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BEST Games
Latest update: 21 Dec 2011
"IX" Exercise
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Thinking,Time Killing,Training
Number of players: 5 - 999
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: overhead projector or blackboard
Draw the symbol "IX" on the blackboard. Ask the group to make a 6 (six) out of the symbol with the use of only
one line. The correct answer is SIX. Discuss: How many interpreted the IX to be the Roman numeral for 9?
What is the impact of our assumptions about the nature of a problem? What lessons for
problemsolving and creativity can we draw from this exercise?
4-Goal Soccer
Submitter: Pablo Zurro
Category: Beach,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Time Killing
Number of players: 8 - 28
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: A soccer ball, line markings (or cones), 4 soccer goals
Players are divided into 4 teams. Each team is responsible for defending one goal. Game starts with the start
kick off the team which is selected by tossing a coin. Team members are not allowed to touch the ball with the
upper part of their body. The objective is to score the most goals.
• Allow handling of the ball
• Use more than one ball
• Use one or more frisbees, foam balls, foxtails, etc.
• Use a combination of frisbees, balls, foxtails, etc.
5 cents
Submitter: Can Cengiz
Category: Afterparty,Around the table,Beach,Bus,Farewell Party,Indoor,Meeting,Motivation
Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up,Walk
Number of players: 2 - 6
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: a 5 cents
You need a person to tell the game. The teller will take a 5 cents coin (smaller the better) and press it on his/her
forehead for 15 seconds. Then s/he leaves the money there and slaps his/her back of head several times and
the coin will drop. This is what to be told.
The players will be waiting for the same. But this time the teller or others will press the coin on player's forehead
for 15 secs. and take the coin. Unfortunately, the player will not be able to feel it. Then s/he starts slapping and
you count.
This is a joke more than a game. Not a pleasent one but after the ices are broken in between, that could be
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Welcome Party
Number of players: 3 - 10
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: Beer/Liquor, Dice
One person rolls the dice, if that person rolls a 7-11-or doubles then he picks someone to drink. Whoever he
picks then must take the glass (being sure not to touch it with his hand) and fill it up 1/4 of the way. The object
of the game is to chug that glass before the person rolling the dice rolls another 7-11-double.
The person rolling the dice CANNOT touch the dice until the other person touches the glass with his hand. If the
roller touches the dice before the drinker touches his glass then the roller must drink. If the drinker does not
finish the glass before the roller rolls a 7-11-doubles then the process is repeated again until he beats the roller.
If he beats the roller the dice are then passed to the next person and the game starts over again.
Remember that you must roll a 7-11-double to pick someone to drink. Sloppy dice makes the roller drink a full
<b>Remarks</b>: A good suggestion is to place a maximum on the number of drinks that are taken... as a
safety precaution.
A Little Inconvenience
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex,Water
Number of players: 8 - 24
Duration: 60 min.
Materials: 1 soccer ball; 2 innertubes; 1 waterball; 2 water basketball hoops; blindfolds; string.
Divide the players into four teams, and set up a rotation so that each team takes part in each of the following
1. Sensitivity walk,
2. Obstacle course in water, using innertubes.
3. dodgeball, and
4. water basketball.
Each activity is performed with a specific handicap:
1) When a team goes on the sensitivity hike, all participants are blindfolded. They simply go on a short hike, and
experience it without sight.
2) In a short obstacle course in shallow water (through an innertube, crawl on the bottom then through a second
innertube) players must not use their arms.
3) In the game of dodgeball in shallow water, each player's ankles are tied together. One player in the center of
the circle tries to hit another player with the soccer ball.
4) In a game of water basketball, players may not speak.Following ten minute rotations of each event, the group
can discuss the sensations experienced by being temporarily handicapped. We can soon learn it is not what
you cannot do-it is what you can do !
a ram sam sam
Submitter: Frank Blanning
Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Songs,Time
Killing,Wake Up,Welcome Party
Number of players: 5 - 100
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: none
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about this game:
But the way we play it is:
You make a circule and sing:
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
A guli guli guli guli ram sam sam
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
A guli guli guli guli ram sam sam
A ra-sam, a ra-sam
A guli guli guli guli ram sam sam
A ra-sam, a ra-sa,
A guli guli guli guli ram sam sam
at ram sam sam you slap both legs 2 times (sam1-sam2)
at guli guli you put one hand over your head one under and rub your fingers together, like the "money" hand
and at ra-sam you pretend to slap your legs, but eventually you raise them in the air.
the second time, instead of doing the movements on your self, you do them on your right or left, and then
second right or left.
Accentuate the Positive
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Beach,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training
Number of players: 2 - 999
Duration: 10 min.
To break down self-imposed barriers that don't allow people to "like themselves", this is a good exercise. You
will be surprised to see how difficult it actually is, though. Team up the participants in groups of two in order to
make them share some personal qualities with each other. In this exercise, each person provides his/her
partner with the response to one, two or all three of the following suggested dimensions:
1.Two physical attributes I like in myself
2.Two personality qualities I like in myself
3.One talent or skill I like in myself Stress, that each comment must be a positive one. No negative comments
are allowed. (It may take some gentle nudging on your part to get them started). Discuss afterwards in the
group how many of them who, on hearing the task, smiled slightly, looked at the partner, and said "You go first".
Why is this? Was it difficult to start on? How do you feel about it now? Was there something you didn't write
down? Do you recognize yourself in doing that?
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Training,Welcome Party
Number of players: 2 - 12
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: A large piece of thick paper, a felt-tip-pen
Give a felt-tip-pen to each of the players. Put "a scale" with the grades 20o, 30o, 40o etc behind them. The
scale is drawn on the large piece of thick paper. The object is to mark the grades on the scale. To do it the
participants must bend down and pass their arms between the legs. Of course, the participants want to seem
sober. That's why they try to reach the least number.
All those
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex
Number of players: 5 - 12
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: Chairs
The players sit in a circle and one player stands in the middle. The player in the middle calls out something like
"All those wearing blue socks". Everyone who is wearing blue socks must get up off their chair and change
places with another player. The player in the middle tries to sit on one of the seats before the others fill it. It they
manage to sit on the seat the player who is left without a seat takes their turn in the middle.
Animal - Country - City
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Reflex,Thinking,Time Killing,Training
Number of players: 5 - 10
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: papers/pens for each
All get a piece of paper and suggest one or two topics, which everyone writes down. Now, someone chooses a
letter, e.g. by saying the alphabet inside and ask another one to say stop. Now the letter is said aloud. The task
is to write down a word for each topic, beginning with the chosen letter. As soon as the first is finished he/she
says ?stop? and points are calculated as follows: ?10 points for each word, you have written down.?15 points if
you are the only one with a word to a particular topic.?5 points if one or more have the same word.Approx. 10
different topics will be sufficient.
ExampleLetter -B
AnimalCountryCityColourFruit WordsbearBelgiumBostonbrownbanana
&#64979; More than one person wrote the word Belgium, nobody else wrote anything for the topic ?Fruit?.
Apple of Discord
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Physical Activity,Welcome Party
Number of players: 10 - 20
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: An apple to each couple
Each pair holds an apple between their foreheads. The leader gives the commands: "Three steps to the left!",
"Three steps to the right!", "Squat!", "Jump!" etc. The pairs fulfil them. If the apple drops, the pair is out.
Artists Virtuouse
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity
Number of players: 8 - 50
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Ski stick, felt-tip pen, sheet of paper
Tie a felt-tip-pen to a ski stick. The task is to draw something or to write a text. The player who fulfils the task
the fastest and the most accurate gets the prize.
HINT: Do not put the stick on the shoulder!
As Little Feet as Possible
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Afterparty,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Welcome Party
Number of players: 20 - 40
Duration: 10 min.
Group the people into 4 groups of five people or more. Each group has to get to the end of the line (around 10
meters distance) using as little legs as possible (hands, or body on the floor cannot be used). The group that
manages the best is the winner. Keep on playing until each group can do better or at least the same as other
groups. If nothing more can be done 2 groups can be joined together and now we have only 2 groups and the
game can start all over again!
Try to divide people into groups of more or less equal strengths (same number of girls and boys).
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training
Number of players: 4 - 8
Duration: 15 min.
Divide into groups. Give each group a sentence, which expresses an attitude regarding everyday&#64979;life.
E.g. ?I wouldn't have thought that about you?, ?Are you coming home already??, ?What a surprise!?, ?Why
haven't you done it yet??, ?Where were you??.The task is for each group to create and dramatise two
situations, in which the sentence gets different emotional meaning.Evaluate with the groups what the intonation
would mean in connection to work assignments.
Ensure you have a good game leader, who can make it legal to act stupid
Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion
Category: Creative,Get2know,Indoor,Thinking,Welcome Party
Number of players: 10 - 20
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Sheet of paper and felt-tip pen per each person
All the participants are given the sheets of paper and felt-tip-pens. They must sign their names, draw (very
quickly) an imp (put a finger-tip / lipstick / shoe-sole print on the sheet of paper) to leave their ?autograph" on it.
Then all the sheets are gathered together. Two of the players are "the detectives". Their task is to guess whose
autographs these are ("the detectives" must give their variants at once). "The detective" who guesses the
greatest number of the autographs wins.
Bad Painters
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Creative,Indoor,Meeting,Party
Number of players: 5 - 50
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: Brush, boxing gloves, paper
The players must draw any picture with the brush, having the boxing-gloves on their hands.
Bag A Mate
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party
Number of players: 6 - 30
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: Paper bags
At some time during the party, separate the men and women. Put the men in one room, and the women in
another. Put a large paper bag over each person's head, and send both sexes back into one room. There is no
talking allowed, and each person must "feel around" to find his/her mate. There are no real winners or losers
(unless you really grab the wrong mate). Note: When placing bags on the heads of your guests, you have the
option to provide eyeholes or not.
Ball Toss/ Group Juggle
Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion
Category: Get2know,Indoor,Welcome Party
Number of players: 12 - 30
Duration: 45 min.
Materials: 3 Tennis balls
Have 3 tennis balls handy. Get the group in a circle.
Facilitator tosses 1 ball to someone in the group whose name they know saying their name and then the other
person's name (e.g. Sandy to John). John (person who receives the ball) tosses ball to someone whose name
he knows (e.g. John to Phil). Phil tosses to someone whose name he knows and so on, saying both names all
the way around the circle. The ball is tossed to each person one time only until everyone in the circle gets it and
all names have been said.
THEN, facilitator starts again and tosses the balls to the same person (Sandy to John to Phil, etc.) only this time
with 2 balls in succession (not at the same time) saying both names, both times. Balls get tossed to the same
people they were originally tossed to; first one ball, then the next, all the way around the circle stopping when
they get back to the facilitator.
THEN, facilitator starts again only with all three balls this time. Saying names each time, all three balls get
tossed, in succession, in the same order until they get back to the facilitator.
By the time there are three balls going, it gets pretty chaotic and fun. By now all names have been said so many
times everyone should have a pretty good idea of who's who and they are pretty warmed up and ready to go. If
(I should say, when) someone drops a ball, simply give them a chance to chase it down and just pick up where
you left off--no need to start again.
In the group, there should be some people who know each other before the game
Banana Feeding
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party
Number of players: 10 - 10
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: 5 Bananas
The guys will blindfold the girl who is holding a long banana in her hand. When the music starts, she is required
to turn a couple of rounds. Once music stops, the girl will stop and attempt to feed the banana to the guy, who
will be squatting like a monkey. The one with the banana in his mouth wins.
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 2 - 10
Duration: 120 min.
Materials: Beer, different sized, glasses, coins
First align all the glasses in a line starting with the shot glass in front and the larger glasses lined up behind it in
ascending order (smallest to largest) each glass should then be filled with beer. The different sized glasses
represent baseball hits (shot glass is a single, behind that a double, then a triple and finally a home run). This
game can be played with as few as two people. The participants are divided into teams hopefully of equal size
and skill.
The game goes like this: each team has three chances (outs) to bounce a quarter into one of the filled glasses
from a certain distance away from the first glass (shot glass). This distance can vary but the typical distance is
less than a meter. If a coin goes in a glass, the opposing team must drink that glass and all the glasses below it.
All glasses must be finished and are immediately replaced and refilled before the next batter throws his/her
coin. People on each team need to establish a batting order and stick to it when shooting their coins. If
someone misses a glass that counts as one out. If someone gets one in then the inning continues. When three
people have missed in an inning it's time for the other team to bat. This goes on for nine innings. Scoring is
simple, runs are driven in by team-mates forcing them in with numerous hits. (i.e.. a single followed by a triple
scores the single and leaves a man on third for the next batter. A double after a single would put runners on first
and third, etc. A home run clears the bases and scores the hitters run.) When the game has finished nine
innings the runs are tallied and the losing team has to drink all the cups one more time.
Remarks: Baseball is not such a popular game in all countries. It may be a good idea to choose another game
than explaining baseball rules to everybody. Also, this game tends to be quite lengthy and remember to clean
those coins before pitching!
Beer Roulette
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Beach,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Welcome Party
Number of players: 2 - 6
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: 6 beers
One person takes a six pack of beer out of the room and shakes one of the cans vigorously. That person then
brings out the cans and places them in a bag. Everyone picks one beer from the bag. Everyone opens their
beer at the same time while holding it directly under their nose. If your beer explodes then you are "dead" and
you have to sit out the next round. Everyone drinks their opened beers and then the next round proceeds with
the remaining survivors. The last one to be "alive"
Submitter: Marco Oreste Migliori
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Motivation
Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Teambuilding,Welcome Party
Number of players: 4 - 32
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: big plastic cups or whatever, two ping pong balls, beer
Form different teams and organize the game like a championship or whatever you want, each team is formed
by two guys. A game is played by two team so you can manage the team such that you can play many games
at the same time avoiding to bother the rest of the people. Each team has a set of ten big cups, fill these cups
with beer (or whatever) till one quarter then set up the cups like a triangle, first line 5 cups, next line 3 cups, next
2 and 1 cups on the last line. Put one triangle on one side of the table and the other on the opposite side. A
team has to stay behind the biggest line of its triangle, behind the edge of the table (you need a quite big table).
Then give them two ping pong balls so each team can try to throw its balls into the cups of the opposing team
two time one for each player. Every time one player hits one among the owner of the cups has to drink the beer
alternatively. If a team gets two cups in the same round it gets a free round and the others miss their own
round. Take care that every player when throws doesn't cross with his elbow the edge of the table, if he crosses
the edge he misses his turn. Go on till one team hits all the cups of the others. During a game each team can
ask only two time to rank the opposing team's cups forming whatever shape.
Being Blindfolded
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Sexy,Welcome Party
Number of players: 10 - 20
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Mittens for the girls
With the thick mittens on the hands try to identify the person which is in front of you. The girls try to identify the
boys. The boys try to identify the girls. It's permitted to touch the whole person.
Belly Dance Competition
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party
Number of players: 5 - 10
Duration: 15 min.
Take guys, especially with big bellies, to participate, complete with garlands, scarves and headgear. Their shirts
will be rolled-up and tied to expose their tummies. The most "voluptuous" and "fairest of them all" wins.
Submitter: Christoforos Boutsias
Category: Around the table,BKT,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Motivation
Number of players: 3 - 12
Duration: 120 min.
BESTopoly is a BEST Knowledge Transfer (BKT) game. When playing BESTopoly new members learn
thoroughly the current structure and functioning of BEST. Playing the game, they go through the membership
process while undertaking the organising of diverse projects in co-operation with International Teams and
This way, they get to learn almost everything about BEST!
Big Chief
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 5 - 10
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: Alcohol
The first player says: "Big Chief, I take the first drink of the night!". The person takes 1 drink/sip. Then, the
player must put his index fingers, starting with the right hand, on the table one at a time and, while keeping the
fingers on the table, pound each foot on the floor 1 time. Then this person must stand up once then sit down.
Keep in mind that all extremities have to be on the table/floor while standing until seated. If they mess up they
have to take a drink for messing up and then start from the beginning.
Next person says "Big Chief I take the second drink of the night. Take two sips now you do it with two finger's
and two stomps of the feet: it would go right hand, right hand; left hand, left hand; right foot, right foot, left foot,
left foot, stand up twice, sit down. If they mess up then they take a drink and start over.
Next "Big Chief I take the third drink of the night" and they continue by repeating the movements except this
time in threes.
You should ?reset? the game when somebody makes a mistake, and start with a random player (chosen with
cards, dice or whatever).
Big Knots
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training
Number of players: 6 - 12
Duration: 10 min.
Stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder to form the knot. Place your hands in the centre. Now everybody grab a
couple of hands. If you ever want to get out of this, make sure that no one holds both hands with the same
person. You can switch around to get the knot tied right. Now the task is to untangle the knot again. There are
two ways to do this: The Activist way: dive under, over and through the team&#64979;mates, hoping they'll
come up with the solution. And the Analysts: who will try to survey the situation before instructing each player
precisely where to move and in what order. Now resolve it!
Big Mess
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Teambuilding,Training
Number of players: 15 - 25
Duration: 15 min.
One person is appointed bungler and goes out of the room. While the bungler is gone the others make a circle,
holding hands, and walks under and over each other, until they are a mess. Note: Do not let go of the hands!!
The bungler now has to untangle the mess.
Bite the bag
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Beach,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Time
Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 3 - 10
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: 1 paper bag, beer
A paper bag is placed on the floor open. Everyone takes turns bending down and biting the bag-- the catch is
that your feet are the only thing allowed to touch the floor. After each person is done the bag is cut about 1 inch.
For every level the people that pass must drink. If you fail to bite the bag you have to shotgun a beer.
Black and Red
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Number of players: 8 - 16
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: 4 red and 4 black cards, 4 envelopes
Beforehand you have to put one red and one black card in each envelope. Divide people into 4 groups, draw
the table below on the blackboard and explain the rules. The aim of the game is to get as many points as
possible. Each group must put one and only one card into the envelope. Do not tell them about the different
rounds before you start - just tell them as you go along. After each round, you write the points to the blackboard
for each group. Each round must only take 5 minutes - no matter if the groups send a delegate or not.BBBB
These are the possible incidents. B stands for BLACK card R stands for RED card. The numbers stand for the
number of point(s) that is/are given to the groups in each incident. That means that if 2 groups are putting the
RED card in the envelope and the other two puts a BLACK card, the two REDs will each get +2 and the two
BLACKs will each get -2 points.1st roundNo comments
2nd roundEach group can send a delegate to talk with the other groups
3rd roundDouble points, no delegates
4th roundDouble points + sending delegates
5th round3 times points, no delegates
Tell the points for each group - discuss for a short while. Then show them how many points they could have
36 Points in all if they had trusted and cooperated with each other. Discuss shortly.
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Thinking,Training
Number of players: 20 - 60
Duration: 70 min.
