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Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #1 
Ephesians: A manual for the Body of Christ 
The Church in Ephesus 
To whom is Paul writing? 
Theme of Ephesians
What is Paul saying? 
The ____________________ of creation resulting in __________________in Christ. 
Three sub-themes arise from the text: 
1. _________________________: Christ is portrayed as superior to all things in His 
resurrection, exaltation, and lordship are emphasized. 
2. _________________________: past, present and future. 
3. _________________________: the manifestation of the Body of Christ. 
Outline of Ephesians 
How does Paul say it? 
 - The wealth of blessings granted to us by the gospel. (1:1-14) 
 - The resurrecting work of the gospel. (1:15-2:10) 
 - The unifying work of the gospel. (2:11-22) 
 - The mystery of the gospel. (3:1-21) 
 - The results of the unifying work of the gospel. (4:1-16) 
 -The results of the resurrecting work of the gospel. (4:17-32) 
 - The manifestation of the gospel. (5:1- 6:9) 
 - The equipment to the advancement of the gospel. (6:10-20) 
 Live in submission to Christ. 
 Live in line with your salvation. 
 Live in unity with other believers. 
Taking It Deeper 
 Read through the book of Ephesians. What questions does Paul address? 
 What questions does Paul leave unanswered? 
 What beliefs would be challenged if Paul had not written this book?
Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #2 
Who saved us? 
The Work of The Father 1:3-6 
What does it mean to be predestined? Adopted? (1:5) 
To what were we predestined? Adopted? (1:4) 
The Work of The Son 1:7-12 
Since God smothered us with grace, do we ever have to pursue it? (1:8) 
What does all things being united in Christ mean? Is this universalism? (1:10) 
The Work of The Spirit 1:12-14
What does it mean to be “sealed”? (1:13) 
How is the Holy Spirit the guarantee? (1:13-14) 
 Rejoice in God’s love. 
 See yourself as God does. 
 Enjoy the fact that you are adopted by God. 
 Thank God for His forgiveness. 
 Thank God that he took the initiative in your relationship with him. 
 Rest in the security of the Holy Spirit. 
Taking It Deeper 
 Are there parts of your former identity, from before salvation, that you have tried 
to keep from God’s adoption? What can you do this week to give those to Him? 
 What would your prayers be like if you were praying to God face-to-face? What if 
you prayed to Him as you would a perfect dad? 
 Ask yourself candidly why it is that you believe yet somebody else does not. Do 
you have the impression that the reason why you received Christ while someone 
else rejected him is because you were somehow more righteously inclined towards 
obeying the summons of the gospel than your neighbor? 
 Have you been praying for the spiritual blessings that God has already given you?
Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #3 
Who saved us? 
The Work of The Father 1:3-6 
What does it mean to be predestined? Adopted? (1:5) 
To what were we predestined? Adopted? (1:4) 
The Work of The Son 1:7-12 
Since God smothered us with grace, do we ever have to pursue it? (1:8) 
What does all things being united in Christ mean? Is this universalism? (1:10) 
The Work of The Spirit 1:12-14
What does it mean to be “sealed”? (1:13) 
How is the Holy Spirit the guarantee? (1:13-14) 
 Rejoice in God’s love. 
 See yourself as God does. 
 Enjoy the fact that you are adopted by God. 
 Thank God for His forgiveness. 
 Thank God that he took the initiative in your relationship with him. 
 Rest in the security of the Holy Spirit. 
Taking It Deeper 
 Are there parts of your former identity, from before salvation, that you have tried 
to keep from God’s adoption? What can you do this week to give those to Him? 
 What would your prayers be like if you were praying to God face-to-face? What if 
you prayed to Him as you would a perfect dad? 
 Ask yourself candidly why it is that you believe yet somebody else does not. Do 
you have the impression that the reason why you received Christ while someone 
else rejected him is because you were somehow more righteously inclined towards 
obeying the summons of the gospel than your neighbor? 
 Have you been praying for the spiritual blessings that God has already given you?
Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #4 
“Who do you play for?” 
Reunion to Each Other 2:11-18 
There are willful atheists who argue against God’s existence and passive atheists that live 
as though God does not exist. Can people tell you do not fall into either group? How? 
Do you feel near to the Savior? What does 2:13 have to say about this? Who moves? 
How is the Law abolished? Does this mean that we are morally “free-agents” (i.e., 
antinomianism)? (2:15) 
How do ethnically-based churches connect with this “one body”? (e.g., Korean Baptist 
Church, Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, etc.)? (2:16) 
What effect does the cross have upon believing Jews and Gentiles (in fact, all Believers)? 
