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The Rulebook
Introduction	 2
What are PBeM games?	 2
What kind of PBeM game is Fate of a Nation?	 2
What do you need to play Fate of a Nation?	 2
1. Setting up a new nation	 3
How to set up a new nation	 3
The turn cycle	 3
Turn fees	 3
2. The world of Fate of a Nation	 5
The Races	 5
Dwarf	 5
Ende	 5
Elf	 7
Greenskins	 7
Human	 8
Krant	 8
Mevaro	 9
The Religions	 10
Heritage	 11
World Events	 12
Top Lists	 12
The Map	 12
The Surface	 13
The Netherworld	 15
3. Nation Management	 16
Resources	 16
Your starting position	 16
Nation descriptions	 19
The ruling class	 19
Population	 20
Economy	 21
Research and development	 23
Unnatural forces	 23
4. Company Management	 24
Trade Companies	 24
Company descriptions	 25
Company leaders	 25
Company economy	 26
Company research	 27
Company magic	 27
5. Company Trade	 28
Trade goods	 28
6. Diplomacy	 30
Types of relations between nations	 30
Alliance	 30
Vassal state	 31
Conqueror	 31
7. Game pieces	 32
Armies and Fleets	 32
Unique units	 33
Settlements	 36
Characters	 38
Abilities	 39
8. Movement	 41
Coordinate system	 41
Movement of armies and fleets	 41
Special movement types	 43
9. Combat	 44
Ground combat	 44
Combat example	 46
Naval Combat	 47
Combat example	 48
Contents  1
2011 Norberg Games
Fate of a Nation Rulebook 1.2
Norberg Games was founded in June 2010 by Johan Norberg and Peter Norberg and is located in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Introduction  2
What are PBeM games?
PBeM stands for Play-by-eMail and are of course games that are
played via email. Players receive their game turns through email and
submit their own orders in the same way. PBeM evolved from postal
games (PBM – Play-by-Mail) with the rise of the Internet.What
once consisted of filling paper turn cards and posting them to the
game company have now changed into more advanced order editors
allowing players to have a better overview of their positions.
PBeM differ from online multiplayer games in that players do not
need to be online at the same time to play.With a PBeM, the players
can play whenever they choose since their response need not be
immediate.This is often referred to as turn-based gaming.
The game mechanics allow for a very large number of players in
the same game.As all orders are collected and processed at the same
time it provides simultaneous actions for all players.
What kind of PBeM game is Fate of a Nation?
Fate of a Nation is an open ended fantasy strategy PBeM game.We
will try to describe what these code words mean in regard to Fate of
a Nation:
Open ended – Fate of a Nation is open ended.This, essentially,
means that there is no definite end to the Fate of a Nation world.
Players can choose their own objectives and aims with their position
and interact with other players in a way that fulfil their own goals.
Fate of a Nation is designed with this in mind and a nation must exist
for many years indeed before it starts to near the end of its possible
technological development.
As more players join Fate of a Nation the game world will expand
outwards, each new nation starting a little further away from the
centre and its older positions.This makes sure that nations will
always start in areas with other young nations.There is no limit to
the number of players, or the size of the world, in Fate of a Nation.
Fantasy – Fate of a Nation is set in a fantasy world.There is magic,
a number of strange races, gods and all kinds of monsters roaming
the land.There is a certain lack of space ships though…
Strategy – Fate of a Nation is a strategy game. Each player
starts with a small nation and it’s their task to guide their nation
successfully through wars, alliances and peace.There will be good
years and there will be bad years. How to rise up and meet these
challenges is up to the player of each nation.
PBeM – Fate of a Nation is a PBeM game.An order editor is used
to open result files and create orders for each nation.The turn
around is 1 turn/week.
What do you need to play Fate of a Nation?
To play Fate of a Nation you need a computer with Java installed
(standard on most machines),Adobe Reader to read pdf documents
and an email address.A PayPal account is needed for payment of
turn fees. Players in Sweden can also pay directly to a bankgiro-
1. Setting up a new nation  3
1. Setting up a new nation
How to set up a new nation
To set up a new nation in Fate of a Nation you must have a game
account at Norberg Games.This comes with a unique player id and
a password that will be used for all your result files.To get a game
account, please complete and submit the registration form at or you may contact the gamemaster at
Setting up a new nation is 10€.The first four turn cycles are
included in the setup fee for your nation.
When you have a game account and have put some money into
it it’s time to set up your new nation.This is done in the Fate of a
Nation order creator.This program can be downloaded from
When you have started the order creator click on the order Setup
new nation. Here you need to enter your player id and password.
You will also have to choose your race, religion and heritage as
well as a name for your nation and religion. Consult the Decisions,
decisions,decisions section for more information about these choices.
When you are satisfied with your new nation, press the Save setup
button.A setup file will now be created in the Orders catalogue
(a subfolder to the Fate of a Nation order creator). Email this file to and your nation will be created next
time the game is processed.A player can only set up one nation each
turn cycle.
Decisions, decisions, decisions
There are many important choices that must be made when setting
up a new nation. Here we will discuss them and their importance in
Fate of a Nation.
Player id – Enter your player id, which is the unique id (account
number) that you got when you registered as a Fate of a Nation
Password – Enter the password that you got when you
registered as a Fate of a Nation player. It is case sensitive.
Name your nation – The name of your nation is of highest
importance. It will be the name by which all other nations refer to
your nation.The name of your nation should not be longer than 25
characters and players are advised to put some time into creating a
good name.
Choose your race – When setting up a new nation two choices
are the most important and therefore require extra consideration;
selecting a race and selecting a religion. Of the two selecting a race
is the most important.
Many things depend on the choice of race:
•• Your starting level (Surface or Netherworld)
•• The abilities of your nation
•• Game mechanics – some races are profoundly different from
each other
A player should first of all choose a race that feels right, a race
that sounds fun to play. But it’s also important to choose a race
whose abilities and game play suit the preferred playing style.
Dwarves, for example, are not well suited for the aggressively
expansionistic player but they are well suited for a player that likes
to‘turtle’ and play a slower expansion.
All races have their pros and cons. Choosing a race with abilities
that fit your playing style can be crucial for the survivability of your
young nation.
Choose your religion – Selecting a religion for your nation is
the second most important choice when setting up a new nation.A
religion can either boost the already strong advantages of the race or
remove the weaknesses of another.
Selecting a religion is, just like selecting a race, important and
a player should select a religion that suits the intended playing
style for the nation. If you want your Greenskins to go on a killing
rampage‘There can only be one’ is the ideal choice. But for a
peaceful Greenskin empire builder such a religion would be of very
limited use.
Where race selection is about many things (the feeling of the
game, starting locations, special abilities and more) religion
selection is mainly to boost your playing style. It is possible to
change your religion but at a price... which might just be too high.
Name your religion – All religions have a name; it may be the
name of their god or of the people following the religion. Religion
names should not be longer then 25 characters and players are
recommended to put some time into creating a religion name as it
will be shown to other nations.
Choose your heritage – All nations have a heritage from the
age before civilisation. Some knowledge has been collected by the
people and this will influence the setup of your nation. Starting
technologies, buildings and units depend on the choice of heritage.
This is an important choice, but unlike the others, the effects of
your heritage will decrease as nations become more advanced.
The turn cycle
The turn around in Fate of a Nation is 1 week. Usually, turns are
processed onThursdays.This means that all players must send in
their orders at the latest onWednesday night CET or their orders
will not be processed that cycle. Order files are sent to Missed orders for a nation might not be
critical at all times. But an active nation missing an order deadline
will still have to pay turn fees for that turn, as a new result file will
be sent with the updated situation for that nation.
OnThursdays, the gamemaster will start by downloading all
order files.Then he will proceed and process the turn. New results
will be sent when processing is completed and the gamemaster has
checked the result files.
Turn fees
The turn fee of a nation of Fate of a Nation depends on the size of
the nation. More specifically, the number of populated settlements
decides how large a turn fee the nation will have.A new nation
starts with a capital city and a town (turn fee is 2.5€) and can never
have a turn fee larger than 5€ (excl. optional costs).
1. Setting up a new nation  4
Turn fees in Fate of a Nation
Registering a game account		 Free of charge
Setup of new City state		 Free of charge
Setup of new nation		 10€ (first 4 turns included)
Capital				 2.25€/turn
City				 0.5€/turn
Town				 0.25€/turn
Village				 Free of charge
Trade company			 1€/turn
Additional fees in Fate of a Nation (optional)
Changing nation description	 1€ (1st time incl. in setup)
Creating a unique unit		 1€
Upgrade City state to nation	 10€
Payment of turn fees
Payment of turn fees is done automatically for each nation when
its result files are created. Money is withdrawn from the player
account. If there is no money in the player account no result file will
be created for the nation.
Money can be sent to your player account at Norberg Games
through PayPal ( PayPal transactions to
Norberg Games should be done in Euro.We ask, for administrative
reasons, that you send 30€ minimum.We will charge a 2€
administration fee when we receive smaller amounts.
Our email address for PayPal payments is Peter@FateofaNation.
net. Double-check to make sure this is the correct email address you
use for PayPal payments.
It is important that you, in the message, include your name and
player account ID.
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  5
2. The world of Fate of a Nation
The world of Fate of a Nation is rich and complex, but it’s a young
world.The races have just started to become civilized.Where
before they lived like hunter nomads they are now settling down
and building larger, more permanent, settlements. Some of these
settlements have come to dominate the area around them and
have evolved into city states.The next step in their evolution is
the creation of a proper nation and this is where Fate of a Nation
The Races
Seven races have so far developed a basic grasp of civilization and
have started to settle down in larger communities.Their villages and
cities are spreading on the Surface and in the Netherworld.
The races have until now lived with a bare minimum of contact
with each other.There hasn’t even been any contact between the
different settlements of the same race.A multitude of religions,
beliefs and societies has developed, all of them unique.With
civilization and larger settlements the first conflicts have risen
between the young city states.And with the recent emergence of the
unliving horror, the Ende, it is a dark age indeed.
All races in Fate of a Nation are unique in their abilities and in how
they operate. In this section you will find detailed descriptions of all
races including their strengths and weaknesses.
Races included
Dwarf – Short, stocky bearded humanoids with a long memory.
Ende – Unliving terror who stand alone against the living races
Elf – Long and gracious creatures of the wild nature.They seem to
love their bows.
Greenskins – Hard and dark creatures that prefer living below
ground. Comes in all sizes!
Human – This is what you get when you mix elves and dwarves.
Krant – Small swarming insects that eat everything in their path.
Mevaro – Amphibious reptiles that eat fish and like swimming far
out into the ocean.
Of all the known races dwarves are perhaps the most introvert of
them all.As long as the world outside their borders stays away from
them, they are uninterested in interacting with the other races.Their
ambitions and goals just don’t include the rest of the world.
But don’t be fooled.While a dwarf prefers the chambers and halls
of his own fortress he is not afraid of going into the outside world.
Dwarves adapt easily to the world around them and can live just as
comfortably above ground as below ground.
Dwarves are short, no more than 120–130 centimeters long, and
have a stocky and hard body.The average dwarf is much stronger
than a human and is both quick and agile.Their great stamina helps
them work and travel long periods without rest.They can run for
many hours as well. But with their short legs even the quickest
dwarf is slow by human and elven standards.
Dwarves and stones
Dwarves have a special relationship with stone and rock.Working
with these hard elements suits their mentality and they can bend
stone and rock into shapes and forms no other race can. Dwarves
are also physically suited to working the rock below ground.Their
strength and stamina combined with their short and small bodies
makes them excellent for excavating tunnels and chambers.
As dwarves evolved into a civilized race their settlements became
more advanced. From living more like greenskins in natural caves
and tunnels the dwarves have recently started to shape the rock into
gigantic halls and chambers connected by large and beautiful tunnels
and bridges.All decorated with long tapestries in bright colours
telling stories of the clan’s history.Where greenskin tunnels turn
left and right at random, are of uneven height, and generally make
no sense dwarf tunnels are a masterpiece of architecture.They can
shape the rock as they wish and it shows.
GM note: Dwarves are special in that they are the only race who doesn’t have
any type of cavalry or pike units.They require a special playing style and are not
suited for those who wish to expand quickly.
Preferred level:Surface AND Netherworld
(Dwarf nations start in the Netherworld)
Major Strengths
•• Dwarves are hard as steel and strong as ogres.Their units are
superior in close combat compared to all other races.
•• Dwarven capitals can reach all the way to the Surface. Dwarf
nations have the ability to build a route to the Surface from their
capital.This allows them to quickly expand both below and above
ground if they wish.
•• Their digging and searching for riches of the soil gives them a
bonus to tax income.
•• Their small size and experience for moving in tunnels and
corridors makes them able to move very quickly in small spaces.
Movement in corridors only cost 1 movement point for Dwarf
•• No one has ever seen a riding dwarf and there are reasons for
that.There exists no riding dwarf units making them slow to
expand and explore their surroundings.
•• They are short and stocky and can not handle spears and pikes.
This makes them vulnerable to cavalry attacks when they are
outside their fortified towns and cities.
The Ende is divided in two groups, EndeAndii and Ende Noii, of
which EndeAndii is the more numerous one.
The Ende Noii, or visitors as they also call themselves, are the
dead of any race whose willpower is strong enough to fight the
mighty pull from the Kingdom of Death.They may be dwarves,
greenskins, mevaro, krant and humans. Elves rarely fear the afterlife.
The Ende Noii only consists of first generation unliving souls.
Eventually the pull from the Kingdom of Death will overtake them
and they will resign to their fate as dead. For some the stay as
unliving is a short visit but for those with the strongest willpower
the stay can last hundreds of years.
The Ende Noii bring with them the rivalry of the races and is a
divided faction living separated and full of conflicts.This occupies
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  6
Ripples of fear spread throughout the lines.Veteran
marines from the campaign against the dwarven nation
of Ra-Kesh trembled and took a step backwards.This
was a terror they were unprepared for.
General Duijek, 3rd
Army of the Attorian Empire,
hoped his squad leaders would be able to keep the lines
together. Please don’t let the men break before first
contact.As soon as the fighting started General Duijek
had hopes that his men would find courage in the rhytm
of battle and fight with honour.The Attorian Empire
had as of yet never lost a war or met a foe they couldn’t
defeat but the General feared that this could be the end
of a long line of victories.
Lifting his gaze toward the centre of the enemy lines he
again wondered what magic could bring these creatures
into existence. Orcs filled the flanks of the enemy
army but it was the centre that made him shudder.
The shadowy and shimmering creatures flickered in
and out of existence.Trying to focus on them made his
head hurt.Their strange limbs, grey and bony bodies
wielding weapons that one moment glimmered in the
sun, the other was but a shadow of a shadow.
Could they be killed, he wondered, before he braced
himself for the impact as the two armies clashed in the
middle of the field.
most of their time and they rarely have any larger influence over
Ende politics, affairs and the rest of the society.As their strongest
wish is to continue their life as unliving (i.e. not dead) they also stay
away from interacting with the land of the living.The armies of the
Ende are an affair of the EndeAndii.
They are not grey like the souls in the Kingdom of Death, but neither are they
full of colours like the denizens of the lands of the living.They are bleak, like
something bleached by the sun, with weak colours and one can but imagine how
full of colours they were before they became unliving.
– Benjamin Harve,magician of sixth rank,describes
the Ende Noii at the Attorian Academy of Magic
Few in numbers, the Ende Noii, are the origin of the Ende race.
EndeAndii is their offspring. Even as unliving the Ende Noii live
as the living creatures they once were and in the rare occurrences
when they give birth to a new life it is born as EndeAndii, the
The EndeAndii differs very much from the Ende Noii.Where
the Ende Noii must fight for every breath they take to stay unliving
the EndeAndii are born unliving. It’s natural for them and for them
unliving is real living.The first offspring of the Ende Noii grew and
bred and it was not long before the EndeAndii had passed the Ende
Noii in numbers and influence over the ways of the Ende. Now
around 95% of the Ende race consists of EndeAndii.
The relatively high percentage of Ende Noii is a reflection of the
steadily increasing population in the land of the living as well as the
relatively young age of the EndeAndii faction of the species.
While the Ende Noii remain and stay unliving in the body they
had as living the EndeAndii are a unique species.Their humanoid
bodies resemble the physique of elves and humans. But there are
plenty of differences between the species. Instead of the soft skin of
humans and elves their skin are rough, thick and completely black.
Their nails on both hands and feet’s are different shades of grey.
Their eyes vary from completely white to different shades of light
green and blue.The hair, also rough and thicker than the elven and
human counterpart, is white and most often kept in a long tail.The
hair is similar to dwarf hair.
They are of a similar strength as humans and are as agile as elves.
Their immunity system resembles the immunity system of humans.
Their sight is better in darkness than in light, but they require a light
source to see and in total darkness they are as blind as humans.
Their temperament resembles that of greenskins and dwarves.
They are quick to anger like greenskins and have a long memory like
the dwarves.They are very poor at controlling their feelings.
Their relation with the Greenskins
The EndeAndii does not see themselves as evil (Ende Noii is
another matter). But their world is a different world and from
it they can reach both into the world of the living and into the
Kingdom of Death. But these worlds can also reach back and
the Ende walk a dangerous path in their life as unliving.There
are, however, many things they can’t do in the land of the living.
Interacting with other life forms is very problematic due to their
uncontrollable shifting between the two worlds.Accordingly, they
can’t ride horses or other animals. For the same reason using bows
or crossbows is impossible for them.They are also very poor scouts.
Constructing houses and other physical tasks is also hard. For these
and other reasons they have been forced to recruit and enslave
other races to do their bidding.The Ende quickly encountered the
greenskins down in the caves beneath the earth and it was not long
before they had enslaved the few greenskin tribes around their
settlements. It so happened that the greenskin race was well suited
for that role.
Playing their part to perfection the Ende have managed to make
the enslaved greenskins into loyal servants.They give with one
hand and take with the other and this is a power language that the
greenskins are familiar with from their own tribes and society.The
result is an enslaved greenskin population that see themselves as low
ranking members of the Ende but not as slaves.When the Ende need
units filling special roles they themselves cannot handle they recruit
from their greenskin population as well as mercenaries from nearby
greenskin tribes.They especially need greenskins as cavalry, archers
and scouts but they fill out the ranks of the regular Ende soldiers as
Of course, this means that the often numerous greenskin
population are both well armed and well trained.As long as the
Ende control them with strength the risk of rebellion is small…
Preferred level:Netherworld
Major Strengths
•• Their “shimmer” quality (oscillating between the land of the
living and the Kingdom of Death) gives them a natural ability to
evade hits.This makes it hard for their enemies to damage them.
•• With training they can learn to “capture dead souls” in combat.
This means that when they kill an enemy there is a chance to stop
his soul from reaching the Kingdom of Death and instead recruit
him to their own ranks.
•• An Ende nation can learn “calling the dead” when they set up
new Ende formations. By dragging dead from the Kingdom of
Death they don’t need to use as much of their own population to
fill the ranks.
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  7
Major weaknesses:
•• Their inability to interact with the land of the living forces
them to use greenskins as soldiers for many roles.
•• They have two very strong abilities (capture dead souls and
calling the dead) that must be researched.An Ende nation will
undoubtedly become a backwater nation in regards to civilian
and military technology.
