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Chapter 1
Crimes and misidentification of victims to the extent of gender transformation
The shame of man-to-woman and woman-to-man conversion is tragic and terrible an
offense! Yet, legal advisers have recommended the process for victims of horrendous
crimes and their perpetrators are still seeking to harm them, or victims of
violation, human trafficking and feudal war!
The legal’s point of view is based on having the criminals MIS-IDENTIFY their
sought victims―Witness Protection Programs are quite famous a practice of The
Judicial Sovereignty ―the Police and the Court that places endangered witnesses and
their families under life-term protection beside personal and social security!
As we come to think to it, no one would ever elect to transform own gender, has that
someone being on own right mind! Gender identifies all living creatures on earth and
despite its exposure through one body part, it circulates all in the body through
hormones and catalysts of growth, stability, type identity and healthy temperament
that sustains an alert state of mind and sound judgment! There are actual victims of
gender conversion―victims who are not transformed by the police or court. They are
mostly victims of mobs and human slavery―victims who have undergone the worst
brutal torture and molestation and might still undergo it in daily basis or as
frequent as they breath!
I have first learned of gender transformation in second junior school year. A
classmate whose dad was gynecologist brought to class one of her Dad’s subscribed -
to medical catalogs. There were many pages of photographs of young children and
teenagers for medical examination. The children’s bodies were bare of cloth; and
their private parts were not of either gender. We all exclaimed for the pandemic
those poor beings have endured.
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Our classmate said her Dad said those were trans-gender children. They needed test
for dominant hormone types to decide which gender were they originally created to
become. Then, on enforcing hormones would be injected before doctors could operate
on them to become normal―identifiable―biased―fellows.
The first time I’ve heard about disparity in gender, I have attributed that to
natural transgender mishaps. Only through Teachings on The Holy Ko`oran have I
learned that gender eccentricity is psychological disorder of normally created human
beings. Veterinary Science have hypothesized similar patterns in animals as well.
Next year I started to read similar weekly brochure of medicine: “‫الخاص‬ ‫ك‬َ‫ب‬‫بي‬َ‫ط‬ Your
Private Doctor”. The issue was edited and printed in Egypt by its finest doctors.
Gender transformation was major concern as many troubled teenagers with abnormal
tendencies inquired it feasibility. Doctors assured them it was an easy operation.
Hormone injection would take six month in clinic. Then, surgical operation would
take place to finish human bodice in shape―plastic surgery. Then, six month of
hormone injection would ensure complete alteration of gender. Egypt clinics casually
ran such operations―new identities keep generating all year round. The Egyptian
Government has licensed such medical and social practice despite the strong
religious opposition to such procedures and ungracious offense to the wise creation
of Allah, God, The AlMighty.
What I haven’t expected is to learn that military discipline extends to and
endorses such alterations of fellows―Gender Transformation. My story here will
unravel reality experiences that relate to fellows I have been around and I have
failed to reckon their identities in that exact interval.
I have ever wondered why would governments of highly developed countries pass
legislation laws of legal matrimony of spouses of the same gender! The battle has
been furiously ferocious and deadly.
The battle on legal matrimony of same gender was only led by those who enjoy
remarkable matrimony settings, QUITE UNNATURAL, QUITE UNHOLY AND QUITE SHAMEFUL! The
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reality components, all nations led combat against same gender kinship―all urged by
POPULACE―WORLD’S MANKIND― EVEN GRADUALLY! Such kind of inhuman tendency places
its character in suspicion of deranged ambush to equalize different kinship in
society. That is why nations, enforced by power of governments COMBAT DISPARITY AND
Maybe communities on their own fret of such unholy existence as disparity and
repelling egotism jeopardizes safety of their fellow peers and those who are
completely unaware of such eccentricity―they might fall prey to those who cruelly
will to mold others to what they are and what they have elected to abide by!
Surprisingly, this century, grand governments started to legalize such unwelcome
kinship and improper stay of life! Governments have started to pass legislation to
allow eccentric spousal relations! Governments went beyond that to enforce such laws
through protection of such spouses and to engage their arrangements in each single
law that concerns family arrangements!
Are governments wild―nuts―whacko?!!! I guess not! Our world of Islam forms on
reverence to jurisdiction opposite to eccentric matrimony and would never compromise
it because it ends right there once it has lost its Holiness and Divine Arrangement
to matrimony approved and endorsed by Our Deity, Allah, God, The Almighty!
Yet, other non-Moslem governments―who are generally known for proper demeanor
jurisdiction―has carried on such a revolt in matrimony kinship!!!! Now, I can see
perspective I haven’t noted before! In 2000, word has been that Muslim Legislators
have been seeking to pass laws that protect victims of violation who are forced to
illegitimate conception. Such conception brings to the world illicit
children―children born out of wedlock―children who result an aftermath of
violation! Other nations have long passed such jurisdiction and have long enforced
it by law and health entities.
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Violation―forced illegitimate matrimony and practice of degradation towards people
such criminals loath and enjoy to torture! Violation is one face of ugly sadism!
Hatred, loathsomeness, self-despise taken on others, brutal unrightful derision and
seeking sovereignty over others to be their God who defines their fate, lives and
earnings, is lived by unfortunate victims of abduction, slavery, war imprisonment,
riot police arrest in places where authority is not held accountable, by ruins of
nations where ignorance is the law of land, through detention of suspects of terror
and human trafficking mobs! The predators often govern others by brutality and
torture that would appall the mightiest worrier! War and fight are essential means
to obtain power over nations, enemies and foes, to later enslave for life and
assault to disgrace! The primitive nuances are relived every time and everyplace
beasts get their way!
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Chapter 2
Weapon crimes and organized war zoning
The moral chaos activates such feuds of disgrace and make it be [appear to be] only
right to defend oneself against foes. The prime danger in our nowadays civil life is
that such degradation of humanity is ghostly and in shadow―hard to detect and hard
to fathom! I have been one victim of such deceit, but, luckily, my safety has not
been compromised and I have been free of harassment!
I have mingled with my peers in work site. I have gotten close in life friendship
with my female coworker. My coworker friend has become a new sister to me as we
spent our days in the office together and we hung out together at homes!
The ugly truth is that this friend has been my male captor in college riots before,
in 1991, one who held a revolver against me, while his peers held war machine
guns―I felt I was in Chicago where stickups were the casual feat of the nation
Chicago―where Giant Financial Investments of the Jews are born and Jews are
authoritative, has the world’s highest rate of gun possession and gun-violence! Do
gun crimes pair with money???! Maybe! Or maybe those extremely rich syndicates
promote gun manufacture and possession and they provide for violence in communities,
only to conquer and have an upper hand over locales!
To my own belief, the Jews in Chicago support illegal distribution of weapon. They
promote illegal gun possession, in such manner that none else can surface on the
Giant Financial Investment World! People will be forced to become rather busy
guarding themselves and assets against crimes and unwelcome violence!
Even those who make it through to peak business world, suffer loss through fraud
ailing. They may suffer endangerment to lives and possession by gun criminals! Such
rivals have dared to be competent enough to authorize themselves places atop, after
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Such aforementioned feat has been well known in our world of Africa since the
seventies. Minor groups would often posses weapon, illicitly. Soon, they start chaos
and frenzy gun violence that eventually allow them power over the nation. In least
achievement, such armed groups fail their former governments, in the least!
All revolutions and freedom movements start as such and are commended by all freedom
seekers! The problem with Africa is that those movements have never served the
nations of the land with conflict―conflicts ongoing to this date in most regions of
Africa! Arming weaker groups leads to the failure of nations and grants power to
gangs and mobs to rule the world! Ain’t that the dream of every armed outlaw?
Now, the Middle East and our North African countries are under the rule of world
demolition troops! The terrible turmoil of loss of rational control and sound reign
dominates over our beloved region. Thos is the region that Israel has long sought to
destroy, ever since it has formed and surfaced in the world.
Israel was forced on Palestinians to coyote over their land and forcefully share
their domain and lives with the force of gun and violence. Such oppression is ALL
AND, LATER ON, THE USA! Now, the world organizations are the trauma cane that Israel
employs to smash the regions it targets, primarily Palestine and its adjacent
Less than 20 years after Israel has occupied Palestine, Israel invaded, Lebanon,
Syria and Egypt in treacherous multiple strikes that timed together and occupied
their border lands! Fierce fights have been led by each of the Arab country until
the eighties where they could finally return their lands and free them of vicious
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Egypt could not return Sinai and El Arish ‫والعريش‬ ‫سيناء‬until the nineties! Palestine is
still in daily combat to win back freedom of its nation, Palestinian homeland, their
lives and their future! The more furious and nasty to Palestinians Israel becomes,
the more ferocious The Arab and Moslem World sanction Israel and all its allies .
The Arab and Moslem Worlds Ban Unjust Alliance against Palestine. The more fierce
Israel assaults against Palestinians, the more and the best of support do The Arab
and Moslem World manage to provide for Palestine and its blessed nation. The firm
ban is yet ongoing and Israel keep twisting around to sway the ban off.
In the nineties, Israel sought truce through the Turks. Israel requested to freeze
the entire sanctions against it by the League of Arab States and The Arab Region.
Israel wanted to allow for some of its professionals to get trained by Arabs for
feasible means to cultivate their prime plantation of cereals, nuts, vegetables and
Israel needed to survive in region their government is not quite familiar with its
agriculture and growth’s climate needs. The Arab League sealed the deal and even
allowed to market Israeli grown commodities in Arab and African countries. Butrus
Ghali was the Chief Secretary and Director of the Arab League, at the time.
That time, Butrus Ghali served as Secretary of the United Nations. I worked in the
feasibility study that sponsored the truce and alliance. I prepared tables and
analysis for the team of experts who prepared and ran the study.
The Organization I worked for served under The Arab League. The study was to
theorize in the Organization, in Khartoum; and to be handed to the Arab League, in
Cairo, to monitor its execution and its success. Shami Syrian, Lebanese and
Palestinian” Arab Professionals were to train Israeli professionals on fields and
studies on how to cultivate crops and to promote them.
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I prepared Statistics and Statistical tables for the team of that study. I wondered
why would the League of Arab States truce on Israel! It seemed far-fetched at the
time. The Chief of the Study replied that it was world's politics they could not
argue with. Yet, he was bound to serve in his field of agriculture and I was
expected to serve my tables and data in best form. The Chief to the team is my
relative and dear a friend to Dad and Granddad. I guess his parental custody
dictated what any parent would conclude for their kids in dilemmas :)
The training to Israeli professionals may not directly relate to the post of
ambitious Egyptian Secretary, Butrus Ghali. Yet, the overall strategy and tactics of
the Arab League, at that particular time, served to reflect leniency towards Israel,
the sassy baby of the USA. USA symbolizes power for worldly organizations and its
VETO Right imposes significant impact on elections of world’s organizations.
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Chapter 3
Foes are but ancient blood kin―Will they ever be allies and kin again???!!!
What an irony is it! Both nations of Palestine with all Arabs and Israel share the
noble bloodline of the Blessed Prophet Ibrahim [Abraham]. Ibrahim is Father of all
Prophets, other than Nooh [Noah] and Lout~ [Loot]. May Prayers and Peace of Allah Be
Upon them all and upon all their offsprings!
Allah is our Divine Deity. The significance of the land in conflict is its holiness
and its ancestry to both parties in combat. But, Palestinians did not desert their
land one day to come back later to claim it! Israelites did!
Palestinians are the authentic owners and rightful nation to their land! Israel is
an occupant and an alien invader! I hope they will foresee the wisdom of being in
that particular land towards the end of time―to be closer to Almighty God’s Holy
Revelations―to be closer to God and to reap on the best they can of God’s
blessings and Pleasure!
Sure enough God’s Blessings and Pleasure will not be the Israeli’s nasty and
violent war against their sister nations of Moslem Believers. Nor will it be by
erratic war against Christian Believers! Mecca is one model to what might Please
God, The AlMighty, of true faithful creatures!
Mecca has been barren desert in the Arabia Land. It has later been blessed with the
settlement of the other kin of Ibraheem. May Prayers of AlMighty God Be Upon Him.
AlMighty God Has Ordered Ibraheem―May Prayers of AlMighty God Be Upon him―to
leave in Palestine his first wife, Sarrah; and to travel with his second wife,
Hajir, and their first newborn, Ismaeel. May Prayers of Almighty God Be Upon them.
They were commanded to inhabit that eerie land to start a new nation over there. It
was only to later bring life to Mecca to Behold the Final Holy Shrine and Home of
last Revelation of Islam! Of Sarrah―May Pleasure of Allah, God, The AlMighty Be
Upon her―came The Jews and The Christians.
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Nowadays Western world and Eastern Jews and Christians claim their lone rightful
possession to the land of conflict, for sacredness attribution. Yet, Islam has
reveled all former Divine Faith Decrees. Islam has updated all earlier Divine
Hajir’s children have anciently joined in the second Holy Land of Palestine. They
migrated and blended with fellow natives to complement all pillars of Divine Faith
long founded on earth. May The Pleasure of Allah, God The AlMighty Be Upon Hajir as
well as Sarrah and all their blessed children.
This affiliation was sealed on The Holy Miracle Journey Of The Blessed Angel
Jibreel [Gibrael] and The prophet Mohammad [Mohamed, Ahmad or Mahmooud]. May Divine
Prayers and Peace Be Upon them. May Divine Prayers and Peace Be Upon them: Jibreel,
Mohammad and AlBuraq “The Holy Sky Flying Horse”. They flew from Mecca at night
to The Holy Seven Skies and Heaven, only to stop on Jerusalem [AlQuds].
There, in AlQuds, they paused to pray inside The Holy Mosque of AlAqsa ‫قصى‬َ‫أل‬‫ا‬ ‫سجد‬َ‫م‬‫.ال‬
The journey resumed after prayers inside The Holy Mosque of AlAqsa “Bait
AlMagdis” in ancient AlQuds [Jerusalem” to elevate to higher skies. The journey
ended to right underneath AlMighty Allah’s Throne, Holy Legs and Divine Feet.
The obligation of prayers in AlMasjid AlAqsa for Moslems has been sealed that
night. It is an honorary obligation for all who can afford it by all means, at
least, once in a lifetime. Most Moslems are not aware of that imposition to pray in
that holy place. There, Adam and Hawaa [Eve] dwelled and worshiped God on Earth to
start their first mission of humanity and worship.
Up in Heaven, prayers were reveled for Moslems―40 prayers per day. There, in
Heaven, The Prophet Musa [Moses], over and over advised his younger brother,
Mohammad to beseech God to lessen imposed prayers. Prayers and worship were what
his nation failed to observe and practice through coming years. They were the first
to subject the Jews to God’s Wrath and Penalties.
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Many earlier Jews ended in damnation of God, just like the devil. Musa has reckoned
that humanity regress in physique that future generations will not be as physically
and faithfully strong to carry on such devotion to faith practice. Moslems are The
Weak Nation to become that we are now!
The prophets, back to Adam, The First Man ever―May AlMighty Allah’s Prayers Be
Upon them―dwelled Heaven Skies. Their encounter with their latest prophet,
Mohammad, was in body and soul. This one miracle of AlMighty God affirm AlMighty
Allah’s Ability to Holy Expedite His creatures from one place to another.
Through Holy Expedition, Eisa [Jesus] is expedited to AlMighty Allah in Heaven and
Skies. Eissa is raised to God in body and soul, to rescue him of his rampage
killers. All other prophets are buried underground Earth. Yet, they appeared in
Heaven and welcome their latest pal, Mohammad. The reality presentation proves
resurrection and expediting of the deceased out of their abode, Upon the Wise Will
of Allah, almighty God. May AlMighty Allah’s Prayers and Peace be Upon all
prophets and angels.
That miracle depicts time generation ability or time progression similar to an
imaginary time capsule or time machine. This is rationally justified by the concept
of relevant frames of reference so common in Physics and Equilibrium of Rigid
Bodies. The concept employs the travel in time same as travel in place through
intervals, physical displacement and distance travel.
Divine Faiths are too comprehensively advanced to earthly span and its nations. The
atheist minds of Arabs disputed the Journey of Israa and Mi`raj. Israa is Holy
Expediting to AlQuds―Jerusalem― in Palestine form Mecca and Mi`raj Holy Swerve To
Skies, Heaven and Holy Deity’s Throne and Presence.
How can anyone travel to AlQuds in single night at that ancient time and come back?
How can anyone travel to the sky and come back in single night, at that ancient
era? The Evidence of precise description of The Mosque first built by Ibrahim and
rebuilt by each successive prophet has left atheist Arabs speechless before their
shaking doubts.
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Those of Macca’s Arabs who visited the place in trade and sacred travel for
AlMasjid AlAqsa testified for Mohammad. The description of Heaven Places and Eternal
Fires of all types has reveled all Arabia’s nation beyond further fussy arguments.
May AlMighty Allah’s Be Upon all prophets and angels.
The dwelling on barren land mid-desert was rough and Ibraheem and his family.
Ibraheem left his wee kin to Ultimate Mercy and Providence of His Divine God, Allah,
The AlMighty! Hajir’s chest went dry of milk as her body roughly dehydrated and her
infant was screaming with hunger and thirst.
Hajir―May Pleasure of AlMighty Allah Be Upon her and all her offsprings―toured the
place in desperate attempts to find spring or water resource. She went down the
valley and up seven times. Each time, she would go back to check on her infant,
wrapped in soft bundle of cloth and sheltered of hot sun rays―and to sooth him a
little bit.
The last and seventh time Hajir came back, she glimpsed water beneath her baby’s
tiny feet as those tiny feet were kicking in forceful wails, asking to be fed in his
helpless form.  Hajir picked the water with her hands. Hajir found water troughed
sideways. Hajir cupped water with her hand to drink, all the while, urging the water
to sip up.
Hajir called on the water with the Arabic world “Zimmi Zimmi ‫.زمى‬ . . ‫.زمى‬ . . ”.
The just-formed well of water beneath was named “ZamZam ‫م‬ َ‫ز‬ْ‫م‬ َ‫"ز‬ because it responded
to her plea and sipped up itself [zammat] to Hajir, the Blessed!  May God’s
Pleasure Be Upon her and her offsprings.
Later Revelations Revealed that AlMighty God Have Taken Mercy and Compassion on the
crying infant. AlMighty God Have Sent The Blessed Spirit Angel Gibreel [Gibrael],
May Prayers of AlMighty Allah Be Upon him, to blow through one well of water from
deep earth and precisely below the tiny feet of the infant, Ismaeel. May Prayers of
AlMighty Allah Be Upon him and all his blessed offsprings.
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To Honor the journey and effort of Hajir, the blessed Mother, the seven rounds down
the valley of AlSafa and AlMarwa has become primary pillar of The Holy Pilgrims of
Islam. One Pilgrim in life [or one pilgrim a year for those who can utterly afford
it] will guarantee The Ultimate Forgiveness of Allah to that person. A Molsem will
be back to his life after pilgrim with the innocence of a new-born baby―no sins ay
all. 
At the time, Ibrahim―May Prayers of Almighty Allah Be Upon him―has been given
birth to by his first and blessed wife Sarrah. It was the birth of his second and
last son, Isa`akh [Isaac]. May Prayers of AlMighty Allah Be Upon them and his
Isaac gave birth to Yaagoob [Jacob] and he was also named Israel. So, all the
prophets who followed his era are his own children and are Divinely Referred to as
Children of Israel. These messengers and prophets started with Yuusif [Joseph],
grandchildren of which has come Musa [Moses].
May The Pleasure of AlMighty Allah Be Upon Hajir and Upon Sarrah. May Prayers and
Peace of AlMighty God Be Upon all Messengers and Prophets. May Prayers and Peace of
AlMighty God Be Upon all Angels.
Musa “Moses” is The first Prophet to the Jew and His Mission of Prophecy to
Divine Message surmised to The Holy Revelations of Judaism―all summed in The Holy
Book of AlTawrah [Torah]. Tawrah was succeeded by The Zaboor of the Prophet Da~ooud
[David]. The latest Prophet in the bloodline of Israel, Is`aq [Isac] and Ibraheem
[Abraham] has been Eissa [Jesus].
There on, the latest Revelation were directed towards The Arabian child of Ibrahim,
Ismaeel. The latest prophet to be Sent with a new Holy Revelation is Mohammad
[Mohamed]. Mohammad has been chosen in his homeland and Ismaeel’s, Macca, to unite
the world in one Worldly Revelation to all creatures of rational mind and speech,
mankind and fairies [Jinnah].