Materials: a room which can be completely dark. Absolutely no light allowed. One note for each person (e.g. a
deck of cards).
On two of the notes you write "detective", on one note you write "murderer". Everyone draws a note - only the
two detectives steps forward and are sent outside the door after they have heard the rules of the game. Light is
put out and everyone is walking around in the complete darkness. Now the murderer strikes!! By making a light
stranglehold around the neck of someone the murder kills his/her victim. The victim screams (as loud as
possible). As soon as the detectives hear the scream they are allowed to open the door and turn on the light.
Everyone, except the murderer and of course the victim, who is dead and therefore, cannot say anything must
tell the truth and help the detectives finding the guilty. The murderer is allowed to lie as much as he/she
pleases. After a short interrogation the detectives must point out a suspect by saying: ?We accuse you of the
murder?. The accused must then confess if he/she actually was the murderer. If the detectives have accused
the wrong person, the accused and the victim are out of the game, light is put out and you play again until the
detectives succeed.
Blanket Volleyball
Submitter: Pablo Zurro
Category: Beach,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Time Killing
Number of players: 16 - 220
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: Volleyball (or a similar one), Volleyball net, Two blankets (or traps) in 2,5 x 2,5 [m] size
Players are divided into groups of 8-10. Team members grab the edges of the blanket and lift the blanket to
waist height. The ball is placed in the middle of the blanket. The team then attempts to catapult the ball over to
the other side of the net using the blanket. The ball shouldn?t touch the ground and players cannot touch the
ball with hands.
The game can be played in two ways: Competitive and co-operative. In competitive game the objective is to
score 10 points first. In co-operative game the objective is to get the ball over the net as many consecutive
times as possible without the ball touching the ground.
? Use two balls at once
? Allow players to move after they catch the ball
? Use a tennis net or eliminate the net completely
? Have teams count the number of times they can toss the ball up in the air and catch it without dropping it.
Highest score wins.
Blind hits blind
Submitter: Gonzalo Marcos Abad
Category: Beach,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Time
Number of players: 2 - 3
Duration: 7 min.
Materials: -a blind fold
the game takes place in a secure place (plain, no obstacles...)
the participants will be blindfolded, and some will make them spin so they get disoriented. Then, someone will
spread by the game field as many rolled newspapers as players.
the objective for the blindfolded will be firstly to look (ironically) for one of the rolled papers, and then, once
she/he grabs one, will use it as a weapon to hit the other blindfolded participants.
it can be done in a spacious room, outsides, in the middle of a circle of people... Probably they'll start crawling
(better if the weapons are on the floor), and then they'll get up and hit the ground trying to reach the others.
Noone wins, but everyone laughs
Blind Man's Buff of the Tubs
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Number of players: 4 - 5
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: plastic tubes or bowls (The bowl should not be too high to accidentally ?climb?). 4-5 scarfs
The blindfolded volunteers have to walk a short distance one by one, covered with obstacles (1 or 2 bowls filled
with water) as quickly as possible.
Variation: Place some other obstacles: chairs, tables, shoes. First lead the volunteers with open eyes through
the distance. Then blindfold them outside the room. While you are blindfolding them, someone else removes all
the obstacles. Now you bring them in, and ask them to walk the distance, remembering what obstacle is where
and to avoid touching even one.
Bluff - Club
Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion
Category: Around the table,Creative,Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Party,Thinking,Time Killing
Number of players: 5 - 10
Duration: 45 min.
Materials: Hat and coin
All the players tell theirs stories in turn. (Before telling their stories the player puts a coin under the hat (all the
rest players shouldn?t see if he/she puts it or not. Heads mean that the story is true, tails - that the story is
fabricated)). As the tale-teller finishes his/her the story all the players express their opinion in turn: true or
fabricated. After that the leader lifts the hat and all the players see - whether they were right or not. The player
who is right gets a point. The player who is mistaken loses a point. The tale-tellers take their turns around the
circle. As every player has told their stories, the players count the points.
It is much better to have a separated leader for the game to keep the player enjoy the game away from
controlling and trying to count the points
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Time
Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 2 - 10
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: 2 dices, 1 empty beer box, 1 shot glass, lots of beer, penalty drink
Players sit around a table and roll the dice in turn.
Total On Dice:
2 = Double odds, see below
3 = Person to the left of roller drinks
4 = Nothing happens
5 = Roll one dice again, that's the number of drinks for everyone
6 = Make up a rule
7 = Thumbs up on the table, last one in drinks
8 = Penalty shot. Roll one dice, that's how much the shot glass is filled
9 = Person to the right of roller drinks
10 = Bathroom break (until you roll a 10 you don't leave the table)
11 = BOXHEAD (see below)
Special Rules
- Double evens: Roller drinks
- Double odds: Everybody drinks
- BOXHEAD: If you roll an 11 or 12 you must wear the beer box on your head until either you roll another 11 or
12 (in which case it is taken off) or until someone else rolls an 11 or 12 (in which case give it to the roller)
- Dice off table: If you roll one or both dice off the table, take the dice that fell off, and roll them again. This is
the number of full shots that you must drink, e.g., you roll both dice off table. You roll again and get a total of 12.
Prepare to die. You must drink 12 full shots of the evil hard stuff.
When you are a BOXHEAD, you must drink whenever someone else drinks (excluding penalty shot).
Oracle BOXHEAD: This is played in the same way as normal BOXHEAD except that before you roll the dice
you look upwards and ask the Great BOXHEAD Deity a yes-or-no question. If the roll comes out in your favour,
then the answer is what you want it to be. If the roll does not come out in your favour, then the answer is not
what you want it to be. If the roll is neutral, then the Great BOXHEAD Deity is undecided.
You can also ask question regarding numbers. For example, "Oh Great Deity, how many times will I have sex
this year?" Hope you do not roll a two.
Bread Winners
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Afterparty,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Physical Activity,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 5 - 10
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: Stools, peas, bowls
Scatter some peas on the stool. Put a bowl near it. The players' task is to sit on the stool so as to move the
peas into the bowl (don't use the hands!) The player who manages to do it is the winner.
The instructor counts the number of the peas in the bowl of each player.
Submitter: Natalia Rozycka
Number of players: 1 - 2
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: nothing
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Creative,Indoor
Number of players: 8 - 50
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: Lots of 0,33L cans
In 1 minute time you are to build the highest possible tower, using 0,33 L cans. After the leader's signal the
construction is stopped. If the tower goes to ruin and you have some more time, just begin from the very
beginning. The number of points got by the players depends on the number of cans in the tower.
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Indoor,Meeting,Party
Number of players: 8 - 50
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Different keys, padlock
The players are given a bunch of different keys and a padlock. The object is to fit the key and to unlock the
padlock as fast as possible
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Beach,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG
Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Teambuilding,Time Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 3 - 15
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: Drinks
Sit everyone around in a circle. Choose one person to start. They start by saying the number 1. The person to
their left or right (it doesn't matter) says then says 2 and so on. When someone is about to say either 7, 11, a
multiple of 7 or 11, or a number containing 7, they must say Buzz (Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Buzz, 8, 9, 10, Buzz).
As soon as someone says Buzz you switch directions. So if you were going to the right you switch to the left. If
anyone messes up, everyone drinks. This is supposed to be a quick moving game so if someone thinks for too
long, it counts as messing up.
It's really fun and easy to learn!!
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Around the table,Beach,Bus,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Thinking
Number of players: 6 - 15
Duration: 12 min.
The players sit in a large circle. One players starts the count by saying "1" and the next player along says "2"
and so on around the circle. Any number with a 3 in it or divisible by 3 must be replaced with the word "Buzz".
When someone gets it wrong play starts again from 1.
You can also have a league system whereby the player closest to the leaders right hand side is in the top
position. Anyone that makes a mistake gets up and goes to the back of the 'queue' while everyone else shuffles
round to fill the gap.
By Word of Mouth
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Creative,Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Kissing,LBG Weekend,Party,Sexy,Teambuilding,Welcome
Number of players: 10 - 20
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: paper
Sitting at the holiday table the both sides of the guests (they are divided into 2 teams) have an opportunity to
transmit the congratulation or a piece of good news to the person whose birthday it is by word of mouth. To
begin with hang a congratulation card, a photo or a letter on the stick or a pencil. The task of the guests is to
pass this "piece of news" with the help of lips (without touching it with the hands). The team which transmits the
piece of news "by word of mouth" the first wins.
Came Along
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity
Number of players: 9 - 12
Duration: 10 min.
All the players stand in a circle with their right arm stretched out. One player stands outside and runs around the
circle grabbing the arm of one of the other players. This player must now follow the first player round and so it
continues until there are about 6 running around. Then the first runner calls out 'Home' and they all dash to get
in the circle. The player who is last in is now the runner.
Camel Riding Demo
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Welcome Party
Number of players: 1 - 5
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: A mock-up camel
Invite one participant to ride the mock-up camel. He will need to act-out riding a Male camel, a Female camel, a
crazy camel and a drunken camel. The rider also needs to produce his own "Sound effects" of each different
camel. An appreciation gift to be given
Candle Relays
Submitter: Pablo Zurro
Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Time
Killing,Training,Wake Up
Number of players: 16 - 40
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: Candle, matches (lighter), whistle
Divide people in groups of 8-10. On the whistle blow, the first player on each team must light their candle and
complete the course with their candle lit before handing off to the next team-mate. Players must move through
the course with their candle lit. If candle extinguishes, they must re-light their candle and continue. The first
team to have all team players through the course and seated behind the starting line wins.
HINTS: It can be played in every venue.
• Have players return to the starting line to re-light their candle.
• Have players return to the starting line to re-light their candle
• Have players move through an obstacle course.
• Run race on a track , similar to a track relay race.
• Have players seated on scooters
• Play in the swimming pool- players must keep their feet off the
• bottom of the pool.
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome
Number of players: 2 - 8
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Beer
The players sit in a circle. Each player places an open beer in front of him or her and a cap upside down on the
beer. The players take turns throwing a cap at someone else's beer.
If you knock their cap off, they take a drink.
If you knock it off twice in a row, you make up a rule and a consequence for breaking the rule.
If you knock it off three times, the person has to chug the beer. You keep going until you miss and it is the next
persons turn. You are not allowed to adjust your cap on the beer.
If you touch it you must drink.
If you knock your own cap off, you must finish your beer.
Capture the flag
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity
Number of players: 10 - 20
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: 2 handmade flags on staffs 2' long; 2 different coloured sets of arm orheadbands made of crepe
Divide the group into two teams. Identify each by a set of arm or headbands.Set up a jail area (3-4 square
yards) and a separate hiding spot for each flag. Jails are set up at opposite ends of a 5-20 acre area.The object
of the game is to penetrate the other team's area and capture their flag. A flag is 'captured' after it has been
returned to the captor's jail area.Prisoners are taken by having their arm or headbands removed by an
opponent. Prisoners are taken to the jail of their captor's; then they wait there quietly until they are
released.Prisoners can only be released when a member of their team (with arm or headband intact) runs
through the jail in which they are being held captive. After their release, prisoners are given free escort back to
a central spot near their end of the area. Here, they are issued a new arm or headband.The game continues
until a flag is captured, or time is up.
Supervision at the jails and 'new arm or headband area' is important. Encourage teams to plan elaborate
strategies of defence and offence.
Try playing the game with three or four teams, each with its own jail area andhiding spot for their flag.
Card game
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Creative,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome
Number of players: 5 - 10
Duration: 60 min.
Materials: 1 deck of cards, 1 empty glass in the centre of the table, drinks
A very entertaining game ? you?ll get drunk before you get bored for sure.
All Aces, Kings, Tens, Jokers, Queens, Nines and Threes are removed from the deck. They are shuffled, and
randomly strewn through the middle of the table, face down.
Whoever chooses to go first, picks a card from the table, and reveals it to the entire group. According to which
card it is, an activity is performed. The card drawn is placed aside, not to be drawn again. Moving in clockwise
direction, after the activity is done, the next person picks a card and so forth.
The Rules for Each Card Are:
- QUEENS: The table engages in the alphabet game. This means that the person who picks the queen chooses
a topic, and begins with an "A"-word pertaining to the subject, next person is "B" and so on. Continue until
someone falters, takes too much time, or can't think of one, in which case, they drink.
- JACKS: Jacks are "socials", everybody toasts, and everybody drinks! (doesn't have to be the whole drink, just
a swallow).
- TENS: Tens are the Thumb Master: when you pull this card, you keep it with you. At any point in the game,
that person can put their thumb on the table - the last person to catch on, drinks. (the person who draws the
card gets to use this card once).
- NINES: Nines are the question cards. The person who draws the card immediately looks at someone and
asks them a question. That person then turns to someone else and asks them a question, and so on. The first
person to answer a question, laugh, or ask a question to the person who just asked them, drinks!
- ACES: Aces are the "rules" card. The person who draws an ace, gets to make any rule they want. (i.e., every
time Jason says "Yeah, whatever", Julie has to drink.) This can get fun, if you build on them for each ace drawn
- you can get people doing crazy dances, and others having to drink whenever someone else does - this is the
best part.
- KINGS: When a King is drawn, it is kept out on the table, face up. The person who draws the card has to pour
some of their drink into an empty glass (as little or as much as they want). The person who pulls the fourth King,
has to slam the glass in the middle of the table. This works best if everyone's drinking the same thing, but if
they're not nice, you could be drinking some interesting combinations.
Variations: try different rules for the word game (the queen). For instance, the first person can start with any
letter, and the other persons must think of words beginning with the last letter of the last word. Or the first
person starts with any word ? let?s say a ?P? word, and then all the others must continue with ?P?-words.
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Drinking,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Time Killing
Number of players: 2 - 20
Duration: 40 min.
Materials: Drinks
Each person picks a car colour. Every time your colour passes you get to drink. Here are the amounts for each
type of vehicle: 1 drink for a car, 2 drinks for a van, 3 drinks for a truck, and 4 drinks for anything bigger than a
One of those rare drinking games were you must win to drink!
Be careful when playing it, in most countries it is against the law to drink in public!
Cat and mouse
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Creative,Farewell Party,Get2know,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical
Activity,Reflex,Teambuilding,Thinking,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up,Welcome Party
Number of players: 11 - 31
Duration: 30 min.
The even number of people plus facilitator who stays aside .One of the participants is the cat, one acts as a
mouse. Of course the goal of the game isfor cat to catch the mouse. But all the people are involved in the play.
We make themstand in the rows with equal number of persons (e.g. 5 rows of 6 people). They have theirarms
stretched aside. In that way they create something like ?corridors? (see the drawing):
---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o---
---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o---
---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o---
---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o---
---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o---
The mouse is running away from the cat in the created ?corridors?, while the cat ischasing her. When the
facilitator clasp his hands, all the people standing make the 90degrees turn to the right creating now also
?corridors? but in other direction, throughwhich again the mouse is trying to escape the cat:
1 1 1 1 1 1
o o o o o o
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
o o o o o o
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
o o o o o o
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Cat and Mouse
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Beach,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Thinking,Wake Up
Number of players: 6 - 14
Duration: 10 min.
The players form a circle (or a lattice) by holding hands. One player is the mouse, the other the cat. The mouse
must try to evade the cat. The players attempt to help the mouse by raising their arms to let him pass, and
lowering them to keep the cat out. The cat must attempt to catch the mouse by touching him. Neither the cat nor
mouse may cross any lower arms, only raised ones. Play continues until a set time limit, or until the mouse is
caught. A new cat and mouse are then designated and play starts again.
Catch the Stick
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Indoor,Killing,Kissing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity
Number of players: 8 - 15
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: Stave (or broomstick)
The players form a large circle facing inwards. Each player is given a number. One player stands in the centre
keeping the stick upright by resting the palm of his hand on the top. The player in the centre calls out a number
and removes his hand. The player whose number is called tries to catch the stick before it hits the ground. If
that player manages to catch it they take their place in the centre otherwise the original player stays in the
Hints: The stick should only be balanced upright and hot held. They must just remove their hand and not push
the stick in any way.
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Training,Wake Up
Number of players: 5 - 15
Duration: 5 min.
Stand in a line closely together and sit down with your legs out the sides (that is: sit with your legs spread out to
the sides and the next person as close to your lap as he/she can get). You must sit CLOSE!! Now put your left
leg across the left leg of the person sitting in front of you, and your right leg across his/her right leg. Arms
should be to the sides. Now the caterpillar starts rocking from one side to the other. The game leader sets the
rhythm. It is very important that everyone keep the rhythm. When the sideways rocking is forceful enough the
caterpillar turns completely over and is now standing. Try walking slowly forwards &#64979; still keeping the
same rhythm.
Centre catch
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity
Number of players: 5 - 9
Duration: 8 min.
Materials: One ball
The players stand in a large circle. One player stands in the middle of the circle. The ball is passed between the
players in the circle (by passing and throwing). If the person in the middle touches the ball then he takes his
place in the circle and a different player goes into the middle (normally the one who had just passed the ball).
Century club
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Time Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 3 - 100
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: Beer, shot glasses, 1 watch
It's really pretty simple and doesn’t require much skill, just a high tolerance.
The objective is to drink a shot of beer every minute till you reach 100 shots/minutes without being sick.
Basically, play begins with each player filling up their shot glass with beer and simultaneously drinking it. Every
minute thereafter another shot of beer is to be taken.
The players are allowed to do anything, i.e. leaving the room, visiting the toilet throwing up etc. On the one
condition that they down their shot at the end of the minute.
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Creative,Indoor,Meeting,Party
Number of players: 8 - 50
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: Lot of paper
In a fixed time the player must make a chain of the paper clips. The player whose chain is the longest wins the
Chain Story
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Indoor,Meeting,Thinking,Time Killing
Number of players: 5 - 25
Duration: 20 min.
The leader gives a theme and a place. He/she points to somebody who starts. At any point he points on
somebody else who has to continue, if wanted people have to quit. The game continues until they get stuck or
repeat the last word
Chained Statues
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Beach,Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Training,Welcome Party
Number of players: 5 - 20
Duration: 10 min.
