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Forest Is A Natural Resource
Forest is a natural resource, which mostly constitute of huge trees. Forest is a major part of a country. The forestry and wood Industry, considers the
usage of wood because of how rapid wood is being used in construction. Sustainable means to maintain something without losing its value or richness.
Materials are items, which are used for specific things or aid in achieving an idea and also help to facilitate something. "Sustainable forestry means
managing our forest resources to meet the needs we have today without interfering with our future generations' needs"(Green Works). The main
materials obtained from trees are wood, which in Canada are mostly used in constructing more than 80% of a building or structure. Wood is also
widely used all over the world, thus must be controlled to prevent depletion. Adopting a rule, which allows people to cut one tree down and
immediately plant two more to replace it.
Materials from the trees, which are wood, have their uses and specific uses due to their properties. Some examples of forest trees are Mahogany, Oak,
Timber, Douglas fir, Ashes, Maple and Junipers. Most of the trees mentioned above are durable and strong, thus are used in building structures. Due, to
this property from the trees in the forest the building industries decided to use it to construct structures. Wood is financially affordable for construction.
It makes construction faster and easier due, to its versatility. Lumber is made out of the trees when it is felled.
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Deciduous Forest Research Paper
Car horns are honking. Traffics jammed up for a mile. People race past you, shrieking "I'm late! I'm late!" The general population doesn't seem to
even count as a life form! They're too caught up in being late for their next meeting, and fixing up their makeup. I think it's safe to say, the only other
"living life form" anyplace close to you is the withering tulip on your doorstep. You're in London. You're in the deciduous forest. In fact, most people
live in the deciduous forest biome! Chances are you're in one right now... What is a deciduous forest? What's a deciduous forest like? What's it's
climate? What is a deciduous forest? The temperate deciduous forest changes with every season, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Making for a frosty
winter, and a burning hot summer, Humidity from 60 more content...
The Birch tree is in the family of Betulaceae; some Betulaceae members are Alders, Hazels, and Hornbeam trees. The birch tree, likewise, shares
fundamentally the same qualities to the Fagaceae; a group of beech–oak trees. As for adaptations, the birch tree has adapted over time to live in the
coldest most northern atmospheres there are. The birch tree also was the first tree ever to colonize open land after glaciers melt! Unlike our friend
moss, The birch tree is a large source of nourishment for some deciduous woods inhabitants, for instance: carolina chickadees and wild turkeys feast
upon the seeds of stream birch trees; beavers additionally bite on bark; birch tree sap is a part of the ruby–throated hummingbird, squirrels, and
yellow–bellied sapsucker's eating regimen. Seedlings of river birch trees are customary dinners for wild rabbits. In conclusion, Bronze birch borers, a
noteworthy irritation of the birch tree, feed off its insides, in some cases even killing the tree,
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Great Forest National Park Proposal
Conclusion The likelihood of the Great Forest National Park proposal going ahead depends on support based on both the positive and negative
affects of the change. Many who use the area whether it be for recreational or business purposes are against the proposal. This is mainly down to the
fact that it will place strict bans and limitation to the types of activates and the extent to which they can be carried out. For the people who will be
using the park irregularly, the idea of having an eco–tourism area with the possibility of wider exploration is a positive things. For some extra
encouragement, the proposal including the conservation of species such as the Leadbeater's possum and Mountain will further increase is support from
the greenies. The environmental affects of the proposal do extend beyond the current protections orders and restriction for fauna and flora. Although it
will benefit the environment in term of logging and the destruction of habitat from man made factors, however it will not have a positive effect in
terms of reducing the bushfire more content...
For many small towns, a large number of the population rely on work within the forest for income, with jobs in the logging, mining industries and
local. Although the proposal with provide and increase revenue for the state, this is not going to benefit the local who will lose there jobs are a
result of the proposal as well as drawing visitors away from local businesses to park run facilities. Despite this, the proposed National Park will attract
more visitors to the area, with he possibility of increase local
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Forest Conservation
Forests are one of the most important natural resources that have been gifted to mankind for their sustained existence on earth. Without question, they
provide us with huge amounts of tangible and intangible benefits, without which indeed, all life, less to say human life, would fall under the risk of
extinction. Hence, it is vital for us to realize this importance of forest cover, conserve them, and ultimately work towards a sustainable way to
maintain our forests and meet our needs at the same time. In this paper, I have focused initially on the barbaric behavior of us human beings towards
forests, and how they have been and are still being massacred around the globe to meet our ever increasing and limitless more content...
CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION: These two terms are often confused with one another, but they refer to two slightly different concepts.
Preservation of anything is basically keeping it in such manner that it cannot or should not be touched or used. For instance, if a forest is being
preserved it means that it is to be kept untouched and nothing is to be extracted from it. It is to be left to its own accord. On the other hand,
conservation implies more towards a sustained use, or use in a sustainable fashion. As in the example given above, if a forest is declared as conserved,
it means that resources may be extracted in a systematic and accounted way, so as not to compromise the forests ability to replenish itself in terms of
resources, and so that it may continue its intangible functions properly.
SUSTAINABILITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The term refers to the existence and maintenance of a system, on its own accord, over a
period of time, or that a system is able to stand and function by itself for a certain duration. This term then leads on to sustainable development, which
the latest of concepts in development of a nation and its entities. Sustainable development means the development targeted at making resources
available both useful yet sustained, so as no to compromise it for future generations.
The society of American
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Descriptive Essay : A Trip To The Forest
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with my schoolwork or things I have to do. Other times I want to go to a quiet place where I can think clearly.
