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          The Business
          of Fun
          Getting into the Flow
          The Fun Way to Engage
          Gaming Gamification
          Global Snapshots

in this
 issue    Technology Trends
          Trending Issues
                         Facts & Figures: We Love to Play.......................................4
                         Getting into the Flow........................................................................8
                         The Fun Way to Engage.............................................................12
                         Gaming Gamification....................................................................22
                         The Promise and the “Fine Print”...................................26
                         Global Snapshots...............................................................................32
                         BBVA & The Gamification........................................................37
                         Innovation Forecast...................................................................... 40
                         In Depth.......................................................................................................44

                           Technology Trends..................................................................48
                           Trending Issues..............................................................................52

                         Gamification & Banking event..........................................59
                         Innovation at BBVA........................................................................60

02   Innovation Edge
“We love to play” Facts & Figures                                                18%   of gamers are under
                                                                                       18 years of age

“Gaming is productive. It produces positive emotion, stronger social
relationship, a sense of accomplishment, and for players who are a
part of a game community, a chance to build a sense of purpose.”
    Jane McGonigal, Institute of the Future (IFTF)

    Director of Game Research & Development
                                                                                       of gamers are between
                                                                                       18 to 49 years old
          Ver video
                                                                                       The average age of a gamer
                                                                                       is 37 years old

                             of senior level executives          72%
                                 take breaks to play
                                 games everyday                  of households
                                                              play computer
                                                                                 29%   of gamers are over
                                                                                       50 years of age

                                                          or video games

                                                                                       58%  of gamers
                                                                                                                    42%    are women
                                                                                              are men

4                                                                                                                   September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 5
                          65% of gamers play
                                                                                       play Puzzle, Trivial, Board
                                                                                        Games and Card Games

                              games socially

    55%                                           play Action, Strategy,
                                                  Sports and Role Playing

    of gamers play
    on mobile devices
                                                                                  play Downloadable Games

                           of gamers say that
                        games is their favorite
                        entertainment activity
                                                                  play Persistent Multi-Player

    19%                                                                             Universe

    of gamers pay                                                  8%
    to play online                                                 Other types

                                                                                                 Sources: Entertainment Software Association |
                                                                                                 2011 Sales, Demographic and Usage Data, 2011
                                                                                                 PSFK l The Future of Gaming, 2011
                                                                                                 Jane McGonigal l Reality is Broken, 2011

6                                                                                                       September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 7
Fun is Found in the Flow

Getting into                      M     ihaly Csikszentmihalyi, one of the leading re-
                                        searcher on the topic of happiness, describes
                                   flow as “being completely involved in an activity for
                                   its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every
                                                                                                    The experience of flow is often described as “a spon-
                                                                                                    taneous joy while performing a task.” In the context
                                                                                                    of sports, athletes sometimes talk about being in the
                                                                                                    zone; “a state where the body and mind are in per-

the Flow
                                   action, movement, and thought follows inevitably                 fect harmony, and movement becomes effortless.”
                                   from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole             Sources: Wired |has shown Go with the flow, 1996
                                   being is involved, and you’re using your skills to     
                                   the utmost.” There are 8 major components com-                   Gartner | Maverick Investigación: Motivation, Momentum and
                                   ponents of flow:                                                 Meaning: How Gamification Can Inspire Engagement. October 2011.

                                   ■■ A challenging activity requiring skill.
                                   ■■ A merging of action and awareness.
                                   ■■ Clear goals.
                                                                                                    Managing the Flow
                                   ■■ Direct, immediate feedback.                                   Research has shown that it normally took years, if not
                                   ■■ Concentration on the task at hand.                            decades, of learning the structure of an activity and
                                   ■■ A sense of control.                                           strengthening the required skills and abilities to ex-
The experience of flow is often    ■■ A loss of self-consciousness.                                 perience flow. Otherwise, it required being immersed
described as “a spontaneous        ■■ An altered sense of time.                                     in a truly spectacular and unusual context. However

joy while performing a task.”
This concept of flow as the        According to Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, people feel best when they
                                   are at the perfect level of their skills: neither underchallenged (boredrom) nor
gateway to happiness is also       overchallenged (anxiety and frustration). And, as people learn with time and
                                   repetition, challenges have to increase to keep up with growing skills.
the basis of video games.          Source: Google Tech Talk I Sebastian Deterding, 2011.

The video game industry
understands flow and has
accumulated much experience,
should we learn from this

experience?                                                                                FLOW



8                                                                                                                                           September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 9
with video games, one can go from zero to flow in 30   ■■   Health. Computer and video games serve as
                                                                                 seconds. The video game industry understands the            useful tools to preserve well-being, heal the in-
                                                                                 concept of flow and has accumulated much experi-            jured and train the professionals who respond
                                                                                 ence and knowledge harnessing the power of flow.            to medical emergencies.
                                                                                 Source: Jane McGonigal | Reality is Broken.
                                                                                                                                        ■■   Social Issues. Nonprofit organizations and
                                                                                                                                             issue advocates now view video games as an
                                                                                 Harnessing the Flow                                         effective medium for communicating ideas and
                                                                                                                                             generating support among young tech-savvy
                                                                                                                                                                                                  As the generation
                                                                                                                                                                                                  who grew up with
                                                                                 By having a shared vision, shared goals, and the            consumers.                                           video games enters
                                                                                 right processes, organizations can tap the power of                                                              and assumes
                                                                                 flow and channel it to drive motivation and change     ■■   Workplace. As the generation that grew up            leadership positions
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in the workplace,
                                                                                 behaviors in group settings; ultimately helping peo-        with video games enters and assumes leader-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  computer and video
                                                                                 ple to become more productive and, perhaps even,            ship positions in the workplace, computer and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  games increasingly
                                                                                 happier.                                                    video games increasingly play a role in busi-        play a role in
                                                                                 Source: Jane McGonigal | Reality is Broken                  ness operations.                                     business operations.
                                                                                                                                             Source: Entertainment Software
                                                                                                                                             Association | Games: Improving What Matters

                                                                                 Flow Everywhere
Early versions of team based ballgames were played; such as Episkyros
                                                                                 In about 40 years, video games have transformed
                                                                                 from a diversion for the few into a mass medium,
                                                                                                                                        Future of Flow
(in Greece) and Harpastum (Rome), which later gave rise to Shrovetide Football
during the Medieval ages (the forerunner to modern day “soccer”).                helping people learn, work, and of course play.        Research has discovered that “superstars” (high
                                                                                 According to the Entertainment Software Associa-       achieving individuals) are found to have spent
                                                                                 tion, video games can be applied to:                   more than 10,000 hours of practice before the
                                                                                                                                        age of twenty in their respective fields; and top
                                                                                 ■■ Family Life.Games in the “family entertainment”     performers (successful, but not superstars) have
                                                                                   category are one of the most popular segments        spent about 8,000 hours.
                                                                                   of the video game market.
                                                                                                                                        Thanks to video games, Digital Natives are expert
                                                                                 ■■ Art.
                                                                                       Galleries now feature game artwork in a          problem solvers and collaborators by the age of
                                                                                   number of exhibits; and entertainment software       21 years (or at least in the virtual world). Typically,
                                                                                   serves as a new medium for emerging artists.         they would have amassed well over 10,000 hours
                                                                                                                                        of experience of resolving issues as a group.
                                                                                 ■■ Economy.  The video game industry is one of the     When they enter into the workforce, they enter as
                                                                                   fastest growing sectors in the U.S. economy, con-    experts in collaborative problem solving. All they
                                                                                   tinuing to provide jobs to state and local econo-    need is flow! v
                                                                                   mies across the nation.                              Source: Jane McGonigal | Reality is Broken

                                                                                 ■■ Education.  Entertainment software helps impart
In Egypt, a early board game played with dice was found as part                    knowledge, develop life skills and reinforce posi-
of a Backgammon set, dating back to 3,100 BC.
                                                                                   tive habits in students of all ages.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                   September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 11
             Gamification is a process of using game
             thinking and mechanics to engage users.

 Fun Way
             This concept can be applied to both
             customer facing applications and employee
             facing applications in the company’s
             business model. Enterprise architects must

 to Engage
             be ready to manage a variety of “player
             types” (achievers, socializers, explorers and
             killers) and deployment scenarios.

