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The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                        The Future of Software
                                     The Distinguished Visitors Program                                                 Engineering Education
        The Future of Software                                                     ➡ Introduction
                                                                                                                               Software is critical to
                                                                                        The Challenges
        Engineering Education                                                                                                    strategic advances

                                                                                        Future Trends
                                                                                                                            Yet software success rates
                                Dr. Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera                               Conclusions                         are disproportionally low!
                                       professor and president

                           Keuka College, New York, USA
                                 founded in 1890
                                                                                   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                              2

The Distinguished Visitors Program                                                 The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                     Software is critical to                                                Yet software success rates
                                                       strategic advances                                                   are disproportionally low!

     Software has become the bottom line                                                Horror stories of colossal Sw project
     for many organizations, even those                                                 failures abound
     who never envisioned themselves to                                                      US$150B/year from project failures in US,
     be in the software business                                                             with a further US$140 billion in EU
          Deploy new products and services                                              How did we get here?
          Accommodate growing demand for new features                                        Unprecedented demand
          Connect products in unexpected ways
          Exploit rapidly changing technology
                                                                                             Unforeseen problems
          Gain a competitive edge                                                            Unqualified professionals

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                       3   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                              4
The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                       Unforeseen        The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                                        No Physical
                                                        Problems                                                                        Limitations
     Inherent Difficulties                                                     Software is governed by real
          software turned out surprisingly                                    constraints, but these tend to be
          complex and very easy to change                                     multidimensional and abstract
                                                                                   Unrealistic expectations:
                                                                                   If I tell you that I’m going to build a 1000 meter
     Accidental Difficulties                                                        long concrete beam suspended at one end only, will
          Software development methods and                                         you believe me?
          tools have become major traps!                                           Of course no, you know it can’t be physically done!

                                                                              But, anything and everything is
        * Fred Brooks, No Silver Bu!et, C.ACM 1987                            possible is software!
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                             5   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                        6

The Distinguished Visitors Program                                       The Distinguished Visitors Program
     “People believe software to be                                             Customer needs                  Designers unable to

     flexible, and therefore they flex it.
                                                                                                              understand requirements
                                                                                                                       Developers unable to
     They flex it beyond reasonable                                           Requirements
                                                                                                      Design            implement design

     boundaries" (J. Millar)
                                                                               get lost
                                                                                                                                 Developers unable to
                                                                                                                Development      manage the “pieces”
          Inability to visualize its boundaries encourages                           Design corrupted
                                                                                     as problems fixed
          people to change their mind more frequently                                                                          Testing
                                                                                                                                              Developers unable to
                                                                                                                                               fix found problems
          Excessive requests for new features or alteration                                          Patches slipped in
                                                                                                    when no one looking
          of functions introduce unnecessary and                                                                                          Deployment
                                                                                                                                                          People can’t
                                                                                                                                                          use system
          undesirable complexity                                                                                    Buggy software
                                                                                                                      passed on
                                                                                                                                        Wrong solution

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                             7   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                        8
The Distinguished Visitors Program                                 The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                           Cobb’s Paradox
     "We know why projects fail,                                        Professionalism is absent
     we know how to prevent their failure
                                                                        Education for practitioners is lacking
     –so why do they still fail?"
                                                                        Project management importance is not
     M. Cobb, Canada Treasury
                                                                        well understood and underrated
                                                                        Risk management is not applied
                                                                        Research is not reaching the practitioner
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                      9    ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                              10

The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                     The Future of Software        The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                        Improving SwE
                                     Engineering Education                                                    Practice
    √ Introduction                                                      We argue that the software
                                                                        engineering community could have a
➡The Challenges                                                         significant impact on the future of the
    Future Trends                                                       discipline by focusing its efforts on
                                                                        improving the education of software
    Conclusions                                                         engineers.
                                                                             There are some bright spots
                                                                             There remain several key challenges

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                      11   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                              12
The Distinguished Visitors Program                               The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                          SwE Challenge                                                                      The Challenges

     Put a process in place supported by                              1) make programs attractive to students
     methods, techniques, & tools to                                  2) focus education appropriately
     facilitate creation & continued dev. of                          3) communicate industrial reality effectively
     software ... A difficult task
          Technical problems (Complicated artifacts)
                                                                      4) define curricula that are forward-looking
          Human factors (communication problems)                      5) provide education for existing practitioners
          Economics aspects (Labor-intensiveness)                     6) make education more evidence-based
          Uncertain information (Incomplete theory)
          Unstable and unpredictable quality                          7) ensure educators have essential knowledge
          Conflicting project goals                                    8) raise prestige and quality of SwE research
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                    13   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                          14

