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From “Buffalo” to “Flower of the Nation”:
Status of Thai women during Phibunsongkram’s rule

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1
WINDS OF CHANGE ............................................................................................................................ 2
    KING MONGKUT ..................................................................................................................................... 2
    KING CHULALONGKORN ......................................................................................................................... 2
    KING VAJIRAVUDH .................................................................................................................................. 4
    POST-REVOLUTION (1932 – 1937) .......................................................................................................... 5
PHIBUN AND LA-IAD – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE........................................................................... 6
CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING PHIBUN’S PREMIERSHIP ............................................... 7
PHIBUN’S POLICIES ON WOMEN ................................................................................................... 9
    WOMEN AS MOTHER OF THE NATION ...................................................................................................... 11
    WOMEN AS SYMBOL OF CIVILISATION ..................................................................................................... 12
    WOMEN AS WORKFORCE ....................................................................................................................... 16
    WOMEN’S ISSUES AS HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES ........................................................................................... 18
LA-IAD’S CONTRIBUTIONS ............................................................................................................ 19
LEGACY OF PHIBUN’S POLICIES ON WOMEN ......................................................................... 21
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................... 22
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 24


                                “Women are buffaloes;
                                  Men are humans”

   In the old days, women were considered property of men and it was legal for

fathers and husbands to sell them. The status of women started to improve only in the

time of King Mongkut who prohibited men from selling their wives. Fast forward to

the period when Plaak Pibulsongkram became premier in 1938. All of a sudden,

women were catapulted to an exalted status. They were told that they were men’s

equal and were needed in the development of the nation, and that they can do

whatever men can do. Yet at the same time, they were exhorted to be “flowers of the

nation” – beautiful and submissive.

   Government policies during Phibun’s leadership were focused on raising the

status of women. Husbands should honour their wives, women were told to dress in

prescribed styles, the economic sphere was opened up to women, they were allowed

to vote and there was compulsory education for all.

   This paper examines Phibun’s motivations behind his policies on women. Was he

genuinely interested in the emancipation of women? Or were they just another tool in

nation-building? This paper will also look at the role that Phibun’s wife, La-iad

Phibunsongkram, played in improving the status of women in Thailand. Dubbed a

“renowned feminist” by Time magazine, she was her husband’s loyal ally in the

women’s cause, founding women’s associations all over the country, writing

nationalistic songs about women and started the tradition of Mother’s Day.

   The paper will conclude by assessing the longevity and impacts of Phibun’s

policies on women.

Winds of change

King Mongkut

   The Three Seals Law in 1805 which stated that husbands and parents were

allowed to sell their daughters or wives like common property represented the height

in women’s subordination. When King Mongkut abolished this practice in 1867, it

was the first time women had a right over their body. Yet it was not known how

effective this prohibition was because common people were illiterate and did not learn

about laws. Education for women at this time was restricted to those in royal or noble

families and emphasised literature, cooking, sewing and arranging flowers. They were

not allowed to study much for fear that they would write love letters.

   It was also during this reign that the Westernisation of Thai society began.

Victorian cultural attitudes to women were presented to Thai society as a symbol of

Western civilisation (Suwadee 1993:2). Westerners held the opinion that Eastern

women were degraded and oppressed because of polygamy practices and the way in

which Thai women dressed. So the king encouraged the women to don the more

“appropriate” Western style of women’s dress instead of the traditional pha

chongaben and pha sabai. Furthermore, the Western community regarded their own

etiquette as evidence of the superiority of Western civilisation and as a symbol of the

“high” status that Western society accorded to women, so Victorian social etiquette,

such as public displays of honour towards women, was introduced to the Siamese elite.

King Chulalongkorn

   The Westernisation process that began with King Rama IV was accelerated in the

time of King Rama V. During King Chulalongkorn’s reign, education was opened up

to non-royal women in the upper and middle class, and to a limited extent, those in the

lower class. This was despite the king’s reluctance to give priority to women’s

education because of the limited budget. He purportedly once warned the Minister of

Education: “The government’s revenue had better be used for boys’ education. Do not

promote girls’ education too much.” (Suwadee 1991:14) But Queen Saowapha, King

Chulalongkorn’s wife, stepped in and provided the funds for various schools –

including some for girls from the lower strata of society – of which the most famous

was Rachinee School, opened in 1904.

   The objective of the girls’ schools was not to educate women to compete with

men in professional careers but to produce efficient housewives. Hence, the

curriculum for boys and girls was different. Girls were taught domestic hygiene,

needle skills, childcare, cooking and social etiquette and they had less lesson hours for

academic subjects such as arithmetic, science and languages than the boys. On the

other hand, education for boys provided them with occupational skills because they

had two years of training in some craft or trade that the girls did not have.

   Continuing from King Rama IV, upper and middle class women were encouraged

to wear the Western-style blouse together with the traditional pha chongaben, as well

as white silk stockings and shoes (Suwadee 1993:5). Such a Thai-Western mixed

costume came to be regarded as the symbol of the modernised society which however

still valued some of its precious traditions. King Chulalongkorn was very particular

about how the women’s dressing represented the image of the country. He apparently

complained to the Minister of Local Administration, whose main duty was to look

after various affairs in Bangkok, that whenever he hosted foreign royal guests, he was

very ashamed by the sight of working class women walking around the city with their

exposed breasts. Later, the ministry decreed that everyone should cover their body

appropriately when appearing in public areas (Suwadee 1993:8).

King Vajiravudh

   Having spent 10 years overseas, King Rama VI felt that Thai women fell short of

the benchmark set by Western women. With the Western image of Thailand being his

main concern, he strongly believed that to publicly reveal the pleasant personalities of

women was to indicate a society’s civilisation (King Vajiravudh 1918:518). Looking

at Thai women through Western eyes, the king thought that their appearance with

short hair, black teeth and trouser-like pha chongaben was unsightly. So he convinced

them to wear a skirt-like phasin, have long hair and polish their teeth white instead of

chewing betel nuts to blacken them. On social matters, he encouraged women to

attend Western-styled parties with their spouses and associate more often with men by

playing sports and dancing in public. Such conduct was a cultural revolution at a time

when “good ladies” or kulasatri were to be untouched by men.

   With nationalism a new policy in King Vajiravudh’s reign, he spelt out how the

women, with their role as citizen and wife, could play a part. In a 1914 speech, he said,

“The principal way in which women could exhibit their nationalism… was by doing a

good job at their main work in the home. They should provide their husbands with

happy and comfortable surroundings so that the men could at work apply themselves

to their fullest capacities.” (Vella 1978:152)

   Education for women was given a boost when in 1921, the Compulsory Primary

Education Act was proclaimed with penalty for non-compliance (Onozawa 1999:16).

Primary schools were built in every district. In Bangkok, secondary schools and

occupational schools were also established. A number of private schools for women,

nursing schools and schools for women’s teachers were founded during this period.

King Rama VI had wished to see Thai women more literate, educated and up-to-date.

Post-revolution (1932 – 1937)

   After Thailand’s absolute monarchy was replaced by a constitutional one, Thai

men and women were given equal legal rights which allowed them to vote or to stand

for election when the first election bill was passed in 1933. This was an advanced

measure then because women in many other countries had yet to enjoy such a

privilege (Prathoomporn 1976:23). The legal status of women was further improved

when the Laws on Family and Succession in the Civil and Commerce Code outlawed

the long-standing polygamy practices in 1935. Under the new marriage registration

law, a man can have only one lawful wife. The community property must be shared

equally between the husband and wife upon the termination of their marriage (Unesco


   The government also implemented compulsory primary education throughout the

country in 1935. Both boys and girls had to have four years of compulsory education

and used the same curriculum, unlike in the days of the absolute monarchy. In this

way, Thai men and women began to receive modern education at about the same time,

and the men could not monopolise the jobs among themselves like men in Europe.

European men started their higher education long before women and tried to keep

women out of their professions. That is why European women had to fight harder

against discrimination before they could enjoy equal status and opportunity to men

(Srisurang 1977:16).