Reunion to God 2 2:19-22 
Why might Paul have used the building motif in writing to the Ephesian saints? (2:19-22)
What does it mean that this house is built on the foundation (NOTE: this is a single 
foundation!) of the prophets and the apostles? That Christ is the cornerstone? What are 
the implications for those systems built upon another foundation? (2:20) 
What does God plan to do with this structure being built? (Paul will further address this 
in chapters 3–4, but what purposes for the church do you find in this passage?) 
 Live in unity with others. 
 Live in unity with God. 
 Celebrate these reunions. 
Taking It Deeper 
 Is there a relationship in your life that needs to be repaired, or reconciled? If God 
could reconcile two such divergent people groups AND reconcile Believers to 
Himself, what is standing in the way of this reconciliation happening? 
 Is there any group of ethnic people against whom you are racist or hostile in your 
thoughts, words, attitudes, or actions? Can you see from this passage that Jesus 
Christ shed His blood for this group of people to be near to Himself for 
all eternity? 
 Check out Dr. Ken Ham’s ministry, Dr. Ham and the 
Answers in Genesis staff have written many helpful articles on “One Race” that 
demonstrate the existence of only one race. Consider how race connects with the 
ultimate goal of all things being to the praise God’s glory and grace. “After this I 
looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every 
nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and 
before the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9). 
 Look up a floor plan for Herod’s Temple, which was still standing during the time 
Paul wrote to the Ephesians. There may be some connections between the 
structure of the temple (primarily the veil that was torn at Christ’s crucifixion and 
the courtyard of the Gentiles) and the two reconciliations that Paul mentions here.
Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #5 
What are some good, fun, or happy secrets that you have experienced? 
God’s Great Secret 3:1-13 
What responsibilities do you think you might have to further the welfare of God’s great 
mystery, the church? (3:2-3, 7) 
What is the point of investigating a mystery? (3:4-5) 
What are some ways we can demonstrate boldness and confidence in Christ? (3:12) 
What are some things that might cause us to be disheartened? How does the gospel 
change that? (3:13) 
God’s Glorious Sovereignty 3:14-21 
How do we connect our knowledge and being rooted in love?(3:17, 19) 
How would you put “…that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” in your own 
words? (3:19) 
Paul prays that we be strengthened with power. What is the power? How do we know if 
we have it? This is easy to answer when the Lord does the extraordinary, but what about 
when he does not? (3:20) 
What are some examples of God’s power in your life? (3:20) 
 Pray continuously that the Lord would give you strength with power through his 
Spirit, that Christ would dwell in your heart through faith, that you would grasp 
the love of Christ, and be filled to the fullness of God. 
 Serve in the Body. 
 Approach God freely and confidently. 
 Build your life on God’s love. 
 Give God glory in all you do. 
Taking It Deeper 
 Paul has much to say about mystery in this passage, but it’s not the first time he 
discusses God’s magnificent plan. What can you recall (feel free to look back) from 
previous passages about this mystery? 
 Take some time to fill out a spiritual gifts analysis and see how they match up 
with your answer to the first question above. Some tests might include: 
 In verse 1, Paul is about to launch into a powerful prayer of intercession that 
parallels 1:15–23. However, from verse 2 to 13 he follows a digression that is far 
from pointless. Paul is encouraging his readers to view his seeming defeat by 
imprisonment through the lens of God’s cosmic purpose. What evidence can you 
find that instead of being discouraged by his apparently dismal circumstances, 
Paul sees them as evidence that God is at work? 
 For Paul’s readers, the unity of Jew and Gentile was a shocking statement. What 
surprising unities do you see evidenced in our church? What unities would you 
like to see?
Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #6 
What is your most prized gift? 
Building Maintenance 4:1-6 
How can we display humility, gentleness, and patience in our efforts to maintain unity in 
the one Body of Christ? (4:2-3) 
What “guards” can you put up to maintain unity? (4:3) 
What is the basis for the Church’s unity? (4:4-6) 
Body Building 4:7-16 
What is the role of spiritual leaders? What implication does that have for those under 
their care? (4:11-12) 
In light of our identity “in Christ” we are exhorted in these verses to live appropriately in 
relationship with God, with others, and with ourselves. What has particularly changed in 
your behavior or actions as you have grown in your Christian life? What about your 
identity “in Christ” has most motivated you or encouraged a specific behavior or change 
in attitude? (4:13) 
What would the Church be without Christ? (4:15)
Is this spiritual reality of being connected to each other “in Christ” more encouraging, 
challenging, or intimidating for you? Why?(4:15-16) 
How has God used you to fill a need by “being the Body” here at Northfield? (4:12,15) 
 Live like the person you have been called to be. 
