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            Friuli Innovazione is one of the mechanisms set up by the territorial
            system of Friuli to contribute to the scientific, cultural and economic
            development of our Region. This organization, together with all local
            partner institutions as well as with the Science and Technology Park
                 Luigi Danieli of Udine performs a valued role for the scientific,
               cultural, civil and economic growth of our territory, a growth that
                 cannot be disregarded if we want to shape a sustainable future.


                                                               Sergio Cecotti  
                                                    Chairman Friuli Innovazione
                                                                                                                 We assign value to the talent for turning ideas into projects and research into products

       We aim to contribute to the development of a territory already well-endowed with values, culture,         We believe in scientific and technological research    enhance skills, bringing together the best
                                                                                                                 and its potential for improving the quality of life,   resources and energies in a shared commitment
deep-rooted drive and a wealth of entrepreneurial and academic skills by encouraging faster knowledge            for generating understanding and change, and           to innovation. Transparency, integrity and
                                                                                                                 for distributing wealth and knowledge throughout       independence: the values that determine our
transfer and a constant, constructive innovation and change-oriented focus in the business community.            society. We help develop individual talent and         vision of the world.
       In the global environment rules change quickly, continually and without warning. Only players
who can productively combine research, enterprise, innovation and change will be able to maintain and
renew keynote skills and peaks of excellence, finding new opportunities to consolidate, grow and emerge in

                                                                                         Fabio Feruglio
                                                                                   Director Friuli Innovazione

    We work with passion for your success

    Passion, intuition, innovation
    To empower local resources and vocations, orienting
    them towards a knowledge-driven economy and
    society. To develop essential tools for our territory:
    excellence-focused science and technology
    laboratories, joint university-industry laboratories
                                                             Excellence generates excellence
                                                                                               Selectivity, rigour, research
                                                                                               A facilitator in the start-up phase, naturally inclined
                                                                                               to excellence. A structure created to guide industrial-
                                                                                               era enterprises into the new age of knowledge
                                                                                               where understanding is crucial to competitiveness
                                                                                               in a complex global world. We want to play a leading
    and technology-rich spin-off companies. Every day,                                         role in developing the local territory together with
    we listen to needs and ideas, seeking out the most                                         researchers and entrepreneurs who have chosen
    effective ways to achieve concrete projects and                                            to build a dream here. Integrating knowledge.
    encouraging exchanges between researchers and                                              Promoting research. Managing change. More
    industry. For us, this is more than just a mission.                                        than a vision, this is our way of designing the
    It is our way of focusing on a single goal: your                                           future.

Innovation means nothing without change
                                          The ability to change and manage the process
                                          of change is the key to enterprise success.
                                          Assimilating a new technology, launching new
                                          business strategies and developing new products
                                          and services require constant change, adjustment
                                          and development. The winner is the player who
                                          can do this better and quicker than the others. The
                                          history of Friuli Innovazione is also a history
                                          of change.

                                                                                                                                                                             ACCELERATOR OPENS

                                                                                                                                                                       PA    AP

                                                                                                                                                                             NEW COORDINATED IMAGE FOR
                                                                                                                                                                             FRIULI INNOVAZIONE

                                                                                                                                                                             HOSTED COMPANIES
                                                                                                            SPAZIO IMPRESA
                                                                                                            OPENS                                                           28