Although these policies were put in place before Phibun became Prime Minister in

1938, it should be noted that he played an active role in the People’s Party that

toppled the absolute monarchy in 1932. And as a Cabinet minister in the new

government, Phibun would undoubtedly have played a key role in the drafting and

implementing of these women-friendly policies.

Phibun and La-iad – Biographical note

   It is beyond the scope of this paper to provide exhaustive biographical details of

both Phibun and La-iad but it is important to highlight certain aspects of their

backgrounds to help understand some of the policies or cultural mandates that were


   Phibun came from humble stock. His parents were durian growers and sellers.

Born in 1897, he grew up under the reigns of King Rama V and VI, during which

Western ideas and conduct were regarded as ideal. He managed to get admitted to the

prestigious Infantry Cadet School on the coattails of a senior military officer that his

father knew. In 1924, he left for France on a scholarship to further his studies in

artillery for three years (Kobkua 1995:2). This was during a period of Western

supremacy and it would not be far-fetched to guess that when young Phibun was in

France, he would have been exposed to what was considered “civilised behaviour”

and might have experienced first-hand the way Westerners looked down on Asians for

their habits. As we would see later, the motivation behind some of his cultural

mandates seem driven by the intense desire to match up to the Western powers and

not be despised by them.

La-iad, on the other hand, hailed from a upper-middle class family. Born in 1903,

she was home-schooled by her father in Nakhon Pathom and was then sent to study in

Bangkok (Jayanta 1972:190). She had a relative in the palace whom she visited and

stayed with regularly as a child. It is probable that she picked up ideas of Western

ways and dressing during the visits to the court. After completing her education, she

taught in a missionary school for girls in Phitsanulok. It should be noted that

missionaries then were the most active agents of Western civilisation due to their

concern about linking Western civilisation with Christianity. The Victorian style of

women’s dress which covered women’s bodies from neck to toe was referred to by

the missionaries as “the robe of Christ’s righteousness” (Suwadee 1993:2). Hence La-

iad’s ideas of “proper dressing” would have been further cemented during her time,

first as a student then as a teacher, at the missionary school.

   It was at Phitsanulok that Phibun met and married La-iad. La-iad was only 14

years old when she married Phibun in 1917. She wrote in her autobiography: “I didn’t

feel that I was too young. I was plump and was mature in my thinking and

behaviour.” (Jiravas 1997:9) She went on to become her husband’s personal secretary,

trusted confidante and loyal ally in his policies.

Circumstances surrounding Phibun’s premiership

   The policies that Phibun put into place were not made in a vacuum and could not

be discussed without considering the political and economic context at that time.

   One of the first things that he did when he became prime minister was to order the

sweeping arrest of his political foes. After the execution of the leading conspirators

and the passing of harsh sentences on the remaining 52 accomplices, Phibun and the

government no longer had political opponents of any standing to contend with. Yet he

knew that it was not enough to weed out his political enemies; he needed to uproot the

semi-feudalistic and socio-political values of the Chakri Dynasty in the Thai psyche.

Hence he embarked on a series of socio-cultural and, to a certain degree, economic

reforms, which represented the most comprehensive effort ever undertaken by a post-

1932 Thai leader to transform not only the physical and material aspects but, more

significantly, the mind of the society as well (Kobkua 1995:103). It had been

explained repeatedly that the purpose of the nation-building efforts was to turn

Thailand into a modern, progressive and civilised nation. Despite these altruistic

reasons, the reforms were really launched first and foremost to ensure the ideological

and political survival of one political system against another. The reforms were in

essence a political war waged against the old regime for the support of the people and

for the control of their minds, without which the 1932 Promoters could neither hope

to flourish nor have their ideology accepted.

   Moreover, the Promoters’ right to rule was very much hinged on the success of

the nation-building programmer. Politically, being newcomers in the ruling elitist

circle, they could not afford to be complacent in domestic or foreign affairs, as lack of

progress or outright failure would only be used as evidence against their right to rule.

Ideologically, success in undertakings both at home and abroad was needed to

substantiate the Promoters’ claim of the ideological superiority of democracy over

absolute monarchy. Psychologically, Phibun and his government were ever-conscious

of their responsibility to uphold and strengthen Thailand’s full sovereignty and

independence (Kobkua 1995:105). It goes without saying that there was a painful

need for the fledgling government to gain respect and recognition from other nations,

especially Western nations which had been accustomed to dealing with the monarchy

or the royalists after the revolution.

    Alongside the socio-cultural reforms, Phibun also pursued economic nationalism

and encouraged Thais to buy and use only Thai products. It would be discussed later

how the working place was opened up to Thai women in Phibun’s attempts to loosen

the Chinese grip on the economy.

    With the war in Europe breaking out within a year of Phibun becoming premier,

he realised that Thailand was in need of well-trained manpower in many areas. From

the experience of the shortage of nurses during World War I, Phibun ensured that the

policies on women emphasised training in medical care, nursing, Red Cross, Girl

Scouts’ activities, and women’s military training (Onozawa 1999:68).

Phibun’s policies on women

    Phibun’s policies on women were part of the blueprint for his nation-building

mission. Believing that “the exhibition of high culture by the people is one sure way

of maintaining the sovereignty of the nation”, he set up and became the president of

the National Cultural Council which was divided into five bureaux: the Bureau of

Culture for the Mind; the Bureau of Culture for Customs and Tradition; the Bureau of

Culture for the Fine Arts; the Bureau of Culture for Literature; and the Bureau of

Culture for Women’s Affairs (Kobkua 1995:112).

    Women were encouraged to view themselves as important partners of men in

building the nation. Phibun once said in a speech, “Women are parts of the nation.

Generally during a short visit, in order to see how developed the nation is, it can be

judged by looking at women’s development.” (Onozawa 1999:68) A number of

government organisations were established and assigned to be in charge of women’s

social activities and welfare. Laws and regulations were enacted to support the

government’s policies related to women. Mass media owned by the government,

particularly radio broadcasting, were used to propagate the new ideology.

   So women who used to be the “hindlegs of an elephant” according to an old Thai

saying and who used to devote their time to being a housewife was suddenly raised to

an exalted level during the era of Phibun, all without the need for women’s lib as is

apparent today. The government established a policy of raising the status of woman to

that of man and whatever the man could do, the woman must also be able to do. In the

same vein, a woman corps in the Army, as well as a women’s cadet academy and a

women’s non-commissioned training school were established. La-iad was the real

force behind the establishment of the women’s military corps and was herself given

the rank of a lieutenant-colonel in the Artillery Regiment (Thamsook 1977:219).

   The government seemed to have a multi-directional policy about women’s social

and economic roles. Women in the upper socioeconomic class were encouraged to

obtain higher education and work in the areas in which they were capable. The full-

time housewives such as wives of government officers who attained high social status

by their husbands’ positions were requested to do social work helping the poor or to

form associations and socialise with each other. The married women were asked to

bear more children and were given education in childcare. The wives were told to take

good care of their husbands so that they could work efficiently. Women in the lower

strata of society were advised to work in the proper careers for women. Yet at the

same time, all the women were told to beautify themselves in the Western fashion, to

make themselves pretty since women were “flowers of the nation” or dokmai khong

chart whose duties were to be beautiful and submissive wives and daughters, who

could give moral support to their husbands and fathers, whose duties were to

undertake hard work (Onozawa 1999:68).

   Phibun’s policies really made the most impact during his first term as prime

minister from 1938 to 1946. His leadership styles during the two terms at the top were

markedly different. When he first took over the helm, he was only 41 years old,

brimming with dynamic leadership and equipped with a grand vision which he

imposed in a rather heavy-handed manner on the people. In his second term from

1948 to 1957, he had mellowed into a cautious and realistic politician whose main

purpose appeared to be none other than simply to survive. In his own words, he was a

changed man, a result of being young no more, and his “blood has cooled down”

through years of trials and tribulations (Kobkua 1995:25). Yet it was in his second

tenure that La-iad came to the forefront in her push for the betterment of women’s

status. Her contributions would be discussed in a separate section.

