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JAIPUR l WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 197
Tighten noose around credit co-op societies that duped people: CM
Naresh Sharma
Jaipur: Chief Minister
Ashok Gehlot has said
that the agencies con-
cerned should study the
legal provisions and
change them as per the
requirement to get the
money of the investors
from the credit co-oper-
ative societies that have
money of people.
“It is a serious matter
due to which millions of
people had to lose hard
earned money. It is our
tors get their money and
Gehlot said while re-
viewing the complaints
received against the
ties, on Tuesday at CMR.
He said societies have
ing their trap even in the
villages and dhanis.
“Along with ensuring
that such incidents do
not happen in future,
SOG, Cooperative De-
should also coordinate
this,” he stressed.
The Chief Minister
said that the SOG
reached a conclusion by
holding quick research
in these cases and found
out how the money of
the investors was spent
so that further action
money back. “Receiving
more than 75,000 com-
plaints of money grab
on ‘Raj Sahkar Portal’
itself, against Adarsh,
Sanjeevani, Navjeevan,
Sahara and other multi-
state societies and State
Credit Co-operative So-
cieties, shows that a
large number of people
in the state have been
played with. Turn to P6
If necessary, amend law to get
money back, Gehlot says as HC
issues notices to Gajju bana, others
CM Ashok Gehlot
Muslims with New India call
M Hasan
Aligarh: Prime Minis-
ter Narendra Modi on
Tuesday called upon
the Muslim community
to join the efforts of the
Central government for
the overall development
and growth of every
section of the society.
Reaching out to the
community within and
outside the country
through the significant
platform of Aligarh
Muslim University
(AMU) while address-
ing online centenary
celebrations, the PM
said the NDA govern-
ment had been striving
for balanced growth ir-
respective of “religion,
caste and creed”.
It was after a long gap
of 56 years that a Prime
Minister was address-
ing the AMU fraternity
in the nation-building.
In December 1964 the
then Prime Minister Lal
Bahadur Shashtri had
addressed the universi-
ty’s convocation func-
tion. Setting at rest all
the misgivings prevail-
ing in the AMU campus
and outside about the
NDA government, Modi
said that the centre was
committed to institu-
tion’s progress and
would generously ex-
tend all help solve its
problems. The Prime
minister also released a
postal stamp commemo-
rating 100 years of insti-
tution which had tried
to transform the Mus-
lim community from its
rigid traditionalism to
modernism. Turn to P6
Aligarh Muslim University represents ‘mini-India’ and has to
its credit 100 glorious years of excellence in education: PM
Top US honour
‘Legion of
Merit’ for PM
New strain
not seen in
India so far,
says Centre
New Delhi: After being
conferred the prestig-
ious Legion of Merit
from US President Don-
ald Trump, Prime Min-
ister Narendra Modi
said he was deeply hon-
oured by the award,
adding that it recognis-
es the efforts of India
and the US to improve
bilateral relations be-
tween the nations.
Taking to Twitter,
PM Modi said that the
award reflected the bi-
partisan consensus of
both countries about
the Indo-US strategic
partnership. “I am
deeply honoured to be
awarded the Legion of
Merit by @POTUS @re-
alDonaldTrump. It rec-
ognises the efforts of
the people of India
Turn to P6
New Delhi: A mutated
and more aggressive
strain of the novel coro-
identified in the United
Kingdom in September
- has not been seen in
India so far, the govern-
ment said Tuesday.
70 per cent more easily
concern worldwide,
amid surging infection
rates in the UK and fears
the first lot of vaccines
may not be as effective
against the mutation.
“The new strain or
mutationof (the)corona-
virus in the United King-
dom has not been seen in
a member of govern-
ment think-tank NITI
Aayog, said. Turn to P6
New Delhi: Union
Home Minister and BJP
be frequently visiting
the poll-bound West
Bengal from January
onwards ahead of 2021
Assembly polls. Sourc-
es informed that Shah
would be visiting West
Bengal for a week every
month from February.
This was communicat-
ed by Shah in an inter-
nal meeting with the
leaders of the state on
his recent visit.
The senior party lead-
ers in BJP said that
there are two dates that
are being finalised by
Shah’s office for his next
visit. While there is the
possibility of him visit-
ing the state on January
12 which is the birth an-
niversary of Swami
Vivekananda, the other
date that is under con-
sideration could be
around January 23, the
birth anniversary of
Subhash Chandra Bose.
“Post January 20 is a
possibility,” is what a
top leader of the state
said when asked about
visit and the pressure
on the state govern-
ment because of his
presence would grow
intense, informed a sen-
ior party leader.
“He told us that Feb-
ruary onwards he
would be spending al-
in the state till Assem-
bly elections. His pres-
ence boosts the party
cadre that is reeling
Turn to P6
Union Home Minister Amit Shah during a roadshow in Birbhum in
West Bengal. —PTI FILE PHOTO
Mumbai: Thirty four
persons including crick-
eter Suresh Raina and
sanne Khan were held
near the Mumbai air-
port on Tuesday for vio-
lating social distancing
norms, police said.
Thirteen women who
were among those held
were allowed to leave
after being served no-
tices while the men
were shown as arrested
and granted bail later,
police said.
The raid took place at
the Dragonfly Experi-
ence club near the
Mumbai international
airport at around 3 am,
police said, adding the
34 also included seven
staffers of the club.
They were booked
under sections 188 (Dis-
obedience to order duly
promulgated by public
servant), 269 (whoever
unlawfully or negli-
gently does any act
which is, and which he
knows or has reason to
believe to be, Turn to P6
Raid in Mum club:Raina,
Sussanne,32 others held
Wasn’t aware of timing, protocol: Raina
Kavita Pant
Srinagar: The BJP
seems to be on a roll as
was depicted in Tues-
day’s results of Dis-
trict Development
Council elections in
Jammu and Kashmir.
The Saffron party
showed a dramatic im-
provement in its posi-
tion in Kashmir al-
most immediately af-
ter making a mark in
the Municipal polls in
Hyderabad. The party
on Tuesday won an
election for the first
time from any seat in
Kashmir while facing
regional heavyweights
like the National Con-
ference and the PDP.
The DDC elections
hold significance as it
was the first major
electoral exercise in
the Valley since the ab-
rogation of Article 370
last year in August.
The People’s Alli-
ance for Gupkar Decla-
ration (PAGD), an
amalgam of seven po-
litical parties, includ-
ing the NC and the PDP
won over 90 seats while
the BJP emerged as the
single largest party
winning 65 seats as of
now. Counting of votes
for the 280 DDC in J&K
is still underway. Nota-
bly, as many as 39 seats
were bagged by Inde-
pendent candidates,
while the Congress
party won 20 seats.
Lotus bloomed in
Kashmir as the people
of the Valley exhibited
ship of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi, said
local party leaders.
Turn to P6
BJP supporters dancing in jubilation as Ajaz Hussain of BJP won DDC election from Balahama
area in Srinagar on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI
PM Narendra Modi addresses the centenary celebrations of
Aligarh Muslim University via video conferencing, in New Delhi,
on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY PTI
No Board exams till
February,final dates
soon: Pokhriyal
New Delhi: Union edu-
Pokhriyal said on
Tuesday that the board
exams will not be held
in January or February.
“No board examina-
tions will be conducted
in January or February.
A decision on the con-
duct of examinations
will be taken later,”
Pokhriyal said during a
virtual interaction with
He also said that it is
not possible to conduct
the board exams in on-
line mode.
The Central Board of
Secondary Education
(CBSE) had earlier this
month announced that
board exams in 2021 will
be conducted in written
mode and not online.
Schools across the coun-
to contain the spread of
the Covid-19 pandemic.
They were partially reo-
pened in some states
from October 15.
However, a few states
have decided to keep
them closed in view of a
spike in the number of
Not possible to
hold exams
online: Min
Not a Sanjeevani: HC issues notices
to Shekhawat,wife and 15 others
Rajeev Gaur
Jodhpur: In a develop-
ment that is sure to
leave its imprint on the
politics of Rajasthan,
the Rajasthan High
Court, on Tuesday, is-
sued notices to Union
Jal Shakti minister Ga-
jendra Singh Shekha-
wat, his wife Naunand
Kanwar and 15 others in
Sanjeevani Cooperative
Credit Society Scam.
The court issued no-
tices on a writ petition
filed by Sanjeevani Vic-
tims Union, in which
petitioner Shanti
Swarup prayed to the
court to order investiga-
tion in the matter by
Enforcement Directo-
rate, Serious Fraud In-
vestigation Office and
CBI and also to appoint
a receiver of the proper-
ties of the society.
After hearing, the
court of Justice Vijay
Vishnoi issued show
cause notices to all 17
respondents, including
the minister and his
wife. Turn to P8
A delegation of Congress leaders, led by
former party chief Rahul Gandhi, will meet
President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday
to submit around 20 million signatures col-
lected from across the country in the past
three months seeking repeal of three farm
laws. Congress general secretary in-charge
of organisation KC Venugopal said the party
had launched a nationwide campaign in
September for collecting memoranda of
appeals addressed to the President signed
by farmers, farm labourers and other stake
holders opposing the three new farm legis-
lations. He said around 20 million signatures
have been collected till now.
Shubham Jain
Ajmer: Health minister
Raghu Sharma on Tues-
day said that the BJP
as such they are not able
to see development in
the state. He said that
the Gehlot government
has given all possible re-
lief to the people of the
even in odd circum-
“Be it medicine, agri-
culture, animal hus-
bandry, water supply or
electricity and oth-
ers, the government has
fulfilled the promises
made to the public in all
fields,” he said while
addressing the media in
Ajmer on Tuesday to
highlight the achieve-
ments of the govern-
ment on its second an-
He said that during
the Corona period, the
better management of
the Gehlot government
was appreciated not
only in the state but
also in the country and
the world. He said that
the Ashok Gehlot gov-
ernment of the state
has completed half of
the manifesto promises
in two years.
On the occasion, min-
ister in-charge Lal-
chand Kataria also
spoke about the effi-
cient management and
good governance done
by the government. Dis-
trict in-charge secre-
tary Bhavani Singh De-
tha, district collector
Prakash Rajpurohit, SP
Kunwar Rashtradeep,
Congress leader Dr. Sri-
gopal Baheti, dairy
chairman Ramchandra
Chaudhary and several
other leaders and activ-
ists were present.
BJP leaders have got cataract: Sharma
FACES PROTEST IN TRIAL PHASEProtesters object to private company for charging additional fee from the applicants
Kashiram Chaudhary
Jaipur: The trial on
the automated driving
track for driving li-
cences at RTO in Jagat-
pura met with protests
on the first day on
Tuesday. The Jan Mor-
cha motor driving
school association
staged a sit-in protest
at the RTO office alleg-
ing that the track has
been handed over to a
private company that is
charging additional fee
from the applicants.
The association al-
leged that a fee of Rs
1,000 is being charged
from the public for get-
ting the licence. Out of
which Rs 300 go for
driving trial inspec-
tion. Now the private
company will start tri-
al on the automated
track by taking addi-
tional Rs 235. This way
the license cost will go
up to Rs 1,235. It is
wrong to charge extra
fees from the public in
this corona period, the
association said.
The association rep-
resentatives said that
the government has
made this trial track by
spending money from
the government coffers
as such the govern-
ment should also oper-
ate it.
In this trial, the driv-
er of a vehicle is moni-
tored through cameras.
It shows where the driv-
er made a mistake. Ap-
plicants have to drive to
make an 8 and H shapes
during the test.
Jan Morcha motor driving school association staged a sit-in protest at the RTO office.
Raghu Sharma addressed a press conference with Lalchand
Kataria and highlighted the achievements of the government on
its second anniversary in Ajmer on Tuesday.
BJP minority morcha
demands FIR
‘Create separate cadre
of computer teachers’
Lottery of CM Jan Awaas
Yojana on December 28
‘Athawale doesn’t know
anything about Raj’
Om Birla launches campaign
‘Sheetal Chhanv’ in Kota
`12 cr approved
by Jaipur Smart
city board
First India Bureau
Bharatpur: BJP mi-
nority morcha has de-
manded FIR against
the Delhi police person-
nel in connection with
the death of a man in
police firing in Kedli
village of Bharatpur.
Morcha state presi-
dent Sadiq Khan alleged
that Delhi police person-
nel went to catch the
man without informing
the local police and
opened fire at the man,
which led to his death.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: BJP state presi-
dent Satish Poonia has
demanded from chief
minister Ashok Gehlot
of regular computer
ary and senior second-
ary government schools.
Poonia wrote a letter
to CM saying that there
is no arrangement of
computer teachers in
government schools. He
said that in each second-
ary and senior second-
ary school, there should
on a regular basis.
He said that online
portals like ShalaDar-
pan, Shaala Siddhi, U-
Dise, PayManager are
used in schools but
teachers of other sub-
jects have to operate
them which affects his/
her own work. He said
that creating new cadre
will generate employ-
ment opportunities.
Shivendra Parmar
Jaipur: Rajasthan
Housing Board Com-
missioner Pawan Aro-
ra informed on Tues-
day that the prefer-
ence lottery of
Mukhya Mantri Jan
Awaas Yojana (GS-3
and GS-4) at Indira
Gandhi Nagar, Sector 7
in Jaipur and Niwai
Awas Yojana at Tonk
will be held on 28 De-
cember. Similarly, in
Pratap Nagar, the pro-
posed State Employee
Housing Scheme,
Mukhya Mantri Jan
Awas Yojana, Sector 3
and 28 and Vatika and
Mahla Housing
Scheme will be held on
January 6, 2021.
According to the ap-
plication received in
these schemes, the pref-
erence for allotment of
accommodation to all
applicants will be held
in concerned offices. It
is noteworthy that on
August 22, 2020, eight-
een housing schemes
of Housing Board were
launched by Chief Min-
ister Ashok Gehlot. By
completing the process
related to the applica-
tion of these schemes
in a very short time by
the board, now the pref-
erence lottery of the
applicants is being or-
789 independent
houses for EWS, LIG
and MIG-A in Vatika
Residential Scheme
and 194 independent
houses will be built in
Mahla Residential
Scheme. Similarly, 479
houses of EWS, LIG,
will be built in Niwai
Residential Scheme.
“Under the Mukhya
Mantri Jan Awaas Yo-
jana, 4 residential
schemes were launched
in Jaipur. Of these, two
were launched in Sec-
tor 7 of Indira Gandhi
Nagar and two in Sec-
tor 3 and Sector 28 of
Pratap Nagar. 2500
houses will be built in
all these public hous-
ing schemes,” Arora
Aishwary Pradhan
Jaipur: BJP will hold
Kisan Sammelan across
Rajasthan to mark the
birth anniversary of
former prime minister
Atal Bihari Vajpayee on
December 25.
The birth anniver-
sary will be observed
as ‘Sushashan diwas’
by the party for which
preparations have
PM Narendra Modi
will address on the oc-
casion and arrange-
ments will be made at
booth and gram pan-
chayat levels so that the
party leaders and work-
ers can listen to Modi’s
BJP state president
Satish Poonia will lis-
ten to the programme
along with farmers in a
farm near Vaishali na-
gar. Screens will also be
installed at different
places to telecast the
PM’s programme.
BJP national joint
general secretary V
Satish and state presi-
dent Satish Poonia will
address the farmers in
Bassi (Jaipur), nation-
al vice president and
former chief minister
Vasundhara Raje will
be addressing farmers
in Dholpur while na-
tional general secre-
tary Bhupendra Yadav
will be in Khairthal
Similarly, Leader of
Opposition in Ra-
jasthan assembly Gu-
labchand Kataria will
address farmers meet-
ing in Girwa (Udaipur).
Yogesh Sharma
Jaipur: Targeting un-
ion minister Ramdas
Athawale for his state-
ment about threat to
Ashok Gehlot govt,
chief whip Mahesh
Joshi said that he does
not know anything
about Rajasthan and he
gave statement just to
attract attention.
He said that all Con-
gress MLAs are united.
Former Rajya Sabha
MP Ashk Ali Tak said
that no one in the coun-
try takes Athawale se-
riously because he re-
mains in the mood of
joke all the time.
Meanwhile, the par-
ty leaders paid floral
tributes to former
chief minister Heer-
alal Devpura at PCC of-
fice here.
Apart from Mahesh
Joshi and Ashk Ali
Tak, Mumtaz Masih,
RR Tiwari, Manju
Sharma and other lead-
ers of the party paid
homage to Devpura.
Bhanwar S. Charan
Kota: Street vendors
who earn livelihood on
footpaths will be distrib-
uted umbrellas in Kota
so that they can protect
their set up during
rains. The initiative has
Om Birla and will be run
constituency of Birla
with the assistance of
donors. Birla launched
the campaign ‘Sheetal
brella to a cobbler.
Nagar, former executive
member of BJP Yuva
Morcha Vikas Sharma,
councilor Gopal Ram
Manda, Vivek Rajvasnhi
and others were present
on the occasion.
Prior to this, Birla
met people at his camp
office in Shakti Nagar.
Newly elected Panch
and Zila Parishad mem-
bers also called on Birla
LS speaker later
spoke to the media and
said that a special plan
is being chalked out on
how Panchayats can
play a more construc-
tive role in development
of villages.
He said that a plan to
organise a Panch, Prad-
han and Zila Parishad
conference in Uttara-
khand next month is
also being prepared.
Bharat Dixit
Jaipur: Works worth
Rs 12.45 crore were ap-
proved in the 17th meet-
ing of the Jaipur Smart
City Ltd board held at
the local self govern-
ance building on Tues-
day under the chair-
manship of the Local
self government secre-
tary, Bhavani Singh De-
tha. The works include
beautification of San-
ganeri Gate, New Gate,
Subhash Chowk chau-
raha. Kanwar Degree
College building project
in Brahmapuri area, e-
library in Maharaja li-
brary, construction of
community centre at
Chandpole mandi.
OM Birla launched the campaign by giving an umbrella to a
Mahesh Joshi
First India Bureau
Jaipur: A T20 cricket
match was played be-
tween the teams of
journalists and Con-
gress leaders on Tues-
day at KL Saini Stadi-
um in Jaipur which
was won by journal-
Journalists-XI team
registered a thrilling
win on the last ball.
Chief whip Mahesh
Joshi inaugurated the
match between Jour-
nalist-XI and PCC-XI in
the morning and the
CMD of First India
News channel Jagdeesh
Chandra and energy
minister BD Kalla
awarded the winner
and runner up teams in
the afternoon.
PCC XI players and
MLA Vedprakash
Solanki, Rajesh Chaud-
hary, Rakesh Moradia,
Rohit Joshi, Abhiman-
yu Poonia, Anil Chopra,
Samarth Sharma Sunil
Parwani, Mahendra
Khedi and Journalists
XI players Yogesh Shar-
ma and Naresh Sharma
of First India news, Su-
shant Pareek, Dinesh
Dangi, Ashutosh Shar-
ma, Aditya Atre played
First India CMD
Jagdeesh Chandra said
that First India has al-
ways been an active
partner in such events.
Probe ordered as
inmates go on strike
Ramesh Sharma
Sikar: The hunger
strike of Sikar Shivs-
inghpura jail prison-
ers entered the sec-
ond day. Sighting the
severity, jail DIG
Monika Agarwal
reached Sikar from
Jaipur and had a de-
tailed discussion with
the inmates on their
concerns. The jail
DIG has now started
an investigation on
the death of the pris-
oner. The initial in-
vestigation suggests
the negligence of the
male nurse, who has
been APO (Awaiting
Postal Order), and the
entire case will now
be judicially investi-
Morcha members held a demonstration at civil lines railway
crossing in Jaipur.
Raj records eight more Covid-19
deaths, 807 fresh cases in a day
Jaipur: Eight more
COVID-19 fatalities and
807 fresh cases were re-
ported in Rajasthan on
Tuesday, taking the
infection tall in the state
to 3,00,716.
The deaths were re-
ported from Banswara,
Barmer, Jaipur, Jhunj-
hunu, Jodhpur, Nagaur,
Pali and Sikar, accord-
ing to an official report.
Jaipur continued to re-
port the highest daily
cases. On Tuesday, as
many as 163 people test-
ed positive for COVID-19
followed by Kota where
91 cases were reported.
The rest of the cases
were reported from oth-
er districts. State has
11,601 active cases at
present. —PTI
Jaipur: Three friends
were killed while two
were seriously in-
jured when the car
they were travelling
in crashed into a
truck near Riddhi-
Siddhi intersection
on Gopalpura bypass
road at 1 am on Mon-
day. According to the
police, the car driver
was seemingly over
speeding as the road
was empty due to
night curfew. There
were five friends in
the car and were re-
portedly driving at
high speed. The col-
lision was so severe
that the front of the
car was badly dam-
aged and all the
youths were trapped
in the car. The po-
lice said that Rake-
sh, 32, Losal of Si-
kar district, Muke-
sh, 30, Posna of
Jhunjhunu district,
and Pushpendra
Jat, 30, of Pathena
in Bharatpur dis-
trict died on the
spot. While Daljeet,
23, and Vivek, 24,
are injured. Push-
pendra used to op-
erate a hostel on the
Gopalpura bypass.
According to the
information, a man
Vicky had come to
meet Pushpendra
late at night. Both of
them discussed
about the hostel af-
ter which Pushpen-
dra left with Vicky’s
car. Rakesh and
Mukesh live in Man-
sarovar and trade in
All of them were
going from Gopal-
pura chauraha in
the car towards
Gurjar ki Thadi. Af-
ter coming down
from Triveni Nagar,
the car crashed into
a dumper running
in front of it near
Riddhi-Siddhi inter-
section. Some pas-
serby informed po-
lice after which team
rushed injured to
hospital. Victims re-
mained stuck in car
for long time.
Dungarpur: 16-year-old Praveen
Kharadi, 16, was killed while his
cousin Pradeep Kharadi, 12, was
critically injured when their cycle
was crushed under a trailer filled
with marble. The duo, residents of
Vikasnagar, was on their way to get
books for Praveen when the ac-
cident occurred on Tuesday on See-
malwara road. Praveen was killed
on the spot while Pradeep sustained
multiple fractures and is in critical
condition, the police said.