                                                                                                                                                                             2 QUALITY AWARDS AT FORUM PA
The value of an idea is putting it into                                             HOSTED COMPANY          IGA OPENS
practice                                                                                                                                 ICT                CERAMIC          CHAIR        ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                                                         PROJECT (VIRTUAL   COATINGS         INDUSTRY     PROJECT (CONTAMINANT
Ideas, projects, results. An overview of major                                     1                                                     TECHNOLOGIES)      PROJECT          PROJECT      REDUCTION)
initiatives developed in the past few years.
                                                                                    TECHNO SEED             ICT TRAINING CENTRE
                                                                                    PROJECT                 PROJECT                                                          TECHNO SEED JOINS THE
                                                                INAUGURATION                                                                                                 ACHIEVE NETWORK
                                                                OF THE
                                                                “LUIGI DANIELI”
                                                                SCIENCE AND
                                                 CRISP          TECHNOLOGY PARK     APRE FVG UDINE DESK
                                                 OPENS                                                      INNOVARÈIMPRESA                       WOOD INDUSTRY PROJECT
                                                                AT UDINE            OPENS                   PROJECT                               (POLLUTANTS AND RISK                               DOMOTICA FVG
                                                                                                                                                  ANALYSIS AND                                       PROJECT
                                                 LOD                                                                                              PROCESSES)
                     FOUNDATION PROJECT                                             CORINNA                 LABORATORY OF METALLURGY
                                                                                    PROJECT                 AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACES
                                                 CAMPUS ONE     FRIULPRINT                                  AND ADVANCED MATERIALS                                           ITIM PROJECT
                                                 PROJECT        PROJECT                                     OPENS                                                            (TECHNOLOGICAL IDEAS IN MOVEMENT)

                 1999                     2002                2004                2005                    2006                                                         2007

Friuli Innovazione’s partners are
                                                         •	 University	of	Udine
                                                         •	 Chamber	of	Commerce	of	Udine
                                                         •	 Consortium	for	the	Industrial	Development
                                                         	 of	Central	Frwiuli
                                                         •	 Udine	Industrial	Association	
                                                         •	 Municipality	of	Udine
                                                         •	 AREA	Science	Park
                                                         •	 CRUP	Foundation
                                                         •	 Province	of	Udine
                                                         •	 Agemont	SpA
                                                         •	 Mediocredito	FVG	SpA
                                                         •	 Pordenone	Industrial	Association
                                                         •	 Fiat	Research	Centre	SpA
                                                         •	 Municipality	of	Tavagnacco
                                                         •	 I.T.I.	“A.	Malignani”,	High	School,	Udine
                                                         •	 IRES	FVG	Udine
                                                         	 (Institute	for	Social	and	Economic	Research)

First steps                                                                                                      1999
                                                                                                                 our efforts contributed to the launch of the Region’s
Friuli Innovazione was set up in 1999 by the             technology transfer. In 2004, the Friuli Venezia        first academic spin-off company.
University of Udine, the Udine Industrial Association,   Giulia Regional Authority made a major contribution
the Fiat Research Centre, Agemont, the Pordenone         to the initiative by appointing Friuli Innovazione to   2001
Industrial Association and the CRUP Foundation.          launch and manage the Luigi Danieli Science and         we took part in Sister, the regional project for
Later on, we attracted support from other local          Technology Park at Udine. The ideal space for           the creation of a permanent system supporting
partners who have endorsed and developed a               turning ideas into projects and research into           technology transfer.
shared strategy and objectives in innovation and         products.

                                                                                                                 Friuli Innovazione is a member of APSTI
                                                                                                                 Associazione Parchi Scientifici Tecnologici Italiani

2002                                                  2004                                                   2005
we joined the Campus	 One project for training        the Science	 and	 Technology	 Park opened;             a crucial year for Friuli Innovazione which saw the    Austria and Hungary in technological innovation; we
recent graduates. In the same year, we collaborated   we launched a new technology transfer project          launch of Techno Seed, the Region’s first enterprise   hosted the Park’s first resident and launched the
with the University of Udine and Labiotest srl        for Friulprint srl that would lead in 2006 to the      incubator specialising in the creation of high-        services of Spazio	Impresa for businesses, public
to launch LOD, the Laboratory of Dynamic              completion of an innovative phytopurification plant.   technology ICT (Information and Communication          bodies, researchers and young graduates. We quickly
Olfactometry, the first joint university-industry                                                            Technology) enterprises; we were the only Italian      became a new interlocutor for the propagation of
laboratory specialising in UNI EN 13725:2004-                                                                partner in the interregional Corinna	 (Cooperation     technological innovation and enterprise culture in
compliant odour measurement, characterisation and                                                            of Regions for Innovation) project to promote the      the Region.
control; subsequently, we set up CRISP, the Centre                                                           collaboration of the border regions of Slovenia,
for Process Pollution and Development specialising
in environmental management and assessment.