The Distinguished Visitors Program                               The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                     (1) Programs’ appeal                                                           Professional Entry
                                                                                                 Educational Background of Professional-level IT Workers
     Making programs attractive to appeal                             In ALL engineering disciplines a

     to good students and meet societal                               corresponding BS degree is required.
                                                                                    90%                              Business

                                                                                                                     Social Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                 Of professional
                                                                                    70%                              Mathematics                                level IT workers

          Negative stereotypes tend to focus particularly                           60%                              Natural Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                    who hold
                                                                                                                                                                  bachelor's or

          hard on SwE                                                               50%                              Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                   higher level
                                                                                                                     other than                                       87.5%
          Many bright mathematical minds interested in                              40%
                                                                                                                     Computer and Systems Engineering             hold degrees
                                                                                                                                                                in science, math
          computing tend to be attracted to CS not SwE                              30%
                                                                                                                     IT Degrees, including:
                                                                                                                     Computer & information sciences, general
                                                                                                                                                                 or engineering

          The somewhat-true perception that SwE is much                             20%
                                                                                                                     Computer science
                                                                                                                     Computer systems analysis

          about process and not technical enough
                                                                                                                     Information services and systems
                                                                                    10%                              Other computer and information sciences
                                                                                                                     Computer and systems engineering

          software quality is very bad ...                                           0%
                                                                                            Professional Level IT
                                                                                                                     Computer programming


©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                    15   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                          16
The Distinguished Visitors Program


                        Educational Background of Professional-level IT Workers


                                            Social Sciences
                                                                                                                   2) Focus Education                                                  The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                                                                                                        Appropriately                                                                                                                             Spectrum
                                                                                        Of professional
             70%                            Mathematics                                level IT workers
                                                                                           who hold
             60%                            Natural Sciences                             bachelor's or
                                                                                          higher level
             50%                            Engineering                                    degrees,
                                            other than                                       87.5%
                                            Computer and Systems Engineering             hold degrees
                                                                                       in science, math
                                            IT Degrees, including:                      or engineering
             30%                            Computer & information sciences, general
                                            Computer science
             20%                            Computer systems analysis
                                            Information services and systems
             10%                            Other computer and information sciences
                                            Computer and systems engineering
                                            Computer programming
                   Professional Level IT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Social and economic issues
     Understanding SwE dimensions so we
     can focus education appropriately                                                                                                                                                                                                         Politics & Law


     What are the different educational                                                                                                                                                                                                         Economics

     needs of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Engineering       Engineering      Engineering   Production
          computer scientists, computer engineers,                                                                                                                                                               Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Science           Design         Technology    Installation

          networking engineers, software engineers,
          information systems,                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Industrial
          and web site developers, games developers, real-                                                                                                                                                                                      Architecture
          time systems developers, etc?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Human factors
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                                                                                          17   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                          18

The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                                            Technical                                  The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                                          Professions                                                                                                           Knowledge
                                                                                                                  Social and economic issues                                                                                         Social and economic issues
                                                                                                                                                            Provides end-user                             •    Symbols & abstractions
                                                                                                                         Politics & Law                                                                                                        Politics & Law
                                                                                                                                                            solutions                                     •    Computability Theory
                                                                                                                          Psychology,                                                                                                                                • Development environments
                                                                                                                                                                                                          •    Switching Theory                 Psychology,
                                                                                                                           sociology                                                                                                                                 • Implementation standards
                                                                                                                                                                                                          •    Information Theory                sociology
                                                                                       Discovers, creates new                                                                                                                                                        • V&V; Syst. Prototypes
                                                                                                                                                                                                          •    Algorithms and complexity
                                                                                       theories and principles
                                                                                                                                               Technologist                                                    theory                           Economics

                                                                                                    Scientist           Engineer



                                                                                                          Engineering     Engineering     Engineering   Production                                                            Engineering       Engineering      Engineering   Production
                                                                          Science                                                                                                                                Science
                                                                                                             Science        Design        Technology    Installation                                                            Science           Design         Technology    Installation