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Islam is summed in The Holy book of Koraan and The Blessed Prophet’s Doctrine
AlSunnah AlShareefah ُ‫َريفة‬‫ش‬‫ال‬ ُ‫ة‬َ‫ن‬ُ‫س‬‫.ال‬ So, most of the world’s religions were reveled on
to Ibrahim and his children. May The Prayers and Peace of AlMighty Allah [God] Be
Upon them all; and all Holy Prophets; and Holy Messengers; and all Holy Angels.
‫م‬ّ‫ل‬َ‫س‬‫و‬ ً‫ا‬‫ميع‬َ‫ج‬ ‫م‬ِ‫عليه‬ ُ َ‫اَلل‬ ‫ى‬ّ‫ل‬َ‫ص‬
The unity on peace and the essence to its spread through the world is one prime
wisdom that the Holy Revelations have emphasized. AlMighty Allah Has Specified That
Essential Peace, Mercy and Blessings to greet with and to farewell with. This
tailored greeting that creatures begin communication and speech with is the greeting
of those who Dwell in Heaven and of those who will Dwell in Heaven. Heaven is Peace,
Mercy and Blessings 
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Chapter 4
I’ve become one victim of gun violence ―Will I be my old self again?
I keep going back in mind to my life experience with gun. When I was shot minutes
later, my captor’s face and those of his peers had already printed my alert mind.
Danger sensations were high around my being.
My own experience would always revive alive the gun violence against me. My
experience represents gun violence―against peaceful students. It represents gun-
violence against peaceful citizens―and against nations that casually roam their
vicinity to live their lives.
Such nations are completely unaware of lurking danger of gun violence. Gun violence
is jeopardy that pairs with obsessive minds compelled that their foes are any
passer-by fellows and that they only survive by taking out the lives of their foes.
Security and Secret groups are paranoid and obsessive with far-sought danger they
create on their own minds, first. The danger they wish others to be―an ill-minded
fear―is the actual danger to communities and the world they are. These foes are
often over-rated deposit of social hostility and remnants of their personal and kin
tragedies―mostly their dislodgment in life!
I was rescued and rushed to hospital by those who arrested me first, once shot by an
unknown killer! It truly made me wonder about the irony of my mishap! The irony
became of my being apprehended and arrested under gun-point for nothing I did other
than walk by the street of the college I was studying at, at that time. Only I was
rescued and saved of mortality or life-term disability of head shooting by those
same captors!
I attempted to observe the wisdom of their controversy! Yet, I did loath them all! I
do loath them all! It is our human nature that dictates our feelings, tendencies and
kinship towards fellows we do not relate to by blood!
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I loathe all who aim to do me harm! I loathe all who aim to do others harm! Yet,
those loathsome foes have mercy in their hearts and sound reasoning to seek rescue
for one of their victims!
I believe that my captors and saviors do have hope to turn humane and to be good
fellows in communities, have they reformed their fervor violent demeanor! Have they
ridden of poisonous beliefs they developed through life for whatever reason, they
will recognize ultimate equality to live life in abundance of authority to live
life. They would reckon equality to all people and all creatures―in peace! I only
wish! I only dream!
I only keep to will and hope that all people will recognize the right of life to
all. I hope they realize and accept to deem others’ happiness as own! Only if they
know!!!! :)
Through our working days, I have been wondering where have I seen my pal before! I
kept asking her and she kept saying she didn’t think I could know her of any other
place! I guess I was sending her shivers of terror, every time I asked  !
Every time my mind wandered around, she would be traumatized and irked. I just could
not fathom why would my pal be nervous, have we truly been former acquaintances! I
was determined to remember where have I seen her face before!
The first time my office pal came home with me, we planned to visit our supervisor
treated in the hospital neighbor to where I lived! She bought fruits and wanted to
make fruit snack for our patient! She kept bossing me around in request of
kitchenware to get her snack ready!
As my pal harshly bossed me to what she needed, my elders asked me if my new office
pal was a boy or a girl―a man or a woman! I was already used to her harsh voice and
feat as it was involuntary. That was part of her nature’s mold. Despite her
harshness, she had kind heart and elder sister’s care towards me!
I assured my elders that my friend was as girl as I was. We prayed together in the
office, only to remove our head scarves when we refresh with water for prayers. I
had no doubt she was a girl.
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I have no doubt my pal has been converted to become female. She became a girl―a
woman―a female human being! My elders went on that her voice was harsh, her looks
were too bold for average females and she wasn’t shy to boss me around in my own
home―in her first visit there!!!  
My kin added that boys did boss girls as they would be around their softer peers. It
was only natural. My elders were right, after all  Parents know best, no one can
argue with that wisdom idiom 
The controversy of working in authority jobs is that an official will casually
arrest a person who has been guest to their wedding  That has been my office’s
pal case. We attended his wedding as he wed the sister of our friend and was
introduced police officer―cop  Two years later, we attended his wedding
augmentation party as an uncle of another friend 
I now presume the pal has been an undercover agent in police or security. I guess he
has been Riots Police or Security Police employee  Someone punished him for some
Someone―some people―wanted him sentenced to violation. Some populace wanted him to
be defamed. He was to be living proof―live example―to their discipline―the live
shum of disgrace.
I am now suspecting the incidence I had pin-pointed his peer to my colleague in
college days. I sure wanted them all punished. But I never wanted any of them
dehumanized or tortured!
That security officer, my pal’s peer, haunted me during exam days. I was one to
join the student’s Union Decision to boycott final college exams until The
University Administration would reform and mend degrading decisions towards study
and utility rights of ours and future students. I was one among majority college
Boycotting students were disappearing―secretly kidnapped by security men. I feared
I would be next! I pointed to that security former captor of me while I was talking
to my Physics senior mate.
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My Physics senior peer pointed to him and yelled loudly “This one? This one!” He
sent me fiery looks and gestured with his gathered fist in warning to harm me! I
fretted and said I wasn’t apt to be in trouble with them again.
I said I have already been shot last time! My Physics peer soothed my fears. She
advised me he wouldn’t dare arrest or kidnap me in stark day light!
I went on saying that security men already did that and I was shot accordingly! She
again said that college has been then filled with students and staff. I would only
need to scream to attract attention and to turn things against him.
My peer seemed to have exposed the security stalker to all Physics affiliates. A
kind senior student came to me next day and reprimanded me on telling on the poor
guy who saved my life. He was his neighbor back home and he knew he was kind and
My Physics senior peer was surprised to learn his neighbor worked in
security―shameful reality in our community as security spied on and coerced people!
He was worried that as I exposed his neighbor, the public around would kill him.
People killed security guys and all espionage fellows. I defended myself and retold
my perspective over and over again.
I was not after following people’s errs and exposing them to others. My earlier
captor kept haunting me. He either wanted to blackmail me with former attempt of
arrest or to threaten my safety―so why would I make that easy on him?”
“Why would I hand myself in my own silver plate to criminal riots and submit to
their harassment of threats and terrorizing? Militants and gun felons to scare me
and enslave me―is that it?” I retorted to my Physics affiliate.
“I am now pleased to tell on him and expose his criminal stalking. Why do they fear
the public more then they fear God? Why would they care for people’s impression
rather that God’s Pleasure?”
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“I did the right thing and for people who fear people and creatures rather to
observe AlMighty God’s fear, that would be good a lesson to leave people alone and
mind their own business―to stop to harass people” I defiantly told my pal. My
college peer meant to do me a favor, through her own blab. So, public around truly
acted and disciplined the commander―my captor, rather than the exposed peer!
I have my honorable ethics and conviction that violence back will never cure starter
violence. I would have sued them in court and sought Justice by law. I would not
send a gang after them!
We can’t combat crime with another crime, and darn worse offense―it would be
worse than Jungle Natives’ Feuds! I will never ever attempt violence on others; or
endorse it, by all means. I am peace negotiator and I believe the sound of reason
is the highest shriek we govern by.
I do not know to this day the reason we were to work together in camouflage of
office companionship! Is it interrogative to why I have been by my college in a day
my fellow students have arranged a demonstration―one I have had no part in??? Or is
it degradation to bring down an authority personnel to peer with me.
I remain one randomly arrested for my existence in scholastic premises―quite
authorized to study where I am student, or am I mistaken??? Could our work
affiliation be in attempt to degrade me and taint my sweet innocence by sick a
stalker and con????  I just cannot know whether it is planned or mere a
coincidence to secure high earnings for former authority figure in the line he best
excels at―Statistics and Computers―Data!!!!!???
The truth is my office pal was a foe who came to me in the robes of a close friend!
Yet, there is a clear wisdom in the destined events that grouped us together! To be
Divinely forced to forgive those who ill-treat you is one of the wisdom plots,
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Once I endear someone, I am compelled to be in peace with that one. I learn to
forgive and allow time to heal my ailments. I believe the wisdom I would reap is to
conclude Providence and to proceed with life no matter what hardship can anyone be
at. I hope the same wisdom applies to my office pal. The best wisdom is to survive
and to rejoice the blessings one enjoys in any moment in life!
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Chapter 5
Crimes, disidentification and slavery in societies
Many other cases are there in the world―cases of Gender transformation! The
character of the fellow we encounter defines the circumstances of that
transformation. Some are victims of slavery! Some are victims of vicious cults! Some
are abducted and redesigned to alter their looks―no one can identify them and
report them to the police!
Yet, in our communities, it is mostly mobs and gangs that would send their altered
leaders or forced members to homes! In our communities, dens of homes are quite
innermost of the house. Dens are where family members gather to chat, hang out
together and discuss family affairs.
When boys befriend others, they hang out together in homes at the guest areas, quite
outermost in houses! They will be quite distant of the place of action  It is hard
to find plenty of females to join gangs.
Most gangs are formed by male vicious fellows who have the physical strength to harm
people they fight with! In effect to such need, male gang fellows would often
impersonate female beings and hang out with other males in their homes, or their
shabble hub they pretend to be regular home. Somehow, the setting is often eerie and
void of warmth that is spontaneously felt in normal homes 
The aim of gangsters is to learn their infrastructure of homes. Gangsters seek to
locate places of valuable items. Late, gangsters would come to steal their target
Gangsters particularly look to learn where do mothers and daughters keep their
golden jewelries at. Gangsters aim to learn where do families keep their monitories
and home expense budgets. Mobsters look towards all precious antiques―the expensive
kitchenware they serve meals in or stash away in clandestine sideboards and
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Gangsters seek the expensive native wraps of female known as toub. A female would
own a dozen of them, in the least. Mobsters await to get hold of wool fabrics that
would sell high in Sudan. Due to the short winter, wool clothing becomes ornamental.
Gangsters determine expensive furniture in good form. They grab Samsinites:
expensive valises for travel that market well. There are many other homely treasures
that thieves, robbers and crime cults seek to lay hands on.
When the gang learns of the hidden treasures, they house-break in at night to steal
all they enrich themselves with. Many times people in the house would wake up by an
unsound noise of someone moving around in full wake at midnight or close to
it―mostly right before dawn time when people are deep in sleep. Loud shrieks of
Thief . . . . . Thieeeeeeeeeeeeeeef― ‫رامى‬َ‫ح‬. . .‫رامى‬َ‫ح‬ would wake all neighborhood as one
resident has fell upon night thief! :
All neighbors would be out in the span of time to rush out to chase the house-
breaker out and away. They would often catch him [them] and beat him [them] real
good before they hand the thieve(s) to the police.
Many other times, residents of neighborhoods will chase thieves away and secure
their homes well. The poor ones whose homes do not lock well, set up booby traps all
around the place with metal trays and metallic kitchenware  Many times people
would be in deep sleep to wake up all robbed in the morning!
One gang was caught once and was brought to replay their crime in scene on
Television. The police was in full action to combat crime and house-breaking felons,
so they presented TV Show named Insomniacs [Wary nights] ‫ساهرون‬ where they warn the
nation of crimes and house-breaking ailing. The police educates people on how to
combat crime incidences, especially the most common one in Sudan, house-breaking.
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Beside that campaign, the police video-tape earlier crimes of caught felons. The
police would then broadcast these tapes each Friday. Friday is the formal holiday
and weekend in Sudan and all Arabian and Islamic countries 
One of house-breaking gangs confessed they spray ether through the air conditioner
units. They would then await some while for the home dweller to doze off in deep
undisturbed sleep. Such gangs clear off the house of its assets and leave the
inhabitants of the desperate house stark poor and completely broke 
The most dangerous crimes that surfaced in Sudan has been substance-abuse [illegal
drugs trade], abduction and slavery. Abduction and slavery mostly serve to employ
honorable people to practice paid-to-master-pimps adultery―well known as human
trafficking, beside unpaid domestic chores. I have met two real cases of such
One was introduced as close relative to an acquaintance. As I was starting to
befriend that gal who seemed to be likeable, polite and friendly, the acquaintance
got wary and warned me and our peers of her relative. My acquaintance claimed that
her relative was married shortly and divorced that she got psychologically
My acquaintance said that her divorced relative has become obsessed with mating with
any male she would meet. The relative was under psychiatry treatment. I did not
discredit my acquaintance.
I could not believe that such sweet a being would be psychologically disturbed, on
the other hand. I felt sorry for the sweet fellow. She was victimized either ways.
Whether her relative betrayed her and ill-rumored on her; or she was truly victim of
psychological disorder
The sweet relative felt she was betrayed, but never stopped to be sweet and friendly
to all around. Amazingly, the relative was a polite young-man I have known in my
community before. He has been third uncle to myself and peer kin.
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My third uncle wed to our relative and his neighbor when we were in early junior
grade and had many children. I failed to recognize him―my own close kin―in
disguise of female being. It was disguise forced upon him as the nasty rumor
coincided with such circumstantial transformation.
My failings do not humiliate me. My failings hurt me as I unwillingly hurt my
beloved, unknowing to that harm. Criminal slavery hit us hard in our kin and our
homes. My relative could never blood-relate to my acquaintance and he could not be
an obsessive female 
The other criminal case I have later come to learn has been sheer slavery. A life-
time friend has been former coworker in the same organization my man-to-woman pal
has been working at. One day, my old-time neighbor and life-friend has been raving
over a coworker who asked for her hand in marriage.
My old friend neighbor was so obscure in her complaints and vehemence that I asked
my friend why was she all eaten up over this engagement? The gentleman seemed to be
kind and polite a fellow.
The proposing groom worked in junior position that was senior to hers and he earned
high. He earned high a salary in hard currency that exchanged high in Sudan. He
would provide for her to live lavishly as a husband: one of her dreams on her future
groom. I truly wanted to understand why was my friend so upset that he proposed to
Proposals stem out of liking, admiration or appreciation, in the least. If my friend
didn’t like him for no reason at all, it is understandable. All she can do is to
turn down his offer and decline it. That is her right and no one can force anything
personal on any one.
I am compelled to defend the gentleman. I truly believe that he has every right on
the other hand to be honored and to keep his rejected proposal secret. It serves his
pride and dignity. He might propose to another coworker who might be influenced by
the former engagement decision or feel a second choice to him.
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Yet, that didn’t disturb me for my friend. What disturbed me was her deep
compelling rage over beautiful and honorable a gesture of appreciation and respect.
I didn’t like for her to feel inadequate towards wedding proposals. I expected her
to be more mature in the way she handled her personal affairs, expectations and
well-being―matters only she could manage.
The appalling bitter truth has astonished me and sent me to question my neighbor and
friend’s morals and humanity! In casual fury, my neighbor uttered the hidden
stature of slavery in Sudan “He used to be the slave of Shasha”. Shasha was
our college friend and her relative who also co -worked with us in the same
well renowned organization!!!
“Shasha’s family allowed him to buy his freedom after he enrolled in
college! They are quite kind and generous, my relatives! How dare he seek
kinship to them and their relatives to defame them??? How would he dare to
belittle me and them by asking for my hand in matrimony??? Has he forgotten
who he is???”
I was in chilling silence before my mind revolted its thoughts. “What is this
you’re saying Dima? How can someone be slave to another one? It doesn’t make sense
to me! There is no slavery in Sudan!!! There is no slavery at our time!!!”I poured
my thoughts in speech.
My friend shook her head in dismissive form. She went on: “UUUUUUUUUUUUUUh!
Omdurman’s homes are full with slaves and slavery―only you don’t know―only
many people don’t know!!!!” Omdurman is one ancient neighborhood in
No one can ever sell oneself a slave to another being, so how can someone else claim
him or her to be his slave or maiden??? That indicates probable abduction and
torture to lest the victim would escape and report the kidnappers to the police.
That particular one is legal grounds to sue against former crime of abduction.
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I truly wondered why was the proposing groom submissive to dominance of his
captors??? Why would someone enslaved―dehumanized―seek future kinship and
companionship to own despising beasts? I may try to figure the causes that would
restrain anyone against own will.
Maybe the poor guy thought his masters’ relatives would think differently and thus
he would level with them and regain his dignity!  The coworker has had his own
problems, but he seemed composed and kind. He was liberated and free.
Why hasn’t the coworker reported his captives to the police, and sued them in
court, remains unknown. I guess the beasts have brutally tortured him. He might have
preferred his future safety than to seek his rights.
Next year, the gentleman was abandoned. His yearly contract was not renewed. I had
the slightest suspicion that my neighbor or her relative has passed word to senior
staff members akin to them with their complaints.
Performance reports affect the continual employment of staff. It could be that the
guy was poor-reported on the annual performance reports. He would such be condemned
to termination 
It could be that he was terminated for any other reason that concerns vocation. 
Maybe my neighbor or her relative had anything to do with it; maybe not! Yet, the
free soul was destined to seek his earnings somewhere else!
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Chapter 6
World’s War Politics in our dear home
Together with my office pal, we have befriended Computer trainees. The trainees
turned to be sisterly and very good friends. On a visit to one of them, the faces of
her family seemed quite familiar.
There, I reckoned my office pal’s probable former familiarity. The cases were
similar . . . distant recognition that could not be recalled. I could not tell
where have I seen them. I knew the mother who was one good friend to my aunt. We all
lived in the same neighborhood and the mother would often come to visit my aunt.
I immigrated to the USA in 2000. I watched the movie on life story of Malcolm X.
There, I have come to reckon the faces of my friend’s kin back in Sudan. I could
finally grasp the memories that kept calling upon my mind for recollection.
Introduced members of Nation of Islam and their foes in the end of the movie were my
lost cue to familiarity of faces. I have watched news on Malcolm X and Nation of
Islam throughout my years in Sudan. Displacement in Sudan often is to harbor
neighboring African countries and Palestine’s as its catastrophe amasses to
Greatness and requires rescue by all.
I depicted an inquisition. My query was: Could Americans be displaced to Sudan? The
faces did not resemble the actors, Denzel Washington and his fellow actors.
The lost cues were faces displayed in the end of the film. The display served to
introduce the members of Nation of Islam and their rivals whose lives were played in
the honorary film. Nation of Islam could have social activities in Sudan and any
country whose major religion is Islam.
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Members of Nation of Islam seek to learn true Islam and to practice its doctrine.
New Moslems will seek an ideal environment where the dominance of their faith is
welcome and not oppressed. Hence, there is strong a probability that Nation of Islam
has presence in Sudan and regions of Islam in the world.
My GrandDad’s house harbored Yassir Arafat and his political peers in their infancy
days where they were to form an army of Palestine to liberate their homeland of
Israel. Their political movement, Fatah, only came to Sudan with other Arab
countries at that time to educate Arab nations on the nasty Israeli occupation; and
to seek support of power and liberation to their homeland country and holy shrine
AlMasjid AlAqsa ‫األقصى‬ ‫سجد‬َ‫م‬‫.ال‬
My eldest uncle was ambitious youth in his prime political life. He sought justice
and awareness of human rights to all. He was introduced to Fatah, then; early
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Fatah and my uncle had been active and busy seeking contacts to the embassies of
Arab countries. They sought for Palestinians to be granted visas that would allow
them to conduct their message to the world on the horrible crimes Israel was
committing against their nation of Palestine. My uncle hosted Fatah’s member in his
Dad’s house, as he was a bachelor yet.
We used to live in GrandDad’s house. Often, the view of the soldiers protecting
their leaders with their arms seemed heavy and fashionable to the toddlers we were.
Each of us wanted to become a soldier with own gun when we grew up. In all my
childhood photographs, I posed stretching both my hands in the shape of one carried
long gun 
Short after Fatah left, came a new displaced nation and its leaders. Eretria was
occupied by Ethiopia whose Emperor was Haili Sualasi at that time. It was not long
enough before Mangestu Haili Marriam turned over the government to become the worst
president in life ever!
