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Blueprint for a Revolution in Personal 
Health Management shaping 
the Future of Society 
By David Wortley FRSA 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 1
Introduction and Background 
Perfect Storm of Opportunity 
Today’s Society faces unprecedented global challenges in areas such as health, education, environment 
and commerce. Many of these challenges are linked to the impact of technology on modern lifestyles 
that have resulted in better standards of living, longer lifespans, falling birth rates, increased 
consumption of natural resources and instant on-demand access to both information and tools to 
communicate to a global audience. 
Paradoxically, the rapidly maturing disruptive technologies that have contributed to the global 
challenges that have to be addressed urgently also have the potential to provide solutions to these 
problems if applied in ways that balance the needs of citizens and society. This is the background to the 
FreshStartXX blueprint for personal health management and shaping our Future Society. 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 2
One of the characteristics of these maturing technologies is the use of artificial intelligence and enabling 
technologies to continuously reduce the physical and mental load in our daily lives and routines. 
Consequently, across the whole world, there is a recognition that issues like obesity will inevitably lead 
to conditions like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease etc. that will place such a demand on 
resources that public health services will be unable to cope and the standards of care that we have 
come to expect in a civilized and developed society will no longer be sustainable for future generations. 
Therefore there is an urgent need to find solutions to these problems. 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 3
The Spectator Society 
One of the consequences of living in a society with an insatiable demand for empowering technologies is 
that we have increasing expectations that other people will be responsible for solving these global 
challenges. We have become a “Spectator Society” that expects and often demands solutions to 
problems of our own making without accepting any responsibility for our own contribution to those 
In considering such issues as obesity, we look to lay the blame and the responsibility for providing 
solutions at the doors of other entities when the truth is that we should bear a collective responsibility 
for our lifestyle choices and seek to make a personal contribution to turning things around. 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 4
Connecting Empowerment and Responsibility 
Today’s society is arguably the most connected in history but also, paradoxically, the most disconnected. 
Our power to communicate to and influence a global audience via tools such as social media without 
either being aware of or bearing responsibility for the consequences of our actions is a dangerous 
disconnection between power and responsibility. 
Where will the Solution come from ? 
If the answer to issues such as obesity lies in influencing lifestyle behaviours, we have to ask who or 
what in our modern society is going to influence those behaviours – the medical profession, technology 
providers, lifestyle coaches, politicians, pharmaceutical companies, the food industry, friends or YOU? 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 5
A Blueprint for a Revolution in Personal Health Management 
What is FreshStartXX ? 
FreshStartXX is an innovative product, infrastructure and set of services with the following attributes :- 
 A smart loyalty card with incentives for healthy behaviours and improvements in key health 
 An innovative social contract between citizens and society 
 An exclusive health club that is open to everyone committed to health improvement 
 An ecosystem of win-win partnerships enabled by technology and committed to health 
 A model for crowd-sourced personal healthcare 
 A Personalised Health Navigation System 
 A National Competition for Personal Healthcare Improvement 
 A strong brand with a clear mission for addressing global challenges 
 The largest Gamification project in history 
 A commercially sustainable social initiative 
 A new organizational model combining traditional hierarchical with new network structures 
 A lean and agile start up organization acting as a catalyst for quantum behavioural change 
 An international franchise opportunity 
 A large scale nation building initiative 
 A national programme of personal health management initiatives 
All of these attributes are described in detail below :- 
FreshStartXX the Product 
1. A smart loyalty card with incentives for healthy behaviours and improvements in key 
health indices 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 6
The loyalty card would use contactless near field communications (NFC) technology to register 
transactions on a secure and private database. The encrypted smart card would contain unique personal 
identification data to protect both the individual and FreshStartXX from fraud. The card would also have 
the capacity to store information relating to credits and account balances. It would operate in a similar 
way to transport smart cards like London’s Oyster Card or Malaysia’s TouchnGo card and loyalty cards 
such as the Starbuck’s card in its ability to be “topped-up” with cash amounts to a certain limit. It would 
also be “vendor independent” like the “Nectar” card and could be used to purchase products and 
services either at a discount or to collect “reward points” that could be redeemed in similar ways to the 
“Air Miles” concept. In this instance the card owner is being “loyal” only to themselves and would be 
incentivized to use the card for health related activities, products and services. 