                                                                                                                           Industrial                                                                                                            Industrial                      • Syst. Admin.
                      Designs new artifacts applying                                                                                                                                                              •   System Software
                                                                                                                             design                                                                                                                design       • Design Process • Strategic planning
                             engineering principles                                                                                                                                                               •   Information Storage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Analysis &     • End-user support
                                        and science                                                                       Architecture                                                                            •   Computer Architecture     Architecture      Design Methods
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  •   Computer and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Measurements
                                                                                                                              Art                                                                                     Communications                Art
                                                                                                                        Human factors                                                                                                         Human factors
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                                                                                          19   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                          20
report on degree programs in information technology is under development. We anticipate that it will
         be published in 2006 and thus refer to it as IT2006.
      The diagram in Figure 1.1 represents the scope of what has become the Computing Curricula Series, a
      continuing effort to provide guidelines and standards for computing curricula. The top-level Overview
      block, CC2005, represents this report. Each of the first five sub-blocks represents a curriculum report for
      one of the Visitors Program
                                        Computing Curricula
The Distinguishedexisting computing disciplines. The sixth sub-block is a placeholder for future reports on
      additional computing disciplines as necessitated by the emergence of new computing disciplines. Online
                                                                                                                           The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                                                                    A Computing
      copies of the computing curricula volumes can be found at
                                        Project (ACM/IEEE)
                                                      The Overview
                                                       in Computing
            CC2001            IS 2002          SE 2004            CE 2004           IT2006             Other
           (CS2001)                                                                                 curriculum
                                                                                                    volumes as
                                                                                                    needed for
           Curriculum       Curriculum       Curriculum        Curriculum        Curriculum          emerging
            Volume            Volume           Volume            Volume            Volume           disciplines
        Figure 1.1. Structure of the Computing Curricula Series
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                              21   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                22

      1.4. Guiding Principles
      Five principles guided the development of this report.
The Distinguished Visitors Program
      1. The dramatic growth in the number of computing disciplines and their collective impact on society
                                                                                                                           The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                 Computer Science
         requires that the computing disciplines articulate a shared identity. Given the importance of
         computing to society, we in computing have a responsibility to help society understand what we do.
         The fact that computing offers several kinds of academic programs is a major strength and an
         opportunity but requires that we offer society a practical vision of our shared field, of the various
         disciplines within it, and of the meaningful choices that face students, educators, and their
         communities. The goal of this report is to articulate the shared identity, the separate identities of each
         computing discipline, and the choices available to students, educators, and communities.

                                                         Page 7

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                              23   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                24
The Distinguished Visitors Program                                 The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                     Information Systems

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                      25   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                     26

The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                         3) Communicate            The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                        4) Define Forward-
                                        Industrial Reality                                               looking Curricula
     How to improve the synergy and                                     Defining curriculum standards that
     communication between industry and                                 are forward-looking
     academia?                                                               How can we achieve the level of understanding of
          What industrial practices are currently not being                  industry practice necessary to create forward-
          taught?                                                            looking curricula, taking into account academic
          How effective are these practices?
                                                                             What curriculum innovations should be
          Which should be taught to undergraduates?                          considered?
     Industrial Advisory Boards
          School and program levels
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                      27   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                     28
The Distinguished Visitors Program                                                       The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                        November/December 2006 IEEE SOFTWARE   19                                              under

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                            29   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                         30

The Distinguished Visitors Program                                                       The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                                       5) Educating
                                     SwE 2004 structure
     Software Engineering Education Knowledge (SEEK)                                          Provide education for existing practitioners
     Guiding principles (11)                                                                       “education, rather than technology, holds the key to
                                                                                                   improvements in software project success rates,”
     Student educational outcomes (7)                                                              “Education is required at all levels, from senior
                                                                                                   directors to end users.”
     A set of general guidelines (19) to help curriculum
                                                                                                   “The levels of professionalism observed in software
     designers and educators
                                                                                                   engineering are generally lower than those in other
     Model curricula (suggestions for how courses can                                              branches of engineering,”
     be grouped)
                                                                                              The Challenges of Complex IT Projects
     Sample course descriptions (to which suggested                                                A report by members of the Royal Academy of
     SEEK coverage is described)                                                                   Engineering and the British Computer Society

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                            31   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                         32
The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                     Certification and               The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                Certified Software
                                            Licensing                                                    Development Professional

     Vary from country to country                                        International, IEEE-CS established
                                                                             Alignment to SWEBOK
     Obtaining an engineering license now
                                                                             Exam based on SE2004 guidelines
     available to software engineers in some
                                                                             Test sites on all continents
     US states, and all Canadian Provinces
     in the UK the British Computer Society
     and The Institution of Engineering and
     Technology offer Chartered status to
     suitably qualified and experienced
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                       33   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                        34

