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Gender and Sexuality Essay
Males and females are classed differently from the moment they are pronounced boy or girl. Gender determines the differences in power and control in
which men and women have over the socioeconomic determinants of their health, lives and status in their community. Our society moulds how men
and women should and should not behave and can be observed in all parts of our society. As a result of theseGender stereotypes men and women have
issues which affect their health which are unique to each gender. Males for example are perceived to be greater risk takers as a whole in our society
than that of females. We represent risk taking behavior with masculinity and violence, high speed driving and contact sport with the male gender.
(Doyle 2005) more content...
Women in the last thirty years or so have fought for equality among the sexes in all forms. The Women?s movement have fought hard to change this
socially constructed view of our society. Due to this double burden placed on working mothers there is a far greater demand on their bodies and an
increasingly likelihood of illness in many forms as well as psychological trauma such as depression and anxiety due to the constant workload. Females
in the past were argued as having a less likelihood of illness because they were not as abundant in the workforce thus giving them more relaxation time.
When males retire around the age group of 55 to 65 many of them pass away early due to the dramatic change in lifestyle. They go from five days a
week working nine or ten hour days to completely nothing and because they have become so adapted to the working week they change their habits,
their lifestyle differs and they develop sickness and health problems.
As health is seen as a holistic concept we also have to focus on the psychological side of health. Mental illnesses affect around one in every three
people and an individual?s gender is a critical determinant of mental health and mental illness. Women are much more likely to develop mental health
problems then males do. The most predominant of these disorders are depression, anxiety and somatic complaints.
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Speech : Speech About Sex
Thank you so much for selecting me for this award. I couldn't be more grateful for my teacher, Ms. Harris, who has definitely given me the
courage to use my voice to speak on matters that mean a lot to me. I also want to shoutout my fellow peers who have supported me the whole way
through, and have really inspired me to use my voice in a positive way. Now to my intriguing topic. You guys are getting to that age where you are
thinking about stuff that you may have not about before... Okay skip the parent talk. Let's talk about sex. Yes it's an embarrassing topic but I think we
can agree that it's something that needs to be talked about. I was thirteen years old when I had my first non–consensual "sexual"' encounter. And before
you get your panties in a bunch. Stop right there, I am still a virgin. But unfortunately, I have been in a very uncomfortable situation that has
changed my views on anything sexual, especially sex. So let us rewind. I'm with a few of my friends hanging out in front of my house. We tell
stories about our childhood but then it started getting a little chilly out. Fernando gave me his sweater which didn't help. So Alex told me to get into
the back seat of their van to warm up. I get in and im almost instantly feeling better. He gets in as well and begins calling me pretty. That threw me
off. I knew he was a flirt but he'd never been that way with me, especially because he was seventeen. I tell him to stop as he starts moving closer to
me. He try's
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Sex : Sex And Sex Essay
Sex and sex culture has become more casual and easier to discuss over the years. With pre–marital sex becoming more acceptable, there's been an
influx in "hooking up", one night stands, and even rape and sexual assault. Sex was solely meant for procreation circa 1900's but over time sex has
regained its true connotation of being pleasurable but with a stigma. Sex nowadays has become more of a male thing. With society being heavily
satiated in the media, women are now seen as objects. The pleasure in sex is no longer mutual for both men and women, especially in today's hookup
culture. Due to the constant portrayal of women being sex symbols in adverts and television, it's almost unconsciously ingrained in both women and
men's minds that women are meant to pleasure men. This filter on women has drastically altered sex for women and has also made it dangerous to
even be a woman in public. Sex overall has become a male thing due to the media, which has changed the way both men and women see women.
Due to magazines like Maxim, women have become highly objectified. This has caused men to only seek what he wants from a woman, especially
within society's current hookup culture. Magazines and ads have made it easier for people in society to accept masculinity ideology as well. L. Ward
stated, "because traditional [masculinity ideologies] focuses on the power of the male sex drive, on men as sexual agents and imitators and on women
as sexual objects and gatekeepers, then greater
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Morality of Sex Essay
One of the greatest issues that people struggle with is the morality of sex in different situations. Perhaps we worry about it so much because it is such
an intimate and significant event. From a purely biological standpoint, sexual intercourse is the means for what might be considered the most important
biological function of humans – reproduction, the continuation of our species. But, as beings concerned with not only the biological aspects of life but
also with morality, we must ask the question: when is it morally appropriate to engage in sex? Let us throw religion to the wind, for the time being.
