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How A Breakthrough
Scientific Discovery Of A
Helped My Wife Break Free
From The Crippling Jaws of
Chronic Back Pain
“How the hell can she li몭 all that weight
above her head!?!
And I can barely brush my teeth without
feeling stabbing pain in my lower back!” ‐
my wife Jessica gasped.
I remember her being frustrated, a bit
envious and even angry saying that.
You see, Jessica and I used to lead very
ac몭ve lives.
We used to hike almost every weekend.
We jogged three 몭mes per week.
Before we were married we spent
months taking dance lessons together,
especially Tango, and over the years we
con몭nued to go out dancing as o몭en as
we could.
At that point in 몭me chronic back pain
But not then…
had turned my lovely Jessica into a
shadow of her former self…
[Jessica completely shut down because of her terrible
chronic back pain.]
She used to love to jump in the shower
with me for a morning quickie and now
she couldn’t even clean herself without
her back pain flaring up. I had to walk her
in and out of the bathroom and help her
towel off.
Jessica was miserable and felt like a
cripple living in a nursing home. But the
thing that got to her the most is how
subtle and decei몭ul her condi몭on was.
She was a 37 year old, healthy and strong
woman that found herself in a dreadful
situa몭on overnight. She went from an
energe몭c, joyful wife and a mom, taking
care of our two boys and me, to not even
being able to bring water to the stove to
prepare a meal.
[Jessica could barely func몭on because of her
excrucia몭ng chronic back pain.]
She could barely drive to work. The pain
from si몭ng behind a desk for hours and
a몭ending mee몭ngs was stressing her out.
She couldn’t focus on her work and
constantly had to take sick days… She
was terrified of ge몭ng laid off.
[She first experienced lower back pain a몭er her second
A몭er the birth of our second child,
Jessica had some lower back pain. It
didn’t seem like anything serious at first. I
mean, who doesn’t have back pain at
least once in a while, right?
And it all started very
Then one horrifying and
embarrassing event,
that I’m going to share with
you today,
changed everything in an
But back then I had no idea that my
wife’s chronic lower back pain would
send me on a fantas몭c journey through
the world of top‐performing pros and
their epic back pain turnarounds.
A journey involving men and women in
the world of Olympic weightli몭ing who
went from being almost wheelchair
bound to using their, now pain‐free
backs to li몭 crazy amounts of weight and
win Olympic medals.
World Series poker players who struggled
to sleep because of their hunched backs
몭ghtening from hours of si몭ng at the
poker table, to now sleeping with ease
regardless of the hotel bed they end up
And a chance encounter with an Olympic
physical therapist who became a highly
sought a몭er back recovery specialist
because of his unique 15‐minute pain
relieving rou몭ne.
A rou몭ne he created while working with
the most extreme cases of chronic back
pain in the world of professional athletes
and high performance people.
This rou몭ne proved to be so efficient
because it targets the li몭le‐known root
cause of lower and upper back pain as
well as neck pain and brings libera몭ng
relief within minutes.
And there is no guesswork there.
Because a recent scien몭fic discovery
published by the New York University’s
School of Medicine[1] confirmed the
existence of a previously unknown
“organ” in our bodies and this rou몭ne
was designed to target it!
[Amazing discovery sheds light on the root cause of
chronic and other health issues.]
The good news is I will share all I know
about it with you today.
And how it is 몭ed in with an insidious
condi몭on called the Deadlock Effect, that
targets most people over the age of 30
who sit more than 4 hours per day.
[Just si몭ng would send shoo몭ng pain through Jessica’s
lower back.]
But understanding the Deadlock Effect
unlocked my wife's ability as well as
thousands of others to fix their backs
from excrucia몭ng chronic back pain.
Like most people she started with all the
usual things you think or are told to do
when your back starts to hurt.
First, it was just bed rest and some light
stretches she found online, which was
easy and provided some relief for a li몭le
while, but soon it was replaced with a
searing back pain in a ma몭er of hours.
Hi, my name is John
and at that 몭me my wife Jessica was a
long way from the pain‐free, ac몭ve,
beau몭ful and happy mother of two she is
[Jessica’s back pain was ge몭ng worse.]
Feeling a bit defeated but s몭ll hopeful
she joined one of those one‐muscle
stretch programs and while she felt like
this was the solu몭on she was looking for,
just a couple of weeks later she was
struggling to stand up and was back to
square one…
Star몭ng to get more frustrated and
concerned, she opened up the wallet and
decided to join a popular Yoga studio,
only to crumble embarrassingly in front
of the en몭re class when stabbing pain in
her back got worse.
[Jessica's pain always came back with a vengeance.]
Jessica was at the end of her rope and
although she has never been the “sporty”
type she bought a membership at a local
gym, which just le몭 her feeling sore and
She even started to gain
[Not only did her back pain not go away, she even
gained weight.]
Desperate and helpless Jessica went to
the doctor to try to get a prescrip몭on for
She had to jump through hoops just to
prove to Pain Management that she’s not
some junkie looking for pills. Even though
she was in genuine need for pain relief
she s몭ll felt like an addict every몭me she
needed to refill her prescrip몭on.
[Jessica felt like a junkie having to rely on pills to find
relief from back pain.]
Those pills would numb her pain for a
while but she didn't like taking them,
because they weren’t actually making her
be몭er and le몭 her feeling sick and
slipping deeper into sadness.
[Jessica was falling deeper into depression.]
So eventually she stopped strolling
around the neighborhood with the other
moms, playing with the kids, and stopped
tending to her garden.
She couldn’t clean our house, hell, she
couldn’t even clean herself without crying
from pain every 몭me she showered.
She felt her body failing her every step of
the way, as her back pain grew and her
happiness shrunk…
Because even the smallest things
”normal” people take for granted were an
everyday challenge for her. Things, like:
Why was she condemned to
suffer like this?
Was this going to be the rest of
her life?
… And some몭mes…even BREATHING
would cause pain in her back.
The energy and joy she brought into our
lives had faded away and it was replaced
✓ Trying to get out of bed in the
✓ Sneezing too hard.
✓ Laughing
✓ Cooking and washing the dishes
✓ Doing laundry
✓ Mopping the floor or
✓ Taking a shower
✓ Brushing her teeth
✓ Dressing herself
with horrible depression.
Jessica lost all hope that she would ever
be able to be in몭mate with me, not only
because of the pain but because she lost
confidence in herself.
[Jessica and I grew further and further apart.]
And it hurt me to say it, but in her
withered state, even though I NEVER
acted on it, I found myself looking at
other women in ways I had never thought
of before…
The woman I loved was slowly
disappearing in front of my eyes as I
helplessly watched from the sidelines.
I’m embarrassed to even think about
what happened next, but Jessica insisted
on me sharing it with you today.
It affected our marriage, not
only emotionally, but
physically as well…
This was the most gut‐
wrenching moment of our
Because this was an event that led me on
a quest against everything the
mul몭billion‐dollar back pain industry has
told you about back pain.
It was a turning point that showed me the
way to a discovery of a unique rou몭ne –
a true godsent solu몭on for Jessica and
thousands of others.
For years this well‐kept secret has been
hidden as the wealthy elite and the
world’s top athletes used it to reach peak
human performance and to hack their
bodies to look and feel young forever.
Using this special rou몭ne, Jessica felt a
swi몭 and overwhelming relief in her
lower back, in only 15 minutes, for the
first 몭me in years of unbearable pain.
[Jessica felt like she was given a new chance at a
normal life.]
And with each new pain‐free day, I saw
extraordinary changes in her.
She went from feeling like a hopeless
medical puzzle to experiencing amazing
relief from back pain.
[Jessica started feeling like herself again.]
From convincing herself she was
worthless as a piece of broken‐down
furniture with no future to speak of…to
star몭ng each day with a smile and
unlimited confidence full of new hopes and
[Her transforma몭on was unbelievable.]
From feeling like an over‐the‐hill rusty old
lady to a sexy high‐energy babe I
remember falling in love with.
And when you discover the actual cause
of back pain that I’ll share with you today,
you’ll understand why all of the solu몭ons
you’ve tried so far never stood a chance
of fixing it.
But when you use this simple rou몭ne that
targets the root cause of back pain, you’ll
regain your young, robust and flexible
back, and experience relief you haven’t
felt in years.
No ma몭er how old you are (this works
even if you’re well into your 80s!).
Like it did for Angela’s mother:
No ma몭er if you suffer from a herniated
disc like Marian:
Or even if you have spent countless
sleepless nights struggling to ever get
comfortable like Maria:
And if, like with my Jessica, doctors can’t
pinpoint the exact source of your back
pain you will s몭ll get the relief you are
looking for and deserve.
Despite what you may have been told,
trea몭ng the root cause of back pain has
nothing to do with stretching, strength
exercises or running.
These things address the symptoms of
back pain and may bring you short term
relief but what I’ll show you today targets
the one thing that will FREE YOUR BACK
It’s connected with the latest scien몭fic
study done by New York University’s
School Of Medicine[1] about a
mysterious body part that was
undiscovered un몭l recently – called the
[Discovery of an unrecognized body part1.]
[Newfound organ missed by scien몭sts, un몭l recently2.]
[Scien몭st dubbed it as a newfound “organ” (1).]
This is why it’s important you read this to
the very end, while it’s s몭ll available.
Because this informa몭on is making some
influen몭al people nervous, and I don’t
know how long I’ll be able to keep it
Scientists have missed it for
decades[2]. Because it never
showed up on MRIs, CT scans,
or X-rays, yet it turned out to
be one of the largest organs in
our bodies and revolutionized
the way we look at treating
back pain.
You see, the Back Pain industry is a 100
billion dollar business in the US alone.
And yet 178 million Americans[3] are
suffering from back pain today, for five
years or longer.
[Back Pain in the U.S. ‐ Sta몭s몭cs and Facts]
Think about it. If poten몭ally dangerous
procedures, addic몭ve medica몭on and
shady snake‐oil salesman methods Back
Pain Industry peddles worked, wouldn’t
everybody have pain‐free backs?
So why is that not the case?
Because back pain is the best thing that
happened to the painkiller industry.
As long as you stay in pain
they stay in business.
But if you suddenly get be몭er their gravy
train stops.
[Discovery that lead to ‘drama몭c medical advances’ (4)]
It was a day like any other. Kids were at
school, I was at work, and Jessica was
home alone.
Once again she had to take a sick day and
risk losing her job, because of her back
flaring up.
So let me tell you all about
that horrible event that
changed everything for Jessica
and me.
She decided to freshen up. Even though
her back always hurt when she would try
to take a shower.
But this 몭me sharp pain in her lower back
was so intense that she fell to the
ground, not being able to stand up, or
even crawl to her phone to call for help.
[Jessica thought her life was over.]
So there she was lying all curled up in a
ball on our cold bathroom 몭les, crying her
heart out and thinking her life is over.
When she didn’t answer my call or text
that day, like she usually does, I knew
something was wrong. I tried again but
she wasn’t picking up. I broke into a cold
sweat fearing the worst.
I found her weeping on our bathroom
floor shaking, naked, alone and afraid.
I managed to pick her up, helped her to
get dressed, and got her in the car. She
thought it was pointless but I drove her
I jumped in my car and rushed
home driving like a maniac.
straight to the emergency room.
You see, this wasn’t the first 몭me Jessica
went to see the doctor.
In fact we have lost count by that 몭me.
Because the doctors were playing you’re
it with her medical chart, bouncing her
from one specialist to another, trying to
figure out what the hell was going on
with her back.
Jessica got MRIs, X‐rays, CT scans, but it
was all pointless.
[Doctors couldn't pinpoint what was the problem.]
And a몭er all that back and forth, what
was their conclusion?
It’s non‐specific. Or, in plain English –
they had no idea.
It was always the same old story, either:
“make an appointment with this specialist
and check back” or, “if you don’t get be몭er
in a couple of months, come back to see
No one had answers, just
empty promises, and we were
getting fed up.
Was that the best modern medicine can do?
We were already exhausted and
frustrated by the endless “solu몭ons”
offered so far.
We went to various physical therapists
and massage specialists.
We tried every over the counter pill, patch
and cream that you can buy at Target.
We tried using ice packs, hea몭ng pads,
epsom salt baths, and all types of
massagers I could order from Amazon.
(You should see our house, it looks like
we collect the damn things in all shapes
and sizes).
[We wasted so much money on tools that weren’t
efficient. Now they collect dust.]
But just like with everything else, she
would feel a short term relief and her
back pain would always come back with a
So you can understand that my blood
started boiling when I heard her doctor
heartlessly say that day:
[There’s nothing else we can do.]
“A walker!?! But she’s only 37, not some old
lady!” ‐ I snapped at him, barely
containing my anger.
And all he said was “I’m sorry, it’s the best
we can do for now.”
We stormed out of his office.
I was so angry with the doctor but on our
car ride home the anger shi몭ed to all the
things we had done that didn’t work and
“Jessica, the thing is we are
not sure what is causing your
We’re gonna give you a nerve
block shot, but if things get
any worse, you might
need to use a walker. We don’t
want you falling over again.”
all the empty promises we got, while
Jessica was held hostage by her chronic
back pain.
When we got home Jessica was
inconsolable. I kissed her on the cheek.
Wiped her tears and told her not to
worry, that I’d take care of everything. I
knew she didn’t believe me but what was
I supposed to say?
So I spent the next several days and
nights in front of the computer digging
into everything about the cause of back
pain and how to fix it.
But it was all stuff Jessica had already
tried. I WAS STUCK.