 Share life with other Christians. 
 Develop a love and respect for others. 
 Make unity your priority. 
Taking It Deeper 
 In the body of Christ, where do you fit and work? In what ways are you being 
equipped so that you may “work properly” to help the body “build itself up in 
love”? In what ways are you equipping others? 
 How well is Northfield Baptist Church doing in the area of unity? What exactly 
can be done to be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”? 
What needs to change, if anything, within the Northfield community or the wider 
church in Northfield to live out this reality? What can you do to help bring about 
this change? What’s stopping you? 
 Make a list of the five attributes which are described here as “worthy” ways in 
which to walk. Why do you think these words or phrases particularly are used? 
What would be the opposites of these attributes, and how might they be 
disruptive and even destructive to the church community?
Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #7 
What “junk” do you hold on to? 
Taking Off 4:17-24 
Where is the difference to be apparent first in Christians? (4:17-19) 
How are you to live and minister among a people so described as the Gentiles are here? 
How would your prayer life change if you were reminded of the situations non-Christians 
are in everyday? (4:18-19) 
What does it look like to have a hard heart or calloused? When have you seen this in 
yourself? (4:18-19) 
What are the “old man” (the nature we inherited from Adam) and the “new man” (the 
nature we receive from Christ)? (4:22-24) 
Putting On 4:25-32 
What is the common factor of the changes Paul lists, and how does that differ from the 
“old man”? (4:25-32)
We can never lose the Holy Spirit, so what does it mean for us to grieve Him? (4:30) 
Why should we forgive? Why is that important? (4:32) 
 Watch out for the illusion of wisdom. 
 Be sensitive to sin. 
 Prioritize the benefit of others. 
Taking It Deeper 
 Some of the Gentile Christians were possibly nodding their head in agreement as 
Paul essentially and accurately described their “old self” before they were made 
alive in Christ. Others may have taken offense to his description. What does this 
passage say about life in their “new self”? Make a list of the things found here that 
describe and identify this “new self.” 
 Who comes to mind when you hear v. 32, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, 
forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”? How can you be kind? 
What would it take to forgive them? What is stopping you? 
 In v. 20, Paul uses the unusual phrase of “learned Christ” to describe the teaching 
and truth in Jesus. Learning Christ means welcoming him as a living person and 
being shaped by his teaching. How have you learned Christ in your life? Who have 
been some of the most influential people that taught you Jesus truth? Parents? 
Friends? Pastors? Kids? 
 Some of the “old self” dies hard. What from the list of “old self” ways in vv. 25–31 
do you still struggle with the most? What needs to die in you? (4:25-31)
Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #8 
In what ways did/do you imitate your parents? 
The New Pattern 5:1-21 
Paul uses the word “love” three times in the first two verses, with God and Christ as the 
standard. How does Paul’s contrast of this love with the activities in the following verses 
square with the popular view of love? (5:1-2) 
Do these sins disqualify us from the kingdom, or do we sin in these ways because we are 
already disqualified? (5:5) 
What concrete practices can you continue (or begin) in order to ensure that 
thankfulness, “light-talking” and making the best use of the time is replacing any coarse 
or cruel “darkness-talking” and time wasting? 
The New Practices 5:22-6:9 
What is your response this statement: 
“No Christian woman would object for a single moment to be in submission to 
her husband, if her husband were Jesus Christ.”? (5:22) 
What does it mean for you to give up yourself? (5:25) 
How do you think God sees our professional relationships? (6:8-9)
True submission must involve the heart as well as the lips. Outwardly acquiescing while 
rebelling inside is not what Paul is calling for here. What attitudes might be evidence of 
this sort of hypocritical submission? What attitudes accompany true submission? 
 Impersonate God. 
 Eradicate Sin. 
 Redeem time. 
 Exercise submission. 
Taking It Deeper 
 Take some time and research the Supremacist, Complementarian, and Egalitarian views 
of headship in marriage. (in particular, the writings of Linda Belleville or Wayne Grudem) 
Which view do you hold to? Why? 
 As a parent, how have you been doing with the command not to exasperate your 
children? Have over-protection, over-discipline, expecting too much or too little, 
misplaced priorities, abuse, legalism, or an imbalance between discipline and 
encouragement crept into your parenting? If you asked your children, what do you think 
they would say? If these have shown up, what can you do to correct these issues? 