Obviously, different religions (and even different sects of a single religion) have wildly varying opinions on when, where, and how sex more
Therefore, let us investigate several logical reasons that suggest sex may be appropriate outside of marriage for a moral human being (Winner 29).
Firstly, what is marriage? The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines traditional marriage as, "the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as
husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law." It seems that the main difference between a marital relationship and
any other (boyfriend/girlfriend) relationship is the addition of a contract under the law. Everything else is the same – a united state where the two
persons have defined roles; where the relationship has been consensually agreed upon. If the law is the only thing separating marriage from any other
relationship, it follows that the law should be the deciding factor as to whether sex should be specifically reserved for marriage – and the law has
nothing to say on that matter. Sex outside of marriage is completely legal. Of course, what is legal is not necessarily what is moral, but it gives us a
good starting point (Merriam–Webster 1). But perhaps marriage is different in other ways. Some may say that marriage is unlike another relationship
because it is much longer lasting. Married couples are devoted to each other for "as long as they both shall
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Sex Without Love Analysis
The poem "Sex Without Love" written by Sharon Olds is a poem about how people who do not love each other still manage to have sex. She
begins with the question many people ask, "How do they do it, the ones who make love without love?", which immediately gets readers intrigued
and to contemplate the question at hand. The author's use of imagery allows the reader to feel like he/she is actually experiencing the
contemplation that Olds is experiencing. Many people argue that sex without love is not morally correct and that it can often give off a negative
reputation for many people. However, some people believe the opposite and think that no prior connection is required to have sex. Sex is a very
interesting topic because it stirs up many different conversations and opinions. According to Sharon Olds poem, people should have meaningful sex
and connections with other humans rather than empty, careless relationships. Most people today prefer having the easy, casual relationship that does
not require the extra work entailed in a loving relationship. Olds is able to use imagery, religion and metaphors to express her dislike towards
loveless sex. The imagery in "Sex Without Love" is strong. In the beginning of the poem she describes the act, "Beautiful as dancers, / gliding over
each other" (Lines 2–3). This phrase sheds a positive light on the act and possibly attracts readers towards this act. It is almost as if Olds longs to
perform this sexless act herself. The idea that this act is "beautiful" is soon abandoned in the lines to follow. Olds says they are "like ice–skaters / over
the ice" (Lines 3–4). This makes a cold image in the reader's mind. This is the first time Olds compared this loveless act to being cold. These dancers
and ice–skaters are no more than performers, trying to complete a task or put on a show. When Olds uses the metaphor of, "faces / red as steak,
wine, wet as the / children at birth whose mothers are going to / give them away" (Lines 5–8). This portrays an image of someone who is giving up the
most important part of childbirth, keeping and loving your child. This relates right back to sex without love because the two partners are not getting the
most important thing out
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Sex and Adolescence Essay
Adolescence is the longest period of development that is characterized by rapid physical growth, reproductive maturity and psychosocial
advancement (Fantasia, 2008). This developmental phase brings sexual intercourse in to consideration for the adolescent. Adolescent sex is the
popular thing to do. In the 1980s and 1990s, adolescents were being taught that sex was a taboo and when married. Since puberty is occurring at a
younger age, marriage is delayed until later in life. A growing number of sexually transmitted diseases occur more frequently in adolescents (Fantasia,
2008). In society today, sex among adolescents is on the rise due to lack of education, lack of parental influence, and peer pressure. In the past,
adolescents more content...
Whereas other adolescents are embarrassed, worried about what their partners will think, and do not want to discuss the topic of STD testing or
using contraception (Cates, 2008). Even parenting styles determine whether or not the adolescent will rebel and have sex (Carlson & Tanner,
2006). Many parents vary in whether or not they will talk to their adolescents about sex and the responsibilities that go along with it. Some parents
may leave the decision up to the adolescent, which may lead to an early pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Adolescents need to develop
socialization skills to learn about sex, talk to their parents about sex and have an understanding of what happens when they start engaging in
sexual activities. Parents play an important role in their adolescent's decision to engage in sex. Peer pressure plays a part in whether or not the
adolescent will have sex. Because many of their peers are already having sex, the adolescent will have sex to fit in with their peers (Cates, 2008).