Dausa: Two men were killed on late
Monday night when the scooty they
were riding on was hit by a truck at
Salempur in Dausa. According to
police, the accident occurred on the
Mahua-Hindaun-Karauli highway
in which BP Singh, 35, and Ashish
Kumar Jatav, 28, died during treat-
ment. Doctors declared BP Singh
dead while Ashish was referred to
Jaipur in critical condition, died on
the way. Police seized the truck fol-
lowing but the truck driver escaped.
Ill-fated car after accident in city on Gopalpura bypass road at 1 am on Monday.
The Dhand Diabetes Association of Jaipur along with other social organisations of the city starts
awareness campaign of Coronavirus with key highlight as ‘Covid Free India and Mask Is Vaccine’
from Patrika Gate on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY SANTOSH SHARMA
The grandure of amazing sunset on Tuesday captured in lens, as the cloud formations spanned the horizon in city.
Kota: Paralysed below
the neck, 21-year-old
Tuhin Dey writes ex-
ams holding a pen in his
mouth and operates his
mobile phone and com-
puter the same way.
This has not stopped
him from getting ad-
mission to a prestigious
engineering institute.
Tuhin, who suffers
from cerebral palsy, se-
cured Rank 438 in the
JEE (Mains) this year
and got admission in
information technology
at the Indian Institute
of Engineering Science
and TechnologyinWB’s
Shibpur. Tuhin has so
far undergone 20 sur-
geries and several
plates have been insert-
ed into his body to keep
his bones straight. A
resident of Midnapore
in WB, Tuhin prepared
for the exam at a coach-
ing institute in Kota.
“Everybody in the in-
stitute is delighted that
such a candidate has
taken admission”, a
senior official at IIEST
said over the phone. It
is for the first time that
a student with 90 per
cent disability will be
studying at the insti-
tute. Since engineering
has got less physical
work, I chose to pursue
it to realise my dream,
Tuhin told. —PTI
Fighting cerebral palsy, 21-yr-old cracks JEE
Tuhin Dey
Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank honoured Tuhin Dey at Teachers’ Day
in 2019 at Kota where Om Birla, Shanti Dhariwal were also present.
Kota: A special POCSO
court in Baran on Tues-
day sentenced two men
to life term each for ab-
ducting and raping two
teenaged girls over five
years ago.
Baran Special Judge
Rakesh Katara also im-
posed a fine of Rs 1
Lakh each on convicts
Naresh Panchal, 25, and
Sheru alias Shahid, 24,
holding them guilty of
abducting, confining
wrongfully and raping
the two minor girls in
March 2015.
Special Public Prose-
cutor Mahesh Tyagi
said the case against
the duo was lodged in
Anta police station in
Baran on March 21,
2015. He had told police
in his complaint that
his 15-year-old daughter
has gone missing along
with her 16-year-old
friend from their
homes. The Anta police
subsequently regis-
tered an FIR against the
duo. under sections 363
and 366 of the Indian
Penal Code. —PTI
Vimal Kothari
Jaipur: SDRI has de-
tected royalty eva-
sion of nearly Rs 11
crore by a company
engaged in road con-
struction in Bikaner.
A team of SDRI
conducted inspection
at the site office of
the company in Bi-
kaner, which is work-
ing on road construc-
tion under package 4
of Amritsar- Jamna-
gar Bharatmala pro-
After data analysis,
team found that com-
pany has illegally
used minerals in huge
quantities. Company
illegally used 9.80
lakh MT clay, 2.5 lakh
tone masonry stone.
Two get life term for abducting,
raping two teenagers in Kota
Tension grips Dausa village as
youth found hanging on tree
First India Bureau
Lalsot: The people of
Dhakda Dhani of Did-
wana village, Dausa
rose to a shocking Tues-
day morning to see the
dead body of youth
hanging on a bambool
tree in a field. The pre-
vious night he slept
with his brother-in-law
at home. Yesterday
morning the dead body
of the deceased was
found swinging from a
bambool tree in a field
near the house.
On receiving the in-
formation, Lalsot police
station in-charge Rajvir
Singh Rathore reached
the spot with the police
team and took stock of
the incident.
The MOV, FSL team
also collected evidence
from the scene of the
incident. The police as-
sured to register the
case under murder. The
body was then sent for a
SDRI detects `11 cr evasion
in BKN’s Bharatmala Project
Ambulance staff stole
bride’s jewellery, held
First India Bureau
Jaipur: The police have
arrested a contractual
employee of 108 ambu-
lance and his accom-
plice on charges of
stealing jewellery of a
newly married couple
Mahesh Yadav, 22, and
Sanjana, 20, who were
killed in an accident on
December 14.
The couple, married
on November 30, had
died after a speeding
mini-bus hit them and
overturned in Chand-
waji area of Delhi road.
They were on their way
to a relative’ place Jait-
pur Khinchi when the
accident happened.
The family members
found the jewellery
missing and informed
the police about it. The
police investigation re-
vealed that the contrac-
tual employees of 108
ambulance, in which
the victims were taken
to hospital, stole the
jewellery. The police
have recovered items of
victims from accused.
Varsities should work for devp of
students as per new NEP: GUV
Ravi Sharma/
Kashiram Chaudhary
Udaipur/Jaipur: Gov-
ernor Kalraj Mishra on
Tuesday insisted that
the syllabus of subjects
related to modern
knowledge, science and
technology should be
prepared in English as
well as Hindi.
He said that research
should be done on In-
dian crafts, ancient
texts of music and
knowledge related to
architecture. Address-
ing a virtual convoca-
tion ceremony of Mo-
hanlal Sukhadia Uni-
versity of Udaipur, the
governor said that the
universities should
start employment-ori-
ented new courses and
work for the all-round
development of the stu-
dents as per the new
national education pol-
icy. Governor also
stressed on doing such
fundamental research
work for water conser-
vation in the state.
Governor Kalraj Mishra addressing a virtual convocation
ceremony of Mohanlal Sukhadia University of Udaipur on Tuesday.
‘Itching powder’
gang robs man of
`3 lakh in city
Illegal colonies
demolished in
city by JDA
First India Bureau
Jaipur: The JDA’s en-
forcement Squad
thwarted an attempt to
establish illegal colo-
nies on three bighas of
private accountable
land behind Kanota and
around five bighas be-
hind Tombi farmhous-
es at Agra Road on
Tuesday. Furthermore,
a five-storey illegal
building at Sri Gopal
Nagar and Shyam Na-
gar on Gopalpura by-
pass was sealed.
First India Bureau
Jaipur: A bag carrying
Rs 3 lakh was looted
from a man while he
was walking on the
main bus stand in city.
The culprits put itch-
ing powder on his head
and took away the bag.
Victim Jeetendra Sin-
gh Shekhawat said
that he had a bag in his
hand which was carry-
ing Rs 3 lakh along
with other belongings.
On receiving the infor-
mation, ASI Dilip Sin-
gh Yadav reached the
spot and took stock of
situation, starts inves-
G Vol 2 G Issue No. 197 G RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur.
Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra. Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
ven after Asia’s
e c o n o m i e s
climb out of the
COVID-19 re-
cession, Chi-
na’s strategy of frenetical-
ly building dams and reser-
voirs on transnational riv-
ers will confront them with
a more permanent barrier
to long-term economic
prosperity: water scarcity.
China’s recently unveiled
plan to construct a mega-
dam on the Yarlung Zangbo
river, better known as the
Brahmaputra, may be the
biggest threat yet.
China dominates Asia’s
water map, owing to its an-
nexation of ethnic-minori-
ty homelands, such as the
water-rich Tibetan Plateau
and Xinjiang. China’s ter-
ritorial aggrandizement in
geted even tiny Bhutan, has
been accompanied by
stealthier efforts to appro-
priate water resources in
transnational river basins
– a strategy that hasn’t
spared even friendly or pli-
land, Laos, Cambodia, Ne-
pal, Kazakhstan, and North
Korea. Indeed, China has
not hesitated to use its hy-
downstream neighbors.
The consequences have
been serious. For example,
China’s 11 mega-dams on
Asia’s arterial waterway,
have led to recurrent
drought downriver, and
turned the Mekong Basin
into a security and environ-
mental hot spot. Mean-
while, in largely arid Cen-
tral Asia, China has divert-
ed waters from the Illy and
Irtysh rivers, which origi-
nate in China-annexed Xin-
jiang. Its diversion of water
from the Illy threatens to
turn Kazakhstan’s Lake
Balkhash into another Aral
Sea, which has all but dried
Against this back-
ground, China’s plan to
dam the Brahmaputra
near its disputed – and
heavily militarized – bor-
der with India should be no
surprise. The Chinese com-
munist publication Huan-
qiu Shibao, citing an arti-
cle that appeared in Aus-
tralia, recently urged In-
dia’s government to assess
how China could “weap-
onize” its control over
transboundary waters and
potentially “choke” the In-
dian economy. With the
Brahmaputra megapro-
ject, China has provided an
The planned 60-giga-
watts project, which will be
integrated into China’s
next Five-Year Plan start-
ing in January, will report-
edly dwarf China’s Three
Gorges Dam – currently the
world’s largest – on the
Yangtze River, generating
almost three times as much
electricity. China will
achieve this by harnessing
the power of a 2,800-meter
(3,062-yard) drop just before
the river crosses into India.
What the chairman of
China’s state-run Power
Construction Corp, Yan
Zhiyong, calls an “historic
opportunity” for his coun-
try will be devastating for
India. Just before crossing
into India, the Brahmapu-
tra curves sharply around
the Himalayas, forming
the world’s longest and
steepest canyon – twice as
deep as America’s Grand
Canyon – and holding
Asia’s largest untapped
water resources.
Experience suggests
that the proposed megapro-
ject threatens those re-
sources – and China’s
downstream neighbors.
China’s past upstream ac-
tivities have triggered
flash floods in the Indian
states of Arunachal and
Himachal. More recently,
such activity turned the
water in the once-pristine
Siang – the Brahmaputra’s
main artery – dirty and
gray as it entered India.
of east and west; people create
distinctions out of their own
minds and then believe them
to be true. —Buddha
Ravi Shankar Prasad
It is a matter of great pride and
honour for India that our Prime
Minister @narendramodi Ji has been
awarded the ‘Legion of Merit’ by the
President of USA. His charismatic
leadership and contributions have
elevated the India-US strategic
partnership to greater heights.
K C Venugopal
A delegation of @INCIndia leaders
led by former Congress President
@RahulGandhi will submit a
memoranda of appeal signed
by around 2 crore farmers from
across the nation to Hon’ble
Rashtrapati ji on 24th December,
2020 urging his intervention to
annul the black anti-farmer laws.
Promoted by Dilip Patel
he old order changeth, yield-
ing place to new’ has proved
true in respect of the Union
Territory (UT) of Jammu &
Kashmir with the successful
completion of first ever third
tier elections of District De-
velopment Councils (DDCs).
A challenging and mammoth
task executed brilliantly by
the newly formed State Elec-
tion Commission (SEC) with
the help of vigilant and dedi-
catedmembersof thesecurity
election of the DDC Chair-
men and formation of the se-
lect committees and District
Planning Commission, the
DDCs will become fully func-
tional and work in unison
Panchayats and Block Devel-
opment Councils (BDCs), to
ensure that Panchayat Raj In-
stitutions (PRIs) are fully bed-
ded in the UT ushering Naya
Jammu & Kashmir.
With the PRIs fully func-
tional, the centre of power in
the UT will shift from the high
lages and towns with the ac-
tual stakeholders planning
and executing the local area
development. It was for this
very reason that the Kashmir
based political leadership
which remained at the helm
for the last seven decades was
unwilling to promote the Pan-
chayat Raj because it went
against the tenets of Dynastic
Rule. For the Gupkaris self-
motion of dynastic rule was
always the paramount consid-
eration since devolution of
power would have meant the
empowermentof thecommon
man considered as an existen-
tial threat by the Gupkar elite.
It is therefore not surprising
that despite huge amounts of
central assistance the com-
tional exploitation of the peo-
promises and manufactured
narratives spin doctoring his-
torical facts to suit their nar-
ratives. The successive gov-
ernments in New Delhi were
treated as “milch cows” by
these leaders while at the
same time widening the rift
between the people and New
Delhi. It was all fine as long as
New Delhi submitted to their
demands and pressures but
moment it adopted a different
approach or squeezed liberal
flow of funds, New Delhi was
portrayed as the enemy of the
Kashmiris. Even New Delhi
hardly ventured to establish a
direct contact with the people
and hence failed to read the
pulse of the people.
Behind the shield of Arti-
cles 370 and 35A, the Kash-
miri leadership began to feel
indispensable and invinci-
ble. They even began to hold
New Delhi at ransom de-
manding greater autonomy
legitimising exclusivity
which had resulted due to
mass exodus of indigenous
Kashmiri Hindus and other
minorities gradually con-
verting Jammu & Kashmir
with a distinct identity of
Muslim majority state enjoy-
ing special status of a “state
within a state”. This trend
needed to be reversed before
it became irreversible.
The epoch making decision
05 August 2019, which ulti-
mately reversed the trend,
has now become a part of his-
tory of Naya Jammu & Kash-
mir. The three decades of vio-
lence also needed to be con-
trolled and ultimately
brought to an end. Father of
the nation Mahatma Gandhi
had said, “When the panchay-
at raj is established, public
opinion will do what violence
can never do.” With J&K fully
integrated with the idea of
One India One Nation, it was
a matter of time before the
panchayat raj was introduced
and made functional like the
restof thecountryinthenew-
ly formed UT as well. The pro-
cess in fact had begun earlier
after the application of the
President’s rule under the
governorship of Satya Pal
Malik who successfully con-
ducted the elections to the
first tier of halqa panchayats
and urban local bodies. The
concept was nascent hence
took time to mature and gath-
ered full steam only post 05
August 2019. J&K entered
2020 with rays of new hopes
and aspirations.
Things were moving pretty
when the deadly pandemic
engulfed the entire world in
the beginning of 2020 itself.
In the UT, its impact began to
be felt from March onwards.
Undeterred by the pandem-
ic UT administration realised
since it had something to
prove. The administration be-
gan to take many steps to
strengthen the nascent Pan-
chayat Raj Institutions (PRIs)
through their financial em-
powerment through direct
funding and delegation of
powers in keeping with the
73rd and 74th Amendments
which had not been imple-
mented earlier due to Article
370. The elected representa-
tives were given training un-
der the centrally sponsored
scheme of Rashtriya Gram
ity building to enhance capa-
bilities of Panchayats for in-
clusive local governance.
Much needed protocol status
of Block Development Coun-
cils (BDCs) to enable them
function with authority. The
programme for rural govern-
ance, the e-panchayat project
the panchayats has also been
implemented. Local govern-
ance through devolution of
power to PRIs is the key to ru-
ral development, the area in
which the UT lacks woefully.
The highlight and major
achievement of the year has
been the conduct of local bod-
ies’ elections in November-
December. A major gamble
changer. In keeping with its
intent of promoting Panchay-
at Raj, the administration an-
nounced elections to the
DDCs. A very big challenge
since the elections were to be
held on an adult franchise ba-
sis. The newly introduced
DDCs were to replace the ear-
lier District Development
Boards which were nominat-
ed as against the DDC which
will be an elected body.
The Peoples’ Alliance for
Gupkar Declaration (PAGD)
also referred to as Gupkar Al-
liance, formed by the leaders
of six mainstream Kashmir
based political parties to
fight for status quo, also par-
ticipated in the elections de-
spite initial theatrics and
a great success. The gusto
with which people of all ages
came out of their houses ig-
noring the challenges of bad
in the Panchayat Raj system.
The participation in Kashmir
the Gupkar Alliance. It has re-
corded massive increase
across all ten districts in com-
parison to the 2018 Panchayat
elections and 2019 Parliamen-
tary elections. An achieve-
ment beyond expectations.
The election also had many
firsts to its credit; no boycott
call, first electoral exercise of
the new UT, first elections un-
der newly formed State Elec-
tion Commission, West Paki-
stan refugees, Valmikis,
Gorkhas exercised their fran-
chise for the first time in local
elections, reserved seats for
STs and newly formed politi-
cal party JK Apni party mak-
ing its maiden electoral fray.
The ballot has ultimately
emerged victorious over the
bullet and grassroots democ-
racy has begun to take firm
roots in the UT. The people of
J&K also need to be compli-
mented for their wholeheart-
ed participation in this car-
nival of democracy. Political
parties will interpret the
election results based on the
narrative they want to set
post elections and claim vic-
tory but one thing is certain
that democracy has already
emerged victorious. The peo-
ple have also given a befitting
reply to those who were mak-
ing loud noises like the com-
plete loss of faith of the peo-
ple in Indian democracy. The
message is loud and clear
that no place for “sub-nation-
alism” exists in Naya Jammu
& Kashmir.
of successful resumption of
the political process with peo-
ple pinning high hopes on
their new leaders and the pan-
chayat raj system. They hope
aneraof changewithfocuson
mitigating their problems
through effective planning at
grassroots level and judicious
use of resources. The attempt
by the Gupkar Alliance to use
the new system for forced ver-
ification of their retrograde
ideology of return to status
quo will have to be curbed by
the people lest the entire exer-
cise is hijacked away from its
main aim by the vested inter-
ests. Nothing is static in this
dynamic world. Change is the
law of nature. Sooner the
change is accepted by the sta-
tus quo lobby, the better it
would be for the future.
With the PRIs
fully functional,
the centre of
power in the UT
will shift from the
high profile
Gupkar Road to
the villages and
towns with the
planning and
executing the
local area
development. It
was for this very
reason that the
Kashmir based
leadership which
remained at the
helm for the last
seven decades
was unwilling to
promote the
Panchayat Raj
because it went
against the tenets
of Dynastic Rule
The author is a Jammu
based veteran, political
commentator, columnist, security
and strategic analyst
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Mumbai: As many as
591 passengers landed in
Mumbai in three flights
from the UK on Tues-
day, a civic official said,
adding none of them has
been found symptomatic
so far. While 299 have
been sent to various
hotels for the mandatory
quarantine, 292 are at the
airport, the official said.
“With reports of distinct
phylogenetic cluster of
coronavirus detected and
rapidly growing in UK, all
flights originating from
UK to India have been
suspended temporarily
as per orders of GoI,” the
BrihanMumbai Municipal
Corporation tweeted.”In
order to prevent spread of
the new mutant, BMC has
issued orders to follow
quarantine of seven days.
Panaji: Days after Con-
gress was trounced
in Zilla Parishad polls
in Goa, the party’s
state in charge Dinesh
Gundu Rao said it
would bounce back.
BJP won 32 out of
49 seats while the
Congress was left with
just four, less than the
seven won by Inde-
pendents. “I don’t think
ZP polls are a signal
towards Assembly
polls. We have seen so
many elections for lo-
cal bodies, that should
not be the barometer.
We have lot of work to
do & convince people
about our work.”
New Delhi: Ministry of
Defence said that the
Indian Army and Bank
of Baroda have entered
into an MoU for Baroda
Military Salary Package
under which services
will be offered to serv-
ing and retired person-
nel of Indian Army
through the bank’s
network of over 8,200
domestic branches
and around 20,000
business correspond-
ent touchpoints. The
MoU was signed by Lt
General Ravin Khosla,
DG and Vikramaditya
Singh Khichi, Execu-
tive Director, Bank of
Mumbai: The rupee pared
most of its initial losses
and settled for the day
5 paise lower at 73.84
against the US dollar on,
tracking a rebound in
domestic equities. At the
interbank forex market,
the domestic unit opened
at 73.95 against US dollar
and witnessed an intra-
day high of 73.82 and a
low of 73.95. The local
unit finally closed at 73.84
against the American cur-
rency, registering a fall of
5 paise over its previous
close. On Monday, rupee
plunged 23 paise to end
at a two-week low of
73.79 against US dollar.
Meanwhile, the dollar in-
dex, which gauges green-
back’s strength against a
basket of six currencies,
was trading 0.29%.
Resources of country belong
to every citizen, says PM ModiPolicies which are being framed today are reaching all without discrimination, he said
New Delhi: Prime Min-
ister Narendra Modi on
Tuesday said that re-
sources of the country
belong to every citizen
and every one of them
should benefit from it.
“Jo desh ka hai woh
har deshvaasi ka hai
(Resources of the coun-
try belongs to every
citizen). Everyone
should benefit from it,
that’s the spirit our gov-
ernment is working
with,” PM Modi said
“The policies which are
being framed today are
reaching every section
without discrimination
on the basis of religion.
Bank accounts of over
40 crore poor were
opened without any dis-
crimination. Without
discrimination, more
than 2 crore poor were
provided pucca houses.
More than 8 crore wom-
en got gas connections
without discrimina-
tion. 50 crore people got
free medical treatment
up to Rs 5 lakh under
Ayushman scheme
without any discrimi-
nation,” he said.
“The country is on
the path where every
citizen should rest as-
sured about their con-
stitutional rights &
their future. The coun-
try is on the path where
no citizen would be left
behind because of their
religion and everyone
would get equal oppor-
tunities so that every-
one can fulfil their
dreams. Sabka Sath,
Sabka Vikas, Sabka
Vishwas is the mantra
behind it,” he said.—ANI
New Delhi: A forum of
women lawyers, social
Group of Lawyers of
Delhi High Court have
decided to fast on
Wednesday in solidari-
ty with the ongoing
“Satyagrah” by farmers
demanding to roll back
the recently passed
farm laws.
Lawyers associated
with the forum demand-
ed to repeal the three
farm laws on December
23, the day which is ob-
served as Kisan Diwas.
“It is our belief that
while the issue of the
Constitutionality of the
farm laws being enact-
ed by the Centre when
agriculture is a state
subject is subjudice be-
fore the Supreme Court
and the issue of the le-
gality of the enactment
by a voice vote in the
Rajya Sabha is also be-
ing heard by the Su-
preme Court, imple-
mentation of irreversi-
ble and far-reaching
farm laws would render
these petitions infruc-
tuous and could cause
irreparable damage to
the farm sector in In-
dia,” the forum said
The forum includes sen-
ior advocates Indira
Jaising, Mahalakshmi
Pawani, Biswajit Bhat-
tacharyaMohan Katar-
ki, Anand Grover and
advocates Shadan Fara-
syat, Prashant Pad-
manabham, Ritu di-
wan, etc. It also includes
members Shweta Ka-
poor, Zeba Khair & Iram
Majid among others.