2006                                                                                                        2007
the Institute	 of	 Applied	 Genomics was set up        and enhance technical higher education and           we received the Quality	Award for our Techno Seed     Friuli Innovazione and Techno Seed joined Achieve,
with the University of Udine and four researchers as   training opportunities in ICT. We took part in the   and Corinna projects within “Challenges - From        the European umbrella network for more than twenty
partners; the Laboratory	of	Metallurgy,	Surface	       InnovarèImpresa project funded by the European       Good Practice to Good Administration”, the national   of the best ICT enterprise incubators. Also in 2007,
Technologies	 and	 Advanced	 Materials is              Social Fund to promote innovation in SMEs by         territorial promotion and development initiative      we took part in Domotica	FVG, a project that brings
opened; we took part in the ICT Education Centre       introducing research and innovation-oriented         sponsored by Forum PA and the Department for the      the Region’s four science and technology parks
financed by the Regional Authority to develop          skills.                                              Development of Territorial Economies of the Prime     together for the first time, promoting the collaboration
                                                                                                            Minister’s Office.                                    of industry and research in the development of new
                                                                                                                                                                  models and prototypes for domotics.


                                                             Ampliamento Parco

                                                             Ulteriori sviluppi

     We set up Techno	Growth, an enterprise accelerator                           The	Park	grows
     serving small and micro hi-tech enterprises seeking
     to boost growth. The initiative generated a new                              The Park Expansion Project is currently acquiring
     project to develop a centre of excellence for virtual                        more than 30,000 square metres of new land and
     prototyping and testing technology. We started                               building new facilities with a roof area of more than
     our activities in the wood sector by proposing                               3,000 square metres. The Project is scheduled for
     European and Regional projects. We also took part                            completion before the end of 2010.
     in the European IMPROVE project, implemented
     to support SMEs in innovation management. We
     designed and completed this first presentation in
     addition to many other ambitious new initiatives.

A	unique	territory
Tradition,	 culture,	 knowledge,	 enterprise,	            on both sides of the Alps. The Region knows how        MILANO

innovation,	environment. Friuli Venezia Giulia is a       to promote creativity, talent, growth and economic
territory with a rich history and heritage. A strategic   development. Friuli Venezia Giulia is committed to
area for investing in the future, it is also an anchor    communicating new developments to young people,
point for anyone seeking or creating innovation.          enterprises and all the Region’s residents. And	 at	
Set in the heart of Europe, Friuli Venezia Giulia         Friuli	Innovazione,	networking	with	local	and	
combines the allure of nature and culture with an         international actors is second nature.
outward-looking vocation to engage with partners

      We operate across all business sectors with a strong focus on
areas that match the Region’s needs and opportunities. This means
focusing our strategies and efforts on specific sectors with the aim of
promoting actors of international excellence.
ICT                                                     Biotechnology                                           Metallurgy

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is       A cutting-edge sector that utilises multidisciplinary   A sector of excellence. The large number of territory-
an indispensable tool for enhancing competitiveness     methodologies and skills. The skills, research          based enterprises makes metallurgy crucially
but local enterprises are ICT-poor. The Faculty         and teaching of the Faculties of Agriculture and        important for the Region’s economy. Supported
of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences          Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences             by the specialist skills and scientific research
at the University of Udine promotes research,           at the University of Udine have enabled us to           programmes of the University of Udine, we designed
creates knowledge and educates qualified human          create an environment of excellence in genomics,        and opened the Laboratory	 of	 Metallurgy,	
resources in the ICT sector. We have consolidated       bioinformatics and genetics. This is the sector in      Surface	Technologies	and	Advanced	Materials.
our experience in a wide range of projects, research    which IGA is active. An internationally oriented        The Laboratory carries out applied research liaising
initiatives and technology transfers, such as the       research centre, IGA specialises in the structural      with other actors in the metallurgy sector. It is a new
Techno Seed incubator, the ICT	Training	Centre          and functional genomics of living organisms.            anchor point for metallurgy-industry enterprises
and the Techno	 Growth accelerator. We want to                                                                  and researchers, as well as a centre of education for
create a district of excellence in the development of                                                           technicians and researchers.
software and IT-enabled services.