However, most of the time I just want a quiet place where I can walk for exercise. For me, that place is the forest. Luckily, a person I know owns
forestland that has trails and roads to walk on. Whenever I want to walk, no matter what reason, I know I can go to this forest. Today I am going to
the forest to look at the fall scenery and hopefully see some wildlife. The forest is a calm and peaceful place where you can go to relax and enjoy
nature. At the entrance of the main forest trail, there are bright red, orange, and yellow leaves on the trees. These colorful leaves form a carpet on
the ground as they fall. The carpets of leaves on the ground stand out from the green ferns and bushes that grow all along the trail. As I walk along
the trail, the fallen leaves crunch under my feet. The scent of all the leaves fills the air. Chipmunks are running at the speed of light around the forest
collecting nuts for the winter. If I pay close enough attention, I can even see the chipmunks going underground into their holes. Leaves are rustling as
a breeze blows them around the forest. Birds of various sizes and colors are chirping and singing throughout the forest. In the distance, woodpeckers
are pecking at the trees. The sounds from the birds and leaves add to the tranquil atmosphere. The trail leads to a large clearing that is on the top of a
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The And Of The Forest
In investigation 1, the data points are very clustered from the height of 150cm to the height of 300cm. This makes sense as saplings are defined as
young trees that are taller than 1.35m above the forest floor. So between 150cm and 300cm is most likely average height which would be the majority
of the population. The overall data set of investigation 1 is alot more spread out than the compact data set of investigation 2. On the other hand, in
investigation 2 all the data points are overlapping and in line with the regression line, up to a height of 600cm where there is few data points,
indicating that the majority of saplings taken in this sample are young and planted for regeneration of the forest purposes.
In both cases there is a positive relationship between the two sets of variables. In investigation one, as H of a sapling increases, the DBH tends to
increase. This would make sense because as the sapling grows up, it subsequently grows in diameter because it manufactures new cells around its
circumference which increase the diameter at breast height in order to maintain and support the weight of the growing height. On the graph there
appears to be some unusal feature's where the height of the Sapling is approx 450cm however the DBH of just below 10cm is alot lower than the
other saplings of the sample population that have a height of 450cm. It is possible that some sapling trees, like this one, are alot thinner and taller. This
could be caused by a mutation. However
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Forest Restoration Essay
Many people do not understand the definition of restoration. Restoration of the forest is returning it to its most natural state. However, the forest is not
a single use area; it houses some of the most important recourses on Earth. Furthermore, it generates revenue for more than one industry in the United
States economy. There are two types of restoration, active and passive but, the focus of this paper is to describe some of the most common active
restoration techniques and how it positively influences the environment and economy There are many ways and techniques of restoration some using
heavy machinery and some using no equipment at all. To attain ecological sustainability biological diversity is a necessity (Service) One technique is more content...
To begin the decommission process only the first part of the road is completely obliterated and the rest of the road is left in its current state. The
purpose of this is to minimize the time, labor, and money spend on any particular road since the funding is so minimal (Crawford). Since the forest
is a multiple use area, it is important to know that restoration is site specific and different for each zone. The most effective techniques for campsite
and recreation area restoration is seeding and transplanting (Cole). The techniques designed to improve not only the physical properties but also
the biological and chemical properties of the soil. Once the soil is in prime condition, it is more likely that the treated area will be fertile. For the
entire project to be successful, it is necessary to close the site so that there are no disturbances during the process of restoration. It is often
controversial when a restoration site closes to the public because there are many people using the forest for a variety of reasons. Whether it is a
recreation, endangered species, livestock grazing, or a watershed area to be restored all other, elements must be considered because in they are all
connected in the community. For riparian vegetation recovery to be successful, it is important to remove degrading agents such as humans, goats,
cows, llamas, geese, and invasive plant species; this allows the
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Essay On The Forest
The SBW is one of the most destructive insect defoliators in North America with outbreaks recurring every 30–35 years resulting in tree mortality after
5–6 years of severe defoliation. The MinГЁstere des ForГЄts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) (2014) suggests that two main factors can help to
determine if the forest presents a case of SBW infestation due to the susceptibility of trees and its vulnerability depending on the characteristics of
the tree (e.g. shape, size, color, species, and age) as this living organism is a great threat to the forest due to the severity of damage caused by these
elements and more important, a great quantity of trees could die causing loss of revenues (MinistГЁre des ForГЄts, 2015). The more susceptible trees more content...
These fractions can vary depending the species and age class. The model keeps track of the infested and un–infested hectares separately. Other existing
approach like Levy, Hipel et Kilgour (2000) proposes a multicriteria methodology integrating uncertainty by identifying different alternatives that are
robust to environmental uncertainty using sustainable development indicators such as forest volume, spray area, and harvest area to make and to take
complex decisions using forest management decision policies on SBW populations in Eastern Canada, New Brunswick. For instance, Shoemaker
(1981) discusses the methods for addressing the pest management models are characterized by a) large number of variables; b) stochastic, nonlinear
population dynamics; and c) fixed cost functions. It suggests that Stochastic Optimization is a good approach for dealing with pest problems as well
as dynamic programming but several other optimization methods have also proven useful for random environments as they provide also previous
information. The most exhaustive systems analysis of forest pest management has focused on the SBW, a pest which in recent years has killed
hundreds of thousands of hectares of coniferous trees in eastern Canada and United States. Shoemaker (1981) does not consider the age for the
planning horizon of the model (over a hundred years) analyzing their economic value when harvested because of SBW damage. Others like Hennigar
et al. (2007) optimizes the
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Pascua, Francis Augustus A. ___________________________________________________April 21, 2015
ENG 2 V–4R____________________________________________________________________LRP Draft
The crucial role of the Philippine government on wildlife conservation
Thesis Statement: The Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act (R.A. 9174) of the Philippines should be prioritized and reinstated because
of its failure to serve its purpose in the past, its ability to lessen the rising human–caused extinction rates, and its possible influence in restoring and
promoting action regarding wildlife conservation.
The loss of biodiversity and wildlife is becoming a larger problem every year yet most people disregard it and its consequences. Wildlife plays a big
part in maintaining environmental support to human life––serving as a source of food, contributing to agriculture, aiding in medical research, and many
more. The continued erosion of ecosystem and species diversity threatens the progress to a sustainable society and lessens the chances of stable
environmental conditions in the future. As the effects of human actions become more damaging to the environment and the situation of wildlife
worsens, the government must step up and introduce national policies for more content...
