified foods, it may lead to harmful effects to human
health such as harmful diseases and new allergies. It has been argued that the adverse effects of
genetically modified foods cannot be predicted but only
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Genetically Modified Food ( Gm Food )
Introduction Genetic engineering or biotechnology can be applied to different fields such as animal
biology, agriculture, or in microorganism. [8] Ever since the first genetically modified food (GM
food)– Flavr Savr tomato– was invented in 1994 [16], genetically modified food has been at the
center of controversy in terms of its suitability for human consumption and its effect on the
biodiversity of naturally evolved organisms. Monsanto is the largest GM seed producer in North
America to the extend that "80 percent of U.S. corn and 93 percent of soy grown from Monsanto
patented GMO seeds." [17] Monsanto has a tremendous influence and control over the marketing
and production of global seed industries. [17] According to a scientific journal report , "GM–fed
mice could be related to the reduction in digestive enzyme synthesis" [9], suggesting that the
consumption of GM food may impair our digestion, and that individuals may be sensitive and
vulnerable to a variety of foods. [9] Another concern with GM food is its impact on biodiversity.
However, the issues surrounding biodiversity may differ from region to region [5]; for instance,
developed countries have less farmland to produce GM food by comparison to their developing
counterparts. Therefore, the impact of GM food on biodiversity may be less pronounced in
developed countries. However, the common environmental impact brought on by the cultivation of
GM food is: a "change in ecosystems and biodiversity, habitat change,
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Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods (GM) are foods that come from organisms whose genetic material has
been modified in a way that is not natural. Introducing a gene from a different organism to foods is
an example of a way that genetic modification is used. This type of genetic engineering involves
altering, transferring, and recombining genes from disparate organisms. It is said that genetic
modification is to be one of the most advanced uses of technology to ever been devised. There are
two common food genetic modifications one is for herbicide tolerance and the other is adding a
gene from soil bacteria. In order to give plants herbicide tolerance they are given a gene to protect
them from herbicides that a farmer uses to kill off weeds. The added trait from soil bacteria is called
Bacillus thuringiensis and this allows plants to produce their own insecticide. In today's day and age
GM foods stem mostly from plants, but it is said that in the future
GM microorganisms and animals are likely to be introduced to the market. (World Health
Development of GM Crops
The development of genetically modified organisms started with an Augustinian monk named
Gregor Mendel in the mid 1800's. Mendel carried out experiments with pea plants which he came to
the conclusion that these plants pass on hereditary traits from one generation to the next.
It was not until the 1900's when scientists developed early ideas around biotechnology. (Tucker)
The discovery of DNA
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Gmo Foods : Genetically Modified Food
Virtually all commercial foods are Genetically modified(GMO) in the United States. GMO's have
been estimated to be in 75% of all processed foods in American supermarkets. These processed
foods range from soda to juices, fruits to candy, and even to cereal to condiments. However, with
the world population reaching a peaking 71/2 billion, countries all over the world have begun
adapting to GMO methods to feed their growing population, but nevertheless there are countries like
Japan and Europe who have denounced GMO foods for being unnatural and taboo, and thus giving
GMO foods a bad reputation. However, a genetically modified crop starts out as a seed that had its
DNA altered in a laboratory to enhance desirable traits such as weather resistance, herbicide
resistance, and an increase in nutritional value. Genetic engineering is known for creating plants
with the desired trait very quickly and with amazing accuracy. For example, plant geneticists can
detach a gene responsible for drought resistance from one plant and put it into another plant. This
new genetically modified plant will now gain the trait of drought tolerance. Compared to the
traditional breeding methods used by farmers, this is less time consuming and quite accurate. On the
contrary to the mainstream idea that GMOs are injected with harmful chemicals, the truth is that no
chemicals are sprayed or injected to GMO's to create genetic modifications. GMO foods have no
scientific proof of having any dangerous risks
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Genetically Modified Food : Genetically Food
Genetically Modified Food
Imagine going to the grocery store and seeing a seedless watermelon, but it is not the typical oval, it
is square. Down the produce aisle, there are sweet, juicy strawberries; however, there is a warning
label that says, "Do not consume if you have a nut allergy." The world today is moving forward in
the way that society produces our wholefoods. Genetic engineering, bioengineering, or
biotechnology is the process of inserting the genetics of different plants and organisms into other
plants or organisms to create new, more efficient DNA. However, is it truly beneficial to modify the
world's natural foods? The use of genetic engineering can disrupt the ecosystems that have taken
billions of years to develop. Many years of research and work have gone into the subject of
genetically modified foods; however, this new food trend could create or enhance food related
illnesses and health problems, interfere with nature's environs, and could even cause specific ethical
problems for individuals that practice different faith. People should be aware of genetic engineering,
how it works, and how it affects their lives.
What exactly does genetically modifying organisms mean? Society has been doing it for thousands
of years. Selective breeding has been practiced to achieve things such as sweet corn, a rosebush, or a
desirable dog breed (Genetically Modified Foods). Selective breeding, also called "traditional
processing" by farmers, is when the desirable traits of
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Genetic Modified Foods Essay
Genetic modification of organisms in general is a biotechnological process that forces genes to
behave according to certain characteristics. Changing characteristics of organisms is based on
changing their DNA (tech deoxyribonucleic acid; the acid which carries genetic information in a
cell). It is being used for modifying genes in plants, animals or micro–organisms. It is being also
used especially with food in order to improve the nutritious quality, make less use of chemicals such
as pesticides, which proved to be extremely harmful, and sometimes to add flavour. Genetically
modified food (GMF) is considered one of the modern production improvements and the largest
food experiments in the ... Show more content on ...
Also, GMFs might contain toxins, which may negatively affect human beings. An experiment run
on rats by feeding them with GM potatoes affected their digestive tracks caused changes in some of
their organ weights and caused adverse effects on their immune system(south pacific consumer
protection programme1). Such experiments show the importance of thoroughly examining GM
products and making sure of their safety on humans. In addition to that, there are long–term effects
with reasons not yet identified. That could also be avoided by further research and continued
experiments. GMF is now entering the market with an increasing rate. Products include tomatoes,
corn, potatoes and soybeans. A main problem is that the issue of labelling these products is not yet
widely used. Most developed countries have adopted laws Nagi 3 that require product labelling of
ingredients, fats, vitamin, protein and carbohydrate. These nutrition information provides consumers
with a level of awareness and choice. Similarly, GMF producers are obliged to label their products.
They have to provide their customers with all necessary information about the produce. This is the
least that could be done to preserve the rights of consumers
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Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods have recently been in the new headlines for both their positive attributes
and the negatives of genetic modification, this essay will look at the effects Genetically Modified
foods have on the economy, environment and you.
Genetically modified (GM) foods refer to crop plants which have been created for human or animal
consumption, these foods have had their genetic material modified in a way that would not occur
naturally within the food. Desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improved
nutritional content are some ways food can and have been genetically modified. Traditionally,
modifying plant to have a desired trait has been undertaken through breeding, conventional plant
breeding methods ... Show more content on ...
Although these effects have not been observed in Genetically Modified crop plants, they have been
observed through conventional breeding methods, causing scientist to become concerned with the
safety of Genetically Modified plants. (, 2013) Another health concern for Genetically
Modified foods is an increase is food allergies. Food Allergy affects approximately 6% of children
and 3% of adults in Australia and lately has become a major public health issue (Bakshi, 2003).
Allergic reactions occur when a usually harmless proteins enter the body and causes an immune
response (Bernstein et al., 2003). If the protein in a Genetically Modified food originates from a
source that is known to cause allergic reactions in humans or a source that has never been consumed
by humans as food, the protein could evoke the immune response in humans increases. No allergic
reactions to Genetically Modified foods by the public have been confirmed, evidence suggesting
that some Genetically Modified food products could cause an allergic reaction has motivated a
number of biotechnology companies to discontinue their development (Bakshi, 2003). Another
serious concern for Genetically Modified foods is the production of "super bugs", scientists are
finding that Genetically Modified crops are a breeding
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The Controversy Of Genetically Modified Food
Genetically modifying food has caused many controversy around the world for the way foods are
modified. Most of the food we eat are canned, fresh, and ready to be eaten. Most of the food has
also been genetically modified. Although modifying food has been used for many years, many
countries have not adapted or want to genetically modify their foods. Genetically modifying food is
a good and bad thing but there will always be different opinions about genetically modifying food,
but one thing is for sure, genetically modifying food will increase more and more.
Genetically modified food is made by using genetic engineering methods that require
biotechnology. Foods can be modified in any way but just because foods are large does not mean
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Benefits Of Genetically Modified Foods
GMO's Genetically Modified Foods is a new contervserasonal topic on the health on agricultural of
the world. It is heavily debated for the reason that it can be seen as a health risk or a major
advancement in Agriculture. One on hand, it can be used to increase production, as well has have
foods that could be altered to be pest–resistant and greater nutritional values (WHAT ARE THEY).
While on the other hand, many consider 'Safety testing of whole foods is difficult. Generally
assessment of 'safety/toxicity' relies on the description of dose–response
relationships.'(sciencedirect). The issue on Genectally modifed foods is a important topic to argue,
because food is one of the most important factors in sustaning life, for without food, we are not able
to survive and if we are tampering with food genetics, it could very well change the way we eat.
Although, it could be argued that Genetically Modified Foods is indeed a benefit to society for it can
benefit third world countries, and alter foods to become pest and disease resistant and weather
resistant, be able to give a food more nutritional value, and with modern technology be able to
detect if a genetically modified food is safe to eat. In this paper I will examine the reason why the
government should not allow genetically modified foods, I will show that first that it is not enough
research to determine that genetically modified foods, secondly will be that there has been examples
of Genetically modified foods has
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Genetically Modified Foods ( Or Gm Foods )
Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) will be foods delivered from organisms that have had
particular progressions brought into their DNA utilizing the systems for hereditary engineering.
These strategies have taken into consideration the presentation of new traits and in addition a far
more prominent control over a food 's hereditary structure than formerly managed by routines, for
example, selective breeding and change breeding. Business offer of genetically modified crops
started in 1994, when Calgene initially marketed its Flavr Savr deferred ripening tomato. GM
livestock have additionally been tentatively created, despite the fact that as of November 2013 none
are as of now on the market
For my exposition I have chosen the technology of hereditary engineering with its application in the
field of generation of genetically modified food. This paper will investigate a large portion of the
social and ethical issues connected with Genetically Modified Foods (GMO 's) in our food supply.