Energy	and	Environment                                                                                        Wood

Safeguarding the environment and the availability    We operate in this sector offering high-level services   The wood industry draws on the territory’s centuries-
of energy is crucial for the progress of society     to enterprises through a skill pool formed by the        long heritage in this sector. Wood is emblematic of
and enhancing the quality of life. European Union    teaching staff and researchers of the University di      industrial manufacture in Friuli Venezia Giulia and
policy promotes projects that encourage long-        Udine and the Region’s enterprises and research          sector enterprises are capable of interacting with
term protection of the environment and sustainable   centres, including LOD, the Laboratory of Dynamic        both international companies and small craft-
development. Environmental management, now           Olfactometry, and CRISP, the Centre for Process          scale businesses. We have taken the decision to
a primary focus of attention for all organisations   Pollution and Development.                               support and promote initiatives for new research
and enterprises, has emerged as a factor in                                                                   and technological innovation in the region and in
competitiveness.                                                                                              Europe.


SPAZIO IMPRESA                            services
                                                Spazio Impresa is our integrated proposal for enterprises, research
                                          and new business ideas. We offer customised services to develop strategies,
                                          processes, technologies and human resources for the promotion and support
                                          of innovation at every stage from the generation of entrepreneurial ideas
                                          to the creation of new enterprises, incubating, mentoring, funding, seeking
                     ENTERPRISE FUNDING   partners, networking and setting up at the Luigi Danieli Science and
                 ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT   Technology Park in Udine.

                                                                                  alle imprese

           Technology Transfer                                                                 Enterprise	Funding	

           To promote collaboration between enterprises and                                    To inform, educate and support enterprises and
           the scientific and technological research network,                                  researchers to:
           an essential step in spreading innovation and in                                    •	 identify the most appropriate finance instruments
           knowledge transfer:                                                                 •	 identifying key operating stages
           •	 identifying innovation needs in the enterprise                                   •	 searching for partners
           •	 searching for and identifying the most appropriate                               •	 verification of eligibility criteria for:
              technical and scientific skills                                                         - European technological research
           •	 identifying innovation options                                                            and development programmes
           •	 profiling and searching for potentially interested                                      - European structural funds
              enterprises                                                                             - Italian funds
           •	 activating collaboration and management support
              for development projects                                                         Activities relating to European research, development
                                                                                               and technological innovation programmes are
                                                                                               carried out in collaboration with the Udine-based	
                                                                                               Apre	Friuli	Venezia	Giulia desk.
                                                                      Friuli Innovazione
                                                                      is a member of APRE

 development                                                                                                hosting
                            impresa                                                                            insediamento

  Enterprise	Development	                                                                                     Hosting	

  To support and assist the creation of high-           To support the growth and development of small        For enterprises and researchers who want to           At Friuli Innovazione, we support and assist resident
  technology enterprises, the Techno Speed incubator    and micro high-technology enterprises, the Techno     implement their projects in a dynamic, research-      enterprises with:
  undertakes:                                           Growth accelerator performs:                          oriented environment, Udine’s Luigi Danieli Science   •	 infrastructure modification according to space
  •	 guidance and training                              •	 company check-ups                                  and Technology Park offers an attractive space           and equipment needs
  •	 business plan development                          •	 strength, weakness, opportunity and threat         equipped with facilities and infrastructures to       •	 networking with enterprises and other actors
  •	 technological feasibility studies                     (SWOT) analyses                                    develop science and technology research projects.        resident in the Park
  •	 assistance with enterprise creation formalities    •	 planning interventions and business plan           Setting up at the Park means direct:                  •	 networking with professional associations,
  •	 assistance with fund raising and access to            management                                         •	 contact with innovation-driven enterprises and        research bodies, potential partners and
     innovative forms of finance                                                                                 other actors                                          financiers
  •	 networking, searching for partners and alliances                                                         •	 participation in knowledge and development of      •	 outsourcing administration and accounts
  •	 mentoring                                                                                                   new contacts                                       •	 outsourcing technical and logistical functions
                                                                                                              •	 linkage with the Region’s research system
                                                                                                              •	 access to a select network of institutions,
                                                                                                                 financiers, research centres and enterprises