 Husbands, rate yourself on a scale of one to ten on how well you are submissive to the 
needs of your wife. Make a list of things you ought to improve. Ask your wife to forgive 
you for your failure in that/those area(s) and commit to her and the Lord to do better. 
 Wives, rate yourself on a scale of one to ten on how well you are submissive to the 
authority of your husband. Make a list of things you ought to improve. Ask your husband 
to forgive you for your failure in that/those area(s) and commit to him and the Lord to 
do better. 
 If you are an employer, how well are you doing at being submissive to the needs of your 
employees? If you are an employee, how are you doing at being submissive to the 
authority of your employer?
Biblical Body Building 
A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #9 
What do you do to protect yourself (emotionally, financially, physically, etc.)? Why? 
What is your emotional response to v. 12? Fear? Excitement? Determination? Something 
Why do you think Paul makes the following associations? What does this say about each? 
belt  truth 
breastplate  righteousness 
shoes  readiness given by the gospel of peace 
shield  faith 
helmet  salvation 
sword  the Word of God 
Reflecting on your life and the “whole armor” of God (vv. 14–18), what strengths do you 
bring individually to this battle? What weaknesses? How can you as a group better 
encourage one another’s strengths and protect one another’s weaknesses?
When you think about v. 12, remember other times in the letter that Paul has referred to 
the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers. Why do you think he wants his readers to be 
aware that these are their most dangerous enemies, not other people? (6:12) 
How might you remind yourself and each other that you are engaged in a fierce spiritual 
battle every day? What can you do to be mindful that you are prepared and aware of 
wearing the armor of God? 
How do we share some of the same struggles as the Ephesians? (Rev. 2:1-7) 
 Be battle-ready. 
 Know the enemy’s strategies. 
 Be aware. 
 Avoid “friendly fire”. 
Taking It Deeper 
 In 6:18, Paul urges Christians to be “praying at all times in the Spirit.” Why does 
this fit well into this passage? How is this related to Paul’s later command to, 
“keep alert with all perseverance”? Check out the following verses to help shed 
some light on what Paul is saying by “praying in the Spirit”: John 4:24; Rom. 8:26; 
1 Cor. 12:3; 14:14–19; Jude 20–21. How would you describe what Paul has in mind 
when he says this? 
 Even as they describe spiritual warfare, verses 10–20 are an amazing reiteration of 
the entire letter. Take some time to study the following words and themes that are 
found in these verses, and look for places where they occur throughout the letter: 
power, put on, the devil’s schemes, authorities, cosmic powers, spiritual forces of 
evil, darkness, heavenly places, the evil day, truth, righteousness, the gospel, peace, 
faith, salvation, the Spirit, the word, love, prayer, boldness.
Anders, M. (1999). Galatians-Colossians . Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers. 
Barry, J. D., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Mangum, D., & Whitehead, M. M. (2012). Faithlife Study Bible. 
Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software. 
Bond, J. B. (2010). The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians. In R. N. Wilkin (Ed.), The Grace New 
Testament Commentary. Denton, TX: Grace Evangelical Society. 
Cabal, T., Brand, C. O., Clendenen, E. R., Copan, P., Moreland, J. P., & Powell, D. (2007). The Apologetics 
Study Bible: Real Questions, Straight Answers, Stronger Faith . Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers. 
Dockery, D. S., Butler, T. C., Church, C. L., Scott, L. L., Ellis Smith, M. A., White, J. E. (1992). Holman 
Bible Handbook. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers. 
Dockery, D. S. (1998). The Pauline Letters. In D. S. Dockery (Ed.), Holman Concise Bible Commentary. 
Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers. 
Elwell, W. A. (1995). Evangelical Commentary on the Bible . Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. 
Henry, M. (1994). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: complete and unabridged in one 
volume. Peabody: Hendrickson. 
Hoehner, H. W. (1985). Ephesians. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge 
Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. 
Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole 
Bible Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc. 
Johnson, E. E. (2012). Ephesians. In C. A. Newsom, J. E. Lapsley, & S. H. Ringe (Eds.), Women’s Bible 
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Knowles, A. (2001). The Bible guide (1st Augsburg books ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg. 
Lange, J. P., Schaff, P., Braune, K., & Riddle, M. B. (2008). A commentary on the Holy Scriptures . 
Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software. 
O’Brien, Peter T. (1999) The Letter to the Ephesians . Grand Rapids, MI. William B. Eerdmans Publishing 
Richards, L., & Richards, L. O. (1987). The teacher’s commentary. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. 
Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament . Nashville, TN: Broadman Press. 