The front of the smart loyalty card would contain a group photograph relevant to the host nation with 
around 20-25 individuals representative of a diversity of ethnic groups and ages. Each individual would 
be holding a card onto which could be inserted a logo of one of the FreshStartXX “Premier Team” 
sponsors. The front of the card would be identical for all card holders in any FreshStartXX country. 
The reverse of the card would contain a recent photograph of the member with their name and a 
membership id number which would be a combination of “Premier Team” number and their individual 
number in that team. 
The reverse would also contain a “Premier Team” logo of the main organization to which the member is 
affiliated which could be their employer, their university, Government department, bank or insurance 
company etc. 
The process for acquiring a membership card is shown below :- 
Each individual would apply for a card through a secure web site which would provide each member 
with their own secure and private access to their profile database which would contain identity 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 7
information, recent photograph and relevant demographic data such as age, gender, ethnicity, place of 
birth and place of residence. This data could then be used to enable each member to compare their 
personal health with that of peer groups such as people of the same age, ethnic origin or community. 
Once registered on the database, the member would be offered dates and locations where they could 
have their membership card encoded and printed. This would initially be at the organization (Premier 
Team) to which they are affiliated. At this location their identity would be verified and the system would 
encode and print the personalized card ready for their initial base health check. 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 8
The initial health check would be used to collect the base data relevant to obesity and general health 
and would include height, weight, Body Mass Index, Body Fat Percentage, Blood pressure and probably 
blood glucose level. 
This base data would be stored with their secure, private data and the information would be used to 
generate an obesity “health index” using algorithms based on recognized matrix charts of “ideal” figures 
for the age, gender and ethnicity of the member. This index would also connect to a “traffic light” 
system so that members who display the most unhealthy indices could be directed to more detailed 
health testing services provided by health professionals in collaboration with FreshStartXX. This would 
provide for an initial “filtering” service that could potentially save the lives of those members who might 
be unaware of their situation and could get help and support. 
The majority of members registering would receive some personalized suggestions for improving their 
“health index” based on strategies for diet, exercise and modest changes in lifestyle habits. Every new 
member would also receive a handbook containing useful links, tips for better personal healthcare 
management and their own secure, private personalized web page which would be regularly updated 
with suggestions and information about local activities and support networks. 
As the membership base grows, mobile applications would be developed to provide a set of 
personalized value added services designed to motivate the member and engage them into a 
community of members with common attributes. 
2. An innovative social contract between citizens and society 
We are entering an era where the world is increasing populated with sensors and tracking devices 
capable of identifying who we are, where we are and what we are doing. This, to many people, is a 
realization of the “Orwellian Big Brother” society in which the rights of the individual citizen to privacy 
and freedom are being sacrificed in the “interests of society”. 
pledges each member private and secure access to their 
personal health data and a growing set of information, technology, tools, 
activities and incentives to better manage health for their personal benefit and 
the collective benefit of all members. 
Each member pledges to share their anonymous health data 
for the benefit of both themselves and their fellow members, to undertake 
periodic health checks and to accept personal responsibility for managing their 
own health and sharing best practices. 
FreshStartXX seeks to establish a new form of social contract between citizens and society in the form of 
a charter designed to protect citizen personal data from abuse whilst offering real value to both the 
citizen and society through the use of big data analytics on anonymous data. 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 9
This innovative social contract will be articulated on the rear of the membership card and also in a more 
detailed form on a certificate of membership which the member will receive and sign when they first 
receive their membership card. 