AUSTRIA                        KLAGENFURT









the park
Space to transform ideas.
                            More than 50,000	square	metres overall, 45,000
                            square	 metres of green area, 2,700	 square	
                            metres under cover and more than 1,500	square	
                            metres of parking space. Offices and laboratories
                            in a natural setting; architecture in harmony with
                            ideas and the environment; meeting and conference
                            rooms; dedicated spaces for training and cultural
                                                                                         herring-bone pattern on either side of a central spine.
                                                                                         At the centre of Europe, in the heart of a region with
                                                                                         a vocation for innovation and integration, in the ZIU
                                                                                         (Zona Industriale Udinese) industrial area only a few
                                                                                         minutes from the European motorway network and
                                                                                         within easy reach of several international airports
                                                                                         (Trieste, Venice, Ljubljana, Klagenfurt). A	 Park	
                            events. A functional, modern structure comprising            within	the	park,	where	there	is	space	for	new	
                            a series of buildings arranged in a symmetrical              ideas.

                                    Luigi Danieli Science and Technology Park at Udine

Friuli Innovazione,
Centro di Ricerca e di Trasferimento Tecnologico

Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Luigi Danieli di Udine
Via Jacopo Linussio, 51 - 33100 Udine - Italia
T +39 0432 629911 - F +39 0432 603887

La Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
contribuisce alla realizzazione del progetto
Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Luigi Danieli di Udine
Direzione Centrale Attività Produttive
Direzione Centrale Lavoro, Formazione, Università e Ricerca
Boscolo	Design	Partners

Michele Zuccato

Printed by

Photos on pages 22 and 23 are by Elio Ciol, Massimo Crivellari, Stefano Lunardi and Stefano Scatà.
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Friuli Innovazione Brochure English