9147 would be enforced properly, Philippine wildlife conservation may become more successful. The policy itself does not require modifications. It is
in the process of following its objectives that begs for reform. The government may start by changing current policies that allow and invite the misuse
of wildlife and other environmental resources. Aside from formulating environmental policies for conservation, the government should also consider
altering policies that motivate citizens to exploit the environment. Such policies are those which promote over–exploitation of forests, damaging
habitats for the purpose of urbanization, and the overuse of natural resources (Reid, Barber & Miller,
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Causes Of Forest Depletion
Forests are the important part of the Earth's ecosystem. 31 percent of earth's land is covered by the forest area (Adams EE, 2012). In context of
Nepal, 40.36% land is covered by the forest (Government of Nepal). A large number of people mostly in the rural part of Nepal are highly dependent
on the various resources of forest such as firewood, timber, litter, fodder and non–timber forest products for their livelihood. Although, it is believed
that invasive species such as Mikania, Lantana and diseases for example wood borer, defoliator are the causes of degradation of forest, this essay will
argue that forest fire and deforestation are the reasons for the depletion of forest in Nepal. Burning fire by people, poachers, grazers and non–timber
forest product collectors and development process activities and the reliance of Nepalese people to natural resources lead towards the depletion of
forest. Next paragraph will define ke
Forest degradation can be defined as physical harm or decrease in quality of resources of forest. (Earth Eclipse, 2017). Forest degradation can results
heavy destruction of trees, unfettered wildlife behavior and damaged biodiversity. In terms of forest fire, Satendra & Kaushik (2014) explained that
uncontrolled and openly scattered fire flames in forest which is generated by natural fuels can be defined as forest fire. Intense fire is dangerous for
both plant and animal life to recover their in normal stage. Additionally, Van
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Persuasive Essay On Deforestation
I take a deep breath, opening my lungs to the fresh air that engulfs me. It appears that I am in a scene that could only be described as a slice of
heaven. As I look around the ground is illuminated by small slivers of sunlight that squeeze their way through the canopy. Luscious greens plastered
everywhere I look, glimpses of color catch my eye. While I close my eyes I can hear the sounds of birds chirping and the noise as squirrels scamper
across the forest floor. However decades of greed and little care for the environment has led to the downfall of the majestic forests, an essential part
of a healthy ecosystem. If we allow our patterns of carelessness to continue, the forests will be damaged beyond repair. Stories such as "The Lorax"
will become more than just childhood fiction. Our damage to the forests is incredibly upsetting considering that they are a necessity of life for both
humans and millions of plant and animal species. Action needs to be taken to at least reduce the amount of forests that we destroy or put more effort
into conservation and afforestation. Take a second before you protest this "tree hugger" mentality to consider the damage from deforestation.
These events call to question how deforestation affect the environment and native species? To fully understand the question, you must first
understand the problem. Deforestation is the removal of trees from a certain area. There are many reasons for deforestation; one of the most popular
excuses is that the land is needed to support livestock or to cultivate crops. However these are on smaller scales, small farms will cut down trees near
them. On a larger scale, logging companies will clear cut areas for timber to sell or to clear land for development. According to Justin Worland of
Time Magazine, people cut down approximately 15 billion trees a year, this has caused the tree population to fall 46% since the beginning of human
civilization. The world's forests cannot continue this pattern of destruction.
Amazon Rainforest
One of the most iconic forests the Amazon Rainforest is taking a major hit from deforestation. "If the Amazon rainforest was a country, it would rank
9th in size."(Amazon Rainforest Facts) Sadly, researchers from NASA have
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Descriptive Essay Of A Forest
The exhilaration of a terrifyingly glorious leap sends ardent shrills down my spine. As I fly through the thick canopy of leafy chlorophyll–filled greens,
I reach out to the sky and the sun smiles back at me. Inhaling the fresh raw air, the earthy petrichor floods my nostrils with an indescribably sprightly
scent; I thank the prolific trees for such a crisp, oxygen abundant delight. Rising adrenaline mixed with high elevations and unbelievable speed is the
perfect recipe for an intense overflow of profound emotions. Exposure to such a breathtaking experience creates a sense of avidity, parallel with
appreciation for its very existence. To literally have my head in the clouds is an infatuation only satisfied here. Breathing in once again, my
surroundings blur and I seem to freeze in time. In this moment, suspended in the forest, I hear a lone bird chip once, twice, but the third is absent. I
search for the origin of the sound but I am moving in slow motion without a clear picture surrounding me. Exhaling, my speed regains full strength
with a powerful breeze howling in my ears and lone bird is joined by a chorus of the forest's inhabitants in harmony. The line feeds through a small
opening in the mother tree's arms. She welcomes me with open arms; her sharp branches leave the memory of her on my skin. The kind wind kisses my
small scrapes, tickling my hairs, causing them to stand tall on my arms. I soar into a breathtaking bright clearing causing my hairs to rest at ease.
The warmth surrounds me like a blanket and a cloud covers the sun, allowing me to fully experience the astonishing serenity. The dull light is
peaceful; it calms me. Somehow I am speeding through the sky but I am more relaxed than I have ever been. This energy is new to me; I am free
to feel any and every emotion I have ever had. The overwhelming feeling urges me to yell. I call to the birds and let my heart overflow with fervor.
Once again, I fill my lungs and exhale with a roar. I am a free bird. It is a dangerous euphoria that seems never ending. When it ends, I know I will be
left with a desperate longing for the refreshing adventure so I simply live in the moment. Letting go of the harness I swing my arms back
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The Pros Of Conserving The Forest
Before its legislation, there were previous attempts at conserving the forest, for example: "[t]he first attempt to establish a more general wilderness
policy by the Forest Service came in 1929 when the agency issued Regulation L–20...primitive conditions would be maintained...however, indicated
that timber, forage, and water resources could still be developed in these areas. This effort was plagued by unclear directives and the lack of support
of many foresters, who favored the use of resources, not their preservation." (Wilderness Act) Additionally, the second attempt was made in 1939,
where a stricter more precise version of the L–20, called U–Regulation were adopted. After the wilderness movement lost momentum around the 30's,
it was revived
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Forest Festival Research Paper
Living in a small southern town in Arkansas with a population barely reaching 2,000, people would think that we live in a place like Radiator
Springs like our friends from outside of town do. They think of Gurdon like a place with nothing to do for fun and nothing around. What they don't
know about us is how much pride and spirit we have as a community and the special events that we have during the year. During the fall we have
things like football games and the county fair to get excited over, not only that though we also have a thing called the Forest Festival. The Forest
Festival is a tradition in our small southern town of Gurdon that happens on the last Saturday of October. It's not a big or extravagant festival but it's
something more content...