That week I had a business trip lined up
in Las Vegas. It didn’t feel right leaving
Jessica alone a몭er everything that
happened, but she convinced me to go
since we needed the money.
No, I didn’t win a jackpot but believe me
it felt like it!
So there I was in Vegas having a drink at
the hotel bar a몭er work. I was watching a
poker tournament. But I couldn’t get the
image of my lovely wife lying on the cold
bathroom floor and suffering terrible pain
out of my mind.
Soon I felt we were just angry
because we felt helpless.
And it turned out to be a
blessing in disguise.
And in that heightened state a thought
came to me.
How do poker players, who “sit for a
living”, for days on end, deal with back
These guys had to be focused under
extreme pressure for hours. There is no
way they’d be able to call someone’s bluff
or not give away their hand if they were
suffering from back pain.
[How do top poker players sit for hours their en몭re
career deal with back pain?]
With millions of dollars at stake, you can
bet they did everything to be at the top
of their game.
And I don’t know if it was a coincidence,
des몭ny or lady luck when I overheard a
conversa몭on from a few seasoned poker
players si몭ng next to me.
“I can’t remember the last 몭me my back felt
so good, man.” – one of them exclaimed to
his buddies with a big smile.
Without even introducing myself I asked
what had happened?
They just pointed to a guy giving a
massage to one of the heavy hi몭ers at
the finals table.
His name was Virgil Pruteanu – an
unusual chiropractor from Eastern Europe
and the secret weapon of the rich and
[Virgil Pruteanu]
And let me tell you, what I was about to
find out sounded like it was straight from
a movie.
You see, Virgil was responsible for
helping top performers achieve world
level success by keeping their backs pain
free, flexible and strong.
He helped legendary hall‐of‐famer Daniel
“Kid Poker” Negreanu[5] keep his back in
shape for live tournaments.
And it must have worked since “Kid
Poker” is one of the biggest live poker
tournament winners of all 몭me. And a
winner of 6 World Series bracelets plus 2
World Tour championship 몭tles.
[Virgil (le몭) with legendary hall‐of‐famer Daniel “Kid
Poker” Negreanu (right).]
The guys at the bar told me that Virgil
was sought a몭er by such high stakes
rollers because he earned his chops
having amazing success with most
hopeless cases of back pain you can
imagine ‐ Olympic weightli몭ers.
Olympic weightli몭ers? ‐ I thought to
I’m not a be몭ng man, but if I were, I’d say
that Olympic weightli몭ers strain their
backs more than any other athletes. They
li몭 thousands of pounds… daily… for
[Olympic weightli몭ers li몭 crazy amounts of weight,
And I can remember seeing nerve‐racking
videos of those guys and gals being
twisted‐up under bars loaded with
hundreds of pounds of weight.
Yet, somehow they’re not all rolling
around in wheelchairs and living in agony
of back pain.
So if this Virgil guy could keep the backs
of these men and women working on a
top‐notch level, there must be something
he knew that others didn’t.
So when I no몭ced that he was on his
coffee break I approached him and
introduced myself.
I told him about Jessica’s back pain and
asked him for help, he was very friendly
and pa몭ently listened to my story.
But he soon apologized to me saying
there was no way he could find the 몭me
to see her. He was booked up for the
en몭re year. He had ten flights that month
alone. In fact, he had a flight later that
“I understand that I’m a complete stranger
and you are obviously a very busy man. I’m
just the type of man that doesn’t give up so
easily. I’ll do anything to see my wife pain‐
free and smile again. Thank you
nevertheless, I’ll find a way.” ‐ I said.
I’ll never know why what I said resonated
with Virgil at that moment, but I no몭ced
him ge몭ng misty‐eyed.
This was fate. I knew I had to
meet him.
Then he gently smiled and checked his
schedule once again, glanced at his watch
and to my surprise said: “I have some 몭me
before my flight. Let’s grab a quick drink.”
I was excited, but I have to admit I was
skep몭cal too. All I knew about this guy
was what those old‐몭me poker hustlers
at the bar told me. But I thought, what
the hell. Worst case scenario, it’d cost me
a couple of beers and an hour of my 몭me.
I found out that Virgil worked with
successful people from all walks of life.
Like The Eyebrow Queen celebrity
entrepreneur Anastasia Soare[6], famous
for giving Oprah an eyebrow makeover,
well‐known MMA fighters, Olympic
athletes and Hollywood stunt
[Virgil with “The Eyebrow Queen” Anastasia Soare]
I thought this guy was just another
chiropractor who got lucky with a few A‐
list clients, but Virgil turned out to be so
much more.
He told me how at the age of 12 he
immersed himself in the world of mar몭al
arts. Dedica몭ng himself to mastering the
secret and deadly skill called Ninjutsu.
Ninjutsu is a tradi몭onal Japanese mar몭al
art. And Ninja’s were like modern day
special forces of their 몭me.
The thing that interested Virgil was how
those ancient warriors knew how to heal
their injuries on and off the ba몭lefield
and to do it quickly, to survive.
He soon realized that they were able to
do it because of their unique insights into
the way the human body works.
[Virgil (middle) with one of his teachers Lin Kai Ting
(right) in 2005]
Things like Hichibuku therapy used to
bring complete relaxa몭on to the body,
especially a몭er the stress caused by
grueling workouts.
And QiGong, the art of combining the
mind and body using body posture,
And the things he learned
during his apprenticeships in
Europe and Asia you can’t
learn just from reading books.
medita몭on, movement and the power of
breath to heal.
As well as Yumeiho therapy, a tradi몭onal
method of correc몭ng hip bones through a
set of complex manual procedures and
movements in order to restore a balance
to the body, heal disorders and prevent
chronic suffering.
These were all ancient teachings passed
down from master to student, from one
genera몭on to the next.
[Virgil at one of his many trips to China]
Virgil crowned his vast knowledge and
experience with studies of Structural
Osteopathy and So몭 Chiroprac몭c at the
pres몭gious world‐known Ackermann
Ins몭tute in Stockholm, Sweden[7].
[Virgil a몭ended pres몭gious Ackermann College in
Stockholm Sweden]
But it wasn’t un몭l years later, when he
returned to his home country in Eastern
Europe, that things really came together
for him.
He became a chiropractor, but the thing
that made him special was the way he
incorporated the ancient teachings of
Asian mar몭al arts into his healing process
with amazing results.
The best proof of that was the fact that
when word about Virgil got around his
home country, he was immediately
sought out by the Romanian Weightli몭ing
Federa몭on Team.
They wanted him to see if there is
anything he can do to help their athletes
deal with injuries and perform be몭er in
the world of Olympic weightli몭ing. This
was a challenge Virgil happily took upon
And sure enough by achieving remarkable
results with these weightli몭ers, Virgil was
chosen as the official chiropractor for the
Romanian Weightli몭ing Federa몭on Team.
[Virgil was recruited by Romanian Weightli몭ing
Federa몭on Team]
His mission was to help them prepare for
the 2012 Olympics Games in London.
This was the first 몭me he decided to test
his unique Hidden Dragon approach.
He reverse engineered powerful bone‐
breaking Ninja moves and secret pressure
point techniques and combined them
with the ancient knowledge of a
mysterious human organ called the
Inters몭몭um[8] – which I will tell you all
about in a minute.
By doing that Virgil was able to develop a
unique 15‐minute rou몭ne and he was
ready to put it to the ul몭mate test.
He knew that if it would work on men
and women who push their bodies
beyond their limits, it would work on
His team was considered the underdog of
the Olympics. So to even have a shot at
the finals they had to train extremely
hard. And in sports, especially in
weightli몭ing, the harder you train the
But it was a big challenge.
more likely you are to get injured and be
forced to skip a compe몭몭on.
So if you can find a way to train more,
without injury, you’d have an edge over
the other compe몭tors…
…and Virgil provided that edge
He was able to keep their backs injury
free and the results were incredible. The
team went the distance and they
surprised everyone and became
weightli몭ing champions in men and
women's events at the 2012 London
Summer Olympic Games.
[The team Virgil was working with had secured their
place on the winners podium.]
I realized that his unique rou몭ne that
took only 15 minutes to do, was the
secret sauce of his success.
That was the reason why he is one of the
most sought a몭er back pain experts
His special routine proved to
be the secret weapon
of the Romanian Olympic
Weightlifting Team.
today and why his schedule was crazy
I was convinced he was the only guy that
could save Jessica.
But also he showed me some cold hard
facts that supported everything he was
talking about.
You see, for years Virgil researched the
latest studies from the best universi몭es in
the world like:
✓ Harvard
✓ Yale
✓ Johns Hopkins
✓ The Einstein School of Medicine
✓ Stanford
✓ And many more
As it o몭en happens, research only
provides scien몭fic evidence for cures that
have been around for thousands of
So Virgil was eager to find cold hard
scien몭fic facts to why his rou몭ne was
It took a lot of reading and digging and he
almost gave up…
Un몭l he came upon a study about that
mysterious organ called the Inters몭몭um I
men몭oned earlier.
The Inters몭몭um was acknowledged by
the New York University’s School of
Medicine1 in March of 2018.
“So what is this Intersi몭um?” ‐ I was eager
to know.
Virgil smiled at my impa몭ence and said
“Let me explain.”
He put it in plain English for me, and it
was pre몭y easy to understand.
The Inters몭몭um8 is a connec몭ve 몭ssue
that literally holds our body together. It’s
몭ghtly knit around every muscle, nerve,
bone, vein, artery and all of our internal
organs as well as the spinal cord.
It’s not rigid, solid 몭ssue. It’s actually a
so몭 몭ssue network that looks like bubble‐
wrap filled with fluid.
[Imagine the Inters몭몭um as a bubble‐wrap filled with
Scien몭sts learned that the Inters몭몭um
spreads through our en몭re body taking
up about 20% of our mass, meaning that
for a 200 lbs person it makes up almost
40 lbs of the body volume.
So is the Inters몭몭um root cause of back
pain? ‐ I asked.
Yes it is. And the reason for it is because
the Inters몭몭um is the Holy Trinity of
protec몭on, movement and nutri몭on[9]. ‐
Virgil said.
First, the Inters몭몭um protects your
internal organs from impact by absorbing
some of the shock. The same way
bubble‐wrap protects fragile stuff in a
This makes it the largest organ
in the human body.
[Inters몭몭um func몭ons as a protec몭on layer.]
But the problem with the Inters몭몭um is
that it has 6 to10 몭mes more sensory
nerves than muscle. So the pain you can
feel from hur몭ng your inters몭몭um
compared to regular muscle soreness is
that much stronger.
Second, the Inters몭몭um allows your body
to move in its op몭mal range of mo몭on.
When the Inters몭몭um is healthy our
muscles glide over each other without
fric몭on. It allows all of our body parts to
work together so we can move in any
direc몭on easily and pain‐free.
Or as Virgil put it: When the Inters몭몭um is
well lubricated, oxygenated and healthy it
makes you almost “superhuman”.
Because no ma몭er how strong your
muscles are, it’s the Inters몭몭um that
“determines” how much of that full body
strength you can use and how much
mobility you have.
That’s why Olympic weightli몭ers, with
properly func몭oning Inters몭몭um, are able
to li몭 2 or even 3 몭mes their body weight
despite not having large muscles.
Same as the machines that need well‐
oiled gears to work without s몭cking and
fusing together, athletes need their
Inters몭몭um lubricated to be able to run
faster, jump higher, and li몭 more.
[Virgil compared it to a rusty, dry machine (le몭) vs well
lubricated machine (right).]
And everyday folks like Jessica, you and
me need it to be able to sit, stand, walk or
pick stuff up.
And third, a healthy Inters몭몭um delivers
essen몭al nutrients to every cell of our
body and takes the toxins out.
Simply put its responsibility is bringing the
good stuff in and taking the bad stuff out.
To do that it uses the fluid located within
those bubble‐wrap‐like vessels of the
Inters몭몭um called the Inters몭몭al fluid.
The same fluid is what keeps our body
working as a smooth‐running machine
and provides extra padding to prevent
And those are the reasons why the root
cause of back pain is in the Inters몭몭um.
As they say, it’s the li몭le things that
ma몭er. You don’t have to be in a car
crash to bust your back.
Small everyday things that you don’t even
register, things like poor posture, stress‐
induced muscle tension or si몭ng for long
periods of 몭me are all micro‐traumas that
affect the Inters몭몭um.
[Poor posture and prolonged si몭ng create micro‐
traumas of the Inters몭몭um.]
[These micro‐traumas can cause pain in different parts
of your back and your body.]
How does it happen?
These micro‐traumas cause “gluing” of the
Inters몭몭um and muscle together that
locks up your ability to move, affects
posture and causes pain[10].
You see, those bubble‐wrapped vessels
get squashed together from the micro‐
trauma, and the fluid inside of them dries
out, making that “bubble‐wrap” very
So when there is no fluid, there is no
more padding. This causes lack of blood
flow and hydra몭on.
Inflamma몭on sets in, and the damaged
몭ssue locks on to everything in its
surrounding area.
It can s몭ck to other muscle 몭ssue, spine
or nerves, even internal organs causing
mobility issues, pain or worse. It all
depends on the place where the trauma
That condition is something
Virgil calls:
The Deadlock Effect
“And that’s what Jessica has” ‐ he
That’s the reason why regular stretches,
exercises, yoga and all the things Jessica
tried never worked for her.
Not only that, but by doing any sort of
challenging exercises or stretches before
addressing the Deadlock Effect you can
create tears in the muscles and the
Inters몭몭um and make your pain even
That’s why you need to take care of the
Deadlock Effect first. And you can do it by
using Virgil’s unique rou몭ne.