12                                                           September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 13
Gamification,                                                                                        Key Findings about                                                      ■■ Novelty and hype are driving the current success
                                                                                                                                                                                of gamification.
What is it?                                                                                          Gamification                                                            ■■ Success  doesn’t come easy. “During four decades

A    s is the case for an emerging concept, defining the
     term “correctly” is both challenging and elusive -
as it depends on who you talk to: platform providers,
                                                                                                     ■■ Gamificationis positioned to become a significant
                                                                                                       trend over the next few years.
                                                                                                                                                                                of video game development, many games have
                                                                                                                                                                                failed despite their developers having the best
game designers, practitioners, industry observers, etc.                                              ■■ Organizationsare increasingly turning to gami-                       Sources: Gartner | Gamification Primer: Life Becomes a Game, enero 2011.
                                                                                                       fication to motivate changed behaviors, and                           Gartner | Maverick Research: Motivation, Momentum and Meaning: How
                                                                                                                                                                             Gamification Can Inspire Engagement, October 2011.
Below, a Google Trends snapshot taken on April 2012                                                    engage internal and external stakeholders.                            Gartner | Innovation Insight: Gamification Adds Fun and Innovation
shows the historical evolution of Gamification as a                                                                                                                          to Inspire Engagement, December 2011
search term. According to Gartner, “gamification has
emerged as a recognizable trend. Rarely does an
emerging trend impact so many areas of business/
                                                                                                     Some formal definitions

                                                                                                                           Researcher and Game Designer
                                                                                                                           “The use of design elements from video games in non-game contexts to
                                                                                                                           make a product, service, or application more fun, engaging, motivating”
                                                                                                                           Source: Sebastian Deterding | Getting “Gamification” Right, January 2011

                                                                                                                           Gamification Platform Provider
                                                                                                                           “When used in a business context, gamification is the process of integrating game dynamics (and
                                                                                                                           game mechanics) into a website, business service, online community, content portal, or marketing
                                    Evolution of the term “Gamification”
                                                                                                                           campaign in order to drive participation and engagement.”
                                              in Google search                                                             Source: Bunchball | Gamification 101: An Introduction to the Use of Game Dynamics to Influence Behavior, October 2010

                                                                                               100                                                      Practitioner (Gamification Industry)
                                                                                                                                                        Gamification is “the process of using game thinking and mechanics to
                                                                                                                                                        engage users.”
                                                                                                                                                        Source: Gabe Zichermann | Gamification: Innovation and the future, 2012


                                                                                                                                                        Industry Observer
            Oct 10         Jan 11         Apr 11           Jul 11   Oct 11   Jan 12   Apr 12                       MENU                                 “Gamification uses game mechanics, such as challenges, rules, chance,
                                                                                                                                                        rewards and levels, to transform daily tasks into playful activities.”
                                                                                                                                                        Source: Gartner | Innovation Insight: Gamification Adds Fun and Innovation to Inspire
                                                                                                                                                        Engagement, December 2011

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                     September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 15
Some examples of gamification                      “Games are the
                                                   New Normal”
                                                   During the Games for Change Festival, an event that                                                  apply gamification by 2015. Gamification is believed to
                                                   facilitates the creation and distribution of social im-                                              innovate key processes which enhance value proposi-
                                   MINT            pact games that serve as critical tools in humanitarian                                              tions and maximize infrastructure efficiency. Whatever
     Mint is a free service which can              and educational efforts, Al Gore said that “The gami-                                                the reason may be, it seems that everyone is express-
     aggregate all financial accounts              fication trend is really, extremely powerful… Games                                                  ing an interest in it, including BBVA.
     into one place. Users can set a               are the new ‘normal’ for hundreds of millions of users
         budget, track goals and more.             every month. It has been very exciting to me to see                                                  Once an obscure search term a short while ago,
                                                   so many ideas that integrate social good and efforts                                                 gamification has now leapt into Gartner’s Hype Cy-
                           Ver video               to make the world a better place into games.”                                                        cle for Emerging Technologies 2011 — directly into
                                                                                                                                                        the Peak of Inflated Expectations. However, Gartner
                                                   The current expectation of Gamification is generating                                                also warns their clients to be patient, as they believe
                                                   tremendous buzz everywhere. Gartner suggests that                                                    that gamification will not reach the Plateau of Pro-
                                                   more than 70% of the global 2000 businesses will                                                     ductivity for another 5 to 10 years.

                                                    Hype Cycle
                        MINDBLOOM                            Less than 2 years               2-5 years            5-10 years              more than 10 years
     Mindbloom is a “Life Game” which
     improves the quality of life of the
     players in a simple and effective way.                                                         Internet TV     Private Cloud computing
                                                                                     Wireless power &                   Augmented Reality
                                                                                      Social Analytics
                           Ver video                                                  Group buying                        Cloud computing & Media tablets

                                                                                Gamification                               Virtual Assistants
                                                                                                                           In-memory Database Management Systems
                                                                                     3D printing
                                                                                                                               Gesture recognition
                                                                           Imagen, recognition...
                                                                                 Mobile robots                                 Communication services
                                                                                   “Big Data”                                   Mesh Networks:                            Speech recognition

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Speech recognition
                                                                                 Social TV                                                                                            Predictive Analytics
                                                                                                                                    Cloud web
                                                                         Video Analytics                                            Platforms                            Mobile Application Stores
                                                                   for customer service
                                    NIKE                        Computer-Brain interface                      Hosted virtual
                                                                                                                                                                  Idea management
                                                                                                                  desktops                                   QR/color code
                                                                   Quantum computing
     Nike + FuelBand tracks users’ pro-                                                                                                                Consumerization
                                                               Human Augmentation
     gress throughout the day, providing                            3D bioprinting
                                                                                                                         Virtual worlds         E-book readers

              real-time feedback visually.

                                                                                Technology                 Peak of       Trough of                               Slope of Enlightenment                       Plateau of
                           Ver video                                              Trigger                  Inflated   Disillusionment                                                                        Productivity
                                                      Source: Gartner

16                                                                                                                                                                                                    September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 17
The Core Issue                                                    motivational design. For businesses, the arguments
                                                                    proposed by game mechanics are stirring up excite-
  of Gamification: a                                                ment as the platform providers are backing up their
                                                                    talk with great early results. Gamification is initially
  Closer Look at Game                                               proving that it’s engaging people.

  Mechanics and                                                     Game Mechanics: Points,
                                                                    Badges and Leaderboards
  Intrinsic Motivation                                              According to a leading gamification platform
                                                                    provider, gamification works because game me-
  The current discussion of gamification hinges on a                chanics help to drive participation, engagement
  lively debate between two sides: one camp focuses                 and loyalty on online properties, site or commu-
  on game mechanics, such as points, badges, leader-                nity. Game mechanics include points, levels, cha-
  boards, and Incentives; and the other camp focuses                llenges, virtual goods, score boards, and gifting
  internal motivation, such as “Game Thinking” and                  & charity. In theory, game mechanics are directly

                                                                  Human desires                                                linked to human desires: reward, status, achieve-      ■■   Meaning. Gamified applications have to con-
                                                                                                                               ment, self-expression, competition, and altruism.           nect to something that is already meaningful to
                                                               Archieve-        Self-
                                  Reward          Status                                     Competition       Altruism                                                                    the user - or to wrap themselves in a story that
                                                                 ment        Expression
                                                                                                                               Although the early results are positive, Gartner            makes them meaningful. “The general lesson
                                                                                                                               warns that gamification is currently driven by              is that to be successful a gamified application
                                                                                                                               novelty and hype. The technology research firm              must provide something that is already mean-
                                                                                                                               suggests that the Plateau of Productivity won’t             ingful to the user in its own right.”
                      Levels                                                                                                   be reached for another 5 to 10 years. Businesses
                                                                                                                               need to figure out how best apply gamification         ■■ Mastery.     The experience of being competent,
                                                                                                                               in their business models. Towards that end, con-            of achieving something... Video games don’t just
Games mechanics

                  Challenges                                                                                                   sidering the inputs from game thinkers or moti-             present goals. They ensure that a structured flow
                                                                                                                               vational designers may be beneficial.                       of nested goals pulls you through, from the long-
                                                                                                                                                                                           term goal (save world, rescue princess), to medi-
                      Goods                                                                                                    Intrinsic Motivation (or Game                               um-term (kill level boss-monster) and short-term
                                                                                                                               Thinking/Motivational Design)                               goals (collect five level coins). Wherever you are in
                      Score                                                                                                    As a counterpoint to all the current game me-               and whenever you return to a good game, there
                     Boards                                                                                                    chanics buzz, Sebastian Deterding (researcher               will always be one next goal that is just within
                                                                                                                               and game designer) offers his take on the whole             reach.”
                  Gifftings &                                                                                                  gamification thing. He advises that to be effective,
                     Charity                                                                                                   gamification projects should include key elements      ■■   Autonomy. A free space to play in and some-
                                                                                                                               from game thinking/design: meaning, mastery,                thing to play with; providing “space” for explora-
                                                                                                                               and autonomy.                                               tion and expression.
                   Primary desire a particular game mechanic fulfills                            Other areas that it affects                                                          Source: Sebastian Deterding | Getting “Gamification” Right

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                           September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 19
Gamification to Work
“Where games traditionally model the real world, or-                    ■■ Goal. “The specific outcome that players will work       ■■ Feedback     system. “The feedback system              goal, the rules, and the feedback. Knowingness esta-
ganizations must now take the opportunity for their                        to achieve. It focuses their attention and continually     tells players how close they are to achie-              blishes common ground for multiple people to play
real world to emulate games… enterprise architects                         orients their participation throughout the game.The        ving the goal… Real-time feedback serves as a           together.”
must be ready to contribute to gamification strategy                       goal provides player with a sense of purpose.”             promise to the players that the goal is achie-          Source: Jane McGonigal | Reality is Broken, 2011

formulation and should try at least one gaming ex-                                                                                    vable, and it provides motivation to keep playing.”
ercise as part of their enterprise context planning                     ■■ Rules. The “limitations on how players can achieve                                                               In addition, understanding player types and de-
efforts this year.”                                                        the goal. By removing or limiting the obvious ways of    ■■ Voluntaryparticipation. “Everyone who is play-       ployment scenarios can help organizations to think
                                                                           getting to the goal, the rules push players to explore     ing the game knowingly and willingly accepts the      strategically about gamification and explore the best
All games, when reduced to their core, have four de-                       previously uncharted possibilities spaces. They un-                                                              application for the company’s business model. v
fining traits:                                                             leash creativity and foster strategic thinking.
                                                                                                                                    Deployment Scenarios
                                                                                                                                    (Brian Burke - Gartner)
Player Types
                                                                                                                                    Gamification designers need to consider the desired results and behaviors
(Richard Bartle - Designing Virtual Worlds)                                                                                         when gamifying Key Processes for the organization.
The Player Types are four terms describing generalized behavior in a Multi-user virtual space:


                                                                                                                                        Fishing boat
                                                                                                                                        Players are motivated to maximize to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Burning Building
                                                                                                                                        produce the highest possible overall                       Players are motivated to maximize the
                                                                                                                                        score to maximize the team production,                     overall outcome and to maximize the im-
                                                                                                                                        effectively creating a larger pie to be                    pact of game play.