Delhi HC’s women legal
forum to observe fast today
Sister Abhaya murder:
Priest, nun found guilty
Bengal ahead of other states on all
development indices: CM Mamata
New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi
praised the Aligarh Muslim
University and said it has worked
to strengthen India’s relations
with many countries of the world.
“The way AMU has helped society
during the coronavirus crisis is
unprecedented - free tests, build-
ing isolation wards, plasma banks
and contributing a large amount
to the PM CARES Fund shows
the seriousness of fulfilling your
obligations to the society.”
New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi
said that dropout rate of Muslim
girl students has reduced due
to government policies. “School
dropout rate among Muslim girls
was more than 70% and this situ-
ation persisted for 70 years. In
these circumstances, the govern-
ment started Swachh Bharat Mis-
sion, built toilets in villages and
toilets for school-going girls. Now
the dropout rate from 70 per cent
has fallen to nearly 30 per cent.
New Delhi: PM Modi re-
leased a postal stamp as part
of centenary celebrations of
Aligarh Muslim University
(AMU). Chancellor of the
University Syedna Mu-
faddal Saifuddin and Union
Education Minister Ramesh
Pokhriyal Nishank were also
present on the occasion.
Farmers sit on the road as they block Delhi-Meerut Highway
during an ongoing protest against the new farm laws, at the
Ghazipur border in New Delhi on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI
PM Narendra Modi addresses during the centenary celebrations of Aligarh Muslim University via VC.
Kolkata: Slamming
Union Home Minister
Amit Shah for “deliber-
ately trying to project a
dismal and gloomy pic-
ture” of West Bengal,
Chief Minister Mamata
Banerjee on Tuesday
contended that the state
has fared well on all de-
velopment indices.
Issuing a point-by-
point rebuttal to asser-
tions made by Shah
against her dispensa-
tion, during his visit to
Bengal last week, Ba-
nerjee cited NCRB data
to state that political
killings and other
crimes have decreased
in the last ten years un-
der the TMC rule.
“When the home
minister of the country
says something, it
should be backed by
data, facts and figures.
Bengal is ahead of oth-
er states on all develop-
ment indices. But Amit
Shah ji deliberately
tried to depict a gloomy
and dismal picture of
the state. I was chal-
lenged... here is my re-
ply,” Banerjee said at a
press meet here.
Kolkata has twice been
accorded the ‘safest city’
“According to NCRB
data, political killings, oth-
er incidents of crime and
rape cases have decreased
during the TMC rule. —PTI
Srinagar: PDP youth
president Waheed Para,
who is in custody of the
NIA for alleged links
with militants, won the
District Development
Council (DDC) elections
from Pulwama district
in J&K. Para defeated
BJP candidate Sajad
Ahmad Raina.
PDP president Me-
hbooba Mufti said she
was proud of her par-
ty’s youth leader to reg-
ister a win. Para was
arrested by the NIA on
November 25, a few
days after filing nomi-
nation papers as a
PAGD candidate. —PTI
New Delhi: A fall in
minimum temperature
by 1 to 3-degree Celsius
is likely over the plains
of northwest and cen-
tral India during the
next three days, the In-
dia Meteorological De-
partment (IMD) pre-
dicted on Tuesday.
“Fall in minimum
temperature by 1-3°C
over some parts of
plains of northwest In-
dia and central India
during next 3 days. No
significant change in
minimum temperature
over some parts of west
India during next 2 days
and rise by 2-3°C there-
after for subsequent 3
days,” the IMD said.
Himachal Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Bihar,
Punjab, Haryana, Chan-
digarh, Delhi and West
Uttar Pradesh will most
likely witness cold wave
conditions at isolated
pockets today, while se-
vere cold wave condi-
tions will prevail on
December 23 and 24 in
some parts.
The same is likely
over Odisha, East Uttar
Pradesh, Gangetic West
Bengal, Chhattisgarh
and Telangana today.
Dense fog will be seen
in the morning over
Punjab, Haryana, Chan-
digarh and Delhi on De-
cember 23, and dense to
very dense fog will be
seen at isolated pockets
from 24th to 26th De-
cember. —ANI
Army Chief Gen MM Naravane calls on Union Minister Nitin Gadkari at his residence in
New Delhi. —PHOTO BY PTI
Twenty eight years af-
ter the mysterious
death of Sister Abhaya,
an inmate of St.Pious
convent at Kottayam in
Kerala, a CBI special
court here on Tuesday
held it was a case of
murder and found a
priest and nun guilty of
killing her.
Special CBI Judge K
Sanal Kumar, while pro-
nouncing the verdict,
said the murder charg-
es against the two will
The court held that
Fr Thomas Kottoor and
Sister Sephy of the-
Catholic Church were
guilty of murder under
Sections 302 and 201 of
the IPC. It also found
Father Kottoor guilty of
offence under Section
449 of the Indian Penal
Code.The court will
pronounce the quan-
tum of sentence on
Wednesday. —PTI
‘Cold wave conditions prevail over North India’
Mumbai: A metropoli-
tan court accepted the
closure report filed by
Mumbai police in a
cheating case against
Jet Airways, which has
been grounded since
April last year, its pro-
moter Naresh Goyal
and his wife.
The order came a day
after theBombay High
Court rejected a plea of
ED, which is also prob-
ing the case, to inter-
vene into the matter.
Earlier, a similar
plea by ED had been re-
jected by the metropoli-
tan court and a sessions
court here. The MRA
Marg police here in
February this year reg-
istered a case against
the Jet Airways, Goyal
and his wife on charg-
es of cheating and
criminal beach of
trust, on a complaint
filed by city-based Ak-
bar Travels India Pri-
vate Limited. —PTI
Jailed PDP
youth leader
Waheed Para
wins DDC polls
A train runs slowly on its tracks during a foggy winter morning.
Mamata Banerjee
Modi reaches...
Modi was all praise for
the role played by
AMU founder Sir Syed
Ahmad Khan.
Since the Muslims
of the country closely
associate themselves
with this institution,
PM’s positive vibes
were largely aimed at
connecting with the
community’s intellec-
tuals. AMU known as
intellectual capital of
Muslims has always
played considerable
political role. Thus,
calling AMU campus
“mini India” with full
of diversity Modi
pointed out that all
the three main lan-
guages Sanskrit, Hin-
di and Urdu have
flourished here and
the Indian govern-
ment had succeeded
in widening its based
in Muslim countries
though the cultural
and religious studies
being conducted in
AMU. He said no one
will be left behind be-
cause of his religious
faith as the rights of
each citizen is protect-
ed under the Constitu-
Accepting possi-
bility of differences
on issues in the
society, Modi
laid stress on
coming togeth-
er on national
issues. “Society
is above poli-
tics and pow-
er”, he said,
adding issues of
national significance
should not be seen
through the prism of
Top US...
& the US to improve
bilateral ties, reflected
in the bipartisan con-
sensus in both coun-
tries about the Indo-
US Strategic Partner-
ship,” he tweeted.
Farooq & ...
BJP won four seats in
Kashmir including
that of Srinagar. Kak-
pora-Pulwama, Tulel-
Bandipora, Gurez-
Bandipora. The saf-
fron brigade is also
leading in two seats in
Kupwara and Anant-
Meanwhile, the re-
sults saw People’s Al-
liance for Gupkar
Declaration (PAGD)
winning the majority
of the seats in Kash-
mir valley as the Cen-
tre backed Jammu
and Kashmir Apni
Party failed to make a
mark. Meanwhile, in
accordance with ex-
pectations, the BJP is
leading in the Jammu
division. The party
has also won two seats
in Kashmir valley.
New Delhi: The num-
ber of daily new corona-
virus infections report-
ed in the country was
recorded below 20,000
after nearly 6 months
while the COVID-19 ac-
tive caseload fell below
3 lakh, as per the Union
Health Ministry data
updated on Tuesday.
India’s COVID-19
caseload rose to
1,00,75,116 with 19,556
new infections being re-
ported in a day. The
death toll increased to
1,46,111 with 301 new fa-
talities, the data updat-
ed at 8 am showed.
The number of peo-
ple who have recuper-
ated from the disease
surged to 96,36,487
pushing the national re-
covery rate to 95.65 per
cent, while the COV-
ID-19 case fatality rate
stands at 1.45 per cent.
The COVID-19 active
caseload has fallen be-
low 3 lakh. There are
2,92,518 active coronavi-
rus infections in the
country which compris-
es 2.90 per cent of the
total caseload, the data
stated. India’s COV-
ID-19 tally had crossed
the 20-lakh mark on Au-
gust 7, 30 lakh on Au-
gust 23, 40 lakh on Sep-
tember 5 and 50 lakh on
September 16. It went
past 60 lakh on Septem-
ber 28, 70 lakh on Octo-
ber 11, crossed 80 lakh
on October 29, 90 lakh
on November 20 and
surpassed the one-crore
mark on December 19.
According to the
ICMR, 16,31,70,557 sam-
ples have been tested up
to December 21 with
10,72,228 samples being
tested on Monday.
The 301 new fatalities
include 55 from Maha-
rashtra, 41 from West
Bengal, 27 each from
Kerala and Delhi.
“Our figures are be-
ing reconciled with the
Indian Council of Med-
ical Research,” the min-
istry said on its website,
adding that state-wise
distribution of figures
is subject to further
verification and recon-
COVID-19: Number of daily new infections reduced in the country
Members (health) of NITI Aayog Dr. Vinod K. Paul along with the Secretary, Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Rajesh Bhushan during a press conference on the actions taken, preparedness and
updates on COVID-19, in New Delhi on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI
New Delhi: The eco-
nomic loss due to pre-
mature deaths and
morbidity from air
pollution was
2,60,000 crore or 1.4
per cent of the GDP in
India in 2019, accord-
ing to a new scientific
paper. It also said that
1.7 million deaths
(18% of total deaths)
in the country were
attributable to air pol-
lution last year. As
per the scientific pa-
per on health and eco-
nomic impact of air
pollution published
in Lancet Planetary
Health, household air
pollution decreased
in India resulting in
64% reduction in the
death rate attributa-
ble to it from 1990 to
2019, whereas the
death rate from out-
door ambient air pol-
lution increased dur-
ing this period by 115
per cent. The findings
highlight that “lost
output from deaths
and diseases due to
air pollution led to a
loss of 1.4% of the
GDP of the country”.
Air pollution killed 1.7
million Indians in 2019
Tighten noose...
We have a dual obliga-
tion to send criminals to
jail on one side and get
their money to inves-
tors,” CM said. Gehlot
said that Home, Co-oper-
ative, Finance and other
related departments
should jointly develop a
system in the state to
discourage unregulated
deposit schemes, so that
no illegal society can
grab money from people
by luring on the pretext
of providing more inter-
est. In the meeting, Ad-
ditional Director Gen-
eral of SOG Ashok
Rathore informed that
more than one and a
half thousand cases
have been registered
against societies in vari-
ous police stations.
Shah’s next...
the state for quite some
time now,” stated a sen-
ior BJP MP from Ben-
gal. Sources said Shah
would be camping in the
state for two days. —ANI
New strain...
“(And) as of now, it has
no impact on the poten-
tial of vaccines being
developed in our coun-
try and (which) are
available in other coun-
tries,” he added.
Raid in...
likely to spread the in-
fection of any disease
dangerous to life), and
34 (Acts done by several
persons in furtherance
of common intention)
of IPC, police said. —ANI
Promoted by First India News International Pvt. Ltd.
Astrology says that
if a person wears
certain colors or certain
fabrics and even if they
change their overall
appearance, a lot can
change in their lives.
While the effect of
these changes and their
correcponding efficacy
might be a topic of
discussion, however it
appears that one netaji,
from the tribal belt,
has taken the astral
advice seriously. The
netaji has long kept
himself clean shaven
to make a ‘good’ image
for himself among the
masses however, with
one after the other
‘political defeats’ some
astrologer suggested
that he should keep a
well groomed beard
and moustache and
therefore netaji is
sporting a new style
these days in the hope
that the ‘mooch’ might
get him a political
position or at least
some position in the
eyes of people. As they
say, Mooch nahi to kuch
—Ravi Sharma
Controversial edict: Nine Khap
panchayat members arrested
PK Agarwal
Chittorgarh: Nine
members of a Khap
Panchayat have been
arrested for allegedly
passing a humiliating
edict against two cous-
ins, to put shoes of the
members of the Pan-
chayat on their heads
for an hour, in Chittor-
garh district.
In an FIR registered
with Kotwali police sta-
tion on December 13,
the complainants Kam-
lesh and Kishan alleged
that the Khap Panchay-
at has also imposed a
fine of Rs 11,000 on
them earlier.
After investigation,
police arrested nine
persons on Monday and
produced them before a
court where the magis-
trate remanded them to
judicial custody.
Police said that one
Mangi Bai had adopted
Rakesh, who is the
brother of Kishan, as
her son but now there
was some dispute be-
tween Mangi Bai and
Rakesh over financial
matters. Rakesh had
called the panchayat in
December 2019 where
he entered into verbal
spat with the panchayat
members. Another
meeting of the panchay-
at was called in Febru-
ary last in which
Bhairual, Narayan Lal,
Hariram, Dinesh and
others imposed a fine of
Rs 11000 and asked
Kamlesh and Kishan to
put the shoes of the
members of Panchayat
on their head for one
hour.ASI Mahendra
Singh said that nine ac-
cused were arrested af-
ter investigation.
Members of the Khap panchayat in police custody in Chittorgarh.
They were arrested
for an edict against
two cousins, to put
shoes on their heads
In Bengal, the battle
of perception begins
Prashant Saxena
efection, disin-
information and
inducing fear of defeat
are among the essential
instruments of state-
craft, which political
parties love to settle
scores with their adver-
saries. Something of
this sort is very much in
evidence in West Bengal
where Assembly polls
are due in about three
months from now.
It is here the cut-
throat politics would
test the larger efficacy
of BJP’s Hindutva in its
conquest of the east.
So far, so good for BJP
by all indications -- the
grandstanding has paid
off: starting from the
activist Governor to
projecting the ranco-
rous Trinamool Con-
gress Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee, it all
seems to add up to saf-
fron calculations.
When Suvendu Adhi-
kari switched sides
along with a sitting MP
and nine MLAs besides
others, including local
lic rally last week, the
camp was south Bengal
is more or less won.
Didi, the once stormy
petrel, isn’t a pushover.
She struck back on
Monday, leaving the
BJP MP from Bishnu-
pur in Bankura district,
Saumitra Khan, in
tears. Though the MP
has vowed to divorce
his wife Sujata Mondal
Khan for joining the
“enemy” TMC, Mamata
again looks menacing
enough to put the BJP
in its place. The battle
of perception has be-
gun in earnest.
Mamata then sum-
Prashant Kishor to do
some plain-speak: the
BJP won’t cross the dou-
ble-digit figure in the
294-member Assembly
else he’d quit Twitter!
On her part, the CM
spoke to NCP boss
Sharad Pawar and tried
the alleged attempts by
the Centre to destabilize
opposition-ruled states.
There are two other
fronts where TMC and
BJP would try to outdo
each other: the ‘Gorkha-
land’ politics of Dar-
jeeling hills in the east
and the Muslim factor
that holds the key
across the state in over
100 Assembly seats.
The Gorkha Janmuk-
ti Morcha has resur-
faced with the emer-
gence of Bimal Gurung,
who had been under-
ground for over three
years after a violent
clash with the state au-
thorities in 2017. Except
around over a dozen
seats where the Gorkha-
land demand matters,
the rest of Bengal is
against the statehood.
Rather than arresting
him for several pending
cases, Mamata has al-
ready extended an olive
branch to Bimal by al-
lowing him to hold a
rally. For BJP, there is a
clear opportunity: “It is,
say, 15 versus 280 seats.
The TMC can now easi-
ly be accused of soft-
pedaling the Gorkha-
land issue. For us, we’ll
go with the rest of Ben-
gal,” said a BJP leader.
On Muslim votes, the
AIMIM of Asaduddin
Owaisi has staked its
claim. In a state where
the Trinamool is hard-
pressed to corner the
minority vote in the
face of Congress strain-
ing every nerve to sew
up an alliance with the
Left Front, the prospect
of vote division looks
eminently clear.
Didi, the once stormy petrel, isn’t a pushover.
Mobile retailers vow to attract govt
attention towards industry welfare
First India Bureau
Jaipur: The mainline
(offline) retailers under
All India Mobile Retail-
ers Association (AIM-
RA), an apex body rep-
resenting and working
for over 1.5 lakh mobile
retailers of the country
joined together digital-
ly and announced
the #FightForRight
(#HaqKiLadai) against
the discriminatory and
predatory policies fa-
vouring online trade by
the brands.
In tough COVID-19
era, when the market is
already undergoing tur-
bulence and uncertainty,
adding on to woes, retail-
ers claim of ‘facing the
wrath of predatory and
discriminatory policies
of brands favouring the
onliners, thus killing the
chances of their surviv-
al, leading to unexpected
huge number(Over 40K
nationally) getting shut
down in near future
which will lead to heavy
The association has
been demanding for a
to regulate the online
in creating a balanced
trade. Sunil Gupta, Ra-
jasthan State President
(AIMRA) in a statement
shared that exclusive
product launches for on-
line channel with prod-
uct availability for first 7
days and more only on
window period), dis-
criminatory Pricing,
brands resorting to divi-
sive policy by offering
products to selective re-
tailers instead of all, re-
duction in retail mar-
gins, arbitrary commis-
sions charged by finan-
cial institutions on their
digital transactions, re-
duced credit lines, up-
front payments and de-
law were some of the
core issues before the re-
tailers and needed ur-
gent attention.
Navneet Pathak , vice
president AIMRA Ra-
jasthan, shared that to
address these issues As-
sociation now plans to
raise its voice at vari-
ous levels right from
Brands, to Government
Stake holders, Financi-
ers etc to fight for the
right under the #Fight-
ForRight, #HaqKiLadai
Drug peddler
arrested with
opium worth
Rs 15 lakh
First India Bureau
Jaipur: Under opera-
tion Prahar being run
against drug traffick-
ing, Hanumangarh po-
lice on Tuesday arrest-
ed a man and seized
nine kg of opium from
his possession.
A Maruti Wagon R
was seized from the ar-
rested person. The ac-
cused was smuggling
drugs after pasting a
slip on his car that he
was on Covid-19 duty. He
was arrested when po-
lice was on a routine
checking by putting
barricading at several
places in Sangria area
on Monday night. Dur-
ing the checking, the ac-
cused Omprakash (45)
was stopped. The police
seized nine kg of opium
worth about Rs 15 lakh
from his possession.
During interrogation
he told police that he
was a WHO officer and
had put Covid-19 slip on
his vehicle to escape
from the police. The in-
terrogation of the ac-
cused is currently un-
derway and a case has
been registered against
him. Police said the ac-
cused hails from Nokha
Road in Ganga Shahar.
BJP Member of Parliament from Jaipur Rural, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore meets Uttar
Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, in Lucknow on Tuesday.
Nine-year-old girl writes to Guj CM for
sewerage plant, clean water to people
First India Bureau
Jaipur: Nine-year-old
girl Tashvi Amit Shar-
has written a letter to
Gujarat Chief Minister
Vijay Rupani, urging
him to set up a sewage
plant in the state.
Describing clean wa-
ter is a basic need of
the people, Tashvi has
appealed to the chief
minister to pay atten-
tion to the matter
raised by kids.
Tashvi is a Corona
Warrior of Digital Baal
Mela. She sent her en-
try in a cooking compe-
tition in the country’s
first digital children’s
fair. She has now
knocked on the social
media platform of the
chief minister.
A student of class
4th standard of Zydus
School for Excellence,
Vejalpur, Tashvi Amit
Sharma is also a part of
the Jal Jeevan Mission.
The Digital Baal Me-
la’s team has launched
the new campaign to
connect children with
water conservation.
Digital Baal Mela is
an online platform
where children can
show their perfor-
mance by uploading
videos of photos.
Tashvi Sharma
Protocol ignored,netas & babus keep mum!
Rajendra Chhabra
Jaipur: The presence
of former Chief Secre-
tary DB Gupta in the
function organised to
celebrate the comple-
tion of two years of the
state government has
become a point of dis-
cussion in the bureau-
cratic & political cir-
cles. Gupta was seated
in front row with two
advisors Arvind Ma-
yaram & Govind Gup-
ta, along with Chief
Secretary Niranjan
Arya & DGP ML La-
thar and knowledgea-
ble sources claim that
this was highly irregu-
lar & wrong. This is
due to the fact that he is
not an advisor to the
government rather is
seated on a statutory
position, which is at
par with the Chief Jus-
tice of High Court.
Not only is this posi-
tion different and above
the other than minis-
ters and even Chief
Minister. During the
two year celebration
function, ministers and
CM were seated on the
stage and CIC DB Gupta
was seated in the front
row with bureaucrats
which is completely
against the protocol and
honour of CIC’s post.
Someone should advice
DB Gupta not to attend
this function as he is
neither government
servant nor a ‘Yes Man’
or paid advisor. Also,
now he has constitu-
tional responsibilities.
An individual’s happiness is
always dependent on the
outside and the within and
the within has a bigger role.
—Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO & Editor, First India
Rajendra Chhabra
Jaipur: With a view to
ensure the optimum
utilisation of available
talent at CMO, CM
Ashok Gehlot has re-
distributed responsi-
bilities among its exist-
ing staff at CMO which
continues to be headed
by a low profile and a
silent performer Kul-
deep Ranka.