Women as mother of the nation

   While Phibun was in power, he extolled the virtues of motherhood, believing that a

child’s future depended on its mother whose duty was to mould it from infancy into a

successful adult. He once said: “Woman is the mother of every single Thai person, in

every way. For she is the mould from which every child inherits his characteristics.

Whoever becomes a brave warrior is because his mother had so moulded him from

infancy. Whoever succeeds in business it is because the trait had been infused into

him from the cradle. Therefore Mother is undoubtedly the mould from which the

greatness of a nation must be built. Without a mould, we can never build Thailand

into anything…” (Thai Foreign Ministry’s Archives, 1943)

   But these beautiful words belied a national policy of population increase. The

population then was about 15 million and Phibun aimed at a minimum of 40 million

in order to become a powerful nation. Women were encouraged to marry and have

more children. The government arranged group wedding ceremonies for people in

Bangkok and other big cities. Single men and women were encouraged to marry

ethnic Thais to thicken Thai blood. Movies were made by the government to admire

Thai women’s capability in domestic and public works. La-iad composed a number of

poems and songs for Thai folk dancing, pleng ram wong, all praising Thai women for

their kindness and beauty. The Department of Public Health was founded in the

Ministry of the Interior in 1941 to take care of mothers’ and children’s health. The

Ministry of Public Health was established in 1942. Hospitals and public health clinics

were founded in many areas in Bangkok and other provinces. Midwife training

courses were opened. Social workers and midwives were delivered to rural areas by

mobile clinics. People were taught modern knowledge of childcare and child-rearing.

Women’s status as mothers was highly recognised and a National Mother’s Day was

founded on March 10, 1943. Celebration of the day was held in central provinces in

each region. Mothers with the highest number of children alive would be awarded

(Onozawa 1999:71).

Women as symbol of civilisation

   Phibun’s idea of what Thai women should look like was similar to King Rama

VI’s belief – they should dress in Western styles, sport long hair, stop chewing betel

nut, as well as wear hats shoes. This was unsurprising, given that Phibun grew up

during King Vajiravudh’s reign. Where they differed was that while the King strongly

encouraged the people to conform to these dress codes, Phibun made it a law that

people had to obey. The government also prescribed disciplinary action for those who

refused to cooperate or who violated the regulations on the new style of dressing.

   Hence the entire issue of dress became a political tool in Phibun’s hand. He

believed that if the people were dressed properly, it would prevent Thailand from

being colonised and losing its sovereignty: “Proper attire is a positive way to maintain

the independence of the country. If we wore only dirty rags or had no proper garments,

others would certainly look down on us. It would also offer them excuses to interfere

[in our affairs] on the pretext of introducing us to civilisation.” (Kobkua 1995:109)

Explaining why Western-style dresses were preferred over the traditional costumes,

he reasoned that the pha chongaben should be neglected because of its similarity to

the dress of people in Cambodia, which was a French colony then. Thus, it was not

suitable to be the dress of the Thais who should be proud of their independence

(Suwadee 1993:9).

   The enforcement of the dress codes became even stricter as the conflict with

French Indo-China drew closer in 1941. Thailand was negotiating with France and

Britain in order to reclaim territories ceded to them between 1904 and 1909, which

included the provinces of Siem Reap and Battambang in Cambodia, the two regions

on the right bank of the Mekong River adjoining Laos, and Kelantan, Trenganu and

Saiburi, the northernmost provinces of Malaya (Bangkok World, 1971).

Reprimanding his compatriots for their unbecoming habits of appearing in the public

not properly dressed, Phibun said: “The French could very well say that if this is what

we are, how dare we demand for the return of the territory. It’d be more appropriate

that [the territory] remain under their rule. They at least can keep it clean and

hygienic.” (Kobkua 1995:115)

   It was also around this time that the slogan “Hats will lead Thailand to Greatness”

was coined (The Royal Gazette, 1943). Despite the strangeness of wearing a hat for

most of the population, it took off quite well among the young ladies but backfired

among the old. The government once approached Queen Sawang Wattana, a consort

of King Rama V, to allow herself to be photographed wearing a hat as an example to

the public. She snapped back: “Today I am hardly myself anymore, now you are even

interfering with my head. No! If you want me to put on a hat then cut my head off and

put the hat on by yourselves.” (Sompob 1973:371).

   Hence, measuring up to western standards of civilisation became the main plank

in Thai policy as the country fought to maintain international respect and sovereignty.

And it was not just about conforming to the standards of dressing, but also to the

Western standards of social etiquette and family life. Husbands were ordered to

honour and respect their wives. They were required to kiss their wives before going to

work and on returning home after work, to show their appreciation (Kobkua

1995:127). The National Cultural Council even issued marriage advice for couples

called “Husband and Wife Culture” or wattanatham pau mia. By using a combination

of Buddhist dharma, psychology and life experience, it was recommended that

husbands should behave towards their wives in the following ways:

   − Honour her as a wife

   − Refrain from looking down on her

   − Refrain from mental cruelty

− Allow her rule of the house

    − Allow her to dress as she wishes.

    (Thamsook 1977:220)

    The Office of the Prime Minister also issued a decree reminding the men that the

practice of wife-beating as though their wives were slaves of lowly lackeys was a

shameful and immoral act likely to bring dishonour to the country. Besides, it was a

crime according to the law and the man may be punished by up to 10 years’ jail

without exceptions (Thamsook 1977:219). This was certainly a far cry from the past

when it was the norm for husbands to mete out corporal punishment on their wives for

the slightest mistake made.

    The rules were even stricter for husbands in government service. Any civil servant

who had a quarrel with his wife without good reason was subject to disciplinary

action. They also had to be the role models of monogamy. In order to protect the only-

one registered wife policy, the following rules were issued to male government


    1) To always honour his wife in the status of wife

    2) To take care of his wife and children properly, cannot abandon them

    3) To live with his wife, cannot abandon or divorce her without proper reason

    (Nanthira, 1987)

Government officers who broke any of these three rules were to be punished; the

maximum punishment was to be fired.

    Adultery was strictly prohibited under Phibun’s leadership. A law prohibiting

adultery was issued among the government officers. Even novels were thoroughly

examined – the married male characters were not allowed to flirt with other women

and not allowed to think of having an affair because it was against morality and could

break the family life (Onozawa 1999:72).

Women as workforce

   Traditionally, there had not been many opportunities for women to work outside,

other than in the agricultural sector. Their main role was to stay at home and look

after their husband and children. But with Phibun’s aggressive nation-building

policies, it was announced that “every able-bodied person must work”. It was further

stated that those “who take up no occupation… neglect their duty in assisting…

national progress do not deserve to be held in respect by the general public” (Barmé

1993:152). Hence women from every strata of society discovered that the working

place was now open to them.

   The shortage of intellectuals and professionals in many fields opened the doors to

high-level jobs for women graduates, many of whom were appointed to significant

positions in education, medical science and public health. To encourage women to

work with the government, the Civilian Official Act was amended in 1939 to hire

capable persons without consideration of gender. The Day of Women Government

Officers was founded on February 1, 1943 (Onozawa 1999:69). However, limitations

for female officers were specified. They were not allowed to:

   − Work outside governmental offices

   − Work at night

   − Engage in dangerous and tough work

   − Work in a foreign country

(Sathien, 1940)

Despite the limitations that hindered promotion, this was an important step in Thai

women’s career change. The term “government officer” or kha rajakan means the

person who works for the king. So being a government officer in Thai society was not

only very prestigious in the old days but also powerful and wealthy. Besides, the

opportunity was usually limited only to male descendants of the nobles of royal blood.

Under the constitutional monarchy of the 1940s, governmental work provided

prestige, high salary, security and many fringe benefits that were rare among jobs for

women. Hence, this could even be termed a career revolution for women (Onozawa


   Public services were the new area cultivated for urban women in the middle

educational level. Tourism in Thailand was officially supported and promoted by

Phibun’s government then. As a model of service jobs for women, two governmental

hotels Rattanakosin and Suriyanon were built in 1943, and women were employed for

almost all positions, mostly clerical work (Pramuanwan, 1943).