Some adolescents have the desire for intimacy, so they may have sex so they can experience this desire (Fantasia, 2008). Becoming in charge of
oneself may increase peer influence thus causing early sexual relations (Cates, 2008). Every year, 900,000 females between the ages of 15–19 become
pregnant. Three million adolescents (one in four sexually active teenagers) acquire a sexually
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Sex, Lies And Conversation
Sex, Lies and Conversation: Why Communication is Important
Thanks to Deborah Tannen and her article, we've learned one main of the reasons why men and women clash with each other from time to time is poor
communication. Or rather, they simply do not fully understand the other genders language. As Tannen has stated, this lack of understanding is one of
the main reasons for divorce.
A good relationship is hard to keep together on a good day. It takes a lot of hard work from both sides of the partnership to make it work. You can ask
couples who have been together for a good number of years "How did you do it?", and chances are they said something along the lines of
"We worked things out.". Part of that work is understanding how your boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife talks, more content...
You can be sure that your boyfriend is actually listening to you even though he's not talking back or looking at you, or the "listener–noises" your wife
makes doesn't mean she is impatient with you.
Good communication is not only good for your relationship with someone, but it is also good for your children. Although there are many single
parents that do a phenomenal job in rearing their little ones on their own, having a spouse helps when children are involved and
Graham 2 what's more, being able to communicate properly with your husband or wife, will help build a stable home for your family.
It's important for children to have parents stay, work things out and solve problems together, it builds a stable home for children which is
fundamental to a child's growth. It is a fairly common belief that most children of divorce do not fair as well as children whose parents are still
together, the example that's set forth is a poor one. Most of these children fail in relationships because they were taught at a young age to not make the
effort to learn how the other gender speaks. So communication between the mother and father is crucial to the family structure
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Sex in Movies Essay
Sex in Movies
Has the role of sex gained too much importance in todays movie industry?
The answer to this highly publicized question, although highly depending on personal opinion, is no. The growth of sex in movies is directly related to
the growth of its role in modern society. The movie industry has no choice but to adapt to a society with changing entertainment needs.
The movie industry is just what it says, an industry. An industry that has one goal similar with all other industries, to make money. Compare the movie
industry to other industries in todays society. Other forms of industry like the alcohol industry are allowed to operate without constant criticism from
public figures. I more content...
Sex is not always emotional. Many times it is purely physical contact between two people. Critics should focus more on shifting peoples actions in
real life to more meaningful sex than worry about a realistic portrayal of it on the big screen.
Human nature is perverse. Although the majority of humans contain this perverse side of themselves, some do not have enough self control. The
movie industry is criticized for its portrayal of perverse angles of sex in its films. This is exactly what people want to see though. People are not
interested in watching films that contain acts which they often participate in. The actual experience is more desirable and luring for them. A perverse
angle on sexual relations however provides a chance for the average person to live vicariously through an on screen actor with no guilt.
Blue Velvet is a perfect example of the portrayal of perverse sexual encounters on the big screen. There are three different levels of perverseness and
recovery from this perverseness in this movie. They are portrayed through Jeffery, Dorothy, and Frank.
Jeffery is probably the least perverse of the three characters.
His contact with a dark side of life is completely contained within the scope of this movie. Jefferys curiosity draws him into a lifestyle filled with
darkness and perverseness. He realizes that this life has a hold on him
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All About Sex Essay
Have you ever had sex? How old is acceptable to start having sex? How does your society accept or resent sex? What is sex? What do you call sex?
What is a man's perception on sex, compared to a woman's? I think of sex way different than say my grandparents do. These are just some of the
questions that I think of when I think of the real meaning of sex. How did sex come about in history? "Then God blessed them, and God said to them,
"Be fruitful and multiply..." (The New King James Version Bible, Genesis. 1:28). Sex is dated back before Christ in the Bible. Sex was used simply
to multiply creation and make more of man, not used as fun but still accepted. "The aversion to sex by early Christian leaders extended to marriage
being viewed as more content...