•• All the other races view them as the worst of the worst. No
other race or nation will ever negotiate or ally with an Ende
nation. Ende are not allowed to make peace with other nations.
Elves resemble humans. From a distance it’s impossible to
distinguish between the two races. But a closer look will reveal
certain differences. Elves have a longer and thinner body.They often
reach a length above 2 meters (which is 20–30 centimeters longer
than regular humans).Their ears are pointy and their eyes have a
feline touch.While humans vary from light pink to black skin colour
elves are always very light pink.Their hair is blonde and the general
style is to keep it long and flowing free in the wind.This differs
some between different elves cultures though.
Elves are very agile and dexterous.They can move quickly as the
fox and climb as swiftly as the bear.Their sight is as good as the eagle
and they see in darkness as well as a cat.They are not strong.Their
body is physically weak compared to humans and this make them
very unsuitable for hand to hand combat.
Elves are perhaps the oldest of all the races. But they took a long
time developing enough to start a civilization of their own. Now,
with the dawn of civilizations they have become one of the races that
develop the quickest.
Slow ageing
Ageing is near to non-existent among the elves.They age incredibly
slowly and it is not unheard of elves that have lived for many
hundreds of years.Theoretically an elf can live thousands of years
and still look as a young man.The elves, like all races, very recently
started to settle in towns and cities.This new life will most likely see
many more elves reach very old ages.
Another aspect that increases their life-span is their immunity
system. It’s very rare that an elf gets physically sick.Their bodies
reject most viruses and diseases that can harm other races.
Their relationship to nature
Elves are creatures of the wild nature. Instead of shaping the world
after their own mind they have let the world shape their mind.They
try to become part of the nature, to live in it without changing or
damaging it.
Their respect and near religious awe of the nature and of the
animals living in it have made them welcomed guests, not intruders.
Wild animals are drawn to elf settlements and enjoy the frequent
elven songs.An elven settlement is a place where animals, elves and
trees live together in harmony.
In all decisions an elf would consider the effect on nature and
animals as an important part.This is also true when it comes to their
relations to the other races.
Their relationship to the other races
Other races, especially humans and greenskins, have an attitude
towards the nature and their surroundings that clash with the elven
way of life.This disrespect of what is most precious to the elves
often leads to disagreements and open conflict. Elves distrust both
humans and greenskins.Their relationship to dwarves is often easier.
Dwarves live below ground and are a rock people. Dwarves do
no damage to the nature and this often leads to a strong friendship
between the two people.
Their relationship with the Ende differs from that of the other
races. Elves do not fear death.They live a long life and embrace
the end when it comes. It is very rare that an elf becomes an Ende
Noii. Elves do not fear the Ende like other races do. However, they
loath the Ende anyway.The Ende steal souls and stop them from
reaching the Kingdom of Death, and this is a terrible crime. Elves
of all alignments, good or evil, hate the Ende and will do all in their
power to fight them.
Preferred level:Surface
Major Strengths
•• Elves are quick of mind as well as body.This gives their units
a lower initiative than the other nations allowing them to dictate
the scene of battle.
•• Elves have adapted well to a life in the forests. Movement in
forest, deep forest and forest caves for non-cavalry armies cost 1
movement point less.
•• “Love of bows” – No elf have ever traveled without his bow.All
elf units are equipped with bows and have a ranged combat value.
Elves also do more damage when they hit than other races.
•• Elves have a flexible mind and are naturally curious.This gives
them an advantage in research of new ideas and gadgets.
•• Elves excel as hunters and receive a large food bonus in forest,
deep forest and forest cave sectors.
•• Elves live very long lives and have a very low death rate.
•• Elves are agile and quick but lack physical strength.Their
superiority in ranged combat does not always make up for this
weakness.As a result elf formations are often weak in close
•• Elves receive less food in all non-forest terrain sectors
compared to the other races.
Greenskins, or greyskins as they also are called, are a collective
name for a couple of races living in the caves below the earth.The
most common of these are the Goblins, the Orcs and the Ogres.The
name comes from the colour of their skins which may vary between
different tribes but stay between dark green and various shades of
The dominant race is the Orcs.Their mix of brutal strength and
intelligence/cunning have allowed them to reach a higher rank in
the greenskin society than the weaker but more intelligent Goblins
and the incredibly strong but dumb Ogres.
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  8
The greenskin races live side by side in the same settlements and
although fights (often with deadly outcomes) are common they
often share the same overall goals and follow the sameWarlord.The
Warlord is most often an Orc but in rare circumstances the odd
Goblin chieftain can claim the title ofWarlord.
Greenskin Hierarchy
The greenskin society is a strict hierarchy with the lowest Goblin
mud creepers at the bottom and the OrcWarlord alone in the top;
a pyramid structure with a majority of the population sharing a low
Ranking is primarily based on raw brutal strength with a mix
of intelligence and cunning.AWarlord with only one of these two
attributes will be short lived.
It is possible, and also a common occurrence, to change rank in
the hierarchy.As the system is based on strength and intelligence,
rising in rank often means vicious acts of violence and murder.
This is accepted as the usual way to rise in rank.TheWarlord only
wants the strongest at his side and theWarlord himself is often an
impressively large and strong Orc. In larger and more successful
tribes and nations the OrcWarlord can be as strong as an Ogre and
up to half a meter longer than the average Orc. In these cases the
OrcWarlord is a truly fearsome opponent. In smaller and poorer
tribes theWarlord is more average but also much more short lived
than the giant warriors who lead the larger greenskin nations for
Tattoos are an important aspect of the greenskin society.The tattoos
tell the rank of the greenskin as well as important events that have
given him his rank. For an outsider the tattoos of a tribe or a nation
can be hard or even impossible to decipher but for a member of
the tribe or nation it is as natural to read tattoos as to speak the
common language.
All tattoos are black, not to confuse with the red and white
they paint their bodies with in preparation before a battle.Veteran
greenskins of high rank are often more black than green/grey with
complicated tattoos all over the body.
A greenskin with no tattoos at all is probably a Goblin mud
creeper, the lowest of all the lowest servants who do the latrine
Greenskins believe in higher powers, but the religions differ from
tribe to tribe. One thing all Greenskins have in common is the
zealot albinos. Greenskins without the green or grey pigments are
very rare but play an important role in Greenskin society.When the
first albinos were born they were seen as messengers from God.
They were given religious training and became holy warriors.Albino
warriors are among the craziest and most unpredictable greenskin
units and they are known for their blood thirst and for throwing
themselves mercilessly against enemy formations. More often than
not without regard for their own safety…
Preferred level:Netherworld
Major Strengths
•• Greenskins breed like maggots…Their birth rate and death
rate are higher than that of the other races.This will see their
population increase relatively quickly.
•• Their aggressive nature gives them a good selection of
offensive units.
•• Their aggressive nature makes them unsuitable for defensive
combat.This makes their defensive units poorer than those of
other races.
•• Greenskin nations always have a basic economic and military
corruption in all their settlements except for the capital city.
Humans are the most diverse of all the races. Even though dwarves
are the most adaptable to new environments, their low interest in
the outside world makes them more or less alike. Humans on the
other hand have a flexible mind and are both willing and able to
adapt to new ideas and situations.
Two human nations can be as different from each other as an elf
and a greenskin nation can be. More than any others, the humans
have a tendency to see themselves and their own way of living as
the one choice.This attitude makes conflict between human nations
as common, or even more common as they fight for dominance, as
conflict between human and non-human nations.
Believing in the superiority of their own religion and lifestyle
they often seem fanatical in their quest to change the world and
the nations around them to their own likeness. Humans thrive in
conflict and often take the largest steps forward in their society and
technology when their economy is pushed to its limit by warfare.
GM note: Humans are the ´standard´ race.They have no special strengths or
weaknesses and are suited for most playing styles.
Preferred level:Surface
Major Strengths
Humans are flexible and adapt easily to the situation and their
surroundings.This gives them the most developed list of units of all
the races.
Humans have no known weaknesses.
The Krant is a strange race. Instead of the soft or leathery skin of
the other races they have a chitinous exoskeleton that also supports
their body.They are very diverse in shape and size, with some of the
workers growing as large and strong as a fully grown horse. Most of
the Krant are a lot smaller though and often only reach the abdomen
of a human.They have up to eight legs and arms making them very
agile and apt at using tools.
The Krant lives close to each other in underground mounds.Their
natural telepathic ability enables them to develop the Krant mind as
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  9
He woke to screams.‘Ambush!’ Drawing his
broadsword while rising he spotted Bigfist. Sword in
one hand, torch in the other, he alone held one entrance
against... Bigfist duelled with a huge insect. It reached
him to his abdomen and it carried a curved sword. Its
dark body had six legs and two arms and it seemed
to have big problems parrying Bigfists heavy blows. It
screeched as it fought and he could see more of the
insectoid pressing from behind.
A quick glance showed that the rest of the guards held
the other two entrances against the dark insectoids. It
was a chaos inside the cave with marines and insectoids
fighting. Something jumped at him and he held up his
sword to parry. Insectoids swarmed inside the cave.
Derryl fought back to back with another marine, he
didn’t know who, as he batted at the curved sword to
get an opening. Screams and screeches filled the cave as
man and insectoid clashed together.”
The chronicles of the Fogwalkers,the Attorian 1st Medium
soon as there are more than a few individual Krant.This Krant mind
is intelligence by itself and functions as the overseer of the Krant
society, thus making sure that all duties are performed when needed
by the different castes. Only the strongest of the Krant castes, the
Bredaxx and the leader castes, have enough willpower of their own
to influence the Krant mind.This allows them to govern and control
the aims of individual Krant societies.
Krant souls
A krant soul keeps its strong bond to the Krant mind during the
first minutes after death.The Krant mind are unwilling to let go of
the soul and the dead Krant do not want to leave the warmth of its
fellow Krants.This strange bond between the Krant mind and the
soul gives them a strong protection against the soul stealing Ende.
Ende warriors are known to steal Krant souls as well but far less
frequently than of the other races.
But after these few initial minutes the bond start to decay
between the soul and Krant mind.The pull of the Kingdom of Death
becomes too strong and the soul passes through its gates to the
afterlife. Krant do only in extreme cases turn into Ende Noii.When
it happen it’s always due to some great injustice that have befallen
the Krant mind, not the individual, which gives the Krant strength
enough to stay in the land of the living after death.
The worker caste
The majority of the Krant belong to the worker caste.The worker
caste performs a variety of duties.There are many different classes
of workers. Only a few of them will be mentioned below.
The Bredaxx – These massive and heavy Krant are the equivalent
of the queens in many insectoid societies.Their sole purpose is to
lay eggs for the Krant which can hatch into either new warriors
or workers.An egg can be stored for some time before it starts to
evolve in a specific direction.
The Laraxx – Small beings who take care of the eggs as well as the
Bredaxx. Using their small telepathic ability to direct the eggs into
the right path.
The warrior caste
Although the majority of the Krant consists of different types of
workers the warrior caste is equally important.They are tasked with
hunting for food as well as defending the hive from different threats.
There are several types of warriors.
The Asaluazz – These are specifically bred for defensive combat.
They are stocky, strong but move slowly.Their body is constructed
to stand their ground against enemy charges.Their long spearlike
forward limbs make them fearsome warriors as well.
The Crozz – These are fully fledged attacking drones.They are
extremely aggressive and dangerous.When they stay in the hive
they must be kept separate from all other Krant in the population
as the Crozz have been known to turn on their own in their lust for
The Erdizz – These long and thin insectoids can stand on only
two legs instead of four.This gives them more limbs to handle the
cumbersome bows used by the Krant. Firing arrows is not the ideal
occupation even for the Erdizz but they are fairly good at it.
The Kantazz – Kantazz are small and agile but weak in strength.
Their originally evolved as hunters in the broken caves and forest
caves in the Netherworld.There they learned to fight well in close
quarters and they adapt more to new and unique situations.This
makes them good allround warriors.
TheThorazz – These resemble the giant spiders also inhabiting the
Netherworld. Using 6 legs instead of four for moving they can move
fast over long distances.This only leaves them two limbs for using
tools and weapons but their strength combined with their speed
has made them into fearsome cavalry.They also have a very strong
Preferred level:Netherworld
Major Strengths
•• Krant breed horribly quickly and will outnumber any other
race, even the Greenskins.
•• Their small size makes the food last longer.They receive a
moderate food bonus from all land sectors.
•• Their strong and natural carapace gives all Krant units a small
armour bonus.
•• The insectoid society is not effective and has a poor economy.
The tax income from their population is smaller than the other
•• The insectoid society requires a larger minimum population
for towns and cities.Towns require 300 (250 for other races) and
cities 1200 (1000 for other races).
•• Their small size makes them very poor in ground combat.They
also receive extra damage in the close combat phase when enemy
units strike at them.
•• When Krant lose villages, towns, cities or their capital they
receive far more civilian casualties than the other races.
Origin of the Mevaro
The Mevaro story is a sad one.They do not belong to this world and
they know if.Although the full story is shrouded in mystery and
only hinted at in the legends of ages long past it is known that they
evolved and flourished in another world.The world of Elaint-Torr!
Elaint-Torr, if the legends are true, is the Mevaro paradise.
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  10
The ocean world had a tropical climate and was filled with large
archipelagos.The Mevaro were the dominant species on the world
and they prospered, both socially and technologically. How it comes
that the Mevaro left Elaint-Torr is a mystery. Some legends tell
stories of dark ages and clashes between gods. Of a devastated world
in ashes and a once proud people who in pure desperation did the
most dramatic act to survive.
It was not like this world. But the Mevaro have started to adapt to
their new home.Their rising numbers have allowed them to spread
along the coasts of the major continents. Small but nonetheless
important contact with the other Surface dwellers has influenced
and quickened the Mevaro development into a more stable and
civilized people.
The family
The Mevaro society revolves around the family. During their days as
nomads of the oceans the family was the largest gathering of Mevaro.
Each family lived separate from the others and could become as
large as 100 individuals or more.All sharing a family bond.
Leadership in the family is democratic and all have a say in
important matters. Old, young, male or female make no difference.
All are equal and important in the family.The age of an individual
decide his role in the family.The young often serve as soldiers and
hunters, as they grow older they are allowed to mate and handle
the affairs of their small settlement.The oldest take care of the
education of the young and nursing of the new born.
The main change civilization and contact with the Surface
dwelling species have forced upon the Mevaro is the need to gather
into larger groups, the Ilinth. Ilinth is a family of families.With the
Ilinth the Mevaro started to live in larger settlements like towns and
even cities.
Mevaro physique
The Mevaro is a strange mix of eels and lizards.Their streamlined
long and thin bodies are covered with a sand-coloured reptilian skin.
Their arms and legs are also long and very thin.A strong membrane
between their fingers and toes make them able to propel themselves
forward with ease in water.
Mevaro are amphibious and need both land and water to thrive.
Their bodies have adapted to a life in water but their need to breathe
air and inability to sleep while in water makes them forced to live a
part of their life on land.
They are very dexterous and hold and use tools with both
fingers and toes.This is a huge advantage when they perform tasks
underwater, but on land it’s an ability they can’t make much use of.
When they swim in the seas and oceans they move their bodies like
eels and use their arms and legs to propel themselves forward at
great speed and agility. But their bodies are not well suited for a life
outside the deep waters. On land they can not balance their bodies
on their legs only and must use both arms and legs to crawl. For
short periods they can stand erect but when moving they must crawl
like they lizards they resemble.
As their limbs are long and thin it’s easy to believe they lack
physical strength.An enemy making this assumption is in for a big
surprise.The Mevaro are unnaturally strong.A dwarf would have
trouble when wrestling with a Mevaro. But again, their inability
to make use of their full potential on land makes them into less
fearsome opponents than one could believe.
Preferred level:Surface
Major Strengths
•• Mevaro are natural swimmers and excel at catching fish and
finding tasty lobsters.This allows them to gain food from sea and
ocean sectors without having fish docks. Fish docks, however,
increase the food output to very high levels.
•• Mevaro start with the technology Fishing I.
•• Their amphibious nature allows their armies to swim on sea
and ocean sectors up to three sectors from the coast.
•• Mevaro may develop techniques to build floating cities.
•• Mevaro standard movement is three instead of two, allowing
them to swim faster than other races move on land.
•• Their physique is not suited for hunting and farming on dry
land.They receive less food from all land sectors compared to
the other races.
•• All movement on land cost +1 movement points. Movement
on sea and ocean sectors only cost 1 movement point.
The Religions
Every nation of every race has its own unique beliefs and lifestyle.
These are called religions and represent the greater powers as
well as the lives and acts of the common man within the nation.
The choice of religion, as well as the choice of race, is the most
important decision when creating your nation.The religions give
bonuses on certain aspects of the game and can make two nations of
the same race profoundly different from each other. Gods do exist
in Fate of a Nation.
The religions can be summarized into the below main ideologies.
Cash is king
The main concern of the common man as well as the leaders of your
nation is money. It’s what drives the nation forward.The priests
are also merchants and have a large influence on the treasury.The
nearness of the gods of gold makes your people richer and more
willing to trade and find new ways to increase the wealth.
A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its tax
income.When performing the royal action‘Raise funds’ the nation
gains a bonus.
Protection of the weak
The protectors devote themselves to help and support the weak.As
long as there is a single priest standing in your empire he will try his
outmost to protect and defend the citizens of his religion. By calling
on the protection of the gods he will induce your men into a killing
frenzy when they are attacked.
A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its
defensive combat values and a small bonus to its offensive combat
values.When using the Leader or Heir as general the army will
gain a bonus to its ability to improve the performance of all units
participating in the battle.
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  11
Strength in neutrality
Each nation should stay within the confines of their own borders and
handle their own business in peace. For the religiously devout it is
a sacred belief that you shall not interfere in the business of others.
Staying neutral is the only path to a higher understanding of the
world and ultimately the path into heaven. It is the duty of the holy
ones to assure that neutrality is maintained.
A nation following this religion will have a small bonus to its
offensive and defensive combat values. It will also receive a small
bonus to its tax income, research and food output.
Strength of mind
The powers of the gods are yours to command!The strength of
mental powers comes from the gods and the gods of your empire
have blessed your nation with a natural ability for magic.The priests
as well as the common man have mental powers that surpass those
of the other empires.Trading magic items is common in these
A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to
its magic and a small bonus to tax income and research.When
performing the royal action‘Increase magical strength’ the nation
gains a bonus.
Survival of the strongest
In some societies physical strength and health is valued more than
other abilities.There will be contests, even of the deadly kind, to
compare who is the strongest and who is the best with weapons.
The priests support these contests because they keep the population
strong and devoted to the true gods.These gods also contest each
other and the most suited champion might even be chosen to fight
his god, an extreme honour.
A nation following this religion will have a medium bonus to its
offensive and defensive combat values.When using the Leader or
Heir as general the army will gain a bonus to its ability to improve
the performance of all units participating in the battle.
There can be only one
Something must have gone wrong when your gods created the
world.There are so many other races and nations. It can not be right
and it is your sole duty to remedy the situation.The priests have
worked up hatred toward all the other races and nations. By calling
on the gods of war they induce a wave of hatred that sweep through
the soldiers and population of your nation.
A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its
offensive combat values and a small bonus to its defensive combat
values.When using the Leader or Heir as general the army will
gain a bonus to its ability to improve the performance of all units
participating in the battle.