   As for women with little education, Phibun was trying to convince them to give

up agricultural work for jobs in the manufacturing or service industries. Showing his

disapproval with women in labour-intensive work, he said: “Nowadays, there are

many kinds of work that women should not do, such as digging, cracking the rocks,

carrying water buckets and so on. These are heavy work for men, not for women.”

(Public Relation News 1937:243) To encourage them to try out the new jobs, pictures

of women at work in the cotton factories, toy factories, handicrafts factories and

instant food factories were widely advertised by the government. Some occupational

training courses such as cooking and dressmaking were offered to women by

government organisations. At the same time, skilled female labourers were protected

by a law issued by the government in 1942 which reserved 27 occupations for Thai

nationals. They were: making Buddha images; selling Buddha images; cutting

firewood; selling firewood; making charcoal; selling charcoal; making water bowls;

selling water bowls; making rubber oil; selling rubber oil; making torches; selling

torches; making and selling bricks; making women’s hats; making women’s dresses;

dyeing work; weaving household utensils except for mats; making lacquer ware;

making inlay work; carving Thai patterns; alphabet proof; making firecrackers;

making toys; making umbrellas; hair dresser; lawyer; and barber (Royal Decree

1942:1221). The government wanted to transfer these jobs to non-agricultural Thai

workers. Half the occupations were considered especially suitable for women. It was

also known that the not-so-hidden agenda behind getting the urban women to work

was to eliminate the increasing of Chinese participation from business as much as

possible. The Chinese were prohibited from producing and monopolising some

merchandises and businesses such as tobacco, salt, swallows’ nests, and forestry

(Ronnachit 1991:49).

Women’s issues as human rights issues

   The mid-1950s marked a rise in interest in human rights issues around the world.

Concern about the treatment of women also took centrestage in the United Nations

activities. In its drive to become a respected member of the international community,

the Phibun government enthusiastically involved itself in the UN and Thailand was a

hive of UN activity then. UN organisations working in Thailand by that time included

the Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Far East (Ecafe), the Food and

Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the UN Children’s Fund (Unicef), the World Health

Organisation (WHO), the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation

(UNESCO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) (Jeffrey 2002:18).

       In 1954, Thailand signed the Convention on the Political Rights of Women of

the United Nations (Jiravas 1997:84). The year 1949 marked the first time in Thai

political history that women directly participated in politics at the national level. In

this year, Mrs. Orapin Chaiyakorn, a wife of a famous member of parliament, ran

against her husband for the same office and won, hence the first Thai female MP.

Also in the same year, two other women were appointed senators (Orapin 1998:15).

La-iad herself served twice in the National Assembly – once as an appointed Senator

and then as an MP for Nakhorn Nayok province.

La-iad’s contributions

   La-iad was, first and foremost, her husband’s most loyal supporter. She was

always ready to pitch in to help make Phibun’s policies a success. When Phibun

elevated the status of mothers in Thai society, La-iad was the one to start Mother’s

Day. In fact, it was La-iad who chose the jasmine flower to be used for children to

show their appreciation to their mothers (Jiravas 1997:105). Or when Phibun was

trying to convince the women to wear hats, La-iad became the leading light of the hat-

wearing campaign, making it look chic and fashionable.

   When the Department of Social Welfare was short-staffed in the provincial cities

and towns, La-iad rallied the wives of male officers to volunteer their help in social

work. Phibun suggested this alternative because he felt that “the work of the

department of social welfare is a woman’s work, similar to child-rearing, it has to be

finished and domineered.” (Onozawa 1999:72). Hence Phibun left it to his wife, who

was the president of the Bureau of Culture for Women’s Affairs, to organise the

officers’ spouses into groups. Apparently, during Phibun’s tenure, the wives of the

high-ranked officers were very active in voluntary social work under La-iad’s

guidance. In Bangkok, many women’s associations were also formed. Since then,

voluntary social work has become a traditional activity of wives of high-ranking

officials, especially the military officers. La-iad went on to found a school of social

work and introduced courses for the training of social workers under the auspices of

the bureau. It was only in 1954 that the faculty of social welfare science was set up in

Thammasat University to take over the task of training qualified social workers

(Kobkua 1995:139).

   As the president of the women’s bureau, La-iad helped set up women’s

associations all over the country – one in each province – which were also affiliated to

the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in the United States. The main aims of

these clubs were to improve the welfare of women, develop their potential and to

champion their rights. La-iad’s many projects delved into every aspect of a woman’s

life – education, home-making skills, financial know-how, hygiene, marriage relations,

childcare and etc. She taught the women to know what their rights were and was

responsible for starting women labour unions and getting the women to join them so

that if a member dies, the family can get 500 baht (Jiravas 1997:55). She also

provided free vocational training, such as weaving, hair-dressing, tailoring and

cooking. More importantly, she was slowly transforming the mind of the women in

Thai society. She showed them that women did not have to be confined to being

domestic creatures whose knowledge stopped at the four walls of the house. Instead,

she encouraged the housewives to meet together, discuss current affairs, increase their

general knowledge and even engage in voluntary social work. That was how La-iad

expanded the horizon of the Thai women, who previously had very narrow mindsets.

   After founding the various women’s clubs, La-iad was instrumental in forming

then into a federation that is the present-day National Council of Women, which gives

the women more leverage in pushing for greater equality in Thai society. Her work in

this area won her the election to the presidency of the World Federation of United

Nations Association for two terms, thus putting Thailand on the world stage.

Legacy of Phibun’s policies on women

   Women’s traditional role had always been that of mother and wife. But Phibun’s

policies widened that role by putting women on equal standing with men. Now

women are no longer just ignorant housewives – they have the opportunity to meet up

with other women, gain knowledge, engage in social work and work outside. And in

terms of work, Phibun has opened up the economic sphere for the women, who could

work only either as slaves or in the agricultural sector in the past. Now, they can get

high-paid government jobs or even join the army.

   The most obvious and long-lasting impact that Phibun had on Thai women is

probably in terms of the Western styles for dressing. Except for hat-wearing, the dress

code was a resounding success. The government managed, within a very short period,

to transform the ‘exterior’ of Thai society through its modern dress campaign. Since

the war years, an average Thai citizen would sport a pair of trousers, a shirt, and shoes

when in public while his female compatriot would don a skirt or pha-nung, a blouse,

and shoes. The ‘irregularities’ of Thai dressing of the pre-dress code period became

the regular wear of the post-war Thai society. Gone forever from public view were the

pha chongaben, Chinese trousers, bare torso and undergarments. Phibun was

successful in inculcating a sense of pride among his compatriots over their public

appearance. The triumph of the new dress code alone enabled him to achieve a

complete break from the Siam of the absolute monarchy days.


   Phibun’s policies on women, no matter how philanthropic, were never made in

isolation or a vacuum. The policies were always made to accommodate the concurrent

main policies, Westernisation, economic nationalism and the preparation for war. In

the preceding sections, we had seen how he encouraged women to work at the same

time that he was trying to loosen the Chinese grip on the economy. He extolled the

virtues of motherhood at the same time that he wanted to increase the Thai population.

He wanted women to wear hats at a time when he was pursuing his irredentist

ambitions, hence coining the slogan, “Hats will lead Thailand to greatness”.

   Moreover, Phibun’s attitudes towards women and his ideas on how they should

dress and behave were not even new. The leaders before him – King Chulalongkorn

and King Vajiravudh – have long expressed similar sentiments. But where they

differed was that while the kings cajoled their subjects to adhere to the preferred

styles of dressing and behaviour, the prime minister opted for force. While he did not

originate new ideas, he used what was already present, took it to the extreme, and

imposed the policies on the entire populace so that everyone in Bangkok, and not just

the upper class, was affected by this particular form of Westernization/modernisation.