One person takes a statue position in the centre. Another comes up and moves an arm, leg, hand, or etc. The
leader may say "freeze" at any point, and everyone stay exactly where she is. Continue until the whole group is
Chair Dodge
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Reflex,Training,Wake Up
Number of players: 5 - 10
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: Some Chairs
The players form a circle and hold hands. A chair is placed in the middle of the circle. The idea of the game is to
force the other players to hit the chair. If any player hits the chair they are out... If the circle breaks both players
at the break are out of the game. The last player left is the winner.
Hints: Take care not to let the game get out of hand. No twisting of other players arms is allowed
Variation: Place chairs outside the circle as well as one inside.
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 2 - 10
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: Beer, different sized glasses, 1 coin
A large glass is filled with beer and put in the centre of the table. The smaller glasses are also filled with beer,
arranged around the centre glass in a circle, and in front of the respected player. The player in possession of
the quarter shoots. If the quarter lands in one of the small glasses, the player whose glass it lands in has to
drink the beer in his/her glass and fill the glass back up with beer. If the quarter lands in the large centre glass,
every player has to chug the beer in his/her small glass. The player who is last to set his/her glass down has to
drink the beer in the large centre glass.
The quarter is passed to the next player when the previous player fails to put the quarter in a glass.
Warning: If the centre glass is not hit much, the beer becomes warm, and this adds to the fun, especially late in
the game.
China - Tour
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Around the table,Beach,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Thinking,Time
Number of players: 5 - 25
Duration: 15 min.
Everyone is sitting in a circle. A tour leader starts the game by thinking out some sort of system that the others
must guess. The system can be movements/gestures, spelling/letters, same kind etc. Example: the tour leader
starts by saying: ?To go to China I'll bring a dog?. If the system is sitting on your hands while you're saying the
code&#64979;word &#64979; then what he/she is saying doesn't matter &#64979; the gestures are the cue.
The system could also be that you have to mention a 4&#64979;legged creature. The others must guess this by
each trying ?to go to China ?? each turn. The tour leader says after each suggestion yes or no. Everyone keeps
guessing, no matter if they have already solved the puzzle.
Choose A Pair!
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Welcome Party
Number of players: 20 - 100
Duration: 40 min.
The youth or the girl is blindfolded and led to the centre of the room (hall). He/she is a leader. Any player takes
a little bell and passes by him/her with it. The leader's task is to choose a partner for dance at random. If the
leader (girl) chooses a girl, the latter becomes the leader. If the leader (girl) chooses a youth, they both make a
pair for a dance. The fillet is given to the other person, chosen with the help of the reckoning. This game
continues until there are 10-12 pairs. After that the master of ceremonies announces the pair dance.
Chopstick Handling Skill Contest
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity
Number of players: 4 - 6
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: over-sized chopsticks, bowl, titbits
Each participant is given over-sized chopsticks and attempt to lift "difficult" titbits from one bowl to another. The
fastest and with the most number of titbits collected wins
Circle Cricket
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity
Number of players: 10 - 20
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: One Ball
The players form two teams. One team stands in a large circle and the other team stands in a line. When the
game starts the team in the circle pass the ball to each other around the circle. The other team have to run, one
player at a time relay style, between two fixed markers. Each 'run' is noted. Once the ball has been passed
around the circle a set amount of times (depends on the number of players) then play stops The two teams
swap round and repeat. The team with the highest score wins.
Circle Football
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Reflex,Training,Wake Up
Number of players: 5 - 8
Duration: 12 min.
Materials: Bean bag
The players form a circle and hold hands. A bean bag is placed in the
middle of the circle. The idea of the game is to force the bean bag outside the circle. The two players that the
bag passes between or under are out of the game. Players are allowed to pull a player over the bean bag or to
kick it. If the circle breaks both players at the break are out of the game. The last player left is the winner.
Clap and Catch
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Beach,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Reflex,Training
Number of players: 5 - 10
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: Ball
The players stand in a large circle and the leader stands in the middle. The leader throws the ball to a player
who must clap before they catch it. If they fail to clap or do not catch the ball they must lose a 'life' and stand on
one leg. When they lose another life they must kneel down, and then a further life lost causes them to sit out.
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex
Number of players: 5 - 20
Duration: 10 min.
The players sit in a circle. One player starts by clapping and then the person on their left must clap and so on all
the way round the circle. The idea of the game is to see how fast you can send the clap around the circle. Once
this is mastered try reversing the clap each time it reaches a certain player or sending more than one clap
Coat of Arms
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Around the table,Creative,Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training
Number of players: 4 - 14
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: paper, pencils, scissors, felt pens or chalk
Show examples of heraldry and coats of arms, discuss symbolism. Design your own coat of arms: suggestions
are only optional, it is best if people invent their own. (The suggestions are also just ideas; people invent their
own symbols). Afterwards share and discuss.
Conveyor Belt
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up
Number of players: 12 - 30
Duration: 10 min.
Everyone except 2 or 3 game leaders stands in a line closely together and sit down with their legs out the sides.
You must sit CLOSE!! Everyone puts up their arms into the air and lean forwards. The game leaders lift the
person in front of the row and place her lying down backwards on the lifted arms. The people sitting holding her
leans backwards and slowly move her down the line. The game leaders can start lifting the next quickly.
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Time Killing,Training
Number of players: 5 - 20
Duration: 10 min.
The players sit in a large circle. One player starts the game by doing something to the person on their right. This
must be done without any laughter, giggling or smiling. They then pass the action on to the next player and so
on. Anyone who giggles, laughs or smiles is out.
Count the F's
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Thinking,Time Killing,Training
Number of players: 5 - 999
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: overhead with the exercise or copies on paper for each.
Pass out face&#64979;down copies of the sentence to each in the group. Tell them that they simply have to
count how many times the letter "f" appears in the sentence. Allow only a minute. Ask: Who has 4 "
f'&#64979;s. How about 5? Does anyone have 6? (About 50% will see only 3.Discuss: Why couldn't all of us
initially see all F's? (sounds like a “v” sometime). Have you observed situations where only the "important"
things get attention? Who decides what's important? How can we persuade people to pay more attention to
detail? Is it always important?The sentence:FEATURE FILMS ARE THE RESULTOF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC
Crazy Machines
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Thinking,Training
Number of players: 7 - 9
Duration: 120 min.
Materials: some thin rope/thread for each group, thick tape, sticks, rubber bands of different kinds, scissors,
paper, pencils
Let each group make/create a usable machine for a simple task. It can be a can/beer opener, washing machine
etc. Use your imagination.
Crossed Wires
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Thinking,Training
Number of players: 2 - 999
Duration: 5 min.
The game leader instructs as follows; ?With your right hand grab your left ear. Now with your left hand grab
your nose? When each has hold of his ear and nose, the game leader calls: ?Change?. The difficulty
encountered in reversing the hands is always amusing and serves to break the formality.
Daiquiri Race
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity
Number of players: 6 - 12
Duration: 20 min.
Blindfold the men and line them up on one side of the room. Place the women on the opposite side of the room
with a frozen daiquiri. The object of the game is for the women to take a spoonful of the frozen drink, carry the
spoon by the handle in their teeth, and feed the drink to their partner. This game has to be done without using
any hands, and the first couple to finish their drink wins!
This game is also a lot of fun with ice cream instead of daiquiris.
Dance Competition
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity
Number of players: 4 - 6
Duration: 30 min.
Five couples, paired at random, are invited to perform 3 types of dances. The coordinator with help from a
professional dancer will first give a quick demonstration of these dances. The winner shall be judged based on
the loudest applause from the audience, after which they will be asked to perform a repeat of the winning
dance. Best Dance Award to be given to the winner and consolation prizes to the rest.
Deadly sins party
Submitter: Guido Fusco
Number of players: 10 - 30
Duration: 75 min.
Materials: Alcohol, glasses,dice (normal one and one with sexy positions), lighter, imbuto, spay cream (or
nutella), all that your fantasy can find out
The framework is the Hell and all the participants are dressed as devils and demons.
In order to reach the most deeply dark part of his soul and reach the possibility to make his secret wishes real,
all the demons have to commit each of 7 deadly sins;
Every sin is related to a shot that the participant can drink only if he/she has committed the related sin.
During the game (after the 4th sin) each participant has to write down 2 secret wishes (possible to make real
during the night) and put them in the PANDORA BOX
Once you have committed all 7 Sins you can step up to the next level: you pick up a piece of paper from the
PANDORA BOX and try to make real the wish written on it.
1.Greed: you are so greedy that you don?t want to share your drink with someone else; so you have to drink it
as fast as you can with a BUFFALO.
2.Sloth: you are so lazy that you can?t drink by yourself, so you get ?imbuted? by an organizer
3.Pride: you always think to be better than me, so I challenge you in a drinking competition (organizer with
water and participant with vodka) in order to find out who is the BEST drinker; at most 3 shots of vodka
4.Wrath: the anger makes you mad enough to push out the fire from your mouth?.let?s enjoy the Cointreau
(almost every BESTie knows how it works)!
5.Envy: boys envy girl's way to make blowjobs, so they have to simulate that kind of job by drinking a shot
without using hands; otherwise girls are jealous each other, so they are in competition and they have to
simulate an orgasm (to be approved by the organizers committee) and then simulate a blowjob drinking a shot
(they can use hands in order to integrate blowjob with handjob)
6.Gluttony: you are badly seeking good tastes, so you must lick spray cream (or nutella) from a part of the body
of your victim. You can choose the victim and a dice will choose the part of the body that you have to lick
7.Lust: you have to choose your favourite sex position (if you want we can roll the dice) and simulate it with a
chosen partner also simulating the orgasm and passing your drink to the partner mouth by mouth.
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Time Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 2 - 6
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: 11 dimes, drinks (beer suggested)
Every person gets a chance to deal. What you do is shake the coins up in your hands and stack them. Dealer
calls head or tails and removes the top coin. If the coin underneath is the right one the player drinks one or two
mouth full (decided on before the game starts). Dealer goes through the stack with each player then passes the
coins to the next player to deal.
Must combine with the variations, or else it will be too simple.
- Thumb master: The player declares themselves thumb master. When they put their thumb on the table, other
players must put the correct thumb on the table. The last player to do so does a 2 finger fine and then becomes
thumb master. (Also foot, tongue, head master)
- Jive master: the player declares themselves jive master. When they stand up and jive, the other players must
do the same. The last one up does a 2 finger fine and becomes the jive master. (Also air-guitar master, Hawaii,
5-0 master etc)
- Toilet chairman: the player becomes the toilet chairman. Players wishing to go to toilet must ask the chairman,
who puts it to a vote. Players vote with a thumbs up or down. If the vote is no, the player cannot ask again for 5
- No using numbers
- No pointing
- Left handed drinking
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Indoor,Meeting,Party
Number of players: 10 - 50
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Balloons, felt-tip pens
At first the players are asked to "discover" a new planet, i.e. to blow up the balloon as soon as possible, and
then "to inhabit" this planet with the inhabitants, i.e. to draw on balloon with the felt-tip-pen as many little men
as possible. The player who has the greatest number of men on the balloon - is the winner.
Do You Like Girls, Boys?
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Afterparty,Get2know,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Welcome Party
Number of players: 10 - 20
Duration: 3 min.
The leader and 5-15 girls make a line. At a distance of 1 meter behind them there are some boys.
At the command all of them run. While running the leader asks: Do you like girls, boys? The boys must
altogether answer "No". The leader asks the question for several times and all the times the boys answer - "No".
At last the leader says: "Well, why do you run after girls, if you don't like them?"
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party
Number of players: 40 - 60
Duration: 60 min.
Materials: Cardboard
As the players (youths and girls) enter the hall, they are given dominoes cut out of cardboard. They pin it to their
clothes. There are 2 complete sets of these cards (28 pieces in each set). The cards of one set are given to the
girls, the cards of the other set are given to the youths. Before the dance begins the players at the leader's
signal make pairs according to the principle of dominoes.
C.f. the youth with the card 5-2 may ask to a dance a girl with the card 2-6; 2-4; 2-3; 2-0 or 5-6; 5-4; 5-3; 5-1; 5-
0. Sometimes the leader may announce the change of the partners. (In this case the leader gives advance
notice to the guests about his/her intentions while they are dancing). Then all the pairs change, make the pairs
according to the same principle.
If there are more than 56 persons at the party you may take 2, 4, 6, 8?more numbers of the complete sets.
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training
Number of players: 15 - 25
Duration: 60 min.
Drama always creates a very special atmosphere. Once you've been acting and doing really stupid things in
front of other people, people tend to start talking about all kinds of different things. It always requires
enthusiasms and skills of the game leader. It can be very difficult at times to make people doing silly things. The
game leader should be able to dramatise the setting by voice and intonation. E.g. " It is winter. It's late. Two
people -perhaps children- are walking along a long, cold, lonesome road. It starts to snow. The snowflakes are
silently falling from the sky…”It you plan on doing some drama, plan ahead!! Have the materials you need at
hand, have some very well structured, defined games, and some more open&#64979;ended on hand. Choose
from intuition &#64979; what do they need &#64979; and what do they want (those two things don't have to be
the same thing). In all games, though, there should be room for adapting and creativity. Don't spoil the game by
discussing it in detail afterwards. Allocate time for small talk after&#64979;wards.It can be a good idea to
provide make&#64979;up, dress, etc. This makes it easier for shy people to become somebody else. Or you
can use tape, washable colours for sheets, scissors, tape, egg&#64979;containers etc. If people are very shy,
use a defined game, and ask some of the following questions (not all) to get going: - Who are the persons/the
problem? Age, sex, family role, statue, rich/poor, respected/despised, lots of friends/alone, education,
occupation…- What do they look like? Dress, make&#64979;up, stature, attitude, walk, gestures.- What do they
sound like'? Voice, language, shouting, crying. - What do they like/dislike, hope/fear, values. - Where are the
people &#64979; where are they going?- How is that place, why are they in that situation? - What do they want:
the intentions of the persons/things/animals.Almost anything can be used. Make the groups create situations
and play&#64979;act the following topics e.g.:Words put together: ammunition+food, stomach+lamp,
poison+onion Theme: The spring&#64979;dress, Love forever, Bad luck, Winter, hope Lines: "hey, stop that!",
"Ours is the victory!", "I've got a plan!" Meetings between: child+bear, secretary+boss,
postman+traineesSituations: in a restaurant, fair, elderly people in the city, on a moon trip with Russian and
American scientists, a traffic accident in Paris &#64979; you don't speak French. Legends/history: well-known
stories or facts &#64979; perhaps with a different ending?What would have happened if... Germany had won
the 2º World War? We were living in an Age of Ice, The Incas had discovered Europe, The Greek Gods,
Odysseus, The ugly duckling…Songs: House of New Orleans, Hair, Roll me over
draw a Cow
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Welcome Party
Number of players: 5 - 50
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Stuff to blindhold, pen to draw, sheet of paper
The players must draw a cow being blindfolded. At first they draw the eyes, then drop the hand and make a
pause, then draw the snout, drop the hand, make a pause and draw the horns etc.
Dress a Lady
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Sexy,Welcome Party
Number of players: 10 - 20
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: Ribbons
Each lady holds a ball of ribbon in her right hand. The gentlemen take a tip of the ribbon with the teeth and wind
it round their ladies (not using their hands). The gentlemen who is the first in "dressing" the lady or whose
"dress" is the best is the winner.
Drug Dealer
Submitter: Roberto Spellucci
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Time Killing,Welcome Party
Number of players: 5 - 20
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: Deck of cards, drinks
Get as many cards as there are players. There should be one ace and one king mixed with the cards. Mix up
cards and distribute one to each player. Players look only at their card. The player with the ace is the drug
dealer and the person with the king is the cop. The drug dealer must wink at the other players. Any player who
sees the wink must then say "The deal has been made." It is up to the cop to determine who the dealer is. For
each wrong guess, the cop must drink for 5 seconds. Players may bluff and pretend they saw the wink even if
they haven't. This is fun with large groups of people because it is harder for the cop to guess. However, if the
cop sees the wink, the dealer must drink for 5 seconds.
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Training
Number of players: 4 - 10
Duration: 15 min.
How far can the eagle fly and still land safely? Let one person lay down and be the eagle. Find 3 helpers: 2 to
hold "the eagle's" arm and 1 or 2 to hold the legs. The tempo must be easy and quiet. Both start and landing
must be slow and careful. Take care to land the eagle before the eagle gets exhausted and the wings folds up.
Let 2 persons make a Siamese eagle with extra carriers.
Egg Throw
Submitter: Pablo Zurro
Category: Beach,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Time Killing
Number of players: 12 - 20
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: Eggs, sacks to covr the cloths of players.
Divide the players into groups, but the number of players in each group should be even. On each side of the
ground half of the participants of each team are placed with a distance of two meters between the two parts of
one team. Each half-part-team must stand very close, stomach towards back, in a row. The first participants in
each row throw an egg to the opposite row. The goal is to keep the egg whole. If the egg breaks the game is
over. When you have thrown you move to the last place in the row. By this the distance between the two rows
increases. When you have thrown you move to the last place in the row. By this the distance between the two
rows increases.
HINTS: A dirty game
Electric circuit
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Around the table,Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Time Killing,Welcome
Number of players: 8 - 20
Duration: 8 min.
The players stand in a large circle. One player leaves the room. One of the players in the circle is chosen to be
the generator. Three or four other players around the circle are chosen to be electrical goods (toaster, radio
etc). All the players hold hands and the player returns from outside and stands in the middle. The generator
starts passing the current round the circuit by squeezing the hand of the player on their right. When the current
passes through one of the electrical items they make the noise of that item. The current goes round the circuit
until it reaches the generator who then passes it back the other way. The player in the middle must guess who
the generator is.
Empty Glass, Full Glass
Submitter: Alexandre Roman Chico
Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Motivation
Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Time Killing
Number of players: 5 - 20
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: 6 or 12 shot glasses
1 or 2 dice
Depending on the number of people participating, you can either use 6 shot glasses and 1 die or 12 shot
glasses and 2 dice.
Each glass is numbered from 1 to 6/12. Each player throws the dice in turn. If the total number corresponds to
an empty glass, the player fills it and gives the dice to the next player. If it's full, the player drinks it and plays
The funny part starts when most of the glasses are full and the player only gets full glasses.
Endless Dance
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party
Number of players: 15 - 101
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: A stick
All the players are dancing in pairs. The leader is in the centre. He/she holds a stick in his/her hands. The
leader throws the stick and all the dancers change their partners. The leader tries to take up somebody's place.
The player who has no pair is a leader. He/she takes the stick and does the same as the previous leader.
English Consequences
Submitter: Natalia Rozycka
Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Motivation
Weekend,Party,Thinking,Training,Welcome Party
Number of players: 3 - 20
Duration: 20 min.