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.             Friuli Innovazione is one of the mechanisms set up by the territorial system of Friuli to contribute to the scientific, cultural and economic development of our Region. This organization, together with all local partner institutions as well as with the Science and Technology Park Luigi Danieli of Udine performs a valued role for the scientific, cultural, civil and economic growth of our territory, a growth that cannot be disregarded if we want to shape a sustainable future.   Sergio Cecotti   Chairman Friuli Innovazione  
  • 4. values We assign value to the talent for turning ideas into projects and research into products We aim to contribute to the development of a territory already well-endowed with values, culture, We believe in scientific and technological research enhance skills, bringing together the best and its potential for improving the quality of life, resources and energies in a shared commitment deep-rooted drive and a wealth of entrepreneurial and academic skills by encouraging faster knowledge for generating understanding and change, and to innovation. Transparency, integrity and for distributing wealth and knowledge throughout independence: the values that determine our transfer and a constant, constructive innovation and change-oriented focus in the business community. society. We help develop individual talent and vision of the world. In the global environment rules change quickly, continually and without warning. Only players who can productively combine research, enterprise, innovation and change will be able to maintain and renew keynote skills and peaks of excellence, finding new opportunities to consolidate, grow and emerge in competition. Fabio Feruglio Director Friuli Innovazione 7
  • 5. mission We work with passion for your success Passion, intuition, innovation To empower local resources and vocations, orienting them towards a knowledge-driven economy and society. To develop essential tools for our territory: excellence-focused science and technology laboratories, joint university-industry laboratories vision Excellence generates excellence Selectivity, rigour, research A facilitator in the start-up phase, naturally inclined to excellence. A structure created to guide industrial- era enterprises into the new age of knowledge where understanding is crucial to competitiveness in a complex global world. We want to play a leading and technology-rich spin-off companies. Every day, role in developing the local territory together with we listen to needs and ideas, seeking out the most researchers and entrepreneurs who have chosen effective ways to achieve concrete projects and to build a dream here. Integrating knowledge. encouraging exchanges between researchers and Promoting research. Managing change. More industry. For us, this is more than just a mission. than a vision, this is our way of designing the It is our way of focusing on a single goal: your future. success. 8
  • 6. profile Innovation means nothing without change The ability to change and manage the process of change is the key to enterprise success. Assimilating a new technology, launching new business strategies and developing new products and services require constant change, adjustment and development. The winner is the player who can do this better and quicker than the others. The history of Friuli Innovazione is also a history of change. 11
  • 8. Friuli Innovazione’s partners are • University of Udine • Chamber of Commerce of Udine • Consortium for the Industrial Development of Central Frwiuli • Udine Industrial Association • Municipality of Udine • AREA Science Park • CRUP Foundation • Province of Udine • Agemont SpA • Mediocredito FVG SpA • Pordenone Industrial Association • Fiat Research Centre SpA • Municipality of Tavagnacco • I.T.I. “A. Malignani”, High School, Udine • IRES FVG Udine (Institute for Social and Economic Research) First steps 1999 our efforts contributed to the launch of the Region’s Friuli Innovazione was set up in 1999 by the technology transfer. In 2004, the Friuli Venezia first academic spin-off company. University of Udine, the Udine Industrial Association, Giulia Regional Authority made a major contribution the Fiat Research Centre, Agemont, the Pordenone to the initiative by appointing Friuli Innovazione to 2001 Industrial Association and the CRUP Foundation. launch and manage the Luigi Danieli Science and we took part in Sister, the regional project for Later on, we attracted support from other local Technology Park at Udine. The ideal space for the creation of a permanent system supporting partners who have endorsed and developed a turning ideas into projects and research into technology transfer. shared strategy and objectives in innovation and products. Friuli Innovazione is a member of APSTI Associazione Parchi Scientifici Tecnologici Italiani 15
  • 9. 2002 2004 2005 we joined the Campus One project for training the Science and Technology Park opened; a crucial year for Friuli Innovazione which saw the Austria and Hungary in technological innovation; we recent graduates. In the same year, we collaborated we launched a new technology transfer project launch of Techno Seed, the Region’s first enterprise hosted the Park’s first resident and launched the with the University of Udine and Labiotest srl for Friulprint srl that would lead in 2006 to the incubator specialising in the creation of high- services of Spazio Impresa for businesses, public to launch LOD, the Laboratory of Dynamic completion of an innovative phytopurification plant. technology ICT (Information and Communication bodies, researchers and young graduates. We quickly Olfactometry, the first joint university-industry Technology) enterprises; we were the only Italian became a new interlocutor for the propagation of laboratory specialising in UNI EN 13725:2004- partner in the interregional Corinna (Cooperation technological innovation and enterprise culture in compliant odour measurement, characterisation and of Regions for Innovation) project to promote the the Region. control; subsequently, we set up CRISP, the Centre collaboration of the border regions of Slovenia, for Process Pollution and Development specialising in environmental management and assessment. 16