Particular center will be given to the specialized parts of hereditary alteration, conceivable positive
and negative impacts of genetically modified foods, laws on genetically modified foods in the
United States. The objective by covering these differing themes is to help the peruser be generally
educated of all perspectives in regards to genetically modified foods so they can go to their ethical
stance. We recommend that the administration make a law obliging the marking of all GMO
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Genetically Modified Food For Organic Food
I 've never heard of the term genetically modified food before I take this course. Maybe I did, but I
just never paid attention to it until now due to lack of interest on the topic. I 've heard of inorganic
and organic food all the time though. I thought that farmers or manufacturers apply some sort of
chemicals on the product to make them better in inorganic food. So to me, it was not a big of a deal
because not only they try to make the product better but I also notice that inorganic food are way
cheaper than organic food. Everytime I go to the grocery store, organic food are twice or more
expensive than the popular inorganic products. When I heard of genetically modified food(GMF),
the first thing that comes to my mind is mutated food. I did not know that GMF and inorganic
products are the same. If I would have not known about GMF right now and somebody ask me if I
would eat a GMF, the answer would be a persuasive no. But, now that I know that they are the
same, I would not mind at all. According to, genetically modified ornanisms is
defined as organisms in which the DNA has been altered without mating and/or natural
recombination. The technology is often referred to as "biotechnology" or "genetic engineering". It
transfers selected genes from organism into another even between nonrelated species. Foods that are
made from genetically modified organisms such as plants and vegetables are called genetically
modified foods. Although Frankenstein and the
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Genetically Modified Foods Persuasive Essay
Beginning in 1996, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were first introduced into the
widespread media. Genetically modified organisms are living organisms whose DNA has been in,
some way, modified; mixing and matching to create a certain effect. The difference between
"classic" breeding and genetic engineering is that, "classic" breeding only crosses the same plant
DNA, only two different types of the plant; genetic engineering crosses with anything, meaning
food can cross with any DNA of insects, animals, etc. They are created by using something called
"the gene gun", meaning it shoots the genes into the plant and then insert themselves into cells,
which can create another plant. An example of an industry that uses this is, Monsanto an ... Show
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However, with GMOs nobody knows if what they are eating contains a DNA strand of something
they are allergic too and it cannot be predicted if they do contain an allergen. People and industries
supporting genetically modified organisms believe people should trust and have confidence in
genetically modified foods because they are based on three decades of testing. It is considered to be
a saver for the environment because it helps replace pesticides. The first ideas for GMOs were,
creating medical plants, foods with more nutrition, tobacco plants that glow when they need to be
watered, and something to keep strawberries from cold damage. Some examples of genetically
modified products currently in development are second generation of genetically modified foods
and modified medicines. A type of genetically modified organisms is BT, also known as, Bacillus
Thuringiensis; which is meant for killing pesticides. Even with testing going on, we have no
knowledge of any harmful or positive side
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Genetically Modified Foods And Organic Foods
I am writing this letter to express my interest in discussing the subject of genetically modified foods
and organic foods. I leaned towards this topic because I firmly believe that genetically modified
foods may affect the public's health; as well as, believe that this process involves animal cruelty.
Although food is tested for safety before it goes out in the market, there is no solid proof of a long–
term study. It is possible that health risks may arise, although not immediately, but over time.
From my current understanding, genetically modified food is artificially altered from
experimentation. Doing so, helps farmers grow a greater yield and, therefore, helps such business.
Another sensitive topic known related to this subject is the mistreatment to the animals that are
involved in this process. Factory farming provides poor livestock conditions in order to have higher
I hope to become better educated while researching and considering all aspects in this topic. Topics
always consist of pros and cons; therefore, I look forward to considering this issue from the ethical,
political, and health risks standpoint.
GMO, genetically modified organisms, have been developed by the use of innovative techniques of
genetic engineering. Genetically modified organisms offer advantages; such as, increase yields,
reduction of crop damage from weeds, disease, and insects. Contrariwise, in spite of the
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Genetically Modified Food : Modified Foods
Zhiqin Wei
English 151–91
Dr.Lauer– Cheenne
Genetically Modified Food Accompany the growing population in the world and food shortages, in
order to alleviate the immediate crisis, transgenic technology began to be used in the field of food
production. Genetic engineering technology as a young technology, which gives us a lot of
genetically modified food and gained unprecedented gains. But science is a double–edged sword.
People are concern the topic about that whether genetically modified foods is safety. It is evidently
reasonable for some to believe that it hazard to human health and the environment, which should be
strictly banned. However, in spite of those who are also think that it is safe and bring us a lot of
benefits, which should be actively developed. In this essay, my personal view is that I do not agree
with genetically modified foods. Not only because of the destruction it caused to the ecological
environment, but also it will affect our health and our future. So what is genetically modified (GM)
food? Simply put, genetically modified foods is through genetic engineering means to make one or
several exogenous gene transfer to certain organisms together (animals, plants and microorganisms),
and make it a valid expression of the corresponding product (peptides or proteins) . Using those
organisms as food or as raw materials for food processing. Those who hold a positive attitude claim
that it is a good way to against environmental
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Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically Modified Foods Assignment #6 By Danish Ahmed 103323080 2633–2 Lauzon Road
Windsor, ON. N8T 2Z5 (519)–251–1776 26–100–91 Legebow December
6, 2010 2–2633 Lauzon Road Windsor, Ontario, N8T 2Z5 December 6, 2010 Chris Legebow
Professor English Dept. University of Windsor Dear Prof. Legebow, I am writing to submit
Assignment #6. Throughout my time enrolled in this course, I have learned many valuable lessons.
However, the most important lesson that I have learned is how to be a better writer. By completing
the various assignments in this course, particularly the substantiation assignment, I have learned
how to better explain my opinions as well as support them. However, ... Show more content on ...
In August 1998 the first controversy was sparked, especially in Europe, by a report from a leading
nutrition researcher, Dr. Arpad Pusztai, concerning the safety of GM foods. Pusztai claimed that GM
food fed rats showed stunted growth and weak immune systems. His report, however, was greatly
criticized and rejected by many scientists because of lack of substantial evidence (Pusztai 1).
Nevertheless, the report opened up an area of contemplation. In May 2005, a report published by
Monsanto, a leading biotech firm, confirmed differences in kidney sizes and blood composition of
rats fed with GM corn (Lendman 1). Although these documented reports are limited to laboratory
settings, the results do point to a possibility of health hazards in the long run. It is evident that GM
foods require more research before they are safe for consumption because if the symptoms do arise,
it will affect a wide range of consumers and the damage will be impossible to overcome. Apart from
direct health hazards, there are concerns over the emergence of insecticide resistant weeds and pests
because of GM foods (Weaver 160). Since certain species of GM crops are resistant to insecticides,
they allow farmers to spray more chemicals in order to avoid weeds and pests from destroying their
harvests. However, since all living organisms are biological entities
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Genetically Modified Food
When I was a kid, science teacher taught me Genetically Modified Food is the research of the future
and will lead to solving the famine issues of the future. I heard lots of scientists were researching the
Genetically Modified Food and that they had already ended the experiment. So I thought no one
would have to bear hunger. Nowadays, despite the progress on Genetically Modified Food, many
people continue to suffer from famine. A lot of Genetically Modified Food comes to the market but
they do not affect the market price enough to completely solve world hunger. Furthermore, there are
various ethical issues concerning the use of Genetically Modified Food. In this essay, I would like to
discuss these ethical issues by first discussing the current debate of Genetically Modified Food's
effects to human body, the current practices involving Genetically Modified Food, and why this
controversy warrants labeling of Genetically Modified Food to help the consumers make informed
decisions of what type of food they are buying.
Today, some people do not even realize that the products what they put in the shopping basket are
actually Genetically Modified Foods. The groceries that are highly modified are Canola oil, milk,
soy bean and corn. Specifically, the soy bean and corn are the most consumed Genetically Modified
Foods in the supermarkets. In 2000, the United States Department of Agriculture approximated that
25 percent of corns, which are produced in United States, contained
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Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically Engineered Foods
"Genetically Engineered foods, also known as GM and GMO's is the manipulation of DNA by
humans to change the essential makeup of plants and animals. The technology inserts genetic
material from one species into another to give it a new quality, such as the ability to produce a
pesticide, or to include genetic material from Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt); a natural bacterium found
in soil."Mather R. "The Threat From Genetically Modified Foods." Mother Earth News. April 2012.
Web. 2 April 2013.
Scientists have been undergoing experimentation of this method for over forty years, in hopes of
perfecting GM's which they foresee will positively enhance the overall well being of humanity
nutritionally and ... Show more content on ...
"Not In My Fridge." Ecologist; November 2007, Vol. 37 Issue 9, p27–31, 5p
"Two dozen farmers reported that the GM corn varieties caused thousand of pigs to become sterile.
Some also reported sterility among cows and bulls. German farmers link cow deaths to one variety
of GM corn, while Filipinos link another variety to death among water buffaloes, chickens and
horses. When 71 Indian shepherds let their sheep grace on Bt cotton plants after harvest, within 5 to
7 days 25 percent had died. The 2006 death rate for the region is estimated at 10,000 sheep. Since
then more deaths were identified and toxins were also found in Bt cotton fields, investigators
concluded that evidence strongly suggests the sheep death was caused by toxins, most probably Bt–
toxin." Smtih Jeffrey. "Not In My Fridge." Ecologist; November 2007, Vol. 37 Issue 9, p27–31, 5p
"Three French scientists analyzed the raw data from three 2009 Monsanto studies on rats and found
that three GM corn varieties caused liver and kidney toxicity and other kinds of organ
damage."Mather R. "The Threat From Genetically Modified Foods." Mother Earth News. April
2012. Web. 2 April 2013.
"Organic farmers fear that their non– GM crops could become contaminated by the spread of
genetically modified traits by wind and insect cross–pollination. Once those traits are in the
agricultural gene pool, there's no way to remove it. This is pollination with a life of its own, it
spreads forever."Jason McLure.
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Genetically Modified Foods Essay
Genetically modified foods have always been a controversial topic and issue. Moat things do in our
day to day lives have benefits and risks. Gene Technology and genetically modified foods are no
exception. Throughout this article the pros and cons of genetically modified foods will be looked
and an explanation as to why it is one of the best DNA technologies of the 21st century.
This judgment follows these criteria that genetically modified food can produce resistant crops to
pests and diseases, crops tolerant to various conditions, crops with an increase yield production
which can feed a starving world, greater profits, lower costs for consumers and improved quality of
food being more nutritious "nutritional enhancement."
There ... Show more content on ...
Having crops which are tolerant to droughts means crops can cope under these stressful conditions
which can often result in loss of production and can mean that crops can be grown in areas in which
are originally inhabitable. This also applies to the salinity tolerance.
Genetically modifying crops had the potential to increase the yield. Many believe this is the solution
for solving the starving world and overcoming world poverty by genetically modifying crops to
increase their yield. It had also been said by scientist that crops can be genetically modified to create
food such as rice with higher levels of Vitamin to help eye sight and potations with extra amounts of
protein to help the developing countries. Genetic Modification has the ability to be able to increase
the amount of nutrients which we get from food. This can be known as "nutritional enhancement"
Millions of people have been consuming genetically modified foods and have no side effects. Many
developing countries around the world continue to starve and go hungry and suffer while we, the
rich world sit here and debate.