This works best if you have studied English and forgotten it!
Each person needs a long piece of paper. At the top write a short sentence in your language. Pass the paper
round the circle. The next person translates the sentence into English and folds the paper so that only the
English shows. The next player translates the sentence back into your national language and folds the paper so
only the last one h shows .. and so on.
The final result is a real laugh!
ESP Icebreaker
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Thinking,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up
Number of players: 5 - 999
Duration: 5 min.
Ask for a volunteer to assist you. Explain that you are going to foretell the results of an arithmetic exercise by
the virtue of ESP, Extra Sensory Perception. Position yourself any place where you cannot see what the person
is going to write.
1.Ask the volunteer to write on the blackboard any 3-digit number (the number must not be a mirror image, e.g.
2.Then tell the person to reverse the number and subtract the lower number from the higher chosen number
(e.g. 821-128= 693)
3.Add reverse of the new number (693+396=1089)
4.As the volunteer completes the calculation, hold up a prepared card on which you have previously written the
number 1089. On occasion, the initial subtraction will yield a 2-digit number. In such a case, simply direct the
volunteer to add a zero in front (eg.99 to 099).
Estonian in the cupboard
Submitter: Teele Kundla
Category: Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Motivation Weekend,Party,Physical
Activity,Teambuilding,Training,Wake Up,Welcome Party
Number of players: 1 - 5
Duration: 60 min.
Materials: vodka; beer
Stage 1: Five Estonians drink 10 bottles of vodka. One of them gets chosen to hide himself to the cupboard.
The others have to guess, who is in the cupboard. They can all discuss.
Stage 2: Three Estonians drink 3 bottles of vodka and 9 bottles of strong beer. One of them hides in the
cupboard, the others continue drinking. By the end of the day they guess what happened during the day and
why one of them is in the cupboard. They can all discuss.
Stage 3: Two Estonians drink 5 bottles of vodka. One of them hides in the cupboard. The other one has to
guess who is in the cupboard. Discussing is allowed.
Stage 4: Two Estonians drink 4 bottles of vodka and 4 bottles of strong beer. One of them hides in the
cupboard. The other one has to guess where is the cupboard. Discussing is allowed only with yourself.
Stage 5 (it's advised to consult your doctor before playing this): One Estonian drinks 2 bottles of vodka and
then has to guess if he's in the cupboard or not. It's the hardest option, because there isn't anyone to discuss
Evening Dress
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Afterparty,Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Sexy
Number of players: 8 - 16
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Newspapers, pins and scissors
The instructor asks the group to divide in couples. He/she suggests their making the evening dress, using only
newspapers, pins and scissors. The winner is chosen by the spectators.
Excuse Me!
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party
Number of players: 14 - 30
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Cardboard
Gentlemen ask ladies to a dance. 2-3 gentlemen are given special cards with the phrase "Excuse me!" written
on them. With this card the gentleman may come to any of the pairs, give it to the gentleman and begin to
dance with his lady?
Submitter: Pablo Zurro
Category: Beach,Creative,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Thinking,Time
Number of players: 20 - 40
Duration: 30 min.
Materials: Blindfolds for each player. A wide venue (a football field)
People are divided into groups of 5-6 and are called a family. Each team should find themselves a family name,
easy to remember and recognize. Then the eyes ae covered and everybody?s asked to be silent for a while.
The fascilitator seperates the players in the field. The objective of the game is to gather all the family members
as soon as possible. The team that gathers first wins. During the game players can just shout their family name.
HINTS: Forest is not a suitable venue for this game.
VARIATIONS: Players may be asked to oretend a specific animal species
Fear in a Hat
Submitter: Helena Belien
Number of players: 2 - 30
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: paper and pen for every player, hat or box or shoe or smt you can put pieces of paper in
Set an appropriate tone, e.g., settled, attentive, caring and serious.
The tone could be set by introducing the topic of fear and explaining how it is normal and natural at this
stage of program that people are experiencing all sorts of anxieties, worries and fears about what might
happen. A good way of starting to deal with these fears is have them openly acnkowledged - lay them on the
table, without being subject to ridicule. Having one's fears expressed and heard almost immediately cuts them
in half.
Can be done as the first activity in a program, during the initial stages or well into the program. When used
early on in particular, it can help to foster group support and be helpful for alerting the group to issues they may
want to respect in a Full Value Contract.
Ask everyone, including the group leaders, to complete this sentence on a piece of paper (anonymously):
"In this trip/group/program, I am [most] afraid that..." or "In this trip/group/program, the worst thing that could
happen to me would be..."
Collect the pieces of paper, mix them around, then invite each person to a piece of paper and read about
someone's fear.
One by one, each group member reads out the fear of another group member and elaborates and what
he/she feels that person is most afraid of in this group/situation. No one is to comment on what the person
says, just listen and move on to the next person.
If the reader doesn't elaborate much on the fear, then ask them one or two questions. Avoid implying or
showing your opinion as to the fear being expressed, unless the person is disrepecting or completely
misunderstanding someone's fear. If the person doesn't elaborate after one or two questions, leave it and move
When all the fears have been read out and elaborated on, then discuss what people felt and noticed.
Can lead into other activities, such as developing a Full Group Contract, personal or team goal settings,
course briefings which specifically tackle some of the issues raised, or into other activities in which participants
explore their feelings and fears (e.g., see the Fear in a Hat description at
Likes and dislikes - in two separate hats
Favorite moments
Fear in a Hat
Submitter: Helena Belien
Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Motivation
Number of players: 2 - 30
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: piece of paper and pen for every player, hat or box to put pieces of paper in
Set an appropriate tone, e.g., settled, attentive, caring and serious.
The tone could be set by introducing the topic of fear and explaining how it is normal and natural at this
stage of program that people are experiencing all sorts of anxieties, worries and fears about what might
happen. A good way of starting to deal with these fears is have them openly acnkowledged - lay them on the
table, without being subject to ridicule. Having one's fears expressed and heard almost immediately cuts them
in half.
Can be done as the first activity in a program, during the initial stages or well into the program. When used
early on in particular, it can help to foster group support and be helpful for alerting the group to issues they may
want to respect in a Full Value Contract.
Ask everyone, including the group leaders, to complete this sentence on a piece of paper (anonymously):
"In this trip/group/program, I am [most] afraid that..." or "In this trip/group/program, the worst thing that could
happen to me would be..."
Collect the pieces of paper, mix them around, then invite each person to a piece of paper and read about
someone's fear.
One by one, each group member reads out the fear of another group member and elaborates and what
he/she feels that person is most afraid of in this group/situation. No one is to comment on what the person
says, just listen and move on to the next person.
If the reader doesn't elaborate much on the fear, then ask them one or two questions. Avoid implying or
showing your opinion as to the fear being expressed, unless the person is disrepecting or completely
misunderstanding someone's fear. If the person doesn't elaborate after one or two questions, leave it and move
When all the fears have been read out and elaborated on, then discuss what people felt and noticed.
Can lead into other activities, such as developing a Full Group Contract, personal or team goal settings,
course briefings which specifically tackle some of the issues raised, or into other activities in which participants
explore their feelings and fears (e.g., see the Fear in a Hat description at
Likes and dislikes - in two separate hats
Favorite moments
Feed a Friend
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Indoor,Party,Welcome Party
Number of players: 4 - 50
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Fishing-rods, chocolate
The players stand with their backs to each other. They hold fishing-rods in their hands. To the strings of the
fishing-rods there attached the unwrapped bars of chocolate. The players' task is to eat the bar from the other
player's fishing-rod as soon as possible.
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Around the table,Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG
Number of players: 4 - 12
Duration: 45 min.
If possible, start with some general introduction and theory on the subject (Johari-window) - 10 min. Each must
list 3 positive things and one negative thing about him/herself as well as one positive and one negative thing
about each of the others. The participants will have 5 minutes. It is very important that you stress the following:
Everyone must write down the exact number. It can be aspects of personality, cooperation, of typical attributes
etc. It doesn't matter whether you have known each other for a long time or not. You cannot discuss whether
what is said is right or wrong. Accept the fact that this is how you come across during the time you have known
each other. If you do not agree, then think about why the other person possibly could get that impression. List
the things of each person on a big blackboard (you should be able to see all the lists at the same time). Ask
after each person has been commented on, if he/she has any comments, how she/he is feeling about it etc. It is
important that you as a game leader allow time for this.Discuss finally: How did you feel? What was most
difficult/easy - why? What were you feeling at different times? What would make it easier to give feedback?
What would make it easier to receive feedback?End the session by pointing out, that the positive/negative
things add together and can be used in a team.
Ensure that people in the group either have met before or have spent some time together (min. 2 days in e.g.
working groups)
Felt hat
Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion
Category: Around the table,Creative,Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Thinking,Time Killing
Number of players: 10 - 25
Duration: 60 min.
Materials: Papers, scissors
Each participant is given a pre-made red felt donut-shaped circle of approximately 18 inches in diameter and
give the instruction to form some type of hat out of the felt piece. Participants are given enough time to make
their hat, and each person explains the hat they created. This is a quick, and fun, way to "break the ice."
Fill the gap
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Wake Up
Number of players: 5 - 20
Duration: 5 min.
The players stand in a large circle. One player walks around the outside of the circle and touches a player on
the shoulder. Then both of these players must run around the circle in opposite directions until they reach the
gap in the circle. The last player to reach the gap must walk around the outside of the circle and touch someone
Final- For Adults Only
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Sexy,Teambuilding,Welcome Party
Number of players: 12 - 30
Duration: 15 min.
Divide up into 2 teams. At the signal the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (any items they
like). The players put their clothes in one line. Each team has a line of its own. The team which has the longest
line is the winner.
Find an Object
Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion
Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Thinking,Welcome Party
Number of players: 10 - 15
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: Any kind of objects around the participants
Give participants 10 minutes to find an object that represents either how they feel today, what they aspire to,
what their job feels like, what they'd like to let go of to be present---the possibilities are wide open.
Participants can either hold on to their object or put it on a cloth in the center of the room (this assume people
are in a circle on the floor or in chairs).
Have each participant share with the group what the object means to them. You can either go in order, let
someone volunteer to be first and then go in order or let it go according to whoever is ready
It helps to have access to nature because of the greatly increased store of objects to be found there but it can
be also done it in homes.
It is helpful to emphasize that they don't have to find the ultimate object and they shouldn't think too hard about
it but just let objects speak to them, e.g. whatever seems to catch their eye should be considered. This is also a
good example of "challenge by choice" in that participants can choose how much they wish to share of their
"inner life" based on the notion that learning requires some willingness to risk
Each participant introduces themselves and then shows the group an object they brought into the session (It
could be from their pocket, purse, briefcase, etc.) They must then tell the group why that object is significant to
who they are.
Find the Bell
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Time Killing
Number of players: 5 - 15
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: a little bell that rings easily.
Have the group sit in a circle. Choose one person to sit in the center of the circle.The leader gives the bell to
one of the players, who begins to pass it around the circle.The object of the game is to pass the bell quietly so
that the person in the middle cannot guess who is holding the bell. Players may not silence the bell by holding
the clapper -they have to try to pass it carefully enough so that it does not ring.
Find the Place
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity
Number of players: 10 - 50
Duration: 20 min.
Materials: chairs
The chairs are put in a line with their seats facing opposite sides. The leader of the game takes a long stick and
walks round all the players, who are sitting on the chairs. Then he strikes the floor with the stick near one of the
players. This player stands up and follows the leader. So the leader walks round the chairs, strikes with the
stick near the players and very soon he is followed by the whole suite of the players. The leader makes
different movements and all the rest repeat them.
Suddenly the leader strikes with the stick twice. This is a signal for the players to take their places as soon as
possible. (It is not easy at all now, as the chairs stand with their seats facing different sides.)
The leader tries to take one of the places himself. The player who doesn't manage to take a seat becomes the
Find Your Own People
Submitter: Radu Epure
Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party
Number of players: 20 - 100
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: Cards with pictures
The cards with different pictures are cut into 4-5 parts. The teams must find their own people.
To cut the cards into 2-3 parts. One part is given to the girl, 2 other parts are given to the youths. The youth who
finds the girl the first asks her for a dance.
Fire of Rome
Submitter: Anna Travesset
Category: Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Training,Welcome Party
Number of players: 8 - 20
Duration: 15 min.
Materials: chairs for each person, music easy to stop and start. Chairs (one less than the number of
One chair for each person except one is put in a circle with their backs to the middle. While the music is playing
the participants walk around the chairs. When the game leader stops the music, they have to sit down as
quickly as possible. The one who didn't find a chair is out of the game, and brings with him/her a chair. The
game continues until only one person finds a chair.
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Afterparty,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Reflex,Teambuilding,Welcome Party
Number of players: 3 - 7
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: Candels, strings, small box or a piece of wet cotton wool
Tie strings to the belts of the players. At the end of each string there is a small box or a piece of wet cotton
wool. In front of each player there is a candle. The task is to put out the candle with the help of the small box or
a piece of cotton wool as fast as possible without using the hands.
Flie Fla
Submitter: Helena Belien
Category: Songs
Number of players: 1 - 2500
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: voice ;-)
This song originates from Belgium and was first introduced on GA2005 Chania:
Flie Fla
Flie Fla Floy
Ooooooohhhh la vista
Inimini salamini oe oe ai
Examini salamini oe oe ai
Ieten bieten oten boten bobo petietentaten tsssjjjjjjjjj
(1st time: normal)
(2nd time: whispering)
(3rd time: shouting)
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex,Welcome Party
Number of players: 2 - 10
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: Strings, apples, baloon or ball
2 men take part in this game. They put on the belts and tie thick strings to them from behind. To the end of the
string there tied an apple. It must be 30-35 cm. above the floor-level. Each player is given a ball (or a balloon).
At the distance of 10-12 metres from the start-line there are "the goals" (made of chairs). Swinging the apple
between the legs the players move the balls (balloons) towards "the goals". The player who copes with the task
the first wins.
Submitter: Natalia Rozycka
Number of players: 5 - 50
Duration: 10 min.
This is a list of forfeits you can use while playing e.g. Truth or Dare or any other games where a kind of
punishment is introduced :)
- Tell a joke in the style of the cookie monster
- Explain gravity standing on your head
- Tell someone in the room how much you love them for one minute
- Swap every item of clothing with person of the opposite sex
- Be handcuffed to someone else for the rest of the night
- Inhale the helium from a balloon and sing the first line of a song
- Get your mom to play truth or dare
- Eat a dog food dinner
- Put ice cubes under your armpits for 5 minutes
- You get a piece of chocolate and hide it in some flour. You have to look for it using your face, when you find it
you must eat it
- Hold your hand in an ice bucket for 3 minutes
- Guys: Let a girl dress you up and put makeup on
- Guys: Wear your mums clothes
- Change your outer layer of clothing with someone else within 1 minute
- Sing "Like a Virgin", Madonna style
- Sing The National Anthem (Musical forfeits may be done with extra provisos such as without smiling or while
standing on one leg)
- Eat three crackers - without having a drink - then whistle a song, which others have to recognise
- Do the Twist
- Belly Dance
- Recite a poem of your choice
- Say the months of the year backwards
- Do an impersonation of John Cleese being Basil Fawlty
- Do an impersonation of Mel Gibson being William Wallace
- Name the Spice Girls
- Name the seven dwarfs from Snow White
- Name the planets of the Solar System
- Name ten things you would find in the kitchen
- Name ten things you would find in the bathroom
- Name ten parts of the human body with only three letters
- Name ten things you can stroke in public.
- Shake hands with everyone
- Remove an item of red clothing
- Swap socks with the person on your left
- Spend 10 minutes with a spoon in your mouth
- Drink a beer using a bowl and a teaspoon
- Put a big pot on your head for 10 minutes
- Get your mouth Scotch-taped for 10 minutes
French Cricket
Submitter: Sandra Espinosa
Category: Killing,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Reflex
Number of players: 4 - 8
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: Tennis Ball
All players form a circle and the batter stands in the middle of the circle facing the player who has the ball first.
The player with the ball can bowl under arm at the batters legs or pass the ball to another player around the
circle to bowl. The objective of the game is to hit the batters legs. The batter must stay facing the player who
first had the ball, but is allowed to move the bat around to protect the legs. When the batters legs are hit, the
batter swaps places with the player who bowled the ball. Play continues for a set time
From hummock to hummock
Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig
Category: Creative,Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity
Number of players: 3 - 6
Duration: 10 min.
Materials: Paper or plastic glasses filled with water, cardboards
Ask 3-6 persons to participate in this game. Each of them is given 2 paper (plastic) glasses filled with water. In
front of each player on the floor there are 5 cardboard circles which are situated at the equal distance from each
other. The players' task is to get to the finish line jumping from one circle to another. The player who has water
in his/her glasses at the end of the game is the winner. To be more accurate and to make the game funnier you
may measure the water in the glasses by the measuring glass.
Paper or plastic glasses filled with water, cardboards
Ask 3-6 persons to participate in this game. Each of them is given 2 paper (plastic) glasses filled with water. In
front of each player on the floor there are 5 cardboard circles which are situated at the equal distance from each
other. The players' task is to get to the finish line jumping from one circle to another. The player who has water
in his/her glasses at the end of the game is the winner. To be more accurate and to make the game funnier you
may measure the water in the glasses by the measuring glass.
Submitter: Bram Simons
Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Motivation Weekend,Physical
Activity,Reflex,Training,Wake Up
Number of players: 12 - 50
Duration: 5 min.
Materials: none
Ask 4 people for their favourite fruit.
For Example Person 1 likes apples, person 2 pears, person 3 bananas and person 4 pineapples.
Then go over all the other people, and tell them one by one that they also have these favourite fruits. (so person
5 = apples again, 6 = pears, etc etc).
When you say/shout apples, all the people with that fruit as their favourite fruit should stand up and switch
places as quickly as possible. When you shout apples and pears, both groups should stand up and switch.
Same for all the other fruits.
When you shout fruitsalad, everyone has to stand up and switch places!