There is sex with toys, where vibrators, dildos, beads, nipple stimulators, anal plugs, anal probes, cock rings, chains, eggs, lubes, massagers, oils,
creams, lotions, exc. are used. There is sense sex, where nothing is actually entered into the body, instead your senses are turned on to their fullest.
I think sex can be any type of intimacy that gets two people aroused and can cause an orgasm. I love the fact that sex has broadened so much, and
so openly, over the years. I like it all. Why can't people just say the word sex? The word sex sounds so dirty and unacceptable to most people, that
they would rather call sex by these other crazy words! It doesn't make any since to me. I have heard it described in many different ways. Many ways I
found in another dictionary such as "banging, boinking, boning, bumbing, bump nasties, bump uglies, shag, fuck, hump, screw, boot knockin', do, get
it on, get laid, get some booty, hit it, lay pipe, make babies, make woopie, make love, poke, poon, put out, tapping ass, the old in–out, twerk
something," (Words, 1–2). and more. I just like to keep it simple, sex, unless I'm in the mood and then I want to "rape" my lover, in a good and sexy
way of course. When do people first have sex now–a–days? I was 14 years old. I do strongly wish that I had waited longer and had sex with someone
different , but I find it very "normal" for our area these days. I went to school with girls that
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Sexuality Paper
Sexuality Project Taylor Tarpey Sociology 345 30 July 2012 In today's society, we as men and women are burdened with a double standard of how
one's sex life is supposed to go. We hear from our friends and family, from churches and neighbors, that sex is something you do with the person
you love and trust, someone who you are going to share the rest of your life with. Sex comes with marriage, and with marriage comes a promise
that you will remain with this one person "'til death do us part." But this is no longer the case, as people all over the world are having sex way before
marriage. We develop attractions to the people we see in school or in the workplace, and we date each other, and in other cases, we "hook up." This is more content...
You do not have to answer anything you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated! Sexuality Survey Created by Taylor
Tarpey This is a survey to develop an idea of the sexual connotations between men and women and the number of sex partners they have had as
well as how both sexes feel about it in today's society. The survey asks a total of 8 questions and each question should be answered as honestly as
possible. This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you do not feel comfortable answering.
Your input is greatly appreciated in the class of Sociology 345: Sociology of Sexuality. Please Circle: I am a:MaleFemale My age is: d Please write a
short response based on your personal feelings, experiences, and opinions. You do not have to answer anything you do not feel comfortable
answering. Your input is greatly appreciated! 1. Have you ever altered the number of sex partners you have had to avoid being judged? Why or
why not? 2. How does it make you feel to hear that men in society today are perceived as "better" or "manly" or "pimps" if they have a high number
of sex partners, and that women are perceived as "sluts" or "whores" or "easy" if they have a high number of sex partners? 3. How do you protect
yourself from these connotations? 4. In your opinion, what does the number of sex partners a man or a woman has mean
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Sex and Gender Essay
Sex and Gender The terms employed most frequently to describe the differences between men and women are 'sex' and 'gender'. Sex refers to the
differing physical attributes of women and men (Lee, Shaw). The categories of sex are male and female. In every society sex differences are given
social meanings. Social identity, which is confessed on the basis of assumed sexual differences, is called "gender" (Lee, Shaw). People are born female
or male, but learn to be girls and boys, who grow into men and women. Males are supposed to be masculine, strong, and macho, while females are
attributed to be feminine, fragile, more content...
Gender differences, in spite of being constructed in complex ways, are not unchangeable. In reality masculinity and femininity are not fixed categories
acquired in childhood but are constantly being tested, challenged and reworked. To this, one could add that most aspects related to gender differences
over time vary and have changed across cultures.