Mangesto avenged minority groups of the freedom of their former rulers. Mangesto’s
men led rampage of feuds and torment all over the country. Mangestu’s gang troops
expelled Ethiopians and made them shredded severed homeless remains of humanity, all
deposited on streets or barbed imprisonment.
Former government ministers and officials were entered naked in burning ovens. They
would gradually stew alive and die in blazing atmosphere. Mangistu’s troops would
attack pregnant women and slice open their tummies down to kill them and their fetus
in the worst torture any creature can ever face.
Mangestu’s gangs violated the nation―males and females. They amputated and chain-
sew the public and left them bleeding and agonizing over traffic circles on streets.
They buried strong opposition alive to keep dying every moment they breath or seek
to, until they perish. They starved the nation and enslaved those who were fortunate
enough to survive harm and fatal anguish.
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Those who fled the country told their horrible tragedies. They asked for rescue and
international troops to save their country. Only rescue and refuge were to be
availed by Sudan and other African countries to extend to Europe, Canada and the
All those who survived, left behind relatives they were desperate to rescue. They
wished to rescue their shredded, dishonored and famined homeland. Ethiopia was once
proud a country and peace a sanctuary to its nation and all residents.
First, Sudan harbored Eretria. Then, Sudan harbored Eritrea’s occupant, Ethiopia.
Sudan literally became one gate of rescue to war refugees within its vicinity.
Conflict of interest has been inevitable. Political parties would often support
refugees or endorse support to refugees. None has coerced any refugee for that
disagreement in biased support.
Sudan is vast a land and rich with natural resources. It wasn’t in Sudan’s
capability to provide lavishly for refuges, Sudan couldn’t indulge its own nation.
Yet, Sudan provided education, international rescue centers that paid for the living
expenses of refuges directly to them.
First refugees to Sudan have been Nigerians. Fulani Moslem Nigerians fled genocide
against them by major atheist Hausa tribes in the sixties. Fulani sough shelters in
Sudan and moved on to Saudi Arabia. From there, they spread through the world. Hawsa
tribes chased Fulani everywhere; even to Sudan. Once they lived lives of indulgence
in Sudan, Hawsa groups have forsaken their chase to Fulani and became Sudanese
Sudan provided acceptance among communities. Refugees would mingle with the public
anywhere anytime. Refugees would soon learn to dwell as one of the locals, where
they could make the best of their earnings, time and lives 
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Eritrean Army of Revolution was hosted in my Granddad’s house until they moved on.
They migrated to countries that would support them and grant residence with the
prospect of wealth. Those means would enable them to from a strong army that would
fight back the Ethiopians and free their homeland―Eretria.
Troops with their guns would hang around in the guest area. They would, guard their
leader Aforgy with guns. We would often peek at them, greet them. We, the kids,
would get welcome to chit-chat with them.
We all again wished to be soldiers when we grew up  One might expect that to be
formidable environment for kids to be around. We were learning the world.
We learned that there could be trouble for someone or some people. We learned people
in trouble had to do something about their trouble. Until then, they had to prepare
to do something about it  Wondrous enough, I have been amid massive and worldly
organized events. I have been amid other chains of crimes, whether I connected to
victims or felons without knowing that on its time.
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Chapter 7
When did slavery start in modern Sudan?
Tales on slavery in Sudan have first been told to us by school pals in the primary.
Some of the pure African races―who dwell Western and Southern Regions in
Sudan―claimed they had relatives who were enslaved by people of the North, The
Arabs. When we asked our parents, they denied that―maybe because they had no
knowledge of recent slavery.
Our parents said there was no slavery in Sudan. There was anti-slavery constitution
that formalized with Independence of Sudan of the British colony in 1956. The Law
was legislated in 1958 and, in effect, emancipated all salves and charged those who
enslaved others as kidnappers and worst felons who were imprisoned or sentenced to
Dad witnessed former cases. Dad said when he was in college, he would be to the
Central Market shopping. Once, Dad saw a crowd over one circles and people where
sold as slaves, where buyers would bid on them.
Some of the slaves wore cloth and some others were completely bare. They were
captives of offense from Southern Sudan and from Western Sudan. Dad and his
colleagues were appalled with what they saw―degradation of humanity and loss of
national belonging!
How can anyone claim mastery over another human being? How can anyone attack someone
to kidnap and victoriously sell in the market as commodity? At that critical time
where civilization and education were Sudan’s Decree, it was very odd to watch the
opposite in public!  But as time spanned, Dad noted there was no more slavery and
all the nation was free―developing to modernize its rich folklore and means with
proper education and professionalism. 
Mom added a new perspective on the history of slavery in Sudan. Mom told us what her
GrandMom has narrated for them about people of Western Sudan. Those had their famous
leader and Imam, Mohamed Ahmed AlMahdi, of Northern Sudan. He and his Western Troops
has fought the British colonists.
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The Mahdi and his troops’ fought with ancient weapons of swords on horsebacks.
Their armor was inadequate to measure-up to gun, cannons and gun powder the British
fought with. As such, the British won the war.
Only when the White League formed, organized rebels fought the British, could Sudan
achieve Independence on peace treaties and political dialogues. The White League
started with a group of college students who educated well enough to appreciate
liberty and yearn for. They planned one mere college political group that raised
awareness of the right of the nation to scour The Colonists off the land.
The White League planned to win Independence. Independence would allow nationals to
govern their own country. It took many years to spread the word and notion among the
populace. They then set and trap locations to attacked the British Troops around the
country until The British accepted to negotiate their safety in compromise of
Reasonable dialogues and emphasis helped Sudan to attain its long sought
Independence. When AlMahdi died, his successor, Alkahlifa Abdu Allahi AlTa`aiyshi
led a war on Central and Northern Sudan. He didn’t fight the British again, he
fought Sudanese peaceful people―his own nation. 
In Islam, war for the sake of religion, life, self-defense, honor, land and
allegiance to nations rightfully fighting for their lands is the only kind of sacred
war deemed legitimate and Divine. It is completely prohibited to lead war on and to
fight other Moslems. It is deemed to Heresy! AlTa~aiyshi did that, enslaved those
captured and kidnapped all people of Egyptian descent in the invaded regions of
AlTa`iyshi and his men imprisoned men ad youth. They sat women on woks to swipe the
famous national meals of Fateer [Filmy pancakes] and Kisra [Filmy Pizza crust pies]
with stews that served with them, for his men and himself. He deprived all folk with
their children and infants food and rest.
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When women asked to feed their young children after he and his men fed, he said
“No, let’s feed our horses―they are exhausted and tired.” Whey hey fed the
horses, and Kisra and Fateer with stew also served to feed horses  ! The women
again asked to feed their crying children and AlTa`aiyshi and his men said “No,
leave down the food until we do our bits” in the most savage slang language.
The Ta`aiysha stole whatever treasures people kept in homes. He and his men stole
plantation, cattle and bred sheep, poultry and the broken―hearted Egyptian fellows
who elected to live down the valley of The River Nile in Sudan. Egyptian folk are
fair-colored, good looking and have rich flowing silky hair that matches Indian
hair―one of the most beautiful hair type in the world. So his ambition was physical
and lusty.
AlTa`aiyshi and his soldiers were after the essence of Egyptians and made sure to
capture that through a lifetime slavery and prowling sadism.  GrandMa was a child.
GrandMa was a young girl herself. She was one of the Egyptian folk who elected to
live by the Southern Valley of The River Nile.
When word on war spread, they fled to the desert with many other folk of the
locales. GrandMa and her kin were missed by AlTa~aiysha. When GrandMa’s folk came
back home, after their kin came to assure them the land was safe and they fought
hard, but helpless and bare of weapon.
The nation there were held captives and many darlings were enslaved by those imps of
Western Sudan. AlTa`iyshi and the majority of The Western folk in Sudan are the
first to bring slavery in Sudan. They are the first t o dishonor Sudan.
To this day, AlTa`aiysha practice that slavery upon their helpless kin and natives.
They look upon it as wealth and power over others. Many other locales of Western
Sudan also practice slavery. Southern Folk also practice slavery.
South Sudan has this horrible primitive decree in their land. Tribes conduct
offenses over their neighbors and other tribes to perish them and enslave the
survivors. Western tribes on the Southern borders lead offense on Southern tribes,
mostly Dinkha.
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Dinkha is the most powerful Southern tribe and the richest. They enslave other
Southern tribes. Western tribes enslave Dinkha and other Southern tribes, as well.
They lead raids to enslave their rivals and to govern them and their land.
Dinkha members often possess fortunes. Such fortunes are cattle, ivory, rare skin of
Jungle’s beasts―lions, tigers, leopards, crocodiles, snakes, deer and
hippopotamus―and precious wood furniture, ebony. The two major western tribes of
AlRezighat and AlMesereiya claim their bloodline is Arabian and each shares
enslavement of Southern people, while they remain worst enemies to each other.
I do not doubt that these tribes might have Arab ancestry in their bloodline. Maybe
they have quite distant and far-fetched one. I argue that they do not represent Arab
and Arab descendants in Sudan, like the majority of the nation of Sudan.
Our Arab Bloodline is as ancient as our African bloodline. We are Afro Arab
nationals, as we share heredity and cultures of both ethnicities: Arabian and the
Ancient Nubian; or Arabian and the ancient pure African “Zinj. Africa started of
Arabian bloodline, the Assyrians who split from Iraq to Syria and to Egypt and North
Africa. They then spread down deeper in Africa to blend what Africa is of now:
African bloodline.
At this modern time, there are pure Arab nationals who are Sudanese. They have not
wed into African heredity before. They often live at the outskirts ad cities in
Eastern Sudan. They are mostly Saudi, Yemeni ad Egyptian nationals of their
homelands and nationals of Sudan.
These Arabian Sudanese enjoy dual nationalities that allow them to live freely in
their homelands. They live wealthy as they often are world’s merchants of old
times. Arabians lived wealthy lives from ancient times.
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Arabians of Arabia Land have always been world’s merchants. They would often envoy
in trade journeys. They have always been and are fishers and divers who would hunt
pearls off the Gulf and Red Sea. Other Arabians cultivated along rivers and seas and
lived well as well. Their lives were enriched long before they became petrol
production countries.
Arabs and nationals of Arabia Land are savvy in arrangement for wealthy lives.
Arabian natives live lives of honor and kind tribute to each other. For all these
particular reasons, most of their descendants through the world seek pride to belong
to them.
Some other Arab descendants seek pride to belong to the Prophet of Islam, Mohammad.
Mohammad has been native of ancient and newt Macca and resident of ancient and newt
AlMadeena in Saudi Arabia. May Prayers and Peace of AlMighty God Be Upon him, all
prophets and all angels.
Page 37
In the eighties, an acquaintance told us in one of the preaching classes they beheld
during our school holidays, that there are so helpless and unfortunate souls in
Sudan. Those desperate souls were shredded by native wars and inhumane brutality and
degradation that people better excuse their deep contempt and hatred towards Arab
and Moslem people who define major parts of Sudan. Our acquaintance narrated journey
events he witnessed in Western Sudan.
Our acquaintance was invited a guest at the tribe of AlMessereiyyah or AlRezzegat, I
do not recall. AlMesseriyya and AlRezzigat are kin who have constant feuds that end
in enslaving to each other. Yet, their fierce feuds are against the tribes of
Southern Sudan. The twin tribes claim they are Arabs .
Our acquaintance spent lovely days and nights with his hosts. The splendor of
pasture lands and their native regimen made the journey lovely and peaceful. One
morning, warriors of that tribe came dragging along Southern Dinkha teenagers and
young kids with few babies.
The tribe members ululated in victory. They held high their harpoons and spears
while their peers threw and flew up Southern babies. The babies would collide with
the sharp edges of the spears held up to brutally tear off their little bodies in
shreds amid wails of horror and torture agony.
The helpless chained kin of the babies would be in conflict to rush over high and
catch off their baby brothers and baby sisters. They ached to spare their baby
siblings the crime rampage. Only they would be chained and held helpless and forced
to watch the sorrow and anguish of their baby kin and toddlers. The captors meant to
apprehend their captives and new slaves so as not to flee their imprisonment ever.
When our colleague screamed, rushed in to rescue and argued the inhumanity of his
hosts and their shameful acts, they restrained him. They claimed that these captured
were created slaves for them.
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The attacking tribe alleged that they, the proud, would not pay to feed babies and
toddlers―they would only keep those who could serve them salves only. They have
killed the grown up in war. They captured the little ones to enslave. They
forcefully inherited all material treasures and claimed possession of the offsprings
they orphaned.
That acquaintance has truly preached us and dawned the brightest light over our
brains and societies to the malice that exist in people who relate to Islam,
Christianity and Atheism. Yet, they belong to our homeland and are our nationals.
That is not the end of horrible native tales in Sudan. We befriended one little boy
who worked in my aunt’s store. He descended of Southern Sudan.
Our childhood Southern friend told us shocking tales about their traditions in the
South. He said that families of his grannies has fled the slavery of the South to
Khartoum almost a century ago. They wanted to live in peace. They wanted to have a
life for each of them and their coming generations.
When the leader of a tribe would get older, members of the tribe would want to
impeach him. They would ensure impeachment in agony. They all set to it in unison.
Tribe members would expect and would know in advance that the chief of tribe would
not hand power to others. Strong youth of the tribe would suddenly attack their
ailing chief. They would beat him hard with thick canes until he would submit power
to them. There, they would shove him through a lone top window to an underground hut
to dwell by until the end of his life.
The expelled leader of tribe is handed his meals through that glimpse of life,
breath and light of a window. He would do his bits where he dwells until one day he
no longer answers their call. They pay him tribute and simply leave him there. They
farewell him in the grave they have dug and shoved him unto long ago.
Close kin of the leader mostly oppose the brutal practice. Only, they have no upper
hands over their peers. They are forced to express views and to act upon to what the
tribe’s majority decides on.
Page 39
Southern people circumcise their male natives only. When they do, they do that when
the boy is in teenage, so he would undergo terrible pain. They believe once he would
endure the pain, he would become a man, to their pride.  They would force pain on
him to raise him a man of their wish.
Some tribes would pull the four lower mid teeth. They claim they foresee eld days
and would pay tribute to senile days where all teeth would fall. Each tribe has its
own tattoo of fire-mark. Most of ancient Sudan has similar practice of skin scars.
Almost, all our grannies had three lengthy scars on each cheek.
Grandma has said she has been scarred by boiled a razor for sterilization. They
anciently believed it would gather wrinkles of elderly days and the cheeks would be
smooth and wrinkle―free, which was true. Yet, one lived deformed all life to enjoy
beauty senile days 
The scars are painful in childhood and deforming through life. Folk of the South had
different scars that would identify each tribe. They would run a blazing wire in
thin or thick lines across the forehead or would hot-red-wire-pluck dots on the
As agonizing Shillikhing “marring” is, as bravery a gesture it is looked upon by
all Sudanese public. Only Southern rituals are all agony through life. To this date,
Southern elders run their lives and those of their children in primitive doctrine
though loving―wild a love for the toddler spirits stepping to the world and
yearning for peace, comfort and mutual respect.
Gruff offensive wrath has become the trait of most dominant Southern Leaders.
Brutality extends to their troops and their ruins that form gangsters who threat
others by gang wars. My Dad has ear-witnessed Southern war events in Western
Page 40
Dad has come to learn of southern raids against Western regions through genuine
complaints of the Nuba natives in Western Sudan. Those were regions where West
and South Regions would border by. In 1985-1986, my Dad has been one recent
retiree of government.
Dad has already retired years back as Technical Manager, Agricultural Engineer
and World Agricultural Schemes’ Consultant. Government retirees in Sudan receive
benefits in investment venues beside an average monthly pension. Benefits vary
for each staff.
Dad applied for one grand cultivation scheme, to rent promptly for fifty (50)
years until owned. My Dad would be paying handsome taxes on his harvest
investment and later land investments. Beside government-managed cultivation
lands, these private sectors would enrich economy and would nourish cash revenue
for government cabinet.
Dad was assigned one grand scheme in Abu Jibeha, a land in remote western parts
of Sudan. Dad flew to AlFashir, in Darfur. Then, Dad commuted by lorry to Abu
Jibeha for long twelve (12) hours. That was the only possible transportation to
the sector.
Abu Jibeha is heavenly. The sector is mountainous, cloudy, yet bright, cool and
breezy. The endless green pastures were spectacular and picturesque.
Dad’s travel comrades of the Agricultural Office and the Surveying Engineer
handed him his land and planted wooden pegs around the land’s borders. They
wandered around in town and inquired of the helping hands around. The Nuba
advised Dad and the government team to recline of investing in that land and to
seek exchange of investment in another sector.
Page 41
Gharang’s gangsters wouldn’t allow any Nuba to cultivate. As Dad is fair
colored, clearly an Arab descendant of Northern Sudan, he and his employee team
would be targeted in shootings. Nuba Youth no longer spared their lives for
Nuba natives stated that Gharang has sent his troops to request the Nuba would
join his battle against the North. The Nuba natives declined John Gharang’s
request. The Nuba natives explained they had no personal feuds against the rest
sectors’ natives of Sudan.
Nuba natives lived richly as land owner. Those helpless of Nuba and Southern folk
who served in homes of the capital, Khartoum were apt to obtain education. The
beauty of churches there is their provision to nightly literacy classes and
education to all the underprivileged pure African descendants.
Church Clerics would often coerce their students to become Christians. Some would
relent. Others would keep their ideology to themselves. Churches would yet serve
them towards literacy and fine lives anywhere they would be. All Divine
Messengers cared to teach their nations how to live. They preached them towards
fine lives. Nowadays preachers follow suit of Divine Messengers.
The Nuba natives explained to the Southern war leader, John Gharang, that
domestic service in Khartoum is not slavery of the North to African ethnicities
as he claimed. It turned out that Gharang’s mighty orders were not polite
requests as the Nuba folk thought ! John Gharang started to send his gangster
troops to kill and gun-massacer Nuba natives and to destroy their plantation.
Gharang’s troops would abduct Nuba natives. They would enslave Nuba to
forcefully fight with them their battle against the North, the official and
legitimate government of Sudan. No Nuba native was allowed to cultivate or earn
Page 42
Gharang accused the Nuba natives to be traitors of the North. By that time, for
Gharang, the North extended of the Southern Western border to the remote Western
borders of the Nuba. The Nuba then became Northern Sudanese by Gharang’s
Appallingly, The Nuba has become the North that Gharang and his gangster troops
were fighting against ! The Nuba natives explained they were mighty worriers as
well. They only needed time to arrange weapons and they would guard their lives,
land and possession.
The Nuba still hoped the government would plant army troops to protect them
against Johan Gharang and his ominous troops. The team has long years of
experience in rural agriculture. All three of them knew that if any army troops
are to send, it would take bureaucratic procedures form one ministry to another
until defense troops would be approved.
Dad and his team promised to state the Nuba Naives’ reports on war to the
officials in towns. Dad stated his statement beside his peer team members when
they drove back to Darfur. Dad again restated his concerns and complaints on
behalf of the Nuba to the agricultural Office in Khartoum.
Dad requested an exchange in locality for his rented scheme. He was advised to be
on waiting lists for the coming years. On their part, the Agricultural officials
promised to bring concerns of the Nuba natives to the government’s cabinet.
Word spreads fast in Sudan. Few years later, the Army of Sudan has arranged
troops to combat Gharang as Southern and Western localities kept complaining and
fled their lands because of Gharang and his gangs. Only live incidents would
found sound and clear testimony on gangs’ wars in Sudan.
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To my own surprise, much as majority of Sudan’s nation, AlTa`aiyshi was the
first to impose slavery and the first to commit it. That is in the closest
history of Sudan. Still, AlTa`aiyshi remained the second to attempt slavery and
smear to natives of Sudan.
The massive impact to the imposition of AlTa`aiyshi and the prior Turk attempt is
spiteful. It has essentially divided Sudan to land of social feuds and tribal
conflicts. During the Occupation of Turkey and Egypt to Sudan, prior to The British
Colony, a terrible massacre led by The Brave Tribe of Ja`al on the Turkish―Egyptian
has honored Sudan and its nation to this date.
Northern Sudan is close to Macca in its social fibers. The hot desert climate mold
they share with Macca and the ancestry of the Arabs in close era, has united the
practice of daily life and traditions. Gender segregation is practiced soon as
teenage and although kin remain intact, they highly revere personal privacy and
family’s one.