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
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Games db 21 dec 2011
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Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
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Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011
Games db 21 dec 2011

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Games db 21 dec 2011

  • 1. BEST Games Latest update: 21 Dec 2011 "IX" Exercise Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Thinking,Time Killing,Training Number of players: 5 - 999 Duration: 5 min. Materials: overhead projector or blackboard Draw the symbol "IX" on the blackboard. Ask the group to make a 6 (six) out of the symbol with the use of only one line. The correct answer is SIX. Discuss: How many interpreted the IX to be the Roman numeral for 9? What is the impact of our assumptions about the nature of a problem? What lessons for problem&#64979;solving and creativity can we draw from this exercise? 4-Goal Soccer Submitter: Pablo Zurro Category: Beach,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Time Killing Number of players: 8 - 28 Duration: 30 min. Materials: A soccer ball, line markings (or cones), 4 soccer goals Players are divided into 4 teams. Each team is responsible for defending one goal. Game starts with the start kick off the team which is selected by tossing a coin. Team members are not allowed to touch the ball with the upper part of their body. The objective is to score the most goals. VARIATIONS: • Allow handling of the ball • Use more than one ball • Use one or more frisbees, foam balls, foxtails, etc. • Use a combination of frisbees, balls, foxtails, etc. 5 cents Submitter: Can Cengiz Category: Afterparty,Around the table,Beach,Bus,Farewell Party,Indoor,Meeting,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up,Walk Number of players: 2 - 6 Duration: 5 min. Materials: a 5 cents You need a person to tell the game. The teller will take a 5 cents coin (smaller the better) and press it on his/her forehead for 15 seconds. Then s/he leaves the money there and slaps his/her back of head several times and the coin will drop. This is what to be told.
  • 2. The players will be waiting for the same. But this time the teller or others will press the coin on player's forehead for 15 secs. and take the coin. Unfortunately, the player will not be able to feel it. Then s/he starts slapping and you count. This is a joke more than a game. Not a pleasent one but after the ices are broken in between, that could be funny. 7-11-Doubles Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Welcome Party Number of players: 3 - 10 Duration: 30 min. Materials: Beer/Liquor, Dice One person rolls the dice, if that person rolls a 7-11-or doubles then he picks someone to drink. Whoever he picks then must take the glass (being sure not to touch it with his hand) and fill it up 1/4 of the way. The object of the game is to chug that glass before the person rolling the dice rolls another 7-11-double. The person rolling the dice CANNOT touch the dice until the other person touches the glass with his hand. If the roller touches the dice before the drinker touches his glass then the roller must drink. If the drinker does not finish the glass before the roller rolls a 7-11-doubles then the process is repeated again until he beats the roller. If he beats the roller the dice are then passed to the next person and the game starts over again. Remember that you must roll a 7-11-double to pick someone to drink. Sloppy dice makes the roller drink a full glass. <b>Remarks</b>: A good suggestion is to place a maximum on the number of drinks that are taken... as a safety precaution. A Little Inconvenience Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex,Water Number of players: 8 - 24 Duration: 60 min. Materials: 1 soccer ball; 2 innertubes; 1 waterball; 2 water basketball hoops; blindfolds; string. Divide the players into four teams, and set up a rotation so that each team takes part in each of the following activities: 1. Sensitivity walk, 2. Obstacle course in water, using innertubes. 3. dodgeball, and 4. water basketball. Each activity is performed with a specific handicap: 1) When a team goes on the sensitivity hike, all participants are blindfolded. They simply go on a short hike, and experience it without sight. 2) In a short obstacle course in shallow water (through an innertube, crawl on the bottom then through a second innertube) players must not use their arms. 3) In the game of dodgeball in shallow water, each player's ankles are tied together. One player in the center of
  • 3. the circle tries to hit another player with the soccer ball. 4) In a game of water basketball, players may not speak.Following ten minute rotations of each event, the group can discuss the sensations experienced by being temporarily handicapped. We can soon learn it is not what you cannot do-it is what you can do ! a ram sam sam Submitter: Frank Blanning Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Songs,Time Killing,Wake Up,Welcome Party Number of players: 5 - 100 Duration: 5 min. Materials: none Here is what Wikipedia has to say about this game: But the way we play it is: You make a circule and sing: A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam A guli guli guli guli ram sam sam A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam A guli guli guli guli ram sam sam A ra-sam, a ra-sam A guli guli guli guli ram sam sam A ra-sam, a ra-sa, A guli guli guli guli ram sam sam at ram sam sam you slap both legs 2 times (sam1-sam2) at guli guli you put one hand over your head one under and rub your fingers together, like the "money" hand gesture and at ra-sam you pretend to slap your legs, but eventually you raise them in the air. the second time, instead of doing the movements on your self, you do them on your right or left, and then second right or left. Accentuate the Positive Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Beach,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training Number of players: 2 - 999 Duration: 10 min. To break down self-imposed barriers that don't allow people to "like themselves", this is a good exercise. You will be surprised to see how difficult it actually is, though. Team up the participants in groups of two in order to make them share some personal qualities with each other. In this exercise, each person provides his/her partner with the response to one, two or all three of the following suggested dimensions: 1.Two physical attributes I like in myself 2.Two personality qualities I like in myself
  • 4. 3.One talent or skill I like in myself Stress, that each comment must be a positive one. No negative comments are allowed. (It may take some gentle nudging on your part to get them started). Discuss afterwards in the group how many of them who, on hearing the task, smiled slightly, looked at the partner, and said "You go first". Why is this? Was it difficult to start on? How do you feel about it now? Was there something you didn't write down? Do you recognize yourself in doing that? Alcoholmeter Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Training,Welcome Party Number of players: 2 - 12 Duration: 20 min. Materials: A large piece of thick paper, a felt-tip-pen Give a felt-tip-pen to each of the players. Put "a scale" with the grades 20o, 30o, 40o etc behind them. The scale is drawn on the large piece of thick paper. The object is to mark the grades on the scale. To do it the participants must bend down and pass their arms between the legs. Of course, the participants want to seem sober. That's why they try to reach the least number. All those Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex Number of players: 5 - 12 Duration: 10 min. Materials: Chairs The players sit in a circle and one player stands in the middle. The player in the middle calls out something like "All those wearing blue socks". Everyone who is wearing blue socks must get up off their chair and change places with another player. The player in the middle tries to sit on one of the seats before the others fill it. It they manage to sit on the seat the player who is left without a seat takes their turn in the middle. Animal - Country - City Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Reflex,Thinking,Time Killing,Training Number of players: 5 - 10 Duration: 30 min. Materials: papers/pens for each All get a piece of paper and suggest one or two topics, which everyone writes down. Now, someone chooses a letter, e.g. by saying the alphabet inside and ask another one to say stop. Now the letter is said aloud. The task is to write down a word for each topic, beginning with the chosen letter. As soon as the first is finished he/she says ?stop? and points are calculated as follows: ?10 points for each word, you have written down.?15 points if you are the only one with a word to a particular topic.?5 points if one or more have the same word.Approx. 10 different topics will be sufficient. ExampleLetter -B AnimalCountryCityColourFruit WordsbearBelgiumBostonbrownbanana Points105101015
  • 5. &#64979; More than one person wrote the word Belgium, nobody else wrote anything for the topic ?Fruit?. Apple of Discord Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Physical Activity,Welcome Party Number of players: 10 - 20 Duration: 10 min. Materials: An apple to each couple Each pair holds an apple between their foreheads. The leader gives the commands: "Three steps to the left!", "Three steps to the right!", "Squat!", "Jump!" etc. The pairs fulfil them. If the apple drops, the pair is out. Artists Virtuouse Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity Number of players: 8 - 50 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Ski stick, felt-tip pen, sheet of paper Tie a felt-tip-pen to a ski stick. The task is to draw something or to write a text. The player who fulfils the task the fastest and the most accurate gets the prize. HINT: Do not put the stick on the shoulder! As Little Feet as Possible Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Afterparty,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Welcome Party Number of players: 20 - 40 Duration: 10 min. Group the people into 4 groups of five people or more. Each group has to get to the end of the line (around 10 meters distance) using as little legs as possible (hands, or body on the floor cannot be used). The group that manages the best is the winner. Keep on playing until each group can do better or at least the same as other groups. If nothing more can be done 2 groups can be joined together and now we have only 2 groups and the game can start all over again! HINT Try to divide people into groups of more or less equal strengths (same number of girls and boys). Attitudes Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training
  • 6. Number of players: 4 - 8 Duration: 15 min. Divide into groups. Give each group a sentence, which expresses an attitude regarding everyday&#64979;life. E.g. ?I wouldn't have thought that about you?, ?Are you coming home already??, ?What a surprise!?, ?Why haven't you done it yet??, ?Where were you??.The task is for each group to create and dramatise two situations, in which the sentence gets different emotional meaning.Evaluate with the groups what the intonation would mean in connection to work assignments. Hints: Ensure you have a good game leader, who can make it legal to act stupid Autograph Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion Category: Creative,Get2know,Indoor,Thinking,Welcome Party Number of players: 10 - 20 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Sheet of paper and felt-tip pen per each person All the participants are given the sheets of paper and felt-tip-pens. They must sign their names, draw (very quickly) an imp (put a finger-tip / lipstick / shoe-sole print on the sheet of paper) to leave their ?autograph" on it. Then all the sheets are gathered together. Two of the players are "the detectives". Their task is to guess whose autographs these are ("the detectives" must give their variants at once). "The detective" who guesses the greatest number of the autographs wins. Bad Painters Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Creative,Indoor,Meeting,Party Number of players: 5 - 50 Duration: 15 min. Materials: Brush, boxing gloves, paper The players must draw any picture with the brush, having the boxing-gloves on their hands. Bag A Mate Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party Number of players: 6 - 30 Duration: 30 min. Materials: Paper bags At some time during the party, separate the men and women. Put the men in one room, and the women in another. Put a large paper bag over each person's head, and send both sexes back into one room. There is no talking allowed, and each person must "feel around" to find his/her mate. There are no real winners or losers (unless you really grab the wrong mate). Note: When placing bags on the heads of your guests, you have the
  • 7. option to provide eyeholes or not. Ball Toss/ Group Juggle Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion Category: Get2know,Indoor,Welcome Party Number of players: 12 - 30 Duration: 45 min. Materials: 3 Tennis balls Have 3 tennis balls handy. Get the group in a circle. Facilitator tosses 1 ball to someone in the group whose name they know saying their name and then the other person's name (e.g. Sandy to John). John (person who receives the ball) tosses ball to someone whose name he knows (e.g. John to Phil). Phil tosses to someone whose name he knows and so on, saying both names all the way around the circle. The ball is tossed to each person one time only until everyone in the circle gets it and all names have been said. THEN, facilitator starts again and tosses the balls to the same person (Sandy to John to Phil, etc.) only this time with 2 balls in succession (not at the same time) saying both names, both times. Balls get tossed to the same people they were originally tossed to; first one ball, then the next, all the way around the circle stopping when they get back to the facilitator. THEN, facilitator starts again only with all three balls this time. Saying names each time, all three balls get tossed, in succession, in the same order until they get back to the facilitator. By the time there are three balls going, it gets pretty chaotic and fun. By now all names have been said so many times everyone should have a pretty good idea of who's who and they are pretty warmed up and ready to go. If (I should say, when) someone drops a ball, simply give them a chance to chase it down and just pick up where you left off--no need to start again. Hints: In the group, there should be some people who know each other before the game Banana Feeding Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party Number of players: 10 - 10 Duration: 15 min. Materials: 5 Bananas The guys will blindfold the girl who is holding a long banana in her hand. When the music starts, she is required to turn a couple of rounds. Once music stops, the girl will stop and attempt to feed the banana to the guy, who will be squatting like a monkey. The one with the banana in his mouth wins. Baseball
  • 8. Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 2 - 10 Duration: 120 min. Materials: Beer, different sized, glasses, coins First align all the glasses in a line starting with the shot glass in front and the larger glasses lined up behind it in ascending order (smallest to largest) each glass should then be filled with beer. The different sized glasses represent baseball hits (shot glass is a single, behind that a double, then a triple and finally a home run). This game can be played with as few as two people. The participants are divided into teams hopefully of equal size and skill. The game goes like this: each team has three chances (outs) to bounce a quarter into one of the filled glasses from a certain distance away from the first glass (shot glass). This distance can vary but the typical distance is less than a meter. If a coin goes in a glass, the opposing team must drink that glass and all the glasses below it. All glasses must be finished and are immediately replaced and refilled before the next batter throws his/her coin. People on each team need to establish a batting order and stick to it when shooting their coins. If someone misses a glass that counts as one out. If someone gets one in then the inning continues. When three people have missed in an inning it's time for the other team to bat. This goes on for nine innings. Scoring is simple, runs are driven in by team-mates forcing them in with numerous hits. (i.e.. a single followed by a triple scores the single and leaves a man on third for the next batter. A double after a single would put runners on first and third, etc. A home run clears the bases and scores the hitters run.) When the game has finished nine innings the runs are tallied and the losing team has to drink all the cups one more time. Remarks: Baseball is not such a popular game in all countries. It may be a good idea to choose another game than explaining baseball rules to everybody. Also, this game tends to be quite lengthy and remember to clean those coins before pitching! Beer Roulette Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Beach,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Welcome Party Number of players: 2 - 6 Duration: 20 min. Materials: 6 beers One person takes a six pack of beer out of the room and shakes one of the cans vigorously. That person then brings out the cans and places them in a bag. Everyone picks one beer from the bag. Everyone opens their beer at the same time while holding it directly under their nose. If your beer explodes then you are "dead" and you have to sit out the next round. Everyone drinks their opened beers and then the next round proceeds with the remaining survivors. The last one to be "alive" wins. BeerPong Submitter: Marco Oreste Migliori Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Teambuilding,Welcome Party Number of players: 4 - 32
  • 9. Duration: 20 min. Materials: big plastic cups or whatever, two ping pong balls, beer Form different teams and organize the game like a championship or whatever you want, each team is formed by two guys. A game is played by two team so you can manage the team such that you can play many games at the same time avoiding to bother the rest of the people. Each team has a set of ten big cups, fill these cups with beer (or whatever) till one quarter then set up the cups like a triangle, first line 5 cups, next line 3 cups, next 2 and 1 cups on the last line. Put one triangle on one side of the table and the other on the opposite side. A team has to stay behind the biggest line of its triangle, behind the edge of the table (you need a quite big table). Then give them two ping pong balls so each team can try to throw its balls into the cups of the opposing team two time one for each player. Every time one player hits one among the owner of the cups has to drink the beer alternatively. If a team gets two cups in the same round it gets a free round and the others miss their own round. Take care that every player when throws doesn't cross with his elbow the edge of the table, if he crosses the edge he misses his turn. Go on till one team hits all the cups of the others. During a game each team can ask only two time to rank the opposing team's cups forming whatever shape. Being Blindfolded Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Sexy,Welcome Party Number of players: 10 - 20 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Mittens for the girls With the thick mittens on the hands try to identify the person which is in front of you. The girls try to identify the boys. The boys try to identify the girls. It's permitted to touch the whole person. Belly Dance Competition Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party Number of players: 5 - 10 Duration: 15 min. Take guys, especially with big bellies, to participate, complete with garlands, scarves and headgear. Their shirts will be rolled-up and tied to expose their tummies. The most "voluptuous" and "fairest of them all" wins. BESTopoly Submitter: Christoforos Boutsias Category: Around the table,BKT,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training Number of players: 3 - 12 Duration: 120 min. Materials: BESTopoly is a BEST Knowledge Transfer (BKT) game. When playing BESTopoly new members learn thoroughly the current structure and functioning of BEST. Playing the game, they go through the membership
  • 10. process while undertaking the organising of diverse projects in co-operation with International Teams and Committees. This way, they get to learn almost everything about BEST! Big Chief Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 5 - 10 Duration: 30 min. Materials: Alcohol The first player says: "Big Chief, I take the first drink of the night!". The person takes 1 drink/sip. Then, the player must put his index fingers, starting with the right hand, on the table one at a time and, while keeping the fingers on the table, pound each foot on the floor 1 time. Then this person must stand up once then sit down. Keep in mind that all extremities have to be on the table/floor while standing until seated. If they mess up they have to take a drink for messing up and then start from the beginning. Next person says "Big Chief I take the second drink of the night. Take two sips now you do it with two finger's and two stomps of the feet: it would go right hand, right hand; left hand, left hand; right foot, right foot, left foot, left foot, stand up twice, sit down. If they mess up then they take a drink and start over. Next "Big Chief I take the third drink of the night" and they continue by repeating the movements except this time in threes. You should ?reset? the game when somebody makes a mistake, and start with a random player (chosen with cards, dice or whatever). Big Knots Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training Number of players: 6 - 12 Duration: 10 min. Stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder to form the knot. Place your hands in the centre. Now everybody grab a couple of hands. If you ever want to get out of this, make sure that no one holds both hands with the same person. You can switch around to get the knot tied right. Now the task is to untangle the knot again. There are two ways to do this: The Activist way: dive under, over and through the team&#64979;mates, hoping they'll come up with the solution. And the Analysts: who will try to survey the situation before instructing each player precisely where to move and in what order. Now resolve it! Big Mess Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Teambuilding,Training Number of players: 15 - 25 Duration: 15 min. One person is appointed bungler and goes out of the room. While the bungler is gone the others make a circle,
  • 11. holding hands, and walks under and over each other, until they are a mess. Note: Do not let go of the hands!! The bungler now has to untangle the mess. Bite the bag Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Beach,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 3 - 10 Duration: 15 min. Materials: 1 paper bag, beer A paper bag is placed on the floor open. Everyone takes turns bending down and biting the bag-- the catch is that your feet are the only thing allowed to touch the floor. After each person is done the bag is cut about 1 inch. For every level the people that pass must drink. If you fail to bite the bag you have to shotgun a beer. Black and Red Submitter: Anna Travesset Number of players: 8 - 16 Duration: 30 min. Materials: 4 red and 4 black cards, 4 envelopes Beforehand you have to put one red and one black card in each envelope. Divide people into 4 groups, draw the table below on the blackboard and explain the rules. The aim of the game is to get as many points as possible. Each group must put one and only one card into the envelope. Do not tell them about the different rounds before you start - just tell them as you go along. After each round, you write the points to the blackboard for each group. Each round must only take 5 minutes - no matter if the groups send a delegate or not.BBBB 1111 BBBR -1-1-1+3 BBRR -2-2+2+2 BRRR -3+1+1+1 RRRR 0000 These are the possible incidents. B stands for BLACK card R stands for RED card. The numbers stand for the number of point(s) that is/are given to the groups in each incident. That means that if 2 groups are putting the RED card in the envelope and the other two puts a BLACK card, the two REDs will each get +2 and the two BLACKs will each get -2 points.1st roundNo comments 2nd roundEach group can send a delegate to talk with the other groups 3rd roundDouble points, no delegates 4th roundDouble points + sending delegates 5th round3 times points, no delegates Tell the points for each group - discuss for a short while. Then show them how many points they could have got:1111 1111 2222 2222
  • 12. 3333 36 Points in all if they had trusted and cooperated with each other. Discuss shortly. Black-Murder Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Thinking,Training Number of players: 20 - 60 Duration: 70 min. Materials: a room which can be completely dark. Absolutely no light allowed. One note for each person (e.g. a deck of cards). On two of the notes you write "detective", on one note you write "murderer". Everyone draws a note - only the two detectives steps forward and are sent outside the door after they have heard the rules of the game. Light is put out and everyone is walking around in the complete darkness. Now the murderer strikes!! By making a light stranglehold around the neck of someone the murder kills his/her victim. The victim screams (as loud as possible). As soon as the detectives hear the scream they are allowed to open the door and turn on the light. Everyone, except the murderer and of course the victim, who is dead and therefore, cannot say anything must tell the truth and help the detectives finding the guilty. The murderer is allowed to lie as much as he/she pleases. After a short interrogation the detectives must point out a suspect by saying: ?We accuse you of the murder?. The accused must then confess if he/she actually was the murderer. If the detectives have accused the wrong person, the accused and the victim are out of the game, light is put out and you play again until the detectives succeed. Blanket Volleyball Submitter: Pablo Zurro Category: Beach,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Time Killing Number of players: 16 - 220 Duration: 30 min. Materials: Volleyball (or a similar one), Volleyball net, Two blankets (or traps) in 2,5 x 2,5 [m] size Players are divided into groups of 8-10. Team members grab the edges of the blanket and lift the blanket to waist height. The ball is placed in the middle of the blanket. The team then attempts to catapult the ball over to the other side of the net using the blanket. The ball shouldn?t touch the ground and players cannot touch the ball with hands. VARIATIONS: The game can be played in two ways: Competitive and co-operative. In competitive game the objective is to score 10 points first. In co-operative game the objective is to get the ball over the net as many consecutive times as possible without the ball touching the ground. ? Use two balls at once ? Allow players to move after they catch the ball ? Use a tennis net or eliminate the net completely ? Have teams count the number of times they can toss the ball up in the air and catch it without dropping it. Highest score wins.