     Killers                         Achievers                            Socialites                      Explorers
     DEFINED BY                      DEFINED BY                           DEFINED BY                      DEFINED BY                 Extrinsic                                                                                                     Intrinsic
     A focus on winning,             A focus on attaining                 A focus on socializing          A focus on exploring
     rank, and direct peer-to-       status and achieving                 and drive to develop a          and drive to
                                     preset goals quickly                 network of friends and          discover the
     peer competition.
                                     and/or completely.
                                                                                                                                        Poker game
     ENGAGED BY                                                           contacts.                       unknown.
                                                                                                                                        Players are motivated to maximize their
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Beauty Contest
     Leaderboards, ranks.            ENGAGED BY                           ENGAGED BY                      ENGAGED BY
                                                                                                                                        own score to achieve a greater share of                    Players are motivated to maximize their
                                     Achievements.                        Newsfeeds,                      Obfuscated
                                                                                                                                        the rewards, increasing their personal                     individual results, usually to achieve a
                                                                          friends list, chat.             achievements.
                                                                                                                                        worth, effectively taking a larger share of                higher status.
                                                                                                                                        the pie.

Source:, and                                                                           Competitive
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 21
“Organizations are using gamification internally to recruit,
                                                          train and enhance employee performance. They are using it
                                                          to drive innovation, share knowledge and improve employee
                                                          health. Gamification is also helping organizations engage
                                                          external stakeholders in customer loyalty, marketing,
                                                          education and innovation initiatives. The target audience
                                                          of gamification can be any defined group of stakeholders
                                                          (customers, employees or the Web collective).”

                                                          Source: Brian Burke, Gartner | Gamification Primer: Life Becomes a Game

                                                          We have some interesting data:

                                                                                 1. Business Application
                                                                              Gamification helps companies to:

                                                                                Increase User Engagement

        Gamification is a hot topic today and
                                                                                  Increase Brand Loyalty
        everyone wants to play. Playing this game to
        win requires the right strategies, tactics, and
                                                                                Increase Brand Awareness
        moves. Currently, organizations are gaming
        gamification to understand the possible
        advantages, while avoiding potential pitfall
        along the way. Can our hero make it to the
                                                                                      Employee Training
        next level?
                                                          Source: M2 Research                  7%

22                                                                                                                                  September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 23
2. Gamification Platform client
Industry Breakdown
The early adopters of gamification come mostly
from entertainment and publishing industries, repre-
senting 60% of all companies. Financial companies
represented 6% of early adopters.

Gamification offers significant innovation opportuni-
ties for financial companies, especially for employee                                         4. Potential Market
facing applications. The breakdown of other indus-                                            Spending on gamification is projected to grow from
tries are presented below:                                                                    $100 million in 2011 to $2.8 billion dollars in 2016:

      Entertainment 42%                                                                       2.000.000                                                     $ 1,600,000

      Publishers 18%                                    3. Growth of Gamification             1.500.000
      Consumer Goods 15%                                                                                                                 $ 860,000
      Healthcare/Wellness 10%                                                                                           $ 434,000

      Financial 6%                                                                              500.000    $ 196,000

      Retail 5%
                                                                                                          2012              2013             2014                   2015
      Education 3%
      Telecom 1%

Source: M2 Research

                                                              growth                growth
                                                              in 2011               in 2012

                                                           155%                     197%
24                                                                                                                                                  September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 25
      and the “Fine Print”
                                                   G    amification, despite its name, is a se-
                                                        rious business opportunity and risk.
                                                   It may be the “secret sauce” to unlocking
                                                   value for the organization. Given that we
                                                   are early stages of this trend, it makes
                                                                                                  sense that there are a lot of positive
                                                                                                  news being generated at this moment
                                                                                                  and there aren’t a whole lot of negative
                                                                                                  stuff. Let’s take a look at the opportunities
                                                                                                  and challenges of gamification.

            When done “right”, gamification can    To help clarify Gamification and to best apply it, CIBBVA
                                                   is thinking in business models. We are going to use the
            offer new ways of engaging an eager    Business Model Canvas to better understand the business
            user base; and when done “wrong”,      implications of gamification. For readers who may not be
                                                   familiar with the Business Model Canvas, a brief back-
            it can estrange them. It’s the next    grounder is provided.
            “big thing” but each organization
                                                   “A business model describes the
            needs to explore the opportunities
                                                   rationale of how an organization
            and risks associated with it. But      creates, delivers, and captures value.”
            be warned… read the fine print:
                                                   A business model can be best described
            “gamification is currently driven by   through nine basic building blocks
            novelty and hype” and filled with      that show the logic of how a company
            potential pitfalls.                    intends to make money. The business
                                                   model is like a blueprint for a strategy to
                                                   be implemented through organizational
                                                   structures, processes, and systems.

26                                                                                                                                          September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 27
Based on early experiences and “guru talk,” it seems
clear that gamification presents opportunities for
both sides of company’s business model: both value
(the customer facing business units) and efficiency
(the employee/partner facing business units). More
exploration is needed to test its usefulness in specific
areas of business models, such as customer relation-
ships, channels, key activities, key partners, etc.
                                                               Key Partnerships       Key Activities                 Value Propositions                 Customer              Customer Segments
Though a “wait and see” strategy to assessing busi-
ness opportunities seems prudent, it is evident that
                                                                                                                                                        Gamification offers
                                                                                                            BUNDLING AS A VP.
gamification offers an immediate opportunity to
                                                               NEW PRODUCTS AND                                                                         customers personalized,
                                                                                                            Gamification is “bundled”
showcase BBVA’s innovation power (if done correctly).
                                                               SERVICES designed by “game                                                               automated, self-service
                                                               thinking.”Gamification can                   to existing products/                       relationships, with a
                                                               become the process for                       services to enhance                         high component of co-
Business Risks                                                 building a comprehensive new                 the value proposition                       creation and community.
There are some concerns related to gamification.               digital services platform.                   to customers.
Gartner advises clients that current gamification
                                                                                                               BRANDING AS A VP.                        Channels
                                                                                                                                                                          Gen X and Gen Y
applications is “motivated by the novelty of gami-
                                                                                            Key Resources                                                                customers. These CSs
fication. This will wear off as user fatigue sets in                                                          Good gamification
                                                                                                                                                                         are already familiar
an the sustainability of engagement becomes an                                                                deployments can
                                                                                                                                                                         with game dynamics
issue.” Gamification from a business point of view                                                            increase the value of
                                                              Surveys suggest                                                                                            and mechanics.
has some perceived risks, as it is almost impossi-
                                                                                                              a company’s brand.
ble to separate the wheat from the chaff. However             low employee                                                                                               Gamification may help
there are some significant threats that should be             engagement.                                               Gamification, when                               to attract and engage
                                                              Gamification can                                          “right,” can increase                            new customers.
                                                              make work “fun.”                                          “stickiness” at almos
                                                                                                                        every channel phase.
■■ Totally green (as in not mature). “Both in success-

     ful models to emulate and in a shortage of people
     who understand game design. Game design ex-
     perience has not intersected with typical business              Cost Structure                                                   Revenue Streams
     functions, not even IT”.

■■ Blockbuster         game don’t happen that often, and
     probably less with gamification. “Trying to add fun
     to an activity that has another purpose is more
     difficult still. One fact that does seem clear is that

28                                                                                                                                                                                    September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 29
simply adding points, badges and leader boards is
     not going to make engaging with an organization
     more fun”.

■■ No “one size fits all” with gamification. Different

     people play different games for different reasons.
     “While gamifying some activity may engage part
     of the stakeholders, it is not likely to appeal to all

■■ Does     it make sense for us? “In many corporate
     environments, the very notion of building ‘fun’ into
                                                                Key Partnerships       Key Activities          Value Propositions                 Customer              Customer Segments
     any activity will be a nonstarter. The idea of ‘fun’ can
     seem very trivializing/superficial/no what grown-
     ups do. Selling gamification in these organizations
                                                                                                                                                   Companies risk taking
     will be very difficult”.
                                                                  Gamification is more of a                                                        customers on unnecessary
                                                                  process than a product.                                                          journeys, distracting them
■■ Unexpected      consequences. “Turning an acti-
                                                                  User engagement must be                                                          from the main purpose
     vity in a game invites players to try to ‘game the
                                                                  built in at the product/                                                         of giving them what
     system’ and may result in unintended conse-
     quences”.                                                    service development level.                                                       they actually want.

More time is needed to better identify the risks
associated with gamification. As the technology                                                                                                   Channels
                                                                                             Key Resources
enters Trough of Disillusionment in Gartner’s Hype
Cycle, the negative version of the fairytale will
                                                                                                                                 ? Data
                                                                                                             Who owns the data
soon materialize and begin to dominate as some
                                                                    Trial and Error is                                             ility
companies will painfully learn that all that glitters
                                                                    part of the learning                                        sed and for
isn’t gold. The golden child might look more like a
                                                                                                             needs to be addres
                                                                    curve. Don’t put on                                            mpanies,
whipping boy. v
                                                                                                             financial services co
                                                                    the ROI hat …                                                 t.
                                                                                                             this may be difficul

                                                                      Cost Structure                                            Revenue Streams

30                                                                                                                                                                               September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 31
Around the world, companies
 and organizations are seriously
 experimenting with gamification.
 Whether playing a lottery with the
 speed limit or learning about real
 estate investments, gamification
 projects are capturing the
 imagination of people.