The growth and production of GM crops can make crop production more efficient therefore
lowering the costs of food to consumers and in term increasing the profits to organizations
benefitting both.
But as said earlier there are risks involved. There have been some concerns that genetically
modified foods can allergens that
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Chemically Modified Food
The thing about food up until my freshman year in high school is that boxed and chemically
modified food was a treat for me. If it could be made at home, from scratch, that's how my mom
made it. Rarely did we have the glorious invention that is frozen pizza. We infrequently had the
bleached, sliced bread. Our mashed potatoes were always lumpy and uneven. Cookies went from
soft, chewy treats to hockey pucks I could play with outside during the winter if we didn't put them
in a Ziploc bag. My mom was a super mom, cooking almost everything from scratch and even
making things mostly gluten free for awhile up until my freshman year of high school when she
returned to work. Any food you can imagine, from pies to pickled fish, from stew to strawberry
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Genetically Modified Foods
Part 1
Genetically Modified Food
'With genetically modified foods I believe we have reached the thin edge of the wedge, we are
messing with the building blocks of life and its scary' – Malcom Walker, Chairman and Chief
Executive of Iceland Foods (Quotes from Scientists).
Genetically modified organisms or GMOs are plants or animals made by splicing the gene and
inserting DNA from different species of plants, animals, bacteria, and viruses. These genes would
not naturally result in a cross breed. As a result of this biotechnology more than ninety percent of
corn, soybean, cotton, sugar, and canola in the US are genetically modified. Other major GMOs are
papaya, zucchini and yellow squash (Non–GMO Project). If not stopped it will be a matter of
another few years that they capitalized the entire food industry. Ironically even now, most of the
popular food items of children like cereal, crackers, cookies, and processed lunch meat are all
Is genetically modified food good for consumers? What are its impacts? What are the effect of
GMO on the environment? How do they influence the life of a common farmer and the food
industry? Is the situation really bad? How did we get trapped in this? What steps can be taken to
control it? These and many other questions need to be addressed before it is too late.
Even before Charles Darwin or Gregor Mendel proposed their theories of selection and genetics,
man was modifying living species. The understanding of the genome led to an
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Genetically Foods : Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically Modified Foods
"70 percent of our corn farmland and 93 percent of soy farmland are planted with crops genetically
engineered to resist pests and herbicides and increase crop yields. 60% of all the processed foods in
the United States are genetically modified; a shocking statistic has the concern of many Americans.
However, most people are uninformed about the beneficial impact that genetically modified food
has on their diet. GM is the use of molecular biology technology to modify the inherited structure of
organisms. Genetically engineered crops increase nutrients, drought tolerance, provide more food
for growing populations, and resists diseases and pesticides. Genetically engineered foods are
crucial to the improvement of economy, agriculture, society, and health choices. The creation of GM
foods was one of the most significant breakthroughs in food industry. Genetically modifying foods
is a key component that is harmless for the enrichment of our foods.
The development of genetically engineered foods began in the 1900s, and has been in United State
markets since 1995 (Bredahl 18). The most widespread genetically modified foods are oil, maize,
cotton, and soybeans (Cunningham 11). Transgenic foods were products created to increase benefit
and lower prices (Whitman 2). Genetically modified foods are essential to enrichments of crops
(Tan 3). It helps reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides in plants, enhances taste and quality,
lower maturation time,
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Genetically Modified Food Persuasive Essay
What if I told you that you have most likely been eating food that has been tampered with and
injected with diseases? For years Scientists have been editing the blue prints of your food. These
scientists are changing the genetic structure of most plants and animals that we eat. "Plants are now
engineered for insect resistance, fungal resistance, viral resistance, herbicide resistance, changed
nutritional content, improved taste, and improved storage."( modified
Genetically engineered food is an important topic because we hear about organic and genetically
modified foods all the time; especially if you eat plants or animals from most large companies. Still,
most people don't understand what those two even mean. There are few worries about genetically
modified actually damaging our body and/or giving us diseases. Genetically modified plants might
also be damaging our precious food chain. For example lets say farmers were putting pesticides in
fruit. But some of the seeds blow into the flowers, so when the bees come to pollinate they come in
contact with pesticides, ... Show more content on ...
The Séralini affair is a study created by Gilles–Eric Séralini that was done on rats who were fed
corn that was genetically modified so that weeds could no longer grow around the crops. The corn
contained glyphosate, which is what caused both the weeds to stay away and also many body
changes to the rats. Some rats experienced issues "including weight changes, triglyceride level
increases in females, changes in urine composition in males, and reduced function or organ damage
in the liver, kidney, adrenal glands, heart, and hematopoietic system."( Séralini affair)
But no major side effects seem to occur on humans. Is that the truth? Or are major food companies
trying to hide the fact that they might be killing us
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Modified Food Modifications
Do You Really Know What's Going Into Your Body? By 2014, there were 7,789 crop releases for
testing as part of research and development efforts, according to the USDA ERS (Economic
Research Service) report. These are crops with resistance against bacteria, nematodes, fungi, virus,
and insects (Kinhal). This doesn't mean that the food is safe. This means that the seeds planted into
the ground have been changed in order to be resistant to things like herbicides as they grow. With
that being said, these crops aren't just sent to certain places in the world, they are sent to almost
every grocery store in the United States. This means that majority of individuals, and their families
are most likely eating foods that have been genetically ... Show more content on ...
This paper will discuss two arguments presented in the documentary: GMOs should be labeled, and
GMOs are bad for the human body, and the environment. Labeling the Problem In GMO OMG
Seifert explores the argument that It is crucial for people to know exactly what GMO's are, and what
they are consuming when they eat them. With that being said, foods should be labeled when they
have been genetically modified. If GMO's were labeled, buyers would know that the product they
are buying may not exactly be safe, and then it becomes their choice to consume it or not. If an
individual will willingly eat a product knowing it has been modified, no problem. But if the foods
are not labeled, people have no idea that their bodies might be slowly harmed by these products, and
this is when people like Jeremy Seifert have a problem. In one specific scene when Seifert is
interviewing a woman on the street, and she brings up a point saying that these foods should most
definitely be labeled if they are GMO's, and Seifert agrees. Specifically, the interview subject says
"of course they should be labeled because you should know what you're eating; what you're putting
into your body.... It's simple." The women in this documentary has the mindset of most people in
this society. However, at the point of the documentary, nothing was being done about the labeling of
these foods. Furthermore, a lot of people didn't even know what a GMO was. This argument is also
presented in an
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Genetically Modified Foods
ENG 102 Research paper First Draft
Mesut Önal
Eng 102–95
Research topic Genetically Modified Foods
Research question
Is Genetically Modified Foods Good or Bad For Public?
The world is slowly running out of food. Impoverished people have nowhere to turn. Biotechnology
researchers think they have found a way to reverse the world famine. This way is through
genetically modified foods which are foods that come from genetically engineered organisms.
Examples of such organisms are sheep, cows, and fish. However, since it is a new invention, it is
being met with harsh and legitimate concerns. While it may help the world's food crisis, it may also
do that at the expense of human health. Moreover, In ... Show more content on ...
Aphids fed on Genetically Modified potatoes producing a different toxin were also reported to have
a harmful effect on ladybirds feeding on the aphids.
Genetically Modified crops can be beneficial for health in terms of their food value. Foods include
lots of vitamins which are necessary to our body. In early days, our foods were full of vitamins,
proteins, carbohydrate and they were occupied with value. However, now there are not enough
foods which are full of value. Because there are lots of environmental factors like global warming
which causes to summers takes long time, and scarcity of water, and also some pests. These factors
effect the crops and farmers have to use pesticide and this cause to decrease food value. And it leads
lots of health problems. And the one of the most important health problem is Vitamin A deficiency.
This is the cause of at least "1 million childhood deaths" each year and is "considered the single
most serious cause of blindness amongst children" in the developing countries. "A possible solution
to this problem is the genetic modification of rice." ( Potrykus, quoted inGenetic Modification)
Although GM foods are benefical for the food value, in some circumstances, it can be very harmful
for human health. Without too much control eating genetically modified food can be dangerous and
it can lead lots of diseases like Eosonophil Myalgia Syndrome. In this debate, the Physicians and
Scientists for
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Genetically Modified Foods Are Dangerous
"For 10,000 years, we have altered the genetic makeup of our crops" (Ronald 17). Hearing this fact
makes people generally think twice about the widely criticized topic of genetically modified foods.
Many people have a bad first impression of genetically modified foods because they have the notion
that genetically modified crops are not the way nature made them, so they cannot be safe. The
biggest group of naysayers is politicians and big name brand companies, such as Whole Foods.
Typically, name brands require labelling food products that contain genetically modified crops with
a 'GMO ' label, making most consumers think that genetically modified crops as a dangerous thing
to look out for. The reality is quite the contrary. Big name brands should not make consumers think
genetically modified foods are dangerous because by genetically engineering crops it makes the
crop resistant to diseases and pests, make the crop more nutritious, and not harmful to human health.
First, well–known companies should not escalate people's fear about genetically modified foods
because by genetically engineering crops, those crops are now able to repel pests and diseases. To
start, genetically modified organisms are "organisms whose genetic make–ups have been changed
by mutating, inserting, or deleting genes, by using genetic engineering techniques or biotechnology"
(Goldbas 20). Knowing this fact helps prove that "over the last twenty years, scientists and breeders
have used [genetic
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Genetically Modified Foods Research Paper
Genetically modified foods are engineered foods that allow different types of foods to possess
different traits. This is when technology allow scientists to transfer different genes to the plant.
Genes are what make up a type of plant and some plants are resistant to certain pests which would
be transferred to another plant and make that plant resistant. However this could result in different
tasting plants or different plants being made. This could have negative effects on the world and even
to farmers, who would run out of jobs. Genetically modified foods can have a negative effect by
exposing toxins, diseases, and can effect unemployment rates.
Toxins are everywhere around us. It is in the food we eat, water we drink, and air we breathe.
Genetically Modified Foods can risk the toxins in the food by 50%. Toxins can be from pesticides
and heavy metals from genetics. Recent studies show that out of 20 lab rats, 7 of them had stomach
lesions. A scientist overlooking the experiment stated that the lesions were life threatening. Another
experiment was tested on rats that were BT bacterial potatoes. This showed abnormal growth in
cells and the intestines were a lot heavier, I do not think that is fair to the rats. These toxins can
cause deadly effects on people, it needs to be passed by the FDA before being sold at all. ... Show
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There is a link to Morgellons disease in these foods, this disease can make people be delusional
about having insects or parasites inside their body. There have been links to an increase in obesity,
heat disease, allergies, and reproductive problems. Diseases are already bad now but if this passes
by the FDA then this increase can rapidly decrease the chance of survival in anyone that eats it.