  • 13. Blind hits blind Submitter: Gonzalo Marcos Abad Category: Beach,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Time Killing Number of players: 2 - 3 Duration: 7 min. Materials: -a blind fold -newspapers the game takes place in a secure place (plain, no obstacles...) the participants will be blindfolded, and some will make them spin so they get disoriented. Then, someone will spread by the game field as many rolled newspapers as players. the objective for the blindfolded will be firstly to look (ironically) for one of the rolled papers, and then, once she/he grabs one, will use it as a weapon to hit the other blindfolded participants. it can be done in a spacious room, outsides, in the middle of a circle of people... Probably they'll start crawling (better if the weapons are on the floor), and then they'll get up and hit the ground trying to reach the others. Noone wins, but everyone laughs Blind Man's Buff of the Tubs Submitter: Anna Travesset Number of players: 4 - 5 Duration: 10 min. Materials: plastic tubes or bowls (The bowl should not be too high to accidentally ?climb?). 4-5 scarfs The blindfolded volunteers have to walk a short distance one by one, covered with obstacles (1 or 2 bowls filled with water) as quickly as possible. Variation: Place some other obstacles: chairs, tables, shoes. First lead the volunteers with open eyes through the distance. Then blindfold them outside the room. While you are blindfolding them, someone else removes all the obstacles. Now you bring them in, and ask them to walk the distance, remembering what obstacle is where and to avoid touching even one. Bluff - Club Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion Category: Around the table,Creative,Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Party,Thinking,Time Killing Number of players: 5 - 10 Duration: 45 min. Materials: Hat and coin
  • 14. All the players tell theirs stories in turn. (Before telling their stories the player puts a coin under the hat (all the rest players shouldn?t see if he/she puts it or not. Heads mean that the story is true, tails - that the story is fabricated)). As the tale-teller finishes his/her the story all the players express their opinion in turn: true or fabricated. After that the leader lifts the hat and all the players see - whether they were right or not. The player who is right gets a point. The player who is mistaken loses a point. The tale-tellers take their turns around the circle. As every player has told their stories, the players count the points. Hints: It is much better to have a separated leader for the game to keep the player enjoy the game away from controlling and trying to count the points Boxhead Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 2 - 10 Duration: 30 min. Materials: 2 dices, 1 empty beer box, 1 shot glass, lots of beer, penalty drink Players sit around a table and roll the dice in turn. Total On Dice: 2 = Double odds, see below 3 = Person to the left of roller drinks 4 = Nothing happens 5 = Roll one dice again, that's the number of drinks for everyone 6 = Make up a rule 7 = Thumbs up on the table, last one in drinks 8 = Penalty shot. Roll one dice, that's how much the shot glass is filled 9 = Person to the right of roller drinks 10 = Bathroom break (until you roll a 10 you don't leave the table) 11 = BOXHEAD (see below) 12 = BOXHEAD Special Rules - Double evens: Roller drinks - Double odds: Everybody drinks - BOXHEAD: If you roll an 11 or 12 you must wear the beer box on your head until either you roll another 11 or 12 (in which case it is taken off) or until someone else rolls an 11 or 12 (in which case give it to the roller) - Dice off table: If you roll one or both dice off the table, take the dice that fell off, and roll them again. This is the number of full shots that you must drink, e.g., you roll both dice off table. You roll again and get a total of 12. Prepare to die. You must drink 12 full shots of the evil hard stuff. When you are a BOXHEAD, you must drink whenever someone else drinks (excluding penalty shot). Oracle BOXHEAD: This is played in the same way as normal BOXHEAD except that before you roll the dice you look upwards and ask the Great BOXHEAD Deity a yes-or-no question. If the roll comes out in your favour,
  • 15. then the answer is what you want it to be. If the roll does not come out in your favour, then the answer is not what you want it to be. If the roll is neutral, then the Great BOXHEAD Deity is undecided. You can also ask question regarding numbers. For example, "Oh Great Deity, how many times will I have sex this year?" Hope you do not roll a two. Bread Winners Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Afterparty,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Physical Activity,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 5 - 10 Duration: 5 min. Materials: Stools, peas, bowls Scatter some peas on the stool. Put a bowl near it. The players' task is to sit on the stool so as to move the peas into the bowl (don't use the hands!) The player who manages to do it is the winner. The instructor counts the number of the peas in the bowl of each player. Bug-Test Submitter: Natalia Rozycka Number of players: 1 - 2 Duration: 10 min. Materials: nothing testing Builder Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Creative,Indoor Number of players: 8 - 50 Duration: 15 min. Materials: Lots of 0,33L cans In 1 minute time you are to build the highest possible tower, using 0,33 L cans. After the leader's signal the construction is stopped. If the tower goes to ruin and you have some more time, just begin from the very beginning. The number of points got by the players depends on the number of cans in the tower. Burglar Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Indoor,Meeting,Party Number of players: 8 - 50 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Different keys, padlock
  • 16. The players are given a bunch of different keys and a padlock. The object is to fit the key and to unlock the padlock as fast as possible Buzz Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Beach,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Teambuilding,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 3 - 15 Duration: 10 min. Materials: Drinks Sit everyone around in a circle. Choose one person to start. They start by saying the number 1. The person to their left or right (it doesn't matter) says then says 2 and so on. When someone is about to say either 7, 11, a multiple of 7 or 11, or a number containing 7, they must say Buzz (Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Buzz, 8, 9, 10, Buzz). As soon as someone says Buzz you switch directions. So if you were going to the right you switch to the left. If anyone messes up, everyone drinks. This is supposed to be a quick moving game so if someone thinks for too long, it counts as messing up. It's really fun and easy to learn!! Buzz Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Around the table,Beach,Bus,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Thinking Number of players: 6 - 15 Duration: 12 min. The players sit in a large circle. One players starts the count by saying "1" and the next player along says "2" and so on around the circle. Any number with a 3 in it or divisible by 3 must be replaced with the word "Buzz". When someone gets it wrong play starts again from 1. You can also have a league system whereby the player closest to the leaders right hand side is in the top position. Anyone that makes a mistake gets up and goes to the back of the 'queue' while everyone else shuffles round to fill the gap. By Word of Mouth Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Creative,Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Kissing,LBG Weekend,Party,Sexy,Teambuilding,Welcome Party Number of players: 10 - 20 Duration: 5 min. Materials: paper Sitting at the holiday table the both sides of the guests (they are divided into 2 teams) have an opportunity to transmit the congratulation or a piece of good news to the person whose birthday it is by word of mouth. To begin with hang a congratulation card, a photo or a letter on the stick or a pencil. The task of the guests is to
  • 17. pass this "piece of news" with the help of lips (without touching it with the hands). The team which transmits the piece of news "by word of mouth" the first wins. Came Along Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity Number of players: 9 - 12 Duration: 10 min. All the players stand in a circle with their right arm stretched out. One player stands outside and runs around the circle grabbing the arm of one of the other players. This player must now follow the first player round and so it continues until there are about 6 running around. Then the first runner calls out 'Home' and they all dash to get in the circle. The player who is last in is now the runner. Camel Riding Demo Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Welcome Party Number of players: 1 - 5 Duration: 20 min. Materials: A mock-up camel Invite one participant to ride the mock-up camel. He will need to act-out riding a Male camel, a Female camel, a crazy camel and a drunken camel. The rider also needs to produce his own "Sound effects" of each different camel. An appreciation gift to be given Candle Relays Submitter: Pablo Zurro Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up Number of players: 16 - 40 Duration: 10 min. Materials: Candle, matches (lighter), whistle Divide people in groups of 8-10. On the whistle blow, the first player on each team must light their candle and complete the course with their candle lit before handing off to the next team-mate. Players must move through the course with their candle lit. If candle extinguishes, they must re-light their candle and continue. The first team to have all team players through the course and seated behind the starting line wins. HINTS: It can be played in every venue. VARIATIONS: • Have players return to the starting line to re-light their candle. • Have players return to the starting line to re-light their candle • Have players move through an obstacle course.
  • 18. • Run race on a track , similar to a track relay race. • Have players seated on scooters • Play in the swimming pool- players must keep their feet off the • bottom of the pool. Caps Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 2 - 8 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Beer The players sit in a circle. Each player places an open beer in front of him or her and a cap upside down on the beer. The players take turns throwing a cap at someone else's beer. If you knock their cap off, they take a drink. If you knock it off twice in a row, you make up a rule and a consequence for breaking the rule. If you knock it off three times, the person has to chug the beer. You keep going until you miss and it is the next persons turn. You are not allowed to adjust your cap on the beer. If you touch it you must drink. If you knock your own cap off, you must finish your beer. Capture the flag Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity Number of players: 10 - 20 Duration: 30 min. Materials: 2 handmade flags on staffs 2' long; 2 different coloured sets of arm orheadbands made of crepe paper. Divide the group into two teams. Identify each by a set of arm or headbands.Set up a jail area (3-4 square yards) and a separate hiding spot for each flag. Jails are set up at opposite ends of a 5-20 acre area.The object of the game is to penetrate the other team's area and capture their flag. A flag is 'captured' after it has been returned to the captor's jail area.Prisoners are taken by having their arm or headbands removed by an opponent. Prisoners are taken to the jail of their captor's; then they wait there quietly until they are released.Prisoners can only be released when a member of their team (with arm or headband intact) runs through the jail in which they are being held captive. After their release, prisoners are given free escort back to a central spot near their end of the area. Here, they are issued a new arm or headband.The game continues until a flag is captured, or time is up. Hints: Supervision at the jails and 'new arm or headband area' is important. Encourage teams to plan elaborate strategies of defence and offence. Variations: Try playing the game with three or four teams, each with its own jail area andhiding spot for their flag.
  • 19. Card game Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Creative,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 5 - 10 Duration: 60 min. Materials: 1 deck of cards, 1 empty glass in the centre of the table, drinks A very entertaining game ? you?ll get drunk before you get bored for sure. All Aces, Kings, Tens, Jokers, Queens, Nines and Threes are removed from the deck. They are shuffled, and randomly strewn through the middle of the table, face down. Whoever chooses to go first, picks a card from the table, and reveals it to the entire group. According to which card it is, an activity is performed. The card drawn is placed aside, not to be drawn again. Moving in clockwise direction, after the activity is done, the next person picks a card and so forth. The Rules for Each Card Are: - QUEENS: The table engages in the alphabet game. This means that the person who picks the queen chooses a topic, and begins with an "A"-word pertaining to the subject, next person is "B" and so on. Continue until someone falters, takes too much time, or can't think of one, in which case, they drink. - JACKS: Jacks are "socials", everybody toasts, and everybody drinks! (doesn't have to be the whole drink, just a swallow). - TENS: Tens are the Thumb Master: when you pull this card, you keep it with you. At any point in the game, that person can put their thumb on the table - the last person to catch on, drinks. (the person who draws the card gets to use this card once). - NINES: Nines are the question cards. The person who draws the card immediately looks at someone and asks them a question. That person then turns to someone else and asks them a question, and so on. The first person to answer a question, laugh, or ask a question to the person who just asked them, drinks! - ACES: Aces are the "rules" card. The person who draws an ace, gets to make any rule they want. (i.e., every time Jason says "Yeah, whatever", Julie has to drink.) This can get fun, if you build on them for each ace drawn - you can get people doing crazy dances, and others having to drink whenever someone else does - this is the best part. - KINGS: When a King is drawn, it is kept out on the table, face up. The person who draws the card has to pour some of their drink into an empty glass (as little or as much as they want). The person who pulls the fourth King, has to slam the glass in the middle of the table. This works best if everyone's drinking the same thing, but if they're not nice, you could be drinking some interesting combinations. Variations: try different rules for the word game (the queen). For instance, the first person can start with any letter, and the other persons must think of words beginning with the last letter of the last word. Or the first person starts with any word ? let?s say a ?P? word, and then all the others must continue with ?P?-words.
  • 20. Cars Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Drinking,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Time Killing Number of players: 2 - 20 Duration: 40 min. Materials: Drinks Each person picks a car colour. Every time your colour passes you get to drink. Here are the amounts for each type of vehicle: 1 drink for a car, 2 drinks for a van, 3 drinks for a truck, and 4 drinks for anything bigger than a truck. One of those rare drinking games were you must win to drink! Be careful when playing it, in most countries it is against the law to drink in public! Cat and mouse Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Creative,Farewell Party,Get2know,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex,Teambuilding,Thinking,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up,Welcome Party Number of players: 11 - 31 Duration: 30 min. The even number of people plus facilitator who stays aside .One of the participants is the cat, one acts as a mouse. Of course the goal of the game isfor cat to catch the mouse. But all the people are involved in the play. We make themstand in the rows with equal number of persons (e.g. 5 rows of 6 people). They have theirarms stretched aside. In that way they create something like ?corridors? (see the drawing): ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- ---o--- The mouse is running away from the cat in the created ?corridors?, while the cat ischasing her. When the facilitator clasp his hands, all the people standing make the 90degrees turn to the right creating now also ?corridors? but in other direction, throughwhich again the mouse is trying to escape the cat: 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  • 21. Cat and Mouse Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Beach,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Thinking,Wake Up Number of players: 6 - 14 Duration: 10 min. The players form a circle (or a lattice) by holding hands. One player is the mouse, the other the cat. The mouse must try to evade the cat. The players attempt to help the mouse by raising their arms to let him pass, and lowering them to keep the cat out. The cat must attempt to catch the mouse by touching him. Neither the cat nor mouse may cross any lower arms, only raised ones. Play continues until a set time limit, or until the mouse is caught. A new cat and mouse are then designated and play starts again. Catch the Stick Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Indoor,Killing,Kissing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity Number of players: 8 - 15 Duration: 15 min. Materials: Stave (or broomstick) The players form a large circle facing inwards. Each player is given a number. One player stands in the centre keeping the stick upright by resting the palm of his hand on the top. The player in the centre calls out a number and removes his hand. The player whose number is called tries to catch the stick before it hits the ground. If that player manages to catch it they take their place in the centre otherwise the original player stays in the centre. Hints: The stick should only be balanced upright and hot held. They must just remove their hand and not push the stick in any way. Caterpillar Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Training,Wake Up Number of players: 5 - 15 Duration: 5 min. Stand in a line closely together and sit down with your legs out the sides (that is: sit with your legs spread out to the sides and the next person as close to your lap as he/she can get). You must sit CLOSE!! Now put your left leg across the left leg of the person sitting in front of you, and your right leg across his/her right leg. Arms should be to the sides. Now the caterpillar starts rocking from one side to the other. The game leader sets the rhythm. It is very important that everyone keep the rhythm. When the sideways rocking is forceful enough the caterpillar turns completely over and is now standing. Try walking slowly forwards &#64979; still keeping the same rhythm. Centre catch
  • 22. Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity Number of players: 5 - 9 Duration: 8 min. Materials: One ball The players stand in a large circle. One player stands in the middle of the circle. The ball is passed between the players in the circle (by passing and throwing). If the person in the middle touches the ball then he takes his place in the circle and a different player goes into the middle (normally the one who had just passed the ball). Century club Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 3 - 100 Duration: 30 min. Materials: Beer, shot glasses, 1 watch It's really pretty simple and doesn’t require much skill, just a high tolerance. The objective is to drink a shot of beer every minute till you reach 100 shots/minutes without being sick. Basically, play begins with each player filling up their shot glass with beer and simultaneously drinking it. Every minute thereafter another shot of beer is to be taken. The players are allowed to do anything, i.e. leaving the room, visiting the toilet throwing up etc. On the one condition that they down their shot at the end of the minute. Chain Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Creative,Indoor,Meeting,Party Number of players: 8 - 50 Duration: 15 min. Materials: Lot of paper In a fixed time the player must make a chain of the paper clips. The player whose chain is the longest wins the game. Chain Story Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Indoor,Meeting,Thinking,Time Killing Number of players: 5 - 25 Duration: 20 min. The leader gives a theme and a place. He/she points to somebody who starts. At any point he points on somebody else who has to continue, if wanted people have to quit. The game continues until they get stuck or repeat the last word
  • 23. Chained Statues Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Beach,Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Training,Welcome Party Number of players: 5 - 20 Duration: 10 min. One person takes a statue position in the centre. Another comes up and moves an arm, leg, hand, or etc. The leader may say "freeze" at any point, and everyone stay exactly where she is. Continue until the whole group is up Chair Dodge Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Reflex,Training,Wake Up Number of players: 5 - 10 Duration: 15 min. Materials: Some Chairs The players form a circle and hold hands. A chair is placed in the middle of the circle. The idea of the game is to force the other players to hit the chair. If any player hits the chair they are out... If the circle breaks both players at the break are out of the game. The last player left is the winner. Hints: Take care not to let the game get out of hand. No twisting of other players arms is allowed Variation: Place chairs outside the circle as well as one inside. Chandeliers Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 2 - 10 Duration: 30 min. Materials: Beer, different sized glasses, 1 coin A large glass is filled with beer and put in the centre of the table. The smaller glasses are also filled with beer, arranged around the centre glass in a circle, and in front of the respected player. The player in possession of the quarter shoots. If the quarter lands in one of the small glasses, the player whose glass it lands in has to drink the beer in his/her glass and fill the glass back up with beer. If the quarter lands in the large centre glass, every player has to chug the beer in his/her small glass. The player who is last to set his/her glass down has to drink the beer in the large centre glass. The quarter is passed to the next player when the previous player fails to put the quarter in a glass. Warning: If the centre glass is not hit much, the beer becomes warm, and this adds to the fun, especially late in the game.