Wisdom of the ages
The only true and sacred quality is wisdom.The old are honoured
and their lessons are to be heeded.They have experience and know
many things the young can not comprehend. Priests are as much
teachers of knowledge as preachers of the true path.The churches
are as much schools as places for the devout. But having knowledge
is to be devout.
A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to
its research.When performing the royal action‘Searching for
knowledge’ the nation gains a small bonus.
Working the land
Hard work is the only way to reach salvation. By keeping the
population working hard they won’t have the spare time to think
sinful thoughts. In every ceremony priests praise the glory of
working with your hands, of building new houses and farming
the black soil.The lazy are whipped to death to save the rest from
being infected by their disease. By devoting oneself to working it is
possible to reach a higher state of life and reach paradise. Eternal life
comes to those true to themselves.
A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its food
output and a medium bonus to its birth rate.When performing the
royal action‘Cultural influence’ the nation gains a small bonus.
Mysticism (City states)
The people in a city state do not follow a specific religion like that of
a nation.They are divided and the only thing they have in common
is their search for communion with their own deity.This unfocused
religious devotion fails to draw the attention to your people by any
of the larger powers.Your people are not blessed by any gods.They
stand alone.
All nations have a history of the time before their development from
hunters and gatherers to becoming city dwellers.The people have
gathered much wisdom and knowledge which is brought with them
to their new towns and cities.This is called a nation’s heritage. City
states cannot select a heritage.The time between their creation and
upgrade to a regular nation will constitute their heritage.
The options of heritages are described below.
The people in the region have a strong tradition of telling stories,
singing and playing music. Children are taught the value of
knowledge from an early age and a basic economical system has
matured in the small villages in the region.The archaeologists of
later eras will claim that the region had a well developed culture for
its time.
Nations with this heritage will start with three technologies in
the sociological technology tree, allowing them to build centres of
knowledge and marketplaces.They will start with a learning circle
in both the capital and town.
The Neolithic/Mushitic revolution have already arrived in this
region.The people have learned advanced methods of farming the
plains on the Surface and the large open caves in the Netherworld.
Nations with this heritage will start with technologies allowing
them to improve the terrain around their capital and town.They
have also learned the art of fishing.Their capital and town start with
a food generating building and one extra worker unit.
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  12
The people in the region have a good general understanding of
the world and the life around them.They can work with stone and
wood, and some even know the art of making metal tools.
Nations with this heritage will start with three of the basic
technologies.They have also learned how to store food and their
starting settlements already have drying huts.This is a good base for
continued research and gives the young nation plenty of options on
how to develop in the future.
This people lives by the coast and has learned the art of fishing and
building simple galleys.Without the organisation of a nation they
have never been able to make good use of this knowledge, but now
they are ready to explore the world around them.
Nations with this heritage start with the technology needed
to build galleys and its pre-requisites.A shipyard must still be
built before the first galleys can be constructed.This heritage will
guarantee a coastal setup but is of lesser value measured in research
points compared to the other heritages.
The constant threat of monsters and bandits have taught the people
a hard lesson.A lesson of violence and how to defend themselves
against it.They have learned how to build palisades around their
small cluster of buildings and have swapped their clubs for spears.
Nations with this heritage start with the technologies needed
to build barracks, palisades and a good defensive unit. Both their
capital and town have a palisade to improve the defences and the
capital also has a barracks.
World Events]
Many events occurring in Fate of a Nation cause rumours to spread to
distant corners of the world.The larger the event, the further away
the rumour will spread.All nations can pick up rumours from other
nations.The chance that your nation hears a rumour depends on
the type of rumour and how far away your nation is from where the
event occurred.
Top Lists
Each week a top list is generated for each populated continent in the
game.The top list has the following categories:
Largest population –This is the total civilian population, i.e.
worker and military personnel is not included.
Largest capital –This is the population in the capital of the nation.
Largest non-capital settlement –This is the population of the
largest settlements in the nation, excl. the capital.A nation can have
multiple entries in this category.
Largest number of settlements –This is the sum of the number
of villages, towns, cities and capitals a nation has in its control.
Largest number of fortresses –This is the sum of all
watchtowers, castles, citadels and monasteries a nation has in its
Largest treasury –This is the total wealth of a nation.
Most completed technologies –This is the total number of
completed technologies in a nation. It does not take the effort
required to develop the technology into account.
Largest standing army –This is the total sum of all military
personnel in control of your nation.
Most expensive army –This category checks the total of all
wages paid for your military units.
Largest workforce –This is the total of all workers and settlers in
your nation.
Largest fleet –This is the combined structure of your nation.
Most explored sectors –This is the total of all known sectors,
both Surface and Netherworld, which your nation has explored.
Please take note that all categories are relative.A Krant nation,
for example, has easier to reach a top position on the‘Largest
population’ than it has on‘Largest treasury’. For a Dwarf nation,
with their high tax income and lower population growth, it’s the
The Map
The map consists of two‘levels’. One is called the Surface and the
other the Netherworld.The Surface is the land beneath the sky
of infinity.With forests, plains, oceans and large seas, it is wide
open and ripe with opportunity.The Netherworld is the land far
below the Surface, deep beneath the ground.With dark caves,
underground forests and creepy tunnels it’s rather different from the
easy life up above.
Travel between the Surface and Netherworld is possible. Cave
openings allow the adventurous to walk the long and dark tunnels
that connect the two levels.
The world of Fate of a Nation is rich and has a lush growth of
vegetation.The warm summer is long and the winter is relatively
short.The year is divided in 16 cycles, or months. Each month
consists of 1 turn. Each year starts with winter and ends with
Winter – Winter is 4 turns long. It starts with‘early winter’, 	
	 continues with two months of regular winter and ends 	
	 with‘late winter’.
Spring – Spring is short, only 2 turns.These are‘early spring’ and 	
Summer – Summer is 8 turns long. It starts with‘early summer’, 	
	 continues with 6 turns of regular summer and ends with 	
	 ‘late summer’.
Autumn – Autumn is, like spring, no more than 2 turns long. 	
	 These are‘autumn’ followed by‘late autumn’.
The current season affects some aspects of the game (details can be
found in their respective sections):
Food output – A settlement will not generate any food during
the winter season. Food must be stored in order for the citizens to
survive through the harsh winter.
1. Chapter
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  13
Ground combat – There is a large difference between
attacking through heaps of snow compared to fighting on dry soil
during summer. No sane military leader launches his attacks during
Population increase – The birth rate depends on the weather
and food supply in your settlements. During the colder periods of
the year the birth rate in your settlements will be lower than during
the warmer periods of the year.
Sector trade – The sector trade depends a lot on season. Sector
trade is most intense during the summer and least intense during
the winter. It builds up in spring and in autumn most trade starts to
decrease as the weather and climate gets worse.
Weather – The two extreme weather types, thunder storms and
calm, also depend on the season. For example, thunder storms are
very rare during summer and calm is very rare during winter.
The weather and climate on the Surface is reflected in
the Netherworld (see The Netherworld, page 14).This means
that seasonal variations occur both on the Surface and in the
The 4 terrain groups
All the different terrain types mentioned below is further divided
into four main groups of terrain.These are open, forest, hills and
Open consists of Desert, Oasis, Ocean, Open Cave, Plains and
Sea. Forest consists of Deep Forest, Forest, Forest Cave, Forest
Swamp and Swamp. Hills consist of Broken Cave, Broken Ground
and Hills. Corridors consist of TinyTunnelled Corridors and
Tunnelled Corridors.
The Surface]
The Surface of the world is green and filled with wildlife. Large
forests and mountain chains cut through the wide plains. Most of
the land is ripe and food is plentiful, except for the few deserts in
the warmer areas.
The land is divided into large continents and islands with deep
oceans allowing for the adventurous to travel far away into the
unknown.With the right winds a ship can travel fast indeed.
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  14
Wetlands filled with buzzing insects and small brightly
coloured frogs.They are often located at the mouths of large
rivers. It is hard travelling through swamps.
Movement cost: 3 	 Defence Bonus: Medium
Basic food output: 25 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
The larger seas can stretch over vast areas and are filled with
tasty fishes and sometimes even the odd monster. Strong winds
can build up and these have effect on the movement cost of
Movement cost: 1–2 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: Special 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
The large plains can spread over immense areas.The main
vegetation is long grass with small forests spread out. Plains
have a soil suited for farming and if the wild horses could be
tamed one would be able to travel fast indeed.
Movement cost: 1 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: 80 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
The oceans on the surface stretch far and wide, connecting all
islands and continents. Strong winds, sometimes even thunder
storms, can build up and these have an effect on the movement
cost of fleets. But for the nations who can handle these the
opportunities are limitless.
Movement cost: 1–2 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: Special 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
Spread through out the hills are larger mountain peaks but
for most part this is a rolling landscape filled with hardy grass
and small trees.The soil is not suited for farming but there are
plenty of sheep and goats living in the hills.
Movement cost: 2 	 Defence Bonus: Medium
Basic food output: 40 	 Sector trade: 3 gold
Description: Deep in the deserts large oasises can be found.
These are areas where the ground water is higher than usual
and this makes them green areas surrounded by the dead
deserts.The oasis is very rich in vegetation and has the highest
food output of all terrains.
Movement cost: 1 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: 125 	 Sector trade: 5 gold
High Mountains
With peaks reaching several kilometres in height these
impenetrable mountains dominate the skyline.The highest
peaks are white with snow even on the warmest summer days.
Large eagles can be seen among the peaks.There is no way an
army would be able to travel through these mountains.
Movement cost: Impossible 	 Defence Bonus: Impossible
Basic food output: 0 	 Sector trade: 10 gold
Forest Swamp
Forest Swamps are wetlands filled with buzzing insects, small
brightly colored frogs and masses of trees.They have a very
rich bird life and are often located at the mouths of large
rivers.They are even harder to travel through than regular
Movement cost: 4 	 Defence Bonus: High
Basic food output: 25 	 Sector trade: 5 gold
The lush forest is green and beautiful.A multitude of trees live
here, together with deer and other animals.Among the largest
predators are wolves and bears but they are secretive and stay
hidden from travelers.
Movement cost: 2 	 Defence Bonus: Medium
Basic food output: 40 	 Sector trade: 3 gold
A hot and dusty sterile landscape which is even worse than
broken ground.This is not a place to live or travel.
Movement cost: 1 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: 0 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
Deep forest
A scary place...The high treetops fill the sky and make the
ground dark. It is a long time since the sun touched the ground
here. Large wolves and bears hunt here and only the elves feel
comfortable among the trees.
Movement cost: 3 	 Defence Bonus:Very High
Basic food output: 50 	 Sector trade: 10 gold
Cave Opening
A dark hole to the Netherworld.An army can, by issuing
movement code 0, enter the cave opening and travel
kilometres down into the netherworld.
Settlements cannot be constructed on cave openings.
Movement cost: 1 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: 0 	 Sector trade: 10 gold
Broken Ground
A mix of plains, forest and hills.The terrain is fairly even, but
broken up by ravines, small hills and forests. It is harder to
travel on broken ground. However, there are large herds of
horses and if these could be tamed and put to use it should
make movement easier.
Movement cost: 2 	 Defence Bonus: Small
Basic food output: 25 	 Sector trade: 3 gold
The terrain types of the Surface in alphabetical order
A purple star at the upper right corner indicates that the
terrain has been improved (see the section Feeding your
population,Chapter 3.Nation Management, page 20).
2. The world of Fate of a Nation  15
Tunnelled Corridors
Areas below ground that are hard to pass through. One or two
caves large enough to rest in might be found but otherwise
these lifeless tunnels range from small corridors to open halls.
Crawling is a common way to travel while passing through this
Movement cost: 3 	 Defence Bonus: Medium
Basic food output: 0 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
TinyTunnelled Corridors
Areas below ground that are hard to pass through. One or two
caves large enough to rest in might be found but otherwise
these lifeless tunnels range from small corridors to open halls.
Crawling is a common way of travelling while passing through
this terrain...Your wise men are discussing the possibility of
widening some of the corridors to make them easier to cross.
Movement cost: 4 	 Defence Bonus:Very High
Basic food output: 0 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
Solid Rock
At some places the rock is harder and more solid than usual.
No routes can be found to pass through directly and your men
must take the longer route and walk around them.
Movement cost: Impossible 	 Defence Bonus: Impossible
Basic food output: 0 	 Sector trade: 5 gold
Soft Rock
Similar to Solid Rock in that they can’t be traversed at all.
Units must walk around these areas below ground or head
back to where they come from. Perhaps it will be possible to
construct your own tunnels through the soft rock when the
right tools can be made?
Movement cost: Impossible 	 Defence Bonus: Impossible
Basic food output: 0 	 Sector trade: 10 gold
The seas below ground are deep and filled with black water.
Swimming is not recommended, for who knows what lies in
these troubled waters. Strong winds can build up and these
have effect on the movement cost of fleets.
Movement cost: 1–2 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: Special 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
Open cave
Large caves with an abundance of mushrooms and other edible
vegetables. Small amounts of insects and rodents also live
inside these caves. Except for underground seas these types of
caves are the most suitable for finding food and an area rich in
open caves is valuable indeed.
Movement cost: 1 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: 88 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
The oceans below ground are not as wide and open as the
oceans on the surface. In the netherworld they more resemble
huge rivers cutting through the hard rock. Strong winds can
build up and these have effect on the movement cost of fleets.
Movement cost: 1–2 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: Special 	 Sector trade: 0 gold
Forest Cave
A few species of short and stubby trees have evolved and
adapted to life without light. Forest caves are large open
caves where the mushrooms have surrendered to the trees.A
variety of wild animals live here, from harmless rodents to the
dangerous giant spiders.
Movement cost: 2 	 Defence Bonus: Medium
Basic food output: 44 	 Sector trade: 3 gold
Cave Opening
A dark tunnel leading up to the surface.An army can, by
issuing movement code 0, enter the cave opening and travel
kilometres up to the land beneath the sky of infinity.
Settlements can not be constructed on cave openings.
Movement cost: 1 	 Defence Bonus: None
Basic food output: 0 	 Sector trade: 10 gold
Broken Cave
Just like the open caves, the broken caves are large areas below
ground.The ground is uneven with large rocks, deep holes
and stalagmites everywhere.At first glance they might look
lifeless but a variety of life forms ranging from moss to giant
spiders makes a home there. Some food can be found, but the
best use of these areas is from the large animals that might be
domesticated and used to pull wagons or ride on.
Movement cost: 2 	 Defence Bonus: Small
Basic food output: 28 	 Sector trade: 3 gold
The Netherworld
The Netherworld is very different from the Surface. In the
Netherworld space is more limited.There are great systems of
enormous caves, kilometres wide, connected by long dark tunnels.
The limited light in the caves makes it hard for anything but
mushrooms to grow. Luckily, these are edible! Still, small trees have
evolved and grown into forests in some caves, becoming homes for
giant spiders and other hungry creatures.A rich variety of wildlife
can be found in these areas of the Netherworld.
Large rivers cut through the Netherworld, dividing the space even
more but also allowing for travel by boat between caves.
Seasons in the Netherworld
The ecology in the Netherworld is a delicate one. It depends a lot on
the climate on the Surface and the circulation of water between the
Surface and the Netherworld.
Most of the energy and nutrients that reach the Netherworld
comes through the cave openings and the circulation of water
between the Surface and Netherworld. During summer this is
barely enough for the crops and food for the livestock around the
settlements.Another very important mechanism that drives the
ecology in the Netherworld is the winter flooding. During the
winter large amounts of cold water reach the Netherworld and
flood all caves close to any of the rivers.This flooding replenishes
much of the soil, allowing for new growth during the summer.The
wise men are unsure, but believe the winter flooding depends on the
moons and the position of the stars.
This means that the weather and climate on the Surface is
reflected in the Netherworld.
The terrain types in alphabetical order
3. Nation Management  16
Capital Attoria Capital (23) details:
--> Location: On surface sector (0,0) on terrain Plains.
--> Population: 5000.
--> Food production: 10000 (Stored food: 25000, 30% are stored each turn).
--> Corruption: 0%.
--> Buildings: No buildings have been constructed yet.
--> Characters: Leader (1).
--> Garrison: Capital Guard (1),Worker (3), Capital Scout (4).
TownAttoriaTown (24) details:
--> Location: On surface sector (3,5) on terrain Plains.
--> Population: 500.
--> Food production: 2268 (Stored food: 2500, 30% are stored each turn).
--> Corruption: 0.
--> Buildings: No buildings have been constructed yet.
--> Characters: No characters are living here.
--> Garrison:Town Guard (2),Town Scout (5).
--> Fleets in harbour: No fleets have been stationed here.
3. Nation Management
Managing a small nation might not be an extensive task, but as
settlers move out to build new settlements and your armies grow it
will become harder and harder to decide how and what to focus on.
The number of buildings is limited in your settlements but soon the
number of wanted buildings will be far too many.What technologies
are most needed?And how many combat units can I have in a
standing army when each drafted soldier decrease the tax income?
There are only a few resources in Fate of a Nation. But they are all
important to the progress of your nation.
Population –The civilian population in your settlements.
Food – Collected by your settlements and important for your 	
population growth.
Gold – Comes mainly from taxes paid by your population and is 	
needed to pay unit wages and 	building maintenance, among others.
Research points – The size of your settlements decide how many
research points they generate.
Magic points – Settlements with magic buildings generate 	
magic points that can be used to throw spell against other nations.
Trade goods – Trade goods are generated by towns and cities.	
Trade companies use these for trade between settlements and
These resources all depend on each other. Food decides how large
a population your settlements can reach, your population pays taxes
and so on...
Your starting position
The home of your people
All nations start with two settlements, the capital city and a smaller
town. See below for example.
The capital city of the example has a population of 5000 citizens
and a garrison consisting of three armies (see The first armies, page
16) while the town has a population of 500 citizens and a garrison
of two armies.A leader character is also located in the capital. No
buildings has been constructed in either of the settlements. Both
settlements have large food stores.The amount of stored food at the
start depends on what time of the year the nation is set up.
All nations have their own coordinate system.Your capital city, i.e.
your starting location, will always be the centre of your nation and
will be located at sector (0,0).
All starting nations have access to building four different types of
structures in the capital.
Tithe Collectors
It is strange how the loyalty among the population increases just by
hiring a few thugs to help collect taxes.These tough men knock on
doors, visit farms and generally make themselves very unliked in
their quest to make all pay their due.
Gathering of Hunters
A gathering of hunters work for the settlement and hunt game in
the sectors surrounding the settlement.They will gather food for
approximately 500	 civilians each cycle.
Witch Doctor Hut
The price for keeping witch doctors in a settlement is high but they
improve the health and fertility of the population, thus increasing
the population growth.
Council of wise men
Bringing all the wise men in a settlement together is more often
1. Chapter
3. Nation Management  17
Here follows one example of an early unit for each race.This will give you an
indication of the differences between some of the races.
Elf unit Hunter – UnlikeWood Guides which consists of drafted elves from the
settlements and the regions around it the Hunter unit is a force of drafted hunters.