The Distinguished Visitors Program                                  The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                         Preparation                                                         Other Challenges
          CSDP Online Course                                             6) make education more evidence-
          CSDP Workbook: A Self-Study Guide for Today's
          Software Professional - new publication       
          CSDP Resource Guide -3rd edition now available                 7) ensure educators have essential
          Instructor Led Courses
          CSDP Registered Education Providers
          CSDP Registered Preparation Materials                          8) raise prestige and quality of SwE
          Sample Test Questions                                          research
          Compilation of Software Engineering Terms
          Recommended References
          CSDP Study Group Forum (yahoo: ieee-csdp)
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                       35   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                        36
The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                     The Future of Software        The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                                                                                            SwE Education
                                     Engineering Education
    √ Introduction                                                      Initially as a sub-discipline of CS
    √ The Challenges                                                    1970s: Masters programs appeared
➡ Future Trends                                                         1990’s: Explosion of progress
                                                                             BS degrees in US, Canada, UK, Australia, etc.
    Conclusions                                                              Ph.D. programs separate from CS (e.g., CMU

                                                                                    Research            Disseminate    Practice
                                                                                 Ph.D. programs         MS programs   BS programs
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                      37   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                         38

The Distinguished Visitors Program                                 The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                       SwE Coming of Age                                                         What Works

     Cooperation ACM, IEEE, BSC, JIS, IFIP, ...                         Industrial strength engineering:
     Code of Ethics                                                          Cataloguing known solutions & systematic,
                                                                             strategic reuse via product lines
     Body of Knowledge (SwEBoK)
                                                                        Project Management:
     Educational Accreditation Criteria
                                                                             Adherence to basic, well-established engineering
     Separate curriculum vol. (SE2004)                                       management principles

     BS, MS and Ph.D. programs                                          Security Engineering:
     Licensing & Registration Legislation                                    A rigorous engineering practice where security
                                                                             concerns are dealt with at each stage of the
     Professional Examination (IEEE CSDP)                                    process
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                      39   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                         40
The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                      Industrial Strength                     The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                   Project Management:
                                            Engineering                                                             The Role of Process
                                                                                   Even the finest people can’t perform
                                                                                   at their best when the process is
                                                                                   not understood or not operating at
                                                                                   its best.
                                                                                                                        The Role of Process
                                                                                                                          Everyone realizes the importance of having a motivated,
                                                                                                                                                               quality work force
                                                                                                                                                               and the latest
                                                                                                                                                               technology, but even
                                                                                                                                                               the finest people
                                                                                                                                                               can’t perform
                                                                                                                                                               at their best when
                                                                                                                                                               the process is not

         Systematic, Strategic Reuse                                                                                             PROCESS                       understood or
                                                                                                                                                               at its best.

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                 41   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                   42

                                                                                                                        © 2005 by Carnegie Mellon University            CMMI Overview Page 9

The Distinguished Visitors Program                                            The Distinguished Visitors Program
                                                                                                                   The Future of Software
                                     Security Engineering
                                                                                                                   Engineering Education
     Based at individual engieer/team                                             √ Introduction
     PSP/TSP: Framework for disciplined                                           √ The Challenges
     production of quality software
        Produce one or two orders of magnitude fewer                              √ Future Trends
        defects than current practice.
     0.02 defects/KSLOC vs. 2 defects/KSLOC                                   ➡ Conclusions
     If 5% of the defects are potential security holes, with TSP there
     would be 1 vulnerability per MSLOC.

©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                 43   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                                   44
The Distinguished Visitors Program                             The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                            Conclusions                                                            Conclusions

     Software Quality issues with have                              Computing is its own discipline
     their root cause in human error.                                    separate from math, science, & engineering
          These in turn arise from inadequate education
                                                                    Computing is its own Faculty
     SwE Is NOT “Engineering”                                            the Computing School with its own dean &
          Software Engineering is a different kind of                    academic standards
          engineering, one that has to do with socio-
          technical systems
          Similarly, Computer Science is NOT Science
                                                                         THE Discipline of the 21st Century
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                  45   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                           46

The Distinguished Visitors Program                             The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                      Discussion & Q/A                                                                References
                                                                    [1] P. Naur & B. Randell (Eds) Software Engineering: Report on a Conference
                                                                    Sponsored by the NATO Science Committee (7 – 11 October 1968). 1969.
                                                                    [2] Model Law (1986) prepared by the USA National Council of Engineering
                                                                    [3] IEEE Standards Collection: Software Engineering, IEEE Standard
                                                                    610.12-1990, IEEE, 1993.
                                                                    [4] Speed, J., Software Engineering, Licensure Exchange, Texas Board of
                                                                    Professional Engineers, 2 (3), June, 1998:1-16.
                                                                    [5]Parnas, D. L. & M. Soltys “Basic Science for Software Developers.”
                                                                    Department of Computing and Software, McMaster University. Hamilton,
                                                                    Ontario, Canada.
                                                                    [6] Accreditation policy and procedure manual. Baltimore, MD: ABET, Inc.,
                                                                    November 2000. ( )
                                                                    [7] MIT Design Laboratory. (Accessed July 10, 2006)
                                                                    [8] Moore, J. Software Engineering Standards. IEEE-CS Press, 1998.
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                  47   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                           48
The Distinguished Visitors Program                                               The Distinguished Visitors Program