The troops of the Turkish―Egyptian leader AlKhideiwi Pasha set sail at the lands of
Ja`al on their way to the Center, Khartoum, where their Governor’s palace was. The
Ja`al’s Leader. AlMakk Nimir hosted them generously. Because they were invaders who
haven’t sought to harm the nation, people kept peace ties with them.
It seemed to have aroused the lust of The Pasha and his men. They ordered to sleep
with the daughters and wives of the men of Ja`al―to disgrace them pigs. The
colonists had ammunition and weapons the Sudanese did not have.
Almakk Nimir canned them and invited them first to late dinner, where he served them
roasted lambs and alcohol drinks. They sat by the lit fire, being the only lamps
around, dining and chatting until the colonists heavily drank and dozed off. Makk
Nimir and his men burned the colonists and honored their beings and nation. They
left their land to start a new homeland, where safety, peace and honor would be
secure of predators’ interests.
Page 44
Narratively, the first attempt of slavery and disgrace has been austerely oppressed
and ended there in its place. The Turkish―Egyptian avenged their peers. They burnt
villages and nations when word got around. People around cherished the bravery and
chivalry of The Northern Sudan and all Sudan as a nation.
Our school history books has richly equipped us with witness knowledge on earlier
events on our land domain. Historically stated events would such clarify many
nuances depicted as racism and ethnic discrimination. Only when we know, do we
reckon rationale of others.
I can relate to my elders when they are so against matrimony of one of their
children to a person whose ancestry is Western Sudan or relates to it. I do not
agree with my elders on strong opposition that their kids do not understand. I
understand and feel their care and protective insight to decline matrimony to
someone who has earlier sought to enslave them―their elders, if not them, that
makes it more demeaning and unacceptable.
My argument is that these descendants have not attempted to enslave us. Their
ancestors attempted to enslave our ancestors. As it is history taught in school
books and educated on by our elders, why don’t we end the feuds and seek new
beginnings of peace and harmony of a country that has almost every blood and human
heritage? We may learn our past to live our present and our future free and in
Page 45
Chapter 8
We are in history and we entwine to Egypt in Sudan
In fifth grade, one history class narrated the Makk Nimir Story in pride. The next
class of history was about Makk Naiem. He was narrated to be an armed robber among
many armed robbery authority figures. My classmates asked if that was my GrandDad,
as my Dad’s name has been [is] Naiem!!!
I truly did not know!  I said not that I knew of. My pals teased me during break
time that my tribe was armed robbers; especially, that our name in Arabic Rubatab is
close the word Rabatta [Armed Robbers].
We, Rubatab, are the children of Rubat. Rubat is the brother of Ja`al and Shaiyeg.
Their Dad ordered each to wed and move to upper-land through the desert―yet, along
River’s Bays―to connect to Ancient Urban Dungula and inhabit the Northern Land.
The Father of the three brothers wished they would form the future generations of
their domain land and form sibling tribes. The three sons obeyed their father. Three
major tribes of Northern Sudan formed of them.
Ancient GrandDad and tribe former’s name Rubat means Ire and Composure. Nowadays,
the name is similar to the Shoe-lace  Ja`al means Made and symbolizes Ability and
Power.  Shaiyeg means Nostalgic, one who yearns to kin and homeland always. 
When I came home, I asked Mom about Mk Naiem. Mom said the Makk Naiem was not an
armed robber. She affirmed he was my GrandDad, but she quipped he was not an armed
robber. He was a District Governor called Makk, same as Makk Nimir. Dad was in New
York, at the time, for technical job assignment.
Luckily that evening, my uncle came to visit. I was studying my history class and
showed him what was written on school books about his GrandDad, our GrandDad!  My
uncle―my Dad’s brother―growled and said these were lies.
Page 46
The new syllabus of history seemed to be messed up. Maybe someone who was either
ignorant or vindictive has mystified the truth to educators―and such our history
was defamed.  My uncle had a wise and good point there. 
My uncle elaborated that The Makk was locally appointed by District natives to serve
their locales. He would provide protection, rule disputes and guard convoys leaving
up North and deep to the Center. Two pair of armed guards would accompany the
caravan who traveled on breed’s back.
One pair of guards would ride ahead and the other pair would set back to guard
against armed robbers lurking by the borders of cities and on eerie path of
journeys. Convoys and locales would pay the Makk for protection and he would pay his
staff and himself of that money. A fixed stipulated fare is gathered of homes in the
District beside additional fares of convoys seeking protection.
We depicted that The Makk was an authority of the city and the police of the
locales. My uncle said our Makk GrandDad cultivated is land in prime earning and
served his locality as Makk, as well! My uncle advised me to explain to my teacher
his facts―maybe she would raise the matter to the Formal Educators. I did so and my
teacher thanked me for the truth, although there was not much to do about prints of
The Ministry of Education.
Next year, my GrandDad’s aunt came to visit. She was the sister of the father of my
mother’s father  She was over 90 years old and sweet. Capable a soul she was.
GrandMa liked my Dad as an in-law as that was the first time she got to meet my
GrandDad’s children and kin.
As Dad was lenient and charming, most of our relatives liked and commended Mom and
Grannies on him. GrandMom compared Dad to his GrandDad of history books―Makk Naiem
 She said The Makk was tough, quite unlike Dad. She said her Dad descended of
Egypt and came over a camel to stay there and sustain his brotherhood in Islam.
Page 47
My other GrandDad, the GrandDad of GrandMa on her mother side, came from Iraq on
camel. That GrandMa was the mother of my GrandDad, my mother’s father. As our
GrandDad has heard of the early preaching to Islam, he hoped to enforce those who
selected the faith of Islam.
Arab of The Arabia Land would land in North African countries. They would either
settle there, or would wander deep in Africa to spread Islam and to sustain those
who were already Moslems. As the land was tough and the climate was blazing, people
might fall ill in the practice of Islam.
The Eastern Strip of Africa is full with Arab Descendants. Deep down below, Africa
is full with Islanders of Papua New Guinea and Australia, as well as Arab
descendants. The Western Strip of Africa is filled with European Descendants.
GrandDad lived in Northern Sudan. He wed there to have his children, of which, were
that GrandMa and her brother, the father of GrandDad. When the staff of Makk Naiem
would knock on doors to collect the fare, GrandDad Dad would travel to Egypt.
GrandDad would ride on his camel to Egypt to his brothers. He would request heritage
money of his brothers to pay the fare, whenever he was short of. I asked GrandMa if
that was unjust fares they requested!
I was debating myself. Could the history books be correct, after all? GrandMa said
“No! That was the law of the land. Yet, Dad said it was different in Egypt as folk
there saw to their safety and service on their own. They needed no government to run
things for them!” 
GrandMa said the Makk would provide protection in local market as well. Some folk
would demonstrate primitive tendencies to physically smash competitors with their
commodities or service tools. GrandMa was key witness to our honorable history that
Educators marred and taught on schools to the nation.
Page 48
I note now that only Allah, God, the AlMighty, Have the Capacity to Enlighten us on
our ethical debates and to Grant us the Knowledge we need in the right time. Only
God Resolve our dilemmas. Only God Place us where we truly need to learn or where
others would best learn of us!
A century later when Makks no longer served, violence was wildly practiced in
markets. One farmer employee of GrandDad was beaten almost to death. He dared plant
and sell ripe fruits and vegetables in the Market, that commodities of his rivals
did not sell.
Poorer commodities could not match produce of the farmer of my GrandDad! Maybe his
nationality as an Egyptian who groomed more different produce types and better
nurtured them sent them wild on him. They were losing the market of their hard-
worked on commodities.
The bullies claimed that the farmer of my GrandDad caused their commodities not to
sell. They accused him to have forced deliberate loss on them. They thought he
brought intentional damage to their earnings.
Because they could not match up to the rich commodities of the Egyptian farmer, the
bullies actually oppressed him on his prominent success. Our land and its natives
truly needed Makk and his men to guard against bully-gangsters. I may assume the
common conviction of Sudanese public that Egyptian fellows hack market and jobs has
started there in our native land. 
I can’t say that all Egyptians are ideal, nor can I claim that all Sudanese are
idols. Each nation brought to the world tyrants and dishonorable fellows who
attempted to tarnish the opposite nation. AlKhideiwi Pasha of Turkey and Egypt and
AlTa`aiyshi of Sudan are worst leaders to others, as history has emphasized.
Egypt ranks top on social ancestry and matrimony to our Sudanese nation. Almost,
there is no Sudanese family that doesn’t have an Egyptian GrandMom, an Egyptian
GrandDad or Egyptian Grannies. Almost all Sudan is related to Egypt, somehow.
Page 49
Chapter 9
My new debate :― The Turk on their invasion to the world ?!
That was not the end of my dispute to data entailed in our history class of fifth .
We were taught the Turkish Colony of the Othmans was religious. The Turks declared
rampage that missionary that dedicated to spread Islam!!!
That missionary was affirmed by what we socially learned of our elders stories. We
were also narrated on through History classes on former colonials of Sudan: The
British, The Turkish and The Egyptians! What didn’t make sense to me was the domain
of countries under that colony!
The domain invaded was land of nations that were already Moslems. How come Turkey
wanted to spread Islam on Moslems???? I debated that among my own mind and I asked
my teacher why would Turkey invade countries whose nations are already Moslems to
spread Islam??? It didn’t make sense.
My teacher said she agreed with history books. My teacher added that it was
definitely battle of religion. I yet argued that why would the African countries
that the Turk invaded be only lands with majority of Moslem nations?
The Arabia Land was already the shrine of Islam and it would never ever justify for
spread of Islam invasion! My discussion with my teacher in break time has left both
of us in tight leisure time to relax and feed  Yet, my teacher was emphatic on
knowledge printed in textbooks.
When I returned home that day, I complained to Mom and Dad and expressed my point of
view. Mom and Dad said that it was true that The Turks have spread Islam in lands
they invaded. Most of Sudan less Northern, Eastern and Central parts were dwelled by
either atheist, Jewish or Christian populace.
Likewise in many North African countries, Islam was not widespread. Albeit the
immigration of the Moslems of Arabia Land, most locations of those countries were
not majorly Moslem. My parents added more details towards the debate.
Page 50
My parents quipped that North African countries have long had presence of Islam. It
only seemed wise to empower Moslems there by the spread of Islam in the whole
country. Then, I questioned Asia!!!!
Why would The Turk invade Arab lands in Asia and disregard all non-Arab nations like
India, China, Japan, Thailand, Burma, Taiwan, a, Hong Kong, The Koreas, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri-Lanka, Iran and The USSR? I was listing
the geography class knowledge of my fifth grade age to affirm my hypothesis. If it
was the ethical cause of religion empowerment, why wouldn’t that reach the whole
world and enlighten nations that might empower Islam in peace, rather than through
wars and loss of lives?
Persia and Indo countries were invaded in ancient times to spread Islam. Once Islam
won over Mecca, it ruled the world in few years. Moslems did not force Islamization
of people of the world.
Islam is well-known in practice through the world. Islam is not necessarily believed
in by all. Long as peace is kept, Moslems declare no holy wars. Further, Non-Moslems
would pay their dues to their Moslem Governors to join protection of Moslem
governors to their populace. Long as Non-Moslems do not coerce or harass Moslems,
there will be no cause to declare war, to defend Moslems and to domineer Islam as
the chosen faith on all nations.
Islam is faith in the first place before it becomes practice of religion. Faith can
never be forced on anyone and The Wisest of all is The Only Wise Allah, God, The
AlMighty. AlMighty God Have Reveled such Paradigm on all His Divine and Holy
My parents playfully told me they got tired only listening to my list―Maybe The
Turk too got tired to advance in invasion to the whole world!    Their point of
view made sense to me at that time. Maybe The Turk planned to keep on their battle
navigation and only got too engaged on what they had in hands. Yet and yet, some
discomfort kept nagging my sub-consciousness.
Page 51
Now, I see new perspective. The Turk did spread Islam where they colonized. So, it
was missionary conquest and the soldiers were true Moslems who had it in their
hearts to share their light with the world they could reach to. The Turk were
literate a nation.
The Turks educated illiterate Africa and formed first scholar structure to nations.
They founded Kora`an schools that would teach the Holy Kora`an to kids and teenagers
in reading and writing over wooden hand boards.  The school was denoted Khalwa
[Solitude because each individual would learn for own sake despite the group class
The Turks were the first to devise professional hierarchery. The Turks were the
first to lay robust governmental order in all colonies, as well as their homelands.
They were the first to introduce unquestionable public service over the domain of a
The Turks first build grand public hospitals where their physicians worked and
trained locals to treat diseases and ailing of the public. Neighborhood Clinics were
named Shafakhana [‫خانة‬َ‫ف‬ّ‫ش‬] where the Turkish word Shafa means Healed and the Turkish
word Khana means Honor Place. The Hospital is the honorable healing place 
The Grand and General Hospital was called Istabalia, where it composed of two
Turkish-Arabic words: “Ista and Balia" ‫إستاء‬‫ن‬ِ‫م‬‫البالية‬"‫واألسقام‬ ‫"الموت‬ . Istabalia treated
serious illness. Shafakhanas treated minor health complaints of the public.
Looking beyond the novelty and noble cause of The Turks, I may presume personal
interest in the matter. Colonizing enriches master nations that manage treasures on
Page 52
WORLD AND SPREAD ISLAM. That Holy Mission has allowed Islam to reach turkey itself,
in the past.
The dreadful message would amount to SICK GRAVE WARNING TO MOSLEMS AS NOT TO FIGHT
FEROCIOUSLY AS THEY DID BEFORE. The foes would restrain all their world in invasion.
So, whenever an alien or an invader would govern them or seek to, Moslems should
dread overall colonization to their domain!!!!
I assume the Upper Dynasty of The Turk was Non-Moslem or were adverse to Islam and
Moslems. Only, their representation was not strong enough to declare their decree to
wholesome nation of Islam. They plotted to reach The Holy Land Of The Jewish that
has also become the Holy Land of Christians and The Holy Land of Moslems―Palestine.
They needed swerve tactics to complete their ploy. Neither Moslems, nor Christians
would note the deceit in time to take action against masked colonization. Faith
nations would often rush to fierce holy war, has their faith been jeopardized. The
Turk would sure lose.
The masked colonization would portray Moslems as brutal nation to rule the world by
sword, gun and force. That ploy would portray Moslems as barbaric. That barbaric
image had already bookmarked history books about The Othmans’ Dynasty.
Then, on the West will be saviors to helpless minorities of the dominant barbers of
Islam. I, thus, stipulated that maneuver to be Jewish dirty plot to beat Islam and
Christianity in one strike that when revealed, the world would already be under the
tyranny of the Military Jewish―Israel.
Page 53
Chapter 10
When Hitler rose in Tyranny after the Turk’s Domain !
Did the Turk hand our world to Europe?
Sooner, Hitler aimed to rule the world in-step with his peers. Only, Hitler was
badly defeated by the allies of Europe. The correlation of The Jewish Executive
Government as Turks and The Nazi, Adolph Hitler, seems to be far-fetched and
delusional. 
My mind has been gnawing at my wake with stressing connection of the two tyranny
figures for the last few years. I just could not find detect a clue on historical
evidence of such association. Until Dad’s talk dawned the light on my mind and
queries, I searched for evident cue to assert my notion.
The downfall of Germany dragged on for decades. Germans and Nazis could not have
then landed on Palestine or Middle Eastern countries. The Germans were powerless to
implant what would ignite volatile time-bomb over our region to this day.
Yet, the same brutal pattern of massacre, nations’ genocide and everlasting torture
to non-egoistic creatures by The Nazis and The Israelites is solitary beyond doubts.
Many of Israeli pioneer colonizers have been rescued of vast Europe and especially
Germany. It was claimed they were victimized in horror practice of torture and peril
by Nazis.
The Nazis were conducting horror rampage against Jew and Bourgeois’ people of
Germany, as Media kept rotating to date. Britain arranged a new home for The Jews of
The world to secure their existence and enrichment over life. The British gave the
Jews an option to chose their new homeland.
The British asked the Jews to choose one of two lands―one at the desert of North
Africa―or Their old forsaken Holy Land in Palestine. They chose the cultivated
place of Asia. He Jews chose The Land of Palestine to be their worldly home with
global call to crowd over the land and replace The Arabs.
Page 54
From the beginning, The Western Countries made it clear that they had an ambition to
conquer Arabia Land. Why would Western a countries decide to shift Jews instead of
Christians and Moslems? It would not relate to Christian Crusade wars at all.
By`] that time, Palestine was the habitat of Moslem Majority. Western Crusade lost
to Moslems. The loss could be the motive to plan such colonial injustice. Yet, what
Britain and Western countries would want and decide is insignificant to The domain
land of Arabia and its nations. For this particular cause, Western Countries FORCED
What authority have Britain and Europe imposed on Arabs? Europeans conquered Arab ia,
Asia and Africa. Europeans had world’s nations captives of their colonies.
Colonials have crippled nations against opposition. This is obvious to all who would
study history of the world. Yet, natives in our regions tell tales that the Turks
handed our countries―all their colonies―to European countries―mostly Western
Page 55
Chapter 11
Mom’s Review on worldly prime events and historical anecdotes
Mom was the first to note that Israelites and Zionists are but Nazis and she named
them Nazis of the world. Mom went beyond that to attribute Masons to Nazis, where
Mason was One Nazi who fled defeated Germany and started new League to rule the
world. Mason extended Hitler’s vision to tailor the world to his convictions .
Mason intended to expand the grounds of belonging to Masons such that any fellow in
the world could join Masons and be accepted effective and elemental member by The
League! Masons had secret pledge, activities and mission. Mason’s essence entailed
all possibilities,―benign and malicious,―charity and offense that may rule felony.
Mom read a book published by recent Lebanese Mason. The new Mason was so fond of the
new League and new human-tailored life that league promised. He stated that The
Masons picked new name for them.
The Lebanese Mason stated that The Masons picked the name of “Harakat Aylool
AlAswad” for their affiliation. The term translates to Movement of The Black
Aylool--Movement of Black September. He stated that movement was officially born in
the month of September.
Have I recalled right, Mom recalled September 1967 the date she read in the book.
The date is insignificant except that was the time of fierce battle between Egypt
and Israel when Israel invaded two prime ancient Israeli grand provinces of Sianaa
and AlAreesh “Sinai and AlAreesh”. The fierce fight might have delivered the new
movement to win the initially lost war of Israel.
The movement elected the black color for its pledge and costume signature throughout
the world. Few years later, Ariel Sharon savagely massacred the nation of Palestine.
He then followed the survivors to their refugee camps in Plaestine and Lebanon to
abolish them in their camps by tankers in early eighties.
Page 56
Mom persisted that those Israelites were Nazis. Mom insisted that was mere an
extension to their earlier operations in Germany and Europe. Mom’s words were
disputed by Dad and the older youth in our generation,―her cousin and my older
brother who studied in the same class.
I believed Mom. Yet, I felt I needed clearer evidence to our credence! I hoped the
days would tell the truth! Maybe because I have read in the matter, I could see
Mom’s vision!
I read an article in the prestigious Saudi newspaper AlSharq AlAwsat ِ‫ط‬َ‫س‬‫و‬َ‫أل‬‫ا‬ ِ‫َرق‬‫ش‬‫ال‬ ُ‫ة‬‫ريد‬َ‫ج‬
‫السعودية‬ , that Zion ‫هيون‬َ‫ص‬ was one Jew of the Eighteen’s Century. Zion pre-arranged
modern militant fellows of his own children and relatives to prepare to bring back
the glory of the Jews and their wars! Zion deemed noble a dream to reunite the Jews
of the world.
Zion aimed to revive Jews’ supremacy over all nations. That Newspaper has been rich
with cultural news and their political analysis. It has also provided event
briefings that are unbeatable by any other News Agency!
Masons are but Majoos ‫جوس‬َ‫م‬‫.ال‬ They emerge f Persia Land, of Iran, of ancient times.
Majoos “Masons” worship Fire because they believe fire is the essence of
everything. Persia ruled vast domain of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
The Persian Dynasty domain formed of the countries now known as Iran, Turkey,
Albania, Armenia, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and
part of the Soviet Lands that did not belong to the Indian and Chinese Dynasties at
that time. Such lists have been bookmarked in our Junior History Books of the
Schools we were enrolled on. The primary propeller of such an education was the
Board of Education of the Government of Sudan.
Our private schools of Sisters School for girls and Comboni for boys wanted each
student to stand a chance to enroll in colleges in Sudan. As such, The Comboni
schools genres sought to match their school curriculum to what the Ministry of
Education has carefully designed to teach future generations. Our schools also
awarded us with their native Italian Arts, Means and Education on fine designs.