1 Rajesh Kumar Gupta
Forest, Environ-
ment, State Pollution
Control Board
ism/Art and Culture,
Archaeology and
Museums 
ing of Implementation
of Important Cabinet
Decisions of Projects
and Programs
2. Arti Dogra
DoP 
Mines and
Petroleum 
Home, Police, Home
Guards, Vigilance, Jail,
Civil Defence/RSBI
3. Amit Dhaka
Labour, Employ-
ment and Skill, Facto-
ry and Boilers 
Housing Board/LSG/
Jaipur Metro 
Husbandry, Gopalan,
Dairy, Fisheries
Agriculture/ Agri
Marketing/ Horticul-
ture/ RSAMB
4. Rajan Vishal
Finance & Taxation/
Excise/ Small Sav-
ings/ S.I & GPF
Planning & Man-
power, Economics
and Statistics
Water Resources,
VIP References
5. Shaheen Ali Khan
Minorities Affairs/
Waqf 
Youth & Sports
Medical & Health,
Medical Education
Ayurved/ Family Wel-
fare, Transport, Social
Justice & Empowere-
ment/ Disabilities
6. Lekh Raj Toshawara
Rural Development/
MNREGA/ Panchayati-
Raj 
Election 
Shed and Soil Con-
servation 
Admin of CMO
7. Dinesh Kumar Sharma
I.T., Science & Tech-
nology 
tary Affairs/ Assembly
Monitoring of CM/
Budget Announce-
ment 
Compilation of Im-
portant Achievements
Highlights of all
8. Gaurav Bajad
DIsaster Manage-
ment/ Relief & Reha-
bilitation 
Bhasha/ Sanskrit
Education 
GAD/ Civil Aviation/
Cabinet/ Motor Ga-
rage/ Estate 
Mid Day
Meal 
Devsthan/ Sainik Kalyan
Reforms 
Printing and
Stationary 
Food and
Civil Supplies
9. Lalit Kumar
RPG at CMR 
toring Redressal of
Public Grievances
10. GS Yadav
Departmental Enquiry
& Prosecution Sanction
Law & Justice
11. Laxman Singh Shek-
Streamlined RHB to get more busy
with development work now on!
Shivendra Parmar
Jaipur: The 244th meet-
ing of the Board of Direc-
tors of the Rajasthan
Housing Board (RHB)
was held on Tuesday un-
der the chairmanship of
its Chairman Bhaskar A
Sawant during which 51
RHB Commissioner
Pawan Arora informed
that a committee will set-
tle cases related to land
acquisition and lease. In-
terestingly, keeping in
mind the premium quali-
ty and less time taken by
the Board in completing
its projects, and after be-
coming the nodal agency
for construction of MLA
flats, the Board will now
construct a building for
State Election Depart-
“To settle land acquisi-
tion cases, it was decided
in the meeting that a com-
mittee will examine the
issues related to the ac-
quisition and lease of the
lands and if such lands
are useful to the board or
not. After this, a proposal
will be sent to the govern-
ment. For the land that
would be useful to RHB, it
would take the land
through agreement by
giving 25 percent of the
RHB will construct an of-
fice building of Chief
Election Commissioner,
Rajasthan and SWEEP
in an area of 3,368 sqm in
Indira Gandhi Nagar Res-
idential Scheme located
in Jaipur. The proposed
building will have base-
ment, ground floor and
five floors. Its construc-
tion will be completed in
two phases and as per the
criteria, green building
plans will be used for
which about 29 crore of
rupees will be spent,”
Arora said.
Meanwhile, an approv-
ment Rajasthan Building
Regulations-2020 in Ra-
jasthan Housing Board.
Now auction will be done
according to the circular
of the Urban Develop-
ment Department. “Cir-
cular issued by the Urban
has been accepted in the
auction cases by the
Board. It is noteworthy
that the circular was is-
sued by the Urban Devel-
opment Department in
January 2020 to simplify
the process related to the
circular, the auction of
the plot should not be re-
jected if the bid exceeds
the minimum bid,” the
Commissioner informed.
Meanwhile, RHB has
been struggling with
shortage of personnel of
various cadres for a long
time, therefore it was de-
cided in the meeting that
recruitment will be done
on 573 posts for smooth
workingof theboard.The
proposal in this regard
will be sent to the state
 Building Regulations -2020 in force
 RHB to construct an office building of
Chief Election Commissioner,
Rajasthan and SWEEP centre
 Now, all auction will be done according
to the circular of the Urban
Development Department
 Recruitment on 573 vacant posts given
‘Kota will become a
developed & beautiful
city in times to come’
Bhaskar A Sawant, Pawan Arora, RK Vijayvargiya and KC Meena sitting in the board meeting.
Bhanwar S Charan
Kota: UDH Minister
Shanti Dhariwal on
Tuesday, said that Kota
will become a developed
and beautiful city in
times to come. He said
that the core area of the
city from railway sta-
tion to Anantpura will
have no red light except
Kotadi Chauraha and
traffic will run smooth-
ly, without any conges-
tion on nearly 12 km
On the last day of his
four-day visit to Kota,
the minister visited
sites of several mega
projects and gave neces-
sary directions to offi-
cials. He visited railway
station, library, JK Lon
Hospital, Nayapura
chauraha & other sites.
He also went to the site
of Chambal heritage
river front on the banks
of Chambal river and
claimed it will become a
marvelous site which
will attract tourists in
large numbers.
The minister, accompa-
nied by officials, in-
spected the site in an
open Gypsy & directed
officials to complete
works of safety wall in
eastern side by March
31 & western side by
April 30. He also direct-
ed engineers to expedite
the project work.
Yogesh Sharma
Jaipur: The rounds of
meeting of Rajasthan
Congress leaders with
the AICC general secre-
tary in charge Ajay Mak-
en continued on Tuesday
with Jat leaders includ-
ing revenue minister
Harish Choudhary call-
ing on Maken.
The leaders held dis-
cussions with Maken
over the prevailing politi-
cal situation in the state.
The leaders who are as-
piring positions in the
party organisation and
government also met
After the Delhi visit of
CM Ashok Gehlot and
PCC president Govind
Singh Dotasra, the visits
of Rajasthan Congress
leaders have increased
suddenly. Such leaders
include ministers and
others. Revenue minister
Harish Choudhary held a
detailed discussion with
Maken in Delhi on Tues-
day. They also discussed
the issue of farmers
while former leader of
opposition Rameshwar
Dudi also held a meeting
with Maken. Dudi dis-
cussed the results of the
Panchayat elections, po-
litical appointment and
organisational issues.
Earlier, ministers Ra-
jendra Yadav, Tikaram
Jully, Bhajan Lal Jatav
met Maken.
For nearly a week,
more than 50 Congress
leaders including Push-
pendra Bharadwaj and
MLA Rajendra Bidhuri
have met Maken in Delhi.
Rajendra Chhabra
Jaipur: It appears that
senior IAS Subodh
Agarwal, who was sent
out of the Secretariat
due to his seniority, is
not keen on putting in
the same work ethics he
displayed over the
years. There was a time,
when he was handling
important departments
like Mines & Petroleum
and Industries and now,
he has been given a
comparatively minor
charge of CMD of
RREC and made to sit in
a small office.
Sources reveal that
few of his well wishers
have advised him that
instead of being side-
lined, it is far better to
work under CS Niran-
jan Arya with honour
and more so, when he
has to stay in the service
for five years before re-
tiring. Word is that
Agarwal has taken the
suggestion and made up
his mind and therefore,
it is highly probable
that he may return to
the Secretariat in the
next transfer list.
Awaiting a comeback?
Harish Choudhary and Rameshwar Dudi call upon Ajay Maken at
New Delhi on Tuesday.
4,248 DEATHS 2,37,247 CASES
10,329 DEATHS 6,18,747 CASES
48,876 DEATHS 19,02,458 CASES
8,224 DEATHS 5,76,824 CASES
12,016 DEATHS 9,10,241 CASES
From Page 1
Moreover, a notice of
stay has also been is-
sued by the Court.
Interestingly, the writ
petition filed in the High
Court claims that the
chargesheet submitted
by SOG does not name
wat and others as ac-
cused therein ‘with the
sole objective of not ar-
resting them despite
their names finding
place in chargesheet in
relation to gigantic
scam. This raises raises
suspicion in relation to
the credibility of the in-
vestigation conducted
by the state police. On
this count alone, investi-
gation by CBI, ED and
SFIO or a SIT’ to investi-
gate becomes necessary.
Notably, Shekhawat
was the business part-
ner of Vikram Singh,
the chairman of the so-
ciety, prior to his elec-
tion as MP. Amit Kumar
Purohit and Madhusu-
dan Purohit, the coun-
sel for the petitioner,
said that Vikram Singh
and others duped the
investors and kept them
in dark by showing fake
records and posters.
Meanwhile, the next
hearing in the case is on
3 January. Thousands
of investors have alleg-
edly lost about Rs 900
crores in the scam.
Gajendra Singh Shekhawat with wife Naunand Kanwar.
CM Ashok Gehlot
Subodh Agarwal
Shanti Dhariwal
DECEMBER 23, 2020 I I I 09
n international beau-
ty pageant, Miss
Ocean World 2020
which began earlier
this month, recently
held a ‘National Cos-
tume Round’ for all
the finalists competing for the
title. Participants from a total
of 11 countries were a part of
this round, where they flaunt-
ed the traditions and values
of their respective countries.
After this round, a total of 7
finalists will be shortlisted for
the Interview Round, which is
to be held on the 28th of this
month. Renowned people
from the fashion world will be
a part of the interviewer pan-
el, to make the competition
more interesting.
Yogesh Mishra from Jaipur,
who is the host and the inter-
national director of this beau-
ty pageant has been working
extremely hard and making
the Pink City proud with his
achievements. From organis-
ing beauty pageants at the
state level to going interna-
tional, Yogesh has come a re-
ally long way. The pageant
Miss Ocean World is
ranked as #17
in the world
of inter-
pageantry, which is an ex-
tremely proud moment for
our country.
Talking about being the
host of the pageant this year
and for the next two years, Yo-
gesh Mishra stated, “Being a
host of this esteemed beauty
pageant is a really great op-
portunity for me. It is the very
first time that I am organising
a pageant virtually, but it is
definitely a great and inter-
esting experience altogether.”
Something that makes this
pageant unique from the oth-
ers is the fact that it acted as
a great opportunity for the
women who were of a bigger
age, and not married.
“We believe that everyone
must receive an equal chance,
and that is the reason why we
didn’t focus much on the age
this time- all we required
were the other criteria to be
fulfilled by the participants,”
said Yogesh.
He added, “This year, the
theme of the pageant is
‘Clean Ocean’. Since there
are hardly any activi-
ties dedicated to
the oceans in
the pageants,
a great buzz
was created
across the
g l o b e
once people found out about
the theme. We will be spread-
ing awareness to save the
ocean and keep it clean.”
The grand finale of Miss
Ocean World 2020 will be held
virtually on 30 December.
India France
United Kingdom Chile
Yogesh Mishra
Don’t be hasty in paying up
for something without
getting all the details. A
health initiative promises to
keep you fit and on the go. Forging
cordial relations with those you meet
at work will be in your favour. Your
moodiness may cause friction at
You will succeed in
enhancing your earning. A
business deal may have to
be executed on a different
date. An outdoor activity is likely to
give you a chance for sweating out.
Family would be supportive for those
trying to settle at a new place. Devote
few hours to meditation.
MAR 21 - APR 20
At this time, you can be at
your penny-pinching best.
It may appear tough to
please a workplace senior
as he/she expects more from you.
Devoting time to family will provide
immense happiness. Adopting a
better lifestyle is indicated for some
and will keep them fit and healthy.
NOV 23 - DEC 22
Health remains excellent.
Arrears or back payments
are likely to be received. Day
proves favourable for those
holding responsible positions.
Someone’s proximity on the domestic
front is likely to keep you contented.
Those spiritually inclined will be able to
set out on a pilgrimage.
MAY 21 - JUNE 21
New avenues of earning
will help secure the
financial front. You will
manage to nip a medical
problem in the bud and save yourself
from problems. Your decisions on
the professional front will turn out to
be correct. Your hands will be full in
entertaining demands of youngsters.
JAN 21 - FEB 19
You are apple of your
parents eyes. A property
issue you are apprehensive
about is likely to be settled
amicably. Your attempts to gain
popularity on the social front are likely
to meet with partial success. An ego
clash on the work front cannot be ruled
out for some.
APR 21 - MAY 20
Although expenditure rises,
you will manage things
well. This is not the right
time to disclose your
business intentions; keep your
competitors guessing. A perfect
understanding with spouse will help
in gauging moods and pre-empting
showdowns. is quite indicated.
DEC 23 - JAN 20
Good returns are foreseen
on an investment. Only a
professionally sound
strategy will succeed in the
kind of competitive environment that
you are in. Peace and quiet prevails
on the home front for you to rest and
recoup. Addition or alteration to
existing property is foreseen.
AUG 24 - SEP 23
Keep control over
expenditure. Sticking to
your exercise regime will
begin to show positive
results. Avoid being lazy on the
professional front. Family will be
most caring and they will do a lot to
make you comfortable and happy. Be
patient towards them.
JUNE 22 - JULY 23
You can expect the
financial situation to
improve substantially.
Successfully completing an
assigned job will give you the edge at
work. Your dogged determination will
keep you fit. Keeping a positive
outlook will help in spreading
positivity at home.
FEB20 - MARCH 20
You can become money
conscious and come into
the ‘saving’ mode. A
colleague can prove a great
asset in helping settle pending tasks.
You are likely to please the family
members by taking them to their
favourite haunt. Legal help regarding
a property matter will be beneficial.
Whatever you earn today is
likely to be spent. Chances
of getting a new job look
bright for young profes-
sionals. Home environment will
encourage you to relax and let your
hair down. Those who have applied
for a house or plot may get a step
closer to acquiring it.
DAYHoroscope by
Saurabbh Sachdeva
Promoted by Shree Salasar Oversease Pvt. Ltd.
n our ancient Hin-
du culture, a great
festival & pilgrim-
age takes place
every 12 years at
Prayagraj, on the
confluence of the
holy Ganga, Jamuna & the
mythical Saraswati rivers.
The attendees are from all
sections of Hindu life, and
they assemble in the larg-
est numbers known to man-
kind. It is a 48-day Mela
(festival). It is the KUMBH
MELA. It is believed that
when the gods were carry-
ing the Kumbh (pot) con-
taining the Elixir of im-
mortality, some drops fell at
this site. Thereafter, any-
one who bathes here wash-
es away all the sins of his/
her life.
Today we are witnessing
a far bigger phenomenon in
numbers and inclusive-
ness. We are becoming part
of History in the conflu-
ence of all castes, regions,
religions and races. The
sins of strife between these
sections are being sani-
tized in this KISAN
KUMBH to form a single
Bhartiyata (Indianness).
Starting as a small agita-
tion in the heart of Punjab,
it has already snowballed
into a festival of an ancient
civilization waking up to
its ideals. The world has al-
ready taken note.
This miracle started to
unfold from the day the
water-cannons and tear gas
shells were greeted with
folded hands and serving
of food, milk, tea & fruits to
the policemen. The pall of
aggression evaporated into
a peaceful brotherhood. Af-
ter all, 90% of these police-
men were from rural stock
too. With subtle connivance
they let the farmers remove
the barricades and dance &
sing to the Delhi borders.
Then the hugely popular
Punjabi singers joined in
and lifted the sky of the
spirit high. Singing Live
from atop tractors and
makeshift stages, they mo-
tivated the farmers by ap-
pealing to their bravery
and history of their fight
against injustice.
If UNESCO had called
Kumbh Mela as an “Intan-
gible Cultural Heritage of
Humanity” in these lofty
words, I am sure many in-
tellectuals must be scurry-
ing around to define this
phenomenon. If anyone
thinks these millions were
“organised” to demon-
strate, he must be living in
an illusion. People from
across India have started to
move voluntarily towards
Delhi as if drawn by a mag-
net. They are sensing His-
tory being created in a tan-
gible form and deeply long
to be part of this festive
The sceptical and cynical
urbane urban were brought
up to think of these sons &
daughters of the soil as vil-
lage bumpkins. Now they
are surprised by common
sense and general knowl-
edge voiced by the sun-
kissed farmers in front of
mikes thrust at them by the
farm-illiterate paparazzi.
To further fox everybody,
they haven’t nominated
just one single leader to
lead them, lest he/she be
manipulated via duress,
money or guile of the pow-
ers that be. The sagacity
and grip over their subject
were evident when the
three dozen Union Leaders
sat patiently for long hours
across smug Govt officers
and ministers and meticu-
lously weeded out all the
glaring anomalies in the
Farm Bills. The Govt
agreed to amend those er-
rors and unwittingly made
their “farmer-friendly”
Bills look devious and in-
fructuous. The KISAN
KUMBH is here to push In-
dia’s civilization onto a
unifying train that will
steamroll all political she-
nanigans that “fooled all
the people, all the time”.
Any farmer worth his salt
and guilty of tolerating the
callousness of various Gov-
ernments will surely em-
bark on this pilgrimage to
cleanse the soul of Bharat
lliot Page
came out as
on Insta-
gram and
was met
with an over-
whelming response
filled with love and
support for The Um-
brella Academy star.
Weeks later, Page
took to IG yet again to
share his first hand-
some selfie along
with a heartfelt mes-
sage to his fans and
everyone else
who showed their af-
fection towards the
33-year-old actor’s
brave decision.
“From the bottom
of my heart, thank
you. Your love and
support has been the
greatest gift. Stay
safe. Be there for
each other. If you are
able, support @
transanta and
@ t r a n s -
lifeline. See you
in 2021. Xoxo El-
liot,” Elliot
IN 2021...
dam Brody is opening up in
his new interview with WSJ
about the upcoming Gossip
Girl revival. The new HBO
Max series is a revival of the televi-
sion show that his wife, actress
Leighton Meester, starred in on the
WB in the early 2000s. However, it
doesn’t look like they will personally
be watching the revival of the show,
which isn’t a reboot. “I highly doubt
we’ll watch it front to back,” Adam
shared. “I don’t think we’re the audi-
ence, but I’m sure we’ll dip our toes
in.” Adam did reveal the things
that he and Leighton had been
watching though. “We just
finished The Reagans, I
enjoyed that,” he
shared. “We watched
Mank, the Fincher
movie, last night.
We watched The
Crown, The Vow,
[and] Moonbase
8, which I
thought was
kind of sweet,
ami wrapped up shooting for
the first schedule of her
state where she stayed for almost
a month. The actress informed
that she has just commenced
tions of the horror-comedy
flick in Mumbai. “As I com-
mence the Mumbai sched-
ule of ‘Bhoot police’ cannot
help but think of our shoot
hit us all & everywhere but
the security that your home-
town gives you is amazing.
Home is where is the heart
is... #shootdiariesofHi-
machal #dalhousie,”
she wrote on Insta-
gram. Directed by
Pavan Kirpalani,
the horror-com-
stars Saif
Ali Khan,
J a c q u e -
line Fer-
nandez, Ar-
jun Kapoor
and Jaaved
ven in the Earth’s
final moments,
peoplewill still be
mixing up Katy
Perry and Zooey De-
schanel! In the music
video for Perry’s Not the
End of the World, which
the pop singer dropped
Monday morning, a
spaceship full of benev-
olent blue-skinned al-
iens abducts Deschanel
thinking she’s Perry,
whom they revere and
wish to rescue before
our exhausted planet
comes to its untimely
demise. Ever the quick
thinker, the New Girl
star plays along, trying
on Teenage Dream-era
costumes and props in
hopes that she and her
fellow space travellers
can save Earth.
ctor Arjun Ram-
pal has opened
up on shooting
for his upcom-
the ongoing pandemic,
describing the experi-
ence as challenging. “It
was extremely challeng-
ing -- everything from
production teams hav-
ing to be on top of their
game, to actors being
vulnerable, to Zee5 tak-
ing a huge risk, to 9co-
stars) Manav (Kaul) and
Anand (Tiwari) getting
Covid, to shoot coming
to a halt for three
weeks,” Arjun said. He
added, “Re-gathering
ourselves and braving
the situation, we had all
the experiences. The
best feeling was fighting
through all these times
and finishing what we
had started.” —Agency
riana Grande just an-
nounced her engage-
ment to boyfriend Dal-
ton Gomez!
The 27-year-old
thank u, next su-
perstar posted a
series of photos
with her luxury
real estate agent
boyfriend to
her Instagram
on Sunday (De-
cember 20). “for-
ever n then
some,” she cap-
tioned the set of
photos. In one pho-
to, she showcases a
massive ring on her
left ring finger.
“congrats to these two amaz-
ing souls. Ari we love you and
could not be happier for you.
Dalton you are a lucky man,”
manager Scooter Braun com-
The two were first spotted
together hanging out around
Valentine’s Day, and re-
ports surfaced that they
were dating by March.
They have also been
quarantining to-
gether amid the
ersatile ac-
tor Ayush-
mann Khur-
rana has re-
cently shared a cute
selfie on his Insta-
gram page to an-
Doctor G. The actor
can be seen posing
with the script in
the picture. He has
also shared details
about his next cam-
pus comedy-drama
with Junglee Pic-
tures. After his hit
films like Bareilly
Ki Barfi in 2017 and
Badhaai Ho in 2018,
this is his third col-
laboration with
Junglee Pictures.
As per the title,
Ayushmann will
portray the role of a
doctor. It will be
helmed by Anubhu-
ti Kashyap. While
sharing the selfie,
Ayushmann wrote,
“Opening for con-
sultation soon
#DoctorG.” —Agency
“During my
childhood, I
only watched
movies starring
Amitabh Bach-
chan and Dhar-
mendra at
home. I loved
the fight
scenes. The
only movies
apart from
these two stars
that I watched
were of Ra-
jinder Kumar.
I’ve always
had a strong
to hill sta-
tions and
that’s the
reason I
chose movies
by Rajinder
Kumar,” he re-
called. “There was
a point in my life
when I didn’t do any-
thing except practise
music. Working in a fac-
tory was my backup op-
tion,” he added. —Agency
ctress Taapsee Pannu
has been dropping
jaw-dropping glimps-
es of her physical
transformation over the past
few weeks as she shoots for
Rashmi Rocket and fans have
been gushing over the star.