                                            References –2                                                                             References –3
     [9] Bryant, A. “It’s Engineering Jim … but not as we know it.”                   [15] Jacobson, I. “Succeeding with Objects: Reuse in Reality.” Object Magazine (July
     International Conference in Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland,
     2000:78-87.                                                                      [16] Díaz-Herrera, H. Chen and R. Alam.“An Isomorphic Mapping for SpecC in UML.”
                                                                                      Lecture Notes in Informatics German Society of Informatics. 2002.
     [10] SEI Report on Undergraduate Software Engineering Education                  [17] Paulk, M. C., Curtis, B., Chrisis, M. B., and C. V. Weber. “Capability Maturity
     (CMU/SEI-90-TR-003)                                                              Model, Version 1.1,” IEEE Software, Vol. 10, No 4, July 1993:18-27.
     [11] McIlroy, D. “Mass produced software components.” NATO Conf.                 [18] Humphrey, W. S. A discipline for Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley, MA: 1995
     On Software Engineering. (1968):138-155.                                         [19] Humphrey, W. S. Introduction to the Team Software Process. Addison-Wesley,
                                                                                      MA: 2000.
     [12] Weiss, D. M. & C. T. R. Lai. Software Product-Line Engineering.
                                                                                      [20] (Accessed
     (Addison-Wesley, MA. 1999)                                                       4/1/2006)
     [13] Cohen, S., et al. Product Line Identification for ESC-Hanscom.               [21] Brown, A. W. and K. C. Wallnau. The Current State of CBSE. IEEE Software (1998).
     (CMU/SEI-95-SR-024, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering Institute,             [22] van Solingen, Rini. Measuring the ROI of Software Process Improvement. IEEE
     Carnegie Mellon University. 1995)                                                Software, May/June 2004: 32-38.
     [14] Withey, J. Investment Analysis of Software Assets for Product               [23] G. Böckle, et al. Calculating ROI for Software Product Lines. IEEE Software, May/
     Lines. (CMU/SEI-96-TR-010. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering                 June 2004: 23-31.
     Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. 1996)
©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                    49   ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera                                                                      50