Although they aren’t trained in combat they have more experience with weapons and
bows.They know how to move stealthily and can hunt men as well as beasts.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 10/10/3
--> Combat ability Forest: 14/14/4
--> Combat ability Hills: 10/10/3
--> Combat ability Corridors: 10/10/3
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Melee
Ende unit Phase Guard – The Ende, unable to interact with many parts of the
real world, are only able to field two types of military units,The Guard and the
Strike.The Guard is trained and equipped for defensive combat and works best
when defending behind city walls. Guard units carry a shield and some type of melee
weapon, most often swords or axes. But they carry no armour.The fear they inspire
into all their enemies make them fairly good at offensive combat as well.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 12/20/0
--> Combat ability Forest: 12/20/0
--> Combat ability Hills: 12/20/0
--> Combat ability Corridors: 12/20/0
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Unliving
than not a wise move.Together they give a small increase to the
research rate of the 	settlement.
Dwarves also have the choice of building a cave opening to the
Surface.The four starting buildings are not very effective and your
nation will soon have access to more effective and more valuable
buildings. But all settlements have a limit to how many buildings
they can have.Your capital can have 12 buildings and it will be hard
for a nation to fill his capital with buildings early in the game.
The first armies
You start with three armies in your capital and two in your town.
Army Capital Guard (1) is located at (0,0) on the Surface. Movement = 2,
initiative = 3, sight = 1, number of units = 1, total wages = 150.
--> Guard I (1, Green Militia), the unit has full strength.
ArmyTown Guard (2) is located at (3,5) on the Surface. Movement = 2,
initiative = 3, sight = 1, number of units = 1, total wages = 150.
--> Guard II (2, Green Militia), the unit has full strength.
ArmyWorker (3) is located at (0,0) on the Surface. Movement = 3, initiative =
3, sight = 1, number of units = 1, total wages = 60.
-->Worker (3, GreenWorker), the unit has full strength.
Army Capital Scout (4) is located at (0,0) on the Surface. Movement = 2,
initiative = 2, sight = 2, number of units = 1, total wages = 150.
--> Scout I (4, Green Scout), the unit has full strength.
ArmyTown Scout (5) is located at (3,5) on the Surface. Movement = 2,
initiative = 2, sight = 2, number of units = 1, total wages = 150.
--> Scout II (5, Green Scout), the unit has full strength.
These armies represent the small troop of armed men, scouts and
workers that constitute your nation at the beginning of the game.
Army and Fleet Ids are unique only within the nation thus all nations
can have armies with the same Ids. Unit and ship Ids are unique to
the game meaning no units can have the same Id as another unit in
the game.
Militia (races have different names for their starting units) is the
most primitive and basic military unit.They are untrained in combat
and have little or no weapons.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 12/12/0
--> Combat ability Forest: 12/12/0
--> Combat ability Hills: 12/12/0
--> Combat ability Corridors: 12/12/0
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Start
There are racial differences between the different races’ versions
of the Militia. For example, ElvenWood Guides have poor ranged
ability and Krant Kantazz have some armour and is only 95 gold in
weekly wages.
Scout (races have different names for their starting units) are
lightly equipped and their legs are their most important assets.Their
range is greater than normal units and have a better sight value.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 2/7/1
--> Combat ability Forest: 2/7/1
--> Combat ability Hills: 2/7/1
--> Combat ability Corridors: 2/7/1
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Start
Worker (same name for all races) is the basic builder unit that all
races has. It can be used to build new villages, fortifications, improve
food output from different terrains and much more.Workers have
no weapons and perform very badly in combat.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 0/7/0
--> Combat ability Forest: 0/7/0
--> Combat ability Hills: 0/7/0
--> Combat ability Corridors: 0/7/0
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Start
There is a much lower cost in weekly wages for workers than for
military units.As with Militia, there are racial differences between
workers and scouts as well.
Non combatValues:
--> Movement: 2
--> Initiative: 10
--> Sight range: 1
-->Weekly wages: 150
Technology requirements:
--> None
Non combatValues:
--> A barrack class building is
required to build this unit.
--> Movement: 2
--> Initiative: 8
--> Sight range: 1
-->Weekly wages: 155
Technology requirements:
--> Hunting
Non combatValues:
-->A barrack class building is
required to build this unit.
--> Movement: 2
--> Initiative: 10
--> Sight range: 1
-->Weekly wages: 220
Technology requirements:
--> Calling the Dead I
Non combatValues:
--> Movement: 2
--> Initiative: 7
--> Sight range: 2
-->Weekly wages: 150
Technology requirements:
--> None
Non combatValues:
--> Movement: 3
--> Initiative: 10
--> Sight range: 1
-->Weekly wages: 60
Technology requirements:
--> None
3. Nation Management  18
Dwarf unit Berserker – Berserkers are not better equipped than the basic Stone
Hammers but their slightly better organisation and their use of narcotic mushrooms
make them fierce warriors.Though the use of narcotics also makes them poor at
defensive combat.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 21/12/0
--> Combat ability Forest: 21/12/0
--> Combat ability Hills: 21/12/0
--> Combat ability Corridors: 21/12/0
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Melee
Greenskin unit StoneThrower –This is pretty much a mob of goblins throwing
stones at enemies.They have a tendency to become pretty annoying to the enemy but
their lack of prowess in close combat will stop them from becoming really dangerous.
Except for big bags of stones they have an assortment of small weapons like knives
and clubs.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 5/5/2
--> Combat ability Forest: 5/5/2
--> Combat ability Hills: 5/5/2
--> Combat ability Corridors: 5/5/2
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability:Archer
Human unit Organised Militia – Organised Militia is among the most primitive
and basic military unit in human warfare.With some basic organisation and slightly
better equipment at least they beat the regular Militia.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 15/12/0
--> Combat ability Forest: 15/12/0
--> Combat ability Hills: 15/12/0
--> Combat ability Corridors: 15/12/0
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Melee
Krant unit Flying Scoutz –This is a very small Krant insectoid with wings. It can
not fight, it is very weak but it is also an excellent scout as it can fly above the terrain
and see further than any other Krant type.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 2/2/0
--> Combat ability Forest: 2/2/0
--> Combat ability Hills: 2/2/0
--> Combat ability Corridors: 2/2/0
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Melee
Mevaro unit Coral Hunter – Coral hunters prey on large fish below the surface of
the seas and oceans.They regularly train in combat to function as warriors in times of
need. Like boneclaws they use sharpened fish bones as weapons.
CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged):
--> Combat ability Open: 17/10/0
--> Combat ability Forest: 17/10/0
--> Combat ability Hills: 17/10/0
--> Combat ability Corridors: 17/10/0
-->Armour strength: None
--> Unit special ability: Melee
A capital can build 4 units and a town 1 unit each turn.This
will allow you to quickly increase your military, but mind your
treasury... Units have an initial build cost and require weekly wages.
And remember that towns need at least 500 civilians to be able to
build units.
The first turns
Here follow some tips that will help you get a good start with your
new nation.
Think through your objectives
Fate of a Nation is an open-ended game; this means that there is no
definite end to the game and no hard coded objectives.What do you
want to achieve? How will you achieve it? Having a clear idea of
your goals, whether it’s world domination or peace and civilisation
building makes the game more fun and makes contact with your
neighbours more interesting…
Explore your neighbourhood
Claiming territory and investigating the land around your capital is
important. Find the dangers before they find you.
Royal actions
Never forget to perform one royal action each turn. If unsure of
what to do it never fails to try the‘Birth an heir’ to increase the
number of leaders in your nation.
During the first 10 turns there will be a large influx of civilians in
your capital, starting with around 200 civilians each turn. Be sure
to decide early how to make use of them.Allowing them to settle
Non combatValues:
--> A barrack class building is
required to build this unit.
--> Movement: 2
--> Initiative: 10
--> Sight range: 1
-->Weekly wages: 160
Technology requirements:
--> Military Organisation
Non combatValues:
-->A barrack class building is
required to build this unit.
--> Movement: 3
--> Initiative: 2
--> Sight range: 2
-->Weekly wages: 100
Technology requirements:
--> Military Organisation
Non combatValues:
-->A barrack class building is
required to build this unit.
--> Movement: 3
--> Initiative: 9
--> Sight range: 1
-->Weekly wages: 160
Technology requirements:
--> Small-scale Fishing II
Non combatValues:
--> A barrack class building is
required to build this unit.
--> Movement: 2
--> Initiative: 10
--> Sight range: 1
-->Weekly wages: 160
Technology requirements:
--> Military Organisation
Non combatValues:
--> A barrack class building is
required to build this unit.
--> Movement: 2
--> Initiative: 10
--> Sight range: 1
-->Weekly wages: 100
Technology requirements:
--> Primitive StoneWorking
3. Nation Management  19
in the capital might seem like a good choice but might cause food
Settle new villages
Soon food will become scarce in your capital.There will be too
many mouths to feed. Sending out workers to build new settlements
is a great way to solve this problem.
Don’t forget to issue a set research order on your first turn. Using
the‘Increase research effort’ order is expensive but gives a large
bonus to your research.
Never leave your capital unguarded. Having bandits pillaging your
capital is not what can be called a good start...
The economy of a new nation is great, but mind your wages. It’s
easy to overbuild and crash the economy which may have large
unwanted consequences on the development of your nation.
Write a nation description
Put some effort into making a good description of your nation as it
will be the first information other nations receive about your nation.
Also, changing the nation description later on will be charged with a
1€ administration fee.
Nation descriptions
All players can write a nation description for their nation.A nation
description consists of 5 parts:
Government type – This is the type of government your nation
strives to have. Depending on choice of religion, a nation can chose
between the following government types:Aristocracy, Chiefdom,
Confederation, Despotism, Dictatorship, Feudalism, Magicracy,
Monarchy,Theocracy andTyranny.
Leader title – This is the title of the leader of your nation.
Depending on government type a nation can chose between the
following:Archbishop,Archmage, Chief, Chieftain, Clan Elder,
Despot, Emperor, Empress, Duchess, Duke, General, High Priest,
High Priestess, Honoured One, King, Kinglord, Lady, Lord,
Overlord, Queen,Tyrant,Warchief,Warlord,Witch King andWitch 	
Symbol – This is a description of the symbol, or flag, of your nation.
Motto/Legend – This is a famous saying or motto in your nation. 	
It will give other players a feeling of the attitude of your nation.
Description – This is some aspect(s) of your nation in your own 	
The first time a nation uses the‘Change nation description’ order
it’s free of charge. Subsequent uses of the order are charged with a
1€ administration fee. It’s advised that players put some effort into
writing a good nation description the first time.
All nation descriptions are subject to the approval or disapproval
of the GM.The GM may decide, without specifying the reason,
against a certain nation description.
Good or evil?
In Fate of a Nation there is no way for a nation to specify if it’s good
or evil.The choice of religion and lifestyle does in some way indicate
what your nation is. No sane leader calls himself evil, and even
the most evil nations consider themselves the guardians of light.
In Fate of a Nation your actions speak their own language and your
neighbours will try to decipher it as well as they can.
First encounter with a neighbour
The first time your nation encounters another nation or neutral
faction they will receive the symbol and description of that nation.
For neutral factions only the description will be reported.
The ruling class
Democracy is still unknown in the world of Fate of a Nation.
Decisions are more often than not made by a single leader in the
nation. If asked he would probably answer that he IS the nation and
his subjects are there to fulfil his wishes whatever they may be.
The ruling class is led by a Leader character, who is the leader
of the nation and the most important character.The leader can
sire Heirs and Bastards during the progress of the game. Heirs are
the legitimate sons and daughters and can take an active part in
governing the nation. Bastards are often troublesome and the best
option would be to find some unit far from the capital where they
can serve until the end of time.
Royal actions
Leaders and Heirs can perform a number of royal actions when they
are housed in a settlement. Only one royal action can be performed
in each settlement.
Birth an heir
This order can only be executed by the leader (i.e. not the heirs)
when he is housed in a capital, city or a town.When this order is
issued a check is done to see if any of the heirs and bastards to the
leader has matured into an age where he may take responsibility in
the nation.The chance of success depends on the number of heirs
and bastards already present in the nation:
0 heirs/bastards		 appr. 80% chance of success
1 heir/bastard		 appr. 50% chance of success
2 or more heirs/bastards	 appr. 20% chance of success
When successful this order will produce a new heir or bastard in
the same settlement as where the leader is housed. Each failure will
increase the chance of success in subsequent tries.The chance of an
heir is appr. 75% and a bastard appr. 25%.
Important. A leader may not have more than 5 heirs and
bastards at any time.
Cultural influence
Just by a leader or heir being present in the settlement draws
the attention of the region.When issuing this order the leader/
heir actively works to increase the influence the settlement has
of the region.The best effect is an increase of civilians leaving
1. Chapter
3. Nation Management  20
TheAttorian city of Kydon has a population of 1500 and
collects 3250 food each cycle.The store food factor in
Kydon has been set to 30% to ensure that enough food
is being saved for the long winter. First 975 food (30%)
are taken away and placed in storage for the winter.This
leaves 2275 food for the population. Each citizen will
try to each as much as possible and this gives 1.52 foods
each.This is slightly more than 1.5 and the birth rate
in Kydon will be slightly more than standard this cycle.
Next cycle though, the birth rate will be a little less
than standard as there will be more citizens to share the
same amount of food, thus less food for each citizen.
the wilderness and settling in the settlement.This order can be
executed in the capital, cities, towns and villages.The effect is
random and depends on what type of settlement the leader/heir is
housed in.
Capital		 appr. 10 new civilians
City		 appr. 10 new civilians
Town		 appr. 7 new civilians
Village		 appr. 5 new civilians
Increase magical strength
This option can only be selected when a nation have developed
magical forces. For some nations there will always be a lack of
magical points.There are many armies that need to be spelled…
When executed in a capital, city or town with a magical building
it will make the magicians work even harder to boost the magical
power of the nation.
Raise funds
The nation will always need more gold in the treasury.There are
wages to be paid, maintenance for forts needed and much more.
When executed in a capital, city or a town the leader/heir uses his
influence together with persuasive servants to raise additional funds
from the aristocrats and merchants in the settlement. For each 100
civilians in the settlement 5 gold will be raised and added to the
treasury.This value depends on the racial tax modifiers as specified
in the section The Races,Chapter 2.The world of Fate of a Nation, p 5.
Searching for knowledge
When a leader/heir shows an interest in the work of the wise men
their effectiveness increases. By issuing this order in a capital, city or
town the research effort will increase (% increase compared to the
‘standard’ output of the settlement type):
Capital		 appr. 5%
City		 appr. 15%
Town		 appr. 10%
The effect of royal actions is further modified by the religion of your
Skills and experience
The leader and the heirs have five different skills.When performing
one of the royal actions (excl. Birth an heir) the character will gain
experience in the skill of the same name.The fifth skill is their
combat experience, i.e. how good they are at leading armies and
fleets in combat.
The skills and their effect on royal actions
Cultural influence – The maximum level a character can
gain in cultural influence is 10. For each level gained in cultural 	
influence the number of civilians gained from using this 		
order will increase.
Increase magical strength –The maximum level a character
can gain in increase magical strength is 10. For each level gained in
increased strength the amount of magic points gained from using
this order increases.
Raise funds –The maximum level a character can gain in raise
funds 	 is 10. For each level gained in raise funds the amount of
gold gained from using this order increases.
Searching for knowledge – The maximum level a character 	
can gain in searching for knowledge is 6. For each level gained in
searching for knowledge the research boost from using this order
The bastard character has no skills excluding his combat ability. He
functions exactly as a warrior hero, i.e. increasing the number of
hits of his units in combat. Until he has been transferred to a unit he
has no function in the nation.
It’s important to note however, that once attached to a unit he is
forgotten by the leaders of your nation and they will never consider
transferring him again. He is locked to the unit in question and will
share its fate.
The death of the leader
If your leader would lose his precious life it will have severe
consequences for your nation.There will be no one to perform royal
actions in your capital. But even worse, without a leader a nation
can not be a part of any kind of diplomacy with his neighbours.A
new leader must be chosen among the heirs. If no heirs can be found
a new dynasty must be created…
Civilian populations
All civilian population is generic.Their abilities depend on the racial
and religious abilities of the nation controlling them.This means that
if a Krant settlement is captured by Dwarves the population will
change from fast breeders to a much slower birth rate.
The birth rate and death rate in your settlements are not static.
There are many variables that influence how your population
develops.Among them are religion, food supplies, buildings,
technologies and season.
The birth rate is at its lowest during winter and its highest during
summer. Spring and autumn lies in between. Due to sickness and
a general scarcity of food your population will fell less inclined to
3. Nation Management  21
TheAttorian city of Kydon has saved 975 food during
each of the spring, summer and autumn cycles.This
gives a total of 975 * 12 = 11700 stored food for
the 4 winter cycles. During the first winter cycle the
population wants to eat 1.5 food, 1.5 * 1500 = 2250.
As 11700 have been saved this is more than enough for
4 months of using 1.5 food for each citizen and Kydon
will keep its standard birth rate through this winter.
birth children during the cold winter. Summer, on the other hand,
will see your population blossom and multiply faster.
Feeding your population
Your population requires food in order to breed. Every citizen in a
settlement needs a minimum of 1 food per cycle to survive.
Each race has a standard birth rate.When the citizens in a
settlement are fed 1.5 foods each they are satisfied and the
settlement will grow by the standard birth rate.The birth rate can
be increased by giving more food to the citizens but only up to 2
foods each. On the other hand, giving them less than 1.5 foods each
will see a decrease in the birth rate. If the citizens in a settlement
receive less than 1 food each they will begin to starve.
The tricky bit is that food can only be collected during spring,
summer and autumn. In the winter the citizens will have to eat
from the supplies stored during the warmer seasons.A nation can
decide how much food is stored for each settlement with the change
settlement settings order.Without special equipment the maximum
storage of the settlement is 5 foods for each citizen. More than 75%
of the food output can never be stored.
At the end of each cycle the settlement will collect food from all
land and sea sectors.The part that is meant for storing is withdrawn
and placed in the storage immediately.The rest of the food is
distributed to the citizens in the settlement where each citizen will
try to eat as much as possible, but no more than 2 foods each.Any
surplus food is also placed in the storage. New citizens are added to
the population after all food calculations have been made.
During the winter season the birth rate cannot be higher than
standard. If there is enough food stored in a settlement for the
remaining winter turns each citizen will eat 1.5 foods each. If
there isn’t enough food for each citizen to eat 1.5 during the rest
of winter each citizen will be given 1.0 food instead. If this is not
possible, 1.0 food will be distributed to each citizen until the food
supplies are empty and the remaining citizens will starve.
A settlement will not collect food from sectors occupied by
hostile armies.A hostile army is an army not controlled by your
own nation and which is not allied nor your conqueror or vassal
state. If two or more settlements farm the same sector, i.e. the
sector is within sight of several settlements, the food output will be
shared equally between these settlements. See further the section
Settlements,Chapter 7.Game Pieces, p 34.
There are a few ways to increase the food output of a settlement.
Many terrain types can be improved.To do this your nation must
develop the right methods and then send out workers to actually
improve the sectors. Note that some terrain types can’t be
Another route to increasing the food supply of a settlement is
to develop fishing. If it’s a coastal settlement it will then be able to
make use of all the sea/ocean sectors in sight to increase the food
There are also a few special buildings that will generate extra
food for the settlement.As your nation becomes more advanced
and develops new methods to handle food and animals these will
become available.
The last route to increasing the amount of food in a settlement is
to send food from other nearby settlements with a surplus of food.