  • 10. 2006 2007 the Institute of Applied Genomics was set up and enhance technical higher education and we received the Quality Award for our Techno Seed Friuli Innovazione and Techno Seed joined Achieve, with the University of Udine and four researchers as training opportunities in ICT. We took part in the and Corinna projects within “Challenges - From the European umbrella network for more than twenty partners; the Laboratory of Metallurgy, Surface InnovarèImpresa project funded by the European Good Practice to Good Administration”, the national of the best ICT enterprise incubators. Also in 2007, Technologies and Advanced Materials is Social Fund to promote innovation in SMEs by territorial promotion and development initiative we took part in Domotica FVG, a project that brings opened; we took part in the ICT Education Centre introducing research and innovation-oriented sponsored by Forum PA and the Department for the the Region’s four science and technology parks financed by the Regional Authority to develop skills. Development of Territorial Economies of the Prime together for the first time, promoting the collaboration Minister’s Office. of industry and research in the development of new models and prototypes for domotics. 19
  • 11. Attuale Progetto Ampliamento Parco Ulteriori sviluppi We set up Techno Growth, an enterprise accelerator The Park grows serving small and micro hi-tech enterprises seeking to boost growth. The initiative generated a new The Park Expansion Project is currently acquiring project to develop a centre of excellence for virtual more than 30,000 square metres of new land and prototyping and testing technology. We started building new facilities with a roof area of more than our activities in the wood sector by proposing 3,000 square metres. The Project is scheduled for European and Regional projects. We also took part completion before the end of 2010. in the European IMPROVE project, implemented to support SMEs in innovation management. We designed and completed this first presentation in addition to many other ambitious new initiatives. 20
  • 12. A unique territory UDINE Tradition, culture, knowledge, enterprise, on both sides of the Alps. The Region knows how MILANO innovation, environment. Friuli Venezia Giulia is a to promote creativity, talent, growth and economic territory with a rich history and heritage. A strategic development. Friuli Venezia Giulia is committed to area for investing in the future, it is also an anchor communicating new developments to young people, ROMA point for anyone seeking or creating innovation. enterprises and all the Region’s residents. And at Set in the heart of Europe, Friuli Venezia Giulia Friuli Innovazione, networking with local and combines the allure of nature and culture with an international actors is second nature. outward-looking vocation to engage with partners 23
  • 13. sectors We operate across all business sectors with a strong focus on areas that match the Region’s needs and opportunities. This means focusing our strategies and efforts on specific sectors with the aim of promoting actors of international excellence.
  • 14. ICT Biotechnology Metallurgy Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is A cutting-edge sector that utilises multidisciplinary A sector of excellence. The large number of territory- an indispensable tool for enhancing competitiveness methodologies and skills. The skills, research based enterprises makes metallurgy crucially but local enterprises are ICT-poor. The Faculty and teaching of the Faculties of Agriculture and important for the Region’s economy. Supported of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences by the specialist skills and scientific research at the University of Udine promotes research, at the University of Udine have enabled us to programmes of the University of Udine, we designed creates knowledge and educates qualified human create an environment of excellence in genomics, and opened the Laboratory of Metallurgy, resources in the ICT sector. We have consolidated bioinformatics and genetics. This is the sector in Surface Technologies and Advanced Materials. our experience in a wide range of projects, research which IGA is active. An internationally oriented The Laboratory carries out applied research liaising initiatives and technology transfers, such as the research centre, IGA specialises in the structural with other actors in the metallurgy sector. It is a new Techno Seed incubator, the ICT Training Centre and functional genomics of living organisms. anchor point for metallurgy-industry enterprises and the Techno Growth accelerator. We want to and researchers, as well as a centre of education for create a district of excellence in the development of technicians and researchers. software and IT-enabled services. 27