Excitement filling the heart and souls of the small town civilians, people across town wake up earlier than they might have planned only for that
special occasion. Living one block away from Main Street I start to see families line up across Main Street with kids dragging their parents telling
them they need to get good spots in order to get the more candy than their friends. I see trucks and floats line up beside my house that will soon go
down main street for all the citizens of Gurdon to see. When the clock hits nine I no longer see kids dragging their parents behind them trying to get
a good spot but I see the beginning of a new experience for kids and families that just moved to the area. As soon as the police lights turn on and the
high school band playing behind it I see a new story to be told, one that we will tell when we grow old. Our kids might not live in the same place
that we grew up in and they might never witness the Forest Festival first hand like we did, they won't get the memories we had. They probably won't
live in a close community like we did growing up. Although it is the same routine every year, it's a new experience to anyone involved. As the parade
comes to a conclusion, the fun has only
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Efforts for Forest Conservation
Today forest loss due to conversion into to other land use has reached a dangerous level. Recent study conducted by the researchers from the
University of Maryland, the State University of New York, Google, the U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Research Center, and South Dakota State
University shows that during 2000–2012, the world forest was lost with approximately 2.3 million square kilometers per year. Particularly in Indonesia,
they said that deforestation rate increases from 10,000 square kilometers in 2000–2003 to 20,000 square kilometers in 2011–2012. As stated by
XXXXX ( ) that forest essentially has role in regulating the water,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. In other word, Forest loss can lead to variety of devastating impacts
such as floods, droughts, and landslides. These trends tend to be more awful in the future unless appropriate actions. This essay will describe the
implication, identify the main causes, and suggest solutions.
The impact of forest conversion involves ecology and humanity. The World Wildlife Foundation indicates that deforestation has negative effects on
biodiversity, the climate, and people. Furthermore, Riesco (2005) said that forest loss can have significant direct and indirect impacts on human health.
In addition, she said that:
"forest loss can contribute directly to the severity of these health problems through disruption of the water cycle and increased soil erosion, as well as
indirectly though very significant – through its effects on
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The Decrease Of Forest Cover And Forest Resources
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries of the world with a population more than 150 million. The rate of population increase is
decreasing in Bangladesh but still it is high enough to create immense pressure on different sectors like agriculture, forestry, economy etc. To fulfill the
demand of increasing population more agricultural lands, buildup areas, settlements, roads and highways are necessary. These development activities
will definitely corroborate the decrease of forest cover and forest resources in Bangladesh. It is evident that global climate is changing and Bangladesh
is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world due to climate change. In the near future temperature will increase, sea level will rise, and
incessant rainfall events will increase in a whole there will be an accentuation of extreme events. These extreme events will affect the forest resources
and biodiversity of Bangladesh. For example only 0.5 meter sea level rise will inundate the whole Sundarbans. So for ensuring habitat and sustainable
environment for the present and future generations of the country amelioration of forest and forest recourses, conservation and identification of
biodiversity and increase of forest cover up to idea limit are necessary. Forest Resources in Bangladesh
Bangladesh lies in the north–eastern part of the South Asia between 20В°34'and 26В°38' North latitude and 88В°01' and 92В°41' East longitude. The
area of the country is 14.757
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Preservation of Forest
Preservation of Forests resources
Several measures have been prescribed for the preservation of the forests. They are as follows:
The trees cut down for timber or other uses, should be matched with planting of more trees, so that, there is no scarcity.
The use of fuel wood and wood charcoal should be discouraged. The conventional sources of energy should be tapped. Biogas should be employed for
cooking, to lessen the consumption of fuel wood.
Modern methods of forest management should be practised. A forest is a very vulnerable asset. The slight neglect or unscientific working can rapidly
deplete and may even annihilate it after which reforesting of the area may not be economically feasible.
The silivicultural practices more content...
Now it has become an integral part of our life. Almost all professionals now take the help of internet to know the latest information in their respective
field of work.
In medical science computer is used very extensively. Computerised machine is used in the hospital to diagnose diseases. It is also used in operation
theatre. In the field of publication computer is very essential. Now the publishers do not use old type and block system in their factory. Computer
compose is used in printing books, journals and leaf–lets within a short time. In fact computer has brought about a revolutionary change in the field of
Since computer is very useful to everybody its availability should be easy and cheap so that people can buy computers very easily. It should be
introduced to all the primary schools in our country and we shall have to prevent its misuse. The present government has taken an initiative to
introduce computer in all the secondary schools by the year 2017. It is really a laudable step.
Dignity of Labour
Labour is the best device through which a man can succeed in life. If a man under goes hard labour, he will surely succeed in life. Labour lies in all
man's achievement. So, labour is dignified in all religion. All labour is sacred and full of dignity. God has given us hands to work with. We should use
them as long as we are strong and able. To know one's work and do
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Importance of Forest Conservation
The birth and growth of human civilization and culture has been very intimately connected with the forests. Forests have had a great influence on
human thought and way of living. For example, the Vedas and Upanishads, the oldest known religious, philosophical and literary monuments of
mankind are the direct products of forest–life in ancient India. The Aranyakas or the Forest Texts form an integral part of these oldest testaments of
human wisdom and philosophy. They are called so because they were both composed and studied in the forest–dwellings. They contain the
contemplation and meditation of the forest seers, hermits and rishis on God and Soul. Many of the Vedic gods are deified forces of nature. They have
been very beautifully more content...