From nailing workout at the
gym to acing races on the
track, Taapsee has been win-
ning the hearts of her fans
with the amount of hard
work and dedication she has
been putting in for her film,
Rashmi Rocket.
She shared an inspiring
photo from the track. Seeing
the star’s toned muscles and
her determination to reach
the finish line, fans could not
help but laud her talent. Not
just this, with her photo, Taap-
see revealed that she was gear-
ing up for the last race of
Rashmi Rocket.
Ayushmann Khurrana
...his post
Ariana Grande
Yami Gautam
Arjun Rampal
Diljit Dosanjh
Katty Perry
Elliot Page
Leighton Meester
Taapsee Pannu’s post
First india jaipur edition-23 december 2020

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First india jaipur edition-23 december 2020

  • 1. 11°C - 26°C | I I | JAIPUR l WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 197 OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, AHMEDABAD & LUCKNOW Tighten noose around credit co-op societies that duped people: CM Naresh Sharma Jaipur: Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has said that the agencies con- cerned should study the legal provisions and change them as per the requirement to get the money of the investors from the credit co-oper- ative societies that have grabbedthehardearned money of people. “It is a serious matter due to which millions of people had to lose hard earned money. It is our endeavourthattheinves- tors get their money and criminalsarepunished,” Gehlot said while re- viewing the complaints received against the creditco-operativesocie- ties, on Tuesday at CMR. He said societies have dupedpoorpeoplebylay- ing their trap even in the villages and dhanis. “Along with ensuring that such incidents do not happen in future, SOG, Cooperative De- partmentetc.shouldtake effectiveactioninthepre- sentcases.Stateagencies should also coordinate withCentralagenciesfor this,” he stressed. The Chief Minister said that the SOG reached a conclusion by holding quick research in these cases and found out how the money of the investors was spent so that further action couldbetakentogetthat money back. “Receiving more than 75,000 com- plaints of money grab on ‘Raj Sahkar Portal’ itself, against Adarsh, Sanjeevani, Navjeevan, Sahara and other multi- state societies and State Credit Co-operative So- cieties, shows that a large number of people in the state have been played with. Turn to P6 If necessary, amend law to get money back, Gehlot says as HC issues notices to Gajju bana, others CM Ashok Gehlot MODIREACHESOUTTO Muslims with New India call M Hasan Aligarh: Prime Minis- ter Narendra Modi on Tuesday called upon the Muslim community to join the efforts of the Central government for the overall development and growth of every section of the society. Reaching out to the community within and outside the country through the significant platform of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) while address- ing online centenary celebrations, the PM said the NDA govern- ment had been striving for balanced growth ir- respective of “religion, caste and creed”. It was after a long gap of 56 years that a Prime Minister was address- ing the AMU fraternity torecogniseitsvitalrole in the nation-building. In December 1964 the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shashtri had addressed the universi- ty’s convocation func- tion. Setting at rest all the misgivings prevail- ing in the AMU campus and outside about the NDA government, Modi said that the centre was committed to institu- tion’s progress and would generously ex- tend all help solve its problems. The Prime minister also released a postal stamp commemo- rating 100 years of insti- tution which had tried to transform the Mus- lim community from its rigid traditionalism to modernism. Turn to P6 Aligarh Muslim University represents ‘mini-India’ and has to its credit 100 glorious years of excellence in education: PM Top US honour ‘Legion of Merit’ for PM New strain not seen in India so far, says Centre New Delhi: After being conferred the prestig- ious Legion of Merit from US President Don- ald Trump, Prime Min- ister Narendra Modi said he was deeply hon- oured by the award, adding that it recognis- es the efforts of India and the US to improve bilateral relations be- tween the nations. Taking to Twitter, PM Modi said that the award reflected the bi- partisan consensus of both countries about the Indo-US strategic partnership. “I am deeply honoured to be awarded the Legion of Merit by @POTUS @re- alDonaldTrump. It rec- ognises the efforts of the people of India Turn to P6 New Delhi: A mutated and more aggressive strain of the novel coro- navirus-whichwasfirst identified in the United Kingdom in September - has not been seen in India so far, the govern- ment said Tuesday. Thenewstrain-initial datasuggestsitisatleast 70 per cent more easily transmitted-hassparked concern worldwide, amid surging infection rates in the UK and fears the first lot of vaccines may not be as effective against the mutation. “The new strain or mutationof (the)corona- virus in the United King- dom has not been seen in India,sofar,”DrVKPaul, a member of govern- ment think-tank NITI Aayog, said. Turn to P6 New Delhi: Union Home Minister and BJP leaderAmitShahwould be frequently visiting the poll-bound West Bengal from January onwards ahead of 2021 Assembly polls. Sourc- es informed that Shah would be visiting West Bengal for a week every month from February. This was communicat- ed by Shah in an inter- nal meeting with the leaders of the state on his recent visit. The senior party lead- ers in BJP said that there are two dates that are being finalised by Shah’s office for his next visit. While there is the possibility of him visit- ing the state on January 12 which is the birth an- niversary of Swami Vivekananda, the other date that is under con- sideration could be around January 23, the birth anniversary of Subhash Chandra Bose. “Post January 20 is a possibility,” is what a top leader of the state said when asked about Shah’snextvisit.Shah’s visit and the pressure on the state govern- ment because of his presence would grow intense, informed a sen- ior party leader. “He told us that Feb- ruary onwards he would be spending al- mostaweekeachmonth in the state till Assem- bly elections. His pres- ence boosts the party cadre that is reeling Turn to P6 Shah’snextBengalvisitinJan, tospendmoretimefromFeb Union Home Minister Amit Shah during a roadshow in Birbhum in West Bengal. —PTI FILE PHOTO Mumbai: Thirty four persons including crick- eter Suresh Raina and BollywoodcelebritySus- sanne Khan were held afteraraidataposhclub near the Mumbai air- port on Tuesday for vio- lating social distancing norms, police said. Thirteen women who were among those held were allowed to leave after being served no- tices while the men were shown as arrested and granted bail later, police said. The raid took place at the Dragonfly Experi- ence club near the Mumbai international airport at around 3 am, police said, adding the 34 also included seven staffers of the club. They were booked under sections 188 (Dis- obedience to order duly promulgated by public servant), 269 (whoever unlawfully or negli- gently does any act which is, and which he knows or has reason to believe to be, Turn to P6 Raid in Mum club:Raina, Sussanne,32 others held Wasn’t aware of timing, protocol: Raina FAROOQ & MEHBOOBA MAKE A COMEBACK BUTAFTERHYD,NOWSAFFRON EMERGENCEINSRINAGAR! Kavita Pant Srinagar: The BJP seems to be on a roll as was depicted in Tues- day’s results of Dis- trict Development Council elections in Jammu and Kashmir. The Saffron party showed a dramatic im- provement in its posi- tion in Kashmir al- most immediately af- ter making a mark in the Municipal polls in Hyderabad. The party on Tuesday won an election for the first time from any seat in Kashmir while facing regional heavyweights like the National Con- ference and the PDP. The DDC elections hold significance as it was the first major electoral exercise in the Valley since the ab- rogation of Article 370 last year in August. The People’s Alli- ance for Gupkar Decla- ration (PAGD), an amalgam of seven po- litical parties, includ- ing the NC and the PDP won over 90 seats while the BJP emerged as the single largest party winning 65 seats as of now. Counting of votes for the 280 DDC in J&K is still underway. Nota- bly, as many as 39 seats were bagged by Inde- pendent candidates, while the Congress party won 20 seats. Lotus bloomed in Kashmir as the people of the Valley exhibited theirfaithintheleader- ship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said local party leaders. Turn to P6 BJP supporters dancing in jubilation as Ajaz Hussain of BJP won DDC election from Balahama area in Srinagar on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI PM Narendra Modi addresses the centenary celebrations of Aligarh Muslim University via video conferencing, in New Delhi, on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY PTI No Board exams till February,final dates soon: Pokhriyal New Delhi: Union edu- cationministerRamesh Pokhriyal said on Tuesday that the board exams will not be held in January or February. “No board examina- tions will be conducted in January or February. A decision on the con- duct of examinations will be taken later,” Pokhriyal said during a virtual interaction with teachers. He also said that it is not possible to conduct the board exams in on- line mode. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) had earlier this month announced that board exams in 2021 will be conducted in written mode and not online. Schools across the coun- trywereclosedinMarch to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. They were partially reo- pened in some states from October 15. However, a few states have decided to keep them closed in view of a spike in the number of infections. Not possible to hold exams online: Min Not a Sanjeevani: HC issues notices to Shekhawat,wife and 15 others Rajeev Gaur Jodhpur: In a develop- ment that is sure to leave its imprint on the politics of Rajasthan, the Rajasthan High Court, on Tuesday, is- sued notices to Union Jal Shakti minister Ga- jendra Singh Shekha- wat, his wife Naunand Kanwar and 15 others in Sanjeevani Cooperative Credit Society Scam. The court issued no- tices on a writ petition filed by Sanjeevani Vic- tims Union, in which petitioner Shanti Swarup prayed to the court to order investiga- tion in the matter by Enforcement Directo- rate, Serious Fraud In- vestigation Office and CBI and also to appoint a receiver of the proper- ties of the society. After hearing, the court of Justice Vijay Vishnoi issued show cause notices to all 17 respondents, including the minister and his wife. Turn to P8 A delegation of Congress leaders, led by former party chief Rahul Gandhi, will meet President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday to submit around 20 million signatures col- lected from across the country in the past three months seeking repeal of three farm laws. Congress general secretary in-charge of organisation KC Venugopal said the party had launched a nationwide campaign in September for collecting memoranda of appeals addressed to the President signed by farmers, farm labourers and other stake holders opposing the three new farm legis- lations. He said around 20 million signatures have been collected till now. RAGA TO MEET PREZ WITH 20 MM SIGNATURES AGAINST FARM LAWS
  • 2. RAJASTHANJAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 I I I I Shubham Jain Ajmer: Health minister Raghu Sharma on Tues- day said that the BJP leadershavegotcataract as such they are not able to see development in the state. He said that the Gehlot government has given all possible re- lief to the people of the stateinthelasttwoyears even in odd circum- stances. “Be it medicine, agri- culture, animal hus- bandry, water supply or electricity and oth- ers, the government has fulfilled the promises made to the public in all fields,” he said while addressing the media in Ajmer on Tuesday to highlight the achieve- ments of the govern- ment on its second an- niversary. He said that during the Corona period, the better management of the Gehlot government was appreciated not only in the state but also in the country and the world. He said that the Ashok Gehlot gov- ernment of the state has completed half of the manifesto promises in two years. On the occasion, min- ister in-charge Lal- chand Kataria also spoke about the effi- cient management and good governance done by the government. Dis- trict in-charge secre- tary Bhavani Singh De- tha, district collector Prakash Rajpurohit, SP Kunwar Rashtradeep, Congress leader Dr. Sri- gopal Baheti, dairy chairman Ramchandra Chaudhary and several other leaders and activ- ists were present. BJP leaders have got cataract: Sharma APPRECIATING THE EFFORTS AUTOMATED DRIVING TRACK FACES PROTEST IN TRIAL PHASEProtesters object to private company for charging additional fee from the applicants Kashiram Chaudhary Jaipur: The trial on the automated driving track for driving li- cences at RTO in Jagat- pura met with protests on the first day on Tuesday. The Jan Mor- cha motor driving school association staged a sit-in protest at the RTO office alleg- ing that the track has been handed over to a private company that is charging additional fee from the applicants. The association al- leged that a fee of Rs 1,000 is being charged from the public for get- ting the licence. Out of which Rs 300 go for driving trial inspec- tion. Now the private company will start tri- al on the automated track by taking addi- tional Rs 235. This way the license cost will go up to Rs 1,235. It is wrong to charge extra fees from the public in this corona period, the association said. The association rep- resentatives said that the government has made this trial track by spending money from the government coffers as such the govern- ment should also oper- ate it. In this trial, the driv- er of a vehicle is moni- tored through cameras. It shows where the driv- er made a mistake. Ap- plicants have to drive to make an 8 and H shapes during the test. Jan Morcha motor driving school association staged a sit-in protest at the RTO office. Raghu Sharma addressed a press conference with Lalchand Kataria and highlighted the achievements of the government on its second anniversary in Ajmer on Tuesday. BJP minority morcha demands FIR ‘Create separate cadre of computer teachers’ Lottery of CM Jan Awaas Yojana on December 28 BJPtoholdKisanSammelans onVajpayee’sbirthanniversary ‘Athawale doesn’t know anything about Raj’ Om Birla launches campaign ‘Sheetal Chhanv’ in Kota `12 cr approved by Jaipur Smart city board First India Bureau Bharatpur: BJP mi- nority morcha has de- manded FIR against the Delhi police person- nel in connection with the death of a man in police firing in Kedli village of Bharatpur. Morcha state presi- dent Sadiq Khan alleged that Delhi police person- nel went to catch the man without informing the local police and opened fire at the man, which led to his death. First India Bureau Jaipur: BJP state presi- dent Satish Poonia has demanded from chief minister Ashok Gehlot tocreateaseparatecadre of regular computer teachersineverysecond- ary and senior second- ary government schools. Poonia wrote a letter to CM saying that there is no arrangement of computer teachers in government schools. He said that in each second- ary and senior second- ary school, there should beonecomputerteacher on a regular basis. He said that online portals like ShalaDar- pan, Shaala Siddhi, U- Dise, PayManager are used in schools but teachers of other sub- jects have to operate them which affects his/ her own work. He said that creating new cadre will generate employ- ment opportunities. Shivendra Parmar Jaipur: Rajasthan Housing Board Com- missioner Pawan Aro- ra informed on Tues- day that the prefer- ence lottery of Mukhya Mantri Jan Awaas Yojana (GS-3 and GS-4) at Indira Gandhi Nagar, Sector 7 in Jaipur and Niwai Awas Yojana at Tonk will be held on 28 De- cember. Similarly, in Pratap Nagar, the pro- posed State Employee Housing Scheme, Mukhya Mantri Jan Awas Yojana, Sector 3 and 28 and Vatika and Mahla Housing Scheme will be held on January 6, 2021. According to the ap- plication received in these schemes, the pref- erence for allotment of accommodation to all applicants will be held in concerned offices. It is noteworthy that on August 22, 2020, eight- een housing schemes of Housing Board were launched by Chief Min- ister Ashok Gehlot. By completing the process related to the applica- tion of these schemes in a very short time by the board, now the pref- erence lottery of the applicants is being or- ganized. 789 independent houses for EWS, LIG and MIG-A in Vatika Residential Scheme and 194 independent houses will be built in Mahla Residential Scheme. Similarly, 479 houses of EWS, LIG, MIG-A, MIG-B, and HIG will be built in Niwai Residential Scheme. “Under the Mukhya Mantri Jan Awaas Yo- jana, 4 residential schemes were launched in Jaipur. Of these, two were launched in Sec- tor 7 of Indira Gandhi Nagar and two in Sec- tor 3 and Sector 28 of Pratap Nagar. 2500 houses will be built in all these public hous- ing schemes,” Arora informed. Aishwary Pradhan Jaipur: BJP will hold Kisan Sammelan across Rajasthan to mark the birth anniversary of former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on December 25. The birth anniver- sary will be observed as ‘Sushashan diwas’ by the party for which preparations have started. PM Narendra Modi will address on the oc- casion and arrange- ments will be made at booth and gram pan- chayat levels so that the party leaders and work- ers can listen to Modi’s speech. BJP state president Satish Poonia will lis- ten to the programme along with farmers in a farm near Vaishali na- gar. Screens will also be installed at different places to telecast the PM’s programme. BJP national joint general secretary V Satish and state presi- dent Satish Poonia will address the farmers in Bassi (Jaipur), nation- al vice president and former chief minister Vasundhara Raje will be addressing farmers in Dholpur while na- tional general secre- tary Bhupendra Yadav will be in Khairthal (Alwar). Similarly, Leader of Opposition in Ra- jasthan assembly Gu- labchand Kataria will address farmers meet- ing in Girwa (Udaipur). Yogesh Sharma Jaipur: Targeting un- ion minister Ramdas Athawale for his state- ment about threat to Ashok Gehlot govt, chief whip Mahesh Joshi said that he does not know anything about Rajasthan and he gave statement just to attract attention. He said that all Con- gress MLAs are united. Former Rajya Sabha MP Ashk Ali Tak said that no one in the coun- try takes Athawale se- riously because he re- mains in the mood of joke all the time. Meanwhile, the par- ty leaders paid floral tributes to former chief minister Heer- alal Devpura at PCC of- fice here. Apart from Mahesh Joshi and Ashk Ali Tak, Mumtaz Masih, RR Tiwari, Manju Sharma and other lead- ers of the party paid homage to Devpura. Bhanwar S. Charan Kota: Street vendors who earn livelihood on footpaths will be distrib- uted umbrellas in Kota so that they can protect their set up during rains. The initiative has beentakenbyLSspeaker Om Birla and will be run acrosstheparliamentary constituency of Birla with the assistance of donors. Birla launched the campaign ‘Sheetal Chhanv’bygivinganum- brella to a cobbler. FormerMLAHeeralal Nagar, former executive member of BJP Yuva Morcha Vikas Sharma, councilor Gopal Ram Manda, Vivek Rajvasnhi and others were present on the occasion. Prior to this, Birla met people at his camp office in Shakti Nagar. Newly elected Panch and Zila Parishad mem- bers also called on Birla LS speaker later spoke to the media and said that a special plan is being chalked out on how Panchayats can play a more construc- tive role in development of villages. He said that a plan to organise a Panch, Prad- han and Zila Parishad conference in Uttara- khand next month is also being prepared. Bharat Dixit Jaipur: Works worth Rs 12.45 crore were ap- proved in the 17th meet- ing of the Jaipur Smart City Ltd board held at the local self govern- ance building on Tues- day under the chair- manship of the Local self government secre- tary, Bhavani Singh De- tha. The works include beautification of San- ganeri Gate, New Gate, Subhash Chowk chau- raha. Kanwar Degree College building project in Brahmapuri area, e- library in Maharaja li- brary, construction of community centre at Chandpole mandi. OM Birla launched the campaign by giving an umbrella to a cobbler. —PHOTO BY PANKAJ PAREEK Mahesh Joshi JOURNALISTS-XI BEAT PCC-XI First India Bureau Jaipur: A T20 cricket match was played be- tween the teams of journalists and Con- gress leaders on Tues- day at KL Saini Stadi- um in Jaipur which was won by journal- ists. Journalists-XI team registered a thrilling win on the last ball. Chief whip Mahesh Joshi inaugurated the match between Jour- nalist-XI and PCC-XI in the morning and the CMD of First India News channel Jagdeesh Chandra and energy minister BD Kalla awarded the winner and runner up teams in the afternoon. PCC XI players and MLA Vedprakash Solanki, Rajesh Chaud- hary, Rakesh Moradia, Rohit Joshi, Abhiman- yu Poonia, Anil Chopra, Samarth Sharma Sunil Parwani, Mahendra Khedi and Journalists XI players Yogesh Shar- ma and Naresh Sharma of First India news, Su- shant Pareek, Dinesh Dangi, Ashutosh Shar- ma, Aditya Atre played brilliantly. First India CMD Jagdeesh Chandra said that First India has al- ways been an active partner in such events. BDKallaandJagdeeshChandraawardthewinnerandrunnerupteams.—PHOTOBYSANTOSHSHARMA Probe ordered as inmates go on strike Ramesh Sharma Sikar: The hunger strike of Sikar Shivs- inghpura jail prison- ers entered the sec- ond day. Sighting the severity, jail DIG Monika Agarwal reached Sikar from Jaipur and had a de- tailed discussion with the inmates on their concerns. The jail DIG has now started an investigation on the death of the pris- oner. The initial in- vestigation suggests the negligence of the male nurse, who has been APO (Awaiting Postal Order), and the entire case will now be judicially investi- gated. TRIAL EXPERIMENTAL Morcha members held a demonstration at civil lines railway crossing in Jaipur. —PHOTOBYSUMANSARKAR