Many people need to read what they are buying, there is already GM food in stores. Some examples
are soy and sugar, this is daily uses for many people and it kills them
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Genetically Modified Food
This report evaluate about the genetically modified food that why we need this, what are its key
issues and how we can overcome these issues? In the field of biotechnology, the vast development
was observed in the last few decades comprising the manipulation of genetic material to generate
animal and plants with certain desirable attributes. Genetically Modified/Manipulated Organisms
frequently termed as GMOs, refer to organisms whose genetic material has been modified through
recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology, in which genes from the DNA of different organisms are
recombined, having the both (positively and negatively) potential effect on the environment and
human health. Recombinant GMOs can be generated by gene cloning techniques in which a non–
native gene is inserted and expressed in a target organism. There are several methods behind the
basic principle of recombinant DNA technology, but the most prominent method to is the inserted
DNA from a donor organism into the target organism via a vector with cloned DNA. At present
numerous GMOs as well as the products of GMOs are utilized by human and researches are
persistently performing to transform the genetic traits of organisms to change for the better,
according to human practices (Melo–Martín I & Zahra M, 2008). Genetic modification in plants can
be inserted easily attributable to their ability to grow from a single cell or small pieces of tissue
(Adcock, 2007)
After the beginning of genetic modifications (GM) in food,
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Genetically Modified Foods
Are genetically modified foods assessed differently from traditional foods?
Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) are known to cause a swarm of controversy; a lot of experts
disagree with the notion that if it's economically successful, then the potential health risks found in
Genetically Modified Foods can be overlooked. The questions someone must ask themselves is this,
can the Genetically Modified Foods be helpful? Does money matter more than your health? Ask
yourself these questions. But before you answer these questions you must first educate yourself on
what are Genetically Modified Foods? How are they produced? And are they safe enough for
consumption? Genetically Modified Foods are plants or animals that are genetically modified with
the DNA from different organisms, like various bacteria's, viruses, and sometimes plants and
animals therefore allowing scientists and geneticists to manipulate the Genetically Modified Foods
in any form that they chose.
The process of creating Genetically Modified Foods begins when scientists pick an organism that
they wish to use. They extract DNA from the organism that they are using, and then the scientist
fuse the extracted DNA with an enzyme named endonuclease that cuts portions of the DNA at
predetermined intervals. Once that part of the procedure is done the scientists then must force the
new gene inside the cells of the organism, this part of the procedure can be done in multiple ways.
The most common tool used in performing
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The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food Essays
Many Americans consume thousands of pounds of genetically modified foods every day.
Throughout the 21st century, genetic engineering tremendously impacted new research in
pharmaceutical and forensic science. During that time, it also revolutionized the food in America
and many other countries around the world. Using Recombinant DNA biotechnology on crops and
farm animals helps improve nutrition and quantity of foods. However, crops that are altered with
hybrid genes can also contain chemicals harmful to humans. By using developed biotechnology,
scientists are able to inject viruses and bacteria into the embryos of plants to produce genetically
modified crops (). The same is applied for transgenic farm animals to increase the size of the ...
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This assists physicians by supplying them with new knowledge about the diseases they are treating
(Isabel). By identifying unknown pathogens, scientists are able to develop new vaccines that can
control or even prevent illnesses from becoming serious. On the other hand, outbreaks can also
begin in the pre–packaging of vegetables and uncooked meats. Recently, a case of cyclospora
infection found in salad mixes reported to have a microscopic parasite. According to Dr. Marc
Siegel, a professor at NYU Langone Medical Center, "The parasite is around people at all the time.
However, the parasite found in the mixed salad cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
But this seems to be from the handling of the mixed salad during production." Another crucial way
in which humans are harmed from genetically modified foods is obesity. Obesity stems from an
abnormal diet with high calorie–dense foods which results in above average body fat. It is
associated with increased risk of disease such as cardiovascular failure and liver cancer, disability
and incapacitation from excess weight on the joints and bones, and even death from complications
arising from the obesity – not the obesity itself. People are consciously ignorant about the foods
they eat. "Obesity is the sixth most common disease worldwide. Approximately 1.1 billion adults
and 10% of children are considered obese" (Haslam). Obesity is a chronic
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Genetically Modified Foods And Animals

  • 1. Genetically Modified Foods And Animals Brett Knox Ms. Spain English 4 12/8/14 Genetically Modified/ Bioengineered Foods and Animals Bioengineered Foods are taking over the market as a whole. What are Bioengineered Foods you may ask? Well, they are foods that have been genetically modified so that a gene from their DNA structure has been added, or taken away. Today, genetically modified/bioengineered foods are a very controversial issue. While some people think that bioengineered foods are just as healthy as traditionally grown foods, others think that they are unhealthy and are linked to many health problems. There are a large amount of people in the United States that think that there is nothing wrong with eating these GMO foods, even though many other countries do not consider them safe (GMO Facts). They have good reason to believe that these foods are safe to eat; however, bioengineered foods must comply with all of the same laws and regulations as traditionally grown foods. Because normal foods are considered safe, people think that these foods are also safe, because they must abide by the same laws and regulations. Gallup polls over the years have also shown data stating that most Americans are not afraid to eat Genetically Modified Foods. Only thirty four percent of the people thought that bioengineered foods actually posed a health hazard. Fifty four percent thought the foods were completely safe to eat (Bioengineered Foods 86). Although the consumption of genetically engineered food is hotly debated ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Essay Genetically Modified Foods Hunger is currently one of the world's most widespread crises, affecting millions of people. In every single country of the world, there are people that go to bed without food on a regular basis, and many that end up dying of starvation. One way that the eradication of hunger has been attempted is by increasing the amount of food in the world, so that there is enough to go around. Scientists have tried to do this by creating new species of crops, using genetic engineering. Though genetically modified foods were originally created to improve agriculture, their negative effects greatly outweigh their positive ones. Though they have a relatively short history, genetically modified foods have grown into a massive industry. In 1995, the United ... Show more content on ... In mutating a plant's DNA, scientists can impact the crops' number of seeds, height, and resistance to disease, all of which can positively affect a crop's yield (220). In one Indian study, GM cotton had a 30–80 percent higher yield than non–GM cotton (Diaz and Fridovich–Keil). Because of their higher crop production and therefore their ability to provide more food for the world, GM crops may have a huge positive impact on the approximately one billion malnourished and underfed people living in underdeveloped countries (Lerner and Lerner). Having enough food will be even more essential within the next 50 years, as the world's population is expected to increase to 14 billion (Lerner and Lerner). Genetic engineers are also working on creating crops that can withstand extreme weather conditions to increase the amount of farmable land globally (Diaz and Fridovich– Keil). These positive effects provide a strong argument to support GM foods. In contrast, however, GM foods have had negative effects on their consumers, and many of them can be directly attributed to the actual modification of the crop's genes. To make GM foods, cells are grown into plants through the cloning of new DNA infused with certain genes (220). This synthetic process causes genetic mutations in the GM plants, which may toxify the food (220). The negative consequences of engineering new crop species include a reduction in nutrition; overproduction of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Genetically Modified Foods Ever wondered what has been put into everyday food and what the impact is on human health? Approximately 60–80 % of everyday food has one ingredient made from genetically modified foods. When hearing "genetically modified food" people automatically think it is only bad for health, but there is also a good impact surprisingly. The one bad thing is that people do not know what types food have been modified because there are no labels for GMO products. Even though GMOs have a bad impact on human health, it also has a good impact. First off GMOs are genetically modified organisms or transgenic crops. In other words, GMOs mean "splicing genetic material from one organism (plant, animal, bacteria or viruses) and transferring it to another" (Freedman). Gene splicing is one of the many different ways GMOs are created. The different methods of creating GMOs all consist of the same idea; taking a specific trait or gene from one organism and transferring it to another organism. For example, "genes that help cold water fish survive low temperature can be inserted into a strawberry to make it frost–resistant" (Deakin University Australia). Biotechnologists aren't just putting together some random chemicals to make strawberries frost–resistant. Biotechnologists take specific genes, which are biological unit that determine an organism's inherited character and take them from the fish and insert it into a different form of food; which in this case are strawberries. GMOs are mainly ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Benefits Of Genetically Modified Food A genetically modified food is food that was made using organisms that were genetically modified as well. What the engineers do is take certain traits that they like from each crop and transfer them to another to get their desired food. There is a company called Arctic Apples which uses biotechnology to identify certain genes that, when mixed with polyphenolics, turns the apples brown. When they identify it, they remove the genes that cause it and the apples don't go brown. This is one of many genetically modified foods available. Another usage is everything that we get from the mustard seed. From a simple mustard seed, we get many vegetables such as turnips, collard greens, broccoli, cauliflower and so much more. Genetically modified food can be very helpful in certain aspects, such as using a gene from the spinach plant to repel bugs to prevent crops from going bad instead of using dangerous pesticides. Another way that crops can be genetically modified is for crops be resistant to freezing temperatures that can sometimes destroy crops and seeds. There are many reasons that we can benefit from genetically modified food. There are some downsides to genetically modified food however. Most of the crops that are modified are corn, soy and sugar beets. Most of the ingredients wind up in junk food and foods that aren't very healthy for us. Because there is a high demand for those crops specifically, farmers plant more of these instead of rotating the types of crops that they ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Benefits Of Genetically Modified Foods What foods are genetically modified? Well, most food that "contains sugar from sugar beets, soy, or corn," is genetically modified (Mercola, 2015, p. 4). Most people consume genetically modified, or GM, foods every day without even being aware. While some do avidly monitor their food consumption and avoid GM foods, others simply eat GM foods because, to them, GM foods seem safe to consume. In "Genetically Modified Foods Are Not Safe to Eat," osteopath, Joseph Mercola, advocates his concerns of consuming GM foods and stresses that more people need to be aware of what they eat. Even though some may still disagree that genetically modified foods are unsafe after reviewing Mercola's work, his article contains an extremely sound and valid ... Show more content on ... Through Dr. Bereano's "Lego model," Mercola shows how replacing genes with genetically modified ones can become unsafe. While genetically engineered genes may seem similar, they will not necessarily code for only one protein. This new structure can become harmful. By including research and support from scientist, Vrain, and Dr. Bereano, Mercola's first premise is well supported. In another premise, Mercola logically acknowledges problems that could arise from horizontal gene transfer through support from Dr. David Suzuik, an award–winning geneticist. After an explanation that genetic engineering utilizes horizontal gene transfer which "involves injecting a gene from one species into a completely different species" (Mercola, 2015, p. 2), Mercola (2015) writes that those in favor for GM crops believe vertical inheritance principles can be applied to horizontal gene transfer. Dr. Suzuki, on the other hand, states that their theory is flawed. Horizontal gene transfer can create unexpected results, thus causing the safety of genetically modified foods to waver (p. 2). This premise, although only supported once, is logical and sound. Many unpredicted reactions could be a result of horizontal gene transfer which could cause health problems for those who eat genetically modified food. Not only does Mercola provide two well supported and logical premises, but he also ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified foods