This is when you actually start seeing
your back going from causing you terrible
pain, to feeling immense relief with a
simple 15‐minute rou몭ne.
Because of the increase of blood flow
and nutrient rich inters몭몭al fluid to the
affected area inflamma몭on starts to
Your back begins healing itself, allowing
you to sleep, move, and live your life
without back pain that has been holding
you prisoner in your own body.
“Until you deal with the
Deadlock Effect,
just stretching can’t help you.”
‐ he said.
[Start enjoying your life again.]
You’ll feel well rested and energized
throughout the day.
You get your range of mo몭on back and
are able to sit at your desk all day long
and forget you ever had any back pain.
[Forget about back pain and focus with ease.]
You can finally take a shower longer than
two minutes and put on your underwear
and socks without cringing in pain.
[Start enjoying the li몭le things in life again.]
You can take long walks at your favorite
park or a beach without needing to rest
every five minutes and enjoy going to a
concert or a game and sit or stand for
hours without having to cut the fun
[Stop missing out on important moments in your life.]
Virgil called this amazing 15‐
minute routine – The Coffee
Break Routine.
It was specially designed for targe몭ng the
Deadlock Effect, quickly. Because it had
to work in fast‐paced situa몭ons of
Olympic compe몭몭ons where every
second counted as well as high‐stakes
World Poker Tournaments.
This breakthrough rou몭ne is designed
specially to reduce micro‐adhesions,
reenergize old scarred Inters몭몭um 몭ssue
and replenish the cells of our muscles
with nutrients.
You can do it as a single 15‐minute
rou몭ne, or you can break it up into a
morning, noon and night – three 5‐
minute sessions. It will bring you relief
from back pain either way.
[You can break it into three 5‐minute sessions.]
So you can understand how excited I was
to tell Jessica all about it.
Virgil wanted to help but I had no idea
how he would be able to find the 몭me for
her, with his fully booked schedule.
He saw me scrambling through my phone
trying to figure out a date we could both
agree on and he said: “Don’t worry, I’m
convinced I can help your wife. All we’re
gonna need is a quick video call.”
I remember being surprised that a video
call would be enough. Virgil assured me
that the movements in his life‐changing
Coffee Break Rou몭ne are so simple
almost anyone can do them by
themselves to their own ability and from
the comfort of their own home.
[You can do it from the comfort of your own home.]
I was relieved it was an op몭on so we
quickly found a 몭me on his calendar and
scheduled a video call.
But when I returned home and told
Jessica all about it, she just looked at me
with despair in her eyes.
“You know I have tried everything John, it’s
really nice of you that you’re trying, but
there is no way out of this…” ‐ she said.
I tried to convince her that this 몭me it’s
different that she should try this and not
end up using a walker or worse. But she
got angry and yelled at me:
“I don’t want to do any kind of programs
anymore! All I want is to be able to take a
quick shower without collapsing in pain.
Hold my children without having to sit
down to do it.
I want to live my life without thinking about
back pain every damn second…” ‐ she
started sobbing.
[Jessica wasn’t ready to feel like she had failed once
I just held her and kissed her and didn’t
say anything.
I guess she was under so much pain and
stress that day that she just had no
strength in her to try again, but the next
morning while we were drinking coffee
she surprised me.
She kissed me, and said she was sorry for
ge몭ng so angry, and that if I was ready
to do what I did for her, that she can at
least give it a try.
That same day I reached out to Virgil and
we arranged a video call.
We decided to record it so that Jessica
can watch it more than once if needed.
Then Virgil demonstrated one special
movement called Ninja in the grass, that
I’ll tell you more about in a minute, while
Jessica simply and easily followed along.
[She didn’t expect for the relief to happen so fast.]
I could see it in her eyes, that she felt
different. So she eagerly con몭nued
following Virgil’s simple instruc몭ons.
A몭er she finished the rou몭ne she closed
her eyes and buried her face into her
I thought she was in pain again. But soon
I could see the edges of her perfect smile,
the one that I fell in love with, the one I
haven’t seen in ages, creep past her
I’ll never forget when she told
me: “No chance in hell I’ll feel
better in only 15 minutes.”
And something amazing
happened. I noticed that
Jessica let out a big sigh of
She looked up at me with tears streaming
down her face as she cried from a release
she hadn’t experienced in years.
A relief she had given up on ever feeling
She sat up with be몭er posture than I had
seen even before this nightmare started
and as she was choking back tears of joy,
she said:
“It feels like someone just took a knife out of
my back. I haven’t felt this good in 13
years… Thank you Virgil!”
[Jessica was overwhelmed with emo몭on.]
Her tears came back in full force and I
started crying too. I couldn’t be strong
anymore because I was so grateful that
Virgil was the missing key to my wife
ge몭ng her life back and me ge몭ng her
He said that she will feel immediate relief
from pain and be able to move like she
Now, Virgil warned her.
hasn't been able in ages.
But since she was suffering from the
Deadlock Effect for years, it would take
some 몭me and a few more sessions un몭l
her back healed completely.
He said: “It’s not me or my rou몭ne that
actually heals your back. It’s your body that
knows what to do. By doing this rou몭ne you
just allow it to heal itself.”
Think of it this way.
What do you do when you cut yourself?
You disinfect the wound, put a band‐aid
on it and leave the rest to your body.
Same here, you just do the rou몭ne and
let your body handle the rest.
Since Jessica’s back was plagued by the
Deadlock Effect for more than a decade,
It made sense that her body would need
a li몭le 몭me to do its thing and heal.
And because she had the recording of her
session. She could do it every day if she
needed to, in her own 몭me and from the
comfort of our home.
I felt so a몭racted to her. It was like her
spirit came alive. She reminded me of her
younger self.
I couldn't control myself. I picked her up
and carried her straight to the bedroom.
It was a night filled with passion and
energy of people 10 years younger than
That evening she got so
excited that she actually
jumped into my arms.
we were.
[It was the first 몭me in a long 몭me I saw my wife happy
The next morning she actually brought
me coffee to bed with a big smile on her
face. She playfully admi몭ed that she
might have pushed herself a bit harder
than Virgil would have approved of, but
that it was worth it.
I’ll never forget the smile on her face
when she flushed her painkillers down
the toilet and called up her doctor to tell
him she’s canceling her next
appointment, leaving him confused on
the other end of the line.
[Her doctor was dumbfounded.]
From then on things only got
better and better for Jessica.
She was waking up energized and pain‐
free a몭er a good night's sleep.
[Finally she was able to sleep through the night without
tossing and turning.]
She started taking walks around the block
every morning before work.
[She was mo몭vated like never before.]
Her job performance was be몭er. She
wasn’t taking any 몭me off anymore, and
was able to sit through the work day and
better and better for Jessica.
actually focus on her job. She even got a
[Jessica was finally able to focus on her work.]
Her morning walks mo몭vated her to start
ea몭ng healthier and in a ma몭er of two
months she was able to shed 15 extra
pounds! That made her feel even more
[She was looking slimmer and sexier, and people
started no몭cing.]
I mean it was like she became a
completely different person.
She wasn’t hunched over anymore… Her
face, skin and hair were glowing, and I
felt like I was married to an energe몭c 20‐
year‐old version of my hot wife.
Jessica con몭nued doing the rou몭ne,
usually first thing in the morning or just
before going to bed. Some몭mes even at
work, during her coffee break.
A몭er just 4 weeks of doing it daily she
started feeling so good, that she didn’t
need to do it at all anymore.
Only on occasion when she felt it would
help her release tension in her body a몭er
a long hard day.
But most importantly she knew that in
the unlikely case her back pain returned
she now had a secret weapon in her
pocket, literally, because it was readily
available to her on her smartphone, tablet
or computer. All she had to do was push
a bu몭on.
[She could easily access the rou몭ne from any of her
smart devices.]
A몭er years of spending more 몭me
thinking about pain she was in and trying
to manage it, than doing anything else
She was finally free from back
pain and it was all thanks to
people normally do… she finally felt like
she broke loose from the prison of chronic
back pain and regained the power over her
Everyday small stuff that she couldn’t do
without extreme pain like taking a quick
shower, cooking or just pu몭ng on her
underwear and socks became easy
everyday stuff again, that she could do
without thinking about it.
Seeing how it impacted the quality of her
life Jessica told me that she needs to
share it with others.
She remembered all the devasta몭ng
stories she had heard and read over the
years in chronic pain support groups and
couldn’t bear knowing that thousands if
not millions of people were s몭ll suffering.
She needed more people to experience
the relief she had. So she shared the
video Virgil made for her with her group
and that’s when the emails and messages
about amazing results people were
having started flowing in.
Like Simon that said:
Or Radu that wrote to us to say:
And Angela that shared her experience
with us saying:
We knew this rou몭ne was something
special, but it worked so well that people
from her group started sharing it around.
Soon Jessica was ge몭ng emails every
single day from people of all ages and
types of back pain issues almost begging
for her video!
Since Virgil’s Coffee Break rou몭ne was
such a success we wanted to get it into
the hands of as many people as we could
that were suffering from back pain.
Plus Jessica wasn’t crazy about the idea
of a video of her being shared around.
So the very next day I called Virgil and
told him how big of an impact and change
his rou몭ne has made in Jessica’s life and
how sharing that simple video he made
for her allowed us to change the lives of
dozens of others in her support groups.
Virgil's eyes began to widen with
I explained to him that we could record
the same simple instruc몭onal videos and
provide it to thousands upon thousands
of people who are all in desperate need
for help, same as Jessica was.
These simple videos could change the
lives of people across the globe.
Virgil stopped me with the happiest, most
joyful laugh, and told me that this is what
he always dreamt of.
He had to let go of his hopes of helping
the world alleviate back pain problems
because he could only treat one person
at a 몭me.
The video we had was made
specially for Jessica and we
wanted something that would
work for everybody.
But now he realized that he can fulfill his
dream by crea몭ng this simple and easy to
follow video program and help improve
the lives of so many people.
Virgil and I were full of drive and purpose
and we immediately got to work. And just
a few months later we created an
amazing and unique set of videos
uncovering all of Virgil’s secrets.
And just because it felt like Virgil
answered Jessica’s “distress signal” and
literally saved her life from back pain.
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on
purpose only.
The truly unique pain‐relieving system
that addresses the root cause of back
It’s the only “back healing system” proven
to work on Olympic weightli몭ers, World
Class Poker Stars and thousands of
regular people addressing the true cause
He decided to call it Back Pain
of back pain in the Inters몭몭um.
Finally, you’ll be able to experience the
same transforma몭on that thousands of
former back‐pain sufferers have seen in
their own lives:
✓ Erase your back pain with a
simple 15‐minute rou몭ne in the
comfort of your own home… no
gym, no expensive massage
therapy, and no leering eyes in
yoga class making you
✓ …let years of damage to your
Inters몭몭um heal while you
sleep. Let your body do its job
while you enjoy a good night's
rest and wake up refreshed!
✓ …drama몭cally increase your
mobility and flexibility and feel
immediate relief from pain
using the Ninja in the grass
movement. Because It’s 몭me
for you to start enjoying your
life again.
This easy 1‐2‐3 follow along system is
made for people who have severe chronic
back pain as well as for those who want
to prevent becoming its prisoner.
So if you’re serious about fixing your
chronic back pain. If you don’t want to
see it come back with a vengeance a몭er
just a few days, weeks or months. But
want to get rid of it, then The Back Pain
SOS system is for you.
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on
purpose only.
Discover li몭le‐known secret movements
that were reverse engineered from
ancient mar몭al arts. Movements that
target the root cause of back pain and
conquer it with this powerful, simple to
follow and easy to do complete Back Pain
SOS System.
✓ You will experience an overall
improvement in your cogni몭ve
performance and ability to focus
so you can perform be몭er in all
areas of your life.
✓ You will boost your energy
levels naturally and easily. (This
way, you’ll finally stop being
exhausted by back pain.)
✓ And you will revive your sex
✓ And you will revive your sex
life. (Sex doesn’t have to make
you cringe in pain just thinking
about it. It should be a
pleasurable experience that is
spontaneous, like when you were
in your twen몭es, and not a
planned out event with a set of
special instruc몭ons just to get
through with it.)
Also when you get Back Pain SOS system
today, you’re going to discover:
How to gently and painlessly address the
true cause of back pain. (Important! Did
you know that the point where you
experience pain in many cases isn’t the
point where you pain originates from).
Virgil will show you what to do when the
Deadlock Effect causes your muscles to
“glue” together. (This is an extraordinary
and un몭l now undisclosed technique that
has people who were suffering from back
pain for years feeling like they’re in their 20s
again ‐ all in a quarter of an hour!)
And if back pain prevents you from doing
most of the movements, even though
they’re simple and easy to do for most
people, we’ll show you how to use our
Assistance Sequence and s몭ll get all the
relief from back pain you deserve.
Because some of the online programs
make it really hard to understand what is
going on, Virgil worked on the Back Pain
SOS system painstakingly to make sure
you see every movement from the best
The videos are clear and high resolu몭on
so you won’t miss a single detail. You
don’t need any experience because all the
movements are easy to follow that even a
child could do them.
The Back Pain SOS system is so simple
and straigh몭orward you can watch it on
your smart devices any몭me you want or
you can print out our easy‐to‐follow
instruc몭ons and have them always readily
Have a break before your next mee몭ng?
[You can do it at the office.]
Want to relieve some back pain while you
preheat the oven?
[You can do it while you prepare a meal for your loved
Why not feel some release from pain during
the commercials or while you listen to a
podcast or an audio book?