  • 24. China - Tour Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Around the table,Beach,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Thinking,Time Killing,Training,Walk Number of players: 5 - 25 Duration: 15 min. Everyone is sitting in a circle. A tour leader starts the game by thinking out some sort of system that the others must guess. The system can be movements/gestures, spelling/letters, same kind etc. Example: the tour leader starts by saying: ?To go to China I'll bring a dog?. If the system is sitting on your hands while you're saying the code&#64979;word &#64979; then what he/she is saying doesn't matter &#64979; the gestures are the cue. The system could also be that you have to mention a 4&#64979;legged creature. The others must guess this by each trying ?to go to China ?? each turn. The tour leader says after each suggestion yes or no. Everyone keeps guessing, no matter if they have already solved the puzzle. Choose A Pair! Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Welcome Party Number of players: 20 - 100 Duration: 40 min. The youth or the girl is blindfolded and led to the centre of the room (hall). He/she is a leader. Any player takes a little bell and passes by him/her with it. The leader's task is to choose a partner for dance at random. If the leader (girl) chooses a girl, the latter becomes the leader. If the leader (girl) chooses a youth, they both make a pair for a dance. The fillet is given to the other person, chosen with the help of the reckoning. This game continues until there are 10-12 pairs. After that the master of ceremonies announces the pair dance. Chopstick Handling Skill Contest Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity Number of players: 4 - 6 Duration: 20 min. Materials: over-sized chopsticks, bowl, titbits Each participant is given over-sized chopsticks and attempt to lift "difficult" titbits from one bowl to another. The fastest and with the most number of titbits collected wins Circle Cricket Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity Number of players: 10 - 20 Duration: 15 min. Materials: One Ball The players form two teams. One team stands in a large circle and the other team stands in a line. When the
  • 25. game starts the team in the circle pass the ball to each other around the circle. The other team have to run, one player at a time relay style, between two fixed markers. Each 'run' is noted. Once the ball has been passed around the circle a set amount of times (depends on the number of players) then play stops The two teams swap round and repeat. The team with the highest score wins. Circle Football Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Reflex,Training,Wake Up Number of players: 5 - 8 Duration: 12 min. Materials: Bean bag The players form a circle and hold hands. A bean bag is placed in the middle of the circle. The idea of the game is to force the bean bag outside the circle. The two players that the bag passes between or under are out of the game. Players are allowed to pull a player over the bean bag or to kick it. If the circle breaks both players at the break are out of the game. The last player left is the winner. Clap and Catch Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Beach,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Reflex,Training Number of players: 5 - 10 Duration: 15 min. Materials: Ball The players stand in a large circle and the leader stands in the middle. The leader throws the ball to a player who must clap before they catch it. If they fail to clap or do not catch the ball they must lose a 'life' and stand on one leg. When they lose another life they must kneel down, and then a further life lost causes them to sit out. Clappers Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex Number of players: 5 - 20 Duration: 10 min. The players sit in a circle. One player starts by clapping and then the person on their left must clap and so on all the way round the circle. The idea of the game is to see how fast you can send the clap around the circle. Once this is mastered try reversing the clap each time it reaches a certain player or sending more than one clap around. Coat of Arms
  • 26. Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Around the table,Creative,Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training Number of players: 4 - 14 Duration: 15 min. Materials: paper, pencils, scissors, felt pens or chalk Show examples of heraldry and coats of arms, discuss symbolism. Design your own coat of arms: suggestions are only optional, it is best if people invent their own. (The suggestions are also just ideas; people invent their own symbols). Afterwards share and discuss. Conveyor Belt Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up Number of players: 12 - 30 Duration: 10 min. Everyone except 2 or 3 game leaders stands in a line closely together and sit down with their legs out the sides. You must sit CLOSE!! Everyone puts up their arms into the air and lean forwards. The game leaders lift the person in front of the row and place her lying down backwards on the lifted arms. The people sitting holding her leans backwards and slowly move her down the line. The game leaders can start lifting the next quickly. Copycat Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Time Killing,Training Number of players: 5 - 20 Duration: 10 min. The players sit in a large circle. One player starts the game by doing something to the person on their right. This must be done without any laughter, giggling or smiling. They then pass the action on to the next player and so on. Anyone who giggles, laughs or smiles is out. Count the F's Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Thinking,Time Killing,Training Number of players: 5 - 999 Duration: 5 min. Materials: overhead with the exercise or copies on paper for each. Pass out face&#64979;down copies of the sentence to each in the group. Tell them that they simply have to count how many times the letter "f" appears in the sentence. Allow only a minute. Ask: Who has 4 " f'&#64979;s. How about 5? Does anyone have 6? (About 50% will see only 3.Discuss: Why couldn't all of us initially see all F's? (sounds like a “v” sometime). Have you observed situations where only the "important" things get attention? Who decides what's important? How can we persuade people to pay more attention to detail? Is it always important?The sentence:FEATURE FILMS ARE THE RESULTOF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDYCOMBINED WITH THEEXPERIENCE OF YEARS
  • 27. Crazy Machines Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Thinking,Training Number of players: 7 - 9 Duration: 120 min. Materials: some thin rope/thread for each group, thick tape, sticks, rubber bands of different kinds, scissors, paper, pencils Let each group make/create a usable machine for a simple task. It can be a can/beer opener, washing machine etc. Use your imagination. Crossed Wires Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Thinking,Training Number of players: 2 - 999 Duration: 5 min. The game leader instructs as follows; ?With your right hand grab your left ear. Now with your left hand grab your nose? When each has hold of his ear and nose, the game leader calls: ?Change?. The difficulty encountered in reversing the hands is always amusing and serves to break the formality. Daiquiri Race Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity Number of players: 6 - 12 Duration: 20 min. Blindfold the men and line them up on one side of the room. Place the women on the opposite side of the room with a frozen daiquiri. The object of the game is for the women to take a spoonful of the frozen drink, carry the spoon by the handle in their teeth, and feed the drink to their partner. This game has to be done without using any hands, and the first couple to finish their drink wins! This game is also a lot of fun with ice cream instead of daiquiris. Dance Competition Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity Number of players: 4 - 6 Duration: 30 min. Five couples, paired at random, are invited to perform 3 types of dances. The coordinator with help from a professional dancer will first give a quick demonstration of these dances. The winner shall be judged based on the loudest applause from the audience, after which they will be asked to perform a repeat of the winning dance. Best Dance Award to be given to the winner and consolation prizes to the rest.
  • 28. Deadly sins party Submitter: Guido Fusco Number of players: 10 - 30 Duration: 75 min. Materials: Alcohol, glasses,dice (normal one and one with sexy positions), lighter, imbuto, spay cream (or nutella), all that your fantasy can find out The framework is the Hell and all the participants are dressed as devils and demons. In order to reach the most deeply dark part of his soul and reach the possibility to make his secret wishes real, all the demons have to commit each of 7 deadly sins; Every sin is related to a shot that the participant can drink only if he/she has committed the related sin. During the game (after the 4th sin) each participant has to write down 2 secret wishes (possible to make real during the night) and put them in the PANDORA BOX Once you have committed all 7 Sins you can step up to the next level: you pick up a piece of paper from the PANDORA BOX and try to make real the wish written on it. 7 SINS: 1.Greed: you are so greedy that you don?t want to share your drink with someone else; so you have to drink it as fast as you can with a BUFFALO. 2.Sloth: you are so lazy that you can?t drink by yourself, so you get ?imbuted? by an organizer 3.Pride: you always think to be better than me, so I challenge you in a drinking competition (organizer with water and participant with vodka) in order to find out who is the BEST drinker; at most 3 shots of vodka 4.Wrath: the anger makes you mad enough to push out the fire from your mouth?.let?s enjoy the Cointreau (almost every BESTie knows how it works)! 5.Envy: boys envy girl's way to make blowjobs, so they have to simulate that kind of job by drinking a shot without using hands; otherwise girls are jealous each other, so they are in competition and they have to simulate an orgasm (to be approved by the organizers committee) and then simulate a blowjob drinking a shot (they can use hands in order to integrate blowjob with handjob) 6.Gluttony: you are badly seeking good tastes, so you must lick spray cream (or nutella) from a part of the body of your victim. You can choose the victim and a dice will choose the part of the body that you have to lick 7.Lust: you have to choose your favourite sex position (if you want we can roll the dice) and simulate it with a chosen partner also simulating the orgasm and passing your drink to the partner mouth by mouth. Dimes Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 2 - 6 Duration: 15 min. Materials: 11 dimes, drinks (beer suggested) Every person gets a chance to deal. What you do is shake the coins up in your hands and stack them. Dealer calls head or tails and removes the top coin. If the coin underneath is the right one the player drinks one or two mouth full (decided on before the game starts). Dealer goes through the stack with each player then passes the coins to the next player to deal. Must combine with the variations, or else it will be too simple.
  • 29. Variations - Thumb master: The player declares themselves thumb master. When they put their thumb on the table, other players must put the correct thumb on the table. The last player to do so does a 2 finger fine and then becomes thumb master. (Also foot, tongue, head master) - Jive master: the player declares themselves jive master. When they stand up and jive, the other players must do the same. The last one up does a 2 finger fine and becomes the jive master. (Also air-guitar master, Hawaii, 5-0 master etc) - Toilet chairman: the player becomes the toilet chairman. Players wishing to go to toilet must ask the chairman, who puts it to a vote. Players vote with a thumbs up or down. If the vote is no, the player cannot ask again for 5 minutes. - No using numbers - No pointing - Left handed drinking Discover Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Indoor,Meeting,Party Number of players: 10 - 50 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Balloons, felt-tip pens At first the players are asked to "discover" a new planet, i.e. to blow up the balloon as soon as possible, and then "to inhabit" this planet with the inhabitants, i.e. to draw on balloon with the felt-tip-pen as many little men as possible. The player who has the greatest number of men on the balloon - is the winner. Do You Like Girls, Boys? Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Afterparty,Get2know,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Welcome Party Number of players: 10 - 20 Duration: 3 min. The leader and 5-15 girls make a line. At a distance of 1 meter behind them there are some boys. At the command all of them run. While running the leader asks: Do you like girls, boys? The boys must altogether answer "No". The leader asks the question for several times and all the times the boys answer - "No". At last the leader says: "Well, why do you run after girls, if you don't like them?" Dominoes Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party Number of players: 40 - 60 Duration: 60 min. Materials: Cardboard As the players (youths and girls) enter the hall, they are given dominoes cut out of cardboard. They pin it to their
  • 30. clothes. There are 2 complete sets of these cards (28 pieces in each set). The cards of one set are given to the girls, the cards of the other set are given to the youths. Before the dance begins the players at the leader's signal make pairs according to the principle of dominoes. C.f. the youth with the card 5-2 may ask to a dance a girl with the card 2-6; 2-4; 2-3; 2-0 or 5-6; 5-4; 5-3; 5-1; 5- 0. Sometimes the leader may announce the change of the partners. (In this case the leader gives advance notice to the guests about his/her intentions while they are dancing). Then all the pairs change, make the pairs according to the same principle. If there are more than 56 persons at the party you may take 2, 4, 6, 8?more numbers of the complete sets. Drama Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training Number of players: 15 - 25 Duration: 60 min. Drama always creates a very special atmosphere. Once you've been acting and doing really stupid things in front of other people, people tend to start talking about all kinds of different things. It always requires enthusiasms and skills of the game leader. It can be very difficult at times to make people doing silly things. The game leader should be able to dramatise the setting by voice and intonation. E.g. " It is winter. It's late. Two people -perhaps children- are walking along a long, cold, lonesome road. It starts to snow. The snowflakes are silently falling from the sky…”It you plan on doing some drama, plan ahead!! Have the materials you need at hand, have some very well structured, defined games, and some more open&#64979;ended on hand. Choose from intuition &#64979; what do they need &#64979; and what do they want (those two things don't have to be the same thing). In all games, though, there should be room for adapting and creativity. Don't spoil the game by discussing it in detail afterwards. Allocate time for small talk after&#64979;wards.It can be a good idea to provide make&#64979;up, dress, etc. This makes it easier for shy people to become somebody else. Or you can use tape, washable colours for sheets, scissors, tape, egg&#64979;containers etc. If people are very shy, use a defined game, and ask some of the following questions (not all) to get going: - Who are the persons/the problem? Age, sex, family role, statue, rich/poor, respected/despised, lots of friends/alone, education, occupation…- What do they look like? Dress, make&#64979;up, stature, attitude, walk, gestures.- What do they sound like'? Voice, language, shouting, crying. - What do they like/dislike, hope/fear, values. - Where are the people &#64979; where are they going?- How is that place, why are they in that situation? - What do they want: the intentions of the persons/things/animals.Almost anything can be used. Make the groups create situations and play&#64979;act the following topics e.g.:Words put together: ammunition+food, stomach+lamp, poison+onion Theme: The spring&#64979;dress, Love forever, Bad luck, Winter, hope Lines: "hey, stop that!", "Ours is the victory!", "I've got a plan!" Meetings between: child+bear, secretary+boss, postman+traineesSituations: in a restaurant, fair, elderly people in the city, on a moon trip with Russian and American scientists, a traffic accident in Paris &#64979; you don't speak French. Legends/history: well-known stories or facts &#64979; perhaps with a different ending?What would have happened if... Germany had won the 2º World War? We were living in an Age of Ice, The Incas had discovered Europe, The Greek Gods, Odysseus, The ugly duckling…Songs: House of New Orleans, Hair, Roll me over draw a Cow
  • 31. Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Around the table,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Welcome Party Number of players: 5 - 50 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Stuff to blindhold, pen to draw, sheet of paper The players must draw a cow being blindfolded. At first they draw the eyes, then drop the hand and make a pause, then draw the snout, drop the hand, make a pause and draw the horns etc. Dress a Lady Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Sexy,Welcome Party Number of players: 10 - 20 Duration: 5 min. Materials: Ribbons Each lady holds a ball of ribbon in her right hand. The gentlemen take a tip of the ribbon with the teeth and wind it round their ladies (not using their hands). The gentlemen who is the first in "dressing" the lady or whose "dress" is the best is the winner. Drug Dealer Submitter: Roberto Spellucci Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 5 - 20 Duration: 30 min. Materials: Deck of cards, drinks Get as many cards as there are players. There should be one ace and one king mixed with the cards. Mix up cards and distribute one to each player. Players look only at their card. The player with the ace is the drug dealer and the person with the king is the cop. The drug dealer must wink at the other players. Any player who sees the wink must then say "The deal has been made." It is up to the cop to determine who the dealer is. For each wrong guess, the cop must drink for 5 seconds. Players may bluff and pretend they saw the wink even if they haven't. This is fun with large groups of people because it is harder for the cop to guess. However, if the cop sees the wink, the dealer must drink for 5 seconds. Eagle Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Training Number of players: 4 - 10 Duration: 15 min. How far can the eagle fly and still land safely? Let one person lay down and be the eagle. Find 3 helpers: 2 to hold "the eagle's" arm and 1 or 2 to hold the legs. The tempo must be easy and quiet. Both start and landing must be slow and careful. Take care to land the eagle before the eagle gets exhausted and the wings folds up.