In the light of this policy, the forest related activities are being given a new orientation. These activities include development of waste lands,
reforestation and reclamation, forest settlement, restriction on grazing and supply of other kinds of fuel, elimination of forest contractors, and
discouragement of monoculture practice, etc. The objectives are really laudable but there is no proper and strict implementation of the policy
decisions. Destruction of forests by timber merchants, contractors, and local people, etc., is still going on. Trees are being cut indiscriminately in the
Himalayas, causing floods, soil erosion and salutation of the rivers and canals of the area. Some enlightened people of the area were very much
concerned at these activities of deforestation and so started
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Forest Is A Natural Resource

  • 1. Forest Is A Natural Resource Forest is a natural resource, which mostly constitute of huge trees. Forest is a major part of a country. The forestry and wood Industry, considers the usage of wood because of how rapid wood is being used in construction. Sustainable means to maintain something without losing its value or richness. Materials are items, which are used for specific things or aid in achieving an idea and also help to facilitate something. "Sustainable forestry means managing our forest resources to meet the needs we have today without interfering with our future generations' needs"(Green Works). The main materials obtained from trees are wood, which in Canada are mostly used in constructing more than 80% of a building or structure. Wood is also widely used all over the world, thus must be controlled to prevent depletion. Adopting a rule, which allows people to cut one tree down and immediately plant two more to replace it. Materials from the trees, which are wood, have their uses and specific uses due to their properties. Some examples of forest trees are Mahogany, Oak, Timber, Douglas fir, Ashes, Maple and Junipers. Most of the trees mentioned above are durable and strong, thus are used in building structures. Due, to this property from the trees in the forest the building industries decided to use it to construct structures. Wood is financially affordable for construction. It makes construction faster and easier due, to its versatility. Lumber is made out of the trees when it is felled. Get more content on
  • 2. Deciduous Forest Research Paper Car horns are honking. Traffics jammed up for a mile. People race past you, shrieking "I'm late! I'm late!" The general population doesn't seem to even count as a life form! They're too caught up in being late for their next meeting, and fixing up their makeup. I think it's safe to say, the only other "living life form" anyplace close to you is the withering tulip on your doorstep. You're in London. You're in the deciduous forest. In fact, most people live in the deciduous forest biome! Chances are you're in one right now... What is a deciduous forest? What's a deciduous forest like? What's it's climate? What is a deciduous forest? The temperate deciduous forest changes with every season, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Making for a frosty winter, and a burning hot summer, Humidity from 60 more content... The Birch tree is in the family of Betulaceae; some Betulaceae members are Alders, Hazels, and Hornbeam trees. The birch tree, likewise, shares fundamentally the same qualities to the Fagaceae; a group of beech–oak trees. As for adaptations, the birch tree has adapted over time to live in the coldest most northern atmospheres there are. The birch tree also was the first tree ever to colonize open land after glaciers melt! Unlike our friend moss, The birch tree is a large source of nourishment for some deciduous woods inhabitants, for instance: carolina chickadees and wild turkeys feast upon the seeds of stream birch trees; beavers additionally bite on bark; birch tree sap is a part of the ruby–throated hummingbird, squirrels, and yellow–bellied sapsucker's eating regimen. Seedlings of river birch trees are customary dinners for wild rabbits. In conclusion, Bronze birch borers, a noteworthy irritation of the birch tree, feed off its insides, in some cases even killing the tree, Get more content on
  • 3. Great Forest National Park Proposal Conclusion The likelihood of the Great Forest National Park proposal going ahead depends on support based on both the positive and negative affects of the change. Many who use the area whether it be for recreational or business purposes are against the proposal. This is mainly down to the fact that it will place strict bans and limitation to the types of activates and the extent to which they can be carried out. For the people who will be using the park irregularly, the idea of having an eco–tourism area with the possibility of wider exploration is a positive things. For some extra encouragement, the proposal including the conservation of species such as the Leadbeater's possum and Mountain will further increase is support from the greenies. The environmental affects of the proposal do extend beyond the current protections orders and restriction for fauna and flora. Although it will benefit the environment in term of logging and the destruction of habitat from man made factors, however it will not have a positive effect in terms of reducing the bushfire more content... For many small towns, a large number of the population rely on work within the forest for income, with jobs in the logging, mining industries and local. Although the proposal with provide and increase revenue for the state, this is not going to benefit the local who will lose there jobs are a result of the proposal as well as drawing visitors away from local businesses to park run facilities. Despite this, the proposed National Park will attract more visitors to the area, with he possibility of increase local Get more content on
  • 4. Forest Conservation FOREST CONSERVATION Forests are one of the most important natural resources that have been gifted to mankind for their sustained existence on earth. Without question, they provide us with huge amounts of tangible and intangible benefits, without which indeed, all life, less to say human life, would fall under the risk of extinction. Hence, it is vital for us to realize this importance of forest cover, conserve them, and ultimately work towards a sustainable way to maintain our forests and meet our needs at the same time. In this paper, I have focused initially on the barbaric behavior of us human beings towards forests, and how they have been and are still being massacred around the globe to meet our ever increasing and limitless more content... (Davis). CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION: These two terms are often confused with one another, but they refer to two slightly different concepts. Preservation of anything is basically keeping it in such manner that it cannot or should not be touched or used. For instance, if a forest is being preserved it means that it is to be kept untouched and nothing is to be extracted from it. It is to be left to its own accord. On the other hand, conservation implies more towards a sustained use, or use in a sustainable fashion. As in the example given above, if a forest is declared as conserved, it means that resources may be extracted in a systematic and accounted way, so as not to compromise the forests ability to replenish itself in terms of resources, and so that it may continue its intangible functions properly. SUSTAINABILITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The term refers to the existence and maintenance of a system, on its own accord, over a period of time, or that a system is able to stand and function by itself for a certain duration. This term then leads on to sustainable development, which the latest of concepts in development of a nation and its entities. Sustainable development means the development targeted at making resources available both useful yet sustained, so as no to compromise it for future generations. FOREST MANAGEMENT: The society of American Get more content on