Schulinger, Jeff & May, Chris (2013). Ephesians: Finding Ourselves in Christ. Boston, MA. Park Street 
Simeon, C. (1833). Horae Homileticae: Galatians-Ephesians . London: Holdsworth and Ball. 
Spence-Jones, H. D. M. (Ed.). (1909). Ephesians . London; New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company. 
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Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary . Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. 
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commentary on the captivity Epistles . Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 
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Full Handouts

  • 1. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #1 1 Ephesians: A manual for the Body of Christ The Church in Ephesus To whom is Paul writing? Theme of Ephesians
  • 2. What is Paul saying? The ____________________ of creation resulting in __________________in Christ. Three sub-themes arise from the text: 1. _________________________: Christ is portrayed as superior to all things in His resurrection, exaltation, and lordship are emphasized. 2. _________________________: past, present and future. 3. _________________________: the manifestation of the Body of Christ. 2 Outline of Ephesians How does Paul say it?  - The wealth of blessings granted to us by the gospel. (1:1-14)  - The resurrecting work of the gospel. (1:15-2:10)  - The unifying work of the gospel. (2:11-22)  - The mystery of the gospel. (3:1-21)  - The results of the unifying work of the gospel. (4:1-16)  -The results of the resurrecting work of the gospel. (4:17-32)  - The manifestation of the gospel. (5:1- 6:9)  - The equipment to the advancement of the gospel. (6:10-20) Application  Live in submission to Christ.  Live in line with your salvation.  Live in unity with other believers. Taking It Deeper  Read through the book of Ephesians. What questions does Paul address?  What questions does Paul leave unanswered?  What beliefs would be challenged if Paul had not written this book?
  • 3. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #2 3 Who saved us? The Work of The Father 1:3-6 What does it mean to be predestined? Adopted? (1:5) To what were we predestined? Adopted? (1:4) The Work of The Son 1:7-12 Since God smothered us with grace, do we ever have to pursue it? (1:8) What does all things being united in Christ mean? Is this universalism? (1:10) The Work of The Spirit 1:12-14
  • 4. 4 What does it mean to be “sealed”? (1:13) How is the Holy Spirit the guarantee? (1:13-14) Application  Rejoice in God’s love.  See yourself as God does.  Enjoy the fact that you are adopted by God.  Thank God for His forgiveness.  Thank God that he took the initiative in your relationship with him.  Rest in the security of the Holy Spirit. Taking It Deeper  Are there parts of your former identity, from before salvation, that you have tried to keep from God’s adoption? What can you do this week to give those to Him?  What would your prayers be like if you were praying to God face-to-face? What if you prayed to Him as you would a perfect dad?  Ask yourself candidly why it is that you believe yet somebody else does not. Do you have the impression that the reason why you received Christ while someone else rejected him is because you were somehow more righteously inclined towards obeying the summons of the gospel than your neighbor?  Have you been praying for the spiritual blessings that God has already given you?
  • 5. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #3 5 Who saved us? The Work of The Father 1:3-6 What does it mean to be predestined? Adopted? (1:5) To what were we predestined? Adopted? (1:4) The Work of The Son 1:7-12 Since God smothered us with grace, do we ever have to pursue it? (1:8) What does all things being united in Christ mean? Is this universalism? (1:10) The Work of The Spirit 1:12-14
  • 6. 6 What does it mean to be “sealed”? (1:13) How is the Holy Spirit the guarantee? (1:13-14) Application  Rejoice in God’s love.  See yourself as God does.  Enjoy the fact that you are adopted by God.  Thank God for His forgiveness.  Thank God that he took the initiative in your relationship with him.  Rest in the security of the Holy Spirit. Taking It Deeper  Are there parts of your former identity, from before salvation, that you have tried to keep from God’s adoption? What can you do this week to give those to Him?  What would your prayers be like if you were praying to God face-to-face? What if you prayed to Him as you would a perfect dad?  Ask yourself candidly why it is that you believe yet somebody else does not. Do you have the impression that the reason why you received Christ while someone else rejected him is because you were somehow more righteously inclined towards obeying the summons of the gospel than your neighbor?  Have you been praying for the spiritual blessings that God has already given you?