[You can do it while you enjoy your favorite show, listen
to music or a book.]
There is no need for you to spend your
hard earned money on expensive Yoga
studios that you need to get ready and
commute to, just to get all sweaty with a
bunch of strangers ogling you.
With the Back Pain SOS system all you
need is the comfort of your own home to
tackle the true cause of chronic back
And the Back Pain SOS system has
already proven as a life saver for many
Like Alina, who wrote:
Or… Bell sharing her experience:
And Carmen telling her touching struggle
and recovery:
So when you give Back Pain SOS a try
you’ll get the instant pain relief you’re
longing for, keep your back healthy, and
start living your best life.
Plus, because Virgil wanted to make this
the easiest decision you’ve ever made, he
is going to give you 4 Excep몭onal Bonus
Gi몭s! ‐ for FREE when you try the Back
Pain SOS system today!
Free Bonus Gift #1 ‐ The
Pain‐Free Sleep Sequence ﴾a
$37 value﴿
Because suffering from back pain is so
draining, it ruins your days and your
nights too. So instead of ge몭ng much‐
needed rest, you end up tossing and
turning through the night.
[Lack of sleep is a serious threat to your health.]
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only.
Not ge몭ng enough sleep affects your
health, mood, and energy levels and puts a
strain on your rela몭onships[11].
I’ve spent more nights on the couch than
in our bed because Jessica kept waking
me up, rolling around in agonizing pain.
That’s why Virgil came up with The
Pain‐Free Sleep Sequence. It’s a
simple 5‐step, easy‐to‐follow mini‐
program that may help you sleep through
the night pain‐free, and wake up well‐
rested and energized.
Inside this special report, you will
discover a unique movement that will
quickly and easily relax the muscles of
your back and legs. You’ll be able to sleep
in any posi몭on you want – without
spending $600 or even more on
expensive “back suppor몭ng” bed
We’ll also show you how…
✓ …to restore and improve the
flow of spinal fluid that will
protect the brain and spinal
cord from trauma, supply
nutrients to nervous system
몭ssue and remove waste
products from cerebral
metabolism – with one simple
lying posi몭on.
Also how to use…
✓ …a breakthrough movement to
flood each and every cell of your
back with oxygen. Great way to
keep your back healthy, youthful
and relaxed – healing
inflamma몭on in your back while
you sleep.
And the best way to…
✓ …fall asleep as soon as your
head hits the pillow. This simple
bed몭me rou몭ne relaxes your
en몭re body and improves your
breathing. You’ll be sleeping like
a baby every night of the week.
Then we have…
Free Bonus Gift #2 ‐ Wake
Up Energized! Routine ﴾a
$67 value﴿
If you wake up with low energy, feeling
like somebody did a number on your
back. If you have that feeling of not
wan몭ng to get out of bed but not being
able to go back to sleep either.
You’ve probably seen cats and dogs
stretch a몭er napping. It's the same reason
why humans yawn and stretch their
hands in the morning – to get the blood
flow going and the muscles ready for
But if you always sleep in the same
posi몭on, muscles can 몭ghten up. That
causes loss of muscle tone, accumula몭on
of inters몭몭al fluid along the back and
makes you feel sore, s몭ff, and sluggish.
[Feeling like you’re more 몭red waking up than when
you went to bed.]
That’s why Virgil developed
the Wake Up Energized!
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only.
There is a reason for it.
This simple, quick and easy rou몭ne will
help you start your day fully energized in
less 몭me than it takes to brush your
The best part?
You’ll reduce the risk of back pain,
improve your posture and get rid of body
s몭ffness without even ge몭ng out of your
Inside this unique 13 movements
sequence, which can be used as a stand
alone system, you’ll find:
✓ A powerful way to stretch your
lumbar spine and muscles using
just the weight of your legs. It’s
more energizing than a double
shot of espresso but without the
coffee ji몭ers.
Also a unique and simple way to…
✓ …relieve the tension in your
back, open up your chest and
stretch your shoulders in a
single movement. This will
revitalize your en몭re upper and
lower back and have you
feeling flexible like you were in
your teens. (Hint: All you need is
a towel.)
✓ …the easiest way to get rid of
nagging lower back pain and
increase your range of mo몭on in
the morning. You’ll hop through
your day effortlessly. Just do
this one thing. (And by the way
all you’ll need is a pillow.)
That brings us to the special..
Free Bonus Gift #3 ‐
Nature’s Little‐Known Pain
Relievers ﴾a $29 value﴿
Having something to numb the pain
helps, but at what cost?
With side‐effects like nausea,
drowsiness, dizziness, itching or
swea몭ng, a weakened immune system
and even depression[12]. You’ve got to
ask yourself what is the upside to taking
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only.
pain relievers?
[Painkillers only mask the symptoms with poten몭ally
terrible side effects.]
And since pain has been around forever,
what did people use before we had
prescrip몭on meds?
I asked Virgil for advice, and he unveiled
the secrets of tradi몭onal medicine used
by ancient warriors to get rid of pain.
That’s why Virgils put
together this jam‐packed
special report called
Nature’s Li몭le‐Known Pain
This is a gold mine collec몭on of useful
informa몭on and advice about the best
100% natural alterna몭ves for pain relief.
Say goodbye to feeling like an addict
while you beg your doctor to fill your
prescrip몭on a몭er you run out of meds.
Say goodbye to popping pills just to be
able to get through the day.
Say goodbye to feeling bloated, being
cons몭pated and having painful diges몭ve
problems caused by pain medica몭on.
Inside this special report you will
✓ Three terrifying problems
caused by the Opioid Industry
your pharmacist doesn’t want
you to know.
We’ll share with you the list of…
✓ …most effec몭ve natural pain
relievers guaranteed to bring
you allayment from pain,
without nasty side effects like
bloa몭ng or nausea. (Most of
these you can get online or at
your local grocery store). Page 9
✓ And a secret but completely
legal way to make your own
non‐addic몭ve “Morphine”. (You
won’t believe it but the main
ingredient is a chemical
produced by your body). Page
But wait there’s more, in…
Free Bonus Gift #4 ‐ The
Superfoods – 15 Quick and
Easy Recipes ﴾a $29 value﴿
When you sit for too long, the natural
flow of inters몭몭al fluid slows down. The
area affected by the Deadlock Effect has
no way of receiving all the nutrients it
needs to stop inflamma몭on.
This can lead to chronic inflamma몭on
causing fa몭gue, mul몭‐area pain, joint
swelling, skin changes like rash and even
disorders like rheumatoid arthri몭s[13].
So even though inflamma몭on in its first
stage is a healing process if not treated it
can become a serious issue in which the
body starts a몭acking itself.
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only.
[Inflamma몭on of skin layers.]
I s몭ll remember how eager Jessica was to
try out Virgil’s special An몭‐Inflammatory
recipes and you will be too.
Because inside this special
report you will discover:
✓ How to beat inflamma몭on
while stuffing your face with
delicious, affordable and easy
to prepare meals – without
worrying about gaining weight.
In fact it’s more likely you’ll lose
✓ 10 tasty food items that will
reverse the nasty inflamma몭on
process in your back. (One of
them is chocolate!) – find out
what they are and how to use
them to get be몭er results
instantly. Page 11
✓ And one dangerous comfort
food you must stay away from
at all costs, if you want to be
truly pain‐free. (Hint: Americans
eat 4.5 billion pounds of this food
each year) Page 38
So, if I were to ask you how much it
would be worth to get rid of nagging back
pain, what would you say? I know Jessica
or I couldn't put a number to it. And I
think we both agree you can’t really put a
price tag on health.
But think about it. The cost of a single
ordinary chiroprac몭c therapy session is
up to $200 dollars, and they immediately
try to sign you up for 4 to 12 sessions
because their en몭re business model
depends on you coming back.
Plus you have to find the 몭me to do it
since spending one hour on therapy is
never just one hour, because you’ll easily
spend as much just on commu몭ng.
So just one session per week might easily
set you back $800 per month or more.
And when you take into account all the
doctors visits, over the counter
prescrip몭on medicine, massage tools and
gym membership you quickly see that
back pain could cost you a small fortune.
While the chances are that your back
isn’t ge몭ng any be몭er, just the opposite.
And I got sick to my stomach just thinking
about the poten몭al cost of back surgery
that wasn’t covered by our health
insurance. The numbers were up in the
Virgil spent months going
back and forth on how
to make the best possible
program he could,
perfecting it along the way
and now it’s finally ready.
hundreds of thousands.
That’s why Virgil and I were so
determined to make Back Pain SOS as
affordable as we can. Because we’re not
in this to get rich, we’re in it to help as
many people as possible.
Now this might sound crazy. But the total
cost of the en몭re Back Pain SOS system
plus the 4 Special Bonuses you’ll be
receiving today doesn’t even come close
to what you’d pay for a month's worth of
some run‐of‐the‐mill chiroprac몭c
It’s not even a frac몭on of the average
week of chiroprac몭c therapy sessions.
It won’t even cost you what you’d spend
on just one dinner date with your spouse.
No, because we want this to be available
to as many people as possible the en몭re
Back Pain SOS system along with…
✓ The Pain‐Free Sleep Sequence
✓ Wake Up Energized! Rou몭ne
✓ Nature’s Li몭le‐Known Pain
✓ An몭‐Inflammatory Superfoods ‐
15 Quick and Easy Recipes
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on
purpose only.
…can be yours for a single and secure
one‐몭me payment of only $67 dollars for
unlimited access and pain‐free back.
Now the exclusive bonus gi몭s by
themselves are worth over $160, so I’m
sure you’d agree that Virgil’s offer is more
than fair and has amazing value. You’re
probably ready to jump on it right now.
Virgil is prepared to extend you a special
thank you and REDUCE this already
insanely low price of $67 dollars that
includes all the special bonuses
men몭oned so far, even more!
Just click the buy now bu몭on you see
below and you’ll get your full access
immediately for a one 몭me single secure
payment at the special price you see
But, before you do, just
because you’ve read this
to the end and proven that
you’re serious about erasing
chronic back pain from your
life with the Back Pain SOS
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on
purpose only.
You’ll get instant access to everything
included in the Back Pain SOS system
plus 4 amazing bonuses!
There are no hidden or recurring fees, all
you need to do to get the Back Pain SOS
system today is fill in your payment
A몭er you fill your informa몭on and
confirm your purchase, Virgil will send
you all the informa몭on you need to
access the special members area in a
split‐second where your Back Pain SOS
system awaits.
Now if you’re shocked, since you
understand this small investment for
everything is less than a single physical
therapy or a chiropractor session, hold on
because we’re not quite done.
Because Virgil believes so strongly that
you’ll be able to finally feel 100% relief
from your back pain with the Back Pain
SOS system, like so many…
✓ Men and women in the top‐
performing circles of Olympic
✓ Professional poker stars and
…he’d like to take things a step further
and offer you his ironclad 100% pain‐
free‐back or your‐money‐back
If in 60 days your chronic back pain isn’t
completely gone and if you’re not able to
jump from joy or sleep through the night
without tossing and turning.
If you’re not able to enjoy your life the
same way you did before chronic back
You don’t have to pay a dime and we’ll
give you a no‐ques몭on‐asked 100%
money back refund.
That’s how strongly Virgil and I believe
that the Back Pain SOS system will work
for you.
You have nothing to lose and everything
to gain. Try it and if it doesn’t work for
you just contact us within 60 days from
your purchase for a refund.
This TRY‐IT‐RISK‐FREE deal is worth
taking a chance on today because if you
think about it, you have nothing to lose,
except to finally lose that chronic back
So click the buy now bu몭on below and
start your completely risk‐free
transforma몭on from a prisoner of back
pain to an energe몭c person with a strong
pain‐free back ready to tackle the world.
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on
purpose only.
Now, I would like to get
serious with you for a second.
And just ask you to think
about what your future and
Maybe you're one of the lucky ones who
will stumble upon some type of magical
stretches that will work for you, even
though they haven’t before.
Or you could con몭nue to take pain
medica몭on, get steroid shots and hope
for the best.
And I truly hope in either case your back
pain goes away and you completely
Unfortunately, it’s not likely.
Watching my wife from the sidelines for
years trying to do exactly that, I know her
back pain problems only got worse.
And it’s easy for it to get worse quickly as
you age. Going from occasional back
pain… to a big crippling problem sooner
than you know it.
That’s why I sincerely hope you take
ac몭on today. You risk absolutely nothing
and get access to the en몭re Back Pain
SOS system plus 4 amazing bonuses
straight away.
People who have back pain always feel
like they are figh몭ng an invisible enemy
and o몭en forget what being pain‐free
even means.
That’s why I’m so excited for you… since
about what your future and
the future of your family
will look like if you don’t make
this simple decision today.
this could be the moment when you
finally stop le몭ng your back pain control
your life.
Just imagine what your life would look
like if you were free of chronic back pain.
A life where you can sleep in any posi몭on
you want. No tossing and turning the
en몭re night and waking up your
significant other.
[No more tossing and turning.]
A life where you jump out of your bed
well‐rested every morning. Where you
forget about painkillers and can play with
your kids or grandkids with ease.
[Wake up full of energy.]
A life where you're not afraid of sharp
and throbbing scia몭ca ac몭ng up while
you're driving.
[Take that long drive without worry of your back or leg
A life where you are able to RELEASE the
person you actually are from the prison of
back pain that had to take the back seat
in life for years.
[Set yourself free and live your life.]