are a very dangerous and wasteful process that is given too much thought. This includes allergic reactions to possible intestinal damage, many people want to avoid genetically modified foods because of animal studies that have shown changes in internal cell formation, unusual tumor development, and unanticipated passing of life that have occurred, as well as altered the number of cells that regulated the immune system for the body. Research has shown that a growth in genetically modified foods has raised allergic reactions in the population. If someone is allergic to a genetically modified crop, then for example, if a cow eats that genetically modified crop, there is a high risk of the person getting an allergic reaction from eating the cow meat. The safety of genetically modified foods is not verified yet, we are the lab rats to test the safety of them, which cause great risks and potential threats on human health. There has been no thorough research done on the current genetically modified foods.. Along with the risk of GMO's, Dr. Stanley Ewen, a histopathologist at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary made aware that food and water that are genetically modified could increase the growth of incurable tumors upon humans. Later studies showed a link between cancer and genetically modified food. Although genetically modified foods feeds hungry children, the end results of eating these GMO's ends up causing untreatable tumors for the child ,that ends up ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Benefits Of Genetically Modified Foods With progress in genetic engineering of foods, scientist, researchers, and farmers have changed the way food is grown. And this has started raising questions about the methods they use and their possible risks and side effects. To understand the risks and benefits of genetically modified foods you must first understand what they are. Genetically modified foods may also be referred to as GM foods, GMO, modified crops, GM organisms, or bio–tech foods. (Wohlers, Anton E, 2013, p73–84) You may see me referring to Genetically Modified foods as any of the names I just mentioned in this paper. But a lot of people know the different names of genetically modified foods but they don't know exactly what they are. A GMO is a plant that is developed in a laboratory, through a process in which a copy of a desired genetic material from one plant or organism, is placed in another plant. And the plant that has the new gene is considered genetically modified. This is often done as scientist try to make certain plants better suited to life in different areas. Like infusing a green bean plant that is infused with a fish protein that helps keep the plant from freezing so it can grow better in the Northern Regions of the world. One particularly issue is that the genetic engineering between two different species, specifically between plants and animals, which some scientist believe are breaking down "natural barriers...with...unpredictable results". (Patwardhan, Dasari, Bhagavatula, Muller, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Genetically Modified Food and Gm Foods It's been said that humans are what they eat. The relationship humans have with food is unappreciated. Food is the fuel that keeps humans going, gives them the energy needed to be creative and productive; it is the building block of society, after all, it wasn't until the Neolithic Era, when humans figured out a way to domesticate plants and animals, that any form of organized society formed. Even during the previous hunter–gatherer foraging era, humans were very connected to the food they ate; understanding where it came and having an idea of how it came to be was crucial to knowing what was vital to survive. In this time, food sources like grains, fruits, and vegetables were naturally abundant, whole. Humans could choose between many ... Show more content on ... The lack of food plant diversity eventually led to multiple problems, like the mass destruction of crops that had contracted disease or succumbed to pesticide–resistant insects, chemically saturated and overly watered soils, and an inevitable decline in production yields (Pringle). Obviously, the United States needed to find a solution to this problem. By the late 1900s, many scientists and biotechnologists approved and advocated genetic engineering as the most viable solution. This process is best described by Lauren and Robin Ticciati in their book, Genetically Modified Foods: Are They Safe? You Decide. According to the Ticciati's, scientists planned to take a gene from one completely different organism and insert it into the plant in order to make it yield a desired outcome (Ticciati). The goal was to create food plants that could grow and withstand harsh conditions like pesticides, infertile soil, unfavorable climates, and geographical locations. Despite wariness from skeptical environmentalists about the unknown future effects of genetic food engineering, the companies who profit from this new food technology proclaimed it to be the wave of the future. As the Ticciati's evidenced, in 1996, when the FDA approved the use of genetically engineered foods with no special label requirements, the GM foods were introduced on grocery market shelves with relatively no consumer awareness. This is just another example of how society is not clueless by choice. If ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Genetically Modified Food For Food The human population is growing rapidly. With the growth in the human population, the demand for food is also growing at an unprecedented rate. Arguably, farms are unable to naturally provide the world's population the food needed by natural means. This may seem like a big issue, but humans came up with an ingenious solution: genetically modified organisms, commonly known as GMO's. Genetically modified food has been able to offset the worlds growing demand for food, and all our food problems seem to be solved. Or have they? I will use information from: Wendell Berry's, The Pleasures of Eating, Jon Entine and JoAnna Wendel's, 2000+ reasons Why GMO's Are Safe to Eat, Robin Mather's, The Threats from Genetically Modified Foods, along with references from Food Inc., to explain how genetically modified food is being used in a way that negatively affects the livestock, our health, the ecosystem, and the potential threats genetically modified crops have on our future. Consumers tend to focus more on the price of their meat, over how their meat is raised, and the additives placed in the meat to protect the meat from E. Coli and other harmful bacteria. This is supported in the article, The Pleasures of eating, when Wendell Berry explains that the consumers overriding concerns are not quality and health, but volume and price. When the livestock is raised and butchered, the producers are thinking volume over safety. According to food Inc., Corporate farms raise tens of thousands ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Genetically Modified Foods The history of biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) foods has a history of opposing sides. The two opposing sides argue on the ethical standpoint of the act of genetically modifying plants and animals. They also argue on the health problems that the foods may cause for people that eat it. Going towards the future, people question whether GM foods have a positive or negative effect on humans. GM foods cause many assorted viewpoints consisting of positive and negative effects based off of its recent history. The history and the different ways of genetically modifying the GM foods started very recently, extending to only the past 50 years. The genetics all began when a monk discovered that all creatures are made up of genes. GM ... Show more content on ... First, the GM crops benefit the farmers specifically in many ways. One of the problems that organic farming is running into is that the world's population is growing, which means that there is less land for farmers to grow crops on. But, one of the benefits for the farmers is there is a genetic modification that will allow the foods to resist pests easier. That means that there are less pesticides that need to be bought which allows farmers not to have to pay an abundance of money to keep their crops pest free. In a recent survey of global farmers, the farmers reported that the average yield increased in third world countries from 16–30 percent (Carpenter, n.p.). In South Africa and China, many small farmers have begun to grow GM cotton with success. With the farmers in China, cotton increased by about ten percent in comparison to non–GM crops and the average pesticide used fell by 80 percent, which led to a great profit.. The GM products don't only affect the farmers, but the land and the organisms being genetically modified. Nevertheless, a great combination of benefits come from using GM on the land and in the organisms being modified. The benefits towards ecological standards starts out with how the crops can be modified. Not only can crops be genetically modified to be pest resistant, they can be made to grow under very harsh weather and conditions as well. The crops can be modified to not need as much fertilizer and herbicide, which is good for the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Genetically Modified Foods The Benefits and Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods Elizabeth Oh Pin Hui (B1101785) HELP University * * * * * Outline Introduction Opener: What are genetically modified foods (GMF)? Thesis statement: Genetically modified foods have both benefits as well as dangers to human health, the environment, and economy. Genetically modified foods have contributed to better foods in terms of food quality and human health. * higher nutritional value and better flavour * increased shelf life Genetically modified foods or organisms advocates enhanced farming techniques in terms of being environmentally friendly. * inbuilt resistance to pests, weeds, and disease * more ... Show more content on ... Secondly, increased shelf life of genetically modified foods will enable it to be shipped to distant locations and cut costs as well as minimize waste to consumers. These foods are modified to be pesticide and herbicide tolerant, resulting in less use of chemical sprays; reducing soil contamination and pollution. In addition, genetically modified crops are more resilient, weather tolerant and capable of surviving in adverse climates such as droughts and extremely cold weather (Whitman, 2000). Last but not least, Whitman (2000) also states genetically modified crops are more economical especially to farmers in third world countries because they have higher crop yields in lesser time enabling them to satisfy the high demand for food. Genetically modified crops also take up very little land to grow improving profits for farmers. Because they grow in such short time, the demand for more food in starving countries is more easily satisfied at a lower cost. However, due to the unknown nature of genetically modified foods, it may lead to harmful effects to human health such as harmful diseases and new allergies. It has been argued that the adverse effects of genetically modified foods cannot be predicted but only ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Genetically Modified Food ( Gm Food ) Introduction Genetic engineering or biotechnology can be applied to different fields such as animal biology, agriculture, or in microorganism. [8] Ever since the first genetically modified food (GM food)– Flavr Savr tomato– was invented in 1994 [16], genetically modified food has been at the center of controversy in terms of its suitability for human consumption and its effect on the biodiversity of naturally evolved organisms. Monsanto is the largest GM seed producer in North America to the extend that "80 percent of U.S. corn and 93 percent of soy grown from Monsanto patented GMO seeds." [17] Monsanto has a tremendous influence and control over the marketing and production of global seed industries. [17] According to a scientific journal report , "GM–fed mice could be related to the reduction in digestive enzyme synthesis" [9], suggesting that the consumption of GM food may impair our digestion, and that individuals may be sensitive and vulnerable to a variety of foods. [9] Another concern with GM food is its impact on biodiversity. However, the issues surrounding biodiversity may differ from region to region [5]; for instance, developed countries have less farmland to produce GM food by comparison to their developing counterparts. Therefore, the impact of GM food on biodiversity may be less pronounced in developed countries. However, the common environmental impact brought on by the cultivation of GM food is: a "change in ecosystems and biodiversity, habitat change, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified foods (GM) are foods that come from organisms whose genetic material has been modified in a way that is not natural. Introducing a gene from a different organism to foods is an example of a way that genetic modification is used. This type of genetic engineering involves altering, transferring, and recombining genes from disparate organisms. It is said that genetic modification is to be one of the most advanced uses of technology to ever been devised. There are two common food genetic modifications one is for herbicide tolerance and the other is adding a gene from soil bacteria. In order to give plants herbicide tolerance they are given a gene to protect them from herbicides that a farmer uses to kill off weeds. The added trait from soil bacteria is called Bacillus thuringiensis and this allows plants to produce their own insecticide. In today's day and age GM foods stem mostly from plants, but it is said that in the future GM microorganisms and animals are likely to be introduced to the market. (World Health Organization) Development of GM Crops The development of genetically modified organisms started with an Augustinian monk named Gregor Mendel in the mid 1800's. Mendel carried out experiments with pea plants which he came to the conclusion that these plants pass on hereditary traits from one generation to the next. It was not until the 1900's when scientists developed early ideas around biotechnology. (Tucker) The discovery of DNA ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Gmo Foods : Genetically Modified Food Virtually all commercial foods are Genetically modified(GMO) in the United States. GMO's have been estimated to be in 75% of all processed foods in American supermarkets. These processed foods range from soda to juices, fruits to candy, and even to cereal to condiments. However, with the world population reaching a peaking 71/2 billion, countries all over the world have begun adapting to GMO methods to feed their growing population, but nevertheless there are countries like Japan and Europe who have denounced GMO foods for being unnatural and taboo, and