                             Snapshots    September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 33
Volkswagen (Fun Theory)
                 C ustom                              Speed Camera Lottery “Can we get more people
                    Facin ion
                                                      to obey the speed limit by making it fun to do? (The
                         at                           idea) was so good that Volkswagen, together with
                 Gamific ts                           The Swedish National Society for Road Safety, ac-                                                                SAP
                    Proje                             tually made this innovative idea a reality in Stock-                                                             Sustainability Quiz The idea was to make beha-
                                                      holm, Sweden. The average speed of cars passing                                                                  vioral change fun and inform employees about the
                                                      the camera dropped from 32km/h before the experi-                                                                success of SAP’s sustainability efforts and what steps
                                                      ment to 25km/h after.” (Wired).
                                                                                                                                             oyee                      they can take themselves. In less than a month over
                                                                                                                                        Empl g                         one thousand colleagues played the game, many of
                                                                                                                                          Facin ion
                                                      Ver video
Microsoft                                                                                                                                                              them repeatedly.
RibbonHero is an application that encourages MS       Walking up the Piano Stairs “Can we get more peo-
Office users to learn more about the different fea-   ple to take the stairs over the escalator by making it                                                           SAP Community Networks (SCN) “The SCN is
tures by watching videos and taking short exams.      fun to do?” The project led to an increase of 66% in                                                             also a good example to introduce you to a couple
                                                      the use of the piano stairs.                                                                                     of game mechanics. Points (as “points points”, but
Codeacademy                                           Ver video                                                                                                        also views of your articles/blogs), leaderboards (list
Codecademy is a web-based, interactive platform,                                                                                                                       of top contributors, but also exposure of you arti-
where players can learn to code and are rewarded      Recycling is Fun At Bottle Bank Arcade recycling                                                                 cle on the main SDN page), status (mentor badge,
with points and badges. The players get encouraging   was turned into a fun activity.                          Siemens                                                 gold/silver/bronze medal), social interaction (dis-
real-time feedback on progress bars and can connect   Ver video                                                A visual, FarmVille-style game that allows players to   cussions, meetups).”
with their friends and compete against them.                                                                   learn the connections of each part of the plant and
                                                                                                               manufacturing process.                                  Deloitte
                                                                                                               Ver video                                               “Consulting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd.,
                                                                                                                                                                       are incorporating elements of videogames into the
                                                                                                               IBM                                                     workplace. They’re deploying reward and competi-
                                   ing                                                                         INNOV8, the IBM Business Process Management             tive tactics commonly found in the gaming world
                          m er Fac .                  Barclays
                     Custo ification
                                                                                                               (BPM) simulation game, gives both IT and business       to make tasks such as management training, data
                                                      56 Sage Street. A portal to help teach about mo-         players a better understanding of how effective BPM     entry and brainstorming seem less like work.”
                       Gam cts in                     ney, finance, and banking in an enjoyable way.           impacts an entire business ecosystem.
                         Proje ial                                                                                                                                     Salesforce
                          Finan es                    Bank of America                                          Google                                                  Salesforce Motivation motivates professionals us-
                           Servi                      Bad Credit Hotel (in collaboration for the US De-
                                                      partment of Treasury). Learn about debt manage-
                                                                                                               Google employees get a per diem amount for busi-
                                                                                                               ness trips depending on the destinations. If they
                                                                                                                                                                       ing proven techniques that sales managers have
                                                                                                                                                                       always used: team competitions, leaderboards, and
                                                      ment, credit history, and credit scores.                 are above the limit, they submit the receipt and get    rewards. But instead of tracking and managing those
                                                                                                               reimbursed. If they are below the per diem, they        programs manually, companies can use cloud-based
                                                      Commonwealth Bank                                        can use it to save it towards another business trips    applications to “automate” tasks so that the team
                                                      Investorville is a virtual world where one can try       (which would have had no budget) or upgrade 1st         stays focused on the activities and rewards that are
                                                      his/her luck at investing in rental property without     class. Compliance with the process has shot up to       critical.
                                                      the risk of buying one.                                  over 90%.

34                                                                                                                                                                                                 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 35
BBVA & the
 Platform Providers

 For organizations who are considering off the shelf      Cynergy
 solutions, platform providers are offering turnkey so-   According to Cynergy, “We make incredible experi-
 lutions for gamification. Below, we present some of      ences happen—no easy task. Great design is criti-
 the leading vendors:                                     cal, but incredible experiences are much more than
                                                          just pixels—they require the artful merging of expert
 Bunchball                                                strategy, design excellence and cutting-edge tech-
 Bunchball offers the Nitro gamification platform, and    nology, delivered by a single, integrated team. That’s
 its analytics solution, to create customized, action-    our formula—that’s how we make incredible experi-
 able and scalable user experiences for consumers,        ences happen.”
                                                                                                                   With BBVA Game we have
 employees and partners. Nitro is a scalable and                                                                   launched an important Beta
 reliable gamification platform, managing over 125        IActionable
 million users and tracking over 15 Billion actions to    IActionable is a web based (SaaS) gamification           project, wich we want to create
 date. Founded in 2005, Bunchball’s investors include     software platform that applies game mechanics            an space of interaction with our
 Granite Ventures, Triangle Peak Partners, Northport      to non-game applications. IActionable can be used
 Investments, Correlation Ventures, and Adobe Sys-        to change user interface and user experience and         on line clients.
 tems Incorporated.                                       drive behavior in the form of participation and en-
                                                          gagement. v
 Founded in 2010, Badgeville draws on techniques
 from social gaming, traditional loyalty programs and     Other notable
 social networking in its suite of Behavior Lifecycle     companies
 Management solutions. Built on database techno-
 logy, Badgeville’s PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) is de-
 signed to connect user reputation across all of your     ■■ Bigdoor

 digital touch points. Badgeville is funded by Norwest    ■■ Crowd  Twist
 Venture Partners, El Dorado Ventures, Trinity Ven-       ■■ Get Glue
 tures and the Webb Investment Network.                   ■■ Playgen

                                                          ■■ SCVNGR

 Crowdtap is the Influencer Marketing platform, ena-
 bling leading brands to easily identify, activate and
 manage their influential consumers for real-time
 insights and powerful online and offline peer-to-peer
 marketing. Crowdtap intends to shift marketing to
 a fully collaborative and participatory process be-
 tween brands and consumers.

36                                                                                                                                                    September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 37
“Companies around the world                            W     e understand that to generate a fun dialog
                                                                  with our clients is a challenge. Most online us-
                                                                                                                          What we do know is that we can use gamification to
                                                                                                                          get know know our customers better, to get closer
                       are leveraging game mechanics        ers access our site to check positions and perform            to them in an refreshing way, to educate them, to be
                       to engage customers, and             transactions. Without a doubt, it’s quite a challenge         “sticky,” and, of course, we can apply this model in
                                                                                                                          all countries in which we have presence. Like BBVA,
                       financial services companies are     BBVA Game, a gamification platform, has incorpo-              the concept of gamification is universal.
                       no exception. This trend is called   rated game dynamics as a way to provide additional
                                                            value for online banking customers. We put together           All the team members in various teams who par-
                       gamification, and while it being
                                                            our best value proposition, loyalty programs, and             ticipated in bringing BBVA Game to life (Marketing
                       used in many different ways,         game dynamics which offer the most fun. We wanted             and Innovation & Technology) shared one thing in
                       the sweet spot is in engaging        to work in teams to create a game that educates our           common: We had fun. And that is a good sign. v
                                                            clients, offers stickiness to our clients, and offer cross-
                       customers. As an early adopter       selling and upselling opportunities for our business.
                       of gamification in the financial     We will not really know the final results until we learn      Bernardo Crespo,
                       services industry, BBVA joins        from our customers; any other pretense would be               Head of Digital Marketing and Marketing Lab,
                                                            rather arrogant.                                              BBVA Spain and Portugal.
                       a small group of innovators
                       that are turning customers
                       into players and banking into
                       a game. The BBVA Game is a
                       leading edge example of using
                       gamification to both engage
                       customers in a fun way while
                       architecting the customer
                       journey. Gamification is a win-win
                       for BBVA and its customers.”

         Brian Burke

38                                                                                                                                                   September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 39
                                                                                           Gamification Tips
                                                                                           from the Pros

The early results are in. Bunchball, a pure gamification platform provider, see            Sebastian Deterding                          ■■ Prototype, Playtest, and Iterate.         The      Sources: Sebastian
                                                                                                                                                                                              Deterding. Getting Gamifi-
their customers enjoy the benefits value creation aspects of gamification:                 Game designer                                     core of game design is to build a func-
                                                                                                                                                                                              cation Right, January 2011
                                                                                           “The most important thing to keep in              tional prototype of the rule system as           | Sebastian Deterding
■■ An   increase of 2x page view.             Though the results display initial deploy-   mind here is that any good design —               early as possible to test whether it is          Don’t Play Games with
                                                                                                                                                                                              Me! Pitfalls of Gameful
■■ Page    view per visit increased 60%.      ments numbers, it’s clear what should        game or software — hinges on good                 any fun, tweak it based on the test re-          Design, May 2011
■■ Unique visitors increased 30%.             be done with gamification for the short-     designers and design process, not on              sults, test it again, etc., to iterate your
■■ Increase of 100% on time on site.          term future: Just Play! See how gamifica-    features.”                                        way toward something that is fun and
■■ An increase of 2x repeat monthly visits.   tion can create or capture value for the                                                       engaging.
■■ 400% ROI (with payback time of as          organization.                                ■■ Know  your users. What motivates
   little as 3 months).                                                                      them? What is meaningful to them?          ■■   Bring in the Data. Quantitative
                                              To wrap things up, we leave you with           What keeps them from following                  analytics will tell you whether your
                                              some “Gamification Tips from the Pros,”        through on their intentions? What               point systems don’t have loopholes
                                              hoping that they may help you better           kind of games to they like? What kind           or exploits, or whether you balanced
                                              understand this key topic and, perhaps,        of community do they prefer? Without            the difficulty of the goals and mis-
                                              even help spark some new innovations           user research to figure these things            sions you present to the players.
                                              in the organization.                           out, you will miss your target audience.
                                                                                                                                        “Reality ultimately is much more messy,
                                                                                           ■■ Read the Rules.  Goals and rules create   complex, random, unfair and beyond
                                                                                             interesting challenges, even can create    our control than games.”