By keeping the population lower in outlying settlements it’s possible
to use them as food gatherers for the larger, more important, cities.
Food transports can transport up to 5000 food and move on the
map like regular armies.They are free to construct but have a small
cost in wages.
Building new villages, towns and cities
When food is becoming scarce in your capital city there is no
other choice than sending out worker units to colonise new land.
Worker units also function as settlers and can be used to build new
villages or settle in already constructed settlements, i.e. increase
the population. When a worker unit builds a village or settles in
an already constructed settlement it is removed and becomes new
population in the settlement. Spreading your population to several
settlements has both positive and negative aspects:
•• The land under your control will increase as well as the total
food production allowing for a larger total population in your
•• More large settlements will increase the number of units that
can be produced in a single turn as well as increase the total
research output for your nation.
•• The need to garrison many settlements will become a larger
toll on the economy of your nation as well as make it more
vulnerable to enemy assaults.
Remember to leave enough empty land between your villages,
towns and cities to allow them to farm many sectors without
competing for the food output. Building your next settlement close
to home might seem wise early in the game, but as your population
grows it will not.
The standard coin, or monetary unit, is gold.This shiny yellow
metal draws the attention of all races and is more valued than any
other metal.All incomes and expenses are measured by their value
in gold. Even if your barbarian nation still trade with shells and
polished stones the value of all exchanges will be in gold.
The economy of a nation is very simple at the start.Your
population pay their taxes and your units require their wages. But
pretty soon more factors start to influence the economy of your
nation and they are the subject of this section.
A nation does not need to get deeply involved in the details of their
economy, but suffice to say, if you don’t have some control of your
economy and it goes too much into the red you are in deep trouble...
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FoaN Rulebook 1.2 web

  • 2. Introduction 2 What are PBeM games? 2 What kind of PBeM game is Fate of a Nation? 2 What do you need to play Fate of a Nation? 2 1. Setting up a new nation 3 How to set up a new nation 3 The turn cycle 3 Turn fees 3 2. The world of Fate of a Nation 5 The Races 5 Dwarf 5 Ende 5 Elf 7 Greenskins 7 Human 8 Krant 8 Mevaro 9 The Religions 10 Heritage 11 World Events 12 Top Lists 12 The Map 12 The Surface 13 The Netherworld 15 3. Nation Management 16 Resources 16 Your starting position 16 Nation descriptions 19 The ruling class 19 Population 20 Economy 21 Research and development 23 Unnatural forces 23 4. Company Management 24 Trade Companies 24 Company descriptions 25 Company leaders 25 Company economy 26 Company research 27 Company magic 27 5. Company Trade 28 Trade goods 28 6. Diplomacy 30 Types of relations between nations 30 Alliance 30 Vassal state 31 Conqueror 31 7. Game pieces 32 Armies and Fleets 32 Unique units 33 Settlements 36 Characters 38 Abilities 39 8. Movement 41 Coordinate system 41 Movement of armies and fleets 41 Special movement types 43 9. Combat 44 Ground combat 44 Combat example 46 Naval Combat 47 Combat example 48 Contents  1 Contents 2011 Norberg Games Fate of a Nation Rulebook 1.2 Norberg Games was founded in June 2010 by Johan Norberg and Peter Norberg and is located in Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • 3. Introduction  2 Introduction What are PBeM games? PBeM stands for Play-by-eMail and are of course games that are played via email. Players receive their game turns through email and submit their own orders in the same way. PBeM evolved from postal games (PBM – Play-by-Mail) with the rise of the Internet.What once consisted of filling paper turn cards and posting them to the game company have now changed into more advanced order editors allowing players to have a better overview of their positions. PBeM differ from online multiplayer games in that players do not need to be online at the same time to play.With a PBeM, the players can play whenever they choose since their response need not be immediate.This is often referred to as turn-based gaming. The game mechanics allow for a very large number of players in the same game.As all orders are collected and processed at the same time it provides simultaneous actions for all players. What kind of PBeM game is Fate of a Nation? Fate of a Nation is an open ended fantasy strategy PBeM game.We will try to describe what these code words mean in regard to Fate of a Nation: Open ended – Fate of a Nation is open ended.This, essentially, means that there is no definite end to the Fate of a Nation world. Players can choose their own objectives and aims with their position and interact with other players in a way that fulfil their own goals. Fate of a Nation is designed with this in mind and a nation must exist for many years indeed before it starts to near the end of its possible technological development. As more players join Fate of a Nation the game world will expand outwards, each new nation starting a little further away from the centre and its older positions.This makes sure that nations will always start in areas with other young nations.There is no limit to the number of players, or the size of the world, in Fate of a Nation. Fantasy – Fate of a Nation is set in a fantasy world.There is magic, a number of strange races, gods and all kinds of monsters roaming the land.There is a certain lack of space ships though… Strategy – Fate of a Nation is a strategy game. Each player starts with a small nation and it’s their task to guide their nation successfully through wars, alliances and peace.There will be good years and there will be bad years. How to rise up and meet these challenges is up to the player of each nation. PBeM – Fate of a Nation is a PBeM game.An order editor is used to open result files and create orders for each nation.The turn around is 1 turn/week. What do you need to play Fate of a Nation? To play Fate of a Nation you need a computer with Java installed (standard on most machines),Adobe Reader to read pdf documents and an email address.A PayPal account is needed for payment of turn fees. Players in Sweden can also pay directly to a bankgiro- account.
  • 4. 1. Setting up a new nation  3 1. Setting up a new nation How to set up a new nation To set up a new nation in Fate of a Nation you must have a game account at Norberg Games.This comes with a unique player id and a password that will be used for all your result files.To get a game account, please complete and submit the registration form at or you may contact the gamemaster at Setting up a new nation is 10€.The first four turn cycles are included in the setup fee for your nation. When you have a game account and have put some money into it it’s time to set up your new nation.This is done in the Fate of a Nation order creator.This program can be downloaded from When you have started the order creator click on the order Setup new nation. Here you need to enter your player id and password. You will also have to choose your race, religion and heritage as well as a name for your nation and religion. Consult the Decisions, decisions,decisions section for more information about these choices. When you are satisfied with your new nation, press the Save setup button.A setup file will now be created in the Orders catalogue (a subfolder to the Fate of a Nation order creator). Email this file to and your nation will be created next time the game is processed.A player can only set up one nation each turn cycle. Decisions, decisions, decisions There are many important choices that must be made when setting up a new nation. Here we will discuss them and their importance in Fate of a Nation. Player id – Enter your player id, which is the unique id (account number) that you got when you registered as a Fate of a Nation player. Password – Enter the password that you got when you registered as a Fate of a Nation player. It is case sensitive. Name your nation – The name of your nation is of highest importance. It will be the name by which all other nations refer to your nation.The name of your nation should not be longer than 25 characters and players are advised to put some time into creating a good name. Choose your race – When setting up a new nation two choices are the most important and therefore require extra consideration; selecting a race and selecting a religion. Of the two selecting a race is the most important. Many things depend on the choice of race: •• Your starting level (Surface or Netherworld) •• The abilities of your nation •• Game mechanics – some races are profoundly different from each other A player should first of all choose a race that feels right, a race that sounds fun to play. But it’s also important to choose a race whose abilities and game play suit the preferred playing style. Dwarves, for example, are not well suited for the aggressively expansionistic player but they are well suited for a player that likes to‘turtle’ and play a slower expansion. All races have their pros and cons. Choosing a race with abilities that fit your playing style can be crucial for the survivability of your young nation. Choose your religion – Selecting a religion for your nation is the second most important choice when setting up a new nation.A religion can either boost the already strong advantages of the race or remove the weaknesses of another. Selecting a religion is, just like selecting a race, important and a player should select a religion that suits the intended playing style for the nation. If you want your Greenskins to go on a killing rampage‘There can only be one’ is the ideal choice. But for a peaceful Greenskin empire builder such a religion would be of very limited use. Where race selection is about many things (the feeling of the game, starting locations, special abilities and more) religion selection is mainly to boost your playing style. It is possible to change your religion but at a price... which might just be too high. Name your religion – All religions have a name; it may be the name of their god or of the people following the religion. Religion names should not be longer then 25 characters and players are recommended to put some time into creating a religion name as it will be shown to other nations. Choose your heritage – All nations have a heritage from the age before civilisation. Some knowledge has been collected by the people and this will influence the setup of your nation. Starting technologies, buildings and units depend on the choice of heritage. This is an important choice, but unlike the others, the effects of your heritage will decrease as nations become more advanced. The turn cycle The turn around in Fate of a Nation is 1 week. Usually, turns are processed onThursdays.This means that all players must send in their orders at the latest onWednesday night CET or their orders will not be processed that cycle. Order files are sent to Missed orders for a nation might not be critical at all times. But an active nation missing an order deadline will still have to pay turn fees for that turn, as a new result file will be sent with the updated situation for that nation. OnThursdays, the gamemaster will start by downloading all order files.Then he will proceed and process the turn. New results will be sent when processing is completed and the gamemaster has checked the result files. Turn fees The turn fee of a nation of Fate of a Nation depends on the size of the nation. More specifically, the number of populated settlements decides how large a turn fee the nation will have.A new nation starts with a capital city and a town (turn fee is 2.5€) and can never have a turn fee larger than 5€ (excl. optional costs).
  • 5. 1. Setting up a new nation  4 Turn fees in Fate of a Nation Registering a game account Free of charge Setup of new City state Free of charge Setup of new nation 10€ (first 4 turns included) Capital 2.25€/turn City 0.5€/turn Town 0.25€/turn Village Free of charge Trade company 1€/turn Additional fees in Fate of a Nation (optional) Changing nation description 1€ (1st time incl. in setup) Creating a unique unit 1€ Upgrade City state to nation 10€ Payment of turn fees Payment of turn fees is done automatically for each nation when its result files are created. Money is withdrawn from the player account. If there is no money in the player account no result file will be created for the nation. Money can be sent to your player account at Norberg Games through PayPal ( PayPal transactions to Norberg Games should be done in Euro.We ask, for administrative reasons, that you send 30€ minimum.We will charge a 2€ administration fee when we receive smaller amounts. Our email address for PayPal payments is Peter@FateofaNation. net. Double-check to make sure this is the correct email address you use for PayPal payments. It is important that you, in the message, include your name and player account ID.
  • 6. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  5 2. The world of Fate of a Nation The world of Fate of a Nation is rich and complex, but it’s a young world.The races have just started to become civilized.Where before they lived like hunter nomads they are now settling down and building larger, more permanent, settlements. Some of these settlements have come to dominate the area around them and have evolved into city states.The next step in their evolution is the creation of a proper nation and this is where Fate of a Nation begins… The Races Seven races have so far developed a basic grasp of civilization and have started to settle down in larger communities.Their villages and cities are spreading on the Surface and in the Netherworld. The races have until now lived with a bare minimum of contact with each other.There hasn’t even been any contact between the different settlements of the same race.A multitude of religions, beliefs and societies has developed, all of them unique.With civilization and larger settlements the first conflicts have risen between the young city states.And with the recent emergence of the unliving horror, the Ende, it is a dark age indeed. All races in Fate of a Nation are unique in their abilities and in how they operate. In this section you will find detailed descriptions of all races including their strengths and weaknesses. Races included Dwarf – Short, stocky bearded humanoids with a long memory. Ende – Unliving terror who stand alone against the living races Elf – Long and gracious creatures of the wild nature.They seem to love their bows. Greenskins – Hard and dark creatures that prefer living below ground. Comes in all sizes! Human – This is what you get when you mix elves and dwarves. Krant – Small swarming insects that eat everything in their path. Mevaro – Amphibious reptiles that eat fish and like swimming far out into the ocean. Dwarf Of all the known races dwarves are perhaps the most introvert of them all.As long as the world outside their borders stays away from them, they are uninterested in interacting with the other races.Their ambitions and goals just don’t include the rest of the world. But don’t be fooled.While a dwarf prefers the chambers and halls of his own fortress he is not afraid of going into the outside world. Dwarves adapt easily to the world around them and can live just as comfortably above ground as below ground. Dwarves are short, no more than 120–130 centimeters long, and have a stocky and hard body.The average dwarf is much stronger than a human and is both quick and agile.Their great stamina helps them work and travel long periods without rest.They can run for many hours as well. But with their short legs even the quickest dwarf is slow by human and elven standards. Dwarves and stones Dwarves have a special relationship with stone and rock.Working with these hard elements suits their mentality and they can bend stone and rock into shapes and forms no other race can. Dwarves are also physically suited to working the rock below ground.Their strength and stamina combined with their short and small bodies makes them excellent for excavating tunnels and chambers. As dwarves evolved into a civilized race their settlements became more advanced. From living more like greenskins in natural caves and tunnels the dwarves have recently started to shape the rock into gigantic halls and chambers connected by large and beautiful tunnels and bridges.All decorated with long tapestries in bright colours telling stories of the clan’s history.Where greenskin tunnels turn left and right at random, are of uneven height, and generally make no sense dwarf tunnels are a masterpiece of architecture.They can shape the rock as they wish and it shows. GM note: Dwarves are special in that they are the only race who doesn’t have any type of cavalry or pike units.They require a special playing style and are not suited for those who wish to expand quickly. Preferred level:Surface AND Netherworld (Dwarf nations start in the Netherworld) Major Strengths •• Dwarves are hard as steel and strong as ogres.Their units are superior in close combat compared to all other races. •• Dwarven capitals can reach all the way to the Surface. Dwarf nations have the ability to build a route to the Surface from their capital.This allows them to quickly expand both below and above ground if they wish. •• Their digging and searching for riches of the soil gives them a bonus to tax income. •• Their small size and experience for moving in tunnels and corridors makes them able to move very quickly in small spaces. Movement in corridors only cost 1 movement point for Dwarf armies. MajorWeaknesses •• No one has ever seen a riding dwarf and there are reasons for that.There exists no riding dwarf units making them slow to expand and explore their surroundings. •• They are short and stocky and can not handle spears and pikes. This makes them vulnerable to cavalry attacks when they are outside their fortified towns and cities. Ende The Ende is divided in two groups, EndeAndii and Ende Noii, of which EndeAndii is the more numerous one. The Ende Noii, or visitors as they also call themselves, are the dead of any race whose willpower is strong enough to fight the mighty pull from the Kingdom of Death.They may be dwarves, greenskins, mevaro, krant and humans. Elves rarely fear the afterlife. The Ende Noii only consists of first generation unliving souls. Eventually the pull from the Kingdom of Death will overtake them and they will resign to their fate as dead. For some the stay as unliving is a short visit but for those with the strongest willpower the stay can last hundreds of years. The Ende Noii bring with them the rivalry of the races and is a divided faction living separated and full of conflicts.This occupies
  • 7. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  6 Ripples of fear spread throughout the lines.Veteran marines from the campaign against the dwarven nation of Ra-Kesh trembled and took a step backwards.This was a terror they were unprepared for. General Duijek, 3rd Army of the Attorian Empire, hoped his squad leaders would be able to keep the lines together. Please don’t let the men break before first contact.As soon as the fighting started General Duijek had hopes that his men would find courage in the rhytm of battle and fight with honour.The Attorian Empire had as of yet never lost a war or met a foe they couldn’t defeat but the General feared that this could be the end of a long line of victories. Lifting his gaze toward the centre of the enemy lines he again wondered what magic could bring these creatures into existence. Orcs filled the flanks of the enemy army but it was the centre that made him shudder. The shadowy and shimmering creatures flickered in and out of existence.Trying to focus on them made his head hurt.Their strange limbs, grey and bony bodies wielding weapons that one moment glimmered in the sun, the other was but a shadow of a shadow. Could they be killed, he wondered, before he braced himself for the impact as the two armies clashed in the middle of the field. most of their time and they rarely have any larger influence over Ende politics, affairs and the rest of the society.As their strongest wish is to continue their life as unliving (i.e. not dead) they also stay away from interacting with the land of the living.The armies of the Ende are an affair of the EndeAndii. They are not grey like the souls in the Kingdom of Death, but neither are they full of colours like the denizens of the lands of the living.They are bleak, like something bleached by the sun, with weak colours and one can but imagine how full of colours they were before they became unliving. – Benjamin Harve,magician of sixth rank,describes the Ende Noii at the Attorian Academy of Magic Few in numbers, the Ende Noii, are the origin of the Ende race. EndeAndii is their offspring. Even as unliving the Ende Noii live as the living creatures they once were and in the rare occurrences when they give birth to a new life it is born as EndeAndii, the unliving. The EndeAndii differs very much from the Ende Noii.Where the Ende Noii must fight for every breath they take to stay unliving the EndeAndii are born unliving. It’s natural for them and for them unliving is real living.The first offspring of the Ende Noii grew and bred and it was not long before the EndeAndii had passed the Ende Noii in numbers and influence over the ways of the Ende. Now around 95% of the Ende race consists of EndeAndii. The relatively high percentage of Ende Noii is a reflection of the steadily increasing population in the land of the living as well as the relatively young age of the EndeAndii faction of the species. While the Ende Noii remain and stay unliving in the body they had as living the EndeAndii are a unique species.Their humanoid bodies resemble the physique of elves and humans. But there are plenty of differences between the species. Instead of the soft skin of humans and elves their skin are rough, thick and completely black. Their nails on both hands and feet’s are different shades of grey. Their eyes vary from completely white to different shades of light green and blue.The hair, also rough and thicker than the elven and human counterpart, is white and most often kept in a long tail.The hair is similar to dwarf hair. They are of a similar strength as humans and are as agile as elves. Their immunity system resembles the immunity system of humans. Their sight is better in darkness than in light, but they require a light source to see and in total darkness they are as blind as humans. Their temperament resembles that of greenskins and dwarves. They are quick to anger like greenskins and have a long memory like the dwarves.They are very poor at controlling their feelings. Their relation with the Greenskins The EndeAndii does not see themselves as evil (Ende Noii is another matter). But their world is a different world and from it they can reach both into the world of the living and into the Kingdom of Death. But these worlds can also reach back and the Ende walk a dangerous path in their life as unliving.There are, however, many things they can’t do in the land of the living. Interacting with other life forms is very problematic due to their uncontrollable shifting between the two worlds.Accordingly, they can’t ride horses or other animals. For the same reason using bows or crossbows is impossible for them.They are also very poor scouts. Constructing houses and other physical tasks is also hard. For these and other reasons they have been forced to recruit and enslave other races to do their bidding.The Ende quickly encountered the greenskins down in the caves beneath the earth and it was not long before they had enslaved the few greenskin tribes around their settlements. It so happened that the greenskin race was well suited for that role. Playing their part to perfection the Ende have managed to make the enslaved greenskins into loyal servants.They give with one hand and take with the other and this is a power language that the greenskins are familiar with from their own tribes and society.The result is an enslaved greenskin population that see themselves as low ranking members of the Ende but not as slaves.When the Ende need units filling special roles they themselves cannot handle they recruit from their greenskin population as well as mercenaries from nearby greenskin tribes.They especially need greenskins as cavalry, archers and scouts but they fill out the ranks of the regular Ende soldiers as well. Of course, this means that the often numerous greenskin population are both well armed and well trained.As long as the Ende control them with strength the risk of rebellion is small… Preferred level:Netherworld Major Strengths •• Their “shimmer” quality (oscillating between the land of the living and the Kingdom of Death) gives them a natural ability to evade hits.This makes it hard for their enemies to damage them. •• With training they can learn to “capture dead souls” in combat. This means that when they kill an enemy there is a chance to stop his soul from reaching the Kingdom of Death and instead recruit him to their own ranks. •• An Ende nation can learn “calling the dead” when they set up new Ende formations. By dragging dead from the Kingdom of Death they don’t need to use as much of their own population to fill the ranks.