  • 3. RAJASTHANJAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 I I I I Raj records eight more Covid-19 deaths, 807 fresh cases in a day Jaipur: Eight more COVID-19 fatalities and 807 fresh cases were re- ported in Rajasthan on Tuesday, taking the deathtollto2,634andthe infection tall in the state to 3,00,716. The deaths were re- ported from Banswara, Barmer, Jaipur, Jhunj- hunu, Jodhpur, Nagaur, Pali and Sikar, accord- ing to an official report. Jaipur continued to re- port the highest daily cases. On Tuesday, as many as 163 people test- ed positive for COVID-19 followed by Kota where 91 cases were reported. The rest of the cases were reported from oth- er districts. State has 11,601 active cases at present. —PTI THREE DIE, TWO HURT AS SPEEDING CAR CRASHES INTO DUMPERFirst India Bureau Jaipur: Three friends were killed while two were seriously in- jured when the car they were travelling in crashed into a truck near Riddhi- Siddhi intersection on Gopalpura bypass road at 1 am on Mon- day. According to the police, the car driver was seemingly over speeding as the road was empty due to night curfew. There were five friends in the car and were re- portedly driving at high speed. The col- lision was so severe that the front of the car was badly dam- aged and all the youths were trapped in the car. The po- lice said that Rake- sh, 32, Losal of Si- kar district, Muke- sh, 30, Posna of Jhunjhunu district, and Pushpendra Jat, 30, of Pathena in Bharatpur dis- trict died on the spot. While Daljeet, 23, and Vivek, 24, are injured. Push- pendra used to op- erate a hostel on the Gopalpura bypass. According to the information, a man Vicky had come to meet Pushpendra late at night. Both of them discussed about the hostel af- ter which Pushpen- dra left with Vicky’s car. Rakesh and Mukesh live in Man- sarovar and trade in clothes. All of them were going from Gopal- pura chauraha in the car towards Gurjar ki Thadi. Af- ter coming down from Triveni Nagar, the car crashed into a dumper running in front of it near Riddhi-Siddhi inter- section. Some pas- serby informed po- lice after which team rushed injured to hospital. Victims re- mained stuck in car for long time. TEEN KILLED, COUSIN INJURED WHILE ON WAY TO GET BOOKS TWO KILLED AS TRUCK HITS SCOOTY Dungarpur: 16-year-old Praveen Kharadi, 16, was killed while his cousin Pradeep Kharadi, 12, was critically injured when their cycle was crushed under a trailer filled with marble. The duo, residents of Vikasnagar, was on their way to get books for Praveen when the ac- cident occurred on Tuesday on See- malwara road. Praveen was killed on the spot while Pradeep sustained multiple fractures and is in critical condition, the police said. Dausa: Two men were killed on late Monday night when the scooty they were riding on was hit by a truck at Salempur in Dausa. According to police, the accident occurred on the Mahua-Hindaun-Karauli highway in which BP Singh, 35, and Ashish Kumar Jatav, 28, died during treat- ment. Doctors declared BP Singh dead while Ashish was referred to Jaipur in critical condition, died on the way. Police seized the truck fol- lowing but the truck driver escaped. Ill-fated car after accident in city on Gopalpura bypass road at 1 am on Monday. The Dhand Diabetes Association of Jaipur along with other social organisations of the city starts awareness campaign of Coronavirus with key highlight as ‘Covid Free India and Mask Is Vaccine’ from Patrika Gate on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY SANTOSH SHARMA The grandure of amazing sunset on Tuesday captured in lens, as the cloud formations spanned the horizon in city. Kota: Paralysed below the neck, 21-year-old Tuhin Dey writes ex- ams holding a pen in his mouth and operates his mobile phone and com- puter the same way. This has not stopped him from getting ad- mission to a prestigious engineering institute. Tuhin, who suffers from cerebral palsy, se- cured Rank 438 in the JEE (Mains) this year and got admission in information technology at the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and TechnologyinWB’s Shibpur. Tuhin has so far undergone 20 sur- geries and several plates have been insert- ed into his body to keep his bones straight. A resident of Midnapore in WB, Tuhin prepared for the exam at a coach- ing institute in Kota. “Everybody in the in- stitute is delighted that such a candidate has taken admission”, a senior official at IIEST said over the phone. It is for the first time that a student with 90 per cent disability will be studying at the insti- tute. Since engineering has got less physical work, I chose to pursue it to realise my dream, Tuhin told. —PTI Fighting cerebral palsy, 21-yr-old cracks JEE WRITING THROUGH MOUTH TAKES BOY TO IIEST! Tuhin Dey Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank honoured Tuhin Dey at Teachers’ Day in 2019 at Kota where Om Birla, Shanti Dhariwal were also present. Kota: A special POCSO court in Baran on Tues- day sentenced two men to life term each for ab- ducting and raping two teenaged girls over five years ago. Baran Special Judge Rakesh Katara also im- posed a fine of Rs 1 Lakh each on convicts Naresh Panchal, 25, and Sheru alias Shahid, 24, holding them guilty of abducting, confining wrongfully and raping the two minor girls in March 2015. Special Public Prose- cutor Mahesh Tyagi said the case against the duo was lodged in Anta police station in Baran on March 21, 2015. He had told police in his complaint that his 15-year-old daughter has gone missing along with her 16-year-old friend from their homes. The Anta police subsequently regis- tered an FIR against the duo. under sections 363 and 366 of the Indian Penal Code. —PTI Vimal Kothari Jaipur: SDRI has de- tected royalty eva- sion of nearly Rs 11 crore by a company engaged in road con- struction in Bikaner. A team of SDRI conducted inspection at the site office of the company in Bi- kaner, which is work- ing on road construc- tion under package 4 of Amritsar- Jamna- gar Bharatmala pro- ject. After data analysis, team found that com- pany has illegally used minerals in huge quantities. Company illegally used 9.80 lakh MT clay, 2.5 lakh tone masonry stone. Two get life term for abducting, raping two teenagers in Kota Tension grips Dausa village as youth found hanging on tree First India Bureau Lalsot: The people of Dhakda Dhani of Did- wana village, Dausa rose to a shocking Tues- day morning to see the dead body of youth hanging on a bambool tree in a field. The pre- vious night he slept with his brother-in-law at home. Yesterday morning the dead body of the deceased was found swinging from a bambool tree in a field near the house. On receiving the in- formation, Lalsot police station in-charge Rajvir Singh Rathore reached the spot with the police team and took stock of the incident. The MOV, FSL team also collected evidence from the scene of the incident. The police as- sured to register the case under murder. The body was then sent for a post-mortem. SDRI detects `11 cr evasion in BKN’s Bharatmala Project Ambulance staff stole bride’s jewellery, held First India Bureau Jaipur: The police have arrested a contractual employee of 108 ambu- lance and his accom- plice on charges of stealing jewellery of a newly married couple Mahesh Yadav, 22, and Sanjana, 20, who were killed in an accident on December 14. The couple, married on November 30, had died after a speeding mini-bus hit them and overturned in Chand- waji area of Delhi road. They were on their way to a relative’ place Jait- pur Khinchi when the accident happened. The family members found the jewellery missing and informed the police about it. The police investigation re- vealed that the contrac- tual employees of 108 ambulance, in which the victims were taken to hospital, stole the jewellery. The police have recovered items of victims from accused. Varsities should work for devp of students as per new NEP: GUV Ravi Sharma/ Kashiram Chaudhary Udaipur/Jaipur: Gov- ernor Kalraj Mishra on Tuesday insisted that the syllabus of subjects related to modern knowledge, science and technology should be prepared in English as well as Hindi. He said that research should be done on In- dian crafts, ancient texts of music and knowledge related to architecture. Address- ing a virtual convoca- tion ceremony of Mo- hanlal Sukhadia Uni- versity of Udaipur, the governor said that the universities should start employment-ori- ented new courses and work for the all-round development of the stu- dents as per the new national education pol- icy. Governor also stressed on doing such fundamental research work for water conser- vation in the state. Governor Kalraj Mishra addressing a virtual convocation ceremony of Mohanlal Sukhadia University of Udaipur on Tuesday. —PHOTOBYSANTOSHSHARMA BHAYA TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 ‘Itching powder’ gang robs man of `3 lakh in city Illegal colonies demolished in city by JDA First India Bureau Jaipur: The JDA’s en- forcement Squad thwarted an attempt to establish illegal colo- nies on three bighas of private accountable land behind Kanota and around five bighas be- hind Tombi farmhous- es at Agra Road on Tuesday. Furthermore, a five-storey illegal building at Sri Gopal Nagar and Shyam Na- gar on Gopalpura by- pass was sealed. First India Bureau Jaipur: A bag carrying Rs 3 lakh was looted from a man while he was walking on the main bus stand in city. The culprits put itch- ing powder on his head and took away the bag. Victim Jeetendra Sin- gh Shekhawat said that he had a bag in his hand which was carry- ing Rs 3 lakh along with other belongings. On receiving the infor- mation, ASI Dilip Sin- gh Yadav reached the spot and took stock of situation, starts inves- tigation. —FILEPHOTO MAGICAL ‘DUSK’ EFFECTS!
  • 4. PERSPECTIVEJAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 I I I I G Vol 2 G Issue No. 197 G RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra. Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act ven after Asia’s e c o n o m i e s climb out of the COVID-19 re- cession, Chi- na’s strategy of frenetical- ly building dams and reser- voirs on transnational riv- ers will confront them with a more permanent barrier to long-term economic prosperity: water scarcity. China’s recently unveiled plan to construct a mega- dam on the Yarlung Zangbo river, better known as the Brahmaputra, may be the biggest threat yet. China dominates Asia’s water map, owing to its an- nexation of ethnic-minori- ty homelands, such as the water-rich Tibetan Plateau and Xinjiang. China’s ter- ritorial aggrandizement in theSouthChinaSeaandthe Himalayas,whereithastar- geted even tiny Bhutan, has been accompanied by stealthier efforts to appro- priate water resources in transnational river basins – a strategy that hasn’t spared even friendly or pli- antneighbors,suchasThai- land, Laos, Cambodia, Ne- pal, Kazakhstan, and North Korea. Indeed, China has not hesitated to use its hy- dro-hegemonyagainstits18 downstream neighbors. The consequences have been serious. For example, China’s 11 mega-dams on theMekongriver,Southeast Asia’s arterial waterway, have led to recurrent drought downriver, and turned the Mekong Basin into a security and environ- mental hot spot. Mean- while, in largely arid Cen- tral Asia, China has divert- ed waters from the Illy and Irtysh rivers, which origi- nate in China-annexed Xin- jiang. Its diversion of water from the Illy threatens to turn Kazakhstan’s Lake Balkhash into another Aral Sea, which has all but dried upinlessthanfourdecades. Against this back- ground, China’s plan to dam the Brahmaputra near its disputed – and heavily militarized – bor- der with India should be no surprise. The Chinese com- munist publication Huan- qiu Shibao, citing an arti- cle that appeared in Aus- tralia, recently urged In- dia’s government to assess how China could “weap- onize” its control over transboundary waters and potentially “choke” the In- dian economy. With the Brahmaputra megapro- ject, China has provided an answer. The planned 60-giga- watts project, which will be integrated into China’s next Five-Year Plan start- ing in January, will report- edly dwarf China’s Three Gorges Dam – currently the world’s largest – on the Yangtze River, generating almost three times as much electricity. China will achieve this by harnessing the power of a 2,800-meter (3,062-yard) drop just before the river crosses into India. What the chairman of China’s state-run Power Construction Corp, Yan Zhiyong, calls an “historic opportunity” for his coun- try will be devastating for India. Just before crossing into India, the Brahmapu- tra curves sharply around the Himalayas, forming the world’s longest and steepest canyon – twice as deep as America’s Grand Canyon – and holding Asia’s largest untapped water resources. Experience suggests that the proposed megapro- ject threatens those re- sources – and China’s downstream neighbors. China’s past upstream ac- tivities have triggered flash floods in the Indian states of Arunachal and Himachal. More recently, such activity turned the water in the once-pristine Siang – the Brahmaputra’s main artery – dirty and gray as it entered India. SOURCE: PROJECT SYNDICATE WILL CHINA TURN OFF ASIA’S TAP? E nthesky,thereisnodistinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true. —Buddha Spiritual SPEAK Top TWEET Ravi Shankar Prasad @rsprasad It is a matter of great pride and honour for India that our Prime Minister @narendramodi Ji has been awarded the ‘Legion of Merit’ by the President of USA. His charismatic leadership and contributions have elevated the India-US strategic partnership to greater heights. K C Venugopal @kcvenugopalmp A delegation of @INCIndia leaders led by former Congress President @RahulGandhi will submit a memoranda of appeal signed by around 2 crore farmers from across the nation to Hon’ble Rashtrapati ji on 24th December, 2020 urging his intervention to annul the black anti-farmer laws. Promoted by Dilip Patel he old order changeth, yield- ing place to new’ has proved true in respect of the Union Territory (UT) of Jammu & Kashmir with the successful completion of first ever third tier elections of District De- velopment Councils (DDCs). A challenging and mammoth task executed brilliantly by the newly formed State Elec- tion Commission (SEC) with the help of vigilant and dedi- catedmembersof thesecurity forcesandJKPolice.Afterthe election of the DDC Chair- men and formation of the se- lect committees and District Planning Commission, the DDCs will become fully func- tional and work in unison withtheothertwotiers,Halqa Panchayats and Block Devel- opment Councils (BDCs), to ensure that Panchayat Raj In- stitutions (PRIs) are fully bed- ded in the UT ushering Naya Jammu & Kashmir. With the PRIs fully func- tional, the centre of power in the UT will shift from the high profileGupkarRoadtothevil- lages and towns with the ac- tual stakeholders planning and executing the local area development. It was for this very reason that the Kashmir based political leadership which remained at the helm for the last seven decades was unwilling to promote the Pan- chayat Raj because it went against the tenets of Dynastic Rule. For the Gupkaris self- interestandpreservation/pro- motion of dynastic rule was always the paramount consid- eration since devolution of power would have meant the empowermentof thecommon man considered as an existen- tial threat by the Gupkar elite. It is therefore not surprising that despite huge amounts of central assistance the com- monmenarestillyearningfor thethreebasicamenities;con- nectivity,waterandelectricity. TheGupkarisexcelledinemo- tional exploitation of the peo- plethroughloftyslogans,false promises and manufactured narratives spin doctoring his- torical facts to suit their nar- ratives. The successive gov- ernments in New Delhi were treated as “milch cows” by these leaders while at the same time widening the rift between the people and New Delhi. It was all fine as long as New Delhi submitted to their demands and pressures but moment it adopted a different approach or squeezed liberal flow of funds, New Delhi was portrayed as the enemy of the Kashmiris. Even New Delhi hardly ventured to establish a direct contact with the people and hence failed to read the pulse of the people. Behind the shield of Arti- cles 370 and 35A, the Kash- miri leadership began to feel indispensable and invinci- ble. They even began to hold New Delhi at ransom de- manding greater autonomy legitimising exclusivity which had resulted due to mass exodus of indigenous Kashmiri Hindus and other minorities gradually con- verting Jammu & Kashmir with a distinct identity of Muslim majority state enjoy- ing special status of a “state within a state”. This trend needed to be reversed before it became irreversible. The epoch making decision takenbyModigovernmenton 05 August 2019, which ulti- mately reversed the trend, has now become a part of his- tory of Naya Jammu & Kash- mir. The three decades of vio- lence also needed to be con- trolled and ultimately brought to an end. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had said, “When the panchay- at raj is established, public opinion will do what violence can never do.” With J&K fully integrated with the idea of One India One Nation, it was a matter of time before the panchayat raj was introduced and made functional like the restof thecountryinthenew- ly formed UT as well. The pro- cess in fact had begun earlier after the application of the President’s rule under the governorship of Satya Pal Malik who successfully con- ducted the elections to the first tier of halqa panchayats and urban local bodies. The concept was nascent hence took time to mature and gath- ered full steam only post 05 August 2019. J&K entered 2020 with rays of new hopes and aspirations. Things were moving pretty when the deadly pandemic engulfed the entire world in the beginning of 2020 itself. In the UT, its impact began to be felt from March onwards. Undeterred by the pandem- ic UT administration realised thatitwasracingagainsttime since it had something to prove. The administration be- gan to take many steps to strengthen the nascent Pan- chayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) through their financial em- powerment through direct funding and delegation of powers in keeping with the 73rd and 74th Amendments which had not been imple- mented earlier due to Article 370. The elected representa- tives were given training un- der the centrally sponsored scheme of Rashtriya Gram SwarajAbhiyanforthecapac- ity building to enhance capa- bilities of Panchayats for in- clusive local governance. Much needed protocol status wasaccordedtotheChairman of Block Development Coun- cils (BDCs) to enable them function with authority. The centre’sflagshipe-governance programme for rural govern- ance, the e-panchayat project toautomatethefunctioningof the panchayats has also been implemented. Local govern- ance through devolution of power to PRIs is the key to ru- ral development, the area in which the UT lacks woefully. The highlight and major achievement of the year has been the conduct of local bod- ies’ elections in November- December. A major gamble whichhasprovedtobeagame changer. In keeping with its intent of promoting Panchay- at Raj, the administration an- nounced elections to the DDCs. A very big challenge since the elections were to be held on an adult franchise ba- sis. The newly introduced DDCs were to replace the ear- lier District Development Boards which were nominat- ed as against the DDC which will be an elected body. The Peoples’ Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) also referred to as Gupkar Al- liance, formed by the leaders of six mainstream Kashmir based political parties to fight for status quo, also par- ticipated in the elections de- spite initial theatrics and gimmicks. Allayingallfearsandappre- hensions,theelectionsproved a great success. The gusto with which people of all ages came out of their houses ig- noring the challenges of bad weather,harshwinterandter- roristthreatprovedtheirfaith in the Panchayat Raj system. The participation in Kashmir hassurprisedmanyincluding the Gupkar Alliance. It has re- corded massive increase across all ten districts in com- parison to the 2018 Panchayat elections and 2019 Parliamen- tary elections. An achieve- ment beyond expectations. The election also had many firsts to its credit; no boycott call, first electoral exercise of the new UT, first elections un- der newly formed State Elec- tion Commission, West Paki- stan refugees, Valmikis, Gorkhas exercised their fran- chise for the first time in local elections, reserved seats for STs and newly formed politi- cal party JK Apni party mak- ing its maiden electoral fray. The ballot has ultimately emerged victorious over the bullet and grassroots democ- racy has begun to take firm roots in the UT. The people of J&K also need to be compli- mented for their wholeheart- ed participation in this car- nival of democracy. Political parties will interpret the election results based on the narrative they want to set post elections and claim vic- tory but one thing is certain that democracy has already emerged victorious. The peo- ple have also given a befitting reply to those who were mak- ing loud noises like the com- plete loss of faith of the peo- ple in Indian democracy. The message is loud and clear that no place for “sub-nation- alism” exists in Naya Jammu & Kashmir. 2020isendingonahighnote of successful resumption of the political process with peo- ple pinning high hopes on their new leaders and the pan- chayat raj system. They hope thatthenewsystemwilldawn aneraof changewithfocuson mitigating their problems through effective planning at grassroots level and judicious use of resources. The attempt by the Gupkar Alliance to use the new system for forced ver- ification of their retrograde ideology of return to status quo will have to be curbed by the people lest the entire exer- cise is hijacked away from its main aim by the vested inter- ests. Nothing is static in this dynamic world. Change is the law of nature. Sooner the change is accepted by the sta- tus quo lobby, the better it would be for the future. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL NAYA J&K EMBRACES PANCHAYAT RAJ WINDS OF CHANGE T With the PRIs fully functional, the centre of power in the UT will shift from the high profile Gupkar Road to the villages and towns with the actual stakeholders planning and executing the local area development. It was for this very reason that the Kashmir based political leadership which remained at the helm for the last seven decades was unwilling to promote the Panchayat Raj because it went against the tenets of Dynastic Rule THE HIGHLIGHT AND MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE YEAR HAS BEEN THE CONDUCT OF LOCAL BODIES’ ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBER-DECEMBER. A MAJOR GAMBLE WHICH HAS PROVED TO BE A GAME CHANGER. IN KEEPING WITH ITS INTENT OF PROMOTING PANCHAYAT RAJ, THE ADMINISTRATION ANNOUNCED ELECTIONS TO THE DDCS BRIG VETERAN ANIL GUPTA The author is a Jammu based veteran, political commentator, columnist, security and strategic analyst