  • 7. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #4 7 “Who do you play for?” Reunion to Each Other 2:11-18 There are willful atheists who argue against God’s existence and passive atheists that live as though God does not exist. Can people tell you do not fall into either group? How? (2:12) Do you feel near to the Savior? What does 2:13 have to say about this? Who moves? (2:13) How is the Law abolished? Does this mean that we are morally “free-agents” (i.e., antinomianism)? (2:15) How do ethnically-based churches connect with this “one body”? (e.g., Korean Baptist Church, Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, etc.)? (2:16) What effect does the cross have upon believing Jews and Gentiles (in fact, all Believers)? (2:16) Reunion to God 2 2:19-22 Why might Paul have used the building motif in writing to the Ephesian saints? (2:19-22)
  • 8. What does it mean that this house is built on the foundation (NOTE: this is a single foundation!) of the prophets and the apostles? That Christ is the cornerstone? What are the implications for those systems built upon another foundation? (2:20) What does God plan to do with this structure being built? (Paul will further address this in chapters 3–4, but what purposes for the church do you find in this passage?) 8 Application  Live in unity with others.  Live in unity with God.  Celebrate these reunions. Taking It Deeper  Is there a relationship in your life that needs to be repaired, or reconciled? If God could reconcile two such divergent people groups AND reconcile Believers to Himself, what is standing in the way of this reconciliation happening?  Is there any group of ethnic people against whom you are racist or hostile in your thoughts, words, attitudes, or actions? Can you see from this passage that Jesus Christ shed His blood for this group of people to be near to Himself for all eternity?  Check out Dr. Ken Ham’s ministry, Dr. Ham and the Answers in Genesis staff have written many helpful articles on “One Race” that demonstrate the existence of only one race. Consider how race connects with the ultimate goal of all things being to the praise God’s glory and grace. “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9).  Look up a floor plan for Herod’s Temple, which was still standing during the time Paul wrote to the Ephesians. There may be some connections between the structure of the temple (primarily the veil that was torn at Christ’s crucifixion and the courtyard of the Gentiles) and the two reconciliations that Paul mentions here.
  • 9. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #5 What are some good, fun, or happy secrets that you have experienced? God’s Great Secret 3:1-13 What responsibilities do you think you might have to further the welfare of God’s great mystery, the church? (3:2-3, 7) What is the point of investigating a mystery? (3:4-5) What are some ways we can demonstrate boldness and confidence in Christ? (3:12) What are some things that might cause us to be disheartened? How does the gospel change that? (3:13) God’s Glorious Sovereignty 3:14-21 How do we connect our knowledge and being rooted in love?(3:17, 19) How would you put “…that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” in your own words? (3:19) 9
  • 10. Paul prays that we be strengthened with power. What is the power? How do we know if we have it? This is easy to answer when the Lord does the extraordinary, but what about when he does not? (3:20) What are some examples of God’s power in your life? (3:20) 10 Application  Pray continuously that the Lord would give you strength with power through his Spirit, that Christ would dwell in your heart through faith, that you would grasp the love of Christ, and be filled to the fullness of God.  Serve in the Body.  Approach God freely and confidently.  Build your life on God’s love.  Give God glory in all you do. Taking It Deeper  Paul has much to say about mystery in this passage, but it’s not the first time he discusses God’s magnificent plan. What can you recall (feel free to look back) from previous passages about this mystery?  Take some time to fill out a spiritual gifts analysis and see how they match up with your answer to the first question above. Some tests might include: o o o  In verse 1, Paul is about to launch into a powerful prayer of intercession that parallels 1:15–23. However, from verse 2 to 13 he follows a digression that is far from pointless. Paul is encouraging his readers to view his seeming defeat by imprisonment through the lens of God’s cosmic purpose. What evidence can you find that instead of being discouraged by his apparently dismal circumstances, Paul sees them as evidence that God is at work?  For Paul’s readers, the unity of Jew and Gentile was a shocking statement. What surprising unities do you see evidenced in our church? What unities would you like to see?
  • 11. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #6 11 What is your most prized gift? Building Maintenance 4:1-6 How can we display humility, gentleness, and patience in our efforts to maintain unity in the one Body of Christ? (4:2-3) What “guards” can you put up to maintain unity? (4:3) What is the basis for the Church’s unity? (4:4-6) Body Building 4:7-16 What is the role of spiritual leaders? What implication does that have for those under their care? (4:11-12) In light of our identity “in Christ” we are exhorted in these verses to live appropriately in relationship with God, with others, and with ourselves. What has particularly changed in your behavior or actions as you have grown in your Christian life? What about your identity “in Christ” has most motivated you or encouraged a specific behavior or change in attitude? (4:13) What would the Church be without Christ? (4:15)
  • 12. Is this spiritual reality of being connected to each other “in Christ” more encouraging, challenging, or intimidating for you? Why?(4:15-16) How has God used you to fill a need by “being the Body” here at Northfield? (4:12,15) 12 Application  Live like the person you have been called to be.  Share life with other Christians.  Develop a love and respect for others.  Make unity your priority. Taking It Deeper  In the body of Christ, where do you fit and work? In what ways are you being equipped so that you may “work properly” to help the body “build itself up in love”? In what ways are you equipping others?  How well is Northfield Baptist Church doing in the area of unity? What exactly can be done to be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”? What needs to change, if anything, within the Northfield community or the wider church in Northfield to live out this reality? What can you do to help bring about this change? What’s stopping you?  Make a list of the five attributes which are described here as “worthy” ways in which to walk. Why do you think these words or phrases particularly are used? What would be the opposites of these attributes, and how might they be disruptive and even destructive to the church community?