Sample Certificate 
Expressed simply, the citizen has a right to their own private and secure health data and access to tools 
that enable them to compare their data with peer group averages in exchange for sharing the 
anonymous component of their data with the general population. In this social contract, it is vital that 
FreshStartXX members should not be discriminated against or exploited in any way on the basis of their 
3. An exclusive health club that is open to everyone committed to health improvement 
One of the keys to the success of a FreshStartXX implementation is to make FreshStartXX membership 
as attractive as possible to stimulate demand for membership. In that respect FreshStartXX will be 
positioned as an exclusive health club that is open to everyone who shares the aspiration for better 
health for both themselves and their fellow members. 
FreshStartXX will seek to align itself with other global organisations operating in the personal health 
management sector e.g. “WeighWatchers” 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 10
4. An ecosystem of win-win partnerships enabled by technology and committed to health 
There will be an increasing number of organisations competing in the personal healthcare market place 
as the problems of obesity and lifestyle-related medical conditions become increasingly acute. Each of 
these organisations will of necessity tend to operate within a silo competing against other organisations, 
products and services in the same sector. Alliances between sectors will form in which, for example, a 
corporate organization like a bank might offer discounted wearable technologies to its customers and 
staff as a way of differentiating itself against the competition and in pursuit of healthier staff and 
customers. There are obvious Returns on Investment (ROI) from this strategy in the shape of health cost 
savings and the attraction of new customers and staff. 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 11
FreshStartXX has a different strategy based on a holistic, nation building approach to personal health 
management based on acting as a catalyst or hub of an ecosystem of win-win partnerships between ALL 
organisations and individuals who can make a contribution to personal health management. 
This ecosystem will be facilitated by a network infrastructure of the enabling technologies needed to 
register and track transactions of the FreshStartXX members and reward those members and “Teams” 
who make the most impact on personal health management. 
5. A model for crowd-sourced personal healthcare 
With the growth of cloud computing and big data analytics, crowd sourcing as a technique for 
understanding and leveraging the power of big data and a critical mass of users in order to provide 
personalised services to individuals is becoming more important. 
Crowd-sourced big data techniques used by companies like Amazon and Google are used to suggest 
relevant products and services based on a comparison of your behavior with those who have almost 
identical profiles. 
FreshStartXX will pioneer the use of crowd-sourced data for personal healthcare by using big data 
analytics to identify and develop successful patterns of personal healthcare behavior and offer these 
patterns as personalised suggestions to members with similar profiles. This approach uses Gamification 
techniques to engage and motivate members to make lifestyle changes that are achievable and based 
on reliable behavioural patterns. 
6. A Personalised Health Navigation System 
The use of personalized “health indices” will be a basis for the development of a Personal Health 
Management Navigation system which can use the metaphor of a “SatNav” for our bodies with tools to 
enable us to visualize and choose our target health destination and personal health index and be 
provided with suggestions on how to reach our desired target and guidelines on how long it takes. 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 12
7. A National Competition for Personal Healthcare Improvement 
By structuring member affiliation into “Teams”, FreshStartXX will use Gamification techniques to provide 
incentives and rewards for organisations and communities who make the greatest contribution to 
improving the health indices of their team members. FreshStartXX’s initial recruitment strategy will be 
to focus on the largest and highest profile organisations who can most benefit from improving the 
health of their staff and customers. Obvious targets in this context will be Universities, Banks, Insurance 
Companies, Retail Giants, Media Organisations and Food Manufacturers not only because they can 
benefit greatly from improving the health of their stakeholders, but also because they can influence the 
design of products and services that will have a direct impact on lifestyle choices and options. 
The establishment of a “Premier League” of 20-25 such organisations would provide the opportunity to 
publish weekly league tables of performance of these teams expressed in terms such as “average 
member health index”, total amount of weight lost, average weight loss per member, number of 
members participating in registered health improvement activities such as walks, “healthy meal days” 
As the number of members grows, there would be opportunities to extend these “health leagues” to 
smaller, more local communities with incentives, points and rewards for the best performing teams. 
