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International Marketing & Strategy for Startup
Albert Weng
1. 設定 Google Meet 視訊軟體上的個人稱呼:
a. 團員格式:團隊編號 _團隊名稱_姓名_職務
b. 團長格式:團隊編號 _團隊名稱_1_姓名_職務
2. 測試 Google Meet 的攝影機與麥克風
3. 各團隊建立本課程使專用的 Line 群組 (Team Lead: 在Meet留言:Line group ok)
Something about me
Albert Weng
● Director, Europe, LATAM, Marketing, Hitron Technologies Inc. (
● Past: Executive at BenQ America (Dallas, US), BenQ LATAM (Miami, US), D-Link (TW)
● Startup Coverage: Advisor, speaker, reviewer, instructor for government-led startup
program: FITI, LEAP, VP (MOST, 行政院科技部)
● Alumni: 97 BA, EMBA, NTUST
1. 課程的講義將以英文為主,一起用英文看你們 startup 的裡裡外外,也許會有新的刺激與啟發。
2. 新創跟一般企業的國際行銷很不同,我們會談幾個你們馬上需要、立即可用的新創必要 行銷重點。
3. 結合課程四的數位行銷,我們會談幾個結合國際行銷的實用建議。
4. 新創要以小博大、以快制慢、以奇勝正,比的就是策略與速度,策略是方向與判斷,策略高明可以加速成
時間 內容
09:00 - 12:00 國際行銷與策略講授與演練
12:00 - 13:00 中午休息
13:00 - 17:00 團隊與個人實作演練
Let’s try something really new for this workshop
1. Spirit: Knowledge & Experience > Sharing & Advice
2. Type: Lecture > Dialogue
3. Output: Personal note > Co-Creation (Chat)
4. Q&A: Ask me anything (strategy, business model, funding, pitch)
Everyone in this workshop is your Startup Learning Partner!
Warm up hello!!!
What we’ll do:
1. Turn on the camera & microphone
2. Start from team 1 to say a few words to everyone
3. The speaker will handover to one of his/her team members to continue
10 sec for a few words:
1. Your team and your name
2. Your one line for everyone to start today
No standard answer in startup, nor in this workshop.
So, speak up to learn and grow TOGETHER.
“This is the best advice ever I wish you receive.”
Problem = Business
"Stop complaining about problems; problems are the
definition of business. The people who do best in
business aren’t the ones with the least problems, but
are the ones who solve their problems better and have
more fun doing it with better people.”
- Grand father of Daniel Meyer, Founder of Shake Shack
The color of the startup course: GREY
1. Grey: the normal color of life and biz (it feels you).
2. Grey: the status before a colorful success.
3. Grey + T = Great
T = TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)
= Transaction (your idea & effort -> $$$)
= Transformation (grow from challenges)
You think startup is...
➢ Create …
➢ Innovate …
➢ Improve ...
➢ Market …
➢ Sell …
➢ Believe ...
➢ Surpass …
➢ Challenge …
➢ Overcome …
● Customer
● Product
● Competition
● Business model
Congrats!! You’ve done 50% of the course, the impact of openness on this slide, decide the other 50%.
Action is the crucial/fatal factor for startup! (Knowing is not enough)
something regarding
about to but the reality is actually about to
➢ Create …
➢ Innovate …
➢ Improve ...
➢ Market …
➢ Sell …
➢ Believe ...
➢ Surpass …
➢ Challenge …
➢ Overcome …
Mindset: affect your brain, mind, smile, the LOOK
determines the
boundary of your
business, as well as
your world in life.
Fixed, or growth,
your choice?
Startup DNA: why, how, what
1. Why: always challenge yourself about why
you do until you’re confident and comfortable
with the answer (can’t change unless your
mind changed).
2. How: align the steps with your why
(purpose) clearly with a strategy to succeed
(may change if better).
3. What: actions needed to fulfill the how for
why (may change if needed).
How to take this Startup course?
Student Mindset
Technical Mindset
Startup Mindset
Business Mindset
1. Attitude: Learn for score
2. Logic: Single-point gained
3. Expectation: Passed (the course)
4. Relationship: Behaved
5. Outcome: Note taken
1. Attitude: Learn for growth
2. Logic: Whole picture wins
3. Expectation: Growth (biz)
4. Relationship: Connected
5. Outcome: Action ready
How do you get new & valuable thing (in life)?
Reading People
Connection is power
You’ll know what’s valuable. You’ll know how to make things happen.
Reading Books
Knowledge is power
Choice: Startup Image
Unicorn Black Horse Shiny Pony
(Spotlight Effect)
(Brutal Reality)
What to expect from this workshop?
International Marketing Strategy
Your Startup
What to expect from this workshop? (Cont.)
International Marketing Strategy
Your Startup
A critical effort that drives X times of sales, deals and
investment from international markets.
1. Digital exposure to international customer, partner or
investors. (Website, social page, blog, vid channel, etc.)
2. Digital commerce (product listing, campaign, logistics,
and transaction)
3. Pitch meeting (online & in-person, mostly in English).
A guide of actions to meet the goal under realistic
1. Business strategy.
2. Product development strategy.
3. Sales/marketing/channel strategy.
4. Pitch strategy.
5. Funding strategy.
The critical and initial set of assets to start a
potential new business on your own.
1. Idea and desire.
2. Technology, product, patent.
3. Industrial/academic experience & connections.
4. Determined to overcome obstacles for success.
5. Ambitious to lead and transform into a new you.
Before: Quick Live Pitch (one-line pitch)
1. Every team use Line group to discuss: 60 sec.
2. Select your pitcher to present: 30 sec.
3. Pitch for:
a. Your team and your name
b. Your business
c. Your message
International marketing for startup
American Marketing Association
(AMA) “international marketing is the
multinational process of planning
and executing the conception,
pricing, promotion and distribution of
ideas, goods, and services to create
exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational objectives.”
Startup Language:
“Build the operations to sell your products to
another country with a profit.”
Why go international (sell to another country)?
1. No new growth in local market, but good for a specific international market.
2. Your operation is strong for international expansion, that can bring
you more biz and profit.
3. Your research tells you that go for international biz is a
strategic move for growth, and your have a team or resource for that.
4. Your have biz partner to take charge on the international biz
that’s aligned with your biz, operation and strategy.
Marketing Framework
International Marketing Journey: all the way to the World
How to read the int’l biz?
1. Geographic factor.
2. Political factor.
3. Regulatory factor.
4. Economic factor.
5. Trading factor.
Steps for global MKT:
1. Local marketing
2. International marketing.
3. Multiple countries marketing.
4. Global marketing.
RSPL Marketing Framework: Startup new product campaign
Research Strategy Plan Launch
1. Study the market.
2. Benchmark the
3. Size the business
(FCST by upside and
1. Map out the market.
2. Position within the
competitions (STP).