  • 8. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  7 Major weaknesses: •• Their inability to interact with the land of the living forces them to use greenskins as soldiers for many roles. •• They have two very strong abilities (capture dead souls and calling the dead) that must be researched.An Ende nation will undoubtedly become a backwater nation in regards to civilian and military technology. •• All the other races view them as the worst of the worst. No other race or nation will ever negotiate or ally with an Ende nation. Ende are not allowed to make peace with other nations. Elf Elves resemble humans. From a distance it’s impossible to distinguish between the two races. But a closer look will reveal certain differences. Elves have a longer and thinner body.They often reach a length above 2 meters (which is 20–30 centimeters longer than regular humans).Their ears are pointy and their eyes have a feline touch.While humans vary from light pink to black skin colour elves are always very light pink.Their hair is blonde and the general style is to keep it long and flowing free in the wind.This differs some between different elves cultures though. Elves are very agile and dexterous.They can move quickly as the fox and climb as swiftly as the bear.Their sight is as good as the eagle and they see in darkness as well as a cat.They are not strong.Their body is physically weak compared to humans and this make them very unsuitable for hand to hand combat. Elves are perhaps the oldest of all the races. But they took a long time developing enough to start a civilization of their own. Now, with the dawn of civilizations they have become one of the races that develop the quickest. Slow ageing Ageing is near to non-existent among the elves.They age incredibly slowly and it is not unheard of elves that have lived for many hundreds of years.Theoretically an elf can live thousands of years and still look as a young man.The elves, like all races, very recently started to settle in towns and cities.This new life will most likely see many more elves reach very old ages. Another aspect that increases their life-span is their immunity system. It’s very rare that an elf gets physically sick.Their bodies reject most viruses and diseases that can harm other races. Their relationship to nature Elves are creatures of the wild nature. Instead of shaping the world after their own mind they have let the world shape their mind.They try to become part of the nature, to live in it without changing or damaging it. Their respect and near religious awe of the nature and of the animals living in it have made them welcomed guests, not intruders. Wild animals are drawn to elf settlements and enjoy the frequent elven songs.An elven settlement is a place where animals, elves and trees live together in harmony. In all decisions an elf would consider the effect on nature and animals as an important part.This is also true when it comes to their relations to the other races. Their relationship to the other races Other races, especially humans and greenskins, have an attitude towards the nature and their surroundings that clash with the elven way of life.This disrespect of what is most precious to the elves often leads to disagreements and open conflict. Elves distrust both humans and greenskins.Their relationship to dwarves is often easier. Dwarves live below ground and are a rock people. Dwarves do no damage to the nature and this often leads to a strong friendship between the two people. Their relationship with the Ende differs from that of the other races. Elves do not fear death.They live a long life and embrace the end when it comes. It is very rare that an elf becomes an Ende Noii. Elves do not fear the Ende like other races do. However, they loath the Ende anyway.The Ende steal souls and stop them from reaching the Kingdom of Death, and this is a terrible crime. Elves of all alignments, good or evil, hate the Ende and will do all in their power to fight them. Preferred level:Surface Major Strengths •• Elves are quick of mind as well as body.This gives their units a lower initiative than the other nations allowing them to dictate the scene of battle. •• Elves have adapted well to a life in the forests. Movement in forest, deep forest and forest caves for non-cavalry armies cost 1 movement point less. •• “Love of bows” – No elf have ever traveled without his bow.All elf units are equipped with bows and have a ranged combat value. Elves also do more damage when they hit than other races. •• Elves have a flexible mind and are naturally curious.This gives them an advantage in research of new ideas and gadgets. •• Elves excel as hunters and receive a large food bonus in forest, deep forest and forest cave sectors. •• Elves live very long lives and have a very low death rate. MajorWeaknesses •• Elves are agile and quick but lack physical strength.Their superiority in ranged combat does not always make up for this weakness.As a result elf formations are often weak in close combat. •• Elves receive less food in all non-forest terrain sectors compared to the other races. Greenskins Greenskins, or greyskins as they also are called, are a collective name for a couple of races living in the caves below the earth.The most common of these are the Goblins, the Orcs and the Ogres.The name comes from the colour of their skins which may vary between different tribes but stay between dark green and various shades of grey. The dominant race is the Orcs.Their mix of brutal strength and intelligence/cunning have allowed them to reach a higher rank in the greenskin society than the weaker but more intelligent Goblins and the incredibly strong but dumb Ogres.
  • 9. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  8 The greenskin races live side by side in the same settlements and although fights (often with deadly outcomes) are common they often share the same overall goals and follow the sameWarlord.The Warlord is most often an Orc but in rare circumstances the odd Goblin chieftain can claim the title ofWarlord. Greenskin Hierarchy The greenskin society is a strict hierarchy with the lowest Goblin mud creepers at the bottom and the OrcWarlord alone in the top; a pyramid structure with a majority of the population sharing a low rank. Ranking is primarily based on raw brutal strength with a mix of intelligence and cunning.AWarlord with only one of these two attributes will be short lived. It is possible, and also a common occurrence, to change rank in the hierarchy.As the system is based on strength and intelligence, rising in rank often means vicious acts of violence and murder. This is accepted as the usual way to rise in rank.TheWarlord only wants the strongest at his side and theWarlord himself is often an impressively large and strong Orc. In larger and more successful tribes and nations the OrcWarlord can be as strong as an Ogre and up to half a meter longer than the average Orc. In these cases the OrcWarlord is a truly fearsome opponent. In smaller and poorer tribes theWarlord is more average but also much more short lived than the giant warriors who lead the larger greenskin nations for decades. Tattoos Tattoos are an important aspect of the greenskin society.The tattoos tell the rank of the greenskin as well as important events that have given him his rank. For an outsider the tattoos of a tribe or a nation can be hard or even impossible to decipher but for a member of the tribe or nation it is as natural to read tattoos as to speak the common language. All tattoos are black, not to confuse with the red and white they paint their bodies with in preparation before a battle.Veteran greenskins of high rank are often more black than green/grey with complicated tattoos all over the body. A greenskin with no tattoos at all is probably a Goblin mud creeper, the lowest of all the lowest servants who do the latrine duty… Albinos Greenskins believe in higher powers, but the religions differ from tribe to tribe. One thing all Greenskins have in common is the zealot albinos. Greenskins without the green or grey pigments are very rare but play an important role in Greenskin society.When the first albinos were born they were seen as messengers from God. They were given religious training and became holy warriors.Albino warriors are among the craziest and most unpredictable greenskin units and they are known for their blood thirst and for throwing themselves mercilessly against enemy formations. More often than not without regard for their own safety… Preferred level:Netherworld Major Strengths •• Greenskins breed like maggots…Their birth rate and death rate are higher than that of the other races.This will see their population increase relatively quickly. •• Their aggressive nature gives them a good selection of offensive units. MajorWeaknesses •• Their aggressive nature makes them unsuitable for defensive combat.This makes their defensive units poorer than those of other races. •• Greenskin nations always have a basic economic and military corruption in all their settlements except for the capital city. Human Humans are the most diverse of all the races. Even though dwarves are the most adaptable to new environments, their low interest in the outside world makes them more or less alike. Humans on the other hand have a flexible mind and are both willing and able to adapt to new ideas and situations. Two human nations can be as different from each other as an elf and a greenskin nation can be. More than any others, the humans have a tendency to see themselves and their own way of living as the one choice.This attitude makes conflict between human nations as common, or even more common as they fight for dominance, as conflict between human and non-human nations. Believing in the superiority of their own religion and lifestyle they often seem fanatical in their quest to change the world and the nations around them to their own likeness. Humans thrive in conflict and often take the largest steps forward in their society and technology when their economy is pushed to its limit by warfare. GM note: Humans are the ´standard´ race.They have no special strengths or weaknesses and are suited for most playing styles. Preferred level:Surface Major Strengths Humans are flexible and adapt easily to the situation and their surroundings.This gives them the most developed list of units of all the races. MajorWeaknesses Humans have no known weaknesses. Krant The Krant is a strange race. Instead of the soft or leathery skin of the other races they have a chitinous exoskeleton that also supports their body.They are very diverse in shape and size, with some of the workers growing as large and strong as a fully grown horse. Most of the Krant are a lot smaller though and often only reach the abdomen of a human.They have up to eight legs and arms making them very agile and apt at using tools. The Krant lives close to each other in underground mounds.Their natural telepathic ability enables them to develop the Krant mind as
  • 10. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  9 He woke to screams.‘Ambush!’ Drawing his broadsword while rising he spotted Bigfist. Sword in one hand, torch in the other, he alone held one entrance against... Bigfist duelled with a huge insect. It reached him to his abdomen and it carried a curved sword. Its dark body had six legs and two arms and it seemed to have big problems parrying Bigfists heavy blows. It screeched as it fought and he could see more of the insectoid pressing from behind. A quick glance showed that the rest of the guards held the other two entrances against the dark insectoids. It was a chaos inside the cave with marines and insectoids fighting. Something jumped at him and he held up his sword to parry. Insectoids swarmed inside the cave. Derryl fought back to back with another marine, he didn’t know who, as he batted at the curved sword to get an opening. Screams and screeches filled the cave as man and insectoid clashed together.” The chronicles of the Fogwalkers,the Attorian 1st Medium Marines soon as there are more than a few individual Krant.This Krant mind is intelligence by itself and functions as the overseer of the Krant society, thus making sure that all duties are performed when needed by the different castes. Only the strongest of the Krant castes, the Bredaxx and the leader castes, have enough willpower of their own to influence the Krant mind.This allows them to govern and control the aims of individual Krant societies. Krant souls A krant soul keeps its strong bond to the Krant mind during the first minutes after death.The Krant mind are unwilling to let go of the soul and the dead Krant do not want to leave the warmth of its fellow Krants.This strange bond between the Krant mind and the soul gives them a strong protection against the soul stealing Ende. Ende warriors are known to steal Krant souls as well but far less frequently than of the other races. But after these few initial minutes the bond start to decay between the soul and Krant mind.The pull of the Kingdom of Death becomes too strong and the soul passes through its gates to the afterlife. Krant do only in extreme cases turn into Ende Noii.When it happen it’s always due to some great injustice that have befallen the Krant mind, not the individual, which gives the Krant strength enough to stay in the land of the living after death. The worker caste The majority of the Krant belong to the worker caste.The worker caste performs a variety of duties.There are many different classes of workers. Only a few of them will be mentioned below. The Bredaxx – These massive and heavy Krant are the equivalent of the queens in many insectoid societies.Their sole purpose is to lay eggs for the Krant which can hatch into either new warriors or workers.An egg can be stored for some time before it starts to evolve in a specific direction. The Laraxx – Small beings who take care of the eggs as well as the Bredaxx. Using their small telepathic ability to direct the eggs into the right path. The warrior caste Although the majority of the Krant consists of different types of workers the warrior caste is equally important.They are tasked with hunting for food as well as defending the hive from different threats. There are several types of warriors. The Asaluazz – These are specifically bred for defensive combat. They are stocky, strong but move slowly.Their body is constructed to stand their ground against enemy charges.Their long spearlike forward limbs make them fearsome warriors as well. The Crozz – These are fully fledged attacking drones.They are extremely aggressive and dangerous.When they stay in the hive they must be kept separate from all other Krant in the population as the Crozz have been known to turn on their own in their lust for slaughter. The Erdizz – These long and thin insectoids can stand on only two legs instead of four.This gives them more limbs to handle the cumbersome bows used by the Krant. Firing arrows is not the ideal occupation even for the Erdizz but they are fairly good at it. The Kantazz – Kantazz are small and agile but weak in strength. Their originally evolved as hunters in the broken caves and forest caves in the Netherworld.There they learned to fight well in close quarters and they adapt more to new and unique situations.This makes them good allround warriors. TheThorazz – These resemble the giant spiders also inhabiting the Netherworld. Using 6 legs instead of four for moving they can move fast over long distances.This only leaves them two limbs for using tools and weapons but their strength combined with their speed has made them into fearsome cavalry.They also have a very strong carapace. Preferred level:Netherworld Major Strengths •• Krant breed horribly quickly and will outnumber any other race, even the Greenskins. •• Their small size makes the food last longer.They receive a moderate food bonus from all land sectors. •• Their strong and natural carapace gives all Krant units a small armour bonus. MajorWeaknesses •• The insectoid society is not effective and has a poor economy. The tax income from their population is smaller than the other races. •• The insectoid society requires a larger minimum population for towns and cities.Towns require 300 (250 for other races) and cities 1200 (1000 for other races). •• Their small size makes them very poor in ground combat.They also receive extra damage in the close combat phase when enemy units strike at them. •• When Krant lose villages, towns, cities or their capital they receive far more civilian casualties than the other races. Mevaro Origin of the Mevaro The Mevaro story is a sad one.They do not belong to this world and they know if.Although the full story is shrouded in mystery and only hinted at in the legends of ages long past it is known that they evolved and flourished in another world.The world of Elaint-Torr! Elaint-Torr, if the legends are true, is the Mevaro paradise.
  • 11. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  10 The ocean world had a tropical climate and was filled with large archipelagos.The Mevaro were the dominant species on the world and they prospered, both socially and technologically. How it comes that the Mevaro left Elaint-Torr is a mystery. Some legends tell stories of dark ages and clashes between gods. Of a devastated world in ashes and a once proud people who in pure desperation did the most dramatic act to survive. It was not like this world. But the Mevaro have started to adapt to their new home.Their rising numbers have allowed them to spread along the coasts of the major continents. Small but nonetheless important contact with the other Surface dwellers has influenced and quickened the Mevaro development into a more stable and civilized people. The family The Mevaro society revolves around the family. During their days as nomads of the oceans the family was the largest gathering of Mevaro. Each family lived separate from the others and could become as large as 100 individuals or more.All sharing a family bond. Leadership in the family is democratic and all have a say in important matters. Old, young, male or female make no difference. All are equal and important in the family.The age of an individual decide his role in the family.The young often serve as soldiers and hunters, as they grow older they are allowed to mate and handle the affairs of their small settlement.The oldest take care of the education of the young and nursing of the new born. The main change civilization and contact with the Surface dwelling species have forced upon the Mevaro is the need to gather into larger groups, the Ilinth. Ilinth is a family of families.With the Ilinth the Mevaro started to live in larger settlements like towns and even cities. Mevaro physique The Mevaro is a strange mix of eels and lizards.Their streamlined long and thin bodies are covered with a sand-coloured reptilian skin. Their arms and legs are also long and very thin.A strong membrane between their fingers and toes make them able to propel themselves forward with ease in water. Mevaro are amphibious and need both land and water to thrive. Their bodies have adapted to a life in water but their need to breathe air and inability to sleep while in water makes them forced to live a part of their life on land. They are very dexterous and hold and use tools with both fingers and toes.This is a huge advantage when they perform tasks underwater, but on land it’s an ability they can’t make much use of. When they swim in the seas and oceans they move their bodies like eels and use their arms and legs to propel themselves forward at great speed and agility. But their bodies are not well suited for a life outside the deep waters. On land they can not balance their bodies on their legs only and must use both arms and legs to crawl. For short periods they can stand erect but when moving they must crawl like they lizards they resemble. As their limbs are long and thin it’s easy to believe they lack physical strength.An enemy making this assumption is in for a big surprise.The Mevaro are unnaturally strong.A dwarf would have trouble when wrestling with a Mevaro. But again, their inability to make use of their full potential on land makes them into less fearsome opponents than one could believe. Preferred level:Surface Major Strengths •• Mevaro are natural swimmers and excel at catching fish and finding tasty lobsters.This allows them to gain food from sea and ocean sectors without having fish docks. Fish docks, however, increase the food output to very high levels. •• Mevaro start with the technology Fishing I. •• Their amphibious nature allows their armies to swim on sea and ocean sectors up to three sectors from the coast. •• Mevaro may develop techniques to build floating cities. •• Mevaro standard movement is three instead of two, allowing them to swim faster than other races move on land. MajorWeaknesses •• Their physique is not suited for hunting and farming on dry land.They receive less food from all land sectors compared to the other races. •• All movement on land cost +1 movement points. Movement on sea and ocean sectors only cost 1 movement point. The Religions Every nation of every race has its own unique beliefs and lifestyle. These are called religions and represent the greater powers as well as the lives and acts of the common man within the nation. The choice of religion, as well as the choice of race, is the most important decision when creating your nation.The religions give bonuses on certain aspects of the game and can make two nations of the same race profoundly different from each other. Gods do exist in Fate of a Nation. The religions can be summarized into the below main ideologies. Cash is king The main concern of the common man as well as the leaders of your nation is money. It’s what drives the nation forward.The priests are also merchants and have a large influence on the treasury.The nearness of the gods of gold makes your people richer and more willing to trade and find new ways to increase the wealth. A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its tax income.When performing the royal action‘Raise funds’ the nation gains a bonus. Protection of the weak The protectors devote themselves to help and support the weak.As long as there is a single priest standing in your empire he will try his outmost to protect and defend the citizens of his religion. By calling on the protection of the gods he will induce your men into a killing frenzy when they are attacked. A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its defensive combat values and a small bonus to its offensive combat values.When using the Leader or Heir as general the army will gain a bonus to its ability to improve the performance of all units participating in the battle.