40                                                                                                                                                                                    September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 41
Brian Burke, Gartner                           Gabe Zichermann                                views by over 130% and
                                                          Technology analyst                             Gamification expert                            return visits by 40%.
                                                          “The goal is to inspire deeper, more en-       “The initial findings from gamification        The resulting rise in
                                                          gaged relationships and to motivate            specialists are nothing short of astonish-     engagement has gener-
                                                          changed behaviors. Many organizations          ing. Regardless of your business model,        ated substantial revenue
                                                          report significantly higher engagement         the following seven gamified innovations       for the company, bringing
                                                          with gamification. But risks abound, and       should inspire you to strategize via game      registered user counts from
                                                          organizations should consider their de-        analysis.”                                     400,000 to nearly 3 million since
                                                          ployment strategies carefully.                                                                the launch of the gamified version.
                                                                                                         ■■ Make  a market (Foursquare) Four-
                                                          ■■ Gamificationis a business issue that          square proved that location-based          ■■ Make   research & evangelism count
                                                            is enabled by technology — business            networking wasn’t doomed to fail, that       (Crowdtap). Through the use of gami-
                                                            managers must take the lead in dri-            simple game mechanics can affect             fied, virtual rewards, the company has
                                                            ving gamification efforts.                     behavior, and that you can engage 10         been able to raise average user par-
                                                                                                           million customers — all while raising        ticipation by 2.5 times, thus reducing
                                                          ■■ The  application of gamification is very      $50 million.                                 research costs by 80% or more for key
                                                            diverse. Focusing on specific goals is                                                      clients.
                                                            critical to success.                         ■■ Get fit (NextJump).
                                                                                                                              By leveraging the
                                                                                                           power of gamification, 70% of Next-        ■■ Save  the planet (RecycleBank).
                                                          ■■ Avoid   the herd mentality — don’t imple-     Jump employees exercise regularly —          RecycleBank utilized game mecha-
                                                            ment a copycat application. Most cur-          enough to save the company millions          nics such as points, challenges and
                                                            rent gamified applications are doomed          in work attendance and insurance             rewards to drive breakthroughs. The
                                                            to fail.                                       costs over the medium term — all the         project has seen a 16% increase in re-
                                                                                                           while making the workplace healthier         cycling in Philadelphia, where the recy-
                                                          ■■ Design gamified applications that co-         and happier.                                 cling rate has broken 20% for the first
                                                            rrectly position motivation, momen-                                                         time in history.
                                                            tum and meaning (M3) to inspire en-          ■■ Slow down and smell the money
                                                            gagement with the audience.                    (Volkswagen - Fun Theory). Speed           ■■ Make  teaching fun (Ananth Pai)
                                                                                                           Camera Lottery idea rewards those            grouped students by learning style,
                                                          ■■ Exploitthis trend today if you work in        drivers who obey the posted limit by         and retooled the curriculum to make
                                                            an organization that is willing to take        entering them into a lottery. When test-     use of off-the-shelf games to teach
                                                            risks. But remember that careful plan-         ed at a checkpoint in Stockholm, aver-       reading, math and other subjects. In
Sources: Gartner | Gamification Primer: Life Becomes a      ning and improvement through itera-            age driver speed was reduced by 20%.         the space of 18 weeks, Mr. Pai’s class
Game, January 2011
                                                            tion are central to every successful im-                                                    went from below third grade average           Source: Gabe Zicher-
Gartner | Maverick Research: Motivation, Momentum and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      mann | Mashable - 7 Win-
Meaning: How Gamification Can Inspire Engagement,           plementation of gamification.                ■■ Generate ad revenues (Psych & NBC/          reading and math levels to mid-fourth
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ning Examples of Game
October 2011                                                                                               Universal). Club Psych implemented           grade. v                                      Mechanics in Action
Gartner | Innovation Insight: Gamification Adds Fun and
Innovation to Inspire Engagement, December 2011                                                            gamified incentives to raise page

42                                                                                                                                                                                            September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 43
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Gamification cibbva