   Were Phibun’s motives behind the women’s policies noble or self-serving? It

would be difficult to deduce an answer. To borrow a quote from famed Chinese leader

Deng Xiaoping: “No matter if it is a white cat or a black, as long as it can catch mice,

it is a good cat.” Hence, in spite of the excessiveness of the efforts designed to raise

their status, Thai women do owe their social liberation to the draconian measures

launched by Phibun. His campaign had made it possible for them to participate in the

national, economic and social affairs of the nation.


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From buffaloes to flowers of the nation: Status of Thai women during Phibunsongkram’s rule

  • 1. From “Buffalo” to “Flower of the Nation”: Status of Thai women during Phibunsongkram’s rule Please contact xingledout[at] if you’d like to use any information from this paper.
  • 2. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1 WINDS OF CHANGE ............................................................................................................................ 2 KING MONGKUT ..................................................................................................................................... 2 KING CHULALONGKORN ......................................................................................................................... 2 KING VAJIRAVUDH .................................................................................................................................. 4 POST-REVOLUTION (1932 – 1937) .......................................................................................................... 5 PHIBUN AND LA-IAD – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE........................................................................... 6 CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING PHIBUN’S PREMIERSHIP ............................................... 7 PHIBUN’S POLICIES ON WOMEN ................................................................................................... 9 WOMEN AS MOTHER OF THE NATION ...................................................................................................... 11 WOMEN AS SYMBOL OF CIVILISATION ..................................................................................................... 12 WOMEN AS WORKFORCE ....................................................................................................................... 16 WOMEN’S ISSUES AS HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES ........................................................................................... 18 LA-IAD’S CONTRIBUTIONS ............................................................................................................ 19 LEGACY OF PHIBUN’S POLICIES ON WOMEN ......................................................................... 21 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 24 2
  • 3. Introduction “Women are buffaloes; Men are humans” In the old days, women were considered property of men and it was legal for fathers and husbands to sell them. The status of women started to improve only in the time of King Mongkut who prohibited men from selling their wives. Fast forward to the period when Plaak Pibulsongkram became premier in 1938. All of a sudden, women were catapulted to an exalted status. They were told that they were men’s equal and were needed in the development of the nation, and that they can do whatever men can do. Yet at the same time, they were exhorted to be “flowers of the nation” – beautiful and submissive. Government policies during Phibun’s leadership were focused on raising the status of women. Husbands should honour their wives, women were told to dress in prescribed styles, the economic sphere was opened up to women, they were allowed to vote and there was compulsory education for all. This paper examines Phibun’s motivations behind his policies on women. Was he genuinely interested in the emancipation of women? Or were they just another tool in nation-building? This paper will also look at the role that Phibun’s wife, La-iad Phibunsongkram, played in improving the status of women in Thailand. Dubbed a “renowned feminist” by Time magazine, she was her husband’s loyal ally in the women’s cause, founding women’s associations all over the country, writing nationalistic songs about women and started the tradition of Mother’s Day. The paper will conclude by assessing the longevity and impacts of Phibun’s policies on women. 1
  • 4. Winds of change King Mongkut The Three Seals Law in 1805 which stated that husbands and parents were allowed to sell their daughters or wives like common property represented the height in women’s subordination. When King Mongkut abolished this practice in 1867, it was the first time women had a right over their body. Yet it was not known how effective this prohibition was because common people were illiterate and did not learn about laws. Education for women at this time was restricted to those in royal or noble families and emphasised literature, cooking, sewing and arranging flowers. They were not allowed to study much for fear that they would write love letters. It was also during this reign that the Westernisation of Thai society began. Victorian cultural attitudes to women were presented to Thai society as a symbol of Western civilisation (Suwadee 1993:2). Westerners held the opinion that Eastern women were degraded and oppressed because of polygamy practices and the way in which Thai women dressed. So the king encouraged the women to don the more “appropriate” Western style of women’s dress instead of the traditional pha chongaben and pha sabai. Furthermore, the Western community regarded their own etiquette as evidence of the superiority of Western civilisation and as a symbol of the “high” status that Western society accorded to women, so Victorian social etiquette, such as public displays of honour towards women, was introduced to the Siamese elite. King Chulalongkorn The Westernisation process that began with King Rama IV was accelerated in the time of King Rama V. During King Chulalongkorn’s reign, education was opened up 2
  • 5. to non-royal women in the upper and middle class, and to a limited extent, those in the lower class. This was despite the king’s reluctance to give priority to women’s education because of the limited budget. He purportedly once warned the Minister of Education: “The government’s revenue had better be used for boys’ education. Do not promote girls’ education too much.” (Suwadee 1991:14) But Queen Saowapha, King Chulalongkorn’s wife, stepped in and provided the funds for various schools – including some for girls from the lower strata of society – of which the most famous was Rachinee School, opened in 1904. The objective of the girls’ schools was not to educate women to compete with men in professional careers but to produce efficient housewives. Hence, the curriculum for boys and girls was different. Girls were taught domestic hygiene, needle skills, childcare, cooking and social etiquette and they had less lesson hours for academic subjects such as arithmetic, science and languages than the boys. On the other hand, education for boys provided them with occupational skills because they had two years of training in some craft or trade that the girls did not have. Continuing from King Rama IV, upper and middle class women were encouraged to wear the Western-style blouse together with the traditional pha chongaben, as well as white silk stockings and shoes (Suwadee 1993:5). Such a Thai-Western mixed costume came to be regarded as the symbol of the modernised society which however still valued some of its precious traditions. King Chulalongkorn was very particular about how the women’s dressing represented the image of the country. He apparently complained to the Minister of Local Administration, whose main duty was to look after various affairs in Bangkok, that whenever he hosted foreign royal guests, he was very ashamed by the sight of working class women walking around the city with their 3
  • 6. exposed breasts. Later, the ministry decreed that everyone should cover their body appropriately when appearing in public areas (Suwadee 1993:8). King Vajiravudh Having spent 10 years overseas, King Rama VI felt that Thai women fell short of the benchmark set by Western women. With the Western image of Thailand being his main concern, he strongly believed that to publicly reveal the pleasant personalities of women was to indicate a society’s civilisation (King Vajiravudh 1918:518). Looking at Thai women through Western eyes, the king thought that their appearance with short hair, black teeth and trouser-like pha chongaben was unsightly. So he convinced them to wear a skirt-like phasin, have long hair and polish their teeth white instead of chewing betel nuts to blacken them. On social matters, he encouraged women to attend Western-styled parties with their spouses and associate more often with men by playing sports and dancing in public. Such conduct was a cultural revolution at a time when “good ladies” or kulasatri were to be untouched by men. With nationalism a new policy in King Vajiravudh’s reign, he spelt out how the women, with their role as citizen and wife, could play a part. In a 1914 speech, he said, “The principal way in which women could exhibit their nationalism… was by doing a good job at their main work in the home. They should provide their husbands with happy and comfortable surroundings so that the men could at work apply themselves to their fullest capacities.” (Vella 1978:152) Education for women was given a boost when in 1921, the Compulsory Primary Education Act was proclaimed with penalty for non-compliance (Onozawa 1999:16). Primary schools were built in every district. In Bangkok, secondary schools and 4