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  • 1. The Distinguished Visitors Program The Future of Software The Distinguished Visitors Program Engineering Education The Future of Software ➡ Introduction Software is critical to The Challenges Engineering Education strategic advances Future Trends Yet software success rates Dr. Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera Conclusions are disproportionally low! professor and president Keuka College, New York, USA founded in 1890 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 2 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program Software is critical to Yet software success rates strategic advances are disproportionally low! Software has become the bottom line Horror stories of colossal Sw project for many organizations, even those failures abound who never envisioned themselves to US$150B/year from project failures in US, be in the software business with a further US$140 billion in EU Deploy new products and services How did we get here? Accommodate growing demand for new features Unprecedented demand Connect products in unexpected ways Exploit rapidly changing technology Unforeseen problems Gain a competitive edge Unqualified professionals ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 3 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 4
  • 2. The Distinguished Visitors Program Unforeseen The Distinguished Visitors Program No Physical Problems Limitations Inherent Difficulties Software is governed by real software turned out surprisingly constraints, but these tend to be complex and very easy to change multidimensional and abstract Unrealistic expectations: If I tell you that I’m going to build a 1000 meter Accidental Difficulties long concrete beam suspended at one end only, will Software development methods and you believe me? tools have become major traps! Of course no, you know it can’t be physically done! But, anything and everything is * Fred Brooks, No Silver Bu!et, C.ACM 1987 possible is software! ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 5 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 6 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program Unforeseen Changeability Problems “People believe software to be Customer needs Designers unable to flexible, and therefore they flex it. understand requirements Developers unable to They flex it beyond reasonable Requirements Design implement design boundaries" (J. Millar) get lost Developers unable to Development manage the “pieces” Inability to visualize its boundaries encourages Design corrupted as problems fixed people to change their mind more frequently Testing Developers unable to fix found problems Excessive requests for new features or alteration Patches slipped in when no one looking of functions introduce unnecessary and Deployment People can’t use system undesirable complexity Buggy software passed on Wrong solution delivered ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 7 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 8
  • 3. The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program Unqualified Cobb’s Paradox Professionals "We know why projects fail, Professionalism is absent we know how to prevent their failure Education for practitioners is lacking –so why do they still fail?" Project management importance is not M. Cobb, Canada Treasury well understood and underrated Risk management is not applied effectively Research is not reaching the practitioner ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 9 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 10 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Future of Software The Distinguished Visitors Program Improving SwE Engineering Education Practice √ Introduction We argue that the software engineering community could have a ➡The Challenges significant impact on the future of the Future Trends discipline by focusing its efforts on improving the education of software Conclusions engineers. There are some bright spots There remain several key challenges ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 11 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 12
  • 4. The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program SwE Challenge The Challenges Put a process in place supported by 1) make programs attractive to students methods, techniques, & tools to 2) focus education appropriately facilitate creation & continued dev. of 3) communicate industrial reality effectively software ... A difficult task Technical problems (Complicated artifacts) 4) define curricula that are forward-looking Human factors (communication problems) 5) provide education for existing practitioners Economics aspects (Labor-intensiveness) 6) make education more evidence-based Uncertain information (Incomplete theory) Unstable and unpredictable quality 7) ensure educators have essential knowledge Conflicting project goals 8) raise prestige and quality of SwE research ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 13 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 14 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program (1) Programs’ appeal Professional Entry Educational Background of Professional-level IT Workers Making programs attractive to appeal In ALL engineering disciplines a 100% Other to good students and meet societal corresponding BS degree is required. 90% Business demand Social Sciences 80% Of professional 70% Mathematics level IT workers Negative stereotypes tend to focus particularly 60% Natural Sciences who hold bachelor's or hard on SwE 50% Engineering higher level degrees, other than 87.5% Many bright mathematical minds interested in 40% Computer and Systems Engineering hold degrees in science, math computing tend to be attracted to CS not SwE 30% IT Degrees, including: Computer & information sciences, general or engineering The somewhat-true perception that SwE is much 20% Computer science Computer systems analysis about process and not technical enough Information services and systems 10% Other computer and information sciences Computer and systems engineering software quality is very bad ... 0% Professional Level IT Computer programming Workers ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 15 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 16