The pressure of gender conformity can be very strongly felt by both girls and boys. In the case of girls, the pressures on some in relation to body
image lead to anorexia and death. In addition, girls are faced with a maze of decisions about whether to be like a girl in this situation, or like a boy in
that situation–and are often damned in either. In the case of boys, the key aspects of dominant masculinity are clearly in evidence in any classroom in
which there are boys. It is based on being strong and rough, on learning to take it, on being first or the best, on disassociating from girls or boys whose
identity does not 'pass the test' of macho maleness, on not showing affection, and on defying authority, especially female authority. All these things
serve to prove acceptable masculinity. Boys create and preserve this masculinity through fear of whatever might be constructed as female, since
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Gender And Sexuality Essay

  • 1. Gender and Sexuality Essay Males and females are classed differently from the moment they are pronounced boy or girl. Gender determines the differences in power and control in which men and women have over the socioeconomic determinants of their health, lives and status in their community. Our society moulds how men and women should and should not behave and can be observed in all parts of our society. As a result of theseGender stereotypes men and women have issues which affect their health which are unique to each gender. Males for example are perceived to be greater risk takers as a whole in our society than that of females. We represent risk taking behavior with masculinity and violence, high speed driving and contact sport with the male gender. (Doyle 2005) more content... Women in the last thirty years or so have fought for equality among the sexes in all forms. The Women?s movement have fought hard to change this socially constructed view of our society. Due to this double burden placed on working mothers there is a far greater demand on their bodies and an increasingly likelihood of illness in many forms as well as psychological trauma such as depression and anxiety due to the constant workload. Females in the past were argued as having a less likelihood of illness because they were not as abundant in the workforce thus giving them more relaxation time. When males retire around the age group of 55 to 65 many of them pass away early due to the dramatic change in lifestyle. They go from five days a week working nine or ten hour days to completely nothing and because they have become so adapted to the working week they change their habits, their lifestyle differs and they develop sickness and health problems. As health is seen as a holistic concept we also have to focus on the psychological side of health. Mental illnesses affect around one in every three people and an individual?s gender is a critical determinant of mental health and mental illness. Women are much more likely to develop mental health problems then males do. The most predominant of these disorders are depression, anxiety and somatic complaints. Get more content on
  • 2. Speech : Speech About Sex Thank you so much for selecting me for this award. I couldn't be more grateful for my teacher, Ms. Harris, who has definitely given me the courage to use my voice to speak on matters that mean a lot to me. I also want to shoutout my fellow peers who have supported me the whole way through, and have really inspired me to use my voice in a positive way. Now to my intriguing topic. You guys are getting to that age where you are thinking about stuff that you may have not about before... Okay skip the parent talk. Let's talk about sex. Yes it's an embarrassing topic but I think we can agree that it's something that needs to be talked about. I was thirteen years old when I had my first non–consensual "sexual"' encounter. And before you get your panties in a bunch. Stop right there, I am still a virgin. But unfortunately, I have been in a very uncomfortable situation that has changed my views on anything sexual, especially sex. So let us rewind. I'm with a few of my friends hanging out in front of my house. We tell stories about our childhood but then it started getting a little chilly out. Fernando gave me his sweater which didn't help. So Alex told me to get into the back seat of their van to warm up. I get in and im almost instantly feeling better. He gets in as well and begins calling me pretty. That threw me off. I knew he was a flirt but he'd never been that way with me, especially because he was seventeen. I tell him to stop as he starts moving closer to me. He try's Get more content on
  • 3. Sex : Sex And Sex Essay Sex and sex culture has become more casual and easier to discuss over the years. With pre–marital sex becoming more acceptable, there's been an influx in "hooking up", one night stands, and even rape and sexual assault. Sex was solely meant for procreation circa 1900's but over time sex has regained its true connotation of being pleasurable but with a stigma. Sex nowadays has become more of a male thing. With society being heavily satiated in the media, women are now seen as objects. The pleasure in sex is no longer mutual for both men and women, especially in today's hookup culture. Due to the constant portrayal of women being sex symbols in adverts and television, it's almost unconsciously ingrained in both women and men's minds that women are meant to pleasure men. This filter on women has drastically altered sex for women and has also made it dangerous to even be a woman in public. Sex overall has become a male thing due to the media, which has changed the way both men and women see women. Due to magazines like Maxim, women have become highly objectified. This has caused men to only seek what he wants from a woman, especially within society's current hookup culture. Magazines and ads have made it easier for people in society to accept masculinity ideology as well. L. Ward stated, "because traditional [masculinity ideologies] focuses on the power of the male sex drive, on men as sexual agents and imitators and on women as sexual objects and gatekeepers, then greater Get more content on