8. A strong brand with a clear mission for addressing global challenges 
Master Logo 
In making a success of FreshStartXX, it is important to establish a strong brand with a clear identity 
based on the proposition that everyone at some time in their lives wants or needs to make a fresh start. 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 13
The FreshStartXX Mission goes beyond acting as a catalyst and enabler for better personal health 
management and a shift in the responsibility for personal health management towards the citizen. By 
taking a holistic approach to health, environment, education and commerce, FreshStartXX can also 
contribute to addressing other global issues by creating a new model of social innovation with spin-off 
benefits in other areas. 
As an example, FreshStartXX can engage with schools to encourage children to analyse the health 
statistics and the cause and effect of different policies not only as a means of improving their own 
awareness of personal health management but also encouraging an interest in STEM (Science, 
Technology, Engineering & Maths) subjects. 
9. The largest Gamification project in history 
The ambition of FreshStartXX to influence citizen health on a national scale through the use of 
Gamification and Enabling Technologies arguably makes FreshStartXX the largest Gamification project in 
history and a potential research model for other Gamification and Enabling Technology projects 
10. A commercially sustainable social initiative 
One of the problems with social enterprise and publicly funded initiatives designed to stimulate 
enterprise and technological innovations that benefit society is that they often involve a significant 
amount of investment without a realistic model for commercial sustainability. 
FreshStartXX has very clear and measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on health cost 
savings and productivity improvements. Linking these financially measurable benefits to the 
FreshStartXX business revenue model will create a commercially sustainable operation which can share 
and re-invest its profits amongst its members and ecosystem of win-win relationships. 
11. A new organizational model combining traditional hierarchical with new network 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 14
FreshStartXX is an innovation in organizational design through the combination of the best attributes of 
a hierarchical structure (Teams and Leagues) and today’s networked society. The hierarchical nature of 
the incentives and competitions provides inherent motivation whilst the social contract between 
members and society creates a knowledge network that does not have the restrictions of a hierarchy. 
12. A lean and agile start up organization acting as a catalyst for quantum behavioural change 
FreshStart XX will depend on operating a very lean and agile “start-up” organization that grows by 
developing collaborative win-win relationships with “best of breed” partners rather than recruiting its 
own staff. This ensures flexibility, agility and responsiveness to challenges and opportunities and helps 
to strengthen and stimulate the enterprise, innovation and profitability of the ecosystem partners. 
13. An international franchise opportunity 
The strategy for FreshStartXX is to demonstrate success in one country or region and then offer the 
FreshStartXX model as a franchise to other countries and/or regions. 
14. A large scale nation building initiative 
History has shown how nations and communities can rebuild by uniting citizens in a common purpose. 
Recent examples include German unification and South Korea establishment as a leader in technological 
innovation. FreshStartXX can provide an opportunity for the most ambitious and potentially rapid nation 
building exercise in history. 
15. A national programme of personal health management initiatives 
As the FreshStartXX membership grows, it has the potential to act as a catalyst for regular personal 
health management initiatives that can become embodied into daily routines rather than as a series of 
disconnected “one-off” events that have limited sustained effect. 
The FreshStartXX Proof of Success 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 15
FreshStartXX is the outcome of many different life experiences and influences. The technologies which 
are rapidly maturing today are likely to have a massive disruptive effect on society, challenging 
traditional knowledge based disciplines established over centuries. These disruptive changes have 
created the Prosumer Revolution in which everyday citizens can acquire knowledge and skills in short 
timescales whilst the knowledge professionals are challenged daily with keeping pace with change. 
This revolution has already impacted the computer and technology industry where the experiences of 
the regular technology user equip them with knowledge and skills that previously was only found in 
professional computer “experts”. 
The education sector is also going through a transition period in which teachers are being forced to 
become coaches and mentors rather than knowledge disseminators. 