  • 15. Energy and Environment Wood Safeguarding the environment and the availability We operate in this sector offering high-level services The wood industry draws on the territory’s centuries- of energy is crucial for the progress of society to enterprises through a skill pool formed by the long heritage in this sector. Wood is emblematic of and enhancing the quality of life. European Union teaching staff and researchers of the University di industrial manufacture in Friuli Venezia Giulia and policy promotes projects that encourage long- Udine and the Region’s enterprises and research sector enterprises are capable of interacting with term protection of the environment and sustainable centres, including LOD, the Laboratory of Dynamic both international companies and small craft- development. Environmental management, now Olfactometry, and CRISP, the Centre for Process scale businesses. We have taken the decision to a primary focus of attention for all organisations Pollution and Development. support and promote initiatives for new research and enterprises, has emerged as a factor in and technological innovation in the region and in competitiveness. Europe. 28
  • 16. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER SPAZIO IMPRESA services Spazio Impresa is our integrated proposal for enterprises, research and new business ideas. We offer customised services to develop strategies, processes, technologies and human resources for the promotion and support of innovation at every stage from the generation of entrepreneurial ideas to the creation of new enterprises, incubating, mentoring, funding, seeking ENTERPRISE FUNDING partners, networking and setting up at the Luigi Danieli Science and ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT Technology Park in Udine. HOSTING
  • 17. technology transfer enterprise funding tecnologico trasferimento alle imprese finanziamento Technology Transfer Enterprise Funding To promote collaboration between enterprises and To inform, educate and support enterprises and the scientific and technological research network, researchers to: an essential step in spreading innovation and in • identify the most appropriate finance instruments knowledge transfer: • identifying key operating stages • identifying innovation needs in the enterprise • searching for partners • searching for and identifying the most appropriate • verification of eligibility criteria for: technical and scientific skills - European technological research • identifying innovation options and development programmes • profiling and searching for potentially interested - European structural funds enterprises - Italian funds • activating collaboration and management support for development projects Activities relating to European research, development and technological innovation programmes are carried out in collaboration with the Udine-based Apre Friuli Venezia Giulia desk. Friuli Innovazione is a member of APRE 32
  • 18. enterprise development hosting fare impresa insediamento Enterprise Development Hosting To support and assist the creation of high- To support the growth and development of small For enterprises and researchers who want to At Friuli Innovazione, we support and assist resident technology enterprises, the Techno Speed incubator and micro high-technology enterprises, the Techno implement their projects in a dynamic, research- enterprises with: undertakes: Growth accelerator performs: oriented environment, Udine’s Luigi Danieli Science • infrastructure modification according to space • guidance and training • company check-ups and Technology Park offers an attractive space and equipment needs • business plan development • strength, weakness, opportunity and threat equipped with facilities and infrastructures to • networking with enterprises and other actors • technological feasibility studies (SWOT) analyses develop science and technology research projects. resident in the Park • assistance with enterprise creation formalities • planning interventions and business plan Setting up at the Park means direct: • networking with professional associations, • assistance with fund raising and access to management • contact with innovation-driven enterprises and research bodies, potential partners and innovative forms of finance other actors financiers • networking, searching for partners and alliances • participation in knowledge and development of • outsourcing administration and accounts • mentoring new contacts • outsourcing technical and logistical functions • linkage with the Region’s research system • access to a select network of institutions, financiers, research centres and enterprises 35
  • 19. AUSTRIA KLAGENFURT A23 SLOVENIA UDINE LUBIANA PORDENONE GORIZIA A28 A4 A27 A4 TRIESTE MESTRE VENEZIA the park Space to transform ideas. More than 50,000 square metres overall, 45,000 square metres of green area, 2,700 square metres under cover and more than 1,500 square metres of parking space. Offices and laboratories in a natural setting; architecture in harmony with ideas and the environment; meeting and conference rooms; dedicated spaces for training and cultural herring-bone pattern on either side of a central spine. At the centre of Europe, in the heart of a region with a vocation for innovation and integration, in the ZIU (Zona Industriale Udinese) industrial area only a few minutes from the European motorway network and within easy reach of several international airports (Trieste, Venice, Ljubljana, Klagenfurt). A Park events. A functional, modern structure comprising within the park, where there is space for new a series of buildings arranged in a symmetrical ideas. Luigi Danieli Science and Technology Park at Udine 36
  • 20. Friuli Innovazione, Centro di Ricerca e di Trasferimento Tecnologico Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Luigi Danieli di Udine Via Jacopo Linussio, 51 - 33100 Udine - Italia T +39 0432 629911 - F +39 0432 603887 E La Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia contribuisce alla realizzazione del progetto Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Luigi Danieli di Udine Direzione Centrale Attività Produttive Direzione Centrale Lavoro, Formazione, Università e Ricerca
  • 21. Design Boscolo Design Partners Photography Michele Zuccato Printed by Photos on pages 22 and 23 are by Elio Ciol, Massimo Crivellari, Stefano Lunardi and Stefano Scatà.