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish
Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish

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Gender Transformation and Political Review - Book to Intenet publish

  • 1. Page 1 Chapter 1 Crimes and misidentification of victims to the extent of gender transformation The shame of man-to-woman and woman-to-man conversion is tragic and terrible an offense! Yet, legal advisers have recommended the process for victims of horrendous crimes and their perpetrators are still seeking to harm them, or victims of violation, human trafficking and feudal war! The legal’s point of view is based on having the criminals MIS-IDENTIFY their sought victims―Witness Protection Programs are quite famous a practice of The Judicial Sovereignty ―the Police and the Court that places endangered witnesses and their families under life-term protection beside personal and social security! As we come to think to it, no one would ever elect to transform own gender, has that someone being on own right mind! Gender identifies all living creatures on earth and despite its exposure through one body part, it circulates all in the body through hormones and catalysts of growth, stability, type identity and healthy temperament that sustains an alert state of mind and sound judgment! There are actual victims of gender conversion―victims who are not transformed by the police or court. They are mostly victims of mobs and human slavery―victims who have undergone the worst brutal torture and molestation and might still undergo it in daily basis or as frequent as they breath! I have first learned of gender transformation in second junior school year. A classmate whose dad was gynecologist brought to class one of her Dad’s subscribed - to medical catalogs. There were many pages of photographs of young children and teenagers for medical examination. The children’s bodies were bare of cloth; and their private parts were not of either gender. We all exclaimed for the pandemic those poor beings have endured.
  • 2. Page 2 Our classmate said her Dad said those were trans-gender children. They needed test for dominant hormone types to decide which gender were they originally created to become. Then, on enforcing hormones would be injected before doctors could operate on them to become normal―identifiable―biased―fellows. The first time I’ve heard about disparity in gender, I have attributed that to natural transgender mishaps. Only through Teachings on The Holy Ko`oran have I learned that gender eccentricity is psychological disorder of normally created human beings. Veterinary Science have hypothesized similar patterns in animals as well. Next year I started to read similar weekly brochure of medicine: “‫الخاص‬ ‫ك‬َ‫ب‬‫بي‬َ‫ط‬ Your Private Doctor”. The issue was edited and printed in Egypt by its finest doctors. Gender transformation was major concern as many troubled teenagers with abnormal tendencies inquired it feasibility. Doctors assured them it was an easy operation. Hormone injection would take six month in clinic. Then, surgical operation would take place to finish human bodice in shape―plastic surgery. Then, six month of hormone injection would ensure complete alteration of gender. Egypt clinics casually ran such operations―new identities keep generating all year round. The Egyptian Government has licensed such medical and social practice despite the strong religious opposition to such procedures and ungracious offense to the wise creation of Allah, God, The AlMighty. What I haven’t expected is to learn that military discipline extends to and endorses such alterations of fellows―Gender Transformation. My story here will unravel reality experiences that relate to fellows I have been around and I have failed to reckon their identities in that exact interval. I have ever wondered why would governments of highly developed countries pass legislation laws of legal matrimony of spouses of the same gender! The battle has been furiously ferocious and deadly. The battle on legal matrimony of same gender was only led by those who enjoy remarkable matrimony settings, QUITE UNNATURAL, QUITE UNHOLY AND QUITE SHAMEFUL! The shame triggers of the WISH TO SEEK UNSOUND RELTION TO START ONE’S OWN FMAILY!
  • 3. Page 3 FAMILY IS ONE OF THE ESSENTIAL LIFETIME CHOICES and THE FIBER OF COMMUNES AND SOCIETIES, THE SURVIVAL OF HUMAN KIND VIA ONGOING REPRODUCTION! For these particular reality components, all nations led combat against same gender kinship―all urged by HOLY REVELATIONS AND DIVINE WISDOM! Same gender kinship SEVERS HUMAN KIND AND BRINGS AN END TO FUTURE WORLD’S POPULACE―WORLD’S MANKIND― EVEN GRADUALLY! Such kind of inhuman tendency places its character in suspicion of deranged ambush to equalize different kinship in society. That is why nations, enforced by power of governments COMBAT DISPARITY AND ECCENTRICITY OF GROUPS―WHILST THEY REMAIN DISCONCERTED BY INDIVIDUALS OF SUCH MOLD! Maybe communities on their own fret of such unholy existence as disparity and repelling egotism jeopardizes safety of their fellow peers and those who are completely unaware of such eccentricity―they might fall prey to those who cruelly will to mold others to what they are and what they have elected to abide by! Surprisingly, this century, grand governments started to legalize such unwelcome kinship and improper stay of life! Governments have started to pass legislation to allow eccentric spousal relations! Governments went beyond that to enforce such laws through protection of such spouses and to engage their arrangements in each single law that concerns family arrangements! Are governments wild―nuts―whacko?!!! I guess not! Our world of Islam forms on reverence to jurisdiction opposite to eccentric matrimony and would never compromise it because it ends right there once it has lost its Holiness and Divine Arrangement to matrimony approved and endorsed by Our Deity, Allah, God, The Almighty! Yet, other non-Moslem governments―who are generally known for proper demeanor jurisdiction―has carried on such a revolt in matrimony kinship!!!! Now, I can see perspective I haven’t noted before! In 2000, word has been that Muslim Legislators have been seeking to pass laws that protect victims of violation who are forced to illegitimate conception. Such conception brings to the world illicit children―children born out of wedlock―children who result an aftermath of violation! Other nations have long passed such jurisdiction and have long enforced it by law and health entities.
  • 4. Page 4 Violation―forced illegitimate matrimony and practice of degradation towards people such criminals loath and enjoy to torture! Violation is one face of ugly sadism! Hatred, loathsomeness, self-despise taken on others, brutal unrightful derision and seeking sovereignty over others to be their God who defines their fate, lives and earnings, is lived by unfortunate victims of abduction, slavery, war imprisonment, riot police arrest in places where authority is not held accountable, by ruins of nations where ignorance is the law of land, through detention of suspects of terror and human trafficking mobs! The predators often govern others by brutality and torture that would appall the mightiest worrier! War and fight are essential means to obtain power over nations, enemies and foes, to later enslave for life and assault to disgrace! The primitive nuances are relived every time and everyplace beasts get their way!
  • 5. Page 5 Chapter 2 Weapon crimes and organized war zoning The moral chaos activates such feuds of disgrace and make it be [appear to be] only right to defend oneself against foes. The prime danger in our nowadays civil life is that such degradation of humanity is ghostly and in shadow―hard to detect and hard to fathom! I have been one victim of such deceit, but, luckily, my safety has not been compromised and I have been free of harassment! I have mingled with my peers in work site. I have gotten close in life friendship with my female coworker. My coworker friend has become a new sister to me as we spent our days in the office together and we hung out together at homes! The ugly truth is that this friend has been my male captor in college riots before, in 1991, one who held a revolver against me, while his peers held war machine guns―I felt I was in Chicago where stickups were the casual feat of the nation there! Chicago―where Giant Financial Investments of the Jews are born and Jews are authoritative, has the world’s highest rate of gun possession and gun-violence! Do gun crimes pair with money???! Maybe! Or maybe those extremely rich syndicates promote gun manufacture and possession and they provide for violence in communities, only to conquer and have an upper hand over locales! To my own belief, the Jews in Chicago support illegal distribution of weapon. They promote illegal gun possession, in such manner that none else can surface on the Giant Financial Investment World! People will be forced to become rather busy guarding themselves and assets against crimes and unwelcome violence! Even those who make it through to peak business world, suffer loss through fraud ailing. They may suffer endangerment to lives and possession by gun criminals! Such rivals have dared to be competent enough to authorize themselves places atop, after all!
  • 6. Page 6 Such aforementioned feat has been well known in our world of Africa since the seventies. Minor groups would often posses weapon, illicitly. Soon, they start chaos and frenzy gun violence that eventually allow them power over the nation. In least achievement, such armed groups fail their former governments, in the least! All revolutions and freedom movements start as such and are commended by all freedom seekers! The problem with Africa is that those movements have never served the nations of the land with conflict―conflicts ongoing to this date in most regions of Africa! Arming weaker groups leads to the failure of nations and grants power to gangs and mobs to rule the world! Ain’t that the dream of every armed outlaw? Now, the Middle East and our North African countries are under the rule of world demolition troops! The terrible turmoil of loss of rational control and sound reign dominates over our beloved region. Thos is the region that Israel has long sought to destroy, ever since it has formed and surfaced in the world. Israel was forced on Palestinians to coyote over their land and forcefully share their domain and lives with the force of gun and violence. Such oppression is ALL PLOTTED BY, SEEN TO, BLESSED BY AND SUPPORTED BY THE WESTERN COUNTRIES OF EUROPE AND, LATER ON, THE USA! Now, the world organizations are the trauma cane that Israel employs to smash the regions it targets, primarily Palestine and its adjacent domain. Less than 20 years after Israel has occupied Palestine, Israel invaded, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt in treacherous multiple strikes that timed together and occupied their border lands! Fierce fights have been led by each of the Arab country until the eighties where they could finally return their lands and free them of vicious Israel!
  • 7. Page 7 Egypt could not return Sinai and El Arish ‫والعريش‬ ‫سيناء‬until the nineties! Palestine is still in daily combat to win back freedom of its nation, Palestinian homeland, their lives and their future! The more furious and nasty to Palestinians Israel becomes, the more ferocious The Arab and Moslem World sanction Israel and all its allies . The Arab and Moslem Worlds Ban Unjust Alliance against Palestine. The more fierce Israel assaults against Palestinians, the more and the best of support do The Arab and Moslem World manage to provide for Palestine and its blessed nation. The firm ban is yet ongoing and Israel keep twisting around to sway the ban off. In the nineties, Israel sought truce through the Turks. Israel requested to freeze the entire sanctions against it by the League of Arab States and The Arab Region. Israel wanted to allow for some of its professionals to get trained by Arabs for feasible means to cultivate their prime plantation of cereals, nuts, vegetables and fruits. Israel needed to survive in region their government is not quite familiar with its agriculture and growth’s climate needs. The Arab League sealed the deal and even allowed to market Israeli grown commodities in Arab and African countries. Butrus Ghali was the Chief Secretary and Director of the Arab League, at the time. That time, Butrus Ghali served as Secretary of the United Nations. I worked in the feasibility study that sponsored the truce and alliance. I prepared tables and analysis for the team of experts who prepared and ran the study. The Organization I worked for served under The Arab League. The study was to theorize in the Organization, in Khartoum; and to be handed to the Arab League, in Cairo, to monitor its execution and its success. Shami Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian” Arab Professionals were to train Israeli professionals on fields and studies on how to cultivate crops and to promote them.
  • 8. Page 8 I prepared Statistics and Statistical tables for the team of that study. I wondered why would the League of Arab States truce on Israel! It seemed far-fetched at the time. The Chief of the Study replied that it was world's politics they could not argue with. Yet, he was bound to serve in his field of agriculture and I was expected to serve my tables and data in best form. The Chief to the team is my relative and dear a friend to Dad and Granddad. I guess his parental custody dictated what any parent would conclude for their kids in dilemmas :) The training to Israeli professionals may not directly relate to the post of ambitious Egyptian Secretary, Butrus Ghali. Yet, the overall strategy and tactics of the Arab League, at that particular time, served to reflect leniency towards Israel, the sassy baby of the USA. USA symbolizes power for worldly organizations and its VETO Right imposes significant impact on elections of world’s organizations.
  • 9. Page 9 Chapter 3 Foes are but ancient blood kin―Will they ever be allies and kin again???!!! What an irony is it! Both nations of Palestine with all Arabs and Israel share the noble bloodline of the Blessed Prophet Ibrahim [Abraham]. Ibrahim is Father of all Prophets, other than Nooh [Noah] and Lout~ [Loot]. May Prayers and Peace of Allah Be Upon them all and upon all their offsprings! Allah is our Divine Deity. The significance of the land in conflict is its holiness and its ancestry to both parties in combat. But, Palestinians did not desert their land one day to come back later to claim it! Israelites did! Palestinians are the authentic owners and rightful nation to their land! Israel is an occupant and an alien invader! I hope they will foresee the wisdom of being in that particular land towards the end of time―to be closer to Almighty God’s Holy Revelations―to be closer to God and to reap on the best they can of God’s blessings and Pleasure! Sure enough God’s Blessings and Pleasure will not be the Israeli’s nasty and violent war against their sister nations of Moslem Believers. Nor will it be by erratic war against Christian Believers! Mecca is one model to what might Please God, The AlMighty, of true faithful creatures! Mecca has been barren desert in the Arabia Land. It has later been blessed with the settlement of the other kin of Ibraheem. May Prayers of AlMighty God Be Upon Him. AlMighty God Has Ordered Ibraheem―May Prayers of AlMighty God Be Upon him―to leave in Palestine his first wife, Sarrah; and to travel with his second wife, Hajir, and their first newborn, Ismaeel. May Prayers of Almighty God Be Upon them. They were commanded to inhabit that eerie land to start a new nation over there. It was only to later bring life to Mecca to Behold the Final Holy Shrine and Home of last Revelation of Islam! Of Sarrah―May Pleasure of Allah, God, The AlMighty Be Upon her―came The Jews and The Christians.
  • 10. Page 10 Nowadays Western world and Eastern Jews and Christians claim their lone rightful possession to the land of conflict, for sacredness attribution. Yet, Islam has reveled all former Divine Faith Decrees. Islam has updated all earlier Divine Revelations. Hajir’s children have anciently joined in the second Holy Land of Palestine. They migrated and blended with fellow natives to complement all pillars of Divine Faith long founded on earth. May The Pleasure of Allah, God The AlMighty Be Upon Hajir as well as Sarrah and all their blessed children. This affiliation was sealed on The Holy Miracle Journey Of The Blessed Angel Jibreel [Gibrael] and The prophet Mohammad [Mohamed, Ahmad or Mahmooud]. May Divine Prayers and Peace Be Upon them. May Divine Prayers and Peace Be Upon them: Jibreel, Mohammad and AlBuraq “The Holy Sky Flying Horse”. They flew from Mecca at night to The Holy Seven Skies and Heaven, only to stop on Jerusalem [AlQuds]. There, in AlQuds, they paused to pray inside The Holy Mosque of AlAqsa ‫قصى‬َ‫أل‬‫ا‬ ‫سجد‬َ‫م‬‫.ال‬ The journey resumed after prayers inside The Holy Mosque of AlAqsa “Bait AlMagdis” in ancient AlQuds [Jerusalem” to elevate to higher skies. The journey ended to right underneath AlMighty Allah’s Throne, Holy Legs and Divine Feet. The obligation of prayers in AlMasjid AlAqsa for Moslems has been sealed that night. It is an honorary obligation for all who can afford it by all means, at least, once in a lifetime. Most Moslems are not aware of that imposition to pray in that holy place. There, Adam and Hawaa [Eve] dwelled and worshiped God on Earth to start their first mission of humanity and worship. Up in Heaven, prayers were reveled for Moslems―40 prayers per day. There, in Heaven, The Prophet Musa [Moses], over and over advised his younger brother, Mohammad to beseech God to lessen imposed prayers. Prayers and worship were what his nation failed to observe and practice through coming years. They were the first to subject the Jews to God’s Wrath and Penalties.
  • 11. Page 11 Many earlier Jews ended in damnation of God, just like the devil. Musa has reckoned that humanity regress in physique that future generations will not be as physically and faithfully strong to carry on such devotion to faith practice. Moslems are The Weak Nation to become that we are now! The prophets, back to Adam, The First Man ever―May AlMighty Allah’s Prayers Be Upon them―dwelled Heaven Skies. Their encounter with their latest prophet, Mohammad, was in body and soul. This one miracle of AlMighty God affirm AlMighty Allah’s Ability to Holy Expedite His creatures from one place to another. Through Holy Expedition, Eisa [Jesus] is expedited to AlMighty Allah in Heaven and Skies. Eissa is raised to God in body and soul, to rescue him of his rampage killers. All other prophets are buried underground Earth. Yet, they appeared in Heaven and welcome their latest pal, Mohammad. The reality presentation proves resurrection and expediting of the deceased out of their abode, Upon the Wise Will of Allah, almighty God. May AlMighty Allah’s Prayers and Peace be Upon all prophets and angels. That miracle depicts time generation ability or time progression similar to an imaginary time capsule or time machine. This is rationally justified by the concept of relevant frames of reference so common in Physics and Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies. The concept employs the travel in time same as travel in place through intervals, physical displacement and distance travel. Divine Faiths are too comprehensively advanced to earthly span and its nations. The atheist minds of Arabs disputed the Journey of Israa and Mi`raj. Israa is Holy Expediting to AlQuds―Jerusalem― in Palestine form Mecca and Mi`raj Holy Swerve To Skies, Heaven and Holy Deity’s Throne and Presence. How can anyone travel to AlQuds in single night at that ancient time and come back? How can anyone travel to the sky and come back in single night, at that ancient era? The Evidence of precise description of The Mosque first built by Ibrahim and rebuilt by each successive prophet has left atheist Arabs speechless before their shaking doubts.
  • 12. Page 12 Those of Macca’s Arabs who visited the place in trade and sacred travel for AlMasjid AlAqsa testified for Mohammad. The description of Heaven Places and Eternal Fires of all types has reveled all Arabia’s nation beyond further fussy arguments. May AlMighty Allah’s Be Upon all prophets and angels. The dwelling on barren land mid-desert was rough and Ibraheem and his family. Ibraheem left his wee kin to Ultimate Mercy and Providence of His Divine God, Allah, The AlMighty! Hajir’s chest went dry of milk as her body roughly dehydrated and her infant was screaming with hunger and thirst. Hajir―May Pleasure of AlMighty Allah Be Upon her and all her offsprings―toured the place in desperate attempts to find spring or water resource. She went down the valley and up seven times. Each time, she would go back to check on her infant, wrapped in soft bundle of cloth and sheltered of hot sun rays―and to sooth him a little bit. The last and seventh time Hajir came back, she glimpsed water beneath her baby’s tiny feet as those tiny feet were kicking in forceful wails, asking to be fed in his helpless form.  Hajir picked the water with her hands. Hajir found water troughed sideways. Hajir cupped water with her hand to drink, all the while, urging the water to sip up. Hajir called on the water with the Arabic world “Zimmi Zimmi ‫.زمى‬ . . ‫.زمى‬ . . ”. The just-formed well of water beneath was named “ZamZam ‫م‬ َ‫ز‬ْ‫م‬ َ‫"ز‬ because it responded to her plea and sipped up itself [zammat] to Hajir, the Blessed!  May God’s Pleasure Be Upon her and her offsprings. Later Revelations Revealed that AlMighty God Have Taken Mercy and Compassion on the crying infant. AlMighty God Have Sent The Blessed Spirit Angel Gibreel [Gibrael], May Prayers of AlMighty Allah Be Upon him, to blow through one well of water from deep earth and precisely below the tiny feet of the infant, Ismaeel. May Prayers of AlMighty Allah Be Upon him and all his blessed offsprings.
  • 13. Page 13 To Honor the journey and effort of Hajir, the blessed Mother, the seven rounds down the valley of AlSafa and AlMarwa has become primary pillar of The Holy Pilgrims of Islam. One Pilgrim in life [or one pilgrim a year for those who can utterly afford it] will guarantee The Ultimate Forgiveness of Allah to that person. A Molsem will be back to his life after pilgrim with the innocence of a new-born baby―no sins ay all.  At the time, Ibrahim―May Prayers of Almighty Allah Be Upon him―has been given birth to by his first and blessed wife Sarrah. It was the birth of his second and last son, Isa`akh [Isaac]. May Prayers of AlMighty Allah Be Upon them and his offsprings. Isaac gave birth to Yaagoob [Jacob] and he was also named Israel. So, all the prophets who followed his era are his own children and are Divinely Referred to as Children of Israel. These messengers and prophets started with Yuusif [Joseph], grandchildren of which has come Musa [Moses]. May The Pleasure of AlMighty Allah Be Upon Hajir and Upon Sarrah. May Prayers and Peace of AlMighty God Be Upon all Messengers and Prophets. May Prayers and Peace of AlMighty God Be Upon all Angels. Musa “Moses” is The first Prophet to the Jew and His Mission of Prophecy to Divine Message surmised to The Holy Revelations of Judaism―all summed in The Holy Book of AlTawrah [Torah]. Tawrah was succeeded by The Zaboor of the Prophet Da~ooud [David]. The latest Prophet in the bloodline of Israel, Is`aq [Isac] and Ibraheem [Abraham] has been Eissa [Jesus]. There on, the latest Revelation were directed towards The Arabian child of Ibrahim, Ismaeel. The latest prophet to be Sent with a new Holy Revelation is Mohammad [Mohamed]. Mohammad has been chosen in his homeland and Ismaeel’s, Macca, to unite the world in one Worldly Revelation to all creatures of rational mind and speech, mankind and fairies [Jinnah].