The health sector has only yet seen a partial impact of the prosumer revolution in the form of patients 
using the internet and community groups to better understand, diagnose and treat their conditions but 
the development of wearable lifestyle technologies and smartphone health applications is set to have a 
massive impact starting in 2015. 
FreshStartXX seeks to channel that impact into societal benefits that not only empower citizens but also 
enable the health industry to focus on treating conditions that are not lifestyle related. 
David Wortley FRSA 
Founder and CEO of GAETSS and FreshStartXX 
December 2014 
Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 16

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FreshStartXX - Blueprint for a Revolution in Personal Health Management Shaping Society

  • 1. Blueprint for a Revolution in Personal Health Management shaping the Future of Society By David Wortley FRSA GAETSS Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 1
  • 2. Introduction and Background Perfect Storm of Opportunity Today’s Society faces unprecedented global challenges in areas such as health, education, environment and commerce. Many of these challenges are linked to the impact of technology on modern lifestyles that have resulted in better standards of living, longer lifespans, falling birth rates, increased consumption of natural resources and instant on-demand access to both information and tools to communicate to a global audience. Paradoxically, the rapidly maturing disruptive technologies that have contributed to the global challenges that have to be addressed urgently also have the potential to provide solutions to these problems if applied in ways that balance the needs of citizens and society. This is the background to the FreshStartXX blueprint for personal health management and shaping our Future Society. Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 2
  • 3. One of the characteristics of these maturing technologies is the use of artificial intelligence and enabling technologies to continuously reduce the physical and mental load in our daily lives and routines. Consequently, across the whole world, there is a recognition that issues like obesity will inevitably lead to conditions like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease etc. that will place such a demand on resources that public health services will be unable to cope and the standards of care that we have come to expect in a civilized and developed society will no longer be sustainable for future generations. Therefore there is an urgent need to find solutions to these problems. Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 3
  • 4. The Spectator Society One of the consequences of living in a society with an insatiable demand for empowering technologies is that we have increasing expectations that other people will be responsible for solving these global challenges. We have become a “Spectator Society” that expects and often demands solutions to problems of our own making without accepting any responsibility for our own contribution to those problems. In considering such issues as obesity, we look to lay the blame and the responsibility for providing solutions at the doors of other entities when the truth is that we should bear a collective responsibility for our lifestyle choices and seek to make a personal contribution to turning things around. Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 4
  • 5. Connecting Empowerment and Responsibility Today’s society is arguably the most connected in history but also, paradoxically, the most disconnected. Our power to communicate to and influence a global audience via tools such as social media without either being aware of or bearing responsibility for the consequences of our actions is a dangerous disconnection between power and responsibility. Where will the Solution come from ? If the answer to issues such as obesity lies in influencing lifestyle behaviours, we have to ask who or what in our modern society is going to influence those behaviours – the medical profession, technology providers, lifestyle coaches, politicians, pharmaceutical companies, the food industry, friends or YOU? Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 5
  • 6. A Blueprint for a Revolution in Personal Health Management What is FreshStartXX ? FreshStartXX is an innovative product, infrastructure and set of services with the following attributes :-  A smart loyalty card with incentives for healthy behaviours and improvements in key health indices  An innovative social contract between citizens and society  An exclusive health club that is open to everyone committed to health improvement  An ecosystem of win-win partnerships enabled by technology and committed to health improvement  A model for crowd-sourced personal healthcare  A Personalised Health Navigation System  A National Competition for Personal Healthcare Improvement  A strong brand with a clear mission for addressing global challenges  The largest Gamification project in history  A commercially sustainable social initiative  A new organizational model combining traditional hierarchical with new network structures  A lean and agile start up organization acting as a catalyst for quantum behavioural change  An international franchise opportunity  A large scale nation building initiative  A national programme of personal health management initiatives All of these attributes are described in detail below :- FreshStartXX the Product 1. A smart loyalty card with incentives for healthy behaviours and improvements in key health indices Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 6