A life where your partner takes you out
for a roman몭c dinner and dancing. Shows
you off while the whole place stares in
envy. And later on you jump each other’s
bones just like when you first started
[Have fun again.]
Now, I know those are picture‐perfect
examples. But let me ask you this.
Wouldn't you agree this small completely
risk‐free one‐몭me investment is worth it?
To go from hoping for, to actually living a
life free of chronic back pain?
Your spouse deserves it.
Your family and friends deserve it.
But most importantly…
Just click the buy now bu몭on below and
enter your payment informa몭on on our
100% secure order form and confirm
your purchase now.
What if just one of those
things came true for you
…YOU deserve it!
*Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on
purpose only.
On behalf of Jessica, Virgil and myself I
would like to thank you for reading my
And thank you for ac몭ng on this truly
unique opportunity to get this amazing
and unique Back Pain SOS system plus
all the FREE bonuses.
Start your life free of chronic back pain
What if I can't do the rou몭nes?
Will this work equally well for men
and women?
What if I'm over 65? Will this work
for me too?
What if this doesn't work for me?
How is my personal informa몭on kept

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fix your bad back

  • 1. How A Breakthrough Scientific Discovery Of A “NEWFOUND ORGAN” Helped My Wife Break Free From The Crippling Jaws of Chronic Back Pain “How the hell can she li몭 all that weight above her head!?! And I can barely brush my teeth without feeling stabbing pain in my lower back!” ‐ my wife Jessica gasped. I remember her being frustrated, a bit envious and even angry saying that. You see, Jessica and I used to lead very ac몭ve lives. We used to hike almost every weekend. We jogged three 몭mes per week. Before we were married we spent months taking dance lessons together, especially Tango, and over the years we con몭nued to go out dancing as o몭en as we could. At that point in 몭me chronic back pain But not then…
  • 2. had turned my lovely Jessica into a shadow of her former self… [Jessica completely shut down because of her terrible chronic back pain.] She used to love to jump in the shower with me for a morning quickie and now she couldn’t even clean herself without her back pain flaring up. I had to walk her in and out of the bathroom and help her towel off. Jessica was miserable and felt like a cripple living in a nursing home. But the thing that got to her the most is how subtle and decei몭ul her condi몭on was. She was a 37 year old, healthy and strong woman that found herself in a dreadful situa몭on overnight. She went from an energe몭c, joyful wife and a mom, taking care of our two boys and me, to not even being able to bring water to the stove to prepare a meal.
  • 3. [Jessica could barely func몭on because of her excrucia몭ng chronic back pain.] She could barely drive to work. The pain from si몭ng behind a desk for hours and a몭ending mee몭ngs was stressing her out. She couldn’t focus on her work and constantly had to take sick days… She was terrified of ge몭ng laid off. [She first experienced lower back pain a몭er her second pregnancy.] A몭er the birth of our second child, Jessica had some lower back pain. It didn’t seem like anything serious at first. I mean, who doesn’t have back pain at least once in a while, right? And it all started very innocently. Then one horrifying and embarrassing event, that I’m going to share with you today, changed everything in an instant.
  • 4. But back then I had no idea that my wife’s chronic lower back pain would send me on a fantas몭c journey through the world of top‐performing pros and their epic back pain turnarounds. A journey involving men and women in the world of Olympic weightli몭ing who went from being almost wheelchair bound to using their, now pain‐free backs to li몭 crazy amounts of weight and win Olympic medals. World Series poker players who struggled to sleep because of their hunched backs 몭ghtening from hours of si몭ng at the poker table, to now sleeping with ease regardless of the hotel bed they end up on. And a chance encounter with an Olympic physical therapist who became a highly sought a몭er back recovery specialist because of his unique 15‐minute pain relieving rou몭ne. A rou몭ne he created while working with the most extreme cases of chronic back pain in the world of professional athletes and high performance people. This rou몭ne proved to be so efficient because it targets the li몭le‐known root cause of lower and upper back pain as well as neck pain and brings libera몭ng relief within minutes. And there is no guesswork there. Because a recent scien몭fic discovery published by the New York University’s School of Medicine[1] confirmed the instant.
  • 5. existence of a previously unknown “organ” in our bodies and this rou몭ne was designed to target it! [Amazing discovery sheds light on the root cause of chronic and other health issues.] The good news is I will share all I know about it with you today. And how it is 몭ed in with an insidious condi몭on called the Deadlock Effect, that targets most people over the age of 30 who sit more than 4 hours per day. [Just si몭ng would send shoo몭ng pain through Jessica’s lower back.] But understanding the Deadlock Effect unlocked my wife's ability as well as thousands of others to fix their backs
  • 6. from excrucia몭ng chronic back pain. Like most people she started with all the usual things you think or are told to do when your back starts to hurt. First, it was just bed rest and some light stretches she found online, which was easy and provided some relief for a li몭le while, but soon it was replaced with a searing back pain in a ma몭er of hours. Hi, my name is John Miller, and at that 몭me my wife Jessica was a long way from the pain‐free, ac몭ve, beau몭ful and happy mother of two she is today.
  • 7. [Jessica’s back pain was ge몭ng worse.] Feeling a bit defeated but s몭ll hopeful she joined one of those one‐muscle stretch programs and while she felt like this was the solu몭on she was looking for, just a couple of weeks later she was struggling to stand up and was back to square one… Star몭ng to get more frustrated and concerned, she opened up the wallet and decided to join a popular Yoga studio, only to crumble embarrassingly in front of the en몭re class when stabbing pain in her back got worse. [Jessica's pain always came back with a vengeance.] Jessica was at the end of her rope and although she has never been the “sporty” type she bought a membership at a local gym, which just le몭 her feeling sore and 몭red… She even started to gain weight.
  • 8. [Not only did her back pain not go away, she even gained weight.] Desperate and helpless Jessica went to the doctor to try to get a prescrip몭on for painkillers. She had to jump through hoops just to prove to Pain Management that she’s not some junkie looking for pills. Even though she was in genuine need for pain relief she s몭ll felt like an addict every몭me she needed to refill her prescrip몭on. [Jessica felt like a junkie having to rely on pills to find relief from back pain.] Those pills would numb her pain for a while but she didn't like taking them, because they weren’t actually making her be몭er and le몭 her feeling sick and
  • 9. slipping deeper into sadness. [Jessica was falling deeper into depression.] So eventually she stopped strolling around the neighborhood with the other moms, playing with the kids, and stopped tending to her garden. She couldn’t clean our house, hell, she couldn’t even clean herself without crying from pain every 몭me she showered. She felt her body failing her every step of the way, as her back pain grew and her happiness shrunk… Because even the smallest things ”normal” people take for granted were an everyday challenge for her. Things, like: Why was she condemned to suffer like this? Was this going to be the rest of her life?
  • 10. … And some몭mes…even BREATHING would cause pain in her back. The energy and joy she brought into our lives had faded away and it was replaced ✓ Trying to get out of bed in the morning. ✓ Sneezing too hard. ✓ Laughing ✓ Cooking and washing the dishes ✓ Doing laundry ✓ Mopping the floor or vacuuming ✓ Taking a shower ✓ Brushing her teeth ✓ Dressing herself
  • 11. with horrible depression. Jessica lost all hope that she would ever be able to be in몭mate with me, not only because of the pain but because she lost confidence in herself. [Jessica and I grew further and further apart.] And it hurt me to say it, but in her withered state, even though I NEVER acted on it, I found myself looking at other women in ways I had never thought of before… The woman I loved was slowly disappearing in front of my eyes as I helplessly watched from the sidelines. I’m embarrassed to even think about what happened next, but Jessica insisted on me sharing it with you today. It affected our marriage, not only emotionally, but physically as well… This was the most gut‐ wrenching moment of our life…
  • 12. Because this was an event that led me on a quest against everything the mul몭billion‐dollar back pain industry has told you about back pain. It was a turning point that showed me the way to a discovery of a unique rou몭ne – a true godsent solu몭on for Jessica and thousands of others. For years this well‐kept secret has been hidden as the wealthy elite and the world’s top athletes used it to reach peak human performance and to hack their bodies to look and feel young forever. Using this special rou몭ne, Jessica felt a swi몭 and overwhelming relief in her lower back, in only 15 minutes, for the first 몭me in years of unbearable pain. [Jessica felt like she was given a new chance at a normal life.] And with each new pain‐free day, I saw extraordinary changes in her. She went from feeling like a hopeless medical puzzle to experiencing amazing relief from back pain. life…
  • 13. [Jessica started feeling like herself again.] From convincing herself she was worthless as a piece of broken‐down furniture with no future to speak of…to star몭ng each day with a smile and unlimited confidence full of new hopes and dreams. [Her transforma몭on was unbelievable.] From feeling like an over‐the‐hill rusty old lady to a sexy high‐energy babe I remember falling in love with. And when you discover the actual cause of back pain that I’ll share with you today, you’ll understand why all of the solu몭ons you’ve tried so far never stood a chance of fixing it. But when you use this simple rou몭ne that
  • 14. targets the root cause of back pain, you’ll regain your young, robust and flexible back, and experience relief you haven’t felt in years. No ma몭er how old you are (this works even if you’re well into your 80s!). Like it did for Angela’s mother: No ma몭er if you suffer from a herniated disc like Marian: Or even if you have spent countless sleepless nights struggling to ever get
  • 15. comfortable like Maria: And if, like with my Jessica, doctors can’t pinpoint the exact source of your back pain you will s몭ll get the relief you are looking for and deserve. Despite what you may have been told, trea몭ng the root cause of back pain has nothing to do with stretching, strength exercises or running. These things address the symptoms of back pain and may bring you short term relief but what I’ll show you today targets the one thing that will FREE YOUR BACK FROM THE PRISON OF CHRONIC PAIN. It’s connected with the latest scien몭fic study done by New York University’s School Of Medicine[1] about a mysterious body part that was undiscovered un몭l recently – called the Inters몭몭um
  • 16. [Discovery of an unrecognized body part1.] [Newfound organ missed by scien몭sts, un몭l recently2.] [Scien몭st dubbed it as a newfound “organ” (1).] This is why it’s important you read this to the very end, while it’s s몭ll available. Because this informa몭on is making some influen몭al people nervous, and I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep it online. Scientists have missed it for decades[2]. Because it never showed up on MRIs, CT scans, or X-rays, yet it turned out to be one of the largest organs in our bodies and revolutionized the way we look at treating back pain.
  • 17. You see, the Back Pain industry is a 100 billion dollar business in the US alone. And yet 178 million Americans[3] are suffering from back pain today, for five years or longer. [Back Pain in the U.S. ‐ Sta몭s몭cs and Facts] Think about it. If poten몭ally dangerous procedures, addic몭ve medica몭on and shady snake‐oil salesman methods Back Pain Industry peddles worked, wouldn’t everybody have pain‐free backs? Sure! So why is that not the case? Simple. Because back pain is the best thing that happened to the painkiller industry. As long as you stay in pain they stay in business.
  • 18. But if you suddenly get be몭er their gravy train stops. [Discovery that lead to ‘drama몭c medical advances’ (4)] It was a day like any other. Kids were at school, I was at work, and Jessica was home alone. Once again she had to take a sick day and risk losing her job, because of her back flaring up. So let me tell you all about that horrible event that changed everything for Jessica and me.
  • 19. She decided to freshen up. Even though her back always hurt when she would try to take a shower. But this 몭me sharp pain in her lower back was so intense that she fell to the ground, not being able to stand up, or even crawl to her phone to call for help. [Jessica thought her life was over.] So there she was lying all curled up in a ball on our cold bathroom 몭les, crying her heart out and thinking her life is over. When she didn’t answer my call or text that day, like she usually does, I knew something was wrong. I tried again but she wasn’t picking up. I broke into a cold sweat fearing the worst. I found her weeping on our bathroom floor shaking, naked, alone and afraid. I managed to pick her up, helped her to get dressed, and got her in the car. She thought it was pointless but I drove her I jumped in my car and rushed home driving like a maniac.
  • 20. straight to the emergency room. You see, this wasn’t the first 몭me Jessica went to see the doctor. In fact we have lost count by that 몭me. Because the doctors were playing you’re it with her medical chart, bouncing her from one specialist to another, trying to figure out what the hell was going on with her back. Jessica got MRIs, X‐rays, CT scans, but it was all pointless. [Doctors couldn't pinpoint what was the problem.] And a몭er all that back and forth, what was their conclusion? It’s non‐specific. Or, in plain English – they had no idea. It was always the same old story, either: “make an appointment with this specialist and check back” or, “if you don’t get be몭er in a couple of months, come back to see No one had answers, just empty promises, and we were getting fed up.
  • 21. me.” Really? Was that the best modern medicine can do? We were already exhausted and frustrated by the endless “solu몭ons” offered so far. We went to various physical therapists and massage specialists. We tried every over the counter pill, patch and cream that you can buy at Target. We tried using ice packs, hea몭ng pads, epsom salt baths, and all types of massagers I could order from Amazon. (You should see our house, it looks like we collect the damn things in all shapes and sizes). [We wasted so much money on tools that weren’t efficient. Now they collect dust.] But just like with everything else, she would feel a short term relief and her back pain would always come back with a
  • 22. vengeance. So you can understand that my blood started boiling when I heard her doctor heartlessly say that day: [There’s nothing else we can do.] “A walker!?! But she’s only 37, not some old lady!” ‐ I snapped at him, barely containing my anger. And all he said was “I’m sorry, it’s the best we can do for now.” We stormed out of his office. I was so angry with the doctor but on our car ride home the anger shi몭ed to all the things we had done that didn’t work and “Jessica, the thing is we are not sure what is causing your pain. We’re gonna give you a nerve block shot, but if things get any worse, you might need to use a walker. We don’t want you falling over again.”