  • 5. Descriptive Essay : A Trip To The Forest Sometimes I get overwhelmed with my schoolwork or things I have to do. Other times I want to go to a quiet place where I can think clearly. However, most of the time I just want a quiet place where I can walk for exercise. For me, that place is the forest. Luckily, a person I know owns forestland that has trails and roads to walk on. Whenever I want to walk, no matter what reason, I know I can go to this forest. Today I am going to the forest to look at the fall scenery and hopefully see some wildlife. The forest is a calm and peaceful place where you can go to relax and enjoy nature. At the entrance of the main forest trail, there are bright red, orange, and yellow leaves on the trees. These colorful leaves form a carpet on the ground as they fall. The carpets of leaves on the ground stand out from the green ferns and bushes that grow all along the trail. As I walk along the trail, the fallen leaves crunch under my feet. The scent of all the leaves fills the air. Chipmunks are running at the speed of light around the forest collecting nuts for the winter. If I pay close enough attention, I can even see the chipmunks going underground into their holes. Leaves are rustling as a breeze blows them around the forest. Birds of various sizes and colors are chirping and singing throughout the forest. In the distance, woodpeckers are pecking at the trees. The sounds from the birds and leaves add to the tranquil atmosphere. The trail leads to a large clearing that is on the top of a Get more content on
  • 6. The And Of The Forest In investigation 1, the data points are very clustered from the height of 150cm to the height of 300cm. This makes sense as saplings are defined as young trees that are taller than 1.35m above the forest floor. So between 150cm and 300cm is most likely average height which would be the majority of the population. The overall data set of investigation 1 is alot more spread out than the compact data set of investigation 2. On the other hand, in investigation 2 all the data points are overlapping and in line with the regression line, up to a height of 600cm where there is few data points, indicating that the majority of saplings taken in this sample are young and planted for regeneration of the forest purposes. In both cases there is a positive relationship between the two sets of variables. In investigation one, as H of a sapling increases, the DBH tends to increase. This would make sense because as the sapling grows up, it subsequently grows in diameter because it manufactures new cells around its circumference which increase the diameter at breast height in order to maintain and support the weight of the growing height. On the graph there appears to be some unusal feature's where the height of the Sapling is approx 450cm however the DBH of just below 10cm is alot lower than the other saplings of the sample population that have a height of 450cm. It is possible that some sapling trees, like this one, are alot thinner and taller. This could be caused by a mutation. However Get more content on
  • 7. Forest Restoration Essay Many people do not understand the definition of restoration. Restoration of the forest is returning it to its most natural state. However, the forest is not a single use area; it houses some of the most important recourses on Earth. Furthermore, it generates revenue for more than one industry in the United States economy. There are two types of restoration, active and passive but, the focus of this paper is to describe some of the most common active restoration techniques and how it positively influences the environment and economy There are many ways and techniques of restoration some using heavy machinery and some using no equipment at all. To attain ecological sustainability biological diversity is a necessity (Service) One technique is more content... To begin the decommission process only the first part of the road is completely obliterated and the rest of the road is left in its current state. The purpose of this is to minimize the time, labor, and money spend on any particular road since the funding is so minimal (Crawford). Since the forest is a multiple use area, it is important to know that restoration is site specific and different for each zone. The most effective techniques for campsite and recreation area restoration is seeding and transplanting (Cole). The techniques designed to improve not only the physical properties but also the biological and chemical properties of the soil. Once the soil is in prime condition, it is more likely that the treated area will be fertile. For the entire project to be successful, it is necessary to close the site so that there are no disturbances during the process of restoration. It is often controversial when a restoration site closes to the public because there are many people using the forest for a variety of reasons. Whether it is a recreation, endangered species, livestock grazing, or a watershed area to be restored all other, elements must be considered because in they are all connected in the community. For riparian vegetation recovery to be successful, it is important to remove degrading agents such as humans, goats, cows, llamas, geese, and invasive plant species; this allows the Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On The Forest The SBW is one of the most destructive insect defoliators in North America with outbreaks recurring every 30–35 years resulting in tree mortality after 5–6 years of severe defoliation. The MinГЁstere des ForГЄts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) (2014) suggests that two main factors can help to determine if the forest presents a case of SBW infestation due to the susceptibility of trees and its vulnerability depending on the characteristics of the tree (e.g. shape, size, color, species, and age) as this living organism is a great threat to the forest due to the severity of damage caused by these elements and more important, a great quantity of trees could die causing loss of revenues (MinistГЁre des ForГЄts, 2015). The more susceptible trees more content... These fractions can vary depending the species and age class. The model keeps track of the infested and un–infested hectares separately. Other existing approach like Levy, Hipel et Kilgour (2000) proposes a multicriteria methodology integrating uncertainty by identifying different alternatives that are robust to environmental uncertainty using sustainable development indicators such as forest volume, spray area, and harvest area to make and to take complex decisions using forest management decision policies on SBW populations in Eastern Canada, New Brunswick. For instance, Shoemaker (1981) discusses the methods for addressing the pest management models are characterized by a) large number of variables; b) stochastic, nonlinear population dynamics; and c) fixed cost functions. It suggests that Stochastic Optimization is a good approach for dealing with pest problems as well as dynamic programming but several other optimization methods have also proven useful for random environments as they provide also previous information. The most exhaustive systems analysis of forest pest management has focused on the SBW, a pest which in recent years has killed hundreds of thousands of hectares of coniferous trees in eastern Canada and United States. Shoemaker (1981) does not consider the age for the planning horizon of the model (over a hundred years) analyzing their economic value when harvested because of SBW damage. Others like Hennigar et al. (2007) optimizes the Get more content on
  • 9. Pascua, Francis Augustus A. ___________________________________________________April 21, 2015 ENG 2 V–4R____________________________________________________________________LRP Draft The crucial role of the Philippine government on wildlife conservation Thesis Statement: The Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act (R.A. 9174) of the Philippines should be prioritized and reinstated because of its failure to serve its purpose in the past, its ability to lessen the rising human–caused extinction rates, and its possible influence in restoring and promoting action regarding wildlife conservation. The loss of biodiversity and wildlife is becoming a larger problem every year yet most people disregard it and its consequences. Wildlife plays a big part in maintaining environmental support to human life––serving as a source of food, contributing to agriculture, aiding in medical research, and many more. The continued erosion of ecosystem and species diversity threatens the progress to a sustainable society and lessens the chances of stable environmental conditions in the future. As the effects of human actions become more damaging to the environment and the situation of wildlife worsens, the government must step up and introduce national policies for more content... 9147 would be enforced properly, Philippine wildlife conservation may become more successful. The policy itself does not require modifications. It is in the process of following its objectives that begs for reform. The government may start by changing current policies that allow and invite the misuse of wildlife and other environmental resources. Aside from formulating environmental policies for conservation, the government should also consider altering policies that motivate citizens to exploit the environment. Such policies are those which promote over–exploitation of forests, damaging habitats for the purpose of urbanization, and the overuse of natural resources (Reid, Barber & Miller, Get more content on