  • 4. Morality of Sex Essay One of the greatest issues that people struggle with is the morality of sex in different situations. Perhaps we worry about it so much because it is such an intimate and significant event. From a purely biological standpoint, sexual intercourse is the means for what might be considered the most important biological function of humans – reproduction, the continuation of our species. But, as beings concerned with not only the biological aspects of life but also with morality, we must ask the question: when is it morally appropriate to engage in sex? Let us throw religion to the wind, for the time being. Obviously, different religions (and even different sects of a single religion) have wildly varying opinions on when, where, and how sex more content... Therefore, let us investigate several logical reasons that suggest sex may be appropriate outside of marriage for a moral human being (Winner 29). Firstly, what is marriage? The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines traditional marriage as, "the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law." It seems that the main difference between a marital relationship and any other (boyfriend/girlfriend) relationship is the addition of a contract under the law. Everything else is the same – a united state where the two persons have defined roles; where the relationship has been consensually agreed upon. If the law is the only thing separating marriage from any other relationship, it follows that the law should be the deciding factor as to whether sex should be specifically reserved for marriage – and the law has nothing to say on that matter. Sex outside of marriage is completely legal. Of course, what is legal is not necessarily what is moral, but it gives us a good starting point (Merriam–Webster 1). But perhaps marriage is different in other ways. Some may say that marriage is unlike another relationship because it is much longer lasting. Married couples are devoted to each other for "as long as they both shall Get more content on
  • 5. Sex Without Love Analysis The poem "Sex Without Love" written by Sharon Olds is a poem about how people who do not love each other still manage to have sex. She begins with the question many people ask, "How do they do it, the ones who make love without love?", which immediately gets readers intrigued and to contemplate the question at hand. The author's use of imagery allows the reader to feel like he/she is actually experiencing the contemplation that Olds is experiencing. Many people argue that sex without love is not morally correct and that it can often give off a negative reputation for many people. However, some people believe the opposite and think that no prior connection is required to have sex. Sex is a very interesting topic because it stirs up many different conversations and opinions. According to Sharon Olds poem, people should have meaningful sex and connections with other humans rather than empty, careless relationships. Most people today prefer having the easy, casual relationship that does not require the extra work entailed in a loving relationship. Olds is able to use imagery, religion and metaphors to express her dislike towards loveless sex. The imagery in "Sex Without Love" is strong. In the beginning of the poem she describes the act, "Beautiful as dancers, / gliding over each other" (Lines 2–3). This phrase sheds a positive light on the act and possibly attracts readers towards this act. It is almost as if Olds longs to perform this sexless act herself. The idea that this act is "beautiful" is soon abandoned in the lines to follow. Olds says they are "like ice–skaters / over the ice" (Lines 3–4). This makes a cold image in the reader's mind. This is the first time Olds compared this loveless act to being cold. These dancers and ice–skaters are no more than performers, trying to complete a task or put on a show. When Olds uses the metaphor of, "faces / red as steak, wine, wet as the / children at birth whose mothers are going to / give them away" (Lines 5–8). This portrays an image of someone who is giving up the most important part of childbirth, keeping and loving your child. This relates right back to sex without love because the two partners are not getting the most important thing out Get more content on
  • 6. Sex and Adolescence Essay Adolescence is the longest period of development that is characterized by rapid physical growth, reproductive maturity and psychosocial advancement (Fantasia, 2008). This developmental phase brings sexual intercourse in to consideration for the adolescent. Adolescent sex is the popular thing to do. In the 1980s and 1990s, adolescents were being taught that sex was a taboo and when married. Since puberty is occurring at a younger age, marriage is delayed until later in life. A growing number of sexually transmitted diseases occur more frequently in adolescents (Fantasia, 2008). In society today, sex among adolescents is on the rise due to lack of education, lack of parental influence, and peer pressure. In the past, adolescents more content... Whereas other adolescents are embarrassed, worried about what their partners will think, and do not want to discuss the topic of STD testing or using contraception (Cates, 2008). Even parenting styles determine whether or not the adolescent will rebel and have sex (Carlson & Tanner, 2006). Many parents vary in whether or not they will talk to their adolescents about sex and the responsibilities that go along with it. Some parents may leave the decision up to the adolescent, which may lead to an early pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Adolescents need to develop socialization skills to learn about sex, talk to their parents about sex and have an understanding of what happens when they start engaging in sexual activities. Parents play an important role in their adolescent's decision to engage in sex. Peer pressure plays a part in whether or not the adolescent will have sex. Because many of their peers are already having sex, the adolescent will have sex to fit in with their peers (Cates, 2008). Some adolescents have the desire for intimacy, so they may have sex so they can experience this desire (Fantasia, 2008). Becoming in charge of oneself may increase peer influence thus causing early sexual relations (Cates, 2008). Every year, 900,000 females between the ages of 15–19 become pregnant. Three million adolescents (one in four sexually active teenagers) acquire a sexually Get more content on
  • 7. Sex, Lies And Conversation Sex, Lies and Conversation: Why Communication is Important Thanks to Deborah Tannen and her article, we've learned one main of the reasons why men and women clash with each other from time to time is poor communication. Or rather, they simply do not fully understand the other genders language. As Tannen has stated, this lack of understanding is one of the main reasons for divorce. A good relationship is hard to keep together on a good day. It takes a lot of hard work from both sides of the partnership to make it work. You can ask couples who have been together for a good number of years "How did you do it?", and chances are they said something along the lines of "We worked things out.". Part of that work is understanding how your boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife talks, more content... You can be sure that your boyfriend is actually listening to you even though he's not talking back or looking at you, or the "listener–noises" your wife makes doesn't mean she is impatient with you. Good communication is not only good for your relationship with someone, but it is also good for your children. Although there are many single parents that do a phenomenal job in rearing their little ones on their own, having a spouse helps when children are involved and Graham 2 what's more, being able to communicate properly with your husband or wife, will help build a stable home for your family. It's important for children to have parents stay, work things out and solve problems together, it builds a stable home for children which is fundamental to a child's growth. It is a fairly common belief that most children of divorce do not fair as well as children whose parents are still together, the example that's set forth is a poor one. Most of these children fail in relationships because they were taught at a young age to not make the effort to learn how the other gender speaks. So communication between the mother and father is crucial to the family structure Get more content on
  • 8. Sex in Movies Essay Sex in Movies Has the role of sex gained too much importance in todays movie industry? The answer to this highly publicized question, although highly depending on personal opinion, is no. The growth of sex in movies is directly related to the growth of its role in modern society. The movie industry has no choice but to adapt to a society with changing entertainment needs. The movie industry is just what it says, an industry. An industry that has one goal similar with all other industries, to make money. Compare the movie industry to other industries in todays society. Other forms of industry like the alcohol industry are allowed to operate without constant criticism from public figures. I more content... Sex is not always emotional. Many times it is purely physical contact between two people. Critics should focus more on shifting peoples actions in real life to more meaningful sex than worry about a realistic portrayal of it on the big screen. Human nature is perverse. Although the majority of humans contain this perverse side of themselves, some do not have enough self control. The movie industry is criticized for its portrayal of perverse angles of sex in its films. This is exactly what people want to see though. People are not interested in watching films that contain acts which they often participate in. The actual experience is more desirable and luring for them. A perverse angle on sexual relations however provides a chance for the average person to live vicariously through an on screen actor with no guilt. Blue Velvet is a perfect example of the portrayal of perverse sexual encounters on the big screen. There are three different levels of perverseness and recovery from this perverseness in this movie. They are portrayed through Jeffery, Dorothy, and Frank. Jeffery is probably the least perverse of the three characters. His contact with a dark side of life is completely contained within the scope of this movie. Jefferys curiosity draws him into a lifestyle filled with darkness and perverseness. He realizes that this life has a hold on him