  • 7. The loyalty card would use contactless near field communications (NFC) technology to register transactions on a secure and private database. The encrypted smart card would contain unique personal identification data to protect both the individual and FreshStartXX from fraud. The card would also have the capacity to store information relating to credits and account balances. It would operate in a similar way to transport smart cards like London’s Oyster Card or Malaysia’s TouchnGo card and loyalty cards such as the Starbuck’s card in its ability to be “topped-up” with cash amounts to a certain limit. It would also be “vendor independent” like the “Nectar” card and could be used to purchase products and services either at a discount or to collect “reward points” that could be redeemed in similar ways to the “Air Miles” concept. In this instance the card owner is being “loyal” only to themselves and would be incentivized to use the card for health related activities, products and services. The front of the smart loyalty card would contain a group photograph relevant to the host nation with around 20-25 individuals representative of a diversity of ethnic groups and ages. Each individual would be holding a card onto which could be inserted a logo of one of the FreshStartXX “Premier Team” sponsors. The front of the card would be identical for all card holders in any FreshStartXX country. The reverse of the card would contain a recent photograph of the member with their name and a membership id number which would be a combination of “Premier Team” number and their individual number in that team. The reverse would also contain a “Premier Team” logo of the main organization to which the member is affiliated which could be their employer, their university, Government department, bank or insurance company etc. The process for acquiring a membership card is shown below :- Each individual would apply for a card through a secure web site which would provide each member with their own secure and private access to their profile database which would contain identity Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 7
  • 8. information, recent photograph and relevant demographic data such as age, gender, ethnicity, place of birth and place of residence. This data could then be used to enable each member to compare their personal health with that of peer groups such as people of the same age, ethnic origin or community. Once registered on the database, the member would be offered dates and locations where they could have their membership card encoded and printed. This would initially be at the organization (Premier Team) to which they are affiliated. At this location their identity would be verified and the system would encode and print the personalized card ready for their initial base health check. Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 8
  • 9. The initial health check would be used to collect the base data relevant to obesity and general health and would include height, weight, Body Mass Index, Body Fat Percentage, Blood pressure and probably blood glucose level. This base data would be stored with their secure, private data and the information would be used to generate an obesity “health index” using algorithms based on recognized matrix charts of “ideal” figures for the age, gender and ethnicity of the member. This index would also connect to a “traffic light” system so that members who display the most unhealthy indices could be directed to more detailed health testing services provided by health professionals in collaboration with FreshStartXX. This would provide for an initial “filtering” service that could potentially save the lives of those members who might be unaware of their situation and could get help and support. The majority of members registering would receive some personalized suggestions for improving their “health index” based on strategies for diet, exercise and modest changes in lifestyle habits. Every new member would also receive a handbook containing useful links, tips for better personal healthcare management and their own secure, private personalized web page which would be regularly updated with suggestions and information about local activities and support networks. As the membership base grows, mobile applications would be developed to provide a set of personalized value added services designed to motivate the member and engage them into a community of members with common attributes. 2. An innovative social contract between citizens and society We are entering an era where the world is increasing populated with sensors and tracking devices capable of identifying who we are, where we are and what we are doing. This, to many people, is a realization of the “Orwellian Big Brother” society in which the rights of the individual citizen to privacy and freedom are being sacrificed in the “interests of society”. pledges each member private and secure access to their personal health data and a growing set of information, technology, tools, activities and incentives to better manage health for their personal benefit and the collective benefit of all members. Each member pledges to share their anonymous health data for the benefit of both themselves and their fellow members, to undertake periodic health checks and to accept personal responsibility for managing their own health and sharing best practices. FreshStartXX seeks to establish a new form of social contract between citizens and society in the form of a charter designed to protect citizen personal data from abuse whilst offering real value to both the citizen and society through the use of big data analytics on anonymous data. Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 9