  • 23. all the empty promises we got, while Jessica was held hostage by her chronic back pain. When we got home Jessica was inconsolable. I kissed her on the cheek. Wiped her tears and told her not to worry, that I’d take care of everything. I knew she didn’t believe me but what was I supposed to say? So I spent the next several days and nights in front of the computer digging into everything about the cause of back pain and how to fix it. But it was all stuff Jessica had already tried. I WAS STUCK. That week I had a business trip lined up in Las Vegas. It didn’t feel right leaving Jessica alone a몭er everything that happened, but she convinced me to go since we needed the money. No, I didn’t win a jackpot but believe me it felt like it! So there I was in Vegas having a drink at the hotel bar a몭er work. I was watching a poker tournament. But I couldn’t get the image of my lovely wife lying on the cold bathroom floor and suffering terrible pain out of my mind. Soon I felt we were just angry because we felt helpless. And it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
  • 24. And in that heightened state a thought came to me. How do poker players, who “sit for a living”, for days on end, deal with back pain? These guys had to be focused under extreme pressure for hours. There is no way they’d be able to call someone’s bluff or not give away their hand if they were suffering from back pain. [How do top poker players sit for hours their en몭re career deal with back pain?] With millions of dollars at stake, you can bet they did everything to be at the top of their game. And I don’t know if it was a coincidence, des몭ny or lady luck when I overheard a conversa몭on from a few seasoned poker players si몭ng next to me. “I can’t remember the last 몭me my back felt so good, man.” – one of them exclaimed to his buddies with a big smile. Without even introducing myself I asked what had happened? They just pointed to a guy giving a massage to one of the heavy hi몭ers at the finals table.
  • 25. His name was Virgil Pruteanu – an unusual chiropractor from Eastern Europe and the secret weapon of the rich and famous. [Virgil Pruteanu] And let me tell you, what I was about to find out sounded like it was straight from a movie. You see, Virgil was responsible for helping top performers achieve world level success by keeping their backs pain free, flexible and strong. He helped legendary hall‐of‐famer Daniel “Kid Poker” Negreanu[5] keep his back in shape for live tournaments. And it must have worked since “Kid Poker” is one of the biggest live poker tournament winners of all 몭me. And a winner of 6 World Series bracelets plus 2 World Tour championship 몭tles.
  • 26. [Virgil (le몭) with legendary hall‐of‐famer Daniel “Kid Poker” Negreanu (right).] The guys at the bar told me that Virgil was sought a몭er by such high stakes rollers because he earned his chops having amazing success with most hopeless cases of back pain you can imagine ‐ Olympic weightli몭ers. Olympic weightli몭ers? ‐ I thought to myself. I’m not a be몭ng man, but if I were, I’d say that Olympic weightli몭ers strain their backs more than any other athletes. They li몭 thousands of pounds… daily… for years. [Olympic weightli몭ers li몭 crazy amounts of weight, daily.]
  • 27. And I can remember seeing nerve‐racking videos of those guys and gals being twisted‐up under bars loaded with hundreds of pounds of weight. Yet, somehow they’re not all rolling around in wheelchairs and living in agony of back pain. So if this Virgil guy could keep the backs of these men and women working on a top‐notch level, there must be something he knew that others didn’t. So when I no몭ced that he was on his coffee break I approached him and introduced myself. I told him about Jessica’s back pain and asked him for help, he was very friendly and pa몭ently listened to my story. But he soon apologized to me saying there was no way he could find the 몭me to see her. He was booked up for the en몭re year. He had ten flights that month alone. In fact, he had a flight later that night. “I understand that I’m a complete stranger and you are obviously a very busy man. I’m just the type of man that doesn’t give up so easily. I’ll do anything to see my wife pain‐ free and smile again. Thank you nevertheless, I’ll find a way.” ‐ I said. I’ll never know why what I said resonated with Virgil at that moment, but I no몭ced him ge몭ng misty‐eyed. This was fate. I knew I had to meet him.
  • 28. Then he gently smiled and checked his schedule once again, glanced at his watch and to my surprise said: “I have some 몭me before my flight. Let’s grab a quick drink.” I was excited, but I have to admit I was skep몭cal too. All I knew about this guy was what those old‐몭me poker hustlers at the bar told me. But I thought, what the hell. Worst case scenario, it’d cost me a couple of beers and an hour of my 몭me. I found out that Virgil worked with successful people from all walks of life. Like The Eyebrow Queen celebrity entrepreneur Anastasia Soare[6], famous for giving Oprah an eyebrow makeover, well‐known MMA fighters, Olympic athletes and Hollywood stunt coordinators. [Virgil with “The Eyebrow Queen” Anastasia Soare] I thought this guy was just another chiropractor who got lucky with a few A‐ list clients, but Virgil turned out to be so much more. He told me how at the age of 12 he immersed himself in the world of mar몭al
  • 29. arts. Dedica몭ng himself to mastering the secret and deadly skill called Ninjutsu. Ninjutsu is a tradi몭onal Japanese mar몭al art. And Ninja’s were like modern day special forces of their 몭me. The thing that interested Virgil was how those ancient warriors knew how to heal their injuries on and off the ba몭lefield and to do it quickly, to survive. He soon realized that they were able to do it because of their unique insights into the way the human body works. [Virgil (middle) with one of his teachers Lin Kai Ting (right) in 2005] Things like Hichibuku therapy used to bring complete relaxa몭on to the body, especially a몭er the stress caused by grueling workouts. And QiGong, the art of combining the mind and body using body posture, And the things he learned during his apprenticeships in Europe and Asia you can’t learn just from reading books.
  • 30. medita몭on, movement and the power of breath to heal. As well as Yumeiho therapy, a tradi몭onal method of correc몭ng hip bones through a set of complex manual procedures and movements in order to restore a balance to the body, heal disorders and prevent chronic suffering. These were all ancient teachings passed down from master to student, from one genera몭on to the next. [Virgil at one of his many trips to China] Virgil crowned his vast knowledge and experience with studies of Structural Osteopathy and So몭 Chiroprac몭c at the pres몭gious world‐known Ackermann Ins몭tute in Stockholm, Sweden[7].
  • 31. [Virgil a몭ended pres몭gious Ackermann College in Stockholm Sweden] But it wasn’t un몭l years later, when he returned to his home country in Eastern Europe, that things really came together for him. He became a chiropractor, but the thing that made him special was the way he incorporated the ancient teachings of Asian mar몭al arts into his healing process with amazing results. The best proof of that was the fact that when word about Virgil got around his home country, he was immediately sought out by the Romanian Weightli몭ing Federa몭on Team. They wanted him to see if there is anything he can do to help their athletes deal with injuries and perform be몭er in the world of Olympic weightli몭ing. This was a challenge Virgil happily took upon himself. And sure enough by achieving remarkable results with these weightli몭ers, Virgil was chosen as the official chiropractor for the Romanian Weightli몭ing Federa몭on Team.
  • 32. [Virgil was recruited by Romanian Weightli몭ing Federa몭on Team] His mission was to help them prepare for the 2012 Olympics Games in London. This was the first 몭me he decided to test his unique Hidden Dragon approach. He reverse engineered powerful bone‐ breaking Ninja moves and secret pressure point techniques and combined them with the ancient knowledge of a mysterious human organ called the Inters몭몭um[8] – which I will tell you all about in a minute. By doing that Virgil was able to develop a unique 15‐minute rou몭ne and he was ready to put it to the ul몭mate test. He knew that if it would work on men and women who push their bodies beyond their limits, it would work on anyone. His team was considered the underdog of the Olympics. So to even have a shot at the finals they had to train extremely hard. And in sports, especially in weightli몭ing, the harder you train the But it was a big challenge.
  • 33. more likely you are to get injured and be forced to skip a compe몭몭on. So if you can find a way to train more, without injury, you’d have an edge over the other compe몭tors… …and Virgil provided that edge . He was able to keep their backs injury free and the results were incredible. The team went the distance and they surprised everyone and became weightli몭ing champions in men and women's events at the 2012 London Summer Olympic Games. [The team Virgil was working with had secured their place on the winners podium.] I realized that his unique rou몭ne that took only 15 minutes to do, was the secret sauce of his success. That was the reason why he is one of the most sought a몭er back pain experts His special routine proved to be the secret weapon of the Romanian Olympic Weightlifting Team.
  • 34. today and why his schedule was crazy busy. I was convinced he was the only guy that could save Jessica. But also he showed me some cold hard facts that supported everything he was talking about. You see, for years Virgil researched the latest studies from the best universi몭es in the world like: ✓ Harvard ✓ Yale ✓ Johns Hopkins ✓ The Einstein School of Medicine ✓ Stanford ✓ UCLA ✓ And many more
  • 35. As it o몭en happens, research only provides scien몭fic evidence for cures that have been around for thousands of years… So Virgil was eager to find cold hard scien몭fic facts to why his rou몭ne was working. It took a lot of reading and digging and he almost gave up… Un몭l he came upon a study about that mysterious organ called the Inters몭몭um I men몭oned earlier. The Inters몭몭um was acknowledged by the New York University’s School of Medicine1 in March of 2018. “So what is this Intersi몭um?” ‐ I was eager to know. Virgil smiled at my impa몭ence and said “Let me explain.” He put it in plain English for me, and it was pre몭y easy to understand. The Inters몭몭um8 is a connec몭ve 몭ssue that literally holds our body together. It’s 몭ghtly knit around every muscle, nerve, bone, vein, artery and all of our internal organs as well as the spinal cord. It’s not rigid, solid 몭ssue. It’s actually a so몭 몭ssue network that looks like bubble‐ wrap filled with fluid.
  • 36. [Imagine the Inters몭몭um as a bubble‐wrap filled with fluid.] Scien몭sts learned that the Inters몭몭um spreads through our en몭re body taking up about 20% of our mass, meaning that for a 200 lbs person it makes up almost 40 lbs of the body volume. So is the Inters몭몭um root cause of back pain? ‐ I asked. Yes it is. And the reason for it is because the Inters몭몭um is the Holy Trinity of protec몭on, movement and nutri몭on[9]. ‐ Virgil said. First, the Inters몭몭um protects your internal organs from impact by absorbing some of the shock. The same way bubble‐wrap protects fragile stuff in a package. This makes it the largest organ in the human body.
  • 37. [Inters몭몭um func몭ons as a protec몭on layer.] But the problem with the Inters몭몭um is that it has 6 to10 몭mes more sensory nerves than muscle. So the pain you can feel from hur몭ng your inters몭몭um compared to regular muscle soreness is that much stronger. Second, the Inters몭몭um allows your body to move in its op몭mal range of mo몭on. When the Inters몭몭um is healthy our muscles glide over each other without fric몭on. It allows all of our body parts to work together so we can move in any direc몭on easily and pain‐free. Or as Virgil put it: When the Inters몭몭um is well lubricated, oxygenated and healthy it makes you almost “superhuman”. Because no ma몭er how strong your muscles are, it’s the Inters몭몭um that “determines” how much of that full body strength you can use and how much mobility you have. That’s why Olympic weightli몭ers, with properly func몭oning Inters몭몭um, are able to li몭 2 or even 3 몭mes their body weight despite not having large muscles. Same as the machines that need well‐ oiled gears to work without s몭cking and fusing together, athletes need their Inters몭몭um lubricated to be able to run faster, jump higher, and li몭 more.
  • 38. [Virgil compared it to a rusty, dry machine (le몭) vs well lubricated machine (right).] And everyday folks like Jessica, you and me need it to be able to sit, stand, walk or pick stuff up. And third, a healthy Inters몭몭um delivers essen몭al nutrients to every cell of our body and takes the toxins out. Simply put its responsibility is bringing the good stuff in and taking the bad stuff out. To do that it uses the fluid located within those bubble‐wrap‐like vessels of the Inters몭몭um called the Inters몭몭al fluid. The same fluid is what keeps our body working as a smooth‐running machine and provides extra padding to prevent injuries. And those are the reasons why the root
  • 39. cause of back pain is in the Inters몭몭um. As they say, it’s the li몭le things that ma몭er. You don’t have to be in a car crash to bust your back. Small everyday things that you don’t even register, things like poor posture, stress‐ induced muscle tension or si몭ng for long periods of 몭me are all micro‐traumas that affect the Inters몭몭um. [Poor posture and prolonged si몭ng create micro‐ traumas of the Inters몭몭um.] [These micro‐traumas can cause pain in different parts of your back and your body.] How does it happen?
  • 40. These micro‐traumas cause “gluing” of the Inters몭몭um and muscle together that locks up your ability to move, affects posture and causes pain[10]. You see, those bubble‐wrapped vessels get squashed together from the micro‐ trauma, and the fluid inside of them dries out, making that “bubble‐wrap” very s몭cky. So when there is no fluid, there is no more padding. This causes lack of blood flow and hydra몭on. Inflamma몭on sets in, and the damaged 몭ssue locks on to everything in its surrounding area. It can s몭ck to other muscle 몭ssue, spine or nerves, even internal organs causing mobility issues, pain or worse. It all depends on the place where the trauma happened. That condition is something Virgil calls: The Deadlock Effect
  • 41. “And that’s what Jessica has” ‐ he confirmed. That’s the reason why regular stretches, exercises, yoga and all the things Jessica tried never worked for her. Not only that, but by doing any sort of challenging exercises or stretches before addressing the Deadlock Effect you can create tears in the muscles and the Inters몭몭um and make your pain even worse. That’s why you need to take care of the Deadlock Effect first. And you can do it by using Virgil’s unique rou몭ne. This is when you actually start seeing your back going from causing you terrible pain, to feeling immense relief with a simple 15‐minute rou몭ne. Because of the increase of blood flow and nutrient rich inters몭몭al fluid to the affected area inflamma몭on starts to disappear. Your back begins healing itself, allowing you to sleep, move, and live your life without back pain that has been holding you prisoner in your own body. “Until you deal with the Deadlock Effect, just stretching can’t help you.” ‐ he said.