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  • 10. All About Sex Essay Have you ever had sex? How old is acceptable to start having sex? How does your society accept or resent sex? What is sex? What do you call sex? What is a man's perception on sex, compared to a woman's? I think of sex way different than say my grandparents do. These are just some of the questions that I think of when I think of the real meaning of sex. How did sex come about in history? "Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply..." (The New King James Version Bible, Genesis. 1:28). Sex is dated back before Christ in the Bible. Sex was used simply to multiply creation and make more of man, not used as fun but still accepted. "The aversion to sex by early Christian leaders extended to marriage being viewed as more content... There is sex with toys, where vibrators, dildos, beads, nipple stimulators, anal plugs, anal probes, cock rings, chains, eggs, lubes, massagers, oils, creams, lotions, exc. are used. There is sense sex, where nothing is actually entered into the body, instead your senses are turned on to their fullest. I think sex can be any type of intimacy that gets two people aroused and can cause an orgasm. I love the fact that sex has broadened so much, and so openly, over the years. I like it all. Why can't people just say the word sex? The word sex sounds so dirty and unacceptable to most people, that they would rather call sex by these other crazy words! It doesn't make any since to me. I have heard it described in many different ways. Many ways I found in another dictionary such as "banging, boinking, boning, bumbing, bump nasties, bump uglies, shag, fuck, hump, screw, boot knockin', do, get it on, get laid, get some booty, hit it, lay pipe, make babies, make woopie, make love, poke, poon, put out, tapping ass, the old in–out, twerk something," (Words, 1–2). and more. I just like to keep it simple, sex, unless I'm in the mood and then I want to "rape" my lover, in a good and sexy way of course. When do people first have sex now–a–days? I was 14 years old. I do strongly wish that I had waited longer and had sex with someone different , but I find it very "normal" for our area these days. I went to school with girls that Get more content on
  • 11. Sexuality Paper Sexuality Project Taylor Tarpey Sociology 345 30 July 2012 In today's society, we as men and women are burdened with a double standard of how one's sex life is supposed to go. We hear from our friends and family, from churches and neighbors, that sex is something you do with the person you love and trust, someone who you are going to share the rest of your life with. Sex comes with marriage, and with marriage comes a promise that you will remain with this one person "'til death do us part." But this is no longer the case, as people all over the world are having sex way before marriage. We develop attractions to the people we see in school or in the workplace, and we date each other, and in other cases, we "hook up." This is more content... You do not have to answer anything you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated! Sexuality Survey Created by Taylor Tarpey This is a survey to develop an idea of the sexual connotations between men and women and the number of sex partners they have had as well as how both sexes feel about it in today's society. The survey asks a total of 8 questions and each question should be answered as honestly as possible. This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated in the class of Sociology 345: Sociology of Sexuality. Please Circle: I am a:MaleFemale My age is: d Please write a short response based on your personal feelings, experiences, and opinions. You do not have to answer anything you do not feel comfortable answering. Your input is greatly appreciated! 1. Have you ever altered the number of sex partners you have had to avoid being judged? Why or why not? 2. How does it make you feel to hear that men in society today are perceived as "better" or "manly" or "pimps" if they have a high number of sex partners, and that women are perceived as "sluts" or "whores" or "easy" if they have a high number of sex partners? 3. How do you protect yourself from these connotations? 4. In your opinion, what does the number of sex partners a man or a woman has mean Get more content on
  • 12. Sex and Gender Essay Sex and Gender The terms employed most frequently to describe the differences between men and women are 'sex' and 'gender'. Sex refers to the differing physical attributes of women and men (Lee, Shaw). The categories of sex are male and female. In every society sex differences are given social meanings. Social identity, which is confessed on the basis of assumed sexual differences, is called "gender" (Lee, Shaw). People are born female or male, but learn to be girls and boys, who grow into men and women. Males are supposed to be masculine, strong, and macho, while females are attributed to be feminine, fragile, more content... Gender differences, in spite of being constructed in complex ways, are not unchangeable. In reality masculinity and femininity are not fixed categories acquired in childhood but are constantly being tested, challenged and reworked. To this, one could add that most aspects related to gender differences over time vary and have changed across cultures. The pressure of gender conformity can be very strongly felt by both girls and boys. In the case of girls, the pressures on some in relation to body image lead to anorexia and death. In addition, girls are faced with a maze of decisions about whether to be like a girl in this situation, or like a boy in that situation–and are often damned in either. In the case of boys, the key aspects of dominant masculinity are clearly in evidence in any classroom in which there are boys. It is based on being strong and rough, on learning to take it, on being first or the best, on disassociating from girls or boys whose identity does not 'pass the test' of macho maleness, on not showing affection, and on defying authority, especially female authority. All these things serve to prove acceptable masculinity. Boys create and preserve this masculinity through fear of whatever might be constructed as female, since whatever Get more content on