  • 1. SEPTEMBER 2012 3 Gamification The Business of Fun Getting into the Flow The Fun Way to Engage Gaming Gamification Global Snapshots also in this issue Technology Trends Trending Issues
  • 2. contents Facts & Figures: We Love to Play.......................................4 Getting into the Flow........................................................................8 The Fun Way to Engage.............................................................12 Gaming Gamification....................................................................22 The Promise and the “Fine Print”...................................26 Global Snapshots...............................................................................32 BBVA & The Gamification........................................................37 Innovation Forecast...................................................................... 40 In Depth.......................................................................................................44 Sections........................................................................................................48 Technology Trends..................................................................48 Trending Issues..............................................................................52 Gamification & Banking event..........................................59 Innovation at BBVA........................................................................60 Credits............................................................................................................62 02 Innovation Edge
  • 3. “We love to play” Facts & Figures 18% of gamers are under 18 years of age “Gaming is productive. It produces positive emotion, stronger social relationship, a sense of accomplishment, and for players who are a part of a game community, a chance to build a sense of purpose.” Jane McGonigal, Institute of the Future (IFTF) 53% Director of Game Research & Development of gamers are between 18 to 49 years old Ver video The average age of a gamer is 37 years old 70% of senior level executives 72% take breaks to play games everyday of households play computer 29% of gamers are over 50 years of age or video games 58% of gamers 42% are women are men 4 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 5
  • 4. 47% 65% of gamers play play Puzzle, Trivial, Board Games and Card Games 21% games socially 55% play Action, Strategy, Sports and Role Playing of gamers play on mobile devices 13% play Downloadable Games 33% 11% of gamers say that games is their favorite entertainment activity play Persistent Multi-Player 19% Universe of gamers pay 8% to play online Other types Sources: Entertainment Software Association | 2011 Sales, Demographic and Usage Data, 2011 PSFK l The Future of Gaming, 2011 Jane McGonigal l Reality is Broken, 2011 6 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 7
  • 5. Fun is Found in the Flow Getting into M ihaly Csikszentmihalyi, one of the leading re- searcher on the topic of happiness, describes flow as “being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every The experience of flow is often described as “a spon- taneous joy while performing a task.” In the context of sports, athletes sometimes talk about being in the zone; “a state where the body and mind are in per- the Flow action, movement, and thought follows inevitably fect harmony, and movement becomes effortless.” from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole Sources: Wired |has shown Go with the flow, 1996 being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost.” There are 8 major components com- Gartner | Maverick Investigación: Motivation, Momentum and ponents of flow: Meaning: How Gamification Can Inspire Engagement. October 2011. ■■ A challenging activity requiring skill. ■■ A merging of action and awareness. ■■ Clear goals. Managing the Flow ■■ Direct, immediate feedback. Research has shown that it normally took years, if not ■■ Concentration on the task at hand. decades, of learning the structure of an activity and ■■ A sense of control. strengthening the required skills and abilities to ex- The experience of flow is often ■■ A loss of self-consciousness. perience flow. Otherwise, it required being immersed described as “a spontaneous ■■ An altered sense of time. in a truly spectacular and unusual context. However joy while performing a task.” This concept of flow as the According to Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, people feel best when they are at the perfect level of their skills: neither underchallenged (boredrom) nor gateway to happiness is also overchallenged (anxiety and frustration). And, as people learn with time and repetition, challenges have to increase to keep up with growing skills. the basis of video games. Source: Google Tech Talk I Sebastian Deterding, 2011. The video game industry understands flow and has accumulated much experience, should we learn from this ANXIETY Difficulty experience? FLOW BOREDOM Skill/Time 8 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 9
  • 6. with video games, one can go from zero to flow in 30 ■■ Health. Computer and video games serve as seconds. The video game industry understands the useful tools to preserve well-being, heal the in- concept of flow and has accumulated much experi- jured and train the professionals who respond ence and knowledge harnessing the power of flow. to medical emergencies. Source: Jane McGonigal | Reality is Broken. ■■ Social Issues. Nonprofit organizations and issue advocates now view video games as an Harnessing the Flow effective medium for communicating ideas and generating support among young tech-savvy As the generation who grew up with By having a shared vision, shared goals, and the consumers. video games enters right processes, organizations can tap the power of and assumes flow and channel it to drive motivation and change ■■ Workplace. As the generation that grew up leadership positions in the workplace, behaviors in group settings; ultimately helping peo- with video games enters and assumes leader- computer and video ple to become more productive and, perhaps even, ship positions in the workplace, computer and games increasingly happier. video games increasingly play a role in busi- play a role in Source: Jane McGonigal | Reality is Broken ness operations. business operations. Source: Entertainment Software Association | Games: Improving What Matters Flow Everywhere Early versions of team based ballgames were played; such as Episkyros In about 40 years, video games have transformed from a diversion for the few into a mass medium, Future of Flow (in Greece) and Harpastum (Rome), which later gave rise to Shrovetide Football during the Medieval ages (the forerunner to modern day “soccer”). helping people learn, work, and of course play. Research has discovered that “superstars” (high According to the Entertainment Software Associa- achieving individuals) are found to have spent tion, video games can be applied to: more than 10,000 hours of practice before the age of twenty in their respective fields; and top ■■ Family Life.Games in the “family entertainment” performers (successful, but not superstars) have category are one of the most popular segments spent about 8,000 hours. of the video game market. Thanks to video games, Digital Natives are expert ■■ Art. Galleries now feature game artwork in a problem solvers and collaborators by the age of number of exhibits; and entertainment software 21 years (or at least in the virtual world). Typically, serves as a new medium for emerging artists. they would have amassed well over 10,000 hours of experience of resolving issues as a group. ■■ Economy. The video game industry is one of the When they enter into the workforce, they enter as fastest growing sectors in the U.S. economy, con- experts in collaborative problem solving. All they tinuing to provide jobs to state and local econo- need is flow! v mies across the nation. Source: Jane McGonigal | Reality is Broken ■■ Education. Entertainment software helps impart In Egypt, a early board game played with dice was found as part knowledge, develop life skills and reinforce posi- of a Backgammon set, dating back to 3,100 BC. tive habits in students of all ages. 10 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 11
  • 7. The Gamification is a process of using game thinking and mechanics to engage users. Fun Way This concept can be applied to both customer facing applications and employee facing applications in the company’s business model. Enterprise architects must to Engage be ready to manage a variety of “player types” (achievers, socializers, explorers and killers) and deployment scenarios. 12 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 13
  • 8. Gamification, Key Findings about ■■ Novelty and hype are driving the current success of gamification. What is it? Gamification ■■ Success doesn’t come easy. “During four decades A s is the case for an emerging concept, defining the term “correctly” is both challenging and elusive - as it depends on who you talk to: platform providers, ■■ Gamificationis positioned to become a significant trend over the next few years. of video game development, many games have failed despite their developers having the best intentions”. game designers, practitioners, industry observers, etc. ■■ Organizationsare increasingly turning to gami- Sources: Gartner | Gamification Primer: Life Becomes a Game, enero 2011. fication to motivate changed behaviors, and Gartner | Maverick Research: Motivation, Momentum and Meaning: How Gamification Can Inspire Engagement, October 2011. Below, a Google Trends snapshot taken on April 2012 engage internal and external stakeholders. Gartner | Innovation Insight: Gamification Adds Fun and Innovation shows the historical evolution of Gamification as a to Inspire Engagement, December 2011 search term. According to Gartner, “gamification has emerged as a recognizable trend. Rarely does an emerging trend impact so many areas of business/ Some formal definitions society.” Researcher and Game Designer “The use of design elements from video games in non-game contexts to make a product, service, or application more fun, engaging, motivating” Source: Sebastian Deterding | Getting “Gamification” Right, January 2011 Gamification Platform Provider “When used in a business context, gamification is the process of integrating game dynamics (and game mechanics) into a website, business service, online community, content portal, or marketing Evolution of the term “Gamification” campaign in order to drive participation and engagement.” in Google search Source: Bunchball | Gamification 101: An Introduction to the Use of Game Dynamics to Influence Behavior, October 2010 100 Practitioner (Gamification Industry) Gamification is “the process of using game thinking and mechanics to 80 engage users.” 60 Source: Gabe Zichermann | Gamification: Innovation and the future, 2012 40 20 0 Industry Observer Oct 10 Jan 11 Apr 11 Jul 11 Oct 11 Jan 12 Apr 12 MENU “Gamification uses game mechanics, such as challenges, rules, chance, rewards and levels, to transform daily tasks into playful activities.” Source: Gartner | Innovation Insight: Gamification Adds Fun and Innovation to Inspire Engagement, December 2011 14 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 15
  • 9. Some examples of gamification “Games are the New Normal” During the Games for Change Festival, an event that apply gamification by 2015. Gamification is believed to facilitates the creation and distribution of social im- innovate key processes which enhance value proposi- MINT pact games that serve as critical tools in humanitarian tions and maximize infrastructure efficiency. Whatever Mint is a free service which can and educational efforts, Al Gore said that “The gami- the reason may be, it seems that everyone is express- aggregate all financial accounts fication trend is really, extremely powerful… Games ing an interest in it, including BBVA. into one place. Users can set a are the new ‘normal’ for hundreds of millions of users budget, track goals and more. every month. It has been very exciting to me to see Once an obscure search term a short while ago, so many ideas that integrate social good and efforts gamification has now leapt into Gartner’s Hype Cy- Ver video to make the world a better place into games.” cle for Emerging Technologies 2011 — directly into the Peak of Inflated Expectations. However, Gartner The current expectation of Gamification is generating also warns their clients to be patient, as they believe tremendous buzz everywhere. Gartner suggests that that gamification will not reach the Plateau of Pro- more than 70% of the global 2000 businesses will ductivity for another 5 to 10 years. Hype Cycle MINDBLOOM Less than 2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years more than 10 years Mindbloom is a “Life Game” which improves the quality of life of the players in a simple and effective way. Internet TV Private Cloud computing Wireless power & Augmented Reality Social Analytics Ver video Group buying Cloud computing & Media tablets Gamification Virtual Assistants In-memory Database Management Systems 3D printing Gesture recognition Imagen, recognition... Machine-to-Machine Location-Aware Mobile robots Communication services Applications “Big Data” Mesh Networks: Speech recognition Sensor Expectations Biometric Authentication Speech recognition Methods Social TV Predictive Analytics Cloud web Video Analytics Platforms Mobile Application Stores for customer service NIKE Computer-Brain interface Hosted virtual Idea management desktops QR/color code Quantum computing Nike + FuelBand tracks users’ pro- Consumerization Human Augmentation gress throughout the day, providing 3D bioprinting Virtual worlds E-book readers real-time feedback visually. Technology Peak of Trough of Slope of Enlightenment Plateau of Ver video Trigger Inflated Disillusionment Productivity Expectations Time Source: Gartner 16 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 17