  • 13. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #7 13 What “junk” do you hold on to? Taking Off 4:17-24 Where is the difference to be apparent first in Christians? (4:17-19) How are you to live and minister among a people so described as the Gentiles are here? How would your prayer life change if you were reminded of the situations non-Christians are in everyday? (4:18-19) What does it look like to have a hard heart or calloused? When have you seen this in yourself? (4:18-19) What are the “old man” (the nature we inherited from Adam) and the “new man” (the nature we receive from Christ)? (4:22-24) Putting On 4:25-32 What is the common factor of the changes Paul lists, and how does that differ from the “old man”? (4:25-32)
  • 14. We can never lose the Holy Spirit, so what does it mean for us to grieve Him? (4:30) Why should we forgive? Why is that important? (4:32) 14 Application  Watch out for the illusion of wisdom.  Be sensitive to sin.  Prioritize the benefit of others. Taking It Deeper  Some of the Gentile Christians were possibly nodding their head in agreement as Paul essentially and accurately described their “old self” before they were made alive in Christ. Others may have taken offense to his description. What does this passage say about life in their “new self”? Make a list of the things found here that describe and identify this “new self.”  Who comes to mind when you hear v. 32, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”? How can you be kind? What would it take to forgive them? What is stopping you?  In v. 20, Paul uses the unusual phrase of “learned Christ” to describe the teaching and truth in Jesus. Learning Christ means welcoming him as a living person and being shaped by his teaching. How have you learned Christ in your life? Who have been some of the most influential people that taught you Jesus truth? Parents? Friends? Pastors? Kids?  Some of the “old self” dies hard. What from the list of “old self” ways in vv. 25–31 do you still struggle with the most? What needs to die in you? (4:25-31)
  • 15. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #8 In what ways did/do you imitate your parents? The New Pattern 5:1-21 Paul uses the word “love” three times in the first two verses, with God and Christ as the standard. How does Paul’s contrast of this love with the activities in the following verses square with the popular view of love? (5:1-2) Do these sins disqualify us from the kingdom, or do we sin in these ways because we are already disqualified? (5:5) What concrete practices can you continue (or begin) in order to ensure that thankfulness, “light-talking” and making the best use of the time is replacing any coarse or cruel “darkness-talking” and time wasting? 15 The New Practices 5:22-6:9 What is your response this statement: “No Christian woman would object for a single moment to be in submission to her husband, if her husband were Jesus Christ.”? (5:22) What does it mean for you to give up yourself? (5:25) How do you think God sees our professional relationships? (6:8-9)
  • 16. True submission must involve the heart as well as the lips. Outwardly acquiescing while rebelling inside is not what Paul is calling for here. What attitudes might be evidence of this sort of hypocritical submission? What attitudes accompany true submission? 16 Application  Impersonate God.  Eradicate Sin.  Redeem time.  Exercise submission. Taking It Deeper  Take some time and research the Supremacist, Complementarian, and Egalitarian views of headship in marriage. (in particular, the writings of Linda Belleville or Wayne Grudem) Which view do you hold to? Why?  As a parent, how have you been doing with the command not to exasperate your children? Have over-protection, over-discipline, expecting too much or too little, misplaced priorities, abuse, legalism, or an imbalance between discipline and encouragement crept into your parenting? If you asked your children, what do you think they would say? If these have shown up, what can you do to correct these issues?  Husbands, rate yourself on a scale of one to ten on how well you are submissive to the needs of your wife. Make a list of things you ought to improve. Ask your wife to forgive you for your failure in that/those area(s) and commit to her and the Lord to do better.  Wives, rate yourself on a scale of one to ten on how well you are submissive to the authority of your husband. Make a list of things you ought to improve. Ask your husband to forgive you for your failure in that/those area(s) and commit to him and the Lord to do better.  If you are an employer, how well are you doing at being submissive to the needs of your employees? If you are an employee, how are you doing at being submissive to the authority of your employer?