3. Build the steps from
here to there.
1. Set the campaign
goal and target.
2. Make the timeline.
3. Organize the team
and resource.
4. Outline the actions
and checklist.
5. Control the financial
in & out.
1. Warm up MKT
2. Run the MKT
campaign by
tracking, testing &
3. Review for
4. Finalize the financial
GTM: Channel, Portfolio, Strategy
GTM (Go-to-market)
Channel Portfolio Strategy
1. Distribution partner
2. Logistics partner
3. Agency partner
4. Local office
5. Digital marketing
1. Single product
2. Series product
3. Category product
4. Product mix analysis
5. Whole Product Checklist
(product life cycle)
1. STP
2. Market entry
3. Benchmarking
4. Pricing strategy
(segment, competition,
5. Launch campaign
6. Review and pivot
wait a sec, why we are here?
FITI 培訓時程
2/9 3/6 3/13 3/20
6/5 6/18
Your Startup Journey
Startup Idea Startup Success
Visualization: Secret to Handle the Critical Uncertainty
Common Tools of
1. DAN (Data & Numbers)
2. Map (Geo/Mind Map)
3. Framework
4. Flowchart
5. Org Chart
6. Table & Form
7. Infographics
Reality Check
Reality Prep for Startup:
1. Frame the realistic view in mind.
2. Prepare for the ups and downs.
3. Learn the new skills for survival.
4. Key to survival/success: a new YOU.
Making a better YOU everyday!
Funding Stages (Attention on the Valley of Death)
Funding Framework by Stages
What? Another valley of survival after the valley of death?
Your Startup Emotion Journey (Take care of you and your team)
FITI 培訓時程:重新再看一次,這次用點「策略思維」
2/9 3/6 3/13 3/20
6/5 6/18
FITI’s Top Missing Secret
1. 空間資源:向科學園區(竹科、中科、南科)等服務機構申請進駐創業空間,並享有科學園區資源。
2. 活動資源:免費使用線上創業影音課程及參與創業系列活動。
3. 培訓資源:全程免費參與階段性三天兩夜創業培訓營。
4. 平台資源:運用專屬工作平台記錄與管理創業歷程。
5. 技術資源:向本計畫申請技術原型製作相關資源需求。
6. 業師資源:階段性申請媒合專屬業界導師(團)。
7. 資金資源:在本計畫舉辦之天使創投媒合會中進行募資,且本計畫得視創業團隊之發展階段與資金需求推薦團隊申
1. 期限:所屬梯次「開業式」舉辦日起至「決選暨頒獎典禮」舉辦日後一年內
2. 特定優惠方案或協助內容包括:
3. 贊助企業保有優惠方案或服務內容變更之權利。
Team: Key Stakeholders Checklist
Key Function Person In Charge Partner Advisor Readiness Strategy of Engagement
Business Plan
Product Dev
Marketing Dev
Sales Dev
Finance Planning
Pitch Deck
Fund Raising
A clear guide of action to go
from here to there under
realistic resources.
- Albert Weng
● Strategy is one of the most crucial factors of success but yet ignored by
nature to those who hasn’t master this secret.
● Start today, you’ll surpass most of your competition by improving your
strategy in practice every day.
A general plan to achieve one or
more long-term or overall goals
under conditions of uncertainty.
- Wikipedia
Strategy by Steps
Be fair about here, environment, competition, resource (mirror)
Defining the goal, direction, outcome (desire)
Map out the journey with sufficient data and details (visibility)
As simple as 123 for everyone to take their move (limits)
Be sensitive and resilient to react throughout the journey (alive)
Overview of the Strategic Planning Process
How to survive in the valley of death
The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
Focus on winning, or not to loose?
1. No market need
2. Ran out of cash
3. Not the right team
4. Get outcompeted
5. Pricing / cost issues
6. User unfriendly product
7. Product without business model
8. Poor marketing
9. Ignore customers
10. Product mistimed
Thinking Wide: How to view “Timing”?
1. Research the current market trend and need?
2. Benchmark the key competitors for timing validation?
3. Believe in your gut feeling?
4. Ask your team (include advisors, mentor) for their comment about your
5. Trial & error until it’s getting clear? Burn rate to last that long?
6. Any other good indicator to know if the timing of your business is right?
Product Life Cycle: a holistic view from start to end
1. Locate your product
correctly in its product life
2. Apply the strategy for your
sales and business growth.
3. Do not forget or ignore #1
and #2. Period.
The Chasm: the invisible gap that most ignored
Chasm Crossing Guide:
1. Timing: before or after the Chasm?
2. Insight: why Chasm matters?
3. Strategy: how to cross the Chasm?
4. Research: market portfolio
5. STP: market selection
The Bowling Alley
1. Set the #1 (head) pin by its segment
(Seg1) and application (App1, the
use of the product) that you know the
most, as an easy start to launch.
2. #2 pin to be the same application
(App1) as #1 pin but aim for another
segment (Seg2).
3. Vice versa, #3 pin to be the same
segment (Seg1), and another
application (App2).
4. The logic, always start with one
factor of either segment or
application to be a familiar one
(reachable support) to expand into a
new move.
Whole Product v.s. MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
1. Define your core product.
2. Benchmark and feedback for the
critical support as the Whole
3. Whole Product will evolve over
time in different shapes and
4. Marketing the Whole Product as a
whole product so more feedbacks
will throw to you, that’s what you
needed before the Chasm, and key
to cross the Chasm.
Gartner: Product Dev Process
Product Development Checklist (Example date of progress)
# Process Brief Development Validation Launch
1 Idea A thought of key elements/logics that would build a future product. 1/1 1/8 1/30
2 Market Research The essential study, feedback and insight from primary & secondary data per
target user group (TUG). (Justifiable market support/biz case)
1/8 2/10 2/20
3 Mockup A model/structure of the product for design & testing. (Look & feel) 2/5 2/15 2/20
4 Prototype Partially functional product for further design or testing. (functionable) 2/15 2/25 3/5
5 Demo Unit A selection of key features and demo scenarios are ready for initial demo. 2/20 3/2 3/15
6 Customer Test A process for potential customers to test for wish/buy list (WBL). (Testing
plan/scenario/feedback form shall be designed per TUG)
3/10 3/15 3/20
7 MVP Refined from customer test (WBL) with the minimum set of product features,
user interface, physical appearance designed per TUG.
3/18 3/25 4/5
8 Whole Product A set of product, service, video, manual, API, etc. per TUG, (Sellable) 3/15 4/10 4/20
Bonus Question: On pricing: when and how in the process shall you make a good/better pricing for your product?