  • 7. occupational schools were also established. A number of private schools for women, nursing schools and schools for women’s teachers were founded during this period. King Rama VI had wished to see Thai women more literate, educated and up-to-date. Post-revolution (1932 – 1937) After Thailand’s absolute monarchy was replaced by a constitutional one, Thai men and women were given equal legal rights which allowed them to vote or to stand for election when the first election bill was passed in 1933. This was an advanced measure then because women in many other countries had yet to enjoy such a privilege (Prathoomporn 1976:23). The legal status of women was further improved when the Laws on Family and Succession in the Civil and Commerce Code outlawed the long-standing polygamy practices in 1935. Under the new marriage registration law, a man can have only one lawful wife. The community property must be shared equally between the husband and wife upon the termination of their marriage (Unesco 1990:5). The government also implemented compulsory primary education throughout the country in 1935. Both boys and girls had to have four years of compulsory education and used the same curriculum, unlike in the days of the absolute monarchy. In this way, Thai men and women began to receive modern education at about the same time, and the men could not monopolise the jobs among themselves like men in Europe. European men started their higher education long before women and tried to keep women out of their professions. That is why European women had to fight harder against discrimination before they could enjoy equal status and opportunity to men (Srisurang 1977:16). 5
  • 8. Although these policies were put in place before Phibun became Prime Minister in 1938, it should be noted that he played an active role in the People’s Party that toppled the absolute monarchy in 1932. And as a Cabinet minister in the new government, Phibun would undoubtedly have played a key role in the drafting and implementing of these women-friendly policies. Phibun and La-iad – Biographical note It is beyond the scope of this paper to provide exhaustive biographical details of both Phibun and La-iad but it is important to highlight certain aspects of their backgrounds to help understand some of the policies or cultural mandates that were introduced. Phibun came from humble stock. His parents were durian growers and sellers. Born in 1897, he grew up under the reigns of King Rama V and VI, during which Western ideas and conduct were regarded as ideal. He managed to get admitted to the prestigious Infantry Cadet School on the coattails of a senior military officer that his father knew. In 1924, he left for France on a scholarship to further his studies in artillery for three years (Kobkua 1995:2). This was during a period of Western supremacy and it would not be far-fetched to guess that when young Phibun was in France, he would have been exposed to what was considered “civilised behaviour” and might have experienced first-hand the way Westerners looked down on Asians for their habits. As we would see later, the motivation behind some of his cultural mandates seem driven by the intense desire to match up to the Western powers and not be despised by them. 6
  • 9. La-iad, on the other hand, hailed from a upper-middle class family. Born in 1903, she was home-schooled by her father in Nakhon Pathom and was then sent to study in Bangkok (Jayanta 1972:190). She had a relative in the palace whom she visited and stayed with regularly as a child. It is probable that she picked up ideas of Western ways and dressing during the visits to the court. After completing her education, she taught in a missionary school for girls in Phitsanulok. It should be noted that missionaries then were the most active agents of Western civilisation due to their concern about linking Western civilisation with Christianity. The Victorian style of women’s dress which covered women’s bodies from neck to toe was referred to by the missionaries as “the robe of Christ’s righteousness” (Suwadee 1993:2). Hence La- iad’s ideas of “proper dressing” would have been further cemented during her time, first as a student then as a teacher, at the missionary school. It was at Phitsanulok that Phibun met and married La-iad. La-iad was only 14 years old when she married Phibun in 1917. She wrote in her autobiography: “I didn’t feel that I was too young. I was plump and was mature in my thinking and behaviour.” (Jiravas 1997:9) She went on to become her husband’s personal secretary, trusted confidante and loyal ally in his policies. Circumstances surrounding Phibun’s premiership The policies that Phibun put into place were not made in a vacuum and could not be discussed without considering the political and economic context at that time. One of the first things that he did when he became prime minister was to order the sweeping arrest of his political foes. After the execution of the leading conspirators and the passing of harsh sentences on the remaining 52 accomplices, Phibun and the 7
  • 10. government no longer had political opponents of any standing to contend with. Yet he knew that it was not enough to weed out his political enemies; he needed to uproot the semi-feudalistic and socio-political values of the Chakri Dynasty in the Thai psyche. Hence he embarked on a series of socio-cultural and, to a certain degree, economic reforms, which represented the most comprehensive effort ever undertaken by a post- 1932 Thai leader to transform not only the physical and material aspects but, more significantly, the mind of the society as well (Kobkua 1995:103). It had been explained repeatedly that the purpose of the nation-building efforts was to turn Thailand into a modern, progressive and civilised nation. Despite these altruistic reasons, the reforms were really launched first and foremost to ensure the ideological and political survival of one political system against another. The reforms were in essence a political war waged against the old regime for the support of the people and for the control of their minds, without which the 1932 Promoters could neither hope to flourish nor have their ideology accepted. Moreover, the Promoters’ right to rule was very much hinged on the success of the nation-building programmer. Politically, being newcomers in the ruling elitist circle, they could not afford to be complacent in domestic or foreign affairs, as lack of progress or outright failure would only be used as evidence against their right to rule. Ideologically, success in undertakings both at home and abroad was needed to substantiate the Promoters’ claim of the ideological superiority of democracy over absolute monarchy. Psychologically, Phibun and his government were ever-conscious of their responsibility to uphold and strengthen Thailand’s full sovereignty and independence (Kobkua 1995:105). It goes without saying that there was a painful need for the fledgling government to gain respect and recognition from other nations, 8
  • 11. especially Western nations which had been accustomed to dealing with the monarchy or the royalists after the revolution. Alongside the socio-cultural reforms, Phibun also pursued economic nationalism and encouraged Thais to buy and use only Thai products. It would be discussed later how the working place was opened up to Thai women in Phibun’s attempts to loosen the Chinese grip on the economy. With the war in Europe breaking out within a year of Phibun becoming premier, he realised that Thailand was in need of well-trained manpower in many areas. From the experience of the shortage of nurses during World War I, Phibun ensured that the policies on women emphasised training in medical care, nursing, Red Cross, Girl Scouts’ activities, and women’s military training (Onozawa 1999:68). Phibun’s policies on women Phibun’s policies on women were part of the blueprint for his nation-building mission. Believing that “the exhibition of high culture by the people is one sure way of maintaining the sovereignty of the nation”, he set up and became the president of the National Cultural Council which was divided into five bureaux: the Bureau of Culture for the Mind; the Bureau of Culture for Customs and Tradition; the Bureau of Culture for the Fine Arts; the Bureau of Culture for Literature; and the Bureau of Culture for Women’s Affairs (Kobkua 1995:112). Women were encouraged to view themselves as important partners of men in building the nation. Phibun once said in a speech, “Women are parts of the nation. Generally during a short visit, in order to see how developed the nation is, it can be judged by looking at women’s development.” (Onozawa 1999:68) A number of 9
  • 12. government organisations were established and assigned to be in charge of women’s social activities and welfare. Laws and regulations were enacted to support the government’s policies related to women. Mass media owned by the government, particularly radio broadcasting, were used to propagate the new ideology. So women who used to be the “hindlegs of an elephant” according to an old Thai saying and who used to devote their time to being a housewife was suddenly raised to an exalted level during the era of Phibun, all without the need for women’s lib as is apparent today. The government established a policy of raising the status of woman to that of man and whatever the man could do, the woman must also be able to do. In the same vein, a woman corps in the Army, as well as a women’s cadet academy and a women’s non-commissioned training school were established. La-iad was the real force behind the establishment of the women’s military corps and was herself given the rank of a lieutenant-colonel in the Artillery Regiment (Thamsook 1977:219). The government seemed to have a multi-directional policy about women’s social and economic roles. Women in the upper socioeconomic class were encouraged to obtain higher education and work in the areas in which they were capable. The full- time housewives such as wives of government officers who attained high social status by their husbands’ positions were requested to do social work helping the poor or to form associations and socialise with each other. The married women were asked to bear more children and were given education in childcare. The wives were told to take good care of their husbands so that they could work efficiently. Women in the lower strata of society were advised to work in the proper careers for women. Yet at the same time, all the women were told to beautify themselves in the Western fashion, to make themselves pretty since women were “flowers of the nation” or dokmai khong 10