  • 14. Page 14 Islam is summed in The Holy book of Koraan and The Blessed Prophet’s Doctrine AlSunnah AlShareefah ُ‫َريفة‬‫ش‬‫ال‬ ُ‫ة‬َ‫ن‬ُ‫س‬‫.ال‬ So, most of the world’s religions were reveled on to Ibrahim and his children. May The Prayers and Peace of AlMighty Allah [God] Be Upon them all; and all Holy Prophets; and Holy Messengers; and all Holy Angels. ‫م‬ّ‫ل‬َ‫س‬‫و‬ ً‫ا‬‫ميع‬َ‫ج‬ ‫م‬ِ‫عليه‬ ُ َ‫اَلل‬ ‫ى‬ّ‫ل‬َ‫ص‬ The unity on peace and the essence to its spread through the world is one prime wisdom that the Holy Revelations have emphasized. AlMighty Allah Has Specified That Essential Peace, Mercy and Blessings to greet with and to farewell with. This tailored greeting that creatures begin communication and speech with is the greeting of those who Dwell in Heaven and of those who will Dwell in Heaven. Heaven is Peace, Mercy and Blessings 
  • 15. Page 15 Chapter 4 I’ve become one victim of gun violence ―Will I be my old self again? I keep going back in mind to my life experience with gun. When I was shot minutes later, my captor’s face and those of his peers had already printed my alert mind. Danger sensations were high around my being. My own experience would always revive alive the gun violence against me. My experience represents gun violence―against peaceful students. It represents gun- violence against peaceful citizens―and against nations that casually roam their vicinity to live their lives. Such nations are completely unaware of lurking danger of gun violence. Gun violence is jeopardy that pairs with obsessive minds compelled that their foes are any passer-by fellows and that they only survive by taking out the lives of their foes. Security and Secret groups are paranoid and obsessive with far-sought danger they create on their own minds, first. The danger they wish others to be―an ill-minded fear―is the actual danger to communities and the world they are. These foes are often over-rated deposit of social hostility and remnants of their personal and kin tragedies―mostly their dislodgment in life! I was rescued and rushed to hospital by those who arrested me first, once shot by an unknown killer! It truly made me wonder about the irony of my mishap! The irony became of my being apprehended and arrested under gun-point for nothing I did other than walk by the street of the college I was studying at, at that time. Only I was rescued and saved of mortality or life-term disability of head shooting by those same captors! I attempted to observe the wisdom of their controversy! Yet, I did loath them all! I do loath them all! It is our human nature that dictates our feelings, tendencies and kinship towards fellows we do not relate to by blood!
  • 16. Page 16 I loathe all who aim to do me harm! I loathe all who aim to do others harm! Yet, those loathsome foes have mercy in their hearts and sound reasoning to seek rescue for one of their victims! I believe that my captors and saviors do have hope to turn humane and to be good fellows in communities, have they reformed their fervor violent demeanor! Have they ridden of poisonous beliefs they developed through life for whatever reason, they will recognize ultimate equality to live life in abundance of authority to live life. They would reckon equality to all people and all creatures―in peace! I only wish! I only dream! I only keep to will and hope that all people will recognize the right of life to all. I hope they realize and accept to deem others’ happiness as own! Only if they know!!!! :) Through our working days, I have been wondering where have I seen my pal before! I kept asking her and she kept saying she didn’t think I could know her of any other place! I guess I was sending her shivers of terror, every time I asked  ! Every time my mind wandered around, she would be traumatized and irked. I just could not fathom why would my pal be nervous, have we truly been former acquaintances! I was determined to remember where have I seen her face before! The first time my office pal came home with me, we planned to visit our supervisor treated in the hospital neighbor to where I lived! She bought fruits and wanted to make fruit snack for our patient! She kept bossing me around in request of kitchenware to get her snack ready! As my pal harshly bossed me to what she needed, my elders asked me if my new office pal was a boy or a girl―a man or a woman! I was already used to her harsh voice and feat as it was involuntary. That was part of her nature’s mold. Despite her harshness, she had kind heart and elder sister’s care towards me! I assured my elders that my friend was as girl as I was. We prayed together in the office, only to remove our head scarves when we refresh with water for prayers. I had no doubt she was a girl.
  • 17. Page 17 I have no doubt my pal has been converted to become female. She became a girl―a woman―a female human being! My elders went on that her voice was harsh, her looks were too bold for average females and she wasn’t shy to boss me around in my own home―in her first visit there!!!   My kin added that boys did boss girls as they would be around their softer peers. It was only natural. My elders were right, after all  Parents know best, no one can argue with that wisdom idiom  The controversy of working in authority jobs is that an official will casually arrest a person who has been guest to their wedding  That has been my office’s pal case. We attended his wedding as he wed the sister of our friend and was introduced police officer―cop  Two years later, we attended his wedding augmentation party as an uncle of another friend  I now presume the pal has been an undercover agent in police or security. I guess he has been Riots Police or Security Police employee  Someone punished him for some reason! Someone―some people―wanted him sentenced to violation. Some populace wanted him to be defamed. He was to be living proof―live example―to their discipline―the live shum of disgrace. I am now suspecting the incidence I had pin-pointed his peer to my colleague in college days. I sure wanted them all punished. But I never wanted any of them dehumanized or tortured! That security officer, my pal’s peer, haunted me during exam days. I was one to join the student’s Union Decision to boycott final college exams until The University Administration would reform and mend degrading decisions towards study and utility rights of ours and future students. I was one among majority college students. Boycotting students were disappearing―secretly kidnapped by security men. I feared I would be next! I pointed to that security former captor of me while I was talking to my Physics senior mate.
  • 18. Page 18 My Physics senior peer pointed to him and yelled loudly “This one? This one!” He sent me fiery looks and gestured with his gathered fist in warning to harm me! I fretted and said I wasn’t apt to be in trouble with them again. I said I have already been shot last time! My Physics peer soothed my fears. She advised me he wouldn’t dare arrest or kidnap me in stark day light! I went on saying that security men already did that and I was shot accordingly! She again said that college has been then filled with students and staff. I would only need to scream to attract attention and to turn things against him. My peer seemed to have exposed the security stalker to all Physics affiliates. A kind senior student came to me next day and reprimanded me on telling on the poor guy who saved my life. He was his neighbor back home and he knew he was kind and ethical. My Physics senior peer was surprised to learn his neighbor worked in security―shameful reality in our community as security spied on and coerced people! He was worried that as I exposed his neighbor, the public around would kill him. People killed security guys and all espionage fellows. I defended myself and retold my perspective over and over again. I was not after following people’s errs and exposing them to others. My earlier captor kept haunting me. He either wanted to blackmail me with former attempt of arrest or to threaten my safety―so why would I make that easy on him?” “Why would I hand myself in my own silver plate to criminal riots and submit to their harassment of threats and terrorizing? Militants and gun felons to scare me and enslave me―is that it?” I retorted to my Physics affiliate. “I am now pleased to tell on him and expose his criminal stalking. Why do they fear the public more then they fear God? Why would they care for people’s impression rather that God’s Pleasure?”
  • 19. Page 19 “I did the right thing and for people who fear people and creatures rather to observe AlMighty God’s fear, that would be good a lesson to leave people alone and mind their own business―to stop to harass people” I defiantly told my pal. My college peer meant to do me a favor, through her own blab. So, public around truly acted and disciplined the commander―my captor, rather than the exposed peer! I have my honorable ethics and conviction that violence back will never cure starter violence. I would have sued them in court and sought Justice by law. I would not send a gang after them! We can’t combat crime with another crime, and darn worse offense―it would be worse than Jungle Natives’ Feuds! I will never ever attempt violence on others; or endorse it, by all means. I am peace negotiator and I believe the sound of reason is the highest shriek we govern by. I do not know to this day the reason we were to work together in camouflage of office companionship! Is it interrogative to why I have been by my college in a day my fellow students have arranged a demonstration―one I have had no part in??? Or is it degradation to bring down an authority personnel to peer with me. I remain one randomly arrested for my existence in scholastic premises―quite authorized to study where I am student, or am I mistaken??? Could our work affiliation be in attempt to degrade me and taint my sweet innocence by sick a stalker and con????  I just cannot know whether it is planned or mere a coincidence to secure high earnings for former authority figure in the line he best excels at―Statistics and Computers―Data!!!!!??? The truth is my office pal was a foe who came to me in the robes of a close friend! Yet, there is a clear wisdom in the destined events that grouped us together! To be Divinely forced to forgive those who ill-treat you is one of the wisdom plots, maybe!
  • 20. Page 20 Once I endear someone, I am compelled to be in peace with that one. I learn to forgive and allow time to heal my ailments. I believe the wisdom I would reap is to conclude Providence and to proceed with life no matter what hardship can anyone be at. I hope the same wisdom applies to my office pal. The best wisdom is to survive and to rejoice the blessings one enjoys in any moment in life!
  • 21. Page 21 Chapter 5 Crimes, disidentification and slavery in societies Many other cases are there in the world―cases of Gender transformation! The character of the fellow we encounter defines the circumstances of that transformation. Some are victims of slavery! Some are victims of vicious cults! Some are abducted and redesigned to alter their looks―no one can identify them and report them to the police! Yet, in our communities, it is mostly mobs and gangs that would send their altered leaders or forced members to homes! In our communities, dens of homes are quite innermost of the house. Dens are where family members gather to chat, hang out together and discuss family affairs. When boys befriend others, they hang out together in homes at the guest areas, quite outermost in houses! They will be quite distant of the place of action  It is hard to find plenty of females to join gangs. Most gangs are formed by male vicious fellows who have the physical strength to harm people they fight with! In effect to such need, male gang fellows would often impersonate female beings and hang out with other males in their homes, or their shabble hub they pretend to be regular home. Somehow, the setting is often eerie and void of warmth that is spontaneously felt in normal homes  The aim of gangsters is to learn their infrastructure of homes. Gangsters seek to locate places of valuable items. Late, gangsters would come to steal their target goods. Gangsters particularly look to learn where do mothers and daughters keep their golden jewelries at. Gangsters aim to learn where do families keep their monitories and home expense budgets. Mobsters look towards all precious antiques―the expensive kitchenware they serve meals in or stash away in clandestine sideboards and cupboards.
  • 22. Page 22 Gangsters seek the expensive native wraps of female known as toub. A female would own a dozen of them, in the least. Mobsters await to get hold of wool fabrics that would sell high in Sudan. Due to the short winter, wool clothing becomes ornamental. Gangsters determine expensive furniture in good form. They grab Samsinites: expensive valises for travel that market well. There are many other homely treasures that thieves, robbers and crime cults seek to lay hands on. When the gang learns of the hidden treasures, they house-break in at night to steal all they enrich themselves with. Many times people in the house would wake up by an unsound noise of someone moving around in full wake at midnight or close to it―mostly right before dawn time when people are deep in sleep. Loud shrieks of Thief . . . . . Thieeeeeeeeeeeeeeef― ‫رامى‬َ‫ح‬. . .‫رامى‬َ‫ح‬ would wake all neighborhood as one resident has fell upon night thief! : All neighbors would be out in the span of time to rush out to chase the house- breaker out and away. They would often catch him [them] and beat him [them] real good before they hand the thieve(s) to the police. Many other times, residents of neighborhoods will chase thieves away and secure their homes well. The poor ones whose homes do not lock well, set up booby traps all around the place with metal trays and metallic kitchenware  Many times people would be in deep sleep to wake up all robbed in the morning! One gang was caught once and was brought to replay their crime in scene on Television. The police was in full action to combat crime and house-breaking felons, so they presented TV Show named Insomniacs [Wary nights] ‫ساهرون‬ where they warn the nation of crimes and house-breaking ailing. The police educates people on how to combat crime incidences, especially the most common one in Sudan, house-breaking.
  • 23. Page 23 Beside that campaign, the police video-tape earlier crimes of caught felons. The police would then broadcast these tapes each Friday. Friday is the formal holiday and weekend in Sudan and all Arabian and Islamic countries  One of house-breaking gangs confessed they spray ether through the air conditioner units. They would then await some while for the home dweller to doze off in deep undisturbed sleep. Such gangs clear off the house of its assets and leave the inhabitants of the desperate house stark poor and completely broke  The most dangerous crimes that surfaced in Sudan has been substance-abuse [illegal drugs trade], abduction and slavery. Abduction and slavery mostly serve to employ honorable people to practice paid-to-master-pimps adultery―well known as human trafficking, beside unpaid domestic chores. I have met two real cases of such victims. One was introduced as close relative to an acquaintance. As I was starting to befriend that gal who seemed to be likeable, polite and friendly, the acquaintance got wary and warned me and our peers of her relative. My acquaintance claimed that her relative was married shortly and divorced that she got psychologically disturbed. My acquaintance said that her divorced relative has become obsessed with mating with any male she would meet. The relative was under psychiatry treatment. I did not discredit my acquaintance. I could not believe that such sweet a being would be psychologically disturbed, on the other hand. I felt sorry for the sweet fellow. She was victimized either ways. Whether her relative betrayed her and ill-rumored on her; or she was truly victim of psychological disorder The sweet relative felt she was betrayed, but never stopped to be sweet and friendly to all around. Amazingly, the relative was a polite young-man I have known in my community before. He has been third uncle to myself and peer kin.
  • 24. Page 24 My third uncle wed to our relative and his neighbor when we were in early junior grade and had many children. I failed to recognize him―my own close kin―in disguise of female being. It was disguise forced upon him as the nasty rumor coincided with such circumstantial transformation. My failings do not humiliate me. My failings hurt me as I unwillingly hurt my beloved, unknowing to that harm. Criminal slavery hit us hard in our kin and our homes. My relative could never blood-relate to my acquaintance and he could not be an obsessive female  The other criminal case I have later come to learn has been sheer slavery. A life- time friend has been former coworker in the same organization my man-to-woman pal has been working at. One day, my old-time neighbor and life-friend has been raving over a coworker who asked for her hand in marriage. My old friend neighbor was so obscure in her complaints and vehemence that I asked my friend why was she all eaten up over this engagement? The gentleman seemed to be kind and polite a fellow. The proposing groom worked in junior position that was senior to hers and he earned high. He earned high a salary in hard currency that exchanged high in Sudan. He would provide for her to live lavishly as a husband: one of her dreams on her future groom. I truly wanted to understand why was my friend so upset that he proposed to her. Proposals stem out of liking, admiration or appreciation, in the least. If my friend didn’t like him for no reason at all, it is understandable. All she can do is to turn down his offer and decline it. That is her right and no one can force anything personal on any one. I am compelled to defend the gentleman. I truly believe that he has every right on the other hand to be honored and to keep his rejected proposal secret. It serves his pride and dignity. He might propose to another coworker who might be influenced by the former engagement decision or feel a second choice to him.
  • 25. Page 25 Yet, that didn’t disturb me for my friend. What disturbed me was her deep compelling rage over beautiful and honorable a gesture of appreciation and respect. I didn’t like for her to feel inadequate towards wedding proposals. I expected her to be more mature in the way she handled her personal affairs, expectations and well-being―matters only she could manage. The appalling bitter truth has astonished me and sent me to question my neighbor and friend’s morals and humanity! In casual fury, my neighbor uttered the hidden stature of slavery in Sudan “He used to be the slave of Shasha”. Shasha was our college friend and her relative who also co -worked with us in the same well renowned organization!!! “Shasha’s family allowed him to buy his freedom after he enrolled in college! They are quite kind and generous, my relatives! How dare he seek kinship to them and their relatives to defame them??? How would he dare to belittle me and them by asking for my hand in matrimony??? Has he forgotten who he is???” I was in chilling silence before my mind revolted its thoughts. “What is this you’re saying Dima? How can someone be slave to another one? It doesn’t make sense to me! There is no slavery in Sudan!!! There is no slavery at our time!!!”I poured my thoughts in speech. My friend shook her head in dismissive form. She went on: “UUUUUUUUUUUUUUh! Omdurman’s homes are full with slaves and slavery―only you don’t know―only many people don’t know!!!!” Omdurman is one ancient neighborhood in Khartoum. No one can ever sell oneself a slave to another being, so how can someone else claim him or her to be his slave or maiden??? That indicates probable abduction and torture to lest the victim would escape and report the kidnappers to the police. That particular one is legal grounds to sue against former crime of abduction.
  • 26. Page 26 I truly wondered why was the proposing groom submissive to dominance of his captors??? Why would someone enslaved―dehumanized―seek future kinship and companionship to own despising beasts? I may try to figure the causes that would restrain anyone against own will. Maybe the poor guy thought his masters’ relatives would think differently and thus he would level with them and regain his dignity!  The coworker has had his own problems, but he seemed composed and kind. He was liberated and free. Why hasn’t the coworker reported his captives to the police, and sued them in court, remains unknown. I guess the beasts have brutally tortured him. He might have preferred his future safety than to seek his rights. Next year, the gentleman was abandoned. His yearly contract was not renewed. I had the slightest suspicion that my neighbor or her relative has passed word to senior staff members akin to them with their complaints. Performance reports affect the continual employment of staff. It could be that the guy was poor-reported on the annual performance reports. He would such be condemned to termination  It could be that he was terminated for any other reason that concerns vocation.  Maybe my neighbor or her relative had anything to do with it; maybe not! Yet, the free soul was destined to seek his earnings somewhere else!
  • 27. Page 27 Chapter 6 World’s War Politics in our dear home Together with my office pal, we have befriended Computer trainees. The trainees turned to be sisterly and very good friends. On a visit to one of them, the faces of her family seemed quite familiar. There, I reckoned my office pal’s probable former familiarity. The cases were similar . . . distant recognition that could not be recalled. I could not tell where have I seen them. I knew the mother who was one good friend to my aunt. We all lived in the same neighborhood and the mother would often come to visit my aunt. I immigrated to the USA in 2000. I watched the movie on life story of Malcolm X. There, I have come to reckon the faces of my friend’s kin back in Sudan. I could finally grasp the memories that kept calling upon my mind for recollection. Introduced members of Nation of Islam and their foes in the end of the movie were my lost cue to familiarity of faces. I have watched news on Malcolm X and Nation of Islam throughout my years in Sudan. Displacement in Sudan often is to harbor neighboring African countries and Palestine’s as its catastrophe amasses to Greatness and requires rescue by all. I depicted an inquisition. My query was: Could Americans be displaced to Sudan? The faces did not resemble the actors, Denzel Washington and his fellow actors. The lost cues were faces displayed in the end of the film. The display served to introduce the members of Nation of Islam and their rivals whose lives were played in the honorary film. Nation of Islam could have social activities in Sudan and any country whose major religion is Islam.
  • 28. Page 28 Members of Nation of Islam seek to learn true Islam and to practice its doctrine. New Moslems will seek an ideal environment where the dominance of their faith is welcome and not oppressed. Hence, there is strong a probability that Nation of Islam has presence in Sudan and regions of Islam in the world. My GrandDad’s house harbored Yassir Arafat and his political peers in their infancy days where they were to form an army of Palestine to liberate their homeland of Israel. Their political movement, Fatah, only came to Sudan with other Arab countries at that time to educate Arab nations on the nasty Israeli occupation; and to seek support of power and liberation to their homeland country and holy shrine AlMasjid AlAqsa ‫األقصى‬ ‫سجد‬َ‫م‬‫.ال‬ My eldest uncle was ambitious youth in his prime political life. He sought justice and awareness of human rights to all. He was introduced to Fatah, then; early seventies.