thus giving GMO foods a bad reputation. However, a genetically modified crop starts out as a seed that had its DNA altered in a laboratory to enhance desirable traits such as weather resistance, herbicide resistance, and an increase in nutritional value. Genetic engineering is known for creating plants with the desired trait very quickly and with amazing accuracy. For example, plant geneticists can detach a gene responsible for drought resistance from one plant and put it into another plant. This new genetically modified plant will now gain the trait of drought tolerance. Compared to the traditional breeding methods used by farmers, this is less time consuming and quite accurate. On the contrary to the mainstream idea that GMOs are injected with harmful chemicals, the truth is that no chemicals are sprayed or injected to GMO's to create genetic modifications. GMO foods have no scientific proof of having any dangerous risks ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Genetically Modified Food : Genetically Food Genetically Modified Food Imagine going to the grocery store and seeing a seedless watermelon, but it is not the typical oval, it is square. Down the produce aisle, there are sweet, juicy strawberries; however, there is a warning label that says, "Do not consume if you have a nut allergy." The world today is moving forward in the way that society produces our wholefoods. Genetic engineering, bioengineering, or biotechnology is the process of inserting the genetics of different plants and organisms into other plants or organisms to create new, more efficient DNA. However, is it truly beneficial to modify the world's natural foods? The use of genetic engineering can disrupt the ecosystems that have taken billions of years to develop. Many years of research and work have gone into the subject of genetically modified foods; however, this new food trend could create or enhance food related illnesses and health problems, interfere with nature's environs, and could even cause specific ethical problems for individuals that practice different faith. People should be aware of genetic engineering, how it works, and how it affects their lives. What exactly does genetically modifying organisms mean? Society has been doing it for thousands of years. Selective breeding has been practiced to achieve things such as sweet corn, a rosebush, or a desirable dog breed (Genetically Modified Foods). Selective breeding, also called "traditional processing" by farmers, is when the desirable traits of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Genetic Modified Foods Essay Genetic modification of organisms in general is a biotechnological process that forces genes to behave according to certain characteristics. Changing characteristics of organisms is based on changing their DNA (tech deoxyribonucleic acid; the acid which carries genetic information in a cell). It is being used for modifying genes in plants, animals or micro–organisms. It is being also used especially with food in order to improve the nutritious quality, make less use of chemicals such as pesticides, which proved to be extremely harmful, and sometimes to add flavour. Genetically modified food (GMF) is considered one of the modern production improvements and the largest food experiments in the ... Show more content on ... Also, GMFs might contain toxins, which may negatively affect human beings. An experiment run on rats by feeding them with GM potatoes affected their digestive tracks caused changes in some of their organ weights and caused adverse effects on their immune system(south pacific consumer protection programme1). Such experiments show the importance of thoroughly examining GM products and making sure of their safety on humans. In addition to that, there are long–term effects with reasons not yet identified. That could also be avoided by further research and continued experiments. GMF is now entering the market with an increasing rate. Products include tomatoes, corn, potatoes and soybeans. A main problem is that the issue of labelling these products is not yet widely used. Most developed countries have adopted laws Nagi 3 that require product labelling of ingredients, fats, vitamin, protein and carbohydrate. These nutrition information provides consumers with a level of awareness and choice. Similarly, GMF producers are obliged to label their products. They have to provide their customers with all necessary information about the produce. This is the least that could be done to preserve the rights of consumers ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified foods have recently been in the new headlines for both their positive attributes and the negatives of genetic modification, this essay will look at the effects Genetically Modified foods have on the economy, environment and you. Genetically modified (GM) foods refer to crop plants which have been created for human or animal consumption, these foods have had their genetic material modified in a way that would not occur naturally within the food. Desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improved nutritional content are some ways food can and have been genetically modified. Traditionally, modifying plant to have a desired trait has been undertaken through breeding, conventional plant breeding methods ... Show more content on ... Although these effects have not been observed in Genetically Modified crop plants, they have been observed through conventional breeding methods, causing scientist to become concerned with the safety of Genetically Modified plants. (, 2013) Another health concern for Genetically Modified foods is an increase is food allergies. Food Allergy affects approximately 6% of children and 3% of adults in Australia and lately has become a major public health issue (Bakshi, 2003). Allergic reactions occur when a usually harmless proteins enter the body and causes an immune response (Bernstein et al., 2003). If the protein in a Genetically Modified food originates from a source that is known to cause allergic reactions in humans or a source that has never been consumed by humans as food, the protein could evoke the immune response in humans increases. No allergic reactions to Genetically Modified foods by the public have been confirmed, evidence suggesting that some Genetically Modified food products could cause an allergic reaction has motivated a number of biotechnology companies to discontinue their development (Bakshi, 2003). Another serious concern for Genetically Modified foods is the production of "super bugs", scientists are finding that Genetically Modified crops are a breeding ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Controversy Of Genetically Modified Food Genetically modifying food has caused many controversy around the world for the way foods are modified. Most of the food we eat are canned, fresh, and ready to be eaten. Most of the food has also been genetically modified. Although modifying food has been used for many years, many countries have not adapted or want to genetically modify their foods. Genetically modifying food is a good and bad thing but there will always be different opinions about genetically modifying food, but one thing is for sure, genetically modifying food will increase more and more. Genetically modified food is made by using genetic engineering methods that require biotechnology. Foods can be modified in any way but just because foods are large does not mean they ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Benefits Of Genetically Modified Foods GMO's Genetically Modified Foods is a new contervserasonal topic on the health on agricultural of the world. It is heavily debated for the reason that it can be seen as a health risk or a major advancement in Agriculture. One on hand, it can be used to increase production, as well has have foods that could be altered to be pest–resistant and greater nutritional values (WHAT ARE THEY). While on the other hand, many consider 'Safety testing of whole foods is difficult. Generally assessment of 'safety/toxicity' relies on the description of dose–response relationships.'(sciencedirect). The issue on Genectally modifed foods is a important topic to argue, because food is one of the most important factors in sustaning life, for without food, we are not able to survive and if we are tampering with food genetics, it could very well change the way we eat. Although, it could be argued that Genetically Modified Foods is indeed a benefit to society for it can benefit third world countries, and alter foods to become pest and disease resistant and weather resistant, be able to give a food more nutritional value, and with modern technology be able to detect if a genetically modified food is safe to eat. In this paper I will examine the reason why the government should not allow genetically modified foods, I will show that first that it is not enough research to determine that genetically modified foods, secondly will be that there has been examples of Genetically modified foods has ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Genetically Modified Foods ( Or Gm Foods ) Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) will be foods delivered from organisms that have had particular progressions brought into their DNA utilizing the systems for hereditary engineering. These strategies have taken into consideration the presentation of new traits and in addition a far more prominent control over a food 's hereditary structure than formerly managed by routines, for example, selective breeding and change breeding. Business offer of genetically modified crops started in 1994, when Calgene initially marketed its Flavr Savr deferred ripening tomato. GM livestock have additionally been tentatively created, despite the fact that as of November 2013 none are as of now on the market For my exposition I have chosen the technology of hereditary engineering with its application in the field of generation of genetically modified food. This paper will investigate a large portion of the social and ethical issues connected with Genetically Modified Foods (GMO 's) in our food supply. Particular center will be given to the specialized parts of hereditary alteration, conceivable positive and negative impacts of genetically modified foods, laws on genetically modified foods in the United States. The objective by covering these differing themes is to help the peruser be generally educated of all perspectives in regards to genetically modified foods so they can go to their ethical stance. We recommend that the administration make a law obliging the marking of all GMO ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Genetically Modified Food For Organic Food I 've never heard of the term genetically modified food before I take this course. Maybe I did, but I just never paid attention to it until now due to lack of interest on the topic. I 've heard of inorganic and organic food all the time though. I thought that farmers or manufacturers apply some sort of chemicals on the product to make them better in inorganic food. So to me, it was not a big of a deal because not only they try to make the product better but I also notice that inorganic food are way cheaper than organic food. Everytime I go to the grocery store, organic food are twice or more expensive than the popular inorganic products. When I heard of genetically modified food(GMF), the first thing that comes to my mind is mutated food. I did not know that GMF and inorganic products are the same. If I would have not known about GMF right now and somebody ask me if I would eat a GMF, the answer would be a persuasive no. But, now that I know that they are the same, I would not mind at all. According to, genetically modified ornanisms is defined as organisms in which the DNA has been altered without mating and/or natural recombination. The technology is often referred to as "biotechnology" or "genetic engineering". It transfers selected genes from organism into another even between nonrelated species. Foods that are made from genetically modified organisms such as plants and vegetables are called genetically modified foods. Although Frankenstein and the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Genetically Modified Foods Persuasive Essay Beginning in 1996, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were first introduced into the widespread media. Genetically modified organisms are living organisms whose DNA has been in, some way, modified; mixing and matching to create a certain effect. The difference between "classic" breeding and genetic engineering is that, "classic" breeding only crosses the same plant DNA, only two different types of the plant; genetic engineering crosses with anything, meaning food can cross with any DNA of insects, animals, etc. They are created by using something called "the gene gun", meaning it shoots the genes into the plant and then insert themselves into cells, which can create another plant. An example of an industry that uses this is, Monsanto an ... Show more content on ... However, with GMOs nobody knows if what they are eating contains a DNA strand of something they are allergic too and it cannot be predicted if they do contain an allergen. People and industries supporting genetically modified organisms believe people should trust and have confidence in genetically modified foods because they are based on three decades of testing. It is considered to be a saver for the environment because it helps replace pesticides. The first ideas for GMOs were, creating medical plants, foods with more nutrition, tobacco plants that glow when they need to be watered, and something to keep strawberries from cold damage. Some examples of genetically modified products currently in development are second generation of genetically modified foods and modified medicines. A type of genetically modified organisms is BT, also known as, Bacillus Thuringiensis; which is meant for killing pesticides. Even with testing going on, we have no knowledge of any harmful or positive side ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Genetically Modified Foods And Organic Foods I am writing this letter to express my interest in discussing the subject of genetically modified foods and organic foods. I leaned towards this topic because I firmly believe that genetically modified foods may affect the public's health; as well as, believe that this process involves animal cruelty. Although food is tested for safety before it goes out in the market, there is no solid proof of a long– term study. It is possible that health risks may arise, although not immediately, but over time. From my current understanding, genetically modified food is artificially altered from experimentation. Doing so, helps farmers grow a greater yield and, therefore, helps such business. Another sensitive topic known related to this subject is the mistreatment to the animals that are involved in this process. Factory farming provides poor livestock conditions in order to have higher productivity. I hope to become better educated while researching and considering all aspects in this topic. Topics always consist of pros and cons; therefore, I look forward to considering this issue from the ethical, political, and health risks standpoint. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS AND ORGANIC FOODS ABSTRACT GMO, genetically modified organisms, have been developed by the use of innovative techniques of genetic engineering. Genetically modified organisms offer advantages; such as, increase yields, reduction of crop damage from weeds, disease, and insects. Contrariwise, in spite of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Genetically Modified Food : Modified Foods Zhiqin Wei English 151–91 Dr.Lauer– Cheenne 09/21/2014 Genetically Modified Food Accompany the growing population in the world and food shortages, in order to alleviate the immediate crisis, transgenic technology began to be used in the field of food production. Genetic engineering technology as a young technology, which gives us a lot of genetically modified food and gained unprecedented gains. But science is a double–edged sword. People are concern the topic about that whether genetically modified foods is safety. It is evidently reasonable for some to believe that it hazard to human health and the environment, which should be strictly banned. However, in spite of those who are also think that it is safe and bring us a lot of benefits, which should be actively developed. In this essay, my personal view is that I do not agree with genetically modified foods. Not only because of the destruction it caused to the ecological environment, but also it will affect our health and our future. So what is genetically modified (GM) food? Simply put, genetically modified foods is through genetic engineering means to make one or several exogenous gene transfer to certain organisms together (animals, plants and microorganisms), and make it a valid expression of the corresponding product (peptides or proteins) . Using those organisms as food or as raw materials for food processing. Those who hold a positive attitude claim that it is a good way to against environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Genetically Modified Foods Genetically Modified Foods Assignment #6 By Danish Ahmed 103323080 2633–2 Lauzon Road Windsor, ON. N8T 2Z5 (519)–251–1776 26–100–91 Legebow December 6, 2010 2–2633 Lauzon Road Windsor, Ontario, N8T 2Z5 December 6, 2010 Chris Legebow Professor English Dept. University of Windsor Dear Prof. Legebow, I am writing to submit Assignment #6. Throughout my time enrolled in this course, I have learned many valuable lessons. However, the most important lesson that I have learned is how to be a better writer. By completing the various assignments in this course, particularly the substantiation assignment, I have learned how to better explain my opinions as well as support them. However, ... Show more content on ... In August 1998 the first controversy was sparked, especially in Europe, by a report from a leading nutrition researcher, Dr. Arpad Pusztai, concerning the safety of GM foods. Pusztai claimed that GM food fed rats showed stunted growth and weak immune systems. His report, however, was greatly criticized and rejected by many scientists because of lack of substantial evidence (Pusztai 1). Nevertheless, the report opened up an area of contemplation. In May 2005, a report published by Monsanto, a leading biotech firm, confirmed differences in kidney sizes and blood composition of rats fed with GM corn (Lendman 1). Although these documented reports are limited to laboratory settings, the results do point to a possibility of health hazards in the long run. It is evident that GM foods require more research before they are safe for consumption because if the symptoms do arise, it will affect a wide range of consumers and the damage will be impossible to overcome. Apart from direct health hazards, there are concerns over the emergence of insecticide resistant weeds and pests because of GM foods (Weaver 160). Since certain species of GM crops are resistant to insecticides, they allow farmers to spray more chemicals in order to avoid weeds and pests from destroying their harvests. However, since all living organisms are biological entities ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Genetically Modified Food When I was a kid, science teacher taught me Genetically Modified Food is the research of the future and will lead to solving the famine issues of the future. I heard lots of scientists were researching the Genetically Modified Food and that they had already ended the experiment. So I thought no one would have to bear hunger. Nowadays, despite the progress on Genetically Modified Food, many people continue to suffer from famine. A lot of Genetically Modified Food comes to the market but they do not affect the market price enough to completely solve world hunger. Furthermore, there are various ethical issues concerning the use of Genetically Modified Food. In this essay, I would like to discuss these ethical issues by first discussing the current debate of Genetically Modified Food's effects to human body, the current practices involving Genetically Modified Food, and why this controversy warrants labeling of Genetically Modified Food to help the consumers make informed decisions of what type of food they are buying. Today, some people do not even realize that the products what they put in the shopping basket are actually Genetically Modified Foods. The groceries that are highly modified are Canola oil, milk, soy bean and corn. Specifically, the soy bean and corn are the most consumed Genetically Modified Foods in the supermarkets. In 2000, the United States Department of Agriculture approximated that 25 percent of corns, which are produced in United States, contained ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Genetically Modified Foods Genetically Engineered Foods "Genetically Engineered foods, also known as GM and GMO's is the manipulation of DNA by humans to change the essential makeup of plants and animals. The technology inserts genetic material from one species into another to give it a new quality, such as the ability to produce a pesticide, or to include genetic material from Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt); a natural bacterium found in soil."Mather R. "The Threat From Genetically Modified Foods." Mother Earth News. April 2012. Web. 2 April 2013. Scientists have been undergoing experimentation of this method for over forty years, in hopes of perfecting GM's which they foresee will positively enhance the overall well being of humanity nutritionally and ... Show more content on ... "Not In My Fridge." Ecologist; November 2007, Vol. 37 Issue 9, p27–31, 5p "Two dozen farmers reported that the GM corn varieties caused thousand of pigs to become sterile. Some also reported sterility among cows and bulls. German farmers link cow deaths to one variety of GM corn, while Filipinos link another variety to death among water buffaloes, chickens and horses. When 71 Indian shepherds let their sheep grace on Bt cotton plants after harvest, within 5 to 7 days 25 percent had died. The 2006 death rate for the region is estimated at 10,000 sheep. Since then more deaths were identified and toxins were also found in Bt cotton fields, investigators concluded that evidence strongly suggests the sheep death was caused by toxins, most probably Bt– toxin." Smtih Jeffrey. "Not In My Fridge." Ecologist; November 2007, Vol. 37 Issue 9, p27–31, 5p "Three French scientists analyzed the raw data from three 2009 Monsanto studies on rats and found that three GM corn varieties caused liver and kidney toxicity and other kinds of organ damage."Mather R. "The Threat From Genetically Modified Foods." Mother Earth News. April 2012. Web. 2 April 2013. "Organic farmers fear that their non– GM crops could become contaminated by the spread of genetically modified traits by wind and insect cross–pollination. Once those traits are in the agricultural gene pool, there's no way to remove it. This is pollination with a life of its own, it spreads forever."Jason McLure. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Genetically Modified Foods Essay Genetically modified foods have always been a controversial topic and issue. Moat things do in our day to day lives have benefits and risks. Gene Technology and genetically modified foods are no exception. Throughout this article the pros and cons of genetically modified foods will be looked and an explanation as to why it is one of the best DNA technologies of the 21st century. This judgment follows these criteria that genetically modified food can produce resistant crops to pests and diseases, crops tolerant to various conditions, crops with an increase yield production which can feed a starving world, greater profits, lower costs for consumers and improved quality of food being more nutritious "nutritional enhancement." There ... Show more content on ... Having crops which are tolerant to droughts means crops can cope under these stressful conditions which can often result in loss of production and can mean that crops can be grown in areas in which are originally inhabitable. This also applies to the salinity tolerance. Genetically modifying crops had the potential to increase the yield. Many believe this is the solution for solving the starving world and overcoming world poverty by genetically modifying crops to increase their yield. It had also been said by scientist that crops can be genetically modified to create food such as rice with higher levels of Vitamin to help eye sight and potations with extra amounts of protein to help the developing countries. Genetic Modification has the ability to be able to increase the amount of nutrients which we get from food. This can be known as "nutritional enhancement" Millions of people have been consuming genetically modified foods and have no side effects. Many developing countries around the world continue to starve and go hungry and suffer while we, the rich world sit here and debate. The growth and production of GM crops can make crop production more efficient therefore lowering the costs of food to consumers and in term increasing the profits to organizations benefitting both. But as said earlier there are risks involved. There have been some concerns that genetically modified foods can allergens that ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Chemically Modified Food The thing about food up until my freshman year in high school is that boxed and chemically modified food was a treat for me. If it could be made at home, from scratch, that's how my mom made it. Rarely did we have the glorious invention that is frozen pizza. We infrequently had the bleached, sliced bread. Our mashed potatoes were always lumpy and uneven. Cookies went from soft, chewy treats to hockey pucks I could play with outside during the winter if we didn't put them in a Ziploc bag. My mom was a super mom, cooking almost everything from scratch and even making things mostly gluten free for awhile up until my freshman year of high school when she returned to work. Any food you can imagine, from pies to pickled fish, from stew to strawberry ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Genetically Modified Foods Part 1 Genetically Modified Food 'With genetically modified foods I believe we have reached the thin edge of the wedge, we are messing with the building blocks of life and its scary' – Malcom Walker, Chairman and Chief Executive of Iceland Foods (Quotes from Scientists). Genetically modified organisms or GMOs are plants or animals made by splicing the gene and inserting DNA from different species of plants, animals, bacteria, and viruses. These genes would not naturally result in a cross breed. As a result of this biotechnology more than ninety percent of corn, soybean, cotton, sugar, and canola in the US are genetically modified. Other major GMOs are papaya, zucchini and yellow squash (Non–GMO Project). If not stopped it will be a matter of another few years that they capitalized the entire food industry. Ironically even now, most of the popular food items of children like cereal, crackers, cookies, and processed lunch meat are all GMOs. Is genetically modified food good for consumers? What are its impacts? What are the effect of GMO on the environment? How do they influence the life of a common farmer and the food industry? Is the situation really bad? How did we get trapped in this? What steps can be taken to control it? These and many other questions need to be addressed before it is too late. History Even before Charles Darwin or Gregor Mendel proposed their theories of selection and genetics, man was modifying living species. The understanding of the genome led to an ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Genetically Foods : Genetically Modified Foods Genetically Modified Foods "70 percent of our corn farmland and 93 percent of soy farmland are planted with crops genetically engineered to resist pests and herbicides and increase crop yields. 60% of all the processed foods in the United States are genetically modified; a shocking statistic has the concern of many Americans. However, most people are uninformed about the beneficial impact that genetically modified food has on their diet. GM is the use of molecular biology technology to modify the inherited structure of organisms. Genetically engineered crops increase nutrients, drought tolerance, provide more food for growing populations, and resists diseases and pesticides. Genetically engineered foods are crucial to the improvement of economy, agriculture, society, and health choices. The creation of GM foods was one of the most significant breakthroughs in food industry. Genetically modifying foods is a key component that is harmless for the enrichment of our foods. The development of genetically engineered foods began in the 1900s, and has been in United State markets since 1995 (Bredahl 18). The most widespread genetically modified foods are oil, maize, cotton, and soybeans (Cunningham 11). Transgenic foods were products created to increase benefit and lower prices (Whitman 2). Genetically modified foods are essential to enrichments of crops (Tan 3). It helps reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides in plants, enhances taste and quality, lower maturation time, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Genetically Modified Food Persuasive Essay What if I told you that you have most likely been eating food that has been tampered with and injected with diseases? For years Scientists have been editing the blue prints of your food. These scientists are changing the genetic structure of most plants and animals that we eat. "Plants are now engineered for insect resistance, fungal resistance, viral resistance, herbicide resistance, changed nutritional content, improved taste, and improved storage."