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  • 6. INDIAJAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 I I I I 591 PASSENGERS FROM UK LAND IN MUMBAI IN THREE FLIGHTS Mumbai: As many as 591 passengers landed in Mumbai in three flights from the UK on Tues- day, a civic official said, adding none of them has been found symptomatic so far. While 299 have been sent to various hotels for the mandatory quarantine, 292 are at the airport, the official said. “With reports of distinct phylogenetic cluster of coronavirus detected and rapidly growing in UK, all flights originating from UK to India have been suspended temporarily as per orders of GoI,” the BrihanMumbai Municipal Corporation tweeted.”In order to prevent spread of the new mutant, BMC has issued orders to follow quarantine of seven days. CONG WILL BOUNCE BACK: GOA CHIEF AFTER ZP POLL LOSS Panaji: Days after Con- gress was trounced in Zilla Parishad polls in Goa, the party’s state in charge Dinesh Gundu Rao said it would bounce back. BJP won 32 out of 49 seats while the Congress was left with just four, less than the seven won by Inde- pendents. “I don’t think ZP polls are a signal towards Assembly polls. We have seen so many elections for lo- cal bodies, that should not be the barometer. We have lot of work to do & convince people about our work.” INDIAN ARMY, BOB SIGN MOU FOR MILITARY SALARY PACKAGE New Delhi: Ministry of Defence said that the Indian Army and Bank of Baroda have entered into an MoU for Baroda Military Salary Package under which services will be offered to serv- ing and retired person- nel of Indian Army through the bank’s network of over 8,200 domestic branches and around 20,000 business correspond- ent touchpoints. The MoU was signed by Lt General Ravin Khosla, DG and Vikramaditya Singh Khichi, Execu- tive Director, Bank of Baroda. RUPEE SETTLES 5 PAISE LOWER AT 73.84 AGAINST US DOLLAR Mumbai: The rupee pared most of its initial losses and settled for the day 5 paise lower at 73.84 against the US dollar on, tracking a rebound in domestic equities. At the interbank forex market, the domestic unit opened at 73.95 against US dollar and witnessed an intra- day high of 73.82 and a low of 73.95. The local unit finally closed at 73.84 against the American cur- rency, registering a fall of 5 paise over its previous close. On Monday, rupee plunged 23 paise to end at a two-week low of 73.79 against US dollar. Meanwhile, the dollar in- dex, which gauges green- back’s strength against a basket of six currencies, was trading 0.29%. IN THE COURTYARD Resources of country belong to every citizen, says PM ModiPolicies which are being framed today are reaching all without discrimination, he said New Delhi: Prime Min- ister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that re- sources of the country belong to every citizen and every one of them should benefit from it. “Jo desh ka hai woh har deshvaasi ka hai (Resources of the coun- try belongs to every citizen). Everyone should benefit from it, that’s the spirit our gov- ernment is working with,” PM Modi said “The policies which are being framed today are reaching every section without discrimination on the basis of religion. Bank accounts of over 40 crore poor were opened without any dis- crimination. Without discrimination, more than 2 crore poor were provided pucca houses. More than 8 crore wom- en got gas connections without discrimina- tion. 50 crore people got free medical treatment up to Rs 5 lakh under Ayushman scheme without any discrimi- nation,” he said. “The country is on the path where every citizen should rest as- sured about their con- stitutional rights & their future. The coun- try is on the path where no citizen would be left behind because of their religion and everyone would get equal oppor- tunities so that every- one can fulfil their dreams. Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas is the mantra behind it,” he said.—ANI New Delhi: A forum of women lawyers, social Group of Lawyers of Delhi High Court have decided to fast on Wednesday in solidari- ty with the ongoing “Satyagrah” by farmers demanding to roll back the recently passed farm laws. Lawyers associated with the forum demand- ed to repeal the three farm laws on December 23, the day which is ob- served as Kisan Diwas. “It is our belief that while the issue of the Constitutionality of the farm laws being enact- ed by the Centre when agriculture is a state subject is subjudice be- fore the Supreme Court and the issue of the le- gality of the enactment by a voice vote in the Rajya Sabha is also be- ing heard by the Su- preme Court, imple- mentation of irreversi- ble and far-reaching farm laws would render these petitions infruc- tuous and could cause irreparable damage to the farm sector in In- dia,” the forum said The forum includes sen- ior advocates Indira Jaising, Mahalakshmi Pawani, Biswajit Bhat- tacharyaMohan Katar- ki, Anand Grover and advocates Shadan Fara- syat, Prashant Pad- manabham, Ritu di- wan, etc. It also includes members Shweta Ka- poor, Zeba Khair & Iram Majid among others. Delhi HC’s women legal forum to observe fast today JetAirways’promoter: Closurereportaccepted Sister Abhaya murder: Priest, nun found guilty Bengal ahead of other states on all development indices: CM Mamata New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi praised the Aligarh Muslim University and said it has worked to strengthen India’s relations with many countries of the world. “The way AMU has helped society during the coronavirus crisis is unprecedented - free tests, build- ing isolation wards, plasma banks and contributing a large amount to the PM CARES Fund shows the seriousness of fulfilling your obligations to the society.” PM LAUDS AMU FOR STRENGTHENING TIES New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi said that dropout rate of Muslim girl students has reduced due to government policies. “School dropout rate among Muslim girls was more than 70% and this situ- ation persisted for 70 years. In these circumstances, the govern- ment started Swachh Bharat Mis- sion, built toilets in villages and toilets for school-going girls. Now the dropout rate from 70 per cent has fallen to nearly 30 per cent. New Delhi: PM Modi re- leased a postal stamp as part of centenary celebrations of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). Chancellor of the University Syedna Mu- faddal Saifuddin and Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank were also present on the occasion. PM RELEASES POSTAL STAMP TO MARK AMU’S CENTENARY ‘DROPOUT OF MUSLIM GIRL STUDENTS REDUCED’ Farmers sit on the road as they block Delhi-Meerut Highway during an ongoing protest against the new farm laws, at the Ghazipur border in New Delhi on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI PM Narendra Modi addresses during the centenary celebrations of Aligarh Muslim University via VC. Kolkata: Slamming Union Home Minister Amit Shah for “deliber- ately trying to project a dismal and gloomy pic- ture” of West Bengal, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday contended that the state has fared well on all de- velopment indices. Issuing a point-by- point rebuttal to asser- tions made by Shah against her dispensa- tion, during his visit to Bengal last week, Ba- nerjee cited NCRB data to state that political killings and other crimes have decreased in the last ten years un- der the TMC rule. “When the home minister of the country says something, it should be backed by data, facts and figures. Bengal is ahead of oth- er states on all develop- ment indices. But Amit Shah ji deliberately tried to depict a gloomy and dismal picture of the state. I was chal- lenged... here is my re- ply,” Banerjee said at a press meet here. Kolkata has twice been accorded the ‘safest city’ taginthecountry,shesaid. “According to NCRB data, political killings, oth- er incidents of crime and rape cases have decreased during the TMC rule. —PTI Srinagar: PDP youth president Waheed Para, who is in custody of the NIA for alleged links with militants, won the District Development Council (DDC) elections from Pulwama district in J&K. Para defeated BJP candidate Sajad Ahmad Raina. PDP president Me- hbooba Mufti said she was proud of her par- ty’s youth leader to reg- ister a win. Para was arrested by the NIA on November 25, a few days after filing nomi- nation papers as a PAGD candidate. —PTI New Delhi: A fall in minimum temperature by 1 to 3-degree Celsius is likely over the plains of northwest and cen- tral India during the next three days, the In- dia Meteorological De- partment (IMD) pre- dicted on Tuesday. “Fall in minimum temperature by 1-3°C over some parts of plains of northwest In- dia and central India during next 3 days. No significant change in minimum temperature over some parts of west India during next 2 days and rise by 2-3°C there- after for subsequent 3 days,” the IMD said. Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Chan- digarh, Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh will most likely witness cold wave conditions at isolated pockets today, while se- vere cold wave condi- tions will prevail on December 23 and 24 in some parts. The same is likely over Odisha, East Uttar Pradesh, Gangetic West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Telangana today. Dense fog will be seen in the morning over Punjab, Haryana, Chan- digarh and Delhi on De- cember 23, and dense to very dense fog will be seen at isolated pockets from 24th to 26th De- cember. —ANI COURTESY MEET Army Chief Gen MM Naravane calls on Union Minister Nitin Gadkari at his residence in New Delhi. —PHOTO BY PTI Thiruvananthapuram: Twenty eight years af- ter the mysterious death of Sister Abhaya, an inmate of St.Pious convent at Kottayam in Kerala, a CBI special court here on Tuesday held it was a case of murder and found a priest and nun guilty of killing her. Special CBI Judge K Sanal Kumar, while pro- nouncing the verdict, said the murder charg- es against the two will stand. The court held that Fr Thomas Kottoor and Sister Sephy of the- Catholic Church were guilty of murder under Sections 302 and 201 of the IPC. It also found Father Kottoor guilty of offence under Section 449 of the Indian Penal Code.The court will pronounce the quan- tum of sentence on Wednesday. —PTI ‘Cold wave conditions prevail over North India’ Mumbai: A metropoli- tan court accepted the closure report filed by Mumbai police in a cheating case against Jet Airways, which has been grounded since April last year, its pro- moter Naresh Goyal and his wife. The order came a day after theBombay High Court rejected a plea of ED, which is also prob- ing the case, to inter- vene into the matter. Earlier, a similar plea by ED had been re- jected by the metropoli- tan court and a sessions court here. The MRA Marg police here in February this year reg- istered a case against the Jet Airways, Goyal and his wife on charg- es of cheating and criminal beach of trust, on a complaint filed by city-based Ak- bar Travels India Pri- vate Limited. —PTI CHILLA, GAZIPUR BORDERS TO REMAIN CLOSED FOR TRAFFIC, INFORMS DTP Jailed PDP youth leader Waheed Para wins DDC polls A train runs slowly on its tracks during a foggy winter morning. Mamata Banerjee
  • 7. INDIAJAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 I I I I Modi reaches... Modi was all praise for the role played by AMU founder Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. Since the Muslims of the country closely associate themselves with this institution, PM’s positive vibes were largely aimed at connecting with the community’s intellec- tuals. AMU known as intellectual capital of Muslims has always played considerable political role. Thus, calling AMU campus “mini India” with full of diversity Modi pointed out that all the three main lan- guages Sanskrit, Hin- di and Urdu have flourished here and the Indian govern- ment had succeeded in widening its based in Muslim countries though the cultural and religious studies being conducted in AMU. He said no one will be left behind be- cause of his religious faith as the rights of each citizen is protect- ed under the Constitu- tion. Accepting possi- bility of differences on issues in the society, Modi laid stress on coming togeth- er on national issues. “Society is above poli- tics and pow- er”, he said, adding issues of national significance should not be seen through the prism of politics. Top US... & the US to improve bilateral ties, reflected in the bipartisan con- sensus in both coun- tries about the Indo- US Strategic Partner- ship,” he tweeted. Farooq & ... BJP won four seats in Kashmir including that of Srinagar. Kak- pora-Pulwama, Tulel- Bandipora, Gurez- Bandipora. The saf- fron brigade is also leading in two seats in Kupwara and Anant- nag. Meanwhile, the re- sults saw People’s Al- liance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) winning the majority of the seats in Kash- mir valley as the Cen- tre backed Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party failed to make a mark. Meanwhile, in accordance with ex- pectations, the BJP is leading in the Jammu division. The party has also won two seats in Kashmir valley. New Delhi: The num- ber of daily new corona- virus infections report- ed in the country was recorded below 20,000 after nearly 6 months while the COVID-19 ac- tive caseload fell below 3 lakh, as per the Union Health Ministry data updated on Tuesday. India’s COVID-19 caseload rose to 1,00,75,116 with 19,556 new infections being re- ported in a day. The death toll increased to 1,46,111 with 301 new fa- talities, the data updat- ed at 8 am showed. The number of peo- ple who have recuper- ated from the disease surged to 96,36,487 pushing the national re- covery rate to 95.65 per cent, while the COV- ID-19 case fatality rate stands at 1.45 per cent. The COVID-19 active caseload has fallen be- low 3 lakh. There are 2,92,518 active coronavi- rus infections in the country which compris- es 2.90 per cent of the total caseload, the data stated. India’s COV- ID-19 tally had crossed the 20-lakh mark on Au- gust 7, 30 lakh on Au- gust 23, 40 lakh on Sep- tember 5 and 50 lakh on September 16. It went past 60 lakh on Septem- ber 28, 70 lakh on Octo- ber 11, crossed 80 lakh on October 29, 90 lakh on November 20 and surpassed the one-crore mark on December 19. According to the ICMR, 16,31,70,557 sam- ples have been tested up to December 21 with 10,72,228 samples being tested on Monday. The 301 new fatalities include 55 from Maha- rashtra, 41 from West Bengal, 27 each from Kerala and Delhi. “Our figures are be- ing reconciled with the Indian Council of Med- ical Research,” the min- istry said on its website, adding that state-wise distribution of figures is subject to further verification and recon- ciliation.—PTI Virusweakensaslowest casesrecordedin1-day COVID-19: Number of daily new infections reduced in the country Members (health) of NITI Aayog Dr. Vinod K. Paul along with the Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Rajesh Bhushan during a press conference on the actions taken, preparedness and updates on COVID-19, in New Delhi on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY ANI New Delhi: The eco- nomic loss due to pre- mature deaths and morbidity from air pollution was 2,60,000 crore or 1.4 per cent of the GDP in India in 2019, accord- ing to a new scientific paper. It also said that 1.7 million deaths (18% of total deaths) in the country were attributable to air pol- lution last year. As per the scientific pa- per on health and eco- nomic impact of air pollution published in Lancet Planetary Health, household air pollution decreased in India resulting in 64% reduction in the death rate attributa- ble to it from 1990 to 2019, whereas the death rate from out- door ambient air pol- lution increased dur- ing this period by 115 per cent. The findings highlight that “lost output from deaths and diseases due to air pollution led to a loss of 1.4% of the GDP of the country”. Air pollution killed 1.7 million Indians in 2019 FROM PG 1 FROM PG 1 LARGEST CENTRE TREATING 59 PATIENTSCOVID CURBS Tighten noose... We have a dual obliga- tion to send criminals to jail on one side and get their money to inves- tors,” CM said. Gehlot said that Home, Co-oper- ative, Finance and other related departments should jointly develop a system in the state to discourage unregulated deposit schemes, so that no illegal society can grab money from people by luring on the pretext of providing more inter- est. In the meeting, Ad- ditional Director Gen- eral of SOG Ashok Rathore informed that more than one and a half thousand cases have been registered against societies in vari- ous police stations. Shah’s next... undertheoppressionby the state for quite some time now,” stated a sen- ior BJP MP from Ben- gal. Sources said Shah would be camping in the state for two days. —ANI New strain... “(And) as of now, it has no impact on the poten- tial of vaccines being developed in our coun- try and (which) are available in other coun- tries,” he added. Raid in... likely to spread the in- fection of any disease dangerous to life), and 34 (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of IPC, police said. —ANI
  • 8. NEWSJAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 I I I I Promoted by First India News International Pvt. Ltd. MOOCH NAHI TO KUCH NAHI! Astrology says that if a person wears certain colors or certain fabrics and even if they change their overall appearance, a lot can change in their lives. While the effect of these changes and their correcponding efficacy might be a topic of discussion, however it appears that one netaji, from the tribal belt, has taken the astral advice seriously. The netaji has long kept himself clean shaven to make a ‘good’ image for himself among the masses however, with one after the other ‘political defeats’ some astrologer suggested that he should keep a well groomed beard and moustache and therefore netaji is sporting a new style these days in the hope that the ‘mooch’ might get him a political position or at least some position in the eyes of people. As they say, Mooch nahi to kuch nahi! —Ravi Sharma Controversial edict: Nine Khap panchayat members arrested PK Agarwal Chittorgarh: Nine members of a Khap Panchayat have been arrested for allegedly passing a humiliating edict against two cous- ins, to put shoes of the members of the Pan- chayat on their heads for an hour, in Chittor- garh district. In an FIR registered with Kotwali police sta- tion on December 13, the complainants Kam- lesh and Kishan alleged that the Khap Panchay- at has also imposed a fine of Rs 11,000 on them earlier. After investigation, police arrested nine persons on Monday and produced them before a court where the magis- trate remanded them to judicial custody. Police said that one Mangi Bai had adopted Rakesh, who is the brother of Kishan, as her son but now there was some dispute be- tween Mangi Bai and Rakesh over financial matters. Rakesh had called the panchayat in December 2019 where he entered into verbal spat with the panchayat members. Another meeting of the panchay- at was called in Febru- ary last in which Bhairual, Narayan Lal, Hariram, Dinesh and others imposed a fine of Rs 11000 and asked Kamlesh and Kishan to put the shoes of the members of Panchayat on their head for one hour.ASI Mahendra Singh said that nine ac- cused were arrested af- ter investigation. Members of the Khap panchayat in police custody in Chittorgarh. They were arrested for an edict against two cousins, to put shoes on their heads In Bengal, the battle of perception begins Prashant Saxena D efection, disin- formation/mis- information and inducing fear of defeat are among the essential instruments of state- craft, which political parties love to settle scores with their adver- saries. Something of this sort is very much in evidence in West Bengal where Assembly polls are due in about three months from now. It is here the cut- throat politics would test the larger efficacy of BJP’s Hindutva in its conquest of the east. So far, so good for BJP by all indications -- the grandstanding has paid off: starting from the activist Governor to projecting the ranco- rous Trinamool Con- gress Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, it all seems to add up to saf- fron calculations. When Suvendu Adhi- kari switched sides along with a sitting MP and nine MLAs besides others, including local Muslimleaders,atapub- lic rally last week, the perceptioninthesaffron camp was south Bengal is more or less won. Didi, the once stormy petrel, isn’t a pushover. She struck back on Monday, leaving the BJP MP from Bishnu- pur in Bankura district, Saumitra Khan, in tears. Though the MP has vowed to divorce his wife Sujata Mondal Khan for joining the “enemy” TMC, Mamata again looks menacing enough to put the BJP in its place. The battle of perception has be- gun in earnest. Mamata then sum- monedherpollstrategist Prashant Kishor to do some plain-speak: the BJP won’t cross the dou- ble-digit figure in the 294-member Assembly else he’d quit Twitter! On her part, the CM spoke to NCP boss Sharad Pawar and tried towinhissympathyover the alleged attempts by the Centre to destabilize opposition-ruled states. There are two other fronts where TMC and BJP would try to outdo each other: the ‘Gorkha- land’ politics of Dar- jeeling hills in the east and the Muslim factor that holds the key across the state in over 100 Assembly seats. The Gorkha Janmuk- ti Morcha has resur- faced with the emer- gence of Bimal Gurung, who had been under- ground for over three years after a violent clash with the state au- thorities in 2017. Except around over a dozen seats where the Gorkha- land demand matters, the rest of Bengal is against the statehood. Rather than arresting him for several pending cases, Mamata has al- ready extended an olive branch to Bimal by al- lowing him to hold a rally. For BJP, there is a clear opportunity: “It is, say, 15 versus 280 seats. The TMC can now easi- ly be accused of soft- pedaling the Gorkha- land issue. For us, we’ll go with the rest of Ben- gal,” said a BJP leader. On Muslim votes, the AIMIM of Asaduddin Owaisi has staked its claim. In a state where the Trinamool is hard- pressed to corner the minority vote in the face of Congress strain- ing every nerve to sew up an alliance with the Left Front, the prospect of vote division looks eminently clear. Didi, the once stormy petrel, isn’t a pushover. Mobile retailers vow to attract govt attention towards industry welfare First India Bureau Jaipur: The mainline (offline) retailers under All India Mobile Retail- ers Association (AIM- RA), an apex body rep- resenting and working for over 1.5 lakh mobile retailers of the country joined together digital- ly and announced the #FightForRight (#HaqKiLadai) against the discriminatory and predatory policies fa- vouring online trade by the brands. In tough COVID-19 era, when the market is already undergoing tur- bulence and uncertainty, adding on to woes, retail- ers claim of ‘facing the wrath of predatory and discriminatory policies of brands favouring the onliners, thus killing the chances of their surviv- al, leading to unexpected huge number(Over 40K nationally) getting shut down in near future which will lead to heavy unemploymentandhuge losses’. The association has been demanding for a nationalregulatorybody to regulate the online businesswhichwillhelp in creating a balanced trade. Sunil Gupta, Ra- jasthan State President (AIMRA) in a statement shared that exclusive product launches for on- line channel with prod- uct availability for first 7 days and more only on online(preferentialsale/ window period), dis- criminatory Pricing, brands resorting to divi- sive policy by offering products to selective re- tailers instead of all, re- duction in retail mar- gins, arbitrary commis- sions charged by finan- cial institutions on their digital transactions, re- duced credit lines, up- front payments and de- layedCNsundertheGST law were some of the core issues before the re- tailers and needed ur- gent attention. Navneet Pathak , vice president AIMRA Ra- jasthan, shared that to address these issues As- sociation now plans to raise its voice at vari- ous levels right from Brands, to Government Stake holders, Financi- ers etc to fight for the right under the #Fight- ForRight, #HaqKiLadai campaign. Drug peddler arrested with opium worth Rs 15 lakh First India Bureau Jaipur: Under opera- tion Prahar being run against drug traffick- ing, Hanumangarh po- lice on Tuesday arrest- ed a man and seized nine kg of opium from his possession. A Maruti Wagon R was seized from the ar- rested person. The ac- cused was smuggling drugs after pasting a slip on his car that he was on Covid-19 duty. He was arrested when po- lice was on a routine checking by putting barricading at several places in Sangria area on Monday night. Dur- ing the checking, the ac- cused Omprakash (45) was stopped. The police seized nine kg of opium worth about Rs 15 lakh from his possession. During interrogation he told police that he was a WHO officer and had put Covid-19 slip on his vehicle to escape from the police. The in- terrogation of the ac- cused is currently un- derway and a case has been registered against him. Police said the ac- cused hails from Nokha Road in Ganga Shahar. ON A COURTESY CALL BJP Member of Parliament from Jaipur Rural, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore meets Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, in Lucknow on Tuesday. Nine-year-old girl writes to Guj CM for sewerage plant, clean water to people First India Bureau Jaipur: Nine-year-old girl Tashvi Amit Shar- malivinginAhmedabad has written a letter to Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, urging him to set up a sewage plant in the state. Describing clean wa- ter is a basic need of the people, Tashvi has appealed to the chief minister to pay atten- tion to the matter raised by kids. Tashvi is a Corona Warrior of Digital Baal Mela. She sent her en- try in a cooking compe- tition in the country’s first digital children’s fair. She has now knocked on the social media platform of the chief minister. A student of class 4th standard of Zydus School for Excellence, Vejalpur, Tashvi Amit Sharma is also a part of the Jal Jeevan Mission. The Digital Baal Me- la’s team has launched the new campaign to connect children with water conservation. Digital Baal Mela is an online platform where children can show their perfor- mance by uploading videos of photos. Tashvi Sharma Protocol ignored,netas & babus keep mum! Rajendra Chhabra Jaipur: The presence of former Chief Secre- tary DB Gupta in the function organised to celebrate the comple- tion of two years of the state government has become a point of dis- cussion in the bureau- cratic & political cir- cles. Gupta was seated in front row with two advisors Arvind Ma- yaram & Govind Gup- ta, along with Chief Secretary Niranjan Arya & DGP ML La- thar and knowledgea- ble sources claim that this was highly irregu- lar & wrong. This is due to the fact that he is not an advisor to the government rather is seated on a statutory position, which is at par with the Chief Jus- tice of High Court. Not only is this posi- tion different and above the other than minis- ters and even Chief Minister. During the two year celebration function, ministers and CM were seated on the stage and CIC DB Gupta was seated in the front row with bureaucrats which is completely against the protocol and honour of CIC’s post. Someone should advice DB Gupta not to attend this function as he is neither government servant nor a ‘Yes Man’ or paid advisor. Also, now he has constitu- tional responsibilities.