  • 13. chart whose duties were to be beautiful and submissive wives and daughters, who could give moral support to their husbands and fathers, whose duties were to undertake hard work (Onozawa 1999:68). Phibun’s policies really made the most impact during his first term as prime minister from 1938 to 1946. His leadership styles during the two terms at the top were markedly different. When he first took over the helm, he was only 41 years old, brimming with dynamic leadership and equipped with a grand vision which he imposed in a rather heavy-handed manner on the people. In his second term from 1948 to 1957, he had mellowed into a cautious and realistic politician whose main purpose appeared to be none other than simply to survive. In his own words, he was a changed man, a result of being young no more, and his “blood has cooled down” through years of trials and tribulations (Kobkua 1995:25). Yet it was in his second tenure that La-iad came to the forefront in her push for the betterment of women’s status. Her contributions would be discussed in a separate section. Women as mother of the nation While Phibun was in power, he extolled the virtues of motherhood, believing that a child’s future depended on its mother whose duty was to mould it from infancy into a successful adult. He once said: “Woman is the mother of every single Thai person, in every way. For she is the mould from which every child inherits his characteristics. Whoever becomes a brave warrior is because his mother had so moulded him from infancy. Whoever succeeds in business it is because the trait had been infused into him from the cradle. Therefore Mother is undoubtedly the mould from which the 11
  • 14. greatness of a nation must be built. Without a mould, we can never build Thailand into anything…” (Thai Foreign Ministry’s Archives, 1943) But these beautiful words belied a national policy of population increase. The population then was about 15 million and Phibun aimed at a minimum of 40 million in order to become a powerful nation. Women were encouraged to marry and have more children. The government arranged group wedding ceremonies for people in Bangkok and other big cities. Single men and women were encouraged to marry ethnic Thais to thicken Thai blood. Movies were made by the government to admire Thai women’s capability in domestic and public works. La-iad composed a number of poems and songs for Thai folk dancing, pleng ram wong, all praising Thai women for their kindness and beauty. The Department of Public Health was founded in the Ministry of the Interior in 1941 to take care of mothers’ and children’s health. The Ministry of Public Health was established in 1942. Hospitals and public health clinics were founded in many areas in Bangkok and other provinces. Midwife training courses were opened. Social workers and midwives were delivered to rural areas by mobile clinics. People were taught modern knowledge of childcare and child-rearing. Women’s status as mothers was highly recognised and a National Mother’s Day was founded on March 10, 1943. Celebration of the day was held in central provinces in each region. Mothers with the highest number of children alive would be awarded (Onozawa 1999:71). Women as symbol of civilisation Phibun’s idea of what Thai women should look like was similar to King Rama VI’s belief – they should dress in Western styles, sport long hair, stop chewing betel 12
  • 15. nut, as well as wear hats shoes. This was unsurprising, given that Phibun grew up during King Vajiravudh’s reign. Where they differed was that while the King strongly encouraged the people to conform to these dress codes, Phibun made it a law that people had to obey. The government also prescribed disciplinary action for those who refused to cooperate or who violated the regulations on the new style of dressing. Hence the entire issue of dress became a political tool in Phibun’s hand. He believed that if the people were dressed properly, it would prevent Thailand from being colonised and losing its sovereignty: “Proper attire is a positive way to maintain the independence of the country. If we wore only dirty rags or had no proper garments, others would certainly look down on us. It would also offer them excuses to interfere [in our affairs] on the pretext of introducing us to civilisation.” (Kobkua 1995:109) Explaining why Western-style dresses were preferred over the traditional costumes, he reasoned that the pha chongaben should be neglected because of its similarity to the dress of people in Cambodia, which was a French colony then. Thus, it was not suitable to be the dress of the Thais who should be proud of their independence (Suwadee 1993:9). The enforcement of the dress codes became even stricter as the conflict with French Indo-China drew closer in 1941. Thailand was negotiating with France and Britain in order to reclaim territories ceded to them between 1904 and 1909, which included the provinces of Siem Reap and Battambang in Cambodia, the two regions on the right bank of the Mekong River adjoining Laos, and Kelantan, Trenganu and Saiburi, the northernmost provinces of Malaya (Bangkok World, 1971). Reprimanding his compatriots for their unbecoming habits of appearing in the public not properly dressed, Phibun said: “The French could very well say that if this is what 13
  • 16. we are, how dare we demand for the return of the territory. It’d be more appropriate that [the territory] remain under their rule. They at least can keep it clean and hygienic.” (Kobkua 1995:115) It was also around this time that the slogan “Hats will lead Thailand to Greatness” was coined (The Royal Gazette, 1943). Despite the strangeness of wearing a hat for most of the population, it took off quite well among the young ladies but backfired among the old. The government once approached Queen Sawang Wattana, a consort of King Rama V, to allow herself to be photographed wearing a hat as an example to the public. She snapped back: “Today I am hardly myself anymore, now you are even interfering with my head. No! If you want me to put on a hat then cut my head off and put the hat on by yourselves.” (Sompob 1973:371). Hence, measuring up to western standards of civilisation became the main plank in Thai policy as the country fought to maintain international respect and sovereignty. And it was not just about conforming to the standards of dressing, but also to the Western standards of social etiquette and family life. Husbands were ordered to honour and respect their wives. They were required to kiss their wives before going to work and on returning home after work, to show their appreciation (Kobkua 1995:127). The National Cultural Council even issued marriage advice for couples called “Husband and Wife Culture” or wattanatham pau mia. By using a combination of Buddhist dharma, psychology and life experience, it was recommended that husbands should behave towards their wives in the following ways: − Honour her as a wife − Refrain from looking down on her − Refrain from mental cruelty 14
  • 17. − Allow her rule of the house − Allow her to dress as she wishes. (Thamsook 1977:220) The Office of the Prime Minister also issued a decree reminding the men that the practice of wife-beating as though their wives were slaves of lowly lackeys was a shameful and immoral act likely to bring dishonour to the country. Besides, it was a crime according to the law and the man may be punished by up to 10 years’ jail without exceptions (Thamsook 1977:219). This was certainly a far cry from the past when it was the norm for husbands to mete out corporal punishment on their wives for the slightest mistake made. The rules were even stricter for husbands in government service. Any civil servant who had a quarrel with his wife without good reason was subject to disciplinary action. They also had to be the role models of monogamy. In order to protect the only- one registered wife policy, the following rules were issued to male government officers: 1) To always honour his wife in the status of wife 2) To take care of his wife and children properly, cannot abandon them 3) To live with his wife, cannot abandon or divorce her without proper reason (Nanthira, 1987) Government officers who broke any of these three rules were to be punished; the maximum punishment was to be fired. Adultery was strictly prohibited under Phibun’s leadership. A law prohibiting adultery was issued among the government officers. Even novels were thoroughly examined – the married male characters were not allowed to flirt with other women 15
  • 18. and not allowed to think of having an affair because it was against morality and could break the family life (Onozawa 1999:72). Women as workforce Traditionally, there had not been many opportunities for women to work outside, other than in the agricultural sector. Their main role was to stay at home and look after their husband and children. But with Phibun’s aggressive nation-building policies, it was announced that “every able-bodied person must work”. It was further stated that those “who take up no occupation… neglect their duty in assisting… national progress do not deserve to be held in respect by the general public” (Barmé 1993:152). Hence women from every strata of society discovered that the working place was now open to them. The shortage of intellectuals and professionals in many fields opened the doors to high-level jobs for women graduates, many of whom were appointed to significant positions in education, medical science and public health. To encourage women to work with the government, the Civilian Official Act was amended in 1939 to hire capable persons without consideration of gender. The Day of Women Government Officers was founded on February 1, 1943 (Onozawa 1999:69). However, limitations for female officers were specified. They were not allowed to: − Work outside governmental offices − Work at night − Engage in dangerous and tough work − Work in a foreign country (Sathien, 1940) 16