( modified food) Genetically engineered food is an important topic because we hear about organic and genetically modified foods all the time; especially if you eat plants or animals from most large companies. Still, most people don't understand what those two even mean. There are few worries about genetically modified actually damaging our body and/or giving us diseases. Genetically modified plants might also be damaging our precious food chain. For example lets say farmers were putting pesticides in fruit. But some of the seeds blow into the flowers, so when the bees come to pollinate they come in contact with pesticides, ... Show more content on ... The Séralini affair is a study created by Gilles–Eric Séralini that was done on rats who were fed corn that was genetically modified so that weeds could no longer grow around the crops. The corn contained glyphosate, which is what caused both the weeds to stay away and also many body changes to the rats. Some rats experienced issues "including weight changes, triglyceride level increases in females, changes in urine composition in males, and reduced function or organ damage in the liver, kidney, adrenal glands, heart, and hematopoietic system."( Séralini affair) But no major side effects seem to occur on humans. Is that the truth? Or are major food companies trying to hide the fact that they might be killing us ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Modified Food Modifications Do You Really Know What's Going Into Your Body? By 2014, there were 7,789 crop releases for testing as part of research and development efforts, according to the USDA ERS (Economic Research Service) report. These are crops with resistance against bacteria, nematodes, fungi, virus, and insects (Kinhal). This doesn't mean that the food is safe. This means that the seeds planted into the ground have been changed in order to be resistant to things like herbicides as they grow. With that being said, these crops aren't just sent to certain places in the world, they are sent to almost every grocery store in the United States. This means that majority of individuals, and their families are most likely eating foods that have been genetically ... Show more content on ... This paper will discuss two arguments presented in the documentary: GMOs should be labeled, and GMOs are bad for the human body, and the environment. Labeling the Problem In GMO OMG Seifert explores the argument that It is crucial for people to know exactly what GMO's are, and what they are consuming when they eat them. With that being said, foods should be labeled when they have been genetically modified. If GMO's were labeled, buyers would know that the product they are buying may not exactly be safe, and then it becomes their choice to consume it or not. If an individual will willingly eat a product knowing it has been modified, no problem. But if the foods are not labeled, people have no idea that their bodies might be slowly harmed by these products, and this is when people like Jeremy Seifert have a problem. In one specific scene when Seifert is interviewing a woman on the street, and she brings up a point saying that these foods should most definitely be labeled if they are GMO's, and Seifert agrees. Specifically, the interview subject says "of course they should be labeled because you should know what you're eating; what you're putting into your body.... It's simple." The women in this documentary has the mindset of most people in this society. However, at the point of the documentary, nothing was being done about the labeling of these foods. Furthermore, a lot of people didn't even know what a GMO was. This argument is also presented in an ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Genetically Modified Foods ENG 102 Research paper First Draft Mesut Önal Eng 102–95 3/31/2013 Research topic Genetically Modified Foods Research question Is Genetically Modified Foods Good or Bad For Public? Introduction The world is slowly running out of food. Impoverished people have nowhere to turn. Biotechnology researchers think they have found a way to reverse the world famine. This way is through genetically modified foods which are foods that come from genetically engineered organisms. Examples of such organisms are sheep, cows, and fish. However, since it is a new invention, it is being met with harsh and legitimate concerns. While it may help the world's food crisis, it may also do that at the expense of human health. Moreover, In ... Show more content on ... Aphids fed on Genetically Modified potatoes producing a different toxin were also reported to have a harmful effect on ladybirds feeding on the aphids. Genetically Modified crops can be beneficial for health in terms of their food value. Foods include lots of vitamins which are necessary to our body. In early days, our foods were full of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrate and they were occupied with value. However, now there are not enough foods which are full of value. Because there are lots of environmental factors like global warming which causes to summers takes long time, and scarcity of water, and also some pests. These factors effect the crops and farmers have to use pesticide and this cause to decrease food value. And it leads lots of health problems. And the one of the most important health problem is Vitamin A deficiency. This is the cause of at least "1 million childhood deaths" each year and is "considered the single most serious cause of blindness amongst children" in the developing countries. "A possible solution to this problem is the genetic modification of rice." ( Potrykus, quoted inGenetic Modification) Although GM foods are benefical for the food value, in some circumstances, it can be very harmful for human health. Without too much control eating genetically modified food can be dangerous and
  • 35. it can lead lots of diseases like Eosonophil Myalgia Syndrome. In this debate, the Physicians and Scientists for ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Genetically Modified Foods Are Dangerous "For 10,000 years, we have altered the genetic makeup of our crops" (Ronald 17). Hearing this fact makes people generally think twice about the widely criticized topic of genetically modified foods. Many people have a bad first impression of genetically modified foods because they have the notion that genetically modified crops are not the way nature made them, so they cannot be safe. The biggest group of naysayers is politicians and big name brand companies, such as Whole Foods. Typically, name brands require labelling food products that contain genetically modified crops with a 'GMO ' label, making most consumers think that genetically modified crops as a dangerous thing to look out for. The reality is quite the contrary. Big name brands should not make consumers think genetically modified foods are dangerous because by genetically engineering crops it makes the crop resistant to diseases and pests, make the crop more nutritious, and not harmful to human health. First, well–known companies should not escalate people's fear about genetically modified foods because by genetically engineering crops, those crops are now able to repel pests and diseases. To start, genetically modified organisms are "organisms whose genetic make–ups have been changed by mutating, inserting, or deleting genes, by using genetic engineering techniques or biotechnology" (Goldbas 20). Knowing this fact helps prove that "over the last twenty years, scientists and breeders have used [genetic ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Genetically Modified Foods Research Paper Genetically modified foods are engineered foods that allow different types of foods to possess different traits. This is when technology allow scientists to transfer different genes to the plant. Genes are what make up a type of plant and some plants are resistant to certain pests which would be transferred to another plant and make that plant resistant. However this could result in different tasting plants or different plants being made. This could have negative effects on the world and even to farmers, who would run out of jobs. Genetically modified foods can have a negative effect by exposing toxins, diseases, and can effect unemployment rates. Toxins are everywhere around us. It is in the food we eat, water we drink, and air we breathe. Genetically Modified Foods can risk the toxins in the food by 50%. Toxins can be from pesticides and heavy metals from genetics. Recent studies show that out of 20 lab rats, 7 of them had stomach lesions. A scientist overlooking the experiment stated that the lesions were life threatening. Another experiment was tested on rats that were BT bacterial potatoes. This showed abnormal growth in cells and the intestines were a lot heavier, I do not think that is fair to the rats. These toxins can cause deadly effects on people, it needs to be passed by the FDA before being sold at all. ... Show more content on ... There is a link to Morgellons disease in these foods, this disease can make people be delusional about having insects or parasites inside their body. There have been links to an increase in obesity, heat disease, allergies, and reproductive problems. Diseases are already bad now but if this passes by the FDA then this increase can rapidly decrease the chance of survival in anyone that eats it. Many people need to read what they are buying, there is already GM food in stores. Some examples are soy and sugar, this is daily uses for many people and it kills them ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Genetically Modified Food This report evaluate about the genetically modified food that why we need this, what are its key issues and how we can overcome these issues? In the field of biotechnology, the vast development was observed in the last few decades comprising the manipulation of genetic material to generate animal and plants with certain desirable attributes. Genetically Modified/Manipulated Organisms frequently termed as GMOs, refer to organisms whose genetic material has been modified through recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology, in which genes from the DNA of different organisms are recombined, having the both (positively and negatively) potential effect on the environment and human health. Recombinant GMOs can be generated by gene cloning techniques in which a non– native gene is inserted and expressed in a target organism. There are several methods behind the basic principle of recombinant DNA technology, but the most prominent method to is the inserted DNA from a donor organism into the target organism via a vector with cloned DNA. At present numerous GMOs as well as the products of GMOs are utilized by human and researches are persistently performing to transform the genetic traits of organisms to change for the better, according to human practices (Melo–Martín I & Zahra M, 2008). Genetic modification in plants can be inserted easily attributable to their ability to grow from a single cell or small pieces of tissue (Adcock, 2007) After the beginning of genetic modifications (GM) in food, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Genetically Modified Foods Are genetically modified foods assessed differently from traditional foods? Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) are known to cause a swarm of controversy; a lot of experts disagree with the notion that if it's economically successful, then the potential health risks found in Genetically Modified Foods can be overlooked. The questions someone must ask themselves is this, can the Genetically Modified Foods be helpful? Does money matter more than your health? Ask yourself these questions. But before you answer these questions you must first educate yourself on what are Genetically Modified Foods? How are they produced? And are they safe enough for consumption? Genetically Modified Foods are plants or animals that are genetically modified with the DNA from different organisms, like various bacteria's, viruses, and sometimes plants and animals therefore allowing scientists and geneticists to manipulate the Genetically Modified Foods in any form that they chose. The process of creating Genetically Modified Foods begins when scientists pick an organism that they wish to use. They extract DNA from the organism that they are using, and then the scientist fuse the extracted DNA with an enzyme named endonuclease that cuts portions of the DNA at predetermined intervals. Once that part of the procedure is done the scientists then must force the new gene inside the cells of the organism, this part of the procedure can be done in multiple ways. The most common tool used in performing ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food Essays Many Americans consume thousands of pounds of genetically modified foods every day. Throughout the 21st century, genetic engineering tremendously impacted new research in pharmaceutical and forensic science. During that time, it also revolutionized the food in America and many other countries around the world. Using Recombinant DNA biotechnology on crops and farm animals helps improve nutrition and quantity of foods. However, crops that are altered with hybrid genes can also contain chemicals harmful to humans. By using developed biotechnology, scientists are able to inject viruses and bacteria into the embryos of plants to produce genetically modified crops (). The same is applied for transgenic farm animals to increase the size of the ... Show more content on ... This assists physicians by supplying them with new knowledge about the diseases they are treating (Isabel). By identifying unknown pathogens, scientists are able to develop new vaccines that can control or even prevent illnesses from becoming serious. On the other hand, outbreaks can also begin in the pre–packaging of vegetables and uncooked meats. Recently, a case of cyclospora infection found in salad mixes reported to have a microscopic parasite. According to Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor at NYU Langone Medical Center, "The parasite is around people at all the time. However, the parasite found in the mixed salad cannot be transmitted from one person to another. But this seems to be from the handling of the mixed salad during production." Another crucial way in which humans are harmed from genetically modified foods is obesity. Obesity stems from an abnormal diet with high calorie–dense foods which results in above average body fat. It is associated with increased risk of disease such as cardiovascular failure and liver cancer, disability and incapacitation from excess weight on the joints and bones, and even death from complications arising from the obesity – not the obesity itself. People are consciously ignorant about the foods they eat. "Obesity is the sixth most common disease worldwide. Approximately 1.1 billion adults and 10% of children are considered obese" (Haslam). Obesity is a chronic ... Get more on ...