  • 10. This innovative social contract will be articulated on the rear of the membership card and also in a more detailed form on a certificate of membership which the member will receive and sign when they first receive their membership card. Sample Certificate Expressed simply, the citizen has a right to their own private and secure health data and access to tools that enable them to compare their data with peer group averages in exchange for sharing the anonymous component of their data with the general population. In this social contract, it is vital that FreshStartXX members should not be discriminated against or exploited in any way on the basis of their data. 3. An exclusive health club that is open to everyone committed to health improvement One of the keys to the success of a FreshStartXX implementation is to make FreshStartXX membership as attractive as possible to stimulate demand for membership. In that respect FreshStartXX will be positioned as an exclusive health club that is open to everyone who shares the aspiration for better health for both themselves and their fellow members. FreshStartXX will seek to align itself with other global organisations operating in the personal health management sector e.g. “WeighWatchers” Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 10
  • 11. 4. An ecosystem of win-win partnerships enabled by technology and committed to health improvement There will be an increasing number of organisations competing in the personal healthcare market place as the problems of obesity and lifestyle-related medical conditions become increasingly acute. Each of these organisations will of necessity tend to operate within a silo competing against other organisations, products and services in the same sector. Alliances between sectors will form in which, for example, a corporate organization like a bank might offer discounted wearable technologies to its customers and staff as a way of differentiating itself against the competition and in pursuit of healthier staff and customers. There are obvious Returns on Investment (ROI) from this strategy in the shape of health cost savings and the attraction of new customers and staff. Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 11
  • 12. FreshStartXX has a different strategy based on a holistic, nation building approach to personal health management based on acting as a catalyst or hub of an ecosystem of win-win partnerships between ALL organisations and individuals who can make a contribution to personal health management. This ecosystem will be facilitated by a network infrastructure of the enabling technologies needed to register and track transactions of the FreshStartXX members and reward those members and “Teams” who make the most impact on personal health management. 5. A model for crowd-sourced personal healthcare With the growth of cloud computing and big data analytics, crowd sourcing as a technique for understanding and leveraging the power of big data and a critical mass of users in order to provide personalised services to individuals is becoming more important. Crowd-sourced big data techniques used by companies like Amazon and Google are used to suggest relevant products and services based on a comparison of your behavior with those who have almost identical profiles. FreshStartXX will pioneer the use of crowd-sourced data for personal healthcare by using big data analytics to identify and develop successful patterns of personal healthcare behavior and offer these patterns as personalised suggestions to members with similar profiles. This approach uses Gamification techniques to engage and motivate members to make lifestyle changes that are achievable and based on reliable behavioural patterns. 6. A Personalised Health Navigation System The use of personalized “health indices” will be a basis for the development of a Personal Health Management Navigation system which can use the metaphor of a “SatNav” for our bodies with tools to enable us to visualize and choose our target health destination and personal health index and be provided with suggestions on how to reach our desired target and guidelines on how long it takes. Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 12
  • 13. 7. A National Competition for Personal Healthcare Improvement By structuring member affiliation into “Teams”, FreshStartXX will use Gamification techniques to provide incentives and rewards for organisations and communities who make the greatest contribution to improving the health indices of their team members. FreshStartXX’s initial recruitment strategy will be to focus on the largest and highest profile organisations who can most benefit from improving the health of their staff and customers. Obvious targets in this context will be Universities, Banks, Insurance Companies, Retail Giants, Media Organisations and Food Manufacturers not only because they can benefit greatly from improving the health of their stakeholders, but also because they can influence the design of products and services that will have a direct impact on lifestyle choices and options. The establishment of a “Premier League” of 20-25 such organisations would provide the opportunity to publish weekly league tables of performance of these teams expressed in terms such as “average member health index”, total amount of weight lost, average weight loss per member, number of members participating in registered health improvement activities such as walks, “healthy meal days” etc. As the number of members grows, there would be opportunities to extend these “health leagues” to smaller, more local communities with incentives, points and rewards for the best performing teams. 8. A strong brand with a clear mission for addressing global challenges Master Logo In making a success of FreshStartXX, it is important to establish a strong brand with a clear identity based on the proposition that everyone at some time in their lives wants or needs to make a fresh start. Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 13