  • 5. The Distinguished Visitors Program 100% 90% Educational Background of Professional-level IT Workers Other Business Social Sciences 2) Focus Education The Distinguished Visitors Program Knowledge 80% Appropriately Spectrum Of professional 70% Mathematics level IT workers who hold 60% Natural Sciences bachelor's or higher level 50% Engineering degrees, other than 87.5% Computer and Systems Engineering hold degrees 40% in science, math IT Degrees, including: or engineering 30% Computer & information sciences, general Computer science 20% Computer systems analysis Information services and systems 10% Other computer and information sciences Computer and systems engineering Computer programming 0% Professional Level IT Workers Social and economic issues Understanding SwE dimensions so we can focus education appropriately Politics & Law Psychology, sociology What are the different educational Economics needs of practice theory Engineering Engineering Engineering Production computer scientists, computer engineers, Science Science Design Technology Installation networking engineers, software engineers, information systems, Industrial design and web site developers, games developers, real- Architecture time systems developers, etc? Art Human factors ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 17 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 18 The Distinguished Visitors Program Technical The Distinguished Visitors Program Computing Professions Knowledge Social and economic issues Social and economic issues Provides end-user • Symbols & abstractions Politics & Law Politics & Law solutions • Computability Theory Psychology, • Development environments • Switching Theory Psychology, sociology • Implementation standards • Information Theory sociology Discovers, creates new • V&V; Syst. Prototypes • Algorithms and complexity theories and principles Economics Technologist theory Economics Scientist Engineer practice practice theory theory Engineering Engineering Engineering Production Engineering Engineering Engineering Production Science Science Science Design Technology Installation Science Design Technology Installation Industrial Industrial • Syst. Admin. Designs new artifacts applying • System Software design design • Design Process • Strategic planning engineering principles • Information Storage • Analysis & • End-user support and science Architecture • Computer Architecture Architecture Design Methods • Computer and • Measurements Art Communications Art Systems Human factors Human factors ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 19 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 20
  • 6. report on degree programs in information technology is under development. We anticipate that it will be published in 2006 and thus refer to it as IT2006. The diagram in Figure 1.1 represents the scope of what has become the Computing Curricula Series, a continuing effort to provide guidelines and standards for computing curricula. The top-level Overview block, CC2005, represents this report. Each of the first five sub-blocks represents a curriculum report for one of the Visitors Program Computing Curricula The Distinguishedexisting computing disciplines. The sixth sub-block is a placeholder for future reports on additional computing disciplines as necessitated by the emergence of new computing disciplines. Online The Distinguished Visitors Program A Computing copies of the computing curricula volumes can be found at Project (ACM/IEEE) and Spectrum CC2005 The Overview Volume on Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computing Software Engineering Currently CC2001 IS 2002 SE 2004 CE 2004 IT2006 Other (CS2001) curriculum Computer Science Information Systems under Software Engineering Computer Engineering Information Technology volumes as needed for Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum emerging Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume disciplines revision Figure 1.1. Structure of the Computing Curricula Series ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 21 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 22 1.4. Guiding Principles Five principles guided the development of this report. The Distinguished Visitors Program 1. The dramatic growth in the number of computing disciplines and their collective impact on society The Distinguished Visitors Program Computer Computer Science requires that the computing disciplines articulate a shared identity. Given the importance of computing to society, we in computing have a responsibility to help society understand what we do. The fact that computing offers several kinds of academic programs is a major strength and an opportunity but requires that we offer society a practical vision of our shared field, of the various Engineering disciplines within it, and of the meaningful choices that face students, educators, and their communities. The goal of this report is to articulate the shared identity, the separate identities of each computing discipline, and the choices available to students, educators, and communities. Page 7 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 23 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 24
  • 7. The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program Information Information Systems Technology ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 25 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 26 The Distinguished Visitors Program 3) Communicate The Distinguished Visitors Program 4) Define Forward- Industrial Reality looking Curricula How to improve the synergy and Defining curriculum standards that communication between industry and are forward-looking academia? How can we achieve the level of understanding of What industrial practices are currently not being industry practice necessary to create forward- taught? looking curricula, taking into account academic constraints? How effective are these practices? What curriculum innovations should be Which should be taught to undergraduates? considered? Industrial Advisory Boards School and program levels ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 27 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 28
  • 8. The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program Currently November/December 2006 IEEE SOFTWARE 19 under revision ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 29 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 30 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program 5) Educating SwE 2004 structure Practitioners Software Engineering Education Knowledge (SEEK) Provide education for existing practitioners Guiding principles (11) “education, rather than technology, holds the key to improvements in software project success rates,” Student educational outcomes (7) “Education is required at all levels, from senior directors to end users.” A set of general guidelines (19) to help curriculum “The levels of professionalism observed in software designers and educators engineering are generally lower than those in other Model curricula (suggestions for how courses can branches of engineering,” be grouped) The Challenges of Complex IT Projects Sample course descriptions (to which suggested A report by members of the Royal Academy of SEEK coverage is described) Engineering and the British Computer Society ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 31 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 32