  • 10. The Core Issue motivational design. For businesses, the arguments proposed by game mechanics are stirring up excite- of Gamification: a ment as the platform providers are backing up their talk with great early results. Gamification is initially Closer Look at Game proving that it’s engaging people. Mechanics and Game Mechanics: Points, Badges and Leaderboards Intrinsic Motivation According to a leading gamification platform provider, gamification works because game me- The current discussion of gamification hinges on a chanics help to drive participation, engagement lively debate between two sides: one camp focuses and loyalty on online properties, site or commu- on game mechanics, such as points, badges, leader- nity. Game mechanics include points, levels, cha- boards, and Incentives; and the other camp focuses llenges, virtual goods, score boards, and gifting internal motivation, such as “Game Thinking” and & charity. In theory, game mechanics are directly Human desires linked to human desires: reward, status, achieve- ■■ Meaning. Gamified applications have to con- ment, self-expression, competition, and altruism. nect to something that is already meaningful to Archieve- Self- Reward Status Competition Altruism the user - or to wrap themselves in a story that ment Expression Although the early results are positive, Gartner makes them meaningful. “The general lesson warns that gamification is currently driven by is that to be successful a gamified application Points novelty and hype. The technology research firm must provide something that is already mean- suggests that the Plateau of Productivity won’t ingful to the user in its own right.” Levels be reached for another 5 to 10 years. Businesses need to figure out how best apply gamification ■■ Mastery. The experience of being competent, in their business models. Towards that end, con- of achieving something... Video games don’t just Games mechanics Challenges sidering the inputs from game thinkers or moti- present goals. They ensure that a structured flow vational designers may be beneficial. of nested goals pulls you through, from the long- term goal (save world, rescue princess), to medi- Virtual Goods Intrinsic Motivation (or Game um-term (kill level boss-monster) and short-term Thinking/Motivational Design) goals (collect five level coins). Wherever you are in Score As a counterpoint to all the current game me- and whenever you return to a good game, there Boards chanics buzz, Sebastian Deterding (researcher will always be one next goal that is just within and game designer) offers his take on the whole reach.” Gifftings & gamification thing. He advises that to be effective, Charity gamification projects should include key elements ■■ Autonomy. A free space to play in and some- from game thinking/design: meaning, mastery, thing to play with; providing “space” for explora- and autonomy. tion and expression. Primary desire a particular game mechanic fulfills Other areas that it affects Source: Sebastian Deterding | Getting “Gamification” Right 18 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 19
  • 11. Putting Gamification to Work “Where games traditionally model the real world, or- ■■ Goal. “The specific outcome that players will work ■■ Feedback system. “The feedback system goal, the rules, and the feedback. Knowingness esta- ganizations must now take the opportunity for their to achieve. It focuses their attention and continually tells players how close they are to achie- blishes common ground for multiple people to play real world to emulate games… enterprise architects orients their participation throughout the game.The ving the goal… Real-time feedback serves as a together.” must be ready to contribute to gamification strategy goal provides player with a sense of purpose.” promise to the players that the goal is achie- Source: Jane McGonigal | Reality is Broken, 2011 formulation and should try at least one gaming ex- vable, and it provides motivation to keep playing.” ercise as part of their enterprise context planning ■■ Rules. The “limitations on how players can achieve In addition, understanding player types and de- efforts this year.” the goal. By removing or limiting the obvious ways of ■■ Voluntaryparticipation. “Everyone who is play- ployment scenarios can help organizations to think getting to the goal, the rules push players to explore ing the game knowingly and willingly accepts the strategically about gamification and explore the best All games, when reduced to their core, have four de- previously uncharted possibilities spaces. They un- application for the company’s business model. v fining traits: leash creativity and foster strategic thinking. Deployment Scenarios (Brian Burke - Gartner) Player Types Gamification designers need to consider the desired results and behaviors (Richard Bartle - Designing Virtual Worlds) when gamifying Key Processes for the organization. The Player Types are four terms describing generalized behavior in a Multi-user virtual space: Cooperative Fishing boat Players are motivated to maximize to Burning Building produce the highest possible overall Players are motivated to maximize the score to maximize the team production, overall outcome and to maximize the im- effectively creating a larger pie to be pact of game play. split. Killers Achievers Socialites Explorers DEFINED BY DEFINED BY DEFINED BY DEFINED BY Extrinsic Intrinsic A focus on winning, A focus on attaining A focus on socializing A focus on exploring rank, and direct peer-to- status and achieving and drive to develop a and drive to preset goals quickly network of friends and discover the peer competition. and/or completely. Poker game ENGAGED BY contacts. unknown. Players are motivated to maximize their Beauty Contest Leaderboards, ranks. ENGAGED BY ENGAGED BY ENGAGED BY own score to achieve a greater share of Players are motivated to maximize their Achievements. Newsfeeds, Obfuscated the rewards, increasing their personal individual results, usually to achieve a friends list, chat. achievements. worth, effectively taking a larger share of higher status. the pie. Source:, and Competitive 20 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 21
  • 12. “Organizations are using gamification internally to recruit, train and enhance employee performance. They are using it to drive innovation, share knowledge and improve employee health. Gamification is also helping organizations engage external stakeholders in customer loyalty, marketing, education and innovation initiatives. The target audience of gamification can be any defined group of stakeholders (customers, employees or the Web collective).” Source: Brian Burke, Gartner | Gamification Primer: Life Becomes a Game Gaming Gamification We have some interesting data: 1. Business Application Gamification helps companies to: Increase User Engagement Gamification is a hot topic today and 47% Increase Brand Loyalty everyone wants to play. Playing this game to win requires the right strategies, tactics, and 22% Increase Brand Awareness moves. Currently, organizations are gaming gamification to understand the possible 15% Motivation advantages, while avoiding potential pitfall along the way. Can our hero make it to the 9% Employee Training next level? Source: M2 Research 7% 22 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 23
  • 13. 2. Gamification Platform client Industry Breakdown The early adopters of gamification come mostly from entertainment and publishing industries, repre- senting 60% of all companies. Financial companies represented 6% of early adopters. Gamification offers significant innovation opportuni- ties for financial companies, especially for employee 4. Potential Market facing applications. The breakdown of other indus- Spending on gamification is projected to grow from tries are presented below: $100 million in 2011 to $2.8 billion dollars in 2016: Entertainment 42% 2.000.000 $ 1,600,000 Publishers 18% 3. Growth of Gamification 1.500.000 Consumer Goods 15% $ 860,000 1.000.000 Healthcare/Wellness 10% $ 434,000 Financial 6% 500.000 $ 196,000 Retail 5% 2012 2013 2014 2015 Education 3% Telecom 1% Source: M2 Research growth growth in 2011 in 2012 155% 197% 24 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 25
  • 14. The Promise and the “Fine Print” G amification, despite its name, is a se- rious business opportunity and risk. It may be the “secret sauce” to unlocking value for the organization. Given that we are early stages of this trend, it makes sense that there are a lot of positive news being generated at this moment and there aren’t a whole lot of negative stuff. Let’s take a look at the opportunities and challenges of gamification. When done “right”, gamification can To help clarify Gamification and to best apply it, CIBBVA is thinking in business models. We are going to use the offer new ways of engaging an eager Business Model Canvas to better understand the business user base; and when done “wrong”, implications of gamification. For readers who may not be familiar with the Business Model Canvas, a brief back- it can estrange them. It’s the next grounder is provided. “big thing” but each organization “A business model describes the needs to explore the opportunities rationale of how an organization and risks associated with it. But creates, delivers, and captures value.” be warned… read the fine print: A business model can be best described “gamification is currently driven by through nine basic building blocks novelty and hype” and filled with that show the logic of how a company potential pitfalls. intends to make money. The business model is like a blueprint for a strategy to be implemented through organizational structures, processes, and systems. 26 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 27
  • 15. Business Opportunities Based on early experiences and “guru talk,” it seems clear that gamification presents opportunities for both sides of company’s business model: both value (the customer facing business units) and efficiency (the employee/partner facing business units). More exploration is needed to test its usefulness in specific areas of business models, such as customer relation- ships, channels, key activities, key partners, etc. Key Partnerships Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Segments Relationships Though a “wait and see” strategy to assessing busi- ness opportunities seems prudent, it is evident that Gamification offers BUNDLING AS A VP. gamification offers an immediate opportunity to NEW PRODUCTS AND customers personalized, Gamification is “bundled” showcase BBVA’s innovation power (if done correctly). SERVICES designed by “game automated, self-service thinking.”Gamification can to existing products/ relationships, with a become the process for services to enhance high component of co- Business Risks building a comprehensive new the value proposition creation and community. There are some concerns related to gamification. digital services platform. to customers. Gartner advises clients that current gamification BRANDING AS A VP. Channels Gen X and Gen Y applications is “motivated by the novelty of gami- EMPLOYEE Key Resources customers. These CSs fication. This will wear off as user fatigue sets in Good gamification BEHAVIOR are already familiar an the sustainability of engagement becomes an deployments can IMPROVEMENT. with game dynamics issue.” Gamification from a business point of view increase the value of Surveys suggest and mechanics. has some perceived risks, as it is almost impossi- a company’s brand. ble to separate the wheat from the chaff. However low employee Gamification may help done there are some significant threats that should be engagement. Gamification, when to attract and engage customer addressed: Gamification can “right,” can increase new customers. t make work “fun.” “stickiness” at almos every channel phase. ■■ Totally green (as in not mature). “Both in success- ful models to emulate and in a shortage of people who understand game design. Game design ex- perience has not intersected with typical business Cost Structure Revenue Streams functions, not even IT”. ■■ Blockbuster game don’t happen that often, and probably less with gamification. “Trying to add fun to an activity that has another purpose is more difficult still. One fact that does seem clear is that 28 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 29
  • 16. simply adding points, badges and leader boards is not going to make engaging with an organization more fun”. ■■ No “one size fits all” with gamification. Different people play different games for different reasons. “While gamifying some activity may engage part of the stakeholders, it is not likely to appeal to all stakeholders. ■■ Does it make sense for us? “In many corporate environments, the very notion of building ‘fun’ into Key Partnerships Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Segments any activity will be a nonstarter. The idea of ‘fun’ can Relationships seem very trivializing/superficial/no what grown- ups do. Selling gamification in these organizations Companies risk taking will be very difficult”. Gamification is more of a customers on unnecessary process than a product. journeys, distracting them ■■ Unexpected consequences. “Turning an acti- User engagement must be from the main purpose vity in a game invites players to try to ‘game the built in at the product/ of giving them what system’ and may result in unintended conse- quences”. service development level. they actually want. More time is needed to better identify the risks associated with gamification. As the technology Channels Key Resources enters Trough of Disillusionment in Gartner’s Hype Cycle, the negative version of the fairytale will ? Data Who owns the data soon materialize and begin to dominate as some Trial and Error is ility ownership/responsib companies will painfully learn that all that glitters part of the learning sed and for isn’t gold. The golden child might look more like a needs to be addres curve. Don’t put on mpanies, whipping boy. v financial services co the ROI hat … t. this may be difficul Cost Structure Revenue Streams 30 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 31
  • 17. Around the world, companies and organizations are seriously experimenting with gamification. Whether playing a lottery with the speed limit or learning about real estate investments, gamification projects are capturing the imagination of people. Global 32 Snapshots September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 33