Market Research
Marketing STP
Segmentation Targeting Positioning
Market Segmentation
● ZIP code
● City
● Country
● Radius around a
certain location
● Climate
● Urban or rural
Behavioral Psychographic
● Purchasing habits
● Spending habits
● User status
● Brand interactions
● Personality traits
● Values
● Attitudes
● Interests
● Lifestyles
● Psychological
● Subconscious and
conscious beliefs
● Motivations
● Priorities
● Age
● Gender
● Income
● Location
● Family Situation
● Annual Income
● Education
● Ethnicity
Market Segmentation: Form & Flow (plan your research logic for action)
Category Expectation Question Answer Insight Action
Market Reach for Validation (4 Circles)
You and your team
Your closed connections
Your potential customer, partner (no deal, no $$$)
Your customer, partner (dealed, $$$)
When research the market:
● 50% and the majority stay only in Circle 1.
● 30% may go to Circle 2.
● 15% would probably try Circle 3.
● 5% or less push to reach Circle 4 for feedback.
Market Size & Sales FCST
Type Definition Relation to You Timeline Relevance Research
TCM Total Category Market Population & trend Per trend Category trend Secondary
TAM Total Available Market All players & alternatives Per trend Key players trend Secondary
SAM Serviceable Available Market All players Per trend Key competitors trend Secondary
SOM Serviceable Obtainable Market Your expanded biz (new) 3-10 yrs Scale to meet Primary
FCST Sales Forecast Your upcoming biz (now) 1-3 yrs Plan to meet Primary
● Primary Research:
○ You collect the market data by your own with unique effort for analysis.
○ Questionnaire survey for easy, useful, cheap and FAST approach.
● Secondary Research:
○ You use the data collected by others from their previous studies for analysis.
○ Market / industry report, forecast, GDP, population, economic index, etc.
Sales Forecast: Estimation of Your Customer Reach for Revenue
“How many customers you need to be survived/successful?”
Market Size: example (might not be a good example though, why?)
● Most use a top-down approach to size the makt
○ “The total health care market is $1.7 Trillion.”
○ “If we conservatively win 1% of that, we’ll make $17 billion.”
● Many entrepreneurs makes this mistake because
○ They believe that investor want to see a multi-billion dollar market opportunity.
○ The also see lage company excess saying it.
■ “957 million phones, 1% of that is 010 million phones in 2008.” Steve Jobs (2007).
● The top-down view might help you summarized and maybe sell the idea.
○ But it won’t help you develop a REAL product & strategy to win the buy-in from customers.
Product Market Fit: The V-Shape Model
Product Market
Fit Feature
Unique Selling Point
Unique Buying Point
Sales Influence Guiding Leading
Visible Invisible
Listen up!!!
The bottom line is, as an entrepreneur, you
should always be the top sales inside out, unless
you don’t believe in your product and business.
Business Model
● BM is a living thing, not
a statement on paper.
● The calling: “Show me
the money!”
● The demand: “How
much & when?”
Try outpace the normal:
● Make them smell the
money, NOW!
Startup Journey: type of Pitches to handle strategically
Stage Opening Activation Development Engagement Expansion
Type Elevator Pitch Startup event Accelerator Program Roadshow, funding event Commercial Meeting
TA Key person, VIP Advisor, reviewer, judge Advisor, mentor, alumni Reviewer, VC Customer, partner
TA Profile Wide & strong power Expert w/o funding Expert w/ or w/o funding Expert w/ funding Biz domain, connections
TA’s Mind Why you matter? Potential, trustworthy,
chemistry w/ the founder
Are they open to learn?
More effort on them?
What if they make it?
Similar deals/pitches.
Do I trust him/them?
When to exit w/ $$$?
Why you matter?
Cheaper, better, good fit?
Switching cost,
Formation Ad-hoc quick talk Formal pitch and review Series of training & pitch Formal pitch & tough Q&A Formal office meeting
Data Hot trend, key event Secondary Research Full market reach study Primary Research Company brief & product
Objective Connect for next
Be awesome in every way
for highest prize.
Build product, test market,
fix problem, hire team..
Locate your target VC.
Pitch specifically to them.
Business opportunity,
business partnership.
Strategy Unique & quick YMC Pitch YMC Pitch per TA Tie w/ a advisor to shape Customized YMC Pitch YMC Pitch for biz value
Follow-up Contact person for next? Ask for advice per TA Regular advisor hours Make them come to you Product demo, PO, etc.
Negotiation: YMC Pitch Model
Your Need My Offer
1 2
Common Goal/Point
Steps Highlight
Goal matching ○ Your must, optional list
○ Their must, optional list
Picture in strategy ○ Start with plan A
○ Change for plan B when …
○ Move onto plan C if ...
Start from the
○ Something in common
○ Something about their stuff
Reframe and stay
in the frame
○ Focus on the key points and boundary
○ Bring back if the topic is off the track
Create small yes
for the final big yes
○ Start from “you” for small yes.
○ Get more small yes on “we/me”
○ If I offer X, than you’ll give me Y.
Digital marketing on international marketing for startup
1. A decent website or FB page (the home of your startup that everyone can get online)
2. A clear digital presence designed for your very selected first group of TA
3. The digital effort by strategy:
1) Campaign: sales inquiry
2) Content driven: thought leadership (expert image)
4. As a startup, pitch is still the highly required skill to win the initial business, online or
in-person, and you also touch the market by different angle with solid business
experience and sense built up that no one can steal from you. One of the key thing
for startup that don’t scale. (Paul Graham)
Recap of Key Tools
Team: Key Stakeholders Checklist
Key Function Person In Charge Partner Advisor Readiness Strategy of Engagement
Business Plan
Product Dev
Marketing Dev
Sales Dev
Finance Planning
Pitch Deck
Fund Raising
Market Segmentation: Form & Flow (plan your research logic for action)
Category Expectation Question Answer Insight Action
Product Development Checklist (Example date of progress)
# Process Brief Development Validation Launch
1 Idea A thought of key elements/logics that would build a future product. 1/1 1/8 1/30
2 Market Research The essential study, feedback and insight from primary & secondary data per
target user group (TUG). (Justifiable market support/biz case)
1/8 2/10 2/20
3 Mockup A model/structure of the product for design & testing. (Look & feel) 2/5 2/15 2/20
4 Prototype Partially functional product for further design or testing. (functionable) 2/15 2/25 3/5
5 Demo Unit A selection of key features and demo scenarios are ready for initial demo. 2/20 3/2 3/15
6 Customer Test A process for potential customers to test for wish/buy list (WBL). (Testing
plan/scenario/feedback form shall be designed per TUG)
3/10 3/15 3/20
7 MVP Refined from customer test (WBL) with the minimum set of product features,
user interface, physical appearance designed per TUG.