  • 12. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  11 Strength in neutrality Each nation should stay within the confines of their own borders and handle their own business in peace. For the religiously devout it is a sacred belief that you shall not interfere in the business of others. Staying neutral is the only path to a higher understanding of the world and ultimately the path into heaven. It is the duty of the holy ones to assure that neutrality is maintained. A nation following this religion will have a small bonus to its offensive and defensive combat values. It will also receive a small bonus to its tax income, research and food output. Strength of mind The powers of the gods are yours to command!The strength of mental powers comes from the gods and the gods of your empire have blessed your nation with a natural ability for magic.The priests as well as the common man have mental powers that surpass those of the other empires.Trading magic items is common in these nations. A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its magic and a small bonus to tax income and research.When performing the royal action‘Increase magical strength’ the nation gains a bonus. Survival of the strongest In some societies physical strength and health is valued more than other abilities.There will be contests, even of the deadly kind, to compare who is the strongest and who is the best with weapons. The priests support these contests because they keep the population strong and devoted to the true gods.These gods also contest each other and the most suited champion might even be chosen to fight his god, an extreme honour. A nation following this religion will have a medium bonus to its offensive and defensive combat values.When using the Leader or Heir as general the army will gain a bonus to its ability to improve the performance of all units participating in the battle. There can be only one Something must have gone wrong when your gods created the world.There are so many other races and nations. It can not be right and it is your sole duty to remedy the situation.The priests have worked up hatred toward all the other races and nations. By calling on the gods of war they induce a wave of hatred that sweep through the soldiers and population of your nation. A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its offensive combat values and a small bonus to its defensive combat values.When using the Leader or Heir as general the army will gain a bonus to its ability to improve the performance of all units participating in the battle. Wisdom of the ages The only true and sacred quality is wisdom.The old are honoured and their lessons are to be heeded.They have experience and know many things the young can not comprehend. Priests are as much teachers of knowledge as preachers of the true path.The churches are as much schools as places for the devout. But having knowledge is to be devout. A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its research.When performing the royal action‘Searching for knowledge’ the nation gains a small bonus. Working the land Hard work is the only way to reach salvation. By keeping the population working hard they won’t have the spare time to think sinful thoughts. In every ceremony priests praise the glory of working with your hands, of building new houses and farming the black soil.The lazy are whipped to death to save the rest from being infected by their disease. By devoting oneself to working it is possible to reach a higher state of life and reach paradise. Eternal life comes to those true to themselves. A nation following this religion will have a large bonus to its food output and a medium bonus to its birth rate.When performing the royal action‘Cultural influence’ the nation gains a small bonus. Mysticism (City states) The people in a city state do not follow a specific religion like that of a nation.They are divided and the only thing they have in common is their search for communion with their own deity.This unfocused religious devotion fails to draw the attention to your people by any of the larger powers.Your people are not blessed by any gods.They stand alone. Heritage All nations have a history of the time before their development from hunters and gatherers to becoming city dwellers.The people have gathered much wisdom and knowledge which is brought with them to their new towns and cities.This is called a nation’s heritage. City states cannot select a heritage.The time between their creation and upgrade to a regular nation will constitute their heritage. The options of heritages are described below. Cultural The people in the region have a strong tradition of telling stories, singing and playing music. Children are taught the value of knowledge from an early age and a basic economical system has matured in the small villages in the region.The archaeologists of later eras will claim that the region had a well developed culture for its time. Nations with this heritage will start with three technologies in the sociological technology tree, allowing them to build centres of knowledge and marketplaces.They will start with a learning circle in both the capital and town. Farmer The Neolithic/Mushitic revolution have already arrived in this region.The people have learned advanced methods of farming the plains on the Surface and the large open caves in the Netherworld. Nations with this heritage will start with technologies allowing them to improve the terrain around their capital and town.They have also learned the art of fishing.Their capital and town start with a food generating building and one extra worker unit.
  • 13. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  12 General The people in the region have a good general understanding of the world and the life around them.They can work with stone and wood, and some even know the art of making metal tools. Nations with this heritage will start with three of the basic technologies.They have also learned how to store food and their starting settlements already have drying huts.This is a good base for continued research and gives the young nation plenty of options on how to develop in the future. Sailor This people lives by the coast and has learned the art of fishing and building simple galleys.Without the organisation of a nation they have never been able to make good use of this knowledge, but now they are ready to explore the world around them. Nations with this heritage start with the technology needed to build galleys and its pre-requisites.A shipyard must still be built before the first galleys can be constructed.This heritage will guarantee a coastal setup but is of lesser value measured in research points compared to the other heritages. Warrior The constant threat of monsters and bandits have taught the people a hard lesson.A lesson of violence and how to defend themselves against it.They have learned how to build palisades around their small cluster of buildings and have swapped their clubs for spears. Nations with this heritage start with the technologies needed to build barracks, palisades and a good defensive unit. Both their capital and town have a palisade to improve the defences and the capital also has a barracks. World Events] Many events occurring in Fate of a Nation cause rumours to spread to distant corners of the world.The larger the event, the further away the rumour will spread.All nations can pick up rumours from other nations.The chance that your nation hears a rumour depends on the type of rumour and how far away your nation is from where the event occurred. Top Lists Each week a top list is generated for each populated continent in the game.The top list has the following categories: Largest population –This is the total civilian population, i.e. worker and military personnel is not included. Largest capital –This is the population in the capital of the nation. Largest non-capital settlement –This is the population of the largest settlements in the nation, excl. the capital.A nation can have multiple entries in this category. Largest number of settlements –This is the sum of the number of villages, towns, cities and capitals a nation has in its control. Largest number of fortresses –This is the sum of all watchtowers, castles, citadels and monasteries a nation has in its control. Largest treasury –This is the total wealth of a nation. Most completed technologies –This is the total number of completed technologies in a nation. It does not take the effort required to develop the technology into account. Largest standing army –This is the total sum of all military personnel in control of your nation. Most expensive army –This category checks the total of all wages paid for your military units. Largest workforce –This is the total of all workers and settlers in your nation. Largest fleet –This is the combined structure of your nation. Most explored sectors –This is the total of all known sectors, both Surface and Netherworld, which your nation has explored. Please take note that all categories are relative.A Krant nation, for example, has easier to reach a top position on the‘Largest population’ than it has on‘Largest treasury’. For a Dwarf nation, with their high tax income and lower population growth, it’s the opposite. The Map The map consists of two‘levels’. One is called the Surface and the other the Netherworld.The Surface is the land beneath the sky of infinity.With forests, plains, oceans and large seas, it is wide open and ripe with opportunity.The Netherworld is the land far below the Surface, deep beneath the ground.With dark caves, underground forests and creepy tunnels it’s rather different from the easy life up above. Travel between the Surface and Netherworld is possible. Cave openings allow the adventurous to walk the long and dark tunnels that connect the two levels. Seasons The world of Fate of a Nation is rich and has a lush growth of vegetation.The warm summer is long and the winter is relatively short.The year is divided in 16 cycles, or months. Each month consists of 1 turn. Each year starts with winter and ends with autumn. Winter – Winter is 4 turns long. It starts with‘early winter’, continues with two months of regular winter and ends with‘late winter’. Spring – Spring is short, only 2 turns.These are‘early spring’ and ‘spring’. Summer – Summer is 8 turns long. It starts with‘early summer’, continues with 6 turns of regular summer and ends with ‘late summer’. Autumn – Autumn is, like spring, no more than 2 turns long. These are‘autumn’ followed by‘late autumn’. The current season affects some aspects of the game (details can be found in their respective sections): Food output – A settlement will not generate any food during the winter season. Food must be stored in order for the citizens to survive through the harsh winter.
  • 14. 1. Chapter 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  13 Ground combat – There is a large difference between attacking through heaps of snow compared to fighting on dry soil during summer. No sane military leader launches his attacks during winter. Population increase – The birth rate depends on the weather and food supply in your settlements. During the colder periods of the year the birth rate in your settlements will be lower than during the warmer periods of the year. Sector trade – The sector trade depends a lot on season. Sector trade is most intense during the summer and least intense during the winter. It builds up in spring and in autumn most trade starts to decrease as the weather and climate gets worse. Weather – The two extreme weather types, thunder storms and calm, also depend on the season. For example, thunder storms are very rare during summer and calm is very rare during winter. The weather and climate on the Surface is reflected in the Netherworld (see The Netherworld, page 14).This means that seasonal variations occur both on the Surface and in the Netherworld. The 4 terrain groups All the different terrain types mentioned below is further divided into four main groups of terrain.These are open, forest, hills and corridors. Open consists of Desert, Oasis, Ocean, Open Cave, Plains and Sea. Forest consists of Deep Forest, Forest, Forest Cave, Forest Swamp and Swamp. Hills consist of Broken Cave, Broken Ground and Hills. Corridors consist of TinyTunnelled Corridors and Tunnelled Corridors. The Surface] The Surface of the world is green and filled with wildlife. Large forests and mountain chains cut through the wide plains. Most of the land is ripe and food is plentiful, except for the few deserts in the warmer areas. The land is divided into large continents and islands with deep oceans allowing for the adventurous to travel far away into the unknown.With the right winds a ship can travel fast indeed.
  • 15. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  14 Swamp Wetlands filled with buzzing insects and small brightly coloured frogs.They are often located at the mouths of large rivers. It is hard travelling through swamps. Movement cost: 3 Defence Bonus: Medium Basic food output: 25 Sector trade: 0 gold Sea The larger seas can stretch over vast areas and are filled with tasty fishes and sometimes even the odd monster. Strong winds can build up and these have effect on the movement cost of fleets. Movement cost: 1–2 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: Special Sector trade: 0 gold Plains The large plains can spread over immense areas.The main vegetation is long grass with small forests spread out. Plains have a soil suited for farming and if the wild horses could be tamed one would be able to travel fast indeed. Movement cost: 1 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: 80 Sector trade: 0 gold Ocean The oceans on the surface stretch far and wide, connecting all islands and continents. Strong winds, sometimes even thunder storms, can build up and these have an effect on the movement cost of fleets. But for the nations who can handle these the opportunities are limitless. Movement cost: 1–2 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: Special Sector trade: 0 gold Hills Spread through out the hills are larger mountain peaks but for most part this is a rolling landscape filled with hardy grass and small trees.The soil is not suited for farming but there are plenty of sheep and goats living in the hills. Movement cost: 2 Defence Bonus: Medium Basic food output: 40 Sector trade: 3 gold Oasis Description: Deep in the deserts large oasises can be found. These are areas where the ground water is higher than usual and this makes them green areas surrounded by the dead deserts.The oasis is very rich in vegetation and has the highest food output of all terrains. Movement cost: 1 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: 125 Sector trade: 5 gold High Mountains With peaks reaching several kilometres in height these impenetrable mountains dominate the skyline.The highest peaks are white with snow even on the warmest summer days. Large eagles can be seen among the peaks.There is no way an army would be able to travel through these mountains. Movement cost: Impossible Defence Bonus: Impossible Basic food output: 0 Sector trade: 10 gold Forest Swamp Forest Swamps are wetlands filled with buzzing insects, small brightly colored frogs and masses of trees.They have a very rich bird life and are often located at the mouths of large rivers.They are even harder to travel through than regular swamps. Movement cost: 4 Defence Bonus: High Basic food output: 25 Sector trade: 5 gold Forest The lush forest is green and beautiful.A multitude of trees live here, together with deer and other animals.Among the largest predators are wolves and bears but they are secretive and stay hidden from travelers. Movement cost: 2 Defence Bonus: Medium Basic food output: 40 Sector trade: 3 gold Desert A hot and dusty sterile landscape which is even worse than broken ground.This is not a place to live or travel. Movement cost: 1 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: 0 Sector trade: 0 gold Deep forest A scary place...The high treetops fill the sky and make the ground dark. It is a long time since the sun touched the ground here. Large wolves and bears hunt here and only the elves feel comfortable among the trees. Movement cost: 3 Defence Bonus:Very High Basic food output: 50 Sector trade: 10 gold Cave Opening A dark hole to the Netherworld.An army can, by issuing movement code 0, enter the cave opening and travel kilometres down into the netherworld. Settlements cannot be constructed on cave openings. Movement cost: 1 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: 0 Sector trade: 10 gold Broken Ground A mix of plains, forest and hills.The terrain is fairly even, but broken up by ravines, small hills and forests. It is harder to travel on broken ground. However, there are large herds of horses and if these could be tamed and put to use it should make movement easier. Movement cost: 2 Defence Bonus: Small Basic food output: 25 Sector trade: 3 gold The terrain types of the Surface in alphabetical order A purple star at the upper right corner indicates that the terrain has been improved (see the section Feeding your population,Chapter 3.Nation Management, page 20).
  • 16. 2. The world of Fate of a Nation  15 Tunnelled Corridors Areas below ground that are hard to pass through. One or two caves large enough to rest in might be found but otherwise these lifeless tunnels range from small corridors to open halls. Crawling is a common way to travel while passing through this terrain... Movement cost: 3 Defence Bonus: Medium Basic food output: 0 Sector trade: 0 gold TinyTunnelled Corridors Areas below ground that are hard to pass through. One or two caves large enough to rest in might be found but otherwise these lifeless tunnels range from small corridors to open halls. Crawling is a common way of travelling while passing through this terrain...Your wise men are discussing the possibility of widening some of the corridors to make them easier to cross. Movement cost: 4 Defence Bonus:Very High Basic food output: 0 Sector trade: 0 gold Solid Rock At some places the rock is harder and more solid than usual. No routes can be found to pass through directly and your men must take the longer route and walk around them. Movement cost: Impossible Defence Bonus: Impossible Basic food output: 0 Sector trade: 5 gold Soft Rock Similar to Solid Rock in that they can’t be traversed at all. Units must walk around these areas below ground or head back to where they come from. Perhaps it will be possible to construct your own tunnels through the soft rock when the right tools can be made? Movement cost: Impossible Defence Bonus: Impossible Basic food output: 0 Sector trade: 10 gold Sea The seas below ground are deep and filled with black water. Swimming is not recommended, for who knows what lies in these troubled waters. Strong winds can build up and these have effect on the movement cost of fleets. Movement cost: 1–2 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: Special Sector trade: 0 gold Open cave Large caves with an abundance of mushrooms and other edible vegetables. Small amounts of insects and rodents also live inside these caves. Except for underground seas these types of caves are the most suitable for finding food and an area rich in open caves is valuable indeed. Movement cost: 1 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: 88 Sector trade: 0 gold Ocean The oceans below ground are not as wide and open as the oceans on the surface. In the netherworld they more resemble huge rivers cutting through the hard rock. Strong winds can build up and these have effect on the movement cost of fleets. Movement cost: 1–2 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: Special Sector trade: 0 gold Forest Cave A few species of short and stubby trees have evolved and adapted to life without light. Forest caves are large open caves where the mushrooms have surrendered to the trees.A variety of wild animals live here, from harmless rodents to the dangerous giant spiders. Movement cost: 2 Defence Bonus: Medium Basic food output: 44 Sector trade: 3 gold Cave Opening A dark tunnel leading up to the surface.An army can, by issuing movement code 0, enter the cave opening and travel kilometres up to the land beneath the sky of infinity. Settlements can not be constructed on cave openings. Movement cost: 1 Defence Bonus: None Basic food output: 0 Sector trade: 10 gold Broken Cave Just like the open caves, the broken caves are large areas below ground.The ground is uneven with large rocks, deep holes and stalagmites everywhere.At first glance they might look lifeless but a variety of life forms ranging from moss to giant spiders makes a home there. Some food can be found, but the best use of these areas is from the large animals that might be domesticated and used to pull wagons or ride on. Movement cost: 2 Defence Bonus: Small Basic food output: 28 Sector trade: 3 gold The Netherworld The Netherworld is very different from the Surface. In the Netherworld space is more limited.There are great systems of enormous caves, kilometres wide, connected by long dark tunnels. The limited light in the caves makes it hard for anything but mushrooms to grow. Luckily, these are edible! Still, small trees have evolved and grown into forests in some caves, becoming homes for giant spiders and other hungry creatures.A rich variety of wildlife can be found in these areas of the Netherworld. Large rivers cut through the Netherworld, dividing the space even more but also allowing for travel by boat between caves. Seasons in the Netherworld The ecology in the Netherworld is a delicate one. It depends a lot on the climate on the Surface and the circulation of water between the Surface and the Netherworld. Most of the energy and nutrients that reach the Netherworld comes through the cave openings and the circulation of water between the Surface and Netherworld. During summer this is barely enough for the crops and food for the livestock around the settlements.Another very important mechanism that drives the ecology in the Netherworld is the winter flooding. During the winter large amounts of cold water reach the Netherworld and flood all caves close to any of the rivers.This flooding replenishes much of the soil, allowing for new growth during the summer.The wise men are unsure, but believe the winter flooding depends on the moons and the position of the stars. This means that the weather and climate on the Surface is reflected in the Netherworld. The terrain types in alphabetical order
  • 17. 3. Nation Management  16 Capital Attoria Capital (23) details: --> Location: On surface sector (0,0) on terrain Plains. --> Population: 5000. --> Food production: 10000 (Stored food: 25000, 30% are stored each turn). --> Corruption: 0%. --> Buildings: No buildings have been constructed yet. --> Characters: Leader (1). --> Garrison: Capital Guard (1),Worker (3), Capital Scout (4). TownAttoriaTown (24) details: --> Location: On surface sector (3,5) on terrain Plains. --> Population: 500. --> Food production: 2268 (Stored food: 2500, 30% are stored each turn). --> Corruption: 0. --> Buildings: No buildings have been constructed yet. --> Characters: No characters are living here. --> Garrison:Town Guard (2),Town Scout (5). --> Fleets in harbour: No fleets have been stationed here. 3. Nation Management Managing a small nation might not be an extensive task, but as settlers move out to build new settlements and your armies grow it will become harder and harder to decide how and what to focus on. The number of buildings is limited in your settlements but soon the number of wanted buildings will be far too many.What technologies are most needed?And how many combat units can I have in a standing army when each drafted soldier decrease the tax income? Resources There are only a few resources in Fate of a Nation. But they are all important to the progress of your nation. Population –The civilian population in your settlements. Food – Collected by your settlements and important for your population growth. Gold – Comes mainly from taxes paid by your population and is needed to pay unit wages and building maintenance, among others. Research points – The size of your settlements decide how many research points they generate. Magic points – Settlements with magic buildings generate magic points that can be used to throw spell against other nations. Trade goods – Trade goods are generated by towns and cities. Trade companies use these for trade between settlements and nations. These resources all depend on each other. Food decides how large a population your settlements can reach, your population pays taxes and so on... Your starting position The home of your people All nations start with two settlements, the capital city and a smaller town. See below for example. The capital city of the example has a population of 5000 citizens and a garrison consisting of three armies (see The first armies, page 16) while the town has a population of 500 citizens and a garrison of two armies.A leader character is also located in the capital. No buildings has been constructed in either of the settlements. Both settlements have large food stores.The amount of stored food at the start depends on what time of the year the nation is set up. All nations have their own coordinate system.Your capital city, i.e. your starting location, will always be the centre of your nation and will be located at sector (0,0). All starting nations have access to building four different types of structures in the capital. Tithe Collectors It is strange how the loyalty among the population increases just by hiring a few thugs to help collect taxes.These tough men knock on doors, visit farms and generally make themselves very unliked in their quest to make all pay their due. Gathering of Hunters A gathering of hunters work for the settlement and hunt game in the sectors surrounding the settlement.They will gather food for approximately 500 civilians each cycle. Witch Doctor Hut The price for keeping witch doctors in a settlement is high but they improve the health and fertility of the population, thus increasing the population growth. Council of wise men Bringing all the wise men in a settlement together is more often