  • 14. The FreshStartXX Mission goes beyond acting as a catalyst and enabler for better personal health management and a shift in the responsibility for personal health management towards the citizen. By taking a holistic approach to health, environment, education and commerce, FreshStartXX can also contribute to addressing other global issues by creating a new model of social innovation with spin-off benefits in other areas. As an example, FreshStartXX can engage with schools to encourage children to analyse the health statistics and the cause and effect of different policies not only as a means of improving their own awareness of personal health management but also encouraging an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) subjects. 9. The largest Gamification project in history The ambition of FreshStartXX to influence citizen health on a national scale through the use of Gamification and Enabling Technologies arguably makes FreshStartXX the largest Gamification project in history and a potential research model for other Gamification and Enabling Technology projects 10. A commercially sustainable social initiative One of the problems with social enterprise and publicly funded initiatives designed to stimulate enterprise and technological innovations that benefit society is that they often involve a significant amount of investment without a realistic model for commercial sustainability. FreshStartXX has very clear and measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on health cost savings and productivity improvements. Linking these financially measurable benefits to the FreshStartXX business revenue model will create a commercially sustainable operation which can share and re-invest its profits amongst its members and ecosystem of win-win relationships. 11. A new organizational model combining traditional hierarchical with new network structures Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 14
  • 15. FreshStartXX is an innovation in organizational design through the combination of the best attributes of a hierarchical structure (Teams and Leagues) and today’s networked society. The hierarchical nature of the incentives and competitions provides inherent motivation whilst the social contract between members and society creates a knowledge network that does not have the restrictions of a hierarchy. 12. A lean and agile start up organization acting as a catalyst for quantum behavioural change FreshStart XX will depend on operating a very lean and agile “start-up” organization that grows by developing collaborative win-win relationships with “best of breed” partners rather than recruiting its own staff. This ensures flexibility, agility and responsiveness to challenges and opportunities and helps to strengthen and stimulate the enterprise, innovation and profitability of the ecosystem partners. 13. An international franchise opportunity The strategy for FreshStartXX is to demonstrate success in one country or region and then offer the FreshStartXX model as a franchise to other countries and/or regions. 14. A large scale nation building initiative History has shown how nations and communities can rebuild by uniting citizens in a common purpose. Recent examples include German unification and South Korea establishment as a leader in technological innovation. FreshStartXX can provide an opportunity for the most ambitious and potentially rapid nation building exercise in history. 15. A national programme of personal health management initiatives As the FreshStartXX membership grows, it has the potential to act as a catalyst for regular personal health management initiatives that can become embodied into daily routines rather than as a series of disconnected “one-off” events that have limited sustained effect. The FreshStartXX Proof of Success Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 15
  • 16. FreshStartXX is the outcome of many different life experiences and influences. The technologies which are rapidly maturing today are likely to have a massive disruptive effect on society, challenging traditional knowledge based disciplines established over centuries. These disruptive changes have created the Prosumer Revolution in which everyday citizens can acquire knowledge and skills in short timescales whilst the knowledge professionals are challenged daily with keeping pace with change. This revolution has already impacted the computer and technology industry where the experiences of the regular technology user equip them with knowledge and skills that previously was only found in professional computer “experts”. The education sector is also going through a transition period in which teachers are being forced to become coaches and mentors rather than knowledge disseminators. The health sector has only yet seen a partial impact of the prosumer revolution in the form of patients using the internet and community groups to better understand, diagnose and treat their conditions but the development of wearable lifestyle technologies and smartphone health applications is set to have a massive impact starting in 2015. FreshStartXX seeks to channel that impact into societal benefits that not only empower citizens but also enable the health industry to focus on treating conditions that are not lifestyle related. David Wortley FRSA Founder and CEO of GAETSS and FreshStartXX December 2014 Copyright David Wortley GAETSS 2014 Page 16