3/18 3/25 4/5
8 Whole Product A set of product, service, video, manual, API, etc. per TUG, (Sellable) 3/15 4/10 4/20
Bonus Question: On pricing: when and how in the process shall you make a good/better pricing for your product?
Market Size & Sales FCST
Type Definition Relation to You Timeline Relevance Research
TCM Total Category Market Population & trend Per trend Category trend Secondary
TAM Total Available Market All players & alternatives Per trend Key players trend Secondary
SAM Serviceable Available Market All players Per trend Key competitors trend Secondary
SOM Serviceable Obtainable Market Your expanded biz (new) 3-10 yrs Scale to meet Primary
FCST Sales Forecast Your upcoming biz (now) 1-3 yrs Plan to meet Primary
● Primary Research:
○ You collect the market data by your own with unique effort for analysis.
○ Questionnaire survey for easy, useful, cheap and FAST approach.
● Secondary Research:
○ You use the data collected by others from their previous studies for analysis.
○ Market / industry report, forecast, GDP, population, economic index, etc.
Type of Pitch in Startup Journey
Stage Opening Activation Development Engagement Expansion
Type Elevator Pitch Startup event Accelerator Program Roadshow, funding event Commercial Meeting
TA Key person, VIP Advisor, reviewer, judge Advisor, mentor, alumni Reviewer, VC Customer, partner
TA Profile Wide & strong power Expert w/o funding Expert w/ or w/o funding Expert w/ funding Biz domain, connections
TA’s Mind Why you matter? Potential, trustworthy,
chemistry w/ the founder
Are they open to learn?
More effort on them?
What if they make it?
Similar deals/pitches.
Do I trust him/them?
When to exit w/ $$$?
Why you matter?
Cheaper, better, good fit?
Switching cost,
Formation Ad-hoc quick talk Formal pitch and review Series of training & pitch Formal pitch & tough Q&A Formal office meeting
Data Hot trend, key event Secondary Research Full market reach study Primary Research Company brief & product
Objective Connect for next
Be awesome in every way
for highest prize.
Build product, test market,
fix problem, hire team..
Locate your target VC.
Pitch specifically to them.
Business opportunity,
business partnership.
Strategy Unique & quick YMC Pitch YMC Pitch per TA Tie w/ a advisor to shape Customized YMC Pitch YMC Pitch for biz value
Follow-up Contact person for next? Ask for advice per TA Regular advisor hours Make them come to you Product demo, PO, etc.
Negotiation: YMC Pitch Model
Your Need My Offer
1 2
Common Goal/Point
Steps Highlight
Goal matching ○ Your must, optional list
○ Their must, optional list
Picture in strategy ○ Start with plan A
○ Change for plan B when …
○ Move onto plan C if ...
Start from the
○ Something in common
○ Something about their stuff
Reframe and stay
in the frame
○ Focus on the key points and boundary
○ Bring back if the topic is off the track
Create small yes
for the final big yes
○ Start from “you” for small yes.
○ Get more small yes on “we/me”
○ If I offer X, than you’ll give me Y.
After: Quick Live Pitch (one-line pitch)
1. Every team use Line group to discuss: 60 sec.
2. Select your pitcher to present: 30 sec.
3. Pitch for:
a. Your team and your name
b. Your business (a new version)
c. Your message (a new version)
The fun part of the workshop:
Case Practice
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice:
1. The core pitch
2. The pitch meeting
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec
2 Product (what) Feature & uniqueness 2 min 30 sec
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec
2 Product (what) Feature & uniqueness 2 min 30 sec
3 Biz model (how) Supply, customer, profit 2 min 30 sec
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec
2 Product (what) Feature & uniqueness 2 min 30 sec
3 Biz model (how) Supply, customer, profit 2 min 30 sec
4 Team (who) Qualification, profile, passion, synergy 2 min 30 sec
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec
2 Product (what) Feature & uniqueness 2 min 30 sec
3 Biz model (how) Supply, customer, profit 2 min 30 sec
4 Team (who) Qualification, profile, passion, synergy 2 min 30 sec
5 Timing (when) Why invest now 2 min 30 sec
Recap of the Core Pitch
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec
2 Startup program The rule, the preference, the strategy 2 min 30 sec
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec
2 Startup program The rule, the preference, the strategy 2 min 30 sec
3 VC conference Money talk, simple & promising math 2 min 30 sec
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec
2 Startup program The rule, the preference, the strategy 2 min 30 sec
3 VC conference Money talk, simple & promising math 2 min 30 sec
4 Mentor meeting Show your work and ask for help 2 min 30 sec
Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting
# Topic Element Discussion Pitch
1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec
2 Startup program The rule, the preference, the strategy 2 min 30 sec
3 VC conference Money talk, simple & promising math 2 min 30 sec
4 Mentor meeting Show your work and ask for help 2 min 30 sec
5 Commercial meeting Value proposition, why you & why now 2 min 30 sec
Recap of the Pitch Meeting
Pitch Deck example: airbnb
Problem (Story that connects you and the TA as a common point to start)
Market (Secondary & primary research, show those numbers connected to TA)
Solution (High level statement in 3 words/lines)
Product (What is it and how it works, how to sell, USP/UBP?)
Competition (Why you, and why you’re better for your customer?)
Business Model (Explain the logic behind making money to understand)
Market Adoption (Unique strategy to grow and expand)
Team (People buy you, and your team way before your product, why ignore?)
One more thing: CTA (Call to action)
ABC Principle: get the small “yes” for the final big “YES”
Wrap Up & Q&A
A big thank you to all FITI team!!!