  • 42. [Start enjoying your life again.] You’ll feel well rested and energized throughout the day. You get your range of mo몭on back and are able to sit at your desk all day long and forget you ever had any back pain. [Forget about back pain and focus with ease.] You can finally take a shower longer than two minutes and put on your underwear and socks without cringing in pain.
  • 43. [Start enjoying the li몭le things in life again.] You can take long walks at your favorite park or a beach without needing to rest every five minutes and enjoy going to a concert or a game and sit or stand for hours without having to cut the fun short. [Stop missing out on important moments in your life.] Virgil called this amazing 15‐ minute routine – The Coffee Break Routine.
  • 44. It was specially designed for targe몭ng the Deadlock Effect, quickly. Because it had to work in fast‐paced situa몭ons of Olympic compe몭몭ons where every second counted as well as high‐stakes World Poker Tournaments. This breakthrough rou몭ne is designed specially to reduce micro‐adhesions, reenergize old scarred Inters몭몭um 몭ssue and replenish the cells of our muscles with nutrients. You can do it as a single 15‐minute rou몭ne, or you can break it up into a morning, noon and night – three 5‐ minute sessions. It will bring you relief from back pain either way. [You can break it into three 5‐minute sessions.] So you can understand how excited I was to tell Jessica all about it. Virgil wanted to help but I had no idea how he would be able to find the 몭me for her, with his fully booked schedule.
  • 45. He saw me scrambling through my phone trying to figure out a date we could both agree on and he said: “Don’t worry, I’m convinced I can help your wife. All we’re gonna need is a quick video call.” I remember being surprised that a video call would be enough. Virgil assured me that the movements in his life‐changing Coffee Break Rou몭ne are so simple almost anyone can do them by themselves to their own ability and from the comfort of their own home. [You can do it from the comfort of your own home.] I was relieved it was an op몭on so we quickly found a 몭me on his calendar and scheduled a video call. But when I returned home and told Jessica all about it, she just looked at me with despair in her eyes. “You know I have tried everything John, it’s really nice of you that you’re trying, but there is no way out of this…” ‐ she said. I tried to convince her that this 몭me it’s different that she should try this and not end up using a walker or worse. But she got angry and yelled at me: “I don’t want to do any kind of programs
  • 46. anymore! All I want is to be able to take a quick shower without collapsing in pain. Hold my children without having to sit down to do it. I want to live my life without thinking about back pain every damn second…” ‐ she started sobbing. [Jessica wasn’t ready to feel like she had failed once again.] I just held her and kissed her and didn’t say anything. I guess she was under so much pain and stress that day that she just had no strength in her to try again, but the next morning while we were drinking coffee she surprised me. She kissed me, and said she was sorry for ge몭ng so angry, and that if I was ready to do what I did for her, that she can at least give it a try. That same day I reached out to Virgil and we arranged a video call. We decided to record it so that Jessica can watch it more than once if needed.
  • 47. Then Virgil demonstrated one special movement called Ninja in the grass, that I’ll tell you more about in a minute, while Jessica simply and easily followed along. [She didn’t expect for the relief to happen so fast.] I could see it in her eyes, that she felt different. So she eagerly con몭nued following Virgil’s simple instruc몭ons. A몭er she finished the rou몭ne she closed her eyes and buried her face into her hands. I thought she was in pain again. But soon I could see the edges of her perfect smile, the one that I fell in love with, the one I haven’t seen in ages, creep past her I’ll never forget when she told me: “No chance in hell I’ll feel better in only 15 minutes.” And something amazing happened. I noticed that Jessica let out a big sigh of relief.
  • 48. hands. She looked up at me with tears streaming down her face as she cried from a release she hadn’t experienced in years. A relief she had given up on ever feeling again. She sat up with be몭er posture than I had seen even before this nightmare started and as she was choking back tears of joy, she said: “It feels like someone just took a knife out of my back. I haven’t felt this good in 13 years… Thank you Virgil!” [Jessica was overwhelmed with emo몭on.] Her tears came back in full force and I started crying too. I couldn’t be strong anymore because I was so grateful that Virgil was the missing key to my wife ge몭ng her life back and me ge몭ng her back. He said that she will feel immediate relief from pain and be able to move like she Now, Virgil warned her.
  • 49. hasn't been able in ages. But since she was suffering from the Deadlock Effect for years, it would take some 몭me and a few more sessions un몭l her back healed completely. He said: “It’s not me or my rou몭ne that actually heals your back. It’s your body that knows what to do. By doing this rou몭ne you just allow it to heal itself.” Think of it this way. What do you do when you cut yourself? You disinfect the wound, put a band‐aid on it and leave the rest to your body. Same here, you just do the rou몭ne and let your body handle the rest. Since Jessica’s back was plagued by the Deadlock Effect for more than a decade, It made sense that her body would need a li몭le 몭me to do its thing and heal. And because she had the recording of her session. She could do it every day if she needed to, in her own 몭me and from the comfort of our home. I felt so a몭racted to her. It was like her spirit came alive. She reminded me of her younger self. I couldn't control myself. I picked her up and carried her straight to the bedroom. It was a night filled with passion and energy of people 10 years younger than That evening she got so excited that she actually jumped into my arms.
  • 50. we were. [It was the first 몭me in a long 몭me I saw my wife happy again.] The next morning she actually brought me coffee to bed with a big smile on her face. She playfully admi몭ed that she might have pushed herself a bit harder than Virgil would have approved of, but that it was worth it. I’ll never forget the smile on her face when she flushed her painkillers down the toilet and called up her doctor to tell him she’s canceling her next appointment, leaving him confused on the other end of the line. [Her doctor was dumbfounded.] From then on things only got better and better for Jessica.
  • 51. She was waking up energized and pain‐ free a몭er a good night's sleep. [Finally she was able to sleep through the night without tossing and turning.] She started taking walks around the block every morning before work. [She was mo몭vated like never before.] Her job performance was be몭er. She wasn’t taking any 몭me off anymore, and was able to sit through the work day and better and better for Jessica.
  • 52. actually focus on her job. She even got a raise! [Jessica was finally able to focus on her work.] Her morning walks mo몭vated her to start ea몭ng healthier and in a ma몭er of two months she was able to shed 15 extra pounds! That made her feel even more energized. [She was looking slimmer and sexier, and people started no몭cing.] I mean it was like she became a completely different person. She wasn’t hunched over anymore… Her face, skin and hair were glowing, and I felt like I was married to an energe몭c 20‐ year‐old version of my hot wife.
  • 53. Jessica con몭nued doing the rou몭ne, usually first thing in the morning or just before going to bed. Some몭mes even at work, during her coffee break. A몭er just 4 weeks of doing it daily she started feeling so good, that she didn’t need to do it at all anymore. Only on occasion when she felt it would help her release tension in her body a몭er a long hard day. But most importantly she knew that in the unlikely case her back pain returned she now had a secret weapon in her pocket, literally, because it was readily available to her on her smartphone, tablet or computer. All she had to do was push a bu몭on. [She could easily access the rou몭ne from any of her smart devices.] A몭er years of spending more 몭me thinking about pain she was in and trying to manage it, than doing anything else She was finally free from back pain and it was all thanks to Virgil.
  • 54. people normally do… she finally felt like she broke loose from the prison of chronic back pain and regained the power over her life. Everyday small stuff that she couldn’t do without extreme pain like taking a quick shower, cooking or just pu몭ng on her underwear and socks became easy everyday stuff again, that she could do without thinking about it. Seeing how it impacted the quality of her life Jessica told me that she needs to share it with others. She remembered all the devasta몭ng stories she had heard and read over the years in chronic pain support groups and couldn’t bear knowing that thousands if not millions of people were s몭ll suffering. She needed more people to experience the relief she had. So she shared the video Virgil made for her with her group and that’s when the emails and messages about amazing results people were having started flowing in. Like Simon that said:
  • 55. Or Radu that wrote to us to say: And Angela that shared her experience with us saying: We knew this rou몭ne was something special, but it worked so well that people from her group started sharing it around. Soon Jessica was ge몭ng emails every single day from people of all ages and types of back pain issues almost begging
  • 56. for her video! Since Virgil’s Coffee Break rou몭ne was such a success we wanted to get it into the hands of as many people as we could that were suffering from back pain. Plus Jessica wasn’t crazy about the idea of a video of her being shared around. So the very next day I called Virgil and told him how big of an impact and change his rou몭ne has made in Jessica’s life and how sharing that simple video he made for her allowed us to change the lives of dozens of others in her support groups. Virgil's eyes began to widen with excitement. I explained to him that we could record the same simple instruc몭onal videos and provide it to thousands upon thousands of people who are all in desperate need for help, same as Jessica was. These simple videos could change the lives of people across the globe. Virgil stopped me with the happiest, most joyful laugh, and told me that this is what he always dreamt of. He had to let go of his hopes of helping the world alleviate back pain problems because he could only treat one person at a 몭me. The video we had was made specially for Jessica and we wanted something that would work for everybody.
  • 57. But now he realized that he can fulfill his dream by crea몭ng this simple and easy to follow video program and help improve the lives of so many people. Virgil and I were full of drive and purpose and we immediately got to work. And just a few months later we created an amazing and unique set of videos uncovering all of Virgil’s secrets. And just because it felt like Virgil answered Jessica’s “distress signal” and literally saved her life from back pain. *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only. The truly unique pain‐relieving system that addresses the root cause of back pain. It’s the only “back healing system” proven to work on Olympic weightli몭ers, World Class Poker Stars and thousands of regular people addressing the true cause He decided to call it Back Pain SOS!
  • 58. of back pain in the Inters몭몭um. Finally, you’ll be able to experience the same transforma몭on that thousands of former back‐pain sufferers have seen in their own lives: ✓ Erase your back pain with a simple 15‐minute rou몭ne in the comfort of your own home… no gym, no expensive massage therapy, and no leering eyes in yoga class making you uncomfortable. ✓ …let years of damage to your Inters몭몭um heal while you sleep. Let your body do its job while you enjoy a good night's rest and wake up refreshed! ✓ …drama몭cally increase your mobility and flexibility and feel immediate relief from pain using the Ninja in the grass movement. Because It’s 몭me for you to start enjoying your life again. This easy 1‐2‐3 follow along system is made for people who have severe chronic back pain as well as for those who want to prevent becoming its prisoner. So if you’re serious about fixing your chronic back pain. If you don’t want to
  • 59. see it come back with a vengeance a몭er just a few days, weeks or months. But want to get rid of it, then The Back Pain SOS system is for you. *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only. Discover li몭le‐known secret movements that were reverse engineered from ancient mar몭al arts. Movements that target the root cause of back pain and conquer it with this powerful, simple to follow and easy to do complete Back Pain SOS System. ✓ You will experience an overall improvement in your cogni몭ve performance and ability to focus so you can perform be몭er in all areas of your life. ✓ You will boost your energy levels naturally and easily. (This way, you’ll finally stop being exhausted by back pain.) ✓ And you will revive your sex
  • 60. ✓ And you will revive your sex life. (Sex doesn’t have to make you cringe in pain just thinking about it. It should be a pleasurable experience that is spontaneous, like when you were in your twen몭es, and not a planned out event with a set of special instruc몭ons just to get through with it.) Also when you get Back Pain SOS system today, you’re going to discover: How to gently and painlessly address the true cause of back pain. (Important! Did you know that the point where you experience pain in many cases isn’t the point where you pain originates from). Virgil will show you what to do when the Deadlock Effect causes your muscles to “glue” together. (This is an extraordinary and un몭l now undisclosed technique that has people who were suffering from back pain for years feeling like they’re in their 20s again ‐ all in a quarter of an hour!) And if back pain prevents you from doing most of the movements, even though they’re simple and easy to do for most people, we’ll show you how to use our Assistance Sequence and s몭ll get all the relief from back pain you deserve. Because some of the online programs make it really hard to understand what is going on, Virgil worked on the Back Pain SOS system painstakingly to make sure you see every movement from the best
  • 61. angles./p<> The videos are clear and high resolu몭on so you won’t miss a single detail. You don’t need any experience because all the movements are easy to follow that even a child could do them. The Back Pain SOS system is so simple and straigh몭orward you can watch it on your smart devices any몭me you want or you can print out our easy‐to‐follow instruc몭ons and have them always readily available. Have a break before your next mee몭ng? [You can do it at the office.] Want to relieve some back pain while you preheat the oven? [You can do it while you prepare a meal for your loved
  • 62. ones.] Why not feel some release from pain during the commercials or while you listen to a podcast or an audio book? [You can do it while you enjoy your favorite show, listen to music or a book.] There is no need for you to spend your hard earned money on expensive Yoga studios that you need to get ready and commute to, just to get all sweaty with a bunch of strangers ogling you. With the Back Pain SOS system all you need is the comfort of your own home to tackle the true cause of chronic back pain. And the Back Pain SOS system has already proven as a life saver for many others… Like Alina, who wrote:
  • 63. Or… Bell sharing her experience: And Carmen telling her touching struggle and recovery: So when you give Back Pain SOS a try you’ll get the instant pain relief you’re longing for, keep your back healthy, and
  • 64. start living your best life. Plus, because Virgil wanted to make this the easiest decision you’ve ever made, he is going to give you 4 Excep몭onal Bonus Gi몭s! ‐ for FREE when you try the Back Pain SOS system today! Free Bonus Gift #1 ‐ The Pain‐Free Sleep Sequence ﴾a $37 value﴿ Because suffering from back pain is so draining, it ruins your days and your nights too. So instead of ge몭ng much‐ needed rest, you end up tossing and turning through the night. [Lack of sleep is a serious threat to your health.] *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only.