  • 9. The Distinguished Visitors Program Certification and The Distinguished Visitors Program Certified Software Licensing Development Professional Vary from country to country International, IEEE-CS established Alignment to SWEBOK Obtaining an engineering license now Exam based on SE2004 guidelines available to software engineers in some Test sites on all continents US states, and all Canadian Provinces in the UK the British Computer Society and The Institution of Engineering and Technology offer Chartered status to suitably qualified and experienced members ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 33 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 34 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program Preparation Other Challenges CSDP Online Course 6) make education more evidence- CSDP Workbook: A Self-Study Guide for Today's Software Professional - new publication        based CSDP Resource Guide -3rd edition now available     7) ensure educators have essential Instructor Led Courses knowledge CSDP Registered Education Providers CSDP Registered Preparation Materials 8) raise prestige and quality of SwE Sample Test Questions research Compilation of Software Engineering Terms Recommended References CSDP Study Group Forum (yahoo: ieee-csdp) ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 35 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 36
  • 10. The Distinguished Visitors Program The Future of Software The Distinguished Visitors Program SwE Education Engineering Education √ Introduction Initially as a sub-discipline of CS √ The Challenges 1970s: Masters programs appeared ➡ Future Trends 1990’s: Explosion of progress BS degrees in US, Canada, UK, Australia, etc. Conclusions Ph.D. programs separate from CS (e.g., CMU Research Disseminate Practice Ph.D. programs MS programs BS programs ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 37 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 38 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program SwE Coming of Age What Works Cooperation ACM, IEEE, BSC, JIS, IFIP, ... Industrial strength engineering: Code of Ethics Cataloguing known solutions & systematic, strategic reuse via product lines Body of Knowledge (SwEBoK) Project Management: Educational Accreditation Criteria Adherence to basic, well-established engineering Separate curriculum vol. (SE2004) management principles BS, MS and Ph.D. programs Security Engineering: Licensing & Registration Legislation A rigorous engineering practice where security concerns are dealt with at each stage of the Professional Examination (IEEE CSDP) process ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 39 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 40
  • 11. The Distinguished Visitors Program Industrial Strength The Distinguished Visitors Program Project Management: Engineering The Role of Process Even the finest people can’t perform at their best when the process is not understood or not operating at its best. The Role of Process Everyone realizes the importance of having a motivated, PEOPLE quality work force and the latest technology, but even the finest people can’t perform at their best when TECHNOLOGY the process is not Systematic, Strategic Reuse PROCESS understood or operating at its best. ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 41 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 42 © 2005 by Carnegie Mellon University CMMI Overview Page 9 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program The Future of Software Security Engineering Engineering Education Based at individual engieer/team √ Introduction PSP/TSP: Framework for disciplined √ The Challenges production of quality software Produce one or two orders of magnitude fewer √ Future Trends defects than current practice. 0.02 defects/KSLOC vs. 2 defects/KSLOC ➡ Conclusions If 5% of the defects are potential security holes, with TSP there would be 1 vulnerability per MSLOC. ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 43 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 44
  • 12. The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program Conclusions Conclusions Software Quality issues with have Computing is its own discipline their root cause in human error. separate from math, science, & engineering These in turn arise from inadequate education Computing is its own Faculty SwE Is NOT “Engineering” the Computing School with its own dean & Software Engineering is a different kind of academic standards engineering, one that has to do with socio- technical systems Similarly, Computer Science is NOT Science Computing THE Discipline of the 21st Century ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 45 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 46 The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program Discussion & Q/A References [1] P. Naur & B. Randell (Eds) Software Engineering: Report on a Conference Sponsored by the NATO Science Committee (7 – 11 October 1968). 1969. [2] Model Law (1986) prepared by the USA National Council of Engineering Examiners. [3] IEEE Standards Collection: Software Engineering, IEEE Standard 610.12-1990, IEEE, 1993. [4] Speed, J., Software Engineering, Licensure Exchange, Texas Board of Professional Engineers, 2 (3), June, 1998:1-16. [5]Parnas, D. L. & M. Soltys “Basic Science for Software Developers.” Department of Computing and Software, McMaster University. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. [6] Accreditation policy and procedure manual. Baltimore, MD: ABET, Inc., November 2000. ( ) [7] MIT Design Laboratory. (Accessed July 10, 2006) [8] Moore, J. Software Engineering Standards. IEEE-CS Press, 1998. Gracias!! ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 47 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 48
  • 13. The Distinguished Visitors Program The Distinguished Visitors Program References –2 References –3 [9] Bryant, A. “It’s Engineering Jim … but not as we know it.” [15] Jacobson, I. “Succeeding with Objects: Reuse in Reality.” Object Magazine (July 1996):94-96. International Conference in Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland, 2000:78-87. [16] Díaz-Herrera, H. Chen and R. Alam.“An Isomorphic Mapping for SpecC in UML.” Lecture Notes in Informatics German Society of Informatics. 2002. [10] SEI Report on Undergraduate Software Engineering Education [17] Paulk, M. C., Curtis, B., Chrisis, M. B., and C. V. Weber. “Capability Maturity (CMU/SEI-90-TR-003) Model, Version 1.1,” IEEE Software, Vol. 10, No 4, July 1993:18-27. [11] McIlroy, D. “Mass produced software components.” NATO Conf. [18] Humphrey, W. S. A discipline for Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley, MA: 1995 On Software Engineering. (1968):138-155. [19] Humphrey, W. S. Introduction to the Team Software Process. Addison-Wesley, MA: 2000. [12] Weiss, D. M. & C. T. R. Lai. Software Product-Line Engineering. [20] (Accessed (Addison-Wesley, MA. 1999) 4/1/2006) [13] Cohen, S., et al. Product Line Identification for ESC-Hanscom. [21] Brown, A. W. and K. C. Wallnau. The Current State of CBSE. IEEE Software (1998). (CMU/SEI-95-SR-024, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering Institute, [22] van Solingen, Rini. Measuring the ROI of Software Process Improvement. IEEE Carnegie Mellon University. 1995) Software, May/June 2004: 32-38. [14] Withey, J. Investment Analysis of Software Assets for Product [23] G. Böckle, et al. Calculating ROI for Software Product Lines. IEEE Software, May/ Lines. (CMU/SEI-96-TR-010. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering June 2004: 23-31. Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. 1996) ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 49 ©2013 J. L. Díaz-Herrera 50