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FITI Workshop_Marketing and Strategy for Startups

  • 1. 國際行銷與策略 International Marketing & Strategy for Startup Albert Weng 2021/06/05 核心課程五 課前準備: 1. 設定 Google Meet 視訊軟體上的個人稱呼: a. 團員格式:團隊編號 _團隊名稱_姓名_職務 b. 團長格式:團隊編號 _團隊名稱_1_姓名_職務 2. 測試 Google Meet 的攝影機與麥克風 3. 各團隊建立本課程使專用的 Line 群組 (Team Lead: 在Meet留言:Line group ok)
  • 2. Something about me Albert Weng ● Director, Europe, LATAM, Marketing, Hitron Technologies Inc. ( ● Past: Executive at BenQ America (Dallas, US), BenQ LATAM (Miami, US), D-Link (TW) ● Startup Coverage: Advisor, speaker, reviewer, instructor for government-led startup program: FITI, LEAP, VP (MOST, 行政院科技部) ● Alumni: 97 BA, EMBA, NTUST 明基佳世達集團
  • 3. 時程 課前重點預告: 1. 課程的講義將以英文為主,一起用英文看你們 startup 的裡裡外外,也許會有新的刺激與啟發。 2. 新創跟一般企業的國際行銷很不同,我們會談幾個你們馬上需要、立即可用的新創必要 行銷重點。 3. 結合課程四的數位行銷,我們會談幾個結合國際行銷的實用建議。 4. 新創要以小博大、以快制慢、以奇勝正,比的就是策略與速度,策略是方向與判斷,策略高明可以加速成 功,我們會談策略在新創不同階段的幾個例子。 時間 內容 09:00 - 12:00 國際行銷與策略講授與演練 12:00 - 13:00 中午休息 13:00 - 17:00 團隊與個人實作演練
  • 4. Let’s try something really new for this workshop Framework: 1. Spirit: Knowledge & Experience > Sharing & Advice 2. Type: Lecture > Dialogue 3. Output: Personal note > Co-Creation (Chat) 4. Q&A: Ask me anything (strategy, business model, funding, pitch) Everyone in this workshop is your Startup Learning Partner!
  • 5. Warm up hello!!! What we’ll do: 1. Turn on the camera & microphone 2. Start from team 1 to say a few words to everyone 3. The speaker will handover to one of his/her team members to continue 10 sec for a few words: 1. Your team and your name 2. Your one line for everyone to start today
  • 6. Heads-up No standard answer in startup, nor in this workshop. So, speak up to learn and grow TOGETHER. “This is the best advice ever I wish you receive.”
  • 7. Problem = Business "Stop complaining about problems; problems are the definition of business. The people who do best in business aren’t the ones with the least problems, but are the ones who solve their problems better and have more fun doing it with better people.” - Grand father of Daniel Meyer, Founder of Shake Shack
  • 8. The color of the startup course: GREY 1. Grey: the normal color of life and biz (it feels you). 2. Grey: the status before a colorful success. 3. Grey + T = Great T = TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) = Transaction (your idea & effort -> $$$) = Transformation (grow from challenges)
  • 9. You think startup is... ➢ Create … ➢ Innovate … ➢ Improve ... ➢ Market … ➢ Sell … ➢ Believe ... ➢ Surpass … ➢ Challenge … ➢ Overcome … ● Customer ● Product ● Competition ● Business model YOU Congrats!! You’ve done 50% of the course, the impact of openness on this slide, decide the other 50%. Action is the crucial/fatal factor for startup! (Knowing is not enough) something regarding about to but the reality is actually about to ➢ Create … ➢ Innovate … ➢ Improve ... ➢ Market … ➢ Sell … ➢ Believe ... ➢ Surpass … ➢ Challenge … ➢ Overcome …
  • 10. Mindset: affect your brain, mind, smile, the LOOK Mindset determines the boundary of your business, as well as your world in life. Fixed, or growth, your choice?
  • 11. Startup DNA: why, how, what 1. Why: always challenge yourself about why you do until you’re confident and comfortable with the answer (can’t change unless your mind changed). 2. How: align the steps with your why (purpose) clearly with a strategy to succeed (may change if better). 3. What: actions needed to fulfill the how for why (may change if needed).
  • 12. How to take this Startup course? Student Mindset Technical Mindset Startup Mindset Business Mindset 1. Attitude: Learn for score 2. Logic: Single-point gained 3. Expectation: Passed (the course) 4. Relationship: Behaved 5. Outcome: Note taken 1. Attitude: Learn for growth 2. Logic: Whole picture wins 3. Expectation: Growth (biz) 4. Relationship: Connected 5. Outcome: Action ready
  • 13. How do you get new & valuable thing (in life)? Reading People Connection is power You’ll know what’s valuable. You’ll know how to make things happen. Reading Books Knowledge is power
  • 14. Choice: Startup Image Unicorn Black Horse Shiny Pony Utopia (Dream) Show (Spotlight Effect) Business (Brutal Reality)
  • 15. What to expect from this workshop? International Marketing Strategy Your Startup
  • 16. What to expect from this workshop? (Cont.) International Marketing Strategy Your Startup A critical effort that drives X times of sales, deals and investment from international markets. 1. Digital exposure to international customer, partner or investors. (Website, social page, blog, vid channel, etc.) 2. Digital commerce (product listing, campaign, logistics, and transaction) 3. Pitch meeting (online & in-person, mostly in English). A guide of actions to meet the goal under realistic resources. 1. Business strategy. 2. Product development strategy. 3. Sales/marketing/channel strategy. 4. Pitch strategy. 5. Funding strategy. The critical and initial set of assets to start a potential new business on your own. 1. Idea and desire. 2. Technology, product, patent. 3. Industrial/academic experience & connections. 4. Determined to overcome obstacles for success. 5. Ambitious to lead and transform into a new you.
  • 17. Before: Quick Live Pitch (one-line pitch) Rule: 1. Every team use Line group to discuss: 60 sec. 2. Select your pitcher to present: 30 sec. 3. Pitch for: a. Your team and your name b. Your business c. Your message
  • 18. International marketing for startup American Marketing Association (AMA) “international marketing is the multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.” Startup Language: “Build the operations to sell your products to another country with a profit.”
  • 19. Why go international (sell to another country)? 1. No new growth in local market, but good for a specific international market. 2. Your operation is strong for international expansion, that can bring you more biz and profit. 3. Your research tells you that go for international biz is a strategic move for growth, and your have a team or resource for that. 4. Your have biz partner to take charge on the international biz that’s aligned with your biz, operation and strategy.
  • 21. International Marketing Journey: all the way to the World How to read the int’l biz? 1. Geographic factor. 2. Political factor. 3. Regulatory factor. 4. Economic factor. 5. Trading factor. Steps for global MKT: 1. Local marketing 2. International marketing. 3. Multiple countries marketing. 4. Global marketing.
  • 22. RSPL Marketing Framework: Startup new product campaign Research Strategy Plan Launch 1. Study the market. 2. Benchmark the competitions. 3. Size the business (FCST by upside and downside). 1. Map out the market. 2. Position within the competitions (STP). 3. Build the steps from here to there. 1. Set the campaign goal and target. 2. Make the timeline. 3. Organize the team and resource. 4. Outline the actions and checklist. 5. Control the financial in & out. 1. Warm up MKT activities. 2. Run the MKT campaign by tracking, testing & pivoting. 3. Review for improvement. 4. Finalize the financial metrics.
  • 24. GTM (Go-to-market) Channel Portfolio Strategy 1. Distribution partner 2. Logistics partner 3. Agency partner 4. Local office 5. Digital marketing 1. Single product 2. Series product 3. Category product 4. Product mix analysis 5. Whole Product Checklist (product life cycle) 1. STP 2. Market entry 3. Benchmarking 4. Pricing strategy (segment, competition, margin) 5. Launch campaign 6. Review and pivot
  • 25. wait a sec, why we are here?