  • 17. Biblical Body Building A Study in the Book of Ephesians- Session #9 What do you do to protect yourself (emotionally, financially, physically, etc.)? Why? What is your emotional response to v. 12? Fear? Excitement? Determination? Something else? Why do you think Paul makes the following associations? What does this say about each? 17 belt  truth breastplate  righteousness shoes  readiness given by the gospel of peace shield  faith helmet  salvation sword  the Word of God Reflecting on your life and the “whole armor” of God (vv. 14–18), what strengths do you bring individually to this battle? What weaknesses? How can you as a group better encourage one another’s strengths and protect one another’s weaknesses?
  • 18. When you think about v. 12, remember other times in the letter that Paul has referred to the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers. Why do you think he wants his readers to be aware that these are their most dangerous enemies, not other people? (6:12) How might you remind yourself and each other that you are engaged in a fierce spiritual battle every day? What can you do to be mindful that you are prepared and aware of wearing the armor of God? How do we share some of the same struggles as the Ephesians? (Rev. 2:1-7) 18 Application  Be battle-ready.  Know the enemy’s strategies.  Be aware.  Avoid “friendly fire”. Taking It Deeper  In 6:18, Paul urges Christians to be “praying at all times in the Spirit.” Why does this fit well into this passage? How is this related to Paul’s later command to, “keep alert with all perseverance”? Check out the following verses to help shed some light on what Paul is saying by “praying in the Spirit”: John 4:24; Rom. 8:26; 1 Cor. 12:3; 14:14–19; Jude 20–21. How would you describe what Paul has in mind when he says this?  Even as they describe spiritual warfare, verses 10–20 are an amazing reiteration of the entire letter. Take some time to study the following words and themes that are found in these verses, and look for places where they occur throughout the letter: power, put on, the devil’s schemes, authorities, cosmic powers, spiritual forces of evil, darkness, heavenly places, the evil day, truth, righteousness, the gospel, peace, faith, salvation, the Spirit, the word, love, prayer, boldness.
  • 19. Bibliography Anders, M. (1999). Galatians-Colossians . Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers. Barry, J. D., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Mangum, D., & Whitehead, M. M. (2012). Faithlife Study Bible. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software. Bond, J. B. (2010). The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians. In R. N. Wilkin (Ed.), The Grace New Testament Commentary. Denton, TX: Grace Evangelical Society. Cabal, T., Brand, C. O., Clendenen, E. R., Copan, P., Moreland, J. P., & Powell, D. (2007). The Apologetics Study Bible: Real Questions, Straight Answers, Stronger Faith . Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers. Dockery, D. S., Butler, T. C., Church, C. L., Scott, L. L., Ellis Smith, M. A., White, J. E. (1992). Holman Bible Handbook. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers. Dockery, D. S. (1998). The Pauline Letters. In D. S. Dockery (Ed.), Holman Concise Bible Commentary. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers. Elwell, W. A. (1995). Evangelical Commentary on the Bible . Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. Henry, M. (1994). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: complete and unabridged in one volume. Peabody: Hendrickson. Hoehner, H. W. (1985). Ephesians. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc. Johnson, E. E. (2012). Ephesians. In C. A. Newsom, J. E. Lapsley, & S. H. Ringe (Eds.), Women’s Bible Commentary. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. Knowles, A. (2001). The Bible guide (1st Augsburg books ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg. Lange, J. P., Schaff, P., Braune, K., & Riddle, M. B. (2008). A commentary on the Holy Scriptures . Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software. O’Brien, Peter T. (1999) The Letter to the Ephesians . Grand Rapids, MI. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Richards, L., & Richards, L. O. (1987). The teacher’s commentary. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the New Testament . Nashville, TN: Broadman Press. Schulinger, Jeff & May, Chris (2013). Ephesians: Finding Ourselves in Christ. Boston, MA. Park Street Church. Simeon, C. (1833). Horae Homileticae: Galatians-Ephesians . London: Holdsworth and Ball. Spence-Jones, H. D. M. (Ed.). (1909). Ephesians . London; New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company. Sproul, R. C. (1994). The Purpose of God: Ephesians . Scotland: Christian Focus Publications. 19
  • 20. Thomas, R. L. (1998). New American Standard Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek dictionaries : updated edition. Anaheim: Foundation Publications, Inc. Vincent, M. R. (1887). Word studies in the New Testament . New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary . Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. Witherington, B., III. (2007). The letters to Philemon, the Colossians, and the Ephesians : a socio-rhetorical commentary on the captivity Epistles . Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Wood, C. R. (1994). Sermon Outlines on Great Doctrinal Themes . Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications. 20