  • 18. 1. Chapter 3. Nation Management  17 Here follows one example of an early unit for each race.This will give you an indication of the differences between some of the races. Elf unit Hunter – UnlikeWood Guides which consists of drafted elves from the settlements and the regions around it the Hunter unit is a force of drafted hunters. Although they aren’t trained in combat they have more experience with weapons and bows.They know how to move stealthily and can hunt men as well as beasts. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 10/10/3 --> Combat ability Forest: 14/14/4 --> Combat ability Hills: 10/10/3 --> Combat ability Corridors: 10/10/3 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Melee Ende unit Phase Guard – The Ende, unable to interact with many parts of the real world, are only able to field two types of military units,The Guard and the Strike.The Guard is trained and equipped for defensive combat and works best when defending behind city walls. Guard units carry a shield and some type of melee weapon, most often swords or axes. But they carry no armour.The fear they inspire into all their enemies make them fairly good at offensive combat as well. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 12/20/0 --> Combat ability Forest: 12/20/0 --> Combat ability Hills: 12/20/0 --> Combat ability Corridors: 12/20/0 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Unliving than not a wise move.Together they give a small increase to the research rate of the settlement. Dwarves also have the choice of building a cave opening to the Surface.The four starting buildings are not very effective and your nation will soon have access to more effective and more valuable buildings. But all settlements have a limit to how many buildings they can have.Your capital can have 12 buildings and it will be hard for a nation to fill his capital with buildings early in the game. The first armies You start with three armies in your capital and two in your town. Army Capital Guard (1) is located at (0,0) on the Surface. Movement = 2, initiative = 3, sight = 1, number of units = 1, total wages = 150. --> Guard I (1, Green Militia), the unit has full strength. ArmyTown Guard (2) is located at (3,5) on the Surface. Movement = 2, initiative = 3, sight = 1, number of units = 1, total wages = 150. --> Guard II (2, Green Militia), the unit has full strength. ArmyWorker (3) is located at (0,0) on the Surface. Movement = 3, initiative = 3, sight = 1, number of units = 1, total wages = 60. -->Worker (3, GreenWorker), the unit has full strength. Army Capital Scout (4) is located at (0,0) on the Surface. Movement = 2, initiative = 2, sight = 2, number of units = 1, total wages = 150. --> Scout I (4, Green Scout), the unit has full strength. ArmyTown Scout (5) is located at (3,5) on the Surface. Movement = 2, initiative = 2, sight = 2, number of units = 1, total wages = 150. --> Scout II (5, Green Scout), the unit has full strength. These armies represent the small troop of armed men, scouts and workers that constitute your nation at the beginning of the game. Army and Fleet Ids are unique only within the nation thus all nations can have armies with the same Ids. Unit and ship Ids are unique to the game meaning no units can have the same Id as another unit in the game. Militia (races have different names for their starting units) is the most primitive and basic military unit.They are untrained in combat and have little or no weapons. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 12/12/0 --> Combat ability Forest: 12/12/0 --> Combat ability Hills: 12/12/0 --> Combat ability Corridors: 12/12/0 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Start There are racial differences between the different races’ versions of the Militia. For example, ElvenWood Guides have poor ranged ability and Krant Kantazz have some armour and is only 95 gold in weekly wages. Scout (races have different names for their starting units) are lightly equipped and their legs are their most important assets.Their range is greater than normal units and have a better sight value. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 2/7/1 --> Combat ability Forest: 2/7/1 --> Combat ability Hills: 2/7/1 --> Combat ability Corridors: 2/7/1 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Start Worker (same name for all races) is the basic builder unit that all races has. It can be used to build new villages, fortifications, improve food output from different terrains and much more.Workers have no weapons and perform very badly in combat. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 0/7/0 --> Combat ability Forest: 0/7/0 --> Combat ability Hills: 0/7/0 --> Combat ability Corridors: 0/7/0 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Start There is a much lower cost in weekly wages for workers than for military units.As with Militia, there are racial differences between workers and scouts as well. Non combatValues: --> Movement: 2 --> Initiative: 10 --> Sight range: 1 -->Weekly wages: 150 Technology requirements: --> None Non combatValues: --> A barrack class building is required to build this unit. --> Movement: 2 --> Initiative: 8 --> Sight range: 1 -->Weekly wages: 155 Technology requirements: --> Hunting Non combatValues: -->A barrack class building is required to build this unit. --> Movement: 2 --> Initiative: 10 --> Sight range: 1 -->Weekly wages: 220 Technology requirements: --> Calling the Dead I Non combatValues: --> Movement: 2 --> Initiative: 7 --> Sight range: 2 -->Weekly wages: 150 Technology requirements: --> None Non combatValues: --> Movement: 3 --> Initiative: 10 --> Sight range: 1 -->Weekly wages: 60 Technology requirements: --> None
  • 19. 3. Nation Management  18 Dwarf unit Berserker – Berserkers are not better equipped than the basic Stone Hammers but their slightly better organisation and their use of narcotic mushrooms make them fierce warriors.Though the use of narcotics also makes them poor at defensive combat. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 21/12/0 --> Combat ability Forest: 21/12/0 --> Combat ability Hills: 21/12/0 --> Combat ability Corridors: 21/12/0 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Melee Greenskin unit StoneThrower –This is pretty much a mob of goblins throwing stones at enemies.They have a tendency to become pretty annoying to the enemy but their lack of prowess in close combat will stop them from becoming really dangerous. Except for big bags of stones they have an assortment of small weapons like knives and clubs. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 5/5/2 --> Combat ability Forest: 5/5/2 --> Combat ability Hills: 5/5/2 --> Combat ability Corridors: 5/5/2 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability:Archer Human unit Organised Militia – Organised Militia is among the most primitive and basic military unit in human warfare.With some basic organisation and slightly better equipment at least they beat the regular Militia. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 15/12/0 --> Combat ability Forest: 15/12/0 --> Combat ability Hills: 15/12/0 --> Combat ability Corridors: 15/12/0 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Melee Krant unit Flying Scoutz –This is a very small Krant insectoid with wings. It can not fight, it is very weak but it is also an excellent scout as it can fly above the terrain and see further than any other Krant type. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 2/2/0 --> Combat ability Forest: 2/2/0 --> Combat ability Hills: 2/2/0 --> Combat ability Corridors: 2/2/0 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Melee Mevaro unit Coral Hunter – Coral hunters prey on large fish below the surface of the seas and oceans.They regularly train in combat to function as warriors in times of need. Like boneclaws they use sharpened fish bones as weapons. CombatValues (Offensive/Defensive/Ranged): --> Combat ability Open: 17/10/0 --> Combat ability Forest: 17/10/0 --> Combat ability Hills: 17/10/0 --> Combat ability Corridors: 17/10/0 -->Armour strength: None --> Unit special ability: Melee A capital can build 4 units and a town 1 unit each turn.This will allow you to quickly increase your military, but mind your treasury... Units have an initial build cost and require weekly wages. And remember that towns need at least 500 civilians to be able to build units. The first turns Here follow some tips that will help you get a good start with your new nation. Think through your objectives Fate of a Nation is an open-ended game; this means that there is no definite end to the game and no hard coded objectives.What do you want to achieve? How will you achieve it? Having a clear idea of your goals, whether it’s world domination or peace and civilisation building makes the game more fun and makes contact with your neighbours more interesting… Explore your neighbourhood Claiming territory and investigating the land around your capital is important. Find the dangers before they find you. Royal actions Never forget to perform one royal action each turn. If unsure of what to do it never fails to try the‘Birth an heir’ to increase the number of leaders in your nation. Population During the first 10 turns there will be a large influx of civilians in your capital, starting with around 200 civilians each turn. Be sure to decide early how to make use of them.Allowing them to settle Non combatValues: --> A barrack class building is required to build this unit. --> Movement: 2 --> Initiative: 10 --> Sight range: 1 -->Weekly wages: 160 Technology requirements: --> Military Organisation Non combatValues: -->A barrack class building is required to build this unit. --> Movement: 3 --> Initiative: 2 --> Sight range: 2 -->Weekly wages: 100 Technology requirements: --> Military Organisation Non combatValues: -->A barrack class building is required to build this unit. --> Movement: 3 --> Initiative: 9 --> Sight range: 1 -->Weekly wages: 160 Technology requirements: --> Small-scale Fishing II Non combatValues: --> A barrack class building is required to build this unit. --> Movement: 2 --> Initiative: 10 --> Sight range: 1 -->Weekly wages: 160 Technology requirements: --> Military Organisation Non combatValues: --> A barrack class building is required to build this unit. --> Movement: 2 --> Initiative: 10 --> Sight range: 1 -->Weekly wages: 100 Technology requirements: --> Primitive StoneWorking
  • 20. 3. Nation Management  19 in the capital might seem like a good choice but might cause food problems. Settle new villages Soon food will become scarce in your capital.There will be too many mouths to feed. Sending out workers to build new settlements is a great way to solve this problem. Research Don’t forget to issue a set research order on your first turn. Using the‘Increase research effort’ order is expensive but gives a large bonus to your research. Garrisons Never leave your capital unguarded. Having bandits pillaging your capital is not what can be called a good start... Wages The economy of a new nation is great, but mind your wages. It’s easy to overbuild and crash the economy which may have large unwanted consequences on the development of your nation. Write a nation description Put some effort into making a good description of your nation as it will be the first information other nations receive about your nation. Also, changing the nation description later on will be charged with a 1€ administration fee. Nation descriptions All players can write a nation description for their nation.A nation description consists of 5 parts: Government type – This is the type of government your nation strives to have. Depending on choice of religion, a nation can chose between the following government types:Aristocracy, Chiefdom, Confederation, Despotism, Dictatorship, Feudalism, Magicracy, Monarchy,Theocracy andTyranny. Leader title – This is the title of the leader of your nation. Depending on government type a nation can chose between the following:Archbishop,Archmage, Chief, Chieftain, Clan Elder, Despot, Emperor, Empress, Duchess, Duke, General, High Priest, High Priestess, Honoured One, King, Kinglord, Lady, Lord, Overlord, Queen,Tyrant,Warchief,Warlord,Witch King andWitch Queen. Symbol – This is a description of the symbol, or flag, of your nation. Motto/Legend – This is a famous saying or motto in your nation. It will give other players a feeling of the attitude of your nation. Description – This is some aspect(s) of your nation in your own words. The first time a nation uses the‘Change nation description’ order it’s free of charge. Subsequent uses of the order are charged with a 1€ administration fee. It’s advised that players put some effort into writing a good nation description the first time. All nation descriptions are subject to the approval or disapproval of the GM.The GM may decide, without specifying the reason, against a certain nation description. Good or evil? In Fate of a Nation there is no way for a nation to specify if it’s good or evil.The choice of religion and lifestyle does in some way indicate what your nation is. No sane leader calls himself evil, and even the most evil nations consider themselves the guardians of light. In Fate of a Nation your actions speak their own language and your neighbours will try to decipher it as well as they can. First encounter with a neighbour The first time your nation encounters another nation or neutral faction they will receive the symbol and description of that nation. For neutral factions only the description will be reported. The ruling class Democracy is still unknown in the world of Fate of a Nation. Decisions are more often than not made by a single leader in the nation. If asked he would probably answer that he IS the nation and his subjects are there to fulfil his wishes whatever they may be. The ruling class is led by a Leader character, who is the leader of the nation and the most important character.The leader can sire Heirs and Bastards during the progress of the game. Heirs are the legitimate sons and daughters and can take an active part in governing the nation. Bastards are often troublesome and the best option would be to find some unit far from the capital where they can serve until the end of time. Royal actions Leaders and Heirs can perform a number of royal actions when they are housed in a settlement. Only one royal action can be performed in each settlement. Birth an heir This order can only be executed by the leader (i.e. not the heirs) when he is housed in a capital, city or a town.When this order is issued a check is done to see if any of the heirs and bastards to the leader has matured into an age where he may take responsibility in the nation.The chance of success depends on the number of heirs and bastards already present in the nation: 0 heirs/bastards appr. 80% chance of success 1 heir/bastard appr. 50% chance of success 2 or more heirs/bastards appr. 20% chance of success When successful this order will produce a new heir or bastard in the same settlement as where the leader is housed. Each failure will increase the chance of success in subsequent tries.The chance of an heir is appr. 75% and a bastard appr. 25%. Important. A leader may not have more than 5 heirs and bastards at any time. Cultural influence Just by a leader or heir being present in the settlement draws the attention of the region.When issuing this order the leader/ heir actively works to increase the influence the settlement has of the region.The best effect is an increase of civilians leaving
  • 21. 1. Chapter 3. Nation Management  20 TheAttorian city of Kydon has a population of 1500 and collects 3250 food each cycle.The store food factor in Kydon has been set to 30% to ensure that enough food is being saved for the long winter. First 975 food (30%) are taken away and placed in storage for the winter.This leaves 2275 food for the population. Each citizen will try to each as much as possible and this gives 1.52 foods each.This is slightly more than 1.5 and the birth rate in Kydon will be slightly more than standard this cycle. Next cycle though, the birth rate will be a little less than standard as there will be more citizens to share the same amount of food, thus less food for each citizen. the wilderness and settling in the settlement.This order can be executed in the capital, cities, towns and villages.The effect is random and depends on what type of settlement the leader/heir is housed in. Capital appr. 10 new civilians City appr. 10 new civilians Town appr. 7 new civilians Village appr. 5 new civilians Increase magical strength This option can only be selected when a nation have developed magical forces. For some nations there will always be a lack of magical points.There are many armies that need to be spelled… When executed in a capital, city or town with a magical building it will make the magicians work even harder to boost the magical power of the nation. Raise funds The nation will always need more gold in the treasury.There are wages to be paid, maintenance for forts needed and much more. When executed in a capital, city or a town the leader/heir uses his influence together with persuasive servants to raise additional funds from the aristocrats and merchants in the settlement. For each 100 civilians in the settlement 5 gold will be raised and added to the treasury.This value depends on the racial tax modifiers as specified in the section The Races,Chapter 2.The world of Fate of a Nation, p 5. Searching for knowledge When a leader/heir shows an interest in the work of the wise men their effectiveness increases. By issuing this order in a capital, city or town the research effort will increase (% increase compared to the ‘standard’ output of the settlement type): Capital appr. 5% City appr. 15% Town appr. 10% The effect of royal actions is further modified by the religion of your nation. Skills and experience The leader and the heirs have five different skills.When performing one of the royal actions (excl. Birth an heir) the character will gain experience in the skill of the same name.The fifth skill is their combat experience, i.e. how good they are at leading armies and fleets in combat. The skills and their effect on royal actions Cultural influence – The maximum level a character can gain in cultural influence is 10. For each level gained in cultural influence the number of civilians gained from using this order will increase. Increase magical strength –The maximum level a character can gain in increase magical strength is 10. For each level gained in increased strength the amount of magic points gained from using this order increases. Raise funds –The maximum level a character can gain in raise funds is 10. For each level gained in raise funds the amount of gold gained from using this order increases. Searching for knowledge – The maximum level a character can gain in searching for knowledge is 6. For each level gained in searching for knowledge the research boost from using this order increases. Bastard The bastard character has no skills excluding his combat ability. He functions exactly as a warrior hero, i.e. increasing the number of hits of his units in combat. Until he has been transferred to a unit he has no function in the nation. It’s important to note however, that once attached to a unit he is forgotten by the leaders of your nation and they will never consider transferring him again. He is locked to the unit in question and will share its fate. The death of the leader If your leader would lose his precious life it will have severe consequences for your nation.There will be no one to perform royal actions in your capital. But even worse, without a leader a nation can not be a part of any kind of diplomacy with his neighbours.A new leader must be chosen among the heirs. If no heirs can be found a new dynasty must be created… Population] Civilian populations All civilian population is generic.Their abilities depend on the racial and religious abilities of the nation controlling them.This means that if a Krant settlement is captured by Dwarves the population will change from fast breeders to a much slower birth rate. The birth rate and death rate in your settlements are not static. There are many variables that influence how your population develops.Among them are religion, food supplies, buildings, technologies and season. The birth rate is at its lowest during winter and its highest during summer. Spring and autumn lies in between. Due to sickness and a general scarcity of food your population will fell less inclined to
  • 22. 3. Nation Management  21 TheAttorian city of Kydon has saved 975 food during each of the spring, summer and autumn cycles.This gives a total of 975 * 12 = 11700 stored food for the 4 winter cycles. During the first winter cycle the population wants to eat 1.5 food, 1.5 * 1500 = 2250. As 11700 have been saved this is more than enough for 4 months of using 1.5 food for each citizen and Kydon will keep its standard birth rate through this winter. birth children during the cold winter. Summer, on the other hand, will see your population blossom and multiply faster. Feeding your population Your population requires food in order to breed. Every citizen in a settlement needs a minimum of 1 food per cycle to survive. Each race has a standard birth rate.When the citizens in a settlement are fed 1.5 foods each they are satisfied and the settlement will grow by the standard birth rate.The birth rate can be increased by giving more food to the citizens but only up to 2 foods each. On the other hand, giving them less than 1.5 foods each will see a decrease in the birth rate. If the citizens in a settlement receive less than 1 food each they will begin to starve. The tricky bit is that food can only be collected during spring, summer and autumn. In the winter the citizens will have to eat from the supplies stored during the warmer seasons.A nation can decide how much food is stored for each settlement with the change settlement settings order.Without special equipment the maximum storage of the settlement is 5 foods for each citizen. More than 75% of the food output can never be stored. At the end of each cycle the settlement will collect food from all land and sea sectors.The part that is meant for storing is withdrawn and placed in the storage immediately.The rest of the food is distributed to the citizens in the settlement where each citizen will try to eat as much as possible, but no more than 2 foods each.Any surplus food is also placed in the storage. New citizens are added to the population after all food calculations have been made. During the winter season the birth rate cannot be higher than standard. If there is enough food stored in a settlement for the remaining winter turns each citizen will eat 1.5 foods each. If there isn’t enough food for each citizen to eat 1.5 during the rest of winter each citizen will be given 1.0 food instead. If this is not possible, 1.0 food will be distributed to each citizen until the food supplies are empty and the remaining citizens will starve. A settlement will not collect food from sectors occupied by hostile armies.A hostile army is an army not controlled by your own nation and which is not allied nor your conqueror or vassal state. If two or more settlements farm the same sector, i.e. the sector is within sight of several settlements, the food output will be shared equally between these settlements. See further the section Settlements,Chapter 7.Game Pieces, p 34. There are a few ways to increase the food output of a settlement. Many terrain types can be improved.To do this your nation must develop the right methods and then send out workers to actually improve the sectors. Note that some terrain types can’t be improved. Another route to increasing the food supply of a settlement is to develop fishing. If it’s a coastal settlement it will then be able to make use of all the sea/ocean sectors in sight to increase the food output. There are also a few special buildings that will generate extra food for the settlement.As your nation becomes more advanced and develops new methods to handle food and animals these will become available. The last route to increasing the amount of food in a settlement is to send food from other nearby settlements with a surplus of food. By keeping the population lower in outlying settlements it’s possible to use them as food gatherers for the larger, more important, cities. Food transports can transport up to 5000 food and move on the map like regular armies.They are free to construct but have a small cost in wages. Building new villages, towns and cities When food is becoming scarce in your capital city there is no other choice than sending out worker units to colonise new land. Worker units also function as settlers and can be used to build new villages or settle in already constructed settlements, i.e. increase the population. When a worker unit builds a village or settles in an already constructed settlement it is removed and becomes new population in the settlement. Spreading your population to several settlements has both positive and negative aspects: •• The land under your control will increase as well as the total food production allowing for a larger total population in your nation. •• More large settlements will increase the number of units that can be produced in a single turn as well as increase the total research output for your nation. •• The need to garrison many settlements will become a larger toll on the economy of your nation as well as make it more vulnerable to enemy assaults. Remember to leave enough empty land between your villages, towns and cities to allow them to farm many sectors without competing for the food output. Building your next settlement close to home might seem wise early in the game, but as your population grows it will not. Economy The standard coin, or monetary unit, is gold.This shiny yellow metal draws the attention of all races and is more valued than any other metal.All incomes and expenses are measured by their value in gold. Even if your barbarian nation still trade with shells and polished stones the value of all exchanges will be in gold. The economy of a nation is very simple at the start.Your population pay their taxes and your units require their wages. But pretty soon more factors start to influence the economy of your nation and they are the subject of this section. A nation does not need to get deeply involved in the details of their economy, but suffice to say, if you don’t have some control of your economy and it goes too much into the red you are in deep trouble...