  • 26. FITI 培訓時程 11/20 1/20 2/9 3/6 3/13 3/20 3/29 4/1 4/16 4/20 5/23 5/15 5/16 6/5 6/18 5/28 (TBC) 6/18
  • 27. Your Startup Journey Startup Idea Startup Success
  • 28. Visualization: Secret to Handle the Critical Uncertainty Common Tools of Visualization: 1. DAN (Data & Numbers) 2. Map (Geo/Mind Map) 3. Framework 4. Flowchart 5. Org Chart 6. Table & Form 7. Infographics
  • 29. Reality Check Reality Prep for Startup: 1. Frame the realistic view in mind. 2. Prepare for the ups and downs. 3. Learn the new skills for survival. 4. Key to survival/success: a new YOU. Making a better YOU everyday!
  • 30. Funding Stages (Attention on the Valley of Death)
  • 32. What? Another valley of survival after the valley of death?
  • 33. Your Startup Emotion Journey (Take care of you and your team)
  • 34. FITI 培訓時程:重新再看一次,這次用點「策略思維」 11/20 1/20 2/9 3/6 3/13 3/20 3/29 4/1 4/16 4/20 5/23 5/15 5/16 6/5 6/18 5/28 (TBC) 6/18
  • 35. FITI’s Top Missing Secret 七、權利 (一)報名參加本計畫之創業團隊,得依規定運用計畫所提供之階段性資源。 1. 空間資源:向科學園區(竹科、中科、南科)等服務機構申請進駐創業空間,並享有科學園區資源。 2. 活動資源:免費使用線上創業影音課程及參與創業系列活動。 3. 培訓資源:全程免費參與階段性三天兩夜創業培訓營。 4. 平台資源:運用專屬工作平台記錄與管理創業歷程。 5. 技術資源:向本計畫申請技術原型製作相關資源需求。 6. 業師資源:階段性申請媒合專屬業界導師(團)。 7. 資金資源:在本計畫舉辦之天使創投媒合會中進行募資,且本計畫得視創業團隊之發展階段與資金需求推薦團隊申 請國家發展基金創業天使計畫與創櫃板。 (二)入選任一梯次前40名之創業團隊,得享有特定贊助企業之特定優惠方案或服務。 1. 期限:所屬梯次「開業式」舉辦日起至「決選暨頒獎典禮」舉辦日後一年內 2. 特定優惠方案或協助內容包括: (1)財務會計諮詢服務。 (2)專屬業師輔導(採預約制)。 (3)公司設立登記服務等。 3. 贊助企業保有優惠方案或服務內容變更之權利。
  • 36. Team: Key Stakeholders Checklist Key Function Person In Charge Partner Advisor Readiness Strategy of Engagement Business Plan Product Dev Marketing Dev Sales Dev Finance Planning Pitch Deck Fund Raising
  • 38. Strategy A clear guide of action to go from here to there under realistic resources. - Albert Weng ● Strategy is one of the most crucial factors of success but yet ignored by nature to those who hasn’t master this secret. ● Start today, you’ll surpass most of your competition by improving your strategy in practice every day. A general plan to achieve one or more long-term or overall goals under conditions of uncertainty. - Wikipedia
  • 39. Strategy by Steps Situation Target Research Action Adaptation Be fair about here, environment, competition, resource (mirror) Defining the goal, direction, outcome (desire) Map out the journey with sufficient data and details (visibility) As simple as 123 for everyone to take their move (limits) Be sensitive and resilient to react throughout the journey (alive)
  • 40. Overview of the Strategic Planning Process
  • 41. How to survive in the valley of death
  • 42. The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
  • 43. The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
  • 44. The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
  • 45. The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
  • 46. The single biggest reason why startups succeed | Bill Gross
  • 47. Focus on winning, or not to loose? 1. No market need 2. Ran out of cash 3. Not the right team 4. Get outcompeted 5. Pricing / cost issues 6. User unfriendly product 7. Product without business model 8. Poor marketing 9. Ignore customers 10. Product mistimed
  • 48. Thinking Wide: How to view “Timing”? 1. Research the current market trend and need? 2. Benchmark the key competitors for timing validation? 3. Believe in your gut feeling? 4. Ask your team (include advisors, mentor) for their comment about your timing? 5. Trial & error until it’s getting clear? Burn rate to last that long? 6. Any other good indicator to know if the timing of your business is right?
  • 49. Product Life Cycle: a holistic view from start to end 1. Locate your product correctly in its product life cycle. 2. Apply the strategy for your sales and business growth. 3. Do not forget or ignore #1 and #2. Period.
  • 50. The Chasm: the invisible gap that most ignored Chasm Crossing Guide: 1. Timing: before or after the Chasm? 2. Insight: why Chasm matters? 3. Strategy: how to cross the Chasm? 4. Research: market portfolio 5. STP: market selection
  • 51. The Bowling Alley 1. Set the #1 (head) pin by its segment (Seg1) and application (App1, the use of the product) that you know the most, as an easy start to launch. 2. #2 pin to be the same application (App1) as #1 pin but aim for another segment (Seg2). 3. Vice versa, #3 pin to be the same segment (Seg1), and another application (App2). 4. The logic, always start with one factor of either segment or application to be a familiar one (reachable support) to expand into a new move.
  • 52. Whole Product v.s. MVP (Minimum Viable Product) 1. Define your core product. 2. Benchmark and feedback for the critical support as the Whole Product. 3. Whole Product will evolve over time in different shapes and elements. 4. Marketing the Whole Product as a whole product so more feedbacks will throw to you, that’s what you needed before the Chasm, and key to cross the Chasm.
  • 54. Product Development Checklist (Example date of progress) # Process Brief Development Validation Launch 1 Idea A thought of key elements/logics that would build a future product. 1/1 1/8 1/30 2 Market Research The essential study, feedback and insight from primary & secondary data per target user group (TUG). (Justifiable market support/biz case) 1/8 2/10 2/20 3 Mockup A model/structure of the product for design & testing. (Look & feel) 2/5 2/15 2/20 4 Prototype Partially functional product for further design or testing. (functionable) 2/15 2/25 3/5 5 Demo Unit A selection of key features and demo scenarios are ready for initial demo. 2/20 3/2 3/15 6 Customer Test A process for potential customers to test for wish/buy list (WBL). (Testing plan/scenario/feedback form shall be designed per TUG) 3/10 3/15 3/20 7 MVP Refined from customer test (WBL) with the minimum set of product features, user interface, physical appearance designed per TUG. 3/18 3/25 4/5 8 Whole Product A set of product, service, video, manual, API, etc. per TUG, (Sellable) 3/15 4/10 4/20 Bonus Question: On pricing: when and how in the process shall you make a good/better pricing for your product?