  • 10. Causes Of Forest Depletion Introduction: Forests are the important part of the Earth's ecosystem. 31 percent of earth's land is covered by the forest area (Adams EE, 2012). In context of Nepal, 40.36% land is covered by the forest (Government of Nepal). A large number of people mostly in the rural part of Nepal are highly dependent on the various resources of forest such as firewood, timber, litter, fodder and non–timber forest products for their livelihood. Although, it is believed that invasive species such as Mikania, Lantana and diseases for example wood borer, defoliator are the causes of degradation of forest, this essay will argue that forest fire and deforestation are the reasons for the depletion of forest in Nepal. Burning fire by people, poachers, grazers and non–timber forest product collectors and development process activities and the reliance of Nepalese people to natural resources lead towards the depletion of forest. Next paragraph will define ke Definition Forest degradation can be defined as physical harm or decrease in quality of resources of forest. (Earth Eclipse, 2017). Forest degradation can results heavy destruction of trees, unfettered wildlife behavior and damaged biodiversity. In terms of forest fire, Satendra & Kaushik (2014) explained that uncontrolled and openly scattered fire flames in forest which is generated by natural fuels can be defined as forest fire. Intense fire is dangerous for both plant and animal life to recover their in normal stage. Additionally, Van Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Deforestation I take a deep breath, opening my lungs to the fresh air that engulfs me. It appears that I am in a scene that could only be described as a slice of heaven. As I look around the ground is illuminated by small slivers of sunlight that squeeze their way through the canopy. Luscious greens plastered everywhere I look, glimpses of color catch my eye. While I close my eyes I can hear the sounds of birds chirping and the noise as squirrels scamper across the forest floor. However decades of greed and little care for the environment has led to the downfall of the majestic forests, an essential part of a healthy ecosystem. If we allow our patterns of carelessness to continue, the forests will be damaged beyond repair. Stories such as "The Lorax" will become more than just childhood fiction. Our damage to the forests is incredibly upsetting considering that they are a necessity of life for both humans and millions of plant and animal species. Action needs to be taken to at least reduce the amount of forests that we destroy or put more effort into conservation and afforestation. Take a second before you protest this "tree hugger" mentality to consider the damage from deforestation. These events call to question how deforestation affect the environment and native species? To fully understand the question, you must first understand the problem. Deforestation is the removal of trees from a certain area. There are many reasons for deforestation; one of the most popular excuses is that the land is needed to support livestock or to cultivate crops. However these are on smaller scales, small farms will cut down trees near them. On a larger scale, logging companies will clear cut areas for timber to sell or to clear land for development. According to Justin Worland of Time Magazine, people cut down approximately 15 billion trees a year, this has caused the tree population to fall 46% since the beginning of human civilization. The world's forests cannot continue this pattern of destruction. Amazon Rainforest One of the most iconic forests the Amazon Rainforest is taking a major hit from deforestation. "If the Amazon rainforest was a country, it would rank 9th in size."(Amazon Rainforest Facts) Sadly, researchers from NASA have Get more content on
  • 12. Descriptive Essay Of A Forest The exhilaration of a terrifyingly glorious leap sends ardent shrills down my spine. As I fly through the thick canopy of leafy chlorophyll–filled greens, I reach out to the sky and the sun smiles back at me. Inhaling the fresh raw air, the earthy petrichor floods my nostrils with an indescribably sprightly scent; I thank the prolific trees for such a crisp, oxygen abundant delight. Rising adrenaline mixed with high elevations and unbelievable speed is the perfect recipe for an intense overflow of profound emotions. Exposure to such a breathtaking experience creates a sense of avidity, parallel with appreciation for its very existence. To literally have my head in the clouds is an infatuation only satisfied here. Breathing in once again, my surroundings blur and I seem to freeze in time. In this moment, suspended in the forest, I hear a lone bird chip once, twice, but the third is absent. I search for the origin of the sound but I am moving in slow motion without a clear picture surrounding me. Exhaling, my speed regains full strength with a powerful breeze howling in my ears and lone bird is joined by a chorus of the forest's inhabitants in harmony. The line feeds through a small opening in the mother tree's arms. She welcomes me with open arms; her sharp branches leave the memory of her on my skin. The kind wind kisses my small scrapes, tickling my hairs, causing them to stand tall on my arms. I soar into a breathtaking bright clearing causing my hairs to rest at ease. The warmth surrounds me like a blanket and a cloud covers the sun, allowing me to fully experience the astonishing serenity. The dull light is peaceful; it calms me. Somehow I am speeding through the sky but I am more relaxed than I have ever been. This energy is new to me; I am free to feel any and every emotion I have ever had. The overwhelming feeling urges me to yell. I call to the birds and let my heart overflow with fervor. Once again, I fill my lungs and exhale with a roar. I am a free bird. It is a dangerous euphoria that seems never ending. When it ends, I know I will be left with a desperate longing for the refreshing adventure so I simply live in the moment. Letting go of the harness I swing my arms back Get more content on
  • 13. The Pros Of Conserving The Forest Before its legislation, there were previous attempts at conserving the forest, for example: "[t]he first attempt to establish a more general wilderness policy by the Forest Service came in 1929 when the agency issued Regulation L–20...primitive conditions would be maintained...however, indicated that timber, forage, and water resources could still be developed in these areas. This effort was plagued by unclear directives and the lack of support of many foresters, who favored the use of resources, not their preservation." (Wilderness Act) Additionally, the second attempt was made in 1939, where a stricter more precise version of the L–20, called U–Regulation were adopted. After the wilderness movement lost momentum around the 30's, it was revived Get more content on