  • 9. An individual’s happiness is always dependent on the outside and the within and the within has a bigger role. —Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO & Editor, First India JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, I I I I 08 2NDFRONTPOSTAL REG NO. JPC/010/2019-21 Rajendra Chhabra Jaipur: With a view to ensure the optimum utilisation of available talent at CMO, CM Ashok Gehlot has re- distributed responsi- bilities among its exist- ing staff at CMO which continues to be headed by a low profile and a silent performer Kul- deep Ranka. 1 Rajesh Kumar Gupta  Forest, Environ- ment, State Pollution Control Board  CMRF, DIPR  Tour- ism/Art and Culture, Archaeology and Museums  Docu- mentation/Project Monitoring/Monitor- ing of Implementation of Important Cabinet Decisions of Projects and Programs 2. Arti Dogra  DoP  Mines and Petroleum  Energy  Home, Police, Home Guards, Vigilance, Jail, Civil Defence/RSBI  RPG 3. Amit Dhaka  Industries/MSME/ Khadi/BIP/PSUs/ESI  Labour, Employ- ment and Skill, Facto- ry and Boilers  UDH, Housing Board/LSG/ Jaipur Metro  Animal Husbandry, Gopalan, Dairy, Fisheries  Agriculture/ Agri Marketing/ Horticul- ture/ RSAMB  Co-operative 4. Rajan Vishal  Finance & Taxation/ Excise/ Small Sav- ings/ S.I & GPF  Planning & Man- power, Economics and Statistics  PHED, GWD  Water Resources, CAD, IGNP  PWD  VIP References 5. Shaheen Ali Khan  Minorities Affairs/ Waqf  Youth & Sports  Medical & Health, Medical Education  Ayurved/ Family Wel- fare, Transport, Social Justice & Empowere- ment/ Disabilities  TAD, WCD 6. Lekh Raj Toshawara  Rural Development/ MNREGA/ Panchayati- Raj  Election  Water Shed and Soil Con- servation  General Admin of CMO 7. Dinesh Kumar Sharma  I.T., Science & Tech- nology  Parliamen- tary Affairs/ Assembly  Monitoring of CM/ Budget Announce- ment  Manifesto Implementation  Compilation of Im- portant Achievements  Highlights of all Departments 8. Gaurav Bajad  DIsaster Manage- ment/ Relief & Reha- bilitation  Education (Higher/Technical)/ Bhasha/ Sanskrit Education  Education (Primary/Secondary)  GAD/ Civil Aviation/ Cabinet/ Motor Ga- rage/ Estate  Mid Day Meal  Revenue/Colo./ Devsthan/ Sainik Kalyan  Administrative Reforms  Printing and Stationary  Food and Civil Supplies 9. Lalit Kumar RPG at CMR  Moni- toring Redressal of Public Grievances  RPG 10. GS Yadav  Departmental Enquiry & Prosecution Sanction  Law & Justice  RTI Act 11. Laxman Singh Shek- hawat  RPG RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WORK AT CHIEF MINISTER’S OFFICE! AMIT DHAKA RETAINS UDH, LEAVES HOME FOR ARTI DOGRA Streamlined RHB to get more busy with development work now on! Shivendra Parmar Jaipur: The 244th meet- ing of the Board of Direc- tors of the Rajasthan Housing Board (RHB) was held on Tuesday un- der the chairmanship of its Chairman Bhaskar A Sawant during which 51 proposalswerediscussed. RHB Commissioner Pawan Arora informed that a committee will set- tle cases related to land acquisition and lease. In- terestingly, keeping in mind the premium quali- ty and less time taken by the Board in completing its projects, and after be- coming the nodal agency for construction of MLA flats, the Board will now construct a building for State Election Depart- ment. “To settle land acquisi- tion cases, it was decided in the meeting that a com- mittee will examine the issues related to the ac- quisition and lease of the lands and if such lands are useful to the board or not. After this, a proposal will be sent to the govern- ment. For the land that would be useful to RHB, it would take the land through agreement by giving 25 percent of the developedland.Moreover, RHB will construct an of- fice building of Chief Election Commissioner, Rajasthan and SWEEP centre,whichwillbebuilt in an area of 3,368 sqm in Indira Gandhi Nagar Res- idential Scheme located in Jaipur. The proposed building will have base- ment, ground floor and five floors. Its construc- tion will be completed in two phases and as per the criteria, green building plans will be used for which about 29 crore of rupees will be spent,” Arora said. Meanwhile, an approv- alhasbeengiventoimple- ment Rajasthan Building Regulations-2020 in Ra- jasthan Housing Board. Now auction will be done according to the circular of the Urban Develop- ment Department. “Cir- cular issued by the Urban DevelopmentDepartment has been accepted in the auction cases by the Board. It is noteworthy that the circular was is- sued by the Urban Devel- opment Department in January 2020 to simplify the process related to the auction.Accordingtothis circular, the auction of the plot should not be re- jected if the bid exceeds the minimum bid,” the Commissioner informed. Meanwhile, RHB has been struggling with shortage of personnel of various cadres for a long time, therefore it was de- cided in the meeting that recruitment will be done on 573 posts for smooth workingof theboard.The proposal in this regard will be sent to the state government. 244TH MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF RAJASTHAN HOUSING BOARD  Building Regulations -2020 in force  RHB to construct an office building of Chief Election Commissioner, Rajasthan and SWEEP centre  Now, all auction will be done according to the circular of the Urban Development Department  Recruitment on 573 vacant posts given assent ‘Kota will become a developed & beautiful city in times to come’ RajCongleadersmeetMaken, discusscurrentpoliticalscenario ‘Chargesheetsubmittedby SOGdoesn’tnameShekhawat’ Bhaskar A Sawant, Pawan Arora, RK Vijayvargiya and KC Meena sitting in the board meeting. Bhanwar S Charan Kota: UDH Minister Shanti Dhariwal on Tuesday, said that Kota will become a developed and beautiful city in times to come. He said that the core area of the city from railway sta- tion to Anantpura will have no red light except Kotadi Chauraha and traffic will run smooth- ly, without any conges- tion on nearly 12 km road. On the last day of his four-day visit to Kota, the minister visited sites of several mega projects and gave neces- sary directions to offi- cials. He visited railway station, library, JK Lon Hospital, Nayapura chauraha & other sites. He also went to the site of Chambal heritage river front on the banks of Chambal river and claimed it will become a marvelous site which will attract tourists in large numbers. The minister, accompa- nied by officials, in- spected the site in an open Gypsy & directed officials to complete works of safety wall in eastern side by March 31 & western side by April 30. He also direct- ed engineers to expedite the project work. Yogesh Sharma Jaipur: The rounds of meeting of Rajasthan Congress leaders with the AICC general secre- tary in charge Ajay Mak- en continued on Tuesday with Jat leaders includ- ing revenue minister Harish Choudhary call- ing on Maken. The leaders held dis- cussions with Maken over the prevailing politi- cal situation in the state. The leaders who are as- piring positions in the party organisation and government also met Maken. After the Delhi visit of CM Ashok Gehlot and PCC president Govind Singh Dotasra, the visits of Rajasthan Congress leaders have increased suddenly. Such leaders include ministers and others. Revenue minister Harish Choudhary held a detailed discussion with Maken in Delhi on Tues- day. They also discussed the issue of farmers while former leader of opposition Rameshwar Dudi also held a meeting with Maken. Dudi dis- cussed the results of the Panchayat elections, po- litical appointment and organisational issues. Earlier, ministers Ra- jendra Yadav, Tikaram Jully, Bhajan Lal Jatav met Maken. For nearly a week, more than 50 Congress leaders including Push- pendra Bharadwaj and MLA Rajendra Bidhuri have met Maken in Delhi. Rajendra Chhabra Jaipur: It appears that senior IAS Subodh Agarwal, who was sent out of the Secretariat due to his seniority, is not keen on putting in the same work ethics he displayed over the years. There was a time, when he was handling important departments like Mines & Petroleum and Industries and now, he has been given a comparatively minor charge of CMD of RREC and made to sit in a small office. Sources reveal that few of his well wishers have advised him that instead of being side- lined, it is far better to work under CS Niran- jan Arya with honour and more so, when he has to stay in the service for five years before re- tiring. Word is that Agarwal has taken the suggestion and made up his mind and therefore, it is highly probable that he may return to the Secretariat in the next transfer list. Awaiting a comeback? Harish Choudhary and Rameshwar Dudi call upon Ajay Maken at New Delhi on Tuesday. COVID-19 UPDATE RAJASTHAN 2,634 DEATHS 3,00,716 CONFIRMED CASES GUJARAT 4,248 DEATHS 2,37,247 CASES DELHI 10,329 DEATHS 6,18,747 CASES WORLD 17,15,207 DEATHS 7,80,03,474 CONFIRMED CASES INDIA 1,00,97,540 CONFIRMED CASES 1,46,438 DEATHS MAHARASHTRA 48,876 DEATHS 19,02,458 CASES UTTAR PRADESH 8,224 DEATHS 5,76,824 CASES KARNATAKA 12,016 DEATHS 9,10,241 CASES From Page 1 Moreover, a notice of stay has also been is- sued by the Court. Interestingly, the writ petition filed in the High Court claims that the chargesheet submitted by SOG does not name GajendraSinghShekha- wat and others as ac- cused therein ‘with the sole objective of not ar- resting them despite their names finding place in chargesheet in relation to gigantic scam. This raises raises suspicion in relation to the credibility of the in- vestigation conducted by the state police. On this count alone, investi- gation by CBI, ED and SFIO or a SIT’ to investi- gate becomes necessary. Notably, Shekhawat was the business part- ner of Vikram Singh, the chairman of the so- ciety, prior to his elec- tion as MP. Amit Kumar Purohit and Madhusu- dan Purohit, the coun- sel for the petitioner, said that Vikram Singh and others duped the investors and kept them in dark by showing fake records and posters. Meanwhile, the next hearing in the case is on 3 January. Thousands of investors have alleg- edly lost about Rs 900 crores in the scam. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat with wife Naunand Kanwar. CM Ashok Gehlot Subodh Agarwal Shanti Dhariwal
  • 10. JAIPUR, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 23, 2020 I I I 09 THE FINALISTS OF MISS OCEANWORLD 2020 FROMTHE TOP 11 COUNTRIES ABSOLUTELY ACED IT INTHE ‘NATIONAL COSTUME ROUND’HELDVIRTUALLY! FLAUNTING THE NATIONALITIES n international beau- ty pageant, Miss Ocean World 2020 which began earlier this month, recently held a ‘National Cos- tume Round’ for all the finalists competing for the title. Participants from a total of 11 countries were a part of this round, where they flaunt- ed the traditions and values of their respective countries. After this round, a total of 7 finalists will be shortlisted for the Interview Round, which is to be held on the 28th of this month. Renowned people from the fashion world will be a part of the interviewer pan- el, to make the competition more interesting. Yogesh Mishra from Jaipur, who is the host and the inter- national director of this beau- ty pageant has been working extremely hard and making the Pink City proud with his achievements. From organis- ing beauty pageants at the state level to going interna- tional, Yogesh has come a re- ally long way. The pageant Miss Ocean World is ranked as #17 in the world of inter- national pageantry, which is an ex- tremely proud moment for our country. Talking about being the host of the pageant this year and for the next two years, Yo- gesh Mishra stated, “Being a host of this esteemed beauty pageant is a really great op- portunity for me. It is the very first time that I am organising a pageant virtually, but it is definitely a great and inter- esting experience altogether.” Something that makes this pageant unique from the oth- ers is the fact that it acted as a great opportunity for the women who were of a bigger age, and not married. “We believe that everyone must receive an equal chance, and that is the reason why we didn’t focus much on the age this time- all we required were the other criteria to be fulfilled by the participants,” said Yogesh. He added, “This year, the theme of the pageant is ‘Clean Ocean’. Since there are hardly any activi- ties dedicated to the oceans in the pageants, a great buzz was created across the g l o b e once people found out about the theme. We will be spread- ing awareness to save the ocean and keep it clean.” The grand finale of Miss Ocean World 2020 will be held virtually on 30 December. NEHAL NAYAR A Uganda Tanzania Peru India France Nigeria Venezuela Spain United Kingdom Chile Yogesh Mishra Egypt
  • 11. 10 ETCJAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, I I I I FACEOFTHEDAY RIDHI SHARMA, Model LEO JULY 24 - AUGUST 23 Don’t be hasty in paying up for something without getting all the details. A health initiative promises to keep you fit and on the go. Forging cordial relations with those you meet at work will be in your favour. Your moodiness may cause friction at home. LIBRA SEPT 24 - OCTOBER 22 You will succeed in enhancing your earning. A business deal may have to be executed on a different date. An outdoor activity is likely to give you a chance for sweating out. Family would be supportive for those trying to settle at a new place. Devote few hours to meditation. ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20 At this time, you can be at your penny-pinching best. It may appear tough to please a workplace senior as he/she expects more from you. Devoting time to family will provide immense happiness. Adopting a better lifestyle is indicated for some and will keep them fit and healthy. SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 - DEC 22 Health remains excellent. Arrears or back payments are likely to be received. Day proves favourable for those holding responsible positions. Someone’s proximity on the domestic front is likely to keep you contented. Those spiritually inclined will be able to set out on a pilgrimage. GEMINI MAY 21 - JUNE 21 New avenues of earning will help secure the financial front. You will manage to nip a medical problem in the bud and save yourself from problems. Your decisions on the professional front will turn out to be correct. Your hands will be full in entertaining demands of youngsters. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19 You are apple of your parents eyes. A property issue you are apprehensive about is likely to be settled amicably. Your attempts to gain popularity on the social front are likely to meet with partial success. An ego clash on the work front cannot be ruled out for some. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 20 Although expenditure rises, you will manage things well. This is not the right time to disclose your business intentions; keep your competitors guessing. A perfect understanding with spouse will help in gauging moods and pre-empting showdowns. is quite indicated. CAPRICORN DEC 23 - JAN 20 Good returns are foreseen on an investment. Only a professionally sound strategy will succeed in the kind of competitive environment that you are in. Peace and quiet prevails on the home front for you to rest and recoup. Addition or alteration to existing property is foreseen. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23 Keep control over expenditure. Sticking to your exercise regime will begin to show positive results. Avoid being lazy on the professional front. Family will be most caring and they will do a lot to make you comfortable and happy. Be patient towards them. CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 23 You can expect the financial situation to improve substantially. Successfully completing an assigned job will give you the edge at work. Your dogged determination will keep you fit. Keeping a positive outlook will help in spreading positivity at home. PISCES FEB20 - MARCH 20 You can become money conscious and come into the ‘saving’ mode. A colleague can prove a great asset in helping settle pending tasks. You are likely to please the family members by taking them to their favourite haunt. Legal help regarding a property matter will be beneficial. SCORPIO OCT 23 - NOVEMBER 22 Whatever you earn today is likely to be spent. Chances of getting a new job look bright for young profes- sionals. Home environment will encourage you to relax and let your hair down. Those who have applied for a house or plot may get a step closer to acquiring it. YOUR DAYHoroscope by Saurabbh Sachdeva Promoted by Shree Salasar Oversease Pvt. Ltd. KISAN KUMBH n our ancient Hin- du culture, a great festival & pilgrim- age takes place every 12 years at Prayagraj, on the confluence of the holy Ganga, Jamuna & the mythical Saraswati rivers. The attendees are from all sections of Hindu life, and they assemble in the larg- est numbers known to man- kind. It is a 48-day Mela (festival). It is the KUMBH MELA. It is believed that when the gods were carry- ing the Kumbh (pot) con- taining the Elixir of im- mortality, some drops fell at this site. Thereafter, any- one who bathes here wash- es away all the sins of his/ her life. Today we are witnessing a far bigger phenomenon in numbers and inclusive- ness. We are becoming part of History in the conflu- ence of all castes, regions, religions and races. The sins of strife between these sections are being sani- tized in this KISAN KUMBH to form a single Bhartiyata (Indianness). Starting as a small agita- tion in the heart of Punjab, it has already snowballed into a festival of an ancient civilization waking up to its ideals. The world has al- ready taken note. This miracle started to unfold from the day the water-cannons and tear gas shells were greeted with folded hands and serving of food, milk, tea & fruits to the policemen. The pall of aggression evaporated into a peaceful brotherhood. Af- ter all, 90% of these police- men were from rural stock too. With subtle connivance they let the farmers remove the barricades and dance & sing to the Delhi borders. Then the hugely popular Punjabi singers joined in and lifted the sky of the spirit high. Singing Live from atop tractors and makeshift stages, they mo- tivated the farmers by ap- pealing to their bravery and history of their fight against injustice. If UNESCO had called Kumbh Mela as an “Intan- gible Cultural Heritage of Humanity” in these lofty words, I am sure many in- tellectuals must be scurry- ing around to define this phenomenon. If anyone thinks these millions were “organised” to demon- strate, he must be living in an illusion. People from across India have started to move voluntarily towards Delhi as if drawn by a mag- net. They are sensing His- tory being created in a tan- gible form and deeply long to be part of this festive revolution. The sceptical and cynical urbane urban were brought up to think of these sons & daughters of the soil as vil- lage bumpkins. Now they are surprised by common sense and general knowl- edge voiced by the sun- kissed farmers in front of mikes thrust at them by the farm-illiterate paparazzi. To further fox everybody, they haven’t nominated just one single leader to lead them, lest he/she be manipulated via duress, money or guile of the pow- ers that be. The sagacity and grip over their subject were evident when the three dozen Union Leaders sat patiently for long hours across smug Govt officers and ministers and meticu- lously weeded out all the glaring anomalies in the Farm Bills. The Govt agreed to amend those er- rors and unwittingly made their “farmer-friendly” Bills look devious and in- fructuous. The KISAN KUMBH is here to push In- dia’s civilization onto a unifying train that will steamroll all political she- nanigans that “fooled all the people, all the time”. Any farmer worth his salt and guilty of tolerating the callousness of various Gov- ernments will surely em- bark on this pilgrimage to the KISAN KUMBH to cleanse the soul of Bharat Varsh. RAINU SINGH I
  • 12. lliot Page came out as transgender on Insta- gram and was met with an over- whelming response filled with love and support for The Um- brella Academy star. Weeks later, Page took to IG yet again to share his first hand- some selfie along with a heartfelt mes- sage to his fans and everyone else who showed their af- fection towards the 33-year-old actor’s brave decision. “From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Your love and support has been the greatest gift. Stay safe. Be there for each other. If you are able, support @ transanta and @ t r a n s - lifeline. See you in 2021. Xoxo El- liot,” Elliot penned. —Agency E I I I I 11JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 ETC SEE YOU IN 2021... A dam Brody is opening up in his new interview with WSJ about the upcoming Gossip Girl revival. The new HBO Max series is a revival of the televi- sion show that his wife, actress Leighton Meester, starred in on the WB in the early 2000s. However, it doesn’t look like they will personally be watching the revival of the show, which isn’t a reboot. “I highly doubt we’ll watch it front to back,” Adam shared. “I don’t think we’re the audi- ence, but I’m sure we’ll dip our toes in.” Adam did reveal the things that he and Leighton had been watching though. “We just finished The Reagans, I enjoyed that,” he shared. “We watched Mank, the Fincher movie, last night. We watched The Crown, The Vow, [and] Moonbase 8, which I thought was kind of sweet, lovely.” —Agency HIGHLY REBOOT Y ami wrapped up shooting for the first schedule of her forthcomingfilmBhootPo- liceacrosslocationsinthe state where she stayed for almost a month. The actress informed that she has just commenced shootingforherremainingpor- tions of the horror-comedy flick in Mumbai. “As I com- mence the Mumbai sched- ule of ‘Bhoot police’ cannot help but think of our shoot inHimachal.Pandemichas hit us all & everywhere but the security that your home- town gives you is amazing. Home is where is the heart is... #shootdiariesofHi- machal #dalhousie,” she wrote on Insta- gram. Directed by Pavan Kirpalani, the horror-com- edyfilmalso stars Saif Ali Khan, J a c q u e - line Fer- nandez, Ar- jun Kapoor and Jaaved Jaaferi. —Agency E ven in the Earth’s final moments, peoplewill still be mixing up Katy Perry and Zooey De- schanel! In the music video for Perry’s Not the End of the World, which the pop singer dropped Monday morning, a spaceship full of benev- olent blue-skinned al- iens abducts Deschanel thinking she’s Perry, whom they revere and wish to rescue before our exhausted planet comes to its untimely demise. Ever the quick thinker, the New Girl star plays along, trying on Teenage Dream-era costumes and props in hopes that she and her fellow space travellers can save Earth. —Agency A ctor Arjun Ram- pal has opened up on shooting for his upcom- ingfilmNailPolishamid the ongoing pandemic, describing the experi- ence as challenging. “It was extremely challeng- ing -- everything from production teams hav- ing to be on top of their game, to actors being vulnerable, to Zee5 tak- ing a huge risk, to 9co- stars) Manav (Kaul) and Anand (Tiwari) getting Covid, to shoot coming to a halt for three weeks,” Arjun said. He added, “Re-gathering ourselves and braving the situation, we had all the experiences. The best feeling was fighting through all these times and finishing what we had started.” —Agency NOT THE END OF THE WORLD ENGAGED! BIG ANNOUNCEMENT A riana Grande just an- nounced her engage- ment to boyfriend Dal- ton Gomez! The 27-year-old thank u, next su- perstar posted a series of photos with her luxury real estate agent boyfriend to her Instagram on Sunday (De- cember 20). “for- ever n then some,” she cap- tioned the set of photos. In one pho- to, she showcases a massive ring on her left ring finger. “congrats to these two amaz- ing souls. Ari we love you and could not be happier for you. Dalton you are a lucky man,” manager Scooter Braun com- mented. The two were first spotted together hanging out around Valentine’s Day, and re- ports surfaced that they were dating by March. They have also been quarantining to- gether amid the pandemic. —Agency V ersatile ac- tor Ayush- mann Khur- rana has re- cently shared a cute selfie on his Insta- gram page to an- nouncehisnextfilm Doctor G. The actor can be seen posing with the script in the picture. He has also shared details about his next cam- pus comedy-drama with Junglee Pic- tures. After his hit films like Bareilly Ki Barfi in 2017 and Badhaai Ho in 2018, this is his third col- laboration with Junglee Pictures. As per the title, Ayushmann will portray the role of a doctor. It will be helmed by Anubhu- ti Kashyap. While sharing the selfie, Ayushmann wrote, “Opening for con- sultation soon #DoctorG.” —Agency ARJUN’S NAIL POLISH “During my childhood, I only watched movies starring Amitabh Bach- chan and Dhar- mendra at home. I loved the fight scenes. The only movies apart from these two stars that I watched were of Ra- jinder Kumar. I’ve always had a strong connection to hill sta- tions and that’s the reason I chose movies by Rajinder Kumar,” he re- called. “There was a point in my life when I didn’t do any- thing except practise music. Working in a fac- tory was my backup op- tion,” he added. —Agency DILJIT DOSANJH REVEALS YAMIFEELSSECURED A ctress Taapsee Pannu has been dropping jaw-dropping glimps- es of her physical transformation over the past few weeks as she shoots for Rashmi Rocket and fans have been gushing over the star. From nailing workout at the gym to acing races on the track, Taapsee has been win- ning the hearts of her fans with the amount of hard work and dedication she has been putting in for her film, Rashmi Rocket. She shared an inspiring photo from the track. Seeing the star’s toned muscles and her determination to reach the finish line, fans could not help but laud her talent. Not just this, with her photo, Taap- see revealed that she was gear- ing up for the last race of Rashmi Rocket. —Agency RASHMI ROCKET’S LOOK Ayushmann Khurrana ...his post Ariana Grande Yami Gautam Arjun Rampal Diljit Dosanjh Katty Perry Elliot Page Leighton Meester Taapsee Pannu’s post