  • 57. Market Segmentation Geographic ● ZIP code ● City ● Country ● Radius around a certain location ● Climate ● Urban or rural Behavioral Psychographic Demographic ● Purchasing habits ● Spending habits ● User status ● Brand interactions ● Personality traits ● Values ● Attitudes ● Interests ● Lifestyles ● Psychological influences ● Subconscious and conscious beliefs ● Motivations ● Priorities ● Age ● Gender ● Income ● Location ● Family Situation ● Annual Income ● Education ● Ethnicity
  • 58. Market Segmentation: Form & Flow (plan your research logic for action) Category Expectation Question Answer Insight Action Geographic Demographic Behavioral Psychographic
  • 59. Market Reach for Validation (4 Circles) You and your team Your closed connections Your potential customer, partner (no deal, no $$$) Your customer, partner (dealed, $$$) 2 3 4 When research the market: ● 50% and the majority stay only in Circle 1. ● 30% may go to Circle 2. ● 15% would probably try Circle 3. ● 5% or less push to reach Circle 4 for feedback. 1
  • 60. Market Size & Sales FCST Type Definition Relation to You Timeline Relevance Research TCM Total Category Market Population & trend Per trend Category trend Secondary TAM Total Available Market All players & alternatives Per trend Key players trend Secondary SAM Serviceable Available Market All players Per trend Key competitors trend Secondary SOM Serviceable Obtainable Market Your expanded biz (new) 3-10 yrs Scale to meet Primary FCST Sales Forecast Your upcoming biz (now) 1-3 yrs Plan to meet Primary ● Primary Research: ○ You collect the market data by your own with unique effort for analysis. ○ Questionnaire survey for easy, useful, cheap and FAST approach. ● Secondary Research: ○ You use the data collected by others from their previous studies for analysis. ○ Market / industry report, forecast, GDP, population, economic index, etc. Design Distribution Collect Analysis Iteration
  • 61. Sales Forecast: Estimation of Your Customer Reach for Revenue “How many customers you need to be survived/successful?”
  • 62. Market Size: example (might not be a good example though, why?) ● Most use a top-down approach to size the makt ○ “The total health care market is $1.7 Trillion.” ○ “If we conservatively win 1% of that, we’ll make $17 billion.” ● Many entrepreneurs makes this mistake because ○ They believe that investor want to see a multi-billion dollar market opportunity. ○ The also see lage company excess saying it. ■ “957 million phones, 1% of that is 010 million phones in 2008.” Steve Jobs (2007). ● The top-down view might help you summarized and maybe sell the idea. ○ But it won’t help you develop a REAL product & strategy to win the buy-in from customers.
  • 63. Product Market Fit: The V-Shape Model Product Market Fit Feature Function Advantage Benefit Situation Problem Impact Need Demand Offer Deal
  • 64. Sales Unique Selling Point (USP) Unique Buying Point (UBP) Sales Influence Guiding Leading Visible Invisible Listen up!!! The bottom line is, as an entrepreneur, you should always be the top sales inside out, unless you don’t believe in your product and business.
  • 65. Business Model Principle: ● BM is a living thing, not a statement on paper. ● The calling: “Show me the money!” ● The demand: “How much & when?” Try outpace the normal: ● Make them smell the money, NOW!
  • 66. Startup Journey: type of Pitches to handle strategically Stage Opening Activation Development Engagement Expansion Type Elevator Pitch Startup event Accelerator Program Roadshow, funding event Commercial Meeting TA Key person, VIP Advisor, reviewer, judge Advisor, mentor, alumni Reviewer, VC Customer, partner TA Profile Wide & strong power Expert w/o funding Expert w/ or w/o funding Expert w/ funding Biz domain, connections TA’s Mind Why you matter? Potential, trustworthy, chemistry w/ the founder Are they open to learn? More effort on them? What if they make it? Similar deals/pitches. Do I trust him/them? When to exit w/ $$$? Why you matter? Cheaper, better, good fit? Switching cost, Formation Ad-hoc quick talk Formal pitch and review Series of training & pitch Formal pitch & tough Q&A Formal office meeting Data Hot trend, key event Secondary Research Full market reach study Primary Research Company brief & product Objective Connect for next appointment Be awesome in every way for highest prize. Build product, test market, fix problem, hire team.. Locate your target VC. Pitch specifically to them. Business opportunity, business partnership. Strategy Unique & quick YMC Pitch YMC Pitch per TA Tie w/ a advisor to shape Customized YMC Pitch YMC Pitch for biz value Follow-up Contact person for next? Ask for advice per TA Regular advisor hours Make them come to you Product demo, PO, etc.
  • 67. Negotiation: YMC Pitch Model Your Need My Offer 1 2 3 Pitch Common Goal/Point Steps Highlight Goal matching ○ Your must, optional list ○ Their must, optional list Picture in strategy ○ Start with plan A ○ Change for plan B when … ○ Move onto plan C if ... Start from the connection ○ Something in common ○ Something about their stuff Reframe and stay in the frame ○ Focus on the key points and boundary ○ Bring back if the topic is off the track Create small yes for the final big yes ○ Start from “you” for small yes. ○ Get more small yes on “we/me” ○ If I offer X, than you’ll give me Y.
  • 68. Digital marketing on international marketing for startup 1. A decent website or FB page (the home of your startup that everyone can get online) 2. A clear digital presence designed for your very selected first group of TA 3. The digital effort by strategy: 1) Campaign: sales inquiry 2) Content driven: thought leadership (expert image) 4. As a startup, pitch is still the highly required skill to win the initial business, online or in-person, and you also touch the market by different angle with solid business experience and sense built up that no one can steal from you. One of the key thing for startup that don’t scale. (Paul Graham)
  • 69. Recap of Key Tools
  • 70. Team: Key Stakeholders Checklist Key Function Person In Charge Partner Advisor Readiness Strategy of Engagement Business Plan Product Dev Marketing Dev Sales Dev Finance Planning Pitch Deck Fund Raising
  • 71. Market Segmentation: Form & Flow (plan your research logic for action) Category Expectation Question Answer Insight Action Geographic Demographic Behavioral Psychographic
  • 72. Product Development Checklist (Example date of progress) # Process Brief Development Validation Launch 1 Idea A thought of key elements/logics that would build a future product. 1/1 1/8 1/30 2 Market Research The essential study, feedback and insight from primary & secondary data per target user group (TUG). (Justifiable market support/biz case) 1/8 2/10 2/20 3 Mockup A model/structure of the product for design & testing. (Look & feel) 2/5 2/15 2/20 4 Prototype Partially functional product for further design or testing. (functionable) 2/15 2/25 3/5 5 Demo Unit A selection of key features and demo scenarios are ready for initial demo. 2/20 3/2 3/15 6 Customer Test A process for potential customers to test for wish/buy list (WBL). (Testing plan/scenario/feedback form shall be designed per TUG) 3/10 3/15 3/20 7 MVP Refined from customer test (WBL) with the minimum set of product features, user interface, physical appearance designed per TUG. 3/18 3/25 4/5 8 Whole Product A set of product, service, video, manual, API, etc. per TUG, (Sellable) 3/15 4/10 4/20 Bonus Question: On pricing: when and how in the process shall you make a good/better pricing for your product?