  • 65. Not ge몭ng enough sleep affects your health, mood, and energy levels and puts a strain on your rela몭onships[11]. I’ve spent more nights on the couch than in our bed because Jessica kept waking me up, rolling around in agonizing pain. That’s why Virgil came up with The Pain‐Free Sleep Sequence. It’s a simple 5‐step, easy‐to‐follow mini‐ program that may help you sleep through the night pain‐free, and wake up well‐ rested and energized. Inside this special report, you will discover a unique movement that will quickly and easily relax the muscles of your back and legs. You’ll be able to sleep in any posi몭on you want – without spending $600 or even more on expensive “back suppor몭ng” bed ma몭resses. We’ll also show you how… ✓ …to restore and improve the flow of spinal fluid that will protect the brain and spinal cord from trauma, supply nutrients to nervous system 몭ssue and remove waste products from cerebral metabolism – with one simple lying posi몭on. Also how to use… ✓ …a breakthrough movement to
  • 66. flood each and every cell of your back with oxygen. Great way to keep your back healthy, youthful and relaxed – healing inflamma몭on in your back while you sleep. And the best way to… ✓ …fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. This simple bed몭me rou몭ne relaxes your en몭re body and improves your breathing. You’ll be sleeping like a baby every night of the week. Then we have… Free Bonus Gift #2 ‐ Wake Up Energized! Routine ﴾a $67 value﴿
  • 67. If you wake up with low energy, feeling like somebody did a number on your back. If you have that feeling of not wan몭ng to get out of bed but not being able to go back to sleep either. You’ve probably seen cats and dogs stretch a몭er napping. It's the same reason why humans yawn and stretch their hands in the morning – to get the blood flow going and the muscles ready for movement. But if you always sleep in the same posi몭on, muscles can 몭ghten up. That causes loss of muscle tone, accumula몭on of inters몭몭al fluid along the back and makes you feel sore, s몭ff, and sluggish. [Feeling like you’re more 몭red waking up than when you went to bed.] That’s why Virgil developed the Wake Up Energized! Rou몭ne. *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only. There is a reason for it.
  • 68. This simple, quick and easy rou몭ne will help you start your day fully energized in less 몭me than it takes to brush your teeth. The best part? You’ll reduce the risk of back pain, improve your posture and get rid of body s몭ffness without even ge몭ng out of your bed. Inside this unique 13 movements sequence, which can be used as a stand alone system, you’ll find: ✓ A powerful way to stretch your lumbar spine and muscles using just the weight of your legs. It’s more energizing than a double shot of espresso but without the coffee ji몭ers. Also a unique and simple way to… ✓ …relieve the tension in your back, open up your chest and stretch your shoulders in a single movement. This will revitalize your en몭re upper and lower back and have you feeling flexible like you were in your teens. (Hint: All you need is a towel.) And…
  • 69. ✓ …the easiest way to get rid of nagging lower back pain and increase your range of mo몭on in the morning. You’ll hop through your day effortlessly. Just do this one thing. (And by the way all you’ll need is a pillow.) That brings us to the special.. Free Bonus Gift #3 ‐ Nature’s Little‐Known Pain Relievers ﴾a $29 value﴿ Having something to numb the pain helps, but at what cost? With side‐effects like nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, itching or swea몭ng, a weakened immune system and even depression[12]. You’ve got to ask yourself what is the upside to taking *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only.
  • 70. pain relievers? [Painkillers only mask the symptoms with poten몭ally terrible side effects.] And since pain has been around forever, what did people use before we had prescrip몭on meds? I asked Virgil for advice, and he unveiled the secrets of tradi몭onal medicine used by ancient warriors to get rid of pain. That’s why Virgils put together this jam‐packed special report called Nature’s Li몭le‐Known Pain Relievers. This is a gold mine collec몭on of useful informa몭on and advice about the best 100% natural alterna몭ves for pain relief. Say goodbye to feeling like an addict while you beg your doctor to fill your prescrip몭on a몭er you run out of meds. Say goodbye to popping pills just to be able to get through the day. Say goodbye to feeling bloated, being cons몭pated and having painful diges몭ve
  • 71. problems caused by pain medica몭on. Inside this special report you will discover: ✓ Three terrifying problems caused by the Opioid Industry your pharmacist doesn’t want you to know. We’ll share with you the list of… ✓ …most effec몭ve natural pain relievers guaranteed to bring you allayment from pain, without nasty side effects like bloa몭ng or nausea. (Most of these you can get online or at your local grocery store). Page 9 ✓ And a secret but completely legal way to make your own non‐addic몭ve “Morphine”. (You won’t believe it but the main ingredient is a chemical produced by your body). Page 12 But wait there’s more, in… Free Bonus Gift #4 ‐ The Anti‐Inflammatory Superfoods – 15 Quick and Easy Recipes ﴾a $29 value﴿
  • 72. When you sit for too long, the natural flow of inters몭몭al fluid slows down. The area affected by the Deadlock Effect has no way of receiving all the nutrients it needs to stop inflamma몭on. This can lead to chronic inflamma몭on causing fa몭gue, mul몭‐area pain, joint swelling, skin changes like rash and even disorders like rheumatoid arthri몭s[13]. So even though inflamma몭on in its first stage is a healing process if not treated it can become a serious issue in which the body starts a몭acking itself. *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only.
  • 73. [Inflamma몭on of skin layers.] I s몭ll remember how eager Jessica was to try out Virgil’s special An몭‐Inflammatory recipes and you will be too. Because inside this special report you will discover: ✓ How to beat inflamma몭on while stuffing your face with delicious, affordable and easy to prepare meals – without worrying about gaining weight. In fact it’s more likely you’ll lose weight. ✓ 10 tasty food items that will reverse the nasty inflamma몭on process in your back. (One of them is chocolate!) – find out what they are and how to use them to get be몭er results instantly. Page 11 ✓ And one dangerous comfort food you must stay away from at all costs, if you want to be truly pain‐free. (Hint: Americans eat 4.5 billion pounds of this food each year) Page 38
  • 74. So, if I were to ask you how much it would be worth to get rid of nagging back pain, what would you say? I know Jessica or I couldn't put a number to it. And I think we both agree you can’t really put a price tag on health. But think about it. The cost of a single ordinary chiroprac몭c therapy session is up to $200 dollars, and they immediately try to sign you up for 4 to 12 sessions because their en몭re business model depends on you coming back. Plus you have to find the 몭me to do it since spending one hour on therapy is never just one hour, because you’ll easily spend as much just on commu몭ng. So just one session per week might easily set you back $800 per month or more. And when you take into account all the doctors visits, over the counter prescrip몭on medicine, massage tools and gym membership you quickly see that back pain could cost you a small fortune. While the chances are that your back isn’t ge몭ng any be몭er, just the opposite. And I got sick to my stomach just thinking about the poten몭al cost of back surgery that wasn’t covered by our health insurance. The numbers were up in the Virgil spent months going back and forth on how to make the best possible program he could, perfecting it along the way and now it’s finally ready.
  • 75. hundreds of thousands. That’s why Virgil and I were so determined to make Back Pain SOS as affordable as we can. Because we’re not in this to get rich, we’re in it to help as many people as possible. Now this might sound crazy. But the total cost of the en몭re Back Pain SOS system plus the 4 Special Bonuses you’ll be receiving today doesn’t even come close to what you’d pay for a month's worth of some run‐of‐the‐mill chiroprac몭c sessions. It’s not even a frac몭on of the average week of chiroprac몭c therapy sessions. It won’t even cost you what you’d spend on just one dinner date with your spouse. No, because we want this to be available to as many people as possible the en몭re Back Pain SOS system along with… ✓ The Pain‐Free Sleep Sequence ✓ Wake Up Energized! Rou몭ne ✓ Nature’s Li몭le‐Known Pain Relievers ✓ An몭‐Inflammatory Superfoods ‐ 15 Quick and Easy Recipes
  • 76. *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only. …can be yours for a single and secure one‐몭me payment of only $67 dollars for unlimited access and pain‐free back. Now the exclusive bonus gi몭s by themselves are worth over $160, so I’m sure you’d agree that Virgil’s offer is more than fair and has amazing value. You’re probably ready to jump on it right now. Virgil is prepared to extend you a special thank you and REDUCE this already insanely low price of $67 dollars that includes all the special bonuses men몭oned so far, even more! Just click the buy now bu몭on you see below and you’ll get your full access immediately for a one 몭me single secure payment at the special price you see below. But, before you do, just because you’ve read this to the end and proven that you’re serious about erasing chronic back pain from your life with the Back Pain SOS system.
  • 77. *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only. You’ll get instant access to everything included in the Back Pain SOS system plus 4 amazing bonuses! There are no hidden or recurring fees, all you need to do to get the Back Pain SOS system today is fill in your payment details. A몭er you fill your informa몭on and confirm your purchase, Virgil will send you all the informa몭on you need to access the special members area in a split‐second where your Back Pain SOS system awaits. Now if you’re shocked, since you understand this small investment for everything is less than a single physical therapy or a chiropractor session, hold on because we’re not quite done. Because Virgil believes so strongly that you’ll be able to finally feel 100% relief from your back pain with the Back Pain SOS system, like so many…
  • 78. ✓ Men and women in the top‐ performing circles of Olympic Weightli몭ing, ✓ Professional poker stars and ✓ EVERYDAY FOLKS …he’d like to take things a step further and offer you his ironclad 100% pain‐ free‐back or your‐money‐back guarantee. If in 60 days your chronic back pain isn’t completely gone and if you’re not able to jump from joy or sleep through the night without tossing and turning. If you’re not able to enjoy your life the same way you did before chronic back pain. You don’t have to pay a dime and we’ll give you a no‐ques몭on‐asked 100% money back refund.
  • 79. That’s how strongly Virgil and I believe that the Back Pain SOS system will work for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Try it and if it doesn’t work for you just contact us within 60 days from your purchase for a refund. This TRY‐IT‐RISK‐FREE deal is worth taking a chance on today because if you think about it, you have nothing to lose, except to finally lose that chronic back pain. So click the buy now bu몭on below and start your completely risk‐free transforma몭on from a prisoner of back pain to an energe몭c person with a strong pain‐free back ready to tackle the world. *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only. Now, I would like to get serious with you for a second. And just ask you to think about what your future and
  • 80. Maybe you're one of the lucky ones who will stumble upon some type of magical stretches that will work for you, even though they haven’t before. Or you could con몭nue to take pain medica몭on, get steroid shots and hope for the best. And I truly hope in either case your back pain goes away and you completely recover. Unfortunately, it’s not likely. Watching my wife from the sidelines for years trying to do exactly that, I know her back pain problems only got worse. And it’s easy for it to get worse quickly as you age. Going from occasional back pain… to a big crippling problem sooner than you know it. That’s why I sincerely hope you take ac몭on today. You risk absolutely nothing and get access to the en몭re Back Pain SOS system plus 4 amazing bonuses straight away. People who have back pain always feel like they are figh몭ng an invisible enemy and o몭en forget what being pain‐free even means. That’s why I’m so excited for you… since about what your future and the future of your family will look like if you don’t make this simple decision today.
  • 81. this could be the moment when you finally stop le몭ng your back pain control your life. Just imagine what your life would look like if you were free of chronic back pain. A life where you can sleep in any posi몭on you want. No tossing and turning the en몭re night and waking up your significant other. [No more tossing and turning.] A life where you jump out of your bed well‐rested every morning. Where you forget about painkillers and can play with your kids or grandkids with ease. [Wake up full of energy.] A life where you're not afraid of sharp and throbbing scia몭ca ac몭ng up while
  • 82. you're driving. [Take that long drive without worry of your back or leg hur몭ng.] A life where you are able to RELEASE the person you actually are from the prison of back pain that had to take the back seat in life for years. [Set yourself free and live your life.] A life where your partner takes you out for a roman몭c dinner and dancing. Shows you off while the whole place stares in envy. And later on you jump each other’s bones just like when you first started da몭ng.
  • 83. [Have fun again.] Now, I know those are picture‐perfect examples. But let me ask you this. Wouldn't you agree this small completely risk‐free one‐몭me investment is worth it? To go from hoping for, to actually living a life free of chronic back pain? Your spouse deserves it. Your family and friends deserve it. But most importantly… Just click the buy now bu몭on below and enter your payment informa몭on on our 100% secure order form and confirm your purchase now. What if just one of those things came true for you today? …YOU deserve it!
  • 84. *Digital Product. Image for visualiza몭on purpose only. On behalf of Jessica, Virgil and myself I would like to thank you for reading my message. And thank you for ac몭ng on this truly unique opportunity to get this amazing and unique Back Pain SOS system plus all the FREE bonuses. Start your life free of chronic back pain TODAY. FAQ What if I can't do the rou몭nes? Will this work equally well for men and women? What if I'm over 65? Will this work for me too? What if this doesn't work for me? How is my personal informa몭on kept