  • 32. Variation: Let 2 persons make a Siamese eagle with extra carriers. Egg Throw Submitter: Pablo Zurro Category: Beach,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Time Killing Number of players: 12 - 20 Duration: 15 min. Materials: Eggs, sacks to covr the cloths of players. Divide the players into groups, but the number of players in each group should be even. On each side of the ground half of the participants of each team are placed with a distance of two meters between the two parts of one team. Each half-part-team must stand very close, stomach towards back, in a row. The first participants in each row throw an egg to the opposite row. The goal is to keep the egg whole. If the egg breaks the game is over. When you have thrown you move to the last place in the row. By this the distance between the two rows increases. When you have thrown you move to the last place in the row. By this the distance between the two rows increases. HINTS: A dirty game Electric circuit Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Around the table,Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Time Killing,Welcome Party Number of players: 8 - 20 Duration: 8 min. The players stand in a large circle. One player leaves the room. One of the players in the circle is chosen to be the generator. Three or four other players around the circle are chosen to be electrical goods (toaster, radio etc). All the players hold hands and the player returns from outside and stands in the middle. The generator starts passing the current round the circuit by squeezing the hand of the player on their right. When the current passes through one of the electrical items they make the noise of that item. The current goes round the circuit until it reaches the generator who then passes it back the other way. The player in the middle must guess who the generator is. Empty Glass, Full Glass Submitter: Alexandre Roman Chico Category: Around the table,Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Time Killing Number of players: 5 - 20 Duration: 15 min. Materials: 6 or 12 shot glasses 1 or 2 dice Drinks Depending on the number of people participating, you can either use 6 shot glasses and 1 die or 12 shot
  • 33. glasses and 2 dice. Each glass is numbered from 1 to 6/12. Each player throws the dice in turn. If the total number corresponds to an empty glass, the player fills it and gives the dice to the next player. If it's full, the player drinks it and plays again. The funny part starts when most of the glasses are full and the player only gets full glasses. Endless Dance Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party Number of players: 15 - 101 Duration: 30 min. Materials: A stick All the players are dancing in pairs. The leader is in the centre. He/she holds a stick in his/her hands. The leader throws the stick and all the dancers change their partners. The leader tries to take up somebody's place. The player who has no pair is a leader. He/she takes the stick and does the same as the previous leader. English Consequences Submitter: Natalia Rozycka Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Motivation Weekend,Party,Thinking,Training,Welcome Party Number of players: 3 - 20 Duration: 20 min. This works best if you have studied English and forgotten it! Each person needs a long piece of paper. At the top write a short sentence in your language. Pass the paper round the circle. The next person translates the sentence into English and folds the paper so that only the English shows. The next player translates the sentence back into your national language and folds the paper so only the last one h shows .. and so on. The final result is a real laugh! ESP Icebreaker Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Thinking,Time Killing,Training,Wake Up Number of players: 5 - 999 Duration: 5 min. Ask for a volunteer to assist you. Explain that you are going to foretell the results of an arithmetic exercise by the virtue of ESP, Extra Sensory Perception. Position yourself any place where you cannot see what the person is going to write. 1.Ask the volunteer to write on the blackboard any 3-digit number (the number must not be a mirror image, e.g. 323). 2.Then tell the person to reverse the number and subtract the lower number from the higher chosen number (e.g. 821-128= 693) 3.Add reverse of the new number (693+396=1089)
  • 34. 4.As the volunteer completes the calculation, hold up a prepared card on which you have previously written the number 1089. On occasion, the initial subtraction will yield a 2-digit number. In such a case, simply direct the volunteer to add a zero in front (eg.99 to 099). Estonian in the cupboard Submitter: Teele Kundla Category: Drinking,Farewell Party,Indoor,Killing,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Motivation Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Training,Wake Up,Welcome Party Number of players: 1 - 5 Duration: 60 min. Materials: vodka; beer Stage 1: Five Estonians drink 10 bottles of vodka. One of them gets chosen to hide himself to the cupboard. The others have to guess, who is in the cupboard. They can all discuss. Stage 2: Three Estonians drink 3 bottles of vodka and 9 bottles of strong beer. One of them hides in the cupboard, the others continue drinking. By the end of the day they guess what happened during the day and why one of them is in the cupboard. They can all discuss. Stage 3: Two Estonians drink 5 bottles of vodka. One of them hides in the cupboard. The other one has to guess who is in the cupboard. Discussing is allowed. Stage 4: Two Estonians drink 4 bottles of vodka and 4 bottles of strong beer. One of them hides in the cupboard. The other one has to guess where is the cupboard. Discussing is allowed only with yourself. Stage 5 (it's advised to consult your doctor before playing this): One Estonian drinks 2 bottles of vodka and then has to guess if he's in the cupboard or not. It's the hardest option, because there isn't anyone to discuss with. Evening Dress Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Afterparty,Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Sexy Number of players: 8 - 16 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Newspapers, pins and scissors The instructor asks the group to divide in couples. He/she suggests their making the evening dress, using only newspapers, pins and scissors. The winner is chosen by the spectators. Excuse Me! Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party Number of players: 14 - 30 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Cardboard
  • 35. Gentlemen ask ladies to a dance. 2-3 gentlemen are given special cards with the phrase "Excuse me!" written on them. With this card the gentleman may come to any of the pairs, give it to the gentleman and begin to dance with his lady? Families Submitter: Pablo Zurro Category: Beach,Creative,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Teambuilding,Thinking,Time Killing,Training,Walk Number of players: 20 - 40 Duration: 30 min. Materials: Blindfolds for each player. A wide venue (a football field) People are divided into groups of 5-6 and are called a family. Each team should find themselves a family name, easy to remember and recognize. Then the eyes ae covered and everybody?s asked to be silent for a while. The fascilitator seperates the players in the field. The objective of the game is to gather all the family members as soon as possible. The team that gathers first wins. During the game players can just shout their family name. HINTS: Forest is not a suitable venue for this game. VARIATIONS: Players may be asked to oretend a specific animal species Fear in a Hat Submitter: Helena Belien Number of players: 2 - 30 Duration: 20 min. Materials: paper and pen for every player, hat or box or shoe or smt you can put pieces of paper in * Set an appropriate tone, e.g., settled, attentive, caring and serious. * The tone could be set by introducing the topic of fear and explaining how it is normal and natural at this stage of program that people are experiencing all sorts of anxieties, worries and fears about what might happen. A good way of starting to deal with these fears is have them openly acnkowledged - lay them on the table, without being subject to ridicule. Having one's fears expressed and heard almost immediately cuts them in half. * Can be done as the first activity in a program, during the initial stages or well into the program. When used early on in particular, it can help to foster group support and be helpful for alerting the group to issues they may want to respect in a Full Value Contract. * Ask everyone, including the group leaders, to complete this sentence on a piece of paper (anonymously): "In this trip/group/program, I am [most] afraid that..." or "In this trip/group/program, the worst thing that could happen to me would be..."
  • 36. * Collect the pieces of paper, mix them around, then invite each person to a piece of paper and read about someone's fear. * One by one, each group member reads out the fear of another group member and elaborates and what he/she feels that person is most afraid of in this group/situation. No one is to comment on what the person says, just listen and move on to the next person. * If the reader doesn't elaborate much on the fear, then ask them one or two questions. Avoid implying or showing your opinion as to the fear being expressed, unless the person is disrepecting or completely misunderstanding someone's fear. If the person doesn't elaborate after one or two questions, leave it and move on. * When all the fears have been read out and elaborated on, then discuss what people felt and noticed. * Can lead into other activities, such as developing a Full Group Contract, personal or team goal settings, course briefings which specifically tackle some of the issues raised, or into other activities in which participants explore their feelings and fears (e.g., see the Fear in a Hat description at _Variations:_ * Likes and dislikes - in two separate hats * Worries * Complaints/gripes * Wishes * Favorite moments Fear in a Hat Submitter: Helena Belien Category: Get2know,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Motivation Weekend,Outdoor,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training
  • 37. Number of players: 2 - 30 Duration: 20 min. Materials: piece of paper and pen for every player, hat or box to put pieces of paper in * Set an appropriate tone, e.g., settled, attentive, caring and serious. * The tone could be set by introducing the topic of fear and explaining how it is normal and natural at this stage of program that people are experiencing all sorts of anxieties, worries and fears about what might happen. A good way of starting to deal with these fears is have them openly acnkowledged - lay them on the table, without being subject to ridicule. Having one's fears expressed and heard almost immediately cuts them in half. * Can be done as the first activity in a program, during the initial stages or well into the program. When used early on in particular, it can help to foster group support and be helpful for alerting the group to issues they may want to respect in a Full Value Contract. * Ask everyone, including the group leaders, to complete this sentence on a piece of paper (anonymously): "In this trip/group/program, I am [most] afraid that..." or "In this trip/group/program, the worst thing that could happen to me would be..." * Collect the pieces of paper, mix them around, then invite each person to a piece of paper and read about someone's fear. * One by one, each group member reads out the fear of another group member and elaborates and what he/she feels that person is most afraid of in this group/situation. No one is to comment on what the person says, just listen and move on to the next person. * If the reader doesn't elaborate much on the fear, then ask them one or two questions. Avoid implying or showing your opinion as to the fear being expressed, unless the person is disrepecting or completely misunderstanding someone's fear. If the person doesn't elaborate after one or two questions, leave it and move on. * When all the fears have been read out and elaborated on, then discuss what people felt and noticed. * Can lead into other activities, such as developing a Full Group Contract, personal or team goal settings, course briefings which specifically tackle some of the issues raised, or into other activities in which participants explore their feelings and fears (e.g., see the Fear in a Hat description at
  • 38. _Variations:_ * Likes and dislikes - in two separate hats * Worries * Complaints/gripes * Wishes * Favorite moments Feed a Friend Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Indoor,Party,Welcome Party Number of players: 4 - 50 Duration: 20 min. Materials: Fishing-rods, chocolate The players stand with their backs to each other. They hold fishing-rods in their hands. To the strings of the fishing-rods there attached the unwrapped bars of chocolate. The players' task is to eat the bar from the other player's fishing-rod as soon as possible. Feedback Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Around the table,Creative,Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Meeting,Teambuilding,Thinking,Training Number of players: 4 - 12 Duration: 45 min. If possible, start with some general introduction and theory on the subject (Johari-window) - 10 min. Each must list 3 positive things and one negative thing about him/herself as well as one positive and one negative thing about each of the others. The participants will have 5 minutes. It is very important that you stress the following: Everyone must write down the exact number. It can be aspects of personality, cooperation, of typical attributes etc. It doesn't matter whether you have known each other for a long time or not. You cannot discuss whether what is said is right or wrong. Accept the fact that this is how you come across during the time you have known each other. If you do not agree, then think about why the other person possibly could get that impression. List the things of each person on a big blackboard (you should be able to see all the lists at the same time). Ask after each person has been commented on, if he/she has any comments, how she/he is feeling about it etc. It is
  • 39. important that you as a game leader allow time for this.Discuss finally: How did you feel? What was most difficult/easy - why? What were you feeling at different times? What would make it easier to give feedback? What would make it easier to receive feedback?End the session by pointing out, that the positive/negative things add together and can be used in a team. Hints: Ensure that people in the group either have met before or have spent some time together (min. 2 days in e.g. working groups) Felt hat Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion Category: Around the table,Creative,Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Thinking,Time Killing Number of players: 10 - 25 Duration: 60 min. Materials: Papers, scissors Each participant is given a pre-made red felt donut-shaped circle of approximately 18 inches in diameter and give the instruction to form some type of hat out of the felt piece. Participants are given enough time to make their hat, and each person explains the hat they created. This is a quick, and fun, way to "break the ice." Fill the gap Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Beach,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Wake Up Number of players: 5 - 20 Duration: 5 min. The players stand in a large circle. One player walks around the outside of the circle and touches a player on the shoulder. Then both of these players must run around the circle in opposite directions until they reach the gap in the circle. The last player to reach the gap must walk around the outside of the circle and touch someone else. Final- For Adults Only Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Sexy,Teambuilding,Welcome Party Number of players: 12 - 30 Duration: 15 min. Divide up into 2 teams. At the signal the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (any items they like). The players put their clothes in one line. Each team has a line of its own. The team which has the longest line is the winner. Find an Object Submitter: Pablo de la Concepcion Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Thinking,Welcome Party Number of players: 10 - 15
  • 40. Duration: 20 min. Materials: Any kind of objects around the participants Give participants 10 minutes to find an object that represents either how they feel today, what they aspire to, what their job feels like, what they'd like to let go of to be present---the possibilities are wide open. Participants can either hold on to their object or put it on a cloth in the center of the room (this assume people are in a circle on the floor or in chairs). Have each participant share with the group what the object means to them. You can either go in order, let someone volunteer to be first and then go in order or let it go according to whoever is ready Hints: It helps to have access to nature because of the greatly increased store of objects to be found there but it can be also done it in homes. It is helpful to emphasize that they don't have to find the ultimate object and they shouldn't think too hard about it but just let objects speak to them, e.g. whatever seems to catch their eye should be considered. This is also a good example of "challenge by choice" in that participants can choose how much they wish to share of their "inner life" based on the notion that learning requires some willingness to risk Variations: Each participant introduces themselves and then shows the group an object they brought into the session (It could be from their pocket, purse, briefcase, etc.) They must then tell the group why that object is significant to who they are. Find the Bell Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Indoor,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Party,Reflex,Time Killing Number of players: 5 - 15 Duration: 10 min. Materials: a little bell that rings easily. Have the group sit in a circle. Choose one person to sit in the center of the circle.The leader gives the bell to one of the players, who begins to pass it around the circle.The object of the game is to pass the bell quietly so that the person in the middle cannot guess who is holding the bell. Players may not silence the bell by holding the clapper -they have to try to pass it carefully enough so that it does not ring. Find the Place Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity Number of players: 10 - 50 Duration: 20 min. Materials: chairs The chairs are put in a line with their seats facing opposite sides. The leader of the game takes a long stick and walks round all the players, who are sitting on the chairs. Then he strikes the floor with the stick near one of the players. This player stands up and follows the leader. So the leader walks round the chairs, strikes with the
  • 41. stick near the players and very soon he is followed by the whole suite of the players. The leader makes different movements and all the rest repeat them. Suddenly the leader strikes with the stick twice. This is a signal for the players to take their places as soon as possible. (It is not easy at all now, as the chairs stand with their seats facing different sides.) The leader tries to take one of the places himself. The player who doesn't manage to take a seat becomes the leader. Find Your Own People Submitter: Radu Epure Category: Farewell Party,Get2know,Indoor,Meeting,Outdoor,Party,Physical Activity,Welcome Party Number of players: 20 - 100 Duration: 15 min. Materials: Cards with pictures The cards with different pictures are cut into 4-5 parts. The teams must find their own people. To cut the cards into 2-3 parts. One part is given to the girl, 2 other parts are given to the youths. The youth who finds the girl the first asks her for a dance. Fire of Rome Submitter: Anna Travesset Category: Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Reflex,Training,Welcome Party Number of players: 8 - 20 Duration: 15 min. Materials: chairs for each person, music easy to stop and start. Chairs (one less than the number of participants). One chair for each person except one is put in a circle with their backs to the middle. While the music is playing the participants walk around the chairs. When the game leader stops the music, they have to sit down as quickly as possible. The one who didn't find a chair is out of the game, and brings with him/her a chair. The game continues until only one person finds a chair. Firefighters Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Afterparty,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Reflex,Teambuilding,Welcome Party Number of players: 3 - 7 Duration: 5 min. Materials: Candels, strings, small box or a piece of wet cotton wool Tie strings to the belts of the players. At the end of each string there is a small box or a piece of wet cotton wool. In front of each player there is a candle. The task is to put out the candle with the help of the small box or a piece of cotton wool as fast as possible without using the hands.
  • 42. Flie Fla Submitter: Helena Belien Category: Songs Number of players: 1 - 2500 Duration: 5 min. Materials: voice ;-) This song originates from Belgium and was first introduced on GA2005 Chania: Flie Flie Fla Flie Fla Floy Vista Ooooooohhhh la vista Inimini salamini oe oe ai Examini salamini oe oe ai Ieten bieten oten boten bobo petietentaten tsssjjjjjjjjj (1st time: normal) (2nd time: whispering) (3rd time: shouting) Football Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Farewell Party,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Party,Physical Activity,Reflex,Welcome Party Number of players: 2 - 10 Duration: 5 min. Materials: Strings, apples, baloon or ball 2 men take part in this game. They put on the belts and tie thick strings to them from behind. To the end of the string there tied an apple. It must be 30-35 cm. above the floor-level. Each player is given a ball (or a balloon). At the distance of 10-12 metres from the start-line there are "the goals" (made of chairs). Swinging the apple between the legs the players move the balls (balloons) towards "the goals". The player who copes with the task the first wins. Forfeits Submitter: Natalia Rozycka Number of players: 5 - 50 Duration: 10 min. This is a list of forfeits you can use while playing e.g. Truth or Dare or any other games where a kind of punishment is introduced :) - Tell a joke in the style of the cookie monster
  • 43. - Explain gravity standing on your head - Tell someone in the room how much you love them for one minute - Swap every item of clothing with person of the opposite sex - Be handcuffed to someone else for the rest of the night - Inhale the helium from a balloon and sing the first line of a song - Get your mom to play truth or dare - Eat a dog food dinner - Put ice cubes under your armpits for 5 minutes - You get a piece of chocolate and hide it in some flour. You have to look for it using your face, when you find it you must eat it - Hold your hand in an ice bucket for 3 minutes - Guys: Let a girl dress you up and put makeup on - Guys: Wear your mums clothes - Change your outer layer of clothing with someone else within 1 minute - Sing "Like a Virgin", Madonna style - Sing The National Anthem (Musical forfeits may be done with extra provisos such as without smiling or while standing on one leg) - Eat three crackers - without having a drink - then whistle a song, which others have to recognise - Do the Twist - Belly Dance - Recite a poem of your choice - Say the months of the year backwards - Do an impersonation of John Cleese being Basil Fawlty - Do an impersonation of Mel Gibson being William Wallace - Name the Spice Girls - Name the seven dwarfs from Snow White - Name the planets of the Solar System - Name ten things you would find in the kitchen - Name ten things you would find in the bathroom - Name ten parts of the human body with only three letters - Name ten things you can stroke in public. - Shake hands with everyone - Remove an item of red clothing - Swap socks with the person on your left - Spend 10 minutes with a spoon in your mouth - Drink a beer using a bowl and a teaspoon - Put a big pot on your head for 10 minutes - Get your mouth Scotch-taped for 10 minutes French Cricket Submitter: Sandra Espinosa Category: Killing,LBG Weekend,Outdoor,Physical Activity,Reflex Number of players: 4 - 8 Duration: 10 min. Materials: Tennis Ball All players form a circle and the batter stands in the middle of the circle facing the player who has the ball first. The player with the ball can bowl under arm at the batters legs or pass the ball to another player around the
  • 44. circle to bowl. The objective of the game is to hit the batters legs. The batter must stay facing the player who first had the ball, but is allowed to move the bat around to protect the legs. When the batters legs are hit, the batter swaps places with the player who bowled the ball. Play continues for a set time From hummock to hummock Submitter: Evelyn Napetschnig Category: Creative,Indoor,Meeting,Party,Physical Activity Number of players: 3 - 6 Duration: 10 min. Materials: Paper or plastic glasses filled with water, cardboards Ask 3-6 persons to participate in this game. Each of them is given 2 paper (plastic) glasses filled with water. In front of each player on the floor there are 5 cardboard circles which are situated at the equal distance from each other. The players' task is to get to the finish line jumping from one circle to another. The player who has water in his/her glasses at the end of the game is the winner. To be more accurate and to make the game funnier you may measure the water in the glasses by the measuring glass. Paper or plastic glasses filled with water, cardboards Ask 3-6 persons to participate in this game. Each of them is given 2 paper (plastic) glasses filled with water. In front of each player on the floor there are 5 cardboard circles which are situated at the equal distance from each other. The players' task is to get to the finish line jumping from one circle to another. The player who has water in his/her glasses at the end of the game is the winner. To be more accurate and to make the game funnier you may measure the water in the glasses by the measuring glass. Fruitsalad Submitter: Bram Simons Category: Around the table,Creative,Indoor,LBG Weekend,Motivation Weekend,Physical Activity,Reflex,Training,Wake Up Number of players: 12 - 50 Duration: 5 min. Materials: none Preparation: Ask 4 people for their favourite fruit. For Example Person 1 likes apples, person 2 pears, person 3 bananas and person 4 pineapples. Then go over all the other people, and tell them one by one that they also have these favourite fruits. (so person 5 = apples again, 6 = pears, etc etc). Playing: When you say/shout apples, all the people with that fruit as their favourite fruit should stand up and switch places as quickly as possible. When you shout apples and pears, both groups should stand up and switch. Same for all the other fruits. When you shout fruitsalad, everyone has to stand up and switch places!