  • 14. Forest Festival Research Paper Living in a small southern town in Arkansas with a population barely reaching 2,000, people would think that we live in a place like Radiator Springs like our friends from outside of town do. They think of Gurdon like a place with nothing to do for fun and nothing around. What they don't know about us is how much pride and spirit we have as a community and the special events that we have during the year. During the fall we have things like football games and the county fair to get excited over, not only that though we also have a thing called the Forest Festival. The Forest Festival is a tradition in our small southern town of Gurdon that happens on the last Saturday of October. It's not a big or extravagant festival but it's something more content... Excitement filling the heart and souls of the small town civilians, people across town wake up earlier than they might have planned only for that special occasion. Living one block away from Main Street I start to see families line up across Main Street with kids dragging their parents telling them they need to get good spots in order to get the more candy than their friends. I see trucks and floats line up beside my house that will soon go down main street for all the citizens of Gurdon to see. When the clock hits nine I no longer see kids dragging their parents behind them trying to get a good spot but I see the beginning of a new experience for kids and families that just moved to the area. As soon as the police lights turn on and the high school band playing behind it I see a new story to be told, one that we will tell when we grow old. Our kids might not live in the same place that we grew up in and they might never witness the Forest Festival first hand like we did, they won't get the memories we had. They probably won't live in a close community like we did growing up. Although it is the same routine every year, it's a new experience to anyone involved. As the parade comes to a conclusion, the fun has only Get more content on
  • 15. Efforts for Forest Conservation Today forest loss due to conversion into to other land use has reached a dangerous level. Recent study conducted by the researchers from the University of Maryland, the State University of New York, Google, the U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Research Center, and South Dakota State University shows that during 2000–2012, the world forest was lost with approximately 2.3 million square kilometers per year. Particularly in Indonesia, they said that deforestation rate increases from 10,000 square kilometers in 2000–2003 to 20,000 square kilometers in 2011–2012. As stated by XXXXX ( ) that forest essentially has role in regulating the water,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. In other word, Forest loss can lead to variety of devastating impacts such as floods, droughts, and landslides. These trends tend to be more awful in the future unless appropriate actions. This essay will describe the implication, identify the main causes, and suggest solutions. The impact of forest conversion involves ecology and humanity. The World Wildlife Foundation indicates that deforestation has negative effects on biodiversity, the climate, and people. Furthermore, Riesco (2005) said that forest loss can have significant direct and indirect impacts on human health. In addition, she said that: "forest loss can contribute directly to the severity of these health problems through disruption of the water cycle and increased soil erosion, as well as indirectly though very significant – through its effects on Get more content on
  • 16. The Decrease Of Forest Cover And Forest Resources Introduction Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries of the world with a population more than 150 million. The rate of population increase is decreasing in Bangladesh but still it is high enough to create immense pressure on different sectors like agriculture, forestry, economy etc. To fulfill the demand of increasing population more agricultural lands, buildup areas, settlements, roads and highways are necessary. These development activities will definitely corroborate the decrease of forest cover and forest resources in Bangladesh. It is evident that global climate is changing and Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world due to climate change. In the near future temperature will increase, sea level will rise, and incessant rainfall events will increase in a whole there will be an accentuation of extreme events. These extreme events will affect the forest resources and biodiversity of Bangladesh. For example only 0.5 meter sea level rise will inundate the whole Sundarbans. So for ensuring habitat and sustainable environment for the present and future generations of the country amelioration of forest and forest recourses, conservation and identification of biodiversity and increase of forest cover up to idea limit are necessary. Forest Resources in Bangladesh Bangladesh lies in the north–eastern part of the South Asia between 20В°34'and 26В°38' North latitude and 88В°01' and 92В°41' East longitude. The area of the country is 14.757 Get more content on
  • 17. Preservation of Forest Preservation of Forests resources Several measures have been prescribed for the preservation of the forests. They are as follows: The trees cut down for timber or other uses, should be matched with planting of more trees, so that, there is no scarcity. The use of fuel wood and wood charcoal should be discouraged. The conventional sources of energy should be tapped. Biogas should be employed for cooking, to lessen the consumption of fuel wood. Modern methods of forest management should be practised. A forest is a very vulnerable asset. The slight neglect or unscientific working can rapidly deplete and may even annihilate it after which reforesting of the area may not be economically feasible. The silivicultural practices more content... Now it has become an integral part of our life. Almost all professionals now take the help of internet to know the latest information in their respective field of work. In medical science computer is used very extensively. Computerised machine is used in the hospital to diagnose diseases. It is also used in operation theatre. In the field of publication computer is very essential. Now the publishers do not use old type and block system in their factory. Computer compose is used in printing books, journals and leaf–lets within a short time. In fact computer has brought about a revolutionary change in the field of publication. Since computer is very useful to everybody its availability should be easy and cheap so that people can buy computers very easily. It should be introduced to all the primary schools in our country and we shall have to prevent its misuse. The present government has taken an initiative to introduce computer in all the secondary schools by the year 2017. It is really a laudable step. Dignity of Labour Labour is the best device through which a man can succeed in life. If a man under goes hard labour, he will surely succeed in life. Labour lies in all man's achievement. So, labour is dignified in all religion. All labour is sacred and full of dignity. God has given us hands to work with. We should use them as long as we are strong and able. To know one's work and do
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  • 19. Importance of Forest Conservation The birth and growth of human civilization and culture has been very intimately connected with the forests. Forests have had a great influence on human thought and way of living. For example, the Vedas and Upanishads, the oldest known religious, philosophical and literary monuments of mankind are the direct products of forest–life in ancient India. The Aranyakas or the Forest Texts form an integral part of these oldest testaments of human wisdom and philosophy. They are called so because they were both composed and studied in the forest–dwellings. They contain the contemplation and meditation of the forest seers, hermits and rishis on God and Soul. Many of the Vedic gods are deified forces of nature. They have been very beautifully more content... In the light of this policy, the forest related activities are being given a new orientation. These activities include development of waste lands, reforestation and reclamation, forest settlement, restriction on grazing and supply of other kinds of fuel, elimination of forest contractors, and discouragement of monoculture practice, etc. The objectives are really laudable but there is no proper and strict implementation of the policy decisions. Destruction of forests by timber merchants, contractors, and local people, etc., is still going on. Trees are being cut indiscriminately in the Himalayas, causing floods, soil erosion and salutation of the rivers and canals of the area. Some enlightened people of the area were very much concerned at these activities of deforestation and so started Get more content on