  • 29. Page 29 Fatah and my uncle had been active and busy seeking contacts to the embassies of Arab countries. They sought for Palestinians to be granted visas that would allow them to conduct their message to the world on the horrible crimes Israel was committing against their nation of Palestine. My uncle hosted Fatah’s member in his Dad’s house, as he was a bachelor yet. We used to live in GrandDad’s house. Often, the view of the soldiers protecting their leaders with their arms seemed heavy and fashionable to the toddlers we were. Each of us wanted to become a soldier with own gun when we grew up. In all my childhood photographs, I posed stretching both my hands in the shape of one carried long gun  Short after Fatah left, came a new displaced nation and its leaders. Eretria was occupied by Ethiopia whose Emperor was Haili Sualasi at that time. It was not long enough before Mangestu Haili Marriam turned over the government to become the worst president in life ever! Mangesto avenged minority groups of the freedom of their former rulers. Mangesto’s men led rampage of feuds and torment all over the country. Mangestu’s gang troops expelled Ethiopians and made them shredded severed homeless remains of humanity, all deposited on streets or barbed imprisonment. Former government ministers and officials were entered naked in burning ovens. They would gradually stew alive and die in blazing atmosphere. Mangistu’s troops would attack pregnant women and slice open their tummies down to kill them and their fetus in the worst torture any creature can ever face. Mangestu’s gangs violated the nation―males and females. They amputated and chain- sew the public and left them bleeding and agonizing over traffic circles on streets. They buried strong opposition alive to keep dying every moment they breath or seek to, until they perish. They starved the nation and enslaved those who were fortunate enough to survive harm and fatal anguish.
  • 30. Page 30 Those who fled the country told their horrible tragedies. They asked for rescue and international troops to save their country. Only rescue and refuge were to be availed by Sudan and other African countries to extend to Europe, Canada and the USA. All those who survived, left behind relatives they were desperate to rescue. They wished to rescue their shredded, dishonored and famined homeland. Ethiopia was once proud a country and peace a sanctuary to its nation and all residents. First, Sudan harbored Eretria. Then, Sudan harbored Eritrea’s occupant, Ethiopia. Sudan literally became one gate of rescue to war refugees within its vicinity. Conflict of interest has been inevitable. Political parties would often support refugees or endorse support to refugees. None has coerced any refugee for that disagreement in biased support. Sudan is vast a land and rich with natural resources. It wasn’t in Sudan’s capability to provide lavishly for refuges, Sudan couldn’t indulge its own nation. Yet, Sudan provided education, international rescue centers that paid for the living expenses of refuges directly to them. First refugees to Sudan have been Nigerians. Fulani Moslem Nigerians fled genocide against them by major atheist Hausa tribes in the sixties. Fulani sough shelters in Sudan and moved on to Saudi Arabia. From there, they spread through the world. Hawsa tribes chased Fulani everywhere; even to Sudan. Once they lived lives of indulgence in Sudan, Hawsa groups have forsaken their chase to Fulani and became Sudanese themselves. Sudan provided acceptance among communities. Refugees would mingle with the public anywhere anytime. Refugees would soon learn to dwell as one of the locals, where they could make the best of their earnings, time and lives 
  • 31. Page 31 Eritrean Army of Revolution was hosted in my Granddad’s house until they moved on. They migrated to countries that would support them and grant residence with the prospect of wealth. Those means would enable them to from a strong army that would fight back the Ethiopians and free their homeland―Eretria. Troops with their guns would hang around in the guest area. They would, guard their leader Aforgy with guns. We would often peek at them, greet them. We, the kids, would get welcome to chit-chat with them. We all again wished to be soldiers when we grew up  One might expect that to be formidable environment for kids to be around. We were learning the world. We learned that there could be trouble for someone or some people. We learned people in trouble had to do something about their trouble. Until then, they had to prepare to do something about it  Wondrous enough, I have been amid massive and worldly organized events. I have been amid other chains of crimes, whether I connected to victims or felons without knowing that on its time.
  • 32. Page 32 Chapter 7 When did slavery start in modern Sudan? Tales on slavery in Sudan have first been told to us by school pals in the primary. Some of the pure African races―who dwell Western and Southern Regions in Sudan―claimed they had relatives who were enslaved by people of the North, The Arabs. When we asked our parents, they denied that―maybe because they had no knowledge of recent slavery. Our parents said there was no slavery in Sudan. There was anti-slavery constitution that formalized with Independence of Sudan of the British colony in 1956. The Law was legislated in 1958 and, in effect, emancipated all salves and charged those who enslaved others as kidnappers and worst felons who were imprisoned or sentenced to death. Dad witnessed former cases. Dad said when he was in college, he would be to the Central Market shopping. Once, Dad saw a crowd over one circles and people where sold as slaves, where buyers would bid on them. Some of the slaves wore cloth and some others were completely bare. They were captives of offense from Southern Sudan and from Western Sudan. Dad and his colleagues were appalled with what they saw―degradation of humanity and loss of national belonging! How can anyone claim mastery over another human being? How can anyone attack someone to kidnap and victoriously sell in the market as commodity? At that critical time where civilization and education were Sudan’s Decree, it was very odd to watch the opposite in public!  But as time spanned, Dad noted there was no more slavery and all the nation was free―developing to modernize its rich folklore and means with proper education and professionalism.  Mom added a new perspective on the history of slavery in Sudan. Mom told us what her GrandMom has narrated for them about people of Western Sudan. Those had their famous leader and Imam, Mohamed Ahmed AlMahdi, of Northern Sudan. He and his Western Troops has fought the British colonists.
  • 33. Page 33 The Mahdi and his troops’ fought with ancient weapons of swords on horsebacks. Their armor was inadequate to measure-up to gun, cannons and gun powder the British fought with. As such, the British won the war. Only when the White League formed, organized rebels fought the British, could Sudan achieve Independence on peace treaties and political dialogues. The White League started with a group of college students who educated well enough to appreciate liberty and yearn for. They planned one mere college political group that raised awareness of the right of the nation to scour The Colonists off the land. The White League planned to win Independence. Independence would allow nationals to govern their own country. It took many years to spread the word and notion among the populace. They then set and trap locations to attacked the British Troops around the country until The British accepted to negotiate their safety in compromise of Independence. Reasonable dialogues and emphasis helped Sudan to attain its long sought Independence. When AlMahdi died, his successor, Alkahlifa Abdu Allahi AlTa`aiyshi led a war on Central and Northern Sudan. He didn’t fight the British again, he fought Sudanese peaceful people―his own nation.  In Islam, war for the sake of religion, life, self-defense, honor, land and allegiance to nations rightfully fighting for their lands is the only kind of sacred war deemed legitimate and Divine. It is completely prohibited to lead war on and to fight other Moslems. It is deemed to Heresy! AlTa~aiyshi did that, enslaved those captured and kidnapped all people of Egyptian descent in the invaded regions of Sudan. AlTa`iyshi and his men imprisoned men ad youth. They sat women on woks to swipe the famous national meals of Fateer [Filmy pancakes] and Kisra [Filmy Pizza crust pies] with stews that served with them, for his men and himself. He deprived all folk with their children and infants food and rest.
  • 34. Page 34 When women asked to feed their young children after he and his men fed, he said “No, let’s feed our horses―they are exhausted and tired.” Whey hey fed the horses, and Kisra and Fateer with stew also served to feed horses  ! The women again asked to feed their crying children and AlTa`aiyshi and his men said “No, leave down the food until we do our bits” in the most savage slang language. The Ta`aiysha stole whatever treasures people kept in homes. He and his men stole plantation, cattle and bred sheep, poultry and the broken―hearted Egyptian fellows who elected to live down the valley of The River Nile in Sudan. Egyptian folk are fair-colored, good looking and have rich flowing silky hair that matches Indian hair―one of the most beautiful hair type in the world. So his ambition was physical and lusty. AlTa`aiyshi and his soldiers were after the essence of Egyptians and made sure to capture that through a lifetime slavery and prowling sadism.  GrandMa was a child. GrandMa was a young girl herself. She was one of the Egyptian folk who elected to live by the Southern Valley of The River Nile. When word on war spread, they fled to the desert with many other folk of the locales. GrandMa and her kin were missed by AlTa~aiysha. When GrandMa’s folk came back home, after their kin came to assure them the land was safe and they fought hard, but helpless and bare of weapon. The nation there were held captives and many darlings were enslaved by those imps of Western Sudan. AlTa`iyshi and the majority of The Western folk in Sudan are the first to bring slavery in Sudan. They are the first t o dishonor Sudan. To this day, AlTa`aiysha practice that slavery upon their helpless kin and natives. They look upon it as wealth and power over others. Many other locales of Western Sudan also practice slavery. Southern Folk also practice slavery. South Sudan has this horrible primitive decree in their land. Tribes conduct offenses over their neighbors and other tribes to perish them and enslave the survivors. Western tribes on the Southern borders lead offense on Southern tribes, mostly Dinkha.
  • 35. Page 35 Dinkha is the most powerful Southern tribe and the richest. They enslave other Southern tribes. Western tribes enslave Dinkha and other Southern tribes, as well. They lead raids to enslave their rivals and to govern them and their land. Dinkha members often possess fortunes. Such fortunes are cattle, ivory, rare skin of Jungle’s beasts―lions, tigers, leopards, crocodiles, snakes, deer and hippopotamus―and precious wood furniture, ebony. The two major western tribes of AlRezighat and AlMesereiya claim their bloodline is Arabian and each shares enslavement of Southern people, while they remain worst enemies to each other. I do not doubt that these tribes might have Arab ancestry in their bloodline. Maybe they have quite distant and far-fetched one. I argue that they do not represent Arab and Arab descendants in Sudan, like the majority of the nation of Sudan. Our Arab Bloodline is as ancient as our African bloodline. We are Afro Arab nationals, as we share heredity and cultures of both ethnicities: Arabian and the Ancient Nubian; or Arabian and the ancient pure African “Zinj. Africa started of Arabian bloodline, the Assyrians who split from Iraq to Syria and to Egypt and North Africa. They then spread down deeper in Africa to blend what Africa is of now: African bloodline. At this modern time, there are pure Arab nationals who are Sudanese. They have not wed into African heredity before. They often live at the outskirts ad cities in Eastern Sudan. They are mostly Saudi, Yemeni ad Egyptian nationals of their homelands and nationals of Sudan. These Arabian Sudanese enjoy dual nationalities that allow them to live freely in their homelands. They live wealthy as they often are world’s merchants of old times. Arabians lived wealthy lives from ancient times.
  • 36. Page 36 Arabians of Arabia Land have always been world’s merchants. They would often envoy in trade journeys. They have always been and are fishers and divers who would hunt pearls off the Gulf and Red Sea. Other Arabians cultivated along rivers and seas and lived well as well. Their lives were enriched long before they became petrol production countries. Arabs and nationals of Arabia Land are savvy in arrangement for wealthy lives. Arabian natives live lives of honor and kind tribute to each other. For all these particular reasons, most of their descendants through the world seek pride to belong to them. Some other Arab descendants seek pride to belong to the Prophet of Islam, Mohammad. Mohammad has been native of ancient and newt Macca and resident of ancient and newt AlMadeena in Saudi Arabia. May Prayers and Peace of AlMighty God Be Upon him, all prophets and all angels.
  • 37. Page 37 In the eighties, an acquaintance told us in one of the preaching classes they beheld during our school holidays, that there are so helpless and unfortunate souls in Sudan. Those desperate souls were shredded by native wars and inhumane brutality and degradation that people better excuse their deep contempt and hatred towards Arab and Moslem people who define major parts of Sudan. Our acquaintance narrated journey events he witnessed in Western Sudan. Our acquaintance was invited a guest at the tribe of AlMessereiyyah or AlRezzegat, I do not recall. AlMesseriyya and AlRezzigat are kin who have constant feuds that end in enslaving to each other. Yet, their fierce feuds are against the tribes of Southern Sudan. The twin tribes claim they are Arabs . Our acquaintance spent lovely days and nights with his hosts. The splendor of pasture lands and their native regimen made the journey lovely and peaceful. One morning, warriors of that tribe came dragging along Southern Dinkha teenagers and young kids with few babies. The tribe members ululated in victory. They held high their harpoons and spears while their peers threw and flew up Southern babies. The babies would collide with the sharp edges of the spears held up to brutally tear off their little bodies in shreds amid wails of horror and torture agony. The helpless chained kin of the babies would be in conflict to rush over high and catch off their baby brothers and baby sisters. They ached to spare their baby siblings the crime rampage. Only they would be chained and held helpless and forced to watch the sorrow and anguish of their baby kin and toddlers. The captors meant to apprehend their captives and new slaves so as not to flee their imprisonment ever. When our colleague screamed, rushed in to rescue and argued the inhumanity of his hosts and their shameful acts, they restrained him. They claimed that these captured were created slaves for them.
  • 38. Page 38 The attacking tribe alleged that they, the proud, would not pay to feed babies and toddlers―they would only keep those who could serve them salves only. They have killed the grown up in war. They captured the little ones to enslave. They forcefully inherited all material treasures and claimed possession of the offsprings they orphaned. That acquaintance has truly preached us and dawned the brightest light over our brains and societies to the malice that exist in people who relate to Islam, Christianity and Atheism. Yet, they belong to our homeland and are our nationals. That is not the end of horrible native tales in Sudan. We befriended one little boy who worked in my aunt’s store. He descended of Southern Sudan. Our childhood Southern friend told us shocking tales about their traditions in the South. He said that families of his grannies has fled the slavery of the South to Khartoum almost a century ago. They wanted to live in peace. They wanted to have a life for each of them and their coming generations. When the leader of a tribe would get older, members of the tribe would want to impeach him. They would ensure impeachment in agony. They all set to it in unison. Tribe members would expect and would know in advance that the chief of tribe would not hand power to others. Strong youth of the tribe would suddenly attack their ailing chief. They would beat him hard with thick canes until he would submit power to them. There, they would shove him through a lone top window to an underground hut to dwell by until the end of his life. The expelled leader of tribe is handed his meals through that glimpse of life, breath and light of a window. He would do his bits where he dwells until one day he no longer answers their call. They pay him tribute and simply leave him there. They farewell him in the grave they have dug and shoved him unto long ago. Close kin of the leader mostly oppose the brutal practice. Only, they have no upper hands over their peers. They are forced to express views and to act upon to what the tribe’s majority decides on.
  • 39. Page 39 Southern people circumcise their male natives only. When they do, they do that when the boy is in teenage, so he would undergo terrible pain. They believe once he would endure the pain, he would become a man, to their pride.  They would force pain on him to raise him a man of their wish. Some tribes would pull the four lower mid teeth. They claim they foresee eld days and would pay tribute to senile days where all teeth would fall. Each tribe has its own tattoo of fire-mark. Most of ancient Sudan has similar practice of skin scars. Almost, all our grannies had three lengthy scars on each cheek. Grandma has said she has been scarred by boiled a razor for sterilization. They anciently believed it would gather wrinkles of elderly days and the cheeks would be smooth and wrinkle―free, which was true. Yet, one lived deformed all life to enjoy beauty senile days  The scars are painful in childhood and deforming through life. Folk of the South had different scars that would identify each tribe. They would run a blazing wire in thin or thick lines across the forehead or would hot-red-wire-pluck dots on the forehead. As agonizing Shillikhing “marring” is, as bravery a gesture it is looked upon by all Sudanese public. Only Southern rituals are all agony through life. To this date, Southern elders run their lives and those of their children in primitive doctrine though loving―wild a love for the toddler spirits stepping to the world and yearning for peace, comfort and mutual respect. Gruff offensive wrath has become the trait of most dominant Southern Leaders. Brutality extends to their troops and their ruins that form gangsters who threat others by gang wars. My Dad has ear-witnessed Southern war events in Western Sudan.
  • 40. Page 40 Dad has come to learn of southern raids against Western regions through genuine complaints of the Nuba natives in Western Sudan. Those were regions where West and South Regions would border by. In 1985-1986, my Dad has been one recent retiree of government. Dad has already retired years back as Technical Manager, Agricultural Engineer and World Agricultural Schemes’ Consultant. Government retirees in Sudan receive benefits in investment venues beside an average monthly pension. Benefits vary for each staff. Dad applied for one grand cultivation scheme, to rent promptly for fifty (50) years until owned. My Dad would be paying handsome taxes on his harvest investment and later land investments. Beside government-managed cultivation lands, these private sectors would enrich economy and would nourish cash revenue for government cabinet. Dad was assigned one grand scheme in Abu Jibeha, a land in remote western parts of Sudan. Dad flew to AlFashir, in Darfur. Then, Dad commuted by lorry to Abu Jibeha for long twelve (12) hours. That was the only possible transportation to the sector. Abu Jibeha is heavenly. The sector is mountainous, cloudy, yet bright, cool and breezy. The endless green pastures were spectacular and picturesque. Dad’s travel comrades of the Agricultural Office and the Surveying Engineer handed him his land and planted wooden pegs around the land’s borders. They wandered around in town and inquired of the helping hands around. The Nuba advised Dad and the government team to recline of investing in that land and to seek exchange of investment in another sector.
  • 41. Page 41 Gharang’s gangsters wouldn’t allow any Nuba to cultivate. As Dad is fair colored, clearly an Arab descendant of Northern Sudan, he and his employee team would be targeted in shootings. Nuba Youth no longer spared their lives for cultivation. Nuba natives stated that Gharang has sent his troops to request the Nuba would join his battle against the North. The Nuba natives declined John Gharang’s request. The Nuba natives explained they had no personal feuds against the rest sectors’ natives of Sudan. Nuba natives lived richly as land owner. Those helpless of Nuba and Southern folk who served in homes of the capital, Khartoum were apt to obtain education. The beauty of churches there is their provision to nightly literacy classes and education to all the underprivileged pure African descendants. Church Clerics would often coerce their students to become Christians. Some would relent. Others would keep their ideology to themselves. Churches would yet serve them towards literacy and fine lives anywhere they would be. All Divine Messengers cared to teach their nations how to live. They preached them towards fine lives. Nowadays preachers follow suit of Divine Messengers. The Nuba natives explained to the Southern war leader, John Gharang, that domestic service in Khartoum is not slavery of the North to African ethnicities as he claimed. It turned out that Gharang’s mighty orders were not polite requests as the Nuba folk thought ! John Gharang started to send his gangster troops to kill and gun-massacer Nuba natives and to destroy their plantation. Gharang’s troops would abduct Nuba natives. They would enslave Nuba to forcefully fight with them their battle against the North, the official and legitimate government of Sudan. No Nuba native was allowed to cultivate or earn living.
  • 42. Page 42 Gharang accused the Nuba natives to be traitors of the North. By that time, for Gharang, the North extended of the Southern Western border to the remote Western borders of the Nuba. The Nuba then became Northern Sudanese by Gharang’s definition. Appallingly, The Nuba has become the North that Gharang and his gangster troops were fighting against ! The Nuba natives explained they were mighty worriers as well. They only needed time to arrange weapons and they would guard their lives, land and possession. The Nuba still hoped the government would plant army troops to protect them against Johan Gharang and his ominous troops. The team has long years of experience in rural agriculture. All three of them knew that if any army troops are to send, it would take bureaucratic procedures form one ministry to another until defense troops would be approved. Dad and his team promised to state the Nuba Naives’ reports on war to the officials in towns. Dad stated his statement beside his peer team members when they drove back to Darfur. Dad again restated his concerns and complaints on behalf of the Nuba to the agricultural Office in Khartoum. Dad requested an exchange in locality for his rented scheme. He was advised to be on waiting lists for the coming years. On their part, the Agricultural officials promised to bring concerns of the Nuba natives to the government’s cabinet. Word spreads fast in Sudan. Few years later, the Army of Sudan has arranged troops to combat Gharang as Southern and Western localities kept complaining and fled their lands because of Gharang and his gangs. Only live incidents would found sound and clear testimony on gangs’ wars in Sudan.
  • 43. Page 43 To my own surprise, much as majority of Sudan’s nation, AlTa`aiyshi was the first to impose slavery and the first to commit it. That is in the closest history of Sudan. Still, AlTa`aiyshi remained the second to attempt slavery and smear to natives of Sudan. The massive impact to the imposition of AlTa`aiyshi and the prior Turk attempt is spiteful. It has essentially divided Sudan to land of social feuds and tribal conflicts. During the Occupation of Turkey and Egypt to Sudan, prior to The British Colony, a terrible massacre led by The Brave Tribe of Ja`al on the Turkish―Egyptian has honored Sudan and its nation to this date. Northern Sudan is close to Macca in its social fibers. The hot desert climate mold they share with Macca and the ancestry of the Arabs in close era, has united the practice of daily life and traditions. Gender segregation is practiced soon as teenage and although kin remain intact, they highly revere personal privacy and family’s one. The troops of the Turkish―Egyptian leader AlKhideiwi Pasha set sail at the lands of Ja`al on their way to the Center, Khartoum, where their Governor’s palace was. The Ja`al’s Leader. AlMakk Nimir hosted them generously. Because they were invaders who haven’t sought to harm the nation, people kept peace ties with them. It seemed to have aroused the lust of The Pasha and his men. They ordered to sleep with the daughters and wives of the men of Ja`al―to disgrace them pigs. The colonists had ammunition and weapons the Sudanese did not have. Almakk Nimir canned them and invited them first to late dinner, where he served them roasted lambs and alcohol drinks. They sat by the lit fire, being the only lamps around, dining and chatting until the colonists heavily drank and dozed off. Makk Nimir and his men burned the colonists and honored their beings and nation. They left their land to start a new homeland, where safety, peace and honor would be secure of predators’ interests.