  • 18. Volkswagen (Fun Theory) er C ustom Speed Camera Lottery “Can we get more people g Facin ion to obey the speed limit by making it fun to do? (The at idea) was so good that Volkswagen, together with Gamific ts The Swedish National Society for Road Safety, ac- SAP c Proje tually made this innovative idea a reality in Stock- Sustainability Quiz The idea was to make beha- holm, Sweden. The average speed of cars passing vioral change fun and inform employees about the the camera dropped from 32km/h before the experi- success of SAP’s sustainability efforts and what steps ment to 25km/h after.” (Wired). oyee they can take themselves. In less than a month over Empl g one thousand colleagues played the game, many of Facin ion Ver video Microsoft them repeatedly. ficat Gami RibbonHero is an application that encourages MS Walking up the Piano Stairs “Can we get more peo- Office users to learn more about the different fea- ple to take the stairs over the escalator by making it SAP Community Networks (SCN) “The SCN is tures by watching videos and taking short exams. fun to do?” The project led to an increase of 66% in also a good example to introduce you to a couple the use of the piano stairs. of game mechanics. Points (as “points points”, but Codeacademy Ver video also views of your articles/blogs), leaderboards (list Codecademy is a web-based, interactive platform, of top contributors, but also exposure of you arti- where players can learn to code and are rewarded Recycling is Fun At Bottle Bank Arcade recycling cle on the main SDN page), status (mentor badge, with points and badges. The players get encouraging was turned into a fun activity. Siemens gold/silver/bronze medal), social interaction (dis- real-time feedback on progress bars and can connect Ver video A visual, FarmVille-style game that allows players to cussions, meetups).” with their friends and compete against them. learn the connections of each part of the plant and manufacturing process. Deloitte Ver video “Consulting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd., are incorporating elements of videogames into the IBM workplace. They’re deploying reward and competi- ing INNOV8, the IBM Business Process Management tive tactics commonly found in the gaming world m er Fac . Barclays Custo ification (BPM) simulation game, gives both IT and business to make tasks such as management training, data 56 Sage Street. A portal to help teach about mo- players a better understanding of how effective BPM entry and brainstorming seem less like work.” Gam cts in ney, finance, and banking in an enjoyable way. impacts an entire business ecosystem. Proje ial Salesforce c Finan es Bank of America Google Salesforce Motivation motivates professionals us- c Servi Bad Credit Hotel (in collaboration for the US De- partment of Treasury). Learn about debt manage- Google employees get a per diem amount for busi- ness trips depending on the destinations. If they ing proven techniques that sales managers have always used: team competitions, leaderboards, and ment, credit history, and credit scores. are above the limit, they submit the receipt and get rewards. But instead of tracking and managing those reimbursed. If they are below the per diem, they programs manually, companies can use cloud-based Commonwealth Bank can use it to save it towards another business trips applications to “automate” tasks so that the team Investorville is a virtual world where one can try (which would have had no budget) or upgrade 1st stays focused on the activities and rewards that are his/her luck at investing in rental property without class. Compliance with the process has shot up to critical. the risk of buying one. over 90%. 34 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 35
  • 19. BBVA & the Gamification Platform Providers gamification For organizations who are considering off the shelf Cynergy solutions, platform providers are offering turnkey so- According to Cynergy, “We make incredible experi- lutions for gamification. Below, we present some of ences happen—no easy task. Great design is criti- the leading vendors: cal, but incredible experiences are much more than just pixels—they require the artful merging of expert Bunchball strategy, design excellence and cutting-edge tech- Bunchball offers the Nitro gamification platform, and nology, delivered by a single, integrated team. That’s its analytics solution, to create customized, action- our formula—that’s how we make incredible experi- able and scalable user experiences for consumers, ences happen.” With BBVA Game we have employees and partners. Nitro is a scalable and launched an important Beta reliable gamification platform, managing over 125 IActionable million users and tracking over 15 Billion actions to IActionable is a web based (SaaS) gamification project, wich we want to create date. Founded in 2005, Bunchball’s investors include software platform that applies game mechanics an space of interaction with our Granite Ventures, Triangle Peak Partners, Northport to non-game applications. IActionable can be used Investments, Correlation Ventures, and Adobe Sys- to change user interface and user experience and on line clients. tems Incorporated. drive behavior in the form of participation and en- gagement. v Badgeville Founded in 2010, Badgeville draws on techniques from social gaming, traditional loyalty programs and Other notable social networking in its suite of Behavior Lifecycle companies Management solutions. Built on database techno- include: logy, Badgeville’s PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) is de- signed to connect user reputation across all of your ■■ Bigdoor digital touch points. Badgeville is funded by Norwest ■■ Crowd Twist Venture Partners, El Dorado Ventures, Trinity Ven- ■■ Get Glue tures and the Webb Investment Network. ■■ Playgen ■■ SCVNGR Crowdtap Crowdtap is the Influencer Marketing platform, ena- bling leading brands to easily identify, activate and manage their influential consumers for real-time insights and powerful online and offline peer-to-peer marketing. Crowdtap intends to shift marketing to a fully collaborative and participatory process be- tween brands and consumers. 36 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 37
  • 20. “Companies around the world W e understand that to generate a fun dialog with our clients is a challenge. Most online us- What we do know is that we can use gamification to get know know our customers better, to get closer are leveraging game mechanics ers access our site to check positions and perform to them in an refreshing way, to educate them, to be to engage customers, and transactions. Without a doubt, it’s quite a challenge “sticky,” and, of course, we can apply this model in all countries in which we have presence. Like BBVA, financial services companies are BBVA Game, a gamification platform, has incorpo- the concept of gamification is universal. no exception. This trend is called rated game dynamics as a way to provide additional value for online banking customers. We put together All the team members in various teams who par- gamification, and while it being our best value proposition, loyalty programs, and ticipated in bringing BBVA Game to life (Marketing used in many different ways, game dynamics which offer the most fun. We wanted and Innovation & Technology) shared one thing in the sweet spot is in engaging to work in teams to create a game that educates our common: We had fun. And that is a good sign. v clients, offers stickiness to our clients, and offer cross- customers. As an early adopter selling and upselling opportunities for our business. of gamification in the financial We will not really know the final results until we learn Bernardo Crespo, services industry, BBVA joins from our customers; any other pretense would be Head of Digital Marketing and Marketing Lab, rather arrogant. BBVA Spain and Portugal. a small group of innovators that are turning customers into players and banking into a game. The BBVA Game is a leading edge example of using gamification to both engage customers in a fun way while architecting the customer journey. Gamification is a win-win for BBVA and its customers.” Brian Burke 38 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 39
  • 21. Innovation Forecast Gamification Tips from the Pros The early results are in. Bunchball, a pure gamification platform provider, see Sebastian Deterding ■■ Prototype, Playtest, and Iterate. The Sources: Sebastian Deterding. Getting Gamifi- their customers enjoy the benefits value creation aspects of gamification: Game designer core of game design is to build a func- cation Right, January 2011 “The most important thing to keep in tional prototype of the rule system as | Sebastian Deterding ■■ An increase of 2x page view. Though the results display initial deploy- mind here is that any good design — early as possible to test whether it is Don’t Play Games with Me! Pitfalls of Gameful ■■ Page view per visit increased 60%. ments numbers, it’s clear what should game or software — hinges on good any fun, tweak it based on the test re- Design, May 2011 ■■ Unique visitors increased 30%. be done with gamification for the short- designers and design process, not on sults, test it again, etc., to iterate your ■■ Increase of 100% on time on site. term future: Just Play! See how gamifica- features.” way toward something that is fun and ■■ An increase of 2x repeat monthly visits. tion can create or capture value for the engaging. ■■ 400% ROI (with payback time of as organization. ■■ Know your users. What motivates little as 3 months). them? What is meaningful to them? ■■ Bring in the Data. Quantitative To wrap things up, we leave you with What keeps them from following analytics will tell you whether your some “Gamification Tips from the Pros,” through on their intentions? What point systems don’t have loopholes hoping that they may help you better kind of games to they like? What kind or exploits, or whether you balanced understand this key topic and, perhaps, of community do they prefer? Without the difficulty of the goals and mis- even help spark some new innovations user research to figure these things sions you present to the players. in the organization. out, you will miss your target audience. “Reality ultimately is much more messy, ■■ Read the Rules. Goals and rules create complex, random, unfair and beyond interesting challenges, even can create our control than games.” meta-games. 40 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 41
  • 22. Brian Burke, Gartner Gabe Zichermann views by over 130% and Technology analyst Gamification expert return visits by 40%. “The goal is to inspire deeper, more en- “The initial findings from gamification The resulting rise in gaged relationships and to motivate specialists are nothing short of astonish- engagement has gener- changed behaviors. Many organizations ing. Regardless of your business model, ated substantial revenue report significantly higher engagement the following seven gamified innovations for the company, bringing with gamification. But risks abound, and should inspire you to strategize via game registered user counts from organizations should consider their de- analysis.” 400,000 to nearly 3 million since ployment strategies carefully. the launch of the gamified version. ■■ Make a market (Foursquare) Four- ■■ Gamificationis a business issue that square proved that location-based ■■ Make research & evangelism count is enabled by technology — business networking wasn’t doomed to fail, that (Crowdtap). Through the use of gami- managers must take the lead in dri- simple game mechanics can affect fied, virtual rewards, the company has ving gamification efforts. behavior, and that you can engage 10 been able to raise average user par- million customers — all while raising ticipation by 2.5 times, thus reducing ■■ The application of gamification is very $50 million. research costs by 80% or more for key diverse. Focusing on specific goals is clients. critical to success. ■■ Get fit (NextJump). By leveraging the power of gamification, 70% of Next- ■■ Save the planet (RecycleBank). ■■ Avoid the herd mentality — don’t imple- Jump employees exercise regularly — RecycleBank utilized game mecha- ment a copycat application. Most cur- enough to save the company millions nics such as points, challenges and rent gamified applications are doomed in work attendance and insurance rewards to drive breakthroughs. The to fail. costs over the medium term — all the project has seen a 16% increase in re- while making the workplace healthier cycling in Philadelphia, where the recy- ■■ Design gamified applications that co- and happier. cling rate has broken 20% for the first rrectly position motivation, momen- time in history. tum and meaning (M3) to inspire en- ■■ Slow down and smell the money gagement with the audience. (Volkswagen - Fun Theory). Speed ■■ Make teaching fun (Ananth Pai) Camera Lottery idea rewards those grouped students by learning style, ■■ Exploitthis trend today if you work in drivers who obey the posted limit by and retooled the curriculum to make an organization that is willing to take entering them into a lottery. When test- use of off-the-shelf games to teach risks. But remember that careful plan- ed at a checkpoint in Stockholm, aver- reading, math and other subjects. In Sources: Gartner | Gamification Primer: Life Becomes a ning and improvement through itera- age driver speed was reduced by 20%. the space of 18 weeks, Mr. Pai’s class Game, January 2011 tion are central to every successful im- went from below third grade average Source: Gabe Zicher- Gartner | Maverick Research: Motivation, Momentum and mann | Mashable - 7 Win- Meaning: How Gamification Can Inspire Engagement, plementation of gamification. ■■ Generate ad revenues (Psych & NBC/ reading and math levels to mid-fourth ning Examples of Game October 2011 Universal). Club Psych implemented grade. v Mechanics in Action Gartner | Innovation Insight: Gamification Adds Fun and Innovation to Inspire Engagement, December 2011 gamified incentives to raise page 42 September 2012 | GAMIFICATION 43