  • 19. Despite the limitations that hindered promotion, this was an important step in Thai women’s career change. The term “government officer” or kha rajakan means the person who works for the king. So being a government officer in Thai society was not only very prestigious in the old days but also powerful and wealthy. Besides, the opportunity was usually limited only to male descendants of the nobles of royal blood. Under the constitutional monarchy of the 1940s, governmental work provided prestige, high salary, security and many fringe benefits that were rare among jobs for women. Hence, this could even be termed a career revolution for women (Onozawa 1999:69). Public services were the new area cultivated for urban women in the middle educational level. Tourism in Thailand was officially supported and promoted by Phibun’s government then. As a model of service jobs for women, two governmental hotels Rattanakosin and Suriyanon were built in 1943, and women were employed for almost all positions, mostly clerical work (Pramuanwan, 1943). As for women with little education, Phibun was trying to convince them to give up agricultural work for jobs in the manufacturing or service industries. Showing his disapproval with women in labour-intensive work, he said: “Nowadays, there are many kinds of work that women should not do, such as digging, cracking the rocks, carrying water buckets and so on. These are heavy work for men, not for women.” (Public Relation News 1937:243) To encourage them to try out the new jobs, pictures of women at work in the cotton factories, toy factories, handicrafts factories and instant food factories were widely advertised by the government. Some occupational training courses such as cooking and dressmaking were offered to women by government organisations. At the same time, skilled female labourers were protected 17
  • 20. by a law issued by the government in 1942 which reserved 27 occupations for Thai nationals. They were: making Buddha images; selling Buddha images; cutting firewood; selling firewood; making charcoal; selling charcoal; making water bowls; selling water bowls; making rubber oil; selling rubber oil; making torches; selling torches; making and selling bricks; making women’s hats; making women’s dresses; dyeing work; weaving household utensils except for mats; making lacquer ware; making inlay work; carving Thai patterns; alphabet proof; making firecrackers; making toys; making umbrellas; hair dresser; lawyer; and barber (Royal Decree 1942:1221). The government wanted to transfer these jobs to non-agricultural Thai workers. Half the occupations were considered especially suitable for women. It was also known that the not-so-hidden agenda behind getting the urban women to work was to eliminate the increasing of Chinese participation from business as much as possible. The Chinese were prohibited from producing and monopolising some merchandises and businesses such as tobacco, salt, swallows’ nests, and forestry (Ronnachit 1991:49). Women’s issues as human rights issues The mid-1950s marked a rise in interest in human rights issues around the world. Concern about the treatment of women also took centrestage in the United Nations activities. In its drive to become a respected member of the international community, the Phibun government enthusiastically involved itself in the UN and Thailand was a hive of UN activity then. UN organisations working in Thailand by that time included the Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Far East (Ecafe), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the UN Children’s Fund (Unicef), the World Health 18
  • 21. Organisation (WHO), the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) (Jeffrey 2002:18). In 1954, Thailand signed the Convention on the Political Rights of Women of the United Nations (Jiravas 1997:84). The year 1949 marked the first time in Thai political history that women directly participated in politics at the national level. In this year, Mrs. Orapin Chaiyakorn, a wife of a famous member of parliament, ran against her husband for the same office and won, hence the first Thai female MP. Also in the same year, two other women were appointed senators (Orapin 1998:15). La-iad herself served twice in the National Assembly – once as an appointed Senator and then as an MP for Nakhorn Nayok province. La-iad’s contributions La-iad was, first and foremost, her husband’s most loyal supporter. She was always ready to pitch in to help make Phibun’s policies a success. When Phibun elevated the status of mothers in Thai society, La-iad was the one to start Mother’s Day. In fact, it was La-iad who chose the jasmine flower to be used for children to show their appreciation to their mothers (Jiravas 1997:105). Or when Phibun was trying to convince the women to wear hats, La-iad became the leading light of the hat- wearing campaign, making it look chic and fashionable. When the Department of Social Welfare was short-staffed in the provincial cities and towns, La-iad rallied the wives of male officers to volunteer their help in social work. Phibun suggested this alternative because he felt that “the work of the department of social welfare is a woman’s work, similar to child-rearing, it has to be finished and domineered.” (Onozawa 1999:72). Hence Phibun left it to his wife, who 19
  • 22. was the president of the Bureau of Culture for Women’s Affairs, to organise the officers’ spouses into groups. Apparently, during Phibun’s tenure, the wives of the high-ranked officers were very active in voluntary social work under La-iad’s guidance. In Bangkok, many women’s associations were also formed. Since then, voluntary social work has become a traditional activity of wives of high-ranking officials, especially the military officers. La-iad went on to found a school of social work and introduced courses for the training of social workers under the auspices of the bureau. It was only in 1954 that the faculty of social welfare science was set up in Thammasat University to take over the task of training qualified social workers (Kobkua 1995:139). As the president of the women’s bureau, La-iad helped set up women’s associations all over the country – one in each province – which were also affiliated to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in the United States. The main aims of these clubs were to improve the welfare of women, develop their potential and to champion their rights. La-iad’s many projects delved into every aspect of a woman’s life – education, home-making skills, financial know-how, hygiene, marriage relations, childcare and etc. She taught the women to know what their rights were and was responsible for starting women labour unions and getting the women to join them so that if a member dies, the family can get 500 baht (Jiravas 1997:55). She also provided free vocational training, such as weaving, hair-dressing, tailoring and cooking. More importantly, she was slowly transforming the mind of the women in Thai society. She showed them that women did not have to be confined to being domestic creatures whose knowledge stopped at the four walls of the house. Instead, she encouraged the housewives to meet together, discuss current affairs, increase their 20
  • 23. general knowledge and even engage in voluntary social work. That was how La-iad expanded the horizon of the Thai women, who previously had very narrow mindsets. After founding the various women’s clubs, La-iad was instrumental in forming then into a federation that is the present-day National Council of Women, which gives the women more leverage in pushing for greater equality in Thai society. Her work in this area won her the election to the presidency of the World Federation of United Nations Association for two terms, thus putting Thailand on the world stage. Legacy of Phibun’s policies on women Women’s traditional role had always been that of mother and wife. But Phibun’s policies widened that role by putting women on equal standing with men. Now women are no longer just ignorant housewives – they have the opportunity to meet up with other women, gain knowledge, engage in social work and work outside. And in terms of work, Phibun has opened up the economic sphere for the women, who could work only either as slaves or in the agricultural sector in the past. Now, they can get high-paid government jobs or even join the army. The most obvious and long-lasting impact that Phibun had on Thai women is probably in terms of the Western styles for dressing. Except for hat-wearing, the dress code was a resounding success. The government managed, within a very short period, to transform the ‘exterior’ of Thai society through its modern dress campaign. Since the war years, an average Thai citizen would sport a pair of trousers, a shirt, and shoes when in public while his female compatriot would don a skirt or pha-nung, a blouse, and shoes. The ‘irregularities’ of Thai dressing of the pre-dress code period became the regular wear of the post-war Thai society. Gone forever from public view were the 21
  • 24. pha chongaben, Chinese trousers, bare torso and undergarments. Phibun was successful in inculcating a sense of pride among his compatriots over their public appearance. The triumph of the new dress code alone enabled him to achieve a complete break from the Siam of the absolute monarchy days. Conclusion Phibun’s policies on women, no matter how philanthropic, were never made in isolation or a vacuum. The policies were always made to accommodate the concurrent main policies, Westernisation, economic nationalism and the preparation for war. In the preceding sections, we had seen how he encouraged women to work at the same time that he was trying to loosen the Chinese grip on the economy. He extolled the virtues of motherhood at the same time that he wanted to increase the Thai population. He wanted women to wear hats at a time when he was pursuing his irredentist ambitions, hence coining the slogan, “Hats will lead Thailand to greatness”. Moreover, Phibun’s attitudes towards women and his ideas on how they should dress and behave were not even new. The leaders before him – King Chulalongkorn and King Vajiravudh – have long expressed similar sentiments. But where they differed was that while the kings cajoled their subjects to adhere to the preferred styles of dressing and behaviour, the prime minister opted for force. While he did not originate new ideas, he used what was already present, took it to the extreme, and imposed the policies on the entire populace so that everyone in Bangkok, and not just the upper class, was affected by this particular form of Westernization/modernisation. Were Phibun’s motives behind the women’s policies noble or self-serving? It would be difficult to deduce an answer. To borrow a quote from famed Chinese leader 22
  • 25. Deng Xiaoping: “No matter if it is a white cat or a black, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.” Hence, in spite of the excessiveness of the efforts designed to raise their status, Thai women do owe their social liberation to the draconian measures launched by Phibun. His campaign had made it possible for them to participate in the national, economic and social affairs of the nation. 23
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