  • 44. Page 44 Narratively, the first attempt of slavery and disgrace has been austerely oppressed and ended there in its place. The Turkish―Egyptian avenged their peers. They burnt villages and nations when word got around. People around cherished the bravery and chivalry of The Northern Sudan and all Sudan as a nation. Our school history books has richly equipped us with witness knowledge on earlier events on our land domain. Historically stated events would such clarify many nuances depicted as racism and ethnic discrimination. Only when we know, do we reckon rationale of others. I can relate to my elders when they are so against matrimony of one of their children to a person whose ancestry is Western Sudan or relates to it. I do not agree with my elders on strong opposition that their kids do not understand. I understand and feel their care and protective insight to decline matrimony to someone who has earlier sought to enslave them―their elders, if not them, that makes it more demeaning and unacceptable. My argument is that these descendants have not attempted to enslave us. Their ancestors attempted to enslave our ancestors. As it is history taught in school books and educated on by our elders, why don’t we end the feuds and seek new beginnings of peace and harmony of a country that has almost every blood and human heritage? We may learn our past to live our present and our future free and in peace.
  • 45. Page 45 Chapter 8 We are in history and we entwine to Egypt in Sudan In fifth grade, one history class narrated the Makk Nimir Story in pride. The next class of history was about Makk Naiem. He was narrated to be an armed robber among many armed robbery authority figures. My classmates asked if that was my GrandDad, as my Dad’s name has been [is] Naiem!!! I truly did not know!  I said not that I knew of. My pals teased me during break time that my tribe was armed robbers; especially, that our name in Arabic Rubatab is close the word Rabatta [Armed Robbers]. We, Rubatab, are the children of Rubat. Rubat is the brother of Ja`al and Shaiyeg. Their Dad ordered each to wed and move to upper-land through the desert―yet, along River’s Bays―to connect to Ancient Urban Dungula and inhabit the Northern Land. The Father of the three brothers wished they would form the future generations of their domain land and form sibling tribes. The three sons obeyed their father. Three major tribes of Northern Sudan formed of them. Ancient GrandDad and tribe former’s name Rubat means Ire and Composure. Nowadays, the name is similar to the Shoe-lace  Ja`al means Made and symbolizes Ability and Power.  Shaiyeg means Nostalgic, one who yearns to kin and homeland always.  When I came home, I asked Mom about Mk Naiem. Mom said the Makk Naiem was not an armed robber. She affirmed he was my GrandDad, but she quipped he was not an armed robber. He was a District Governor called Makk, same as Makk Nimir. Dad was in New York, at the time, for technical job assignment. Luckily that evening, my uncle came to visit. I was studying my history class and showed him what was written on school books about his GrandDad, our GrandDad!  My uncle―my Dad’s brother―growled and said these were lies.
  • 46. Page 46 The new syllabus of history seemed to be messed up. Maybe someone who was either ignorant or vindictive has mystified the truth to educators―and such our history was defamed.  My uncle had a wise and good point there.  My uncle elaborated that The Makk was locally appointed by District natives to serve their locales. He would provide protection, rule disputes and guard convoys leaving up North and deep to the Center. Two pair of armed guards would accompany the caravan who traveled on breed’s back. One pair of guards would ride ahead and the other pair would set back to guard against armed robbers lurking by the borders of cities and on eerie path of journeys. Convoys and locales would pay the Makk for protection and he would pay his staff and himself of that money. A fixed stipulated fare is gathered of homes in the District beside additional fares of convoys seeking protection. We depicted that The Makk was an authority of the city and the police of the locales. My uncle said our Makk GrandDad cultivated is land in prime earning and served his locality as Makk, as well! My uncle advised me to explain to my teacher his facts―maybe she would raise the matter to the Formal Educators. I did so and my teacher thanked me for the truth, although there was not much to do about prints of The Ministry of Education. Next year, my GrandDad’s aunt came to visit. She was the sister of the father of my mother’s father  She was over 90 years old and sweet. Capable a soul she was. GrandMa liked my Dad as an in-law as that was the first time she got to meet my GrandDad’s children and kin. As Dad was lenient and charming, most of our relatives liked and commended Mom and Grannies on him. GrandMom compared Dad to his GrandDad of history books―Makk Naiem  She said The Makk was tough, quite unlike Dad. She said her Dad descended of Egypt and came over a camel to stay there and sustain his brotherhood in Islam.
  • 47. Page 47 My other GrandDad, the GrandDad of GrandMa on her mother side, came from Iraq on camel. That GrandMa was the mother of my GrandDad, my mother’s father. As our GrandDad has heard of the early preaching to Islam, he hoped to enforce those who selected the faith of Islam. Arab of The Arabia Land would land in North African countries. They would either settle there, or would wander deep in Africa to spread Islam and to sustain those who were already Moslems. As the land was tough and the climate was blazing, people might fall ill in the practice of Islam. The Eastern Strip of Africa is full with Arab Descendants. Deep down below, Africa is full with Islanders of Papua New Guinea and Australia, as well as Arab descendants. The Western Strip of Africa is filled with European Descendants. GrandDad lived in Northern Sudan. He wed there to have his children, of which, were that GrandMa and her brother, the father of GrandDad. When the staff of Makk Naiem would knock on doors to collect the fare, GrandDad Dad would travel to Egypt. GrandDad would ride on his camel to Egypt to his brothers. He would request heritage money of his brothers to pay the fare, whenever he was short of. I asked GrandMa if that was unjust fares they requested! I was debating myself. Could the history books be correct, after all? GrandMa said “No! That was the law of the land. Yet, Dad said it was different in Egypt as folk there saw to their safety and service on their own. They needed no government to run things for them!”  GrandMa said the Makk would provide protection in local market as well. Some folk would demonstrate primitive tendencies to physically smash competitors with their commodities or service tools. GrandMa was key witness to our honorable history that Educators marred and taught on schools to the nation.
  • 48. Page 48 I note now that only Allah, God, the AlMighty, Have the Capacity to Enlighten us on our ethical debates and to Grant us the Knowledge we need in the right time. Only God Resolve our dilemmas. Only God Place us where we truly need to learn or where others would best learn of us! A century later when Makks no longer served, violence was wildly practiced in markets. One farmer employee of GrandDad was beaten almost to death. He dared plant and sell ripe fruits and vegetables in the Market, that commodities of his rivals did not sell. Poorer commodities could not match produce of the farmer of my GrandDad! Maybe his nationality as an Egyptian who groomed more different produce types and better nurtured them sent them wild on him. They were losing the market of their hard- worked on commodities. The bullies claimed that the farmer of my GrandDad caused their commodities not to sell. They accused him to have forced deliberate loss on them. They thought he brought intentional damage to their earnings. Because they could not match up to the rich commodities of the Egyptian farmer, the bullies actually oppressed him on his prominent success. Our land and its natives truly needed Makk and his men to guard against bully-gangsters. I may assume the common conviction of Sudanese public that Egyptian fellows hack market and jobs has started there in our native land.  I can’t say that all Egyptians are ideal, nor can I claim that all Sudanese are idols. Each nation brought to the world tyrants and dishonorable fellows who attempted to tarnish the opposite nation. AlKhideiwi Pasha of Turkey and Egypt and AlTa`aiyshi of Sudan are worst leaders to others, as history has emphasized. Egypt ranks top on social ancestry and matrimony to our Sudanese nation. Almost, there is no Sudanese family that doesn’t have an Egyptian GrandMom, an Egyptian GrandDad or Egyptian Grannies. Almost all Sudan is related to Egypt, somehow.
  • 49. Page 49 Chapter 9 My new debate :― The Turk on their invasion to the world ?! That was not the end of my dispute to data entailed in our history class of fifth . We were taught the Turkish Colony of the Othmans was religious. The Turks declared rampage that missionary that dedicated to spread Islam!!! That missionary was affirmed by what we socially learned of our elders stories. We were also narrated on through History classes on former colonials of Sudan: The British, The Turkish and The Egyptians! What didn’t make sense to me was the domain of countries under that colony! The domain invaded was land of nations that were already Moslems. How come Turkey wanted to spread Islam on Moslems???? I debated that among my own mind and I asked my teacher why would Turkey invade countries whose nations are already Moslems to spread Islam??? It didn’t make sense. My teacher said she agreed with history books. My teacher added that it was definitely battle of religion. I yet argued that why would the African countries that the Turk invaded be only lands with majority of Moslem nations? The Arabia Land was already the shrine of Islam and it would never ever justify for spread of Islam invasion! My discussion with my teacher in break time has left both of us in tight leisure time to relax and feed  Yet, my teacher was emphatic on knowledge printed in textbooks. When I returned home that day, I complained to Mom and Dad and expressed my point of view. Mom and Dad said that it was true that The Turks have spread Islam in lands they invaded. Most of Sudan less Northern, Eastern and Central parts were dwelled by either atheist, Jewish or Christian populace. Likewise in many North African countries, Islam was not widespread. Albeit the immigration of the Moslems of Arabia Land, most locations of those countries were not majorly Moslem. My parents added more details towards the debate.
  • 50. Page 50 My parents quipped that North African countries have long had presence of Islam. It only seemed wise to empower Moslems there by the spread of Islam in the whole country. Then, I questioned Asia!!!! Why would The Turk invade Arab lands in Asia and disregard all non-Arab nations like India, China, Japan, Thailand, Burma, Taiwan, a, Hong Kong, The Koreas, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri-Lanka, Iran and The USSR? I was listing the geography class knowledge of my fifth grade age to affirm my hypothesis. If it was the ethical cause of religion empowerment, why wouldn’t that reach the whole world and enlighten nations that might empower Islam in peace, rather than through wars and loss of lives? Persia and Indo countries were invaded in ancient times to spread Islam. Once Islam won over Mecca, it ruled the world in few years. Moslems did not force Islamization of people of the world. Islam is well-known in practice through the world. Islam is not necessarily believed in by all. Long as peace is kept, Moslems declare no holy wars. Further, Non-Moslems would pay their dues to their Moslem Governors to join protection of Moslem governors to their populace. Long as Non-Moslems do not coerce or harass Moslems, there will be no cause to declare war, to defend Moslems and to domineer Islam as the chosen faith on all nations. Islam is faith in the first place before it becomes practice of religion. Faith can never be forced on anyone and The Wisest of all is The Only Wise Allah, God, The AlMighty. AlMighty God Have Reveled such Paradigm on all His Divine and Holy Religions. My parents playfully told me they got tired only listening to my list―Maybe The Turk too got tired to advance in invasion to the whole world!    Their point of view made sense to me at that time. Maybe The Turk planned to keep on their battle navigation and only got too engaged on what they had in hands. Yet and yet, some discomfort kept nagging my sub-consciousness.
  • 51. Page 51 Now, I see new perspective. The Turk did spread Islam where they colonized. So, it was missionary conquest and the soldiers were true Moslems who had it in their hearts to share their light with the world they could reach to. The Turk were literate a nation. The Turks educated illiterate Africa and formed first scholar structure to nations. They founded Kora`an schools that would teach the Holy Kora`an to kids and teenagers in reading and writing over wooden hand boards.  The school was denoted Khalwa [Solitude because each individual would learn for own sake despite the group class teaching.] The Turks were the first to devise professional hierarchery. The Turks were the first to lay robust governmental order in all colonies, as well as their homelands. They were the first to introduce unquestionable public service over the domain of a country. The Turks first build grand public hospitals where their physicians worked and trained locals to treat diseases and ailing of the public. Neighborhood Clinics were named Shafakhana [‫خانة‬َ‫ف‬ّ‫ش‬] where the Turkish word Shafa means Healed and the Turkish word Khana means Honor Place. The Hospital is the honorable healing place  The Grand and General Hospital was called Istabalia, where it composed of two Turkish-Arabic words: “Ista and Balia" ‫إستاء‬‫ن‬ِ‫م‬‫البالية‬"‫واألسقام‬ ‫"الموت‬ . Istabalia treated serious illness. Shafakhanas treated minor health complaints of the public. Looking beyond the novelty and noble cause of The Turks, I may presume personal interest in the matter. Colonizing enriches master nations that manage treasures on other lands. The PRECISION OF CHOICE OF COUNTRIES TO INVADE, BEING HOMELANDS OF MOSLEM NATIONS IS DOUBTFUL TO MY MIND!
  • 52. Page 52 It seemed to be ADVERSE THREATENING MESSAGE TO APPREHEND MOSLEMS BEFOREHAND NOT TO DARE COMBAT FUTURE COLONIZATION. It was dreadful a message to MOSLEMS WHO RULED THE WORLD AND SPREAD ISLAM. That Holy Mission has allowed Islam to reach turkey itself, in the past. The dreadful message would amount to SICK GRAVE WARNING TO MOSLEMS AS NOT TO FIGHT FEROCIOUSLY AS THEY DID BEFORE. The foes would restrain all their world in invasion. So, whenever an alien or an invader would govern them or seek to, Moslems should dread overall colonization to their domain!!!! I assume the Upper Dynasty of The Turk was Non-Moslem or were adverse to Islam and Moslems. Only, their representation was not strong enough to declare their decree to wholesome nation of Islam. They plotted to reach The Holy Land Of The Jewish that has also become the Holy Land of Christians and The Holy Land of Moslems―Palestine. They needed swerve tactics to complete their ploy. Neither Moslems, nor Christians would note the deceit in time to take action against masked colonization. Faith nations would often rush to fierce holy war, has their faith been jeopardized. The Turk would sure lose. The masked colonization would portray Moslems as brutal nation to rule the world by sword, gun and force. That ploy would portray Moslems as barbaric. That barbaric image had already bookmarked history books about The Othmans’ Dynasty. Then, on the West will be saviors to helpless minorities of the dominant barbers of Islam. I, thus, stipulated that maneuver to be Jewish dirty plot to beat Islam and Christianity in one strike that when revealed, the world would already be under the tyranny of the Military Jewish―Israel.
  • 53. Page 53 Chapter 10 When Hitler rose in Tyranny after the Turk’s Domain ! Did the Turk hand our world to Europe? Sooner, Hitler aimed to rule the world in-step with his peers. Only, Hitler was badly defeated by the allies of Europe. The correlation of The Jewish Executive Government as Turks and The Nazi, Adolph Hitler, seems to be far-fetched and delusional.  My mind has been gnawing at my wake with stressing connection of the two tyranny figures for the last few years. I just could not find detect a clue on historical evidence of such association. Until Dad’s talk dawned the light on my mind and queries, I searched for evident cue to assert my notion. The downfall of Germany dragged on for decades. Germans and Nazis could not have then landed on Palestine or Middle Eastern countries. The Germans were powerless to implant what would ignite volatile time-bomb over our region to this day. Yet, the same brutal pattern of massacre, nations’ genocide and everlasting torture to non-egoistic creatures by The Nazis and The Israelites is solitary beyond doubts. Many of Israeli pioneer colonizers have been rescued of vast Europe and especially Germany. It was claimed they were victimized in horror practice of torture and peril by Nazis. The Nazis were conducting horror rampage against Jew and Bourgeois’ people of Germany, as Media kept rotating to date. Britain arranged a new home for The Jews of The world to secure their existence and enrichment over life. The British gave the Jews an option to chose their new homeland. The British asked the Jews to choose one of two lands―one at the desert of North Africa―or Their old forsaken Holy Land in Palestine. They chose the cultivated place of Asia. He Jews chose The Land of Palestine to be their worldly home with global call to crowd over the land and replace The Arabs.
  • 54. Page 54 From the beginning, The Western Countries made it clear that they had an ambition to conquer Arabia Land. Why would Western a countries decide to shift Jews instead of Christians and Moslems? It would not relate to Christian Crusade wars at all. By`] that time, Palestine was the habitat of Moslem Majority. Western Crusade lost to Moslems. The loss could be the motive to plan such colonial injustice. Yet, what Britain and Western countries would want and decide is insignificant to The domain land of Arabia and its nations. For this particular cause, Western Countries FORCED THEIR ILL-WISHES ON REGION THAT DID NOT AFFILIATE TO THEM; NOR DID IT RELATE TO THEM IN ANY MANNER. What authority have Britain and Europe imposed on Arabs? Europeans conquered Arab ia, Asia and Africa. Europeans had world’s nations captives of their colonies. Colonials have crippled nations against opposition. This is obvious to all who would study history of the world. Yet, natives in our regions tell tales that the Turks handed our countries―all their colonies―to European countries―mostly Western Europe.
  • 55. Page 55 Chapter 11 Mom’s Review on worldly prime events and historical anecdotes Mom was the first to note that Israelites and Zionists are but Nazis and she named them Nazis of the world. Mom went beyond that to attribute Masons to Nazis, where Mason was One Nazi who fled defeated Germany and started new League to rule the world. Mason extended Hitler’s vision to tailor the world to his convictions . Mason intended to expand the grounds of belonging to Masons such that any fellow in the world could join Masons and be accepted effective and elemental member by The League! Masons had secret pledge, activities and mission. Mason’s essence entailed all possibilities,―benign and malicious,―charity and offense that may rule felony. Mom read a book published by recent Lebanese Mason. The new Mason was so fond of the new League and new human-tailored life that league promised. He stated that The Masons picked new name for them. The Lebanese Mason stated that The Masons picked the name of “Harakat Aylool AlAswad” for their affiliation. The term translates to Movement of The Black Aylool--Movement of Black September. He stated that movement was officially born in the month of September. Have I recalled right, Mom recalled September 1967 the date she read in the book. The date is insignificant except that was the time of fierce battle between Egypt and Israel when Israel invaded two prime ancient Israeli grand provinces of Sianaa and AlAreesh “Sinai and AlAreesh”. The fierce fight might have delivered the new movement to win the initially lost war of Israel. The movement elected the black color for its pledge and costume signature throughout the world. Few years later, Ariel Sharon savagely massacred the nation of Palestine. He then followed the survivors to their refugee camps in Plaestine and Lebanon to abolish them in their camps by tankers in early eighties.
  • 56. Page 56 Mom persisted that those Israelites were Nazis. Mom insisted that was mere an extension to their earlier operations in Germany and Europe. Mom’s words were disputed by Dad and the older youth in our generation,―her cousin and my older brother who studied in the same class. I believed Mom. Yet, I felt I needed clearer evidence to our credence! I hoped the days would tell the truth! Maybe because I have read in the matter, I could see Mom’s vision! I read an article in the prestigious Saudi newspaper AlSharq AlAwsat ِ‫ط‬َ‫س‬‫و‬َ‫أل‬‫ا‬ ِ‫َرق‬‫ش‬‫ال‬ ُ‫ة‬‫ريد‬َ‫ج‬ ‫السعودية‬ , that Zion ‫هيون‬َ‫ص‬ was one Jew of the Eighteen’s Century. Zion pre-arranged modern militant fellows of his own children and relatives to prepare to bring back the glory of the Jews and their wars! Zion deemed noble a dream to reunite the Jews of the world. Zion aimed to revive Jews’ supremacy over all nations. That Newspaper has been rich with cultural news and their political analysis. It has also provided event briefings that are unbeatable by any other News Agency! Masons are but Majoos ‫جوس‬َ‫م‬‫.ال‬ They emerge f Persia Land, of Iran, of ancient times. Majoos “Masons” worship Fire because they believe fire is the essence of everything. Persia ruled vast domain of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. The Persian Dynasty domain formed of the countries now known as Iran, Turkey, Albania, Armenia, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and part of the Soviet Lands that did not belong to the Indian and Chinese Dynasties at that time. Such lists have been bookmarked in our Junior History Books of the Schools we were enrolled on. The primary propeller of such an education was the Board of Education of the Government of Sudan. Our private schools of Sisters School for girls and Comboni for boys wanted each student to stand a chance to enroll in colleges in Sudan. As such, The Comboni schools genres sought to match their school curriculum to what the Ministry of Education has carefully designed to teach future generations. Our schools also awarded us with their native Italian Arts, Means and Education on fine designs.