  • 73. Market Size & Sales FCST Type Definition Relation to You Timeline Relevance Research TCM Total Category Market Population & trend Per trend Category trend Secondary TAM Total Available Market All players & alternatives Per trend Key players trend Secondary SAM Serviceable Available Market All players Per trend Key competitors trend Secondary SOM Serviceable Obtainable Market Your expanded biz (new) 3-10 yrs Scale to meet Primary FCST Sales Forecast Your upcoming biz (now) 1-3 yrs Plan to meet Primary ● Primary Research: ○ You collect the market data by your own with unique effort for analysis. ○ Questionnaire survey for easy, useful, cheap and FAST approach. ● Secondary Research: ○ You use the data collected by others from their previous studies for analysis. ○ Market / industry report, forecast, GDP, population, economic index, etc. Design Distribution Collect Analysis Iteration
  • 74. Type of Pitch in Startup Journey Stage Opening Activation Development Engagement Expansion Type Elevator Pitch Startup event Accelerator Program Roadshow, funding event Commercial Meeting TA Key person, VIP Advisor, reviewer, judge Advisor, mentor, alumni Reviewer, VC Customer, partner TA Profile Wide & strong power Expert w/o funding Expert w/ or w/o funding Expert w/ funding Biz domain, connections TA’s Mind Why you matter? Potential, trustworthy, chemistry w/ the founder Are they open to learn? More effort on them? What if they make it? Similar deals/pitches. Do I trust him/them? When to exit w/ $$$? Why you matter? Cheaper, better, good fit? Switching cost, Formation Ad-hoc quick talk Formal pitch and review Series of training & pitch Formal pitch & tough Q&A Formal office meeting Data Hot trend, key event Secondary Research Full market reach study Primary Research Company brief & product Objective Connect for next appointment Be awesome in every way for highest prize. Build product, test market, fix problem, hire team.. Locate your target VC. Pitch specifically to them. Business opportunity, business partnership. Strategy Unique & quick YMC Pitch YMC Pitch per TA Tie w/ a advisor to shape Customized YMC Pitch YMC Pitch for biz value Follow-up Contact person for next? Ask for advice per TA Regular advisor hours Make them come to you Product demo, PO, etc.
  • 75. Negotiation: YMC Pitch Model Your Need My Offer 1 2 3 Pitch Common Goal/Point Steps Highlight Goal matching ○ Your must, optional list ○ Their must, optional list Picture in strategy ○ Start with plan A ○ Change for plan B when … ○ Move onto plan C if ... Start from the connection ○ Something in common ○ Something about their stuff Reframe and stay in the frame ○ Focus on the key points and boundary ○ Bring back if the topic is off the track Create small yes for the final big yes ○ Start from “you” for small yes. ○ Get more small yes on “we/me” ○ If I offer X, than you’ll give me Y.
  • 76. After: Quick Live Pitch (one-line pitch) Rule: 1. Every team use Line group to discuss: 60 sec. 2. Select your pitcher to present: 30 sec. 3. Pitch for: a. Your team and your name b. Your business (a new version) c. Your message (a new version)
  • 77. The fun part of the workshop: Case Practice
  • 78. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: 1. The core pitch 2. The pitch meeting
  • 79. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec 2 3 4 5
  • 80. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec 2 Product (what) Feature & uniqueness 2 min 30 sec 3 4 5
  • 81. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec 2 Product (what) Feature & uniqueness 2 min 30 sec 3 Biz model (how) Supply, customer, profit 2 min 30 sec 4 5
  • 82. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec 2 Product (what) Feature & uniqueness 2 min 30 sec 3 Biz model (how) Supply, customer, profit 2 min 30 sec 4 Team (who) Qualification, profile, passion, synergy 2 min 30 sec 5
  • 83. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the core pitch # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Vision (why) Market, background, need, your story 2 min 30 sec 2 Product (what) Feature & uniqueness 2 min 30 sec 3 Biz model (how) Supply, customer, profit 2 min 30 sec 4 Team (who) Qualification, profile, passion, synergy 2 min 30 sec 5 Timing (when) Why invest now 2 min 30 sec
  • 84. Recap of the Core Pitch Q&A
  • 85. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec 2 3 4 5
  • 86. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec 2 Startup program The rule, the preference, the strategy 2 min 30 sec 3 4 5
  • 87. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec 2 Startup program The rule, the preference, the strategy 2 min 30 sec 3 VC conference Money talk, simple & promising math 2 min 30 sec 4 5
  • 88. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec 2 Startup program The rule, the preference, the strategy 2 min 30 sec 3 VC conference Money talk, simple & promising math 2 min 30 sec 4 Mentor meeting Show your work and ask for help 2 min 30 sec 5
  • 89. Stand-up Pitch & Quick Advice: the pitch meeting # Topic Element Discussion Pitch 1 Angel talk What you want, how to get it 2 min 30 sec 2 Startup program The rule, the preference, the strategy 2 min 30 sec 3 VC conference Money talk, simple & promising math 2 min 30 sec 4 Mentor meeting Show your work and ask for help 2 min 30 sec 5 Commercial meeting Value proposition, why you & why now 2 min 30 sec
  • 90. Recap of the Pitch Meeting Q&A
  • 92. Problem (Story that connects you and the TA as a common point to start)
  • 93. Market (Secondary & primary research, show those numbers connected to TA)
  • 94. Solution (High level statement in 3 words/lines)
  • 95. Product (What is it and how it works, how to sell, USP/UBP?)
  • 96. Competition (Why you, and why you’re better for your customer?)
  • 97. Business Model (Explain the logic behind making money to understand)
  • 98. Market Adoption (Unique strategy to grow and expand)
  • 99. Team (People buy you, and your team way before your product, why ignore?)
  • 100. One more thing: CTA (Call to action) ABC Principle: get the small “yes” for the final big “YES”
  • 101. Wrap Up & Q&A
  • 102. A big thank you to all FITI team!!!